(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church Take your psalm books, and I'm sorry take your Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual psalm books and turn to page number 46 Page number 46 we'll sing come thou long-expected, Jesus And if you would stand We'll sing page number 46 Come thou long-expected Jesus born to set thy people free From our fears and sins release us let us find our rest in thee Israel's strength and Consolation hope of all the earth thou art dear desire Every nation joy of every longing heart Born thy people to deliver born a child and yet a king born to reign in us forever now thy gracious kingdom ring by thy own eternal spirit rule in all our hearts alone By thine all sufficient Merit Let's pray Heavenly Father the Lord, we just want to thank you God Just for our church. Thank you God for your word I pray Lord now that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything It's said and done be with the pastor fill me with your power and spirit. We love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all of it amen, or you may be seated and Take your mountain Baptist song books and turn to page number five Page number five will seem Psalm 81 Page number five. I'm sorry. I'm okay. Nope. I'm sorry That's Wednesday my bad. Okay turn to page number 10 page number 10 We'll sing Psalm 150 that would have been really bad if I was trying to sing Psalm 81 to Okay, we'll see page number 10 Praise God in his sanctuary Praise him for his mighty axe praise him according to his Excellent greatness praise him with Trump and praise And with Psalm 30 and Praise him with the timbrel and dance praise him with stringed and strum and Praise Praise Sounding Praise Amen so welcome back to Mount Baptist Church and And Yes Following numbers So What do we have during the week as far as I know I know brother Wade. He's had six so far out there in the Philippines Did we have any done with it was there one on Wednesday One on Wednesday I had one on Friday One on Thursday, so three Yeah, that's right that's right so that's four so that's ten there and then was there any today Did anyone have any salvation today did we get a big goose egg today? Yeah, I guess the dust is gonna stay over there right well ten So now we're at 80 so we're talking about trying to trying to what our amount of salvation's were Last year 708 which was a Lot higher than the year before that so like last year was just it exploded. I forget What was that? What was that mouth that we had the year before that it was like 300 or something like that. I don't think we we didn't even broken 400 And then it went to like seven hundred and eight or whatever so So that being said if we don't break it I'm not gonna be upset about it, but but it would be cool to be like 709 you know But Good work work with the soul winning obviously we have You know the normal search services this week, so Wednesday, we're gonna be Lord willing continuing through first Samuel and going through through that book and soul winning Times on the list here just beyond the church group there for that. We do have the the marathon. It's gonna be coming up On the 16th, so just if you can make it out of that that'd be great You guys have to get 80 saved so You know what you got to do, so pretty much. Just knock all apart Chrisburg that day and Anyway We had the Christmas party coming up on the 9th so this coming Saturday, and then the prayer meetings are on the list as well so Luke chapter 2 is our memory chapter for the month Again I know it's a long chapter, but just start at the beginning if you get through the Christmas story Then that's what I want you to accomplish, but trying to memorize the whole chapter But I think that'll be a blessing especially going into the holiday season to try to have that memorized Just remember you start off with taxes, and how much that that's horrible so Nothing like starting off the Christmas season with talking about taxes Then our memory verse for the week is Isaiah 7 14. We've got the birthdays This morning and then be in prayer for the ladies on the pregnancy list Alyssa, Anastasia, and Tabby and then be in prayer for all those that aren't feeling well That are getting over sicknesses stuff like that pray for the health It's actually you know The sermon we're preaching on healing you know the gift of healing so it's pertinent You know for the season that we're in so Who's reading tonight? Brother Shane, so brother Shane's gonna be reading 1st Corinthians chapter 12 After we do one more song oh The offering box in the back there gonna get tired offspring and the mother baby rooms for the most babies You All right take your song books and turn to song 421 Song 421 in your song books We'll sing the first and well song 421 The first Noel, the angel did say Was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay Where they lay keeping their sheep on a cold winter's night That was so deep no Well, no Well, no Born is the king of Israel And by the light of that Same star three wise men came from Country far to see for a key was their Intent and to follow the star Wherever and when no Well, no Born is the king of Israel This star drew nigh to the northwest or Took its rest and there it did both Stop and stay right over the place where Jesus Lay no No No Borne is the king of Israel Then entered in those wise men three for reverently upon their and There Presence their gold and myrrh and Frankincense no No No No Born is the king of Israel All right take your Bibles and turn to 1st Corinthians chapter number 12 1st Corinthians 7 over 12 in your Bibles and we'll have brother Shane read that for us 1st Corinthians chapter 12 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and the Bible reads now concerning spiritual gifts brethren. I would not Have you ignorant, you know that you were Gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols even as you were led Wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God Calleth Jesus accursed and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit there are differences of administrations But the same Lord there are diversities of operation But it is the same God which worketh all in all but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit To another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit To another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another The interpretation of tongues by all these worketh that one and the self same spirit Dividing to every man severally as he will For as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body Being many are one body. So also is Christ For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body? Whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free and Have been all made to drink into one spirit for the body is not one member But many if the foot shall say because I am NOT the hand. I am NOT the body Is it therefore not of the body and if the ear shall say because I am NOT the eye I am NOT of the body. Is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye? Where were the healing if the whole were hearing where were the smelling? But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body as the death pleased him And if they were all one member, where were the body but now are they many members? But yet yet but one body and the eye cannot say unto the hand I have no need of thee nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you nay much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary But those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestow more abundant honor and our Uncalmly parts have more abundant calmliness for our calmly parts have no need but God hath tempered the body together Having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked and That there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another and Whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one member be honored all the members be Rejoice with it now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular and God hath set some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments Diversities of tongues are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of Miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret But covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show I unto you a more excellent way Let us pray dear heavenly father. Lord. Thank you to be gathered in your house tonight I pray you just fill your spirit with pastor and just help us to be edified tonight and in Jesus name. Amen Amen So you're there