(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we're continuing our study through the kings and we're going through the kings of Judah and we did Jehoram and Ahaziah and we did a whole sermon on Queen Athaliah which is really kind of this space holder I guess until Joash was going to become king. So we're going to get into Joash, the king of Judah, which is Ahaziah's son. Okay so really the kingly line would be Jehoram, Ahaziah, Joash and Athaliah is really not in that line but she did reign for six years and so did a whole sermon on that. But Joash or Jehoash and you'll see that in the king of Israel there's also a Joash or Johoash and so it's just a different way of saying the same name. You just see that it drops off the e h in there and it does that with Joshua. There's Jehoshua and then there's Joshua and it kind of does the same thing with those names. But we see that he's seven years old when he begins to reign. If you look back in chapter 11 and verse 21 there it says seven years old was Johoash when he began to reign. And so that shows you that if it was in the seventh year of Jehu and it was in the seventh year that they took out Athaliah that he was a baby. I mean he was a baby when all that stuff went down and I already touched on that. So when Athaliah's story you know where she killed the seed royal and I already touched on that so I don't want to really get into that as far as what happened with Jehoiada and all that. We really just want to focus on what Joash did because obviously he was there but it wasn't really his story as far as anything he had to do with it. He was just a baby when that happened and he's seven years old when they make him king. Now in verse one here it says in the seventh year Jehu Joash began to reign. Joash began to reign and 40 years reigned he in Jerusalem and his mother's name was Zebaiah Beersheba and Joash did that which was right inside the Lord all his days wherein Jehoiada the priest instructed him but the high places were not taken away. People still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places. So we see here that he reigns for 40 years so he reigns a good long time but if you think about it he he's 47 years old when he dies okay so he doesn't die at a ripe old age because he started reigning at seven years old okay but the key here is that he did write inside the Lord all the days when Jehoiada the priest instructed him. So it doesn't say that he did write inside the Lord all of his days but all the days that Jehoiada instructed him and go to second chronicles chapter 24 and I want you to keep your finger and in second kings chapter 12 and then second chronicles 24 because these are parallel passages dealing with Joash and we get a little more we get some information one that we don't have any other and the way it words it in this and in chapter 24 of second chronicles I believe it's just all the days that Jehoiada was alive and I believe Jehoiada was instructing him you know all the days that he was alive but this this is a caveat meaning that he's not going to do right inside the Lord once Jehoiada dies that's what happens and he's actually going to do something really wicked that even Jesus brings up in the new testament and so uh uh Joash is actually it's interesting because you're going to read this when we get to the story you'll be like oh that's what Jesus was talking about you know when he was ripping the Pharisees face off you know and um but in second chronicles chapter 24 in verse 1 it says Joash was seven years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years in Jerusalem his mother's name also was Zebaiah of Beersheba and Joash did that which was right inside the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest so in the last in second kings it says all all his days were in Jehoiada the priest instructed him so you can almost take that as far as like wow while Jehoiada was instructing him but really it was till the death of Jehoiada it was all the days of Jehoiada's life and actually what we're going to see is when you read second chronicles 24 um it's when Jehoiada dies that everything goes downhill okay everything's kind of good and it's working great until Jehoiada dies and Joash is a king that I look at that he shouldn't be a king meaning this that Jehoiada was the leader and the one kind of instructing and saying go do this and as long as Joash had a good leader had someone good to instruct him he was fine but as soon as he didn't have that he went rogue and there's a lot of people and if there's anything to learn from Joash is the fact that some people are just not meant to be leaders they're not meant to be in that position where they have to make those hard calls or they have to be in that position of authority um you know it's where it comes into not everybody should be a pastor okay it doesn't make him a bad person it's just some people are not meant to be in that leadership position they're just they don't have the personality to handle certain situations and stuff like that and uh some people just need to be followers and they'll do great things for God doing that and and that that's where I see what Joash is Joash is a guy that should not be in that position but if he has someone to instruct him he'll do great things in that position but when he's left to his own it's more of this you know if you didn't have anybody else would you still do it if you didn't have someone telling you to go do it would you still do it and this is where the church comes in as far as soul winning you know God institutes the church to send out people to go soul winning and honestly it's probably just not going to happen if you don't have the church to do it right you're just gonna you're gonna burn out you're not gonna have uh the wherewithal to keep going and you may go for a while you may go for a couple years where you're just going out so winning by yourself without a church but it's not gonna sustain it's not it's not sustainable to be that way and there's some people that just you know need to be led you know just the way it is and I and I view Joash as that kind of person I just he he just needs to be led and um and Jehoiada is uh a great man to lead him here but I do want you to see here good if you're in second chronicle chapter 24 that Jehoiada is not perfect okay I'm going to show you something here that's it's clearly showing that he's not a perfect guy but in verse three of uh second chronicles 24 it says and Jehoiada took for him two wives and he had sons and daughters so all right so he has multiple wives here so this obviously isn't wise to do that um but the interesting thing about Jehoiada I actually think that his wife Jehoshabeth or Jehoshaba however you want to say it um she might actually be not be alive at this point okay and the reason I say that is because Jehoiada is actually pretty old right here okay when when Joash begins the rain go to go