(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You Well good morning everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song number 173 Song 173 in your song books will sing love lifted me and if you would stand We'll sing song 173 I Was sinking deep and sand far from the peaceful shore very deeply stained within sinking to rise no more But the master of the sea her my despairing cry From the waters lifted me now safe. Am I? love lifted me love lifted me When nothing else could help love lifted me love lifted me love lifted me When nothing else could help love Lifted me All my heart to him I give ever to him out clean And his blessed presence live ever as praises sing Love so mighty and so true merits my soul's best song Faithful loving service to to him belongs love lifted me love lifted me when Nothing else could help love lifted me love lifted me love lifted me When nothing else could help love lifted me Souls in danger look above Jesus completely saves He will lift you by his love out of the angry waves He's the master of the sea billows his will obey He your Savior wants to be be saved today Love lifted me And love lifted me when Nothing else could help love lifted me love lifted me love lifted me when Nothing else could help love lifted me All right, let's pray heavenly Father Lord just want to thank you God for today. Thank you God for just the souls that were saved This week and our last week and also with yesterday the sowing marathon I pray Lord now that you would just meet with us and I pray Lord that we would just honor and glorify your name in Jesus name we ask all but amen. All right, you may be seated and turn in your son books to song number two Song number two, we'll sing glory to his name Song number two down at the cross Savior Down where from cleansing from sin I cried There to my heart was the blood applied glory to his name glory To his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood applied Glory to his name I am so wondrously saved from sin Jesus so sweetly abides within There at the cross where he took me in Glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood applied Glory to his name Oh Precious fountain that saves from sin. I am so glad I have entered in There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean Glory to his name His name Glory to his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood applied Glory to his name Come to this fountain so rich and sweet Cast thy poor soul at the Savior's feet Plunge in today and be made complete Glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name There to my heart was the blood applied Glory to his name Amen welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday morning and just some general church announcements here, but First of all, we survived I've read Dave and I brother Matt Was definitely not the weak link in the race, but Hopefully he didn't mess up his ankle too bad, but he's having to go get an x-ray on that one so be in prayer that that Not bad or anything like that. It's probably a sprain if I would imagine but But you know, I've been wanting to get down to one into the 180s on my weight And who knew all you had to do is get COVID a stomach bug have so much stress Your whole family gets sick and then have to move to another house all at once and then run like a 17 mile race to Do it that's all you got to do so It finally happened. I got down to like I was like 188 this morning. So Yeah, hopefully there's a better way. There should be a better way of doing that right? So but we survived We made it. No one died. So that's good. But But yeah, so anyway The Utica Solemnity marathon went well looks like so eight salvations up there in upstate New York So obviously we're a little sparse this morning because a lot of our church members are up in New York. So but But excited about how that went and just pray for safe travels there with everybody that's coming back And then as far as church services this morning everything is normal there as far as the church times and then we have our soul winning time at 1 p.m And so be in your places to go out soul winning this afternoon if you can and then the soul winning times We have the Monday soul winning time That brother Charles leads up and then the Wednesday time I'm assuming that's still gonna be there with brother Richie, but he's not here to confirm that and then brother Matt Has been leading up on Thursday now the basic soul winning time in the Salem area So Salem, West Virginia and it's been really receptive there. So it's it's been good to see that and So but we'll see with that one as far as how his ankles doing everything so by Thursday and then Upcoming events. We have the women's prayer meeting This coming Saturday and then we have We had the soul winning marathon that's coming up to our anniversary Service there. So you kind of see that the 17th and 18th there So we're gonna have sewing marathon on Saturday in the Wheeling area and then we're gonna have our fifth year anniversary the church on that Sunday and then You know, we're already coming into September here, but October will be here before you know it We have a retreat coming up And so just make sure that you have marked on the sheet back there If you can't make it for whatever reason or if you can only come for certain days and so We'll get that nailed down which we do need to get that nailed down here soon Right as far as the rooming list and all that yeah, so but I'd like to go ahead and get that done just so that They don't give her cabins to someone else for whatever reason but Chapter memory for the month. So we're still technically in August. So We're in second John So the chapter book of second John and then Proverbs 22 28 is a memory verse for the week removed not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have said and That's our memory verse for the week birthdays, what is today? the 28th So the Jones family will have to get Michael and then Holly's is this week, so Wednesday, right? So we'll have to sing happy birthday to my wife. I Know how old she is, but she can tell you that if she wants and then anniversaries We haven't sang happy anniversary to you guys. So, you know, I guess I got to sing it, right? I Know No, you got to stand up Be recognized and you got a kiss. I mean listen you you demanded of everybody else. So it's got to be done So yes, right. Yeah, they don't be the government now, so So we'll sing happy anniversary, so I'll just do the birthday song and anniversary song And Then on the pregnancy list there my wife's on there and so be in prayer there everything as far as right now seems to be going well with the pregnancy so by just being prayer that everything goes well there and Going to five so I Think that's about it. We have the offering box in the back there. We have mother baby room for the mothers and babies only Should be a nice day today. So that's as far as the soul inning goes shouldn't have to worry about rain Yeah, so before you come up and do another song who's reading this morning I know I I should know but David so brother Dave is gonna be reading 1st Corinthians chapter 5 for us this morning before that Let's go ahead and sing. Happy birthday to my wife And so I guess I'll just do it acapella, right? Did we even have music do we ever have music when we do that? Okay, I didn't think so either so Happy birthday To you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday God bless you Happy birthday to you I Get back there we're doing a happy anniversary. She's got a child. She's got a shot Yeah I'm really you ever sit with you, too Hey, let's keep gotta keep a PG here. Okay, so Oh Ready yeah, or should I just let it just sit here for a little while. Thank you stand there Happy anniversary to you Happy anniversary to you Happy anniversary God bless you Happy anniversary to you So 17 years right 17 years what yeah sure that's that it's like You All right, take your songbooks and turn to song number 30 Song number 30 will sing nothing but the blood Song number 30 What can wash out? my sand Nothing, but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again? Nothing, but the blood of Jesus Oh Precious is the flow that makes me white as snow No Father fount I know nothing, but the blood of Jesus for my part and this I see nothing, but the blood of Jesus for my cleansing this my plea nothing, but the blood of Jesus Oh Precious is the flow that makes me white as snow No Father fount I know nothing, but the blood of Jesus Nothing can force and atone nothing, but the blood of Jesus Jesus not of good that I have done nothing, but the blood of Jesus Oh Precious is the flow that makes me white as snow No Father fount I know Nothing, but the blood of Jesus this is all my hope and peace Nothing, but the blood of Jesus this is all my righteousness Nothing, but the blood of Jesus Oh Precious is the flow That makes me white as snow No Father fount I know nothing, but the blood of Jesus All right, take your bottles and turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 1st Corinthians chapter 5 we'll have brother David read that for us 1st Corinthians chapter 5 if you're there say Amen And the Bible reads it is reported commonly among it was reported calmly for those phonication among you and such phonication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles that once had half his father's wife and you're puffed up and Have not rather moaned that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you For I barely as absent in the body But present in the spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him that hath done hath so done this deed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ when you are gathered together and my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ To delivers us and one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh That the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Your glorying is not good No You not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump Purge out there for the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you're unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us Therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness But with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. I wrote unto you in any picture I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with phonicators Yet not altogether with the phonicators of this world with the crevices with the extrusioners with the idolaters But then must ye needs go out of the world But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a phonicator a crevices An idolater or a rarely or a drunkard or an extortioner, but such and one know not to eat What for what have I to do to judge them now also that without do not eat judge them not within But them that are without God judges therefore put away from yourselves that wicked person. Let's pray dear Lord Thank you for this opportunity to come meet in your house And I pray that you be with pastor pray that you fill in with the spirit in Jesus name. Amen So you're there in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and I'm actually gonna go ahead and just finish up The the NIFB Series if you will actually brother Dave's gonna preach this evening and as you can imagine We're both a little tired this morning or today after that whole Spartan race that we did but but I just kind of wanted to cap this series off and and We're down to the end which is for new so we have NIFB or new IFB And so we talked about being a Baptist and the fact that you know what that entails. Why do we have that title? Why is our church called Mountain Baptist Church? It really just comes down to that Baptists are known for faith alone salvation They're known for Baptizing believers and not baptizing infants or anything like that and that not only that but we do it by immersion And so faith alone, you know, there's a lot of things sometimes that will go into that But there's a lot of Baptists that don't believe right or they they have other views on different things So fundamentalist Baptists believe take the Bible literally We believe in the literal six-day creation We believe the flood was an actual event that happened and going down the line that we believe the Bible is literal unless it's just very clearly talking about something that's symbolistic and Then independent really gets into the fact that we're not part of any convention. We're not part of any denomination We're completely autonomous. So This church is supported by this church and we don't have any Ties or half, you know getting we're not getting supported from some other church or anything like that. We're completely autonomous and so that umbilical was cut the moment I was sent out the pastor and You know, I don't answer to anybody besides the Lord Jesus So when it comes to the sermons that are preaching it comes to the doctrine that's here when it comes to how we do everything here you know what it really comes down to that I'm the leader and Jesus is the head and So it's kind of just give me a recap on that that IFB and that's something that's been known for a while now as far As like that term IFB independent fundamental Baptist but Recently, there's a new signifier if you will new new independent fundamental Baptist and the one thing I want to get out there first of all is that a lot of these signifiers sometimes were given not necessarily because We chose that but a lot of times other people gave it to us and they're trying because like the old IFB which we'd refer to as the old IFB Would basically be like those are the new ones, you know They're they're different from us and and I completely agree that there is some stark different differences between our church And an old IFB Church, okay and I'm not here to say that like you couldn't go to an old IFB Church go soul-winning and and Be a blessing to that church and be a part of that church I'm not saying they're not a legitimate church But here's where you come into the fact of you could have a good church or you could have a great church That's the way I look at this. You could have a good church. That's right on salvation That's King James Bible only and that goes soul-winning or you can have a church that does those three things and then there's an extra notch of You know Level to it that's gonna make it even better Okay and that's where I believe new comes in here now just be in and a lot of people that I think new and they're just Like it's like the new new international version the new King James and like new kind of has a bad Connotation like all new that means like it's some it's some new thing, you know And that's not what new means, you know As far as what we when we recognize new is that there are some things that are new to the IFB But not new to the Bible. Okay, so I want to make that very clear There's certain things that we believe that are new in terms of like what most I have bees preach and teach And do but it's not new to the Bible. Okay It's not some new thing that we just came up with or anything like that But there's also another thing to think about is a renewing so when I think of new IP, I think of a Basically a renewing or think about this new and improved right you ever get like something like this is new and improved It's basically like the same thing only is better right and So we're gonna be getting into some different aspects here, but in first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 here I want you to see that new can be a very good thing Okay, notice what it says here it talking to the church in Corinth It says purge out therefore the old leaven That you may be a new lump as you are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us Therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness But with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth So obviously the leaven is used in the spiritual aspect here to talk about, you know, sincerity unleavened being sincerity and truth and leaven being Wickedness and malice and But leaven a lot of times in the Bible is not used in a good light when you're talking about You know spiritual things now When it comes to this Okay, notice that you're dealing with a church that's already established But it's basically purge out the old leaven and be a new lump So you're telling this church to be new in something and why because you're getting rid of something that's old and bad and Getting something new to make it better Okay, now go to Matthew chapter 16 So I'm gonna give one one thing when you think of what the stinks a new IFP church from an old IFP church, right? Because that's the whole point. Why would we have this signifier? Why do we have this title new IFP? You know, there has to be a reason you're trying to distinct yourself and one big thing that I think of when I think of You know a new IFP church is doctrine okay, and This is where You know new IP churches have purged out bad doctrine from the IFP and brought in good doctrine So like not everything in the IFP was bad doctrine, but there was some bad doctrine in there Okay, and this is where you're purging out the old and bringing in the new meaning that it's a new love It's sound doctrine. Okay, and so It's not new to the Bible It's not like some new thing that no one has ever thought of or anything like that. But in the end historically IFP churches Didn't subscribe to some of these doctrines and I'm gonna go down the line of like the big ones As far as like what distincts us from a typical IFP Church and again This is generalities right because you'll find an IFP Church an old IFP Church that Would maybe agree with us on some of these things or or whatever, right? But the point I'm getting across here is that if you go to a new IP Church you're Probably gonna get all these doctrines in there. You know, I mean like I don't know of any New IP Church that would call themselves new IFP that wouldn't hold to these major doctrines that I'm gonna lay out. Okay So in Matthew chapter 16 verse 6 notice what it says here. It says then Jesus said unto them Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees So what does he mean by that? And obviously his disciples are like, oh, you know, he's coming down on us because we didn't bring bread You know, they were just completely went over their head right but then in verse 12 there It says then understood they how that he bathed them not be aware of the leaven of bread But of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees Okay, so when you're thinking about like like I said when you're you're purging out the old Leaven right and what is the leaven bad doctrine? Okay, you're purging that out and you're gonna be a new lump So when we think of new IP, what is what are we thinking about? We're thinking about new and improved, right? You're basically purging out the stuff that was wrong with it because You know, it's like the idea of like holding on to the old paths And going back to the old paths. That's great. But at the same time it better be the old paths of the Bible though not just the old paths because it's tradition of