(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So the title of the sermon is Repentance According to the Bible, Repentance According to the Bible. Now this is a big topic today and the reason why, you know, we're starting off the new year and I want to start it off right by giving what we believe here at Mountain Baptist Church about repentance in the Bible and what it's talking about. Now there's a false doctrine out there that teaches that someone must turn from their sin or repent of their sins in order to be saved. It's a damnable doctrine. It's a doctrine that's sending people to hell and it's prominent, prominent in Baptist churches. I would say it's definitely more than 50% because most of the Baptist churches that I would visit and churches when I was trying to look for a church, that was a big issue that I couldn't go to that church because they said they had to repent of their sins in order to be saved. And even people that don't deep down in their heart believe that will still say, well you got to repent or you got to repent of the sin of unbelief or you got to do this or that. And it's just confusion on top of that because when someone hears repent of sin, all they hear is turn from your sins. And so, and repent of sin, you know, it's not a biblical phrase and I wouldn't even say that on the fact of, you know, turning from the sin of unbelief. No one is trusting in their unbelief to get them to heaven. So even that phrase of turning from your sin of unbelief, we're going to get into that, but turning from your sin of unbelief still doesn't make sense because no one is trusting in their unbelief. They're like, oh I'm really faithless, I think that's going to get me to heaven. That's just as much as saying, you know, I'm repenting of my sins and trusting in Jesus therefore my sins is what was getting me to heaven. And so it's ridiculous, it's folly, and as Jonah 3 here states, it's works to repent from your sins, to turn from your sins. And obviously in this chapter it's a good thing that they did that. I'm not against turning from sin, I'm not against repenting of your sins, because we should do that, but not for salvation, not to get to heaven. And all this is, is a thinly veiled, and I wouldn't even call it thinly veiled because it's pretty much just out there that you have to do some kind of work to get to heaven, but this is adding works to salvation. And what most people would say, or when you go to these false, you know, churches like the Church of Christ, although they say repent of your sins too, but usually they're saying well you get saved by faith, but you got to stay saved by works. That's what they usually, that's their, they don't say it like that usually, but that's pretty much what they're saying. They're like well, you know, but you still got to keep the law or you're going to lose that salvation. Well that's works my friends. And what the Baptists are getting sucked into is this repenting of your sins which is adding works before you can even get saved. And so, I hate that doctrine, and it's something I've had to deal with, with Baptist churches and had to argue with people with Baptist churches. I'd go to a Baptist church and be like oh no, we believe it's just by faith. You sit in there for about a couple months and all of a sudden they're like oh you got to repent of your sins which means turn and have godly sorrow and weep and crawl on your feet and then you can get saved. And so, we sang Rock of Ages, and remember it talks about the tears that they would shed and it said this couldn't atone, but only his blood could atone. You know, I don't care how many tears that you shed and how much you weep before God because of the sin that you committed against them, that won't save you. And if you're trying, and I'm all for someone being sorry for their sin, and if you win something with Christ and they're just really sorry for their sins and they say I want to make Jesus Lord of my life, there's nothing wrong with them wanting to do that. But as soon as you put that as a requirement for salvation, that's works. And so, works salvation. I'm against it every way that it's packaged and this is just another way that they package it. And so, I want to go first of all to the first place that repentance is even mentioned in the Bible. Go to Genesis chapter six. Genesis chapter six. I'm actually going to show you the first three mentions of repentance or repent or any form of the word in the Bible. And actually if people would look at this first, maybe they'd get a better definition of repentance. And this is where, this is honestly where going to a dictionary will screw you up. Now back, if you go to like an older dictionary, you know because words change meaning based on how it's used today and sometimes things are obsolete and you'll even find that with words. They'll say, well they'll even say this is a definition but it's obsolete, meaning archaic or something like that. But the thing is, is people use repent, it's like chanted so much that it's turned from your sins that even the dictionaries are saying it's turned from your sins. But we got to go to the Bible for our definitions and let's see if that phrase, if you, because what they'll say, because you will not find repent of your sins in the King James Bible. It's just not there. Now if you have a New Living Translation, yeah you'll find it there because they insert that. Now you won't find it in the King James Bible so what they do is they say repent means repent of your sins. And let's see if that pans out, you know with what the Bible says. So in Genesis chapter six, and there in verse six, about a reason, it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart. Now who's repenting here? The first mention of the word repentance in the Bible, who's repenting? The Lord. God is repenting. Now read the next verse there, it says, and the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, the creeping thing and the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them. So here's the first two mentions of the word repentance used about the same thing but he's saying that it repented the Lord, it repented me that I have made man and it also grieved him in his heart. Now here's another step that people say is that well repentance means to be grieved. Now it says it repented the Lord and it grieved him in his heart. Now if you understand that God made man and he wanted to make man but what did he repent of? The fact that he wanted man to be on the earth and it's because of their violence and we're not going to go through the whole story of Genesis six but the earth was violent, you know, it's filled with violence in those days and their thoughts were continually evil and so but the next verse says, and Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. So you know there was a man of God there and God saved him and his family on, you know, the ark. So go to Exodus chapter 13. So the first mention is God repenting and actually what you will find in the Old Testament and forsake a time I didn't give you all of them because we'd be here all day. That would be my whole sermon is just showing where God repented and where God was repenting or saying he was going to repent and stuff like that. Now there are things that God will not repent of. It says the gift of calling of God are without repentance and you know when he came down here it says that you know he will be, oh death I will be thy plagues and repentance is hid from my eyes. You know when it comes to salvation he won't repent of that. You know he's not a man that he should lie, you know, and it says that God will not repent when it comes to that. And he said that Jesus, you know, I sworn and will not repent thou art a priest forever at the order of Melchizedek. So there are things that God will not repent of but he does repent. So you can't deny that because the Bible says that. So would that make sense to say that repentance there means turn from sin? Did God turn from his sin? Was it a sin that he made man on the earth? It wouldn't make any sense because God isn't a sinner. God is perfect. God is righteous. God is just. In him is no darkness at all. So it wouldn't make any sense to say that repent means to repent of sins. And so Exodus 13 verse 17, Exodus 13 verse 17, so this is the second time that repentance is brought up, really the third time the word is used, it says in verse 17, and it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near, for God said, let's peradventure the people repent when they see war and they return to Egypt. Now in this case, repentance would be a bad thing, right, and everyone wants to say you need repentance, you need repentance to