(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 175 and I've had a little bit of laryngitis so you'll have to bear with me sing real loud okay but if you would stand sing song 175 it's just like his great love song 175 a friend I have called Jesus whose love is strong and true and never fails how it is tired no matter what I do I've sinned against this love of his but when I now to pray confessing all my guilt to him thus and clouds rolled away it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his great love sometimes the clouds of trouble be dim the sky above I cannot see my Savior's face I doubt his wondrous love but he from heaven's mercy seed beholding my despair and petty burst the clouds between and shows me he is there it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his great love when sorrows clouds or take me and break upon my head when life seems worse than useless and I were better dead I take my grief to Jesus then nor do I go in vain for heavenly hope he gives that cheers like sunshine after rain it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his great love oh I could sing forever of Jesus love divine of all his care and tenderness for this poor life of mine his love is in and over all and wind and waves obey when Jesus whispers peace be still and rolls the clouds away it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his great love and let's pray heavenly father Lord again we just want to thank you God for just another opportunity to meet in your house and to hear your word preached I pray Lord now that you would just be with our pastor film with your spirit help us to honor and glorify your name for it's in Jesus name we ask all of it amen all right you may be seated and turn to song 87 song number 87 and your will sing just when I need it most we'll sing song 87 just when I need him Jesus is near just when I falter just when I fear ready to help me ready to cheer just when I need him just when I need him most just when I need him most Jesus is near to comfort and cheer just when I need him most just when I need him Jesus is true never forsaking all the way through giving for burdens pleasures I knew just when I need him most just when I need him most just when I need him most Jesus is near to comfort and cheer just when I need him most just when I need him Jesus is strong bearing my burdens all the day long giving a song just when I need him most just when I need him most just when I need him most Jesus is near to comfort and cheer just when I need him most just when I need him he is my all answering when upon him I call tenderly watching last I should fall just when I need him just when I need him most just when I need him most Jesus is near to comfort and cheer just when I need him most amen so welcome back to church on this Wednesday evening and appreciate everybody that filled in while I was out my family is pretty much recovering now so we're on the mend but appreciate all the prayers and everything so it's been an interesting past week so but as far as announcements it might be in prayer for anybody that's not feeling well I know that sickness is kind of going around everywhere so just be in prayer for the health of all those in our church and visitor or visitors that came in so brother max right what's your last name catcher side okay yeah I thought you were done and they kept going no no but but so where are you guys from again Virginia Beach okay okay so well welcome and as far as announcements go here I'm gonna try to keep this pretty short because we do have a long chapter tonight just for warning it might turn into a two-parter just because I don't want to keep you here for like an hour and a half sermon but we'll see what happens here so but as far as announcements the service time should be normal Lord willing everything should be normal this Sunday as far as church services and everything and then so many times there I know brother brother Richie you were changing yours to Wednesday so that Thursday time is going to Wednesday correct you were on Thursday so so Monday Tuesday Wednesday they'll be the regionals times and then Saturday as well and then upcoming events we have on here making sure I got the right one what what day is it today so so we have the men's prayer meeting at the end of the month here and then the soul winning marathons that we have coming up is the one in Philadelphia that's gonna be in June 10th and then Indianapolis June 24th and I'm gonna be making a video this week on the Indianapolis one did you see who's going to be there for that and all that and see what that turn out is gonna be but I think that one might be a pretty big turnout so but definitely as many men in our church that can go to that I'd really appreciate it but if you can't I understand so but be in prayer for these soul winning marathons either way brother Charles is leading up the Philadelphia one so if you have any questions about that I get with him and all that and then and we don't have it on the list there but on July 2nd pastor Anderson's gonna be coming in to preach on that Sunday so so that'll be an upcoming thing there chapter memory for the month we have Psalm 120 and so that's a shorter Psalm there so it should be a pretty easy one to memorize there and then the Galatians 3 26 is our memory verse for the week and pregnancy is being prayer for the ladies on the pregnancy list miss Tiara miss Amanda miss Jennifer and just prayer for them that everything goes well and that they have a pleasant pregnancy as much as possible and so that's about all I have for announcements the offering box is in the back there if you want to give Tyler offering the mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only I think brother David you're gonna be reading tonight Luke chapter 12 and so but before that brother Dave's gonna sing one more song all right take your song books and turn to song number 90 song number 90 in your song books we'll sing Jesus lover of my soul song number 90 you you other refuge have I none hang my helpless soul on thee leave I'll leave me not alone still support and come for me all my trust on the estate all my help from thee I bring cover my defenseless head with a shadow of my wing thou won't Christ aren't all I want more than all in the I find raise the fallen cheer the faint heal the sick and lead the blind just and holy is thy name I am all unrighteousness and full of sin I am thou art full of truth and grace plenteous grace with thee is found grace to cover all my sin let the healing streams abound make and keep me pure with and love life the fountain aren't freely let me take of thee spring now up within my heart to all eternity all right take your Bibles and turn to Luke chapter number 12 your Bibles we'll have brother David come and read that for us Luke 12 you found your place amen and the Bible reads in the meantime when they were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people and so much they trode one upon another he began to say unto his disciples first of all be wary of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed neither head that's will not be known therefore it's whatever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light and that's it and that we see have spoken in the ear in closets that we proclaimed upon the housetops and I say unto you my friends be not afraid of them that kill the body and after that have no more have no more that they can do but I will for own you who me self fear fear him which abd he hath killed hath power to cast into hell yea I say unto you fear him are not five spares sold for two farthings and not one of them is forgotten for God but even the very hairs of your head are all numbered fear not therefore ye are more value than many sparrows also I say unto you who shall confess we prefer men and so the Son of Man confess before the angels of God he that denieth me before man shall be denied before the angels of God and who shall speak a word against the Son of Man and so be