(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in 1 Samuel chapter 16. 1 Samuel chapter 16 is where we really see David coming into the picture in the Bible. And David, we're going to be dealing with King David and we're going to continue our series through the Kings. So so far we've done King Saul and we're going to King David. And honestly this is kind of, it's not going to be that complicated as we go through, we went through King Saul, King David, and King Solomon. It's when we get that split in the kingdoms is where we're going to really try to make sure we kind of remember that line and everything. I'm going to try to make a, see if I can make a chart if anything. Like just basically showing, that's easy enough showing like okay here's Rehoboam, here's Jeroboam the son of Nebat. And you go down the line as far as who comes after them. The thing that I'd like to do is somehow show like how much they rained and you can kind of see you know the overlaps. So you can see okay this one rained for five years, this one rained for, because what you'll have in a lot of cases one will rain for like 50 years and there's like five other kings on the other side and the other you know kingdom that have gone through by that point. And so it's just kind of a visual thing if I can do it and I can do it I just want to make it look good you know. And to where you can just have that in front of you and be like okay I see you know Hezekiah rained for 29 years and here's all the kings over here in the kingdom of Israel that were going on at that time and just kind of have a guide for that. But as we're going through it we'll obviously be seeing it but you know you'll kind of probably forget about it or whatever later on. But we see here with King David and I wanted to first of all show you the two places what God says about David and how you know like the man that he's picking instead of Saul. Okay so before we even get to David we see him alluded to or talked about. So in 1 Samuel chapter 13, 1 Samuel chapter 13 the first thing we see is that he's a man after God's own heart. And if there's something to know about David that's it. You know there's two things that I usually think about he's a man after God's own heart and he's a sweet psalmist of Israel. There's like two monikers of David that I remember that's just brought up and just something that you usually know about. But in 1 Samuel chapter 13 this is where Saul's kingdom is not going to continue because he offered that sacrifice when he shouldn't have done it. So in 1 Samuel chapter 13 and verse 14 it says but now thy kingdom shall not continue the Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people because thou has not kept that which the Lord commanded thee. And so we see that he sought him a man after his own heart and notice that it says in present tense the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people and this is where really where you get into the Lord call those things which be not as though they were and so it was take it down to the bank David was going to be king and so I just think that's interesting because obviously we haven't even got to chapter 16 where you have Samuel anointing him saying he's going to be king. And so but Acts chapter 13 says this too as far as the man after God's own heart. That's a strong statement I don't think that lightly it's kind of like when you call Abraham God's friend. That's a strong statement that he was called the friend of God. You can think about this too because you know it talks about you are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you. And you think about the fact that you could be a friend of God but are you the friend of God you know meaning like you can kind of have that upper status of being like like Abraham you know because obviously those that keep his commandments and that are following him are friends of God but to be a man after God's own heart you know what a what a thing to be said about you and Acts chapter 13 verse 21 it says and afterward they desired a king and God gave unto them Saul the son of kiss a man of the tribe of Benjamin by the space of 40 years and when he had removed him he raised up unto them David to be their king to whom also he gave testimony and said I have found David the son of Jesse a man after mine own heart which shall fulfill all my will. So it just confirms it in New Testament that that was talking about David no doubt that that was talking about David in first Samuel chapter 13 so David is is a man for God's own heart. That's something to think about you especially since he's the sweet psalmist of Israel and he's a man after God's own heart and then you read then you read what kind of Psalms he wrote you know and people are just they're constantly tearing apart the Psalms and saying you know I was David in the flesh no he's a man after God's own heart not to mention he was speaking by the Holy Ghost so it wouldn't really matter if he was a man after God's own heart he's speaking by the Holy Ghost and so but also we see that he's better than Saul so not only is he a man after God's own heart go to first Samuel chapter 15 so first Samuel 13 is where Saul makes the first mistake and basically God's saying your kingdom is not going to continue and someone else that's a man after my own my own heart is going to take over okay but I believe that's more so like he was going to fill out his years of reigning and then David would take over whereas in chapter 15 when he doesn't kill all the Amalekites and basically says I've kept the Lord I've kept the command of the Lord and was belligerent about it that's when he says okay you're rejected now from being king and so I believe God was basically saying at this point I reject you as being king over Israel and in verse 28 so first thing chapter 15 verse 28 says and Samuel said unto him the Lord hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day and hath given it to a neighbor of thine that is better than thou so it's saying that David's better than Saul and it's saying he's a man after God's own heart so those are two things that we know about David before we even get to him is that that's the kind of man that he is obviously there's a great allegory of Saul and David dealing with the Old Testament and New Testament and how God has rejected Saul and how God has rejected the Old Testament and how guess what the New Testament's what better it's the better covenant the better testament and you know just so many things you could see with that allegory now going to first Samuel chapter 16 we see who David was he was actually a shepherd we actually at the end of the chapter he was also a musician meaning that he could play at least the harp and so that makes sense because he's the sweet psalmist of Israel right if he's writing songs he probably knows how to play an instrument or two and so but we see a little bit about him what he looked like and in first same chapter 16 and verse 11 it says and Samuel said unto Jesse here are all are here all thy children and he said there remaineth yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the sheep and Samuel said unto Jesse send and fetch him for we will not sit down till he cometh hither until he come hither and he sent and brought him in now he was ruddy and with all of a beautiful countenance and goodly to look to and the Lord said arise anoint him for he for this is he then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren and the spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward so Samuel rose up and went to Rhema and so we see that that David he was the youngest and this is where there's actually some controversy and I'm not here to like talk about the so-called contradiction here whether Jesse had seven sons or eight sons I believe it was eight and that David was the eighth okay and it says that specifically in other places okay and so I'm not here to talk about that but it's just you know a lot of times you got to look at the way it's worded and all that but what we see here is that when when Samuel got there he thought it's gonna be the firstborn you know he looked like a mighty man and that's where God is saying you know don't look on the outward appearance because in verse 7 there it says but the Lord said unto Samuel look not on his countenance for on or on the height of his stature because I have refused him for the Lord seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart and you kind of think of the Old Testament if you're looking at allegory the Old Testament is all about the appearance and what's physically tangibly you look at you see it right whereas the New Testament is all about what you can't see when you think about the administration right because where's our temple that we're looking to who's our high priest what's the Lord in heaven we don't see any of that so you know you can see the physical to spiritual kind of realm he looks like Saul looked he was head and shoulders above everybody right he was the tallest in all of Israel and so he's a mighty man of valor but it's not all about that and David ends up being a mighty man of valor so it's not like he's not strong and he's not you know but he you know what he has on top of that he has a good heart he has a heart that's after God and that's what Saul was missing and Saul started off good but he didn't have that heart like David had for to know God and to be close to God like he like he is and also we see that he's a shepherd I'm going to get into that as far as how David is is is also a picture of Jesus Christ okay we'll see that Solomon is also a picture of Jesus Christ listen Joseph was a picture of Jesus Christ there's a lot of pictures a lot of people in the Bible that are picturing Christ but when you when you look at this I'll show you the particular thing and him being a shepherd is a huge part of it okay him being humble and being a shepherd but this thing this word here ruddy have you ever wondered what that was talking about you know he was ruddy and with all of a beautiful countenance and goodly to look to so obviously he was a good-looking young man he was not unfortunate looking right he he was a handsome young man right and so you can see why Michael Saul's daughter loved him and you know it wasn't just that I'm sure I'm sure it wasn't just that he's good looking but he actually killed Goliath like he was a strong guy but all that says that ruddy what is that talking about well if you looked up the dictionary definition it means of or having a fresh healthy red color okay now this is where a lot of people say well you know David was a redhead well that's not possible because David has a soul no I'm just kidding so no I'm just kidding but all I have to say is that they'll say that he's redhead could be it doesn't say I don't know of any place in the Bible where it says that he had red hair but I want to show you the other places that the word ruddy is used okay and I believe honestly that this is talking about what his flesh looked like and what I think about this is that he had uh you know kind of a youthful look to him meaning that his countenance he didn't look I don't have the word I would aged or that he'd been gone through you know you you look at some people are like time has not been good to you you know like it just kind of like worn down and I'm not pointing at anybody here and saying like anybody's like that what I'm saying is that they just had this look about him they look fresh they just looked healthy right and uh go to first Samuel chapter 17 because this is said about David again because the Phil you know the Goliath says this about him or basically he doesn't say this about him but this is why he said he's mocking David okay is because of his countenance because he was a good-looking young man that was just kind of ruddy and I kind of just think of this as being um you know he's young you know that's kind of that ruddy countenance is kind of associated with being young or being healthy um and and stuff like that so uh first Samuel chapter 17 verse 42 it says and when the Philistine looked about and saw David he disdained him why it says for he was but a youth and ruddy and of a fair countenance so it has to do with what he looks like right and you know a lot of people because uh I'll show you another place you don't have to turn to go to Song of Solomon Song of Solomon uh chapter 5 but in Lamentations 4 and verse 7 it says her Nazarites were purer than snow they were whiter than milk they were more ruddy in body than rubies their polishing was of sapphire so notice how ruddy is always associated with the body okay so I don't think this has anything to do with hair color or anything like that and again I don't know what his hair color was okay but in Song of Solomon chapter 5 we know what Solomon's hair color is because his beloved is telling us that and I'll show you that just because someone's ruddy and countenance doesn't mean it's telling us that he's a redhead or anything like that and I'm just kind of giving you a look at who David is we don't know we know he has a beard right in the bible because he scrabbled at the door and spittle came down on the beard so you can kind of picture what he looks like but basically he just looked like a really healthy uh you know in shape kind of guy does that make sense he's just he's just I don't know healthy I guess I think that's really why it's saying ruddy and what that means and maybe just red looking I don't know I'm not sure exactly uh how that fits in there but it has to do with being kind of like a red and countenance um but notice in Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 10 it says my beloved is white and ruddy the chief is among ten thousand his head is as the most fine gold his locks are bushy and black as a raven so his hair was black as a raven that's Solomon okay so Solomon had black hair but it said that he was white and ruddy okay so you know I believe that's basically saying he he was pretty much a white guy but the countenance of the ruddy the ruddiness has to do with how fresh because that's what the definition of or having a fresh healthy red color meaning it has to do with what your body looks like or your skin tone I guess not even skin tone it's not talking about like white black or brown or anything like that I think it's just dealing with how healthy you look okay and so David was a healthy young man that's pretty much what I believe it's saying here he's a healthy young man I have no idea what his hair color is I know he has a beard you know from other places in the bible he was a good-looking young man you know that's what it's basically saying and so that's why the philistine was mocking him you know and because it's this good-looking young man is going to come take him out he's not this rough-looking dude does that make sense he's not like this just scraggly looking guy coming after him it's like because you think of like fighters right usually they're a little rough around the edges there David you