(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Song number 263, we'll start with Verily Verily, if we would all stand. Sing song number 263. Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Ver Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily Verily 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meeting this Friday and so any men that can make it out I know that there were some men that were wanting to do kind of a preaching time and that's always open so anytime you have a sermon or something like that on these these men's prayer meetings bring that and all that so and obviously if you're not feeling well and you can't make it Friday this Friday then the next prayer meeting you could do it then as well so but if you want to do it every single men's prayer meeting barring we don't have like 50 people doing it every single time and we have for lack of time then you could do it every single Friday so and I'm probably gonna if that if that keeps up I may you know on top of the the prayer meeting time do kind of like a little preaching class as far as just some tips as far as not that I'm the best preacher in the world but I preached a couple sermons a few so at least tips as far as preaching and writing sermons and different things like that as we go through that so and then the women's prayer meeting will be the next Saturday and then June we have two big soul winning marathons lined up here brother Charles is leading up the one in Philadelphia on the 10th and then we're gonna be leading up meaning like pretty much all a lot of us men but you know brother Dave I and just a lot of people are gonna be going out to Indianapolis on the 24th so if you have if you're wanting to go to that you have not let either myself or brother Dave know let us know we're trying to get lodging so we're gonna be basically going up on Friday and then we're going to stay the night and then go out soul winning that morning and so let us know and we'll make sure we take care of lodging if there's anyone you don't want a room with let us know you're like absolutely not that person you know I don't know who I'm rooming with so but we'll find out but anyway so and then we have our chapter memory for the month we're coming to the end of the month here but Psalm 120 and then Psalm 37 25 is a memory verse for the week and then all the pregnancy lists there be in prayer for Miss tiara Amanda and Jennifer so be in prayer for these ladies and just pray everything goes well there and I think the Alaska's are having a girl you guys are girl okay and then I don't think the signs know yet right so we were start we're on a track to get more boys in here but then it's going back to girls so so I'm not I'm not I'm a big I got I'm still outnumbered so but but it is our it is the men's fault you know for whatever that's worth you know we're the ones that determine that but not that we have any control that all joking aside obviously we love girls and we want you know if our whole church is full of women that'd be great but it's about all I have for announcements offering box in the back there if you want to give a tie they're offering mother baby rooms for the mother babies only we're gonna be continuing our study through the book of Luke they're gonna be in Luke 13 I think but David you're gonna be reading tonight right so so we're gonna do one more song and then brother Dave is gonna come up and read Luke chapter 13 for us turn to song number 350 song number 350 revive thy work song number 350 I work Oh Lord my mighty arm a bear speak with the voice that heals the dead and make thy people hear revive revive and give refreshing showers the glory shall be all thine own the blessing shall be ours revive thy work Oh Lord disturb the sleep of death quick in the smoldering embers now by thine almighty breath revive revive and give refreshing showers the glory shall be all thine own the blessing shall be ours revive thy work Oh Lord create soul thirst for thee but hungering for the bread of life oh may our spirits be revive revive and give refreshing showers the glory shall be all thine own the blessing shall be ours revive thy work Oh Lord exalt thy precious name and by the Holy Ghost our love for thee thine in flame revive revive and give refreshing showers the glory shall be all thine own the blessing shall be ours man if you would turn to Luke chapter 13 brother Dave able to read that for us Luke 13 if you found your place amen and the Bible reads there are present at that season some that told him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices and Jesus answering said to them suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners were sinners above all the Galileans because that they suffered these things I tell you nay but except ye be bent you saw all thy Christ Paris for those 18 upon whom the Tyre of Siloam fell and slew them think ye that they were sinners above all men that drove from Jerusalem I tell you nay but except you repent you saw all thy grace Paris he spake also this parable a certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came and sought fruit thereon and found none and he said unto the dresser of his vineyard behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none cut it down why come birth at the ground and he answering sudden to him Lord let it alone this year also till I shall dig about it and dung it and if a bear fruit well and if not then after that shall cut it down and he and he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath and behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was buried together and could have no wise lift herself up and then Jesus sorry he called her to him and said to her woman thou at least tonight infirmity and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God and the ruler of the synagogue answered with ending nation because that Jesus Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day is said to the people there are six days miss men ought to work in them therefore come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day the Lord then answered him and said thou hypocrite does not each one of you on the Sabbath day loses ox or is asking the stall and need him a rate of watering and not not this woman being a daughter of Abraham who Satan had bound well at least 18 years we lose from this bond on the Sabbath day and and when he had said these things always adversaries were ashamed and all the people rejoice for all the glories things that were done by him then said he under what is the kingdom of God like and where unto shall I resemble it it is like a grain of mustard seed was a man took and cast into his garden and it grew and wracked a great tree and the fowls of the year lodged in the branches of it and again he said where unto shall I like in the kingdom of God it is like 11 which woman took and hid in three measures of meal to the whole was leavened and he and he went through the cities and villages teaching and journeying to Jerusalem then said one under him Lord are there few that be saved and he said to them strive to enter in at the straight gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able when once the master of the house is risen up and has set the door and you begin to stand without and to knock at the door saying well Lord open unto us and he shall answer and saying to you I know you not once you are then selling you begin to say we have eaten and drunk in thy presence and that has taught in our streets but he shall say I tell you I know you not once you are depart with me all you workers of iniquity there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when he shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and knowledge and all the prophets and the kingdom of God and knew yourselves thrust out and they shall come unto you from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and shall sit down in the kingdom of God and behold there are last for shall be first and there are first for shall be last and the same day there came certain of the Pharisees saying on them get thee out and depart thence for Herod will kill thee and he said unto them go ye and tell that Fox behold I cast out devils and I do cures today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected nevertheless I must walk today and tomorrow and the day following where it cannot be that a prophet Paris out of Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem is kills the prophets and profits and stonest them that are sent under thee how often I have gathered thy children together as a hen does gather her brood under her rings you would not behold your house is left under you desolate and barely a saying to you he shall not see me until the time come