(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) chapter. So we're continuing our study through the book of Isaiah and we're in Isaiah chapter 8 here. And so if you remember chapter 7 through chapter 12 is all one prophecy or one thought. I mean obviously there's different thoughts as far as different things that are being stated but he's talking to Ahaz. So God is revealing a lot of stuff to Ahaz through Isaiah and so you can actually see in verse 1 here that it says moreover the Lord said unto me. So obviously it's not done. He's continuing on with what was said in chapter 7 and I'm not going to re-preach chapter 7 but you know it's just kind of going on from that and we're going to get into this idea of what is this talking about with Meir, Shaul, El-Hajbaz here okay. So in verse 1 here it says more of the Lord said unto me, take thee a great roll and write in it with a man's pen concerning Meir, Shaul, El-Hajbaz. And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record Uriah the priest and Zechariah the son of Jiberikiah. Now what I believe is going on here is that he's telling Ahaz what happened. Does that make sense? So he's kind of talking to King Ahaz and he's saying listen the Lord said unto me take this roll take this pen and then he's telling him hey I also had Uriah the priest and Zechariah the son of Jiberikiah and then he's kind of telling the story in verse 3 here it says and I went it unto the prophetess which I believe is his wife so it says and I went on to the prophetess and she conceived and bare a son then said the Lord to me call his name Meir, Shaul, El-Hajbaz for before the child shall have knowledge to cry my father and my mother the riches of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria shall be taken away before the king of Assyria. So what's this about Meir, Shaul, El-Hajbaz? I believe the whole purpose here is to basically state that you know when he went into his wife and she conceived and by the time that that baby was born and when the baby could say dada and mama right when they can speak that's when Damascus is going to be taken away and Samaria is going to be taken away. And if you remember the timeline where are we at? We're at basically the final three years of Remaliah, Pekah son of Remaliah and it's basically going into the fact of the king of Assyria is going to be coming in and taking away this stuff right and so it's basically giving you a timeline. Now this is interesting because in chapter 7 something very similar was said right with a very famous passage which is Isaiah 7.14 back to Isaiah 7 there and notice what it says in Isaiah 7 verse 14 it says, Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel. Butter and honey shall he eat that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. For before the child shall know to refuse the evil and choose the good the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings. So kind of the same prophecy if you will it's a little different because obviously you're dealing with a virgin conceiving and you're also dealing with and then you're dealing with how he went in unto his wife and she conceived because he already had a son right because we saw that in chapter 7 right. Shear Jashub was Isaiah's son. So obviously his wife wasn't a virgin and so that is a little different than a virgin getting married and then having a child and that child is you know basically the little difference there is the amount of time so in chapter 7 it's kind of a little more time right because your children can say mama and dadda before they understand the knowledge of good and evil okay. So you can kind of see that that one's probably going to take place first and then the one in chapter 8 is going to take place with Isaiah okay. So I believe what he's saying is that you know this is what's going to happen and all that stuff as far as timeline goes okay. So I believe that's what that's all about and may or shall the hashbaz you know I'm sure is there's a meaning behind that name you know I didn't dive deep into my Hebrew concordance to figure out you know breaking down what that word means but obviously it has a meaning but I believe in context the meaning would be this is the fact that it's kind of like when you would look at Ahalabah and like all these different names that they'll give to children with the minor prophets it has to do with what was stated in context right as far as in those cases like Israel and Judah and it's talking about them being sisters and the fact that they went a whoring after other gods and all this stuff and in this case it's basically talking about how Damascus and Samaria are going to be taken away okay. So I'm sure may or shall the hashbaz has a meaning as far as desolation or something like that or something to deal with this event that's going to happen with that. Now we already know the end of the story right it's kind of like knowing the end of the book we know that Damascus is going to be taken out reasons going to be killed by the king of Assyria and then and then Pekah is going to die and then Hoshi is only going to reign for like I think three or four years before I think it's six years and then it's going to be you know Israel is going to be besieged for three years and then he's going to be taken out completely and the whole Israel is going to be taken out completely so knowing that you can kind of see yeah this is pretty soon right we're talking just years away from this happening so you know that being said it's interesting on just how God tells them hey this is the amount of time it's kind of like the the idea when he talks to Sarah and it says you know according to the time of life right because you know that once once a woman gets pregnant that it's about nine months right somewhere around there right there'll be like 40 weeks or you know but obviously the child could be born before that or after that a little bit you know talking about just a normal pregnancy delivery all that stuff there's a certain time period that goes on that and so it's not only saying that the child's being born but in may or shallow has bad as cases that the child will have knowledge to say mother or father or in the other case in chapter 7 the child will be able to choose between good and evil right kind of the knowledge of good and evil which could be like five or six years old you know so which makes sense if you look at the timeline as far as how long that would take okay so that being said that's about how how deep I'm gonna get with mayor shallow has but that's what I believe is going on there is basically he's stating this is the time frame this is how much longer until this happens because if you think about a has he's getting taken out right he's gonna be taken out by reason and by by remelias and Pekah the son of remeliah and so this this is really telling you hey Israel is gonna be completely annihilated Syria is gonna be taken out and in this story it's gonna be talking about how Assyria is gonna be coming up to the neck of Judah and obviously we know the story that Assyria does not take out Judah but it's not because of a has right it's because of Hezekiah