(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church Take your song books and turn to song 219 Song 219 in your song books to sing my burdens rolled away, and if you would stand we'll sing song 219 I Remember when my burdens rolled away I had carried them for years night and day When I saw the blessing Lord, and I took him at his word then at once all my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away, I am happy since my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away. I Remember when my burdens rolled away That I feared would never leave night and day Jesus showed to me the law so I left them at the cross. I was glad when my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away I Remember when my burdens rolled away That had hindered me for years night and day As I sought the throne of grace just a glimpse of Jesus face and I knew that my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away I am singing since my burdens rolled away There's a song within my heart night and day Living for my king and with joy, I'll shout and sing All my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away Rolled away Rolled away I am happy since my burdens rolled away And let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again, we just want to thank you God just for the the awesome Sunday You've given us Lord with a sermon this morning and then the soul winning this afternoon Thank you for the souls that were saved today yesterday during the marathon and throughout last week I pray Lord now that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything and said and done We love you for us in Jesus name we ask all of it. Amen. All right, you may be seated and Take your mountain Baptist Psalm books your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual Psalm books and turn to Page number nine Page number nine in your mountain Baptist Psalm books was saying Psalm 139 on page number nine Oh Surely thou will slay the wicked Surely thou will slay the wicked. Oh God Depart from me there for ye bloody men Depart from me there for ye bloody men Do not I hate them Lord that hate thee do not I hate them. Oh Lord that hate thee and am not I grieved Those that rise up against thee do not I hate them. Oh Lord that hate thee for they speak against the wickedly sure they speak against the wickedly and Thine enemies take thy name in vain and thine enemies Take thy name in vain Do not I hate them Lord that hate thee do not I hate them. Oh Lord that hate thee and am not I grieved With those that rise up against thee do not I hate them. Oh Lord that hate thee I hate them with perfect hatred I hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies I count mine enemies Do not I hate them Lord that hate thee do not I hate them. Oh Lord that hate thee and am not I grieved Those that rise up against thee do not I hate them. Oh Lord that hate thee Amen welcome back to mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday afternoon and just some announcements here I first want to get the sole winning numbers for the week. I know we had seven on Saturday. Was there any dirt a week? And Then today I know brother Chris you guys had one was there any others today? Levi two Amen, and then two over here. So today others five Twelve Amen And Then as far as announcements go This Wednesday is gonna be kind of a special Wednesday. We're gonna be doing the Lord's Supper And so I'll be kind of putting a pause on the first Samuel series Or well, we're gonna be finishing up for Samuel the next time we do it But we're gonna it's kind of the same you'll see the series it I guess But we're gonna be doing that this Wednesday and then this coming Sunday is We're gonna have an Easter fellowship in between the services and so You don't have to bring anything But if you want if you are gonna bring something just put it on the list back there So we know what everybody's bringing And we'll have a candy scramble all that stuff for the kids Men's prayer meeting this Friday and in the regional sewing times there just be on the lookout there As far as times locations everything else And Our Bible memory for the for the week or for the month we have Jonah chapter 2 still this month and then Proverbs 18 22 is our memory verse for the week and then Pregnancy list there do in prayer for Crystal McCloy on the pregnancy list there and be in prayer for all our ladies That just had little ones. So that's about what I have for announcements We are continuing kind of a series that I'm doing on the afternoon services on overviews of books of the Bible So we're up to Leviticus now, so we're gonna be doing the overview of the book of Leviticus tonight So offering box in the back there if you want to give a tie there an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only They're reading right brother Dave is gonna be reading Leviticus chapter 1 after we do one more song All Right take your songbooks and turn to song number 246 Song 246 and your some books will sing redeemed Song 246 And Redeemed how I love to proclaim and redeem by the blood of the Lamb Redeemed through his infinite mercy His child and forever I am Redeemed Redeemed Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb Redeemed Redeemed His child and forever I am Redeemed and so happy and Jesus no language my rapture can tell I know that the light of his presence With me doth continually dwell Redeemed Redeemed Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb Redeemed Redeemed His child and forever I am I think of my blessed Redeemer I think of them all the day long I sing for I cannot be silent His love is the theme of my song Redeemed Redeemed Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb Redeemed Redeemed His child and forever I am I know I shall see in his beauty The King in whose law I delight Who lovingly guardeth my footsteps and giveth me songs in the night Redeemed Redeemed Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb Redeemed Redeemed His child and forever I am All right, if you would take your Bibles and turn to the book of Leviticus Leviticus chapter 1 in your Bibles and we'll have brother David come and read that for us Leviticus Warren if you found any place amen and the Bible reads and the Lord called unto Moses and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation saying Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them if any man of you bring an offering unto the Lord He shall bring your offering of the cattle even of the herd and of the flock And if if his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish He shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation for the Lord And he shall put his hand upon the head of the parent offering and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him And he shall kill the bullock between before the load and the priests Aaron sons I'll bring the blood and sprinkle the blood round about the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation And he shall play the burnt offering and cut it into his pieces and the sons of Aaron the priests I'll put fire upon the altar and lay the wood and order upon fire and The priests Aaron sons shall lay the parts the head and the fat in the order upon the word that is on the fire Which is upon the altar But his inwards and his legs shall be Sally Watson water and the priests are burn all on the altar to be a burn sacrifice and offering made by fire of the streetsaver unto the Lord and if his offering be of the flocks namely of the sheep of the goats for a burnt sacrifice He shall bring it a male without blemish He shall kill it on the side of the altar northward before the Lord and the priests Aaron sons shall sprinkle his blood round about upon the altar he shall cut it into his pieces with his head and his fat and the Priests will lay them in order on the word that is on the fire, which is upon the altar He shall watch the inroads and the legs with water and the priests I'll bring it all and burn it upon the altar It is a burn sacrifice and offering made by fire of the streetsaver unto the Lord And if the burn sacrifice for his offering to the Lord be a fouls Then he shall bring his offering of turtle doves of young pigeons and the priest shall bring it unto the altar and ring off his head and burn it on the altar and the blood thereof shall be wrung out upon the side of the altar and he shall plug away his crop with the feathers and cast it beside the Altar on the east part by the place of the asses He shall cleave it with his wings thereof, but he's on but shall not divide it asunder and the priest Shall burn it upon the altar on the wood that is upon the fire It's a burn sacrifice an offering made by fire of a streetsaver under the Lord. Let's pray to Lord I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house, but you feel past with your spirit Help us to be edified. Jesus name. Amen Amen so you're there in Leviticus chapter 1 and we're gonna do an overview of the book of Leviticus And the whole point of these series is really to get kind of a bird's-eye view Kind of stepping back see the structure of the book so that when you're reading through it sometimes You know when you're reading through maybe some of these books Maybe you get bogged down and you're just kind of reading a chapter here chapter there Just kind of get through it eventually