(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Take your song books and turn to song number 33. Song number 33 in your song books. We'll sing Christ the Lord is Risen Today. And if you would stand, we'll sing song number 33. And if you would stand, we'll sing song number 33. Sing ye half earth reply hallelujah lives again our glorious king hallelujah where oh death is now thy sting hallelujah. Dying once he all doth save hallelujah where thy victor oh grave hallelujah loves redeeming work is done hallelujah. Fought the fight the battle won hallelujah. Death in vain forbids him rise hallelujah. Christ has opened paradise hallelujah. So are we now where Christ has led hallelujah following exalted head hallelujah. May like him like him we rise hallelujah. Ours the cross the grave the skies hallelujah. And let's pray. Heavenly father lord again we just want to thank you lord just for the opportunity to meet here and to hear your word preached i pray lord that you would just receive all the honor and glory out of everything and said and done we love you for it's in jesus name we ask all but amen amen you may be seated and take your mountain baptist song books your mountain baptist psalms hymns and spiritual song books and turn to song uh number seven page number seven we'll sing psalm 117 on page number seven oh praise the lord all ye nations praise him all ye people for his merciful kindness is great toward us and the truth of the lord endure forever praise ye the lord praise ye the lord amen well happy easter on the sunday morning and so um i don't think it's supposed to rain today but it might be a little wet out there um but uh we're gonna have a fellowship after the service this morning and so um after after we get done with the service this morning you just want to make sure that all your belongings are like not hanging around so that we can get stuff set up and everything for that um but um and then uh we're gonna have some uh stuff for the kids as far as a candy scramble and all that stuff this afternoon so um if you want uh to go out soul winning uh at the normal time obviously you're welcome to if you need a place to go as far as like where we would go and stuff like that uh just let us know um but we are gonna have food and all that stuff in between the services uh to celebrate easter and the resurrection and everything and so and then we're gonna have our normal service time at 4 pm so service times are normal today um and then uh soul winning as far as throughout the week just beyond the church group there uh next week after after this coming week um a lot of the men are going to be actually our our regional soul winning leaders are going to be out of the country so um so that'll be different next week but just be on the group chat there if uh to know times places and all that stuff when it comes to the soul winning um and then uh upcoming events we do have a soul winning marathon uh in nitro uh so brother jim is leading that up on april 27th and then in the future that we have may 25th uh the lancaster uh soul winning marathon and then in june uh the one in philadelphia so um so we do have uh so many marathons coming up here uh and then being prayerful with missions uh coming up in a week uh about a week now so um and then our bible memory for the month um going into april jonah chapter three so um jonah chapter three uh that and then obviously going into may will be in jonah chapter four but memorizing the book of jonah our memory verse for the week is josea 13 or josea 13 verse 14 i will ransom them from the power of the grave i will redeem them from death oh death i will be thy plagues oh grave i will be thy destruction repentance shall be hid from mine eyes so that's our memory verse for the week a little long but uh definitely applies to the resurrection and to uh what jesus did for us there uh and then birthdays on the birthday list there well we have allison today so right the 31st do we have any that are coming up in april like the beginning april okay so brother anthony says no so that means if you have one if you have one nuts to you no i'm just kidding no um so but so we'll sing happy birthday alison alison you're gonna be ten big double digits there and so happy birthday we'll sing happy birthday to you here in a minute um and then uh the forges your anniversaries today how many haven't what's that oh yeah lane well you know brother dave is gonna so welcome back you know uh yeah brother dave will handle that i have my full confidence in that um so uh so the four family uh how long you big guys been married yeah yeah that's awesome yeah actually we're gonna be hitting with 10 years well this this year so um the double digits yeah so uh praise the lord happy anniversary we'll sing happy anniversary to you all um did we get the crandles on their anniversary should we get them again yeah no i'm just kidding um and then pregnancy list there uh we do have crystal mccloy on the pregnancy list being prior for all those that just had little ones as well so um just recovery process and just everything that is involved there i think that's about all i have for announcements um offering box in the back there if you want to give a tie there an offering and the mother baby room for the mothers and babies only so brother dave's gonna come do the happy birthday happy anniversary song and then after that brother joseph's gonna come and read josea chapter 13 for us and we'll get into the sermon all right take your mountain baptist song with us again mountain baptist psalms sins and fears songbooks and turn to page number 13 page number 13 your mountain baptist songbooks we'll sing rejoice in the lord but before we do that we need to sing happy birthday to alison and to brother lane lane i literally while i was sitting back there david and chris and there was like six people that told me so how old are you brother 23 well it's good to have lane back and alison you are 10 years old okay and we'll get you both to stand up lane stand up with the stand up with the child thank you very much i haven't got a chance to say hi to you brother man it's good to have you back you want to come up here and give me a hug real quick we'll do it after and uh all right awesome cool and uh so alison and lane on their birthdays ready here we go happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday god bless you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you both and then we need to sing happy anniversary to the fords and 10 years that's awesome congratulations on that and uh you want to stand up you guys got a lot of kids back there so i was trying to i was gonna be gracious but here we go ready happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary god bless you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you both that's funny all the kids back there were like covering their heads like oh no not again that's funny all right so we'll sing uh page 13 uh rejoice in the lord ready god never moves without purpose or plan when trying his servant and molding a man give thanks to the lord though your testing seems long darkness he giveth a song oh rejoice in the lord