but going on in chapter 8 there in verse 5 just reading on here God is telling about how Israel is gonna be taken out but also warning about Judah and the fact of how they can be partakers of this wrath is going to be taken out on Syria and on Israel right in verse 5 here says the Lord spake also unto me again saying for as much as this people refuses the waters of Shiloh that go softly and rejoice and reason and remelias son now therefore behold the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river strong in many even the king of Assyria and all his glory and he shall come up over all his channels and go over all his banks and he shall pass through Judah and he shall overflow and go over and he shall reach even to the neck and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of the thy land oh Immanuel associate yourselves oh you people and you shall be broke in pieces and give ear all ye of far countries gird yourselves and you shall be broken in pieces gird yourselves and you shall be broken in pieces take counsel together and it shall come to not speak the word and it shall not stand for God is with us I love this passage right here it's basically like the the thing that you see here is that he's talking to Judah right he says he shall pass through Judah because we already know that he's going to take out Israel right we know that's going to happen that's what Assyria is going to do Assyria is going to take Israel captive and he's going to take out Syria but with Judah you know he's got he's going to do damage but he's he's not going to he's going to not going to annihilate him okay but I I love here where it says associate yourselves oh ye people it's kind of like giving you yeah associate yourselves and you'll be broke in pieces right and and then he goes on to basically say other nations other countries yeah gird yourselves and you'll be broken in pieces and you just gird yourselves there'll be broken pieces take counsel together and it'll come to not and it you know speak the word and it shall not stand for God is with us right and who's he talking about Jerusalem Judah and obviously the people of God okay and what the warning is is that you ever hear the phrase guilty by association right so don't be associated with Israel who is forsaken God don't be associated with Syria who obviously is against God and trying to hurt God's people and so we see here that he's giving out that warning to not associate yourselves with these people because you'll be broken pieces now the interesting thing about this passage is how it illustrates how Assyria is going to come in notice in verse seven there it says it says now therefore behold the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river strong and many even the king of Assyria so what is he likening the king of Assyria coming upon Israel and Syria as as waters of the river strong and many basically this as in and and it says he shall come up over all his channels and go over all his banks is this overflowing water right even in verse eight there says and he shall pass through Judah he shall overflow and go over he shall reach even to the neck okay so you can imagine that Israel is basically just getting over over flown with this water right Judah it's up to the neck right so if your neck high in water you can still breathe you're not dead yet but obviously if it goes over top of that then you can't breathe you're going to drown right so it's basically talking about how Judah is going to be just that close to being taken out by Assyria right and but the the thing I want you to notice with that is just when you're dealing with end times prophecy you don't have to bring end times prophecy in here eventually right go to Daniel chapter 9 is this phrase of the end shall be with a flood okay now some people believe that there's going to be an actual flood obviously there's not going to be a flood over the whole earth because God promised that would never happen again but the flood of an army is what I believe is talking about in Daniel chapter 9 dealing with the end times and and what I believe is going to happen at near the end of the beginning of sorrow is when you have this world war and you're going to have this this flood basically the pale horse right and all the you know the horsemen all that stuff that's going on with the antichrist and in verse 26 so Daniel chapter 9 verse 26 it says and after the threescore in two weeks shall messiah be cut off that's obviously when Jesus was crucified but not for himself and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary so we obviously know that and I've preached on this before but in 70 a.d they destroyed the sanctuary all that stuff and it says and the end thereof so fast forward to where we are aren't even there yet but the end thereof shall be with a flood and on to the end of the war desolations are determined so what happens after that flood in go to revelation chapter 12 I'm going to show you that flood because it says the end thereof shall be with a flood to me I think it's it's ludicrous to think that that flood right there is not the same flood that's mentioned in revelation 12 okay just that terminology that has to be what it's talking about and it talks about the fact that at the end of the word desolations are determined and what do you have after that the abomination of desolation okay and you can read on there in Daniel the last verse they're talking about the abomination desolation but in revelation chapter 12 verse 15 it says and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood and the earth helped the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth now when you're reading through revelation 12 it's pretty cryptic it's pretty symbolistic right obviously there's not this actual dragon with seven heads and ten horns where you're going to see it like that it's representing the devil and is representing the kingdoms and and the world power all that's going on there but the flood I also believe is representing something right it's representing the army right the the world war this this flood of armies or this flood of war pretty much is what's going on and the reason I point that out is because look how God uses that as an illustration of war an illustration of armies taking out a country it's likened unto a flood and actually I'd never used this passage right here to prove that before because I proved this point before but I used it with like Egypt and Ezekiel and it talks about the flood and it talks about all these other things as far as the Egyptian army okay but if you know that seven-headed dragon what's the first two heads Egypt and Assyria okay so it actually makes a lot of sense that Assyria is likened unto this flood because when you go down the line and you go to Babylon to the Persians to the Greeks the Romans and then the final kingdom that that's going to be like a flood that makes a lot of sense okay so that that I just want to show you that as far as that correlation there but also in this passage like I said God's saying don't don't associate yourselves with these people right he's talking to Judah right he's saying Judah you know