(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song 422 Song 422 in your song books And if you would stand we'll sing thou just leave thy throne Song 422 Thou didst leave thy throne And thy kingly crown when thou came as to earth for me But in Bethlehem's home was there found no room for thy holy Nativity oh Come to my heart Lord Jesus There is room in my heart for thee Heaven's arches rang when the angels sang proclaiming thy royal decree But of lonely birth didst thou come to earth in a great humility Oh Come to my heart Lord Jesus There is room in my heart for thee The foxes found rest and the birds their nests in the shade of the forest tree But I was the sod oh the Son of God in the deserts of Galilee Oh come to my heart Lord Jesus There is room in my heart for thee Thou came us with the living word That should send thy people Free But with mocking scorn and a crown of thorns they bore thee to Calvary Oh come to my heart Lord Jesus There is room in my heart for thee When the heavens and the angels Sang at thy coming to victory Let thy voice call me home There is room there is room at my side for thee My heart shall rejoice Lord Jesus When thou can and call us for me I Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again. We just want to thank you God for Lord just another Sunday that we've gathered and heard the truth of your word preached I want to thank you God for the message this morning the souls that were saved this afternoon And I pray Lord now that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything. It's said and done We love you for it's in Jesus name. Ask all but amen All right, you may be seated and take your songbooks and turn just one page over to song 424 Mm-hmm song 424 in your some books will sing. Oh come all ye faithful Song 424 Oh Come all ye faithful Joyful and Triumphant Oh come ye. Oh come ye to back And Come and behold him born the king of angels Oh come let us adore him. Oh come let us Adore him. Oh come let us adore him Adore him The Lord Sing choirs of angels Sing an exultation Oh see all ye bright hosts of Glory to God all glory in the highest Oh come let us adore him. Oh come let us Adore him. Oh come let us adore him Christ The Lord Yea Lord we greet thee Born this happy morning Jesus to thee be all glory Give Word of the Father Now in flesh appearing Oh come let us adore him Come let us adore him. Oh come let us Adore him Christ the Lord Hey, man, well welcome back to Mount Baptist Church This Sunday evening and let's get the soul winning numbers for the week. First of all, I think we had 14 on Saturday what do we have any during the week? Two on Wednesday and Today what do we have today? So one and then one That's two three four and then we had one I had one five So two on Wednesday five seven So Twenty-one Sound right All right, we'll keep up the good work with the soul winning And As far as announcements go everything should be normal this this week so Wednesday evening we'll have our our We're continuing through the book of 1st Samuel and so be in your places there if you can And then As far as soul winning goes as the regional sewing times just be on the church group They're getting updates on times locations all of that We do have the men's prayer meeting at the end of the week on Friday We have the Christmas party coming up How do we usually do it? Was that like a potluck thing? When I came to the Christmas So we'll just make up a list we'll put a list together as far as entrees and then desserts that's more important anyway, right the dessert we'll have a separate list for dessert and That's what takes precedent. What's that? No You know what I was pleasantly surprised though with this whole soup thing it wasn't exactly like just all a bunch of suits and so You wanna bring a suit that's fine, but I'm Expecting like ham turkey mashed potatoes some type of potato Pepperoni rolls that's without saying though. I've already stated that That's just expected. No, I'm just kidding. No, but it's not expected But it is always welcome. So there's never a time where you have to wonder if that's I don't care if we're having a chili cook-off Pepperonis on the side with chili So anyway, whoa, we'll put up a sign-up sheet on the refrigerator and As far as that goes and then just remember the the gift exchange will do the white elephant gift exchange. And so And then we have a soul winning marathon set for December 16th, so it's gonna be like a parkersburg Area or Marietta, Ohio. It's all in that same area, but that that region over there Get some more details about that later And then a chapter memory for the month is Romans chapter 10 and in Hebrews 13 5 is remembered verse for the week and pregnancies be in prayer for Alyssa and a stage and tabby on the pregnancy list there and Just pray everything goes well and then also be in prayer for all the ladies that just had little ones. I Think that's about all I have for announcements Pray for those that are hunting that we don't shoot ourselves or Pray for brother Dave that he can actually shoot straight if he actually sees something I Don't pray for tabby because tabby is better at it. So It's probably a day that really needs He covets your prayers when it comes to that so no, but all seriousness prayer for like hunting safety all that stuff. I Think that's about all I have for announcements who's reading tonight Brother Wade So brother Wade's gonna be reading. What do I have you reading first Corinthians 12? Okay, so you'll be reading first Corinthians 12 after we do another song You All right, take your song books and turn to song 277 Song 277 in your song books will sing only trust him Song 277 Every soul by sin oppressed there's mercy with the Lord And he will surely Give you rest by trusting in his word Only trust him only Trust him only trust him now He will save you he will save you he will save you now For Jesus shed his precious blood rich blessings to be stole Plunge now into the Crimson flood that washes white as snow Only trust him only trust him only trust him now He will save you he will save you he will save you now Yes Jesus is the truth the way that leads you into rest Believe in him with a delay and you are fully blessed Only trust him only trust him only trust him now He Will save you he will save you he will save you now Come then and join this holy band and unto glory go To dwell in that Celestial land where joys Immortal flow Only trust him only trust him only trust him now He will save you he will save you save you now All right, take your bibles and turn to 1st Corinthians chapter number 12 1st Corinthians chapter number 12 in your bibles and we'll have brother wade come and read that for us 1st Corinthians chapter 12 Now concerning spiritual gifts brethren, I would not have you ignorant You know that you were Gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols Even as he were led Wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by a spirit of God called Jesus accursed and that no man Can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost Now there are diversities of gifts by the same spirit and there are differences of administrations But the same Lord and there are diversities of operations But it is the same God which worketh in all but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all For what to one is given by the Spirit the Word of Wisdom to another the Word of Knowledge By the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit To another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues But all these worketh that one and the same self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will for as the body is one and hath many members and All the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ for by one spirit Are we all baptized into one body? Whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit For the body is not one member but many if the foot shall say because I am NOT the hand I am NOT of the body Is it therefore not of the body and if the ear shall say because I am NOT the eye I am NOT of the body. Is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye? Where were the hearing if the whole we're hearing where were the