be saved. You know what we're missing in our Baptist churches today is repentance. And they use that word like it's some word for revival or something that's like some magical word that's going to change everything. And what they mean by that is we need people to repent after me. What I am, you need to be like me, and if you're not willing to do that, then you can't be saved. And so I hate this doctrine, as you'll tell throughout the sermon, because I've had to hear sermons on this. I've had to hear preachers that get away with preaching this garbage. And I've had people come up to me and call me son or boy and think that they know what the Bible teaches when they're two-fold more the child of hell. They are twice dead plucked up by the roots. They're teaching a doctrine to devils and they're leading people to hell with this doctrine. But here it says that peradventure the people repent when they see war and they return to Egypt. So the story goes is basically there was an easier way to get where they were going. There's a faster way. But he said, I'm not going to take them that way because if they go that way, they're going to see war and they're going to be afraid and then they're going to turn around and go back. So what's repent here mean? Basically to do a 180. They were going this way and they're going to go back to Egypt. Now when we get into the word repent, we're going to talk about that as far as what it means. But go to Exodus 32. So in that case, repenting is bad. When the children of Israel, he didn't want them to repent. So if it always means repent of your sins, why would God not want you to repent of your sins? So I'm just showing you the first mentions here and there's plenty of other mentions which we're not going to go through. Exodus 32. Now this is a famous story where God wants to destroy all of Israel because they made the golden calf. So he's having this conversation with Abraham and Abraham is talking him down so to speak and saying, don't, alright, and everybody always talks about if Moses and the Lord were angry on the same day, it would be a bad day because Abraham's kind of trying to get God not to destroy him and then Moses is wanting to destroy him and God's like, no. So they're kind of going back and forth with that. So Exodus chapter 32 verse 12. Verse 12 there says, Wherefore should the Egyptians speak and say, For mischief did he bring them out to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath and repent of this evil against thy people. And if you go down to verse 14 it says, And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. So in this case, Moses is saying repent to God and God did it. Now what you'll see even in Jonah chapter 3, remember it says that God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them. Notice that evil is not sin. And so that's one thing, a fallacy, you'll see, well, sin is evil. Well that's true, sin is evil but evil isn't always sin and that's where you've got to be careful when you're trying to equate things because evil just means to be harmful. Now God is going to throw all the unbelievers into hell. Now is that not harmful? It's definitely evil but is it sinful for God to do that? No. So evil, it says, Is there evil in the city and the Lord hath not done it? You know, you've got to go to the Bible for your definitions with this. Don't go to the dictionaries and be like evil is something bad and wicked and all that stuff. Yes, a lot of times in the Bible an evil person is a wicked person. An evil person is a harmful person and so, you know, you've got to look at context. And so evil isn't always sin but sin is, I would say sin is always evil because sin is always harmful. But something that's harmful, you know, when I spank my children it hurts. You know, I spank Clara. Anna is only seven months so I'm not spanking her yet but if I spank my children it hurts but it's not sinful. And there's a lot of things that you do that may hurt and be harmful, you know, that's not harmful because that's good for but there's certain things that you do that would be harmful to somebody or if you execute somebody is that not harmful to them? But is it sin if it's done under two or three witnesses according to the law? And so God turned from his fierce wrath. Now that's the key. When you're looking at the word repent is what is the context and what is the action that's being turned from or switched? You can use the word switch. You're switching from something. And so that's where context comes in. And so you can't just insert whatever you want. If it says repent you can't just insert whatever you want in there. But if repent means to turn from sin how would it make sense that it says, you know, with Jesus who did no sin now there was gall found in his mouth. How would it make sense that it says for he hath made him to be sin forced who knew no sin? How would that make sense if Jesus is sinless, if God, there's none good but one that is God because God is the only one that doesn't sin? There's not just men upon earth that do good and sin and not except for God and Jesus was a good shepherd and Jesus never sinned. And so, and remember Jesus is talking a lot in the Old Testament too. When you think of this, you know, Jesus is the word and the word was, you know, in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word was made flesh so they say, you know, try to separate that, well that was the Father, he could repent but Jesus couldn't. And plus that wouldn't make sense anyway because God the Father is not a sinner either. And so, but you know what they also say with this is that repentance means to change. There needs to be a change, you know. You have to change from being a drunk to not being a drunk in order to be saved. You have to change who you are. Well that wouldn't make sense either with God because God doesn't change. You know, it says in Malachi chapter 3 and verse 6, it says, for I am the Lord, I change not therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed. You know why he's saying that? He's saying that because I promised I wouldn't consume you all, therefore that's why because I don't change who I am. Now God can change his mind because Moses just did it. Moses did it in Exodus 32 when God says I'm going to destroy all of them and I'm going to make thee a great nation. And Moses said, wait a minute, don't do that. And God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them and he turned from the wrath that he was going to pour out on them. And the wrath was the evil that he was going to pour out on them. And so, but in Hebrews, go to Hebrews, I just want to show you this, that God doesn't change, God the Father doesn't change, and God the Son doesn't change. Jesus Christ doesn't change. Hebrews chapter 1, if you remember, and I don't want to read the whole chapter there, but it says, but unto the Son he saith, thy throne, O God, is forever and ever, a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity, therefore God, even I God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. And then it goes on to verse 10 here, and so we're talking about Jesus being anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows. In verse 10 there it says, and thou, Lord, who's he talking about, Jesus? And thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of thy hands, they shall perish, but thou remainest, and they all shall wax old as doth a garment, and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed, but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. You know, since the beginning of the foundation of the world, when Jesus laid the foundation of the world, he's still the same. He's the same. He's the same, and this is written after the resurrection, after Jesus came the first time in the flesh. Hebrews chapter 13 is a famous verse. Hebrews 13 and verse 8, so the last chapter there, says we want to make a point that if God repents more than anybody in the Bible, then how in the world can repent mean to change who you are? How can it mean to turn from sin and change who you are? God doesn't sin, and he never changes. So it wouldn't make any sense, and it's unbiblical, and these people that say you must repent of your sins are showing their biblical ignorance of the Bible, or they're showing their horns. They're showing that they are a devil, and that they want to deceive you, and that they want to make you just as much a child of hell as themselves. But in Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 8, it says, Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday and today and forever. If you didn't get it in the first chapter, you get it in the last chapter, that Jesus is the same, he's never