forgiven him unto him that blaspheme with against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven and when they and when they bring you into the synagogues and under the magistrates from powers take ye not thought how or what thing ye shall answer or what ye shall say for the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour of what ye ought to say and one of the company said unto him master speak my brother that he divided the inheritance with me and he said unto him man who made me a judge or divider over you and he said unto them take heed and beware of covetousness for a man's life consists of not in the abundance of the things which he possesses and he spake a parable unto them saying the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruits and he said this will I do I will pull down my bones and build again and build greater and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods and I will say to my soul soul that has much goods laid out for many years take thine ease eat drink and be merry but God said unto him thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then who saw those things be was that has provided so is he that layeth up treasure for himself and it's not rich told God and he said unto his disciples therefore I say unto you taking the thought for your life what ye shall eat neither for the body what you shall put on the life is more than meat and the body is more than raiment consider the Ravens for they neither sown or reap which neither have storehouse nor bound and God feedeth them how much more ye better than the fowls and which of you with taking thought can add to his stature when cubit if you then be not able to do that thing which is least why take you thought for the rest consider the lilies how they grow they toil not they spend not you know I say unto you that Solomon and all his glory was not arrayed like one of these if then God shall close the grass which is today in the field and tomorrow is cast into the oven how much more he clothes you or ye of little faith and seek not ye what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink neither be ye of a doubtful mind for all those things do the nations of the world seek after and your father knoweth that you have needed these things but rather seek the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you if you're not little flock but is your father's good pleasure to give you his king the kingdom so that you have to give arms provide yourselves with that provide yourselves bags which racks not old a treasure in the heavens that fail if not read no thief approaches neither moth corrupted for where your treasure is there will your heart be also but your long let your long as we get it about and your lights burning and you yourselves like under men that wait for the load when he will return from the reading that when he come at the knocketh they may open to him immediately but it's all those servants in the load when he come this I'll find watching barely a saying to you that he's all good himself and make them to sit down to me and will come forth and save them and if he's not coming the second watch from the third watch and find them so blessed other servants and this know that if the government of the house had known what our the thief would come he would have watched not have suffered his house to be broken through be there for ready also for the son of man come with an hour when you think not then Peter said to him Lord speak as though this peril under us even to all and the Lord said who then is that faith when rice steward whom is load stomach ruler over his household to get in there poaching of meat in due season bless it is that servant who was Lord when he finds itself fine so watching of a truth I saying to you that he will make him a ruler over all that he had but and if that service the anus out my lord delay at this coming and so I begin to beat the men servants and the maidens and to eat and drink and to be drunken and the Lord of that servant so come in a day when you look at not burn and and at an hour when he is not aware and I'll cut him in Sunday and we'll point him as person with the unbelievers and that servant which knew his Lord's will and prepared not himself now that according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes but he that knew not and did commit things radio stripes shall be beaten with few stripes find whom server much is given of him some must be Sabi must required and who men have committed mutts of him will they ask them are I'm come to send fire on the earth and what will I if it already be kindled but I have a baptism to be baptized with and how am I straightened til it be accomplished suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth I tell you nay but rather division but from henceforth there shall be five and one house divided three against two and two against three the fathers shall be divided against the son and the son against the father the mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother the mother-in-law against the her daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law he said and also to the people when you see a cloud rise out of the West straight ye say they'll come with a sour and so it is and when you see the south wind blow you say there will be heat and they come with the past he hypocrites you can discern the face of the sky and of the earth but how is that you do not discern this time gay and why even of yourselves judge ye not that which is right when when thou goest with an adversary to the magistrate as thou in the way give diligence that thou may'st be delivered from him lest he hail thee to the judge and the judge deliver thee to the officer and the officer cast into prison I tell thee that shall not depart thence to the house paid the very last night that's right the Lord I thank you for this opportunity to come back to church whether you be a pastor that you feel in the spirit Jesus Amen. Amen. Thank you brother David and there in there in Luke chapter 12 and we are continuing our study through the book of Luke and so we had a little break last last Wednesday as I was out of town but this chapter is not the longest chapter in Luke and we've gone through it in one sermon but this chapter has a lot of different things different topics and stuff like that so that's kind of where it's harder to go through a longer chapter when there's you're kind of hitting different things and if you want to actually preach on those different things then we'll see we'll see what happens here so but in Luke chapter 12 verse 1 here it says in the meantime when they were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people in so much that they trode one upon another he began to say unto his disciples first of all beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy so notice that the first thing that he's preaching is a warning you know first of all is just that that warning that's there so it's just not like butterflies and roses all the time when you start a sermon but sometimes it's it's a cautionary type of thing beware take heed you know type of type of sermon but he says beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy so he spells out what the leaven is now leaven in the Bible can be different things right meaning the the reason that it says leaven is because basically it grows and so hypocrisy grows but in another place in Matthew chapter 16 you can turn there if you want but in Matthew chapter 16 and verse 11 he talks about the leaven of the Pharisees but he likens it on the leaven unto something else so basically the Pharisees have a whole bunch of leaven and there's different types of leaven if that makes sense right in this case he's talking about their leaven which is hypocrisy but in Matthew chapter 16 and verse 11 it says how is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of Sadducees then understood they how that he bathed them not to beware of leaven of bread of the bread of the leaven of bread