(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But we are continuing our study through the kings and as you know we're going through the Northern Kingdom right now and so we had, and actually I want to see if I have that chart, here it is. I meant to make a whole bunch of these for everybody here but I just forgot to do it because I have to do it at, I don't have three and a half or 11 by 17 paper to print it off at home but here's a chart of all the kings and obviously the kings of Israel stop because they're gonna all be decimated eventually here and we're getting closer to that and so Jehu is the last one we covered and so Jehu was a great story. Jehu was the closest one to being a good king. He was a kind of like kind of good but ultimately he still followed the sins of Jeroboam which every single one of these kings does and we're gonna get back into being evil but basically what we're gonna I'm gonna go through the four generations of Jehu so there's actually four kings that we're gonna go through with this and there's just not a lot mentioned I mean that's the thing I'm not gonna preach a whole sermon on like just a one little sentence mentioned about a king I'd feel too much like I came out of a Bible college or something like that I'm just gonna preach on one verse and just start talking for the rest of the time so all I have to say is that we're gonna go through four kings and we're gonna be getting close we're actually gonna get through the Jeroboam or Zechariah right here Zechariah and as you can tell this is all we got left so once we get done with the kings of Israel then we're gonna be going back to Rehoboam and going down the kingly line of Judah and so we do have this chart here you can take a look at it and I'm gonna put it on my video I'm gonna put a PDF or yeah I guess a PDF link or a link to where you can download this or something like that I'll have to try to figure out how you can do that anyway all I have to say is that I'll have something linked to a drop box or something to where you can pull this off off the sermon or whatever so first of all let's look at second Kings chapter 10 second Kings chapter 10 because I want you to see this promise that God makes to Jehu so Jehu if you remember he's the one that takes out the whole house of Ahab so we went through his story where he he ends up killing Jehoram and Ahaziah. Ahaziah was the king over Judah at the time and he kills both those kings and then he goes back to Samaria and has Jezebel thrown out the window and then the dogs eat Jezebel and then he kills all the prophets of Baal so that's why I kind of like him so you know like when you look at the king you know the kings of Israel there's only really one in that northern kingdom that I would say yeah I like that guy now some of these guys and then in the northern kingdom sometimes they'll have a bright spot moment you know where it's kind of cool like Ahab did actually but most part they're all pretty much just you know not following the Lord they do evil on the side of the Lord but in and second Kings chapter 10 notice what it says in verse 30 about Jehu it says and the Lord said unto Jehu because thou has done well in executing that which is right in mine eyes and has done unto the house of Ahab according to all that was in mine heart thy children of the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel so that's what happens so we're gonna go through Jehu's son Jehoahaz and then his son Joash and then his son Jeroboam the second and then his son Zechariah so four kings and it's gonna happen exactly like God said meaning that after that they're gonna be done and we cut off okay so in second Kings chapter 13 there we get into Jehoahaz Jehoahaz and like I said that the complicating thing about the Kings is that when Judah has kings that are named the same you know at the same time you'll be like well he started reigning in this Joash started reigning in the year of Joash king of Judah you're like goodnight you not have different names at least when you're reigning at the same time but a lot of times you'll have that so that's why that chart kind of helps you out there a little bit to see that but in verse one there Bible reads it says in the three and 20th year of Joash the son of Ahaziah king of Judah Jehoahaz the son of Jehu began to reign over Israel and Samaria and reign 17 years and he did that which was evil on the side of the Lord and followed the sins of Jeroboam son Nebat which made Israel to sin he departed not there from and this is just something that you see over and over and over again that was to the point of nauseum we're just like all right we get it we get it they followed the sign the sins of Jeroboam son Nebat which was what they made two calves he made two calves in northern Israel the golden calves and he put one in Bethel and one in Dan and that has been just plaguing them every every single King even Jehu so Jehu that was the thing that you know God couldn't bless him completely because he just would not let go of that but Jehoahaz his son follows in his steps in verse three there it says in the anger the Lord was kindled against Israel and he delivered them into the hand of Hazael king of Syria and into the hand of Ben Hadad the son of Hazael all their days and Jehoahaz besought the Lord and the Lord hearkened unto him for he saw the oppression of Israel because the king of Syria oppressed him now this is what's interesting about Jehoahaz here is that he actually calls out to God for help you know in this in this area so Hazael, Hazael, however you want to say it, Hazael king of Syria and then Ben Hadad his son and this is where it gets confusing because Ben Hadad was the king before Hazael you know so it's kind of weird you know because they they use the same names use different names if I have anything to preach to you tonight is have different names okay you know and like everybody's just like using the same names over and over again it's like in the New Testament everybody's married you know how many Mary's are there in the New Testament you're just constantly like which Mary is that is that Mary Magdalene no that's Mary the mother of Joseph and Salome and is that the mother of Jesus no it's up James the last you know it's like how many Mary I haven't I haven't actually I think it's at least four Mary's and you know that's around that time but anyway I digress going on there the Lord does send a Savior okay this reminds me of the judges you know you think about the the book of Judges and it's just constantly they get oppressed and then God sends them a Savior sends them a judge you know Samson or you know Jeff Othne you know you know all these different you know send them a Savior to deliver them but notice that Jehoahaz he besought the Lord first and that's the key that people don't forget you know and I know I preached about Zionism and stuff like that but it's this whole idea that you know well Israel became a nation and you know God saw their affliction and their oppression when did they beseech the Lord to help them that's what I want to know because in all these cases if you go through the book of