smelling? But now hath God set the members every one of them in body as it has pleased him And if they were all one member, where were the body but now are they many members yet? But one body and the eye cannot say unto the hand. I have no need of the Oregon to the head To the feet I have no need of the Q Nay much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary and those members of the body Which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestow more abundant honor and uncommonly parts have more abundant comeliness For our comely parts have no need but God hath tempered the body together having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked That there should be no schism in the body But that the members should have the same care one for another and whether one member suffer all the members suffer With it or one member be honored all the members rejoice with it Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular And God hath set some in church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings Helps governments diversity the tongues our law apostles or all prophets or all teachers Are all workers and miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret But covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show I unto you a more excellent way Dear Lord, let us get something for your message and hear your words Evening and be with pastor as we hear your message in Jesus now. I pray Amen Amen, so you're there in First Corinthians chapter 12 anywhere are continuing our study if you will through the spiritual gifts and last time We went through The spirit of wisdom and knowledge and Dealing with spiritual gifts and it was coupling it in with teaching, but let's just look back there in verse 4 It says now there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit and there are Differences of administrations, but the same Lord and there are diversities of operations But it is the same God which worketh all in all and what you really see here is that these gifts are for a purpose their administrations are for operations and People just over Obviously the spiritual gifts, but they kind of over spiritualize it to where it's like not even useful for anything, right? Like if you if your interpretation of these gifts don't have a use in the church, then there's something wrong, right? We just some like gobbledygook, you know barking like a dog length like incoherent language that that defeats The whole purpose of these gifts So what you understand is that when we're looking at these spiritual gifts the purpose of them is what it says here in verse 7 But then the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all The whole point of these gifts is that it's going to be profitable in the church. It's going to help the church it's going to do something to further the cause of Christ or the furtherance of the gospel and But going off from that in verse 8 here says for to one is given by the Spirit The word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit and I preached on this before the the other sermon that not last week, but the week before on the idea of the gift of teaching and Having wisdom and knowledge and teaching wisdom and knowledge and all of that But the next one on the list here is in verse 9 says to another faith by the same spirit so When we're talking about this this gift of having faith We're not talking about Just faith in general. Okay, meaning this is that go to Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter 12 There's this false doctrine out there that that God, you know, like when you get saved even that faith is a gift Like you're being gifted faith and that you don't even personally believe in Christ. That's God And that's Calvinist thinking that's this idea of like you don't even believe God Basically gifts you with the ability to believe now here's thing I Do believe that God gives us ability to believe but here there everybody is born with the ability to believe and what I'm gonna show you here is that everybody is given a measure of faith and Notice what says here in verse 3 so Romans chapter 12 verse 3 It says for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly Than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God had dealt to every man the measure of faith So this idea like well, you know, there's some people that God Hasn't given like the ability to believe No, he's dealt to every man a measure of faith and now there are people that God removes the ability for someone to believe and That's where you get into the reprobate doctrine. But the idea is that everybody is born with the ability to believe There's no one born that can that is not able to believe and and listen you say well There's some people that that don't come to the knowledge of good and evil or they can't comprehend. Well, then they're innocent You know, you're either you're either not if you're not able to believe on Christ and you're innocent and you're going to heaven But there are people that do come to that knowledge of good and evil and reject the Lord so much that God takes away It says they're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth that they cannot believe But that's not something that someone starts off with. No, everybody's dealt the measure of faith and that can be taken away You know and that gets into another doctrine there, but the idea of faith being a gift for salvation is Is a false doctrine go to Ephesians chapter 2. Ephesians chapter 2. This is where they'll take you to And it's ridiculous. Okay Say people will say this type of stuff And it sounds and I think what it comes down to is that say people will hear some like Sermon on this or they'll hear something about it and they think it's like it. Oh, man, that preaches. That's so good You know that preaches well, and they'll just like copy it not even thinking about what that means and I Want you to think about Ephesians 2 8 9 very famous passage It says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God Not of works lest any man should boast now I Would like to take a survey just even unsaved people if you if you read this verse to him you say It is the gift of God and you ask them. What's the gift of God? How many people would say faith? Right, I Mean I can see people saying grace salvation but they think that faith is the gift of God and The funny part is these people that that try to say this they'll say well back in the Greek That it is the gift of God is referring back to the faith Nope, actually completely false actually went back to the Greek. There's no possible way that could be true So if anybody ever says to you well back in the Greek, you know, it is linked to the faith they either don't know Greek at all or they're lying to you and There's this false doctrine that that faith is a gift and listen salvation is a gift But faith, you know the just shall live by his faith It's your personal faith and your personal, you know, whosoever will let him come on to take of the water of life freely and They're trying to take away free will they're trying to make this unconditional election type of Irresistible grace type of argument which is this tulip Calvinism stuff and it's just not true So I want to preface this sermon with when we're talking about a gift of faith We're not talking about the fact that well some people For example this whole passage here in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 is saying are all apostles are all prophets Do all have gifts of healing? You know what I mean? Like the whole idea is that not everybody does So if you're gonna make the argument that this is talk that that 1st Corinthians 12 is talking about the fact that faith is a gift for salvation Then you've got to admit that not every Christian has faith Do you see how that's just ridiculous what we're talking about though, is that certain people have basically More faith than others. It's just in general. They kind of had this higher level of faith than some other people And I'm gonna be getting into the examples on that But I just kind of wanted to clear the ground first of all is that this isn't talking about salvation We're talking about