(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You Well good morning everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song 448 Song 448 and your song books will sing brethren. We have met to worship And If you would stand We'll sing song 448 Brethren We have met to worship and Adore the Lord our God Will you pray with all your power? While we try to preach the word all is faint unless the spirit of the Holy One comes down Brethren pray and holy man will be showered all around brethren see poor Sinners round you slumbering on the brink of woe Death is coming Hell is moving Can you bear to let them go? See our fathers and our mothers and our children Sinking down brethren pray and holy man will be showered all around Sisters will you join and help us? Moses sister Aided him will you help the trembling? mourners who are slumbering where it's in Tell them all about the Savior tell them that he will be found sisters pray and holy Manna will be showered all around Let us love our God supremely let us love each other to Let us love and pray for sinners Till our God makes all things new He'll Call us home to heaven at his table We'll sit down Christ will Himself and serve us with sweet manna all around Let's pray heavenly father Lord. We just want to thank you God for our church. Thank you God for your word Thank you God for our pastor I pray Lord now that you would just meet with us and I pray Lord that you would just receive all the honor and glory out of everything and said and done for it's in Jesus name Ask all of it. Amen. Are you may be seated and turn in your song books to song? 187 Yes, 187 We'll sing Jesus loves me song 187 Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible Tells me so Little ones to him Belong they are weak, but he is strong Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so Jesus loves me he who died haven't a to Open wide he will wash away my sin Let his little child come in Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me the Bible Tells me so Jesus loves me he will stay Close beside me all the way Thou hast bled and died for me I Will henceforth live for thee? Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me Yes Jesus loves me the Bible Tells me so Amen So welcome to Mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday morning and just some announcements here and First I just want to thank everybody that helped out with my move to the new house and everything Probably the most stressed out wore out Emotionally wore out mentally wore out physically wore out. I've ever been in my life. So But I just appreciate everybody's help It was definitely I don't we I wouldn't have been able to do it and without everybody's help so but be in prayer For those that aren't feeling well be in prayer for my wife and just everything there, but Just normal service announcements here. We have the Sunday morning service at 10 a.m. All right, so right now and then we have our afternoon service But between that we have our soul winning time at 1 p.m. So Being your place is there for our soul in time if you're gonna go out today and then we have So this Wednesday I Lord willing I'm planning on being here to preach so I know I keep saying that but Hopefully, I'm done getting sick and and all that but So that should be we should be continuing our study through the book of Exodus This Wednesday and then regional sewing times As far as brother Charles leading up the Monday time brother Richie leading up the Wednesday time But I know brother Matt is now and and you know, you can talk to him But I think that may turn into a regional sewing time on Tuesday out in the Salem area, so So if you if you're out in that area, or if you want to go out in that area on Tuesday so Exciting obviously to have different areas that we're hitting so I really enjoy the fact that we have these regional times And then upcoming events. We have the men's prayer meeting at the end of the month here So August 26th, we're gonna be praying that we don't die at the Spartan. That's what they even and And brother Matt and I are gonna be praying there But no, honestly in all honesty joking aside, obviously Men if you can make it to that as far as Especially because we're gonna be coming into our fifth anniversary, too So definitely praising the Lord and giving thanks in prayer But also just asking obviously for the Lord's help and everything throughout each month And then September 3rd, we have the women's prayer meeting. And so that'll be that next Saturday And then we have the soul winning marathon that we're gonna be doing the Saturday before our church anniversary. So the 17th So that's Saturday. We're gonna be going up to the wheeling area We haven't necessarily found picked an area exactly where we're gonna be knocking yet But we'll get maps and all that stuff ready to go when we do this But we'll meet meeting up at the Panera bread that's up on Cabela Drive That's up there and try Adelphia technically But it's right next to wheeling there So we meeting up at that Panera probably around 930 You know 10 somewhere around there what we find just with these solving marathons I feel like just one big push where we go out after kind of having a in-between Breakfast and lunch time and then we eat afterwards between like lunch and dinner. So that seems to be working the best As far as not eating some big lunch and then trying to go back out soul winning and all that so That being said a soloing marathon and then we're gonna have our anniversary service on the 18th and we're gonna do Probably some kind of some type of fellowship as far as that. We'll have some kind of food or or You know cake, you know something to celebrate our fifth year anniversary And so definitely be in your places for that and then October 13th through the 16th We have the the Mountain Baptist Church retreat at Canadian Valley Resort And so there's a sign-up sheet on the back there again You come to church here your members here. We're automatically assuming you're going so we already have a place for you But if you're just like hey, I can't make it. There's just no way I'm gonna be able to make it. Just let us know So that we don't have cabins. We're not using and stuff like that. But this year instead of having the outdoor Pavilion for preaching We're gonna have an indoor conference room So that's I think gonna work really well with the kids and the mothers and all that stuff So we don't have to worry about if it being freezing outside or it gets dark and all that So That'll be here before you know it You know, we're already in mid August so September will be here and then October right around the corner. So I know some are already sending out I think mrs Spina is the one that keeps sending out all the the fall stuff and I love it, but at the same time It's it's still August. It's still it's still it's still summer time I love the pumpkin spice and I love the fall but not I'm not trying to embarrass or anything like that But there's other people that are sitting out But So I'm excited for the fall, but let's just be honest. It's been so humid out here. It doesn't feel like fall. So but That being said that's coming up here soon and then Chapter of the month. We have second John. So technically a book of the month And so it's it's a really short book a good one had memorized And just a lot of good verses in there good principles in there And then verse of the week is second Peter chapter 1 and verse 20 knowing this first that no prophecy the scriptures of any private interpretation and So that that'd be a good verse to have memorized there, especially when people are saying well, that's your interpretation Or that's one way to interpret it. It's like now That it is what it is. So and then birthdays. What is today? So we got to get brother Jason So he was last week so I'm not gonna forget about you Well, he was technically yesterday, right so So yeah, and then we won't have any others until later on So did we miss anybody this month that we didn't get the same to So Anniversaries so the Joneses but what the we'll have to get them next time. There's is actually Today So and Then Dave and Tabby's coming up here soon. And then pregnancy's being prayer for my wife there on the pregnancy list and My wife did notify me about the Murphy family there. So being prayer for them and then I Think that's about all I got for announcements the offering boxes and back there mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only If I'm dragging this morning, I apologize. I also Don't have a printer at my house. They're set up and I sent myself the wrong sermon this morning So this morning is gonna be purely off memory. So He's like you do the second one first and then you can do something about we're just rolling with it So Yeah, anyway, so brother he's gonna come who's reading this morning So brother Shane's gonna be reading Genesis chapter 6 for us All right, take your songbooks and turn to song 154 Song 154 will seem blessed be the tie that binds But before we do that you need to say happy birthday brother Jason Is there yesterday's pastor said how old are you brother are you serious you're still in your 20s That doesn't seem right brother All right, well happy for you and All right, man, well, you know what you don't have to stand up because you're are you're tall enough it looks like you're staying I Will say I have a brother brother Jason ready. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday God bless you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, brother All right, we'll sing a song 154 bless be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love the Fellowship of Kindred minds is lie to that above Before our father's throne we pour And prayers our fears our homes our aims are won our Comforts and our cares we share our mutual Our Mutual Let's bear and often for each other flows Zing tear when we Assunder part it gives us a word pain but we shall still Be joined in heart and home to me again All right, if you would take your Bibles and turn to Genesis chapter number six Genesis chapter number six in your Bibles why brother Shane come and read that for us Please Genesis chapter 6 If you found your place amen and It came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose The Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man For that he is also is flesh yet his days shall be in 120 years There were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil Continually and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart and The Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth Both man and beast and the creeping things and the fowls of the air For it repented to me that I have made them but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord These are the generations of Noah No, it was a just man and a perfect in his generations and Noah walked with God and Noah begat three sons Shem Ham and Japheth. The earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence and God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth And God said unto Noah the end of all flesh is become before me For the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them with the earth make thee an ark of gopher wood wood Rooms shalt thou make in the ark and shall pitch it within and without with pitch And this is the fashion which thou shall make it of the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits and the breadth of it 50 cubits and the height of it 30 cubits a Window shalt thou make to the ark and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof with lower second and third stories shalt thou make it and Behold I even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh Wherein is the breath of life from under heaven and everything that is in the earth shall die But with thee will I establish my covenant and thou shalt come into the ark thou and thy sons and thy wife and thy sons wives with thee and Of every living thing of all flesh two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark to keep them alive with thee they shall be male and female of fowls after their kind and Of cattle after their kind and of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind Two of every sort shall thou come unto thee to keep them alive and thou shalt take unto thee of all food that is eaten and thou shalt gather it to thee and It shall be food for thee and for them thus did Noah according to all that God commanded him So did he let us pray dear heavenly father lord. Thank you to be gathered in your house this morning I pray that you would just fill pastor with your spirit and we could just learn from your word And in Jesus name. Amen There in Genesis chapter 6 and I'm gonna be preaching on the flood this morning Which is kind of fitting because it just seems like it's just been raining forever And we've been getting all kinds of crazy storms and all that the humidity's I've been 100% seems like for the past like month I feel like we're in the Amazon, you know, where it just be like sunny and then all of a sudden boom There's this flash flood that happens so and we're preaching on this and I'm going through kind of a if you will a series of just basically big Bible stories and And we have a lot of children in our church, obviously And so I want the children especially listen up because you want to know these stories, you know As we go out soul winning a lot of times We'll run into younger people and stuff like that and they don't even know the story of Jonah and the whale They don't know the story of Noah and the flood and so They think that Joan Joan of Arc is is Noah's wife, you know, like like they get everything mixed up and and anyway, so two different thing or definitely completely different stories there, but So as you know, I don't have my sermon so but I'm gonna be going through this by memory And really I'm just gonna be telling this Preaching you to the story But the first thing I want to mention is go to a second Peter chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 so It might be a little slower because I actually have to turn to the pages. I Usually I'm cheating all the time because I have it printed out I'm like, hey turn to this and I'm like, hey turn to this Hey, we're going to this verse and I'm like just reading it off a list here and everybody's just like all over You know trying to get to it. So now I got to be there with you. So but second Peter chapter 2 Look down at verse 4 second Peter chapter 2 verse 4 says for if God spared not the angels that sin but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved under judgment and spared not the old world but saved Noah the eighth person a Preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly The flood is brought up in the New Testament as being an actual factual story that actually happens. So This story actually happened the earth was actually flooded completely and every every single creature man on land died except for Noah and his family and all the animals that they put on the ark and so this story actually happened and In the Bible's confirming that that is pointing back to this and stating that this event actually happened I think I was talking to brother Chris and we were talking about the Chinese language on the fact that Within their alphabet The flood stories in their alphabet so dealing with But you can look at all these different cultures and they all have a flood story That happens around the time that the Bible would even say it happened which makes sense, right? Because I mean Everybody came from sham ham and J. Sham ham and Japheth and the idea there is that obviously Everybody branched out from them and I'm sure that story got told down the line Obviously the Bible's the the story that's recorded in the Bible is the actual factual story Completely to the T. Whereas these other stories may differ a little bit And all that but a lot of them are dealing with eight people that were saved on a boat From a flood essentially, that's the story and they put animals on there And so I just want to point that out that this is a real story This actually happened. This will actually tie into being a fundamentalist on the afternoon service and the idea of what that means but So I want to start off with that is that this is a real story so when you read the story this this event happened and It obviously would be a terrifying event But let's see first of all what leads up to why God flooded the earth Okay, because that's the first question you have to ask is like why did you do it? Well, look at verse 1 there says it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were Born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all Which they chose now When you read this you may think well, you know, nothing seems out of the ordinary Except for people that don't believe the King James Bible and then they'll say well, these are angels that came down and You have these hybrid like angel human beings And these are the Giants, you know, this is Nephilim, you know and now The reason that that's ridiculous is because under which of the angels said he at any time now are my son this day I've ever gotten me you have a problem because God never calls Angels his children. Okay. Angels are a different type of flesh than human beings and There's not like this hybrid creatures that were going on by the way, they'll say that they're Giants right and And they'll say that's why he flood the earth because these Giants were on the earth. He had to destroy them Okay. Well, why are there Giants after the flood then? That's my question if that's really if that's really the the case, but when you read on when it comes to this Notice what says it says in the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that He also is flesh yet his days shall be in hundred and twenty years There were Giants in the earth in those days now that's just a statement right there were Giants in the earth in those days and Also after that, okay. I want this to be very clear and also after that The Sun when the sons of God came in and unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men which were of old Men of renown, so let me ask you a question Are the Giants the same as the children that were born unto the sons of God coming into the daughters men? No, they're completely different right? It says there were Giants in the earth in those days and after that When the sons of God came into the daughters of men Then there was men of renown, you know mighty men, right So what is this talking about? This is talking about the fact that sons of God are saved men Okay It's as many as you received him They did them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them