(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Matthew chapter 15 and we're going to continue our study through the Ten Commandments and we are on the fifth commandment which is honor thy father and thy mother and Matthew 15 here at the very beginning of the chapter I believe gives a really good I guess outlook on that commandment as far as what it's intended for and obviously the Pharisees were taking it a different direction that Jesus had to rebuke them for but go to Exodus chapter 20 and I just want you to see obviously that commandment stated so this is the fifth commandment so we already went through the first commandment which is thou shall have no other gods before me second commandment that shall not make any graven image and thou shalt not bow down thyself unto it and worship it then there was thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain and then we had to keep the Sabbath day or keep the Sabbath remember the Sabbath keep it holy sanctify it right and so we had that that command with the Sabbath and now we have honor thy father and thy mother so in verse 12 here so Exodus 20 verse 12 it says honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee okay go to Deuteronomy chapter 5 Deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 16 and so you'll see this as we go through here you have Exodus 20 which is where God spake these Ten Commandments to the elders and everybody and then after that if you remember they're like only speak the Moses you know basically just like Moses we want you to talk to God we don't we're afraid to hear anything else right and then Deuteronomy 5 is retelling that story or retelling what those Ten Commandments are and verse 16 it says honor thy father and thy mother as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee that thy days may be prolonged and that it may be go well with thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee okay so you know it's basically stating and what we're going to see here is that this is the first commandment with promise okay it says that in the New Testament but I want to go through Matthew go back to Matthew chapter 15 because I believe that what Jesus is you know basically he's ripping their face off for not keeping the commandment correctly but in turn he's really showing you what it means okay so honor thy father and thy mother we would usually look at this and be like okay children honor thy father and mother like little kids that are in the house which is definitely you know very applicable right but this doesn't just stop when you're in the home okay now this doesn't mean that now it doesn't mean that when you leave the home and you know you leave father and mother cleave unto your wife or you leave father mother and cleave unto your husband that you have to obey okay your father and mother okay but there's a difference between obeying your father and mother and honoring them okay because I'm not under obedience to my parents right now okay you know I'm in you know I have my own family and I'm leading over that family but it does not mean that I don't honor my father or mother at least try to and that I should be doing that okay so in verse one here of chapter 15 it says then then came Jesus then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem saying why do the disciples transgress the tradition of the elders for they wash not their hands when they eat bread so we see here that that you know they're coming to him and they're very clear that hey this is our tradition right they're not saying you know the bible says this or anything like that they're saying you know why are they transgressing our tradition right the tradition of the elders this is where you get into that babylonian talmud garbage okay the rabbitic uh talmud which is the tradition of the elders okay so if you want to know what jews uh follow today they follow what jesus is rebuking right here okay which is this tradition of the elders and that's what that talmud is it's basically a bunch of rabbis talking about the bible and then they're adding on their own little stuff or they're you know giving their interpretation of it and they cared way more about what the elders had to say what their rabbis had to say than what the bible actually teaches and they turn the bible on its head most of the time and that's what they do here and jesus is going to point this out basically saying you're literally making the word of god in none effect by your tradition okay and you're teaching for doctrines of commandments of men and so i love this passage because it's jesus ripping into the pharisees and exposing their hypocrisy but in verse three here it says but he answered and said unto them why do you also transgress the commandment of god by your tradition so you see how he turned that right they're like why are they transgressing the traditions of the fathers or the elders right and he's like why are you transgressing the commandment of god by your tradition so he's basically putting it on them and he's going to give what he means or an example that because really when it comes to the washing of hands he's like who cares right that's pretty much what he gets to he's like you know if you wash your hands you don't wash your hands that's not what's crucial here okay it's what's crucial is what's coming out of your mouth you know he gets onto that later but verse four there it says for god commanded saying honor thy father and mother and he that cursed his father and mother let him die to death now i'm going to get to this in a little bit but you see that there's two sides to this commandment there's the honor if you honor them your promise something but if you do the opposite of that your promise so it's like you honor him your promise life if you don't honor your promise death right and uh and jesus isn't denying that by the way okay i'm gonna get to that but he's not saying like well that was old testament you know he's just he's stating a fact so if he's saying you need to honor your father and mother then guess what that if you curse father and mother that should stand too with you know let him die of death you know but i'm gonna get into that in a minute and verse five there it says but ye say whosoever shall say to his father or his mother it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me and honor not his father or his mother he shall be free this have you made i'm sorry thus have you made the commandment of god of none effect by your tradition ye hypocrites well did isaias prophesy of you saying this people draw nigh unto me with their mouth and on earth me with their lips but their heart is far from me but in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men that's exactly what they're doing right they're basically making this like hand washing thing a doctrine okay meaning that this is something like you're not right with god if you don't do that okay we need to all be careful with that that we're not adding more you know commandments to the bible and that's actually there okay that's where you get into standards and and doubtful disputations meaning that you say well i don't do this over here i don't watch this okay but don't teach that as a doctrine of the bible okay you know you can have that in your house as a doctrine or you know a standard or whatever or if it's washing hands right let's say you know and we have a sign that says wash your hands you know but i'm not policing that i'm not saying thus saith the lord wash your hands okay although the bible does talk about putting your hands under uh running water okay that sign says don't be an idiot wash your hands no what it's the thing is though that's not thus saith the lord there's no scripture underneath that do you notice that and i'm not going to come down on you if you're going to be one of those people that doesn't wash your hands i'm not going to be like you know saying you're not right with god or whatever okay but that being said we don't just make up these doctrines and say hey you know that's bible okay um now uh what is it talking about though well in verse five there it says whosoever shall say to his father or his mother it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me so what is he saying here he's basically saying that anything that you do for your parents to honor them it's not duty it's profit do you understand what that means meaning