but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees so you can think of leaven as being like false doctrine and false doctrine truly is leaven in a church right and and once you have one false doctrine it's like a snowball effects where it'll just basically pick up other false doctrines as it's going down the hill right and in this case though in Luke chapter 12 I just wanted to show you that leaven can be talking about different things in first Corinthians chapter 5 which I preached the last Sunday I preached which dealing with leaven dealing with sin right and how sin can build up and leaven the whole lump but in this case we're talking about hypocrisy okay so and he's basically he hits on this in Matthew chapter 23 where he's basically talking about the fact that he's telling them hey do what they tell you to do but don't do as they do because they say and do not right so if you want to know kind of like what a hypocrite is it's someone that basically says they does something do something but they don't right it's someone that's you know they're hypocritical right and so go to go back to Luke chapter 12 Luke chapter 12 because I believe that that leads in to what he's gonna state next okay is that he's basically he brings up the premise of hypocrisy and that the Pharisees are hypocritical or hypocrite hypocrites and they're hypocritical but that's why he's constantly saying won't you scribes and Pharisees what hypocrites right he keeps hitting on the fact that they're hypocrites and he tells him why right so he's basically constantly saying you say you know it's better to swear by the gold of the altar then the goal then the altar itself right and he's basically telling them hypocrites on every account and he's warning them of their hypocrisy so you can imagine why the Pharisees don't like them you know by and large because he's calling them out but in Luke 12 verse 2 it says for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed neither hid that shall not be known therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closet shall be proclaimed upon the housetops so why is that brought up right after he says beware of their hypocrisy okay because he's stating they're hypocrites but people may not see it okay because a lot of times hypocrites can hide the fact that they're they look righteous but they're actually inwardly you know they're they're ravening wolves or dead men's bones or white and sepulcher right so I mean on the outside they kind of look one way the inside completely opposite right and so he's basically saying he's stating here that everything that's covered is gonna be made manifest it's gonna be revealed okay and what you say in darkness is gonna be brought to light okay this verse in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 is a verse that kind of popped into my mind when I was thinking about this as far as like explaining what he's meaning here because you may ask yourself like how what's he talking about and what I do believe he's talking about the Pharisees okay but I don't think it's just applies to the Pharisees okay I think this applies to us as well because listen Christian you can be a hypocrite we can all be hypocrites you know it's funny when people are just like I don't want to go to church because they're full of hypocrites it's like well we're all hypocrites on some level obviously because all of us say you know we should do this we should read our Bible we should pray but do we all pray and read our Bible exactly as much as we should no none of us do right we all come short but at the same time there there there's a different level of hypocrisy when it comes to false prophets right so it's kind of like we're all sinners but then there's people that are exceeding sinful right so there there is a difference as far as what we're dealing with but we can all take this and apply it to us as well notice what it says here in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 and verse 20 Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 20 says curse not the king know not in thy thought is that not in thy thought right and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber for a bird of the air shall carry the voice and that which hath wings shall tell the matter okay and what this is basically saying is like there's always gonna be that little birdie that somehow that message gets out okay and even if it's just you know I hate to say but even just in your bedchamber with your spouse and it's not that your spouse is trying to out you but sometimes maybe your spouse maybe you say something you don't want it to be repeated but you don't say that you don't want to be repeated or whatever the case may be but you you know that there's certain people that you say hey don't tell anybody this and you know it's gonna be told to everybody there are certain people we know that if you say it to them well I'll say this there's certain people that I know that if I want everybody to know I just say it to that person right but anyway but we're all guilty of this okay so let's just be honest we're all guilty of spilling the beans on something we shouldn't have said or shouldn't have told but sometimes we don't even realize that they don't want that to be spoken right it's kind of like you're saying something and then and then they just they just say it thinking like oh that's no big deal like I'll just say that over here and then it just gets spread around it's like oh by the way everybody knows about this now okay and so when it comes to the hypocrisy of the Pharisees what it's kind of stating here you think about the in Ezekiel right where Ezekiel has he God tells him to dig through the wall in Jerusalem and then he finds all these abominations and stuff that are in their inner chambers of the priests and everything and they're just like what in the world is going on here right and the idea is that in secret the Pharisees are saying wicked things in secret like there's a lot of like backroom talk you think about like secret societies you think about all these different things where there's spiritual wickedness and high places that are done behind closed doors what God is saying here is the fact that hey all that's gonna be manifest all that will come to light and here's a verse for you in 2 Timothy chapter 3 in 2 Timothy chapter 3 in verse 8 it says now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses so these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their follies shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was right it's kind of like this idea of like hey listen it's going to be made manifest you know you think about these wicked people that dupe other people right you look at that person be like that person is a psychopath and they have I have a lot of people like the wolves over their eyes right they don't see it but we it's kind of like the the alphabet queer fag community that's out there right that they kind of had the wool over a lot of people's eyes although it's kind of being lifted in a lot of cases right a lot of people are starting to wake up to it and be like hey I'm done with this garbage right even not fundamental baptized not even Christians there's people that are non-christians that are agnostic that are just like I'm done with this garbage but all that to say is that their folly their folly is being made manifest right it's getting to a point where it's just no one can look away from it now right people are just kind of like ah you do it do you you do you right then they start coming then they start coming after your kids which we have said for years that they're going to be doing guess what their folly is being made manifest unto all and so all that stuff they've been saying in darkness that we know what the Bible says about them and we know the truth because the Bible says it but at the same time that's all being made manifest because they're bringing all the stuff out of the closet and they're basically bringing out in front