(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I read Acts 2 quite a bit, actually. There's just so much in this chapter. But I'm gonna be preaching a sermon exposing Pentecostalism, Pentecostalism. So, Pentecostalism is something that, when you think about it, usually you just think about people speaking in tongues, barking like a dog, stuff like that. And they get so upset when I say that. They're like, we don't bark like a dog. Listen, I've seen these people speak in tongues. It's a bunch of malarkey. And it's not something that's biblical, but I wanna get into this as far as where did Pentecostalism come from and all that. And really, where do they stem it from? They'll say, well, we're going back to the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter two, okay? And the big thing, like I said, when you think of them speaking in tongues, which, by the way, in the King James Bible never says speaking in tongues. It says speak with tongues, okay? And so, let's read Acts chapter two at the very beginning here and see what that means when they're speaking with tongues, okay? And see if it's this gibberish, incoherent babbling that the Pentecostals do today, okay? So in Acts chapter two and verse one, it says, and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire, and it sat upon each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance, okay? Now, this is the baptism of the Holy Ghost which was told to come, and if you remember Jesus in Acts chapter one, it says that you need to tarry here, and not many days hence, you know, you're gonna receive power from on high, okay? So when we're talking about the baptism of the Holy Ghost, we're talking about being filled with the Spirit, but it's more so this special outpouring of the Spirit that they're doing on the believers here, where they're gonna do this miraculous miracle of speaking with these other tongues, and what Pentecostals want you to do is to stop reading right there, right? And just say, oh, they started speaking with tongues, and that means that they should run on the, they start saying all this weird stuff up here, and they start saying these weird incoherent phrases, and it's just not an actual language, and so they try to justify it, right? You know, which the Spirit gave them utterance, and so they're saying that's just proof that you're filled with the Spirit, you've been baptized with the Spirit, and all that. Well, let's keep reading and see what that meant when these cloven tongues, you know, came in, and all this stuff, and they were filled with the Spirit, and notice in verse five there, it says, and there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men out of every nation under heaven, okay? So now we're gonna see that there was Jews in Jerusalem at that time that came into this feast, which, if you look in the Old Testament, this was the Feast of Weeks, okay? So this was the 50 days after the first fruits, right? So this is 50 days after the resurrection is what's going on here, that's why it's called the Day of Pentecost, pente. You can see that pentagram, you can see that in the name right there. Now, going on from there, notice what it says, it says in verse six, now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language. Now, where did you see that they were just babbling off on some language and no one could understand? Or was it the fact that they were somehow speaking these languages that other people could understand as their own native tongue, right? So keep reading there, verse seven, it says, and they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another, behold, are not all these which speak Galileans? And how here we, every man, in our own tongue, wherein we were born? Now, you say, well, what languages were they speaking? Well, notice what it says, and notice it's in their own tongue wherein they were born, then it goes in, Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the dwellers in Mesopotamia and in Judea and Cappadocia and Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia in Egypt and in parts of Libya about Cyrene, the strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, and the creeds and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. By the way, this is under every nation on the earth. That's what it says, that there is Jews and devout men out of every nation under heaven. So you know what? I believe every language was represented there that was under heaven at that time, okay? And you know what this also proves is that the Bible can be translated into any language, and it's not bound to either Greek or Hebrew, and the Bay of Pentecost proves that, because when they spoke, when they were speaking here that everybody heard in their own language the wonderful works of God, they all heard it in a different language, right? So this idea is like, well, it has to be in Greek. You know, if it's in New Testament, it has to be in Greek or Old Testament, it has to be in Hebrew or it's lost some meaning. That's hogwash, and the Day of Pentecost proves that, but when you read this, did you see anywhere in there where they were just speaking some magical, angelic language to where someone didn't hear them? These people are just starting to just spout off all this stuff, and we're gonna go get saved because they sound like mentally ill people is what that would be, okay? You say, why are you so harsh with the Pentecostals? Because the Pentecostals are either devil-possessed when it comes to the speaking in tongues, or they're just faking it, okay? And I do believe that a lot of these Pentecostals that do this aren't in the driver's seat. And you'll talk to a lot of these guys, they're like, yeah, I just don't remember anything that happened. They just kind of woke up on the floor. Someone put a cape over top of them or something. You know how that goes where they just go into convulsions and then they just put a cape over top of them or like a blanket or something. It's like James Brown, what's that guy's name, the singer, the James Brown guy that he would get down on his knees and they put a cape over top of him because he just wore himself out. And you've seen it, and I know it's hilarious to watch. You see Benny Hinn, he's slaying people with a lightsaber, and you've seen all those things where they parody all this stuff that's going on. But you know what, it's making a mockery of God's house. It's making a mockery of Christianity. And people, when they think of Christianity, they're like, oh, you're like those Pentecostals over there. And here's the thing, Pentecostals make fun of us as independent Baptists because they're like, oh, you guys are dead. You guys are dead because you're not excited about the things of God. No, we're excited when we win people to Christ. And you know what, we're leaping for joy when we get someone saved. And we're excited about it, but we're not fake about it. And Pentecostalism, if there's a word that I'm gonna put across there, it's either devil-possessed or fake. It's fake Christianity, and it's something that makes Christianity look bad. And when people look at Pentecostalism like, I don't wanna get involved in that, that's craziness. That's just weird, crazy attitudes that are going on there. But I wanna give you a little bit of history on Pentecostalism. So we saw from the Day of Pentecostals, did you see anything about them speaking in tongues, rolling around, barking like a dog, foaming at the mouth? Did you see anybody slaying anybody with their, like basically they touch somebody and then they start going into convulsions? And a lot of this comes into the fact that people want to be able to see something. Why do people get drawn into Pentecostalism? Because they want to see the miracle. They wanna see, it's like they wanna see some sign. Right? And they can't just take it by faith. They can't just take it by faith that when you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you're regenerated, but they need some kind of sign of that. They need to be able to have some kind of vision on their floor when they're watching some TV program. They need to have something that's gonna show them, hey, I actually got saved. Instead of just saying, thus saith the Lord, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, I believe that, I don't need a sign. I don't need this miracle. I don't need some Mary in the sky, a cloud that looks like Mary to convince me that I actually got saved. And so it really comes into the fact that it's just a lack of faith. People that need a bunch of