(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church take your songbooks and turn to song 314 Song 314 in your songbooks will sing more love to thee and If you would stand hey Bella, can you give me a water get to actually? Just one just give me a water I Will sing song 314 Love to thee Oh Christ more love to thee Hey Prayer I made Unbended me This is my earnest plea more Love Oh cries to thee Love to thee More love to thee Oh Earthly joy, I crave saw peace and rest Now the alone I seek give one is best This all my prayer shall be more love Oh cries to thee The More love to thee But sorrow to its work sin grief and pain Sweet are thy Messengers sweet they refrain When they can't See with me more Love Oh cries to thee More love to thee Then shall my latest breath whisper thy praise This be the parting cry my heart shall raise This still its prayer shall be more Love Oh cries to thee more love to thee More love to thee All right, let's pray heavenly father Lord again, we just want to thank you God just for this awesome Sunday you've given us Lord Thank you for the sermon this morning also for the soul winning and the souls that were saved This afternoon. I pray Lord now that you again you would receive the honor and glory out of everything at sundown We love you for it's in Jesus. Anyway, ask all but amen. All right, you may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual song books And turn to song number two Song number two in your mountain Baptist song books we'll sing Psalm 15 song number two Lord who shall abide in thy Tamarackle Who shall dwell in thy holy Hell Lord who shall abide in thy Tabernacle Who shall dwell in thy holy hell he that walketh up rightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart he that walketh up rightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart He that back bideth not tongue nor do with thee to his neighbor nor take up reproach against his neighbor He that back bideth not with his tongue in whose eyes of Person as content body on earth that fear the Lord in whose eyes of Person as content body on them that fear the Lord Lord he that swearth to his own hurt and change not he that putteth not out his money to usury, I swear to his own hurt and change not He that putteth not out his money to usury nor take its reward against the Innocent he that do with these things shall never be moved nor taketh reward against the Innocent he that do with these things shall never be moved Lord who shall abide in thy Tabernacle who shall dwell in the holy Amen well welcome back to Mount Baptist Church and I'm gonna get the soloing number for the week first before I forget about it here So what did we did we have salvation is during the week One on Wednesday Is there anything else during the week? And then today I know that our our vehicle we had three and then Brother Wade one and then brother Gavin one so five six seven eight nine I Got you brother. Yeah, so nine What's the one? So ten total Praise the Lord Keep up the good work with the soul winning I was just talking to brother Richie and brother Wade about maybe just some future missions trips of maybe doing One abroad and maybe one close meaning that one in the States meaning like we find an area that's maybe like a city that We've never been to a big city. Maybe we can go into maybe for more than one day so obviously you can have those marathons we go one day, but Maybe looking at a more local type of mission to where if you don't maybe you don't feel like going outside the states You don't want to get a passport But you'd like to go on one of these missions trips where you're out there for like five days or a week or something like That they kind of open that up. So we're kind of gonna look into that and just see You Know where it would be a good place all of that so it could be as close as DC It could be as far away as like Wyoming, I don't know the west coast is covered. We're not touching I'm just The South Dakota like you go to South Dakota North Dakota, it's like pretty much population Morgantown Of the whole states or something like that. So not saying they don't need gospel or they don't need a Soul winning but so anyway just kind of putting that out there if anybody's like hey, I'd like to go on one of these missions trip, but Don't really feel like flying for you know, 12 hours or Some cases like 30 hours or whatever, you know, you don't want to travel that far So maybe we can plan some stuff there. So anyway, just be kind of on the lookout for that as far as Service time everything is normal this week or willing this Wednesday We're gonna have we're gonna be continuing through the book of 1st Samuel and so on this Wednesday at 7 p.m and then be on the lookout on the Regional so many times Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday So if you want to go out to those get on the church group there that whatsapp group that we have And or just get with the men that lead these up throughout the week, so We do have the harvest party coming up on Tuesday. So This week we're gonna see each other more than usual I guess so we'll have Tuesday evening harvest party and then we'll have our normal Wednesday evening service the next day and so Should have some fun games and Yeah, so that's coming up I Don't know if there's any questions on the food like people are just bringing soup, right so I guess is that what people eat with soup? What's that it's all taken care of all right, the lady's got it it's all under control Oyster crackers. Yeah saltines I'm gonna be over here just munching on crackers. No But all joking aside no, we're gonna have food and everything Is there any desserts coming with this did the lady's got desserts can't I mean this is harvest party There's got to be some pie or something. Right? There's got to be What's that I get the doughnut on the string, that's my dessert there better be two doughnuts on that string So but that is coming up so just a reminder on that I know with work. It's hard to get here maybe earlier But the earlier you can get here with your kids the more You know light we have outside to play the games. We do have the pavilion it has lights But I don't think we want to do we're doing like that potato sack grace, right? We probably don't want to do that on on concrete He'll be fine It probably be preferred that we do it in the grass, but there's just no light over there So there's certain games that maybe we can do with the light with the light set up and everything but so trying to get here is as early as you can on on that as far as the 6 p.m. Time there and then We'll have the food and everything. I mean the soups gonna be on crock pots anyway, so I mean that could just doesn't They could just sit there for a little bit why everybody's playing games so On the back of your bullets in there we have chapter memory for the month we have Romans chapter 10 And I know we probably had that one on the list before but it's always a good one to have memorized and if you already have it memorized just make sure you have it shirred up that you get it down pat and Then 2 Timothy 1 7 is our memory verse for the week We've got the birthdays anniversaries pregnancy list there be in prayer for the ladies on the pregnancy list Alyssa Anastasia and Tabby So be in prayer that everything goes well there some winter babies there So I Think that's about all I have for announcements that I can think of right now We have the offering box in the back there and mother baby rooms for mothers babies only we are starting a new series tonight Dealing with the Spiritual gifts spiritual gifts so this sermon is gonna be an introduction to it And then we're gonna be hitting on different spiritual gifts throughout the week So hopefully it's a blessing to you and brother Dave's gonna come sing one more song who's reading this evening Machine so brother Shane's gonna be reading 1st Corinthians chapter 12 for us All right take your song books and turn to song 315 Song 315 in your song books will sing take my life and let it be And what chapters brother Shane reading All right, we'll sing song 315 Take my life and let it be Consecrated Lord to thee take my hands and let them move At the impulse of thy love at the impulse of thy love Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for thee Take my voice and let me see always only for my king always only for my king Take my silver and my gold not a mine would I withhold Take my moments and my days Let them flow in ceaseless praise Let them flow in ceaseless praise Take my will and make it thine It shall be no longer mine Take my heart