in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and we are painting our series through spiritual gifts and so Chapter 12 of 1st Corinthians We definitely see spiritual gifts in this whole chapter is really dealing with that and then Romans chapter 12 as well Hits on that and so I don't believe this is all inclusive when it comes to spiritual gifts But obviously these are hitting that the main ones if you will when it comes to that But I'm not really going in any Particularly, I'm kind of just going in order how first Corinthians 12 sets it up here And there's other ones later on in the chapter that mentions I'm not I'm not going in order of Importance because if you go down to the the bottom of the chapter there it kind of puts an order of things as far as apostles prophets teachers and You know going down the line so I've preached on teaching but I haven't hit on preaching and so You may say why don't you do it in order of importance or the priority list? Well, I started it this way. This is the way I'm going. So it's what it is, but So I'm kind of just going down the list here on 1st Corinthians 12 when it comes to that now Let's look at verse 4 there It says now there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit and there are differences of administrations But the same Lord and there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all for to one is given the Spirit The by the Spirit given by the Spirit the Word of Wisdom to another the Word of knowledge by the same Spirit to another Faith by the same Spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit In those down in verse 11 because we're gonna be hitting on the gift of healing or gifts of healing It says in verse 11 But all these work at that one in the self same spirit dividing to every man Severally as he will and the thing that we keep seeing is that not everybody is gonna have this gift It's not saying that everybody's gonna have this gift now when it comes to this it doesn't mean that Only the person that has the gift of healing can can have that now the first thing off the gate when it out the gate with this is that What I'm gonna be getting into is that the gift of healing is not just you know Like when you think of healing you think of like Benny Hinn you think of like some like Miraculous type of healing when it comes to that, but that's that obviously would apply right But I would put that more into like a miracle category than I would into the healing category Obviously if there's a miraculously healing, I mean that would still be healing but when you're dealing with healing here I believe you're dealing with Just the everyday like you're outside of the the realm of like some miraculous type of Thing that that basically can't be you know You know, I mean like where you're basically healing like a leper or something like that by putting your hands on them. So But no, this is that there's a time to kill and there's a time to heal So if the Bible is telling us like for example in in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 that there's a time for every purpose under the heaven and the idea there is that if God is saying there's a time to kill on a time to heal but Healing is only for the Apostles and for that one time where you know, the Spirit is being poured out and all that No heal. There's a time to heal and I believe that applies to all of us, right? so the thing first of all that I want you to see is That in the Apostles time or when Paul was around there were people getting sick That stayed sick, you know that basically Paul was around But I think there's this misconception that like Paul just healed everybody that was around him Right or that there was no sickness among them. Like basically they're just like healed healed healed healed they're just like Benny had like just hitting people with their coats and Slaying people in the spirit to where like they they're all just getting healed But yet even in their day there were people that were just sick and he leaves them that way And Notice what it says in second Timothy chapter 4 second Timothy chapter 4 I just want to show you this first of all is that even in their day It's not like well I wish I was back in the Apostles day because if anybody got sick They just lay their hands on them and they would be good, right? Even in their day where there was miraculous things like that happening that still wasn't that wasn't always the case Because what you have to understand is that those miraculous type of signs and wonders if you will Those were done to confirm the Word of God and they were done for a certain purpose and What I want to show you here is a couple cases where there there are men that were basically sick and they weren't just like Healed and that they had to basically deal with that sickness. I Believe they got better probably. I mean in one case that we know they got better in this case. We don't really know And in second second Timothy chapter 4 and verse 19 it says salute Prisca and Aquila in the household of Onesiphorus Erastus abode at Corinth, but Trophimus have I left at Milethim sick I don't think that he just like had a vendetta against Trophimus and he's just like, you know what I left them They're sick. That's what he gets, you know, I don't think that's the attitude that we're getting here I think he's just making a point like hey, this is where everybody's at and I left, you know when I left You know, it's kind of like when I left Trophimus there he was sick Or maybe it's just like I left him there because he was sick You know, imagine like you're on a journey you're on a mission. It's like hey, you need to heal up You need to get better, whatever, right? Why isn't it that well, you know, there's this Pentecostal mentality out there like well No, you just put you know, you have faith to be healed and you'll be healed Well that doesn't pan out for Paul because he had a thorn in the flesh That he sought the Lord he besought the Lord thrice for and you know what Jesus said He said my grace is sufficient. You know what that means? No Not gonna be healed so What I want to first just show you is that back then even in their day There were people that were just getting sick and they just had to tough it out They just had to get through it and there wasn't like this. Just like all right, we need Peter over here Lay hands lay hands lay hands. What you usually see is some miraculous event that happens Basically to the furtherance of the gospel And if you're like if you're obviously you could say well, you know He should get better so he can go out there and preach the gospel But usually it's for unbelievers, you know, it's like it's signs and wonders to confirm like hey That's what what they're saying is right and here's this wonder this sign that's confirming that okay Go to Philippians chapter 2 Philippians chapter 2 So I kind of want to just Obviously, we know that there's there's healings that are done in the Bible that Are more on the miraculous type of realm But I don't believe that was just the everyday norm when it came to that. I think there was reasons why that stuff was performed and done and You know it was for for others to see and then ultimately to give credence to what's being said and to confirm the Word of God confirm the you know, the New Testament's being you know, jump-started if you will to where hey here This is the validation, right? So In Philippians chapter 2 and verse 25 it says yet I suppose it necessary to send to you a path of Ditus my brother and companion and laborer and fellow soldier But your messenger and he that ministered to my once So here's a good guy, right? I mean think about this guy is basically doing all this stuff helping them helping Paul For I longed after you all and was full of heaviness because that you had heard that he had been sick So he's basically saying I was full of heaviness because you heard that he was sick, right? For indeed he was sick nigh unto death But God had mercy on him and not on him only but on me also lest I lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow So think about that God had mercy on him He ends up getting healed and Paul's even saying not just on him but on me because basically he was gonna be You know, he's gonna be pretty distraught if his friend dies you know, he's a fellow laborer and he's helping in all these different areas and So you don't see where it's like well well Paul why didn't you just go over there and give me your handkerchief Does that make sense like there was people God's people I mean we're talking about