(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . Since Jesus came into my heart, Floods of joy, O my soul, like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart, I have seized from my wandering, going astray, Since Jesus came into my heart, And my sins, which were many, are all washed away, Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart, Floods of joy, O my soul, like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart, I am possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure, Since Jesus came into my heart, And no dark clouds of doubt, now my pathway obscure, Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart, Floods of joy, O my soul, like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart, There's a light in the valley of death now for me, Since Jesus came into my heart, And the gates of that city beyond I can see, Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart, Floods of joy, O my soul, like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart, I shall go there to dwell in that city I know, Since Jesus came into my heart, And I'm happy, so happy is onward I go, Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart, Floods of joy, O my soul, like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. All right, let's pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, we just want to thank you, God, for this church and just the time that we've been here four years, God. I pray, Lord, that you would just continue to bless Mountain Baptist Church, continue to use us to see many people saved. Thank you for the soul-winning marathon yesterday and all the souls that were saved yesterday. I pray, Lord, that you would just now today receive all the honor and glory out of everything that's said and done. For it's in Jesus' name we ask all of it. Amen. All right, you may be seated. And take your song books and just turn one page over to song 195. Song 195 will sing, I Will Sing of the Mercies, song 195. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing, I will sing. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness thy faithfulness with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing I will sing I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing of the mercies of the Lord amen so welcome Mountain Baptist Church on the Sunday morning and we are celebrating our four-year anniversary and so happy anniversary Mountain Baptist Church and so I know that well it's the 17th is when we when we officially started so we're kind of in between that so we just decided to do it the week before or basically a few days before but just want to thank everybody that got to make it out for the Soling Marathon yesterday so it was a huge success we had 16 people that were there and we had 15 saved and so Moundsville was a was you know really receptive to be honest with you so except for the historic area apparently but but just really good winds out there had a really good time and so just a great time there would definitely have to go back to Moundsville for sure and just some church announcements here as far as all the services all the service times are the same the thing that's different today is that instead of our normal so wanting time that we do at 1 p.m. we're gonna be having our fellowship so basically after the service when we end our morning service we're gonna be basically be setting up chairs and all that stuff and we're gonna have a bunch of pizza and wings and all kinds of fun stuff so so stick around you know after this the service today and eat some food and just have a good time a fellowship if you want to go out so winning obviously I'm not gonna stop you if you want to still go out and you want to get something to eat real quick and then go out or whatever the case may be but with our services being so close together now it's hard to do that like that we can't really have a fellowship in between and go soul winning at same time and be out for like a couple hours so but that being said yeah you can still go out if you want to this afternoon but don't forget about the regional so many times that we have on the calendar for Tuesday and Wednesday and so if you didn't get a chance to go to the sewing marathon then we got brother Charles leading up the Tuesday time and we have brother Richie leading up the Wednesday time on there our chapter memory for the month is Galatians chapter 5 so Galatians chapter 5 we're gonna try to get that memorized and and then obviously next month we'll get Galatians chapter 6 so the whole point is to get Galatians memorized first John 5 5 is our mad first John 5 5 that thing is like attacking me is our memory verse for the week so we had first John 5 4 last week whatsoever is born of God overcome overcome the world for whatsoever is born of God overcome the world and this is the victory they overcome the world even our faith who is he that overcome with the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God and so that's verse 5 there and so that's probably a quicker one to get off if you're going to talk about you know what talks about when it was talking about overcoming or he that overcome it which is pertinent to our revelation series that we're doing we're going through the book of Revelation in the afternoon service and we'll be in chapter 3 this afternoon just general church announcements I know we have some visitors but and from all from all over so brother Evan and you guys are from Maryland right Baltimore area so and then Wendy's from Pennsylvania and then and you're from Harlem so right up in New York so we got people from all over that that came in and got to go soul winning and stuff like that so if you haven't got a chance to meet the visitors most everybody knows Wendy she's been here before that's not that you shouldn't say hi to her but you know but that being said we had the offering box in the back back there so if you want to give any tie their offering and then the mother-baby room is in the back behind the bookshelf there we're also the the room that's all the way on the right over there is also a mother-baby room too so we're kind of extending that mother-baby room a little bit to give a little more space there so the middle room there is a room that if you need to take if another parent needs to take a child out they can use that they get to the foyer they can get outside it's not raining whatever the case may be and then just announcements on our church building we are gonna be moving in locations so if you're here today as a visitor then you got to be here probably for one we're coming down to the last services in this building where we started Mountain Baptist Church so so you got to be here for for one of those services and we're gonna be moving to a different location not far from here but the plan is that that's going to be done around October 1st so we'll be moving on everything over there so that's exciting I'm excited about the new building and the location and all that we should have a lot more room for the auditorium space and all that and the mother-baby room is gonna be bigger and all that so that being said exciting stuff on the calendar we have at the end of the month here we have a retreat so all those that are signed up for that if you have any questions let me know and birthdays the whole Gandy family was born in September like most of it so we do have miss Tabby and and by the way congratulations to the Gandy family so they just had all of and so what was that on Thursday Thursday yeah I think it was Thursday because it was the day before Claire's birthday right yeah it was the night how do I know your child's birthday more than you it's all blurred and he's just like all he wanted to do was just make sure the baby came so anyway but all of was born on Thursday and so we'll be singing happy birthday to all of so and happy birthday to miss Tabby and happy birthday to brother Dave and happy birthday to Avery so and what what day we on here yeah and Jasson is Saturday right does that sound right so the 18th so it's not just the Gandy's okay so this isn't just the Gandy show here so we do have we do have another birthday so a lot of birthdays and so we'll sing happy birthday actually I'll sing happy birthday just because you know you're in there so you can't sing happy birthday to yourself so but yeah we got some other and then we got a couple more here on in September September is a popular month so anniversaries not yet on that and then all the pregnancies here so we just want to praise the Lord for a safe delivery and all that with Miss Tabby but we still have ladies here on the pregnancy list so miss Joyce Amanda Jennifer Sam Stasia through and so just keep all these in your prayers and that everything goes well with that and you can see on there we have we actually have the month due date on there so you kind of know around the time that they should be expecting so but as you know you don't know the day or the hour but you do know they're