Judges and even right here the only reason that God is coming in there to save them is because someone besought him to do it okay ask and you shall receive but it says that you have not because you ask not and so you can't expect God to basically bring you out of oppression if you're just not going to call on him to do it so but he sends a Savior or he gave Israel as a Savior so that they went out from under the hand of the Syrians and the children of Israel dwelt in their tents as before time nevertheless they departed not from the sins of the house of Jeroboam who made Israel to sin but walked therein and there remained the grove also in Samaria so even though the Lord delivered them you know out of the hand of the Syrians they still just would not let go of that sin verse 7 says neither did he leave of the people to Jehovah as but 50 horsemen and 10 chariots and 10,000 footmen for the king of Syria had destroyed them and had made them like the dust by threshing now the rest of the acts of Jehovah has and all that he did and his might are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel and Jehovah has slept with his fathers and they buried him in Samaria and Joash his son reigned in his stead so we see here that you know he reigns for 17 years but throughout that whole time he's basically getting impressed by the Syrians and the Syrians are pretty much decimating them and that's what it comes down to is that God God delivered them from being completely annihilated right but there's not much left as you see there how much is left he has 50 horsemen 10 chariots and 10,000 footmen it's not a lot right that's that's that's not a big force think about how many men they had coming out of out of the wilderness and actually counts the number of men when they were supposed to go in the first time and when they're when they actually went in the second time and both of them were around six hundred thousand so just to give you a number and that was hundreds of years before that right so you had at least 400 years or so of the judges and then you have hundreds of years that are going on here until you get to this point and they only have 10,000 footmen after all that obviously Judah is a bigger tribe and all that stuff but even so if you looked at those numbers they have ten tribes so they should have a lot more than that so it just kind of shows you we don't really know what they started out with but you know Gideon at least had 32,000 when he started off before God started taking them out from them right but 10,000 footmen it's just not a lot and so it's just kind of showing that the state of Israel it's pretty much decimated they don't have a force anymore because of the Syrians but then his son Joash is gonna rain so we have Jehovah has raining for 17 years then Jehovah has dies and Joash his son's gonna rain for 16 years so down in verse 10 there and what's interesting about this is that from verse 10 to verse 13 it's just there's really short synopsis about Joash and you're like man they didn't say anything about him at all but there actually is more information as you read down into the chapters there's still information about what Joash does it but it kind of it's interesting because it just basically he slept with his father's and then they bring up a story about how he went down to Elisha right after that so it's just kind of funny how it just kind of roughly ends but in verse 10 there says in the 30 and 7th year of Joash king of Judah began Jehoash the son of the son of Jehoah has to reign over Israel and Samaria and reigned 16 years and again notice that Joash and Joash are reigning together there but what they do a lot of times what the Bible does here because Jehoash and Joash are basically synonymous is that notice that it will say Joash for the one and Jehoash for it for the other one so it's kind of trying to delineate a little bit there as far as you know who they're talking about but in verse 11 there it says and he did that which was evil inside the Lord do you imagine what he did he departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam son Nebat who made Israel to sin but he walked therein and the rest of the acts of Joash and all that he did and his might wherewith he fought against Amaziah king of Judah are they not written in the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel and Joash slept with his fathers and Jeroboam sat upon his throne and Joash was buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel and that's not much right how would you like that for your appetite to be on your your grave there be like I you did evil inside Lord well then he died but obviously it's gonna go on to different things but it's just interesting how it just gives you that little short synopsis of them but it does call to how he fought against Amaziah king of Judah which is gonna be in the next chapter so we're gonna get to that but first actually in this chapter we go down to where Elisha dies okay so you know as we go through these kings and sometimes you may look at that chart and you're like and a lot of time is going on but Elisha's here that whole time you know all the way up to to Joash Elisha is alive through this whole time right because Elisha was there during Ahab that's where Elijah goes to find Elijah finds Elisha when Ahab and Jezebel were coming against him and all that stuff and so Elisha was alive back then or I'm sorry hey hey I'm not but not up here right here so around this time all the way down to here is where Elisha is at and so just to kind of give you some reference there but he dies during Joash's reign here and so in verse 14 this is an interesting story and I don't know if you've ever really thought about like why why Elisha has him do this with the story with these arrows and where he's stomping on the ground and all this stuff but it's an interesting story of you know basically being extreme and taking things further than you think it needs to go when it comes to your Christian walk or just how far you take things when with the things of God but in verse 14 there it says now Elisha was fallen sick of his sickness whereof he died and Joash the king of Israel came down unto him and wept over his face and said oh my father my father the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof you ever you know like just phrases like that you're like what are you talking about do you know this phrase is brought up when Elijah goes up in a whirlwind and it's interesting because you know it talks about when you die how like angels carry Lazarus to Abraham's bosom and stuff like that and just like that like do you like prophets or people met a guy like get a chariot like I don't know like you just kind of think about these things that aren't that explicitly said you know I mean because obviously Elijah he got taken up in a whirlwind on the chariot and then this is where Joe actually saying you know the the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof he's obviously talking about him dying right he's talking about his death here and so it makes you wonder what your exit would be you know as when you die like are you how