he makes no mistakes he know with the end of each path that i take for when i am tried and purified i shall come forth as gone oh i could not see the shadows ahead so i looked at the cross of my savior instead i bow to the will of the master that day then peace came and tears fled away oh rejoice in the lord he makes no mistakes he know with the end of each path that i take for when i am tried and purified i shall come forth as gold now i can see testing comes from above god's strengths this is children and purges in love my father knows best and i trust in his care through purging more fruit i will bear oh rejoice in the lord he makes no mistakes and know with the end of each path that i take for when i am tried and purified i shall come forth as gold all right take your bibles and turn to the book of hosea chapter number 13 hosea chapter number 13 in your bibles and we'll have brother joseph come and read that for us hosea chapter 13 and found your place there say amen when ephraim spake trembling he exalted himself in israel but when he offended in bale he died and now they sin more and more and have made them molten images of their silver and idols according to their own understanding all all of it the work of the craftsmen they say say of them let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves therefore they shall be as the morning cloud and the early dew that passeth away as the chaff that is driven with the whirlwind out of the out of out of the floor and as smoke out of the chimney yet i am the lord thy god from the land of egypt and thou shalt know no god but me for there is no savior beside me i did know thee in the great in the wilderness in the land of great drought according to their pasture so will they so were they filled they were filled and their heart was exalted therefore have they forgotten me therefore i i will be unto them as a lion as a leopard by the way will i observe them i will meet them as a bear that is bereft of her whelps and will rend the call of their heart and there will i devour them like a lion the wild beast shall tear them oh israel thou hast destroyed thyself but in me is thine help i will be thy king where is any other that might may save thee in all thy cities and thy judge of whom thou sayest give me a king and princess i gave thee a king in mine anger and took him away in my my wrath the iniquity of ephraim is bound up his sin is hid the sorrows of prevailing woman shall come upon him he is in un is an unwise son for he should not stay long in the place of the breaking forth of children i will ransom them from the power of the grave i will redeem them from death death oh death i will be thy plagues oh grave i will be thy destruction repentance shall be hid from mine eyes though though he be fruitful among his brethren an east wind shall come the wind of the lord shall come up from the wilderness and his spring shall become dry and his fountain shall be dried up he shall spoil the treasure of all pleasant vessels samaria shall become desolate for she hath rebelled against her god they shall fall by the sword their infants shall be dashed in pieces and their women with children shall be ripped up spring lord father thank you for this time we're able to come together and celebrate you rising again lord lord i thank you for your pure and holy word you give to us lord ask you edifice this morning in jesus name amen amen see you there in josea chapter 13 and look down there this is our memory verse as well in verse 14 uh where it says i will ransom them from the power of the grave and what you have to understand is that it's the lord that's speaking here as far as the as who's going to be doing this it says i will ransom them from the power of the grave i will redeem them from death oh death i will be thy plagues oh grave i will be thy destruction and the thing that i want you to notice here is this last phrase right here this last portion of the sentence which is repentance shall be hid from mine eyes so the name of the sermon is repentance hid from his eyes now you know there's a lot of baptist churches out there today that don't understand the word repent and this is a great example of how the repent does not mean turn from sin right this is not saying like the lord's not saying that it's hid from mine eyes to turn from sin right the lord is not going to turn from sin basically the repentance be hid from your eyes meaning like he's not going to repent he's going to do it right the whole point of what he's saying here is i will do this i will ransom them from the power of the grave and he's saying repentance is hid from mine eyes meaning that he's going to do it he's not going to change his mind he's not going to turn back from it this is not this is this is going to happen and so when you think about the fact of we're celebrating the resurrection and obviously the death and resurrection the gospel and the fact of the matter is is that god regarded what jesus did 2 000 years ago from the very beginning of the before the foundation of the world he regarded it because he knew that repentance was hid from his eyes he knew that he was going to do it there was no question whether he was going to accomplish this and so this is something that you know back when able was killed he's in heaven he was in heaven you know when he died he was in heaven the first person you know you think about obviously kane killed able and all that and the fact of the matter is is that the blood of christ was applied to able way before jesus ever died on the cross because repentance was fit from his eyes meaning this is that there was no turning back there was no there there was no chance of this not happening okay and obviously the lord calls those things to be not as though they were so obviously he regards it before it even happens in our timeline but that's the point of my sermon is the idea here is that as jesus was going to the cross repentance was hid from his eyes meaning this is that he wasn't going to turn from it and you know obviously god the father god the son god the holy ghost that their repentance was hid from their eyes and now this this passage here is very similar to a passage in the new testament go to first corinthian chapter 15 first corinthian chapter 15 but it is funny to me you know when when uh you get these these uh a lot of these baptist churches and everything else that are out there nowadays that are just so mixed up on repentance and the idea the the funny part about it is is that god is repenting more in the bible than anybody i mean god repented that he made man and in a lot of times in the old testament repentance this isn't a good listen if god repented here that's not a good thing right we're glad that god didn't repent right when it came to him going to the cross and and ransoming our souls and you know ransoming us from the grave and we're glad he didn't repent repent would be a really bad thing in this case and we wouldn't be having anything to celebrate this morning but the same thing would go with a lot of cases and you know when they would go he led him through the wilderness and through the red sea lest they see