and he shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord that's very the Lord I thank you for this opportunity to come back to church with you be a pastor for that you fill in with your spirit Jesus name amen hey man so you're there in Luke chapter 13 and the chapter is definitely a lot shorter and a lot of these chapters going forward at least some of these ones in between before we get to the end of the the book here are a little shorter but Luke 13 this is when every time I hear I hear Luke 13 I think of repent you know and this is a passage this beginning portion is a passage that has been ripped out of context and put on so many tracks as far as like talking about you know what you must do to be saved I've actually seen a track where it says it literally puts the first part of Acts 16 where it says what must I do to be saved and then it says Luke 13 repent and it's just like what in the world I'm talking about ripping it out of context so in Luke 13 and verse 1 here it says there were present at that season some that told him of the gal of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices okay so they're basically there's certain people there that were basically just telling him about these Galileans that basically Pilate killed when they were offering sacrifices right so it's kind of like he mingled their blood with the sacrifice so it's kind of a way and the reason that I believe that's the case is because he Jesus later on talked about how they perished right about these Galileans that perished so basically these Galileans you know Pilate mingled their blood with their sacrifices and Jesus answering said unto them suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans because they suffered such things I tell you nay but except ye repent you shall all likewise perish now there's a key word there likewise likewise means in the same manner just like that right and I want I challenge you as I'm reading through here where and hell was mentioned anywhere condemnation you know eternal damnation hell gnashing of teeth anything like that okay so these these Galileans perished okay and it said in basically their blood was shed right but in verse 4 here he gives another there's another example he says or those 18 upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and slew them think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwell in Jerusalem I tell you nay but except ye repent you shall all likewise perish and basically what he's stating here is that these Galileans or these people in Jerusalem they weren't the worst sinners there they weren't like the the top-notch sinner if you will or the chief sinners in the town but he's basically saying they weren't because that's the question he's like do you think that they were sinners above everybody else there and he's like no you know nay means no but he says except ye repent you shall all likewise perish it does that perish there is clearly talking about physical death physically perishing I mean did because that tower fell on did they go to hell is that is that a euphemism for hell pilot killing these Galileans is that a euphemism for hell like where in here do you see anything about hell or about eternal you know eternal damnation or the afterlife or the soul being killed or anybody being cast anywhere or that God's doing that he's just saying that this tower fell on them and he's like do you think there were worse sinners and then he's over here and he's like no so you shall all likewise perish and really it's that simple to explain that passage and you say well what are they repenting of well you know this whole passage is going to be dealing with the fact of basically what the fact that Jerusalem is going to be destroyed physically that's what the chapter ends with okay and just look down there at Luke 13 and verse 34 and there's gonna be other examples of this as we go down okay but at the same time you say well how's that what's that got to do what it what's perishing you know what's what's what's this mean how do you apply this to them right why is he saying this to them those who says verse 34 Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem which kills the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together as a hen that gather her brood under her wings and you would not behold your house is left unto you desolate and verily I say unto you you shall not see me until the time come when you shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord and this gets into the idea that he's leaving them desolate and I'm beginning to tell the verses here because the next thing that's stated about this this this fig tree is lock and stab dealing with with Israel with Jerusalem and specifically and if you remember the big prophecy that's going to come upon Israel in the near future which already happened obviously but in the near future for them is the fact that Jerusalem is going to be destroyed in a temple there's not going to be one stone left upon another and that there's going to be basically in and we know that that happened in 70 AD and you know with the Roman Empire and all that stuff right but the idea here is that what do they have to repent from killing all the prophets rejecting the Lord now obviously you know these people are going to go to hell if they don't accept him but he's talking about physically perishing and he's basically saying it's not reserved for the the most wicked right and you know this can be a lesson even to believers in the fact that you know when you think about well I you know God did this to certain people in the Bible but you know that wouldn't happen to me you know I'm not the worst sinner out there you don't have to be the worst sinner for something like that to happen that's kind of the premise there is that you don't have to be the cheapest sinner for you to you know be killed essentially and but anyway that really it's that simple is the fact that he's saying that you don't likewise perish and I love that it says that you know and obviously the Bible's right and the by every word is important but it doesn't just say except you repent you shall all perish right likewise means it has to be like a tower falling on you or pilot killing you right so you know it's very simple to explain but yet how many have seen on a track Luke 13 except you repent you shall likewise perish I mean that this is one of their text verses the repentance crowd and and listen this is technically you know it says are they sinners above all the Galileans except you repent you shall likewise perish I mean you could argue that that's talking about turning from sin but we're not talking about hell we're not talking about heaven we're not talking about salvation we're talking about physically not perishing and guess what when Jonah preached to the Ninevites they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them and he did not so you know that would be an example now we obviously know that they didn't actually like the nation of Israel didn't turn to God and they ended up getting destroyed and so they did likewise perish so in Luke 13 and verse 6 there this next thing that stated here when he speaks this parable I believe it's dealing with the same principle okay because this parable I believe is directed straight at Israel straight at Jerusalem and actually I did a whole sermon on the parable of the fig the fig tree parables because he speaks this parable here but then you have the parable of the fig tree like in Matthew 24 and people try to always like that's Israel you know when in Israel is tender you know 1948 now that parable is clearly talking about when when the stars are falling from heaven as a fig tree like as a figs off of a fig tree as it says in Revelation chapter 6 okay so listen a fig tree can be used for multiple examples okay it's not just locked into Israel but in this case it definitely is talking about Israel and there's I'll show you another place where it's mentioned and it's clearly talking about Israel but notice what it says in verse 6 here says he spake also this parable a certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came and sought fruit there on and found none then said he unto the dresser of this his vineyard and I want you to notice this how long was this fig tree there or how long was he searching for fruit on it not necessarily how long fig tree is there but how long was he searching for fruit behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none cut it down why come birth it the ground you think about how that would apply in Jesus day how long was these ministry well he started at the age of 30 now I believe he was a little over 33 years old now the reason that we believe his ministry