everybody has faith. I Mean even it's in Romans chapter 12 when you get into the spiritual gifts in Romans chapter 12 It says like if any man have that, you know get the prophecy let him prophesy according to the proportion of faith But the idea is that everybody has faith everybody has a measure of faith, but the question is how much faith do you have? Do you have faith the grain of a mustard seed? Do you have you know, what level of faith do you have? And I believe we should all be striving to have more faith increasing our faith I'm gonna be getting into that but the idea here is that when we're talking about salvation Faith isn't the gift salvation's gift the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Not faith God has given us the ability to believe and there can come a point where he takes that ability away. Okay, but To say if you want to say that he's gifted every man with faith. It's the ability to believe. Okay, sure But To say that it's like well, it's just for the elect only the elect were gifted with faith No, and this passage isn't even talking about salvation. This this passage is already talking to believers. They already have everybody has faith It's just that some people in the church Have a gift of faith and let's let's first of all, what is faith? Okay, you're like man, this is getting basic Well, the thing is obviously when it comes to salvation we know that faith is trusting hoping and and and basically All of that but that applies in the Christian life as well meaning this is that for salvation this obviously applies but this also applies just in general with your Christian walk with the Lord as far as faith and believing okay So in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 if you're to say what's the definition of faith? I think Hebrews 11 1 Point blank tells you what faith is It's funny when people are just you know when the These heretics out there say well, it says believe but what does believe me and then they'll be like it's time for more sins. It's like What where did you find that? But Yet there's like clear statements faith is blank, you know, like just tells you what it is don't want to say that So Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for You just stick right there. What is faith the substance of things hoped for? So now we know that faith is dealing with you're hoping for something, right? It's the evidence of things not seen So what is faith? It's basically hoping in something you don't see Right You're hoping for something you can't see Simple as that when it comes to salvation. Can you see eternal life? Can you see the Lord Jesus? No, but you have hope and believe that What's not seen to be true? It even goes further to explain Just kind of an example that it says for by it the elders are paying a good report through faith We understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that the things which are seen were not made of things Which do appear? You know he's saying we understand that the world was made by things that we can't see The whole point and obviously all the evolutionists out there are taking the things that they see and trying to figure out how it was made You've already started off on a false premise The Bible says it's made of things which you don't see so that's the only answer to the equation, but So we know that that it's the substance things hoped for the evidence of things not seen I mean go to Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 kind of the same thing dealing with hope Hope Hope trust believe these things are used a lot interchangeably It says in verse 24 Romans chapter 8 verse 24 says for we are saved by hope But hope that is seen is not hope The whole point of faith is something that's not seen if you see it is why? Why are you believing because notice what it says it says For we are saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man seeeth Why did he yet hope for? Right it's like if you see it there. It's not really faith anymore It's there the evidence is that I'm looking at it, right So the evidence though of something you don't see is faith, right? That's the idea and then it goes on to say but if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it another thing to think about when it comes to faith is the idea of Abraham believed God and it was imputed on him for righteousness and Then it says in being fully persuaded That what he had promised what he had promised he was able also to perform and therefore it was imputed on him for righteousness The idea is faith of things that you can't see you don't see it, but you're fully Persuaded because some would say well hope you know they're not really sure you know No, fully persuaded when we're talking about hope we're talking about the fact that you have so much Hope that you are fully persuaded that it's going to happen It's not like this like you know you think about the oh, I hope so that's not what we're talking about Like I hope I hope I'm saying no, I know I have eternal life because I'm fully persuaded in that which I can't see But I believe it to be true That's what you're dealing with you're dealing with this confidence and things that you can't see So if you're gonna think about this gift I would think about this is that you have this complete confidence in the Lord and things that aren't seen and That is quite a gift Because we all have that to a certain extent because we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ right we believe for salvation But then you get into other avenues in life when it comes to what that would entail You know what that would in faith in the in the Lord providing for you And maybe getting you past an illness or a sickness or a disease or different things like that That having that type of faith Not all of us have that not all of us have this like great Faith now the Bible talks about one increasing faith and perfecting faith Which shows you that there's not just this one level of faith that everybody has That can increase or decrease and even with the disciples how many times did he say to disciples? Where is your faith, right? Is he saying why aren't you saved I? Mean he literally said in John chapter 2 Then is the disciples believed on him not saying they're not saved it's just the fact that they lack faith That their faith is like down here And then they even ask him go to Luke chapter 17 Luke chapter 17 and verse 5 Luke chapter 17 verse 5 And here's thing we should all strive to have great mountain moving faith But the fact of the matter is is not all of us are going to be on equal par Some people just have this proclivity to having a lot of faith in the Lord And just having faith that this is going to turn out You know there's some people are just like I don't know I don't know if this is gonna pan out I have my doubts that this is gonna pan out I think this is all just gonna be horrible and then other people are just like no this is gonna be great This is gonna just turn out fantastic. This is gonna turn around on us. You know like think about persecutions and tribulations There's some people that are just like this is fantastic Like they're just like this is gonna be great for us. This is gonna turn this is gonna turn into our favor This is gonna be great And then there's some that are just like I hope this turns out to our favor. I hope this doesn't get worse I hope you know what I mean like And there's just different levels of type of that type of faith that that that are in the church And I don't think this is my spiritual gift just to be honest with you meaning. This is that I you know I I'd like to say that I have a lot of it You know if tribulation hits and all that stuff that I'd just be like that guy to be like no Everything's gonna just be like It's gonna be top-notch like we're we're we're winning. You know like that type of attitude instead of just like We're gonna get through this. Yeah, we're gonna get through this and It may it may suck, but we're gonna get through this You know I mean like there's different types of attitudes that are going into those type of things Not saying you don't have faith, but there's some people that are just like there is