pregnant so so that's about it for announcements I'm gonna go ahead and sing happy birthday to everybody because yeah so brother Dave missed Abby all of Avery what I can't hear you Kenji yeah we didn't get Kenji yeah well we got to get Kenji too so Kenji was last week I think so so we have Dave Tabby all of Avery how old's a Avery's six right yeah she's same age as Clara how old are you and then we have Jasson am I saying that right okay just make sure Jasson and then Kenji so a lot of people to sing happy birthday too so let's sing if everybody wants to stand it's their birthday you need to stand because you make everybody stand you got to lead by example if you're gonna get a teller you're the only one so let's let's sing happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday God bless you happy birthday to you happy birthday half our church so brother Dave's gonna come sing one more song and then after that I think brother Shane yeah brother Shane's gonna be reading Isaiah 22 for us all right take your song books and turn to song 196 song 196 in your song books we'll sing I will sing the wondrous story song 196 I will sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me how we left his home in glory for the cross of Calvary yes I'll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me seeing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea I was lost but Jesus found me found the sheep that went astray through his loving arms around me drew me back into his way yes I'll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me seeing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea I was bruised but Jesus healed me faint was I from many a fall sight was gone and feels possessed me but he freed me from them all yes I'll see the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me seeing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea days of darkness still come or me sorrows path I often tread but the Savior still is with me by his hand I'm safely led yes I'll see the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me seeing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea he will keep me till the river rolls its waters at my feet then he'll bear me safely over where the loved ones I shall meet yes I'll see the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me seeing it with the Saints in glory gathered by the Crystal Sea all right take your Bible chapter number 22 I say it's 22 my brother Shane read that for us Isaiah chapter 22 if you found your place amen the burden of the valley of vision what aleth thee now that thou art wholly gone up to the housetops thou that art full of stirs a toll miss city a joyous city thy slain men are not slain with the sword nor dead in battle all thy rulers are fled together they are bound by the archers all that are found in thee are bound together which have fled from far therefore said I look away from me I will weep bitterly labor not to comfort me because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people for it is a day of trouble and a treading down and a perplexity by the Lord God of hosts in the valley of vision breaking down the walls and of crying to the mountains and Elam bear the quiver with chariots of men and horsemen and Kerr uncovered the shield and it shall come to pass that thy choicest valleys shall be full of chariots and the horsemen shall set themselves in a ray at the gate and he discovered the covering of Judah and now dis look in that day to the armor of the house of the forest you have seen also the breaches of the city of David that they are many and you gather together the waters of the lower pool you have numbered the houses of Jerusalem and the houses have you broken down to fortify the wall you made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool but you have not looked unto the maker thereof neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago and in that day did the Lord God of hosts call to weeping and to mourning and to baldness and to girding with sackcloth and behold joy and gladness slaying oxen and killing sheep eating flesh and drinking wine let us eat and drink for tomorrow we shall die and it was revealed in my ears by the Lord of hosts surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till you die say at the Lord of Lord God of hosts thus saith the Lord God of hosts go get thee unto this treasure even a sheeb nuh which is over the house and say what hast thou here and whom has thou here that thou hast hewed thee out a sepulcher here as he that he with him out of a sepulcher on high and that graveth in habitation for himself in a rock behold the Lord will carry thee away with a mighty captivity and will surely cover thee he will surely violently turn and toss he like a ball into a large country there shalt thou die and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of the Lord's house and I will drive thee from thy station and from thy state shall he pull thee down and it shall come to pass in that day that I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkana and I will clothe him with thy robe and strengthen him with thy girdle and I will commit thy government into his hand and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah and the key of the house of David while I lay upon his shoulder so he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut and none shall open and I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place and he shall be for a glorious throne to him to his father's house and they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house the offspring and the issue all vessels of small quantity from the vessels of cups even to all the vessels of flagons in that day sayeth the Lord of hosts shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed and be cut down and fall and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off for the Lord hath spoken it let us pray dear heavenly father Lord thank you to be gathered in your house this morning I just pray you feel past with your spirit help us to be edified today in Jesus name amen amen so I did forget to make an announcement we actually have new Mountain Baptist shirts and so on in the foyer over there there's a whole table set up with sizes and everything so go ahead and before you leave well not right now but like obviously after the service go back there find your size and get a shirt so obviously it's only five bucks and I'm just kidding not charging anything for that so obviously anything here is free but but yeah so don't forget about that make sure you pick up a shirt if you're a visitor pick up a shirt if you're a member pick up a shirt obviously if you're a member here and you're always here you can get one whatever but but they're out ready to go there so I just want to thank Miss Paula for all the work and everything put into that as far as the graphics and just getting all that together so and just yeah and I'll just show you the the mug the crandles made me later on so all that all those quotes I was like how that's good it's good that one I'm a little offended at because it's anyway no I'm just kidding but anyway so you're there in Isaiah 22 and I was gonna preach a sermon kind of more of a cliche like anniversary sermon about you know church growth and and I'm gonna preach on that eventually because our church has been growing a lot and especially this year it seems like it's been an exponential type of growth and so it's just been awesome to see and not not just the growth in members but just in soul saved baptisms like just everything just kind of been increasing a lot this year but I'm going through the book of Revelation right now and there's something that's stated in Revelation 3 that I'm gonna be hitting on tonight but it's just something that I just thought needed its own sermon and that has to do with the key of David the key of David and so this is kind of doctrinal but it's gonna be turned it's gonna be you know dealing with soul winning to a certain extent as well but look at Isaiah 22 in verse 20 Isaiah 22 in verse 20 I know I probably kind of hit on this when we were in Isaiah but it's been a little while since we were in Isaiah 22 to be honest with you so but in Isaiah 22 in verse 20 it says and it shall come to pass in that day that I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah and I will clothe him with thy robe and strengthen him with thy girdle and I will commit thy government into his hand and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem into the house of Judah now Hilkiah or I'm sorry Eliakim the son of Hilkiah was in Isaiah's day or in you know like Hezekiah's type of day so what we're gonna see is that there's gonna be a prophecy about Jesus I'm gonna prove that to you but it's kind of using Eliakim as you know like the the physical there and now kind of thing dealing with what he's gonna be talking about but obviously ultimately this is gonna be a representation of Jesus okay notice what it says