signs to believe God, that's a lack of faith. What did Jesus say to Thomas? Blessed are those who believe that had not seen. And I'm paraphrasing that. But basically, you've seen and believed, but blessed are those that have not seen, but believe. And we have not seen, but we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, right? And so Pentecostals, when they wanna act like they have all this faith, they're the ones lacking all the faith that they need to see all these signs and wonders for them to actually believe the Bible, okay? Now, Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century. Okay, so this is really new. Okay, it's not, I mean, we're talking the early 1900s, right? It says, among radical adherents of the holiness movement. Okay, now, the holiness movement is like this movement of Wesleyan-Arminian theology, okay? Now, I've kinda already covered this. Really, John Wesley, I talked about Methodism and Arminianism are really linked, right? He was pretty much like the John Calvin of Arminianism, you know? And so, anyway, going on from that, it says, who are energized by revivalism and expectation for the imminent second coming of Christ, pre-tribulation rapture, okay? Listen up, Baptists. You know you got your pre-tribulation rapture? First of all, from in the 1830s, there's some woman that had some visions of some secret rapture, and then the Pentecostals were purporting that and preaching that, and then somehow the Baptists brought that in, and other religions, like all the ecumenical guys and everything, that pre-trib is the mainstream view of end times prophecy. And so, they're really big on the imminent return of Christ, believing that they were living in the end times, they expected God to spiritually renew the Christian church, thereby bringing to pass the restoration of spiritual gifts and the evangelizing of the world. So, basically, they're saying, well, you know, the gifts are coming back, and because the world's gonna end here, okay? Now, in 1900, Charles Parham, an American evangelist and faith healer, okay, began teaching that speaking in tongues was the Bible evidence of spiritual baptism. So, you probably heard this, right? You know, when you get baptized, if you start speaking in tongues, that proves that you've been spiritually baptized by the Holy Ghost, which is garbage. That's not anywhere, you know, I mean, obviously, there's people in the Bible that got saved, and then they started speaking with other tongues, you know, as the baptism of the Holy Ghost shows, but it was known languages, languages that people knew and understood. But going on from that, it says, along with William J. Seymour, a Wesleyan holiness preacher, he taught that this was the third work of grace. So, I'm gonna get to that, because they call their gospel the four-square gospel, okay? So, if you ever hear four-square church, run away, okay? But all I'd say is that that's the third part of it, okay, which is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Now, the three-year-long Azusa Street Revival, founded and led by Seymour in Los Angeles, California, resulted in the spread of Pentecostalism throughout the United States and the rest of the world as visitors carried the Pentecostal experience back to their home churches or felt called to the mission field, okay? So, this Azusa revival was basically, it actually went on for more than three years. It was like 1906 to like 1915 or something like that. Basically, what was going on is they would just constantly have church services, and basically, people were coming in and preaching. So, it was like this building where just people were constantly preaching in. So, obviously, it wasn't the same person preaching for years straight, but it was just a constant venue of people preaching in this thing, okay? And it would be anywhere from Pentecostals to Baptists, okay? And so, basically, what they're stating here is that this is where it really just branched out. So, all the Pentecostal movement, churches, non-denominational, you know, like you think of all the apostolics, all these different ones, where they branched out from this revival, and they all kind of stem back and say, yeah, we came out of the Azusa Street revival, right? So, but going off from that, it says Pentecostals, or I'm sorry, so they all stem back to that, or they at least say they do to some extent. Now, it says, an early dispute centered on challenges to the doctrine of the Trinity, okay? This is where you get the oneness Pentecostals. So, you have Pentecostals that are Trinitarian Pentecostals, then you have the ones that are non-Trinitarian, or the oneness Pentecostals, the modalists, okay? So, usually, when you saw this modalism, it was coming out of Pentecostals. So, now, it's starting to creep in the Baptist churches, just like the pre-Trib rapture garbage, right? Amen. You know, it's just creeping in, and people are taking ahold of this non-Trinitarian, modalist type of view of God. Now, you may not know this, but there's 700 denominations of Pentecostals. 700 denominations, and many independent churches, and basically, think of non-denominational churches, but here's the thing. When you look at a non-denominational church, that doesn't mean that they don't want to associate with somebody, right? You'll see assemblies of God. It'll be non-denominational, but then it'll be like, you know, assemblies of God, though, right? They're just independent, but they associate with assemblies of God, or apostolic, so there's a lot of churches that would go down the line, as far as, like, that's a tongue-talking church. A lot of non-denominational, like, big-name churches. I know Horizons was a big tongue-talking church. That's down in Lost Creek. I think Jewel City is one, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I think the center branch down here is a tongue-talking one. I know there's tongue-talkers up in Morgantown. But there's over 279 million Pentecostals worldwide. So this is not a small group of people. You know, I kind of hit on, like, the Mormons and the Jehovah Witnesses and stuff like that, but Pentecostals, that's a big group of people, okay? And you think about in Africa, I think about that, you know, there's a lot of Pentecostalism in Africa, and, you know, that's a big movement out there, but even in America, there's a lot of Pentecostals, okay? They say, well, what's wrong with Pentecostalism? I'll say this, I've never met a tongue-talker that was actually saved. So that's a big problem. Tongue-talkers don't believe in the right gospel, okay? And so I'm yet to meet one that actually says, I believe in speaking in tongues that believed in the internal security of the believer, and that believe that you can never lose your salvation, that it's eternal life, I've never met one, okay? I know that's anecdotal, but you know what? Until I meet one, I'm gonna say that all tongue-talkers are unsaved, okay? Because I don't know how you can go through the Bible as a Bible-believing Christian and come out with this garbage that you can speak in some gibberish language and that that's godly, okay? Now, you can be deceived by that. You know, if you never read through the Bible, you got saved, and then you say, well, I think that, you know, that might be something that God did, or whatever, until you're shown the truth on that. But when you see all the passages on speaking with tongues, and then you come out of it now saying, oh, no, I think that there's still this gibberish language, there's a problem there. Now, like I said, their gospel, that's the big problem with Pentecostals, is they preach a false gospel. So anytime I bring up these exposed religions, that's really the key, right, is they have a false gospel. That's number one, okay? I kinda just bring out the fact of what most people recognize, right? Whether saved or unsaved, they recognize Pentecostals as being tongue-talkers, right? And so they have this gospel, they call it the full gospel, or four-square gospel, okay? Now, what they say is that the four-square gospel was made up of four points, right, as far as what Jesus does, okay? Jesus saves, baptizes with the Holy Ghost, heals bodily, and is coming again to receive the save, okay? I mean, the first one and the fourth one, okay. Now, what they mean by the fourth one is the imminent return of Christ, okay, meaning you can come back at any moment, and it's this pre-tribulation rapture. So I don't agree with that, although I do believe that he's gonna come back and receive the saved, okay? I do believe that there's