no doubt in their mind That this is gonna end well Right and that type of faith that I wish we all had You know I mean that that level of that that kind of gift that they have of just like putting it all in the Lord and But in Luke chapter 7 verse 5 it says in the Apostle said unto the Lord increase our faith So again, I'm saying they don't have it. I mean in order to increase faith. You kind of have to have it right Because what are you increasing? It is they give us faith Increase it we have faith, but let's increase it right And it says in the Lord said if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed you might say unto this sycamine tree Be thou plucked up by the root and be thou planted in the sea and it should obey you which shows you that it doesn't take much faith to do great things and powerful things, but Also shows you that how little faith we have As human beings like the amount of faith We have is really small to the point where just that little grain of mustard seed is what you're moving mountains and trees And the Bible does get into the fact of like, okay. Well, how do I increase my faith prayer and fasting? Because when he talks about the same type of stuff He said this only cometh out by prayer and fasting and even even talks about like this faithless generation How long shall I dwell with you? He's not necessarily saying like they're unbelieving like you don't believe on him for salvation It's just the fact that they lacked faith in order to get that type of faith prayer and fasting You can increase that okay John James chapter 2 James chapter 2 dealing with perfecting your faith and That's Abraham. So Abraham believed God knows if you don't have righteousness for salvation, right? But he didn't just stop there and that's what it really gets into here. Is that this is above and beyond This is where you're going outside of you're going past just both believing for salvation and you're dealing with the type of faith you have as a Christian and And James chapter 2 verse 22 says see as thou how faith wrought with his works and by works was faith made perfect You want to increase your faith prayer and fasting you want to perfect your faith do the works? and it says in the scripture which was fulfilled which said Abraham believed God and it was imputed on him for righteousness and He was called the friend of God The prerequisite to being a friend of God is you got to be saved You got to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and that righteousness is imputed unto you Then if you do the works you can you can Perfect your faith to where you're the friend of God and Jesus said you're my friends if you do whatsoever. I recommend you So the friend part isn't automatic when you get saved Being the disciples not automatic when you get saved and Perfecting your faith is something that we're constantly trying to do Increasing our faith is something we're constantly trying to do adding to your faith virtue knowledge temperance going down line That is something we're constantly trying to do and even if you have all of that, you know The Bible says abound more and more So you're never done like well, when do I reach that when you die Or when Jesus comes back in the clouds and we're caught up together with them in the clouds and we see him face to face Right and we're changed at that point No more pressing toward the mark Our vile bodies are made, you know changed to be made like on his glorious body But until then we are constantly increasing trying to increase our faith perfecting our faith trying to be more the friend of God than we were the next the day before and you know the idea of being Close to God to the point where you're like Moses where he's just speaking to you. Apparently face to face is a friend so Let me give you some examples of People that had differing type of faith All believers. Okay, but let me give you some examples go to John chapter 1 John chapter 1 Let me show you in the fan y'all first of all And I want to save this in John chapter 2 It stated that his disciples believed on him now. Does that conclude Judas? No, because in John chapter 6 it says that he knew from the beginning Who would betray him and who would not believe on him? So he knew from the beginning that that Judas didn't believe on him. So when it says his disciples believed on him It's manifest that Judas is accepted in that right? Does that make sense? Like it's known that Judas isn't being talked about there But that means all his other disciples believed on him back in John chapter 2 But even before that in John chapter 1 here Nathaniel which I personally believe is Bartholomew, okay That's who we're dealing with here. So in the other Gospels, you'll see Bartholomew mentioned. I believe we're dealing with Nathaniel and He's always coupled with Philip. I mean it makes sense. Philip's the one that called him to Jesus. This is Nathaniel Fight me on it. No, no But either way you're dealing it wouldn't matter if he's one of the twelve or not for what I'm preaching on But I believe he's Bartholomew. I believe he is one of the twelve But in verse 47 here It says Jesus saw Nathaniel coming to him and saith of him behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile Now, why did he say that? Because he's saved In Psalm 32 when it's talking about blessed is a man whose iniquities are forgiven. It says in whose spirit there is no guile So the saved person that is also talking about that that's that whole passage is referenced in Romans chapter 4 dealing with salvation is that their spirit has no guile So when he's saying that to him, he's dealing with that's a true Israelite That's not just a physical Israelite. That is the spiritual Israel That's a spiritual Israelite and whose spirit is no guile because it says in whom is no guile verse 48 It says Nathaniel saith unto him whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him before that Philip called thee when I was under the fig tree I saw thee. Notice the language there. Whence knowest thou me? My sheep hear my voice, and I know them And He hears the shepherds voice here. Okay, and so notice what it says here It says Nathaniel answered and saith unto him Rabbi thou art the Son of God thou art the king of Israel So notice what did Jesus say to him? When I was under the fig tree, I saw thee And he's like you're the Son of God Why? Because you're dealing with a saved person that hears the shepherds voice. A saved person when they hear the Word of God They receive it He that is of God heareth God's Word. You therefore hear them not because you are not of God. A saved person hears the Word of God and receives it and Nathaniel received it. He was already saved, but notice that it didn't take much for that to lock in there did it? Notice what Jesus says in verse 50. Jesus answered and said unto him because I said unto thee I saw thee under the fig tree believeth thou? I mean even Jesus saying I just said that I saw you under the fig tree and I Mean you're saying I'm the Son of God and obviously he's right. Obviously all this is true Thou shalt see greater things than these And he saith unto him verily verily I say unto you Hereafter you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man That reference also is dealing with the ladder that Jacob saw Where he saw angels ascending and descending meaning that Jesus is the ladder He's the way the truth and the light no man cometh unto the Father but by him But the idea here is that notice how quick that was Nathaniel just like you're it He didn't need any explanation I mean and when he was coming there, he wasn't coming there thinking like we found them He's literally saying can any good thing come out of Nazareth? He's coming to Jesus doubting that this is the Messiah right because of just where he grew up He's like this can't you know, they're basically coming in there like can't and then he hears you say that I saw the end of the victory he's like Rabbi thou art the Son of God thou art the King of Israel That's some mountain moving faith right there Now go to John chapter 20. Let me show you an example. That's not a great example of faith. Okay, and that is Thomas Now Thomas gets