war and repent and return to egypt and there's this idea of just not understanding what this word repent means is i don't know what they do with these passages i guess they just pick and choose and say well when god does it it's not this when man does it it is this right right they just basically make up stuff and they make up their own definitions and you know uh but basically what they're doing is just putting their heads in the sand and uh they have something that they've been repeating over and over again and they're too proud to admit that they're wrong and this isn't a whole sermon maybe i should just preach the whole sermon on this topic but but you're either proud or you're not saved when it comes to this ignorant proud not saved you know that that's kind of like you there's people that are ignorant on this subject when it comes to turning from sins and stuff like that but then there's people that are just proud don't want to admit that they've been preaching it wrong for 20 30 40 years and you know what i'm a young preacher but the idea is if someone came up to me like and say well i've been doing this for 40 years it's interesting you've been doing it for 40 years but yet you're still wrong on it you're still you still don't understand it you say why why are you bringing this up because we're talking about the gospel this morning easter is celebrating that jesus rose from the dead the gospel is that jesus died for our sins was buried and rose again the third day that's the gospel that's how we're saved and by the way it's by believing the gospel that we're saved because i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believe it to the jew first and also to the greek it is not them that repent of their sins not them that turn from their sins not them that are willing to turn from their sins or wanting to repent or you know willing or whatever no it's you believe the only thing you got to repent of is what you were trusting in before and you need to turn from that belief and that trusting of whatever you're trusting in and put it in christ and in the gospel and so uh when it comes to this this is something that is very pertinent that repentance is a good word but in this case in this sermon i'm going to be talking about the fact that i'm glad god didn't repent okay i'm glad god did not repent when it when it comes to ransoming us from the power of the grave when it comes to the idea that he destroyed death and and he destroyed you know the grave and dealing with the resurrection okay and so um because for example if it says you know i will ransom i will redeem me from death oh death i will be thy plagues uh oh grave i will be the uh thy destruction the whole point here is that we're not going to be in the grave right the idea is that we will no longer be in the grave and that gets into the idea of obviously when we die our body is in the grave and we're going to be physically resurrected okay the physical resurrection uh and that obviously starts with the lord jesus now first corinthian chapter 15 that was a preface on you know repentance but the idea here is that really what are we talking about god basically hid it from his eyes to turn from what he was going to do basically i'm not going to turn from this i'm going to do it right and first corinthians chapter 15 verse 53 it says for this corruption must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality now we're talking about the body okay because the moment you believe on christ you are you have eternal life and you put on immortality spiritually speaking but we're talking about those that are that die in christ that are sleeping you know meaning their bodies are are in the grave and it says here in verse 54 so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption this and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory oh death where is thy sting oh grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ so basically this is the end game of what god said he was going to do in josea chapter 13 right because what is josea chapter 13 says oh death i will be thy plagues oh grave i will be thy destruction and because jesus died on the cross with our sins on him and he rose again a third day he destroyed death and he destroyed the grave and this is why we can say oh death where is thy sting oh grave where is thy victory because of what jesus did and you know obviously thanks be to god because it's through jesus christ that we get this victory now another way of saying victory is overcoming and what is you know uh this is the the victory that overcometh the world even our faith who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that jesus is the son of god that's how we get the victory over the grave over death is by believing on jesus name and it's because of what he did that that's possible now go to isaiah chapter 25 because i do want to show you here there's basically you it is it's bringing up a saying death is swallowed up in victory that comes from isaiah okay so isaiah chapter 25 isaiah chapter 25 verse 7 isaiah chapter 25 and verse 7 isaiah chapter 25 verse 7 it says and i will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people in the veil that is spread over all nations he will swallow up death in victory and the lord god will wipe away tears from off all faces and the rebuke of his people shall be taken shall he take away from off all the earth for the lord has spoken it and it shall be said in that day lo this is our god we have waited for him and he will save us this is the lord we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation so these passages put together you think i uh josea chapter 13 isaiah 25 is the fact that death is swallowed up in victory because jesus overcame because go to revelation chapter one go to revelation chapter one revelation chapter one when it's you know the song we sing uh his rose of victor over the dark domain this is death and hell death and hell jesus conquered it he has the keys of death and hell and notice what says here in revelation chapter one and verse 17 revelation chapter one and verse 17 it says and when i saw him i fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me fear not i am the last i am he that liveth and was dead and behold i am alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death so when jesus rose again from the dead it proclaimed victory over death and hell he has the keys and you know when people try to say well you know god can't you know the muslims out there like well god can't die the first and the last the first and the last he says i'm the first and the last i am he that liveth and was dead you know hereby i perceive we the love of god because he lay down his life for us who god and you say well how can god die it doesn't matter if you understand that or not he did god the son and by the way he's a trinity the father the son and the holy spirit and these three are one and if people don't understand that it doesn't matter it is what it is that is the true god and god the son died he was dead for three days and three nights and it wasn't just his body that was dead it it was his soul was in