are you carried up to heaven cuz I talked about angels carrying up with the heaven but are you're like on a chariot like are you doing this or that you know and you say what does it matter it doesn't matter okay but I just like thinking about those type of things that the Bible says a little bit about that you may not know until you die and find that out but just kind of having that entrance you know like that and it may be different depending on who you are and what you do for Christ you know so anyway all I have to say that has nothing to do with the sermon but in verse 15 there it says in Elisha said unto him take bow and arrows and he took unto him bow and arrows and he said to the king of Israel put thine hand upon the bow and he put his hand upon it and Elisha put his hands upon the king's hands and he said open the window eastward and he opened it then Elisha said shoot and he shot and he said the arrow of the Lord's deliverance in the arrow of deliverance from Syria for thou shalt smite the Syrians in a fact till thou have consumed them and he said take the arrows and he took them and he said unto the king of Israel smite upon the ground and he smote thrice and stayed now this is always interesting to me because he doesn't say like how much to do it or anything like that and then he's gonna get angry at Joash here because he didn't do it more okay notice what it says in verse 19 it says in the man of God was wroth with him and said thou shouldest have smitten five or six times then hast thou smitten Syria till thou has consumed it whereas now thou shalt smite Syria but thrice and Elisha died and they buried him and the bands of the Moabites invaded the land at the coming in of the year and at the end of the chapter there it says three times at the very end at verse 25 it says three times that Joash beat beat him and recovered the cities of Israel talking about Hazael king of Syria and so urban hey dad and all that so you say well what's that what's the application to this well go to Ezekiel chapter 6 Ezekiel chapter 6 and I you know as a preacher I kind of think about this and the fact of how often are you gonna smite the hands together and stomp the feet you know how often are you gonna cry aloud just three times or just as many as you think it needs to be you know it's better to take the extreme and do it more than not enough and when I think of this you know stamping on the ground or smiting on the ground I think of preaching I think of the fact that especially since Elisha is a prophet and to spiritualize it obviously he's talking about actually destroying the Syrians but you know the idea is that you don't just like kind of do a little bit and you're just like I think that's enough and you just keep going until you think that hey that would take care of it and so I think of preaching a lot and Ezekiel chapter 6 and verse 11 here it says thus set the Lord God smite with thine hand and stamp with thy foot and say alas for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel for they shall fall by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence and I think about the fact of you know hard preaching go to go to Isaiah 58 Isaiah 58 Isaiah 58 in verse 1 I think of this verse 2 where you know in Philippians chapter 3 he says beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision and he says mark them which walks those you have us for an in sample of whom I've even told I says that many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ but notice that he's marking them and he's telling you about it often he didn't just tell you about it once he didn't tell you about it twice didn't tell you about it three times he tells you often and not only is he doing that but now he's telling you even weeping and when it comes to hard preaching on sin or hard preaching against false religions you know it's not a matter of like well I did that three times in my ministry no I'm gonna be keep doing that I don't really have a limit on how much I'm gonna preach against false religions like the Church of Christ or the Catholic Church or Mormonism or Islam or Judaism I don't have like a odd three times is enough no it's gonna keep I'm gonna keep pounding it into the ground until it's completely consumed and that's the attitude we should have with preaching think of this in Isaiah 51 I'm sorry Isaiah 58 verse 1 it says cry aloud spare not and what did the king do here he spared because he stamped the feet thrice and then he stayed what he do he spared and it's not that he didn't even smite a couple times cuz he did but this idea of you know well I preached that once three years ago you know what I mean and sometimes you know you'll have preachers and you say well why don't you ever preach on it why I preached on that before in my ministry at one point I was 20 years old but I did it you know like it should be often and especially things that are brought up in our world in our society need to be smitten you say you're beating a dead horse yes I am I'll beat that horse I'll smite that horse until there's just no doubt that it's completely consumed instead of taking you know would you rather me just beat it and it's not dead I'd rather be beating a dead horse than beating something that doesn't actually die you know and it's saying be like and it's still alive and limps away and and all that and so cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their sin their transgression in the house of Jacob their sins so cry aloud spare not stamp the foot smite the hands and stay not and so I take away from this passage is preaching you know I like just saying stay up with the feet and he just stamps three times like I think that's good enough that's good no it's just a constant thing you just keep going he's like you should've done it five or six times he didn't have a number in his head but he's like you should at least done it five or six times why'd you stop at three and so go to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 2nd Timothy chapter 4 you know what if the previous generation would have been stamping the foot crying aloud and not sparing then we wouldn't be in the state that we are now in the US or in the world for that matter but they stayed they stayed you know they preached on it in the 90s but when the 2000s came around and stuff getting started getting on YouTube guess what they stayed they said well I preached it back in the 90s I at least preached it once or twice or three times well I should say why didn't you do it five times why didn't you do six times why did you stop there no hard preaching just needs to keep going it needs to be often and well one does if we spare on that because here's thing yeah I mean if I preached it once twice yeah I preached it and you could say well I warned him or whatever but imagine this that you're you see like a force coming right it's coming against you it's coming against your family or whatever are you be like you know everybody run they're coming oh I did I said it once that's enough think about if you're in that situation what would you be doing you'd be saying it until you saw how everybody was safe right