changed. Never will change. He's God. I am the Lord. I change not, the Bible says. And so, but I want to show you an interesting verse when I was studying this out a little bit. Go to Jeremiah chapter 15. Jeremiah chapter 15. Just to prove to you, there's actually a verse that proves the fact that God repents a lot in the Old Testament, and if you've read the Old Testament, isn't it always the case he's blessing them and then he's like having to put them in the captivity? They're in the land, they're out of the land. They're in the land, they're out of the land. I mean, it's like a ping pong match when you read Judges and when you read through the Old Testament is where God's like, okay, you're in the land. No, I'm going to destroy you. No, you're in the land. No, I'm going to destroy you. And so, this whole idea of Israel is always blessed and God always wants them to be blessed and never curses them. I mean, that's just pure ignorance of the Bible. Stupidity. You either never read the Bible or you're really dumb because you don't understand the fact that that just happens throughout. I mean, if you read Judges, did you read the fact that they didn't make it into the Promised Land in Exodus, you know, and the fact that it was another generation that went in? Anyway, so, Jeremiah 15, we're looking at verse 6 there. Jeremiah 15, verse 6, the Bible reads, Thou hast forsaken me, saith the Lord, thou art gone backward, therefore will I stretch out my hand against thee and destroy thee. I am weary with repenting. God is saying, I am weary of it. I've just been repenting for hundreds, thousands, yay, thousands of years and it says I am weary with repenting. He's like, I'm just not going to do it. You're done. Because if you remember Jeremiah, what's it talking about? Judah or the southern kingdom of Judah is going to be taken over by the Babylonians. Israel's already been taken out by the Assyrians and Judah was the only last remnant of Israel that was still standing and he's saying, I am weary of repenting. And that's because they were completely destroyed and their temple was destroyed, everything was destroyed, all the walls were destroyed. Obviously God still brought them back, right? So it's like still God eventually brought them back after 70 years. But he's saying, I'm weary with repenting. I'm not going to do it. And that's throughout Jeremiah, it's just like this is going to happen. You're going to be taken out. And so he's weary of repenting. Now when it comes to salvation, what's interesting about this whole topic is that there's only really two books that I can think of off the top of my head that are specifically written. One book in particularly, but I was thinking of another one and it's one I quoted off the other day, but as far as a book that was written so that you'd be saved. So you know that every book in the Bible is not about salvation. It's not about how we get saved. Now every book in the Bible points to Jesus. Every book in the Bible points to what Jesus is going to accomplish and do, but not every book in the Bible was its whole purpose to be written so that you'd be saved. When you're reading through 1 Chronicles, that's not its mission. When you're reading through Leviticus, it's not its mission, it's like hey, here's how you get to heaven. But you know that there is a book in the Bible that claims that. Go to John chapter 20, so John and 1 John are two books that I can think of that actually say this is why I wrote these things. Now obviously it's the same person that wrote it, but God's the author. But John chapter 20 and verse 30 there, so the last two verses there in the chapter. So John 20 verse 30 says, and many other signs truly to Jesus in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book. But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is a Christ, the Son of God and that believing you might have life through his name. Why were these things written in John? Why was the book of John written so that you might believe on Jesus and have life through his name? Now 1 John, famous verse, I probably use this out every single time I give someone the Gospel, and 1 John 5 13 says, these things have I written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God. Now I would say this that 1 John, there's other things that says these things have I written unto you that your joy may be full. These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. So there's other things that 1 John's touching on than just salvation. It's talking about being full of joy. It's talking about people concerning them that seduce you, but it's also dealing with knowing that you have eternal life. The last chapter there is really dealing with that, knowing that you have eternal life because it's by faith. Now how many times do you think the word repent is used in either one of those books? Zero. Zero. In both those books, the word repent, any form of the word repent is used zero times. Now if repentance is such an important aspect of the Gospel as far as me getting someone saved and you know we need to preach repentance, you know we need to have a revival of repentance, you know we need to repent of our sins. Why is the word repent never mentioned in the book of John, never mentioned in 1 John, when those are the two books that even claim to be how you get saved? You know they can't answer that because it's not there. Now the word believe though is used 101 times in the book of John. A hundred and one times of the derivative of the word believe. And then in 1 John it's used ten times, now 1 John is a smaller book just so you know, 1 John it was used ten times and faith is used twice. Repentance zero. And so that alone should tell you something, that this doctrine of repenting of your sins is folly when it's not even mentioned in those books. Now I'm not against the word repent, I'm not saying throw out the word repent, the word repent is of the devil. No it's in the bible, but you've got to define it properly. Now the word repent just simply means to turn from one thing to another, or to switch from one action to another. Now you have to have context with that though, if I just said brother Jason turn, what would be the first thing you'd ask me? Turn from what or where? If I said go down the street over here and turn, you'd be asking me what direction, am I turning left, am I turning right, am I making a slight left, what am I supposed to be doing with that turn? That's where context, you can't just tell somebody turn and not have something applied there, or at least there has to be something that you're turning from. Now what you've got to understand is that if I said go down the street and I said something and you're driving and I said do something completely different than it had to do with driving and fly to New York, you'd be like what in the world, I'm driving, how could I even do that? But if I said to you I was going to go to the grocery store and get some apples and I repented and I shot a deer, it doesn't make any sense, I was going to the grocery store and now I'm shooting things, what are you talking about? So what that means is that when it uses the word repent, the action is the same in both directions. Does that make sense? So if I repent of sin, that means the other side of that equation is not sinning. Does that make sense? That has to be the case, that's what the word means. God was going to pour out his wrath on the children of Israel, on Nineveh, he repented and didn't pour out his wrath. And so that's why it's ludicrous to say repent of your sins, repent of sin and trust in Jesus. That means, that literally means, by saying that you're saying you're trusting in your sins to get you to heaven. Now name me one person that says I'm going to heaven because I'm a murderer. I'm going to heaven because I'm a liar and a thief, that's why I'm going to heaven, that's how I'm getting there. No sane person would ever tell you that, if they tell you that then they're not in the right mind. But that's what that would have to mean, is that they're trusting in that. And so they're like well you know, idolatry is sin though. It's just the thought of foolishness is sin. No word does it say repent of the sin of idolatry. It says turn from idols to Jesus because what are they doing? They're trusting in idols. Obviously anything that's against Christ or not of faith is sin. You play that little word game and that semantical game all you want, but why don't you use the terms of the Bible? Why don't you use actual scriptures of the Bible instead of playing this philosopher's game of well you know it's really, unbelief is sin, you know what you were trusting in was sin. You know it's just stupidity