a bad rap, I mean, but he's still one of the twelve So, I mean even though this is not like the best example He still continued with Jesus from his baptism on. Okay, so You know, I still want to meet Thomas in heaven but at the same time who would you rather be? You know, would you rather be Nathaniel or Thomas? so John chapter 20 verse 24 it says but but Thomas one of the twelve called Didymus was not with them When Jesus came now Didymus gets into the idea of being like kind of like double minded and the idea of basically a double minded man is unstable in all his ways and Anyway, that's another term for another day But in verse 25 here says the the other disciples therefore said said unto him we have seen the Lord But he said unto them except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my Hand into his side. I will not believe Little different right? I mean Nathaniel he's saying because I said I saw the end of the fig tree believeth thou That's all it took Thomas is over here because he wasn't there when he appeared unto them to begin with right Thomas is saying I won't believe unless I put my finger into his hands and thrust my hand through his side and Then it says and after eight days again Again his disciples were within and Thomas with them then came Jesus the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you then saith he to Thomas reach hither thy finger and behold behold my hands reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side be Not faithless, but believing and Thomas answered and said unto him my Lord and my God there. He finally said it Right, I mean you have Nathaniel that's just Jesus literally just said I saw you under the fig tree I mean listen, that's not that I mean if you think about it's not that miraculous to think that that Jesus saw I'm sitting under a fig tree, right? Maybe not maybe there was like some kind of like encroaching like fence around it. Like how did you see me? but it's It's not like this big miraculous thing that he said And notice what Jesus said to Thomas though, it says in verse 29 it says Jesus saith unto him Thomas because thou has seen me Thou has believed Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed and Thomas was already a believer So don't get you know, this this false doctrine out there that Thomas finally got saved or something like that. That's ridiculous but the thing is is that he obviously didn't have this mountain moving faith when it came to the resurrection and all of that and Nathaniel on the other hand was just like there we go that quick And So what it comes down to is that some Christians need a lot more tangible proof before they really be like, yeah This is it this happened. For example, something could happen and you could say someone would maybe say that's the Lord that definitely I mean, there's no doubt the Lord was in it and other people would take a lot more to be like, okay I think the Lord was in that That makes it there's like there's there's gonna I need more proof and I Would say the people that lack faith a lot of times are just more cynical There's a natural explanation for this right and we're talking about believers that believe on the Lord for salvation But I'm just saying that there's a lot of times where he's like, well, no, this is just coincidental. This is just by chance Whereas others it's just like it doesn't take much. It was like boom. That was the Lord for sure The Lord blessed there. The Lord is the one that that facilitated that We think about it when you have divine appointments out soul winning, right? That you're just like that was the Lord. I mean the Lord set that up And then others kept looking at me like well, you know, it's just coincidental They just happen to be talking to their friend about eternal security before we came up to them They just happen to leave the hospital and they were talking about like how they they wish they knew where they were going when they died And they were afraid about going to hell and it just it was just all coincidence or you can say the Lord prepared that heart and And the Lord was in that right and that's just an example of people that have Just like this faith. It's just automatic like no the Lord was doing that The Lord was preparing that the Lord was doing this, right? Now so you have Nathaniel great example of someone that just has like this great faith And I would say he definitely has a gift of faith Thomas on the other hand, I don't think anybody would say he has mountain moving faith So this kind of like the extreme contrast there Go to Mark chapter 9, Mark chapter 9 Meaning this is that you can have faith to be saved and still lack faith Because here's the thing Let's say someone has faith that's like down here, okay? Let's say you had a scale of faith and here's down here like one Okay, and then you have a scale up here where you're at like nine because we all know ten doesn't exist Whether you're talking about rating like beauty or anything like that Anyway So you have you have one down here really low faith Nine up here really high faith right when it comes to salvation. It doesn't matter the level It's just whatever faith you have you're putting in Jesus That makes sense it could be you you really lack faith in general But you have something whatever you have boom in Jesus only in him not in yourself at all Right and the same thing with a person has a lot of faith You need to take all the faith that you have and put it in Jesus not in yourself only in him point blank, right But some of that gets saved it's down here This is in Mark chapter 9 meaning like they don't have a lot of faith, but whatever they faith they had they put it in Christ And notice it says in Mark chapter 9 and verse 23 it says Jesus said unto him if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth and Straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears Lord. I believe Help thou mine unbelief Now how does that make sense? Because the guy is saying like hey I put all that I have I you know every bit of belief that our faith that I have I put in you, but I'm I'm struggling with faith Right like I'm not like this mountain moving faith type of guy But whatever you have you put it in there, and that's what I always tell people I say listen The grain of a mustard seed I don't even have that type of faith But whatever faith you have put it in the Lord Whatever level and height of faith you have or You know valley of faith that you have as far as lack thereof But whatever you have in the Lord. He'll save you and he's not measuring like how well I'm really saved because I I have a lot more faith No, you're either saved you're not you either put all your faith in them Or you didn't but all your faith may be on the low end of the totem pole when it comes to like someone else's faith Okay, I Hope that makes sense the idea there is that everybody kind of is in a different realm when it comes to how much faith they have Go to Matthew chapter 15 Matthew chapter 15 And there's cases where Jesus points out the great faith of somebody And this is the case where this this this Greek woman in this passage It doesn't say that but in another parallel passage talks about how she's a Syrophoenician a Greek by nationality you know basically that's But it says here and Matthew chapter 15 verse 21 It says then Jesus went thence and departed into the coast of Tyre and Zion and behold a woman of Canaan Came out of the same coast and cried unto him saying have mercy on me O Lord thou son of David my daughters grievously vexed with the devil But he answered her not a word and his disciples came and besought him saying send her away For she cried after us But he answered and said I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel Then came she and worshiped him saying Lord help me, but he answered and said It is not me to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs and she said Truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table Notice this then Jesus answered and said unto her o woman great is thy faith Be it unto thee even as thou wilt and her daughter was made whole from that very hour They say well, what's this whole passage talking