(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's a lot of tricky verses in there and one thing that I want to kind of point out is There's one verse that says Bring therefore fruits meet for repentance. That's one phrase that everybody is trying to figure out. What does that mean? There's another verse where it says I am the baptizing water unto repentance. What does that mean? What is this? Baptism of repentance, you know There's a lot of these words and phrases that people are like we got repent of your sins Baptized and then you got to show fruit to be saved That's basically what everybody is saying with this passage. I'm just putting that in a real short, you know, that's the false way to look at it, of course but what I was reading and what kind of brought this to my attention I was reading through Mark and In Mark chapter 1, of course, it starts off with y'all the Baptist So you have Matthew 3 Mark 1 and then you have Luke 3 that are basically like parallel passages Luke 1 of course talks about the birth of John the Baptist and you know Basically what he's going to do and then in John 1 and then John 3 you got John the Baptist There's a lot of places where John the Baptist is talking and what's preaching what people are saying about everything else Even Jesus said, you know the baptism of John was it of heaven or of men? So he called it the baptism of John, but if you go to Mark chapter 1 verse 4 I'm reading this and it's interesting because I'm always trying to you know, look at grammar and the way things are set up But in Mark chapter 1 verse 4 it says John did baptize in the wilderness and preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins and The first thing I'm noticing here why doesn't it say and preached the baptism of repentance Why does it say preach? It was in the past tense before but if you look at just the way like did is you would say Basically you break this into two segments John did baptize in the wilderness and that did goes for what's in the hand as well and did preach The baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. So I believe the baptism of John broken up into two things what he preached the baptism of repentance and the actual baptism of Water so he preached the baptism of repentance and he baptized people in water Okay, so they're not the same like baptism repentance. I don't believe is is the actual water baptism I believe he did water, but you know, he did physically baptize people just like Jesus disciples didn't everything else and I'll Show that and prove that but one thing I want you to see here is what it does not say It does not say repent of your sins now I know that that repentance is in there and of your sins is in there But we don't read this Autistically and just start leaving out parts of the sentence You got to look at grammar and you got to look at the other words that are there So you can't just say repentance and then just leave out for the remission of sins and just say you gotta remember your sins so Clearly it says the baptism of repentance and this is what that's for for the remission of sins The Bible says in Acts 10 verse 43 in Romans 3 29 that we receive the remission of sins. It says Whosoever believeth in him shall receive the remission of sins in Acts and then in Romans 3 it says by faith in his blood So it's always by faith that we receive the remission of sins Baptism is always a picture of that. Of course. We know that The Baptism picture is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, which is what we're saved by so Baptism shows how he did get the remission of our sins how to pay for our sins having atone for it But it's of course by faith that we receive not by getting dunked underneath the water But I just want you to see that that there's two parts in there And that verse really stuck out to me because you almost have to look at it in two parts because you had to take that John did to the other portion of the passage. It's not they're basically two separate thoughts so What is the baptism of repentance? Well the main passage I want you to kind of keep your Your finger in is in Acts 19 at the beginning of Acts chapter 19 Basically, the Bible really just spells out what this baptism of repentance Really is and we're going to be going there for a lot of different things And actually this this passage answers a lot of these questions in Acts chapter 19 I just want to read verse three and four right now and says he said unto them Unto what then were you baptized and they said unto John's baptism, so we're talking about these people that were disciples of John And everything else, but they said they didn't know who the Holy Ghost was or that there even was a Holy Ghost so He's basically saying unto what then were you baptized, but then it says then Then said Paul well John barely baptized with the baptism of repentance saying Unto the people that they should believe on him which you come after him that is on Christ Jesus So notice here that the baptism of repentance are what he preached because every time I talked about the bathroom of repentance It always says he preached it right it didn't say he did it He said he preached it and it always talks about him preaching for the remission of sins and everything else So what he preached was to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and then at the beginning of the chapter It says repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Well if you want to look at the parallel passage in Luke 3 The thing that Jesus says right after you know he's baptized and everything else by John He says it's the first thing he does in his ministry He says the kingdom of God is at hand and repent ye and believe the gospel right same thing So we're talking about the same thing the same message John just prepared the way for the Lord He came in showing the way of salvation show that it was by Jesus. He didn't say repent of your sins He just he said believe on him. There's a man that's coming after me. That's mightier than I Says whose shoes latch, and I'm not worthy down loose, and he says he's gonna baptize