in verse 22 in the key of the house of David while I lay upon his shoulder so he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut and none shall open that's what this sermon is gonna be really about is about this key of David about you know opening and no one being able to shut it and shutting and no one being able to open it and but let's keep reading there just to show you another you know correlation here with the Lord in verse 23 says now will fasten him as a nail in a sure place and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house and they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house the offspring in the issue all the vessels of small quantity from the vessels of cups even to all the vessels of flagons in that day said the Lord of hosts shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed and be cut down and fall and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off for the Lord has spoken it I'm going to show you how that does relate to the Lord Jesus as well obviously when you see the word nail you probably automatically will think about being nailed to the cross and I do think there's a correlation there but go to Revelation chapter 3 and verse 7 and we are going to be getting to Revelation 3 this afternoon but if I if I tried to explain this verse or explain what what this is talking about well I wouldn't get to anything else in Revelation 3 so I just figured this would take a whole sermon to explain this and get into what the meaning of this is and and there's multiple meanings or multiple uses for this this terminology and this key of David if you will but at the same time verse 7 here says into the angel of the church in Philadelphia right these things said he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of David he that openeth and no man shut it and shut it and no man openeth okay so we're talking about the Lord now right because in in Isaiah 22 you're like Eliakim the son of Hilkiah he's gonna lay this key of David upon him and obviously David is the king right David is you know the seed of David is who Jesus came through that's that kingly line that throne of David all that's true but you know what there's there's this key that is given to the Lord given to Jesus and go to Revelation chapter 1 and verse 17 because I was kind of going through the fact that when you deal with all these seven churches in chapter 1 you see all these things about Jesus you see the fact that his eyes are like a flame of fire his feet are like fine brass you know he's holding seven stars in his hand and he's walking amongst the candlesticks and just the things that it says about him and then in each church it kind of brings that up again as far as different pieces of that and it's pertinent obviously to what's being said but one thing that's said about him is the fact that he's got keys okay now it says that he has the key of David but it says here in Revelation 1 verse 17 it says and when I saw him I fell at his feet is dead and he laid his hand his right hand upon me saying unto me fear not I am the first and the last I'm he that liveth and was dead and behold I'm alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death go to Revelation chapter 20 Revelation chapter 20 you say why is it plural there because you're talking about hell and death there's two things there but obviously they're very closely related okay but at the same time we're talking about the fact that he's got the keys to this you know you think about the keys to the kingdom of God and and all that in verse so revelation 20 verse 1 it says and I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and in verse 2 it says and I and he laid hold on the on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years so we're talking about him being cast into hell and he's got this key to that to shut him in there so when you're dealing with this key of David you're dealing with the fact of opening something no one's able to shut it right you open this door no one's gonna no one's gonna shut it or to close the door and no one's able to open it okay and go to Daniel chapter 9 Daniel chapter 9 just to deal with this other portion of the passage here dealing with this nail that is fastened in a sure place that's going to be removed and it's gonna fall and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off I want you to just remember that okay that when it's when it's removed when it's cut off or when it falls that's when the burden is taken away okay so think about this with Daniel 9 and verse 26 Daniel 9 and verse 26 it says and after three score in two weeks shall Messiah be cut off but not for himself okay so actually Daniel is the only place that you're gonna see that term Messiah okay now Messiah is synonymous with Christ okay it says we have found the Messiah's which is being interpreted the Christ it's also synonymous with anointed because it talks about how they gather themselves against the Lord and against his anointed in the New Testament says against his Christ so you think about christening anointing those are all synonymous being the Messiah those are all synonymous with each other but that being said it says that the Messiah shall be cut off but not for himself why because he's doing it for us okay go to Isaiah 53 Isaiah 53 and verse 6 Isaiah 53 because what caused Jesus to have the keys of hell and of death he was dead and behold he's alive forevermore right I'm he that liveth was dead and behold I'm alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death so when Jesus died for our sins and rose again the third day you know what you know what that gave him the keys of hell and of death you know that gave him the key of David okay that he's able to shut or close the door and no one's able to move it okay now this is get this could be an extremely good thing this could be extremely bad okay and that's what we're gonna see here is that with this with this key of David with Jesus basically having this key to where he can open a door and no one can shut it or close the door and no one can open it that can either be really good or it could be really bad and a sit-up now in Isaiah 53 and verse 6 very familiar obviously this whole passage is dealing with the Lord and how he was gonna die for us in verse 6 it says all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all so talking about this burden being laid on this nail that's fastened right in a sure place and it says in verse 10 it says yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities therefore will I divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he had poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he bare the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors so what you got here is that in Isaiah 22 is basically foreshadowing the fact that Jesus is gonna be nailed to the cross the the sin of the world is gonna be put upon him and when he dies that burden goes with him so that makes sense that that sin goes with him but when he rose from the dead that that proves that he has the key he's got the keys of Helen of death and that is the gospel obviously and the thing is is that you know what Jesus is the one you know if he didn't if he didn't raise from the dead he couldn't he wouldn't have the keys of Helen of death he'd still be there he'd still be paying for those sins but this key of David the one thing I want to get into here is the fact that when he opens the door when you have this open door no one's gonna shut that thing okay this is the good part okay go to John 10 John 10 John chapter 10 dealing with salvation okay dealing with heaven and hell you get saved that doors open no one's shutting that door okay Jesus has the key of David he opened that door you enter that door no one's shutting it okay but on the flip side he closes that door no one's opening that door okay and in in people's lives today there's people where that door is shut that door has been shut and no one's opening that thing and you know what when you're saved no one's closing it no man's gonna close that thing and this is just another great passage for eternal security but on the flip side you have reprobates you have a eternal damnation okay and so you see another representation here of eternal security once you're saved you're always saved you're a child of God you're always a child of God but hey if you become a child of devil that doors closed and you're you're that forever okay or if you go to hell you're there forever the finality of this that the extreme of this okay the extremes of heaven and hell now in John 10 verse 1 here John 10 in verse 1 it says verily verily I say unto you he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up some other way the same as a thief and a robber so this means that you can't get in but by the door okay the door is the only way you try to climb up another way you're a thief and a robber you're not gonna you're not gonna make it verse 2 but he that enter it