to believe on his name You're all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus Daughters of men though are unsaved women Okay, so what's going on here? They're being unequally yoked You say is that a big downfall? Well, it's enough to where this is actually where it escalated into the flood Okay Now in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 and I had this in my notes but just for sake of time here you can look at it if you want, but it basically says to not be and I Not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers Okay, and it basically is talking about what what concord had Christ with Belial and in what agreement had light with darkness and it gets into the idea that unequally yoke with unbelievers Obviously marriage would be yoking up right? So you got also friendship, right? You don't want to just be like best buddies with someone that's an unbeliever. You want to be friends with believers But at the same time obviously when you when you're marrying somebody you're yoking up You're becoming one flesh. So I Believe a big downfall was the fact that you had believers marrying unbelievers okay, and also a big downfall is The fact that if you remember in chapter 4 when I was hitting on Cain and Abel and the fact that lame act Was basically justifying murdering somebody and saying well, you know if Cain Is gonna be avenged sevenfold then I'm gonna be avenged 70 70 and sevenfold, you know because This guy was like to my hurt, you know, basically this person wronged me Whereas Abel didn't do anything wrong. He just did right So he's basically trying to justify murder and it goes down to the line that the reason that the flood happened The reason that God destroyed the earth with a flood because it was filled with violence That's the reason not because there was these big Giants and God's like, how do I take him out? Okay, let's just kill everybody No, it's the fact that the earth was filled with violence, okay now notice what it says in verse 5 here knows in verse 5 Doesn't God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and at every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually Now go down the verse In verse 11 there says the earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence And God looked upon the earth and behold It was corrupted for all flesh that corrupted his way upon the earth and God said unto unto Noah The end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them with the earth. So let me ask you a question. Why is he destroying the earth? Is it because of Giants? and the reason I bring this up because children you may you may say I've never even heard the fact that is because of Giants or that angels came down and they You know mated with human beings and then you had these hybrid like giant creatures Okay, I'm saying this because listen read the Bible for what it says The Bible is very clear The reason he he destroys the earth is because it was filled with violence and because men's imaginations were on evil continually Okay, and that's why he flooded it That's why he destroyed everything and it was basically, you know, you think about the great reset That everybody talks about that's gonna happen and you know that the New World Order and the great reset and all that stuff This is what you call a great reset Okay, God resetted the whole earth right here and remember that it said in second Peter the old world the old world was destroyed right he spared not the old world and there's a lot of truth to this that before the flood people lived a lot longer didn't they and You'll find you'll find fossils and stuff of creatures being a lot larger than they are now You know human, you know, even human beings being being taller. I don't believe they were 450 feet tall though Okay, like the book Enoch says They weren't skyscrapers Okay 450 feet tall. I mean think about what that would mean. That's like What a hunt a 400 450 foot 400 story Building or something like that. I mean Something close to that is what you'd be dealing with there No, that's not what the Bible teaches when it talks about Giants talks about Goliath being a giant and he's like nine foot tall Hey, which is tall. Don't get me wrong But it's not 450 feet. It's not 45 feet Okay So I want to just kind of put all that out of the way Because people put in this like stuff that's just not in the Bible and Talk about reading between the lines. We talked about the gap theory and how reading between the lines on those two verses Talk about adding a whole bunch of stuff here about Giants and they're like the net now Listen, maybe back in the Hebrew there that the the Hebrew word for giant is Nephilim Okay, so they took the the Hebrew word and they start just making up stuff about it. It's such is what they're doing Okay, and these people don't speak Hebrew anyway, and by the way in Hebrew It's not gonna tell you anything different of what you're seeing right now. Okay, so I want to make this very clear that it's for violence. Now. What is what does God think about those that are violent? the Bible talks about the Lord triath the righteous, but him that that The wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hated now It's not not just someone that does violence someone that loves violence, but what is violence, right? Violence is when you're violating somebody. Okay, for example if if Brother Aaron and I were just like hey, we're gonna go we're gonna have a match in the Octagon, right? We're gonna we're gonna we're gonna do we're gonna you know, we're gonna duke it out or we're gonna do some rolling You know, we're gonna do some jiu-jitsu or whatever. He would win but in the end that's not violence Right because we both agree on it Right now if I just went up and just slug them in the face for no reason then I violated them, right? so there's a difference between you know, basically a Consensual fight if you will and stuff like that then violence Okay, or even being a soldier in the army because even John the Baptist says, you know Basically be content with your wages and do violence to no man So obviously he's not telling them to quit his job their job is being a soldier He's just basically saying, you know be content with your wages and do violence to no man That means you know do your job, but don't violate people. Okay, it'd be like a police officer, you know Do your job, but don't violate people. You're supposed to protect and serve not violate people, right? And so that's where You know, we think of the term violence now another thing to think about here is that God Repented that he made man. This is the first time repent is ever used in the Bible and I wish these repentance preachers Would read Genesis chapter 6 and understand that repent doesn't mean turn from sins Okay, God didn't turn from his sins that he made man. Okay Repent just means that it basically you're you made man and you're like, I'm not doing I'm gonna reverse that Okay, and here's how he's gonna reverse. He's gonna kill everybody Now obviously though there's a caveat because it says that Noah found grace in the eyes of Lord So he didn't destroy every single person, but pretty much except for the eight people Okay, so notice what it says here in verse In verse 8 there says but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a just man imperfect in his generations and Noah walked with God I want you to think about how just Noah had to be you think about Job, right? It says that he was the most just man upon the earth at the time Noah was that guy obviously right because he's the only one in his family that was saved from this flood and Ezekiel talks about how God's gonna destroy a city and he says He's like I he's basically says I would only save Noah Daniel and job That's it To just give you an idea how righteous Noah was He's in this like group of three Noah Daniel and Job. He said I would only save them and I wouldn't even save their families I would just save them that's how angry he was and that's how how much he was gonna destroy that city Okay So Noah obviously was just and it talks about how Noah's a preacher of righteousness In the New Testament it talks about how he's a preacher of righteousness When when and they kind of get back to the you know, what's this 120 years? Okay, it says that the spirit of it says my spirit in verse 3 there and if I'm a little all over the place I Don't have any notes. So just bear with me in Verse 3 there. It says the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that. He also is flesh This kind of goes into the fact that we were talking about Cain in the fact that he is a reprobate He's a child of the devil and it's basically stating that God doesn't always strive with man meaning that there will be there can come a point where he just completely rejects somebody and Here he rejects literally all mankind to where he's gonna destroy them all but except for Noah and his family But it says yet his day shall be in 120 years now. I do not believe Now there could be maybe a little bit of like secondary meaning here I don't believe this is stating like now you're only gonna live to 120 years old Okay And the reason why I say that is because there's people that live past that after the flood It even way after the flood. I forget the priests name Or the prophets name But It's in the in