the bible when it says honor thy father and thy mother that's not talking about like hey if you have time you know here's some extra credit if you will by honoring your father no this is duty meaning that if you don't keep this there's going to be some hell to pay if you if you get you know for lack of better terms meaning that they're saying that it's a gift meaning that if i honor my father and my mother i'm doing you a service you know i'm doing above and beyond what i need to do right it's a gift it's you know i'm profiting you no if i honor my father my mother i'm just being an unprofitable servant you know you kind of think of like uh you know if you do what god commands you to do what did jesus say saying to them i'm an unprofitable servant that doesn't mean that you're not an obedient servant and that you're not honoring him right what does profit mean it means above and beyond you know that uh that break even right meaning if jesus says hey i'll give you an example let's say jesus was down here and says hey i need you to go soul winning one hour a week okay one hour okay just for sake of argument let's say he said that and you go out an hour just 59 minutes 59 seconds and you know like just to the t 60 seconds 60 minutes right you're just to the t you know you're keeping that you know that is that's unprofitable it doesn't mean that you're not doing your duty and it doesn't mean that you're not doing what you're told profit is above and beyond that okay anybody that works and you know if uh uh you know you own a business or anything like that profit is something where you know you have all your overhead paid you have everything else paid you're paying all the salaries everything's paid for and now this is all just extra you know so you want to be profitable which is above and beyond what you need or what's required of you okay so if you do what's required that's not profitable okay so you say well you know how can we be profitable well how about this the bible doesn't say it says to you know give us this day our daily bread it says that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god so you're supposed to be reading your bible every day but it doesn't give you an amount does it okay so you don't know if you're being profitable or not but you know what some people may be very profitable in that meaning that they're going above and beyond you know what they need to be doing or it'll tell you to do certain things you know you think of like um you know some will bear 30 fold uh 60 fold 100 fold what if you bear 200 fold right isn't that above and beyond what he was stating there and that's where you get into profitability now what it's stating though is that honor thy father and mother is not about profit it's not about like out of the goodness of your heart if you want to no this is a commandment that you must honor your father and mother and this is not a gift you're not giving them something you're not giving them something they don't you know what is a gift but something that you don't it's not owed to you okay salvation is a gift right it's not owed to you it's something that you don't deserve but you're taking as a gift right it's something that's uh not uh you're not indebted right what this is stating is that you are indebted to honor your father and your mother and what are they doing they're taking the opposite of that saying no if you uh if you do this and say it's a gift then you're free you know basically you don't have to honor your father and mother if you do it it's like above and beyond okay that's what i believe he's stating there but i believe it's really giving you a lot of information to say hey honor thy father and mother this is not something to just be like well should i do that or do i need to do that all the time no you need to do that all the time okay and so it's not you're not uh doing them a favor okay by honoring your father and mother you're doing what you should be doing now you may say well what if my parents aren't saved i'll say this unless your parents are reprobate okay because you get into the idea of like you know loving your parents and all this other stuff if your parents are twice dead plucked up by the roots and god hates them okay then you know that's the exception that proves the rule meaning that you don't have to like do them honor right give honor to whom honors do and so barring that okay you know then you know you need to be honoring your father mother whether they're saved or not that doesn't mean that you need to be best friends with them that doesn't mean that you have to talk to them all the time but basically when you're around them you're respectful and you're doing them honor and you're not disrespecting them you're not cursing them you're just you know trying to do the best you can to honor them in every way you can okay that doesn't mean that if they tell you to do something that's wrong and simple to do it that's not what it means by honoring your father and mother okay obviously if god commands you to do it it can't be sin okay so if your parents are telling you to do something that's sinful then that's something where obviously you know you're not honoring your mother and father by doing something simple for them even if they command you to do it okay but go to ephesians chapter six ephesians chapter six and verse one so obviously this applies to children that are in the home that you need to honor your father and your mother and this is one that i tell my kids you know because we talk about lying why you shouldn't lie and and i'll tell them i'll say listen the bible says you need to honor your father and mother that means that you need to obey us right you need to you know not be nasty to us you need to be nice to us all this different stuff and i say that's what god commands you know and that's a higher authority isn't it you're gonna say hey god wants you to do this okay and uh in verse one here and this is has has anyone read the the herb meyer books you know i got the herb meyer book pastor roger yimenez like did a book or whatever it's a turtle um but anyway we got the book of the herb meyer book and it's uh there's this poem it talks about ephesians one and two you know to obey my parents in the lord with a good attitude says ephesians six one and verses one and two or whatever and it goes through this book and my girls have memorized you know that that poem or whatever um and anyway uh this is the verses right here in verse one it says children obey your parents in the lord for this is right honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth and that's what we saw in exodus 20 and deuteronomy five is talking about the fact that hey there's this promise attached to this okay that if you honor your father and mother you're gonna live long you know that thou mayest live long on the earth now go to ecclesiastes chapter 7 because people will take this too far and be like well you know this person was honoring their father and mother and then they died young therefore that you know that the bible's got in error right what this means really is that if you don't honor your father and mother then then basically you're you're not gonna have that attachment of a promise there okay meaning that uh this is kind of like you're helping of getting your way to living a long time on the earth and so but it is promising it but you gotta understand that there are exceptions to the rule okay meaning that there's certain things where god will allow someone to die young and it's not that they were like cursing their father and mother okay um but in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 15 i believe this gives some context because in chapter 8 it'll say something that uh it'll just kind of help you understand this because especially when you see these promises like you do this and this will happen and be like well in this one case over here it didn't happen okay but by and large this commandment is basically stating hey if you honor your father and mother listen that's gonna you know be with you to give you long days on the earth but if you don't honor your father and mother you might as well just start counting your days okay in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 15 it says all things have i seen in the days of my vanity there is a just man that perishes in his righteousness