going to be a rapture, and I do believe that Jesus saves, okay? But they basically say that a part of salvation is being baptized with the Holy Ghost. That is not accurate, that's not what the Bible teaches, okay? Now, and here's the thing, it may be the case that people aren't baptized with the Holy Ghost right now, meaning that you're filled with the Spirit, but the baptism of the Holy Ghost that was happening to the apostles and all that, that was a special outpouring of the Spirit that was prophesied to come, and I'm gonna get into that, okay, meaning that I don't believe today that people are being baptized with the Holy Ghost like they were back then with the apostles and the special miracles that they did back then. People obviously are being filled with the Spirit, but that's like saying this, that's like saying every saved person will be filled with the Spirit. Wrong. Every saved person will be indwelled with the Spirit, but it's your choice to be filled with the Spirit, okay? It's your choice to put on the new man. So you may not choose to do that your whole life, but guess what, you're still saved. And also they believe that there's outward manifestations of being filled with the Spirit or being baptized by the Holy Ghost, okay? But the heal, he heals bodily. So they literally believe that if you got saved, there has to be some bodily healing that happened. What a bunch of garbage. I mean, and they go back and say, well, Jesus healed people. Yeah, but did he heal every single person that ever got saved, right? Now, the divine healing, that's a big part of the Pentecostalism, right? You think of Benny Hinn, you know, those things where they hit you on the head or put your hand on the screen, you'll be healed and all that. This says Pentecostalism is a holistic faith. So you kind of think that four squares, like all those things have to be in with salvation there. And it says the belief that Jesus is healer is one quarter of the full gospel, okay? So it gets into the fact of like, if you got saved, then there must be some kind of bodily cleansing that happened, right? So that's when these people, they get cleansed on TV, it's like they got saved, right? Now, I wanna, so this disclaimer, I'm not saying that every Pentecostal believes what I'm about to say, but I've met Pentecostals, and particularly one guy that I, you know, talked to this guy for like four hours, and all this stuff, and this guy believed that it was always the will of God for a Christian to be healed. And that if you were not healed, it's either you had sin in your life, or you lacked faith. And that is a lie out of hell. And I remember talking to this guy, and I remember going to some of these passages, but I didn't turn there, okay? This is one of those things where you're like, I'm quoting off these verses, I'm going here and there, and I'm like, what about this, what about that? And he wasn't getting pinned down on it, but if I would have turned to these passages, then I would have just put them in the sand. Because go to 2 Samuel chapter 12. So it's this idea that basically, God will heal you of anything that you ask him for, as long as you don't have sin in your life, and you have faith that'll do it. So if you don't get healed, it's because you didn't have enough faith, or you had sin in your life. That is garbage, okay? Now obviously, the components of having faith, and not having sin in your life, definitely helps with God answering prayers. So you take a little bit of truth, the fact that, hey, the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, right? And the idea of asking according to his will, and all these different things that you're supposed to do when it comes to prayer, right? But to say that that will happen no matter what, that's ridiculous, okay? That is not true, that's not what the Bible teaches. Now, in 2 Samuel chapter 12 here, this is the story where David, in chapter 11, he committed adultery with Bathsheba, and basically the child that was born was gonna die, okay? And David is praying for this child, praying that the child won't die, okay? Well, the child ends up dying, and basically he was fasting, he wouldn't eat, he wouldn't do anything during the time when the child was sick, okay? And then when the child died, he got up and started eating. They're just like, what in the world? Like when the child was, you know, and he's explaining why that is, okay? So in verse 22, notice what it says. So 2 Samuel 12, verse 22, it says, and he said, while the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept, for I said, notice this, who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live? This is a man after God's own heart, the sweet psalmist of Israel, and he's saying, you don't know if God will be gracious or not. And guess what? God wasn't gracious in this case. He did take the child away from David because it was a judgment of God. So he didn't hear, you know, he didn't, he didn't basically do what David wanted him to do, which is to save the child's life. And so then it goes on, it says, but now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. So this is a great passage to show like children how, you know, we'll see him again, right? Because David is saved, he's gonna dwell in the house of the Lord forever. So that means that's where his child went. But another place, go to 2 Corinthians chapter 12, if that's not good enough for you to realize that, hey, you know, just because you have faith and all that, and listen, you say, well, you know, he had sin and all that, no, but remember Nathan talked to him and basically his sin was forgiven, but he was still gonna have consequences, okay? So God pardoned him of his sin. So he'd already confessed that and gotten that right with God. So to say that like he was still in sin, it doesn't add up with the conversation he had with Nathan the prophet. But in 2 Corinthians chapter 12, verse seven, this is Paul the apostle, and it says, unless I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from me. So he had an infirmity in the flesh and he sought the Lord thrice. That's three times that he asked God to take this away from him. And notice what Jesus' response is, right? And he said unto me in verse nine, my grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities and reproaches and necessities and persecutions and distress is for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then am I strong. You know what that meant? Jesus said no, right? He sought him thrice on this and said, take this thorn away from me. And we could all talk about what we think that thorn is. I have my thoughts as far as what that thorn in the flesh was. Either way, it was an infirmity, right? And he said he besought the Lord thrice and you know what God said? My grace is sufficient. You know what that meant? No, not taking it away, okay? And there was a reason for that, okay? It was a good reason, you know, that Paul wouldn't be exalted out of measure and that he would lean on the Lord and put his strength in the Lord, okay? So this idea that, well, when you ask, if you have faith and you don't have sin, then God will answer it no matter what. That's ridiculous. And what it came down to is the fact that the guy was saying, well, it's always God's will to heal someone. That makes zero sense with a lot of the passages in the Bible when he left Miletus sick, right? And like other people's, Epaphroditus, like all these people he's bringing up about how they were sick unto death and God had mercy on me, you know, and he talks about the fact that, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow and going into these aspects of that. And so it's not a matter of like, well, they didn't have enough faith and that's why that person died, okay? Do you see how messed up of a doctrine this is? That's like saying, well, you might as well just say, well, someone that had an illness and they died, they just didn't have enough faith or they had sin in their life. How about, you know, there's righteous people that God takes away, like in Isaiah 57, you know, to keep them from the evil to come. You ever think about that? But anyway, all that to say is that, I'm not saying, I say most, I don't know, I can't speak on behalf of Pentecostals, but I'm not saying all Pentecostals take that stance. I'd say a lot of Pentecostals would say, yeah, you know, Paul's case, if they know the Bible, they should know that Paul was a case where he had an infirmity and he wouldn't heal it. God wouldn't heal it. And it's not that Paul was in sin or