and then you kind of miss the big picture So the point of this is really kind of see the big picture of the book. What's the book about? What's the structure of the book? What's in the book that type of thing? and really with these these Exodus we were obviously dealing with the exodus or the exiting of the children of Israel out of Egypt and Really you get into the tabernacle and kind of the main judgments and laws and everything the book of Leviticus is kind of what it the title of it is Leviticus the Levitical priesthood is what you're dealing with So what you're gonna be dealing with in this is a lot of what the priests are gonna have to deal with as far As sacrifices so these first few chapters, you know You're gonna be dealing with different types of sacrifices that are being done and it's kind of detailing What you're sacrificing and what it's for and you know What type of animals that type of thing and kind of going into those details? And so let's just go through it and I'm not going to be going into the details as far as like What the burnt sacrifice is exactly for what the trespass offering is exactly for and all that That's for going through the book of Leviticus and and going into the nitty-gritty on that The idea here is just to see what's in chapter 1 what's in chapter 2 what's in chapter 3, you know What what are you what are we even looking at here chapter 1 starts off with the burnt offerings the burn offering So let's look at the first three verses here Burn offering means that it's burnt on the altar. Okay, so it's pretty self-explanatory, you know that you're actually burning it And so you'll see this a lot of times dealing with like a whole burn offering that type of thing But in verse 1 here says in the Lord called unto Moses to spake unto him out of the tabernacle the congregation Saying so the first thing that we see here is that he's speaking out of the tabernacle the congregation What did Exodus end with then rearing up the tabernacle and that there's a cloud in the pillar? you know the the cloud and then you have the pillar of fire by night and basically when they're in the wilderness Wherever that cloud in that pillar go they go if it stays they stay and it's right there at the tabernacle And so this kind of begins that process of the tabernacle and the Lord speaking out of the tabernacle and really Leviticus is just kind of Going on with the story, you know, that's not like this hard stop here from Exodus and Leviticus It's going on with the story But it's really giving the details as far as what the priests are going to be doing with their sacrifices and all this so In verse 2 here It says speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them if any man of you bring an offering unto the Lord He shall bring your offering of the cattle even of the herd and of the flock if his offering be a burnt Sacrifice of the herd let him offer a male without blemish He shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door to tabernacle the congregation before the Lord Now if a Calvinist was reading this they would really be upset Because they're like all free will isn't in the Bible your own voluntary will I Don't know how else you can really say that without being very clear that you have your own will and that it's free will Now the thing that they don't realize when the Calvinists look at you know, like free will is not in the Bible That's because it's one word in the King James Bible. It actually is there and there's a thing called a free will offering actually So yes Free will is the thing and in the thing that we see about these burnt offerings is that these are kind of your own voluntary will so these aren't kind of like Necessary like you must do these offerings. These are used for different things, but it could just be that hey I want to give something to the Lord, you know I want to sacrifice something unto the Lord and it's kind of your own voluntary will to give something to the Lord It's kind of what you're dealing with there. So the first one we see here now There's certain details and again, I don't want to get into nitty-gritty But it says that it must be a male without blemish Okay All these details matter when you're going through these these different Sacrifices as far as what they picture and what you have to understand is that you say well, we don't do burnt sacrifices We don't kill animals anymore so why should I even read the first like six chapters of Leviticus because all these Sacrifices picture what Christ was going to do and what he already did So all these sacrifices have a meaning and a purpose as far as what Jesus accomplished because he's the lamb slain from the foundation of the world, but he's the the sacrifice once for all and Really his sacrifice took care of all these sacrifices and so Looking at the details just kind of gives you a little more information as far as you know What Christ why Jesus had to die for us? What what were the different avenues and what are these things picture? so the burn offering is Obviously burns on the altar but it's a you know, you take a male of the herd and It without blemish and all of that so basically you don't pick the sickly ones Go to chapter 2 chapter 2 and we're gonna have meat offering So the first chapter is burn offerings and the second chapter is meat offerings now Meat offering meat in the Bible doesn't always mean it's not always talking about like like when we say meat We're talking about like t-bone steak chicken, you know, like protein, right? but meat in the Bible can be talking about Any of that right meats just kind of means like food And so in a meat offering you're actually dealing with like kind of a bread offering some type of wheat or corn or something like that as far as some kind of grain type of Flour offering you and your bait you're baking it into like some kind of cake or bread or something like that Okay, so the meat offering is in chapter 2 notice what says here in verse 1 It says and when in any offering when any will offer a meat offering unto the Lord his offering shall be of the flour and he shall pour oil upon it and Put frankincense there on and he shall bring it to Aaron's sons the priests and he shall take their Their out his handful of the flour thereof and the oil thereof with all the frankincense thereof and the priests shall burn the memorial of it upon upon the altar to be an offering made by fire of a sweet savor unto the Lord and the remnant Of the meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons It is a thing most holy of the offerings of the Lord made by fire And if thou will if thou bring an oblation of meat offering bacon in the oven it shall be unleavened cakes Fine flour mingled with oil or unleavened wafers anointed with oil So clearly talking about bread like a type of bread offering, okay? So the second chapter is dealing with a meat offering or type of like bread type of offering if you will Go to chapter 3 chapter 3 The first few chapters here you're just dealing with different types of offerings really First one is the burnt offering second ones meat offering third chapter. We're dealing with peace offerings peace offerings and verse 1 here it says in it and if his oblation be a sacrifice of peace offering if he Offer it of the herd whether it be male or female So that's kind of interesting and the fact that the burnt offering had to be male The peace offering can be either Okay Again, I'm not going into the details getting into why I'm just pointing out. There's there's obviously a difference between the burnt offering and The peace offering and he shall offer it without blemish before the Lord and he shall lay his hand upon the head of his Offering and kill it at the door of the tabernacle congregation and Aaron sons The priests shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about and he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering and offering May by fire unto the Lord that the fat that covered the inwards and all the fat that is upon the inwards and the two kidneys and the fat that is On them which is by the flanks and the call above the liver with the kidneys. It shall be taken taken away Now if anybody's ever read through Leviticus, you're like, you know that passage right there because it said so You're like the call above the liver, you know the two kidneys like It's just ingrained if you ever read Numbers chapter 7 Where they're talking about The offering that each tribe gives that that chapter is like a hundred for it's not a hundred verses It's something like that though But it's just like it says it all for each tribe And if I the end you're like, I know seven lambs of the first year like going down the line. You're like, okay so all that to say You know, that's something that's kind of common as far as you're dealing with these offerings. So the peace offering chapter 4 Chapter 4 we're dealing with a sin offering sin offering. Now the thing that's interesting about this one is That this sin offering I just want to read it real quick and I just want to explain this because this really does tie in to Hebrews and how Hebrews is obviously comparing, you know The Old Testament and those sacrifices to the New Testament and obviously Jesus being the sacrifice once for all but this is a very important point as far especially a Passage that people try to twist