and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life and his wickedness so you know basically psalm is saying listen i've seen all kinds of stuff right and even in another uh portion i think it's in chapter 11 chapter 10 or chapter 11 he's basically saying i've seen servants riding upon you know um horses and basically uh princes walking you know and he's basically stating like i've seen kind of this stuff that's more of a it almost seems like an oxymoron right it kind of seems like it's just backwards okay and you know this is where the job's friends got it wrong right they're like you know what man being righteous ever perish you know and and going into this idea that hey if you're if you're righteous nothing bad is going to happen to you you know you're just promised the the a better roses in life okay and he's basically saying here hey there's there's a just man that's going to perish in his righteousness meaning like you know what there are exceptions to that rule to meaning like you could do all across all your t's dot all your i's and still something bad can happen okay and go to ecclesiastes chapter six or chapter eight i'm sorry chapter eight so you want to attach yourself to that promise and be like listen i want to have i want to live long in the earth i better start honoring my father and mother you need to attach yourself to that commandment because that's very true meaning that if you're cursing your father and mother you know you're just waiting for the hand of god to come down on you but if you want and this is in any christian's life you should be saying hey what can i do to really get god's protection you know where god's going to have this hedge of protection about me to where he's not going to let things like this happen okay and really you look at okay well there's some commandments that have some problems here i need to honor my father and mother but if i'm not doing that you might as well just say i'm not i just don't want that hedge around me okay but in ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11 it says because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil though a sinner do evil and hundred times in his days be prolonged yet surely i know that it shall be well with them that fear god which fear before him so he's basically saying hey listen though these sinners you know they live long and they they do this you know a hundred times right he's still stating listen i know that those that fear the lord uh you know they're gonna they're gonna do well in verse 13 it says but it shall not be well with the wicked neither shall he prolong his days which are as a shadow because he fears not before god in perspective right you know someone can live 100 years twice told and be a wicked person but they're gonna be in hell for all eternity okay meaning that he's talking about our days here are like a shadow okay but all that to say is that he's stating listen i've seen a just man that perishes in his righteousness but that's not to just negate the fact that god is going to be with those that are keeping his commandments and he's going to be against those that are breaking his commandments does that make sense because you can always find that exception somewhere where you're like well what about this guy you know what about that well you know and a lot of times it says that he has set them in slippery places meaning that they look like they're prospering but they're they're sudden destruction will come upon them and you see this a lot of times especially with celebrities right like man that person is just doing great and then they kill themselves or that person's doing great and they die in a car wreck that person's doing great and they die in drug overdose you know this person's got tons of money all this stuff and then they die you know you think of steve jobs and like different people that are like billionaires and then they have cancer and die and you know i'm not here to like preach against steve jobs or anything like that besides the fact that his autocorrect sucks you know no i'm just kidding but it kind of does um all that say is that you look at these people you say well man they've lived a long life but man they can go like that they're gone and they're gone for all eternity okay but if you want to have some promise here that god will be with you to prolong your days and here's the the key right here you want to have an expected end okay talks about this in jeremiah and i might preach a whole sermon on this to give us an expected end okay meaning that it's not just this uh crazy uh ending to your life and i'm not saying that accidents can't happen or that if you have an accident or something happens that you know uh he won't you know that guy can't be in that or whatever um but in the end i want to go out in a manner that's expected okay i don't want to just be like man i didn't expect that to happen and so all that to say is that i want you to see that hey this is the first command with promise all those other commandments are just like don't do this this commandments uh you know do this and if you do this hey i'm gonna promise this to you you know long life and that you may have long life on the earth and all that okay so going on from there go to uh exodus chapter 21 because jesus really mentions and couples these together okay now when you're reading through exodus 20 i know 21 came comes right after but you're not really thinking honor thy father and mother and then you know basically curse not your father and mother okay but really what jesus is doing in the new testament is saying listen honor thy father and mother and not cursing your father and mother are pretty much the same commandment right it's basically stating it these things are linked okay so if you're not honoring your father and mother you know it's kind of like if you don't if you uh don't love me then you hate me kind of thing it's kind of like a two-way street now that don't take that too far you know if you're not like if you don't obey your mom or your dad that means you're cursing them that's not what i'm saying but it's kind of like this this polar opposite view of it right if you're going this direction and trying to honor your father and mother or you're going this direction you're trying to curse them okay but you could be in the neutral area where you're just not doing anything right you're just not even listening to them at all whatever but in Exodus chapter 21 this is where Jesus is bringing this up because he's basically saying and he that curses father and mother let him die to death okay notice in Exodus 21 verse 17 it says and he that cursed his father or his mother surely i'm sorry yeah and he that cursed his his father or his mother shall surely be put to death okay so it's not like Jesus just pulled this out of thin air but he's also not negating it right because people are like oh you know in the new testament there's no death penalty then why did Jesus bring that up you know he that cursed his father and mother let him die to death why did he bring up the fact that if you offend one of these little ones then you know it's better for a millstone to be wrapped around your neck and cast into the sea uh in other places as well but at the same time he's validating this commandment he's validating that hey this is the way so it's either this either honor thy father and mother is done away in the new testament or you know not cursing your father and mother lest you die to death is you know in force does that make sense you can't just say well honor thy father mother is still in there but not curse thy father mother you know and die to death that's not in there you can't just pick and choose he literally put them together he said you know that moses or god commanded on to thy father and mother and he that cursed the father father let him die to death he put them two together so you can't just pick and choose and that's what people want to do right they want to look at the good stuff and be like well of course this still stays there but you know we want to leave out leviticus 20 you know we want to leave out leviticus 18 we want to leave out the stuff that they don't want to hear about okay well leviticus 20 in verse 9 leviticus 20 in verse 9 notice what it says and i'm just showing you these are you know the same thing that's going on there but just to kind of show you where jesus is getting this from