know the guy that you don't want to mess with is not the clean cut like chiseled face guy usually it's the guy that's got like you know like his ears are all like got cauliflower ear and stuff like that listen I got a little bit of it from wrestling but um but usually their ears are just like mangled up and their face has been through the ringer their nose has been broken five times you know what I mean like there's there's that countenance that you look at you're like I don't wanna mess with that dude right but then you have David coming on the scene who looks fresh like as a newborn baby so to speak right so you kind of think of that that's kind of why the philistine you know the goliath the philistine was basically mocking him because of that um so anyway you know why did I get off on the rabbit trail because I think about it when I'm reading through the bible and I think about when it says ruddy I'm like what exactly is it implying there but I think it's just really saying that he's young and healthy that's pretty much what it's saying um but you know it says that he's a shepherd go to Ezekiel chapter 34 and I'm going to show you a place in the bible and this also help you understand Ezekiel 34 and 37 dealing with why it's it's saying this it's literally talking about a future event in Ezekiel now mind you Ezekiel is after or at least during the captivity okay so we're talking way after David's time right David is the king over Israel right now hasn't even been split yet Ezekiel's during Judah's captivity for 70 years right so we're way past all the kings that we're going to even cover in this whole series but notice what it says in Ezekiel chapter 34 and verse 23 it says I will set up one shepherd over them and he shall feed them even my servant David he shall feed them and he shall be their shepherd and I the Lord will be their God and my servant David a prince among them I the Lord have spoken it who you think that's talking about it's obviously talking about the Lord Jesus Christ okay and you know we're going to see how in this case it's literally using David as the name to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ and when we get to Solomon there's actually things that are said about Solomon that are quoted in the New Testament talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and we're going to be getting into the son of David you know they kept calling him the son of David and all this stuff and I'm getting into that with Solomon but here it's basically talking about David that name is being used to refer to the Lord Jesus Christ why do you think so well maybe because he's a man after God's own heart the Lord Jesus Christ came in the name of the father you know did the works of the father always you know does those things which please him wouldn't you say that the Lord Jesus Christ is a man after God the father's own heart how about that he proceeded forth from the father and so you think about what that represents what's but he's also better than Saul who's the mediator of the New Testament the Lord Jesus Christ so you can definitely see how that pictures that and I go to Ezekiel chapter 37 just to show you that again because it's going to repeat this I'm going to be getting back into David and his life a little bit too but I just want you to see this when when it's talking about how did David even start off well he was humble and he was a shepherd but obviously the Lord Jesus Christ fits that mold as far as how he came he was humble and he ended up being a king and a shepherd and Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 24 it says and David my servant shall be king over them notice how this is future tense now David has long been dead okay so what we're talking about here is Lord Jesus Christ this happens a lot in the Bible okay so this is why I'm kind of bringing this up because when you're reading through this you may be a little confused and saying what is this talking about this also happens with Zerubbabel when you're reading through Zechariah and you're reading through Haggai Zerubbabel is the governor of Judah but things are said about Zerubbabel and Joshua the son of Josadak the high priest that are said about those two men that are prophecies about Jesus okay and those are two literal men but you'll see things said about Joshua the high priest and Zerubbabel the governor why because Jesus is the king and high priest right but he's using these men that you know those type of men to picture who he's going who he is and picturing the future events and stuff like that and so this is this isn't really that out of the ordinary that he would be using David as in you know basically the name to be associated with the Lord Jesus Christ now in Ezekiel 37 verse 24 it says and David my servant shall be king over them and they shall they all shall have one shepherd they shall also walk in my judgments and observe my statutes and do them and they shall dwell on the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant wherein your fathers have dwelt and there shall or I'm sorry and they shall dwell therein even they and their children and their children's children forever and my servant David shall be their prince forever notice how that finale you know forever he's going to be the prince forever well the Lord Jesus Christ is called the prince of peace he's the king of kings and this goes into the fact that they're not going to want the man to sit on the throne of David forever right you can go to Isaiah 9 6 to see this in Luke 1 it confirms it talking about the kingdom of David and how that's going to go on forever how's that true because the Lord Jesus Christ is going to be king forever and going on from there it says moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them it shall be an everlasting covenant with them well that sounds familiar because there's something else that's called an everlasting covenant it says and I will place them and multiply them and I will set my sanctuary in the midst of them forever more my tabernacle also shall be with them yea I will be their God and they shall be my people and the heathen shall know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel and my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them forever more now go to second Corinthian second Corinthians chapter six second Corinthians chapter six because this is actually foretelling about the new testament and about how the holy ghost is going to indwell us we're the temple of the living God dealing with this tabernacle and all that this covenant of peace which is an everlasting covenant this is all talking about the new testament how the Lord Jesus Christ is going to come and be a shepherd he's going to be the king he's going to be you know the mediator this covenant is going to be the high priest all this stuff but this passage in Ezekiel 37 is actually what's being said or being talked about in second Corinthians chapter six and verse 16 it says in what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for ye are the temple of the living God as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people and you see that being said here about how it says my tabernacle also shall be with them yea I will be their God and they shall be my people it says in Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 27 but how many times do we see that that the Lord Jesus Christ is our shepherd right go to John chapter 10 John chapter 10 and Psalm 23 one of the most famous Psalms