our fathers and We're not going to hold on to the traditions of the IFB just because that's what they had back in the day If they were wrong, then they were wrong and it needs to be cleansed. It needs to be Purged okay and made a new lump. Okay. So when I think of the new IP, I think of the old IP that's cleaned up Right, that's basically the doctrine has been honed in cleaned up And and obviously we're dealing with doctrines in a lot of cases that aren't heaven and hell doctrines, right because they have salvation Right salvation by grace through faith eternal security. They have that down So we're not necessarily talking about heaven and hell issues, but they listen these doctrines aren't doctrines that have no Pertinence I'll say that and these are doctrines that can cause churches to go into major heresy You know, it's like a snowball effect if you hold these doc certain doctrines that they have It'll cause you to go off on all kinds of different things that are false. Okay, but I'll go to mark chapter 1 verse 27. I want you to see that People were accusing or basically stating that Jesus had some new doctrine. Okay, and the thing that I want to point out here is that Because we call ourselves new it doesn't mean that like we're just coming up with doctrine out of thin air Like we just came up with this. No one ever thought of this before No Everything that we believe that's different than the old IFB has been something that's been believed for by Christians since the beginning Okay, none of these doctrines are just like well, we just figured this out No, it's doctrines that have been believed for a long time. Okay when I get into them I mean there's songs that that the famous songs that we sing that hold to those doctrines that were you know These songs were written what back in the 1700s 1800s that clearly believe what we believe about that doctrine And so to think that we just came up with it Actually in a lot of cases the doctrines that they believe were the ones that just popped up in the 1800s You know or the early 1900s and then they they they're the ones that have grabbed on to these new doctrines if you will But I want you to see that in March chapter 1 verse 27 It says and they were all amazed in so much that they questioned among themselves saying what thing is this? What new doctrine is this for with authority commandeth he even unclean spirits and they obey him? So notice that they're saying like what new doctrine is this? Is it really new though? When it comes down to you know, when Jesus said he came not to destroy the law and the prophets but to fulfill so When when Jesus Jesus is doing all these things it's not that he's like it's like some new thing necessarily now Obviously the New Testament is new Okay, and there are differences from the Old Testament New Testament that are just straight-up new from what they had from the old But when it comes to doctrines as far as salvation and stuff like that that that's always gonna be the same But it's new to people that don't know it right go to Acts chapter 17 Acts chapter 17 Think about this. I mean when you tell somebody that you're saved by grace through faith It's not by works and it's eternal life. You can never lose your salvation You know what to most people that we talk to that's new to them There's like I've never heard that before but is it new and The sight of like history, right? No, obviously it's been around since the beginning but it's new to those people, right? So when we say new we're not necessarily saying it just popped into existence just recently, right? It's the fact that it's new to the I a B But it's not new to the Bible. Okay, and same thing goes with salvation those who says in Acts chapter 17 verse 18 It says then then certain philosophers of the Epicureans and of the Stoics encountered him and said and some said what will this babbler say and other some He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods Because he preached unto them Jesus in the resurrection and they took him and brought him unto Areopagus Saying may may we know what this New doctrine where of thou speakest is so you're dealing with this is where he's preaching on Mars Hill That's what Areopagus means is Mars Hill and they're they're stating stating like what is this new doctrine? And if you know the Athenians they basically that all they care about is finding out some new thing to them it's new right and even when he's he's he's talking to the Jews and They're basically wanting to kill him No, so it says in Acts chapter 24 go to Acts chapter 24 in verse 14 The whole point I'm trying to make here is that it may be new to some people But it's actually an old doctrine. It's actually as old as the Bible Okay Does that make sense when we're talking about doctrine the doctrines not new but it could be new to certain people right just as much as Salvation that doctrine of salvation is new to a lot of people because they've never heard it before because it's never been preached to them Before but that doctrine has been around since foundation the world. Okay, so in Acts chapter 24 He's talking about the fact that He's making a defense here They're basically claiming here that he's preaching something new it's like this heretical new doctrine or something like that and in Acts chapter 24 verse 14 It says but this I confess unto thee that after the way which they call heresy So worship I the God of my father's believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets and of hope toward God which they themselves also allow that there shall be a resurrection of the dead both of the just and unjust So Notice that he's stating here that they're calling this heresy Right the Jews and everybody is wanting to kill him They're calling it heresy, but he's saying but what they call heresy is there is why I'm worshiping God And I'm actually believing all of what the prophets the law and prophets say So when I think of the new I it be I think of the the new IP as being churches that believe it all They're not picking and choosing what they what they believe okay, and when it comes to doctrine I'm gonna get to this when I get into these doctrines the I of B is supposed to be Supposed to be churches that when you believe a doctrine you have a clear verse and it's very simple to explain Right be like, you know, how do you get safe? You know Ephesians 2 8 9 for by grace Are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves? It is the gift of God not of worksless any man should boast You have a chapter and verse boom. There it is Right and you can go to many others But I'm just saying like you have like dude Did I really have to explain that really hard for people to understand where we stand on that issue? It's by faith not by works and Then you think of like other issues That you would be dealing with when it comes to the Bible, right? Why do you believe the Bible is perfect? I mean you can go to many verses but you know every word of God is pure He is a shield unto them that put their faith in him the you know the words of the Lord are pure words as Silver purified in the furnace of earth Purified seven times thou shalt keep them. Oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever Heaven and earth shall pass but my word shall not pass away Like all these verses that you could point to be like this is why his his word will be here forever The incorruptible seed which liveth and abideth forever, you know, like all these different Verses that you just point to and then you ask them about like well, what about when Jesus comes back? Well, we're gonna do a Bible study on that one Right and it gets into this convoluted backflips of ways of explaining it Well, how are people safe throughout history? You know and you get into like these backflips and you know What was the point of the Old Testament sacrifices and it's just like backflips trying to figure out what you're what you're teaching Chapter and verse why is it that the doctrines I'm going to show you the old IFB has to do mental acrobats to try to show you what they believe and That should tell you something when when someone believes the doctrine there's not just one clear verse that tells tells you what they believe on that doctrine They're probably wrong Okay, because it shouldn't be this complicated convoluted thing to understand what your doctrine is You'd be like well We need to go back to to Noah and the flood and we need to talk about this seven-day Period or we need to go back and look at this seven-day marriage feast to tell you like when Jesus is coming back and all that and We're gonna need to go to Ezekiel Let me take you to Ezekiel and if anybody has doctrines that their main text verses in Ezekiel You're probably messed up Okay, because Ezekiel Zechariah, they're very cryptic books And if that's where you're starting and you can't show me something in the New Testament on it Then you're probably wrong now go to Proverbs chapter 22 and verse 28. This is our memory verse for the week So one We're called new IB because well, there are some doctrines that are new to the IFB, right? Meaning that They haven't held to these doctrines by and large. Okay. Like I said, there could be an IFB Church out there that holds to it I'm not saying there isn't like some out there. Okay, but By and large a lot of these doctrines I'll show you Are not held by the old IP and haven't been historically, but it doesn't mean those those doctrines didn't exist It's just the fact that it's new to them. Okay, you know what? You know what the truth of matter is