he didn't have enough faith. Now, when it comes to faith healers, I believe this is gonna be a big end times way of getting people to fall for the Antichrist. Because the Pentecostals are always looking for a sign. You know, a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. And you know what? There's none that's gonna be given unto the generation except for the sign of Jonas, which is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. And if that's not good enough for you, if it's not just good enough to say, thus saith the Lord, that he died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day, then you know what? No sign is gonna be given to you. And go to 2 Thessalonians chapter two. So I think that Pentecostalism is gonna bring in the Antichrist. It's very possible that the false prophet's gonna be a Pentecostal. Because you had the beast, right? You had the Antichrist, but then the false prophet's gonna come and he's gonna do all these signs and wonders that's gonna lead people to believe on, or to basically bow down and worship the Antichrist, okay? So in 2 Thessalonians chapter two, you say, well, I saw this vision that had to be of God. What, it has to be of God? I heard God talk to me audibly, that has to be God. Does it have to be God, or could that be the devil? Okay, I don't believe God's talking audibly to anybody right now. You know, God who had sundry times and diverse manners spake in time, passed unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son, and this is the more sure word of prophecy, and I'm gonna get into that as far as Paul the Apostle is concerned, as far as the revelations go, okay? So in 2 Thessalonians chapter two and verse seven, notice what it says. It says, for the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he who now leadeth will lead until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, even him, now I want you to notice, the him is referring to the wicked one, okay? The one that's gonna come, because notice it says, whose coming is after the working of Satan, okay? So that's according to, right? It'd be kinda like after this, after this manner, it's according to, right, or after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure and unrighteousness. So this is talking about them taking the mark of the beast, them being deceived by the antichrist, but this false prophet, he's going to come and do these wonders, these lying wonders, right? And it's gonna look like it's from God, right? It's gonna look like it's basically, this has to be of God, right? And you know what, you might as well just sign up all the Pentecostals that are gonna follow that. Because who do they think's coming first? Jesus, right? They believe in the imminent return of Christ, meaning that that's the first thing that's coming on the scene, but we know, actually in that same chapter, I'll show up at the beginning of that chapter there, that the antichrist comes first before the coming of the Lord. Before the rapture, you had the antichrist coming on the scene. So you see how this pre-tribulation rapture and then how that melds in, the Pentecostal pre-tribulation rapture with the signs and wonders that they love seeing, how that just is just basically just opening the door for the antichrist and the false prophet and what they're gonna be doing, okay? Wow, wow, wow, wow. So in 2 Thessalonians chapter two and verse one, it says, now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him. Because you know what people want to do with this passage? They want to say, well, this is talking about his coming, not the rapture. They're the same thing. You know, when he comes in the clouds in 1 Thessalonians chapter four, that is rapture. The coming of the Lord, okay? But it also says, by our gathering together unto him. So what are we talking about here? The rapture, the gathering together. Okay, you don't like the word rapture called? The gathering together. It says that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. So what is he saying? Don't be deceived when someone says that the day of Christ is at hand. Now, if you read another version, it'll say that don't be deceived if someone says the day of Christ has already come. That's different than saying it's at hand, okay? At hand meaning it's like right here, right? You can imagine something that's at hand. What's at hand? You know, like my water. It's at hand, it's near me. Like it's about to happen. And you know what the Bible says? Don't be deceived if someone tells you that. Don't be deceived if someone tells you that it's at hand. Meaning it could happen at any moment, okay? Then it goes on to clarify what it means by that. Because there's certain things that have to happen, okay? Notice in verse three. So unless, okay, I'll say this. It's at hand if these things happen, okay? It's not saying it will never be at hand because that would be ridiculous because it's gonna come eventually, right? But in verse three here it says, let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. And say, okay, well, you know, what does it mean to be revealed then? Well, it explains what it means to be revealed in the next verse in verse four because it's not done with that sentence. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God. You know what? The Antichrist does that, then tell me, then you can come tell me that the day of the Lord is at hand. Because you know, that's what Jesus said. He says when you see these things begin to come to pass, then know that it is nigh even at the doors. That's what it means to be at hand. But right now it is not at hand, okay? Until you see that abomination desolation and you see the Antichrist standing in the temple saying that he's God, then don't tell me it's at hand, okay? But what are the Pentecostals waiting for? They're waiting for Christ to come at any moment, which by the way, the Antichrist could. You know, at the beginning of Revelation it says, you know, to take heed to these things because the time is at hand. See, the time of the beginning of sorrows and the great tribulation, listen, that is at hand, right? That could happen at any moment. The time is at hand for that. And you know what, the Bible also says the Lord is at hand. Why, because the kingdom of God is here right now. You know, meaning that get saved. Your time is all the way ready when it comes to the gospel, but you know what's not at hand? The day of the Lord. The rapture is not at hand, according to 2 Thessalonians chapter two, which lines up with Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 6, Revelation 14, all of that, okay? Now, but I just think that's interesting how they're basically just setting it up, right? They're just lobbing up like, here, Antichrist, here's a bunch, here's 279 million people that are just waiting for you to come on the scene and do all these signs and lying wonders because they're about to just believe that like that, right? Now, I'm not saying that Benny Hinn is the false prophet or anything like that, but it wouldn't surprise me. You know, when you have like the unity of all the religions, you have the Jews and you have the Catholics and you have all these Pentecostals and everybody coming together, that you'd have some faith healer, Pentecostal type person that's gonna come up and start doing these crazy signs and wonders to get people to believe on the Antichrist. Now, let's get into the spiritual gifts. So Pentecostals are what they call continuationists, okay? That's just a big word for saying that they believe that spiritual gifts are still here, like the speaking with tongues of other languages that they never previously knew or the gifts of miracles and all this other things, okay? So they also believe that the gifts of the Spirit are in context with the fruit of the Spirit, okay? So they kind of link those two together, okay? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, all that. That's not synonymous with the gifts of the Spirit, okay? So let's go to that passage. Go to 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and let's just see where it talks about the gifts of the Spirit, okay? I'm not saying there aren't gifts of the Spirit today. But I'll say this. What I'm gonna show you is I do not believe that right now God is allowing people to start speaking a language they don't previously know. I'm talking about known languages, outside of the gibberish stuff that's obviously not true. I do not believe that God is divinely coming down. Like if I ran into a Spanish-speaking person and all of a sudden, boom, I'm speaking Spanish. Yet I don't normally speak Spanish. That is not happening right now, okay? So I do believe there's certain gifts or basically signs that were done at Pentecost and at the beginning of the New Testament to where, and I'm gonna show you why, okay? I'm gonna be like, well, why was he doing it back then and why isn't it still being done today, okay? Well, in verse four, 1 Corinthians 12, verse four, it says, now there are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all. See the Trinity there? Spirit, Lord, God, right? So you have the Spirit of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and God the Father, talked about right there. So it's basically saying that all three persons of the Trinity are involved in these gifts, okay? And you kind of have gifts, administrations, operations, all that stuff, right? Now, but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all. And that's the key right there. What profit is there in this gibberish, speaking in tongues stuff that they supposedly say they do? Amen. Okay? That's what you gotta be thinking about when you're thinking about these spiritual gifts, right? What profit? And you say, well, you know, they're healing people. That's garbage. They are not healing people. You know, it's all a show. You know, if you think that's real, then I gotta bridge the cell ya. Okay, I got some land out in Alaska to sell ya, right? If you think that that stuff that goes on on Benny Hinn's program is actually real, okay? That is ridiculous to think that's real. You know, just tell me you're naive in other ways, okay? Verse eight, and you say you're being harsh. Listen, tough love, okay? If you're deceived by any type of this stuff that I'm talking about, then you need a swift kick in the pants and say get into the Bible, see what it actually says, and know that that stuff is blasphemous garbage that is making Christianity look bad. And I'm sick of seeing it. I'm sick of that being associated with Christianity. Why don't you just call yourselves Pentecostals that are not Christians, you know? And just basically be your own sect of weird cultish garbage. But when you put Christianity in there and say, well, we're representing the Lord Jesus Christ, that's blasphemous. To think that God is making people roll on the ground, go into convulsions, and basically not be in the driver's seat, okay? So going on from that, it says in verse eight, it says, to one is given the spirit of, I'm sorry, the spirit, the word of wisdom, to another is the word of knowledge by the same spirit, to another faith by the same spirit, to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another diverse kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But all these work at the one and the self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will. Now a lot of these, you can see how, even if you don't have this supernatural gift that basically you didn't have before, okay, you can see how a lot of these gifts anyway are things that you can imagine that people have, right? Some people can, they have, they're really good at figuring out like certain things in the Bible when it comes to wisdom and knowledge, right? You know, kind of like doctrinal stuff, and certain people are just really good at just grasping doctrine and figuring out doctrine, right? And so I think of wisdom and knowledge there. I think of like faith a lot. Some people just have more faith. They just tend to just be more trusting in the Lord, right? They just kind of have that gift that God has given them to where they just have a lot of faith, right? And to say that, you know, listen, obviously everybody that's a believer has faith, okay, but some people have more faith than others, okay? The gifts of healing. Listen, some people are just talented. You know, God has blessed them with talent. And what I see here is, you think about the, where God gives certain men, you know, 10 talents or one talent, right? And I know that's money, but you could also look at the application of the fact that God has blessed you with certain qualities and things that you're, you know, God-given talents, if you will, that God has given to you, and the Spirit can use that. So when it comes to healing, some people are just really good at knowing how to figure out remedies for certain things, or they're just gifted in the area of medicine. Think of Luke, the beloved physician, right? You could say he had the gift of healing, if you will. He was the beloved physician. But do you think that he just got that just because he was, you know, the Spirit came upon him, or do you think that he studied and figured that out, and God used that ability and that talent, you know, that basically, that was his bread and butter, if you will. He was good at doing that, and God used it, okay? And then you have the spirit of miracles. Now, with the miracles, you know, you could probably see a resemblance of how that could be used today. But I'm just gonna be honest with you. I think some of these gifts, like miracles, like working on miracles, is something that is not done today, okay? You say, well, why is it in here? I'm gonna show you another thing here that's not here today, but it's in this list, okay? Unequivocally, it's in this list, but it's clearly not here today. And so, to another prophecy, now, prophecy is not, you know, when you see prophecies throughout the First Corinthians, it is not saying like, hey, I saw a revelation and I'm prophesying of the future, okay? That's a misnomer. We just read Proverbs 31, and how does it start? The prophecy that Lemuel's mother gave to him, right? And that's not talking about the future, right? That's just preaching, right? She's preaching to her son, okay? So when you see, you know, that, you know, speaking with tongues or prophesying, it's the difference between speaking in an unknown language or preaching to believers, or preaching to a congregation, right, so prophesying is synonymous with preaching to a congregation, okay? So preaching, prophesying, it's the same word. Now, obviously, when people were preaching and they were preaching at future events, you know, that's true, too, that would be prophecy, right? But prophecy doesn't always mean future or things that haven't happened yet. To another discerning of spirits. So, you know, you think of 1 John chapter four, right, where it says, try the spirits whether they are of God. Listen, some people have a good gift for this. Meaning they can just really discern who's a false prophet and who's not. And some people aren't as good doing that, okay? And so some people can just see through all that lies and deceit of a false prophet, and they know, hey, this person is denying that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. And they can discern that spirit, right? They just kind of have a gift or a knack, or God has given them that ability to really just kind of see through all that. And I really see it as like a discerning spirit, you know, it's just this discernment that they have that some people don't have, okay? And I'm not saying that like, well, you gotta pick one of these, you only get one, okay? Because you could have, you know, some of these gifts that are, you know, you could have the gift of wisdom and then the gift of like discerning of spirits, you know, and all that stuff. But going on from that, it says, in another diverse kinds of tongues, in another, the interpretation of tongues, okay? So when it comes down to this, you say, well, what's the difference between having a gift of tongues and interpretation of tongues? I think about this because you may not understand this unless you're learning a language. Reading a language, to me, is a lot easier than speaking it, okay? So if you gave me right now, if you gave me something written in Greek, and let's say the vocabulary was not that hard, okay? Let's just say it's just a typical vocabulary. I could read it off to you and tell you what it says. No problem, right? And so, but if someone starts speaking Greek to me, right? And it's kind of like you're good at speaking it, but not good at interpreting it, you know? Or you're good at reading it, but you're not good at hearing it, right? So you can see, because you may say, well, if you're fluent in a language, if you know a language, then you should be able to do all of it, right? You should be able to interpret, you should be able to do this or that. What if you can speak these languages, but you're not good at translating them between the languages, right? Does that