the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want so we know that the Lord God is our shepherd right well the Lord Jesus Christ is actually called well he's called a shepherd other places okay because it talks about we have returned unto the shepherd and bishop of our souls and just different things that says that but there's three main places I want to show you where he's called the good shepherd the chief shepherd and the great shepherd and notice in John 10 verse 11 it says I am the good shepherd the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep go to first Peter chapter 5 first Peter chapter 5 first Peter chapter 5 and verse 4 so he's called the good shepherd John I'm sorry in first Peter chapter 5 verse 4 it says and when the chief shepherd shall appear he shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away so he's called the chief shepherd then go to Hebrews chapter 13 and honestly Hebrews chapter 13 couples perfectly with Ezekiel chapter 37 and this is a study for another day I'm just kind of showing you this real quick because I can go into so many details on how this really does what Christ came to do what he's going to do and how this would also apply with the millennial reign and how he's going to reign forever and we're going to reign with him forever and all this stuff so but anytime if it says that David's going to reign forever you got to know that's not talking about the physical man David does that make sense like that there's no way that that can be true right and same thing it says that with Solomon I don't want to steal my thunder for Solomon's sermon but when it says that about Solomon you got to know that's not talking about the physical Solomon right though Christ came out of their line okay so obviously that's what it's getting into but they are still a picture of Christ in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 20 it says now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the what everlasting covenant you know that in the new testament it's the only place that the new covenant is called the everlasting covenant and and then it says make you perfect in every good work for to do his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever amen so I just wanted you to see that you know when dealing with Ezekiel 34 and 37 when it's saying my servant David my servant David is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ there and why I mean well I mean you just think about who David was he was a man after God's own heart he was better and you think about how he's also David is anointed here with oil and what does it say about the son that he was anointed with oil above his fellows right it says in Hebrews chapter chapter one but unto the son he said thy throne oh God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom thou has loved righteousness and hand iniquity therefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows why because he is the anointed like Saul was anointed right he's anointed to be king he was rejected David was anointed to be king and he basically promised that that will never end that's the sure mercies of David the Bible talks about and how it's never going to end there's never going to want a man to sit upon his throne why because the Lord Jesus Christ sits upon his throne and that lasts forever and he was anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows meaning that the spirit of God was given unto him without measure it says in John 3 and what's the association with the oil being poured on both Saul and David the spirit of God comes upon them and so there's a lot that goes into that but I did want you to see that now also think about this too uh go to Psalm 16 you don't have to turn to these but think about this in the Psalms a lot of times David is speaking in the person of Christ meaning that he's speaking in first person but he's talking about what Jesus is going to do so he's kind of speaking on the behalf of Christ does that make sense and two famous passages and this is the only one this isn't the only ones okay so you got to think about that when you're reading through the Psalms sometimes and it'll say like hell has compassed me about did David really have hell compassing about literally now you can take that in a figurative manner and say like you know uh it's like hell here you know it's it's just you know you kind of take that in a figurative manner but Jesus literally had hell the pains of hell compassing him about right and so there's other places like that but these ones are no one would doubt that this is literally talking about the Lord Jesus Christ but in Psalm 16 verse 9 it says therefore my heart is glad and my my glory I'm sorry and my glory rejoices my flesh also shall rest in hope notice this in verse 10 for thou wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption now the New Testament is very clear to state that hey you know David he saw corruption so this clearly wasn't talking about David and it says this spakey of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption and so I could go to that but I'm not going to but Acts 2 and Acts 13 is is showing you David and Christ together and how you know what was said about David and what he was saying was talking about Jesus Christ think about this one in Psalm 22 and verse 16 for dogs have compassed me about the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me they pierced my hands and my feet who's that talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and I know we already hit on this because it's my God my God why hast thou forsaken me and he says all these different things that Jesus Christ actually says and so uh yeah it's no marvel no marvel that David is a picture of Christ and you know he's a man after God's own heart he was better than Saul he was the best and that's what Jesus is so I mean you think about that and Jesus is better than everybody you think about Solomon you know Solomon was wise right there's a greater than Solomon here there's a greater than the temple here and Jesus is the great shepherd he's the greatest shepherd that there ever will be and so um but going on just with going through our study with David here so anyway I hope that helps out with just when you see things like that in the Bible where it's talking about a physical person you're like man that looks like it's talking about Jesus but it's talking about this guy they're using that person to picture Christ okay so obviously you got to take some of that and say okay that doesn't really apply to them right it's applying to Christ and uh but there's portions of that that would apply to him so first Samuel chapter 22 first Samuel chapter 22 the one thing that I see with David he's a man after God's been hard you know he's he's into music obviously he's a he's the sweet psalmist of Israel but he was a leader over the unwanted okay if I see something he basically he he took care of the people that no one wanted to take care of and they kind of the the unwanted and the refuse of and when I say that I'm not talking about like the refuse like the you know the the wicked people in the world you know what I mean I'm talking about the people that no one really cares about no one wants like the poor the main you know like all that stuff David basically was the captain over them and in first Samuel chapter 22 it proves that in first Samuel chapter 22 in verse 1 it says David therefore departed thence and escaped to the cave of a doll of a doll or the cave of a doll