to verse 15 because I'm going to show you that how old Jehoiada is when he dies now mind you Jehoiada dies before Joash is done raining okay so Joash rains for 40 years okay so he dies before Joash is done raining and he dies at the age of 130 okay so in verse 15 it says but Jehoiada waxed old and was full of days when he died and 130 years old was he when he died that's a ripe old age right there good night 130 now let's say that uh Jehoiada dies at the very last year of his reign let's say just everything just went the pot after you know Jehoiada dies and it's just a year left you know I don't think it's necessarily that fast but let's say it is that means he was 90 years old when Joash began the rain okay so 90 years old it's it's probably what I think happened is his wife died you know that Jehoshaphat the lady that saved you know the wife that saved Joash I believe she probably died and then he remarried and married like two wives okay then he had sons and daughters with those new wives okay because that would be a miracle in itself if his wife was having children at you know 90 or so okay if they were the same age when they were you know married and stuff like that so anyway just things to think about here but all that to say is that I don't believe Jehoiada was a perfect person here because obviously he had two wives and I don't believe it's right to have more than one wife you're not supposed to multiply wives onto yourselves and stuff like that it says that about kings but I believe that applies to anybody you know especially you know you think of the qualifications of a bishop is to be the husband of one wife maybe the qualification of a deacon is to be the husband of one wife and so I don't believe that's just for those leaders I think that's the the way it should be you know a man leaves his father mother and cleaves unto his wife and they twain shall be one flesh okay I think it should be two that becomes one flesh not three that becomes one flesh okay so all I have to say is that he's 130 when he dies so that means he's pretty old here he's pretty old when Joash begins the reign and you know I just wanted to kind of put that in there that that Jehoiada you know is not perfect here but I do think he's kind of the hero of the story the hero of the story when it comes to taking out Athaliah but also that he had such a good influence on Joash you know at a young age and obviously through his reign until Jehoiada dies and then everything kind of everything goes downhill after that now Joash during his reign was minded and the big thing that we see here that he's trying to to fix up the house of God okay so in in chapter 24 there in verse four and verse four and honestly we're just gonna be sticking in these two chapters pretty much and just kind of talking about the story and just going through this but it says in verse four it says and it came to pass after this that Joash was minded to repair the house of the Lord and he gathered together the priests and the Levites and said unto them go out unto the cities of Judah and gather of Israel money to repair the house of our of your God from year to year and see that ye hasten the matter how be it the Levites hasten it not now going back to back to second Kings 12 second Kings 12 and verse 4 just to see that same thing that's going on here second Kings 12 and verse 4 it says and Joash said to the priest all the money of the dedicated things that is brought into the house of the Lord even the money of every one that passeth the account that money that every man is set at and all the money that cometh into any man's heart to bring into the house of the Lord let the priest take it to them every man of his acquaintance and let them repair the breaches of the house where at where wheresoever any breach shall be found so he's basically saying you know go out and go get this money you know go basically go collect this money and this is something that's in the law of Moses and you know basically that they're supposed to be giving to the Levites anyway right but they're supposed to be collecting this money and you say well what what are these breaches well look at verse 7 of chapter 24 so second chronicles chapter 24 and verse 7 it said that gives the reason why there's breaches it says in verse 7 for the sons of Atholai that wicked woman had broken up the house of God and also all the dedicated things of the house of the Lord did they bestow upon Balaam okay so this is the whole reason why he's fixing the house of God is because Atholai came in and destroyed it or her sons did anyway and they're you know basically they gave all the dedicated things to Balaam and Joash you know basically right here what's interesting with chapter 12 of second kings and second chronicles 24 is that there's two questions that are being asked there's actually two things that are going on here one is he's going to rebuke Jehoiada and the priest for not collecting the money okay because in second chronicles 24 it says they hastened they hastened it not right basically they didn't do what they were told to do and then he's gonna say you know why haven't you repaired it these are actually two different questions that I believe happen at two different times okay so this is why sometimes it's good it's well it's always good to look at the parallel passages but when you're looking at second kings and second chronicles there's two separate questions that are being asked and if you're not reading carefully you can maybe take it as the same question and the same thing that's going on there but actually in one case he's rebuking if you look at second chronicles 24 actually in second chronicles 24 it's all about why didn't you collect the money okay he's not even talking about you know repairing the breaches yet he's just saying why didn't you collect the money and so in verse six it says and the king called for Jehoiada the chief and said unto him why hast thou not required the Levites to bring in out of Judah and out of Jerusalem to the collection according to the commandment of Moses the servant of the Lord and of the congregation of Israel for the tabernacle of witness and it goes into for the sons of Athaliah that wicked woman had broken up the house of God and also all the dedicated things of the house of the Lord did they bestow upon Balaam and so he's basically saying you know why didn't you bring why didn't you get the money and remember he said from year to year so he says do this from year to year basically bring this money in from year to year and he's coming to him and saying why haven't you done this so it's been years since he's given this commandment to go get the money he's saying you haven't done it and so then he goes in and says and at the king's commandment they made a chest and set it without at the gate of the house of the Lord and they made a proclamation throughout Judah and Jerusalem and to bring in to the to the Lord the