you with the Holy Ghost So these people in Acts chapter 19. They didn't think there was a Holy Ghost, so do you think they believe John's preaching? They they must not even hurt it because that's what he kept saying was that he's gonna baptize with the Holy Ghost He said that's how I knew it was the Son of God because I saw the Holy Ghost or the Spirit of God descending upon it and So basically though in one of the passages is funny that they always say you know John You know preach your pen your sins well one of the Biggest passages of John even like mentioned in the Bible is in the book of John and how many times is the word repent even Used in the book of John Zero right so in the book of John is the verse that I use also link all the time It's John 3 36, and this is John the back the same He said he says he to believe though the Sun hath everlasting life And he did believe not the Sun shall not see light, but the wrath of God abideth on them Now besides him being in prison and saying you know should we look for another this is the last thing I think that John really was preaching you know before he was cast in a prison But Basically it's always that he believed and that's the baptism of repentance But notice that in that and that passage it says John baptized with the baptism of repentance Basically he only baptized people that he believed were saved Basically you had to have faith in order to be baptized He baptized while he preached the God the gospel to him, and if they didn't believe he didn't want to baptize them and That lines up of course with acts 8 Because Philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest And he's of course said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and they went down and got baptized I want you to see that the baptism of repentance is always accompanied and repentance basically is always accompanied with someone being baptized and Of course I want to answer all those other questions as far as like What is it talking about with them that bring forth fruits meat for repentance and everything else? But instead of going to that first. I want to get down to where it talks about I indeed baptized You know with water under repentance in verse verse 11 of Matthew chapter 3 It says I need baptized with water under repentance, and it talks about how One might even he's gonna baptize you with the Holy Ghost This this whole phrase of baptizing With water unto repentance Now first glance you look at that and would say you're getting baptized in order You know like you're just look at that first glance As far as unto repentance being like that's what you're going towards your baptized going for it for penance But I looked up first of all I think there's a way that you can look at this in the Bible Because if I lower your best definition in Acts chapter 19 and Verse verse 3 which we already read It says and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized? So that gives you a little clearer more clear picture of what he's talking about when he's talking about baptizing with water under repentance Because basically saying unto what then were you baptized they said unto John's baptism So basically he's saying why for what reason were you baptized them these people clearly didn't believe they didn't believe that they're the Holy Ghost You know it says And the verses before that it says he said unto them have you received the Holy Holy Ghost since you believed These people clearly didn't believe I definitely don't believe them ever say I don't believe they believed on him because they didn't believe that what John was preaching because later on to get baptized again, so If it was legitimate before why they get baptized again, so they got baptized in the name of Jesus But I want you to see here that it says unto what then were you baptized so basically What it's saying in that in verse 11 is that? It says that he baptized with water under repentance repentance is why they're getting baptized Now to further prove that I want you to know one thing with the king in Bible There's a lot of phrases in a lot of ways that the Bible words things that we just don't do it that way In contemporary English, you know just it's just a little strange of how it's where it's not wrong It's just something that's not as common for example The word should like Forgot some of the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever Believed in him should not perish and have eternal life in contemporary English. We would say would And most of those places is a subjunctive phrase and it still means the same thing, but we would say would not perish It's that should right and the word unto is the same thing as to okay, so and I was looking this stuff up to because It's not that the bottle wrong for putting on to you know They use the word to a lot of times too, and it means the exact same thing. It's just the fact that Unto can make the verses flow difference. You know it's more poetic to say unto. It's not as Monotonous to be like to to to to you say unto and then to And stuff like that, but it means to so when you say that repentance to Or they are baptized with water to repentance It's the same thing, but in our mind at least in my mind It helps me understand it more because I looked up one of the definitions of The words it is do right and the main definition of course is basically What you're going towards right? But one of the other main definitions is basically it says that it's it indicates addition attachment connection belonging possession accompaniment or response Okay, so for example. This is this is their close it says We danced to live music They didn't dance in order to get live music right they danced To it meaning that that's why they were dancing you know that's what they were dancing to right So and it's in like it's they use another example He comes to her call So it's not he's not coming in order for her to call right he's coming because she called right or We rejoice to salvation now for this one we rejoice to salvation now It's not that we get saved by rejoicing we rejoice to salvation Right so the