and the Bible never says anything like that, it never says turn from any sin to be saved. Because that wouldn't make sense. Sin is the transgression of the law. If you said turn from the sin of idolatry you're saying I was trusting in transgressing the law. Does that make sense? I was trusting in transgressing the law and worshiping idols. That's how that wouldn't make sense. But if you said I was trusting in idols that would make sense because you were trusting on them to get you to heaven and not in Jesus. And so I want to show you some places though. John the Baptist used the word repent. He's very famous for using the word repent. If you ever watched, I don't recommend this, but I've watched the greatest story ever told and it's an old film about Jesus and stuff. But you had Charlton Heston say, repent! Every time I hear, like I'm reading the Bible unfortunately, I think of Charlton Heston screaming repent and he was like dunking people under water. He wasn't baptizing, he was just trying to like, anyway, so that's beside the point. But repent, I think of John the Baptist, but I also think of Jesus and his disciples said the same thing. In the book of Acts you'll see, and we're going to go to those places, but what you won't find is of sins, turned from sins. You'll just see repent and what they do is basing off the ignorance of themselves probably, but the ignorance of the people in the pews that they're not going to know that repent doesn't mean return from your sins. But go to Matthew chapter 3, and so I want to look at John the Baptist first, well John the Baptist said repent of your sins, did he? Is that what he said? Don't add unto his word lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar. So Matthew chapter 3 and verse 1, it says, in those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Now in this it's hard to see the context because it doesn't really tell us an action, it just says the kingdom of heaven is at hand and it says to repent ye. Now it clarifies this in other passages in the Bible and when I show you what Jesus said he says the same exact thing that John the Baptist says here, but in a parallel passage it gives you more information and you'll know exactly what you're repenting from and to, or basically to, and if you know what you're repenting to and you know the action then you know that that action has to be applied the other direction. You can't just put in a different action. Say I'm going to stop drinking and trust Jesus, that can't work because those are two different actions that you can't be turning from it then. So repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Now go to Matthew 21 because this really gives you a good definition of what he was talking about when he said repent in the beginning there. So Jesus is talking about John the Baptist in this chapter, in chapter 21 verse 32. It says, For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not, but the publicans and the harlots believed him. Now notice what it says here, and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward that ye might, what, believe him. So what's the repenting that he's talking about? You believe not, you need to believe. So the action that's supposed to be done there is to believe. He's basically saying all these publicans and harlots, remember the publicans and all these people came to him to be baptized of him, and he's telling them to repent. What was he implying there? Well in another passage John the Baptist is preaching, he says, He that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God writeth on him. What did John preach? Well go to Acts chapter 19 and we'll see exactly what he preached. So this baptism of repentance, and I'm not going to do a whole sermon on John the Baptist today, but this whole idea that John preached a different gospel or John preached you've got to repent of your sins is a bunch of garbage. And the New Testament clarifies all this stuff, and even with his preaching you'll see that the baptism of repentance was for the remission of sins, but the remission of sins was what by faith. And so Acts 19 really clears that up. Because people came to John, or came to Paul here and they were baptized by John, but they didn't even know that there was a Holy Ghost. What was the main thing that John the Baptist was saying to him? That I baptize with water, but there's one that cometh after me that's greater than ... I'm not even worried that the unloose is shoes, he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. So were they even listening to him when he was preaching, because that's one of the main things he kept saying. But in Acts 19 verse 4 it says, Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him. That is on Christ Jesus. What did John preach when he was preaching the baptism of repentance? And then Mark it talks about, I think it's Mark, it may be Luke, where he says that he preached the baptism of repentance. So the baptism of repentance is something that he's preaching. Now I don't want to go down that path because that's a whole sermon for itself to explain the baptism of repentance and all that stuff. We'll get to that eventually. But all I'm saying with this is what did John preach? To believe on the Son. To believe on Christ. And when Jesus came and he saw the Spirit descending on him like a dove, he set a bare record that this is the Son of God. So he knew from that point on that this is Jesus. And so he was preaching the belief on Jesus Christ. And so that's what he said when he said, Repent for the kingdom of God's hand. We'll go to Matthew chapter 4, so we'll go back to Matthew chapter 4 and we'll see that Jesus when after he was baptized and he went into the wilderness and he started his ministry, he started saying the exact same thing as John. And so I want you to see that, that they preached the same gospel and people try to say, well, the gospel of the kingdom is different than the gospel of Paul. You're an idiot. All these people out there with these dispensations and all this other stuff, if any man preached anything of the gospel unto you, then that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. And so if there's any other gospel, then let him be accursed. You're telling me that Paul's saying that Jesus needs to be accursed for preaching another gospel? You know, it's just, it's folly. It's the everlasting gospel. So when we're dealing with the gospel, we're dealing with the same thing that's from the foundation of the world, which is the belief on Christ. Now Matthew 4 and verse 17, Matthew 4 verse 17, it says, From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Now go to Mark chapter 1 because Matthew 4 and Mark 1 are parallel because Mark just goes straight into him, into his ministry. Jesus is going into his ministry, whereas Matthew starts off with the birth of Christ and his baptism and all this stuff. And so Mark starts off really with, you know, John the Baptist and then going straight to Jesus. And so Matthew 4 and Mark 1 are pretty much parallel. And so notice what Jesus did, or what he says in Mark 1 in verse 15. It says in saying the time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand, repent ye and what? Believe the gospel. So when John the Baptist was saying, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand or the kingdom of God is at hand, what was he saying? Believe the gospel. So what's the action? Believe the gospel. What does that mean? Don't believe something else. Okay? Now you can stick anything you want over there. That's just free game. I mean, that's unlimited as far as what the belief, you know, whatever you're not supposed to trust. Okay? So when you get saved, whatever you were trusting, I don't care if it's gnomes, okay, you need to, you know, like I'm just using some crazy thing that, you know, anything, idols, anything that won't get you there, you have to trust in Jesus. Now, so that shows you that they were saying the same exact thing and they were saying to believe the gospel. John preached to believe on the son. That's what his ministry was about. And so, therefore, dealing with eternal salvation, when the word repent is used, it's always talking about what you're trusting in. Now throughout the Bible, you'll find it in the places like we saw with God, he wasn't talking about trusting in something, he was talking about pouring out his wrath, okay? So the word repent is a term, a broad term that can be used for a lot of different circumstances, but do you see how it has to work, though? You gotta be switching from the same action, okay? And so, you know, in this case and with salvation, there are different types of actions, you know, or things that you