the book of Kings. It's in Chronicles where he lives to 130 Okay, and that's way after the flood So you're way after the point where people are, you know, because you think of like Jacob He lives a long time and it's kind of going down the line but then he just gets down to like, you know, Moses lives 120 right and then you know, I think His his you know, Aaron and Miriam live a little longer, you know, like a year or two, you know Like however older they are from him because they all died basically at the same time What I believe this is stating is that from when God's the states here that hey There I'm gonna destroy the earth from when he stated that it was 120 years till the flood came Okay, and you say well, it was 120 years Well, what you have to understand is that in chapter 5 it talks about Noah It says he was 500 years old when he begets says he beget Shem, Ham and Japheth. I Believe that's when he talked to Noah here and stated I'm going to flood the earth. You need to make an ark When did he when did the flood come in his 600th year So it was a hundred years Then he's building this ark and he's a preacher of righteousness and he's preaching Obviously, I believe the gospel and preaching righteousness and preaching the kingdom of God same gospel obviously that we preach today, but That's what I believe that stating is that is 120 years from when God stated. So Show the law, you know, you know what the shows is long-suffering of God He didn't just like say I'm gonna destroy the earth and boom that day is gone. Right? He gives 120 years You know that he's stating this and then basically after 20 years of stating that he's telling Noah like hey You need to build an ark and this floods coming and he's warning Noah about it and his family's the only one that's gonna be safe okay, and When it comes down to this There's eight people because it was Noah and his wife. So that's two and then you had his three sons Right, so that would be five but then his three sons had wives. Okay, so that makes eight so there's eight souls that are saved by water the Bible says in in First Peter chapter 3 The reason it's by water is because it's obviously a picture and a figure of the fact that all the filthiness of the flesh is all washed away with the flood and all that but so We see that the earth is going to be destroyed why violence now this shows you if you think about When Jesus comes the second time it uses the flood as an example saying it's going to be like the days of Noah One because they don't know it's kind of they're basically eating drinking they're married, you know And until the flood comes and then they're all destroyed, right? But also the fact is that as you see the day approaching it says that the love of many shall wax cold When sin sin shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold that's what you see here before the flood comes and We'll get to the fact that he promises he's not gonna he's not gonna flood the earth He's not gonna destroy the earth by water again, but that doesn't mean he's not gonna destroy it by fire later now Look at verse 14 there. It says he tells Noah it says make the an ark of gopher wood Rooms shalt thou make in the ark and shall pitch it pitch it within and without with pitch Okay, so we don't really know what gopher wood is, you know, what type of wood that is obviously it's got to be a straw It's not balsa wood He didn't make it out of popsicle sticks But whatever wood it was obviously it was strong But it says pitching it within and without with pitch meaning that if they seal it So if you think about if you were to build a wooden ship There's like stuff that you basically to make sure that nothing gets between the boards or even through the wood itself. Okay To make it to seal it. So water doesn't get in. Okay So he tells them to make this ark and if you're like, what's an ark? Well, what did what they put Moses in a little ark a bull rushes, okay, it's a little boat is what it is essentially That's Moses. This is a big boat. Okay. So let's look at this this boat. Let's think about what it looks like. Okay It says and this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits now if you remember a cubit is a foot and a half. So 300 cubits is what? Four hundred and fifty foot long Now you could look this up, but it basically if you think about the Titanic, it's just a little smaller than the Titanic Okay Now obviously there's bigger ships now than the Titanic, but the Titanic was made out of steel This is made out of wood. Okay. So this is a massive wood structure that This arc is okay. So it's 450 feet long. It says the breadth of it is 50 cubits. So that's 75 feet, right My math is right anybody if I'm messing up just forgive me. So just yell at me and say no, it's whatever but And the height there at the height of it is 30 cubits. Okay, so you're dealing with 45 foot tall now you want to think about just to give you an idea what that that would feel like a 45 foot structure is like a four-story building essentially So that's how tall it is. Basically like if you saw a four-story building, that's how tall it is It says in a window shalt thou make to the arc in a cubit in a cubit shalt thou finish it above and the Door of the arc shalt thou set in the side thereof with lower second and third stories shalt thou make it So what this is stating here is that one there's there's a window which later on is going to be important because he sends out the raven and the dove and all that but It's saying there's there's a second and third stories below, right? So there's lower second and third stories shalt thou make it Okay, so basically if you're thinking about it's like on the top is the first second third So there's three stories now I you're like, well you said it was a four-story building Yeah, but a four-story buildings like if you have ceilings this high You're putting drafts and elephants in this thing You're probably gonna want it to be a little taller ceilings Okay, so I'm just giving you a rough idea so you can kind of imagine what how tall this is So obviously the the ceiling height was a little higher, you know, you know for the animals So just to give you an idea 450 feet long we have what 75 feet wide and Then it's about 45 feet tall. Okay And notice that the the doors on the side, right So if you probably seen the pictures where they have the door and there's like a ramp of animals going into the side of it I mean, that's Pretty accurate. It doesn't say there was a ramp But I mean, I would imagine that there's probably some way and they probably have stairs in this thing It doesn't tell us all the little intricate details of how this art was made or like what exactly it looked like but the door was on the side and It says in verse 17 it says behold I even I do bring I Bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh wherein is the breath of life from the From under heaven and everything that is in the earth shall die But with thee will I establish my covenant now shall come into the the ark thou and thy sons and thy wife and thy sons wives with thee So basically he's stating that You're gonna come into the ark your family's gonna come into the ark all the animals are gonna come to the ark and It states here that it's gonna be basically two of every sort. Okay, so male and female So what is he doing? He's preserving the animals. Okay, he's gonna destroy all the animals with man and He's basically gonna make that's why his son's wives are with him. Okay, and His wife is there as well is so that they can later on is gonna say to Multiply be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. Okay, so obviously God's gonna Do this reset button But then all the animals are gonna base to reproduce and repopulate the earth and and so is man the same thing there Okay So go to chapter 7 chapter 7 is actually where the flood Happens. Okay. So chapter 6 kind of sets you up as far as like, okay, here's why it's happening. Here's why he's destroying the earth And he's telling Noah to build this ark you say well how in the world can him and his sons build this ark Well, he had a hundred years to do it. Okay And It also talked about how Noah was the heir of righteousness Okay, and what does that mean? He's in the line of Jesus kind of has to be right if he's the last, you know Like he is the patriarch of the whole world after this flood Right, whereas Adam was the patriarch obviously from the very beginning and he's still the patriarch of the whole world But Noah came down to where Noah became the patriarch of the whole world that we know of today Okay, we all go back to Noah We all go back to Adam as well But it all got neck down to where you have Noah as being our great-great-great-great grandfather go down the line, right? So Let's get into the flood. So you see the ark the ark is three stories inside this thing There's a door on the side where you're gonna come in There's a window but it's basically that window shut until You know, basically they they they land on the mountains of Ararat and and they're waiting to see if everything's dry. Okay So when this flood happens, I want you to think about the fact that you can't see what's going on outside Okay It kind of ties into a little bit that you know how like Lot and his wife not looking back They can't look on the destruction that's happening right? So