until you saw everything was okay and then that's time to relax but until the time is to relax and our society is getting so on fire for God and then the laws are on the books you know abortions illegal and all this stuff is you know everything's just on the up-and-up then maybe I'll be like all right I think I'm beating that a little too hard I'll step off a little bit you think that's actually gonna happen do you think it's actually gonna get better I mean maybe but I have doubts but here's thing I'm gonna keep doing it so at least they start getting better if it's on the decline that means I need to actually smite even more but today we live with soft preaching we live with with the fact that people are afraid to say anything against the alphabet community you know they say anything against you know people that are for abortion or anything like that or or they're just afraid to speak at all when it comes to the things that society is saying uncouth there's two genders oh my what in the world I can't believe you said that I actually just saw someone put up a meme and it was like you know it was a rainbow shirt and it said there are more than two genders and then it had a circle around you had to pick between male or female on your your shirt size right triggered you know it shows a woman with blue hair on fire or something like that but we live in a perilous times and look at look at 2nd Timothy chapter 4 listen and there's nothing new under the Sun because throughout generation after generation there's been really bad generations and then there's been revival and people get back on track and then there's really bad generations and there's revival you know I I personally believe that were in you know coming to the point where it's not gonna get any better and there's not gonna be a revival like that but here's thing doesn't mean I'm not gonna try do you want to be that generation be like well it could have got better you just didn't do anything about it I'd rather you know what I'd rather just be you know innocent of the blood of the people on my hands so you know I'm just gonna keep crying aloud keep sparing not keep smite in the hand keep stamping the foot notice in verse 1 of 2nd Timothy chapter 4 it says I changed I charged thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned on the fables but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make foolproof thy ministry so you know what they can turn away their ears all they want that doesn't mean I'm not gonna still watch I'm not I'm still gonna be that watchman on the tower that warns when they're when the dangers coming and you know what when it comes they can't say there wasn't a prophet in the land they can't say they weren't warned about it and you know I don't even want them to say well I did hear the warning but it was like one time I wanted to be the without excuse I kept I heard that warning over and over again and I was too stupid to listen to it I was too foolish to listen to that warning that was coming but listen as preachers and even as soul winners you know you think about that do you go out soul winning three times and call it quits you're like well I did it you know he told me to preach the gospel every creature he didn't say how many times to do it right or do you have the attitude that we just need to keep doing it as much as we can there's no limit to what we're doing on that we're just gonna do it until Jesus comes and so you know when I look at this passage you know you could take what you want from it as far as but you look at that and you can almost be sympathetic towards Joe actually be like well you didn't tell him how many times to do it you know it's kind of a weird thing that you're asking him anyway you know and then he stamped three times and but you could tell like here's the thing his heart wasn't in it like if he was thinking about the Syrians and what they've done to his country because when his father was reigning what happened they were almost completely decimated and so God jumped in there and so they're down to like 10,000 footmen you know like 50 horsemen and like 10 chariots or something like that I forget I forget exactly what I said but anyway it's a small number if he was thinking about that he would have been smiting that ground until there was a hole in the ground thinking about smiting the Syrians but his heart's not in it and with a lot of preachers their heart isn't in it they want to just have the job they want the title but their heart isn't in it because they don't care about the flock they don't care about what happens to everybody else in the church they don't care about what happens in the world or in the country and you know it's this pre-trib mentality like oh you know he's gonna come back at any moment and you know we're gonna be out here before all that stuff goes down and it's just mentality of like just let it burn let it all burn you know it's gonna go it's gonna go to hell and we're gonna be caught up in the clouds now we're gonna be here when it's burning my friends we're gonna be here when the Antichrist comes into power if Lord willing we're alive when that happens but yeah I mean how about how about we're gonna try to stay that how about we're gonna try to get as many people saved as possible before that happens do you want to be the generation that goes down as a generation that allowed all that to happen you know without even trying but you know what in the end times it's not like it's the way to see an age but with a lot of Christians you know they're not living for God but you know in that time it talks about how Christians are gonna do great exploits for God but how about we do it before then what's stopping us from doing great exploits now before the Antichrist comes into power we do great exploits why it's easy so I think of preaching when I think of this I think about you know I need I need to not stay you know when I preach on hell or I preach on you know the controversial things in the Bible that I'm not just gonna be like well I did that once I got flack for it too but it doesn't mean I'm gonna stop at that you know I'm not gonna stay because let me ask you this how much do you hate sin you say why do you preach on some of things because I hate that sin why did you preach on you know you know you preach against adultery what you preach against lying you preach against you know sodomy you preach against murder you preach against any of these things because I hate those things but it comes down to this that Joe I just didn't have that he didn't have that you know basically fire of understanding what he was even doing there he's just kind of like doing the motions he's like alright I'll stay Anthony Stan who knows if he even did it hard he's probably just like stomping on the ground a little bit should have been putting a hole in that ground thinking about the Syrians and what they've done to his country so but we do see that Joash after Elisha dies it mentions actually you know in that little short thing about Joash that he fought against Amaziah notice in 2nd Kings chapter 14 verse 8 there what really happens here is Amaziah king of Judah picks a fight with Joash and so in Amaziah it actually says he did right in the sight of the Lord so he's not a bad king you know in general he did right in the eyes of the Lord so he's a good one of the good ones but that's what it says here in verse 8 says then Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu king of Israel saying come let us look one another in the face and Jehoash the king of Israel sent to Amaziah king of Judah saying the thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon saying give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and throw down the thistle you're like what in the world is he talking about right so you gotta put forth this parable basically what's happening here is is Amaziah is saying let's come look face to face basically like he's challenging him to a fight okay and what what Joash says is like it's like the thistle like the stuff on the ground is saying to the cedar you know give me your daughter to wife basically like you're out of your place to say something like that is what he's saying okay and so you can definitely see that Joash is not afraid of Amaziah verse 10 there he kind of explains that you know what he meant by this with the thistle and the cedar and all that verse 10 it says thou hast indeed smitten Edom and thine heart hath filled thee up glory of this and tarry at home so he's basically saying you you took out Edom did a good job glory in that but just go home go home you're drunk Amaziah you know like basically like don't glory you know don't don't boast yourself above that you're able and notice what it says right after this is for why shouldest thou meddle to thy hurt that thou shouldest fall even thou and Judah with thee so he's basically saying don't do this why are you trying to pick a fight because you know he's basically saying you know boast in the fact you took out Edom and all that but you know just go home but Amaziah won't hear that verse 11 says but Amaziah would not hear therefore Jehoash king of Israel went up he he and he and Amaziah king of Judah looked one another in the face at Beth Shemesh which belonged to Judah and Judah was put to the worse before Israel and they fled every man to their tents and Jehoash king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judah the son of Jehoash the son of Ahaziah at Beth Shemesh and came to Jerusalem and break down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim unto the corner gate 400 cubits and he took all the gold and silver and all the vessels that were found in the house of the Lord and in the treasures of the king's house and hostages and returned to Samaria now the rest of the acts of Jehoash which he did in his might and how he fought with Amaziah king of Judah are they not written in the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel and Jehoash slept with his fathers and was buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel and Jeroboam his son reigned in his stead it's interesting because it said this like kind of the same thing in the chapter before and then we're actually talking about Amaziah in this chapter and it's just kind of telling you like Amaziah did this and by the way he basically provoked the king of Israel to come to battle but what I think about this is basically picking fights is not a good idea okay when it comes to military tactics which our country is guilty of of being in this military industrial complex and the fact of you know we got to go out and do these preemptive strikes we got to go and pick fights with all these countries instead of just staying here and waiting until someone picks a fight with us and then then we take him out think of all the stories in the Bible about how God delivers Israel it besides them taking the promised land okay every place where there's a battle it's always because they're on the defense and that enemy is about to completely annihilate them and that's when God steps in and takes him out he's never just like I know you want this city over here let's go ahead and take that out you know what I mean it's like these ideas of like expanding a kingdom every conqueror that does that ends up falling think of Alexander think of the Grecian Empire think of the Roman Empire you know even the Assyrian Empire the Babylonian Empire all those empires which by the way I'm talking about that seven-headed dragon but every time that an empire kept growing and guess which one of those heads I believe if we're in that and we're close to the end times we're talking about the United States of America being that Babylon that final kingdom that is gonna end up being taken out but what are we doing as America we keep expanding we want we want our tentacles in every single country and it's all about war and all the you know profiteering through war but here's the thing the Bible doesn't teach that now the Bible does teach to fight when you have to but this idea of just going around picking fights with people I mean even a pastor pastor is not supposed to be a brawler or a striker what is that talking it doesn't mean that you can never fight because obviously if someone's coming after my family I'll destroy them you know and I you know you can call that bro that's not brawling that's a brawler is someone that pick goes to like find bar fights just to get into fights right and that's what Amazon is trying to do here basically trying to pick a bar fight with the Northern Kingdom there and notice that go to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 now this verse is usually taken out of context because it's like oh you know no more is it I for an eye tooth for tooth now it's this he's just making a point that you know we're trying to try to stay out of a fight okay as much as possible let us live peacefully with all men that's what the Bible says we're trying to live peaceably with all men we're not trying to be offensive you say well your church is like the most offensive Church in West Virginia I'm not trying to be that's just because the Bible is offensive okay but I'm not sure it's trying to be offensive to be offensive you know throughout my daily you know life and I want to run into people and talk to people I'm nice to them I say hi to them I say have a good day I'm not just like man let me tell you how I can be offensive to you and just start saying great you know bracing things and being crass everywhere I go I'm not just trying to be offensive with everybody I'm not trying to get into a fight with anybody but if the fight comes to me I will fight so you know don't let that fool you to think that well I'm not gonna ever fight because I will if I have to but in Matthew chapter 5 verse 38 it says Jesus says it says ye have heard that it hath been said and I for an eye and tooth for a tooth well that's in the law you know and I believe that should still stand in our court system and I for an eye and tooth for a tooth but I say unto you that you resist not evil now this is where he gets in it says but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other also and so what they were doing here and basically they're taking I for nine to two to an extreme basically if you like if someone pushed you then you get to push him back you know it's like that's not what it's talking about I for nine two four two so I'm talking about being maimed like losing a tooth losing a finger losing an eye you know losing an appendage that's a big deal that's not like someone punching you in the face okay but furthermore when he says if someone smites you in the face then turn them to the other cheek also why are they smiting you in the face are they trying to kill you no they're trying to challenge you to a fight right the old you know I challenge you to a duel when they take off their glove and they smack you in the face right because it's it what does it do it hurts your pride because your pride says I'm gonna destroy you yes let's fight because you just like slap me in the face because it's not like in a main you you know unless they have brass knuckles on or something like that but you know obviously I believe what you're talking about here is that you're you're not resisting you're trying not to resist evil meaning that they're trying to challenge you to this fight and you're saying no I don't I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get into this fight with you it's not saying that you roll over or why would Jesus say buy a sword you know obviously self-defense is biblical but all that to say is that when it comes to this we're not to be just out there looking for a fight or even if someone's trying to pick a fight with us you're not to bite on that all the time right people are trying to bait you they're trying to get you into a fight and so you know the idea is that you're just basically trying to live peaceably with all men trying to do what you can do for the Lord but if the fight comes to you yeah throw down I mean if someone's coming at me with a gun or someone's coming at me with a baseball bat or a machete I don't you know you're in West Virginia you never know what's gonna happen then obviously I'm gonna come at them with full force you know to prevent protect myself protect my family so obviously that's not what I'm talking about but let's just be honest you know our country we're not just protecting ourselves you know from foreign invaders and all on 9-11 yeah building seven building seven how that go down you know so many other things that are going on with that it's interesting they already had the Patriot Act already written up and ready to go it's interesting that we went to war with Iraq that had nothing to do with the so-called 9-11 attacks oh that's why oh why was that because they've been wanting to go to war with Iraq for a long time it all has to do with you know inter meddling with with oil and all these different things that they were doing it's all about money and it's all about perpetual war by the way so all that to say is that this is there's nothing new under the Sun you know this stuff's been going on for a long time as far as profiting in war but go to Psalm 120 Psalm 120 like I said you know the Bible talks about fighting it says we're soldiers of Christ it says fight the good fight of faith but notice what what David says here Psalm 120 verse 6 it says my soul hath long dwelt with them that hateth peace I am for peace but when I speak therefore war so that's the way we should be right we're for peace but you know obviously when we speak because we're speaking controversial things out of the Bible they're for war so when that comes to that then yeah obviously you can't what are you gonna do you know if the war comes to you then you fight it but we're not out there just trying to find a war we're for peace we're supposed to be the children of peace and we're supposed to have you know a good conversation with them that are without through the you know with the Gentiles all that stuff talking about in the world and in Jude you think about this you know when when is there a time to contend or to fight when they start creeping in and coming after you right and Jude in verse 3 it says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints for because right there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lascivious denying the only Lord God in our Lord Jesus Christ and so you want to know what issues I preach on things that affect us meaning that you know you say why sodomy effect yeah it does it affects our whole country and our you know our land is gonna vomit out our inhabitants because of it and God's curse is gonna be upon our country because of all the babies that are being murdered in our country and all the wicked abominations that are being done in our country so yeah that is close to home that is something that is creeping in unaware so to speak so but I'm not gonna preach about something that doesn't pertain to us at all right like there's something that's going on in another country that has nothing to do with what's going on here why would I care to preach on that here because how does that change anything that we're doing here but things that affect us the things that that can creep into your life or that can change your mindset then obviously we're gonna fight that and so I just want to preach about that you know you think about this story where Amaziah is picking a fight and you know you just need to not intermetal with things that don't belong to you you're taking the dog by the ears the Bible says inter meddling with strife belonging not to you and so Amaziah paid for it and Amaziah was a good King right but was God behind him there obviously not Josiah does the same exact thing we haven't got the Josiah yet but how does Josiah die he picks a fight with Pharaoh Nico right and Pharaoh Nico says the same thing he's like what are you doing God told me to go do this get back to your country and he doesn't listen and he ends up dying because of it so it's just the same old thing that you know God's not out there saying like go out there and preemptively do these tax you know being on the offensive all the time when it comes to wars but when it comes to you obviously you fight so we get through with Joash we had Jehovah has Joash and now we're gonna get into Jeroboam the second Jeroboam the second actually arranged for a little while here and I say Jeroboam the second it doesn't say that okay but obviously Jeroboam the son of Nebat is a different person Jeroboam the son of Nebat's who started off this whole northern kingdom but then we have Jeroboam the son of Joash the son of Jehoah as the son of Jehu so of the line of Jehu right so in verse 23 there it says in the 15th year of Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel began to reign in Samaria and reign forty and one years and he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord he departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat who made Israel to sin and notice this though so that's obvious right I probably didn't even need to read that by you already know that was true but they went after the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat verse 25 there it says he restored the coast of Israel from the entering of Hamath unto the sea of the plain according to the word of Lord God of Israel which he spake by the hand of his servant Jonah the son of Amittai the prophet which was a gath heifer for the Lord saw the affliction of Israel that it was very bitter for there was not any there was not any shut up nor any left nor any helper for Israel and the Lord said unto that said not that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam and all that he did at his might how he warned and how he recovered Damascus and Hamath which belonged to Judah for Israel are they not written in the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel and Jeroboam slept with his fathers even with the kings of Israel and Zechariah his son reigned in his stead so this is interesting because this actually gives us a little bit information of where Jonah was right so Jonah go to Jonah chapter 1 Jonah chapter 1 and there's a prophecy that was said by Jonah that we didn't that you may not have known right you could just think of Jonah the book of Jonah and where you swallow by a whale and all that but just to show you that I believe this is the same exact prophet because in second Kings chapter 14 verse 25 says Jonah the son of Amittai the prophet and Jonah chapter 1 verse 1 it says now the word of the Lord came on to Jonah the son of Amittai saying arise go to Nineveh that great city and cry against it for their wickedness has come up before me so we see that Jonah actually also prophesied in verse in verse 25 there that that Jeroboam would restore the coast of the entering in of Hamath to the sea so just interesting that's just kind of peppered in there you know Jonah one of the minor prophets that's in there but this also gives you an idea of Jonah's mindset because we're gonna get into the Kings after Zechariah but really when you get into Zechariah after at this point that's when Assyria steps in now Syria is different than Assyria Syria their their capital city was Damascus and what do we see here they recovered Damascus through Jeroboam the second so Syria is pretty much taken out here and Assyria is gonna step in and be now be the oppressor and we know because we know the end of the story right that Assyria is the one that takes out the northern kingdom of Israel so when you're reading Jonah and you're like why does he just not want to go to Nineveh now what's his deal like why doesn't he want to take that trip to Nineveh because Nineveh is the capital city of Assyria so it kind of makes you wonder you know makes you think about like why does he not want to go because when you read on there I believe Jonah is in that time when you read on about the kings that come after here Assyria pull pull pull pull of the king of Syria is gonna be coming after them and oppressing them and taking out their cities and doing all this stuff and eventually under Hoshea the king completely annihilate them and carry them away captive now Jonah I don't know if he's alive at that point but you think about this I mean I don't know where he's at in this frame of 41 years but let's say he's at the end of it or somewhere close to the end of it then you know there's not that many years left on this line I mean you think about you had that 41 years but if he's around this part right here you don't have much time left right you have 39 you know about 40 years or something like that but even then if you're in this area Assyria is already oppressing you so I don't know if Jonah was written you know when he was supposed to go to Nineveh before the Ninevite you know before they completely decimated Israel but they may not have yet so you can definitely see why Jonah was just like I don't want to do it and why was this reasoning why didn't he want to go because he knew that the Lord was gracious and long-suffering and of tender mercies he knew that God would have mercy on Nineveh and he didn't want that to happen and so this gives you because you see where he's at in this timeline understanding of why he didn't like Assyria why he didn't like Nineveh okay so but you know it also shows you a little bit too that they'd recovered Damascus that's interesting and I don't have the verses here but you can see where it talks about how Damascus is the head of of Syria so it sounds like the Syrians are completely taken out you know there's no more and so I don't know if the the Syrians kind of assimilated with the Assyrians it's probably what happened you know and they kind of just assimilate because you had this Assyrian Empire which was a lot more than just Assyria right it was all those other kingdoms just like Babylon was not just the Chaldeans right it was all those other nations that they had encompassed and so the Syrians probably just kind of got consumed by the Assyrians in there so I remember reading through the Bible and I thought that they were the same you know that the Syrians and the Assyrians were the same it was just like they just got lazy and just wanted to say the Syrians you know but anyway I'll have to say it's obviously a little different they aren't close together as far as their location right you have Syria that's kind of north of Israel and then you have Assyria that's over to the right a little bit and all that but but we do have the last king of Zechariah now he doesn't rain for that much six months no one beat Zimrai though remember how long Zimrai rained for seven days one week right so no one's gonna beat Zimrai but one month is another place you know where he rains for one month so they're trying to get close but they didn't do it but six months is his Zechariah so what do we have we had Jehoahaz rain for what 17 years or 16 years I'm gonna mess up and say the wrong thing 17 years it's so Jehoahaz rains for 17 years Joash for 16 years Jeroboam II rains for 41 years so he has a pretty long rain there and then Zechariah his son only rains for six months in verse 8 there it says in the thirty and eighth year of Azariah king of Judah did Zechariah the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in Samaria six months and he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord as his father's had done he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son Nebat who made Israel the sin and Shalom the son of Jabesh conspired against him and smote him before the people and slew him and reigned in his stead and the rest of the acts of Zechariah behold they are written in the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel this was the word of the Lord which he spake unto Jehu saying thy sons shall sit on the throne of Israel unto the fourth generation and so it came to pass so this is just kind of capping that off it says at the very beginning about Jehu but now saying hey this is exactly what happened what we had we had four kings four generations that came out of Jehu and we like Zechariah only rain for six months but he rained for six months he didn't say how long that those generations would be on the throne but he did rain for six months before he was taken out and so I just think about you know go to go to Isaiah 55 and just how God's Word and what he says is gonna come pat come to pass is going to come to pass you say yeah of course you know we can read it right here we see it come to pass well how about revelation we haven't seen that come to pass yet but you gotta have this mindset that we don't have the story where it actually comes to pass yet in Revelation but know this it will there is no doubt that everything is written in Revelation will happen it will happen it'll be just like this where you're reading through here and it's like exactly what God said would happen it happened but it's harder to look in the future and think about that because it you know you're thinking about you know something that hasn't happened yet when's it gonna happen but know this it will and in Isaiah 55 verse 10 Isaiah 55 verse 10 it says for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but water at the earth and maketh it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me boy but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it so you know it talks about his word not coming back boy but it's gonna accomplish what he pleases right and I've heard people abuse this verse here and they'll be like well that means that if you preach the gospel they're going to get saved it's like what in the world no what it means is that if they believe he will save them right his promises will come true that who's ever believed on him may ever have everlasting life it's that will come true and so when it comes to these promises it's easy looking through the Bible and be like of course it came through you know and you read it and you just see it line upon line exactly the way he said it would happen but think about that the next time you read Revelation line upon line that's the way it's going to happen and you know every time I read through passages and you may read over this and be like well you know that's cool yeah of course it happened the way you said it would happen but think about that and how and all these scriptures and all these prophecies that came true and how they came true exactly like he said it would happen and then think about that when you're reading through things that haven't happened yet and just know it's going to happen like that the Antichrist is going to go into the temple and he's gonna say that he is God and he's above every God guess what that's going to happen you say well how is that gonna happen doesn't matter it's going to happen just like he said and in Revelation when it talks about you know the all the famines and everything that's going to happen and all the stuff that's gonna fall from heaven when we're praise God not here you think of God's wrath that's being poured out it's going to happen just like that there is going to be a mountain of wormwood that comes down you know it hits the earth and makes all the the water bitter like wormwood you're like how's that gonna happen it doesn't matter it's going to happen the way he said it's going to happen in his in his word is not going to come back void and so you can almost think about how it would be written later on to say hey it happened this way and this is what happened and this would happen it's just recounting that story that you've been reading for all those years on what's going to happen in the future and sometimes you get into this mindset of is it really gonna happen just like that you know it's gonna be kind of just close to that you know and you just kind of you almost get this ideas like he's just kind of being really vague and throwing this up no it's gonna happen exactly like you said it's gonna happen everything from how much the stuff costs I believe that you know it talks about a measure of barley for a penny you say well is it a penny that's not much now it's a day's wage so whatever the day's wage is because it talks about how they worked they covenanted with him for a penny for a day's wage when it talks about Jesus in that parable that he gives so whatever the day's wage is guess what a measure of barley is going to be for a day's wage whatever that is and whatever currency you're in that's what is going to be and so I just think about that when I think of prophecies being fulfilled and you know there's like one that we didn't look at but it was talking about Joshua Joshua prophesied that Jericho would be rebuilt and it said exactly and who is gonna be rebuilt by and it's gonna started at his one son his first son is gonna end it at his last son right and you may look over that me like oh yeah of course that happened that's that's so uncanny that that would actually happen exactly like you said it would I mean it literally he's just yeah that's the way it happened and you read back it is exactly what he said and so I know we trust in God for salvation when it comes to eternal life but you really need to look at that same trust as far as that's going to happen when you're reading through all these things are gonna happen in the future and so but these are that I guess you could call this sermon the the progeny or the the the posterity of Jihu right it's literally his his descendants that are reigning we had Jehoahaz, Joash, Jeroboam II and Zechariah so those are and this is different than Zechariah the prophet or even I think there's a Zechariah the priest as well but this one's actually Zechariah not Zechariah so if you don't say it wrong you're wrong no I don't really care if you say exactly the book of Zechariah but but anyway I am gonna put this I'm gonna print off these next week I just forgot about it and I had a week off you know because brother Stuckey was preaching I'm gonna print these off for everybody in attendance but also anybody that's listening to the sermon online I'm gonna try to put a link down there to where you can get the PDF of this and then you can print it off if you want for your records there but it's just kind of a nice visual that when you're reading through the Kings another thing that would be good is to kind of put the prophets in there too you know like knowing that Isaiah preached between these kings and you kind of just visualize that so you just don't want to make it too messy you could really make it really messy really quick so but I think brother Anthony for that because that's been a real big help there but anyway that's the that's the the four descendants of Jehu and then it just kind of gets messy after that you know there's a bunch of conspiracies that happen and then people rain for a little bit and then they're gonna be completely annihilated I'm actually excited to get into the Kings of Judah because I'm tired of hearing they did evil on the side of the Lord and they follow the sons the sins of Jeroboam the sudden Nebat I'm kind of done with that so let's end with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father we thank you for today thank you for the souls that got saved and just pray that you'd be with us throughout the rest of this week and pray that you would just fill us with your spirit as we go walking throughout the week and lead us to people that need to get saved and Lord just help us to to follow you and to not stay when it comes to the things of God that we just keep going keep smiting that ground and Lord we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name amen