they were wrong on certain doctrines They were just wrong biblically on certain doctrines and it needs to be cleaned up And a new IP is cleaning that up You know when it comes to if you're gonna say I am new IFB as a church now again, we're independent So it's not like I'm a part of some convention of new IFB churches It's just the fact that the churches that would claim that holds to certain doctrines. Okay, and Proverbs 22 and verse 28 it says remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set up When we come to the new IFB, we're not just destroying everything throwing it all out You know you ever heard the term like not throwing the baby out with the bathwater The idea is that you don't just throw everything the old IFB There's a there's a lot of things that the old IFB has that's right Okay, I mean the King James Bible being King James Bible only they're right on that Salvation by grace through faith eternal security. They're right on that The way that they they went soul winning door-to-door in that that movement of a door-to-door Confrontational soul winning they're right about that. I'm not going to destroy those landmarks just because I want to be different Okay, so there's gonna be a lot of things that are gonna be very much the same Right There's gonna be a lot of foundational doctrines that are gonna be like, yeah, we're the same on that We believe that I mean when it comes to the Trinity When it comes to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Like there's gonna be a lot of things that are gonna be very much the same Okay, and we're not gonna be differing on so I'm not gonna just destroy everything It's not like the new IFB just completely different from the old IFB, but there are things that are Different when it comes to doctrine, okay So I think of renewing doctrine. I'm gonna give you a couple verses here It's kind of dealing with how the Bible sometimes treats an old commandment that is being renewed if you will and Go to 1st John chapter 2, 1st John chapter 2 1st John chapter 2 and verse 7 says this I always thought this is an interesting set of verses here Because You know people will maybe look at new as being a stigma right like listen we need to be the old past It's all about the past and it's like Yeah in a lot of things we should be going Back to the old but there's certain things that when you're talking about old when it comes to the IFB churches That's not the Bible So let's get that straight old IFB churches is not God's Word The Bible yes, everything should go back to the Bible and you shouldn't be doing anything different or new from the Bible But we're talking about churches, people, men Leaders of those churches that has certain doctrines and certain points of view and certain interpretations I'm not just gonna go back to them just because they're old and you know They had some good churches back then guess what they were wrong about some things and there's gonna be things that maybe You know later on and we find out hey that wasn't exactly right, you know And I wouldn't expect a church to look back at our church and be like I'm gonna hold to everything They believe no matter what. I'm not even gonna question it and If the Bible says something different, I'm just gonna hold to what they say No, you should always be going back to the Bible and if there's something that you see in the Bible That's that that it should be done differently than what we're doing then do it according to the Bible Okay, but In first John chapter 2 verse 7 it says brother and I write no new commandment unto you But an old commandment which he had from the beginning the old commandment is the word which you have heard from the beginning Again new commandment I write unto you Once you think that's kind of an interesting phrase there, right? It's just an interesting passage, right? It's like I don't write it a new commandment, but an old commandment and again, I write a new commandment unto you Which thing is true in him and in you because the darkness is past and true light not shine What is he talking about? We'll go to 2nd John and verse 5 there 2nd John in verse 5 It comes down to that this new commandment is that you love one another, okay? Now notice what it says in first or 2nd John verse 5 It says and now I beseech you lady not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee But that what she had from the beginning that we love one another Now go to John chapter 13 John chapter 13 in verse 34 John chapter 13 verse 34 So it's an interesting kind of a phrase here. It's like I'm not writing a new commandment, but I am right It's kind of like this is an old commandment, but I'm writing a new one to you. Okay. What is he talking about? Notice what Jesus says here It's verse 34 a new commandment. I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also have loved I'm sorry that you also love one another so what's new about it. The new thing about it Is that loving one another is not new? But loving one another as Jesus loved You know them when he's walking on the earth. That's the new part to it, right? It's not that the commandments new inherently It's just that there's kind of this extra You know Emphasis if you will on loving one another right? It's kind of like and Listen in in the past. Would you say that God didn't want you to love one another as much as Christ loved us, of course No that of course not meaning that obviously he wanted that from the past as well But the new part here is that you have this example now to show you how much you should love one another Okay, so it's not that the commandments new it's an old commandment But it's kind of being emphasized a little more, isn't it? It's being amplified if you will and when you think about the new IFP I think about a lot of things that were old commandments that maybe they held to us to a certain extent The new IFP amplifies it our church amplifies it It's kind of like you were going soul winning a little we're going soul winning a lot you know that kind of thing right where it's kind of And I'm not here to compare us our church and soul winning to an old IFP church that did a lot of soul winning I'm just saying that that's kind of the the idea there you were doing that a little bit we're doing that a lot you were doing that on that scale we're doing on a bigger scale and That's kind of the the idea there with the new but you also have the renewing where The old IFP in a lot of cases have fallen out of the things they used to do Right and but let's get into these doctrines first of all, okay so Main doctrines that differentiate us from an old IFP The rapture. Okay, so go to Matthew chapter 24 Like I said all these doctrines I'm going to show you I'm going to show you a passage chapters and chapter and verses That are just a clear as day if you asked an old IFP person that is in the pre-trib rapture Meaning that Jesus will come back before the tribulation ever happens and you ask him. Well, when is Jesus gonna come back? Well, the Bible says that he's comes as a thief in the night When's he coming back though Well, that means it's before the tribulation nowhere does it mention tribulation at all in that verse nowhere Does it mention anything like that? They're like, well, we don't know the day or the hour So it's before the tribulation that doesn't mean it's before the tribulation Like There's nothing there that says anything about tribulation. It's just like we don't know the day or the hour You know, I don't know the day or the hour my wife's gonna give birth, but I do know that she has to be pregnant first and Then I do know there's a certain season in which that's gonna happen Right and there will be a point where it's kind of like that time where like it could be any day now It could be at any moment, right? But that doesn't usually happen and obviously I'm speaking in generalities here because you can have miscarriages and you can have stuff like that But in the generality of birthing nine months Around nine months is when you're like, okay, this is the time and it could happen any moment But you know, I one thing I know for sure that the baby's not gonna come a year from now because my wife's not an elephant okay, and Just getting into the idea of the time now, let's look at it. Let me give you a clear verse Okay, you're like ones Jeep when Jesus coming back notice it says in Matthew 24 in verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and a star shall fall from heaven and the powers of the Heaven shall be shaken and then Shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels from with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other So is he coming before the tribulation or after Do I really do you even have do I even have to explain that do you see how clear that is That's being fundamentalist my friend and that's where old IFB's drift from being a fundamentalist and then they go into this ultra-spiritual acrobat mode of doctrine So this is where this is getting cleaned up that the pre-trib rapture fraud is exactly that it's a fraud It came from like 1830 where a woman had some vision some Pentecostal woman had visions about some secret rapture And then that ended up going into mainstream and Baptist picked it up So you want to talk about new doctrine? It's the pre-trib I'm not saying there's not someone that believes in pre-trib way before that, but let's just face it. It wasn't mainstream Before that and you say well, how do you know it wasn't mainstream? One of my favorite songs is it is well with my soul And you know at the last