don't associate yourselves with them because you're going to be broken in pieces if you do okay because you can imagine if a country's coming against you and they're going to try to take you out the natural thing is to say hey you know if you can't beat them join them right that's the old phrase so I mean if if if they're going to take you out you might as well just join up with them so you don't die and God's saying don't don't associate yourselves with them because I'm going to take them out with Assyria okay and so you don't want to join up with Israel or Syria even though at the time they look like they're the winners okay and so that's a stark warning now notice in verse 10 there of Isaiah chapter 8 it says take counsel together and it shall come to not speak the word and it shall not stand for God is with us okay so that that phrase take counsel together I think of this and I go to Psalm chapter 2 Psalm chapter 2 because this passage in in Psalm and actually a lot of passages dealing with the Lord Jesus Christ it's interesting how it couples with things that are also applied to us meaning that you know Jesus Christ is the first begotten of the dead right which is a passage that's brought up in Psalm 2 but we're also begotten again until a lively hope right if he's the first begotten then there's obviously others that are begotten from the dead but also there I'm going to show you some other other things here but it's the idea of them taking counsel together against God's people or taking counsel together as we see in Psalm 2 against the Lord and his Christ or the Lord and his anointed in verse 1 so Psalm 2 and verse 1 it says why do the heathen rage into people imagine the vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision okay so you can definitely take this in the fact of you know the Lord and we're his anointed in the fact of obviously we know this is a scripture about the Lord Jesus Christ right but at the same time we're all anointed with that anointing oil right we've all been anointed by God with the Holy Ghost we're saved we're sealed on the day of redemption and you know a lot of these things that are said about Jesus also apply to us we're obviously not the son of God but we're sons of God right we're children of God and notice it as you as we go on there it says then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion I will declare the decree the Lord hath said unto me thou art my son this day have a begotten me ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost part parts of the earth for thy possession thou shalt break them with a rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel and so when the whole world is coming against you as far as with with Judah there you have Israel even their own brethren right and you can kind of think about this in the world and the fact that there's a lot of people that call themselves Christians but they end up attacking us right and then you have the rest of the world right Syria would be like the rest of the world and then you have the worldly Christians or just people that claim to be Christians that aren't even saved that are just claiming the name of Christ that are coming against you and what does the Bible say here it says you know they'll take counsel together but it says it shall come to not they shall speak the word and it shall not stand for God is with us right because you think about that in that same context he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision right so you got to be thinking about that and also it says that that Christ is going to rule and reign with a rod of iron but not just Christ right we're also going to rule and reign with Christ so go to revelation chapter two revelation chapter two that promise or that promise is given to Christ is also given to us if we are saved and and we keep his works unto the end okay so this is an interesting passage in revelation two because throughout revelation revelation two three and even in revelation 21 you see this he that overcometh and it's giving these promises and so he that overcometh is who it says um whatsoever was born of God overcometh the world this is the the the victory that overcometh the world even our faith who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God so how do you overcome the world believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved that's overcoming the world don't let anybody sell you a bill of goods that that means an overcoming life you know that's ridiculous anybody that goes to that passage in first john chapter five and comes out with anything other than believing on Christ is overcoming the world is unsaved they're lost as a goose and a caboose and a snowstorm I mean to read that even just simple grammar will help you understand the fact that if you believe on Christ you've overcome the world so when you go into revelation and you look at revelation two and three and revelation 21 it says he that overcometh shall not be heard of the second death what does that mean if you believe on Christ you won't be heard of the second death he that overcometh why you know and it talks about I'll give him a white stone and just other places that talk about different things this place is this is actually interesting because in this last uh church with iatira he says he that overcometh in verse 26 and keepeth my works unto the end so this is obviously you have to be saved right so it's kind of saying you're saved but you also keep my works unto the end to him will I give power over the nations okay and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers even as I received my father and I will give him the morning star so notice this is an extra blessing on those that are actually doing the work of God that are keeping his his works unto the end and they're doing the work of God that that hey you're going to have more authority it's kind of like the parable right that you've been faithful over a few things I'll make thee ruler over many things now I do believe that we're all going to be ruling and reigning to a certain extent right because I believe every Christian will be reigning over angels right because he even said that to the Corinthians right he said no you not that you should judge angels right so obviously even the lowest Christian on the totem pole is going to be higher than the angels okay but what do you want to be you want to be given power over the nations though don't you right not just over the angels but over the nations okay and and it's basically this promise of Christ ruling with a rod of iron guess what that can apply to you as well and if you suffer with him you can be glorified with him right there's better resurrections now everybody's going to have a resurrection that's saved but there's a better resurrection Paul wanted to attain unto the resurrection of the dead he wanted to attain he's trying to attain unto Christ's resurrection if you will and no one will ever attain to that Paul even admitted that not as though I had already attained either already perfect but I follow after that if I may apprehend that which for all so I'm apprehended of Christ Jesus you know so