and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it they went down thither to him and everyone that was in distress and everyone that was in debt and everyone that was discontented gathered themselves unto him and he became a captain over them and there I'm sorry and there were with him about 400 men so you have all these people that are in debt you know they're distressed they're discontented with what's going on you know and basically it's just like the people that no one wants to deal with and and they're all gathering unto David so he's kind of getting the misfits you know he's like David and his band of misfits if you want to look at it that way but how does that apply to Christ well go to Luke chapter 14 Luke chapter 14 listen when we go out soul winning or in our ministry when it comes to soul winning and a great commission who are we supposed to remember first and foremost the poor and you know why is that because the poor are rich in faith first of all but also when it comes down to this you know when Jesus even says I don't have this in my notes but he says when you invite someone over for you know I don't know if it says dinner how it says it but basically if you're gonna have a feast for for people don't invite people that can give back to you invite people that there's no way that they can repay you right because you're supposed to be helping out those and you're supposed to be feeding those that that can't give it back to you because that shows that selfless love for them because you know that they're not going to get anything in return and we know that when we go out soul winning we're in a poor neighborhood listen we're not going to get anything out in return like we're not if they started coming to church it's not like our our church revenue is going up through the roof but who cares you know I want to go to the poor because that's who's going to end up getting saved and it shouldn't be about you know how much money we have or at what kind of prestigious people we have in the church and you know throughout the bible is talking about how it's not about that and those aren't the people you want anyway and God's going to use the people that aren't the the mighty in this world but in Luke 14 we have this this famous passage of where you know you have this this great supper and he bid all these people but then they didn't come and then he invited other people so in luke 14 verse 16 it says then said he unto him a certain man made a great supper and bade many and sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden come for all things are now ready and they all with one consent began to make excuse the first said unto him I have bought a piece of ground and I must need to go see it I pray thee have me excused and another said I have bought five yoke of oxen and I pray and I and I go to prove them I pray thee have me excused and another said I have married a wife and therefore I cannot come so that servant came and showed his lord these things then the master of the house being angry said to his servant go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in hither the poor the maimed the halt and the blind and the servant said lord it is done as thou hast commanded and yet there is room and the lord said unto the servant go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in and that my house may be filled for I say to you that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper so you can think about how the lord is looking at that and isn't that the case you know the mighty men aren't going to hear it you know the people that they bid you know that that are in high up positions or anything like that they're not going to hear it jesus came out to his own his own received him not and he ended up going to the gentiles right the gentiles will hear it but in this case you know even among that it's the poor in the land that are going to hear it it's the main the halt you know all the people that that aren't the the good to look at kind of people right they can't give you anything back those are the people that the lord is coming at you know that that is going for and that's who we're supposed to remember so we're supposed to remember the poor and you know they told that to paul and barnabas and he says that you know that that's what i was going to do anyway you know pretty much the way he says it in galatians but think about this well where did david do that well he did that with the men that were discontented i believe but think about mephibosheth mephibosheth is a great example of this and you don't have to turn there go to second samuel uh 23 that's the next place i'm going to show you but in second samuel 9 it says so mephibosheth dwelled in jerusalem for he did eat continually at the king's table and was lame on both his feet so mephibosheth was uh one of jonathan's uh sons you know basically he wanted to bless jonathan's house after they after saul and jonathan died and all that and mephibosheth actually when all that was going down he was just a baby or child and he was dropped and that's what the bible teaches and basically he became lame at his feet and david had mercy on him and just basically took care of him gave him an inheritance and took care of him and and all that and there's so much truth to that about what god has done for us and what the lord jesus christ has done for us when we're like a mephibosheth and he's saying come eat at my table all the days of your life and he does that from mephibosheth and so it's a great picture of christ and the mercy that he has on us but we see david's mighty men and like i said these are men if you go through this and i'm not gonna go through the whole list here but it's starting verse eight it talks about at least the first three these are like the most mightiest of them all but when you go through this list and you can do this in your homework or just you know when you're reading through this chapter look at who these people are and where they come from you're not talking about like all these people coming from benjamin and juda okay these are people from all over the place think about your eye the what hits height the hittites and the high vites and jebusites those were all supposed to be taken out of land right and they're supposed to be thorns in the flesh because they didn't obey the lord so even the most famous you know the one that obviously was david sinned and killed and had killed everything was a hittite but think about this go to verse eight there it says these be the names of the mighty men whom david had the tacmanite that sat in the seat chief among the captains the same was adeno the esnite so that doesn't sound like it's very local he lifted up his spear against 800 whom he slew at one time and after him was eliezar the son of dodo the uh the uh ho height one of the three mighty men of date with david when they defied the philistines that were there gathered together to battle and the men of israel were gone away he arose and smote the philistines until his hand was weary and his hand clave unto the sword and the lord wrought a great victory that day and the people returned after him only to spoil and after him was shamma the son of agi the herorite and the philistines were gathered together into a troop which was a piece of ground full of lentils and the the people fled from the philistines but he stood in the midst of the ground and defended it and slew the philistines and the lord wrought a great victory now you can go through the rest these are the