verse it talks about the trumpet shall sound and The the when Jesus comes and he descends it says this the Heaven shall depart as a scroll You know where that you know where that verse you know where that's found in the Bible revelation chapter 6 You know when that happens after the Sun and moon are darkened You know what happens before that the tribulation After the tribulation the Sun and moon are darkened and the heavens depart as a scroll and guess what happens when that happens Jesus descends So the person that wrote it is well with my soul one of the most probably one of those famous hymns in the hymnal Was not a pre-trib rapture believer He understood whoever wrote that understood The timing of when Jesus was gonna come back. So That being said another verse on that Matthew 24 should be nailed in the coffin, right? But another verse on that go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 this they literally just have to make up stuff Right. This is where it's like all we believe the Bible literally we take it literally line upon line Precept upon precept and then you get to this chapter like well, you know Falling away, I mean that that sounds like the rapture Even though When you get raptured up into the clouds, you're not falling into the clouds Were you coming from outer space right? Like where where'd you start? But in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 it says now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ And by our gathering together unto him sounds like we're talking about the coming of Jesus and the rapture Which is basically being caught up in the clouds. That's what it'd be mean. The rapture means to be caught up That's what we're talking about But it says that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit Nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand He's basically saying don't be troubled That the day of Christ is at hand meaning that it can happen at any moment. Essentially that is right here It's right next to you, right? Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come Except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalted himself above All that is called God or that is worshiped so that he has God sits in the temple of God showing himself that he is God that happens that abomination desolation right there that says that that has to happen before he comes before that day of Christ comes before The coming of the Lord and our gathering together unto him that That time where the Antichrist is sitting in the temple saying he's God Happens within the midst of the seven-year period and it has to happen after that. I Mean can you be it could it be any clearer? So when it comes to doctrines differentiating us from the old IEP. Yeah, the post-trib pre-wrath rapture is A big big doctrine that differentiates us from them. And guess what? We're right about that because the Bible's Extremely clear on that doctrine now go to go to 1st John chapter 2 Another thing that if you're to look at a doctrine that differentiates us is that we're not Zionists or anti-zionism Now there are IFP churches that are anti-zionists or they they're not Zionists, you know my sending out Church, you know Wasn't Zionist, right? So they didn't hold to this doctrine some what I'm saying is I'm kind of speaking in a generality Most IFP churches are pretty Zionist though. What does that mean? Meaning that they believe that the Jews are God's chosen people. They're the apple of God's eye today you know those that are like banging their head against the wall over there in Jerusalem and that believe in the Talmud that says that Jesus is in hell boiling in hot excrement and that he was a deceiver and that he you know, basically They call them all the names in the book and call names that are like bad people in the Bible call them Balaam Those people are God's chosen people we need to bless them You know when it says to Abraham I will bless them to bless thee and curse them to curse thee They're like that applies to that Christ rejecting Jew That is bowing his head to this wall in Jerusalem or to any Jew out there That they're God's chosen people when we need to love them we need to praise them we need to bless them What does the Bible teach though? Notice what it says in 1st John chapter 2 and verse 22 1st John chapter 2 and verse 22 It says who is a liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ he is Anti-christ That denyeth the Father and the Son Whosoever denied the Son the same hath not the Father but he that acknowledges the Son hath the Father also What does the Bible say? You deny that Jesus is the Christ and what religion specifically believes there is a Christ and that Jesus is not that Judaism they're the most guilty of being anti-christ out of every religion that's in the world And You know, it says they're a liar and they're anti-christ Go to 2nd John verse 7 2nd John verse 7 2nd John verse 7 it says For many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh This is a deceiver and an anti-christ The Bible says little children it is the last time and as you have heard that anti-christ shall come even now are there many Anti-christ wherever you know that it is the last time and then it goes on to say that Those that deny that Jesus is the Christ is anti-christ so Judaism is an anti-christ religion by definition Why would we bless them? You're gonna bless them that curse our Lord You know the Bible says if anyone loved not our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema maranatha and anathema means a cursed and So no, we're not to bless them. And here's what it comes down to go to go to Roman chapter 2 Roman chapter 2 in a New Testament the old the it says the kingdom of God was taken away from Israel and Given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. What nation is that that holy nation that peculiar people that royal priesthood That That That basically comprises both Jews and Gentiles, okay So no matter if you're of Israel or not, if you believe on Christ you're one in Christ Jesus There's neither Jew nor Greek that middle wall partition has been broken down in the New Testament Guess what all those promises that were in Abraham if if you be in Christ And are you Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise all those promises that said I will bless them that bless Thee and curse and the curse thee that's the believers. That's not to unbelieving Christ rejecting Jews The moment Jesus died on the cross the old covenant was completely disregarded and a new covenant started At that point they weren't even the unbelieving, you know Israelites were no longer under that umbrella of promises that God was blessing that nation because of the Promises and because of the believers that were in that nation that was completely disregarded That old covenant that was made to the nation of Israel was completely disannulled it was taken from them and given to what the Bible would state as a Spiritual Israel and you know what this is called to most people that would look at this replacement theology And you know what or super sessionism or something like that Whatever you want to call it The Bible says he taketh away the first that he may establish the second talking about the first covenant in the second covenant You know that means is that if you don't think it was taken away then you're saying that he didn't establish the new covenant and That's blasphemous to think that Jesus is not the mediator of the new covenant right now that he didn't establish it yet Romans chapter 2 and verse 28 Romans chapter 2 and verse 28 it says for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision with which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and Circumcision is that of the heart and in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of man But of God, you know the Bible says in Revelation those that call themselves Jews and are not but do lie But are the synagogue of Satan You want to talk to me about like how we should bless the Jews and and all this stuff What does the Bible teach about that now? I'm not obviously I want them to get saved But we're talking about like praising and honoring and and you know blessing people that openly Reject Jesus and not only that but the religion is completely Blasphemous to Jesus I mean at least Islam and obviously Islam's blasphemous At least Islam would say that Jesus was a good prophet and you should bless him Right. Most religions aren't just like saying that he's in hell and hot excrement. I'll say that So when people are just like we're Judeo Christians, no, we're not Was Jesus a Jew sure he was a Jew because they was from Judea, you know Like in Judea and he says salvation's of the Jews why because they were the ones that had the true religion at that time They were the ones that were propagating the gospel at that time. But guess what that In now in the New Testament is neither Jew nor Gentile When Jesus said that it was during the Old Testament Because he didn't die yet So Romans chapter 9 to show you that spiritual Israel be like, well, where's this thing about spiritual? You know like that. There's a there's a physical Israel and a spiritual Israel Romans chapter 9 and verse 6 it says Not as though the Word of God had taken a none effect for they are not all Israel which are of Israel Now for that statement to be true. There has to be two different Israel's right? They're not all Israel which are of Israel That means there's people of Israel that are not all of Israel. Okay, that means there's a physical and