he's basically saying I want to know Christ I want to apprehend Christ as much as he apprehends me or as much as he knows me and he's striving to do that but that promise of take counsel together and shall come to not for God is with us right the idea is that you know bring what you will God's on our side right if you're doing the will of God and you're serving God and the whole world is against you whether they claim to be Christian or not you know what you don't want to do is associate yourself with them you don't want to rebel off with them and just so that you can be comfortable with them until they get destroyed right and so the idea is that hey you're in better hands you know the idea is that if God before us who can be against us that's what it says in Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 verse 31 says this what shall we then say to these things if God before us who can be against us and that's the mentality you always have to take and you got to prepare your heart on this especially before you get into those types of trials and tribulations when the world's coming after you because your stance on you know morality when it comes to you know the homos or when it comes to abortion or it comes to soul winning or if it comes to anything like that you got to you got to put the line in the sand at the beginning and say if God before us who can be against us right the idea is that though they be many you know the bible says in nam where that's our memory chapter though they be quiet and likewise many yet shall they be uh cut off you know i'm actually gonna misquote that now but that passage is actually a great passage i love that passage the first part of nam one i got down pretty good that last portion is where i'm always like mixing it up with another portion but i want to read that because it's on my mind here the name one and it says uh now i'm gonna uh let's see yeah in verse 12 thus said the lord though they be quiet and likewise many yet thus shall they be cut down when he shall pass through and and it says though i have afflicted the alaflicky no more and you know the idea is that though they mean many you know and they're and it talks about though they be folding together as thorns and you know drunk drunk as drunkards they shall be they should be devoured to stubble fully dry okay and so what are thorns associated with right the sons of belial okay so though they they be thorns though they be many you know god's gonna cut them off okay so that's the principle there and obviously jesus said also lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world amen and so the idea of god being with us immanuel and we see that there i've kind of already touched on that how isaiah really uh just lays out what that word means and in the new testament obviously it says his name shall be called immanuel which being interpreted as god with us okay but you could have really figured that out just by reading isaiah 8 so going back to isaiah 8 in verse 11 again it kind of goes into that same principle of not associating yourselves okay so in verse 11 he's kind of reiterating that in verse 11 it says for the lord spake thus to me with a strong hand and instructed me that i should not walk in the way of this people saying say ye not a confederacy to all them to whom this people shall say a confederacy neither fear ye their fear nor be afraid so he's basically saying you know don't be afraid of them and don't just like rebel with them right and then it goes with that principle of it so you say well why would they do that well if you're afraid of them then you're gonna be like well let's just join them then so that we don't have to you know get destroyed by them and he's saying don't do that don't be confederate and what's confederate mean i mean you think about the civil war right you had the union and then you had the confederate army whatever they called that and what was another term they've used for them rebels the rebels right they were rebelling now rebellion is not always wrong right if you're rebelling against the world or against wickedness you know it's not wrong to rebel but if you're rebelling against god then that's wickedness okay so in this case with i'm not here to say like the north was right and the south was wrong or anything like that i think both had problems you know when it comes to that i don't think it's just as clear-cut you know the south was wrong and the north was right but all i have to say is that confederacy just means that you're basically making yourself confederate or cutting yourself off from something rebelling against it and uh and ezekiel chapter 20 talks about this and it uses the term rebels and that's the reason i bring it up it says and i will in verse 37 you don't have to turn there but it says i will i will cause you to pass under the rod and i will bring you into the bond of the covenant and i will purge out from among you the rebels and then that transgress against me i will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn and they shall not enter into the land of israel and ye shall know that i am the lord okay so the idea is what is what is he talking about here he's talking about those that don't walk in the way of the lord right because what is he saying to isaiah he's saying for the lord spake thus to me with a strong hand in verse 11 there and instructed me that i should not walk in the way of this people okay so you know obviously we need to walk in the way of lord not in the way of them and he's just warning them and i believe what he's doing here is he's warning ahas right he's talking to the king and saying listen don't go don't associate yourself with with the children of israel don't associate yourself with syria don't associate yourself uh you know with these people that have forsaken the lord and don't walk in their ways and don't be confederate with them and it's just a warning to juda in general okay so that's kind of that's what's going on here in this passage um is you know basically this warning that's going out there now uh we're going to get into actually a lot of different things that are are in this chapter that are quoted in the new testament okay so somebody's saying you may have already seen a thought of all these different cases but some of these you may not have um but notice in verse 12 there going into verse 13 it says say ye not a confederacy to all them to whom this people shall say a confederacy neither fear ye their fear fear nor be afraid sanctify the lord of hosts himself and let him be your fear and let him be your dread so try to think about where that's quoted uh but it's it's in first peter chapter three go to first peter chapter three and this is one of those passages that um this is why it's you know in my opinion you know obviously uh this is how i uh came to know that this is in isaiah is that i had first peter memorized and then i was reading through isaiah so this i didn't just see this when we did this study but i've seen this before and it's just awesome to see this actually the book of first peter is quoting isaiah a lot okay and so i'm going to show you that so you're going to