when he's quoting it you know as far as god commanding it and and leviticus 20 verse 9 it says for everyone that cursed his father or his mother shall be surely put to death he hath cursed his father or his mother his blood shall be upon him proverbs 20 20 says this who so cursed his father or his mother his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness so this is serious right so you think about it has a promise but it's kind of like that twofold promise of you know god is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap and it's like there's a good and bad to that right because you have he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption and he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting so it's it's really this two-way street as far as hey if you keep this commandment you have this good promise that you can hold on to but if you don't keep and you go the other direction with it right then you have a promise of like destruction okay so you need to be thinking about that because when it says that you may have long days on the earth what it's basically saying is if you do the opposite of honoring your father and mother you might as well just start saying i want god to take me out you know there is a sin unto death i do not say that he should pray for it you know what that means in that verse it says if a brother sin a sin which is not into death he shall ask and you shall give him life for them that sin not unto death who's it asking he's basically saying if you see a brother sin a sin which is not in death you need to ask what does that mean to pray you know for that person you know that's sending that sin that's not in the death but he said if you send a sin which is unto death i do not say that he shall pray for it meaning that if someone says let's say someone kills someone in cold blood you're not to pray for them to be acquitted and to get out of that does that make sense if someone commits a crime that's worthy of death you're not to be like well let me pray for that person so they get out of that punishment that's not that that's the opposite of what it's saying it's saying don't pray for that person okay there it says all unrighteousness is sin and there's sin not unto death meaning that not all sins are in the death so and then people are like well you know when it's talking about i'm just talking about the wages of sin is death then how do you answer all unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death okay for all of sin it comes true with the glory of god and you know for the wages of sin is death but that's talking about a spiritual death that's talking about death and hell obviously any sin would send you to hell but we're talking about capital punishment okay and it's stating that if you send a sin which is unto death you're not supposed to be praying for that person to get out of that judgment okay and this is very serious so children and young ones teenagers all that know this that you know what it may not be a dictate in america right now but god can take you out at any moment you curse your father and mother you know what are you talking about well you say well you know i cussed him out well that's bad okay but when it's talking about cursing your father and mother that's talking about like telling them to go to hell that's like saying i want you to die you know that's saying like that's some really strong language and listen if anybody's guilty of that you need to be asking for forgiveness from god and from your parents for ever saying anything like that but that's some serious stuff right there you say well they should uh you know you're telling me that they should die to death that's what the bible says and you know what the bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 8 which we just read it says because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil meaning that if you had somebody if you had like a teenager that like slapped their parents in the face and like cursed them and and you know call called the you know judgment upon them that they would like die or they would go to hell or anything like that and you executed that person guess what a lot of kids would see that a lot of teenagers would see that and they would not do it and i'm sick and tired of you know you know like president obama when he was in office he was mocking the bible and saying oh you know leviticus you know leviticus says that if your children's disobedient that you need to put them to death where does it say that cursing your father and mother is different than disobeying your father and mother that's a big difference okay smiting your parents now when it's talking about smiting it's talking about like you're trying to maim them you're trying to hurt them right and you know a lot of times it's talking about smiting unto death right so if your child is like trying to physically hurt you and physically do something like that the bible will put a strict punishment on that and these are the type of things you need to know and listen you know i know america's wicked and they don't follow god's laws but you need to know that hey listen god's still there and and this is the perfect law of liberty and now i want to give you a case here because you know they always take things out of context but let's look at the one place where where where um a son is being you know judged and that he's gonna die you know he's gonna be given capital punishment and let's look at that story is this talking about a toddler okay because that's what they want you to think right when they bring this up they want you to think well you know what child doesn't disobey we're talking and they'll like think well you're you're five year old over there you're six year old you're ten year old you know and like kids they're that's what they're talking about right well let's look at you know a passage where it actually talks about someone's son being put to death and let's see if this is a toddler let's see if this is like some young child here that is talking about here okay so in verse uh deuteronomy chapter 21 deuteronomy 21 in verse 18 deuteronomy 21 verse 18 deuteronomy 21 verse 18 and listen you know what maybe god will send she bears out of the woods you know it happened with elisha when they remember the the children there was children that were mocking elisha because he was bald apparently you know it says go up thou bald head go up thou bald it just sounds like some school yard thing you know right go up thou bald head baldy you know like you just imagine like what would be said today you know but they're making fun of them and he cursed them elisha the prophet and it says that she bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of them so there's 42 children that were tore up by these bears now it doesn't say that they died but good night you get some she bears coming out of the woods so all that to say is that you know what there may not be a physical punishment by men here but you never know what can come out of the woods you're in west virginia okay there's mountain lions here i know that people don't think they're here but they are you know they've actually found them on video so you know what that verse where it says there's a line without that could be true it may not be like mufasa but you know there's some mountain lions that are out there anyway so here there in deuteronomy 21 verse 18 it says if a man have a stubborn and rebellious son which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother and that when they have chastened him will not hearken unto them then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him and bring him out unto the elders of the city and unto the gate of his place now so this is basically saying that you're chasing him it's just not working now i'll say this you know what this is showing me that they didn't do it at times okay because they didn't do it early now you say well how do you know that this person isn't like a child here you know like they're this is like a 10 year old or something like that well let's look at this and you decide for yourself when you read this if you think this is like a little child okay in verse 20 it says and they shall say unto the elders of the city so they're saying you know this is our son right this is our son this our son is stubborn and rebellious and will not obey our voice he is a