there's a spiritual Okay, that's what it says in verse 7 neither because they are the seed of Abraham Are they all children but in Isaac shall they see be called that is they which are the children of the flesh? These are not the children of God But the children of the promise are counted for the seed It's straight up telling you that in this chapter starts off with the fact that he that Paul would say I wish myself occurs That Israel might be sitting, you know, like that basically Israel according to the flesh Would be saved right? The whole premise is that it's about people that are Israelites according to the flesh but not saved they still need to believe and then it goes on to say that The children of the flesh that those that are that are basically just physical descendants of Abraham They're not children of God that doesn't make them children of God You know, it makes you a child of God. You're all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus That's what makes you a child of God. So we reject Zionism to the core Because you know what we are marching to Zion because we're marching to that New Jerusalem, which is Mount Zion The New Jerusalem, which is in the heavens and We reject Zionism another another doctrine that we hold to that I would say the majority Although I'll say this there's plenty there. There are a lot of old IV churches that do hold to this doctrine They may not want to admit it or maybe they hold to it to a certain extent is the reprobate doctrine Go to Jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 30 Jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 30 I want I want to define what reprobate means But basically what the reprobate doctrine teaches is that there's people can come to a point where God Rejects them and they no longer have the ability to get saved. That's essentially what that doctrine is he wanted them to get saved he wants everybody to get saved and These people were given opportunities they knew God and glorified him not as God and It's not like they didn't know the truth at all They just rejected it rejected it rejected it and eventually there comes a point sometimes where God will reject them to where in this life They're incapable of salvation. They're incapable of believing essentially, okay, so Jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 30 it says Reprobate silver some men call them because the Lord hath rejected them. So what does reprobate mean? rejected Someone that's rejected. Okay, so very simple they were called reprobate silver Because the Lord has rejected them so he's kind of using reprobate silver like when you purify silver there's there's there's like the stuff that's rejected and cast out and The reason that he's calling them reprobate silver is because he's rejected them go to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter 3 And there's many places you can go on this subject You know where Jesus in John chapter 12 it talks about therefore they could not believe Because the Lord had blinded their eyes and hardened their heart unless they should you know Believe and be saved, you know, like the idea there is that He purposely hardens their heart blinds their eyes to where they won't believe okay and In the 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse 7 it says ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses. So do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith The reason that these people are gonna go to hell is because they're not gonna believe on Christ And the reason anybody goes to hell is because they don't put their faith in Christ Okay, but there can be there comes a point where God will take away that ability to where they can even believe He's taken away that capacity for them to even believe He's given to every man the measure of faith, but there can't be a point where that's taken away And now they they it says they could not believe okay, and that's the reprobate doctrine. Okay, and Which gets into other things that we believe, you know when it comes to like homos, you know how queers They're they're a product of being reprobate right child molesters are a product of being reprobate Serial killers are a product of being reprobate meaning that to get to that point to do those things They had to have been rejected by God and given over to the revile affections Therefore no, none of those are ever gonna get saved. They're dead men walking Right, they're going to go to hell We believe that there's no hope of salvation for the queer for the for the child molester and for the serial killer There's no hope of salvation because they can't believe It's been taken away from them. Okay, and when you see them do these unnatural sins, it shows you that Now, you know, what's interesting about this is I remember hearing a sermon by Jeff Owens who is clearly old IV I mean, we're talking house Anderson College Who ripped on the fags and said that that it's reprobate And that it should be executed And Then it came out online because back then in the 90s, you know You didn't have internet like it is today and when everybody found out because he's at he's at a pastors conference Where it's just like you're preaching to the choir, right? But if anybody else hears that well, I didn't really mean it like that, you know Like I was I was temperate in my youth, you know I was just young know you were filled with the Spirit of God is what you were when you preach that And you're actually preaching what the Bible says the reprobate doctrine is not something that's completely just not in the IFB But I'll say this in the new IP Every church that I know that consider some new IP hold to that doctrine so you don't have to like The whole point is like let's say you were moving to another state another another city and you're like I want a church that holds to these doctrines new IP every single time. I Be You might get win the lottery Right and find one that holds to this doctrine, but it's gonna be few and far between nowadays I think it used to be a lot more back maybe in the 90s But things have gotten so watered down and they've left off some of these doctrines. Okay? So here's that here's an example of where they've kind of just leaving it off, right? They're not Not holding to it anymore because they're afraid of persecution Essentially, that's what it really comes down to people that don't hold to that doctrine are afraid of persecution and They'll say well, you know, you're gonna lose a lot of people, you know You're not gonna win as many people to Christ if you hold to that doctrine. It's actually quite the contrary, which is interesting It's quite the contrary. I don't know how many people that I wouldn't even got into the conversation to lead them to Christ if I didn't explain that doctrine or Landed the plane because when you're explaining the eternal security they bring up. What about pedophiles? And Then you explain to them. Well, they're never going to believe they're dead men walking and they're like, okay that makes sense That have gotten saved because of that Actually, you know who doesn't You know who most even when you run into people and they and you tell them this doctrine they don't even get saved They still like yeah, that makes sense. You know, I don't necessarily agree with it But you know, I respect your position on that Most times like people that are you unsaved will at least respect you for taking a stand on what you think what the Bible says right But you know who gets offended by it Christians Isn't that funny? It's like oh you're gonna you're gonna get offend all these people and they're not gonna get saved, you know So the only people that seem to be offended are you these watered-down Christians that can't handle the truth That's very interesting to me that it's the unsaved people that can handle it and you can't so anyway Going on the last doctrine I'm going to mention it. This isn't an all-inclusive place I'm just kind of giving you the big ones here. We're anti dispensational What does that mean to the core I'm talking more so about hyper dispensationalism because there are Dispensational Baptists that basically are still saved But again, the only dispensation that I would hold to is the Old Testament and New Testament if you want to call that a dispensation but dispensation Dispensationalism as far as what they believe is completely not biblical the times when it talks about the word dispensation It's talking about preaching the gospel and dispensing the gospel So I'm a dispensationalist in the fact that I believe that we need to go soul winning and preach the gospel But that's not what they mean. What they mean is that God worked in different ways of different people and Ultimately what they'll say if these hyper dispensationalists is they'll say that people are saved differently at different times That people were saved by works in the Old Testament and they were saved by grace in the New Testament and then in the Thousand-year reign people are gonna be saved by works again, or it's gonna be a combination and they're just like these different Gospels Essentially different ways of salvation go to Romans chapter 4 if you ever run it in the things that people were saved different ways in times past This annihilates it. Okay, Romans chapter 4 and verse 1 Romans chapter 4 verse 1 It says What shall we say then that Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh hath found for if Abraham were justified by works He hath where of the glory but not before God for what set the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him