in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep so listen to that carefully right there he that enter it in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep who's that that's the Lord the Lord is entering in we're following okay when he died on the cross he has the keys of hell and of death you know what he provided a new and living way through his flesh that we can come in okay obviously this applies Old Testament New Testament throughout the whole world it's the everlasting gospel it's just the fact that 2,000 years ago is when it actually took place in our timeline if you will but he's the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so obviously to God even when Adam sins and when he died you know when he got saved and when he died you know is that is it was as if Jesus had already done it but keep reading there it says verse 3 to him the porter openeth to who the shepherd of the sheep so there's this door guess who can open it and guess who it can be open you know the porters like I'm opening it for you why because he has the key of David because he has the right to go through that door okay notice what says in the sheep hear his voice and he calleth his own sheep by name and leadeth them out and when he putteth forth his own sheep he goeth before them and the sheep follow him for they know his voice so notice you get the picture right he's going through the door his sheep are following them through the door okay this isn't talking about like following them in all his Commandments everything it's talking about salvation here okay we're following him through that door okay notice what says here in verse 5 it says in a stranger will they not follow but will flee from him for they know not the voice of strangers this parable spake Jesus unto them but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them then said Jesus unto them again verily verily I say unto you I am the door of the sheep so now he's being he's clarifying this he's like I'm the door okay like if you didn't get that that hey there's this door into the sheepfold I'm entering in they're following me in I'm the door okay so Jesus is the door of the sheep all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers but the sheep did not hear them hey you know what that means all all those prophets and people that claim to be God those that claim to be the way before him they're all liars they're all they're all thieves and you know what so you you want to talk about your neo-astro system or what was that what's that one that everybody's like attaching themselves to now there's like some old religion we're just like well that's the oldest it's like they're they're a bunch of thieves and robbers you know they're they're not the way and Jesus is stating that it's like I don't care how old Hinduism is I don't care how old Buddhism is I don't care if that came before when Jesus was walking here on the earth they're all thieves and robbers you know it he's the way and by the way he was the way before them anyway okay because he's he was before them and he created everything and for his pleasure now I keep reading there in verse verse 8 I'm sorry in verse 9 I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture notice that that door they're going in and out so you know what people that think well you get saved and you know what you can go to hell are you gonna close that door who's closing that door who's gonna close that door to where I can't go in and out because you know what the Bible says that he opens that door and no man can shut it okay how about this he uses a different analogy but it's kind of the same illustration of you know opening door but not no one can shut it notice in verse 27 so now he kind of switches gears instead of talking about door he's gonna be talking about being in God's hand okay notice what it says here in verse 27 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my hand my father's hand I am my father are one so you have God the father holding us in his hand we have Jesus holding us in his hand and you know what no man is able to pluck you out of Jesus hand or out of his father's hand and you know what the same thing is said and I go back to the mother baby room to mama go back to mama I don't know what happened but so you know what the the thing is is that the same thing is said about this door okay so it's just another illustration dealing with the fact that you know what that doors open you get saved you go in you enter through by Jesus you're saved you'll never perish and that door will not be shut okay it's a promise that that door will not be shut you know what it why would God shut it if he says that you you'll never perish because they would say well God could shut it though and you know or God could throw you out of his hand that would just like why don't you just turn the Bible on its head and and by the way that means that God lied that means he's not the Good Shepherd he's not he's not actually who he said he would be and you know what that's why people are going to hell because they're calling God a liar they're saying that door can be shut they're saying that you know what when he opens the door he can shut it you know or that that that we can shut it we can walk away right you know that's that's silly that that's how really silly it gets yet God opened that door for us and we got saved and you know what we can shut it though you know what I can pluck myself out of his hand right I can I can I can squeeze out of there right I can choose to walk away no you can't okay and so it's a great verse for eternal security it's a great you know obviously description as far as that goes but how about let's look at the scary part hey now you know hopefully everybody in here saved you know that all we've all believed on Lord Jesus Christ so guess what we're a part of that that promise that open door we're gonna go in and out and have pasture we'll never perish no one's able to pluck us out of his hand you know just another great promise of eternal security okay let's look at the scary part of this okay because there's a flipside you know to us the gospel of salvation but unto the world is perdition okay and it's destruction now look at Luke 13 Luke 13 you may have seen passages like this dealing with a door being shut okay and Luke 13 here we're dealing with salvation here okay now in this passage here I personally believe that this is talking about the door being shut before they even die and that's where you know a lot of people like oh I can't believe you believe in this reprobate doctrine well let me ask you a question do you believe that when people go to hell that they can get out I mean I don't think I've ever met a Baptist that thought that someone get out of hell so you believe the door can be shut at some point you believe that there's no turning back at some point you know what the Bible teaches though is that there can come a point before that where that door is shut and notice what it says here in Luke 13 knowing this that when when we're talking about this door we're talking about salvation and it's gonna be very clear we're talking about salvation because notice in verse 22 here it says and he went through the cities and villages teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem then said one unto him Lord are there few that be saved so what's what's the subject here what why is he even going into this he's talking about you being you know the question is asked are there a few that be saved this is the answer and he said unto them strive to enter in at the straight gate you know what that answer is yes you know why because in Matthew 7 it says because straight is the gate and narrows the way and few there be that find it so when they say are few that are saved the answer is yes there's few that are saved because there's few there be that find it okay but notice what he says here it says for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able shall not be able now this is where you either have to be a Calvinist or you have to understand the reprobate dog you have to understand the fact that there's people that are rejected by God by God before they even die okay so it's saying that they're gonna seek to enter in but they're not able to okay now notice what it says here in verse 25 it says they're gonna seek to enter in shall not be able when notice that when this is when they're not gonna be able does that make sense they're not gonna be able when once the master of the house is risen up and has shut the door shut to the door so notice that it's not saying they were never able it's just saying that when the master of the house rises up and shuts that door they're not able they're not able to enter in okay notice what it says here keep reading says and you began to and you begin to stand without and to knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us and he shall answer and say unto you I know you not went ye are now Matthew 7 hits on this too it says then