glutton and a drunkard okay unless your toddler is getting you know sloshed you know first and listen if if you're if you're a child that's in your house is getting drunk then you are the problem okay what in the world okay so he's basically a glutton a drunkard stubborn rebellious and it says and all the many men of the city shall stone him with stones that he die so shalt thou put evil away from among you and all israel shall hear in fear so what do you have here i think you have like a 30 year old living in their parents basement and rebelling against their parents and won't leave and won't do what their parents say and he's basically just eating everything that they have he's he's a he's a drunkard and he just won't he's just belligerent they chasing him but he just won't do anything right bible says take him out stone with stones you don't have the city take him out stone with stones i don't see a little child here okay because you know what you could do if you have a little child you don't give them food you don't well first of all you don't give them alcohol right so that's the first step there but you know what this this is telling me is that you have someone that failed at chasing their child and they got to a point where chasing won't work right the rod is just not working with them and that's why the bible says that you need to do it but times and that means early okay you need to do it early because if you wait and you wait until they're a teenager then it may not work okay so i believe you're dealing with uh you know an older person there an older son it doesn't say child there by the way it says son okay so i believe you're dealing with an adult age person okay not someone that's an adolescent okay that you're dealing with when you're dealing with these type of things okay so go to proverbs chapter 30 proverbs chapter 30 proverbs chapter 30 and i want you to notice this too because you say well man in our day you know there's all kinds of people that are disobeying their parents or cursing their father and mother and it's true we do live in that generation right now but there's nothing new under the sun okay meaning that this stuff was going on and times passed and i believe that sometimes it may skip a generation here or there in different countries meaning that i do believe there's times where there's the generation is pretty godly to where you don't have a lot of that now you're always going to have that right does that make sense like you're never going to get rid of people not obeying or honoring their i mean cursing their father and mother you're not going to get to where everybody's just honoring their father and mother and not one person but as a whole a generation that does it okay and i believe we're getting into a generation where it's just basically kids just slapping their parents in the face and just not doing anything about it you know what that comes down to not actually reading the bible not doing what god says and just having this own plan in your mind to say i know you know what's best for my kid and i don't need god to help me out with that okay so in proverbs chapter 30 and verse 11 proverbs chapter 30 and verse 11 says there is a generation that cursed their father and doth not bless their mother there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness man it's just like reading the newspaper isn't it a bunch of social justice virtue signaling morons that are out today that literally think that they're pure and they're holy these holier and vows that are going to go dictate you know what we need to do and the the more the moral supremacy of these wicked people out there that are against the bible it's disgusting but they're pure in their own eyes right in their mind they're pure even though they're killing babies on mass even though they they support perversion and wickedness and pedophilia and all this other garbage that's out there but in their mind they're pure and we're wicked okay but you know what this isn't something new this is something that's been going on since the beginning of time here this one says there is a generation oh how lofty are their eyes and their eyelids are lifted up there's a generation whose teeth are as swords and their jaw teeth as knives to devour the poor from off the earth in the needy from among men go down to verse 17 there kind of going into the the father and mother here it says verse 17 the eye that mocketh at his father and despises to obey his mother the ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young eagle shall eat it wow so children you want some fear that verse right there okay that if you're not you know that it i mean really the spies to obey his mother that mocketh his father it's basically saying hey listen the ravens are going to pick out your eyes i mean that is strong language coming from the bible and you know what you know what you should get is a little fear of god the next time that you think about saying something cross to your parents or anything like that and listen as adults we need to think about that as well we need to think about the fact that hey our parents still it's our duty to give them honor okay it's not we're not profiting them we're not giving them a gift we're not saying hey out of the goodness of my heart i'm doing this no it is our duty it's not negotiable that we need to be honoring our parents and not despising them and not uh you know trying to curse them obviously so but go to isaiah chapter 3 because you know what we have a we have a generation today by and large where children do not honor their mother and father they despise their mother and father they curse father and mother they smite their father and mother and you know what it's the judgment of god you know why this is happening because our country is forgetting god in all nations that forget god shall be turned down into hell you know what that can be proverbially as well meaning that obviously if you forget god you're going to die and go to hell but if you forget god as a nation listen our nation is going to you know basically it's going to be hell on earth here okay the judgment of god is going to come down on this country and guess what when you see this type of stuff that's going on all you need to know is that hey this is the judgment of god this is what our country deserves when you have this type of stuff going on now in isaiah chapter 3 i know we already went through this chapter on wednesday but it's been a little while verse 1 there says for behold the lord the lord of hosts doth take away from jerusalem and from judah the stay in the staff the whole stay of bread and the whole stay of water the mighty men and the man of war the judge and the prophet and the prudent and the ancient the captain of 50 and the honorable man and the counselor and the cunning artificer and the eloquent orator and i will give children to be their princes and babes shall rule over them do you think that's a good thing i don't think anybody would read that and be like man this is awesome you know they're just in for a treat he just got rid of all their men of war all their wise men and prudent men all those that were skilled and he said i'm gonna put children in charge notice what it says in verse five it says in the people shall be oppressed every one by another and every one by his neighbor the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient and the base against the honorable that's judgment from god god's the one that did that and so when you see that in america you should say oh this makes sense when our country is killing babies by mass when our country is is promoting wickedness and not only promoting wickedness but they're they're basically punishing those that want to be righteous and that are speaking the truth you know the opposite of what the government's supposed to be doing which is the punishment punishment of evildoers and the praise of them that do well they're they're the punishment of the of them that do well and they praise the wicked so it's really backwards today but you know what you say who do you blame i blame parents because if you want your children to honor you you have to teach them that okay this is not something that a child is just going to innately know to do okay children come forth from the womb speaking lies okay you have to teach them to tell the truth okay and you need to teach them you know