all the time and and say that you can lose your salvation or something like that But no, this is that all these sacrifices are to be in good fellowship with God None of these sacrifices ever took away your sins spiritually speaking. Okay? So basically when you look at all these sacrifices like what was this for to get right with God physically speaking is for the purifying the flesh in the New Testament We come boldly into the throne of grace and you know if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteous. We go straight to the Savior We go straight to our high priest. That's the beauty of the New Testament and so But these are kind of sins that you know things that you could take all these Sacrifices and look at these as far as like how would we apply that spiritually speaking in the New Testament? And there's an application for all of these Okay But in this case right here in verse 1 of chapter 4 the Lord spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel saying if a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which ought not to be done and Shall do against any of them if the priest that is anointed do sin According to the sin of the people then let him bring for his sin Which he has sinned a young bullock without blemish unto the Lord for a sin offering Now this sin offering the thing that's interesting about this is that it was a sin that they did ignorantly Which one tells you that if you're ignorant, it's still a sin, right? You know when people are just like well I didn't know about it's like it's still a sin though Like it's like I didn't know, you know that it was wrong to like steal, you know this or something like that It's like it's still a sin even if you're ignorant of it. Okay, but Sinning by ignorance has a lot more Mercy and grace to it meaning this is that there's a lot more leeway if you didn't know what you were doing was wrong and The thing is is that this this sin offering isn't dealing with presumptuous sins so in the New Testament When you're dealing with presumptuous sins You know or what we what we what it says in New Testament sinning willfully That it says there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, right? So when it's talking about that what you have to understand is that in the Old Testament there wasn't a sacrifice To get a presumptuous sin taken care of You've probably heard that there's a great transgression or there's a sin unto death There are certain sins that you can commit to where there's no there's no remedy for there's no like way to get that washed away Physically speaking now obviously if you're saved you're saved and even in that passage it talks about you know, the the blood of you know The blood which whereby you are sanctified, right? So it's it's this person sanctified by the blood of Christ, but they sin willfully There's just a certain fearful looking for of judgment There's no there's no like getting that kind of you know, you're just gonna take punishment is what's gonna happen. There's no like just Getting it forgiven and not having to deal with it. Okay That's what I was dealing with but see in the Old Testament they didn't have like some sin for presumptuous sins either so what is basically stating in that passage is that There wasn't a sacrifice in the Old Testament for presumptuous Willfully sinning type of things to get that right, you know as far as physically speaking in a New Testament There also isn't that's right in the New Testament and on top of that in the New Testament if you're saying you're saved Person in the New Testament and you're just sinning meaning you're despising the law and you're just sinning You know, it's kind of like nuts to that law. I'm doing it. Anyway, right that type of attitude that Not only is that not gonna be like where you can kind of wash that away It's of how much sorer punishment shall he be thought right? The idea is that in the New Testament actually It's gonna be worse for you than it was in the Old Testament when someone would sin presumptuously or willfully But either way, there's no sacrifice to get that cleansed physically speaking. Okay obviously when you get saved all your sins are washed away spiritually speaking and You know whether it's presumptuous or not. Does it make sense like that? They're all taken care of but physically speaking there are sins all unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death But there is a sin unto death. I do not say that he shall pray for it meaning this is that there are sins that are more like capital crimes and things that could cause you to be put to death or to die and basically there's certain sins where it's just like God's even telling you don't even pray for that person to like get forgiven and that seems harsh, but that's just the way it is and We're talking about a brother too. It's like if a brother sin a sin, which is not a death He shall ask and you shall give him life for them to sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death I do not say that he should pray for it So you're talking about a brother And he's saying if he sins a sin that's not unto death, right? It's not this sin That's like a capital crime pray for him and it'll give him life, right? What kind of you know, you're you're You're saving a soul from death, right? You're saving someone from dying that would have died if you didn't pray for him, right? But there are Christians that can sin It's kind of like praying for Saul after the witch at Endor account, right? You're like Lord, please don't kill Saul, right? It's like too late. You know, it's too late He's gonna die, you know, there's no there's no like saving him from that death After what he's done, okay so this passage is kind of a it just really remind it really shows me like hey that the fact that the New Testament is Just Showing you like here's the Old Testament New Testament's better, but these same principles are there, right? Trespassing sinning a peace offering the Bible talks about, you know giving an offering of our lips of thanksgiving toward God like there is an application spiritual sacrifices to offer up unto God and how all these physical sacrifices relate to the spiritual or relate to the New Testament and so Don't think that Leviticus is just like out of date and we don't need to read that, you know That was for the first covenant. Yes The sacrifice the physical sacrifice is first covenant. We're not dealing with that anymore, but the application as far as what they mean That is pertinent that is something that you can learn and you can apply even today and so Going to Leviticus chapter 5 Leviticus 5 to like Going into six some of these some of these aren't a hard like just this chapter Meaning sometimes it'll kind of go on into six and then it'll kind of start a new thought So I'm saying Leviticus 5 to like 6a, you know, so like the first half of Leviticus 6 You're dealing with trespass offerings So the sin offering was more of like ignorance like you didn't know and it even included the priest Basically saying he didn't know right he did it too This is more so dealing with Straight up you just sin, you know, like it's not a matter of like you were ignorant about it You just did it right and it these chapters kind of get into different types of trespasses. Okay, so I'm not gonna belabor that because it's kind of like touching an unclean thing lying different things like that to where You've sinned you've trespassed. I want to get this right with God Right and in verse 6 here just kind of give you a little glimpse of that So chapter 5 verse 6 says and he shall bring his trespassed offering unto the Lord For his sin, which he had sinned a female from the flock a lamb of a kid of the goats for a sin offering and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his sin and if he Be in if he be not able to bring a lamb Then he shall bring for his trespass which he hath committed two turtle doves or two young pigeons unto the Lord One for a sin offering and the other for a burn offering Okay, so the trespass offering it doesn't say anything about ignorance, right, you know, like they're ignorant of this And so it's just a matter of like I've lied I touched an unclean thing, you know Whatever the case may be you trespassed against the law essentially and you're bringing a sacrifice to the Lord and and The Leviticus chapter 6 the rest of the Leviticus chapter 6 and Leviticus chapter 7 You're kind of dealing with all the aforementioned like, you know kind of recap a lot of these sacrifices, right? You know as far as the burn offering the meat offering the sin offering the trespass offering right and it'll kind of mention those but it's kind of mentioning in the fact that This is something the priests are offering for themselves and then for the people So it kind of starts off in chapter 6 of like here's what the priests have to deal with for their own sins You know, whether it's a peace offering or whatever the case may be or the the sin offering the trespass offering And in chapter 7 is really dealing with okay the people, you know What how do you deal with this when the people do these certain things, right? and Go to Hebrews chapter 5 Hebrews chapter 5 because this is mentioned in Hebrews chapter 5 and the thing that I kind of want to point out is that The big thing about the Levitical priesthood is that