laborers and the Lord we're not talking about like well, you know, they weren't right with God Trophimus maybe you can make that case. I don't think that would be the case It's not like I remember what Trophimus did. Therefore. I left him sick in Miletum, you know, it's not the that's not the context that you get there But with this case you definitely know that you're dealing with someone that's laboring for the Lord they're doing what they should be doing and they get sick and not only sick, but like almost died sick and Basically Paul's just saying hey he was merciful not only to him But also for Paul's sake that he didn't have to go to like his friend's funeral You know, I mean he he survived he made it and obviously he helps out there. So When you're dealing with healing The thing that I want to get to is that you're dealing with When you when you see that term heal, it's not always talking about physical healing Sometimes it is Sometimes it's talking about spiritual healing. Okay, so go to Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10. This can get into emotional healing You know like mental health healing like different things like that. That's not just physical Because you have the physical ailments right and I'm not I'm not taking that away I'm just saying that there's there's healing that's not just in that realm of like hey, I'm a leper heal me like there's also Spiritual healing that needs to happen. There's there's emotional healing needs to happen. There's mental healing that needs to happen and What I want to say is that some people are really gifted at that. I I Don't think I'm one of them. I'm not saying like I don't have any like Like capacity to try to heal people, you know what I mean when it comes to You know, maybe even physically like I mean, obviously, I think we all have a certain knack to be like, hey, you're bleeding Put some pressure on that boom healer That makes it like they're that's like really bottom shelf, right? You're bleeding. Here's the cotton ball Here's a band-aid put some pressure on it, right? Then you get up in an annie be like, hey, that's it. That's an artery. That's main artery You better get a tourniquet on that thing. You're like breaking out your belt and you're like tightening it down, you know There's different levels obviously to where you could be in that camp. I'm the guy that says put pressure on it I've never had to put a tourniquet on anybody But you can obviously see how like physically speaking we could all be in that category to a certain extent But there are people that excel in that there are people that are really good at it and I'm talking about physical Healing there are people that are really good at Mental healing when it comes to how to deal with that. I'm definitely not that person I'm the guy that says suck it up buttercup like I'm just like I'm like, you know if I you know, if you want some if you want, you know some tender love and care for me I'm probably gonna get a broom and like brush you with it You know, it's okay You know I try to be okay and maybe you know to a fault. Maybe I'm just bad about it. Maybe I'm callous. Maybe I'm just like hey toughen up I think there needs to be a balance. But when you think about this though That's why it's great to have a church full of people that are really good at that and Some people that maybe are good at other things, right? because you don't want just everybody to be this nurturing type of person whether just like It's just like the whole I mean think about it like a father and a mother, right? the idea there is that the mother's more of that nurturing type of person there and the father is not that the father's not nurturing but the father is definitely the one it's just like All right, it's time, you know get up, you know, like do what you need to do and I see this a lot with my with my sons or well at least with with James because James is a very sweet boy and definitely a mama's boy and and Holly He'll do something and he'll be doing something He shouldn't be doing and I'll be like James no, and then he'll just break down and Holly's like you're too hard on him I'm like This is why you need a dad son You know Like I said no to him I didn't you know yell at him I just said no when he's just like, you know, like just emotionally breaks down And so I think it's a good I'm not here to say like hey We we should all want I think we should all obviously want at all the gifts that we can get But what I'm saying is that if that's not if this isn't your gift if this is something you're like, hey This is my strong suit. I Mean it's not gonna be all of us I Think that when it comes to especially with emotional healing and stuff like that. There's a lot of patience that needs to be there when you're dealing with that a lot of long-suffering patience with that and You know that that could be a gift in itself right there just having patience Although we should all have patience and long-suffering some people have a lot more than others Matthew chapter 10 in verse 1 here Just to show you that obviously they were healing actual sicknesses You know when it comes to like when the disciples were sent out and all that and there was miraculous things that were being done with This but it says in verse 1 it says and when he had called unto him his 12 Disciples he gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sicknesses And all manner of disease now I want you to think about this casting out Devils is not a physical thing, right? I Mean obviously it'll affect you physically, but how do you cast out a devil with the Word of God? That's a spiritual matter and that's something that still goes on today You know the spiritual cleansing when it comes to that and obviously get if someone gets saved and that that solves that problem But then you have all manner of sicknesses and disease and all that and and go to Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 Just To prove to you that healing can apply to The spiritual realm the the emotional realm if you will This specifically is dealing with with soul winning Luke chapter 4 verse 12 it says and there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written The Spirit of Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor He has sent me to heal the broken-hearted. So notice the healing there is dealing with broken someone that's broken-hearted So we're not talking about physically healing a wound or some kind of physical ailment or infirmity. We're talking about a broken heart So that's a that's obviously a spiritual healing And obviously you think about obviously you can think about this when it comes to salvation But how about a believer that has a broken heart? Do you think that a believer can't have a broken heart that that a believer can't deal with heaviness depression all these different things? Obviously they can it says to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the Lord We're we're not talking about physical things here though Obviously Jesus came when he healed the blind and the deaf and the dumb and like and he had his disciples doing the same thing as well, so You can definitely see How he was he was physically doing that but think about it when Jesus When he when John the Baptist came to him and said hey, you know Are thou he that should come or do we look for another? He says the blind see the deaf here and he's going down the line and he says and the Gospels preached to the poor If you think about it those physical healings Were there to basically validate the spiritual healing that was happening with the gospel It's kind of like hey, you can tangibly see this. Listen, somebody gets saved. You can't tangibly see that Being born again. It likens it unto the wind You can hear it, but you can't see it I mean obviously it's the debris in the air. You can see that but you don't see the wind and so the same thing when it comes to to those that are born of the Spirit, so We see here that there's definitely physical and healing or I'm sorry physical and spiritual healing and Also you could look back at Look back at Isaiah 61 where this is referencing it Isaiah 61 verse 1 so it says heal the broken-hearted Notice the words that the word that's used here in verse 1 because we're talking about healing, right? I think people have this misconception that healing is just like a Benny Hinn thing It's just you've been like we've been warped to think that when the Bible talked about healing We're like hitting people in the head They're falling over convulsing and then they like get up and like all my cancer