while professing I never knew you depart from me that work iniquity and it's gonna get to that but at the same time they're gonna be knocking sing open unto us and he's like I don't know who you are now this can't be his sheep right because he says my you know I know my sheep and they have no one of mine and I'm known of mine right so for him to say I don't know you that means they're not his sheep now keep reading there verse 26 then shall ye begin to say we have eaten and drunk in thy presence and now has taught in our streets so let me ask you a question are these people ignorant of him were they around him did they hear him teach yes they did have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and then named them anyone for works then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me that work iniquity so you're dealing with people that knew the Lord they're even saying up to the Lord Lord they're saying that because not everyone that sent them to me Lord Lord shall enter in the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven and the will of him that sent me it is and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone would see it the Sun and believe on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day so you know what the will of the Father is to believe on the Sun and they didn't do that okay and there came a point where they're no longer able to do that because he shut the door he shut the door and they're no longer able and they're knocking on that door saying hey we saw you in the streets we were in your presence we heard you teach anything I don't know who you are now notice what says here in verse 20 28 you're like man you're teaching on reprobates on our anniversary yes I am because you know what you know it's our four-year anniversary and the less anybody think that we're watering down let me just remind you that we believe that there's people that are reprobate and that God shuts the door on people but you know what this is gonna be pertinent because you know what we're so winning Church and we're about you know we got 15 people saved yesterday and people saved even earlier in the week and throughout the weeks we're getting people say because you know what we care about the souls of men and we want them to get saved before that door is shut whether it's before they die or when they die we want them to get saved and we don't want that door to be shut but you know what we do believe this doctrine because it's everywhere okay and I just want to remind you that there's another place where it's where it's at and it has to do with the key of David when he shuts the door no one can open it so you're like oh I can get this person I can get anybody say you know anybody can get safe really when you're telling me that you can open a door that God shut that that he's saying no one can open you're gonna do it you're gonna do it when when God says he gives up on somebody that you're gonna be like yeah I'm gonna I'm not gonna give up on him though I guess you're more powerful than God then so in but keep reading there it says in verse in verse 27 but he shall say I tell you I know you not wench ye are depart from me he all ye workers of iniquity there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves thrust out and from the south and I'm sorry and and they shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and shall sit in the kingdom of God and behold there shall there are last which shall be first and there there are first which shall be last so we're dealing with the fact of salvation about the fact where are they going and this is particularly talking about outer darkness this is talking about you know what the judgment seat of Christ they're gonna see all of us in heaven they're gonna see us and behold us and be thrust out and cast into the lake of fire where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth and you know what there's no hope for them now go to Matthew chapter 25 I'm gonna show you another place where it talks about a door being shut lest you think this is in a corner okay lest you think that I'm just like pulling this out of nowhere about this doctrine about a door being opened or a door being shut and no one being able to move it okay that this is taught a lot and this will help you understand some parables by the way of what we're talking about now in Matthew 25 this is dealing with the ten virgins so you didn't know that you're gonna be learning all these parables this morning did you but the parable the virgins I'm gonna go I'm gonna breeze through this I've done a whole sermon on this parable but basically there's five wise virgins there's there's five foolish versions the five wise took oil on their lamps the five foolish didn't take oil on their lamps I'm gonna read it for you but I just want to explain it really quick the oil I believe clearly represents the fact that they have the Holy Ghost okay because the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and you need not that any man teach you but the same anointing teaches you of all things and it talks about you have an unction from the Holy One you know all things the idea here is that you know now if any man have not have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his okay that's the the idea that we get here is that get the Spirit of God you have you have the anointing you have that earnest of the Spirit then you're wise you have oil on your lamps okay if you're foolish you don't okay and you're not his now notice in verse 1 there says then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom and five of them were wise and five were foolish they that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps while the bridegroom Terry they all slumbered and slept and at midnight there was a cry made behold bridegroom coming go ye out to meet him then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said unto the wise give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out but the wise answered saying not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with with him to the marriage and the door was shut afterward came also the other virgins saying Lord Lord open to us and he answered and said barely I say unto you I know you not watch therefore for you for you know neither the the day nor the hour where in the Son of Man cometh now you could say that this is talking about just in general in life and that that could be the case right meaning this is that there can come a point where that door shut and there's no entering in there can come a point where you're just talking about death right you don't know when deaths gonna happen do you do you know when you're gonna die what time of day you're gonna die what year you're gonna die what day you're gonna die you don't know so that door can be shut at some point and if you're not ready spiritually speaking meaning that you're not saved then you know what it's too late it's too late but how about this when Jesus comes in the clouds it's gonna be too late for a lot of those people that knew the Lord's will they knew what it took to be to get to heaven you know what the Bible says he's gonna send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie and they'll all be damned that believe not the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness that's the Bible and that's what the Bible teaches and it's saying he's shutting that door and no notice go to Luke chapter 11 Luke chapter 11 verse 52 Luke chapter 11 verse 52 Luke chapter 11 verse 52 it says woe unto you lawyers for ye have taken away the key of knowledge ye enter not in yourselves and then that we're entering in ye hindered okay there are things that are go to Matthew chapter 13 meaning this is that there's people that are trying to take away that key okay now no one no person can literally just holistically take away that key okay meaning this is that people can try and that's what the world you know a lot of people try to do they try to pull people out and this is where false prophets come in they're trying to take away that key of knowledge they're saying you know it's not just believe you gotta repent of your sins you know it's not it's not just you know one it's not once they'd always saved I mean no I mean faith without works is dead you know they're trying to pull you pull these people out with you know taking away the key of knowledge and trying to do basically they're not entering in themselves and trying to hinder other people from entering in you know so you're dealing with false prophets that are trying to hinder people but you know what these people also are hindering themselves by by shutting their own eyes okay there are people that literally will just shut their eyes to the truth and you know what doesn't that just describe 2021 right now people are just shutting their eyes to the truth and you know what all obviously social media and all you know mainstream media they literally are trying to shut everybody's eyes they're