him and his family don't see the destruction that's happening They can't even look at it because there's no window to look at the one window. They have is shut and so later but Let's look at the where the flood comes on here. It says in verse 7 here It says in the Lord said of Noah come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen Righteous before me in this generation and then he goes on to say The animals that are coming in and some animals he's bringing in that are by sevens. Okay, and I'm gonna explain this really quick. Okay Every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens male and female now the clean beast was because they would do sacrifices after the flood and they still had that He wanted those animals to still be able to reproduce Okay So I believe he had two and two that were reap gonna be reproducing but he had sevens so that they could basically You know do sacrifices so right after the flood they're doing a sacrifice all that So if they didn't have more than two up so much for all the clean animals Right are all the sack the animals they used for sacrifice It also talks about the fact that the fowls were by sevens and now is the maintain in verse Verse Three there says all fowls also of the error by sevens the male and the female to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth now this just has to do with how what birds do for the The ecosystem if you will write the idea there is that? It has to do with the trees and how things are gonna be planted I mean if you think about this in those that are I forget what the term is called that deal with bees It What is it a pieris or something like that apies doesn't sound anything like you would think it would but Anyway, if you're an apies you understand that You need like trees and you need stuff for the the bees to pollinate in order to Basically have honey. Okay, and basically these things kind of work in tandem I think there's even like, you know, correct me if I'm wrong But what tree basically have a male and a female tree that have to pollinate each other? And or they they won't survive and it's just very interesting Anyway, not to get off on all that but the idea here Is that the fowls were by sevens because there needed to be more more fowls to basically do, you know Restart everything. Okay, so you'll have people to be like, well, you know, what did you bring you in by twos or by sevens? You know over here says by twos over here says by sevens like well he did bring them by twos But there were certain animals he brought by sevens and there's reasons why he brought him by sevens But I'll say this if there's sevens. There's 14 of them. Guess what? There's two of them in the midst of that It didn't say only brought two fowls and then over here it says he brought seven it just you know, so anyway And then going down the line here go down to verse Verse six says Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth so there's you get that hundred year where he's five hundred years old God's telling him hey, I'm gonna destroy the earth and six hundred years old Obviously before the flood people live longer and then In verse seven there says Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his sons wives with him into the ark Because of the waters of the flood now if you remember before it it talks about God tells them come into the ark Now the thing that meant to denote with that is that for God to say come into the ark he had to be in the ark okay, and Obviously, I'm talking about the physical story here, but you can obviously see the spiritual application of salvation God's saying come into the ark you come into the ark and He's saving you out of all all destruction. Okay, come on to me you know as Jesus would say and so You can definitely see salvation here and the fact that That God's saving them from this physical flood now. I don't I'll state this I do not believe that everybody died in the flood was unsaved okay, and You know that that's just I believe a fact that Noah and his family weren't the only safe people in the world But this gets into the fact that if you look at first Peter chapter three It talks about the flood and and how that pictures baptism of like obviously Jesus baptism the death and resurrection but it talks about how For this for for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead That they might be justified in the spirit But judge according to men in the flesh if I misquoted that I apologize but the idea there is that They're justified in the spirit and there's people that I believe were saved that died in the flood But they're judged according to men in the flesh meaning that they still had the penalty of their sins on that And that's why you know, it's kind of silly when people are like, you know, it was under the blood, you know Like I did that in the past. It's under the blood. It's like you doing it when you're unsaved you doing it now You still have consequences, right? It's not like I did all this stuff before I was unsaved I had zero consequences for that But if I do it when I'm saved there's where the consequences are at No, if you get saved you you make you're gonna still suffer the consequences for the sins that you've done in the flesh Now you're going to heaven and obviously all that stuff's washed away and it's not gonna be mentioned again You know when when you're in heaven, it's gone, you know and here here on earth spiritually speaking you're safe But you still have those consequences. You can't just murder somebody Get saved the next day and be like I have no consequences for that murder Right you can get saved I'm not saying someone can't get saved they do that But at the same time you're gonna have consequences for that okay, so Where was I at? Where am I at on this story here now and uh? What verse was I on? Look at verse Verse 11 there It says in the 600th year of Noah's life in the second month in the 17th day of the month The same day where all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened and The rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights, so let's talk about this now You say why is it so specific on his like when this happened right? It's like the 600th year the second month on the 17th day of the month It's very specific because it's gonna tell you the exact day that The whole earth was dried It's gonna tell you the day that the ground was dry where he was at and it's gonna tell you the day that the whole Earth was dried, and it's literally a year and ten days Okay You know what and just just so you know it's like that wasn't put in there by accident It's giving you this because they gave me another marker to say okay How long did all this take from when the flood happens to where they get off the ark is a year and ten days Think about that they're on this ark for a year and ten days So it's pretty intense Actually they're on there longer than that because after it's dried up. They're they're on there waiting Even longer than that okay, so I don't want to get into that kind of detail this morning, okay? You can map this out and know exactly how long everything took okay, but Here's the thing though here's what people will say was like well if it rained 40 days and 40 nights There's no way that that could flood the whole earth agreed But that's not just what happened notice that that's actually the last thing it mentions What's the first thing that it mentions here? It says that the fountains of the great deep Broke I'm sorry. I'm missing the grammar there the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up So the big thing that happened here is that the water underneath the earth came shooting out of the earth You say where'd all the water go it's still here. It's in the ocean now what you have to understand is think about how deep the ocean is and I don't know the details as far as like how this happened, but it talks about how the water is assuaged And came off the dry land But think about this okay, and just bear with me about how this would happen, okay? Imagine that at the time is pretty much all land. There's probably some bodies of water, but it wasn't oceans, okay? But then you have these big chambers of water, which you still have today. Okay? There's still water under us There's there's water. There's a water table. There's water underneath of us, but I don't believe as much as there used to be But imagine if there's all this water and think about a volcano how pressure can build up and then it would shoot up with lava Well, I believe the same thing happened with the water that was underneath the earth when the fountains of the great deep broke open So the fountains of the great deep okay in the oceans called the deep right the great deep So what happened? I believe is all the water shoot up out of the ground obviously. It's raining as well Okay, so it's rental downpours that are happening for 40 days and 40 nights So you're like, ah, man, it's been raining for a long time, but has it been raining for 40 days and 40 nights straight No, okay So that being said it's obviously raining but all that's coming up and what I believe happened As far as like where'd the water go think about if all those chambers got emptied. I believe Essentially those chambers could collapse Where the oceans are at? Okay, and All that water receded down to where it was a void where the the water was, okay So I'm just trying to just how I think about like, okay How how do how is it not still covering the land right? Something had to happen underneath to cause that to be a space for that water to go There's also theories on the fact of the fact that there wasn't as high of mountains as there are now And if you think about the mountain ranges are like kind of on the coasts If you think about the Appalachian Mountains are on the coast of Of the United States, but then you have what's the mountains on the the Sierra is it Sierra Mountains or what? What is that? Over I know you have the Rocky Mountains and all that stuff. But what's over in, California What is it? Sierra Nevada, so So that mountain range is kind of running up and you think about like in India you have that mountain range is kind of going East to west where you have, you know, obviously the highest mountain in the world Mount Everest the idea there is that things could have shifted to where it shot up the mountains and then all the water came off and Then you have different things like the Grand Canyon happening I believe because of the flood and all that because the water's assuage and just basically resurface the earth To a large extent, okay so That's a big thing when you think about the flood coming where the water come from It wasn't it wasn't really all because of the rain I'm sure the rain added to it right because I mean it rains now when it floods But it's not gonna flood to that extent. Okay, because what we're gonna see keep reading here Let me find we're at because the self-same day they go into the arc and This thing the state here is that in this chapter it states that seven days before the flood happens He says come into the art and I believe what's going on there is that for seven days? They're basically putting these animals on the art getting everything set up, right? Who here is moved? I understand this Extremely well right now that it takes time to move everything It takes time to get everything put into order But imagine putting elephants and giraffes and you know all this other stuff in there and you're trying to put all these animals where they're at and And Seven days of that but on the self-same day in verse 13 and the self-same day entered Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth and the son the sons of Noah and Noah's wife and their three wives and his sons with them into the ark so You know that you'll have pre-tribbers out there be like well see there's this seven days which represents the seven-year tribulation and and They went in seven days before the flood came and therefore You know we're gonna be raptured out, brother It's like yeah, you know that's my clear clear Text is I'm gonna go to the flood and talk about seven days representing seven years and go through that rapid trail when the Bible says immediately after the tribulation of those days is when he's gonna come and get us but But we see actually though the self-same day that the flood came which actually lines up with what we believe Is that you're gonna have tribulation the self-same day? That that were taken out and we're raptured God pours judgment on this earth and his wrath's getting poured out So it actually does work out with what the Bible teaches on end times but Going down the line here. So let me let me see verse 17 it says in the flood was 40 days upon upon the earth and The waters increased and bear up the ark and it was lifted up upon the earth So basically all this happening where where the waters coming up it took 40 days So you think it's raining 40 days and 40 nights Obviously the fountains of the great deep were broken up or broken open So everything is basically bringing up and it's kind of rising up the ark was just sitting on land But now it's bearing up on the water Everybody's dying. Okay, obviously during this except for those that are in the ark and it says I was verse 17 there it says verse verse 18 and the waters prevailed and were increased greatly upon the earth and the ark went up upon the face of The waters and the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered 15 cubits upward did the waters prevail and the mountains were covered Everything was covered this wasn't a local flood my friends Because you know people like they think of a local flood they'll try to say well It's just this one portion of the earth Then you wouldn't build an ark you just move all the animals to the other side of the earth that it's getting flooded Okay You know people just try to want to make excuses after excuses for the Bible. Why don't you just believe what the Bible teaches that? He actually flooded everything and it went over every mountain 15 cubits over every mountain so it wasn't just like it just crested over the mountain 15 cubits over it, okay Now, like I said, the mountains could have been the same and maybe the landscape was the same except for where the oceans are at And that all basically is where all the water went It's very possible right because you'll see the river Euphrates mentioned, you know in The Garden of Eden then you'll see it mentioned later on. Is it the same river or they just name it differently? You know, that's that's something you can think about, you know As far as how much did it re-landscape the earth? We know that obviously you think of Grand Canyon Stuff got got got, you know Rearranged if you will But I don't believe there were oceans like there is today The earth was made was formed to be inhabited and 80% of the earth right now is water So it's funny when people are like, oh you believe in a flood 80% of the world is water and think about how deep that water is Okay, when you're out just coming off the coast, it's like 60 feet deep but you go out further than that You're talking thousands of feet Thousands, I mean you're going down miles And then think about you know the fact of that covering the whole earth and all that now So Trying to find out where I was at here So yeah, all the mountains were covered It says in all flesh verse 21 and all flesh died that moved upon the earth both fowl and of cattle and of beasts and Every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and every man all and whose nostrils was the breath of life Of all that was in the dry land died Now the thing that I kind of want to point out here is remember we talked about the spirit soul and body It talks about how God breathed into Adam the breath of life and he became a living soul I do believe this is the difference Animals have the breath of life they have life which would be the spirit right the spirit of the beast that go with downward the spirit of man go with upward So everything that had the breath of life. So when you see breath of life, you'd be like, well, I thought only Only man and woman has the breath of life. No, that's different than the soul Okay, but what you won't see is where it talks about the soul of this animal Okay You know soul body and spirit of the animal So when it says breath of life, it's talking about every living creature everything is breathing, okay Obviously it's talking about that's on dry land because there are creatures that breathe air in the ocean. Hey whales, for example How do you get the whales on there didn't have to they just got more area to swim around? That's lukewarm and disgusting No, we're is our sign up over there. Oh, it's not up here. Yeah That's fitting right there Lukewarm spew to the out of my mouth. You're in the splash zone right now if I were to take a bigger sip It might have been dangerous So we see here that the waters prevailed Notice what it says here in verse 24. Okay, and if I'm if I miss a detail here I apologize, but I'm just kind of going through the story here It says and the waters prevailed upon the earth in a hundred and fifty days or five months. Okay? So basically what it's stating here is that for five months the waters were upon the whole earth completely covering it So could anybody survive that? Yeah, I know there's there's biblical movies out there There was a biblical movie where a lot Like came up on the boat like he was on a boat and he came up to the ark or something like that I'm like what a lot lot Like you get a time machine He's like Marty McFly came by here and got on the ark. I mean that you might as well say that Just don't look at the biblical movies as being anything accurate And you know that I never watched the Noah movie that Russell Crowe was in is a Russell Crowe that guy You know the guy that was in gladiator I never watched that movie but they had like I just saw clips where there's like these stone Giants and there's like this magical stuff that's going on and like all this crazy stuff And then he's kind of he wanted to kill it like some child or something. It's just weird stuff Just don't go to the movies to try to get any type of biblical accuracy when it comes to this Just go to you need to go to the Bible itself. And listen, there's gonna be You're gonna breathe through this me like That's it. You know, like you read three chapters and you're like, that's the whole story Sometimes really big stories are just one chapter And But don't just start filling in stuff. That's not there. Okay, just take what it says and go with that okay, so for five months the Earth's prevailed and Notice what says in verse 1 of chapter 