was like three years or a little more than three years is because of how many Passovers took place from when Jesus started his ministry okay so if you go from John chapter 1 when he starts his ministry baptized and chapter 2 after the cane of Galilee where he turns turns the water into wine he goes down to Jerusalem or up to Jerusalem I can't remember either way he goes to Jerusalem and they keep the Passover is going on right and then you'll see the Passover mentioned again I believe it's in chapter 8 7 or 8 and then it obviously the Passover is when Jesus dies right so there's three Passover I believe it's three Passovers that take place since he starts his ministry and basically now some people will discount that that one verse in John where it says the Passover drew 9 and say well that shouldn't be there and all this stuff it's like no it should be there it's in the Bible that's you know the the modern versions that take that out but all that to say is that if he starts his ministry before that Passover that takes place in John 2 and then he dies on a Passover right then you have a little more than three years okay now I say that because it says for these three years I'm come seeking fruit on this tree and it says in verse 8 it says any answering said unto him Lord let it alone this year also till I shall dig about it and dung it and if it bear fruit well and if not then after that thou shalt cut it down now think about you say well okay how does that like three and a half years how's that just how's that not four years right well think about it if I if I was if I started looking at fruit on that tree let's say right now okay for sake of argument well one year from now where am I at I'm in the end of May right another year from now I'm at the end of May another year from now I'm at the end of May how many years is that three say well this year also meaning let's finish out the year right that's a way you know a figure of speaking or not a figure of speech but the way you say it right for this year also right meaning like let's let's finish out the year because it's not it doesn't say that he started looking at the fruit of the beginning of the year like the first day of the first month of the year right so obviously it could be a little more than three years but either way I believe this perfectly lines up I personally believe that Jesus ministry is about three and a half years and there's a lot of different you know time periods like that where you have like Elijah for three and a half years prophesied and it rained not and you know all that stuff as far as the maybe the reasoning but it doesn't really matter okay it doesn't state exactly three and a half years but I believe this lines up perfectly with Jesus ministry and that he's basically coming to his vineyard and there's multiple places in the Bible where the vineyard is liking unto Jerusalem or to Israel and basically he doesn't find any fruit on it he's like cut it down and basically the dresser of the vineyard is like let's just let it go well just a little bit longer right and what he says here says in verse 8 it says he answered answering said unto him Lord let it alone this year also till I shall dig about it and dung it and if it bear fruit well and if not then after that thou shalt cut it down now basically just fertilizing around it right he's basically I'm gonna fertilize it you know and basically by the end of the year if it's sparing fruit great if not let's cut it down which lines up perfectly with what happens with you know with Jerusalem and with Israel after that now go to John chapter 1 John chapter 1 because actually go to Matthew chapter 21 I'm just gonna read to you John 1 in verse 10 it says he is in he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not he came unto his own and his own received him not and this is what it's really getting to is the fact that he's coming on to his own he's coming on to his own vineyard they're not receiving him okay they're rejecting him not everybody because it says because but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name right so he's basically stating that he came on to his own but by and large they received him not now there were people that received him but it was the minority right it was it was few okay when you look at how many people obviously thousands of people believed on him thousands of people followed him but at the same time thousands out of what number of people that were there it was a few in number compared to that now Matthew chapter 21 notice what it says in verse 18 now this isn't a parable this is just something that happened but it's dealing with a fig tree notice what it says in verse 18 now in the morning as he returned into the city he hungered and when he saw a fig tree in the way he came to it and found nothing there on but leaves only and said unto it let no fruit grow on thee henceforth forever and presently the fig tree withered away and when his disciples saw it they marveled saying how soon is the fig tree withered away so in one in the parable he's cutting down the tree and he's giving you a time frame as far as how long he was looking for fruit on this but then in this case he comes to it doesn't find any fruit and basically he just commands it to be withered away and they're like how soon it was withered away kind of reminds you of the fact that it says he made the first old now that that that which is old and wax or that which decays and waxes old is ready to vanish away because notice what it says in the same chapter because this whole chapter Matthew 21 is dealing with Israel and dealing with Jerusalem and even the Pharisees at the end of the chapter knew that he spake these parables against them right I mean they even understood this but in verse 42 there says Jesus said unto them did you never read in the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected the same is become the head of the corner this is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes therefore say unto you the king the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth what the fruits thereof and obviously the pair the parable that he gives right before that is about the vineyard where he eventually sends his son they kill his son because he's coming to get the fruits out of his vineyard in the parable in Luke chapter 13 he's talking about a specific tree in that vineyard a fig tree right and at that didn't get fruit and basically how he's gonna go cut it down so you know when people want to look at all you believe in that replacement theology call it cutting away call it take away theology right I mean call it withered away you know like yeah listen just because it doesn't say replace doesn't mean that doesn't apply because obviously the New Testament replaces the Old Testament and that that that holy nation that God is blessing has been taken away from that physical nation of Israel and given to the nation of believers the Israel of God that holy nation which is not Jew or Gentile bond or free barbarian Scythian but all those that are in Christ make up that holy nation and that is where the blessings are at that's where the promises are at and now obviously you could read the whole book of Hebrews and understand the differences and understand you know how Jesus is the high priest and now he's the only sacrifice and you know all that other stuff is done away okay so you can understand why he's you know well one these people are bringing this story up to him about these Galileans and Pilate and and then perishing and all that and he's been just bringing up a point he's like do you think that they were the worst sinners you know that I'm paraphrasing but it's kind of like you think they were the worst sinners of the Galileans you think they were the you know the cheapest I tell you nay but he's putting it on them of like you're gonna perish though and it kind of reminds me when he's going to the cross and this happens in Luke you know where this story happens and the great thing about Luke is there's so many there's so many unique stories that you don't find in other Gospels but when he goes to the cross if you remember the the women are weeping for him he says weep not for me but for you and your children and what is he talking about well in the near future he's talking about Jerusalem being destroyed and you know obviously that's another term for another day so but knows that likewise it's not talking about heaven and how it's talking about physically perishing and how Jerusalem is going to be made desolate okay and so you got to take things in context now go to verse 10 here verse 10 and another unique story is this right here there's very similar elements to this story of where Jesus