keep your hand in first peter because i'm going to show you another place that's being quoted um as well um but in first peter chapter three it actually you know i had this verse in for and in verse 15 i had that one memorized before i even memorized the book so when i was going through isaiah i'm just like oh man that sounds so familiar right in verse 14 it says but if you suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled sound familiar but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with what meekness and fear having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ you see what peter did there he took that passage in isaiah 8 where it says don't be afraid it says neither fear ye their fear nor be afraid and what he's saying and in first peter be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled and in isaiah 8 13 it says sanctify the lord of hosts himself and it's what does it say here but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and then it says and be not afraid of their terror i'm sorry it says and let him be your fear and let him be your dread and at the end of verse 15 there what does it say that you're supposed to do this with meekness and fear okay so when you you're saying well i just told me not to be afraid yeah not be afraid of them but fear god okay so that same principle that peter is mentioning in chapter three was already stated by isaiah but i but what peter's doing is is he's basically incorporating that principle that's in isaiah 8 and he's incorporating it into the new testament with jesus christ and being a witness for christ and basically saying don't be afraid of them don't be afraid of them even if you're doing if you're if you're being uh persecuted because you're doing righteousness don't be afraid of them fear the lord and be ready to give an answer to every man to ask you the reason of the hope that's in you with meekness and fear and you know then it says having a good conversation that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ so ultimately they're going to be ashamed because you're doing that which is right the truth is going to come out and they're going to be the ones that are going to be ashamed okay and that's what i think about when when people are coming against our church or against us for our stance on whether it's uh dealing with adultery whether it's dealing with abortion or whether it's dealing with sodomy pedophilia you know all this wickedness that's going on in the world and they're coming against us they're the ones that should be ashamed right i mean we're preaching the bible i have the bible to back up what i believe i have god on my side if god be forced who can be against us and god is with us and that because guess what i'm preaching the word of god okay so they're the ones that are going to be ashamed okay whether in this life or in the next they will be ashamed okay now uh another thing that's brought up in your isaiah go back to isaiah chapter 8 there so that was pretty cool right to see that in first peter where um but that the thing that caught my my ear my eye was the sanctify the lord of hosts himself because i just thought of you know but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you the reason the hope is in you with meekness and fear and i'm just like oh man that's that's what peter was doing there and uh but it really just shows you too like just because it's not reiterated in the new testament doesn't mean that it's not a good principle in the old testament okay because it you know if if they were to just reiterate everything then what's the point of the old testament at that point so obviously all scripture is profit for instruction and righteousness and for reproof and so that's why you know it that's why we're going through isaiah right it's it's profitable so it's not this well that's the old testament why are we in there isaiah's pretty much the new testament anyway right i mean it's one of the most quoted books in the new testament so um isaiah and psalms um is is the two most quoted books in the bible in the new testament that is now isaiah chapter 8 verse 14 here notice what it says it says and he shall be for a sanctuary but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both the houses of israel for a jinn and for a snare to the inhabitants of jerusalem and many among them shall stumble and fall and be broken and be snared and be taken bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples and i will wait upon the lord that hideth his face from the house of jacob and i will look for him so this is definitely in first peter as well go to first peter chapter two first peter chapter two so this idea of notice that dichotomy there right or that um i i guess the uh contrast and he shall be for a sanctuary to who to those that are fearing him it says sanctify the lord of hosts himself and let him be your fear and let him be your dread and he shall be for a sanctuary right so if you're sanctifying the lord god in your hearts and you're following him and he he's who you're fearing he's going to be a sanctuary for you but for a stone of stumbling for a rock of offense to the others right so that that contrast notice that same contrast in first peter chapter two and notice in verse six there it says wherefore also it is contained in the scripture behold i lay in zion a chief cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded unto you therefore which believe he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner notice that that contrast and it goes on to say well what's that but mean in a stone of stumbling in a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient where also they were appointed so that's a quotation of what it's saying in isaiah chapter eight there that it's for us a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both the houses of israel isn't that interesting because actually first peter chapter two is a is a contrast of how uh israel stumbled at that stumbling stone and it was given to the gentiles right and the fact is is that a couple verses later talks about that those that were not a people but are now people which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy right ye are a royal general you know a royal priesthood a chosen generation and holy nation a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which had not obtained mercy but now attain mercy which or which were not a people now are people of god so the idea is that that contrast of the gentiles believing it and israel and what does it say in isaiah chapter eight it talks about the fact that that rock of events to both the houses of israel so that's not just talking about the northern kingdom there that's talking about both houses that's just that's basically you know what that means that you know that i believe is really stating there is like don't get this confused this is talking about all israel right this isn't just saying well because someone could go back and be like well yeah the northern kingdom right i mean the samaria you know that's what that's talking about no both houses will stumble at this and if you don't like and you go to matthew