to honor you as parents you need to teach them these aspects and if you want our country if america wants our country to get back on track you know what they need to do they need to get saved they need to get into the bible and then you see what god says about raising children and ultimately you look at this command you say yeah children why aren't you honoring your father and mother but you know what you should say parents why aren't you raising your children in inertia and admonition of the lord because you know what that should come first and if you want your children to honor you when they get older or as you're raising them then you need to teach them right you need to you need to discipline them the way the bible says go to proverbs chapter 13 we our church is over 50 percent children so we have a lot of children here and so this is very pertinent to us now obviously children you need to honor your father mother okay and even us as adults you know if we have our parents that are still alive we need to honor our parents right but we need to look at this as parents in this church meaning that we there's this church is filled with children and a lot of the children are younger children right and they're in that age that hey this is betimes okay and you know so we need to be in that aspect of saying hey we need to take care of this at the beginning to where this doesn't become an issue okay so in proverbs 13 verse 24 it says he that spareth his rod hateth his son and he but he that loveth him chasteneth him but times now i used to think that the times meant often but it doesn't mean often okay it means early okay early you know it talks about you know doing it early while there is hope okay chasing them chasing them while there is hope okay and that's where you get into that story in Deuteronomy where there came a point where there wasn't hope right it just wasn't working and you know that's a tragedy you don't want that to be the case with your child do you and the idea is that you need to do it while there is hope while it's early while they're young and notice that it says he that spared you notice that it doesn't say he that spareth his his rod spoileth his son you know you've heard that phrase right he that spared the rod spoiled the child no it doesn't say that does it no it says you hate them okay that i believe it i believe that if you spare the rod then you ultimately don't love your child that means you hate them okay you know i don't hate them you know and i've heard parents say this i've heard people say this before i ever had children they say you know i'm never going to spank my child because i love them too much that is completely opposite of what the bible says the bible literally says the opposite of what just came out of your mouth right it literally says that if you spare the rod you hate them but if you love them you chasing them but times they're like well i'm like i don't want to be their parent i want to be their friend and that's why they're going to curse you to their to your face when they're older that's why they're going to disappoint you and bring you shame when you're older because you didn't actually give them chastening the lord loveth whom he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth are you better than god because god knows what how to do it so and god is loving listen i preach a whole sermon about the fact that god cares and jesus cares and how much he loves us but yet he chased enough he chastens us the times doesn't he because he loves us okay so if you love your children guess what you're going to chase them it's not a way it's not fun no one likes spanking their children no one likes punishing their children no one takes pleasure in that if you do you're you're a psychopath no one enjoys it okay now you may have pleasure in the fact that you know they make you angry and you just want like you know like it talks about in hebrew chapter 12 right it says they for their own pleasure chasing does for a season right because you're just like they make you so angry you're just like you're not getting that you know you're not getting this and then they go pout about it and all that but that's just your flesh you know basically you know wanting to somehow get revenge on them or something like that which is not a good thing by the way you know obviously the good way is that all the chasing because it says by god for for your edification right so it's basically stating hey that shouldn't be the case right as a parent you should be doing it because you love them you want them to get right and you're not chasing them for your own pleasure as far as like you are getting what you deserve you know you know you're getting punished and you know giving you satisfaction because that but honestly you know no one you'd rather your children did right wouldn't you no one would say man i'd rather i'd want to punish them right i want them to have to go through this no you want them to do right and then just have a good time with them but go to proverbs chapter 22 here in proverbs 13 there proverbs 22 and verse 6 and i could do it toward a force through the book of proverbs when it comes to training your children but i'll spare you that um the really one i want you to get at here is the fact that you need to do it early and if you love your children you'll do it but notice here's the here's the cause and effect right here's here's the if then statement if you train them early it says in verse 6 train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it okay so you need to understand that hey listen we need to do this we need to do this with our children and if we want our children to honor us when we're older right when he is old he will not depart from it then you need to do it early and you need to do it often and it's funny obviously my children are losing their minds as i'm preaching this but all i say is that you know when they're young and at this age you're in survival mode case in point okay survival mode when they're toddlers and no one likes the chasing process no one likes that you'd rather just let it go you'd rather give in to their request but you know what you know what you should realize here is that toddlers are implacable okay this is my whole point toddlers are implacable it doesn't matter what you give them they want more and they're never satisfied so if you get that down then you'll realize that hey it doesn't matter if i give them what they want the next time it's going to be more so you know what you need to do stand your ground okay if you say you're going to do something you do it when it comes to disciplining and when it comes to saying hey i'm not going to give you that you got to stick to it so be careful and i'm saying this to parents be careful what you threaten your children with okay because you don't want to be like listen you're never going there again we've all done it okay we're never coming back here again then you go back there next week okay so you need to be careful on this because you need to know they need to know that you're a person of their word right because when when you use that type of like we're never going to do this again we're never going to do that you'll never do this again or you know whatever it may be you're not going to eat that again and then they eat it the next day or they do that the next day or they do that the next week you know they're going to think well those are idle threats so what you need to learn to do and we all learn this okay as parents you need to learn that when you threaten something you have to be willing to follow through on it so if you say listen you're not doing this tonight you know tonight you're not getting a bedtime snack whatever it is i'm just using that as an example you're not going to you know do this or whatever it may be you know you better be good or next time and let's say let's say they they fight you tooth and nail about it and they're upset about it you hold to your guns that whole night and you and you do that to the point where they realize hey he's not messing around okay but if you constantly say hey you'll never do this again and then you do it the next day they're just gonna be like well that's not really true you know he's just saying it okay and i'm just saying this as a parent you live and learn when it comes to this right as far as that goes so um but we need to remember