it is thine own It shall be thy royal throne It shall be thy royal throne All right, take your Bibles and turn to 1st Corinthians chapter number 12 1st Corinthians chapter number 12 and we'll have brother Shane read that for us 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and if you found your place say amen Now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant You know that you were Gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols even as you were led Wherefore I give you to understand that no man speak speaking by the Spirit of God call it Jesus accursed And that no man can say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Ghost Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit and there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord There are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom To another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit to another faith by the same Spirit To another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another Discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues But all these worketh that one and the self same spirit Dividing to every man severally as he will for as the body is one and hath many members and all The members of that one body being many are one body. So also is Christ For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free and Have been all made to drink into one spirit For the body is not One member but many if the foot shall say because I am NOT the hand I am NOT of the body Is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say because I am NOT the eye I am NOT of the body It is therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye Where were the hearing if the whole were hearing where were the smelling? but now hath God said the members every one of them in the body as it hath pleased him and if They were all one member. Where were the body? But now are they many members yet one body and the eye cannot say unto the hand I have no need of thee nor again the hand Head to the feet. I have no need of you Nay much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble or necessary And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestow more abundant honor and Our uncommonly parts Have more abundant calmliness for our commonly parts have no need but God hath tempered the body together Having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked That there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or One member be honored and all the members rejoice with it Now you are the body of Christ and members in particular and God hath set some in the church first apostles Secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps governments Diversities of tongues are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of a miracles Have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret But covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show I unto you a more excellent way Let us pray dear Heavenly Father the Lord. Thank you to be gathered into your house I just pray we could learn from your word tonight and fill pastor with your spirit. Help us to be edified tonight. Jesus name. Amen You're there in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and this is if you were to think about a chapter about spiritual gifts This is definitely a chapter we will be going into Romans chapter 12 as well and This is gonna be more of an introduction because I do want to go through these different spiritual gifts that are mentioned here I I don't believe this is all-inclusive meaning that there's some that are mentioned in Romans chapter 12 that aren't mentioned in 1st Corinthians 12 some are overlapped but also just the idea that There's many different types of gifts that someone can have and I think this is just kind of giving you Kind of a quick overview of different types of gifts that people can have and some of maybe they're just the idea that there's More of a broad Gift if you will, but it could be parsed off into different avenues. So But starting starting off here in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 1 now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant. So he's basically saying there's spiritual gifts I don't want you to be ignorant about it And what I want to what I'm gonna hit on in this series is the fact that these spiritual gifts I believe that everything that's mentioned in 1st Corinthians 12 and Romans chapter 12 are applicable today to today Okay, now this sermon is gonna be really getting I'm gonna be hitting on the idea of this, you know Pentecostal type of idea that there's these these supernatural gifts like where you have the painting hands and you have these healings and you have these different things that That are fake today meaning like there's there's this there's fake speaking in tongues. There's fake healing There's all these different things that are out there that aren't what this is talking about So I'm gonna be hitting on that as far as okay What about the miracles and the things that were done by the Apostles compared to what we have now? But I do believe that every single gift that's mentioned in 1st Corinthians 12 is applicable. It's not like well that one doesn't count the only thing that that's I'm gonna be getting into that we don't have today our apostles kind of meaning this is that I'm gonna be getting into the idea That we still have the words of the Apostles It's just that we don't have physical apostles walking on the earth right now, so but 1st Corinthians 12 verse 1 the first thing you need to know is that you don't want to be ignorant about spiritual gifts and As Baptist I think sometimes we we shy away about talking about spiritual gifts or or anything like that because we don't want to be Pentecostal But spiritual gifts are a real thing and and it's something that everybody has different gifts as a Christian different things that God has Has given you to where you are better at certain things than others and Talents if you will if you think about like there's certain talents that God has given you through the Spirit of God that you can Use for the kingdom of God and for the church I mean a lot of this chapter is dealing with the fact that we're many members But one body and the idea that we're one body as far as a church is conserved or one congregation But it's made up of many members and within that we have a lot of diversity of gifts everybody has their proper gift and You know some people are really good at making memes some people are really good at playing football. You know like All joking aside there are different talents and different spiritual gifts when it comes to when you look at this list There's some people that are maybe really good at preaching. There's some people that are really good at teaching There's some people that are really good at just helping others out. There's there's there's some that are really good at praying and Not to say that we shouldn't all have a Piece of all that does that make sense like we should all Be a jack-of-all-trades if you will But there's gonna be areas where you're going to be you're gonna excel where someone maybe is lacking or maybe someone's in the middle of the road, but you excel in that area and So sometimes you may need to try to figure out well Where is your strength and know this is that I? Don't believe that God is expecting us all to just excel in every single one of these areas Meaning that there's just some areas that maybe I'm gifted in this area And I'm just trying to keep hold my own in the other areas but You know I'm maybe not going to excel to this person every year so I believe that God has He builds the church And when you what you have to understand is that we go out soul winning and obviously we're inviting people to church But it's the Lord that builds the church. It's the Lord that is bringing in people to the church and if you let the Lord do that and Don't force that I believe that he builds a church and if you're lacking in an area Or there's like there's some kind of talent that you need or somehow You know someone that has maybe a spiritual gift in this area That he fills those gaps and he and he basically builds the church in that manner It's not just like oh, okay. We're building people, and it's just kind of convoluted I believe the Lord will Build it in such a manner that it's it's fitly joined together and So this this is a good chapter I think to think about maybe where your strengths at and I could tell you where I think my strengths are And where my weaknesses are Right there's areas