chapter 21 because that same terminology is used when it talks about the kingdom of god being taken away from israel okay actually i just uh i've been i don't know why but i get these spurts of where i get a lot of good comments on my on my sermons online and then i get the spurt where it's just like all the hate and all the and right now it's all the like hate and all just but it's some weird stuff like on my modesty sermon you know about men wearing pants and women wearing dresses and it's like all these catholics came out and they're just like oh you don't know anything that pants weren't invented yet i'm like okay you know they invented the pyramids but they you know they could build the pyramids but they couldn't figure out how to do pants right now just because the egyptians wore dresses you know uh that doesn't prove that pants weren't in existence that just proves that they were an ungodly culture okay so if you want to defend uh egyptian culture to me then go ahead okay they're a babylon so um but anyway in matthew chapter 21 and i got another sermon that someone was just like oh you know you're you're saying that jesus lied you know if you're saying that the israel is replaced okay well this is jesus talking right here so let's see what he had to say about that in verse 42 it says jesus said unto them did you never read in the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected the same has become the head of the corner this is the lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes therefore say i am to you the kingdom of god shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder who is he talking about in this passage even the pharisees figured out that they spoke against them like they are blind as can be and he calls them blind guides in chapter 23 over and over again and they figured it out they figured out that he was saying this against them but yet christians today can't figure this out they can't figure out the fact that jesus is talking about israel in this passage and not only in that but all the other parables that led up to this with the fig tree withering away with all the different with the the husbandry and in all these different things that were said about them they understood that it was against them and isaiah 8 is confirming that right because in isaiah 8 it talks about how they're going to stumble it says but for a stumbling stone and for a rock of offense to both the houses of israel for a jennifer snare to the inhabitants of jerusalem and many among them shall stumble and fall and be broken and be snared by and be taken what did jesus say it says and whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken i mean that's the nail in the coffin i mean how many places do you need it to say that and you say well it doesn't say israel in matthew 21 it does in isaiah chapter 8 and that's the old testament and the old testament is always where they want to take you they always want to take you to the old testament and say well all the promises to israel and they always take you like ezekiel i'm like yeah he's he brought them back out of captivity that already happened that happened a long time ago and it's not happening again and they always want to apply uh these promises that were made that were already fulfilled and so and they missed the whole point of the whole uh you know the the main application of those promises were to the saved to the believers for all eternity you know and it baffles me that they're just like well god still they're not saved you know they'd go to hell so give them that land you know they're blessed here in this life and then go to hell for the rest of eternity that makes zero sense that makes zero sense that god would be like yeah but they have the land well enjoy the land and then go to hell i guess you know they could have that land over there i don't want it until jesus christ is rolling and raining so they can have that dust ball of a nation right now now and uh go to go to to uh john chapter eight john chapter eight because there's another phrase that's used here and so that's very clearly brought up in and first peter talking about replacement theology by the way okay supersessionism he taketh away the first that he may establish the second the kingdom of god is taken away so if you don't like replacement then it's take away theology you know he taketh away the first he may establish the second he took the kingdom of god away from them and gave it to it so it's the taking giving you know theology whatever you want to call it but that's the same thing as replacing okay the old testament replaced the new testament i mean i'm sorry the new testament replaced the old testament and uh and the the holy nation of all believers whether jew or gentile has replaced the physical nation of israel that was in the old testament that's just bible and if you don't like it then you don't like what jesus just said in matthew chapter 21 but another thing that's said in isaiah chapter 8 is this in verse 16 it says bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples okay so i believe that's the lord talking there you know but what is that talking about well you know we could all kind of dispute of what that's that's talking about i believe it's it's talking about what jesus is talking about in john chapter 8 and also in john chapter 17 dealing with his disciples and i believe it's also meaning this is that um you know those that hold the testimony and hold the law and are walking after law those are disciples okay and it's another thing that people just get confused they don't understand the difference between being a believer and then being a disciple and they think disciple equals like salvation or something no you can be a believer and not be a disciple i mean you could be a disciple and not be a believer right judas is scary as scary as case in point in that he was one of the 12 but he was the devil okay disciple just means that you're following right and so now in uh in john chapter 8 verse 31 it says this then said jesus to those jews which believed on him if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free another place in john 17 you don't have to turn there but it says this in verse 17 sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth as thou has sent me into the world even so have i also sent them into the world okay so same kind of principle right that you know basically the truth shall make you free and his word is truth if you continue in my word then are you my disciples and it's interesting because he says to the jews which believe on him because in isaiah it talks about in verse 15 it says and many among them shall stumble not all okay and that's what paul gets into right because paul and in roman chapter 11 he says he didn't he didn't uh cast away his people which he foreknew i am indeed you know i'm an israelite right so the i we're not saying that no jews accepted jesus but many rejected okay the majority did he came into his own his own received him not but there was a remnant according to the election of grace right meaning that there was a remnant that believed on christ and it's