collection that Moses the servant of God laid upon Israel in the in the wilderness and all the princes and all the people rejoiced and brought in and cast into the chest until they had made an end now it came to pass that at what time the chest was brought unto the king's office by the hand of the Levites and when they they saw that there was much money the king king scribe and the high priest officer came and emptied the chest and took it and carried it to his place again thus they did day by day and gathered money in abundance okay now this is where second kings 12 picks up okay so go to second kings 12 verse 6 because at this point they got the money okay and so he's rebuking them why didn't you collect the money and then they made a proclamation saying hey you need to all bring in money so we can fix the house of the Lord and everybody's rejoicing saying yeah let's do this and they bring this money in but then this is where i believe this picks up so they have the money they're not doing anything with it okay they're not fixing the house of the Lord then in second kings chapter 12 in verse 6 it says but it was so that in the 3 and 20th year of king Jehoash the priest had not repaired the breaches of the house okay so now we know that we're in the 23rd year of his reign so we're more than halfway through that 40-year reign and they still haven't prepared the breaches so you can imagine that he gives out this proclamation says hey i want to collect money to fix the house of the Lord they don't do it years go by and they don't even collect the money then he says why haven't you collected the money and they sent out a proclamation saying day by day bring in your money so now it's kind of like a fast track bringing your money instead of year by year then everybody's bringing in their money and then he comes back it's 23 years into his reign and they still haven't prepared the breaches the reason i bring this up is because something that's said here it basically says don't bring in any more money okay and so that's why it's when you're reading this by itself you're like okay what are you what is it talking about because over here it says bring in the money because if you look at this in order now you can understand why he's saying don't bring in the money because you already have it don't ask for any more money don't bring in any more money you already have the money just fix the house of the Lord right so in uh verse 7 there it says then king Jehoash called for Jehoi the priest and the other priests and said unto them why repair ye not the breaches of the house see it's a different question see in second chronicles 24 the question is why did you not bring in the money for the collection in second kings chapter 12 it's why did you not repair the house right so it's not asking about the money now it's asking about the house and then it says now therefore receive no more money of your acquaintance but deliver it for the breaches of the house and it says and the priest consented to receive no more money of the people neither to repair the breaches of the house now you say well what does that mean meaning there's not receiving any more money at all even to he's basically saying don't receive any more money for your acquaintance but only for the house for the breaches of the house and they just didn't receive any more money because they have enough money that's what it's going to get into is that they have more than enough money so they're basically saying don't bring any more money we got enough so in verse 9 this is but Jehoi the priest took a chest and bore a hole in the lid of it and set it beside the altar on the right side as one cometh into the house of the Lord and the priest that kept the door put there in all the all the money that was brought into the house of the Lord and it was so when they saw that there was much money in the chest that the king's scribe and the high priest came up and put it put up in bags and told the money that was found in the house of the Lord okay so after all that's done right to get these breaches fixed they just I mean they just did not want to move on this right so Joash is so you kind of see the story right Joash is saying go collect money so that we can fix the house of the Lord and they don't do it then he comes back and says Joita and all these priests what are you doing you're supposed to do this then they go and collect the money and just kind of set it there and don't do anything with it right so now they have the money they say why haven't you you know repaired the breaches of the house of the Lord and I kind of think of this you know there's obviously a spiritual realm you can think of this on the the laziness to fix the things in the house of God and what we're going to see here is that it's very clear that they fixed the house of God before they fixed the vessels in it okay all the shiny nice things that are inside of it they fixed the breaches the holes and the things that are inside are the things that are kind of the decorations and things that are look nice and all that stuff but really you need to worry about the building itself okay it's kind of like when you're dealing with the structure compared to all the stuff that's on the outside of the structure right what's more important now I'm a structural engineer so of course I'm going to say that's more important but in all reality isn't that more important that the building stands up than whether it looks beautiful or not wouldn't you rather have a building that wasn't going to fall over top of you but it looks like just you know osb you know like siding on it and it just like looks kind of trashy but it it's strong and it holds it does what it does its job then a building that looks really beautiful inside but it's about to fall in on you okay I'm going to take the strong building over the beautiful one any day of the week okay and so what they do is they take the money and they put it towards the breaches of the house before they take care of the vessels because if you remember Atholai you know they broke down the house of the Lord they broke they put breaches in it but they also took all the vessels and gave it unto Balaam okay so all the vessels all the silver and gold vessels and all that stuff were taken out and so but notice that they take care of the structure first and when it comes to the house of God and when it comes to the pillar and ground of the truth you need to be working on the structure before you start working on all the frivolous things on the outside when you think of the the doctrines of a church you think about the fact that we're by we're salvation by faith alone and Jesus Christ eternal security we believe the King James Bible was perfect without error and that you do not need to go back to the Greek or Hebrew but you have a perfect Bible in English that you can read it study it and that's all you need okay that we go soul winning that