of everybody now and it's being made manifest so when it comes to the hypocrisy of the Pharisees listen he's basically stating hey it's going to be made manifest and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh so when it comes to false teachers when it comes to wicked people listen their folly will be made manifest now if you're wise then you'll just believe the Bible before that happens right you don't have to wait until it's manifested right you can just know okay I know what that person is I know that person's wicked I know that's false doctrine I know you can know because of the Bible before it's made manifest okay but Jesus is saying hey it will be made manifest okay so so I believe that's why that's being brought up after he's talking about beware that 11 of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy now go back to Luke chapter 12 verse 4 Luke chapter 12 verse 4 I was wondering why is it so cold up here my hands are freezing I'm like if you don't know this and anybody that's ever watching online there is like six vents at least right here so if you're hot back there I'm sorry but it's not hot up here so I need a little fire up here but in Luke chapter 12 verse 4 he goes on to say it says and I say unto you my friends so notice who he's talking to right because he's speaking to his disciples and he's saying beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which which is hypocrisy but then he says I say unto you my friends now obviously Judas is in the mix but at the same time we have to understand that he's he's focusing this to actual believers that are keeping his commandments right because later on he's going to talk about your father which is in heaven right so it's focusing it on believers but it says in verse 4 says I say unto you my friends be not afraid of them that kill the body and after that have no more that they can do but I will forewarn you whom you shall fear fear him which is able after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell yes and you fear him so I want you to notice that in all the places where this is mentioned like in Matthew and here where it doesn't say fear him that's able to cast you into hell does it it doesn't say it that way does it he doesn't say like hey you my friends don't fear a man which is able to kill your body fear him who's able to cast you into hell he doesn't say that right he's just saying he's making a fact he's stating a fact man could kill the body God can destroy even more than that right and what he's showing is the power level if you will of God compared to man God is more powerful so who are you supposed to fear man or God right if you were thinking about like who you're gonna fear the person that has more power the person has less power you should fear the person has more power and he's making a clear distinction that hey listen they can only kill the body they can't touch the soul but listen God is able to cast people into hell how much more powerful is God then he goes on to say so he's kind of showing you hey listen I'm more powerful I'm more powerful than man so don't fear man fear fear God right but then he goes on to say in verse 6 are not five sparrows sold for two farthings and not one of them is forgotten before God but even the very hairs of your head are not all numbered fear not therefore ye are of more value than many sparrows the whole premise is not to fear what man can do unto you in Psalm 56 for example you can turn to Psalm 56 if you want but again I'm kind of going through a lot of verses here so I'm gonna be kind of running through these a little quicker Psalm 56 in verse 3 & 4 it says what time I am afraid I will trust the knee in God I will praise his word in God I have put my trust I will not fear what flesh can do unto me and this is mentioned throughout the Bible as far as not fearing what man shall do unto me and the Lord is my helper you know all this right and so the premise of what he's trying to get across here is like don't fear what man can do unto you fear him fear God right fear the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom but fear God keep his commandments this is the whole duty of man but don't fear man don't fear what he can do unto you in it because he's basically saying listen God is more powerful than man not only is God more powerful than man he also cares about you that makes sense so he's kind of like saying hey don't fear because not only is God more powerful than the guy that can kill your body but he also cares about you so much that the hairs of your head are all numbered right and I don't believe that's just that he just knows how many hairs are on your head I believe they're actually all numbered like they have a number to them like there's a catalog you say oh that's crazy that he would even have that much knowledge I mean he created everything so but the idea here is that he cares about you so much that all your hairs are numbered that and in the idea that you're more more value than many sparrows and going on and on the fact that kind of give you comfort to say hey don't fear what man can do you not only does God care about you but he's more powerful than man so that's the premise that I believe he's getting across and I think it's it you know every word word is perfect and every word is important okay and I challenge you go to all those places where it talks about fearing him that is able to kill both soul and body in hell or cast both soul and body in hell you'll not see where he says fear him that's able to catch you right because he's speaking to believers right he's saying unto my friends right unto believers unto his disciples now obviously you could say well you know you could be talking to Judas but I mean that doesn't fit right it doesn't fit that he'd be like hey Judas you know fear God is able to cast you into hell it's like you know that's not gonna do much of anything right so go back to Luke chapter 12 and verse 8 Luke chapter 12 and verse 8 Luke chapter 12 and verse 8 it says in verse 8 it says also I say unto you whosoever shall confess me before men him shall the Son of Man also confess before the angels of God but he that denies me before men shall be denied before the angels of God now you could look at this because he's saying whosoever he's not saying like unto you necessarily you could say that well you know this is talking about whether you confess that Jesus is the Christ compared if you deny it and I agree right that would fit but I don't believe that's what he's getting at here okay because in Matthew chapter 10 I want you to turn to I want you to turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 because I what I want you to I what I want you to understand is that as believers we can deny Christ on this earth obviously physically speaking right because spiritually speaking we're saved we're without sin we're perfect you know all that we're children of God but fleshly speaking we can deny him Peter is a great example of that right he denied him three times but Peter wasn't unsaved when he did that nor did he lose the salvation or anything like that but but the Matthew chapter 10 says something similar to this in verse 32 says whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess also before my father which is in heaven and whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven the question is is what is he denying right is he denying entrance into heaven is he denying that he knew you you know I mean like people insert a lot of stuff here but what we what the whole premise of what's going to be brought up is like treasures in heaven in this passage like if you're gonna look at big portion about what this passage is talking about it's talking about being rich toward God and not building up treasures on this earth okay and this is kind of a very much like a Sermon on the Mount sermon which had I don't believe this is the same sermon as the Sermon on the Mount but at the same time a lot of the same stuff is being taught but