about? Why is he saying this to her? Why doesn't he just say hey I'm gonna heal your daughter Well, this gets into the idea of prayer, right? And the idea is that You you have these these parables that Jesus brings forth when it comes to being having importunity Meaning that you are basically just praying without ceasing Into the point where You don't get you don't get the answer. You're looking for you keep going right? It's kind of like No, I'm not doing that right now, I'm not doing that right now, but you just keep praying You just keep praying and it's just that you know that he can do it. You know that this can be done You know that You just keep asking you keep asking you keep going after him and that's the type of faith that this woman had Is that I know he can heal her. I know this can happen and I'm gonna keep asking until it happens And that's getting into prayer, which I don't have time to go into those passages where it talks about The idea of prayer and he even gives an example of an unjust judge in the fact that an unjust judge even Just because the just so this woman doesn't bother me anymore I'm paraphrasing but basically just so I give this woman out of my face. I'm gonna deal with the situation, right? It's just that kind of attitude of like I'm just I'm done with dealing with this And he's basically talking about the fact that how much more though shall God You know like the Lord who loves us and wants to give us everything how much more if you keep coming to him in prayer day after day night after night and The the idea is that if you keep doing that, you know, what that shows is that you believe it it can actually be done It's not just this like whimsical like maybe that's gonna happen No, it's like I know this can happen. I know he's able I'm just gonna keep asking until he does it Okay, and this woman has that great type of faith. I go to Go to Luke chapter 7 Luke chapter 7 Luke chapter 7 is another example And again, the reason I'm showing you these is because I showed you the 12 disciples, right? I showed you Nathaniel and I showed you I showed you Thomas. You're like, well, of course, right? They're Jews You know, they're known for faith not really Obviously he came into his own his own received not okay, like you're anti-semite What I want to show you here though is that it doesn't matter if you're of Israel or you're not okay and This woman was not of Israel. She's a Canaan and and one of the reasons I mean, I believe he's one saying this because his ministry was to the circumcision His ministry was to basically confirm all the promises and covenants to the fathers and That the scriptures might be fulfilled that he came into his own his own received And not all these different things were going on yet. He still got people saved that are outside of that Yeah, he did heal people that were outside of that. It's just that his his his whole Ministry was based around that area and I believe he also was teaching a lesson that you keep asking and you have that faith It'll be it'll pay off You know, even if even if that isn't even in his purview at the time It's not like his he's trying to do this stuff over here and he's focusing on this you keep asking him for it A lot of times you have that faith He's gonna he's gonna answer it even if that's not maybe like his his his ultimate will of what he's working on at the moment and Luke chapter 7 verse 1 it says now when he had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people he entered into Capernaum and a certain centurion servant who was dear unto him was sick and ready to die And when he had when he heard of Jesus He sent unto him the elders of the Jews beseeching him that he would come and heal his servant and when they came To Jesus they besought him instantly saying that he was worthy for whom he should do this Where he loveth our nation and he had built us a synagogue Then Jesus went with them and when he was now far from the house The centurion sent friends to him saying unto him Lord trouble not thyself for I'm not worthy That thou should have sent her under my roof wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee So get the picture here. He's not even out there where he's at He sent other people. He said I'm not worthy to even be in your presence I'm not worthy for you to come underneath my roof And So he but it says but say in a word And My servant shall be healed Notice the faith here. I mean this is straight up what we would be dealing with right because we can't see Jesus right now He's in heaven seated at the right hand of the Father. He's invisible Though we love him right though. We believe in him. The idea here is that this centurion is like a great example of what we are dealing with where We're not out there physically and seeing him. He's not physically coming to heal the person that we're trying to get healed and Notice what it says here as we keep reading This for I also am a man set under authority Having under me soldiers and I say unto one go and he goeth into another come and he cometh to my servant do this And he doeth it when Jesus heard these things he marveled at him and Turned him about and said unto the people that followed him I say unto you I have not found so great faith. No not in Israel And they that were sent returning to the house found the servant whole that he that had been sick so here's someone that's not of Israel, but they had this great faith and Jesus is marveling at it And I don't know about you But I would the God it could be said that Jesus is in heaven marveling at at the faith that we have in him. I Would never assume that that'd be the case but that should be what we're striving for Is that hey we increase our faith and we perfect our faith to the point where Jesus is saying Like maybe he could save you. I've not seen so great faith in West Virginia Or in America or in the world, you know at this time, right? And just striving for that type of level of faith that the centurion had or this Greek woman had or like Nathaniel had How about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego go to go to Daniel chapter 3 Daniel chapter 3 Daniel chapter 3 this gift of faith meaning that it we're not talking about getting saved right You can see how it could correlate to that right in the idea of Putting all your trust in him and having faith in him But the idea here is that we're talking about people being healed we're talking about You know in this case being saved from death right physical death But I want you to see here the kind of faith that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego had And I want you to think for a sec. I want you to forget the ending of the story for a second. I Want you to pretend that you don't know what's gonna happen Because I think sometimes since we know the ending of the story. It doesn't seem that That fantastic I Want you to read with me here and pretend you don't know whether they're gonna make it okay It says in verse 16 Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king o Nebuchadnezzar We are not careful to answer thee in this matter if it be so our God Whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace So first of all they're saying we know that he's able to No doubt he's able to do it and notice this and he will deliver us out of thy hand Okay, so not only do they think he's able they also are sure that he's going to do it But then they put in this caveat And it says but if not But if not what but if he doesn't save us Right he's not saying, but if he's not able no What was just what was said after it said he's able that he will do it So basically they're saying we believe he will But even if he doesn't That makes sense we know he's able And we believe he will save us, but even if he doesn't know this Be it known unto thee O king that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image, which thou has set up So Notice that type of fate That they were optimistic obviously and the fact that hey We know he's able and we believe he will save us But even if he doesn't Even if he chooses not to save us We're still not gonna worship the your golden image, right? Now keep reading there It says