For righteousness. So was Abraham saved by works or saved by faith? Faith right not by works It says now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but a debt But the him that worketh not but believeth on him that justified the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness So when we're talking about Abraham believing, you know, what you're saying is they didn't work at all No works at all sound familiar For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves that is get to God not of works as any man should boast Then it goes on to say well, you know that was before the Old Testament. That's an exception, right? It's interesting because at the end of the chapter it says this was not written for Abraham alone But for everyone basically that would believe on Christ so Yeah, it's not he's not an exception. It clearly states that he's not an exception But keep reading there. This is before the Old Testament, right? This is this is before Moses and the law, right? What about during the Moses law in verse 6? Even as David also described the blessings of the man unto whom God impudeth righteousness without works Saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord Will not impute sin So you already have right here stating and you know what? This is quoted in Psalm 32 and it also stays in Psalm 32 in whose spirit is no guile Which is a doctrine that we hold to in the New Testament that who's are born of God doth not commit sin for a seed remain At the end of many cannot sin because he's born of God Spiritually speaking you're completely sinless. Guess what spiritually speaking a David when he believed on Christ was spiritually sinless Same thing with Abraham So, where's the new gospel at here where's people being saved by works Abraham wasn't David wasn't And you say well, you know All you know the the Gospels they they talk about believing guess what most of the Gospels are in the Old Testament It's not until you get the chapter where he dies on the cross that you've crossed over into the New Testament So all those verses for God's to love the world he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish But everlasting life Old Testament He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life and he to believe not the Son shall not see life But the wrath of God abideth on him Old Testament Verily verily saying to you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into Condemnation but is passed from death in a life Old Testament So tell me again that people were saved by works in the Old Testament Now that's we're anti-dismissationalist You know, obviously God spoke in different manners and time past we know that so if that's what you mean by a dispensationalism I reject your term. I reject your your terminology For it but yes God who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake and time passed unto the fathers by the prophets Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son. Yes. He spoke to Moses out of a burning bush Yes, he spoke to Elijah out of a still small a small still voice and I'm Which way that goes but anyway, he spoke to people in different manners different times dreams Visions all that right. No one's denying that But give me a break with this dispensational garbage and calling it dispensationalism because it's a catalyst to Getting into false doctrine is what it is and trying to separate different times and say well it was different for them than us Give me a break obviously in the New Testament It's actually better because we had the Holy Ghost living inside of us, but I wouldn't call that a dispensation Okay So I go to Revelation chapter 2 Now doctrine going away from doctrine, you know, what I see is a renewing of soul-winning a Reviving of soul-winning old IV went soul-winning You know how I got saved By by a friend who invited me to church because he knew that people needed to get saved He had no idea what I believed or anything like that at the time but you know what the church he went to went soul-winning they went door-to-door and Old IV churches went door-to-door soul-winning and a lot of people got saved from that and I'm a product of an old IV church if you will And so I'm not here to say they never did it But I'll say this they're falling off the face of the planet with their soul-winning Good luck trying to find an old IV Church that actually goes soul-winning anymore And goes on a regular basis like well we go once a month And when they go they're just visiting church members So when I think a new IV I think of Soul-winning and getting back to the first works. Okay, look at Revelation chapter 4 I'm sorry Revelation chapter 2 verse 1 It says Revelation 2 verse 1 unto the angel of the church and of Ephesus Right these things said he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not and hast found them liars and hast borne and hast patience and for my Namesake hast labored and hast not fainted Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and will and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou Repent be but this thou hast that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate So, you know they had they had good doctrine. They were patient, you know, like all these different things They even hated things that God hated But they weren't doing the works right? They weren't doing the first works and ultimately they were losing that love for God because they weren't doing the works right and What are the first works? We'll go to Matthew chapter 28 You're talking about New Testament churches here I it's probably what Jesus told them to do As soon as the New Testament started right news testament started the moment Jesus died But after he rose again, he gave them specific commandments of what to do Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 It says go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever commanded you and though I'm with you always even at the end of the world Amen notice that this this commandment isn't done yet until the end of the world and This is the what we call the Great Commission getting people saved getting them baptized and discipling them. I sense it essentially, right? That's our that's our mission. That's our mission as a church Get people saved get them baptized and teach them to observe all things Okay, and repeat that over and over again, right? Mark 16 15 says and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature Acts chapter 1 after he right before he ascends up after he's been seen for 40 days in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 it says but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth so As soon as he resurrects from the dead He gives him the Great Commission and after he ascends up after being seen and witnessed for 40 days He gives him that same Great Commission essentially Being a witness to all the world. So when it comes to new IP, I think of doctrine I think of soul winning right and how soul winning has been renewed It's it's exciting. I Mean if you think about new IP Church, the one thing you're gonna know is that they go soul winning, right? I Mean you may not agree with that church on everything, but you're gonna know one thing they go door-to-door soul winning It's not a question It's not like going to another Baptist Church be like do you do soul winning and it's just a big question mark As far as whether that's the case you find a new IP Church they go soul winning. Okay, and they probably go soul winning a lot But so when I think about that, I think of soul winning now, I'll just tell you like where did this new IP come from? Well You know pastor Anderson is kind of like the person that Kind of jump-started this whole movement if you will and again a lot of these things were already being done But it's more so amped up Right. I think about when I first met him One thing that I remember was that I realized you can actually memorize books of the Bible That's the first thing that came to mind because I heard him like he quoted off the whole book of Hebrews and I'm like, whoa You can do that. So then I started memorizing books of the Bible And another thing was is the post-trib rapture I was going to old IV Church and I was listening to old IV preaching But I just could not find the preacher rapture in the Bible when I was reading it It looked like it was after the tribulation Just from reading right pastor Anderson preached the post-trib pre-wrath rapture and I'm like, whoa there's a Baptist pastor out there that actually preaches that and another thing that I saw that really helped me was that he was all about soul winning and We were about soul winning and we're like, man, that's great And I didn't I never had like a clear-cut plan on how to give the gospel and he had a presentation Like that he did where it was kind of like a mock, you know door-knocking presentation where he did this whole plan and I'm like and my soul winning went up because I was like Oh, I got a plan. I'm not just going in here just like rogue every time on where I'm gonna go how I'm gonna end this thing and So soul winning right so immediately there's kind of like this idea of like this doctrine that was sound There was soul winning that was there is hard preaching The reprobate doctrine was another thing that I never heard of before then I find out later that yeah It actually was around. It's just that the churches I went to never preached it. Okay, and You know for a while there It was just kind of him and we would listen to his sermons and stuff like that then pastor