would be trusting in, okay? So go to Hebrews chapter six. I wanna show you a couple, you know, places where it talks about this, and so Hebrews chapter six, and I wanna show you some of the passages, which you probably won't get to all of them, you know, because we could be here all day looking at the stupid stuff that people say and try to, you know, try to use as far as, you know, repenting your sins. What they're gonna do is just find the word repent in the Bible and they're gonna say it's repent of your sins. If it's dealing with somebody other than God, because they would definitely, I would hope they would never say that God returned from their sins, but, you know, of course they're not gonna say that with God. They're gonna say, well, with people it's always turned from your sins, but with God it's not. It's like, okay, just pick and choose how you wanna use that term then. So but in Hebrews chapter six, verse one, it says, therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God. Now with what we've learned so far, doesn't this make perfect sense? People were trusting in their works and now they're trusting in God. That's the foundation. The foundation of a Christian is to be saved and that's to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Go to Acts chapter 20. So this is what people, they stumble at the fact that they have to do good works. The Bible calls it dead works because those works will never save you. You know, our righteousnesses are as filthy rags to the Lord. So when it comes to our works, they're dead works, okay? And so Acts chapter 20, verse 20, this is another place where they try to say this, but again, you know, there's nothing in here saying anything about repenting of your sins. So in verse 20, it says, and how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house, testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. And I've heard them use this to say, you got to repent of your sins. It doesn't say anything. Both terms, repentance is talking about a good thing. Now it doesn't say what they're turning from, right? It doesn't say what they were trusting in before because it's repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ, okay? So both these things are what you're going towards, not where you're coming from. And so it's just making a point. And notice faith is in there. That's what we're dealing with here is that, you know, yes, when you're trusting in idols, let's say you're trusting in Buddha or something like that, you have to turn toward God and believe on him. You know, you're not trusting in Buddha, you're trusting in Jesus. And it's very simple. It really is that simple when you're looking through the Bible as far as what repentance means. And so when I go out soul winning, I usually don't bring up the term repent because people don't know what that word means a lot of times. Now if they bring it up, I'll talk about it. And I'll say this, if they're not willing to basically, if you're dealing with, let's say, a Hindu person who does believe in many gods, or you're talking to somebody that's of another kind of religion, I'll usually say, listen, the Bible says that you have to repent, meaning that you have to not trust in any of that and trust in Jesus. You can't take that with you, okay? You can't have Buddha and Jesus because then you wouldn't be really trusting in them. You'd be trusting in both of them and that's not full trust in Jesus. And so sometimes I'll use it out there, but if Jesus chose two books of the Bible to talk about how to be saved and didn't use the word repent one time, I don't think it's necessary for me to go out and use the word repent. And so I'm not against it. If you use it, I'm not against you, but don't tell people you must repent and then don't explain what you're talking about. Because all that's going to do is just confuse people. And that's what you'll see in these tracts. You'll see these in all these invitations. You must repent. Repent ye or you shall likewise perish. It's like, that tells me nothing. That tells me nothing about how to be saved because there's no context to it. There has to be context to it. So when Jesus said repent, he says repent ye and believe the gospel, now okay, that's what I need to do. Again, it's like going down the road and I'm saying turn and then I don't tell you where to turn, okay? And so Acts chapter 11, go back in Acts there, Acts chapter 11, it's commanded everybody everywhere to repent. I'm not against that, you know? It's funny because they'll come up to me and say, you don't believe in repentance for salvation. Not according to your definition, but I'm not against the word. They'll be like, well, you know, Jesus said repent, amen. He commanded everybody everywhere to repent, amen. Not of sins though, not for salvation. And so they insert that and you'll talk to these people and it's like, oh, it's in there. I'm like, it's not, the Bible is not prego. It's not just in there, my friends. And so, you know, you can't just say it's in there. And that's what people always try to do. They're like, oh, it's in there. I'm like, show it to me, chapter and verse, chapter and verse. So Acts chapter 11 and verse 17. And probably only some of you got that because I can't remember the last time prego had a commercial. Do you remember that, you know, prego, it's in there? Anyway, that was probably back in the early 90s. So show my age. Anyway, Acts chapter 11, that's where I had you go, right? We'll eventually get to this verse, okay. Verse 17, it says, for as much then as God gave them the light gift as he did unto us who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, what was I that I could withstand God? When they heard these things, they held their peace and glorified God saying, then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. Now, they won't read that verse before there. They won't read verse 17 because that's going to hurt them, okay. They'll just say, you know, he's granted unto the Gentiles repentance to life, repentance. You got to say it like that, too. I mean, you can't just say repent. Repentance. You got to get that gravelly voice, you got to repent your sins, you know. It's just, I don't know what it is about these preachers, but they annoy me, and it's just that whole style of like trying to get you to like weep and cry and grovel to them, and it's just, it's not biblical. You know, when I go out and give the gospel, I'm giving the good news, my friends. Yes, I had to tell them about hell. Yes, I had to tell them they're a sinner, but most of that stuff, it's pretty much, it's common knowledge to them that's probably true. You know, them realizing they're going to hell, yeah, that's bad news, but it's time for the good news. Can you imagine if I were to be like, oh yeah, you're destined to go to hell, now you're going to repent of all your sins, you know, like, that's not good news. That's, according to them, that's the gospel. The gospel means good news, it's glad tidings. That is not glad tidings, and I need to turn from all my sins, okay. So anyway, so, but according to verse 17, what is that repentance unto life? Who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? That gift. Remember, it says, the light gift as he did unto us who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. So what is the repentance unto life? They believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and they got the gift of eternal life. It's simple. You know, eventually we're going to go through the book of Acts, I may do that after Genesis, I don't know, maybe we'll do a gospel before we do that, but Acts is one of those books that I feel like people are just, like, just ripping out of context and trying to pull stuff and trying to say things it's not saying, but Acts is a great book. You know that's where we get, what must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I shall be saved in thy house. And so they don't like that verse because it doesn't say repent of your sins, or repent. So but I wanted to show you some verses that they try to say, you know, this is, you know, repent, you know, you have to repent of your sins, and there's one that was the closest I've ever seen, okay, Luke chapter 24, go to Luke chapter 24. Now, this is from a guy that I used to listen to, okay, there was a letter, Pastor Donnie Romero, used to go to a church in Colorado, and I'm not going to tell this whole story because I messed it up, but basically it's a church that Al Lacy went to. Now Al Lacy was a preacher that I used to listen to, he was like a hard, dynamic preacher, and his style of preaching was great, and when I was first saved, you know, this doctrine wasn't, I