we're independent you know those foundational things that needs to be shirred up and if you have a breach in that you need to be worrying about that before you get to end times prophecy you need to be worrying about that before you get to Zionism or before you get to other things in the Bible and listen all those things are important right would anyone say that the vessels of the house of the Lord aren't important they're used for a job so they're obviously important but the structure of the building is most important and it's crucial it's it's it's live or die does that make sense like the the building the structure of the building if it if if there's a fault in it people die if the door doesn't open and shut properly yeah no one you don't like that right but no one dies from that usually right or if there's like you know the windows out of the sink or it doesn't look beautiful it's not clean or you know different things like that uh you know the tiles missing from the the ceiling right who cares I mean you care right you care about the way things look what I'm saying is that that's not gonna be crucial to your life it's not life or death okay and so when it comes to the house of God you know spiritually speaking you need to take care of the structure first this is why a lot of people struggle with end times prophecy because they don't have their structure down first of all before they start filling in everything else you know if you just looked at the Bible and looked at you know here's the structure tribulation rapture rat boom everything else falls into place but if you don't have that structure and you start jumping in there without the structure then you're going to be all over the place give that structure down start filling in everything else and it'll all fit together it'll all look beautiful and all that stuff works out so you can take this in many avenues you can take it in the church as a whole as far as the doctrines you stand on you can take it into each doctrine each doctrine should be a structure that that that sound that's not going to fall apart it's founded upon a rock and then you build upon that and fill in all the different things that go in with that okay and notice in verse 11 so you go you're in second kings chapter 12 second kings chapter 12 and verse 11 there it says in verse 11 it says and they they gave the money being told into the hands of them that did the work and had the oversight of the house of the lord and they laid it out to the carpenters and builders that wrought upon the house of the lord and to masons and viewers of stone and to buy timber and huge stone for for to repair the bridges of the house of the lord and for all that was laid out of the house out for the house to repair it okay so obviously what are you dealing with you're dealing with masons you're dealing with stone you're dealing with uh this is the structure of the building right we're dealing with the fact that this building's probably structurally unstable at this point because of what they've done to it and so they're dealing with those things first now notice in verse 13 how be it there were not made for the house of the lord bowls of silver snuffers basins trumpets any vessels of gold or vessels of silver of the money that was brought into the house of the lord but they gave that to the workmen and repaired there with the house of the lord moreover they reckoned not with the men into whose hand they delivered the money to be bestowed on the workmen for they dealt faithfully and that last verse is basically just saying that you know they were working on trust as far as the payment went you know they weren't overseeing like they didn't have like a financial like advisor here on like how everybody got paid they basically just dealt faithfully with it you know as far as are you really doing the work are you really doing what you should be doing are you putting in the time are you working for the time that you're doing they just dealt faithfully with the money and the work so that it's just kind of putting it into that that hand so it wasn't real this cut throat um where people are watching you and hawking over your work and all that stuff but but notice that it says that they they did not uh you know use that money for that now the thing is is that they eventually do make the vessels though okay go to uh second chronicles chapter 24 so in that passage it almost sounds like they didn't do they didn't make the vessels at all they just repaired the breaches but they actually did but the key is is that they fixed the house first okay they got their house in order first they got the building in order first they got the structure done first before they started messing with all the things inside of it and verse uh verse 13 there so in second chronicles chapter 24 verse 13 it says so the workmen wrought and the work was perfected by them and they set the house of god in his state and strengthened it and when they had finished it they brought the rest of the money before the king and jehoiada whereof were made vessels of the house of the lord even vessels up to minister and offer withal and spoons and vessels of gold and silver and they offered burnt offerings in the house of the lord continually all the days of jehoiada so they eventually did take care of everything else and you can kind of think of this you know where it says make first clean the inside of the platter and then that the outside may be clean also it's kind of the same thing you know you think about working on the inside first and then working on the outside after that it's not that the outside is not important it's just that what's more important the inside and same thing with the house of god the the structure is more important than all the thing all the the pretty things that are inside of it you know and when it comes to church and our church we should always remember that the structure needs to stay sound and never let some pet doctrine be you know taking the forefront of anything else right you think well you know you really post-trib rapture yeah but you know the king james bible being perfect and salvation by grace through faith alone and our church going soul winning is more important than that you're like oh you can't believe it yes it is it is more important than that and listen i believe that post-tribulation rapture and i preach that i did a whole series on that stuff but that's not going to be the only thing that we're you know oh well that mountain baptist church down there that's all they talk about is the post-tribulation rapture no it should be that we're talking about salvation by grace through faith that we're talking about soul winning that we're talking about the king james bible that we're talking about the foundational truth the gospel of jesus christ being preached throughout all the world that should be our mission that should be the the structure and yes all that stuff