then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury in the form of his visage which changed against Shadrach Meshach and Abednego Therefore he spake and commanded that they should should heat the furnace one seven times more than it was want to be heated At this point say you don't know the end of story You're Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and they're they're heating thing up and they're not only heating it up They're heating it up seven times hotter than they normally would Then it says and he commanded the most mighty men that were in his armies to bind Shadrach Meshach and Abednego And to cast them into the burning fiery furnace and now they're being bound up Where does your faith stop? One thing to state that it's another thing that you're getting bound up and you're about to be thrown into this thing Because you can think about this They may not I don't think they knew exactly how he was gonna try to save them, right? It could have been in their minds they give you that think well something's gonna happen before we even get to that point Before they even bind us up before they even the furnace is gonna break down something's gonna happen, right? Then it goes on to say It says in verse 21 then these men were bound in their coats their hosen pants by the way in the Old Testament In Their hats in their other garments and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace So at this point they're thrown in let me can you imagine though at that point? You're probably like I guess he's not going to I Don't know, you know, I don't know what was going through their minds right but at that point you probably be thinking I guess He's not gonna do it. I Still believe they had faith that he was able to But once they go in there now, maybe maybe at that point when they're cast in they're thinking like hey We're gonna be okay because these guys died before they even got here, right? The guys that were throwing them in died before they even got through the furnace That's how hot it was So at that point they probably realized something's going on here because we're not burning and we're not dying, you know But then at that point it says Which one did I read for did I read first 22 therefore But because the king commanded was was urgent in the first exceeding hot the flame of the fire Slew those men that took Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and these three men Shadrach Meshach and Abednego Fell down bound into the midst of the fire and the burning fiery furnace Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished and rose up at haste and spake and said unto his counselors Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king true. Oh King He answered and said lo I see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no hurt in the form of the fourth is like the Son of God So we see here obviously that their faith paid off But that's that's some faith right there. We're not talking about faith to be saved from hell We're talking about the fact that you had such faith that you were willing to put your whole life on the line to the point where They were just like I guess I guess we're gonna die I mean you could imagine at that point where they're getting bound and they're like carrying you over this furniture Like I guess we're done. This is it And obviously when they get thrown in they're like, I guess it's not it. I Guess he is gonna save us, right? So when it comes to faith you can do great things for God when when when you're dealing with that and Hebrew chapter 11 You can look at obviously the the Hall of Faith and just all the things that were done, you know from stopping the mouths of lines quenching quenching the violence of fire Waxing valiant and fight like all these different things that were done by faith We're not talking about being saved from hell at that point We're talking about just what things were accomplished by having great faith in God And you could just go down the line of different cases where God delivered his people that had great faith You know what the Bible says about these people it says of whom the world was not worthy So that's quite a gift to have Now I think that you say well, I just don't have that gift. So I'm just gonna give up No, we should all be striving to have great faith in the Lord and increase our faith and perfect our faith Go to go to 1st Corinthians chapter 13 because we're in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and we're dealing with all these gifts but in the end When it gets done with all these gifts, the idea here is that charity is really What Is the glue to all of it? Right, if you have all these gifts, but you don't have charity, it's worthless, right, but I want you to see What's mentioned at the end of 1st Corinthians chapter 13, right? Because it talks about coveting earnestly the best gifts And I believe faith is one of the best gifts you could covet Like having that gift of faith and increasing that faith and all of that and you say why? Well, notice what it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 verse 12 For now we see through a glass darkly and really that's where we're at right now, right? We can't see it. We have to believe it We kind of see it There's things that we're seeing through the Bible and you can kind of visualize it, see it, all that But we're really seeing darkly. You know what that takes a lot of? Faith Because we're going off what the Bible says and We're getting a we're getting a picture of it, but it's not necessarily apparent. It's not something that's just super crystal-clear and it says But then face to face now, I know in part But then shall I know even also as also I am known and notice this right here and now abided faith Hope charity these three, but the greatest of these is charity Now I think you can see that faith and hope are very well linked When you're dealing with the gift of faith you're dealing with Essentially also the gift of hope kind of like you're dealing with wisdom and knowledge, right? There's there's a little difference I'm not saying that they're one in the same right Because faith is the the substance of things hoped for, right? The idea of Hoping for something is what faith is, right? And so I'm not saying they're one in the same It's a synonymous term because that wouldn't make any sense right? Faith, hope, charity, these three Why wouldn't you just say faith and charity, right? These two But those are very well linked and if you're gonna look at like I coupled The word of wisdom the word of knowledge and you couple that into teaching I would couple the gift of faith and hope in there And it's putting that up there with charity. Now charity is greater Because charity is greater than all of these gifts, right? We're talking about love by the way You know love when it comes to all these gifts, it's nothing if you don't have charity if you don't have love, right? But faith and hope they're top three Top three You say was that something that that I want to have? Definitely something I want to have and listen the more faith you have the more profitable you'll be. Think about it I mean James chapter 2 is what? Faith without works is dead, right? That chapter. What's it talking about though? profitable faith Because dead faith is unprofitable faith What doth it profit my brethren though a man say he hath faith and had not works can faith save him from what? judgment without mercy Because if you don't show mercy, you're gonna have judgment without mercy and mercy rejoices against judgment then it goes on to say that hey, you have a brother or sister that's destitute of daily food, naked and destitute of daily food and you give them not those things that are needful to the body What doth it profit? Profitable faith, being profitable with all And that faith is profitable, but let me give you an example of where it's really profitable and that's with soul winning Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and we'll be done. 