heals on the Sabbath day and the thing that's interesting about this is that this is clearly a different story than what a lot of the other Gospels record which is like a man with a withered hand right and then there's another story you know there's a story where basically a man that basically you know is lame and all that but this story is very unique you're dealing with a woman and you're dealing with it's kind of this infirmity that's actually to my knowledge I don't remember seeing this one now there's like the dropsy there's different things that are better mentioned but this one's very unique but the thing that's interesting is just thinking about how many times Jesus killed somebody on the Sabbath day and it was saying the same thing to them over and over again right and that this wasn't it wasn't just some one-off like you know you remember that time that Jesus told them about you know the fact that you can heal people on the Sabbath day and he gives these examples this obviously was happening a lot and when he's preaching and healing people on the Sabbath day and the same response is given but it's just interesting that it's happening definitely more than once but in Luke 13 verse 10 it says and he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath and behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bowed bowed together and could and no wise lift up herself now this is intense I'm not sure what this is I mean I I don't I think a scurvy you know I think of like different things that you know like I'm thinking of like that could I don't know what it is exactly but all you need to know is that basically she's kind of like you know kind of curled up and can't move 18 years 18 years I mean think about the woman that had the issue of blood for 12 years and just 18 years of being in this case and just unimaginable and but notice what it says here verse 12 it says and when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto her woman thou art loosed from thine infirmity and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God so this is obviously miraculous I mean 18 years that this is going on and you think about the stories where the the man is born blind he's over 40 years old and that's obviously a miraculous thing that no one could I mean even the parents like he was born blind he's clearly like oh it's like if I was standing up there and be like I was born blind but I can see now I'm not quite 40 yet but I'm closer but that would be kind of the comparison right who's 40 in here I'm just kidding actually we don't have enough people a lot of people are out and my brother's not here I would be like all right brother Joseph stand up I'm gonna use you as an example of someone that's 40 well he's 41 now but anyway it says he's above 40 anyway the whole point is we don't know how old this lady this woman is but 18 years that this is going on but immediately she was made straight but no so it says here in verse 14 and the rule of the synagogue answered with indignation so this this guy's angry right imagine that this woman 18 years since infirmity gets healed immediately and anything he's just angry about it it's like what is wrong with you what's the priorities and you know what there's a lot of people that have their priorities in the wrong place when it comes to church and different things like that meaning this is that there may be rules that are set in place but there are things that take higher priority when it comes to the things of God and people are just sometimes more I think about this with work and different things like that it's just like sometimes you need to use some common sense and I feel like in this case where people are constantly angry about like the set you know like keeping the Sabbath that they're they're too focused on like being so strict with this law that they don't use common sense to see where it wouldn't apply or where there's exceptions or whatever the case may be and obviously in a case of someone being healed from an infirmity to think no you gotta wait wait to wait till tomorrow right it's like all right Pharaoh wait for the frogs to be to be revealed relieved from you tomorrow right but it says in verse 14 it says in rule the synagogue answered with indignation because that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day and said unto the people so this is what this guy saying this is what the ruler of the synagogue is saying there are six days in which men ought to work in them therefore come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day can you imagine you imagine like hearing that and taking that seriously no no no no I know it's been 18 years I know you can't even like bring yourself up to even look up at us right now but you got to wait till tomorrow it's easy for you to say it's easy for this roller to the synagogue to be like yeah no you gotta wait until another day no compassion no compassion on this woman nor does the Bible ever say anything about like not healing somebody on the Sabbath day right there's no like by chapter and verse on that show me chapter and verse where you cannot be healed on Sabbath day and actually knows what says here or what Jesus says here in verse 15 it says the Lord then answered him and said thou hypocrite do not each one of you on the Sabbath day loose his ox or his ass from the stall and lead him away to watering he's just making a point he's like every one of you does that it's like how much more important is it for this woman to be healed then for your your ox or your ass to go get water but you'll go loose them to do that so he's calling them out as the hypocrite that he is in verse 16 it says and ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan hath bound lo these 18 years be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day so there's a lot of information in there but basically Satan himself had bound this woman 18 years so we get that information we saw the spirit of infirmity he's like sometimes they'll talk about a dumb spirit different things like that but I believe this woman got saved I believe that she's now saved because it says being a daughter of Abraham and now this could definitely be talking about like physically right you know that that she's of Israel right she's not some stranger but she's of Israel but it's then it goes on to verse 17 it says and when he had said these things all his adversaries were ashamed and all the people rejoice for all the glorious things that were done by him so he put him to shame he put in every single time that he says this to him they're like put the shame but then they get angry it's like you you put him in their place but now they're like wanting to kill him they're there they're you know basically coming after him and all that now the fact that she's a daughter of Abraham that could be just talking about physically or could be talking about the fact that she saved or that she got saved because the Bible says in Galatians chapter 3 go to Galatians chapter 3 dealing with salvation or believing were children of Abraham now the Bible says in Romans 4 11 it says that that he might be the father of all them to believe so dealing with Abraham and it says and the father of circumcision to them who are not the circumcision only but who also walk in the steps of the of that faith of our father Abraham which he had being yet uncircumcised and so basically if you follow in the steps of Abraham as far as believing then you are he's he's your father like and it it really comes down to what I'll like show you here explain here in Galatians 3 6 it says even as Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham so I think there could be a little more to him saying a daughter of Abraham right and the idea of the fact that hey this is a believer and you know it could be that maybe maybe there wasn't like Satan was it doesn't say that Satan was like she was possessed with Satan okay but more so she was bound by Satan with his infirmity and so there could be a case there were you know kind of like how Satan could make job have boils and stuff like that right and different things like that that could that could be caused through Satan but it's not like Joe was possessed with Satan okay but so she could be saved and the fact that she just has its infirmity right or that she got saved or that we're just talking about he's just making a point like hey she's she's one of you guys right she's of your she's of your nation like what are you doing like you don't have compassion it's kind of like you know the idea of being the Good Samaritan like do you not have compassion on your own I know you don't like the Gentiles but you know this is a daughter of Abraham it's kind of like could very well be that kind of slap in the face like this is this is one of your own kin right but but basically it says they which are a faith the same or the children of Abraham in the last verse of Galatians 3 verse 29 it says and if if you be Christ's then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise okay so what it comes down to is if you're a believer you're a child of Abraham why because he's he is the example of faith he's the example faith and you say well how is he you know well if you think about I mean we're brethren with Christ right in Christ the whole gospel the whole New Testament starts off with the generation the book of the generation of Jesus Christ the son of Abraham the son of David right so it starts off with that in the fact that you know physically speaking Jesus is a child of Abraham and if we're in Christ and we're brethren and you know we're in Christ and anyway you get it the whole point is is that there could be a little more to this as far as when he says being a daughter of Abraham then just the fact that she's physically and I think I think both apply with this woman I think she's both physically a child of Abraham through blood but also I believe she's she's saved as well so if she didn't get saved at that point or she's saved already now go to Luke chapter 13 and verse 18 and Jesus is going to mention a couple ways that heaven is like so or the kingdom of God is like unto and you can be thinking you know sometimes we say the kingdom of heaven sometimes say the kingdom of God I don't believe there's a difference between those two things some people try to differentiate between that but it'd be like if I said the kingdom of Israel the kingdom of David right one's the place one's the person right so I mean it's kind of like that analysis there I don't believe that you know well kingdom of God you know that's talking about what's in you and the kingdom of heaven is the place no I think we're talking about the same thing okay preaching the kingdom of God you know all that preaching the kingdom of heaven there's no difference between that and people try to make differences where it's not okay just as much as people try to say there's a difference between spirit and ghost there's not they're synonyms okay so anyway Luke chapter 13 in verse 18 it says then said he unto what is the kingdom of God like and wherein to shall resemble it so he's basically saying like let's let's let's compare it to something here and it says it is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden and it grew and waxed a great tree and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it so when you think about this one you can think about the fact that Jesus you know it says except that grain of wheat die you know it it basically remaineth alone but if it basically how a seed you know goes into the ground it dies and then it becomes a tree or plant or whatever you're you're growing right so the same thing principle would be obviously you can apply this to Jesus and the fact that he was buried rose again a third day and how out of that you know there's a lot that's grown out of that but I think you can he's more so looking on this as an individual basis as far as the way I like in both these because we're gonna get into 11 as well is dealing with the fact that little that you do now will pay dividends in eternity okay you think you think about that song little as much when God is in it and the little things that you do now you know when Jesus says you've been faithful a few things I'll make thee ruler over many things right and that kind of aspect of like having a little bit of what you're doing now and I think about this this analogy of the grain of mustard seed how that's used in a different place go to Luke chapter 17 Luke chapter 17 dealing with faith okay notice what it says in Luke 17 of verse 5 it says the apostles said unto the Lord increase our faith and the Lord said if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed you would say unto this sycamore tree be thou plucked up by the root and be thou planted in the sea and it shall obey you so when you're dealing with what's the kingdom of heaven like and unto I think about just little by little just a little what you do here will be massive in eternity and obviously we're dealing with rewards or authority or you know you can go down the line of what this would apply to but the idea of little as much when God is in it and you know it's not like it it's not a you know an even balance of what you do here is what you get in eternity what you do here is like down here what you get in eternity is way up here and it's an example I believe of kind of understanding like you know that how small a grain of mustard seed is it's the smallest of all grains you know it's the smallest right but then when it grows it's like this massive tree which I didn't know until you know obviously I was reading the Bible and then I look it up like yeah it is actually a big pretty big tree but the idea there is that the little things you do here on the earth or in the earth or you know but then talks about the fowls of the heaven lodging in it and you can see that comparison of what you do on earth that though it's small you give that look and think think about maybe not as much as the little amount of stuff you do but the little amount of time right think about the the short amount of time that you have right what is your life it is even a vapor that appear for a little time and then vanish at the way right it's that little amount of time that you have compared to all eternity and how that'll compare right so if you die now right die to sell you know die to the pleasures of this world now in this short period of time what that will give you in eternity is gonna be way bigger okay it's kind of giving that a comparison but it does the same thing with leaven it says in verse 20 of Luke 13 and again he said where unto shall I liken the kingdom of God it is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures a meal till the hole was leaven now this is the one place in the New Testament where leaven is used as a good example right think about the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees you think about you know in first Corinthians 15 a little leaven leaven the whole lump when you're dealing with when you're dealing with you know sin a little leaven leaven the whole lump when you're dealing with false doctrine you know and and Galatians chapter 5 a lot of times leaven is used as a bad thing in in the Old Testament too right I mean most the sacrifices were to be unleavened bread right Passover unleavened bread but there is a leavened bread sacrifice there's one right so it's kind of interesting that in the New Testament it's kind of the same way it's like there's all these bad examples of leaven but there's one good one it has to do with what heaven is like and if you think about it a little leaven leaven the whole lump and the idea is that just a little bit of that will cause this to grow massive okay the little grain of mustard seed will cause this massive tree to grow and it's it's basically two examples of the same concept I believe and you know you think about go to Proverbs chapter 30 Proverbs chapter 30 I was thinking about this passage but in second Corinthians chapter 9 you think sometimes that you know well we're a little church or there's just few of us you know what can we do in this life well the Bible says in second Corinthians chapter 9 you're going to Proverbs 30 second Corinthians 9 one says for as touching to the ministry to the Saints it is superfluous for me to write to you if I know the forwardness of your mind for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia and Achaia was ready a year ago and your zeal hath provoked very many so the idea is that you can be small but your zeal and what you're doing can cause many other people to start doing great works for God okay and so I love that song little as much as when God is in it because there's a lot of times especially if you're in a smaller church in a smaller area where you think like man are we making a difference are we really making a dent and ultimately we seem to do what God tells us to do and let the chips fall where they may but I believe that a lot of cases there's a lot of stuff unseen that you don't realize that our ministry has maybe you know cause to happen you know and so we need to always remember that that even the little things that we do they pay dividends in eternity okay but in Proverbs chapter 30 I was just thinking of this in verse 24 it says there be four things which are little upon the earth but they are exceeding wise so just because they're little or small or things like that doesn't mean that you know they're of small worth or value okay but the idea like these little animals and creatures right but it says the ants are people not strong yet they prepare their meat in the summer so it's like you know they're not strong but at same time they're smart they're wise the conies are but a feeble folk yet make they their houses in the rocks the locusts have no King yet go they forth all of them by bands the spider taketh hold with her hands and it and is in Kings palaces and this I I'm not gonna preach a whole sermon on this passage right here but you can you think about kind of looking to you know things that God has created to look at how that can apply to us where we think hey you know what are we we're like a bunch of ants you know in the cog of everything that's going on you know or conies which are like rabbits okay and who wants to be the locusts who wants to be the spider no but anyway the idea here is that you know the dividends that will pay for the little things that you do now I don't think that we'll ever we won't know until we get there but whatever you think it'll be it'll be greater than that you know I have not seen or you're heard neither has it entered into hard man what God has prepared for them that love him and in other places as those that wait for him and so I don't think that we could even imagine what it's gonna what that reward will be okay but go back to Luke chapter 13 and verse 22 Luke chapter 13 verse 22 and verse 22 there sad truth that we're gonna see here but it's it's the truth and and verse 22 it says and he went through the cities and villages teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem then said one unto him Lord are there few that be saved it's a good question right I mean that's a question that most people are asking like how many people are getting saved and we're gonna see what that answer is now he doesn't answer it necessarily directly like yes there's few that are saved but we'll see from cross-referencing that yes it is few it is few that are saved and notice what says and he said unto them strive to enter in at the straight gate okay now I want you to I'm gonna read the rest of this here in a minute but go to go to Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 so I just want you to see that this is a the answer to that is yes there's few that are saved because he says strive to enter in that straight gate now we know what other place where it talks about the straight and narrow right the straight gate the narrow way by the way straight doesn't mean crooked they're not crooked it means narrow okay so when you think it's straight without the gh in there which is the way it's spelled here we're talking about like the straights of Gibraltar right I'm gonna straight betwixt two it doesn't mean like not crooked it means like you're kind of enclosed between two things you're in this narrow place okay so straight narrow is just describing the same thing it's just the fact that yeah anyway it's just sending them to it but but in verse 13 here says enter ye in at the straight gate now what did what did you say after they said are there a few to be saved strive to enter in at the straight gate for why does the gate and brought us away that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there act because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and what few there be that find it so in this we see the statement that he says few there be that find it so there's few that enter in at that straight gate and that's the answer there's few that are saved and the Bible says many are called but few are chosen which you know the Calvinists really have fun trying to get around that one right because I thought everybody was called we get saved you know if God calls they're coming but it's got to make you got to make sure it's that effectual call not the general call right because that's in the Bible not really none of that's in the Bible it's just obviously he's calling everybody is if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me but that's what Jesus said but go back to Luke chapter 13 so we see that there are few that are saved unfortunately that's the way it is our job as soul winners to make that that few a little more right meaning that there's got and what you really think about that few is when I think about few it has to be less than 50% right I mean you got to be dealing with less than 50% or it would say like half and if it was more than 50% it would have to say it had to say many at that point in my opinion I mean so I think we're dealing with less than half percent or I'm saying less than 50% less than half a percent I don't know what the percentage is but it's few but reading on there it says strive to enter in at the straight gate notice this for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able now that's an interesting thing to be said there right and you may say well does that mean that that all the other people that don't get saved weren't able no what I believe is going on here is that there's a specific group of people he's gonna be mentioning because he doesn't just stop there and not say anything else he's gonna be talking about a specific group of people that he basically like there's a subset of many that are gonna try to strive in but they're not gonna be able okay this is like the the five virgins right actually this fits perfectly with five virgins because you're dealing with a door that shut okay but you're not just dealing with the typical unsaved person with this we're dealing with people that knew the truth and there's there's a time where that door can be shut to where they're no longer able okay and this is another passage to kind of teach on that the idea that there are people that that cannot believe that are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now they didn't start off that way it's not like God didn't want them to get saved because he's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance it says they'll have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth but there can there's people and you say well you know it says they're seeking well that's what it says in Proverbs chapter 1 it doesn't it they'll call and I will not answer they shall seek me and shall not find me right I mean that's really what's going on because they would none of my reproof they despise you know my wisdom you know and and I'm paraphrasing that because I don't have that memorized but but in Proverbs 1 it's kind of giving you the reason why that he called for them he was seeking for them and they refused so then when they go to seek for him and they go to call for him he's not gonna answer and so but keep reading there it says in the they're not able there's gonna be many that are not able it doesn't say that you know everybody that tries to strive to enter in that doesn't go in is not able but there are people there's gonna be many that are gonna try to but aren't able it says in verse 25 when once the master of the house is risen up and had shut to the door so that's the key here okay is that when he says for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able the win once the master of the house is talking about okay this is when this applies right when they're not gonna be able is when the master of the house is risen up and has shut to the door and ye begin to stand without and to knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us and he shall answer and saying to you I know no I know you not when she are then shall you begin to say we have eaten and drunken in thy presence and now has taught in our streets who do you think he's talking about I think specifically he's talking about those in Jerusalem when he was in his ministry I mean that would be the kind of no-brainer you know right if you're talking about the Lord it's like you've been teaching in our streets now you can obviously use that nowadays and say well we've heard you preached you know obviously we've we've heard your voice because we've heard the Bible preached right but I mean how much more would this apply in Jesus day and it says in verse 27 but he shall say I tell you I know you not when you are depart from me all you workers of iniquity there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves thrust out and they shall they shall come from the east and from the west and from the north from the south and shall sit down in the kingdom of God and behold there are last which shall be first and there are first which shall be last now what's interesting about that last statement there is that in Matthew 2016 it says so the last shall be first and the first last for many be called but few chosen which is kind of going into that same