in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 in verse 11 it says it is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him if we suffer we shall also reign with him notice this if we deny him he also will deny us if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself I believe all these things believers can do now the believing not obviously I believe that's talking about someone that's like where it says where is your faith no faithless generation he's constantly on his disciples about them lacking faith right and not believing that he's gonna do what he said he would do it's not talking about salvation okay but when it's talking about denying him it's like Peter right Peter denied him three times he even denied that he know that he knew him it's not even that he just denied like like Jesus told him to do something he denied him right he denied like to do it he literally said someone said aren't aren't you one of them that was with him and he's like I don't know the man he literally just says he doesn't know him right and he says that three times and obviously Peter you know that was obviously sinful for him to deny him and Peter regains you know he obviously redeems himself if you will and all that but let me give you an example of someone that believes but doesn't confess Jesus before men and in John chapter 12 John chapter 12 and verse 42 now Peters reason for denying was fear right I mean he was afraid I mean Jesus is being brought to the council you know they're wanting to put him to death right and you can imagine Peter is not basically it's just like he's afraid that he's gonna be like taken with them and die or something like that right so you can imagine like the fear of being persecuted or something like that right in John chapter 12 it tells us exactly why these people don't confess Jesus is notice in verse 42 nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him now notice that's the narrator speaking you know that means they believed on him okay so if they said if there were people there and it says hey you know those people said they believed on him then I can understand like you saying well they said they did but did they really right or if they they were telling people we believe on him right then you can say well they said they believed on him but did they really the narrator saying that among the chief rulers also many believed on him but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him lest they should be put out of the synagogue so the reason they didn't confess him is because they didn't want to be put out of synagogue notice why where they love the praises of men more than the praises of God are they still saved though yeah because it's believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved now don't don't get into this like well see you don't have to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus you know you don't have to call upon name the Lord because they didn't listen confessing him openly to people is different than calling upon the name of Lord okay that can happen in your heart that can happen you don't have to be anywhere near anybody when you're doing that okay the whole point that's being made is they didn't confess them openly like hey we're believers we believe in him right they didn't do it openly before the Jews because they want to be cast out of the synagogue okay and so here's a case where they denied him before men because they love the praises of men more than the praises of God do you think they're gonna have great riches in heaven because of that but let me ask you a question are you be in heaven yes because it's believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and that shall be saved so when you're dealing with these passages yes you could look on it on like obviously if someone doesn't confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in their heart that God had raised him from the dead they're not gonna be saved right if they don't do that they're not gonna be saved okay but you got to get context because confessing him before men or openly listen if someone is afraid of dying and they recant Christ that doesn't mean that they weren't actually saved and it definitely doesn't mean they lost their salvation because it's eternal life so people can do that and obviously they lose a reward if the if you do that listen that if I'm gonna if I know I'm gonna die for Christ listen why would I recant you know like why would I want to lose that reward you know but at the same time you can understand how people are afraid of dying just physically in the pain and all that stuff right even if they know they're going to heaven people could be afraid of dying they can be afraid of the pain someone can inflict on them and on a fleshly level you can obviously understand why people would deny him before men okay because you all of us can look at Peter and understand you know hopefully you're not in this high and mighty spiritual mind that you're just like listen I would never be like Peter if you are I have a sermon for you cuz Peter literally said I will not deny you right he's the one that was literally saying that he's like I'm not that guy I'm not gonna deny you I will die for you right that night you know so anyway as we keep going on here in Luke chapter 12 and verse 10 and like I said there's so many different topics that are being brought up there is a there is a theme okay but at the same time there's different topics being brought up and so we'll see where we're at as far as how we go here maybe maybe we'll chug along get through here verse 10 says and whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven so this is the the famous you know what people call the unforgivable sin okay but it's the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost okay now in Mark chapter 3 it explains what that is because people like what's the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost you know like how does someone blaspheme the Holy Ghost well good thing the Bible actually tells us what they did the blaspheme the Holy Ghost okay it actually says in Mark chapter 3 verse 29 says but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation because they said he has an unclean spirit so they were saying that Jesus was casting out devils with Beelzebub right with the devil so basically instead of him casting him out with the Spirit of God the Holy Ghost right they're saying is the devil so they're literally calling the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit of God the devil okay that was the blaspheming the Holy Ghost okay they're seeing these miracles right they're seeing these the the you know that was being cast out and they're saying that's the devil and that blaspheme the Holy Ghost now in Matthew chapter 12 it says that they don't have forgiveness neither in this world neither in the world to come I remember before I believe I knew about the reprobate doctrine as we call it this was perplexing right because a lot of times you can understand how like well you can look at this be like well obviously when people are in hell right they don't have forgiveness and when you think about believers all believers that are saved understand that I believe understand that once someone's in hell there's no way out right there there's no escape there's not gonna be forgiveness after that like once you're there you're there right so it's trying to trying to cram that down into that hole of like okay this this verse is talking about that but it says not in this world neither in the world to come so that's where it's kind of like you know what is this talking about right but then when you understand that there are people that can be rejected by God to where they lose that that opportunity of salvation even while they're in this world so that makes a lot of sense actually then that if someone crosses that line to where they're like okay now there's people that are literally walking in this life there's some people that don't