the priests are sinners You know, you're dealing with the fact that those that are that are basically making intercession for the people are sinners themselves and they have to offer for their own sins before they can offer for the sins of the people that they're interceding for and Whereas in the in the New Testament Jesus is is the high priest after order of Melchizedek He's separate from sinners, right? I mean he doesn't have to offer for his own sins You know, he he's obviously making intercession intercession for us forever and There is that that clear kind of difference between the Levitical priesthood fleshly sinful Priests that can die right and then you have Jesus New Testament ever liveth Death hath no more dominion over unchangeable priesthood Separate from sinners, you know all of that Okay So in Hebrews chapter 5 verse 1 this kind of I think this will help when you're reading Hebrews 5 If you know Leviticus this all clicks, okay It says in verse 1 for every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men and things pertaining to God that he may both They may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins who can have compassion on the what? ignorant and on them that are out of the way for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity and by reason thereof he ought as for the people so also for himself to offer for sins and That's what you see in Leviticus is you see this idea of Ignorance and and obviously peace offerings different things like that and just straight-up trespass offering. You just mess up, right? It's not a matter you did. I didn't know I couldn't like lie. No, it's just that you did. Okay, you messed up And so obviously those have sacrifice where you can get right with God if you're just you just mess up, right? It's not that you're not ignorant. You just mess up Presumptuous or willfully sinning is another level to that Not only do you know you shouldn't do that. You're despising it. You're like nuts to that like you're doing it in spite of the law essentially and That's another level. That's where you really get into some really harsh punishment Okay, and in the Old Testament no sacrifice for that New Testament No sacrifice to take care of that because Jesus is the one sacrifice anyway But he's basically stating that you know In the New Testament even as a saved Christian you can commit for some if you could do some presumptuous willfully sinning You're just waiting for judgment It's just like just looking for the fire indignation that's gonna be coming on you in this light. Okay? But Hebrews 5 just really kind of recaps What we're dealing with here in Leviticus up to this point up to Leviticus chapter 7 is that? Sins of the people but the priests have to take care of their own sins first Okay, and that's kind of really the the crux of the Levitical priesthood is that one they're sinners and two they die So there's obviously people that have to be keep taking that office up as they go through Leviticus 8 Is really dealing with the consecration of the priests office okay, so for seven days and really a lot of Leviticus is just kind of stating like Different you know Ordinances or sacrifices or laws or different things like that. There's not a lot of story. Okay? Meaning this is that there's some there's some story Meaning like as far as like events that you're kind of going Chronologically through this the story of the children of Israel, but really Leviticus not much of it is that Numbers on the other hand. I mean you're really numbers it tells you like the whole story of them being 40 years in the wilderness Okay, and it's it's a lot of story There's a lot of number. There's a lot of numbering of things too. But the idea there is that there's a lot of story there And so Leviticus is more of kind of laws Sacrifices details, right? It's kind of like if you were to think about it like a handbook For the the Levites to do their duty that makes sense like the book of Leviticus Makes sense that it's called that but it's kind of like their handbook. I'm like, okay, they need to do a peace offering What do we do here and you're looking through the handbook? Okay, I need this I need this I need this This is how I do it all of that. Okay, and so Little Vegas chapter 8 is kind of dealing with that story of where Aaron and his sons so Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, Ithamar at this time at this point. Okay, spoiler Chapter 10, you're gonna lose a couple of those guys But in verse 1 here, it says the Lord spake unto Moses saying take Aaron and his sons with him in the garments and the anointing oil and the bullock for the sin offering and two rams and a basket of unleavened bread and gather thou All the congregation together unto the door of the tabernacle of congregation. So basically they're gonna consecrate Aaron is gonna be the high priest and then his sons are the priests and basically From this point on you have to be of the line of Aaron to be a priest not just Levi of the line of Aaron Okay, and that's where you'll get into stories where co-hats, you know, like the coethites and stuff like that are saying, you know, we you know basically are trying to serve authority over Aaron Aaron rod buds all that but It has to be at the line of Aaron. Okay, that's that's the way that God set it up And all of that and they're basically being consecrated here and this goes on for seven days Okay, so there's kind of a story here There's a lot of elements as far as what they're doing to consecrate themselves being anointed with oil all these different things But in verse 35 it says therefore shall you abide at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation Day and night seven days and keep the charge of the Lord that you die not for so I am For so I am commanded So Aaron and his sons did all the all things which the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses So basically chapter 8 they're consecrating Aaron and his sons to be the priests This takes a seven day. This is like a seven day process that's going on chapter 9 Aaron does a sacrifice. Okay, so Aaron's the high priest. Okay, and in chapter 9 It says in verse 1 it says and it came to pass on the eighth day So you do you kind of see of a chronological order of events here where you have the seven-day Event that's going on where they're consecrating the priests chapter 9 You know the next day right the eighth day it says it came to pass on the eighth day that Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel and And he said unto Aaron take thee a young calf for sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering Without blemish and offer them before the Lord, okay The chapter 9 is really just dealing with Aaron and God accepts his sacrifice and then chapter 10 so you kind of have a story from chapter 8 to chapter 10 here because chapter 10 is this famous story where Nadab and Abihu are killed and notice what it says here in Leviticus chapter 10 verse 1 and Nadab and Abihu the sons of Aaron took either of them his censer and put fire there in and put incense there on And offered strange fire before the Lord which he commanded them not and if you go back to Exodus it literally talks about this, okay Talks about the fact of not bringing any strange incense or anything like that There's a specific incense and specific things You're supposed to be offering upon the altar of incense and you're not to do anything other than that and they basically bring Something other than what God told them to do You say well, what's the strange it doesn't matter whatever is not what he subscribed, right? It is what they put on there and it says they offer strange fire But it says in verse 2 and there went out fire from the Lord and devoured them and they died before the Lord So it didn't take long for them to mess up I mean think about it Exodus there. They haven't got tabernacle to put together They're still getting the instructions from Mount Sinai. Moses is up in Mount Sinai getting instructions for Building the ark and building the tabernacle and all these different things and they make a golden calf After they've heard the Ten Commandments, there's no excuse like oh, we didn't know we can't make gold. We can't make idols Like you didn't make it very far through the Ten Commandments and then it you know They're basically consecrating each other, you know They're consecrating the priests all this stuff and then Nadab and Abihu are killed and this whole chapter is kind of dealing with the fact of how like Aaron has to just basically get up and do what he's got to do, right? And they basically have someone else like take their bodies out because they're not supposed to be touching any unclean body and all this stuff I mean It's kind of a a sobering story to where everybody's just like whoa kind of reminds me of Ananias and Sapphira and the fact of how they just dropped dead because they lied to the Holy Ghost About how much they sold their land for and how this fear went across You know the believers he's like, whoa You know, we need to be careful what we're doing here And I think this is kind of one of those warning shots like whoa, this is serious business when God says You know lest ye die he means it you know, it's kind of that big warning shot to them like hey, we better do this, right and So Leviticus 10 covers