wasn't like privy to it, because they used like code words, and like there's certain things that they use in there that once you know the doctrine, then you hear it all the time, but if you don't know the doctrine, you know, you can listen to a preacher not even know that they're saying the term from your sins. And so anyway, he wrote this letter to Donnie Romero basically rebuking him for, you know, standing up for the true gospel, you know, Pastor Donnie Romero, this was before he was a pastor, I think this was before he was that faithful word, but Al Lacy, he had basically a meeting with him and his pastor and Al Lacy and Pastor Romero was basically saying, you know, he's teaching repenting your sins, he's teaching work salvation in his messages, and they had a meeting and basically, you know, nothing came of it I guess, but basically Al Lacy wrote him a letter, and I read the letter, it's on the repentance black list if you want to see it, the letter that Al Lacy wrote to Pastor Romero, and in that letter, he brought up this verse, and I was like, well, that's the closest I've ever seen, even though it's not saying that, but Luke chapter 24, and I want to talk about this verse because, you know, they may take you here and try to say, you know, this is the same repentance from sins, you know, and so, but Luke 24 verse 45, just to get some context there, but it's written down a little bit. So verse 45, it says, Then it opened he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures. And he said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem. So, you see what he's doing here, right? He's saying that the and is equating to that of sins, meaning that it's repentance of sins and remission of sins. See how he's trying to say it's sins, plural, in his message. He's like, it's sins, plural, you've got to turn from your sins. Now, I guess he didn't make it the acts, but you know what, Al Lacy, you know, I looked up to him, you know, as far as a preacher and all that stuff, but if he truly believed this, he is in hell right now. That's all I have to say about that is that, you know, I hope he didn't truly believe what he was saying here when he said you had to turn from your sins to be saved, because that means he's in hell. Now, I'm just hoping that in his old age, you know, but you know what, when I went back to listen to some of his stuff, you know, it's there, and unfortunately it's there, and I just didn't see it before, and so that's why I'm preaching this sermon, because I want you to be aware of this type of stuff, and so you can detect these wolves that are out there, and especially in Baptist churches, and so if you're ever visiting somewhere, I'm not telling you to go to a different church, but what I'm saying is that if you're ever visiting somewhere and you want to try to find a good church, you know, this is a big issue. This is a big issue out there, and it's something that is just, you know, infecting all the churches out there. But, so repentance and remission of sins. Now, the first thing you need to know is that and a lot of times separates things. Sometimes it combines things, but if you said the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, those are two separate, now, obviously they're both God, but the Father is not Jesus. Okay, that's where the modalists get in there, and they try to combine things all the time, but and can separate things. If I was just giving a list of things, and I said and this, that doesn't mean that those last two things are the same. Okay, and so, but I'll give you a proof, I'll give you a proof first, and I go to Acts chapter five, where this is brought up again, but it's clear that they're two separate things. Okay, and so go to Acts five. Now, repentance will give you remission of sins if the repentance is you turning from trusting in one thing into trusting into Jesus. Does that make sense? So, you know, he's not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. That's a Bible verse, but you got to know what that repentance is applying to. Okay, and you got to use the Bible to see that, and so I'm going to show you what remission of sins, how you get remission of sins. It's not from turning from your sins, but Acts five and verse thirty-one, Acts five verse thirty-one, it says, him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a prince and a savior, for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. So this repentance, what's it talking about? Those are two separate things. You can't link repentance, you know, when it says repentance and remission of sins. The repentance is one thing, and the remission of sins is another thing, and no one right here would combine these two, because you couldn't do that, but the repentance is separate from the forgiveness of sins. Now, the repentance is how you get it, you know, as far as if you're doing it correctly, if you're believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, but I just want to show you a few verses for both remission of sins and for forgiveness of sins. And so go to Acts, well we just say in Acts there, so Acts ten and verse forty-three, Acts ten verse forty-three, I could probably do a whole series on verses and passages that these repentance heretics go to. Luke thirteen, that's like there John three sixteen, which has nothing to do with eternal salvation, you know, and then second Corinthians seven, godly sorrow, work with repentance not to be repented of. Well how can you have godly sorrow if you're not even saved? You know, that's why I want to ask these morons, you know, like how in the world are you going to have godly sorrow if you're an unregent, and these same people that say that you've got to have repentance to be saved are saying that you're some depraved man that can't do anything right, but yet you're going to have godly sorrow before you even get saved? Anyway, that's a side note, I was going to get into that, but Acts chapter ten and verse forty-three. And so verse forty-three says, to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. So how do you get remission of sins? Believing in him. Go to Acts thirteen. So there's your remission of sins, how do you get remission of sins? Now I think remission of sins, forgiveness of sins, they're all one and the same, it's just kind of telling you different ways of saying it. But if you're saying well in that one passage you said remission of sins, the other one said forgiveness of sins. Well I'll give you the one for forgiveness of sins too. So Acts thirteen and verse thirty-eight, Acts thirteen and verse thirty-eight, it says, be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins and by him all that believe are justified from all things which they could not be justified by the law of Moses. There you have it, remission of sins and forgiveness of sins is all by what? Believing. And it didn't say anything about repenting of sins. And so that's probably the biggest one I've seen as far as how they could try to use grammar to say, you know, this is talking about repentance of sins, that repentance of sins should be preached. And so that's the closest, although it doesn't pan out for them, does it? Because they're clearly two separate things. And so for this repentance of sins, salvation, garbage, it gets me riled up because it's sending people to hell. You know, it annoys me because people are actually listening to these people. It's causing people that are saved to get confused on us and now they're like the Galatians that are bewitched by these false preachers. But then also the people that are wanting to be saved are getting a false gospel. And so when we preach the gospel we need to make sure that it's clear, it's crystal clear. If you're going out and preaching the gospel and you're not sure, you know, like how to explain it and all that stuff, then you need to be a silent partner. But, you know, we need to be crystal clear. When we go up to the door we shouldn't be confusing. It should be, I mean, and how clear is the gospel? We're sinners, we deserve hell, Jesus paid the whole price and he's giving us salvation as a gift, all we have to do is trust in him. How can someone not understand that, right? Now there's a lot of people that understand it, they just don't believe it, that's fair, but there's nothing complicated about that. I just told you, Kurt, watch right there what the gospel is. Obviously you need to use verses, you know, when you're giving the gospel, but there's nothing confusing about that. But these repentance preachers are the same ones that say you need to go into a seven day Bible study with them or a seven week Bible study with them before they can understand how to be saved. How