have any hope of salvation right they've lost the opportunity to believe and as Jesus says they could not believe okay ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of truth the reprobate concerning the faith all that so but moving on from that in Luke chapter 12 and verse 11 so keeping you know I don't believe that this this chapter is disjointed okay I believe there's a thing it kind of catches on one theme to another does that make sense so it's kind of like the last verse was talking about the Holy Ghost so then he's like hey there's people that blaspheme the Holy Ghost but the Holy Ghost will help you right so but you can see how there's many topics in here right you can preach a whole sermon on blaspheming against against the Holy Ghost it but you could also preach a whole sermon on this next topic here which is the fact that the Holy Ghost can bring to remembrance things to say and bring to remembrance the Word of God especially in times of trouble and times of need okay and also it says here in Luke chapter 12 and verse 11 it says and when they bring you unto the synagogues and unto magistrates and powers take you no thought how or what thing you shall answer or what you shall say for the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what you ought to say so this is interesting right because you know a lot of times Bible is talking about like meditating you know being ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason to the hope that is in you with meekness and fear right and what I believe this is stating is it's not saying that to not meditate upon the Word of God and not to memorize scripture and not to know doctrine I believe he's basically stating don't don't basically pre meditate like the speech that you're gonna give does that make sense like if you're gonna go up before a magistrate and you just be like listen I've been practicing this all my life you know I have it down I know exactly what I'm gonna say right and he's basically saying like it don't script anything out don't think about what you're gonna say obviously you need to have the Word of God in your heart you need to be prepared because the Holy Ghost isn't just going to brace basically speak audibly through you okay because the Holy Ghost is gonna notice that it says in verse verse 12 there the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what you ought to say so notice that he's teaching it to you right but John chapter 16 I want you to go to John 14 in verse 26 John 16 verse 13 it says how be it when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself so he's not gonna what this means is not that he's not gonna talk about himself it's the fact that he's not he's not coming up with something different than what Jesus said okay there's not some new revelation that's coming from him that we don't have here in the Word of God okay but it says but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come so what he's hearing he's gonna tell you what to say right he's gonna tell you well in John 14 in verse 26 it says but the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and notice this and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you okay so I want that to be very clear when the Holy Ghost teaches you he's not he's not saying to you something that you haven't already heard okay he's bringing to remembrance what Jesus said unto you okay so get this if you were if you were someone that never read the Bible but you're saved okay so you're saved and you're brought before the Magistrates listen the Holy Ghost can't teach you what to say because there's nothing to pull out you may know like John 3 16 or you may know some verses from where you got saved right but there's nothing really to for him to bring the remembrance right because you haven't heard anything really there might be some little things here and there right so are you say well how do I prepare you know I can't script out what I'm gonna say here's thing memorize as much Bible as you can the more Bible you have memorized the more the Holy Ghost has in his arsenal you say in his arsenal yeah because what's this what's the weapon of of the Holy Ghost of the Spirit of God the Word of God right take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God so when it comes to this I hope that doesn't confuse you when it's saying don't premeditate what to say and be like well I guess I don't need to memorize anything I should just like go in there like and just wing it know the idea is that you're prepared mentally and in your heart you have the Word of God but you're not it's not gonna be scripted and many of you could I guarantee can attest to the fact that you've been out soul winning or you've talked to somebody you may even been in a conversation with a believer about a doctrine or maybe you're trying to convince somebody on a doctrine and it's like boom there's a verse that came to mind there's a verse that came to mind and then this maybe this and maybe sometimes like this this idea of like all that would be a good way to explain this it's not even Bible but it's just like that be a good way to explain this so that's something comforting to know that if if wherever before magistrate and this may not be necessarily in the end times maybe it's you know maybe it's just persecutions or different things that are going on in your life before before the end never comes because this actually happens in the book of Acts you say well that was the Apostles right and they obviously were under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost listen I don't believe this was just written for the Apostles this is written for all of us and I believe personally that in the end times there's gonna be I believe there's gonna be special miracles and just outpouring of the Holy Ghost it's gonna happen that's gonna be there when everything is hitting the fan and God's gonna be the Holy Ghost is gonna be filling believers and bringing a remembrance what to say and I believe it's gonna be you know pretty miraculous but I go back to Luke chapter 12 and verse 13 and there's gonna be a theme here about covetousness or basically material things okay so a lot of this chapter is dealing with this so if there was a theme to this chapter I would say it's that of not basically be basically being rich toward God and not other things in this world okay it says in verse 13 it says in and of one of the company one of the company said unto him master speak to my brother that he divide the inheritance with me I love this and he said unto him man who made me a judge or a divider over you right it's kind of like so this guy comes up to me like hey you know you need can you divide this inheritance be like you know it's like what people come up to be like hey you know it's like no but but he uses this as an opportunity because he's basically like I'm not I'm not here to like figure out your your land and like how you're supposed to divide this or whatever but notice what he says here in verse 15 and he said unto them take heed and beware of covetousness and I love this next portion I don't about you but if there's a profound statement found in the Bible this is one of them right it says for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesses man that should be all of our life verses to a certain extent and the fact of just like holding on to that and saying listen this life is not about the the abundance of things that we have right and we're talking about physical things right I don't believe this is necessarily talking about children or you know friends or family I believe it's talking about like physical possessions right land houses cars you know boats I don't know does anyone have a boat in here but that's the type of stuff he's basically saying beware of covetousness and here's how you beware here's how you you don't be covetous is that your life isn't about possessions and just that your life is more I mean think because he's gonna get into this you know this story that