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 Has anybody been out soul winning and you're preaching the gospel to somebody and they're like, I know you believe this If I had people say that to you you're like, I know for sure you believe this Because you're preaching it with such confidence right Open your mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, right? It's not like this. I think this is right No, this is right This is right. You need to believe it No doubt Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved. There's no doubt Just complete confidence right and you've had people say I know you believe it You know and you're trying to convince them but they're like there's no doubt I know that's what you believe whether it's right or not they're like, I'm not sure if this is right or not, but I know you believe it and That can be seen the idea of Show me thy faith by thy works right the idea is that there's just no it's like you believe that And In second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 13. It says we have we having the same spirit of faith According as it is written. I believe and therefore have I spoken we also believe in therefore speak Do you believe that hell exists? You believe that you have the answer for that? Do you believe you have the way out? You know the gospel you have that key for people to the keys of heaven if you will for people to believe and be saved Do you believe it? If you really believe it you'll be out there That make sense not saying you're not saved if you don't go soul-winning. I'm just saying that that type of faith is What causes you to go out soul-winning? That's what that's the driving force that you believe in hell When I saw one you believe the gospel saves people going out soul-winning you believe people will get saved I'm going out soul-winning. I believe therefore have I spoken When it comes to doctrines when it comes to any you can say I heard that guy preached, but I don't think he believes it But then you look at it like that guy believes it Whether I agree with him or not, he believes what he's saying wholeheartedly Because the person has faith in what they're preaching He actually believes what he's preaching he believes it to be true And that's what we're lacking a lot of times with preaching is they don't have faith in what they're preaching and That's why it's weak And You don't have to turn there, but in Philemon It says this in verse 4 says I thank my God making mention of thee always in my prayers hearing of thy love and faith Which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus and toward all Saints that the communication of thy faith may become Effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus The communication of your faith, I believe therefore have I spoken and It's profitable Wisdom and knowledge is profitable. I mean would you not say that wisdom and knowledge is profitable considering. It's it's far above rubies It's more precious than in gold and in silver but also faith Faith is profitable. It's profitable for you. There's also profitable for others and again Some people excel in this and that's why it's great to be in a church because We all kind of have I would say this is that you can all be kind of like have Certain levels of all these gifts. Does that make sense, but some people excel in Some of those areas and when you're at a church You know what the Bible teaches in this passage is that if one hurts we all hurt with it if one You know the idea is that we kind of like lend off of each other Maybe you lack faith. Maybe you're just like one of those people that just like I just don't believe this is gonna happen You're a Debbie Downer, you know the negative Nancy What else you want to put in there right you're just like this is gonna happen this is all gonna fall apart But then you have this other person just like no this will happen We will prevail. We're more than conquerors in Christ, and I'm not talking about some over spiritual garbage You know like these guys out there just like well bless the Lord You know like it's like this this this over spiritual stuff. I'm talking about someone just like no we will make it through this The Lord will prevail his gospel will go forth, and you know what it will fight us, but we're gonna win That will complement each other Meaning this is that that person is gonna bring that person out of that and help that person be like hey Let me borrow some of that faith that you have over there And the same thing goes with any of these other gifts You know maybe someone has a lot of wisdom in one area and Someone's like I need to know about that and then you here here it is And we're lending off of each other, and there's the edifying of the church, and it's not just the pastor doing it okay Like there's there's communication between and fellowship with believers to where we can all lend each other lend off each other when it comes to that Healing I mean we're gonna be getting these all the other ones as well, but the idea there is that Don't be down if you don't have if you're like I lack in that area Join the club with everybody else that lacks in certain gifts right the whole point of the chapter is that not all of us have these Are all apostles are all prophets Do all have gifts of healing do all you know the the the rhetorical is no So know that to be true But I think it is important to try to figure out what you are gifted at Where is your gift at you know where is that call and where God is really just gifted you that so you can use it What you don't want to do is just like not use what God has given you as maybe a gift in a certain area Figure out where it's useful figure out where you can help with it and use it and if we all did that The Bible says fitly joined together, but it's kind of like a well-oiled machine right It's kind of like this idea like bringing into modern vernacular Like it's just a well-oiled machine where everybody's doing their part everybody's playing their part, and we're just We're just doing doing great because of that where I lack another person picks up where another person lacks. I pick up That's the beauty of a local New Testament Church And that's the great beauty of how the Spirit has gifted certain people and it also makes it to where it's not a one-man show The only way called a one-man show is if you say that the Jesus is the one-man show But in the end, you know, we're ambassadors for Christ and he has given us the ministry and we're fellow co-laborers with him So we're all in this together. Let's end with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you today Thank you for your word. Thank you for this passage and Lord help us to to understand all these different gifts and also see where where you have gifted us as believers so that we can use it for For edification of the church for just profiting and for helping one another and loving one another in the church and Being profitable for the ministry and Lord just pray that you'd help us to to learn all of them But also to know them and to use them and Lord we pray that you be with us as we go home Give us safety and travels be with those that are that'll be hunting give safety there as well And we love you and pray in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. So brother Dave will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed You All right, take your song books and turn to song 149 Song 149 we'll sing trusting Jesus if you would stand we'll sing song 149 Simply trusting every day Trusting through a stormy way Even when my faith is small Trusting Jesus, that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting him whatever before Trusting Jesus, that is all Brightly doth his spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine while he leads I cannot fall Trusting Jesus, that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting him whatever before Trusting Jesus, that is all Singing if my way is clear praying The path be treer If in danger for him call Trusting Jesus, that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting him whatever before Trusting Jesus, that is all Trusting him while life shall last Trusting him to earth be past till within the jasper wall Trusting Jesus, that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting him whatever before Trusting Jesus, that is all