base the same thing applies with dispersed is that? When it says that we're baptized with water unto repentance is meaning that that's why we're getting baptized It's because of repentance is because we've received the remission since and of course this fits perfectly with Acts 2 38 Because it says repent And it says and to be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins He shall receive against the Holy Ghost now we know that We preach this to people that say together He baptized everything for the rest of the sense that means because of right you know I take an aspirin for a headache You know because I have one right? So we get we get baptized for the remission of sins we get baptized for repentance Because we've repented right and That's basically what that that means and that's what I believe it means of course but it backs it up and Definition of course you don't have to go to the website dictionary to figure this out And it's just that one. I know when I when I hear the word unto Automatically, it's that definition because it seems it just seems like it's going towards it. You know when you use the word to It kind of opens up what we're used to hearing so Just a thought Always trying to figure out you know what exactly do our works mean because sometimes that'll help us out a little bit as far as Understanding scriptures and of course I think Acts 19 really shows that you know what were you baptized unto? What were you baptized you could you could fill in the answer and say one to the remission of sins That's why I was baptized in the end of it. That's why I was baptized in the end of it. So in the last point I wanted to show was in Versus 7th and 10th now a lot of people say this okay Bring forth fruits therefore meet for repentance another word for me to of course be worthy As is added in the book of Luke so we can see how the Bible defines it Basically don't just stop there now first of all that's not even the whole sentence let alone the passage Let's look at verse 7 and 10 through 10. It says who is he talking to here? It says, but when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, so this isn't just everybody He's talking to this is the Pharisees and Sadducees and said unto them O generation of vipers so he calls them a generation of viper and And Luke also it says they came to be baptized Okay, so they didn't just come to it just to hear what he had to say they came to be baptized if you look at Luke chapter 3 And I don't want to turn it up for the sake of time, but basically they wanted to be baptized of John, but he knew who they were Okay, he called them generation of vipers and this is something interesting when I studied this You know how many times that phrase generation of vipers is used in the Bible? Four times two of them are parallel passages this one and Luke 3 Two other times are in Matthew, and it's Jesus saying So I went well why don't we go and see what this generation of vipers is referring to? What's interesting when you go there and and look at it, but one thing I want you to see first is fruits Do not equal works Okay In Psalm 104 verse 13 it says he watered the hills from his chambers the earth satisfied with the fruit of thy works Clearly can't be the same one said through the fruit Yeah, you know works is the product or fruit is the product of your work right the fruit of your labor, right? Bible talks about that as well, so Works are different than fruit And fruit is basically the product What's your product right? What do you bring them for you know like a child? You know your product or the day would be your daughter's you know Or as Christians The righteous is a tree of life it went souls is life so another soul one to Christ would be our fruit But this generation of vipers first place next that is mentioned is Matthew 12 Then Cindy because the chapter where he talks about you know forgivable sin And he's talking to these Pharisees And verse chapter 12 verse 33 It says either make the tree good And it's fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and it's fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit Oh Generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things rather the abundance of the heart of the mouth speaking so We have this generation of vipers. That's who John was talking to And if you look in the passage, of course, he's not going Pharisees But But what's he talking about? He's talking about a good tree bad tree. They said you'll know the tree by their fruit now What did he say in this passage in chapter chapter 3 Matthew chapter 3? He says every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is sheen down against the fire so I Believe that John is basically recognizing. Hey, these people are not good trees These people are record-based, you know, they blasting the Holy Ghost if you look in there earlier part of this chapter That's who he's talking to Because they said that he has a clean spirit now The Bible it says right here that out of the buns of the heart the mouth speak Talk about your words by your word. You shall be justified the only way that we can know whether someone's saved. I Believe it is either seeing their fruits, you know or by what they say believe that can be Misconstrued because someone can say the same thing you believe it's not true So really the only way you can know them and that's the only place the Bible says, you know Whether someone's safe or a good tree is by the fruit So he's saying by your person. Does that make a little more sense when he says break for fruits for the repentance basically saying You know, your fruit is not showing that you're saying to me Why would I back? You know, he's basically calling out as being bad trees being evil trees and other passage, of course Talked about good fruit bad fruit to match seven. It says beware of false prophets and Clothing and it says you shall know them by their fruits. So he's talking about false teachers false prophets This is every tree that bringeth not for good fruit to shoot down and cast to the fire sound familiar It's exactly what it says in Matthew chapter 