he's gonna tell here and some people say it's a parable we don't know this could have really happened but the idea is that Ecclesiastes is a whole book about the fact of like when you have everything in the world when you die you leave it here right I mean be content with the things that you have and the Bible talks about the fact that and I'm gonna misquote it but basically talking about that I'm just gonna mess it I'm gonna butcher it nevermind I'll get to later I have enough in my sermon right now but the idea here is that that you can't take anything with you everything that's gonna have to stay here naked came into this world naked shall return thither right and so Ecclesiastes that whole book is kind of explaining what's what's gonna be happening here in verse 16 so Luke chapter 12 verse 16 it says and he spake a parable unto them saying the the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall I do because I have no room where where to bestow my fruits and he said this will I do I will pull down my barns and build greater and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods and I will say to my soul soul that was much goods laid up for many years take thine ease eat drink and be married so I always love this because having this conversation with himself he's like so so you can imagine you can imagine if it what if this person had a name it'd be like if I was talking to myself be like you know what I have all these goods be like Jason just you know eat drink and be married you know and you're just having this conversation with yourself I always just find this amusing but he's basically like I have all these goods I can just take my ease and just and just live it up right in verse 20 it says and God said unto him thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee can you imagine like you you're like getting ready to like really just have to just live it up and be like man I got all I'm just gonna start eating grapes off my chest and just like just live it up right I don't think they had Doritos or chips back then so that's why I'm saying but but then it says that that soul soul shall be required of thee then whose shall these things be which thou has provided and that's like in Ecclesiastes he keeps stating that it's like someone else is gonna take it and you only know if that person's gonna be wise or a fool you don't know if that person can be good or bad some wicked person could end up getting all your stuff but it says in verse 21 so is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God so the reason he brought this up is because he's basically saying beware of consciousness and he's basically talking about the vanity of it all right because what do you what have you died tomorrow like think about people that just live for the things of this world and live for material possessions and then they then they and then they die young it's like was that worth it you can't even enjoy the stuff that you have now and listen Ecclesiastes also also hits on the fact of enjoying the stuff that you have but the idea is not living for those things that makes sense like isn't there's nothing wrong with enjoying things and and eating and drinking and being married you know in life it's not like that that's wrong inherently but that's not what life's about right that's not what we're here for we're here to fear God and keep his commandments this is the duty of man while we're doing that there's times where we can eat drink and be merry and enjoy the fruits of our labor and all of that right there's times where we should have times of leisure I mean Jesus even states that they need a time to rest and you need a time to have time of leisure and all that stuff right it's not all just to be work all the time but at the same time most of the time we should be working right I mean think about your work schedule right most of the time you're working you're not on vacation unless you're like a teacher or you work for the state or I'm just kidding so kind of but there are but anyway there most people though it's more work than vacation there's more work than leisure okay I'm not counting sleep okay everybody obviously you have to sleep but mothers out there you know what I'm talking about there's definitely more time where you're not sleeping and you all wish that you had more sleep and so but but this gets summed up later because like I said this this is a theme but notice what it says in verse 34 right so we're gonna skip down to verse 34 it says for where your treasure is there will your heart be also so we're still on the subject of having treasures right but the idea is being rich toward God not rich in the things of this world rich toward God because then in verse 22 he's got he's going to basically state about the physical things as far as food and Raymond it knows what says in verse 22 it says and he said unto his disciples therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life what you shall eat neither for the body what you shall put on so this and listen we're all there right we're just like hey I need to feed my family hey I need food I need I need clothing you know food on your plate and and and and clothing on your back right and that's kind of you know especially as fathers you know this is something that we want to provide and as you know wives you know and mothers you can think about the fact that you need this for your children right and this is to be a worry this could be something that you're worried about like hey what if the economy crashes how am I gonna get food you know where's the water you know like what am I gonna drink and you know what you know what God's saying not to worry about it does that mean men that we don't go out and work of course not right the Bible talks about us that if we don't provide for our own we have denied the faith and we're worse than an infidel right so we're supposed to go out and work and that's a whole nother sermon for another day but at the same time we're not to be just worrying about like what if this happens what if that happens over here you know how are we gonna eat how are we gonna drink God will take care of us and but I don't I don't believe this is just a blank check I believe it's for those who seek the kingdom of God okay there's a caveat here that if you're doing his will because he's gonna end with that okay when he's speaking about this the caveat is is that you're doing what God wants you to do if you're serving God keeping his command if you're fearing God and keeping his commandments listen he will make sure you're fed he will make sure that you have clothing on your back he will make sure that you have something to drink you will not freeze right meaning you'll have clothing you'll be warm you know if it's cold or it's winter or whatever and you will have food you'll be nourished if you if you do what God's telling you to do and you don't need to be worrying about that and that's a comforting thought right one a comforting thought that listen we have a God that's that's more powerful than any man that's on the earth and so we should not be fearing what man's gonna do unto us and that he cares for us and that the very hairs of our head are numbered but not only that he knows that we need food and raiment and we need something to drink and he's stating here listen don't take thought for that it says in verse 23 the life is more than meat and the body is more than raiment consider the Ravens for their they neither sow nor reap which neither have storehouse nor barn and God feedeth them how much more are ye better than the fowls and listen I'm not I'm not against storing up food I'm not against having chickens and cows and like being self-sufficient having gardens listen I'm all about that okay all about that but at the same time he's basically stating here listen the birds they don't have a barn you know they don't have it's kind of silly but at the same time it's like it's very obvious right they're not storing up food into a barn but God