that Leviticus 11 go to Leviticus chapter 11. You're like you're going pretty quick Well, I if I go on rabbit trails, I'll never get through this But really, you know with all these chapters you just got to dig into those and really it's just a lot of sacrifices The priests are getting that, you know consecrated getting stuff in order to do these sacrifices all that That's pretty much the first 10 chapters of Leviticus is just dealing with that Leviticus chapter 11 is dealing with dietary laws. Okay. Now this was this is done away in the New Testament though There's still something to learn here Spiritually speaking with these dietary laws. Okay. So this is where you get the fact of you can't eat bacon. Okay, can't have ham Or anything like that in New Testament, you know what he tells Peter to Arise slay and eat, you know when it comes to unclean animals and things that are common So in New Testament, that's not a thing anymore It's not this dietary law has been done away with the diverse meats and drinks and diverse Washings and cardinal ordinances that were opposed on them They're done away in the time of Reformation. So the New Testament these don't apply to us So when people are just like oh you can eat shell you can't eat shellfish you know and they get it they just get all like Uptight about these type of things like it's very clear that these were just a picture for a time then present They were a shadow of things to come. They just represented something spiritual and And just to show you here in verse 1 It says and the Lord spake unto Moses and to Aaron saying unto them Speak unto the children of Israel saying these are the beasts which he shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth whatsoever part of the hoof and is Cloven footed and chew at the cud among the beasts shall that shall ye so Chew into cut is like how a cow like regurgitate its food and chew it That's chewing the cud and then the type of hoof it has okay So that's just kind of where you're dealing with does it part the hoof or is it just like all together? You know with no part in it. Okay, and what it comes down to is that I'll say this a pig is still not clean Today does that make sense? Like it's not like in the New Testament They started taking baths and they they're very clean cleanly animals. Okay, don't people have miss pets Which I'm still kind of wondering why I Mean, I'll see videos where people have them on their couch and all this stuff. I don't get it. Okay, but They're still unclean but the thing is is that in the New Testament it doesn't have to be clean for you to be able to eat it if There if you give Thanksgiving and obviously to the Lord for it then it's to be received. Okay, and so They do have there is a meaning there Obviously as far as clean and unclean beasts as far as what they represent and even in the Bible God will call certain people Animals types of animals and you could even go back to this to be like, okay swine When when someone's called a swine Not a good thing, okay You're like well at one it's an unclean animal But you know, obviously what does that represent so there's obviously reasons to read through you know, Leviticus even though Physically speaking. It doesn't apply to us today. Okay, and Leviticus 12 actually I believe is a very relevant Chapter today, especially with young families and all that in the Leviticus 12 you're dealing with Women's purification process after giving birth I kind of hit on this this morning randomly but It gets into how long it takes a woman to basically recover from giving birth Whether it's a boy or girl and I believe it's like 30 3 so it's a week Talked about the week and then it says like 33 days for a boy So you're dealing with basically like 40 days to recover Like to where your your body's like hormones and everything I think are like I'm not saying listen ladies I'm not here to be like everything is normal after 40 days not saying that okay But as far as like your body's like hormonal thing I think getting back to normal is about 40 days for a boy and it's double that For a girl Because then it'll be like two weeks in 66 days right for a girl and so And scientifically and medically they know that to be true Just as much as like later on they found out all we should circumcise a child on the eighth day because that's when they start Producing vitamin K and that's when they their blood that they can clot blood on their own. Oh It's like God knew what he's talking about when he said that it's on the eighth day you circumcise a child Okay, so that's the type of thing that You know Leviticus though. We you know, we're not taking two turtle doves to the prince You know every time, you know, like my wife gives birth or something like that But it does tell you like hey, this is a this is a purifying This is a cleansing process that your body's going through after giving birth. Okay? Chapter 13 and 14 are the leprosy chapters anybody that spread through Leviticus You're just like after you read these chapters. You're like, I don't feel like eating. I mean who here has read those chapters about the scab with the the white spot and the yellow hair and all this stuff and You're just like delicious Let me eat some dinner now and good thing because those are like the longest chapters in the book, too So you're just like whoa, you know, but I'll say this is that These chapters still have relevant relevance When it comes to types of sicknesses and and when you're talking about fretting leprosy what you're dealing with is things that are contagious and this actually gets into leprosy in a house, which is more so kind of dealing with like mold and That is still a real thing today, isn't it? Like if you see like streaks of black and like white and different things like that You know, what do you do? And it actually tells you like take off all the plaster take off all the blocks and replace it and if it comes back Tear it down. It's kind of like it just tells you like here's it. Here's how you deal with it And so these are relevant things that actually I still remember brother Stuckey pastor Stuckey now He's out in the Philippines and and I still remember he was living out in Arizona and he was living in his apartment And there was like these streaks on his like closet like, you know Drywall or something like that and he's like, I can't believe it. I had to apply Leviticus 14 to my landlord And like they moved them into a different apartment and apparently there was water damage or something that's causing the mold But that's a real thing and you know, obviously we had mold tests done here, you know Because we want to make sure that especially with how many kids and all that stuff we have in here We want to make sure that we're not breathing in Mold and and all that stuff. So so these are definitely very relevant passages even though like leprosy is not like a big Epidemic right now where we're just like we have camps of lepers and stuff like that or anything like that but Chapter 15 I believe definitely is more on the side of things that you know people deal with running issues Okay, and again you're reading through Leviticus and you're like 13 14 15. You're like good night. I feel sick You ever read through chapter like I kind of feel you know When people talk about sickness and you're just like I kind of feel a little sick right now And I feel you know, people are talking about throwing up like stop talking about it. Just stop Okay, and so you read through these chapters is like, okay You know running issues and like blood and like all these different things and you're like, okay But you know what? there's a lot of relevance to this dealing with cleanliness and dealing with if you're sick and you have a running issue meaning this is that wherever the running issues at Stay home you know stay away from people because it talks about like basically putting like something over your mouth or over your top lip and all this stuff in the fact that it's contagious and that's kind of what the principle of leprosy and the running issue is is that If you're contagious Quarantine yourself. Okay. Now the whole COVID thing that happened, you know four years ago The problem with that is they were quarantining healthy people, right? And so the idea is that you're supposed to quarantine if you're sick Right, so they took it to be just like everybody separate from each other, which is not possible anyway And so the real principle of the Bible is the fact that if you're sick Then you separate yourself if you have a fever if you have a running issue You have that type of stuff separate yourself from each other and listen if that means you're missing Church. That means you're missing Church You know, I'd rather you stay home and not infect the whole church With your running issue, right and then we all have it, you know And so these are very relevant passages today dealing with that. Okay Leviticus chapter 16 is dealing with the Day of Atonement now specifically this chapter is very interesting because the Day of Atonement is The tenth day of the seventh month, okay, but it is the day That Aaron well in this case Aaron, right, but whoever the high priest is is to go through the veil With blood to sprinkle on the mercy seat. Okay, this happens once a year And so this is where and this is something that is explicitly stated that