hell his body was in the grave and he was dead for three days and three nights but the good news is he didn't stay there he rose again the third day and that is why we had the victory you know when people say well you know it's just his death it's just his death that's all that you know that's all that had to be done listen if he didn't rise from the dead raise from the dead we're still in our sins and so this is very important obviously the resurrection but i want to hit on the idea i want you to think about this as jesus is going to the cross this idea that repentance is hid from his eyes now let's go to the garden of gethsemane okay because this is an interesting passage thinking about this process here but go to go to matthew chapter 26 matthew chapter 26 matthew chapter 26 this is a great passage to understand that there is a there is a clear distinction in the father and the son as far as they're two separate persons or this wouldn't make sense or he'd be talking to himself but the thing is is that what i want you to see here is that jesus isn't saying jesus it's not it's not that jesus here is basically saying i don't want to save them right what jesus is saying in the garden of gesemite is basically if there's any other way right so what you have to understand is that i want you to think about this god the son when he's coming when he comes to the garden is basically asking the father if there's any other way to do this because what he has to do we can't comprehend listen it's not about the crucifixion that i believe is what he was in this great agony over although i don't obviously you can definitely understand that being you know being agony over thinking about what people are going to do to you but i want you i want you to look at this passage and notice in verse 36 then cometh jesus with them until a place called gethsemane and saith unto them unto the disciples sit ye here while i go and pray yonder and he took with him peter and the two sons of zebedee and began to be sorrowful even very heavy then saith he unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death tear ye here and watch with me and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying oh my father notice this if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as i will but as thou wilt and then go on down to verse 42 it says and he went away again the second time and prayed saying oh my father if this cup may not pass away from me except i drink it thy will be done so what you have to understand is that he's asking the father is there basically you can imagine is there any other way is it you know if it's possible because you know the bible says if it were possible you know basically if there had been a law given which could have given life barely righteousness should have been by law but you know why it can't be by law because it's not possible right it's not possible so i want you to think about this the father he's the son is speaking to the father saying if there's basically if there's any other way basically jesus is saying if it has to be this way your will be done but if there's any other way right then any in another passage even says you know i know that all things are possible right meaning like if there was another way for our sins to be forgiven jesus would say let it be that way but you know what this means there was no other way and i want you to think about the love that the father has for us and the love that the son has for us to go through with this okay i want you to think fathers about your son if you well your children let's say you have you know maybe you don't have a son you have a daughter right but i want you to think about this i want you to think about the fact that in order to save the world you have to let your child die you have to let not only let them die but let the world kill your child okay i want you to think about that and then and say i'm gonna let it happen and then your child saying to you is there any other way to do this is there any other way out of this it's still going through with it because you know there's no other way and then your child saying i'll do it i'll do what you want me to do so that type of love and that type of resolve to to to not turn from that we can't comprehend as a father i can't comprehend it i can't comprehend the love that the father has for the world you know that puts a little more grit or i i guess uh just gravity on the verse john 3 16 for god so love the world that he gave his only begotten son how much love does the father have for us you know when jesus says that i say not pray on to the i i will pray on the body but the father loves you i mean it even says in roma chapter eight i mean if he spared not his only begotten son if he spared not his own son how much more shall he give us all things i mean think about that i mean if he loved us that much then nothing's off the table but i want you to think about this okay jesus is saying here it's basically like if there's any other way and you say why is this you know what's the point of this i believe the point of this is to show you there was no other way this is the only way it could have been done the only way it was possible the only route for salvation was that the son would die for us that he would take it upon himself and that the father would still go through with it repentance was hid from his eyes and it was hid from the son's eyes because you know what this the the son jesus there's no other way he's doing it repentance is hid from his eyes he kept going forward and what you have to say go to luke chapter 22 luke chapter 22 luke chapter 22 in verse 44 luke chapter 22 in verse 44 when he's praying this he's in agony and to express to show you how much agony he's in notice what it says in verse 44 luke chapter 22 verse 44 it says in being in an agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground now you can say well maybe that's not really blood it just kind of looks like blood it's got the density of blood but i'll say this in the bible it says that there came on the cloud as it were the son of man i think it is the son of man right so it's just because it says as it were doesn't mean that it's not that sometimes it can be like it but it's not it itself but i believe that he literally did sweat blood now scientifically this happens this happens in the real world and what it has to do is it has to do with extreme sorrow and extreme stress that's put on the body to where you start basically excreting blood through your pores that is the agony that he was in when he was praying to the father now go to hebrew chapter five hebrew chapter five i do not believe that this agony was because he was going to be spit upon because he was going to be buffeted or even that he was going to be nailed to the cross okay i believe this agony was on him because of what was going to be laid upon him when he was on the cross because of what he had to bear because of what he had to go through in order to take our sins upon him okay notice what it says here in hebrew chapter 5 hebrew chapter 5 and verse 5 it says so also christ glorified not himself to be made in high