8. So if you think about the flood story you're going from chapter 6 to The end of chapter 6 to the beginning of chapter 9, okay So there are some chapters in there to kind of tell you what's going on And I don't want to get into the weeds too much on like how long everything was But remember that the earth wasn't dried until a year later from when the flood happened where five months that the waters were Prevailing okay, and what happens though once that five months is done It says and God remembered Noah and every living creature every living thing and all the cattle that was with him in the ark and God made a Wind to pass over the earth in the waters of suede now This is very interesting and I'm not saying I understand it But you say well what caused the waters to start assuaging assuaging basically means it's like going it's going down, right? But he caused this wind To cause this to happen okay, and I mean, it's not the only time that this is by the breath of his nostrils He caused the waters to divide, you know when it comes to the parting of the Red Sea So somehow is what he caused these waters to assuage Okay, and obviously I think that it probably just went down to where the chambers and that all broke up and and that's just my Theory on where the waters went and that all the waters from the flood is still here It just got relocated to where it's not overall dry land anymore. Okay But the waters assuaged it says in the fountains Also the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained and the waters returned from off the earth Continually and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated Okay, so Basically at that point the waters were abated meaning that the waters have assuaged But what it comes down to is that? They Didn't just get out of the ark Okay, because notice it says in the waters decreased in verse 5 continually until the tenth month in the tenth month I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I meant to read verse 4 there verse 4 says in the ark rested in the seventh month on the 17th day of the month Upon the mountains of Ararat, so five months until the the waters abated But notice that the waters are abating but the arcs going down and then it has a resting place In the seventh month, it's resting upon the mountains of Ararat. That's important because there's the Mount Ararat and People are like that's where Noah's arcs at Well, there's the mountains of Ararat. So we don't really know where exactly it fell but honestly it's made of wood So for that it's for someone to say I found the ark I'm not saying it's not out there. Okay, but I wouldn't just be holding my breath be like we need to find this arc Because I mean really I mean think about how many thousands years ago this was you're dealing with a wood structure I mean think about how people are just gonna tear that thing apart use it, whatever Who knows right so? It could be out there, but there's always stories where we found the arc, but then we you know They all died, you know, or they they got pictures of it and then that that something happened to it. And So Anyway, I you don't really you don't need that to know that this is true, okay so it the water's assuage and the arc rests on the mountains of Ararat and It came to pass at the end of 40 days that Noah opened the window of the arc Which he had made so at this point the window wasn't open. I Want you to think about how torture at what tortures it probably be to be in this arc where you can't see anything But you're just like I mean, I don't think they had Dramamine back then, you know And obviously eventually you're gonna have to get over it or die, you know But I can imagine getting used to that, you know, and you can't see anything So you're just in this the worst thing about the you know When you're on like on ocean or whatever is when you can't see like a horizon or a fixed point So when you're if you're on a boat and you're getting sick don't go into the cabin Okay, big mistake you're like I'm gonna go into the cabin I'm feeling sick No, you need to find her you need to find like a fixed like landmark and can now if you're out in the middle of the ocean you're not well Find the edge of the boat, you know But if you can find if you can see like the the horizon you can see like land fix your eyes on that But you can't do that in the art. Could you I mean you're basically in this arc just moving around in this thing You know, I don't know that's how bad it was. It's a big art, you know but so they open this window and They're gonna send out now you probably heard of the dove, but that's not the first bird that was sent out So this is something that you should know is that he first sends out a raven Look at verse 7 says and he sent forth a raven which went forth to and fro until the waters were dried up From off the earth also, he sent forth a dove from him To see if the waters were abated from the face of the other on the face of the ground So it could very well be that he sent him out at the same time. Okay But what we'll see is the raven doesn't return the dove comes back and I could get into this big story about how the raven goes out and lives in the world and and You know, you don't want to be like the raven you want to come back like the dove, you know But I'm not getting into that was the brother they were you don't want to tell me about that How it's like the sermon of the Baptist sermon like that's always preached out there and I'm like I've never heard that You know, but anyway So the raven goes out. He says a dove as well. Okay, it says but the dove found. I'm sorry in verse It says in verse set in verse 9 but the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot and she returned unto him into the ark for the waters were were on the face of Face of the whole earth then he put forth his hand and took her and pulled her into the unto him into the ark So basically the dove comes back You know basically has nowhere to rest I don't know the raven just goes out there and dies or maybe the raven the raven came back and he just doesn't mention it Okay So sometimes you don't want to just you know make up stories and be like he went out there and he died because he didn't come back to the Lord and you know, like but Now Verse 10 here. It says and he stayed yet other seven days So he waits a week and again, he sent forth the dove out of the ark So the Ravens mentioned once and then you never hear about this raven again The delve is sent out three times So the dove comes goes out comes back doesn't have any rest for his feet But then he sends out the dove again and says and the dove came in Into him in the evening and low in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off So no one knew that the waters were abated from off the earth And he stayed yet other seven days and sent forth the dove which returned not again unto him anymore So basically sends up the dove dove comes back You know nothing in his mouth just nowhere to rest dove goes out again Obviously finds a branch and brings a piece of that branch back with an olive leaf on it So it's obviously growing things are growing out there right and the and it comes back and then he sends it out again So this is like a week week week, right? And then the third time he sends the dove out doesn't come out so he knows now like okay The doves like just live in its life out there, right? So it says and it came to pass in verse verse 13. It says came pass in the six hundredth and 600th and first year so one year later right in the first month the first day of the month the waters were dried up from off the earth and Noah removed the covering of the ark and looked and behold the face of the ground was dry and in the second month on the seventh and twentieth day of the month was the earth dried so Let you know basically the first month then you go into the second month and it's talking about basically it's dry But then not the whole earth was dried and all that and that's where you get into that year in ten days So That's basically the story that we see here with Noah in the ark and the fact that you know this this this whole Cataclysmic event happens to where he destroys everybody but his family and the animals that are on this ark and We're gonna see here that he makes a covenant with with Noah The last thing I want to mention here is that he makes a covenant with Noah and and his family that he's not gonna do This again, okay that this is a one-time thing So whenever you're like, yeah, there's movies out there. There's there was something stupid movie what they call 2012 or something like that where where they They flooded the earth was gonna flood because the global warming, okay And I want you to see how much this flies in the face of the Bible though You know when people are just like, oh aren't you worried about the world flooding and you know, you scare you So, you know, did you see that movie? First of all, I didn't see the movie but second of all, no Okay, let me tell you why I'm not afraid of the earth flooding because of global warming Okay, notice what it says in verse 21 of chapter 8. It says in the Lord's Basically do a sacrifice Unto the Lord just so you can see that there in verse verse 20 It says in the Lord smelled a sweet savor and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth Neither will I again smite