where I'd be like yeah, I try to be good in that area, but it's definitely not my strength You Know but then there's certain areas around like I feel like that's my strength. That's where I'm comfortable That's where I feel like I excel in and so We're gonna go through this a little bit, and then I do want to really just hit on the fact of you know what? What's been I don't want to say done away with but what's not? What's not Prevalent as far as the Lord I believe in the end times is gonna be doing great Miracles and works and everything through God's people and so I don't want to say like all this is done away with this is no longer Happens anymore. I I'm not one to say that but I'll say this is that what we see today with the TV preachers and all these different people There's a lot of fake Gifts, there's a lot of fake miracles. There's a lot of show and pretense and and garbage that's not of God and There are still miracles that happen there are still things that God does and moves and I think when we get to the end if we're if we're in the End or if we're here alive when that happens that God's gonna do great that God's people are gonna do great exploits And then God's gonna work through those people and we may see many miracles that Maybe some haven't seen for two thousand years when it comes to what was going on So I'm not one to say like okay these these things can't ever happen again, right? It's the same God He's still able to do all these things It was in a New Testament was done to begin with I'm talking about like Speaking someone can hear you in their own language or different things like that But what I'm gonna get to is why was that done at the very beginning with the Apostles? Why was that? What was the purpose of that? Why is that not still something that's prevalent? Okay, so I hope I answer that question because that's a lot a lot of people like well, you know They did it in Pentecost. Why why can't we do it all right now and It really gets into the purpose of it what's the purpose of those gifts what was the purpose of of those miracles and It's not just to make yourself look spiritual and when you look at all these TV preachers and Pentecostals It's all a big show to make yourself. Oh, you're speaking of tongues. You're you've got the Holy Ghost. You're slain in the Spirit It's all a big show to look how spiritual I am Whereas the gifts these miracles and things that were done in the Bible at the day of Pentecost and different things like that They were done to win people to Christ they were done for the for the The furtherance of the gospel and not just to make yourself look like you're some You know spiritual man of God So first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 1 it says now concerning spiritual gifts, rather than I would not have you ignorant, you know That you were Gentiles carried away onto these dumb idols Even as ye were led now Dom in the Bible is talking about the fact that they don't talk, right? so And the Bible talks about this and these idols that can't talk they can't breathe, you know, they can't see They're basically just inanimate objects and it says wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God Calleth Jesus a curse and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost now be there are Diversities of gifts but the same spirit and the thing that I want you to understand here Is that there's diversities of gifts and the idea here is that no one person has every single one of these Except for the Lord Jesus. Okay, so Jesus the Bible says that the Spirit of God was given unto him without measure So when you look at these gifts Jesus had it today But I mean no one would ever have it to the abundance that he had it But also he had all of it So but we as Christians we have to understand is that there's a diversity of gifts And I don't believe that this list here is all-inclusive meaning that we could look at different things That would apply that maybe aren't just spelled out here but There are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit there are differences of administration But the same Lord and there are diversities of operations, but it's the same God which worketh all in all Do you see the Trinity right there? Spirit, Lord, God You have the Spirit of God. You have the Lord Jesus Christ and you have God the Father And What it's stating here is that these these gifts and operations and administrations are all through the Father Son and the Holy Ghost that are given unto us and Diversities there's differences right? There's different types of gifts and It says in verse 7 here But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all and that's the understand you at once you have to Understand is what is the gift for it's the prophet is to it's not just to have just to have right just to show off And and do that and so when when you think about like prayer, for example or Anything that you're asking for the question is is it gonna be profitable for the kingdom of God? Is it gonna be something that or is it just for show? Now verse 8 it says for one to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom to another The word of knowledge by the same spirit So now we're getting into specific types of gifts, right? So we had the word of wisdom the word of knowledge to another faith by the same spirit. So you're So you're like, okay faith. I Knew the Calvinists were right, you know faith is a gift and you know, you don't even have a choice on salvation What you have to understand is that we're not talking about salvation in this passage. We're talking about the gift of having An abundance of faith right you think about think about the difference between Nathaniel and Thomas both saved But did a miss right? I mean we're talking about the guy the doubting Thomas the idea of just there's different levels of amount of faith to where Where to one Jesus saying because I saw the under the fig tree believe us thou Right and then Thomas over here I gotta thrust my hand through his side and I need to put my hand into the print nails and the Princeton is in his hand right Or I won't believe They were both believers Nathaniel was a believer before Jesus called him over to him or before he went and saw Jesus, right? Because Jesus said behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile. I mean, he said that before he even talked to him and Then Thomas was already a believer back I mean before the resurrection all his disciples believed on him except for Judas and then you have the fact that You know, yeah after when all the disciples said we saw him we we ate with him And he's like, I won't believe unless I see this this and this see the difference in the gift the gift of faith there Thomas is lacking Nathaniel is excelling and so We had to get the faith and I'm gonna be getting into these and more meaning I'm gonna be going down the line on these gifts So I'm gonna be doing a whole sermon on each one of these type of gifts There's some I might put together because I believe they they coincide with each other but It says to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles now these ones you may say Well, are those done away with you know, there's no healings anymore. There's no miracles anymore It's a good question and we'll get to that. I Do believe that these pertain to now as well and We'll get into that as far as what that's talking about to another prophecy now prophecy could be dealing with preaching but you can also be dealing with the fact of You know, obviously we should all be preaching the gospel But some people are better and some are some excel in that like as far as maybe an evangelist Right the idea of the opposite of an evangelist to where you know, that's what they do Whereas we all as Christians should we're all called to preach the gospel We should all be preaching the gospel every creature and so we should all be preaching the gospel, but some would maybe be Above and beyond maybe some would be a preacher as far as like a pastor and preaching sermons to the saved and all that to another discerning of spirits We'll get into that as well But that's that's and I'll say this I think that a pastor for example should Should at least have bits and pieces of all these right and we should all have bits and pieces of all these to a certain extent But there's gonna be some that excel in these more than others To another diversity kind of tongues kinds of tongues now, this is actual languages, by the way and when I get to this one We'll definitely be getting into the unknown tongue and getting into the what the Pentecostals teach about this stuff we're talking about just someone that's good at languages someone that's good at speaking different languages and Then you have the interpret to another interpretation of tongues you say well, isn't that the same thing? No speaking a language and understanding language are two different things not two different things, but I'll say this I Understand Greek a lot better than I can speak it Right if I was reading it my reading my reading in Greek Greek and I'm not saying like I excel in this I'm just saying like if you were to put it on like a bar my readings here and my my be able to speak it To like it says speakers. It's like down here, right? so what my interpretation of it as far as like being able to read it and understand it is a lot higher than my Ability to speak it and converse with it Okay, and maybe someone else is different maybe someone's like hey I can speak it because I've just been around them but I can't read it I Can't you know, I can't make heads or tails out of like if I was just reading this novel over here If I was reading Plato or whatever So there are differences between those two though they are kind of linked I'm not saying like there's no Similarity, but there is a difference between those two And That's where you'll get into the the Pentecostal be like well see some they'll they'll be like children on the you know They're like they have to get the tongues and then this guy's over here He said he wants to give $5,000 to the church gift of interpretation. They're like I didn't say that But you know, you know how that oh, I don't know if you know, I don't know if you've been in a Pentecostal church but you know you have those people that just Say some incoherent babble and then someone over here is like this guy says this and they're like Oh, they both have gifts and all just making it up or they're devil-possessed and they're you know, not in the driver's seat So we have it said in verse 11 there says but all things worketh that One and self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will now what severally mean? Usually when you mean several you mean like an amount right but look at the in that word you see the word sever Meaning it's separate separate now one way. I remember remember this word and kind of define This word is that when it talks about is it King Uzziah? Who was put in a several house? Because he's a leper if you remember King Uzziah is the one that basically tried to do the priest office and he was told to leave and then he Became a leper to the day of his death But anyway, he was put in us what it was called a several house Which you think about like a house that's severed off from the rest of the community, right? It's Separated so when you think about their differences and gifts, there's diversities and gifts, but they're given to people Separately meaning like it's severed off like this one's to this person. This one's to that person Right every several city is talking about like every separate city. And so when you see this term like It's divided to every man severally as he will it even talks about every several gate was a per was of one pearl Talking about the twelve gates in New Jerusalem Every several gate was of one pearl meaning like every separate gate There was a distinct gate for each even though there was three on each side of like north south east west They were separate gates and they were each one pearl. I Think you get okay, they're separate gifts for different people and Notice what it says in verse 28 And this is just something to know we're kind of getting a broad view here We got all these gifts, but the idea here is that everybody's kind of got different. They're giving out different to different people Severally and notice what it says here verse 28 and God has set some in the church first apostles Secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues So notice how it gives a hierarchy here Notice what's last on that list? Diversity to the tongue the Pentecostal is like number one. You must speak in tongues It's like what in the world that's like literally that's the last one But The end it says covered the best gifts it's like well Tongues shouldn't even be on that list then I mean if you had a list of 1 to 20 You said covered the best ones. How's 20 the best? ever So I'm not I'm not against speaking a language, you know, I try to learn other languages, too But some people are really good at it. Not that they don't have to work at it, but some people Can learn a lot of languages they have the ability to do it and other people It's just not happening. They just don't have that that knack to Remember the language and be able to speak it read it and all that. Okay, I Think I'm in the middle. I'm able to do it, but I'm not good right at it I'm able to do it. It takes me a long time But I'm able to do it pastor Anderson on the other hand He's like up here like I can't even tell you how many languages he knows he's like learning Japanese and Like just the different languages that he knows and the levels that he knows them. I'm just like I'm like, yeah, that's that's great. Keep going, you know, but So there's certain people where I'm like that he has that gift right there now not to take away that he puts in a lot of work To learn it. Okay. It still takes a lot of work but everybody has their Their several gift if you will they have certain gifts that they excel in or that they like I mean you think about it Some of this just has to do with do you like it to where you're gonna want to put in the time to learn it And do it and be good at it If you don't like it, if you don't like learning languages, you're not gonna be good at it. Just facts but but it says He puts it puts this in a hierarchy if you will are all apostles this is a rhetorical question are all apostles No are all prophets No are all teachers. No are all workers of miracles No are all have all the gifts of healing the answer is no to all these do all speak with tongues No, do all interpret no So when you know you had the Pentecostals out there and I'm gonna preach a whole sermon on this. Don't worry You have the Pentecostal out there like well, you know, if you're saved then you're gonna speak in tongues. It's like it just said That no not everybody speaks with tongues now We're talking about actual language is not some jibber-jabber gobbledygook that the Pentecostals do but at the same time You know, it's it's saying that no Covet but covet earnestly the best gifts and yet shall I unto you a more excellent way Now go to Roman chapter 12 Roman chapter 12, so we'll be hitting on this as well like I said, there's some in Roman chapter 12 that aren't necessarily spelled out in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 some overlap and even in Even in 1st Corinthians when you look at them mentioning the gifts later on There's different ones mentioned, but I do think that sometimes there's like a broader sense that encompasses many gifts for example Teaching The word of wisdom the word of knowledge If you have a gift at the word of wisdom and a word of knowledge, then you're probably going to be a good teacher You know that you're able to teach the word if you understand it really well and so You know helps Healing those all go together healing miracles help. I mean just have helps in general that that would be dealing with that So some of these I might combine together where it's just Showing you kind of different words that explain the same type of gifts In Roman chapter 12 and verse 3 Romans chapter 12 and verse 3 it says for I say Through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think But to think soberly according as God had dealt every man the measure of faith So that's one thing that everybody has faith, you know, everybody has that measure of faith but people have a gift of faith meaning like some people are just they have that they have the Kind of the proclivity to have this mountain moving type of faith Whereas others are more like a Thomas that like they just kind of doubted things all the time, you know Not excusing Thomas, but the idea is that there's different levels as far as what type of faith you have But here's the thing whatever faith you have it needs to be in the Lord Jesus for salvation so whether it's mountain moving faith or whether it's Thomas type of faith right poor Thomas is getting getting it tonight Verse 4 here. It says for as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office So we being many are one body in Christ and every one members one of another So the idea here is that just as much as you have different members they have different abilities, right? Like my hands don't have the same ability as my feet, but they're all needed You're like well technically you could live without an arm it's like well sure But at the same time You're gonna be the most profitable if you have all the members You're gonna have you're gonna be able to do things a lot more efficiently and effectively if you have all your members So there's different offices depending on the member And it's and you don't look at it like well that one's better than the other and that's what first Corinthians 12 gets into is like well don't boast yourself just because You don't have like maybe maybe your talent isn't the most lime lighted type of talent to where you're just like hey This one gets the lime light Think about preaching or prophesying for example, right? you can think about preaching as being like kind of like that lime light you're in front of everybody and you're You know, you're the popular one or infamous one, I guess it depends on which crowd you're looking at And you can say well that that one has That gets better, you know, like that one's better than the other ones No, we all are equal in value in the body of Christ. I As the pastor I'm as equal in value as anybody else in here Is it you know, obviously I have an authority and I'm leading and all that but at the in the end We're all part of the body of Christ and we all have different offices As far as in different talents that we have and we're all working together and the idea is is that hey Anybody in here can get just as many rewards and can live for God just as much as I can And We I think this will be a good sermon to realize hey, I Have a certain talent I'm not good at that I need to let that go that I'm just not that great at that Avenue right there Or this is this is where I this is where my niche is when it comes to the things of God. Yes, try to be Somewhat in the in the area of all of it, right? But there's gonna be areas where you're gonna excel and That might be just a journey right there finding out where it is So keep reading here It says in verse I can't remember verse five But I think I did it says so we being many are one body in Christ and every one members one of another Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us Whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith or ministry Let us wait on our ministering or he that teaches on teaching or he that exhorteth on exportation He that giveth let him do it with simplicity. He that ruleth with diligence. He that showeth mercy Showeth mercy with cheerfulness So even just being merciful is a gift that you can have and I say even but obviously that's a great gift to have is Being merciful some people really struggle with being merciful Think about being temperate Some people have a real gift of being temperate and some people struggle with being temperate and I'm talking about like anger right being able to control yourself and reign in You know your temper or your anger right there There's different things like that to where some people excel in that some people are just like I need to work on that Constantly to keep that at bay and keep those those things to where they should be Now let me read I kind of made a list of the different gifts that are mentioned both in 1st Corinthians 12 and in Romans chapter 12 So we had the word of wisdom word of knowledge faith healing working of miracles prophecy discerning of spirits diverse tongues interpretation of tongues teachers helps Governments ministry exhortation giving ruling mercy and Some of these definitely you can see how they would overlap like the helps with giving and the helps with healing and the help You know, like you can see how some of these overlap now I'll just tell you what I believe and you can be like you're out to lunch on that one Where my where I would say a strength of mine is okay And It's not prophecy. Okay, because I don't think I'm like the best preacher. I don't think I'm like the most dynamic I'm not a pastor Roger Jimenez When it comes to the dynamics of preaching and being able to alliterate my sermons actually my sermon this morning I was trying to alliterate couldn't do it Because I was like, you know people places Getting to it right because I was talking about like what you know, where working devil's abide, you know, well people places animals where pets Now I'm preaching about the Pet Sematary, you know, like it's it's not it's not gonna work out so my my skills on like the sermons being like Alliterated and just like these beautiful type of like bring you down here take you over here type of preaching I try and I'm not saying like I'm the worst preacher in the world. I'm not gonna be that self-deprecating But I would say that I have friends that are a lot better than me at preaching. Okay? but one thing that You may disagree, but I think teaching is where my Bread and butters at that's where I enjoy it. I like it. I like taking a complex issue Deconstructing it and structuring in a way that you'll understand Maybe that's just my inner engineer where I'm just like, you know, just make it the simple pieces work together It's like a puzzle. Here's all your puzzle pieces here how here's how they all fit together and just teaching So when it comes to being a pastor The teaching aspect I feel like it's a lot easier for me Like if you were to ask me what sermons easier to write, it's definitely a doctrinal sermon any day of the week I don't even need to write it I'm not trying to boast. I'm just saying like I don't even need to write verses. I'm just like, okay I'm gonna teach on baptism I know go to this passage this passage this passage this passage and I'll just like teach it because I know it right When it comes to preaching a sermon that's like let's say a topical exhorting type of sermon. Those are the hardest Like if I'm going to preach at a conference or I'm going to preach at some somebody else's church Those are always the hardest where I put in more time and try to figure out like hey I need to make sure that I'm dynamic that I got good points that I'm gonna you know hit on this I'm gonna talk about this. I'm gonna do this or that It's just not my strong suit Others would have three words on a page and they'll just preach like a sermon you The best sermon you ever heard when it comes to the Dynamics and the whole point everybody knows what you were talking about and you're just like right at the charge Hell with a squirt gun, you know, it's that that type of like talent that they have And I'm not saying like pastor Roger Jimenez doesn't work hard to be a good preacher But I knew I knew pastor Roger Jimenez, for example before he was ever pastor And I remember listening to like one of his first sermons ever. I'm like, this is fantastic It's like one of the best sermons I've ever heard It's like his first sermon. It's like oh, let me get up here and try this for a bit. He's just like crushes it So Everybody has different talents, but as a pastor I Still need to preach and be dynamic. I still need to preach I'm not just gonna get up here and just do Bible studies Right. I still got to preach hard. I still got to do that, but that's not my strong suit Okay, that's not where I'm just like hey, I really got it there So I think when it comes to spiritual gifts, I think we all just need to realize Hey, we're stronger in one area than the other Don't just give up, right? It's not gonna be like well, I can't preach hard I guess I'm just doing expository preaching and just doing doctoral sermons and nuts to you know, like hit the pulpit hitting hard on sin and trying to be dynamic No, I just have to work harder at that and I'm just maybe not as good as others and just Don't worry about it, right? I'm not gonna compare myself to others and be like well One day would be like him No, you don't hear the problem. They keep getting better. So every time I'm like, oh, I'm trying to strive like it It's like you're better than you were back then Which is good, by the way, you know, I don't want to be worse. I want them to be better But there's just different areas where you're gonna excel But anyway that being said When it comes to the gifts, I want I want to get into the idea that Like I said 1st Corinthians 12 in Romans chapter 12. I believe all these gifts pertain to us right now That you're not like in there like okay that one doesn't apply and that one doesn't apply and this one doesn't apply So let me get into this go to Mark chapter 16 Mark chapter 16 Because here's the question that people ask. Oh you believe in spiritual gifts Then why don't you believe and the ability to speak with new tongues? And my answer to that first of all is show me someone doing it first of all Show me someone doing it because what they mean by speaking with new tongues or another tongue They mean this jibber-jabber gobbledygook. That's not in the Bible show me someone that's never spoke Icelandic and Then goes over speaks to an eye, you know someone from Iceland and preaches them the gospel and they understand them in their own language Though they never spoke that language before in their life show me that then I'll concede to you that yeah That's going on still right now But you won't show me that You know, it's like oh, you know, well, you know the Bible says that a serpent you take up certain you know, like a serpent can bite you and then You'll you'll feel no harm. Yeah, then you see all these these people like dying, you know They're just like doing this and then they go to the hospital and die because they're big dumb animals now here's the thing with that The Bible and I know I'm not even at The passage that I'm getting to yet, but there's the thing calling thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Okay, some of these things were done But let's like meaning that Paul shook off the Beast right the Viper came out of the heat Paul shook off the Beast felt no Harm, but you didn't see him just like searching for the Viper. You're like, ah, I got a viper everybody And he's preaching sermons with a viper around his neck and he's like, hey, yeah Feel no harm. No, he was building a fire a snake came out bit him and he shook it off and he felt no pain But there's a thing called tempting the Lord and that's what all these people do they're just tempting the Lord with You know, I don't know, you know these people the same people, you know, like here's a glass of arsenic Show me that you believe that all you can drink any poison Here's a black mamba Here's a brown snake here's a king cobra let it bite you in the face Mark chapter 16 so Mark chapter 16 verse 14 It says afterward he appeared unto the 11 as they sat at me and abraded them With their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen Remember the women are the ones that believe the men that were struggling with that They were all believers, but they were just struggling with with coming to grips with what was going on here It says and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved But he that believeth not shall be damned notice that it doesn't say he that believeth not and is not baptized shall be damned What damns you unbelief not believing, okay? verse 17 and these signs shall follow Them that believe now notice does it say these signs shall follow all them that believe that what it says No, it says these signs shall follow them that believe So that's a key factor to what's being said here It says in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover so then after that the Lord had spoken unto them He was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God And they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them notice this and confirming the word with signs Following amen you want to know the reason for these signs confirming the Word of God the New Testament was being established and It was being confirmed with these signs that were following it doesn't say that all believers are going to be doing this It just says that this is gonna follow them that believe meaning This is that there will be believers that this happens to do you think every single person was bit by a snake? But every believer back then was just like getting bit by vipers. They had a problem back in that day apparently Where is the the Pied Piper you know when you need them? It's not saying every believer is going to get bit or be drinking deadly poison Or that they're all going to be speaking with new new languages right new tongues It's not saying that it's just saying that these type of things are going to be following most all these are actually recorded in New Testament except for the drinking of like some deadly thing I Do believe that there were some there was some disciple or apostle that? Drank some deadly thing and was fine. It's just not recorded okay Because I mean if it's saying this is gonna fall. I believe it did But that being said is that you obviously have the the serpent you have the the viper with with Paul you have them healing sick People and you have these different things that are going on when it comes to all these signs that were done And speaking with new tongues you can definitely think of the day of Pentecost And go to Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2, but the thing what you have to realize is that Just as much as the baptism of the Holy Ghost You say well is there still the baptism of the Holy Ghost right now I'll say this there's still the idea of being filled with the Spirit of God And when you have this baptism of the Holy Ghost that was promised to come Where people were speaking with new tongues and all of that I'm not saying that it can't happen again I'm not saying that that that's done away with necessarily, but you have to understand that was done for a certain purpose and The purpose that was done for was for confirming the Word of God Let me ask you a question does the Word of God need confirmed right now, or is it already been established for 2,000 years? What do we need the signs and wonders for you know what an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign Those that lack faith seek after signs, you know what the Pentecostals are the worst offenders when it comes to that They just need that tangible proof. They need those signs, or they won't believe How about you just faith comes by hearing here by the Word of God? How about you read the Word of God and believe it because it says it not because you saw it because we walk by faith And not by sight But in Acts chapter 2 and verse 1 here, let's see what this these new tongues are is this some angelic language I remember I remember having this debate with Some some guy he was like a Pentecostal guy, but he was basically saying I Was he saying I'm forgetting what he said exactly I'm completely forgetting what he said never mind. I might get back to it eventually see I don't have the gift of preaching You know it just that's not there First one It says when the day of Pentecost was fully come They were all with one accord in one place And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house Where they were sitting and there appeared unto him them cloven tongues like us of fire and it sat Upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance well, let's see what these other tongues were and They were they were dwelling at Jerusalem There were there were dwelling at Jerusalem devout man out of every nation under heaven Now when this was noise abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own what? Language so when they spoke of the tongues, what were they speaking some gobbledygook? I Just remember what the guy said He said well, I said it's an angelic language Okay, it's some angelic language that we can't understand or you know that it's not like known to man And I asked them I said show me one place in the Bible where an angel spoke to a man and they couldn't understand it And you won't find it They always understood what they were saying So that doesn't hold water I thought it was some angelic language that you can't understand chapter and verse on some angel speaking that they couldn't understand But it's clearly their own language they and they it says in verse 20 and verse 7 It says and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold Are not all these which speak aliens and how here we every man in his own lane and his own tongue Wearing he was born. What are we talking about their mother tongue where they were born? They're there We use that term all the time tongue is not some magical mystical thing. It just means a language So when you're speaking with new tongues the idea is that you're speaking with a language that you never spoke before That's a miracle That's quite a sign Like I said, show me someone that's doing that today and then I'll submit to you. Okay, it's still going on But you know, you'll find someone be like sugar on a Honda You know, they're just like Babbling on about nothing. There's no coherent thought No one understands that they don't understand that and so They don't actually have it today Could this could this be something that would happen, you know in the end maybe I'm not here to say like it's completely done away with but here it's think there needs to be a purpose The purpose here was preaching the gospel to every nation to every language in every nation now in the end You could make the case that hey We're gonna preach the gospel to every to every nation and that when they when the the saved are gonna do great exploits for God Maybe God will open this gift this this sign and wonder back up. But listen That's not going on right now Until you have somebody until I start speaking Russian and I've never spoke Russian to some Russian person they win them the Christ and okay that gift isn't there right now And you know as far as that that type of application, does that mean that I can't go learn Russian though? The only thing I know right now is das vedanya so I could say like goodbye That's it But You know that is the difference here and I obviously it goes into like all the places that they were speaking that language And hearing it in their own tongue Go to verse 42 and what you have to understand is that There were apostles back then now, what is an apostle? I'm an apostle I believe is someone that that was a witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ There were the twelve specifically Obviously Judas fell from that meaning that he was never he wasn't really a true believer He was called an apostle all of that. That was you know, what he was called to be But obviously he was never a believer. He was a devil and Then Matthias took that spot in order to be one of the twelve you had to be there from John the Baptist You had to be there from the baptism of John meaning that when Jesus baptized from John you were there at that time but Paul is an apostle and I'm gonna be getting into that he was the last one and so Physically speaking the apostles are no longer here. They're they're all in heaven Okay but notice what it says here in Acts chapter 2 and verse 42 it says and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and In breaking a bread and in prayers and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles So what I want to say to you as far as a lot of these signs and wonders these these miracles if you will that were done like At that time were done by the apostles And if you understand that the apostles Well go to Acts chapter 5 Acts chapter 5 Let me just show another place where it talks about specifically signs that were done by the apostles Who was first in the church in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 the apostles right the apostles then it goes prophets teachers going down the line Notice the doctrine of the apostles Acts chapter 5 verse 12 it says and by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people and they were All with one accord in Solomon's porch And it goes on the fact that they were healing sick people and doing these these miracles and everything Notice that it's by the hands of the apostles signs and wonders were being done Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 second Corinthians chapter 12 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 11 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 11 And again, this is just an introduction sermon to the the spiritual gifts I'm really just getting into the idea of these gifts that we're talking about that we're gonna be going through We're not talking about the fact that you're gonna go out there and speak some other language that you don't know We're not talking about going out there and healing people and putting your hands on them and healing them as far as like some miracle to where You're like Benny Hinn or something like that and Benny Hinn is a joke. He's a reprobate. He didn't heal anybody, okay but in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 11 it says I am become a fool and glorying ye have compelled me for I ought to have been Commended of you for in nothing. I am behind the very chiefest apostles though I be nothing truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience in signs and wonders and mighty deeds Notice how there's specific signs and wonders that are associated to the Apostles Notice in Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 and verse 11 there were not only specific signs and wonders that were just associated to the Apostles, but there were also Special signs that were done by Paul himself Meaning like it was just localized to him Notice what it says here in Acts chapter 19 and verse 11 Acts chapter 19 verse 11 it says and God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul So notice that there's these special miracles that are done by Paul And it says so that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons and the diseases departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them So now you have even more specific. It's kind of like okay. There's there's there's things that are done by believers But then there's things that are done by the Apostles and then there's things that are done by specifically Paul Now is Paul still with us or is he in heaven right now? Are the Apostles still with us or are they in heaven right now? Are there still Apostles? You know the Mormon Church thinks though thinks so, you know, I don't know I don't know if the Pentecostals think that there's Apostles or not, but you know, I think there's probably some You know groups that think that. Go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15, 1st Corinthians chapter 15 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 1 This is what's known as the resurrection chapter Verse 1 here it says moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you Which also you have received and wherein you stand But by which also you're saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain This is clearly just stating that if you don't know that there's a resurrection then you're not saved Then you didn't really believe what you needed to believe, right? You may have you may have said the words you may have prayed, you know to get saved But if you don't know that there's a resurrection that Jesus raised from the dead, then you didn't believe the right gospel You didn't believe the right thing It says for I delivered unto you First of all, that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and was buried And that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures There's the gospel, the death, burial, and resurrection And that he was seen of Cephas then of the twelve After that, he was seen of above 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remained unto this present But some are falling asleep. After that he was seen of James then of all the Apostles So I clearly believe from this passage that there's there's way more than 12 apostles Well one Paul is in testament of that but James the Lord's brother is called an apostle Barnabas is called an apostle. There are many apostles. I believe that there's above 500 Because then notice what it says in verse 8 and last of all he was seen of me also so it has anyone else seen Jesus now Last of all, he was seen of me meaning Paul as of one born out of due time For I am the least of the Apostles that I am not meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God So Paul is saying I'm the last to see Jesus, you know what that mean? You know what he's equating here is the fact that the Apostles are those that saw Jesus in his resurrection Whether it's the twelve whether it's James the Lord's brother or 500 brethren at once that saw him Or Paul that was born out of due time who is the last to see Jesus, you know, that means there's no more apostles right now So when you think about those signs and wonders done by the Apostles I mean, how could you say it's still being done those signs and wonders of the Apostles that they're not here Then you have to ask your question. Okay. Well, you said that in first Corinthians chapter 12 that All the all these things still apply today, how can the the Apostles be first in the church? Well go to go to 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 Here's how because the whole New Testament was written by the Apostles That's how because the New Testament is our final final authority on all faith and practice of our church Therefore it is first The commandments and doctrines of the Apostles are right here in the 27 books of the New Testament written by Apostles Now obviously the Apostles as it says here, you know when you're dealing with the Word of God It says in verse 19 It says we have also a more sure word of prophecy where until you do Well that you take heed as unto a light that shines in a dark place till the day dawn and they saw a rise in Your hearts knowing this that knowing this first that no prophecy of the scriptures of any private interpretation where the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and so when it comes to the Word of God, yes, the Apostles are still first in the church Actually first Corinthians was written by the Apostle Paul Romans was written by the Apostle Paul. I'm reading the book of Acts and I believe that Luke was an apostle Not that we know for sure that Luke wrote it but I mean if Luke wrote Luke then Luke and that same person wrote him You know wrote Acts But one thing that you'll see and the last thing I'm going to mention here is that when you're talking about Commandments or the Word of God, you'll constantly see this in the New Testament in the Old Testament You know what? You usually see here the law and the prophets law and the prophets law and the prophets, right? Well, Moses was a prophet so you could just say the prophets and sometimes it just says it that way the prophets So the whole Old Testament is written by what the prophets and all the prophets were until who? John And then it says God who at sundry times in a diverse manner spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son Jesus and who were who were his his followers the Apostles, right? now in 2nd Peter chapter 3 and verse 1 it says this second epistle beloved I now write unto you and both which I stir you your your stir up your pure minds by the way of remembrance that you May be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us the apostles of our Lord and Savior notice how the apostles are being put in with the prophets You know Jesus saying have you not read in the prophets in the law and the prophets and you see the law and prophets mentioned over and over again now we see Okay, it's the prophets and the Apostles Go to go to Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter 2 and this is really the last point I want to make here is the fact that We see that The prophets in the Apostles you see the prophets Representing the Old Testament and the Word of God being given to them Holy men of God spake as they are moved by the Holy Ghost But guess what only man of God spake as they move by the Holy Ghost in the New Testament with the Apostles So and here's the thing we have it now and it's been established it's it doesn't need confirming Does anyone think that the Word of God needs confirmed right now? So why would we need these signs and wonder to confirm the Word of God is that wasn't that the purpose of the signs and wonders? Was to go forth confirming the Word of God It doesn't need confirmed now. We have it written. We have it's been established There's no extra revelation being given of the Word of God Which also goes into the fact if you were talking to a Muslim as far as the Quran You're like, well, this is just another revelation. No, it's done There's no more Apostles Paul was the last they're not going to be getting revelation in the Word of God being confirmed after that Ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 says now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners But fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God and are built upon the foundation Notice this, of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone What's the foundation the apostles and prophets? In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord in whom ye are builded together for an Inhabitation of God through the Spirit Go to chapter 3 chapter 3 It says in verse 1 for this cause Paul the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles if you have heard of the dispensation Of the grace of God which is given me to you word How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as I wrote a fore and few words whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ which in Other ages was not made known to the sons of men as is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit So we're talking about the revelation who the revelation come to well in the Old Testament before Jesus is the prophets in a New Testament What do you have the apostles? Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 it says and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers For the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ You say well, you know the apostles are all gone, but we have their words Right here That it's not only the words of the apostles. It's the word of the words of the Living God Because they were the holy men of God that God used to pen down the 27 books of the New Testament So we still have the apostles first in the church. We just don't have them physically here with us You know what this is even better You know why because we don't have Peter messing up If we have the apostles here, they were men With sin, I mean Paul messed up and went and did a sacrifice shaved his head and act like he was an Azarite And was doing a sacrifice in the temple of God We have Peter over there dissembling with the Gentiles and Paul had to rebuke him to his face You have James over here trying to judy eyes everybody. That's not a Gentile I'm not listen. They're great men of God. Don't get me wrong but they had faults but Every word out of Paul's mouth and James mouth and Jude's mouth and and John and Luke and Mark Matthew is right because it's it's it's inspired by the Word of God So now you don't have to discern. Okay is Peter right here, you know, he's an apostle, but he's messed up, too He said some things that are wrong No, we know what's what's right and wrong. It's actually better now. It's actually confirmed. It's it's all you don't have to wonder It's there You may say well, I wish I was back there in the days of the Apostles you I mean, I understand there's pros and cons to all of it, but We have a more sure word of prophecy and we still have spiritual gifts and we may not have these These these kind of these these big giant miracles where everybody's wondering and marveling at But We still have these spiritual gifts and in chapter 12 of 1st Corinthians in chapter 12 of Romans these gifts still apply to us And ultimately We have to understand what are they for to profit with all The whole point of the gifts is not to not to get accolades not to get Fame not to look spiritual It's for everyone to be profited by it and so that is the point of the spiritual gifts and You know as we go through these maybe you'll be you'll be going through this be like I think that's where I excel I think that's where God has really gifted me in that area And that's that's my strong point. That's my that's my weak point Yeah And I'll be the first to admit when there's weak points that I have because there's many but the idea is that they're gonna be weak Points and there's gonna be strong points. There's gonna be parts where you're like, ah, I'm in the middle of the road and But that's the beauty of having a church with different people in it because people are gonna be strong in areas where you're weak So and we complement each other and we help each other out and that there's no schism in the body There's no that we all just kind of fit together like a puzzle and that the that God has made it that way So let's end with the word of prayer. Heavenly Father we thank you for today. Thank you for your word Thank you for the souls that were saved today and Lord help me to preach through this series and Lord help me to understand all the different aspects of these gifts and Lord help us to to learn maybe how to increase Our abilities in these certain gifts to where we can be profitable for the kingdom of God and Lord pray to give us safe Travels and Lord we love you. Pray also in Jesus Christ name. Amen So brother David come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed All right, take your song books and turn to song 374 Song 374 in your song books will sing sin the light if you would stand will sing song 374 There's a call come ringing or the rest less waves in the line send the line There are souls to rescue there are souls to save send the line send the line Send the light the blessed gospel Lion, let it shine from shore to shore Send the light The blessed gospel light let it shine forever more We have heard the Macedonian call today sin the line send the line and a golden offering at the cross we lay sin the line send the line Send the line The blessed gospel light let it shine from shore to shore Send the line the blessed gospel light let it shine forever more