Jesus Does that he went into heaven itself with his own blood? Whereas the high priest going with blood of others, right? They're going in the blood of an animal or something like that, right? And they do that once every year Jesus went in once for all Into the holy place and he sprinkled his blood on on the mercy seat So if you want to see because in the New Testament It doesn't exactly like give you step-by-step Jesus walking into the tabernacle and going past the veil and all that stuff But here's the thing everything that would that was stated here is is a picture of the true So if you want to know the details as far as like what happened, you know, what was going on This shows it to us. Okay, it shows us that physical representation of what the spiritual and the true would be So it's very interesting to maybe see maybe more details And again the mercy seat even talked about the Ark of the Covenant in the mercy seat Which we cannot not now speak particularly meaning this is that We're not I can't we can't I can't just draw you the Ark of the Covenant right now and be like, that's it exactly You know that information is not with us right now We you know, we can't speak particularly about that and what the mercy seat looks like and stuff like that You know, I believe one day we'll see it, you know the true one But that's what we're dealing with so in chapter 16, that's what you're dealing with as far as him sprinkling the blood upon the mercy seat and And all of that What was I going to So, let me let me just read you a little bit of it just because This is If you think about it like as far as the sacrifices are concerned in the blood sacrifice this is kind of the quintessential Pinnacle if you will of What the blood is applied to is this mercy seat in verse 12 there says and he shall take a sensor full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before the Lord and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small and Bring it before the veil now you say well, you know, is there an altar burning of coals and fires in heaven? Yes, there is. If you read Revelation, that's the first thing that gets thrown down to the earth It says he shall put the incense upon the fire before the Lord and a cloud of fire of the incense That the cloud of I'm sorry that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is upon testimony that that he died not and he shall take of the blood of the bullock and Sprinkle it with his finger upon the mercy seat eastward and before the mercy seat shall he sprinkle of the blood With his finger seven times then shall he kill the go to the sin offering that is for the people and bring his blood within the veil and do with the blood as he did with the blood of the bullock and Sprinkle it upon the mercy seat before The mercy seat so notice that he's doing like multiple sacrifices bringing in, you know bulls and goats, right? And so You know, but the blood bulls and goats shall not take away sins it's not possible and so it says in verse 16 and he shall make an atonement for the holy place because the uncleanness of the children of Israel and Because of their transgressions and all their sins and and so shall he do for the for the tabernacle congregation that remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness and later on in chapter it talks about the Day of Atonement and The specific day okay that this happens. So Leviticus chapter 18 dealing with the Day of Atonement the sprinkling the blood on the mercy seat Chapter 13 is really just kind of talking about that blood atonement. Okay, the idea of the blood atoning for the soul and In the Old Testament you're dealing with the soul as far as the person, you know If I say there's 17 souls on this ship over here. I'm not necessarily talking about their spiritual being I'm just talking about them. There's 17 people on there, right? so in chapter that Leviticus 17 in verse 11, actually if you were to tell me like what verse do you think of when you think of Leviticus? This is the verse for whatever reason and maybe because one of my first sermons I ever preached And I preached it at faithful word like on a preacher's night is I preached about the blood about how the blood saves and how it's by the through his blood that were saved because you know John MacArthur doesn't think that the blood saves and stuff like that and This is the verse is like my text verse that I use so maybe that's why you know, it just stuck in my head You know, but notice what it says in verse 11 It says Leviticus 17 verse 11 It says for the law for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it for I've given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls For it is the blood that make an atonement for the soul So and then it goes on to talk about like not eating the blood, you know So you're not supposed to be drinking blood but the idea here is that the blood is what without shedding of blood is no remission the Bible says and Without you know, that is what saves through his blood and even in this verse obviously fleshly speaking their souls would be atoned for as far as like physically because it says that You know the blood of bulls and ghosts and the sprinkling of the ashes of an heifer shall purify To the purifying of the flesh sanctified to the purifying the flesh But it talks about the blood of Christ how that purifies the conscience so In this the way it's even wordless as I have given it to you upon the altar To make an atonement for your souls, right? It even shows like the Lord is saying this and he's basically it's kind of like I will He will provide himself a lamb, you know, it's that type of verbiage where it can be taken kind of both ways And Obviously you kind of have the true meaning in there like he's gonna be the lamb it's gonna be his blood upon the altar right and Yet all these physical applications are pointing to that. Okay Leviticus chapter 18 and 20 I'm linking together and I Just kind of want to show you what I'm going to show you two verses one in each one And really just show you that Leviticus 18 is kind of giving you a lot of Commandments about Basically sexual immorality and different things like that, but it's like Commandments Whereas chapter 20 is the punishment. Okay So if you're gonna think about what's the difference between chapter 18 and chapter 20 one is the commandment The other is the punishment. Okay. So let me just give you an example. Most famous example would be dealing with sodomy Okay, so in Leviticus 18 22 it says thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind It is abomination. Okay Commandment don't do it. Okay. It's an abomination Chapter 20 verse 13 and you can do this. You can cross-reference this with all the other ones, right? So that's kind of giving you the same list one is just saying don't do it chapter 20 is like here's your punishment Chapter 20 verse 13 if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman Both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death their blood should be upon them So notice it doesn't say don't do it. It's just saying if you do it, here's your punishment So that's kind of the way you're dealing with it. Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20, commandment punishment, okay Chapter 19 is that spiritual sandwich of goodness. Okay, meaning this is chapter 19 is A fantastic chapter. I can't stress that enough. Okay, meaning this Go to Leviticus chapter 19 and verse 15 This chapter Has so much New Testament Statements in here when people are just like all that Leviticus. I mean like you mean thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself And I want to I want you to know this this is the only place in the Old Testament that says that The only place in the Old Testament that says that and you'll say that can't be you know Like I hear it all the time in the New Testament You'll see thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. The law is fulfilled in one word even in this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself You know, so when people are just like, oh, you know, throw Leviticus out. No, it's not Leviticus We just need to take commandment Like all the laws fulfilled in one word even in this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Where's that found? Sandwich between Leviticus 18 and 20. That's where that's found. So try to rip that out of there, right? That's spiritual sandwich, right? You literally have to pull it out from between those passages that they hate To try to like believe it's a you know, hold on to love thy neighbor as thyself And here's here's the truth of the matter all of it's good It's all right I'm not trying to pull out any of it. I want it all to be there It's a brilliant spiritual sandwich that you know what Christians just need to eat it and Maybe it'll be a little bitter in their stomach. But you know what? They just need to eat it. They need to like it Because it's the Word of God and you know what? Christians need to get off their high horse and their their proud stance of what they think God should be and they should just read The Bible for what it is and say, you know what? It's the perfect law of Liberty Now Look at Leviticus chapter 19 and verse 15. It says ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment Thou shalt not respect the person of the poor nor honor