anymore everything living as I have done While the earth remain its seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease So when people are just like, oh, you know, we're gonna it's just gonna be summertime all the time And it's gonna just it's gonna be Arizona everywhere. Okay, you know, it's That's just not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that there's gonna be harvest. There's gonna be seed time There's gonna be cold and there's gonna be heat so the seasons are gonna be there and Nothing's going to change that Also, he's not going to destroy every creature like he did with the flood now go to chapter 9 because he's gonna he's gonna give a sign if you will and I was gonna get into the fact that After the flood here God puts a penalty on murder he puts the death penalty on murder So It talks about in verse 6 there It says who serve chef man's blood by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of God Made he man. So if you remember violence and lame act you remember lame act basically stating, you know Well, if Cain was gonna be avenged sevenfold and how much more you know and and how that turned down into violence and the idea there is that after the flood death penalty capital punishment was put on murder and I believe that's very crucial and you may say well, why is that? Just you know, it just kind of seems out of place But if you think about with Cain and Abel the story that happened before and how to spiral down Think about how our society is gonna spiral down if you don't have penalties on murderers We don't have if you don't have capital punishment on murderers on rapists You know on people that are gonna molest children like that type of stuff Needs to be nipped in the bud and the Bible is very clear on when that's not done speedily then It's put into the heart of man to do evil Because they know there's no consequence. There's no there's not gonna be a consequence at least a big consequence For what they do Okay so and you can read here where he talks about replenishing the earth being fruitful and multiplying in chapter 9 here and notice what it says here in verse 12 Okay, our verse 11. Let's look at verse 11 of chapter 9 It says and I will establish my covenant with you neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood So notice that he's stating here by the waters of the flood. Okay? Because when Jesus comes back He's gonna destroy this earth now. I don't believe he destroys every single person, you know and all that I believe things are gonna be renewed and all that and that's another sermon for another day But he's not gonna do it with a flood. Okay, and Then it says neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth, okay, so this is very clear So when people are like they make these movies like all the whole earth is gonna be flood We need to build arcs and we need to get on them. It's a bunch of hogwash Okay, not gonna happen There's things that I worry about and there's things that I don't worry about and one thing I don't worry about is that the worth Their whole world is gonna be flooded. Okay, because it's just not gonna happen It says in God said this is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for perpetual Generations I do set my bow in the cloud and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth And it shall come to pass When I bring cloud over the earth that the bow shall be seen in the cloud and I will remember my covenant Which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh and the water shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh and the bow shall be in the cloud and I will look upon it that I may remember the Everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth So and it says in God said unto Noah This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth What's the boat the rainbow? Right the rainbow that you see and what that is is dealing with obviously when it rains If you have a cloud and it rains normally when you see a rainbow you have sunlight that's hitting it, right? That's why you see a rainbow. Okay, if it's just dark and dismal and it's just like this ominous like storm that's hitting you You're probably not gonna see a rainbow because it has to do with light going through the spectrum and it dealing with water and you See this rainbow. Okay, so the rainbow is Ultimately the covenant that God makes with man And with every living creature that he's not gonna flood the earth again, he's not going to destroy it With water it's interesting because the sodomites and all the the reprobates out there use the rainbow as their at their pride symbol And it's literally a token which there's two sides to every coin isn't there? and on the one side you have salvation on the other side you have complete destruction and It's interesting that they're literally holding it up as a banner when God destroyed the earth because of violence when God destroyed all flesh and You know, it's just basically you might they might be holding up a lightning rod in a lightning storm You know because that's what's waiting for him, but I I love the rainbow, you know, it's sad today That my kids my kids will get like this rainbow colored, you know, like like little thing that holds their crayons or or whatever and I'm just like Because the wicked Vile people this world have taken something that's beautiful something that's over the throne of God It talked about a rainbow being over the throne of God This beautiful thing that's going to be for all eternity and they just defile it But you know what it's gonna come on their own Pate being on their own head and That destruction is coming for them because there's two things that are mentioned in the Bible when it comes to God that he points back to when he's gonna destroy the Earth when he comes the second time one is the flood the other is Sodom and Gomorrah and one's by water one's by by fire and It's coming by fire and second Peter chapter 3 hits on that on the fact and I'm gonna be actually going into that passage tonight Dealing with my sermon, so I don't want to really Get into that right now, but it basically talks about how it was destroyed by water, but he's reserving it for fire. Okay? So That's the story of the flood If you wanted more detailed sermons on that I did go through Genesis so you can look through each chapter and there's a sermon on each Chapter where I really get into more of the details on the timeline and and get into more of the details on all the stuff That's being said there, but know this is that this story actually happened And you should know this story, right? You should know why did he destroy the earth? You should know that God repented You know what everybody's like, you know, the Lord repents in there, you know, that means you gotta turn for your sins Taking the Genesis chapter 6 be like have you not read the flood story? And if you don't know the flood story, then you're not fit to be a pastor and you're not fit to tell anybody about salvation You don't know Noah in the flood Now children, obviously, I'm not talking to you at the same time. You should know Noah in the flood though Okay, but when you deal with when you deal with adults that don't know this story and can't you know Find out that God repented the first person actually the person that repents the most in the Bible is God And it's not it's obviously not talking about him turning from his sins Okay, so that that's the flood story and if you have any questions about that, obviously you can ask me later But I'm gonna be continuing going through big stories in the Bible. Not sure which one I'm going to next But we'll figure that out later. So let's end with a word prayer. I definitely probably think of today Thank you for your work. Thank you for this story and Lord Just just thank you for your promises that you've given us and just help us to being bring glory to your name help us to be like Noah and that be righteous and to Find grace and in your eyes in this life and to serve you and to be and to be just Men and women in this earth and what we just love you in parallel to use Christ's name. Amen So right they even come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed you All right, take your song books and turn to song 410 Song 410 in your song books if you would stand we'll sing Faith is the victory Yep, faith is the victory song 410 and Encamped along the hills of light ye Christian soldiers rise And press the battle ere the night shall veil the glowing skies Against the foe and veils below let all our strength be hurled Faith is the victory We know That overcomes the world Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh Glorious victory that overcomes the world His banner over us is love our sword the Word of God We tread the road the Saints above with shouts of triumph trod By faith they like a whirlwind's breath swept on or every field The faith by which they conquered death Is still our shining shield? Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory That overcomes the world on every hand the foe we find drawn up in dread array Let tents of ease be left behind and onward to the fray salvation's helmet on each head with truth on gird about the earth shall tremble neath our tread and echo with our shout Faith is the victory Faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the