this you know and you can turn there if you want but ephishians chapter 6 you know we read the verses about the children obeying the parents but also the idea that says in verse 4 it says and ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in a nurture and admonition of the lord it says in colossians chapter 3 and verse 20 children obey your parents and in all things for this is uh well pleasing unto the lord fathers provoke not your children to anger lest they be discouraged so this is a fine line because obviously you need to discipline but you also don't want to them to hate you okay i mean i mean you can go too far with discipline to where they just think that you're just doing it uh you know like there's no profit to them it's not because you love them so anytime you're chasing and doing that you need to have that nurture and admonition that's there right and when when you're dealing with like a two-year-old there's not much admonition because they you can't reason with a two-year-old okay so uh any of you that are gonna have toddlers or you're gonna have kids one day there's no reasoning with toddlers okay you don't talk to them like a normal person be like and a rationalized thing there's no rationale right and so when it comes to disciplining what you really need to show them though is that you care about them okay you're tender with them and especially i have girls so you got to be tender with girls and all that stuff as far as um you know strict with the punishment but at the same time you know you're not dealing with a dog you're dealing with your child you're dealing with um you know a sensitive human being with a lot of emotions you know when it comes to girls that's definitely true but all to say is that don't forget that okay when it comes to the chasing aspect it's not all spanking okay that's a part of it okay don't leave that out but at the same time the other part is the nurture part of it okay and you know and not provoking them to anger and discouraging them right and you know you learn this with children you say what's your what's your whole point with this because your children will remember this okay if you want your children to love you and honor you when you're later in life they need to know that you cared about them when you raise them and when you discipline them okay and children will realize that hey you're disciplining them because you wanted them to turn out right later on they really see that they may not see it at the beginning and they'll just think that you're just being mean okay but later on they'll say hey you know i'm glad you did that so i didn't turn out to be some horrible person okay but they'll also remember if you're really mean about it if you're nasty about it or if you're loving and caring about it okay and so you need to remember these type of things because you don't want them to grow up to hate you because you did that you want them to grow up and love you because you did that and so we need to remember that now go to Deuteronomy chapter 6 Deuteronomy chapter 6 and what i'm finding with this generation you know we've gone out soul winning for quite a while now you know when we you know just uh you know past decade or so of like just uh you know a manual baptist church we were going out soul winning all this stuff and i went out so long before that and we kept running into people and they're like yeah i grew up in church you know i i'm not going to church right now but i grew up in church you know what we're running into now never went to church man how the tides have turned and so you get that aspect it's just it's just getting worse and worse and worse so now we're having to explain you know everything right they don't even know that jesus rose from the dead and they don't know any of the stories you talk about jonah like what are you talking about jonah bark what you know like they think that jonah bark is like noah's wife or something like that and it's funny but it's true okay now that being said you know people just are completely ignorant of the bible now but you know why it is is because their parents didn't go to church okay you know when i was in college it was like it was like well you know i went to church when i was back at home but i'm not going to church out here you know i i grew up in church but i'm not going there now well now there's another generation coming along where those kids that those kids that were in college that grew up in church but didn't go to church are now raising kids where they're not going to church at all okay and what's the point here is that we need to teach our children the bible we need to teach them you know the word of god and obviously that's where church comes in too but listen as parents we need to be the ones that are teaching them this okay Deuteronomy 6 and verse 6 says in these words which i command thee this day shall be in thine heart and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up and thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be as frontless between thine eyes and thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and on thy gates you know what that saying is that listen when you're at home and when you're with your children you need to be teaching them the word of god throughout the day and saying you even have it written on your doorposts right meaning that it's just known that hey the bible is is our authority this is where we get what we believe and what i find in a lot of churches is the fact that you say well how do we keep the young children in church you know the younger generation in church that's interesting because our church is the younger generation okay but it's a younger generation that care about the things of god because they looked at it themselves they actually read it themselves they actually believe it for themselves they weren't just dictated it but not shown where it came from okay and there's a lot of you know we i've gone to churches where as soon as that 18th birthday they get they get they graduated from high school you never see them again how many of those have we seen in churches where it's like they graduate and be like we're probably never gonna see them again and they all go to faith baptist sorry i had to put that little stab in there but it is true it is true that is like the faith baptist and you say you say i can't believe you say that about about them but you know what they weren't king james only you know they're not soul winning you know what i don't even know where they stand on the repentance issue but you know what that's where everybody goes when they don't want to serve god it seems like and you'd be like oh i can't believe you'd say that well you know sue me but it's just i'm just speaking facts here because i don't see faith baptists just tearing up the streets with soul winning and maybe you just prove me wrong you know what i'd love for faith baptist church and and morgan town to prove me wrong and start winning people to christ and start preaching out of the king james bible and actually preach hard against sin one one day instead of having a whole sermon about the titanic and about abraham lincoln okay and you know what you see in those churches though is that they're taught standards but they're never taught why they're never taught you know this thus set the lord and you know they say well why should i wear a dress well why don't you read deuteronomy 22 5 when it says that if you wear a man's garment it's an abomination and you say well that doesn't say a dress well you better figure out what that is then because you don't want to be an abomination okay but they don't teach that they just say well you know you shouldn't do this you shouldn't have a beard you shouldn't have this hair length and it's nothing in the bible that's saying these certain things that they're saying right and then children when they grow up graduate they're like what you know that's just what my parents taught okay and it's good to have standards in your home but you better be showing them verse uh you know verse after verse line upon line precept after precept you should be showing them this is why we believe this you know you should say well why do we believe that someone needs the word of god to be saved because faith coming by hearing and hearing by the word of god because being born again not of corrupt will see but of incorruptible by