the person of the mighty but in righteousness Shout thou judge thy neighbor. Wow, man, how many judge not judge not Don't judge me. Don't judge me. You know what the Bible says Thou shalt judge thy neighbor Do it Righteously and even Jesus says judge righteous judgment Don't judge according to outward appearance, but judge righteous judgment Keep reading there. It says Thou shalt verse 16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a tailbearer among my people neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor I am the Lord thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy brother thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him They don't hate your brother. You know what you should do rebuke him for the sin that he's committed Wait a minute to rebuke him though You kind of have to judge righteous judgment first, don't you? You kind of have to know that he's doing something You kind of have to state that he's doing something wrong in order to rebuke him Thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people But thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. I'm the Lord There is the coveted phrase of all the the libtards and the the weak Christians out there That basically want to take that and negate the rest of the Bible But yet the only place in the Old Testament that's found is in Leviticus Sandwich between don't lie with mankind and you're gonna die if you have not you know, you should be put to death if you lie with mankind, right and Right between there is love thy neighbor as thyself So it's not a contradiction it's just that they don't understand it and They don't want to believe they don't want to have this authority of the Bible They want to basically make it say what they want it to say. So chapter 20 and 21 and 22 you're dealing with standards for the priests so this kind of gets into Different how they live, you know who they marry stuff like that and just to be honest The standards that they have aren't necessarily sinful like Meaning like if someone else did it's not necessarily sinful It's just that the priests are held to this really high standard So, let me just give you an example as far as who they marry okay, it says verse 13 and he shall take a wife and her virginity a Widow or a divorced woman or profane or in harlot? These shall he not take but he shall take a virgin of his own People to white. Okay. So is it wrong to marry someone that's not a virgin? Is that a sin? No Not a sin You know, is it wrong to marry a widow? No, not wrong to marry a widow if you're dealing with divorced I mean that there is a literal divorce bill of divorcement where it says they can remarry so if you're taking it to the law of like what in context of the Deuteronomy and you can all we can all Discuss like what we believe that case is and who that would apply to and all that But either way that may not even be a sin. Okay, is It you know a harlot God tells Hosea to marry a whore, you know a harlot So that can't be inherently wrong And so what it comes down to is That they are held to a high standard. Okay now obviously I would say most people would want you know You know to marry a virgin bride, right? So it's not like that's not what most people would want. It's just the fact that the priests were held to that standard They couldn't go any other route besides that. That's what it's basically stating Okay, so when it comes to the priesthood, it was really this high standard Above reproach that type of thing, right? Think about like the the office of like a bishop or a deacon and stuff like that Is that all those things on those on the list everybody should be wanting to strive for, right? But to be in that office, you must attain unto those. Does that make sense? Like you have to be at that level So that's where it's kind of like this higher standard for that office and all that stuff so These chapters deal with that I don't want to really go into all the details about like all the standards that they had But the priesthood definitely had some higher standards and they weren't necessarily Just a matter of like sin and not sin. Some of it was just way it was just high, you know, high High marks and being above reproach. Okay chapter 23 is a very interesting chapter And the reason it's interesting is because this is the Feast of the Lord. Okay, I did a whole sermon on this once Dealing with this, but there's I believe seven feasts that are mentioned in this chapter There's I believe the seventh day Sabbath that would happen every week was technically a feast Meaning that they were to do no work. They were to do sacrifices There were certain things to be done that the priest had to do on every single Sabbath day. Okay The next one that's mentioned is the Passover Okay, so the Passover starts with killing the lamb on the eve of the 14th day of the month and then you'd have a week Of this the Feast of Unleavened Bread and in the New Testament, it just basically links those together Okay, I don't believe these are two separate feasts I believe they're one in the same because it says the Passover which is the Feast of Unleavened Bread or I think it says The Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is the Passover and basically they're one in the same Okay, and then you have the first fruits You have the Feast of Weeks, which would be Pentecost, okay And then you have the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles Now what's interesting about it, obviously we don't keep these feasts But they all represent something. The first four feasts have already been accomplished Okay, as far as fulfilling what they represent because the seventh day Sabbath, if you think about when Jesus died When Jesus died on the 14th, I believe at the eve of the 14th day of the month, okay He dies and he's buried and he rises again on that first day of the week Well, I believe he died on Thursday. The next day would be The Passover or it would be the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is a Sabbath day Okay, the first day of that feast is a Sabbath day. No work is to be done The next day, so if he died on Thursday, that Friday would be that 15th day of The Feast of Unleavened Bread, Sabbath day. The next day is the seventh day Sabbath Sabbath day and then the next day, according to the first fruits, is the day after the Sabbath is When they do the wave offering for the first fruits and what is Jesus? He is the first fruits of them that which slept He is the first fruits of the resurrection so the first fruits was represents the resurrection and Those happened all in order With the death and resurrection. Okay, the Feast of Weeks is Seven weeks you count seven Sabbaths after the first fruits happen and It's 50 days after that. Okay 50 days which is where we get Pentecost. You can think of pentagram the word five right or for five Pentecost is talking about 50 days right 50 days after and the Feast of Weeks is where is basically you know basically dealing with You know kind of the harvest if you will and the fact that they would bring in a lot of like what they're bringing in from the fields Obviously day of Pentecost, what are you doing? You're reaping the harvest essentially when you're dealing with soul winning and winning people to Christ and the outpouring of the Spirit and everything The last three the Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Tabernacles I believe are dealing with things that haven't happened yet the day of the Feast of Trumpets. I believe you're dealing with actually the tribulation In the fact that that is when they were commanded to blow trumpets when they were going to war and the Saints are gonna be The Antichrist is gonna make war with the Saints And I believe that that Feast of Trumpets is dealing with that event the Day of Atonement. I I believe is the rapture. Okay, and You're dealing with the Day of Atonement and think about this the Day of Atonement Chapter 25 Okay deals with a special Day of Atonement Which is every 50 years on the Day of Atonement there was what you called the year of Jubilee In the year Jubilee Everybody got back their inheritance. They got back any family members that were sold in the bondage They got back any land that was that was that they lost or anything like that Basically all their inheritance was given back to them Which I believe and by the way on that day So you have the Feast of Trumpets right where they're blowing of trumpets and then on the 50 every 50 years On the Day of Atonement you'd have this year of Jubilee and they would blow a trumpet which you get to on the last trump You know the dead in Christ shall rise and so I believe this perfectly lines up with that and Feast of Tabernacles, I believe is dealing with New Heaven New Earth Actually in the New Testament Revelation 21 it says the tabernacle of God is with men So I believe it's talking about how we're gonna be dwelling with God. There's gonna be no more tabernacle But we're dwelling with God You know, that's the finale. Okay, so that's personally what I think is going on there So when you understand these feasts represent something then you could say, okay this is interesting how this foreshadows everything this has happened and Things that are still to come. Okay Leviticus chapter 24 is Dealing with a man that's being put to death for cursing and blaspheming