interesting that in the passage in john 8 he's specifically talking to jews that believed on him and he's saying if you continue my word then are you my disciples indeed meaning that that you're truly my disciples right because you're not a judas right that's a disciple but not truly a disciple um and sanctify them through thy word thy word is truth so the idea of bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples so you're kind of sanctified or sealing yourself with that word and being a disciple and all that stuff so which is uh and you know is something that's on top of being saved okay so that's where you take up your cross daily and follow him that's not something that's that's necessary for salvation but it is necessary if you want to be a disciple now in verse 18 there isaiah 8 and verse 18 isaiah 8 and verse 18 this is another place that's quoted in the new testament but what we're going to see here is that in isaiah 8 18 it's going to give us more information okay so isaiah 8 18 it says behold i and the children whom the lord have given me are for signs and for wonders in israel from the lord of hosts which dwell dwelleth in mount zion okay so uh go to hebrew chapter 2 hebrew chapter 2 now hebrews is notorious for just like quoting scriptures over and over hebrew chapter 1 is a straight up quotation you know besides like the the the first few verses or whatever it's like psalm psalm psalm psalm it's just different psalms that are all bunched together to give this thought that's going on there okay and then chapter 2 is kind of no different there's just like a psalm here and then all this other stuff but then you'll see like this is a passage in isaiah actually that's being mentioned so i want to get some context about what's being talked about in hebrews 2 but in verse 11 it says for both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren okay so we're talking about jesus who's doing the sanctifying and us who are sanctified right but he's not ashamed to call us brethren right because he's the the son of god but we're adopted sons does that make sense and so notice that you keep going there he said in verse 12 saying i will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church will i sing praise unto thee so he's kind of making sense of that right he's calling his brethren and he's proving that saying that's what isaiah that's psalm 22 right there and then going on from there in verse 13 and again i will put my trust in him that's another quotation and again behold i and the children which god have given me okay so it's interesting because then it goes on to say that you know the children took part of flesh and blood he also took likewise took part of the same okay so it goes into that whole thing about how he became one of us and behooved him to be made like unto his brethren all that stuff that's that's applying there but jesus is our brother right and god the father is our father right and obviously god the father is is jesus's father because he is god but uh but when you go back to isaiah 8 and verse 18 it gives you more information right and that's what you have to understand when you're in the new testament sometimes it'll just give you this little snippet of what said right he that glories let him glory in the lord right and you're like okay it seemed kind of vague if you're just thinking about it right okay okay yeah if i'm glory i'm glorying in the lord when you go back to jeremiah where it's quoted it's talking about glorying in in the fact that you know god right that you know him that you have the knowledge of god okay that's what it's talking about and in this case it says behold i and the children which god had given me he's kind of making a point in hebrews the fact that he's you know he calls us brethren and these children of god that god has given to the son of god okay but in verse 18 of isaiah 8 it says this behold i and the children whom the lord have given me are for signs and for wonders in israel from the lord of hosts which dwells in mount zion you remember how hebrews starts off it says god who at sundry times in a diverse manner spake and time passed unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son and so you can see that idea that he was doing signs and wonders in the old testament right you think of like pharaoh and just different things he was doing in the new testament notice who are the signs and wonders us i and the children whom the lord have given me are for signs and for wonders in israel so you say well how does that work well we have the holy ghost inside of us and god uses us as signs and wonders as far as you know people are like oh show me a sign i am your sign i'm the preacher i'm giving you the gospel there's your sign and wonder to get you saved okay and so i i just love how that all works together as far as especially since you know that's being quoted pull you back there to see okay that's talking about us that's talking about jesus and us being for signs and wonders in the new testament and so there's an obvious difference between old testament and new testament okay now in john chapter 6 and verse 37 dealing with the idea of behold i and the children which god have given me okay you say what is that talking about okay and again you know you can't take like things too far with the illustration because we're also the bride of christ so we're his brethren but we're also you know his wife if you will but it's an illustration to show that we're married to him and that that relationship as far as an unbreakable vow all these different things that are like that but it's just showing that picture the fact that we're god the father's child but then we're also a brother to christ and all these different things that that show the relationship right but in john chapter 6 and verse 37 notice what it says here just with that idea behold i and the children which god have given me all that the father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me i will in no wise cast out for i came down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me and this is the father's will which he which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me i should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day and this is the father's and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone would see it the son and believe it on him may have everlasting life and i'll raise him up at the last day amen so you know when just the idea of all the different things that that are said because even in the same passage it talks about uh those who my father has sealed right and so the idea we're sealed by the holy ghost we're sealed by the father that jesus they're given to jesus and he says all that come to me i will in no wise cast out right i will lose nothing right so people are like oh you know this idea of not losing your salvation you know that's not in the bible what about john 6 says all that come unto me i will no wise cast out and it says here that that of all which he hath given me i should lose nothing so tell that to jesus if you lost your salvation you just said that jesus lost you then so there's great eternal