in the world does that make sense logically or even biblically when thousands of people are getting saved in one day? And so, but go to Galatians chapter one, and I was talking about, I was actually talking about this passage in Romans 16 where we're talking about marking and avoiding those that have doctrines that are contrary to the ones that we've learned. You know, these false teachers that come in, but I want you to say, well you're just getting riled up about this. Yeah, it does rile me up. I get riled up about any preacher, any religion, anybody that tries to pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ. More so than the Hindus, okay, because they're off in their own little world doing their own little thing, right? And so you run into a Hindu, they're not necessarily tweaking my gospel over here. And so, but these Baptist preachers that are coming in and just like putting that little bit of poison in there that just perverts it to where no one can get saved off that version of it. And then we go out soul winning. What is one of the biggest things that you hear from somebody? Well, I've got to repent, I've got to turn for my sins. No, I think I've got to change. I've got to change. I can't just get saved now. I need to change before I do that. And so in Galatians chapter 1 there in verse 6, it says, I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another. But there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. So he's saying there's other people out there that are preaching another gospel. He's saying that's not going to save them because there's not another. There's only one. And he's saying that they're perverting it and there's some people in there that are troubling you by doing this. But notice what it says in verse 8, but though we are an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let them be accursed. That's pretty strong language from the apostle Paul. He's basically saying let them go to hell. You know what David said in the Psalms? He says, let death seize upon them, let them go quick down into hell. Let their days be few and another man take their office. That's what I had to say about all these pastors that are in the Baptist churches that are preaching a repent of sin salvation. Let their days be few and another man take their office. Most of these guys are overweight anyway, so a heart attack is going to take them before that does. But let them be accursed. Anybody that would tamper with the gospel has no love for me. And if someone's up there, and there's obviously people that aren't necessarily reprobate that are up there doing it, but they need to just step down. They have no business trying to teach somebody the gospel if they don't understand it or if they're muddy on it. But notice what he says in verse 9. That wasn't enough. I'm going to say it again. Any time the Bible repeats itself, take note. If God wants to get that point across again, it must be very important. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you, then that ye have received, let him be accursed. I have no patience for these repentance of sins salvation preachers. If they come up to me lovingly and want me to explain to them, they're just like, listen, I don't understand salvation. I need to hear this. But if it's a preacher, and I don't want anything to do with them. I mark them and avoid them. And there's a lot of those people around here that are in churches. Temple Baptist Church down in Clarksburg. I'm just going to start naming some names. And the pastor of Madison, I think is his name. I went and talked to him when I was going there to begin with and asked him about this repentance issue. And he said, no, we believe it's just by faith, you know, and all this stuff. Then he preached a sermon in Ezekiel saying you have to turn from your sins to be saved. You know, what is it? Stonebridge Baptist Church, Jason Scheffstall up in Morgantown, teaches you got to repent of your sins to be saved. David Coe and Beth Haven Baptist Church, you know, the Bishop of Morgantown. Some of you guys understand that joke. But he teaches you got to repent of your sins. He's the one that says you have to have a seven-week Bible study. And so I'm sure there's some in this town. I just don't know of anybody in this town because I haven't really talked to anybody in this town because I don't really care to talk to anybody in this town. You know, if they want to come talk to me and have fellowship with me, I'm for it as long as they have the right gospel. There was a church down in Buchanan. I can't think of the name of it. They sent me a message saying, you know, kind of praising what we're trying to do and all that stuff. I looked at his website and it's a hyper-Calvinist and repent of your sins. I'm like, I want nothing to do with you. Your gospel's not the true gospel. I have no reservations. I'm not here to make friends with pastors because if a pastor doesn't preach the right gospel, then let them be anathema maranatha. I'll count them my enemies because those that preach another gospel hate the Lord. And you say that's harsh. Well, Paul was harsh because at the end of chapter 5 he says, I would they were even cut off which trouble you. So take that as you will. In the Old Testament most of the time that meant that they were killed. But even if it was just them getting cut out of the congregation, you know, so be it. Go to 2 Peter. These people exist, my friends, and I think the big thing with churches is people don't really believe that there's devils out there, that there are evil people that are just out to get you. And they don't believe that exists. But it really does exist. Now it's the minority, you know, it's the minority out there of these reprobates, of these people that are out to get you and out to try to, basically, you know Proverbs 4, I don't have this written down, it talks about people that can't even sleep until they do mischief. I mean that is evil. If you're like, I can't even sleep unless I hurt somebody. It exists. We just have to open our eyes. I think of gun control with this. I know this is kind of, you're like, that's completely off the subject. But this is, the reality is people are going to have guns. The people that want to hurt you are going to have guns, therefore we should all be armed. And you should not restrict me from being armed because, you know, guns hurt people. Or people are hurting people with guns. You see that logic? You know, as far as you can't have, you know, this utopia of, you know, well yeah, if no guns were in the world, okay, you know, whatever. That's what it's going to be in the thousand year reign. But as long as there's guns in the world, then I'm going to have a gun on me. And so, but 2 Peter, chapter 2, and verse 1 there. I'm not going to go through this whole chapter, but this whole chapter, as you'll see, is about false teachers. And I want you to know that these people do exist. And they are just like, when I think of this chapter, I think of these repentance preachers every time I read it. It says in verse 1, it says, but there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. So there shall be false teachers among you. Shall be false teachers among you. This is a promise from God that there's going to be false teachers among you. Verse 2, and many shall follow the pernicious ways, notice this, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. You know what they call us? Easy believism. They call us, you know, 1, 2, 3, repeat after me people, because we believe it's easy to be saved. It is easy to be saved. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. It's as easy as taking a drink of water and eating a piece of bread and walking through a door, because that's how he described it. He said, I am the bread of life. If any man is a thirst, let him take of the water of life freely. It's easy. You have to choose it though. You have to trust in it though. You have to actually take that drink of water, you have to actually eat that piece of bread and walk through that proverbial door. But it is easy, but they speak evil of it. They say, they're missing the repentance. They're missing all this stuff. We're getting all these false conversions. You know why there's false conversions? And I'm not 4, 1, 2, 3, repeat after me. It's because they don't go into eternal security when they give the gospel. And that, you know, I'm not going to defend that, you know, that stuff that came out of the Bible colleges where, you know, you go up and you give them a couple verses and then you say a prayer with them. That prayer won't save them unless they have faith mixed with it. And so the fact is, is that, you know, just because there are people that are doing a sloppy job, don't throw out the whole fact that it's still by faith. Okay? So I do agree with you that a lot of these people that bring these big numbers and they pray with people, that a lot of them probably aren't saved, but it's because they're not being diligent with explaining the gospel and knowing what they need to put their trust in. And so what they do is they say, well, since there's a lot of people that aren't really getting it, we need to add works to that. Does that make any sense? Because that's what they're doing. Well, there's got to be true repentance and conviction. You know, the only time convictions ever mentioned is when the Pharisees were convicted in their own conscience when Jesus said, if any of you have no sin, you know, cast the first stone when the woman was brought for adultery. And they're like, the Holy Spirit needs to convict you. Where is that in the Bible? Chapter and verse, because that's not in the Bible. Now it says that the Holy Ghost is going to convince the world of sin. Now when I go out soul winning and I give them the, you know, give someone the gospel, I give you some, hey, for all of sin comes to the glory of God, have you ever told a lie before? So I'll see, you know, we've all sinned. You know, you don't have to break every command to be a sinner, but I'll say, you know, you've sinned, I've sinned. Well, you need to have conviction. Why aren't you crying? And the fact that you've told a lie, you know, and that's where you get like the Randy, what's his name? I'm thinking Randy Taylor. He was like a repentance guy here and the camp movements here. Who am I thinking of? Ray Comfort. Ray Comfort goes out with his microphone and he's just like, you guys are all sinners. You've lost it after a woman in your heart. You've committed adultery in your heart. And he's like trying to get these people to like bow down and weep before them or something. I don't know. But, you know, when I go out soul winning, all they need to be is convinced that they are a sinner. They don't need to be convicted. Now some people do get convicted, but you know what a convicting probably needs to happen is in the house of God. But the fact of the matter is that's not scriptural. That's not scriptural that the Holy Ghost is going to convict you of sin because the Holy Ghost, it never says that the Holy Ghost is going to convict you of sin. So, you know where that's probably from? Reading a commentary of someone that doesn't read the King James Bible? I bet you might actually find conviction of the Holy Ghost in one of these false versions. I haven't looked for it. But in 2 Peter, you're still in 2 Peter, verse 18. Well, verse 3, it says, and through covetousness shall they with fain words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time linger is not and their damnation slumber is not. So they'll get their end. But verse 18, notice some attributes here. So 2 Peter chapter 2 and verse 18. I know I'm going long here, but I want to get this point across here. And we could probably do a whole series on these guys. But 2 Peter chapter 2, verse 18 says, for when they speak great swelling words of vanity, and that's what they are when they get up there in their little graggily voice and talking about repenting of your sins and getting conviction of the Holy Ghost, they allure through the lust of the flesh through much wantonness those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption. And that's the case. These guys are all the servants of corruption. They're promising other people liberty from this stuff. And they're saying, you need to repent of this. You need to repent of this. I don't do any of it anymore. I never smoked another cigarette. I never had the desire to ever lust after a woman again. You're a liar, sir. That's what I have to say to them. Because in 1 John it says, if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. And so they go off ignorance and the fact that they're going to say, well, you know, whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin. So they'll say that and say, see, a saved person doesn't sin anymore. Or you must miss chapter one where it says, if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us because our flesh still has sin and our new man doesn't have sin. And it's just a misunderstanding of the Bible. You see how they twist that and try to put that. Behold, all things are become new. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. So there's going to be some change, some change. I thought I said all things are going to become new. That's either all or it's not. And if it's your flesh, then it's not all become new until the resurrection. And so that's what they use. And these are the types of things that they'll say to people. They'll say, oh, you know, you're going to be a new creature. All things are going to become new. Yeah, and the new man, but you have to put on the new man and you have to choose to put on the new man. And you still have the old man. And Paul even talks about how the things that he would, he does not. But the false teachers, go to 2 Corinthians chapter 11. We're almost done here. So I'll end with this. But, you know, it talks about, you know, they're the servants of corruption. They promise them liberty. But let us stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and not being tangled again with the yoke of bondage. And that's what they want to do. They want to put these people in a yoke of bondage. And it's just like any other church that wants to put a church into some kind of fear tactic and like you need to be here and if you don't persevere until the end and you're not going to go to heaven. It's this fear tactic. And what's it for? It's for money. It's for recognition. It's for the praises of men. If I please men, it says, if I do not persuade men, or do I not persuade men or God for if I seek to please men, I should not be the servant of Christ. And so money, praise of men, you know, all these accolades that they want. But in 2 Corinthians chapter 11 it says in verse 3, it says, but I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. That's what it says in verse 4. It says, for if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit which ye have not received, or another gospel which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. So he's saying, I'm troubled. I'm worried that you're going to bear with somebody that brings in another gospel and another Jesus and another spirit and that you're going to go be corrupted from the simplicity that's in Christ. The gospel is simple, my friends. Let's keep it simple. Let's keep it crystal clear. They need to keep their dirty feet out of my gospel. They need to keep their dirty little reprobate hands out of the crystal clear gospel presentation that's in the Bible and this repentance of sins for salvation is not scriptural. It's straight from the devil. The devil is always trying to get real close to the truth. Just like that perseverance of the saints from the Calvinists is that thinly veiled salvation that's tacked on after you're supposed to get saved and then repentance of sins is that other thinly veiled, not so much thinly veiled, but it's in the beginning of it. So they always had this little thing that's trying to keep you to add works in there. So don't be deceived by it. God saw their works that they turned from an evil way and if we're saved by faith, think of John, how many passages in John 3 alone. As Moses lifted up the servant in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he believeth not in name of the only begotten son of God. He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son hath not life but the wrath of God abideth on him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come to an accomodation but is past from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. I am the resurrection and the life and he that believeth in me, though you were dead, yet shall he live. Whosoever believeth and believeth in me shall never die. That's the gospel. That's what Jesus preached. He preached everlasting life on those that believe. Let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this morning and Lord we just pray that you be with us as we go out throughout the day and Lord as we go soul winning. Lord just help us to keep this gospel clear and Lord the gospel is so precious and then Lord the fact that it's just by faith in you and Lord just by putting our trust in you and Lord we just help us to not be deceived by these false teachers and by this garbage that gets pushed out and repenting of your sins. But Lord we just love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.