top three but then you go down and obviously you have joab and abishai and asahel those are the uh nephews of david so obviously those guys are of judah and all that stuff but then you have other men you just go through that list and see how many of those are local boys right there and so you see that it's just the outcast right and and and you see that with i look at that today when you think of the new testament church and you know where the new testament's broken down that little middle wall partition and everybody from all shapes of life that could be mighty men for the lord and it doesn't matter where you come from and sometimes the people that have that that are first generation christians that that didn't have that great upbringing of a christian church end up doing great things for god you think of paul the apostle and how he started off pretty rough then he started doing great things for god and you think about the misfits in the bible that do great things for god and so i see that with the the lord has mercy on us and you know mercy to where we get saved even at an older age maybe and where we can do great things for god and so david's mighty men they were discontented the distressed those that are in debt and they gathered themselves unto him so you think of david's heart in that that he didn't just look past and be like you're not of israel you're not an israelite you're hittite you know get out of here and no he just he welcomed him in and he had 400 men with him when it talked about that but he had i think it's like 30 some people of his mighty men i think it's 37 or something like that obviously some of them died at different times and all that but he had three the three mighties but then he had three other ones that were under that and it says they never attained unto those other three okay and so um anyway that's another uh study for another day there but another thing that we see about david in his life is that he loved his enemies one thing to know about david is a man after god's own heart but he loved his enemies and i'm talking about his personal enemies because notice in first samus chapter 24 first samus 24 there's two times because saul i david after he killed the philistine he or killed goliath right he killed goliath and when he came back into and uh back from the battle you remember they said david had killed or saul has slain his thousands and david has slain his ten thousands and it says from that day forward saul i david he was coming after him right and so they saul basically made david his enemy even though david didn't want to be that way and saul was trying to kill david we saw that from last week where i was talking about how saul tried to kill david at least twice with a javelin but when david had the chance to get revenge he didn't do it when his enemy was in his hand he didn't slay him now people will take this way too far listen saul was a brother in christ meaning he was a saved man okay and he deserved justice but you know vengeance belongeth unto me i will repay set the lord and you got and that's where david is kind of having that heart of the lord there that it's on the lord to take care of this and first samus chapter 24 and verse 4 it says this is where he finds saul sleeping in the the cave and he cuts off the skirt of his garment right it says in verse 4 and then and the men of david said unto him behold the day which the lord said unto thee behold i will deliver thine enemy into thine hand that thou mayest do to him as it shall seem good unto thee then david arose and cut off the skirt of saul's robe privately and it came to pass afterward that david's heart smote him because he had cut off saul's skirt notice that he was just he felt bad because he just cut off a piece of his clothing because obviously that's shameful to cut off someone's clothing and and and all that and verse 6 says and he said unto his men the lord forbid that i should do this thing unto my master the lord's anointed to stretch forth mine hand against him seeing he is the anointed of the lord so notice the love that he has you know even though saul's out to kill him and after his life he loves his name he loves his his enemy and this is where it's like well you know you've heard of all time you know what jesus thing you've heard of all time thou shalt hate the love that love thy neighbor and hate that enemy that's not in the bible meaning that it never says like that we should hate our enemies it says we should love our enemies and that's a principle even david was following here and there's another case where this happens in uh first samuel chapter 26 this is where they're all in this deep sleep comes upon them and abishai goes into this field with him where saul and abner are at and abner is the captain of the host and abner's uh saul's cousin and so in verse 8 there it says then said abishai to david god had delivered thine enemy into thine hand this day now therefore let me smite him i pray thee with the spear even to the earth at once i will not smite him the second time and david said abishai destroy him not for who can stretch forth his hand against the lord's anointed and be guiltless david said furthermore as the lord liveth the lord shall smite him or his day shall come to die or he shall descend in the battle and perish the lord forbid that i should stretch forth mine hand against the lord's anointed but i pray thee take thou now the spear that is in at his bolster in the cruise of oil and let us go so two times he had the chance to take out his enemy and he and he didn't do it so so i know we've you've had enemies but if you had enemies that actually tried to kill you you know i mean you got to think about that saul tried to kill david twice and he was taking a whole army after him to try to kill him and he held back and didn't take revenge even though it was he had the opportunity okay so yeah we're supposed to love our enemies but see how people take this way too far because doesn't it doesn't it say in psalm 139 do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee that was written by david and psalm 139 uh i'll just read that if you want to turn there you can but you say well david's so hateful david's one of the best pictures in the old testament of loving your enemy and think about this how about jesus lord forgive them for they know not what they do jesus is also a great testament of loving his enemies but there is a difference between an enemy like a personal enemy and we can be enemies of the lord it talks about if you're a friend a friend of this world that's enmity with god and whoever is a friend of the world is the enemy of god so you as a christian can be an enemy of god here's the difference though do you hate god though that's the difference when it comes down to who we should love and who should we should hate and so in first i'm sorry in psalm 139 in verse 19 it says surely thou shalt slay the wicked oh god depart from me therefore you bloody men for they speak against thee wickedly and thine enemies take thy name in vain do not i hate them oh lord that hate thee and am i not grieved with those that rise up against thee i hate them with perfect hatred i count them mine enemies search me oh god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting so notice that he hates them with perfect hatred but why does he hate them because they hate god because they hate the lord and notice these things i count them mine enemies well what you got to understand is that these aren't his personal enemies right they didn't do anything to him personally but he's basically saying because they speak wickedly against you because they hate you i'm counting them mine enemies okay so what this comes down to is that when it says love your enemies it's talking about your personal enemies that have done wrong to you right it's a personal thing that they've attacked you they're trying to destroy you whatever but if they hate god then that's an enemy that you're not supposed to love okay so people take this stuff way too far when it comes to that but what it comes down to is david's a great picture of loving your enemy loving your neighbor but he's also a good picture of when you should hate those that hate the lord and he really i'm going to show you that the last words that that the bible says it's the last words of david the last things that comes out of his mouth is is what's going to happen to the sons of belial so that's interesting you know coming from a man for god's own heart the sweet psalmist of israel the man is known for loving his enemy and what he has to say about that now um i actually i was going to show you in uh i'm sorry second samuel chapter five because really when you look at david's life he kills the he kills goliath right it's kind of what sets this whole story off right he gets anointed then he goes and kills goliath in chapter 17 of first samuel and then it's really this is back this whole back and forth where he's fleeing from saul in this battle throughout the rest of the the book of first samuel second samuel we definitely see where he messes up but i mean basically he's reigning he messes up with your right his wife that's shiva and absolom there's that whole story with absolom taking over the kingdom and all that so there's a lot that you know you can go into into the life of of uh david but in in second samuel chapter five verse four it sums up his reign so he reigned for 40 years like i said it's really easy saul reign for 40 years david reign for 40 years and solomon reigns for 40 years that's you should get that one down it shouldn't take that long to do but in second samuel chapter five verse four it says david was 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years in hebron he reigned over judah seven years and six months and in jerusalem he reigned 30 and three years over all israel and judah so we see that what was going on for that seven and a half years right well that's where they had this whole thing with his boshith and you were dealing with this battle and uh that's where second samuel gets in there and where you know there's this whole time and he's in hebron and then he goes finally to jerusalem to reign over all of israel right and so there's that transition from saul to david it's not just a clean transition saul guys david reigns for 40 years in jerusalem no there is that's where second samuel no stories come in dealing with abner and asahel and joab killing abner and all these different things that are going on but we do see that he reigns for 40 years and this some places it'll say seven years and not seven years and six months what that really comes down to is sometimes when it says like a certain amount of years it's not always exact okay it's not seven years to the day now the 430 years that they're in egypt that was to the day okay but most of the time when you're seeing uh time frames like that you know it could be you know plus or minus six months or something like that it depends on how you round right because think about it what if it was uh seven years and three and a half months or something like that well some people say well that's pretty much three and a half years i'm sorry seven and a half years seven years i'm i got daniel in my head now uh but you know let's say you know seven seven years and three and a half months or something like well some people just say well yeah it's about seven and a half years some people say well no it's probably closer more to you know just seven years and so it just depends on how you look at it so that's what i would say is that it's probably you know you know just a little over seven years or whatever that he was in hebrew and depending on what you're talking about when he left hebrew and all that so but there are two major things that that david did that displeased the lord one of the big things is obviously dealing with uraya the hitite and bathsheba and i just want you to show you where it actually says that it displeased the lord so in second samuel chapter 11 second samuel chapter 11 and really when this happens with david this is where it kind of goes downhill for him after he does this with bathsheba and kills uraya that's when absalom tries to take over the kingdom and all these things kind of go downhill for him and then it kind of recuperates god brings him back and all this other stuff so in second samuel chapter 11 verse 27 it says and when the morning was passed david sent and fetched her to to his house and she became his wife and bare him a son but the but the thing that david had done displeased the lord and so the morning that is talking about is that that sheba had a son and then the child died and he was mourning for the child and all that but he so anyway so i actually i think that's in chapter i'm sorry this is talking about uraya they're mourning for uraya not not the son that's in chapter 12 but basically he he brought brought her to him and basically he's trying to cover this up right that she's going to have this child and at this point no one really knows and so basically he's trying to cover it up and it displeased the lord all that stuff goes downhill after that there's another thing that displeased the lord is where he he uh satan provokes david to number israel so go to first chronicles chapter 21 first chronicles chapter 21 first chronicles chapter 21 and verse one you see where it says and satan stood up against israel and provoked david to number israel in verse seven it says and god was displeased with this thing therefore he smote israel and so that's a whole sermon for itself as far as what that's talking about what happened there but those are kind of the two major things we see that david did that was wrong and it shows you the long suffering i got too because those are major ones that obviously are mentioned but if you know uh you know nehemiah and ezra and all that stuff and even josei it talks about how he kept the passover and how that wasn't kept since samuel's day right they kept and when you read on you know you get to the end of all the history you realize that they weren't really doing what they should be doing in a lot of cases so they weren't keeping the passover since samuel's day that means they weren't really keeping it well on david's day and then it says in uh in nehemiah that they kept the feast of tabernacles and they were keeping that and showing how they're doing it and said that hadn't been done since joshua the son of none that's before judges right that's before you get into all the judges they literally just get into land and they didn't they haven't done it since they literally just came into the land with joshua and so that shows you that the feast of tabernacles wasn't being done in david's day and it's just interesting to show like how long suffering god is and when it says that david was perfect and heart to the lord doesn't mean that he was doing everything right and you know people look at that and be like oh you know he was levitating above us all listen there was a lot of things he was doing wrong he married multiple wives it doesn't mention that okay to me i would look at that and be like he had multiple wives that should displease the lord right which the bible does say he's not supposed to multiply wives so he obviously broke that commandment of him being king and multiplying wives unto himself but it shows you that hey you know it also shows you that committing adultery and having the husband killed is a big thing right that should be obvious but that's that's a big deal that was a big thing that displeased the lord but i look at that and just see the long suffering of god and how he looks past a lot of the things that we do and you know not to negate that it's bad or that we should you know do any of those things but i'm just saying that it really does show you that long suffering the guy's not just nitpicking every little thing that you do and and just coming down on you on every little thing that you do and so but i do want to show you that and so uh second sandwich chapter 23 is the last thing i'm going to show you here so there were so many different routes i could go with this sermon as far as just going through there's no way i could go through every single event that david did that would take more than one sermon okay so i just really wanted to show you uh who he was what he what what he was described as how long he reigned and you know just pictures how he pictures christ a little bit there uh just some attributes about him how he loved his enemies and you know he was a man of god's own heart all that stuff but in second samuels chapter 23 this is where he's called the sweet psalmist of israel but notice the very first thing that said here in verse one so second samuels chapter 23 in verse 1 it says now these be the last words of david i believe that that this is the last thing that david said okay um and i you know studying this i've read this before but i never really just kind of thought about that is this the last thing that they've recorded is this the last thing he ever said or is this the last thing that was ever recorded that he said and i'm not sure but um you know when he was 70 years old he died and maybe this was the last thing that came out of his mouth as far as the last thing that he had to say and notice what it says and it kind of has this introduction to him because what's said right here after this is not what he was saying but what's said about him it says david the son of jesse said and the man who was raised up on high the anointed of the god of jacob and the sweet psalmist of israel said the spirit of the lord so notice that that first verse there is just kind of telling you who he is right now in verse two is what he said so from verse two down to verse seven is literally the last words of david according to the bible it says the spirit of lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue the god of israel said the rock of israel spake to me he that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of god and he shall be as a light of the morning when the sun riseth even a morning without clouds as the tender grass springeth out of the earth by clear shining after rain although my house be not so with god yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant ordered in all things and sure for this is all my salvation and all my desire although he make it not to grow but the sons of belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away because thou cannot be taken with hands or because they cannot be taken with hands but the man that shall touch them must be fenced with iron and the staff of a spear and they shall be utterly burned with fire in the same place that's the last words of david so i mean does that not show you the heart of david he was showing you that god is my my salvation it's all my salvation he's giving me this everlasting covenant by the way the sons of belia are going to be burned up they're gonna be like thorns thrust away you say well how's that the heart of god have you read revelation have you read revelation 21 and 22 isn't that exactly what's being said he that overcometh shall inherit all things but the fearful and unbelieving the abominable and murderers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake with in the lake which burns the fire in brimstone which is the second death and and revelation 22 last chapter we're gonna rule and reign with them forever and then it says but without our dogs and it goes through that whole list i see a man for god's own heart here his last words are like the last words of the bible the last words of revelation and so uh david's a great man in the bible and listen when i was looking up you know you just if you just put david in the search engine it comes up almost a thousand times i believe his name comes up more than jesus obviously he's kind of you know ahead of the game as far as that name being mentioned you know throughout the old testament that's a lot now technically we saw that uh ezekiel 34 and 37 is talking about jesus so i'll put that on jesus you know but uh but all i say is that that's a lot that he's mentioned so he's a a significant bible character and rightfully so he's a master of heart he's a great person to look to but he's also a good person to look to and say you know what i don't want to be like him in that manner you know he messed up and when you look at these bible characters like solomon you need to glean okay i want to be like him in that area but not over here same thing with david and you can even do the same with saul so saul you know it wasn't perfect so when you get into these when we get into these other kings when you go past you know solomon there's going to be some in judah that are going to do right in the eyes of the lord but they're not perfect all all the way so and the other thing too is when you get into that you're going to be seeing that they followed after david their father if they did right in the eyes of the lord so david's going to be mentioned a lot after this but it's basically putting it back on him saying they're like david the king they were like david the king whereas all the ones that were evil they did they did like jarrah bone son of nevad so jarrah bones like the proverb of bad dave is the proverb of good okay and so that's david the king obviously it's an abridged version of his life and everything that that went on in his life um but you know that's uh just some of the highlights dealing with him and so we'll be continuing our study we'll be going through solomon king solomon next week and then uh obviously after that i'll probably be going to the northern kingdom of israel going with jarrah bomb and going through that line first get all the wicked kings out of the way right because honestly you're not going to be dealing with anybody doing right in the eyes of the lord up there and uh so we'll get get through all those wicked kings and then we'll go down to the kings of judah and go all the way into when they get into captivity so let's end with a word of prayer family father we thank you for today thank you for the souls that were saved and lord thank you for this church and just pray to be with us with the fellowship that we have and also throughout this week i pray you'd be with us with our jobs help us to get everything we need to get done help us to work hard help us to be able to provide for our families and lord just pray that everything that we do would be glorifying to you and lord just pray to keep us safe