priests but he that said unto him thou art my son today have a begotten me talking about the resurrection as he saith also in another place thou art a priest forever after you order melchizedek who in the days of his flesh so talking about jesus when he had offered up prayers and supplication with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death who's he who's he talking about here god the father he's speaking to god the father and it's saying that god the father obviously even he jesus says to his disciples when they come to take him i could call 12 legions of angels to save me but then how would all these fulfilled and he's saying that you know him that was able to save him from death and was heard and that he feared now this is very important because did jesus fear man no but does he fear god the father of course because the only person you're supposed to fear is god and it says though he were a son yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him called of god and high priest after the order of melchizedek i want you to think about what jesus is about to do the bible says that he's going to take the iniquity of us all who his own self our sins in his own body on a tree he he who knew no sin for he had made him to be sin who knew no sin i want you to think about a sinless savior taking the sin of the whole world i want you to think about him just taking your sin then i want you to think about him taking the sins of everybody in this room right now in this church right now then i want you to think about him taking the sin of all of west virginia then i want you to think about him taking the sin of all of the united states then i want you to think about him taking the sin of all almost 8 billion people that are on the planet right now and now think about from the beginning of time to the end of time that he took all of their sins on him and that is what he's thinking about and the punishment that he has to endure i want you to think about the punishment that one person has to endure in hell one person for their sins and the torment and torture that they have to go through and i want you to think about what jesus went through for every single person that ever lived and would live and i want you to think about this repentance was hid from his eyes he went forward and there was no turning back that's our savior and go to uh go to john chapter 12 john chapter 12 john chapter 12 so the garden of gethsemane wasn't wasn't a point where he's like where he's almost didn't do it okay what you have to understand is i believe the garden of gethsemane shows us the gravity of what he was about to do and that there was no other way there was no other way there is no other way there's no other way for you to be saved but through jesus christ and what he did when people say well you know people can get to heaven other ways then what was jesus i mean if it's possible let this cut pass from him then you're saying you're saying there was another way and the father says no but you're going to do this anyway even though there's other ways for people to get to heaven john chapter 12 and verse 27 sometimes to really see the excitement and just i guess the the the joy of what we're celebrating today you really need to see what he had to do to get to that point i want you to think about like the sorrow and i want you to think about a day after he dies how sorrowful everybody is about what happened and then just the rejoicing to see he's risen he's no longer dead it's done he finished it and the resolve that our savior had that he wasn't going to turn from it he wasn't going to repent of what he said he was going to do and i want you to think about this jesus says this in john chapter 12 verse 27 he says this before the garden of the gesemite in verse 27 here to john chapter 12 and verse 27 it says now is my soul troubled and what shall i say father save me from this hour but for this cause came i unto this hour now i want you to think about this he was praying to the father that says who was able to save him from death right and jesus is saying shall i say save me from this hour for this hour came into the world notice the resolve that jesus has and when jesus is in the garden of the gesemite he's not saying save me from this hour he's saying if it be possible right it's kind of like this question of like i know all things are possible with you if it's possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done meaning if if it's not possible then your will be done and even in that darkest hour where he's sweating great drops of blood he says i'm gonna do it i will do it and uh go to go to john chapter 18 and verse 37 john chapter 18 verse 37 john chapter 18 verse 37 says pilot therefore said unto him aren't thou a king then jesus answered thou sayest that i am a king to this end was i born and for this cause came i into the world that i should bear witness unto the truth everyone that is of the truth hear my voice i want you to think about this before he he you know before he even goes to the garden of gesemite when he's standing before pilot he's basically stating this is why i came into the world jesus christ came to save sinners that's why he came into the world is to save us from our sins when we celebrate christmas what what are we celebrating that the savior has come and his name shall be called jesus for he shall save his people from their sins and this is how he did it this is where the whole bible is everything is pointing to this point right here what we're celebrating today is the resurrection of jesus and this is what everything's pointing to everything from the beginning is pointing to it and everything that's written afterwards is pointing back to it and we will forever be rejoicing over the lamb that was slain for our sins and even john when he see when he's writing revelation and seeing the visions it says i saw a lamb as it as if it had been slain that's our savior and the resolve that he has to say this is why i came this is why i came into the world and go to john chapter 19 john chapter 19 verse 10 john chapter 19 and verse 10 it says john 19 verse 10 it says then says pilot unto him speakest thou not unto me knowest thou not that i have power to crucify thee and i have power to release thee knows what jesus says jesus answered thou couldest have no power at all against me except that were given thee from above therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath a greater sin you know what he's saying here he's saying you wouldn't have power unless it was allowed that means god the father was allowing it to happen we know obviously that god the father son holy ghost were all together working for this to happen and for the for him to take the sins of the world on him and to die and rise again a third day when he's risen from the dead it talks about the father raising him up it talks about the spirit raising him up and jesus says if i lay down my life i have power to take it again no man taking it from me he says that he lays it down jesus couldn't have died unless he allowed it jesus couldn't have died unless god the father allowed it jesus couldn't have