God So there was a strict policy on not cursing God in the land of Israel and they stoned This this man for cursing God and all of that So we kind of have kind of a chronological order kind of story there in chapter 24 chapter 25 Like I said, you have the year of Jubilee. They're proclaiming liberty. I Personally believe that I mean if you don't see the rapture and like the dead in Christ rising and you know All of us, you know getting our new bodies like our inheritance like all that I think that's very clear But that also is a very interesting chapter in the fact that in chapter 25 It's kind of like a reset button for the country Because you know, there's there's kind of the people that are like for big government which causes monopolies Okay, or then you have like Extreme libertarianism which causes monopolies, right? So you can have monopolies that are basically kind of You know the government decides who the monopolies are gonna be Or you can have over here to where someone gets really really rich and then they kind of make their own monopolies Right and they buy up all the land you have like the Bill Gates and like all those kind of people that are Buying up all the farmland right and you kind of have this idea where okay neither model really is perfect when it comes that obviously big government's bad and then you kind of have anarchy and like You know like straight libertarian type of views there and The Bible though has always got the perfect form of system when you're dealing with a broken system Okay, what you have to understand is that We're dealing with sinful people. And so no government is going to be perfect under that system You know, we have a constitutional republic But even the founding fathers said that that would not work unless you have a righteous people So you have to have kind of this the the the body of people to make that work a Certain group of people that's gonna make that work But what you have in the Bible is that what what God's had set up is that every year there was kind of a reset button Where if someone let's say someone bought up all of Israel and they just like had all the money in the world They just bought up all of Israel. Well when that year Jubilee happens It's a reset button and it's given back to the families that whom it belonged to begin with You say well, that's not you know, that private land, you know, probably, you know, it should be private and all this stuff It's like tell that to the Lord, but I'll tell you one thing We don't really own any of this stuff worse pilgrims and strangers walking through this world And I don't know about you, but this is all gonna be burned up, you know, it like fervent heat anyway, I Mean do we really own the property though? Because if the government just raised the taxes to where we can't pay it guess what we don't own it anymore And then obviously you could have like wars and stuff like that through that but the idea here is that this is actually a very interesting passage dealing with the year Jubilee on How do you deal with monopolies? How do you deal with? That type of thing going on in any way that you you deal with it, right and the Bible I believe has a way of dealing with it and it was the year Jubilee It was basically a reset button that they would That would be hit every 50 years Not saying they actually did it right okay, but that was the principle, you know, you know a lot of these things like they were supposed to do a Sabbath of rest on the land every seven years and They apparently didn't do it Because every Sabbath that they didn't do They had to be in captivity for that year and they were in captivity for 70 years Okay, so if you can do the math What is 7 times 70? 490 years so for 490 years they didn't do it. Okay Now I don't know if it was consecutive maybe there was like a year, you know, like where they did it but You know, they I'll say this if anybody thinks the children is there we're keeping that covenant they are delusional You have not read the Old Testament if you think they were keeping it It's just that God was very gracious with them and very merciful with them to not just disregard them from the beginning Okay, and throughout that time of the Old Testament Old Testament chapter 26 is dealing with blessings and cursings and so Kind of Deuteronomy, I'm sorry Deuteronomy has this same type of thing that happens as well where there's kind of like the blessings if you follow the Lord Cursing is if you don't follow the Lord and chapter 27 is an interesting chapter, you know The last chapter is dealing with redeeming Redeeming vows. So let's say you vow something, but you don't want to give that vow. You can pay it out and Redeem it with money. Okay or if you have a tithe and What it's talking about is like you have a tie to something but you don't want to give that certain item Turn it into money right and kind of redeeming a tithe and I'll say this That redeeming of tithe has been misused in churches where I've heard it preached that if you didn't tithe for let's say, you know Let's say you just got saved and you're like 50 years old and you're like you didn't tithe your whole life That you have to basically pay that back tithe and add a fifth part to it. That's 20% Okay I've heard that preached from Leviticus like stating that you need to pay a back tithe Not only what you didn't pay in tithes for the past. I Don't know. I don't know when they take that back to you. Maybe it's just when you're saved, right? So maybe you're saved at 20 you didn't start tithing until you're 50 for the last 30 years You're paying a back tithe And you're adding 20% to that that is not what that passage is talking about at all okay, so that is not at all what it's talking about and so Very interesting and if you're going to one of those churches, that's probably a chapter You'd want to study out just so you can know that what they're saying is not true. So Anyway, definitely a very interesting a book Leviticus One of those books that I believe there's a lot of interesting stuff in there that Was physically done that represents the spiritual so it'd be a good study to kind of just try to Extrapolate the spiritual meaning out of certain things when it comes to the physical things that were done whether it's dietary laws Whether it's mingling seed within the field or you know the dreaded like all you know Don't put linen with wool and therefore like I'm an abomination because of that in the New Testament It's all gets into not being unequally yoked and like the spiritual meaning behind it and all of that which those Ordinances were done away and really the Leviticus what you have to understand is that there's moral law and there's customary law And you have to figure out what's custom. Let me ask you a question What do you think I'm gonna state two laws here and I want you to tell me which one you think is moral law Which is customary law? Thou shalt not commit adultery Moral law or customary law moral law right that doesn't change. It's always gonna be wrong to commit adultery Do no murder Yes, always wrong moral law But when it comes to eating You know wearing certain types of fabrics on the fringes of my garments Do you think that is moral law or customary law? Eating certain types of animals moral law or customary law, I mean it's very Apparent, isn't it? I mean it's very apparent mingling seed in the field Certain types of clothing and guess what? The Bible says meats drinks divers washings and cardinal ordinances Those were imposed on them until the time of Reformation. It's very clear that those are Customary laws that are done away with and you know what if the world can't understand the difference between moral law and customary law and that's gonna be their stumbling block to why they don't believe the Bible the nuts them and they can go to hell with their stupidity Because it's very apparent that There's things that are just morally wrong and that never change and then there's things that are imposed For a picture and for a time and present. Okay, so let's end with the word parent The only father we think of today. Thank you for your word. Thank you for the souls that were saved Today throughout this last week. Thank you for baptisms today and Lord Just pray that you'd be with us throughout the rest of this week and Lord We just thank you for that everything you've given us Thank you for the book of Leviticus and Lord Just pray that you help us understand it and to apply it to our lives Lord We love you pray all this in Jesus Christ name. Amen, but they will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed Alright take your song books and turn to song number 10 Song number 10 in your song books. We'll sing near the cross if you would stand we'll sing song number 10 Jesus keep me near the cross. There are precious Fountains Free to all Healing stream flows from Calvary's mountain in the cross and the cross Be my glory ever Tell my raptured soul shall find Rast beyond the river Near the cross a trembling soul And mercy found me there the bride and morning star Sheds its beams around me And the cross And the cross Be my glory ever Tell my raptured soul shall find Beyond the river Near the cross Oh Bring it seems before me How me walk from day to day? With it shadows or me and the cross and the cross Be my glory Ever Tell my raptured soul shall