Jimenez started a church that was very like-minded with that type of stuff and But it was just like this revival if you will of soul winning a revival of getting sound doctrine and It wasn't known as new IP. I don't even know when that came to be as far as a title on that We were just I have be churches that Were different than the old I have be as far as where our stance that we took on certain things and the soul winning And all that but I'll say here's one thing that I know was in the old I have be But I but is is it kind of got Faded out and there was only certain people that would hold to this was that when you went soul-wetting you emphasize eternal security Now when I got saved, I didn't need to know anything about the old I have be or any other thing like that I know one thing that when I heard the gospel they said that if you think you can lose your salvation, you're not saved That's the thing. I remember that's where the rubber met the road and when it comes to this new IP churches emphasize so eternal security and A lot of old I have be churches. They're not preaching anything wrong They're not saying anything wrong, but I would call it shallow soul-winning Meaning they're not they're not hitting the the most important thing in my opinion, which is eternal life They may say it they'll say the gift of God is eternal life. They'll use they'll use Romans chapter 6 23, but They don't emphasize the fact that hey if you think you can lose your salvation, then you're not putting all your faith in Christ And that was a distinct thing that is found Where if you go to a new IP church, people are preaching eternal security You go to an old I be church. You might find one that is very good on that but it that's probably be few and far between because Jack Hiles and a lot of the Hiles Anderson like Run, they're like where preachers came out of house Anderson. It was more of a shallow type soul-winning Eternal security usually is mentioned but it's after you've already prayed with a person That's how it usually went. It was like all by the way now that you believe this now that you pray this just know this You can't lose your salvation It's like an afterthought Whereas it's the emphasis in our presentation at a new IP church. Okay, so again We're not destroying the landmark of old IP churches that went out door-to-door, but we've honed it in we made it better Okay, we made it More diligent Just honing it in making sure that we're not giving people a false false sense of security or anything like that the last thing I want to mention that will be done is the doctrine is A big difference between new IP and old IP there's certain doctrines that are just like, you know, like if they're posted pre-wrath They're anti Zionism. They're anti-dismissational. They believe the reprobate doctrine. You're like They're they're new I they're probably new IP right doesn't necessarily mean that but at the same time like that's that's like trademark differences, right The soul winning that the soul winnings ramped up you go there. They have so many times You can go soul winning at a new IP church, right and then you know Not only that but the soul winning is gonna be diligent soul winning. It's gonna be Preach that you need to get into eternal security So people understand it the third thing that I would think about is the stand The hard stand against sin and against the things of this world That the new IP takes that I guess the courage I would say of Preachers and people in the church to stand up for the things of God Go to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and then we'll be done. I'll say this in Ezekiel chapter 22 in verse 30 It says and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the Land that I should not destroy it, but I found none God wants men of God once once children of God to stand up for the truth. So God doesn't destroy the land and When it comes to this the preaching of the old IAB has become weak when it comes to Standing up against, you know preaching against sin and standing up for the things of the Bible They end up apologizing You know, Jeff Owens apologized for preaching against the queers And that's unacceptable It's unacceptable. He shouldn't be a preacher if you're not willing to stand up for the truth You Know we got I got on the news one time for just preaching a sermon about my capital punishment and the person just like You know, are you? Are you sorry at all for preaching? I'm like, no, so why would it be sorry for what the Bible says? you know when it comes to Like I'm just stating what it says Said people should be sorry that they don't believe that you know what it actually says You Regret saying it. I don't regret a word. I Mean why would I apologize for the truth? Why would I apologize for what God said and in second Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 It says I charge thee therefore before God in the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and His kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season Reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine But after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves? Teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their heart their ears from the truth and shall be turned on the fables But watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry the hard Stance and there are still old old IP churches that are taking a hard stance, but listen New IP churches are known for taking a hard stance Specifically against the fags because that's the major fight that's going on right now That is the major fight that's going on right now and That fight always comes to us. It's not like we're trying to like Make a fight with that but at the same time the world right now are so sympathetic and they're so just coddling to a bunch of perverts and and and you know what the Bible would call abominations that The reason that is that way is because preachers and time past haven't preached hard enough on it And people have just sympathized with it they just go along to get along they don't want to deal with the persecution but Show me a new IP church that has apologized for their preaching against that sin against those people Against or apologize for any doctrine that they preached behind the pulpit That Would be offensive to somebody Show me anybody's apologize for it, but I could show you preacher after preacher that has apologized for this in the old IP Because they did they don't want to they want to be loved of the world essentially But woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you Because so did they So did the fathers unto the false prophets, right? I mean the idea there is that Marvel not if the world hates you She said they hated me before they hated you and you know what when people are like Oh, you know all these people hate you and all these people are against you and you're getting all these death threats and all this Stuff, you know, you think that's what you think that's Christ like well, they killed him Don't you know the story They hated him they called him the devil They called him Beelzebub and said that he casts out Devils by the Prince of the Devils and if they and Jesus said if they Call me Beelzebub How much more shall they call you Right. I mean they're gonna call the Lord the devil how much more they gonna call you Devils. Are they gonna hate you? They're gonna they're gonna speak all manner of evil against you But In the end we realize that that's just the way the world is and You know what? We should actually be rejoicing Because greater is our reward in heaven for it The new IP is a reviving of Christianity is what it is it's a reviving of getting back to what the Bible actually states and Living for the Lord like they did in the book of Acts when they would be praying for boldness Winning people to Christ on mass getting persecuted and Turning the world upside down for Christ. That is what our church is about And you know what? The old IP has fallen off the wagon and you know what? We're the reviving of it We're not getting rid of the old landmarks that we're good, but we're not gonna keep landmarks that are bad we're gonna purge out the old leaven that's bad and So that would be a new loan and that's why we're considered new IFB and And so let's end with a word of prayer the holy father we think today Thank you for your word and just pray to you to help us to be a glorious church to you Help us to be righteous help us to be doing the first works help us to love you and have that first love and Lord just paid you to help us to To sure up any doctrines that we may be not good on or anything like that Obviously, we know that or we could be wrong on things But to never just hold to it just because it's tradition and Lord just pays you to be with us as we go out So winning and Lord, we love you in parallel since you use Christ name man It's where they will come and sing one more song and they'll be dismissed You All right, take your some books and turn to song number four Song number four We'll sing the way of the cross leads home if you would stand we'll sing song number four I Must needs go home by the way of the cross. There's no way, but this I shall ne'er get sight of the gates of light if the way of the cross I Mess the way of the cross leads home the way of the cross leads home it is sweet to know as I onward go the Way of the cross leads home I must needs go on in the blood sprinkled way The path that the Savior trod if I Arrogant climb to the heights of life where the soul is at home with God the