died unless the holy spirit allowed it and you know what repentance was hid from god's eyes that day to allow it to happen that is powerful when you think about the god of the universe just allowing this to happen and why because he loved us he still loves us maybe put a little emphasis you know you think about like why do people go to hell why do why do people why are people casting hell because their names aren't written in the book of life and why aren't they written in the book of life because they haven't believed on the lord jesus christ and the question you have to ask is why they don't believe now obviously we go soul winning so they have they have a clear understanding of what they need to believe that's our job our job is to give them the clear message of what what do you need to believe and at that point it's their choice but think about the gravity of someone that knows what they need to believe and they reject it they say no that can't be the way and whatever the excuse is do you think that matters what that excuse is and so this is something that i think about when i think about the story of him laying down his life for our sins go to john chapter 19 john chapter 19 i want you to think about this okay so i'm kind of i'm not going through the whole uh crucifixion story or the whole story but i just want you to see some different different things that just kind of that just stick out to me and i want you to think during this time repentance is hid from his eyes this whole time just like it's not it i don't believe jesus is thinking i don't know i don't want to do this any you know like i i'm not going to do this or maybe i'll i'll back out no whole time he's going through with it and he's not thinking about not doing it okay it's kind of like that the garden of gethsemane was just like the all else fails like there's no other way boom not nothing's going to be different it's got it has to be this way okay in john chapter 19 and verse 1 it says then pilot therefore took jesus and scourged him now i want you to think about the scourging that happened okay now i'm not here to say like the cationine tales and all that stuff i mean that's not in the bible okay but i will say this the bible says hold your place there and go to isaiah 52 sometimes when you read you read it they scourged him and you're like okay and then the next thing happens they'll just say they crucified him and then they parted their garments it's like like think about that that's when they're nailing him to the cross but when you read it's just kind of like you can read over that real quick oh they crucified him it's like yeah they crucified him okay now i want you to think about they scourged him and i want you to think about this verse right here before i read the rest of it in john chapter 19 isaiah 52 and verse 14 it says as many as many were astonished at thee his visage was so marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of men and you say well how do you know that this is talking about jesus because it says in verse 15 same sentence so shall he sprinkle many nations the king shall shut their mouths at him for that which had not been told them shall they see and that which they had not heard shall they consider which is quoted in the new testament talking about jesus and it says his visage was so marred what is that his appearance more than any man when they scourged him it wasn't a light scourging the bible says that i can tell all my bones and it says that all his bones were out of joint when he was on the cross now i want you to think about this okay of how bad they beat him because notice what it says here in verse uh go back to john chapter 19 and verse and verse uh two there because they scourged him then it said and the soldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on his head and they put on him a purple robe and said hail king of the jews and they smote him with their hands and so other places talked about how they put a reed in his hand and they took the reed and they hit him on the head with it he's wearing a crown of thorns and they're hitting him on the head with a crown of thorns on his head and they're mocking him as they're doing it pilot therefore went forth again and sent them to them behold i bring him forth to you that you may know that i have i find no fault in him so i want you to think about this the governor haunches pilot at this point all this is done to him and he's he hasn't found any fault in him by the way in other passages he went to harrod and harrod didn't find any fault in him but obviously pilot knew that for envy they brought him unto him verse nine then came jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe and pilot saith unto them behold the man now think about that picture marred more than any man wearing a crown of thorns that they're hitting him on the head with with a reed while he's wearing it and it says behold the man and you know what pilot i'm sure is trying to do is be like isn't this enough for you isn't this enough for what you're there's no occasion there's no fault in this man is this not enough for you and you know what they said crucify him but you know what jesus still went forward repentance was hid from his eyes god the father is seeing all of this repentance is hid from his eyes isaiah chapter 53 go to isaiah chapter 53 in verse 5 isaiah 53 in verse 5 it says and obviously isaiah 53 is hitting on you know all the this uh what jesus is doing and all that so um but in verse 5 here it says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed by the way that's the blood by the blood of christ that were healed and hebrew chapter 12 go to hebrew chapter 12 verse 1 hebrew chapter 12 verse 1 hebrew chapter 12 verse 1 hebrew chapter 12 verse 1 it says wherefore seeing we also are compass about what's so great a cloud of witness witnesses let us lay aside every weight so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of god you think about okay what was keeping jesus moving because he knew the joy that was set before him he knew the end game he knew the salvation that he would provide and that was set before him and he saw that at the end of the tunnel he didn't like the shame you know that he didn't like getting uh you know mocked and and hit in the face i didn't mention the fact that they would they covered his face and hit him in the face and said prophesy who smote the the mocking and just the the shame that was inflicted on him and it says he despised the shame i mean being openly beat the garments ripped off of you and then another rope taken off and then that taken off on you put your clothes back on go to the cross and then they take your clothes off again and then they they basically take your clothes and sell them or just parm among themselves and then people just sitting there watching them while that happens it says he endured the cross despising the shame but it says that he you know obviously looked for the hope that was set before him right and obviously that's what we're supposed to do as well as christians if jesus can do that then listen there is nothing in this world that we can go through that