taking away the key of knowledge they're taking away the truth they're trying to basically just keep it to where you can't even see what's really going on but then there's just a bunch of people that are just like willingly just shutting their eyes to the truth okay that you know I mean you know we get banned on YouTube but I mean the fact that they're just trying to force these vaccinations down our throats they're like the same people are like my body my choice when it comes to a baby that's in their womb but when it comes to some drug that you're supposed to put into your body now that just goes out the window when it actually should be my body my choice right when that slogan would actually make sense but these people are a bunch of fools that are just blind you know they're just closing their eyes or they're willingly ignorant willingly ignorant you know what the Bible talks about ostriches that are deprived of wisdom you know what ostriches do they stick their head in the sand and they think that if that rhinos coming after them they just stick their head in the sand they're gonna be safe okay that's not what the Bible says doesn't say anything about that but it does talk about unicorns and ostriches in the same passage so that's what I picture I picture a rhino coming at them and they stick their head in the sand and they're gonna get obliterated okay so just picture that now the thing is is that in Matthew 13 knows what it says in verse 13 Matthew 13 verse 13 it says therefore speak I to them in parables because they sing see not in hearing they hear not neither do they understand and in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah's which says by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive notice this for this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing notice this in their eyes they have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear you know what's interesting is that there's a passage here where it's saying that they close their eyes but you know what in in other passages in an Isaiah 6 where this is being you know where is it being spoken to Isaiah notice what it says in Isaiah 6 Isaiah 6 so you have people that are trying to blind your eyes they're trying to put the wool over your eyes they're trying to shut your eyes they're trying to shut the door they're trying to shut the door people are literally willingly shutting the door on themselves they're like let's shut that door you know I don't want to know that you know that's too hard you know I don't know about hell you know that's it that that's just too hard of a truth okay listen just because something is scary just because something is not comfortable doesn't mean that you don't you shouldn't know what it is okay meaning that you know I forget who I was I was talking to somebody out soul winning and they were basically just talking about the fact that you know what about people that you know believe hell doesn't exist I'm like well let me ask you this does that change the fact that health exists I mean like I can imagine that and I told him I said I can imagine gravity doesn't exist you know like flat earthers but if I jumped off this building over here I'm gonna be reminded that gravity exists you know I can believe that all I want you know but it doesn't change the facts okay and you can believe that hell doesn't exist but it doesn't change the fact that it's not like it you know I'm like I'm gonna really believe it doesn't exist and then it's gonna vanish you can't do that okay now in in in Isaiah 60 I'm sorry Isaiah 6 and verse 8 it says also I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and whom will go for us then said I here am I send me now I will stop right there and you know just state this that this how many people have heard a missionary song where they they talked about this verse okay where they're just like here am I I will go and that is really off-key and okay but you know there's a child in the puddle and they're just like send me right and it's all about missionary work okay it's like I'm gonna go I'm gonna preach the gospel well this is where they get it from they're like you know and I'm like Isaiah here am I I will go all right what is what is he supposed to go and say verse 9 and he said go and tell this people hear ye indeed but understand not see ye indeed but perceive not make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes lest they see and they're with their eyes and here with their ears and understand with their heart and convert and be healed you know what Jesus was doing when he's speaking to them in parables he's shutting their eyes he shut the door on the on those Pharisees and the Sadducees he shut the door on them but he revealed it unto those that were willing to hear it they revealed it unto babes and that's why he spoke to them in parables so this is taught through and through but here's the thing the people where Jesus shut their eyes they weren't ignorant and being willingly ignorant is not an excuse okay if you're willingly ignorant meaning that you are forcing yourself to be ignorant then that's not an excuse in Romans chapter 1 and verse 21 dealing with people that are given up by God or given over to a reprobating mind it says this and this is just one example of this but it says in verse 21 because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations in their foolish heart was darkened so what's what caused their foolish heart to be darkened they knew God and glorified him not as God you know the Bible says they held the truth and unrighteousness professing themselves to be wise they became fools and their foolish heart you know and it talks about the fact that you know what they did all this and they rejected him rejected him you know what and then God gave them up unto their own vile affections and then ultimately you know what he gave he gave them up you know it says that he gave him over to a reprobating mind to do those things which are not convenient and that's where you get into sodomy that's where you get into pedophilia that's where you get into this wicked you know like serial killers and just like the wickedness that it's a shame for us to even speak of those things which are done of them in secret you know what that's where you know they all spirals down because they didn't want to retain God in their knowledge they held the truth and unrighteousness they they knew God but glorified him not as God you know what their foolish heart was darkened and he shut the door on them you know what that's a biblical doctrine and it's all over the place now when you see a shut door in the Bible guess what that's talking about it's talking about there's no escape there if they're done okay so on the on the good side is that that open door it's not shutting no one's gonna be able to shut that thing you know what no man on this earth can shut a door that God has has determined to be open and so when it comes to salvation that's the way it is but here's thing yeah yeah you know when it comes to people becoming that before they die that's definitely true he shuts that door but you know what when people die that door shut meaning like if you die without Christ you die without believing on the Lord that door is shut and hell is final okay go to Luke chapter 16 Luke chapter 16 Luke chapter 16 is the famous story of the rich man Lazarus now I don't believe this is a parable even if it was a parable it would still have the same truth okay but here's why I don't believe it's peril because there's a man's name in here and literally saying there was a certain man named Lazarus I don't believe you're talking about just some like hypothetical at this point and you say well why why does it name what name Lazarus but not the rich man you know what it's interesting because every single time he talks about people going being cast into hell he says I know you not once you are I never knew you so why would he know his name okay and but it says that he he knows his sheep by name doesn't it so that being said you know what I think that that would give you the reason why it's there's a certain rich man because it doesn't matter because he's in hell and he doesn't know him okay and it says that you know it and you say well obviously he knows who that person is right he's God okay but we're talking about being known of the Lord we're talking about the fact that he know at them that put their trust in him that's what we're talking about he know what them that are his and just passages all over the place on that but here's thing in Luke chapter 16 verse 19 it says there was a certain rich man was which was clothed in purple and in fine linen fared sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the by the angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and seeth Abraham afar off in Lazarus in his bosom now by the way the place isn't called last Abraham's bosom that's just where Abraham was when he was carried in the paradise okay I mean