3 And then it says wherefore by their fruits you shall know that he knew who these people were and he was saying how should you? Escape But basically it says, you know who has warned you know free from the wrath and come right now That's just interesting because everything just kind of fits together in that but in Matthew chapter 23, which is my favorite chapter two To read when Holly Holly always worried the Bible We've gone through the the gospels twice already and she I always end up reading that 23 and I think it was her church. He's like I want you to read it It's my favorite chapter it's the whole chapter just like whoa So well, I love reading that chapter just because it's just Jesus, you know, just take it forward and where it should be Jesus is the king of kings and I can't wait for the day that he rolls the reins on this earth But the only the other place that that generation of vipers is used is in Matthew chapter 23 verse 23 Where it says he he serpents the generation of vipers. How can you escape the damnation of hell? one thing I want you to see though in earlier in that chapter is It's a very interesting verse and talk it basically show them. What are they bringing for? Because in verse 15 of Matthew 23, it says won't he scribes and Pharisees? We can pass the land to make one cross like and when he is made you make him to fold more the child of hell than yourself So basically, what are they bringing for whether they're fruit cross lights that are to fold more the child of hell in themselves By their fruit you shall know And every tree that doesn't break for a good fruit is sheen down and cast in the fire He's not talking to just someone that doesn't that's not beautiful, right? He's like someone that breaks for the evil fruit And those are the ones that are hewn down cast into the fire. And those are the record-based. I believe I don't believe it You know when he's saying generation five, he's not just talking to the old way You know, he's talking to false teachers. He's like the Pharisees describes the Pharisees and he's saying you're not good trees You're why would I back that's what they came down there for was to get baptized by but John It says he baptized with the baptism of repentance And I just like you want access to the people that got baptized that we're not actually saved, right? Us, you know, there's plenty of people that we pray with that didn't really believe But you know, that's not our job you know our job diligent give the gospel rightly and To make sure it's clear everything else the way they believe it. It's up to them to believe of course and If we baptize someone that doesn't really believe You know, we got it. Of course. He's trying to be as diligent. Hey, don't back to some felt in Right. So I mean he was a good preacher, you know one of the best prophets, right? So Jesus said, you know those that are born among women. There's not a greater profit young Baptist. So That we've done the Baptist if Jesus had Jesus carried in his midst. They're definitely people that fall through the cracks, but But We of course need to be very diligent when we get the gospel We need to study to show ourselves approved unto God and work with the need to not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth this passage is a very Confusing passage is not phrases that we use a lot It's something that of course you got to use the Bible to define these terms and everything else But there there was someone that when we were out so winning that said this to me And he was right yeah, we're preaching the gospel we wouldn't say but he was basically saying He's heard all these thoughts and everything else and how How do you know that you're preaching right, you know You know, he's like, I think that'd be pretty bad thing if you were if what you're preaching is wrong. I'm like, you're right It is it is a very bad thing And that's why we need to be very clear on the gospel You don't know the gospel if you don't know exactly what someone has to do to be saved and don't get the gospel the model, you know Paul said The the we are angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you Let him be accursed Said as we said before so say I now again if any man preached any other gospel unto you then that ye have received Let him be accursed for do I not persuade men of God or do I seek to please me? You know and it says if I am please mention not being served Christ so we need to be very diligent we need to make sure that we understand these passages because And I don't think you had to understand that passage and what exactly meant But there's a lot of people that are twisting all that like I said very beginning What does everybody say repent of your sins show fruits that you're saved and be baptized to be saved. I Mean that's what they take out of that passage and it's not what's saying and We need to we need to know these answers everything else and it's just a blessing just to see all that in the Bible They just see how everything does fit together. There's an answer to everything. The Bible is perfect and Salvation is my grace through faith. It's not about repenting your sins It's not about being baptized and we are right on salvation and and God deserves all the glory for it We've got to get the gospel, you know how I know that we're right on that to get Jesus gets all the glory Jesus paid it all when we when we say that in what we're saved by just Jesus Christ. How can that be wrong? You know, and of course the Bible backs us up and every facet that you can imagine But it's not that was really an interesting topic anyway Because that seems to be the point even a bachelor because they don't understand it They think you got repent of your sins They think you know You got to show fruits in order to be saved if you don't come to church and you're not saying they don't understand what fruits Are they don't understand any of that? And the Bible says if you don't study show yourself pretty very ashamed And they rightfully should be ashamed that they don't study it themselves and we need to be diligent in what we what we teach and preach