would be worse than what jesus went through okay and isaiah 53 go back to isaiah 53 isaiah 53 and verse six isaiah 53 and verse six and honestly i believe this right here is what jesus is praying to the father saying if there's any if there's any other way right if it'd be possible he's in agony and he's in the garden and he's sweating as it were great drops of blood and he's he's in the garden he's god the father is able to save him from death but he says not that not my will but thine be done i believe this right here is where the rubber meets the road as far as what he's thinking about what he has to accomplish here because it says in verse uh isaiah 53 and verse six it says all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree when he's on the cross the sin of the whole world is put on him and it says notice down in verse 10 there it says yet it pleased the lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge that my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities both body and soul he is bearing the sin of the world when he's on that cross and by the way he's bearing it until the third day when he rises again by the way the third day is when that's accomplished all done okay but when he says it is finished what is finished obviously the work that he was doing on the earth but the fact that the sins of the world were put on him but i want you to think about this when that happens when you say when do you think that happens i believe this is when it happens verse 40 go to matthew chapter 27 matthew chapter 27 verse 45 matthew chapter 27 verse 45 matthew chapter 27 verse 45 this is now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour that's when i believe this happened okay it says in about the ninth hour jesus cried with a loud voice saying eli eli lama sabachthani that is to say my god my god why hast thou forsaken me i want you to think about what just happened there god he's talking to god the father and he's saying why have you forsaken me because this is where you have jesus taking the sin of the world and you have that that fellowship that's broken between the father and the son there that is huge that is something that we can't comprehend and think about jesus knew that's what was going to happen before he did it jesus knew when he was in the garden of gethsemane that this event was going to happen and you can imagine why he feared you can imagine why he was in agony but you know what jesus said thinking about that not my will but thine be done i want you to think about god the father saying i i'm still going to go through with it when he knows what's going to have to happen to his son repentance is hid from his eyes he's doing it and go to act chapter 2 act chapter 2 now here's the good news he didn't stay dead he didn't stay in the grave it was not possible that jesus could stay in the grave it was not possible that his soul could be left in hell because he is the almighty god the first and the last without sin and when he did that he purchased he purchased salvation for every single person in all the world and when you have that type of you know just pain and anguish that he had to go through to know that he's not there anymore to know that he accomplished it is there's nothing there's no greater story in the world amen this is the greatest story in the world it will forever be the greatest story in all of eternity in this world and in the world to come the the the fact that jesus christ died for our sins and rose again the third day nothing will ever top that listen hollywood will rebrand and redo every movie that's out there but you know the one story that they always try to redo is the story of dying for the world one man dying so that everybody else can live and that is the story of jesus and no one could ever top this i don't care what story it is i don't care what movie it is i don't care what book it is there is no story that could ever duplicate this that would ever be better than it or even come close to it to be honest act chapter 2 verse 22 it says ye men of israel hear these words jesus of nazareth a man approved of god among you by miracles and wonders and signs which god did by him in the midst of you as ye yourselves also know him being delivered by the determinant council and foreknowledge of god ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom god hath raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding of it for david speakers concerning him i foresaw the lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that i should not be moved therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to seek corruption thou hast made made known to me the ways of life thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch david that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us unto this day therefore being a prophet he knowing that god had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up christ to sit on his throne he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption this jesus had god raised up whereof we all are witnesses there's the resurrection there's why we celebrate easter by the way this is why we come to church this is why we go soul winning this is the whole purpose of christianity is to remember what jesus did and to be good stewards of the manifold grace of god if you've received the gift even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of god that is our whole purpose in this life and is he worthy of it there's many reasons obviously to serve the lord but this should this should probably be up on the top does he not deserve the glory listen obviously serving the lord doesn't change whether you're going to heaven or hell because jesus made it easy believe in the lord jesus christ now shall be saved he that believeth on me hath everlasting life barely barely i'm saying to you he that hears my word and believes on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death into life but how much should we serve him knowing what he did for us and sometimes we have to really just sit down and think about what did he really do and you know as much as you can sit down and think about it you'll never comprehend it we'll never comprehend what he really had to go through and when we sing these songs up from the grave he arose and we think about the fact that he arose a victor from the dark domain think about that what he had to do before he arose and then think about the joy of the fact that he did the bible says in uh in john 14 19 it says yet a little while and the world seeth me no more but ye see me because i live ye shall live also the reason that we're saved is because he lives the reason that will be forever with him in heaven and have eternal life is because he lives you know i'm the first and last time he that liveth and was dead and behold i'm alive forevermore the bible says that that if without the resurrection we're we're our faith is vain and we're yet in our sins but you know the bible says after that it says but now is christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept you know people are saying there's no resurrection you know all that you say well