he was embracing Abraham okay unless you think that Jesus bosom is like an actual place that you can go to right because the disciple whom Jesus loved it says that he leaned on his breast you know he leaned on his bosom right so I mean anyway that being said I want to get into that doctrine because that's that's a whole nother sermon for another day but that being said is that we're talking about he was carried by angels in the paradise into heaven okay and Abraham was there and Abraham was embracing him okay so you get a great picture of heaven here that you're embracing your relatives right so then you get the fact that but what happened to the rich man he lift up his eyes in hell being in torments now here's thing if you just read that okay you don't really know the finality of that as much besides the fact that obviously we know that hell is eternal and you can look at other passage everlasting punishment all that but keep reading there it's in verse 24 says and he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger and water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in his flame so he's basically saying you know send over Lazarus send him to me so that I can you know basically be you know just have a little bit of comfort in this torment but Abraham said said son remember that thou in thy lifetime receive ist thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou are tormented so it's talking about the dichotomy of being rich and being poor but you know what he had chosen the poor rich in faith so you know what there was a blessing in the fact that Lazarus was poor because he believed on the Lord and he saved but here's the thing you know what that poor person has it so much better now doesn't he in the rich you know what they can glory in the riches they can trust them in the riches but you know what they can't take them with them and in the end if they don't believe on Christ and they use that as their high tower and their defense and how they're gonna get to heaven then you know what they're gonna end up in hell and what are all what all that mean okay you had your pleasure in life you know what now you're in hell it doesn't mean that having pleasure in life you know listen Lazarus was a sinner too okay he needed to save just like the rich man but the fact is is that the poor get saved way more than the rich okay actually it says that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of an eagle then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven you know and but yet the poor is rich in faith so obviously you're gonna have a lot more poor people that are gonna end up getting saved they're gonna be comforted they're gonna have all that but keep reading here in verse 26 it says it says and beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that they which would pass from hence to you notice this cannot neither can they pass to us that we come from thence you know what I'm saying people in hell they cannot go to army people in heaven cannot go to hell people that are in hell cannot go to heaven literally there's it's impossible just as much as the door that is open can't be shut that door which is shut cannot be opened see heaven eternal life that's final that's sealed there's nothing that's gonna change that but you know what hell when you either get that door shut on you in this life because you've rejected God so much and you weren't thankful and then you are you know vain in your own imaginations you know what that door can be shut or it can be shut when you die without Christ and that door will not be opened and no one's coming from heaven to help you and no one's going from hell up to heaven see that finale that that that that that just straight-up extreme finale there when it comes to this go to Revelation chapter 22 Revelation 22 in verse 11 in the end okay when you think about the whole finale of the Bible and just of time here when you think about you know end times is when that you have the new heaven and new earth and you have everybody that's on the new earth that's in you know New Jerusalem or just a new earth in general they're all saved there's no more death but it's all saved people okay but without or what dogs sorcerers you know those that work as abomination and love it you know make it a lie you know all the sinners that did not believe on Christ they're gonna be in outer darkness you know what that's final notice what this verse says and think about that it says in verse 11 he that is unjust let him be unjust still and he which is filthy let him be filthy still and he that is righteous let him be righteous still and he did this holy let him be holy still you know if for all eternity those that are righteous that have been made righteous by the blood of Christ will be made righteous by the blood of Christ for all eternity and those that are filthy and those that are that are sinners that died without Christ they will remain that still so So that finale there. So okay, we realize this now, okay, we realize, you already knew this, but I'm just saying like obviously this is like another example of what we believe when it comes to heaven and hell, when it comes to eternal security, when it comes to those that are either die and go to hell, or those that even before they die and go to hell, that door can be shut. And we know that's true. Go to 2 Timothy chapter 2, 2 Timothy chapter 2, what do we do about it? So here's the call to action, and especially since we're in our four year anniversary, we need to not let up, okay, meaning that this is something that, you know what, we started off being a soul winning church, and as long as I'm the pastor here, I plan on being a soul winning church, okay, we're going to be an independent, fundamental, Baptist, soul winning, King James only, hard preaching, doctrine preaching, Baptist church. And we're going to go out and win the loss, okay. That is what our church is going to do, and if we stop doing that, you know what, shame on us. Because this is as true as the day is long, is that there are people out there that are just waiting to hear the gospel, that that door is being opened, okay, and meaning that when they believe on Christ, that door's open and no one's shutting it. Every single person that we won yesterday, guess what, that door's not shutting for them. They're going to come in and out and have pasture with the shepherd, and we're going to see them in heaven, and you know what, we need to remember this, now, what we need to remember this is that that door's being shut for people right now. You're in 2 Timothy chapter 2 and verse 24, it says, and the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient and meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves, if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging the truth, and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. There are people that we, when we go preach the gospel, a lot of times we don't know whether that door's been shut or not, right. Unless it's some flaming queer, you know, that's like dressed in drag or something like that, they're like, well that guy, that door's been shut, they need to shut that door actually, you know, you should just go back in your closet and keep that door shut, okay. But that being said is that, you know what, there's some people are just like, that person definitely, I mean, there's just no doubt, right, but there's a lot of people we give the gospel to we don't know. We just don't know, and you'll find out later, you know, that that person, I think that person may have been passive, you know, reprobate, they may have not, but here's the thing, you know, you know what the Bible says, you know, preach the gospel to every creature, and here's the thing, people are like, oh, do you give the gospel to queers, listen, that's rarely ever even something that you even have to worry about. Go up to a queer and ask them if you can show them how they can know 100% sure they're going to heaven, and then see how many of them don't like say something expletive to you and tell you that, you know, like, and just say all kinds of crazy stuff to you, okay. They're not going to give you the time of day, okay, and here's the thing, if someone that I thought, well, I was like wondering, and they said, yeah, you know, show me, I'll show them, because I'm going to let the chips fall where they may, because someone could just be effeminate, they could just be saying it to give me like some wow factor, you know, like trying to say, what would he say if I said I was a queer, you know, you know, like they can do that, but here's the thing, you got to use discernment there. Basically if someone just, it's just obvious, and you can just tell by discernment, they're just trying to get you, you know, they're just trying to waste your time, then you got to use discernment there. But at the same time here, we don't know if God has shut that door, and that's what it's saying here. If God peradventure will give