concept right that few are chosen few are saved but there are people that there's gonna they're gonna lose that opportunity door shut now anybody that dies without Christ the door shut that makes sense like I mean you're done but the principle is being taught is that there are some people where and you could you could just apply this to the fact of once they die you know the door shut they're not able to enter in but I think that this also applies with people that before they die that door can be shut right and this goes perfectly hand-in-hand with Matthew chapter 7 go to Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 in Matthew 7 obviously is where we were just at talking about straight gate the narrow way that leads on the life of you there be that find it but in this passage it in Luke 13 you're kind of getting an idea of who you're dealing with right Matthew 7 I think you're getting an idea who you're dealing with too you're not just dealing with the typical unsaved person okay because when you're dealing with workers of iniquity or those that work iniquity I believe you're dealing with a specific group and look up every time that phrase you know either workers of iniquity or those that work iniquity are used in the Bible and you'll see that that's a distinct group of people kind of like haters of God are or a distinct group of people and that you're not just dealing with a typical unsaved person okay we all do iniquity right but are we workers of iniquity right that's I think that there is a distinction between those now that being said and look in verse 21 there says not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord child in the kingdom of heaven that he did do with the will of my father which is in heaven so what did they say in Luke 13 Lord Lord open unto us right what did the what did the five virgins the five foolish virgins say Lord Lord open unto us right I think that's what I think that's exactly what they said let's just let me check that real quick yeah in verse 11 it says afterward came also the other version saying Lord Lord open to us they didn't say unto I'm sorry but it says Lord Lord open to us and you know the same thing is dealing with these and what did he say to those virgins I know you not and you say well you know they lost their salvation well Jesus says I my sheep hear my voice and I know them and I give unto them eternal life right the Bible talks about the Lord know with them that are his that he know with them that trust in him so that can't apply if it says I know you not now in Matthew 27 here Matthew 7 verse 21 it says but it says not everyone says unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven now what is that will well this is the will of him that sent me that everyone would see at the son and believe on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day so the will of the father is that you believe on the son so those are the people that are gonna enter the kingdom heaven but these people didn't do that verse 22 it says many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and then thy name done many wonderful works then will I profess them to them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity so the same kind of thing here it says I never knew you in Luke 13 it says I know you not when she are you know it's kind of like I don't know where you're from you know and so he's like I never knew you I don't know where you're from I know you not and obviously he doesn't they're not saved they're not believers they're not of the sheep you know they're not his sheep and you know a lot of people you know when you look at this be like well they cast out devils you know like you can understand like oh well people can prophesy in his name they're not saved and you could say well you know they did many wonderful works you know you can see how an unsaved person can say that but the casting out devils right well there's a certain sons of Sceva who cast out of the devil but they end up getting overtaken by those devils right so just because a devil is cast out by somebody you know or you know it seemed like they cast them out or let's say the devil is cast out but that doesn't mean that God did it so a lot of times the devils will cast themselves out and go to different places you have the Antichrist that frogs coming out of his mouth and out of the mouth of the false prophet like a devil and it says those frogs were devils so that's possible for that to happen and obviously you can see how God or I'm sorry how the devil can try to imitate God by doing those type of miracles if you will right and the Antichrist the false prophet gonna be doing those type of things like bringing fire down from from heaven and doing things that are gonna make it look like it's of God okay but obviously these things are not of God so we deal with the Pentecostals and sometimes you say well I saw this it's like yeah that's the devil doing it though the devil does have power to do certain miracles and even you know even uh you know in ferret with Pharaoh and the children of or I'm sorry in Egypt with the children of Israel if you remember those priests they they repeated everything that was doing until it came to the lice right I mean the frogs that the the turning water in the blood but when it got to the lice they're just like that's the finger of God but it doesn't say like I know it listen if you've watched the Prince of Egypt you know the cartoon movie of Moses and yes the music is pretty amazing in that but you know the idea is it's not it's not completely accurate obviously but when they do these movies a lot of times they'll make it look like the magicians are doing some kind of trick that's like kind of like a magician you see on stage today and and they'll make it look like hey you can see how they're tricking them they're not they didn't actually turn those rods into serpents the Bible says they did the Bible says they turn the water in the blood and then they duplicated what God was doing because the devil does have certain you know powers to do certain types of things like that and so when you're dealing with like these Pentecostal churches where sometimes there's these miraculous things that are going on just know that the devil is trying to deceive people and he's trying to make it look like it's of God okay so sometimes when people are like oh you know I had this experience I saw this or that and they're Pentecostal and they're like well I'm not trying to discount what you did but listen salvation is you know faith cometh by hearing here by the Word of God it's gonna be based on what you're believing in the Word of God not off some experience and I try to get off that but I'm not just gonna one I don't honestly be like you're a liar because you know what in some cases they might actually be telling the truth it just may not be of God you know because the devil does have the ability to do to produce certain types of things and make it look like it's a miracle or a devil being cast out you know now a lot of cases the devil just leapfrogging from one person to another you know in the congregation or that what's that Salazar guy or whatever that that false prophet that talks about how he like is constantly you know doing a self exorcism from himself but that's the guy you should be listening for doctrine you know you know when you're thinking about like hey who should I listen to online the guy that's constantly happened to cast devils out of himself that's definitely the guy I mean that I mean I you know I just want to you know put that out there you know if I ever had listen if I ever have to tell you that you should not listen to a guy that's possessed with a devil about Bible doctrine then I haven't done my job okay I need to start from point when you start I need to start getting down into the milk a little more on that one but anyway all you know that craziness aside that's out in the world gonna go to go to Luke chapter 13 in verse 31 the other thing to think about there's few that be saved but there's all but out of that there's few laborers and I know we haven't got to the passage yet but with the ten lepers but the Bible says in Matt in Matthew 9 verse 37 it says truly that the harvest truly is plenty is for the labors are few and so think about that aspect of like okay there's few that are saved but then out of that group of saved people there's few that are laborers so that's just you get down the line as far you think about the thousands of people that that were you know following Jesus listening to them and you know that got saved and all this stuff but then you think about how many people were there in Acts chapter 1 120 and you think of just that idea of just how this how small those numbers are but I think this goes perfectly in the aspect of okay there's few that are saved there's few that are there's few laborers but it's like a grain of mustard seed those few can produce a lot and God is always using few to do great things for God because it really does show you that it has to be of God for our church to make a difference for our church to have any type of impact it has to be of God because we don't have the numbers for just be purely just like well you guys are just you just overflow the whole area you know so but Luke chapter 13 the last thing here is dealing with Herod and I'm actually gonna preach a whole sermon on something in this here soon so I'm not gonna hit this too hard or really get deep on this but it says verse 31 it says the same day there came certain of the Pharisees saying unto him get thee out and depart thence for Herod will kill thee now it doesn't say that Herod said he was gonna kill thee it doesn't say that Herod seeking to kill him they said that Herod will kill thee okay so I think that's important to know when you're reading through the Bible you know you don't always want to take what they say as being fact okay the narrator doesn't say for Herod was wanting to kill him right it just says that there were certain of the Pharisees saying unto him get thee out and depart hence for Herod will kill thee and think about all the things that people say to try to scare you to try to get you to stop doing what you're doing right and they're just like you know they're gonna kill you they're gonna do this you know it's like and then those people never even said that you know like there's so many false things that are stated and you know or just you know frivolous things that are stated but anyway I just want to make that note that I don't believe that this means that Herod was actually trying to kill Jesus actually when you go later on Herod was actually really wanting to hear Jesus like he was like joyous to hear that he was gonna come to him so it doesn't make sense to me when you think about what Herod actually says later on what the narrator says about Herod that he was actually trying to kill Jesus okay but notice what Jesus responds and he said unto them go ye and tell that Fox now when people try to get on you know Baptist preachers or preachers that that name call then you need to get on Jesus that's calling people vipers and and foxes and different listen a fox is not a good a compliment okay I'm actually gonna do a whole sermon on foxes so get ready for that I did one on cows I'm doing every animal now I'm just kidding but I anyway I don't know when that service coming but you know just know that one day you're gonna hear a sermon on foxes Lord willing but uh but it's not a compliment okay it's obviously a derogatory term okay listen you know people the kids will laugh when you say the word ass because the Bible talks about you know an ox and ass and all that listen that's what people that's where that that derogatory term came from is that people are calling someone a donkey essentially right and there's many variations of that okay as far as what people do with that I you know I personally don't think it's like one you know I don't think that that's a cuss word at all even if you called someone that right but at the same time like in the Bible people were called different animals they were called you know I mean think of Samson he says if you had not plowed with my heifer I mean you can understand why that marriage didn't work out I should have played that in my cow sermon but but the point I'm making though is that you know people get all uptight and they're just like I can't believe you call that person this and you know I can't believe you call it be like all you call that person a bastard it's like oh I can't believe that came out of your mouth you mean like the Bible says that if if you don't have chastisement then are you bastards and not sons and that those that claim to be children of God but are not are actually called bastards and you know you say oh that's name calling out whatever well talk to Jesus about that like well that's Jesus listen we're to follow in his footsteps and let how am I supposed to preach all the counsel of God if I can't read what he says right here's like well you can't he told me in the year he told me to preach upon the housetops so I mean how am I supposed to do that if I can't even read the passage you know Jesus called him a fox but you can't Jesus called him vipers but you can't he called him surface but you can't he called him fools and hypocrites and people will get on this this soapbox be like you call them morons you know I can't believe that you call them a moron do you know do you know what the Greek word is for fool the word moron it's literally a transliteration of the Greek word that we use fool for and you know idiot comes from that same thing you know when you're dealing idiot kind of comes from where you kind of doing the same thing over and over again yeah I think it was was it Einstein that said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result or was that Mark Twain are you sure anyway whoever said it we're gonna fact-check that later check Snopes but the idea is like an idiot someone that's like does something over and over again like it's kind of like a fool you know keeps repeating the same thing over and over again even though it's like a doll returning to his own vomit you know or like you know when someone you know drinks alcohol and it's like they're injured they're vomiting like all this stuff and it says yet I'll return to it again yeah or yet I shall seek it again right it's that type of mentality an idiot a moron a fool okay and so anyway if you don't like those terms I'm sorry I'm not gonna stop using them so nothing wrong with them anyway and they're very biblical but but notice what Jesus says here it says tell that Fox behold I cast out devils and I do cures today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected nevertheless I must walk today and tomorrow and the day following where it cannot be that I that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem and he goes on to talk about which we kind of already read and the fact that Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem which kills the prophets and it says and stone us them that are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together as a hand doth gather her brood under her wings and you would not behold your house is left unto you desolate and verily I say unto you you shall not see me until the time come when you shall say blessed is he that come into the name of the Lord and so he's basically rebuking them and he's getting into I must do this I can't perish out here I mean it's kind of like this idea is like a prophet can't be killed outside Jerusalem because that's where you've killed them all you see the backhanded statement that's made it made there Jerusalem supposed to be the hub for all this truth and you know basically the righteousness of the nation but he's liking it he's like it's not pot you know I can't perish out here because all the other prophets were killed at Jerusalem and so moral the story is repent we shall likewise perish is talking about physically perishing not talking about hell and there are few that are saved unfortunately but you know what we need to be like that that grain of mustard seed or that leaven that the little amount of time that we have here and the little amount of things that we we can do in our lives can make a huge difference for eternity and though there's few laborers and we should be praying for more laborers into the harvest though there's few laborers it's gonna be like Gideon and his 300 where God can accomplish great feats of strength with those few numbers and let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for today thank you for your word and thank you for this passage and just pray to you to heal all those that aren't feeling well I pray that many families can get back into church and Lord just pray that for healing and Lord we just pray that you'd be with us until we come back. Lord we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. So brother Nick will come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed. Turn to song number 353. Song number 353 if we would all stand we'll sing from every stormy wind and this is probably a new one does anyone know this one? All right well by the end of it there's four verses so by the end I expect to hear everyone belting this out. Song number 353 from every stormy wind that blows from every swelling time of woes there is a calm a sure retreat tis found beneath the mercy sea there is a place where Jesus