guess what we'll bring on all those vessels too after we get all that together okay and so never sacrifice the structure for beauty okay as a structural engineer yeah no because there's many times that architects will want something to look a certain way and i just have to say no it can't be done structurally and hopefully they listen to that right now i mean if i'm on the job obviously going to have to listen to that because i'm not going to sign off on something that's not structurally sound and so there's a lot of things that look beautiful but they can't be done structurally to where it's safe or that it's structurally sound and so those are the types of things you got to be thinking about is like yeah that looks cool you know upside town pyramids look cool but it's not practical structurally right you know you know putting something out you know like cantilevers that are 30 feet long that looks cool but you know unless you want to defy gravity and you invent sky hooks or you want a hot air balloon holding that thing up out there you know it's not going to work very well and so that's what i kind of think i mean you're like you always bring up engineering sorry it's my job you know i think about those type of things but i do think about the fact that what is priority there are priorities in the house of god there's priorities on doctrines there's priorities on things that i preach more than others okay because they're more important okay so but going on from that joe hoyda dies and so we see in verse 15 there so we're going to stick in second chronicles 24 here pretty much for a while so you can kind of keep your finger there but joe hoyda dies and notice what it says in verse 15 it says but joe hoyda waxed old and was full of days and when he died and 130 years old was he when he died and they buried him in the city of david among the kings because he had done good in israel both toward god and toward his house now this is a pretty big deal here i mean he's buried with the kings and he's a priest so obviously he's of the tribe of levi to be the priest there and um and so it's very interesting here and it says that he's 130 years old now this debunks a theory out there the fact that people are only going to live to 120 okay now they get this and this is just a side note this has nothing i haven't this isn't in my notes i'm just thinking about it but in genesis chapter 6 it talks about how god says that his spirit will not always strive with man and for his days shall be 120 or his year shall be 120 right not days but um or maybe it says days should be 120 years i don't have it in my notes but it says 120 years right so uh they they use that to say well after the flood that means everybody's only going to live up to 120 years old well we know that doesn't happen immediately anyway but the thinking is is that you know once everything kind of settles down basically only people are going to live up to 120. um but joe hoyda proves that wrong right here okay now what would you say well what is that talking about i believe it's talking about from when he says that 120 years until the flood happens okay that's what i believe is talking about we know that it's 100 years from when he told noah to build the ark because noah was 500 years old when he was told to build the ark and he was 600 when the flood came okay so that means that he's god stated that 20 years before he told noah to build the ark okay and that's my that's my belief on that and here's the thing then i don't have to justify this right you know there's no like cap on how old people can live but i'll say this once you get past 130 it's probably not going to be that much further than that okay so people live a little longer here even way after the flood joe hoyda's living to 130 okay this is before modern medicine and you know well who knows what they had back then necessarily but i don't think they were doing open heart surgery back then you know on joe hoyda here but all that say is that you know 130 i don't believe that contradicts anything in the bible and people may get heartburn because they see that and be like oh there must be a mistake in that no your mistake is what you're interpreting genesis 6 as in my opinion okay so i don't believe there is a cap on that so if someone says hey you know you you'll see this right where there'll be a news story where someone lives to 135 or something like that or 125 and most of the time these people that are living that long are out in some like third world country and they don't even know when they were born okay so take that with a grain of salt anyway when someone says oh he's 180 okay okay but anyway if they were 180 i don't see where the bible says they can't be but i think it's highly unlikely at this point that's going to go that high to where they're actually going to be able to even move around or breathe on their own but anyway i just wanted to kind of throw that out there that i believe is 130 i don't think there's anything that contradicts that in scripture that he was 130 um but uh but judah goes downhill after joe dies and um notice what it says in verse 17 it says now after the death of joe came the princes of judah and made a basis to the king then the king hearkened unto them and this is really where i see joe being a companion of fools you know like having a companion of fools meaning that he has a bunch of fools these princes that come to him and he just hearkens unto him and joe is gone now so joy is not there to keep him in his place and i believe these princes knew that i believe these princes uh you know it doesn't say they're children of belial but i'll give you a reasoning why i may think they're children of belial or at least some of them are but i think they're just waiting they were just waiting for that rock to be moved right that that that steady helm of joe to be out of the way for them to just strike and they're just waiting to take the reins of joe ash and notice what it says in verse 18 and they left the house of the lord god of their fathers and served groves and idols and wrath came upon judah and jerusalem for this their trespass yet he sent prophets to them to bring them again unto the lord and they they testified against them but they would not give ear now this is why i believe that joe hoyda didn't die like the year before the end of his reign okay because i don't think it was like one year where he's just sending all these prophets i think it's probably years of him sending these prophets to where they're hearing that hey you're messing up what are you doing and you know they're not they're not hearing it okay and this is where zechariah is murdered okay this is the story that jesus brings up in matthew 23 okay so in second chronicles chapter 24 in verse 20 so notice that he'd already sent prophets okay he sent prophets to him and they would not hear him and then zechariah is going to stand up and i believe this is zechariah the son of barakas okay so in uh and and uh verse 20 there it says in the spirit of god came upon zechariah the son of joe hoyda the priest which stood above the people and said unto them thus saith god why transgress ye the commandments of the lord that you can't that you cannot pro that you cannot prosper because you have forsaken the lord he has also forsaken you so he preaches a hard sermon against him it says you're forsaken you've forsaken the lord he's also forsaken you and you're trespassing against the commandments of the lord notice in verse 21 and they conspired against him and stoned him with stones at the commandment of the king and the court of the house of the lord so notice that where they did this at where did they stone him where did they kill him in the court of the house of the lord what's in the court the altar so you have the tabernacle you have the you know the the tavern the first tabernacle which is you know where the priest can go in so the building is basically the first time i have a second tabernacle but on the outside is the court but out there is where you have the altar where they do the burnt offerings and everything and i'm not going to for sake of time i'm not taking you into the exodus to show you this but um but then it says thus joe asked the king remember not the kindness which joe hoyda his father had done to him but slew his son and when he died he said the lord look upon it and require it so this is zechariah saying the lord look upon it requires kind of a little different than stephen right stephen says you know let not the sin be upon them or be to their charge and zechariah saying let the lord look upon it and require it very interesting because notice what jesus says about this man here in matthew chapter 23 because i'm going to show you that jesus is saying that his blood isn't going to be it is going to be required and jesus didn't forget this and i believe this is the zechariah that's that jesus is talking about not the zechariah that wrote the book of zechariah because zechariah the prophet in the in the minor prophets he's he's coming in after like the babylonian you know after they come out of captivity and they're building the house of the lord that's where zechariah the son of ado you know of ado is at and it does say becker barakius that's why it can get confusing and um here in matthew 23 i'm just going to read um zechariah one you know like the the intro to zechariah there because this is where it can get confusing you're like is this the second right is this the same one but i don't believe it is and you can kind of think of that because if jesus is bringing them up it's like from able to zechariah you're like okay is that the same one because the zechariah that wrote the book of zechariah it says in the eighth month in the second year of the rise came the word of lord unto zechariah the son of barakiah the son of ado the prophet saying so even his dad's name is barakiah right and so i don't believe that's the same person though okay i believe that this because first of all it never says that zechariah is ever murdered or killed you know and you know that zechariah anyway but in verse 34 matthew 23 matthew 23 and verse 34 says wherefore behold i send unto you prophets and wise men and scribes and some of them ye shall kill and crucify and some of them shall you scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth from the blood of righteous able unto the blood of zechariah son of barakiah whom ye slew between the altar or between the temple and the altar now where was zechariah killed in this story in the court which would be between the temple and the altar okay and so this is the last person you see him being martyred actually in the old testament so that's why i believe he's the last one that jesus mentioned i don't believe he's the only person that's being killed okay so don't get that mixed up you know that people are obviously you know killed for the cause of god and christ you know after this guy's killed but i believe the last one mentioned in the old testament someone that's being martyred um for the for the cause of christ for preaching uh right and everything so uh so he brings up able which obviously that goes all the way back to genesis right the very beginning of genesis able is killed by kane his brother because his works were righteous and his brother's evil you know or his brother his work for evil and his brother's righteous and then zechariah is the son of barakiah now you say well you know his he's the son of barakah it's not the son of joe hoyda well joe hoyda is 130 years old when he dies okay it's very pot what i believe is that joe hoyda is his grandfather okay so it's basically zechariah son of barakah is the son of joe hoyda okay which makes a lot of sense though right because i mean he's 90 years old when when joe ash even begins the reign okay so he he could obviously had grandchildren that are preaching at this point when he's 130 this is past that too so we're talking like joe hoyda would have been over 130 years old at this point for him to have grandchildren it's not out of the ordinary okay so but i think it's bringing up the point why it brings up joe hoyda not barak is is because joe hoyda is the priest that saved joe ash and isn't that what it says that he did not the joe ash the king remembered not the kindness which joe hoyda his his father had done to him but slew his son so i believe why he's bringing up he's the son of joe hoyda and not bringing up his his dad um barak is because joe hoyda is the one that saved him and he killed his son right which i believe would be his grandson okay and so this is a very evil thing and notice that it's not just the the princess it was at the commandment of the king the king gave the commandment to stone zechariah that's huge that's crazy to think about right to kill the son of the person that saved your life when you were a child and uh it's just kind of crazy to think about the fact that that's how far down he went but this is where it really begins because now joe ash is going to be killed by his own people okay there's going to be a conspiracy it's almost like we're reading the book of or the the kings of israel where there's conspiracies and someone takes them out but that's what happens is that joe ash is going to reap what he's sown and god sends syria against them okay so at this point when he was following joe hoyda's orders and he was you know basically under his his instruction he was doing great he was repairing the house of god they were doing sacrifices unto the lord you know they were coming back to god and so he kind of remember you saw how you had abijah that they did pretty well wasn't perfect but then you had asa it was a great king and then jehoshaphat even did better but then they had that downturn right when they got they they made affinity with the house of ahab and you had jehoram and aaziah and that didn't work out well but then they all they they all died remember jehoram's the one that had the disease in his bowels and died that horrible death as i died about jehu and his men is the one that killed him but then joe ash is promising right it's this child that's being brought up in the nurture and admonition of the lord so to speak but as soon as joe hoyda dies it just goes downhill and so going into second chronicle chapter 24 and verse 23 i believe this happens at the end of this year so basically at this point this is very much the end of his reign you know he has zechariah killed and zechariah is saying the lord require this and i believe the lord jesus brought it up you know when he's when he's condemning jerusalem because who killed him jerusalem killed zechariah and you say well you know how how can he put that blood on them because he's talking about the children of belial that's why because kane was of that wicked one and slew able his brother he was of the children of belial and guess what he just got them telling the pharisees that you're of your child the devil and that they make them twofold more the child of hell themselves when they make these proselytes they're wicked corrupt fruit that they have and so he's ripping their face off and i believe a bunch of reprobates killed zechariah so he's going to require all this righteous blood on their hands because he's talking about the family of the devil that's what he's talking about and that jerusalem's filled with that their leaders are filled with that and it was all going to be coming down on them and he's going to require it of that generation he's basically all this bloodshed from able to zechariah he's going to put on them and and obviously joe ash is going to reap what he's sown here and in verse 23 which you know it could be a testament that he was actually saved that he get he's basically just taken out by god right because if he wasn't saved you can see it being like a you know like one of these wicked kings where they just keep going on they're doing wicked things but this happens and it's done for joe ash he's he's done okay and verse 23 it says and it came to pass at the end of the year that the host of syria came up against him and they came to judah and jerusalem and destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people and sent all the spoil of them unto the king of damascus for the army of the syrians came with a small company of men and the lord and the lord delivered a very great host into their hand because they had forsaken the lord god of their fathers so they executed judgment against joy so what happened here syria came up with a small company of men and they took out they they were delivered you know into this great host of israel you know the great host of judah so judah had a bigger army and god you know let syria take him out and notice that it destroyed all the princes of the people or the princes uh as i said destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people so all those princes of judah that brought uh you know joe ash into this mess to begin with and that we're probably coaxing him to kill zechariah anyway god takes him out so all those princes are taken out and joe ash is going to be taken out eventually but when this happens this is why again it's good to look at these two parallel passages because you don't see this mentioned in second kings where they came in and destroyed all the princes and all the staff all you see in second kings is that haziel king of syria go to go to second kings chapter uh 12 and i'll show you this because it's interesting how it doesn't mention all that that went down but basically what happens they come in they destroy all the princes of judah and then joe ash just gives them a whole bunch of stuff he's basically trying to pay him off to get out of there right and so in verse 17 it says then haziel king of syria went up and fought against gath and took it and haziel sent his face to go up to jerusalem now that's all it really mentions about what they did at jerusalem so that's where second chronicle comes in and basically states that they came in and that they destroyed all the princes of the people and it says they took the spoil to the king of damascus but this is where the spoil is coming from too because notice in verse 18 of chapter 12 it says in jehoash king of judah took all the hallowed things the jehoshaphat and jehoram and asi his father's kings of judah had dedicated and his own hallowed things and all the gold that was found in the treasures of the house of the lord and in the king's house and sent it to haziel king of syria and he went away from jerusalem so that's how he got rid of them right so they come in and destroy their princes and they're reaping what they've sown obviously and god delivered them into the the king of syria even with a small host i mean he just had a small group of men and but that's what happens when you go against the lord that's what happens when you fight against the lord you know in some cases if you have less and they have more listen if you're on god's side he can deliver you and deliver you into that that victory right there but if if you're against the lord and you're against the commandments of god it doesn't matter how many people you have it doesn't matter how big your army is god can take it out see the reverse can come back on you when you're disobeying god and so yeah so what really happens is that you know even jehosh joe ash has to basically take all these hallowed things that his father's had dedicated unto the lord which he dedicated unto the lord and the and the gold that was in the treasures of the house of lord he had to take all that and give it to the king of syria to get him off his back and so uh but now you kind of see the whole picture that people were actually killed it wasn't just that they came in see if you're reading second kings you would just think well they just came in and he basically just paid them off and they left no they came in and killed people they came in and destroyed the princes of judah and rightfully so honestly because they were wicked and and they're the ones that coaxed joe ash into forsaking the lord and going after idols and all this other you know stupid garbage that they shouldn't be doing but in second chronicles 24 we see the end of joe ash here so you can kind of you read through and you're looking at king joe you're like ah you know he seems like a good guy he's like he's like why aren't you collecting the money to fix the house of lord and why aren't you fixing the house of lord and they fix the house lord they start doing sacrifices and doing all this stuff and you're like man good till joe hoyda dies but what you really see is that joe hoyda is the rock in this this whole story here joe hoyda is the one that's remember when they saved when they made joe ash king and he basically told them all you need to make o's that you're going to serve god and you're going to keep his commandments and he's basically trying to get the people to follow the lord that was joe hoyda then joe ash comes in and guess what joe ash is a good king while joe hoyda is there so joe hoyda is really the hero of the story here and king joe ash should have just been he shouldn't have been in that place of authority because he couldn't handle it because as soon as joe hoyda was gone he couldn't handle it and and all the the the wicked princes of juda jumped in and took advantage now in verse 25 there so second chronicles 24 and verse 25 it says and when they were departed from him for they left him in great diseases so i mean the the syrians left them in a in in a bad state right i mean they spoiled them they left them in diseases i mean just who knows what all went down during this period of them being spoiled and everything is going on so joe ash is definitely not popular it says his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of joe hoyda the priest and slew him on his bed and he died and they buried him in the city of david but they buried him not in the sepulchres of the kings that's interesting it says sons plural did he kill morden just zechariah i mean i'm just kind of just talking about it here because it doesn't mention anybody else but it says sons plural it says for the blood of the sons of joe hoyda the priest so it sounds like it wasn't just zechariah that got taken out here and so uh that that speaks a lot but they take him out for that they take him out for the reason of taking out zechariah and joe hoyda's sons there and uh and the thing that's interesting here is that he was buried in the city of david but he was not buried in the sepulchre of the kings but guess who was joe hoyda remember when we were reading when he died that he was buried among the kings so joe hoyda was buried with the kings but not joe ash so if you remember jehoram was buried not being desired right but joe ash was buried not with the kings but he wasn't he was in the city of david right he was in uh jerusalem um or bethlehem you know that that area which would be the city of david um so it's just interesting that joe hoyda was but not joe ash um and uh in verse 26 here it says and these are they that conspired against him zabad the son of jimeath and ammonitis and jehoshabad the son of zimrith amoebitis so taken out by an ammonite and amoebite right now concerning his sons and the greatness of the burdens laid upon him and the repairing house of the lord behold they are written in the story of the book of the kings and amaziah his son reigned in his stead so it does kind of end on a high note there because it's talking about how he repaired the house of the lord and and the burdens that were laid upon him and all this stuff so it's it's interesting on how that uh how it kind of ends there on kind of a high note for him but it does mention that he was not buried with the kings and uh you know it it goes into ecclesiastes you know the the day of one's death is is greater than the day of one's birth you know and um we should be thinking about how we end our life more than how we began it right because you forget about those things which are past and reach forth unto those things which are before and press toward the mark for the prize of the high god and god in christ jesus you know if you if you had a bad past you messed up you know forget about that and move on but you don't want to end on that doing bad you know you want to end on the high note you want to end on doing right and doing doing what you should for the lord and every time i read these kings i'm always just like man why couldn't you just do right till the end you know but it's a testament that a lot of people don't okay and so we need to keep that in mind you need to be cognizant of that in the fact of hey you know what i'm doing right right now but but let me not just lean on that i need to be doing right till the day i die you know being faithful unto death is not necessarily just being a martyr for christ you know or being or being killed for the cause of christ you know being faithful unto death should be something that we're thinking about as far as just living faithful to the end and joe ash is one that didn't but it is an example of someone that can do great things if they're led in the right direction okay and this is an example like i said of someone that shouldn't be a leader okay now we're all leaders in our own right right we all have leadership when it comes to our families and stuff like that so i'm not saying like you you shouldn't be a leader at all in anything but what i'm saying is that certain positions of leadership certain positions of power certain people shouldn't be in that position okay and you know i'm not i'm not going to like start naming people that shouldn't be in a position of power but what i'm saying is that there are certain people that i've looked at and be like that person should never be a pastor just because i know they're unstable just because i know that on their own they probably wouldn't stay the course okay and it's nothing against the person and the people that have thought that about it's not like i'm looking at them like oh you're a horrible christian or anything like that it's just that that's the fact and they'll do great things for god as long as they're put it you know kind of pointed in the right direction but it's also testament you know to the people that are leaders you know i think about myself that i need to be staying the course and not get comfortable and not think well you know i've done right here and here and here you know no i need to continue to do right i need to continue to be pressing toward that mark and not think well i've done this in the past well i'm not going to look in the past i'm going to keep looking on the future and keep doing right and my goal is to keep doing this till the day i die that's my goal you know it may not be a lofty goal but it's a goal of just basically just still doing what i'm doing until i die and i believe that should be the goal of every christian is to be faithful unto death and to just keep doing what you're doing and not fall out and just keep going on and not be one of these kings that did great things for god but then just at the end of their life was horrible you know i don't want that to be the end for any of us so let's end with the word of prayer gently father we thank you for today thank you for the souls that were saved and thank you for your word thank you for these passages lord that we can learn from and lord that we can use and lord just pray to be with us throughout this week i pray to be with those that aren't feeling well and lord that you would uh heal the sick and be with us with our jobs help us to get everything we need to get done and pray everything that we do would be glorifying to you in jesus christ name amen