there's no resurrection of the dead then christ didn't raise from the dead and if christ didn't rise from the dead then your faith is vain and you're yet in your sins see dying on the cross with our sins wouldn't have accomplished it if he didn't rise again if he was still dead they wouldn't have paid for it now look at matthew chapter 28 matthew chapter 28 this story never gets old never gets old you read through the the crucifixion and it still hurts reading about it it still hurts and then you read when he raised from the dead how can you read this passage and not be filled with joy how could you read this passage and not be like that's amazing yes amen says matthew 28 in verse 1 it says in the end of the sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week came mary magdalene and the other mary to see the sepulcher and behold there was a great earthquake for the angel of the lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it his countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow and for fear of him the keepers did shake and became his dead men and the angel answered and said unto the women fear not ye for i know that you seek jesus which was crucified he is not here for he is risen as he said come see the place where the lord lay and go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into galley there shall you see him lo i have told you and throughout the new testament it keeps iterate it reiterates this in so many different ways it says in roman 6 9 it says knowing that christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion over him once for all i know i already preached that but one time he's dealing with sin he's no longer dealing with sin he comes back the second time it says he's coming back is the second time without sin and the salvation he's done dealing with sin it's done it's finished all your sins have been paid for and last thing i want to show you here since we're talking about repentance and the fact that we're glad are you not glad god that repentance was hid from his eyes read that aren't you glad that during that whole thing and everything he had to do repentance was hid from his eyes but go to roman chapter 11 roman chapter 11 i want to say this is that salvation is the same way when you're saved and he gives you eternal life the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord that gift is without repentance that's what says in romans 11 29 for the gifts and calling of god are without repentance what does that mean when you get saved repentance is hid from his eyes there is no turning back you're saved forever it's done as much as repentance was hid from god's eyes when he went to the cross and he accomplished it repentance is hid from his eyes when you're saved and salvation is forever that is why we can rejoice today to think about the fact that our savior is risen our savior is seated at the right hand of the father right now and until he comes back that's where he'll be he ever liveth to make intercession for the saints and when you think about the resurrection when you think about that sunday morning that first day of the week when he's risen from the dead it's kind of like the idea of really under you know uh when you think about someone getting saved you have to really understand the damnation you have to understand like you need the savior you need like to really grasp okay what am i getting saved from i believe to really just appreciate and to really celebrate that resurrection and and easter is to really understand what did he do before that what did he have to do and what that resurrection means that means he's no longer suffering shame he's no longer being buffeted he's no longer suffering for sin that's done and forever he has gotten the victory over it and as he overcame the bible says we overcome and how do we overcome again you know what is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith who is he that ever comes the world but he that who's over born of god over come with the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God. You know what the Bible says? If you've ever come the world, you shall not be hurt of the second death. If you've ever come the world, you shall not be blotted out of the book of life. Which means that you can't be cast into the lake of fire. You can't be cast into hell. Repentance is hid from his eyes when you get saved. Just as much as repentance was hid from his eyes when he went to the cross. And praise the Lord. Praise the Lord that he's risen. Praise the Lord that we serve a Savior that's alive. Not like the Muhammad, you know, prophet-loving Muslims. And the Jews that basically don't even have any type of messiah or anything like that. And their messiah is some political leader or something like that. Or any other religion out there, you have no Savior that died for your sins and that is alive today. We do. And that's because he's the true God and that it's only through him that anybody is saved. So praise the Lord for salvation. Praise the Lord for the resurrection. And I just praise the Lord for the fact that he loved us so much. The love that God had for us. I mean, as the song says, the love of God. To write the love of God. If the ocean was ink, it would drain the ocean. Because this world cannot contain the books of that which was written which Jesus did. This world cannot contain the books that can be written about what Jesus did for us because he loved us. Let's end with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you today. Thank you for your word. Thank you for dying on the cross for our sins. And Lord, thank you for going through with it and that the repentance was hid from your eyes, Lord. Thank you for loving us that much. And Lord, just pray that you'd be with us as we celebrate and have fellowship to celebrate your resurrection. And Lord, just pray that you'd be glorified in everything that we do. And pray that you bring us back to the point of time. And Lord, we love you. Prayer is in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. So everybody be able to come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed. All right. If you would take your song books and turn to song number 36. Song number 36 in your song books will sing Christ arose. And if you would stand, we'll sing song number 36. Oh, when the grave he lay, Jesus, my Savior, waiting the coming day. Jesus, my Lord, up from the grave he arose with the mighty triumph over his foes. Victor from the dark domain and he lives for ever with the saints to reign. He arose. He arose. Hallelujah. Christ arose. Vainly they watched his bed. Jesus, my Savior, vainly they seal the dead. Jesus, my Lord, up from the grave he arose with the mighty triumph over his foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives for ever with the saints to reign. He arose. He arose. Hallelujah. Christ arose. Death cannot keep his prey. Jesus, my Savior, he tore the bars away. Jesus, my Lord, up from the grave he arose with the mighty triumph over his foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives for ever with the saints to reign. He arose. He arose. Hallelujah. Christ arose.