sealed like that's them that's the Unfortunately, the thing that I think of when I think of healing in Christianity been poisoned by this Pentecostal movement So you got to flush that stuff out There's obviously miraculous healings that were done by Jesus by the apostles by people in the Old Testament by prophets But that wasn't I mean if you think about all the places where you see that There's a lot of space and time between there When you think about people being healed of these miraculous things happening where there was nothing like that happening And by the way, John the Baptist didn't do any miracle It actually states that about them, you know, but Isaiah 61 verse 1 it says the Spirit of Lord is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted So think about this it says to heal the broken-hearted To bind up. I mean obviously you can say well, it's the same thing. It's just telling you how they did it, right? But like I said, I mean if you were to if someone had like an injury and you bound it up technically, I mean You're healing them and so this can get into physical You know, obviously Physicians doctors nurses like things like that to where people have a knack when it comes to that. Okay? You don't have to have a degree to have an act for that but When it comes to salvation just to show you that go to John chapter John chapter 12 John chapter 12 and we're talking about casting out devils in Acts chapter 10 verse 38 It says how God how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were Oppressed of the devil for God was with him. So notice how like casting out devils is talking about healing And dealing with helping a broken heart or even getting people saved you're dealing with healing So if you go out soul-winding, I mean you kind of have a gift of healing to a certain extent, right? So it's not I'm not here to say like all you know, this is just for this one person over here I think we all have it to a certain extent when it comes to preaching the gospel when it comes to different things when it comes to life, but there's gonna be people that are gonna be Really good at it But just to show you another one dealing with salvation this is kind of a negative on it But it's it's more of a verse verse 39 there says Therefore they could not believe because that he's is said again He had blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see With their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them So there's no doubt that healing is dealing with salvation as well right healing what being dead and trespasses and sins, right? The infirmity of sin so spiritually speaking that's the ultimate healing and Really if if you didn't know how to heal anybody physically, but you could heal someone spiritually Do you realize how much more important that is? That someone gets saved But I'm be also getting into the fact that how much more important it is to heal the spirit than it is the body In the fact that how much that plays a role to now go to Colossians chapter 4 because I Know that there's a lot of doctors out there that that are just bad doctors, you know, like they're either like there's obviously nefarious doctors But then there's there's just doctors that aren't good at their job But there are good doctors out there there are doctors that are very skilled and Know what you know, we were actually just talking about it I was talking to I think brother Nathan and we're just talking about like I had this vertigo problem Probably back 2012 Where basically it was an inner ear problem, but at the time I had no idea what it was going on All I knew is that I could couldn't even stand up The room was just completely spinning at all times and anytime I move my head it would just get it worse Couldn't drive couldn't walk. I was basically almost bedridden I had to like basically go to I went to a physical therapist trying to get them to move my head around see if they can get things working there and I remember going to one of those urgent care things, right? and The guy Googles, you know what the problem is, right? I'm like I could have done that He's like, well what I found is, you know, it's vertigo and you may just have to deal with the rest of your life I'm like, well then I'm gonna shoot myself Because there's no way that I can live that way. Like there's just no way that I can like I can't function at all And so anyway All that to say is that I was going to all these different places I was like trying to figure out what the problem was or like how to fix it And then I went to an ear specialist like basically an ear nose and throat type of specialist and They did this test on your ears and to like see like hey is everything working correctly? And he immediately not only knew like which year it was because I knew which year it was You know, I knew which one was kind of messing up. You kind of feel where it was going on He knew exactly what was going on He said because what was going on is that there's there's fluid in your ears And there's crystals that move around in the fluid of your ears. Well if it gets inflamed Then the crystals get stuck to the walls on like, you know, you have a hammer and the whatever those different muscles are or whatever in your ear if those get stuck there, then it basically completely screws up your balance and He said, you know, he's like what happened was is that you got an ear infection The ear infection inflamed your ear Caused that to happen and here's basically you just need something to take down the inflammation Boom cured. Anytime I ever dealt with it again, like it was I felt like it coming on I'd either take some ibuprofen Worst-case scenario take a steroid dose pack to where it like basically takes down that inflammation and never had to deal with that again There's difference between like that guy knew what he was doing. He's not only did he know the answer He's like you just I mean it was just off top of his head. He just knew everything that was going on with that And so there are people that are really good at that So where and sometimes you have to like basically kind of flush yourself through the the weight of like bad physicians You know or I would say not necessarily bad as far as like they're trying to kill you You know like because there's a there's I think a lot of misconceptions that like all doctors are out there just to kill you or whatever There's just a lot of incompetent doctors Okay, they just don't know what they're doing in a lot of cases and Not every think about this. What's the difference between? Someone that graduates top of their class in med school and someone that graduates on the bottom of their class Nothing, they're both doctors Now you could say well they have better opportunities they can go to these different places, but they're still considered a doctor And so I know this with engineering I know there's certain engineers. I'm like I hope they never design a building Like go work on a sewer somewhere or something like that Don't design a building right that has any like crazy life safety type of repercussions and But I want you to see here that the Bible teach the Bible shows us that there was actually we know for sure there was A good physician in in Paul's day actually Luke Was with Paul and a lot of his journey I mean That's why I believe he wrote the book of Acts because he was with Paul through that and even in the epistles He said only Luke is with me, but notice what says in verse 14 Luke the beloved physician and Demas greet you Luke was called the beloved physician Now there obviously are physicians That aren't good. So let me show you so I wanted to show you that they do exist Luke is one of them Now if you want to schedule an appointment with them that might be a little difficult now, but he was he was a believer obviously he wrote the book of Luke the book of Acts, but There are those that weren't good, you know, I mean think about with the woman that had the issue of blood 12 years think about in Mark chapter 5 verse 26 and says It had suffered many things and many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered But rather grew worse So she's dealing with many physicians and she's getting worse And Luke 8 43 the same story But it parallel passage and a woman having an issue of blood 12 years which has spent all her living on upon physicians Neither could be healed of any And You probably know the story of Job now this one's dealing with more of the emotional spiritual healing But in job 13 dealing with his friends knows what it says in job 13 in verse 4 job 13 in verse 4 If you're mad I believe it was I'm getting my Kings mixed up. But one of the Kings is I don't know if it was Uzziah or Amaziah One of the Kings had a disease And he didn't seek unto the Lord he just he sought unto the physicians and basically didn't get better so So physicians by and large in the Bible aren't necessarily talked of very great I mean, obviously you have Jesus where he says that they're gonna say unto him physician heal thyself Right and we have the song in the song book the great position so obviously Jesus is the greatest position and And but Luke was obviously called the beloved physician But in job 13 verse 4 it says but ye are forgers of lies. Ye are all physicians of no value All that ye would all together hold. Oh that you would all together hold your peace and it should be your wisdom So he's basically saying like you should be like healing me right now, but you're you're all physicians of no value And so there are a lot out there that claim to be you know those that would be able to heal and Aren't very good at it People to get paid to do that and they're not very good at it. They're just googling the same stuff. You're googling nowadays but there are people that are very good at it and So when it comes to that in the church, there are people that are good at that Meaning this is that go to Ezekiel chapter 47 Ezekiel chapter 47 The Bible talks about medicine or healing medicines if you will and I'm gonna give you details of this, but my wife is a pharmacist by trade, you know, like she has her pharmacist degree So she knows a little bit about medicine a little more than I do So There was like this issue I was dealing with And I was like, oh, you know, I don't deal with this I was like buying certain things and you know dealing with it or whatever year goes by still Have this issue this problem, right? I'm not a leper. Okay, so I'm not like that Okay, but I was like I was like I know what this I know what you know I'll just deal with it this way, right? And then I was just like it's been like a year and I'm like like I'm tired dealing with this So I'm just like Holly. I want you to assess this and she's like He's like you need this Well, he bought this stuff for me and and literally like it's completely here is like gone Who knew That she knew something about medicine So Listen so if you're if you're if you're apprehensive about getting advice, I live with a pharmacist and still won't ask her so Anyway, so that's good news. But the thing is is that You know, I was thinking like should I go to a doctor should I have them like assess this and anyway So People know certain things about and by the way what she had me use was something that's just like It's not like it's some kind of like crazy medicine. I mean, it's something that you could probably just Churn up yourself if you really had to But why not just go down to Walgreens to buy, you know, so that being said is that there's there's obviously a difference between there's there's there's There's obviously medicines that are out there That I would not recommend and that there's medicines out there that are harmful and have so many side effects It defeats the purpose of what you're doing There's obviously natural type of medicines as well. And what I'm gonna show you here is dealing with specifically leaves so I Automatically when I think of this I think of aloe leaves and just like how much like benefit aloe has just in general That's just that's my knowledge of medicine. Okay aloe it stops there but that being said is that when you're dealing with leaves or plants and different things like that and Ezekiel 47 verse 12 it says and by the river Upon the bank thereof on the side and on that side shall grow all trees for meat whose leaves shall not fade Neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months Because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary and the fruit thereof shall be for meat in the leaf thereof for medicine Now I personally believe that this could very well be obviously referencing the tree of life. That's in Revelation 22 That's gonna be you know in paradise and obviously heavens coming down to the earth new heaven new earth And it talks about that the leaves are for the healing of the nations But Healing medicine dealing with leaves. So I mean the thing is that there's there's medicines out there There's different things out there, but it's one thing to know the knowledge of medicine It's another know when to apply it. Okay, so when it comes to I'm talking physical healing right about now Okay, just physical type of healing is knowing knowing not only what to use But when to use it and how often to use it, right? And you know, my wife would you know, obviously she can know like hey Here's how much this person should take based off their weight age all this stuff, right? There's actual physical calculations that you do and all this stuff when it comes to that type of stuff, you know Even when it comes to vitamins, you know, there's different things like how much do you give and how many times a day? Do you take it right? I'm like pounding down immune vitamins right now. So I don't want to get sick The elderberry just drinking that stuff, you know But that being said is that there there there's there's There's a skill to that and some people are gifted it some people just like it just comes like they know like hey I can do this. I do do that. I know that this will help with this area I know this will help with that area and all that so physically speaking There are people that are gifted at dealing with medicines dealing with physical healings There's people that are gifted at maybe binding up people, you know when it comes to think about surgery think about Think about like a surgeon Like I said, everybody can go to medical school, but is everybody gonna be good at it, right? And when it comes to these gifts and one thing I want to be very clear with this when it comes to all these spiritual Gifts, you don't just get this by sitting on your rear end and doing nothing Meaning this is that all these gifts you need to work at It's just the fact that you kind of have a proclivity to it You're just you got a knack for that area But listen just because oh, I got a gift of wisdom and knowledge. That means I don't need to read anything I don't need to study anything No, of course you need to study and read it's just the fact that maybe you're really gifted in that that area same thing with learning languages Because you have a knack for it doesn't mean that you're just gonna automatically just learn all kinds of languages You have to put in the work and the time and The same thing when it comes to that area when it comes to healing and I'm talking on a physical manner You got to put in the time You got to put it in the study You have to know what you're looking at know why you're looking at it get experience dealing with that Go to Proverbs chapter 17 Proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 You Ever heard of those people just like man I would Get a lot of memory. You got a lot of memorized. I wish I had that gift and they use it in a manner Of like I wish I didn't have to do anything to do You know Like I wish I could just like just know it just on top your head for like no work involved at all Like you just somehow Osmosis, I'm just like get in there and it got in there I read it once boom memorized No And you know, you know what I'm talking about when people what they're doing is they're basically saying I Wish I wish that I didn't have to work at it as hard as I do because you get it so easy and Please don't ever negate the work that people have to do even if they are gifted at something because there is work that's involved So when it comes to healing go to Proverbs chapter 17 and verse 22 It says Mary heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones and so when it comes to spiritually speaking when you're dealing with medicine is that You say well, how do I heal somebody right with a broken heart? you know or How do I you know when it comes to healing well a Mary heart like someone that is Not I Think about this when it comes to someone that's not Just a negative Nancy, right? Let's say you're down and out or you need to pick me up. You don't want someone that's down now with you, right? I'm not talking about sorrow and weeping right? There's a place for that. I'll get to that but the idea here is that If you're depressed You don't want to be around someone that's depressed and then you're liking the depression Olympics on who's more depressed And who deserves to be depressed and who doesn't you know, like then you're fighting about being depressed, you know What you need is someone that's gonna kind of pull you up out of that Okay, and the idea there is that it can do good like medicine. I just think about weekly basis The the world beating you down. You're just like I don't feel like coming to church But then you come here and then you're singing psalms hymns spiritual songs, and there's this Mary type of Atmosphere if you will and you're just like Glad to be here. He's got picks you up. It's like a medicine, right? But also wants to show you that medicine isn't just inherently bad right I mean when you think about like there's obviously bad medicine out there. There's medicine that will destroy you. There's medicine that You know is worse than the drugs that are out on the street But then there there are there is medicine that actually Can save your life there's medicine out there that can like actually Do what it's supposed to do and a lot of times with medicine there may be a risk to reward You know benefit type of mentality when it comes to taking any type of medicine and I'm not a doctor So don't think you know, like if you're gonna if you're like, I need to take this medicine be like don't ask me Because I'm not the one to ask about that matter. I'm not the one that's I don't have that gift okay, but a Mary heart do is good like a medicine and There are wounds that There is no healing medicine go to Jeremiah chapter 30 Jeremiah chapter 30 Jeremiah 30 It says for thus saith the Lord thy bruises incurable and that wound is grievous verse 13 There is no none to plead thy cause That thou mayest be bound up thou hast no healing medicines So you could look at this in a physical manner, but obviously this is a spiritual matter that's dealing with Jerusalem, dealing with Judah at that time But you could definitely see how that could apply physically When there's just cases where there's nothing that's going to heal that, right? There's just cases, like Paul who had a thorn in the flesh Some people have infirmities where it's just like, there's not going to be this natural remedy that's going to take care of it Right? And that's just a sad fact of the matter I mean, but the idea is like, well, you know, if you just had enough faith, no There's cases where there's going to be just cases where medicine, there's not going to be a healing medicine for that There's not going to be a remedy for that But when it comes to people that have to get to healing, there's people that would know Hey, here's all the different things that you could do to try to heal that I mean, sometimes it's just good to know what not to use I joke around with my younger brother, his wife's a pharmacist And she would always do these Warfarin orders Like, there's like, Warfarin is a certain type of medicine or drug And I knew about it because, like, not all pharmacists can do that Like, you have to have a certain certificate or certification to do it And Justin, my younger brother, I'm going to call him out, he doesn't listen to my sermons anyway I hope he listens to this one But he's like, you know, I don't know, whatever happens, if I chop my leg off with a chainsaw He's like, just make sure I get some Warfarin I'm like, that is the opposite of what you want Warfarin is blood thinner But there's an extreme of someone who doesn't know anything about what that medicine does So here's the thing, you know what Justin learned? That Warfarin is not the answer to when you get a limb cut off And you're like, that's a little hyperbolic, that's a little extreme But here's the thing, sometimes it's good to know, hey, I don't want this because it's going to make it worse I mean, that alone would be kind of a saving grace or healing there It's like, hey, you have this, you don't want this So, and again, that doesn't take a medical degree to know that, hey, if you have this ailment over here that's like a fungal type thing You don't want something that's like a hydrocortisone You don't want to hydrate it, you want to dry it out And then something over here that needs something to hydrate it, you want to use that That's about my knowledge when it comes to medicine So, all I'm saying is that some people are really good at knowing like, hey, this is the problem Here's the different types of things that you can just get over the counter or you can go out and pick a leaf You know, when it comes to that So, where did I have, where was I having you turn? I didn't have you turn anywhere, did I? What's that? Jeremiah 30, that has no healing medicines So, when it comes to healing physically, I think there's gifts for that But let's be honest though And a lot of this stuff that we're dealing with in this chapter isn't really dealing with physical type of like things, right? We're dealing with spiritual matters So, I kind of wanted to hit that, that I don't believe that's out the window When it comes to like having gifts of healing physically I don't think that just went out with the apostles and that, hey, it's not dealing with that at all I think that applies But how much more dealing with spiritual matters? And let's just start with one that would be a spiritual matter that could affect the physical infirmity And that is prayer, okay? So, go to James 5, James 5 And dealing with praying for healing Praying for those that are sick You say, is this a gift? Yeah, I think that there are people that are just really gifted at prayer I'm not one of them You're like, what are you good at? Good question, trying to figure that out You're like, you're not good at this, you're not good at healing, you're not good at praying Listen Just being honest, that obviously I pray But I'm not like that prayer warrior Like there's people out there that can pray They're just, they have a schedule, they pray They can really just get there in prayer And I'm one that's just trying to do my best I'm trying to constantly get better at it But, in verse 13 here And obviously, I mean with prayer we should all be doing this But, I think there's some people that are just really good at getting ahold of God I mean you hear that, you know, where are my prayer warriors at, you know? It's a little corny But there are people that I'm like, that person prays a lot I want them to pray for me, right? And in verse 13 it says, is any among you afflicted? Let him pray Is any married? Let him sing psalms Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him Anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord And the prayer of faith shall save the sick And the Lord shall raise him up And if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him So you kind of get two aspects in here of healing, but you're dealing with prayer But also the faith is involved, right? You have to have the faith that they're able to be healed Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that they may be healed The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much I mean think about it, like, if you just took this passage You could have the gift of healing by praying Supplications and prayers and all of that And when it comes to that, some people are a lot better at that than others That maybe that's just like something like, I don't have a problem praying, I have a problem reading I don't have a problem praying, I have a problem doing that There's certain things where some people are like, I really have a problem reading But I can pray, like that's no problem I can do that all day long, I'm doing that while I'm walking down the street It's just like something that you're constantly getting hold of the Lord You're talking to the Lord, you're communicating with the Lord I think I prayed better when I was in college Because I had to walk up and down mountains all day to go to class By the way kids, this is back before iPods I was just walking with no music and walking a mile to class uphill both ways But, that's right, hey that did happen But I'll say this, when I was walking to class with nothing going on Like there's no music, there's no one to talk to, I'm just going by myself I would just talk to the Lord And I kind of almost missed that, where I had that time where I was just in that mode Where I was just walking and talking with the Lord And it wasn't just like, hey I'm praying for my meal, I'm praying over here, I'm praying before I go to bed But some people, they're going to work, they're going this way, and they're just talking to the Lord Not out loud, you know You don't want people to think you're a crackhead Especially in the meth head world that we live in today If you're just going around just mouthing words I'm sorry, but I'm probably going to be like Eli and think that you're drunk or something But, when it comes to this, some people do have a knack for praying And just praying for others, and praying for other people And just remembering that, bringing the remembrance of prayer night and day That is a gift, my friends, to do that And the healing that can happen there, both physically and spiritually I mean, right here we're talking about people that are physically sick And the idea there of having that But also, notice what it says at the end of verse 16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much Because you also have the idea of adding in the faith But also living a separate righteous life to where you'll get a hold of the Lord So, it's something to strive for Elias, it says in verse 17, was a man such to like passions as we are And he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months And he prayed again that the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit The thing that you want to see there is that Elijah, he wasn't just some god man He was a normal person, just a normal guy like us He had the same like passions as we would But he had the power of prayer to where he caused it not to rain and caused it to stop raining Or caused it not to rain and caused it to rain again You're like, that's the same thing He caused it not to rain and to stop raining That's what really gets interesting But it says, Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth and one convert him Let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way Shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins We're not talking about eternal salvation here, we're talking about physical salvation And some people have a really good skill on basically It talks about in meekness, those that are in a fault It talks about ye which are spiritual, restore such in one Some people have a knack of doing that And that is a skill Some of us getting into something they shouldn't be or they're getting into sin There's a skill there about pulling that person out And healing that person and maybe even saving them from some untimely death From the chastening of the Lord And you think about it, when you're examining yourself before you eat the Lord's Supper It says examine yourselves and it says some were sick And some even sleep, meaning some people even died because of this But you as a believer in the church of God, you may have that That healing type of gift where you can kind of pull someone out of that And really help when it comes to that Healing another member, maybe emotionally, physically, all of that When it comes to healing, think about the idea of like, okay well how do I heal? How can I help somebody? Just comforting them Okay, go to Isaiah chapter 61 again Actually, go to 2 Corinthians chapter 1 Because in Isaiah 61, when it says to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord And the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourn Think about like a funeral Someone's loved one just died There are people that are a lot better at comforting in those situations They're just able to just like, to get there with you, right? And like I said, I wish I was that person, but I'm just I'll be there and you know, like obviously I'm not like Callous to the situation, but I feel like sometimes I may look callous to the situation But honestly I care, I'm there with you, you know, I feel bad for you But there are just some people that are a lot better at that situation They're a lot better at comforting and being there for that person Knowing the words to say and what not to say, right? In those situations, I a lot of times don't say anything because I'm afraid I'm going to say the wrong thing Like I'm going to say something that's going to make you more upset Or it's going to make, you know So this is a real gift that people can have when it comes to the church and comforting those that are mourning And in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 3 it says Blessed be God, even the Father of all Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort Remember, God the Father is called the God of all comfort Jesus said I'm going to send unto you another comforter That means Jesus is a comforter and the Holy Ghost is that other comforter that was going to come Because God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit are all the God of comfort And it says in verse 4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble Sometimes the skill of comforting comes from where you've had experience I mean think about it, let's go back to the funeral example If someone died, let's say a relative or maybe it's the age of the person that died And you had that same thing happen to you Guess what? You have experience Therefore, you know what you wanted to hear, you know what helped you, therefore you can put it on them See how the experience, the experience of tribulation can help you comfort those that are going through it So the experience of loss can help comfort those that deal with it Now here's one that maybe hits closer to home when it comes to this And this is one that is a tragic event, but let's say a miscarriage Those that have had them are going to be well more equipped to comfort those that have them Does that make sense? Like that's something where obviously I want to be there for them But I haven't personally had to experience that Doesn't mean that I can't be there for them, I can't feel with them But it's not going to be the same with someone that has dealt with it That person is going to have the experience and say, hey, I know what you're going through, I know what that feels like But hey, here's the light at the end of the tunnel, here's how you get out of that, here's what I did And some people are going to be very gifted with that experience So where other people, it doesn't matter who they are, aren't going to be able to be that comfort So those are just some examples when it comes to being a comfort and a help, when it comes to healing So where you may not think that you have that gift, but maybe you do Or maybe you have it to a level that you didn't realize that you have it And sometimes with these gifts, I think sometimes because we think that we don't have it And I know I'm self-deprecating on this and I'm like I don't have this gift, this gift, or this gift But it doesn't mean that we shouldn't try Because you might actually be really gifted at it and not realize it And maybe you're holding back on something that you're really talented at Something that you really do have a good gift at that could be used to profit all Because when it comes to these gifts, a lot of these gifts are meant to profit everybody So some of this is just realizing where are you gifted at It's not a matter of are you gifted, it's a matter of where you're gifted at What areas, right? Do you think that God has people in the church that have no gifts? You're just a lump on the log, just along for the ride No, everybody has gifts, it's just a matter of, okay, what are you gifted at? What has God gifted you with to where, hey, I can use that? So if you're like, I don't have any, you're wrong Simple as that, you're wrong, figure it out Figure out where you're gifted at, and use it Listen, if you're not gifted at preaching, don't beat your head against the wall I'm not the best gifted preacher, but also if I couldn't get up here and speak in front of people without falling over and passing out That's not the job for me If you're that type of person, could you work through that? Yeah, I think some people can, but I think some people can't I think some people, they're just not going to be that public speaker They're not going to be that person that's in that position It's just not their gift, okay, when it comes to that So, the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5, verse 14, it says Now we exhort you brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded Support the weak, be patient toward all men Now, when we think feeble-minded, I think we take that to mean someone that's really stupid What I believe the feeble-minded is someone that's basically, they're feeble, they're faint It's kind of like that idea of faint-minded, they're kind of just ready to pass out type of thing, they're feeble And like mentally, basically weak And not in the manner that most people would think, it's just the fact that they're just kind of like mentally drained You ever had those times where you were just like, I don't want to think about anything, I'm just completely just drained I'm just feeble, faint, ready to fall apart, right? Mentally speaking Comfort those that are feeble-minded Now go to Proverbs chapter 18, in verse 14 And I want to say this about Actually, go to Proverbs chapter 25, verse 20 Because we're talking about weeping with those that weep and mourning with those that mourn Or basically, blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted The idea there is that we want to get down there with our level to heal somebody that's mourning You've got to get down there with them at that level And remember, like I said, sometimes it's not necessarily knowing what to say, but what not to say Or what not to do And here's a what not to do when someone is, let's say, depressed or really in a mournful state And that is to just bust out in some happy song Someone's like really upset about something, you're just like, hey listen, to God be the glory And you're just like, dude, I like that song I like what that's saying, but listen, there's a time and place Or there's the idea of just being too jovial Notice what it says here in Proverbs 25, verse 20 It says, as he that taketh away a garment in cold weather Now let me ask you a question That doesn't feel good, does it? It's freezing outside and you just rip a coat off somebody I know we're all about the polar plunge stuff and getting into ice water for health reasons But this isn't talking about this, this is talking about you're out, it's cold, and someone just rips your coat off And as vinegar upon nighter, so is he that singeth songs to a heavy heart So, as much as you think, hey, I want to, you know what the Bible says? He that is married let him sing songs Right? It doesn't say he that is depressed sings songs Now, don't get me wrong, can that bring you out of that? I think so The idea though, is that you're not going up to them and just singing like Baby Shark And like different things, you're just trying to make them laugh And you're just singing all these songs and you're just like, no If someone's in mourning and weeping, you need to get down there and weep with them Because it's almost like you're rejoicing and it's like a slap in the face Wouldn't like taking someone's coat off in the winter time be kind of like this slap in the face? You're just getting hit with this cold weather You know what it looks like? It looks like you don't care It looks like you're making light of something that is obviously a heavy issue to them And you're basically brushing it off like, hey That's why personally when it comes to the funerals, I'm not about this whole like graduation type service when it comes to that I get that the loved one that's saved is in heaven, right? But there's a time to mourn And I'm not just going to turn off mourning and just start rejoicing because my loved one's in heaven No, I'm sad, I'm just not going to sorrow as others which have no hope But I'm still going to sorrow And we need to think about that when it comes to those situations that we're not doing the opposite of what we should be doing I would say in a lot of cases the intent is right But the perception is going to be taken the completely opposite way You know, we need to be aware of that Some people are really gifted at knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to say it When it comes to those situations, when it comes to healing someone emotionally Obviously we should all be trying to do that And as a pastor, you know, obviously there's cases where I'm trying, you know, I'm getting into a situation Or people ask me for counsel, or people ask me for help in certain areas And I try to do my best when it comes to that And so hopefully if I've ever helped anybody when it comes to that, great But if I've made it worse, I'm sorry But the idea there is that there's a gift that's to that And I may not be the best when it comes to that I'm obviously trying, I'm not going to just be like, well it's not my gift Start singing songs at a funeral that are like super jovial Making light of the issue, I mean obviously there's lines where you need to know that's not going to help anything Proverbs 18 and verse 14 Okay, when it comes to, we were talking about infirmities and this last thing I'm going to mention will be done When it comes to physical infirmities, even in Paul's day, he left people sick And then there was a time where there was someone that was sick nine to death and he was afraid he was going to die And he was glad that God healed him But then there's infirmities that God just basically doesn't take away They say, what do you do about that? Well, you do the only thing that you can do, which is try to be there emotionally and spiritually Okay, notice what it says here in Proverbs 18 and verse 14 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity, but a wounded spirit who can bear The idea of the strength of the person's spirit or will to live And how that will bear that infirmity compared to someone that's of a broken spirit I mean, I know that the hospitals know this They don't probably know how to explain it A people that have this desire to live that should not be alive By all measures of medicine and just everything that they know Should not be alive, but somehow they're still going because they have the desire to live And then the person that by all measures should be able to recover from something, but they lost that desire to live and they just die There is a spiritual matter when it comes to life and death and when it comes to healing and when it comes to infirmities That you break that spirit, you might as well just say, I'm done There are certain people that are just like, I don't want to live anymore And then there are certain people that are like, I'm going to live, I'm going to make it through this And they plow through it and make it through it, but if their spirit wasn't there the way it should be, they would have died Because survival when it comes to being healed isn't all physical It isn't all just what you're ingesting physically There is a spiritual matter to that So don't take that as an equation and let's say you're dealing with a chronic infirmity Listen, heal the spirit, be there for the spirit, strengthen the spirit, comfort the spirit Be there for them emotionally and spiritually speaking and they'll be able to attack that and fight that Hopefully the Lord will take it away I'm not saying to lose hope on that, that the Lord can take away some chronic infirmity Because I pray that it does I pray that the Lord heals everybody in this church from any chronic illness or infirmity But if I can't heal it physically, I'm going to try to heal it spiritually And so I hope, if anything, you can see that healing isn't just the physical It's spiritual as well And you may say, hey, I didn't think that that could maybe be my gift, but maybe in some areas it is Maybe in certain situations it is You have experience in a certain area that you can help somebody with And you can help heal that area Maybe something that you went through that was tragic Maybe that's something that you can forward that to them So I don't know what is going on with the lights right now But I guess it's time to close at that point So let's end with a word of prayer Heavenly Father, we thank you for today and thank you for your word Thank you for your soul saved throughout the week And pray that you be with us throughout the rest of this week And pray that you be with those that are feeling well and dealing with sicknesses I pray that you heal all those And Lord, just pray that you help us, Lord, to try to heal everybody in this church as much as we can Whether that's physical, whether that's spiritual, whether it's emotional And Lord, just pray that you would be with us throughout the rest of the day And Lord, we love you and pray also in Jesus Christ's name, Amen So Brother Dave, come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed All right, take your song books and turn to song 433 Song 433 We'll sing Away in a Manger If you would stand, we'll sing song 433 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head The stars in the sky look down where he lay The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay The cattle lowing, the baby awakes But little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes The little Lord Jesus look down from the sky And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay Close by me forever and love me I pray bless all the dear children in thy name