the word of god which lives in the body forever and it's baffling to me all these baptist churches that are now saying you don't even need the word of god to be saved and people are coming out of those churches and they're leaving like oh you don't really need the word of god to be saved you know why because they were never taught those verses and they didn't actually believe it for themselves now when children are in our house and they're young and they're toddlers listen i'm not saying you're gonna teach them all that at once right there okay but as you're going through life you should be saying you know to my daughters i'm gonna be saying listen you know you say why why are all these other girls over here wearing pants and why are they all wearing you know short shorts and doing all these different things and we're always in dresses like well this verse right here says it's an abomination to wear men's clothing and it's and we're not to be naked here's where it says this is where the nakedness from the loins to the thighs okay that's why you don't wear short shorts and that's why i don't wear short shorts praise god but you know why do they wear a dress you know because it's hard to be modest in britches and listen if you wear britches ladies that are not uh skin tight guess what it looks like a man's pair of garments right but if you wear it skin tight guess what now i can see every curve of your body and now it's not modest if you want to have that argument but you need to bring this stuff up to them and you say thus that the lord is an abomination you better figure out what that is because this isn't me saying you're an abomination this is god saying that you're an abomination and you know what children need to know this when they're growing up they need to know it early they need to know it at times so that when they're like 18 years old they're not just getting this overload of information they'll be like well why didn't you tell me this when i was younger you know they need to be preaching on sin hard about fornication about uncleanness about all the different stuff that could be going on in the world because when they turn 18 they don't need to hear it just then because at that point it's probably too late and you know that that's what i see and listen the proof will be in the pudding okay because our church is filled with children that are at different ages and we're getting we have teenagers and we have adults and you know that are getting into young adult age but by and large we have a lot of toddlers okay i don't know what our medium age is but it's pretty low okay meaning that we're probably in like the 10 year old range when it comes to median age and counting all the adults okay and that's a good thing right you know what that means is that we have we have a thriving young church that is you know the next generation that's going to come up but you know what the proof will be in the pudding if our parents in this church will teach them these precepts teach them from the bible this is why we do this and you know what will happen when you do that listen you can't you can't say that it's going to be foolproof you can't control what your kids do after they leave the house but in the end it says train up a child in the way you should you should go and when he is old he will not depart from it but you can't just say well i told them everything they should do no it should be thus said the lord it should be the word of god because it talks about these commandments and these precepts you need to teach them to them when when thou lies down when thou walkest by the way and when thou risest up you know you need to be doing this throughout your life okay this isn't just sunday teaching here okay this isn't just wednesday teaching this is you know when you're at home wherever you're at and listen your children will have questions be like why do we do this do you have a reason do you have a biblical reason are you just gonna be saying well because i said so now listen there are times where it's going to be because i said so okay because like i said you're not gonna be able to explain some of this stuff to a two-year-old okay you're like well why do we do this and you know you know that age where everything's why anyway you're like you get to that point you'll be like no more whys it just is what it is you'll be like why is the sky blue you know why is this you know and uh anyway so go to proverbs chapter 31 proverbs chapter 31 because this is what you want right you want your children to honor you when you're you know when they grow up and we need to honor our parents as well but as you're turning there proverbs 15 verse 20 says a wise son makes a glad father but a foolish son a foolish man despises his mother okay so what how do you get to the point where you're glad at your children when they're wise listen i have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth you you want me to be happy with my children i want them to get saved and love the lord mission accomplished that's all i don't care what they do with their life besides that you know and if i have sons i don't care what kind of job they have as long as they they love the lord they're saved they love the lord and they're serving him i don't care if they clean toilets for the rest of their lives you know whatever they do as long as they get saved and love the lord and serve him that's all that matters to me and i'll be as happy as a clam i don't know what that means but i've heard it before okay so but in proverbs 31 verse 28 it says her children are rise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praises her so you know the virtuous woman you know what she did she took care of her family she'd get up before it was it was light out she made sure they had food made sure they had raiment and took care of her family and you know what you know what her children do now you know basically saying that they rise up what does that mean they sit up when she comes in the room they stand up in her presence and say she's blessed and you know what that doesn't just come automatically and if you want your children to honor you and listen if you want your children to live long on the earth then you want them to honor you right because that's a commandment that's basically saying hey if you want long life on the earth for their you know for the children they need to honor you and how do you get them to honor you by teaching them the word of god at a young age by disciplining them at a young age and getting them to love the lord okay and so you know obviously as as adults we need to remember this with our parents um and you know hopefully you know uh you know i don't know some of you you know some parents have passed away and so that's obviously not something you can do now but at the same time you know a lot of us do have our parents that are still here and we should honor them as much as possible and it's not it's not just you know you know hey you know i'm doing this above and beyond no that's duty to honor your parents okay honor your father and mother and that's the fifth commandment of uh the ten commandments and so um it's a great commandment to remember and obviously jesus brought it up it's brought up many times in the new testament and so it's obviously still something we should do i don't think anybody does anybody ever like doubt that does anyone say hey honor thy father and mother that's done away don't bring me under the law brother you know i don't think anybody's ever said that so you know but you never know there's weird stuff out there in the world so let's end with the word apparently father we think of today and thank you for your word and lord just help us to honor our parents help us to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the lord to where they will honor us when we're older and so that they will not depart from you lord and that uh just my biggest prayer is that my kids get saved at a young age that they start loving you and serving you and that they do that for the rest of their life and if that's all they do with their life then that is a mission accomplished lord just pray that you help that to happen with all our children in this church and lord help us to be the leaders and our families and help us to be the parents we need to be for that to happen and lord we love you pray also in jesus christ's name amen