feeds them he makes sure they have food it says in verse 25 it says in which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit and listen you know what I believe this is talking about besides the fact that hey don't worry about being short is the idea is that don't worry about things you can't control right it's kind of like that's what I grew I listen I was I was I'm still not like tall but like I was going through school I was short and the thing is is that people would make fun of that and I'm like you're making fun of something you can't control right it's like when you make fun of someone for being ugly or or whatever it's like you're literally making fun of somebody for something they can't control it's it's idiotic and it's sad when people do that right now if there's something that you do that you can control like chewing with your mouth open then take care of that problem okay for my sake at least okay if you're around me but all joking aside right what he's talking about are things that you can't control right can you control the economy can you control what laws are really passed ultimately can you control a lot of this stuff that's going on can you control the banks and the cryptocurrencies and like all of this stuff that's going on then why worry about it and basically the idea here is like don't worry about things you can't control you can't control your height you can't control like where the food's coming pestilences and and in the rain and all this stuff listen the government's trying to control it all but ultimately you know don't worry about things you can't control keep reading there it says if he then be not able to do that thing which is least why take you thought for the rest he's basically like if you can't do that then why are you worrying about all this other stuff that's even bigger than that okay consider a little is how they grow they toil not not they spin not and yet I say unto you that Solomon and all his glory was not arrayed like one of these if then God so clothed the grass which is today in the field and tomorrow is cast into the oven how much more will he clothe you oh ye of little faith and seek not ye what you shall eat or what you shall drink neither be of doubtful mind and really this is what it's all about is just having faith that God's going to provide it just keep doing well God listen if there's a famine it's not time to get out of church and get out of things of God it's time to actually make sure you're still doing that because at that point hey listen God needs is gonna be taking control of that and don't doubt in those times don't be of a doubtful mind like oh you know I need to make sure I got this prioritized over here no listen God is the priority keeping the king keeping the commandments and doing what you should be doing that's the priority and listen God will take care of all these other things it says in verse 30 it says for all these things through the nations of the world seek after and your father know knoweth that you have need of these things but rather seek ye the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you think about how Solomon asked for wisdom and he didn't ask for you know basically long life or or you know riches or anything like that but guess what God did he added all those things unto him seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you it says in Matthew fear not little flock for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom so notice that it's got God the Father it's his pleasure to give you these things in this life it's pleasure to give you all the things that he has remember that that he owns cattle on a thousand hills if he needs to give you a cow he'll give you a cow again I'm not against having cows okay but at the same time you know what I'm not gonna be worrying about it and listen if you live in the city be like I can't have cows I'm in the city listen God will take care of if you're if you love God and keep his commandments right and I'm talking to save people here okay this is talking to save people hey if you love God and keep his commandments all these things gonna be added unto you sell that you have and give alms provide yourselves bags which wax not old and treasure in the heavens that faileth not where no thief approach it neither moth corrupted for where your treasure is there where your heart be also so the idea here is that it's kind of coming full circle and the fact that your life consists of not of the abundance of the things which you possess and to not be covetous but then also just don't worry about things that are needful right I mean obviously food and raiment that's needful it's something that you need but don't even take thought for that and worry about that because listen if you keep God's commandments he's not promising you on Mercedes but at the same time he's promising he's gonna take care of you and listen I think we can all attest that he gives us way more than food and raiment doesn't he I mean I have a house over my head I would imagine that everybody in here has a roof over their head and most of us have vehicles that we're driving a lot of us have more than one vehicle that we're driving and so if you're ever worried about food and raiment just think about I got way more than that right now so why am I worried about food and raiment and you say well you know what but what if all the the cows die in America and all these different things listen if all the cows die in America they won't die where where God's people are at that are serving him or he'll rain down manna for heaven if he needs to he'll bring Ravens to bring us food listen he fed the 5,000 out of you know with five loaves and and and two little fish I mean he could do that again so and you know what that takes though takes faith and we need to have faith and especially in perilous times we need to have faith that hey he'll take care of us if anything I'm just gonna go to my brother's strawberry patch and just go to town on that for a little bit but that'll only last so long it'll be good though while it lasts so I think with that I'm actually gonna I'm gonna make this a two-parter because there's just no way that I'm gonna do the rest of this justice because the next part is dealing with being ready at his coming and there's just so much I want to unpack with what's being said here and kind of explain it and maybe even some little nuggets of truth with that that I would be I'd be really packing it in here to try to do it and I have three more pages of notes so that ain't happening in ten minutes so this is gonna be a two-parter I apologize if you're like man I really want to pass Robinson to put it all on the one sermon but you know what it is what it is so but but yeah so we'll pick up there where we left off next week Lord willing and let's end with the word prayer the only father we think today thank you for your word thank you for the book of Luke and thank you for this passage and just so many different things in here that we can grab on to and we'll just pay that you would be with us the rest of this week I pray to you be with those that aren't feeling well pray to heal everybody and and Lord just bring us back at the appointed time and what we love you in Paris in Jesus Christ's name amen so brother they will come sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your songbooks and turn to song 264 song 264 we'll sing once for all and if you would stand we'll sing song 264 free from the law Oh happy condition Jesus had bled and there is remission cursed by the law and bruised by the fall grace hath redeemed us once for all once for all Center receive and once for all brother believe and claim to the cross the burdens will fall Christ hath redeemed us once for all now are we free there's no condemnation Jesus provides a perfect salvation come unto me oh here is we call come and he saves us once for all once for all Center receive and once for all Oh brother believe and claim to the cross the burdens will fall