them repentance to the knowledge and truth, and you know what, this right here is not like, this isn't the end of the epistle, okay, because people like especially, you know, Calvinists would be like, well, see, you know what, he doesn't give everybody repentance, okay, he doesn't give them the ability to repent or to have the knowledge and the truth, he doesn't give everybody the ability. But here's the thing though, he's talking about a specific topic here, because notice in verse one of the next chapter, so it leads into the next chapter, it says, this know also that in the last days, perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, denying the power thereof from such turn away. So we're talking about a specific group of people, they're saying, you need to turn away from these people, these people say, they're saying they look like they have a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof, they're not saved. Notice in verse six, for of this sort, so he's talking about this group here, for of this sort are they which creep in the houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with diverse lusts, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Janus and Jamborees withstood Moses, so did these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith. There are people out there that are reprobate concerning the faith. There are people out there that are ever learning and never able, why? Because when the master of the house riseth up and shut it to the door, they are no longer able to enter into that door because if he shuts the door, no man can open it. And you know what our job is? We need to go out and get him saved before that door shut. That's the answer. I mean, we can't, you can't retroactively go back and get someone saved that's already been reprobated, okay, or been rejected by God. So what do you got to do? Work on the people that haven't been given up on, okay? Get those people saved and you know what, get them saved before that ever happens. And you know what, let's say you're like, I don't believe in reprobate doctrine. Get them saved before they die and go to hell because you at least believe that, don't you? And the thing is, is that we need to go out and get as many people saved and you know, be as efficient, you know, redeeming the time because the days are evil and you know what, it's a great thing to know that our door has been opened by the Lord, that that door is open and it will not be shut. No one can shut it. There's no man on this earth that can shut it. The Antichrist can't shut it. Joe Biden definitely can't shut it. He doesn't know it's a door. I mean, we live in a day and age where we have a dementia patient that's telling us that we have to get, you know, the Fauci algae or whatever. I'm definitely getting banned on YouTube for that. The thing is, is that we live in this crazy world, okay? And I make light of this because I know it is something that people worry about. You know, you got your jobs and you're worried about whether you're going to be able to keep your job because obviously we're going to stick to our convictions. You know what? They can go take that shot and shove it. They can go take all this stuff they're trying to shove down our throats and go take it themselves, okay? But at the same time, you know, instead of like just keeping your mind on that stuff, keep your mind on the fact that we need to go soul winning. We need to serve the Lord. Because you know what? Cast all that care upon the Lord. Casting all your care upon Him for He careth for you. And you know what Jesus said? He says, take my yoke upon you for my burden or my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Meaning this is that, you know what? Yeah, I mean it's work to go soul winning, but it's also very rewarding. It's very, you know, like you have all the fellowship that's in there and ultimately it's light. It's a light burden to go out and give someone the gospel, get them saved, then compare that to the burden of this world and, you know, just the thoughts that you're like, what are my kids going to grow up into? You know, like what are they going to have to live through and all that? You know what? You can think about that and you can kind of get depressed about that and you can be like I don't want to have any more kids because, you know, I don't want to bring them into the world. But you know what? We need to bring kids into this world. We need to teach our kids to be godly kids and then godly adolescents and godly, you know, adults so that we can turn this world around, okay? The last thing that needs to happen is for good men to do nothing. The last thing that needs to happen is for Christians to basically not have kids. Okay? Listen, the world today is basically, you know, they don't want to have kids. You know what I say to that? Fine. Good. You know what? We don't need you reproducing anyway because you're a bunch of wicked people. You know all these people in Hollywood, you know, they don't want to have kids because they want to have their pleasure now. Fine. Go for it. We're going to have kids and we're going to teach them to love the Lord and you know what? Those are going to be the next generation that's going to come up and rise up and you know what? Throw all this wickedness out. Okay? But you know what? I'm going to fight until I'm dead. So I'm not saying like I'm passing it off. Alright kids, time for you to get to work. I'm retiring. You know, I'm 36 years old. I'm in the fight and I'm in my prime right now and it's time to fight. But you know how we fight? We win people to Christ. We get them baptized. We teach them to observe all things and you know what? We change this country by being godly, getting a hold of God and going out into the world and changing the minds of the world. And the thing that you need to have is some motivation. You need to have the motivation to say, hey, that door is being shut on people right now. You know, two people die every second. I think that's the statistic that I've heard in the world. So every second it's like this. That two people are dying. And think about that. If few people are saved, most of those people are dropping into hell. Most of those people, that door is being shut. And so our job is to make that not as much. We need to go out and give them a chance. And there's a lot of people that are just waiting for that chance. They're like a Lydia, that their heart is being opened and you know what? They're just waiting for some of the preaching of the gospel. And I know this is not a typical anniversary. So I'm going to be like going through the stats on how we've done everything. But you know what? Let's just keep going. You know, it's great to celebrate that we're in four years. But you know what? We're not done. We're not even close to being where we want to be. You know what I mean? That's the way I look at it is the fact that I'm glad where we're at. But I'm not satisfied with where we're at. I think we should be constantly pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We have not attained, my friends, we are we are doing great things for God, but let's not get settled into that not let's not just hold on to past glories. You know what? We our best days are ahead of us. And you know what? We need to have that motivation to say that that door is being shut on many people. Let's go get them saved before that door shut. And let's end with the word prayer. God, we thank you today and thank you for your word and just thank you for everybody that came out today and just pray that you would help us to be a church that would be servants of the Lord that would strive or would not strive with anybody but be gentle unto all men and to act to teach and instructing those that oppose themselves so that they would get saved. And Lord just pray that you would help us to do great things for you. And I pray that this next year of our church would be exponentially better and exponentially more work being done and just help us to be a hardworking church for you. Ultimately, we pray that everything is done to glorify you. And Lord just pray that you be with us as we fellowship. I pray that you bless the food that we eat and Lord we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. So brother Dave will come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed but we're going to basically if you can take all your belongings off the chairs because we're going to try to set up tables and stuff like that to make it easier to eat and all that. So if not, I'm just going to toss it into a corner now. But yeah, try to pick up any type of belongings you got there, so. All right, take your song books and turn to song 198. Song 198 in your song books. We'll sing Joy Unspeakable. If you would stand, we'll sing song 198. I have found his grace is all complete. He simplieth every need while I sit and learn at Jesus' feet. I am free, yes, free indeed. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory.