(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. You Well, good evening everyone, welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 372 Song 372 in your song books We'll sing let the lower lights be burning If you would stand We'll sing song 372 Brightly beams our father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore But to us he gives a keeping of the lights along the shore Let the lower lights be burning Send a gleam across the wave Some poor fainting struggling seamen. You may rest you you may save dark the night of sinner settled loud the angry bellows roar Eager eyes are watching longing for the lights along the shore Let the lower lights be burning Send a gleam across the wave some poor Fainting struggling seamen. You may rest you you may save trim your Feeble lamp my brother some poor sailor Tempest tossed trying now to make a harbor and the darkness may be lost Let the lower lights be burning some gleam across the wave some poor Fainting struggling seamen you may rest you you may save Let's pray a heavenly father Lord We just want to thank you God for today the sermon this morning God and the souls ever saved this afternoon I pray Lord that you would just bless the sermon service and we pray all of us in Jesus name amen, there may be seated and Turn in your song books to song 370 We'll sing throw out the lifeline sounds like Henry needs it Anyway song 370 Thank you Throw out the lifeline across the dark wave This is brother whom some have saved Somebody's brother. Oh, then we'll dress Throw out the lifeline his peril to share Throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is drifting away Throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is sinking today Throw out the lifeline with hand quick and strong Why do you Terry why linger so long See he is sinking Oh hasten today and throw out the lifeboat away then away Throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is drifting away Throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is sinking today Throw out the lifeline to danger fraud man sinking in anguish where never been winds of temptation and billows of woe Will soon hurl them out where the dark waters flow Throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is drifting away Throw out the lifeline The lifeline someone is sinking today Soon Will the season of rescue be or Soon will they drift to eternity shore Hey, then my brother no time for delay But throw out the lifeline and save them today Throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline Someone is drifting away Throw out the lifeline throw out the lifeline someone is sinking today Amen back Mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday afternoon, and I want to get the soul wing numbers before I forget about it here So I know earlier in the week, I know on Wednesday, I think there was two right Was there any on Tuesday and then today? What we have today, so I know my group we had two then then two so four six and you guys had You had one One so we had seven today. That's not right. I'm missing any So it's a nine total for the week So good job with the soul winning So Grafton is pretty much a hop skip and a jump so it's not too far away from here Actually might actually be closer to the Morgantown when it comes to the drive because you don't have to like go in town It takes a while just to get in town When you end up getting where you need to be so Definitely we'll definitely be doing some more so learning out there. We need to get some maps if anybody knows like how You know those maps that we have out there. I just got it like rest areas, you know, I'm trying to find those maps It's like a lost thing today. Everything's on GPS and no one cares about having a physical map but if you know of a good way or a site or How to use Google Earth or Google Maps to where we can print off Something that's to scale to where we can see the road names That's the big key because obviously we can I can print off some big maps of like Google Maps But then it won't show the names on the streets because you got to zoom out so far And it won't have it on there like that. So Let me know because we need we need Grafton. We need Charleston Like Kingwood area would be nice to have that one and just kind of these surrounding areas that we're trying to hit and everything. So So Yeah, so let me know if anybody has any ideas with that As far as the service times everything is normal on here so Wednesday evening 7 p.m. For our our Bible study time with the first Corinthians and Then so many times don't forget about Tuesday and Wednesday so winning regional solving times Brother Charles and brother Richie respectively. They're leading those up and then our Bible memory Jude So we're gonna do the book of Jude This month and so try to get that down to some great verses in there But just a lot of fun doctrine in that book 2nd Timothy 2 15 is our memory verse for the week and That definitely went with the sermon this morning, so I know we've had it on there before but good verse that memorized Upcoming events. We have the women's prayer meeting at 11 a.m. This coming Saturday and now we got the birthdays already and Apparently no one has an anniversary in November That's in our church. So they're like no November not getting married And then be in prayer for all the ladies on the pregnancy list And so I know I can already hit that in the morning Be careful kids with that offering box. So we were just talking about that There is kind of like a you know a lip there when you come around that corner Just be be careful, especially if you're at that height that you don't like ball off your head on that thing You're getting pointed at It's only three times But the last time we had it where we had it at the other church service like a literally a you know Like a half wall underneath of it. So it wasn't an issue there So we'll have to figure out something to try to make it to where people aren't coming around the corner and hitting themselves so Besides that same stuff Offering box obviously right there if you've hit it already, you know where it's at And then the mother baby room is just for mothers and babies only before during after services we want to keep that for the mothers and babies there and That's about all I got for announcements Unless I'm missing something just remember and we're not starting to this this Sunday, but I would say next Sunday. We should probably start figuring out what we're gonna do for the kids Christmas choir stuff. So Maybe try to do a little practice figure out what the songs we're gonna do stuff like that And man, are we gonna do our quartet thing? Yeah with we've been trying to do it for the last three years so Maybe we'll try it. Maybe we'll actually accomplish that. I think we just need to do it and Anyway, oh Yes, more importantly yeah, I mean getting this a spiritual stuff right here November we're doing a push-up challenge. So men I mean ladies you can do this if you want to but 300 push-ups a day 300 push-ups a day So if you want to be a part of that if you're not already in the the group we have some overachievers already That when they say 300 they think it's 400 Because they're they're young guys who can just like crank these things out No arthritis, yeah, they don't know what knee pain feels like No, it's a but anyway, it's just kind of a fun thing. We used to do 200 That was like what I used to do now, we're upping it to 300 but okay that starts tomorrow So 300 push-ups a day you can do however you want You can do sets of 25 sets of 50 You can do sets of 100 or if you just want to bust out 300 in one sitting then we'll just shake your hand and say you won the whole match, but So this is a fun thing that we're gonna do and if you want to be in that group Then we can add you in there It's an accountability group meaning that you got to state whether you got it each day whether you did 300 each day and then But be honest All right. I want real push-ups. I don't want none of this like girl push-up stuff Okay, I don't want none of this scat push-up where you just go down with your neck a little bit like this has to be chest to the floor Yes so That being said if that's how it was being done in the past. It's not how is it gonna be done here? We do full push-ups push-ups at Mountain Baptist Church Anyway, all joking aside if you want to get a part of that It's just a fun thing that we do on in November and it's during Thanksgiving and all that stuff So, you know what? You don't feel as bad for just gorging on all the sweets because you're doing 300 push-ups a day So gives you kind of a reason to to do that So anyway, that's all I got for announcements brother Dave's gonna come and sing up sing one more song and But just who's reading brother Joseph's gonna be reading Revelation chapter 10 for us All right to your song books and turn to song 375 Song 375 we'll sing work for the night is coming song 375 Work for the night is coming work through the morning hours Work while the dew is sparkling work meant springing flowers Work when the day grows brighter work in the glowing Sun Work for the night is coming when man's work is done Work for the night is coming work through the sunny noon Fill brightest hours with labor rest come sure and soon Give every flying man and something to keep in store Work for the night is coming when man's work no more Work for the night is coming under the sunset skies While their bright tents are glowing work for daylight flies Work till the last beam fadeth fadeth to shine no more Work while the night is darkening when man's work is all Alright take your Bibles and turn to Revelation chapter number 10 Revelation chapter number 10. We'll have brother Joseph come up and read that for us Revelation chapter 10 And If you found your place there you'll say amen And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was upon his head and his face was as it were the Sun and his feet as the pillars of fire and He had in his hand a little book open He set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot on the earth and cried with a loud voice As when a lion roars and when he had cried seven thunderings uttered their voices When the seven thundering thunders had uttered their voices I was about to write and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me sue up those things which the seven thunders uttered and write them not and the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven and Swear by him that liveth forever and ever Who created heaven and all the things that are there are there in our and the earth and the thing? Things that therein are and the sea the things which are therein That there should be time no longer But in the days of the voice of the seventh seventh angel When he shall begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished as he hath declared to his servants the prophets And the voice which I heard from the heavens heavens spake unto me again and said Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth And I went on to the angel and said unto him give me the little book And he said unto me take it and eat it up and it shall make thy belly bitter But it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey And I took the little book out of the angels hand and ate it up And it was in my mouth sweet as honey, and as soon as I had eaten it my belly was bitter And he said unto me thou must prop Prophecy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings. Let's pray Lord father. Thank you for this time. We were able to gather back together Lord I thank you for the soul winning and salvations Lord Thank you for this pure and holy word you've given to us in the study through Revelation I want to ask you edify us this evening in Jesus name Amen So you're there in Revelation chapter 10 and we are containing our study through the book of Revelation and We just got done chapter 9 with the the fifth trumpet being blown and the sixth trumpet being blown and actually in chapter 10 here and Actually going into chapter 11, we're still in that time of the sixth trumpet and We don't get to the seventh trumpet to the end of chapter 11 and at the end of chapter 11 We kind of kick back to where everything from right now from chapter 4 on until we get to end the chapter 11 is all in order as far as the events that are going on and Then chapter 12 it goes back in time and it starts over and starts going over order all the way to the end of the book But in this chapter, this is kind of an interesting chapter It's kind of like one of those chapters where he's just kind of seeing this vision and it's not really telling you exactly You know, like, you know Trump is being blown and people are being You know tormented or anything like that So you kind of see this vision if you will Of this other angel that comes down. That's what it says in verse 1 It says and I saw another mighty angel come down From heaven clothed with the cloud and a rainbow was upon his head and his face was as it were the Sun and His feet as pillars of fire And he had in his hand a little book open and he set his right hand or right foot upon the sea and his left foot on the earth and Cried with a loud voice as when a lion roareth and when he had cried seven thunders uttered their voices So this angel and notice that it says I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven Why does it say another well because in Revelation 9 verse 1 which also shows you that we're not talking about an angel falling from heaven We're just talking about an angel coming down from heaven, but it looks as if it's a falling star. Does that make sense? So chapter 9 here It says in verse 1 in this in the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth and to him Was given the key of the bottomless pit Revelation 20 in verse 1 that same angel it says and I saw an angel come down from heaven Having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand So when you get to chapter 10 here after chapter 9, it's saying I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven It's it's the same thing that's going on chapter 9 angel comes down from heaven chapter 10 and angel comes down from heaven It's just the fact that chapter 9 describes what that looks like So it's just kind of describing you what it looks like instead of just because if you say an angel came down from heaven You have no idea what you're visualizing Okay, so I just want to kind of hit that and already hit on that. That's a polyon. That's a bad And you know, this is a different angel. This is another angel Now I've heard some people say that Some some interpretations of this is that this angel is Jesus. Okay, I don't particularly think it is Okay, one one big reason why I don't think it is is because it says another angel came down and to me that does Not seem like if there's a huge distinction there meaning this is that obviously I know that there's the angel Lord and there's there's the idea that but that Jesus is obviously a messenger and How it wouldn't be wrong to say like he's an angel just as much as you know We're called angels when it comes to being preachers and stuff like that But I don't think it is and the reason why they think a lot of times it's just because of what's Attributed to him first of all is the fact that he has a face like the Sun Obviously Jesus is called the Son of righteousness and he's likened unto the Sun and glory It talks about his legs his feet as pillars of fire in Revelation 1 it talks about his feet being like You know polished brass as if it had been burnt or been in a furnace a fire and You know things like that. He's clothed with the with the with a cloud He's coming in the clouds, you know, like all these things that that people would say Well, I think this is him when he speaks. It's like a lion that roars. He's the lion out of tribe Judah I definitely understand where they're coming from, but I don't believe that this is the Lord Jesus I don't believe it I believe it would be more Distinct to say that and the fact that it's saying another angel came down It's liking it unto the angel that came down before it's just a different angel Okay And so that being said I think this this is an angel it's not the Lord that's coming down, okay So it's a messenger now This story is very similar Not the same exactly but it's very similar to something that happened in Daniel good Daniel chapter 12 Daniel chapter 12 And there's a very similar thing that happens here with the thing that you see here is that this angel is one foot's on the sea and one foot's on the land or on the earth and This angels like speaking about basically Time okay, like how long something's gonna be or something ending or it's basically giving you a timeline if you will Whereas Daniel 12 Daniel 12 is all about timelines. There's all kinds of timelines in Daniel 12 as far as the end times are concerned But I want you to see the similarity here With this in Daniel 12. Just look at verse 1 there just so we can get some context here Doesn't at that time shall Michael stand up the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that Same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered Every one that should be found written in the book and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some To everlasting life and some to everlasting contempt and they that be wise Shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars from forever and ever Now this is describing to you The tribulation going into the great tribulation and the rapture. I mean, it's just kind of showing you that really quick here and That that'll get we'll really get into that when we get the revelation chapter 12 with Michael the Archangel That's who you're dealing with here. Michael is gonna stand up and there's gonna be a war in heaven all that's gonna go on That's what really starts off everything but Keep reading there in verse Verse 4 it says but thou O Daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase Then I Daniel looked and behold there stood other two Now other two knowing that you're talking about Michael the prince and you're dealing with I believe Gabriel these two angels Okay, these other two I believe are also angels as well it says the one on the this side of the bank of the river and the other on that side of the bank of the river and One said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river How long shall it be to the end of these wonders So we're talking about the end of something happening. That's the same type of thing that's being said in revelation chapter 10 is the fact of like when something's gonna end or what's gonna about to happen when it Comes to timelines, but you see that these these two men if you will that are in linen I believe they're probably angels because it's it's stating other two Meaning that it's contrasting with Michael and the angel that was speaking to Daniel in Daniel chapter 10 and 11, okay, and He's giving you a timeline here in verse 7. Okay verse 7 here It says and I heard the man clothed in linen which was upon the waters of the river when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven and swear by him that liveth forever and It shall be for a time times and a half and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people all these things shall be finished So the same type of terminology is used when it talks about this angel and in Revelation chapter 10 It's gonna swear by him that liveth forever and ever and he's gonna declare something But he's an angel that's standing one foots on the sea one foots on the land or on the earth Here we have like these two men or these two angels that are on both sides of the bank of this river And then this then you can see that after it says they're on the bank the ones on the waters Okay, so there's something to this aspect of these angels that are standing upon land and water declaring You know basically the end of things What's what's finishing something now the timeline that's being represented here is different than the timeline That's being spoken about in Revelation chapter 10 I just think it's interesting on how these things kind of correlate and how they're very similar One's dealing with a river in a bank of a river the other one's dealing with the sea and the earth so they're obviously different You know type of different maybe angels and different things that are being said, but it's interesting how it's very similar And how it's worded now in Daniel chapter 12 there when it says He gives this time. He's basically asking. What's the end of these wonders? What was just spoken about? Well, it was spoken in verse 1 there that there's gonna that Michael's gonna stand up and That there's going to be a time of trouble Such as never was since there was a nation which sounds familiar to there's gonna be tribulation such as the world was never seen So Michael stands up, and you know we're gonna get more into depth on that in Revelation chapter 12 But that starts off this whole seven-year period that's what marks starting that whole thing off is this war in heaven with Michael and his angels and the devil and his angels and so the very beginning this marks the very beginning of that seven-year period and Then what's the last thing that said we're talking about the rapture talking about the resurrection if you will okay? And so you kind of have the beginning to the resurrection does that make sense? That's what you kind of see as far as what's being said Then it goes on to say you know shut up these words You know it's till the time of the end then he sees this vision, so do you see how that all correlates right there and Then he gives a timeline He says basically what shall be the end of these things and of what what was just said from when Michael stands up to the Resurrection does that make sense? So that makes sense when you look at the very end of this chapter when it says in verse 12 Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days But go thou thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days And of what days at the end of the one thousand three hundred thirty five days say what are you talking about well? In that that prophecy that's mentioned in Daniel chapter 12 It says that it's gonna be for a time times and a half which is three and a half years, okay? Meaning that when this is used a time meaning one year times meaning two years and a half a time would be half a year So you add all those together you have three and a half years and other places that will use the it will use 1260 days or 42 months okay those those three things are used synonymously to mean the same time period okay So you say well, okay, so we rapture it at the time times and half time and right at the three and a half year mark No, because keep reading when it says it shall be for a time times and a half in verse 7 there and When he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people all these things shall be finished So notice that there's something else that happens after that time times and a half So that when he shall scatter the power of the holy people. That's the great tribulation after the abomination of desolation and Daniel chapter 12 is showing that from the beginning of that when Michael stands up to when you have The end of these wonders when you have the resurrection is one thousand three hundred thirty five days, okay? Now I preached on that before and I've showed you actually I think four different ways proving that number To show how that fits when it comes to when the rapture would happen within that time period It doesn't give you the day or the hour. Okay, we don't know when that's gonna happen We don't even know when this thing starts, okay? but at the same time we do know that it's gonna be in that timeline there and so that shows you a timeline there when it comes to When the rapture would happen go to Revelation chapter 12 just to show you where this time times and a half is represented When I think of Revelation 10 I think of Timelines because it's going to show us something here, which I'll get to dealing with You know when something ends or when you have the end of a time period In Revelation chapter 12 verse 14 It says and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into her place Where she is nourished for a time times and half a time from the face of the serpent So this is the whole world that's being basically attacked by the serpent at the end of chapter 12 Satan is is Angry, and he's gonna go straight after the seed of the woman that keep the testimony of Jesus And he's honing in not just all all people not just the woman But the seed of the woman that believes right those that are believers He's going after them in chapter 13 those in verse 5 here Chapter so I want you to see that's three and a half years right from when Michael and you know his archangels Which we'll get to that. We'll get to that chapter. Okay, but that's three and a half years Then it goes into the fact that we get the Antichrist coming on the scene Verse 5 of chapter 13 and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him To continue 40 and 2 months So what is 42 months? 1260 days or a time times and a half. Okay, so there's two times time times and a half Which gives you what what's three and a half years plus three and a half years seven years? Okay, that's that Daniel 70th week So in chapter 12 chapter 13 you see those two numbers coming together and that's that whole timeframe of the seven-year period It says in verse 6 it says and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given Him over all kindreds and tongues and nations so I Want you to see this and I hope you understand this that That time times and a half is going to be used both for the first half and the second half Okay Because in Revelation 12, that's clearly the first half that that time times and a half is being used And we as of right now, I haven't showed you where it's used for the second half But I do show you that the Antichrist is going to be given power from 42 months and he's gonna make war with the Saints and power to overcome them and Go to Daniel chapter 7 Daniel chapter 7 and I'm gonna get the Revelation 10 But I just want to go through a little bit of timeline here when it comes to the end times the end times takes place in a seven-year period not seven years tribulation, but it is seven years and There's you know, Daniel 9 talks about how the Prince of the Covenant which is the Antichrist is going to confirm the Covenant for one Week, which is a week of years and you say well, it doesn't say, you know seven years Well, you know if you want to look at something that's more allegorical Then you can look at the fact that Nebuchadnezzar was made a beast for how many years seven times passed over him so it was seven years of him being a beast and That means that the Antichrist the Prince is going to be that for seven years And so seven times and then you have a time times and a half and a time times and a half That's where it all comes together now in Daniel chapter 7 I want you to show I want to show you that that time times and a half is also used for the second half Okay so If anything I want I hope this Makes day when you read Daniel You're not as confused when you see the time times and a half and you're like, where does this lie Daniel 12? It's the first half Daniel 7. It's the second half It says in Daniel 7 25 and he shall speak great words against the Most High and shall wear out The wear out the saints of the Most High and think to change times and laws and They shall be given into his hand until a time times and the dividing of time So same kind of terminology that's used dealing with Revelation 13 where he's gonna speak blasphemies and all this and he's gonna make war with the Saints actually in Daniel 7 It says make war with the Saints earlier in that passage as well But here it says a time times and dividing of time But more specifically it says that we're gonna be given into his hand for that amount of time Okay Because this is where I think people they're like all your mid-trib or something like that and you know Or you're saying it's like in the yeah, I mean it technically is in the middle of the week You know kind of where the Rapture is gonna happen, but know this is that it was supposed to be all The way through okay. So what I want you to see here is that The Beast was given power for 42 months after three and a half years had already taken place okay, and he's given power for 42 months and he's going to be have rule for 42 months and That it was given into his hand that we would be given to his hand for a time times and the dividing of time Which would be three and a half years or 42 months But notice what it says in Matthew 24 and here's where it all becomes clear as far as why? We won't be there for that whole seven year time Notice what it says in Matthew 24 and verse 21 Matthew 24 and verse 21 and I know I should have brought out my My whiteboard and started writing my my timelines on there Maybe we'll do that when we get into chapter 12 or something like that But I kind of wanted to run through this with you real quick as far as timelines when we go through revelation I think it's really good just to see the structure that you have half of the week is Tribulation beginning of sorrows whole world. The other half of the week is Going after the Saints But notice what it says here and it was supposed to be for three and a half years We were supposed to be given into his hand for 42 months a time times and dividing a time for three and a half years That's what it was given into his hand to basically make war with the Saints But notice what it says in Matthew 24 and verse 21 For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time No, nor ever shall be and except those days should be what shortened There should no flesh be saved But for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened See what's going on there that yeah We were supposed to be put into the frying pan for three and a half years with the Antichrist But God shortened the days in which we would have to be there for that great tribulation You know how he shortens it he comes in the clouds, isn't that interesting that that's the next thing that's mentioned Is that Christ is coming in clouds and he's saving us out of that? So that's where God steps in and it's like giving it to his hands and make war with us But listen if we were there for the whole three and a half years, no one would survive That's So what that shows you is how bad? That great tribulation would be that if we were there if we were living for three and a half years during that no one would survive No flesh should be saved Meaning like no one would be saved physically from that every every Christian would be annihilated but he shortened the days for the elect's sake and That's where he gets into heathen and dureth unto the end the same shall be saved because we're talking about being saved physically from this great tribulation and we're gonna look up and lift up our heads for our redemption draw at nigh when we see the Son of Man coming in the clouds and Saving us out of that great tribulation Okay I'm going to show you that and I wanted to show you those those timelines because a time times and a half Is used at the very beginning but notice that it says time times and a half and when? He has scattered the power of the holy people that's about 75 days if you look at that timeline as far as the 1260 days of the time times and a half plus the 75 gives you 1335 days and that gives you that that period of time to where those days were shortened instead of 75 days it should have been 1260 days, but those days were shortened for the elect's sake I Hope that makes sense. I hope I didn't lose anybody on that. I'll do a chart next time So but I go back to you know revelation chapter 10 You notice that it mentions and I want you to put your finger in Revelation 10, but go to Psalm 29 It mentions that this angel When it's when the angel Cries with a loud voice. It's like a lion that roars and it says and when he when he had cried seven thunders uttered their voices and The question is what are these thunders? Because then he says don't write it down Okay So in Revelation 10 and verse 4 there it says and when the seven thunders had uttered their voices I was about to write and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me seal up those things Which the seven thunders uttered and write them not So that's very interesting because You know, this is the book of Revelation So everything is being revealed but for some reason God has has chosen that we don't know what those seven thunders say and You know Daniel talks about you know in Daniel 12 9 it says and he said go thy way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time at the end and We know that Daniel as a whole that book was sealed at that time, but then Revelation it says seal not these words Right. So basically this is revealed but these seven thunders it's kind of a mystery as far as what's being said But in in Psalm 29, I just want to show you something that's interesting because This angel when it's the angels Christ allowed voice is like a line that roar and It says seven thunders uttered their voices now I'm going to show you the the voice of the Lord here you use seven times It basically says the voice of the Lord and then it says something after that I'm going to show you that you say well I thought you said this was an angel and this actually wasn't the Lord and So why is why are we hearing the voice of the Lord through this angel? Well, I want to show you in Revelation chapter 11 Revelation chapter 11 This is another reason why some people think that this is the Lord because in Revelation 11 verse 3 It's continuing the thought through so there's not like a break in the story here. It says an I will give power unto my two witnesses So the angel is using a personal pronoun of I and my right and so that's why some people think well But see angels a lot of times in the Bible would use like they would speak But they would speak as if they're the Lord right there the messenger their ambassador So they're speaking on his behalf And so this happens in not to get into like the weeds on this but you think of like the angel that was in the bush right Angel Lord that was in the bush now you could argue say well That's that's the Lord the angel Lord was in the bush But when you look that up I think you're gonna find that you know what the Lord was speaking the angel was saying it It was being broadcasted through him and so that being said is that I don't think it's it would be wrong to say that these voices could Be the voice of the Lord You know, it's just the fact that he's hearing these thunders that are speaking when this angel speaks But notice what says in Psalm 29 verse 1 Psalm 29 verse 1 actually, we're just gonna read the whole Psalm because it's not that long but Something to think about and in the end If it was that important to know what these thunders were saying then he wouldn't have sealed it up Okay, so I'm not saying I have the answer as far as what they're saying or what's happening here But notice what it says here in Psalm 29 verse 1 give unto the Lord. Oh ye mighty Give unto the Lord glory and strength give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness notices The voice of the Lord is upon the waters the God of glory Thunderth The Lord is upon many waters The Lord the voice of the Lord is powerful The voice of the Lord is full of majesty the voice of the Lord breaketh cedars. Yea the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon He maketh them also to skip like a calf Lebanon and Syrian like a young Unicorn the voice of the Lord divided the flames of fire the voice of the Lord Shaketh the wilderness the Lord shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh the voice of the Lord maketh the hinds the calf and discovered the forest and in his temple that Everyone speak of his glory the Lord sitteth upon the flood ye the Lord sitteth King forever The Lord will give strength unto his people the Lord will bless his people with peace Did you count how many the voice of the Lord's there are there there's seven? Okay, and even the first one after this is the glory of the God of glory thunder it So it could be a key there And like I said, I'm just kind of throwing this out here because I'm not saying I have the answer as far as what? These seven thunders are But the fact that it mentions like seven different things about the voice of the Lord and that his voice is like thunder Could very well be you know something to add to it if anything But know this is that you have seven trumpets you have seven vials these seven Thunders could very well be something that's going on as far as the judgments that are going on during this sixth trumpet We're still in the sixth trumpet, right? We're still in that second. Whoa, and when these thunders When these voices are like thunder, you know that are uttering their voice You know Maybe there's some kind of judgments that are going on at that time that we just don't know about and maybe there's a reason that We can't know about it right now You know and why it's not written now, but we'll know later And Here's the thing This is during the wrath of God So do we really have to know exactly what's being done, you know during this wrath? You know as far as is it pertinent to us during the Great Tribulation? Is it pertinent to us? You know So obviously if it was God would have revealed it if it's not revealed or peace if he's kind of hiding that back from us And remember this when we look at the scriptures, we're looking through a glass darkly We're not seeing everything apparently and meaning like we're not seeing everything is crystal clear Until we see him face to face and then we'll we'll know things more clearly and all that. So I just think it's interesting What is going on here? Like what is this? Is this a judgment that's being poured out upon the world? You know, is it something on top of you know, like you have the seven troubles and vials Maybe this is just like kind of hitting you with another seven in there with these thunders Maybe it has to do with what's being said in here, you know the fact that he's He he he he's obviously powerful majesty But I say break at the cedars divide the flames of fire shake at the wilderness make it the Heinz cap I don't know what exactly he could be doing something here when he's thundering these voices out that would be on top of The 200 million horsemen that are going around Killing people killing, you know a third of the people and doing all this havoc that there's something on top of that that's happening Before you even get to the seventh trumpet. Okay, so it's something to think about and again, I don't want to say I Know what it is, especially Since it says seal up these things and don't write them Okay, maybe it'd be kind of crazy to me to be like, you know what? I know he said seal it up, but I got the answer everybody but know this is that It is possible. It is possible as we get closer to the time that maybe it gets more revealed But to me we're dealing with like the wrath of God being poured out at this point Like are we are we gonna know during the Great Tribulation what these seven thunders are? Is it pertinent to what we're dealing with? I think we will eventually know obviously because we're gonna be there seeing all this stuff happen but it's something that I think All in all if we don't know what that is and then we're up in heaven and we're seeing God pour out his wrath We're all gonna be like, what are these seven thunders? What did they say and it's gonna be this anticipation of like, what is this about the seven thunders? Like what what's so Grandiose, it's got to be something That you know is I don't think you I'll say this. I don't think he's gonna be like well Psalm Psalm 29 was the answer You know, I think that gives you a clue maybe as far as maybe some things that are going on but I Think that he would just point you to that because it's already in Scripture, but you know, just some thoughts there. I It's not I don't think the most crucial thing to understand biblical or end times prophecy as far as what these thunders are But I think it's definitely interesting. I'm always curious of what that might be Now go to Revelation chapter 10 and verse 5 because this is really where the meat is at in this chapter, okay? Because you see this angel he's uttering his voice and these seven thunders says don't write it So that's interesting and it's definitely something to think about something to wonder as far as what's going to be happening there And you may come up to me later be like listen I know where that's at I know where that's you know, what that's referring to. I mean, I'm all ears to hear what your thoughts are on that but Personally Psalm 29 is about as far as I got so that's what we're dealing with the seven thunders But in verse 5 there it says in the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven and Swear by him that liveth forever and ever like I said very similar to Daniel chapter 12 where they're lifting up a hand swearing and basically prophesying and it says And the things that they're in are and the earth and the things that they're in are and the sea and the things which are There in that there should be time no longer now This is a lot of times ripped out of context is to say that time is gonna basically be done away with And I don't believe that's the case. I don't believe this is saying that there's not gonna be any more time because if that's the case How are you gonna count the thousand years during the thousand year rain, right? How's it gonna rain for a thousand years? There's no more time Okay, so you got to take in context we didn't finish a sentence did we? There's a colon there Verse 7 it says but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall begin the sound the mystery of God Should be finished as he hath declared to his servants the prophets So what's what's it being referred to when it says time there should be time no longer I don't think he's saying holistically there's not gonna be any more time I believe what he's stating here. Is that the mystery of God the time of this mystery of God is Gonna be no longer meaning like the time is up right? It's finished. It's done. It's done the moment That when that trumpet begins the sound, okay, that's very interesting because it's not like when the trumpets done Sounding or when the truck, you know that judgments done. It's when it starts So that seven trumpet sounds boom it is done like it's finished that time is no longer whatever time we're talking about Which I'm gonna get to Well, what happens when that seven trumpet that's when you look at this first of all You got to see okay when the trumpet begins the sound the mystery of God should be finished What happens when that trumpet sounds right? That would be the first thing that I would look at it Be like, all right, what exactly happens the moment that trumpet sounds well look at verse 15 of chapter 11 So Revelation chapter 11 verse 15 Let's see what happens immediately as soon as that trumpet sounds Verse 15 it says in the seventh angel sounded and there was great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are Become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever Now this is before it even gets to the fact that he's gonna reign hail down on on them and that you know The the cities of the nation shall fall and all these different things that are gonna happen Before all that as soon as that trumpet sounds what does it say? It says the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ Meaning like the moment the beginning with that when that trumpet sounds the kingdoms are gods, right? It's God's kingdom now. It's the Lord's kingdom That makes sense So that gives you a clue as far as what we're talking about when we're talking about the fact of what's finished then What mystery is finished? Well, go to Luke chapter 21 Luke chapter 21, I believe you're dealing with what the Bible calls the times of the Gentiles The times of the Gentiles which kind of makes sense because the kingdoms of this world Which what is another word for Gentile? nations See Gentile a lot of times either means nation. It'll mean a nation heathen, you know Gentile just is meaning like the nations It'll be if you look at a cross-reference of Gentiles in the Old Testament to New Testament a lot of times. It'll be nation So the nations of this world are you know? They they are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ meaning this is that it's no longer kingdoms of Gentiles Okay, and I believe that we're talking about the times of the Gentiles is being fulfilled. It's being finished And that's why it says time shall be no longer for what? the mystery of God which is going to be The times of the Gentiles now, let me show you this and let me preview this again This is the meat of the sermon. So this is what I'm trying to get across here. Is this time no longer and The mystery of God being finished. That's what I want to get across if I get anything across that's this right here look 21 verse 20 Luke 21 verse 20 says and when you shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies and note then know that the desolation thereof is nigh Now I believe that this is talking about the abomination desolation We could talk about the fact that Luke 21 could be a dual prophecy of 70 AD and at the end times But let's just let's just keep it in the camp right now that this is talking about end times prophecy Okay, but I I believe it's talking about end times prophecy here where it's saying the desolation draw thereof is nigh Talking about the abomination of desolation Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains and let them which are in the midst of it depart out and let Not them that are in the countries Enter therein to for these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled But woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days for The there I'm sorry for it there shall be great distress in the land and Wrath upon this people now what people will say here is like well, this is the wrath of God well, it's interesting because when the devil is is you know when he's cast down and when he tries to take out the woman and The earth swallows up the flood out of his mouth. It says that he was wroth with the woman Right and wroth is a form of wrath, right? It's a you know, the same with the same word just different form of the word and so there's wrath upon this people because the devil's coming after him right and It says in verse 24 it says and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into them into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden under I'm sorry trodden down at the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled Now let's go to Daniel chapter 8 because I want to debunk some preterism here for a second. You know, like what is preterism? Preterism basically teaches that everything that's in Revelation has already happened It happened back in 70 AD so everything has already happened and we're in the millennial reign Like it's all millennialism you probably heard of all millennialism or preterism and Which is crazy because it's obviously been like 2,000 years So it's more than a thousand years and by the you know, it doesn't say millennium It says a thousand year reign says he's gonna reign for a thousand years now millennium means a thousand But it doesn't mean like roughly a thousand or it doesn't say thousands of years of reign Okay, so you've already been debunked in that aspect that this is not the millennium Okay, last I checked if you put your hand into a cockatrice den, you're not gonna like it Okay, last I checked, you know what the lion is not eating straw like an ox There's a lot of things that show you that we're not in the thousand year reign But you know, that's that's that type of mentality, you know as far as the the preterism comes Here's how you debunk that because this trodden underfoot Jerusalem being trodden underfoot has a specific time frame that that's happening and it's not 2,000 years Okay, notice what it says in Daniel chapter 8 and verse 11 yea, he magnified himself even through the prince of the host and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away and the place of his Sanctuary was cast down and an host was given him Against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression and it cast down the tree to the ground and had practiced and prospered So we're talking about the abomination desolation Okay Verse 13 then I heard one Saint speaking and another Saint said unto that certain Saint which spake How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice and a transgression of desolation to give both the sanctuary and the host? To be trodden underfoot. So he's asking a question from when the daily sacrifice is being done and then the transgression of desolation where the abomination desolation and For the sanctuary and the host to be trodden underfoot What's that whole timeline? Like how long does that take? And he says in verse 14 and he said unto me unto 2,300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed So for 2,300 days, which is close to six years, it's like a little over six years Okay, you have the daily sacrifice the abomination desolation and it to be trodden underfoot for 40 well 42 months actually, I'm getting ahead of myself in Revelation 11, but They'll be trodden underfoot and to be cleansed at the end of that. Okay, that's the timeline you get So, let me ask you a question. Is it being trodden underfoot for 2,000 years? It's not even being trodden underfoot for 2,300 days because part of that is the the daily sacrifice being done Okay Go to Revelation chapter 11 and I'm going to show you that the trot the treading underfoot of the city It's for 42 months or three and a half years And the reason I show you these different numbers because 2,300 days they're like wow, that's years. What do you say about this number? Because when it says months it means months when it says days it means days These are not you're not they're not trying to be you know Just simplistic about the days that all days are really years No, it's actually 2,300 days it's actually 1,260 days it's actually 42 months and The reason that I believe God uses these different numbers is to show you without a shadow doubt that he's talking about three and a half Years, he's talking about this certain time frame that all fits within the seven year period and verse 1 of Revelation 11 it says and there was given me a reed like unto a rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God And the altar and them that worship therein But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy city Shall they tread underfoot? 42 months and I will get power into my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three score days Clothes and sackcloth, which is the same amount of time. Okay, one thousand two hundred sixty days the same as 42 months So why is this being brought up right after he said time shall be no longer and The mystery of God shall be finished then he goes into measuring this, you know The temple and basically leaving out certain things and that things are gonna be trodden underfoot For 42 months because that's what he's just got done talking about Okay, he's talking about this treading underfoot being done Okay that that's going to be accomplished and And go to Yeah, Romans chapter 11, Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 So we saw that this treading underfoot that happens Now I'll say this. I don't believe the times of the Gentiles is Just that 42 months. Okay. So let me be very clear on this the times of the Gentiles I believe was Something that was going on since the New Testament started, okay Meaning that you had the physical Kingdom of Israel, right that was done away with in the New Testament and I believe the times of the Gentiles has been going on since the New Testament started and it's going to be Done when the seven trumpet sounds in Jesus Christ is raining. Okay, so In Revelation I'm sorry Romans chapter 11 and verse 25 Romans chapter 11 verse 25 notice what it says here for I would not brethren That you should be ignorant of this what mystery So you say well, where's this mystery coming from? Well, here's talking about a mystery. So let's talk about this mystery Lest you should be wise in your own conceits that so what's what's the that referring to the mystery? That's what we're talking about the mystery is what that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles become in Meaning that Israel is blinded in part, right? And obviously this whole chapter is talking about that and the fact that they've been blinded and that's been going on since Paul was around That they've been blinded But that's not going to end until the fullness of the Gentiles become in and when is the times of the Gentiles fulfilled? After the trotting underfoot and When does the trotting under the foot end when the seven trumpet sounds and what happens when the seven trumpet sounds it says time shall Be no longer and the mystery of God shall be finished Okay, that's what's happening when that seven trumpet sounds meaning that listen Israel's not blinded anymore because notice all Israel shall be saved because now Israel is the believers Okay, and it's literally a kingdom of believers that we're gonna rule and reign with Christ and Israel is going to be saved people and notice what it says in Romans chapter 11 verse 26 it says and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written so He's saying that it's no more the times of the Gentiles because Jesus Christ could be ruling and reigning and Israel are saved people At this point see Israel in the Old Testament was a mixture, right? They had they had saved people they had a remnant that was saved But most of them weren't saved Then you have this times of the Gentiles where you don't have like a kingdom a physical Kingdom No, you just have Israel is is spiritual Israel and it's all nations and you know, we have local churches throughout all the world That's going to change, you know that's going to be when the times of the Gentiles is done when Christ is ruling and reigning and people are gonna come unto Jerusalem and Hear the wisdom of the Lord himself and there's there's obviously a difference there than what's going on right now Okay, not in salvation, by the way, okay salvation is the same people are still gonna be getting say the same and in the thousand year reign as they are now, but There is a difference in the fact of how things are run now with Obviously nations being run and all this stuff as far as what it's gonna be like when Jesus is rolling rain He's gonna execute he's gonna rule with a rod of iron He's gonna rule the nations with a rod of iron That is different than what's going on right now and to be a preterist on an on millennialist It's kind of crazy to think that you think that Jesus is rolling with a rod of iron right now No, that didn't happen yet, but it will happen But just to show you here, you know in Romans chapter 11 verse 26 It says and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written There shall come out of Zion and deliver and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob for this is my covenant unto them when I shall Take away their sins. So he refers to the fact that all Israel shall be saved Why because they're not all Israel which are of Israel and going back to Romans chapter 9 It's the children of God that are counted for the seed It's those that believe that are it's the remnants that's counted for the seed but instead of being in Israel where it's just a remnant and And when Jesus is rolling raining all Israel saved Okay, all those that are of Israel are saved people at that time. Does that make sense and I Could get into that verse where it's talking about You know that that that's actually talking about when Jesus came the first time when the deliverer shall come That's talking about Jesus coming to pay for our sins and take away our sins the first time if you look at Isaiah 59 It's it's saying that as for me this is my covenant with them set the Lord my spirit that is upon me and my words Which I have put in thine mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed seed I'm sorry out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seed seed set the Lord from henceforth forever Dealing with the Holy Ghost all those different things that are going to be promised in the New Covenant When it comes to when Jesus died on the cross rose again and the fact that in Acts chapter 3 Actually, just go to Acts chapter 3 because I kind of want to prove this that this has already happened that that has already happened But it's stating that Israel has been blinded in part until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled Okay, or the fullness of the Gentiles be come in meaning that this is going to take place until the seven trumpet sounds That's what it's stating And if that's the case if this if they're blinded in part until the seven trumpet sounds and how are they getting saved? When Jesus comes in the clouds Okay, because that's what they say. Well, you know when they when they shall look on him whom they pierced That's Zechariah not Isaiah 59 Isaiah 59 is what's being referenced there not Zechariah Now when they look on him him whom they pierced it says they're gonna weep and wail Because of him that's what it says. It doesn't say we're all gonna believe on Christ It doesn't say that. Okay, and when it says all Israel shall be saved that's talking about all Israel are not of Israel You know because those that are children of the flesh these are not the children of God But the children of promise shall be counted for the seed so you got to have context and actually read the chapters before that before you get there and This is what it's talking about here in Acts chapter 3 in verse 26 That this was fulfilled when he was taking away our sins. Is that when he came the first time? In Acts chapter 3 in verse 26. It says unto you first I'm sorry unto you first God having raised up his son Jesus Sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities So what are we talking about here? well, this is talking about what Romans 11 is talking about in the fact that the the deliverer is going to come and He's gonna take away our sins notice go back to what was said before you get to Acts chapter 3 in verse 26 verse 19 Acts 3 verse 19 says repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out sound familiar He's gonna take away our sins he's gonna blot them out and it says when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and He shall send Jesus Christ So this is something in the future, right? You know, you're getting your sins blotted out, but something coming in the future He shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things Which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began So he's he's saying here. You need to repent be converted meaning you repent and believe the gospel be converted believe, right? and I preach the whole sermon on the repentance issue, but You know what? You need to believe and get saved and your sins are blotted out and you're we you're waiting for when he's gonna come Later for the restitution of all things and restitution if you think about the Old Testament talked about restitution talking about getting paid back You know, you're getting recompensed right if someone stole from you you get restitution and it's talking about the resurrection it's talking about when he's gonna come in the clouds and and wrote in Romans chapter 11, I Believe that's the key to understanding what's ending there. Okay, what's ending? What mystery is being finished Israel being blinded? Why is it being finished because the kingdoms of this world are? become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ I Would say that the times of the Gentiles is done at that point, wouldn't you? I would say that the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled at that point and Nothing more and it's not being trodden underfoot It's actually being cleansed because Jesus Christ is gonna rule and reign from Jerusalem and that temple is Cleansed in which people are going to come to the house of God into the temple that's there in the thousand year reign Okay, so hopefully That made sense. Okay, hopefully that that kind of shows you what we're dealing with there The time no longer is not talking about time in general Okay, and I've heard people say that I've heard people say well in heaven. There's no more time We're not talking about heaven here. We're talking about when the seven trumpet sounds Okay, and there's time that's mentioned after that Things are happening and certain things are going on I mean if time is no longer than Babylon, how's Babylon destroyed in one hour if time doesn't exist anymore? so there's a lot of things that wouldn't make sense to that but if it's time no longer of a certain time a Certain period of time that's being discussed Which is the mystery of God which I believe that mystery is the fullness of the Gentiles being come in Right being fulfilled the times of the Gentiles is finished Okay, because you're dealing with the reign of Christ So hopefully that makes sense there as far as what he's talking about And that's why he goes into like measuring the temple and dealing with it being trodden underfoot because that's what caps off that time and that's when You know, it's cleansed and Jesus takes over Go back to Revelation chapter 10 and we'll finish up the chapter here I'm gonna talk about chewing the cut a little more now now we are gonna be talking about this little book and And verse 8 here It says in the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again and said go and take the little book Which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth And I went unto the angel and said unto him give me the little book and he said unto me Take it and eat it up and it shall make thy belly bitter But it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey And I took the little book out of the angels hand and ate it up and it was in my mouth sweet as honey And as soon as I did had eaten it my belly was bitter and he said unto me now I must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings So we see this little book that the angel has opened Now we don't really know exactly what is in that little book But we do what I would say with this is that whatever is in that book. John was prophesying to the nations with it So I don't think it's necessarily a secret what it is It just doesn't tell us exactly what's being said Go to Ezekiel chapter 3 because something very similar is done with Ezekiel. It's interesting it's definitely interesting how Ezekiel and John have very similar things that happen to them as far as being caught up in the spirit and seeing the throne and eating books But obviously when we're talking about eating this little book we're talking about eating ingesting the Word of God, right? The Word of God is often used to you know, the the taste of honey, right and In Ezekiel 3 and verse 1 it says moreover. He said unto me Son of man eat that thou findest eat this roll and go speak unto the house of Israel sound familiar Now the roll is not talking about a roll with butter Okay, we're talking about a scroll here and I kind of already hit that when we're in Revelation 5 now We're talking about we're talking about a book here And it says in verse 3 and it says and he said unto me I'm sorry, and I'm sorry verse 2 So I opened my mouth and he caused me to eat that roll and he said unto me son of man Caused a belly to eat and fill thy bowels with this roll that I that I give thee then did I eat it and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness and He said unto me son of man go get thee unto the house of Israel and speak with my words unto them sound very familiar Now there's differences in this story He's saying go on to the house of Israel and speak unto them and then with John he's saying go into many peoples and nations And tongues right? So he's kind of going off into the world Ezekiel's going to Israel and speaking this but it's the same principle, right? It's like eat this book and the idea here is that if you're gonna preach to to people for the Lord You better have the Word of God with you. I Mean if there's any application here when it comes to preaching you need to have the Word of God Or what are you doing? Okay, and I love how it says speak with my words unto them Right, and you know what you need to eat it and that should be what's coming out when you're speaking It's my words and so when you're preaching You know what? There should be a lot of Bible there and not just a bunch of blah blah blah, whatever I have to say Now there's not it's not supposed to just be the Bible because then you could just have orations of people reading the Bible. Okay? the idea is that the preacher is supposed to give the sense of The Bible okay, and so it's supposed to you're supposed to have it make sense You're reading it but then you're explaining it and showing the sense of the word But you need to have the word when you're preaching it and when if you're gonna go rebuke Israel You better have the Word of God with you And if you're gonna go rebuke nations, you better have the Word of God with you because that's where the power is at So it's interesting on how these things are very similar and what's being said here. Now Ezekiel doesn't mention this but It does mention his belly and how he's gonna take it into his bowels But isn't it interesting how the Word of God is sweet to the taste but bitter in the stomach Okay, this is a whole price sermon for another day So I don't want to really get into a whole bunch of application here But you can definitely see how the Word of God read your Word of God. It's always sweet Right. It's always sweet to hear the Word of God But it doesn't always settle sweet right there. There's a bitter it's bitter sweet, isn't it? I Mean think about passages a lot of the passages in the Bible are very harsh passages I mean you're talking about hell you're talking about people being punished. You're talking about people dying But it's still sweet, isn't it? I mean every passage we're reading through the book of Revelation right now And there's a lot of carnage going on, but it's sweet. You know it it tastes sweet It's bitter because you know that there's people that are dying going to hell being punished all that is true And so preaching is going to be bittersweet That's the moral of the story. You can't just expect sweetness and light all the time because the words of God are sweet They're wholesome. They're pure words But that message when it when it hits the stomach When it hits down deep you can be bitter And it cannot feel good sometimes Because you know what when we're gonna reprove rebuke and exhort two of those are not exactly the most uplifting thing So the reproof and the rebuke when it comes to that. Preach the word. Be instant in season out of season so The last thing that I want you to notice here is That he's telling John Thou must prophesy again before Many peoples and nations and tongues and kings. Where is John right? Well not right now. He's in heaven, but where is John in the story? Where is he at? He's on the Isle of Patmos, isn't he? and he's there in tribulations like I believe he's basically being exiled or thrown on this island and You know what this shows me that he didn't stay there and they didn't die there Because in order for him to go preach to other nations before those nations meaning when it says before doesn't mean like not after But before it means like in front of in the presence of like I'm gonna stand before the king, right? I'm gonna be in the presence of them Preaching that and I believe this shows you that John didn't stay on Patmos he actually went out and preached to other nations and kings and tongues and That's just a little nugget of truth right there to just show you that John didn't die on Patmos now Maybe they threw him back on Patmos and he died. Okay, so it's possible, you know, like you're gonna die on Patmos, you know, I Don't know. I don't know where he died. I don't know how he died You know that that was the whole saying back then is that well, he's not gonna see death, you know Because you know, what what if I you know, what if I will that he tarry till I come, you know Like that whole thing obviously he died Hey, he eventually died because he's didn't come back yet but I just think that's interesting to know that you know, John actually got off that island and started still preaching to other nations and You know, we don't really know. I think the consensus is that John never died you know, I think that's the the historical account that he didn't Die that he wasn't martyred. That's what I meant to say. He's still living today guys No, the consensus is that he wasn't martyred like all the Apostles were martyred but but John, you know, like I Don't know, you know He'd take all that with a grain of salt when you think of like how Peter died and all this stuff I think it's very clear that Peter was martyred by what Jesus said to him about how he was gonna die It doesn't explain exactly But I think it's pretty clear we know that James died by the sword by it by Herod But when you get into all this like Fox's book of martyrs Well, John Fox didn't wasn't there when that happened. Okay, so you can't take him as an eyewitness Now the stuff that he was there for when it happened when there was martyrs I think you could take that, you know and say okay. Well you were there But when you're dealing with like the Apostles and how they died, you know You take that stuff with a grain of salt when it comes to that And just take with what the Bible says and to me. It doesn't say that Paul died a martyr's death Actually says he's gonna be delivered He's delivered out of the mouth of the lion and the Lord will deliver him As far as we know Paul died of old age as far as we know John died of old age We know they died though So hopefully you don't think that they're like, yeah pastor Robinson believes that John's still living They're gonna make a clip of that But that's Revelation chapter 10 I know it's not a big chapter But there's some deep stuff in there dealing with the time no longer and that that mystery of God being finished That's what I believe that's talking about so we'll get into Revelation chapter 11 and next week Lord willing and Going on with the the series. So let's end with a prayer. Dear Heavenly Father. We thank you for today Thank you for the souls that were saved today and throughout the week and thank you for Using us as a church floor I just praise you continue to use our church to win people to you and to To get people baptized and get them to observe all things and we just thank you for the opportunity there I do pray to help us to understand the book of Revelation and Lord if we're in that day or we're gonna be in that day that you prepare us to be soldiers for you during that time And Lord, I just love you. We all love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ name. Amen They will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed You Take your song books and turn to song 377 Song 377 if you would stand we'll sing rescue rescue the perishing song 377 We Rescue the perishing care for the dying Snatch them from pity from sin and the grave We bore the erring ones lift up the fallen of Jesus the mighty to save Rescue the perishing care for the dying Jesus is merciful Jesus will save Still he is waiting waiting the pen and a child to receive Plead with them earnestly plead with them gently He will forgive if they only believe rescue the perishing care for the dying Jesus is merciful Jesus will save Down in the human heart crushed by the tempter feelings library that great