make sense? It's kind of like I could speak Spanish, I could speak Greek, I could speak English, but if you asked me to translate what this person said in Spanish into English, I'd have problems. Whereas someone else may have, that may be really easy to them, okay? So listen, people can be good at speaking languages or interpreting languages, and this is not some supernatural thing, but I'll say this, the Spirit of God, if you're using it for the right reasons, I believe he'll bless you, and he can use that, and you can be really gifted at doing that, because that is needed when it comes to preaching the gospel. When you're talking to people that don't understand the language that you speak, there's a barrier, right? You're not gonna win someone that only speaks Spanish if you can't speak Spanish, okay? That's a barrier that's there, and so people in the church, there's people that can speak those languages, or they can learn it, and some people are really, it just comes a lot naturally to them. I don't believe I'm one of those people. You know, I'm learning Greek, and I feel like I'm kind of intermediate at it, but I don't look at it as like, man, I can just pick that up like that. Now there's a guy, I remember he's the guy that had synesthesia, you know, and you're like, what are you talking about? You speaking in tongues? But this guy had this kind of case where he would see colors when it comes to numbers and all this stuff, and he was really good at picking up languages, and they tested him at this, because he can memorize, like he got the world record for memorizing the most decimal places of pi, okay? So you think of like pi is 3.15, but he can memorize it to like, I don't know how many, but here's the thing, I don't know why anybody would want to do that, okay? You can have your prize, but all I have to say is that he was really good at picking up languages, so they're like, all right, let's test this. We want you to learn Icelandic, right, which is one of the hardest, they say one of the hardest languages to learn, okay? And so they basically put him down with a teacher, and they gave him, I forget how many weeks, but it was only, it was maybe a month, maybe, or maybe it was a couple weeks, I can't remember exactly, but they brought him out on a show, and he started speaking it, and they were just like blown away. They're like, I can't believe that he can actually understand what we're saying and speak back to us at the same time. And what that means, that guy's not, I don't believe that guy saved or anything like that, but what I'm saying is that some people just have a knack for picking up languages. They just have that talent that God has given them, and so, but what I want to get to with is go down to verse 28 here, because you say, well, you said the gift of miracles isn't there. Well, I mean, I guess it depends on your definition of miracle as far as what you would consider a miracle. Now, if you're talking about parting the Red Sea as a miracle, then yeah, that's not happening right now, okay? But if you're gonna talk about a miracle in another way that you could be used to bless people and do things for them, then yeah, but I'll say this, by and large, if we're talking miracle like God's miracles and wonders that he does as far as these supernatural events I believe that's been done away, and it's been done away since the apostles have been done away, okay? Now, notice in verse 28 here, because I want to prove to you that there's certain things in these lists of things that are mentioned that are not here today, okay? At least in the flesh, okay? So in verse 28 it says, And God hath set some in the church, first apostles. Now, are there apostles today? I mean, there is, spiritually speaking, because we have the writings of the apostles, right? So I'm not saying the apostles aren't here in general, because you say, well, first apostles, well, yeah, the word of God is first, wouldn't it? You know, the apostles and prophets would be first in the church, but we don't have apostles walking here today, okay? And it says, first apostles, second daily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that, miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Now, you know what's interesting is that it talks about coveting the earnestly the best gifts. Where is tongues at on that list? Last. But yet, with the Pentecostals, that's like number one, right? You speak in tongues, man, you've just been proven that you have this ability, that you've been filled with the Spirit, right? But yet it's last on the list, and it's saying covet the best gifts. So, but going on from that, it says, are all apostles, are all prophets, are all teachers, are all workers of miracles, have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? You know what that is? That's a rhetorical question. You know what the answer to that is? An obvious no, right? Was everybody, is everybody that's a Christian an apostle? Of course not. But I wanted to really point that out. The apostles are in this list, meaning this, is that there are things in these lists here that are not being done today. Because apostles are not walking here on the earth. We don't have apostles in the church, right? Unless you're talking about the Word of God, right? Because we have the writings of Peter and John and all that stuff, right? But go to 2 Corinthians chapter 12, because, actually go to 1 Corinthians chapter 15, because I really just want to nail this down, that Paul was the last apostle. Okay, there's no more apostles. And I know the Pentecostals want to believe that they can be an apostle and all this stuff, but it's just not the case. Look at verse eight and nine there. An apostle was someone that saw the resurrection of Jesus. And unless you've seen Jesus in his resurrected state, you cannot say you're an apostle, and nor can anybody else. And I'll say this. The Bible says that no one else has seen him after Paul. Okay, verse eight there. It says, and last of all, he was seen of me also as of one born out of due time. So, what does it say? Last of all, he was seen of me also as one born out of due time. Because we know that he was seen of Jesus after the day of Pentecost even, okay? But he's saying that was the last. Verse nine, for I am the least of the apostles and am not meet, I'm sorry, that am not meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church of God. So, they're using that synonymous meaning, I've seen Jesus, I was the last one, and I'm not meet to be called an apostle. And he's basically saying, I'm not worthy to be called an apostle because he persecuted the church of God. So, to be an apostle, and even when you talk about Acts chapter one, that they were talking about the apostleship, that they needed to find someone that had seen the Lord Jesus. The whole point of the apostles was the witness of the resurrection. That's what the apostles' job was to be, is the witness of the resurrection. They were eyewitnesses, okay? So, I believe there's definitely more than 12, okay? Paul definitely makes 13, okay? But I believe there's many more than that, okay? Barnabas, James, the brother of Jesus, like just to name a few, okay? That were apostles. Now, go to 2 Corinthians chapter 12. That being said, the Bible is clear that there were actually signs that were done that were basically attributed to being an apostle, okay? Verse 12, verse 12. So, 2 Corinthians chapter 12, verse 12. Notice what it says. Truly, the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience in signs and wonders and mighty deeds, okay? Do you see how that's not just like signs of a Christian or signs of a believer, but signs of an apostle, right? Go to Acts chapter 19, Acts chapter 19. And there was actually miracles that were done by Paul, I'm gonna show you here, that I believe were just that Paul did, right? Even none of the other apostles did this exact thing, right? That were wrought by them. And so, in Acts chapter 19 and verse 11, it says this, and God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul, so that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs, or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. See, these were special miracles that were done by Paul, but I don't believe that they were done by Peter, or John, or James, or anybody else, okay? That's what he's saying, he's like, this is attributed just to Paul, right? Paul did this, and there was also signs and wonders that only the apostles did, okay? I don't believe anybody else was raising anybody from the dead besides the apostles, okay? That's what you see with Peter, and you'll see a case right there where he raised Dorcas, right? Tabby, Tabitha. So, we see that being done. We say, well, what was the point then of all these new tongues, basically where someone would be, all of a sudden they could speak another language that they normally couldn't speak, or they would do these things where they would be bitten by a serpent and it wouldn't hurt them. Go to Mark chapter 16, let's look at that passage where it says that. I believe there was a purpose for it. What you have to understand is during the day of Pentecost, they didn't have all 66 books of the Bible, okay? They didn't have the book of Acts, they didn't have 1 and 2 Corinthians and Galatians and Colossians, they didn't have all these books, they didn't have the more sure word of prophecy as Peter talks about, okay? So, before they had that all compiled and had that written down, this is where the signs and wonders were taking place to confirm the word of God, is what it says here. So, in Mark chapter 16, verse 17, it says, and these signs shall follow them that believe. Now, does that say these signs shall follow all believers? Is that what it says? That's what Pentecostals want you to think, okay? They want you to think that these signs are gonna follow everybody that believes, okay? That's not true. Now, what it means is that these signs will happen to those that believe, okay? Meaning that there's gonna be believers that these things are going to happen to, okay? So, let's read on. In my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues. Well, that happened. They, at Pentecost, they spoke with new tongues. Does it mean everybody did? No, but there were believers that spoke with new tongues and there were believers that cast out devils. Peter did that and Paul did that, right? Going on 18 there, it says, they shall take up serpents. Well, Paul did that, right? You think that he shook off the beast, the viper that came out of the heat, right? And if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. Now, that's not recorded, but I'll say this. I guarantee you this happened to somebody that was a believer at that time, okay? And they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Well, that happened. I mean, Dorcas would be one that rose from the dead, but other people were sick and got healed, right? So then, after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God and they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them. And notice this, in confirming the word with signs following, amen. So what was the point of all the signs and wonders? Was it just to be like, oh, look what I can do? Or was it confirming the word of God? Let me ask you a question. Does the word of God still need confirming today? Because that's what you need to say if you're gonna say, well, we still need these signs and wonders. Listen, they didn't have the whole New Testament at that time, okay? So back in the Old Testament, when God's speaking sundry times and diverse places unto the fathers by the prophets, listen, he did a lot of different things as far as speaking out of the burning bush, the still small voice, like the different ways that he spoke to the prophets back then. But then he spoke to us by his son, right? But while all the writings that were going on for the New Testament was going on, they were confirming it with signs and wonders. And you know what that was doing? It's saying, hey, this is the word of God. This is right. What I'm saying to you, I'm gonna prove it to you because God is gonna manifest the fact that I am a preacher of God, I'm a true apostle, and here's the signs of an apostle, right? Because I believe everything in the New Testament was written by an apostle, okay? From all the gospels, James, Jude, all the writings were written by apostles. And the signs that they did was confirming that that was the word of God, okay? So yeah, that's the reasoning behind it. But today, we have the whole word of God. Unless you wanna say that there's still more revelation, but Paul said that he is the last to be called an apostle, right? He's the last to see Jesus, and he's the least to be called an apostle, okay? Now, speaking in tongues, this is the last thing I wanna get to here, and then we'll be done. I'm just gonna try to go through this really quickly. Pentecostal, the Pentecostal believer, and they believe in a spiritual experience that may vocalize fluent, unintelligible utterances, okay? And or articulate natural language. So they basically believe, well, yeah, the day of Pentecost where they spoke with languages that people can understand, you never see that with these Pentecostals, right? You never see this person be like, I can't speak Spanish, now I can. And you know what, I would call their bluff on that. If they say, well, I can never speak Spanish, but now I can, I'd call them a liar, because that is not happening today. Now, what they're always showing you is this unintelligible language, right? And they say that this is evidence of the third work of grace, which is, remember that four-square thing of the gospel, which the third part was the baptism of the Holy Ghost, right, and they say this is the evidence of that, speaking in tongues. You know what it makes me think of is when we're going through Isaiah, this is what I think about the Pentecostals. It says in Isaiah eight and verse 19, and when they shall say unto you, seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and that mutter, should not a people seek unto their God for the living to the dead? That's what I think about when I think about the Pentecostals, is they peep and mutter, right? They're making all these weird noises, speaking under their breath. And you know what it is? Most of them are possessed by a devil. And you know what the Bible says about those that have familiar spirits and wizards? And Leviticus 20 and verse 27 says, a man also or a woman that hath a familiar spirit or that is a wizard shall surely be put to death. They shall stone them with stones, their blood shall be upon them. That's what the Bible says about people that are wizards and that have familiar spirits and that are peeping and muttering, okay? Now I'm not saying that every Pentecostal that does this is possessed with a devil, but I'll say I bet you that a lot of them are, because that is not natural, that's really weird. And I'll say this, if they're not demon-possessed in these cases, they are really good actors. They've really put on a show, okay? They should go ahead and get their Emmy Award or Academy Award or whatever you want to call it, and put that on their shelf. Now, when the Pentecostals are talking about speaking in tongues, most of the time they're talking about that one that has, it's unintelligible, okay? Meaning that you can't understand, no one can understand it. And what they'll say is that this is an angelic language. Well, go to 1 Corinthians chapter 13, because I'm going to show you that Paul mentions, though I speak in the language of angels, right, so in the tongue of angels, I want to show you that they're going to take this and just rip it out of context and say, well, see, there's this unintelligible angelic language. And the same guy, remember that guy I was telling you where he said, well, if you don't get healed, it's because you didn't have faith or you had sin in your life. It's not because God didn't want to heal you. This same guy was saying, well, it's an angelic language. Okay, notice in 1 Corinthians chapter 13, verse one, and he took me to this verse, he says, though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. He's like, see, there's tongues of men and of angels, and Paul is saying, you know, I can speak in either one. So what they're saying here is the tongues of men is the intelligible, you can understand what they're saying, it's a known language, it's languages that people speak. The angelic language is where you can't understand what they're saying and it's this gibberish that no one understands, right? Well, you know what I said to him? I said, show me in the Bible an angel that spoke that you couldn't understand. I'll wait, because every angel that you ever hear in the Bible, the person that heard it understood exactly what they said. They never said, I can't understand what you're saying, you know, you need to interpret that for me. Now, you know, think about this, are they not all ministering spirits set forth to minister to them who are heirs of salvation? Talk about angels. They're sent to minister and be messengers to us. That's what angel even means, is a messenger. They are angelic beings, meaning they are created to send us messages, but yet they speak a language that no one can understand, apparently, but yet there's no proof in the Bible, actually every place in the Bible, that an angel talks to somebody from Gabriel to everybody else, it's an intelligible language that you can understand. It's actually the language that they know, okay? Now, the unknown tongue, now I want you to go to Romans chapter eight, Romans chapter eight, and this one's kind of funny to me. I didn't have this in my notes, but I was thinking about it, I'm like, you know, if I don't bring this one up, some Pentecostal's gonna be like, you didn't bring up Romans chapter eight. Well, you're gonna wish I didn't bring up Romans chapter eight okay, after I get done with this one. Romans chapter eight and verse 26. Romans chapter eight and verse 26. Notice what it says, it says, likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered, okay? So they say, see, you know that language, you know, when we speak in tongues, we're praying. You know, that's what they say, it's not for the unsaved, it's not, you know, it's not like the Pentecost one, this is for praying in praise. Show me that in the Bible, where they were speaking in tongues, or speaking with tongues, just to praise or pray to God. But second of all, they'll say, well, you know, it's unintelligible because we're speaking like this language that only God knows. Did you just read what I read? It says with groanings, which cannot be uttered. That means if you uttered it, then it's not the groanings of the Holy Spirit. They're literally like saying we're uttering this language that no one can understand. This is an angelic language, but yet the Bible says that the Holy Ghost is giving groanings which cannot be uttered. But uttered means to speak it, okay? That means that you should not be saying anything then. Nothing should be coming out of your mouth if you're gonna claim this verse right here to say that this is talking about the Holy Ghost, give me some angelic language. So that doesn't match up. You know what it means is the fact that we don't always know what we need in our life, and God, the Holy Spirit knows our heart. So you know what, that's a good comfort, because you know when it comes to praying, all you really need to do is say, Lord, be according to your will. You know what I need, and God will take care of that. That means that you don't always need to know what you need to ask for, okay? Because it says, ask and you shall receive. You have not because you ask not. You ask and receive not because that you may consume it upon your lust. You know what, there's a lot of comfort in knowing that, hey, Lord, I don't know what I need. You know what I need. Can you please take care of that? Can you please answer my prayer according to your will? And that's what the Bible's saying. It's like he searches the heart. He knows what you need, and you don't need to know all the details as far as what you need, okay? Now, going on from that, you have the unknown tongue, and this is the last thing I'm gonna show you here. The unknown tongue, go to 1 Corinthians chapter 14, and I'm not gonna be able to get into this in great detail because we're done or I'm over time. I preached a whole sermon on the unknown tongue, okay? All this is, and even the translators of the King James Bible knew what this was, because if you read the letters to the readers about the translators, they even say in there that when they're talking about the unknown tongue, they're talking about speaking in Latin. They're talking about why they translated the Bible into English, because Latin was an unknown tongue to the people that were speaking back then, and so they understood, you know, hey, when we're talking about unknown tongue, we're not talking about a tongue that no one knows on the planet. What it's talking about is talking about that in here, if I started speaking to you in Greek, no one's gonna know what I'm talking about. That doesn't mean that there isn't someone out in the world that does, and you know what this is really teaching? That you should be going to a church where the person that's preaching, you understand their language, and if you don't understand your language, what are you doing in their church? You shouldn't be going to a Greek Orthodox church, first of all, because they don't have the right salvation, but second of all, if you don't speak Greek, that's what you're gonna be hearing, so what's the point? You're not gonna understand what's being said. That's what he's being taught here. It's not talking about some magical angelic language that no one in the earth can understand, okay? So in First Corinthians 14, verse one, it says, follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that you may prophesy. For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God, for no man understandeth him, howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. But he that prophesies speaketh unto men to edification, exhortation, and comfort. He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself, but he that prophesied edify the church. Now these people that speak in these gibberish tongues or whatever that they talk about, they'll basically say they don't know what they said. How can you edify yourself then? Edification means that you learn something, okay? And what this means is that if I started speaking in a language I understand, I'm edifying myself, right? Because I understand what I said, but no one else does, okay? It's basically saying it's not profitable for you just to come up here and speak in some unknown tongue. Hey, by the way, Baptist preachers, stop getting up and start speaking Greek and saying, hey, back in the Greek lexicon, it says this. You know, you don't even speak that language, first of all. But second of all, everybody in the church that you're talking to doesn't speak that language. And it's saying don't do that. You're better off just staying with the language that everybody understands because they're gonna be able to discern what that means. If you can't prove your doctrine without going back to some other language, then your doctrine is wrong. So this passage really is King James only is what this is. King James only, don't need to know any other languages besides the English if you're an English-speaking person. And that's really what he's getting across there is don't go back into these other languages that people don't know. That doesn't mean no one knows it, okay? Notice in verse 10 there it says, there are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without signification. You know what that means? That there's no language in the world that has no signification, meaning that significance, meaning that there's no language that no one knows. If no one knew it, then it's not a language, okay? So all that to say is that this unknown tongue, again, you can go check out the sermon. I go line by line through this passage and debunk the idea that this is some gibberish language. But the Pentecostalism, it's ecumenical at its core. It's charismatic. It's all about this like, oh, you know, we got the joy of the Holy Ghost and we're doing all this. And I'm not against being excited, but I am against being fake, okay? You need to be real. And if you have joy of the Holy Ghost, it better be real and it better not be for a show. And the Pentecostals, it's all for pretense and it's all about like, oh, I saw this. I had this experience. It's all emotionalistic experience, type-based faith. And they have a false gospel, okay? So they believe that you can lose your salvation. They say that the eternal security of believers, it's only eternal if they hold out faithful and they have continual faith and repentance. That's what they believe when it comes to salvation. They're Armenian, meaning they can lose their salvation. They are lost as a goose in the caboose in the snowstorm. So let's end with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you for today and thank you for the soul saved this week. And just pray to be with us as we remember your death here with the Lord's Supper. And Lord, just thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and ultimately rising again the third day. And Lord, just thank you for your word. Help us to read it, help us to know it, and help us to use it, Lord, for your glory. We love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name, amen.