security stuff in there with that and i could preach a whole sermon on that but uh but going on here to kind of the end of the chapter here in verse 19 actually the the last two verses of the chapter i'm going to save for chapter nine because it does kind of segue into chapter nine and so i don't want to get into those last two verses uh until next week or lord whenever i do chapter nine there um just because it's really is linked to the next the the first verses of chapter nine but in verse 19 there it says and when they shall say unto you seek unto them that have familiar spirits and that the wizards that peep and that mutter should not people speak unto their god oh i'm sorry should not a people seek unto their god for the living to the dead to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this this word it is because there's no light in them okay so what is this talking about uh don't seek unto pentecostal preachers that's what i'm reading here okay that meat or that i always say meat i'm like the roadrunner or something like that i put those two words together that peep and mutter that peep and mutter and so what what is it talking about is people that speak in tongues right and when i say speak in tongues i'm not talking about speaking with tongues like the new testament talks about like speaking with languages i'm talking about people that speak gibberish people that literally bark like a dog foam around and that are devil possessed right when it talks about familiar spirits it's talking about unclean spirits it's talking about devils okay and these pentecostal healing uh morons that you either see on tv or that are even here in west virginia they are nothing but possessed devils and those people get up there and they start talking about god but they never use the bible to do that and if they use the bible it's just ripped out of context and they just go off on their tangent and start talking about stuff that had nothing to do with what god had to say but the bible does say it says it does say to the law to the testimony if they if they speak not according to this word what does it say it is because there's no light in them okay these pentecostal preachers that are up there speaking in tongues listen if someone is speaking in tongues they're not saved okay i mean most of them i think a lot of people that are in these churches are faking it but i think a lot of these people aren't in the driver's seat i think they're literally possessed with the devil okay and uh and and they're not saying show me a pentecostal that believes salvation is by faith alone i'll wait i've yet to find a pentecostal that actually believes salvation is by faith alone and that you cannot lose your salvation and they are lost and they these some of these people are the hardest people to get to because they have these experiences yeah because you've had experiences with devils okay i'm sure you did have an experience so whenever they tell you like hey i had this experience and i was on the floor and i was watching this tv evangelist and the holy ghost came over me and i felt all this stuff i'm like i have no doubt you had an experience but i what what i'll say is i have no doubt also that that was not the holy ghost okay the holy ghost god is not the author of confusion and he's not going to make you foam at the mouth and bark like a dog okay he's not going to you know he he had not given us the spirit of fear but a power and of love and of a sound mind okay what is a sound mind but a mind that is not crazy okay so if your mind is sound you're not going to be a crazy lunatic that's rocking back and forth and and barking like a dog and throwing yourself in the baptist trees and all this other stuff i mean it's just insanity and these same people be like well you know you guys over there in the baptist room you're just dead you don't know how to you know really experience the holy ghost now we're actually doing what the what the bible says we're going out and preaching the gospel to every creature and we're being filled with the holy ghost as we open our mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel and the word of god is the sword of the spirit not this drunken and familiar spirit peeping and muttering garbage that the pentecostals do okay and the bible says this in second peter chapter one it says in verse 19 and you can turn to second peter i'm going to close with this dealing with these false prophets and these people that that are you know obviously possessed with devils that are that are mainly in this pentecostal realm okay but these tv evangelists and all that stuff i mean kenneth copeland have you seen that clip yet of kenneth copeland like uh blowing away the coronavirus or whatever that guy's devil because i mean i knew that before that whole coronavirus thing but if you want a good laugh watch some clips of kenneth copeland talking about how he's basically you know uh cursing the coronavirus and all this stuff but he looks like a devil i mean i don't know how anybody could look at that guy's face and be like yeah that guy's not possessed you know i mean he is just the definition of someone that's possessed with the devil but notice in second peter chapter one in verse 19 it says we all we have also a more sure word of prophecy where into you do well that you take heed as until a light that shineth in the dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts knowing this first that no prophecy of the scriptures of any private interpretation for the prophecy can be found in your heart for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they are moved by the holy ghost and isn't that the case you run into this you run into a pentecost and be like well there's so many interpretations though you know you know what you know god's speaking to me it's like this idea of like well the holy ghost spoke to me and you know the holy ghost you know told me that i should buy this house and the holy ghost told me that i should go do this the holy no the holy ghost didn't tell you any of that okay unless it says thus set the lord in the bible then no the holy ghost didn't tell you that some devil probably told you that okay now i'm not saying you can't get by biblical principles from the bible on decisions that you make but if you're just like god told me to move down here god told me i you know if you tell me that god told you to move to mountain baptist church i'm going to say that that wasn't the spirit of god that told you that now you can use biblical principles and say well based off of your doctrine and based off what the church stands on then i believe this is where god wants me to be but god didn't come out with a booming voice the holy ghost didn't speak to you in a dream some somewhere and say you know so and so go to this church or so and so do this or that and so no devils do that and uh the pentecostal realm is one of the worst with this as far as being uh filled with devils and and chapter two there you know it goes right into that it's interesting because it's talking about the bible right and the scripture and it goes straight into talking about false teachers okay those in verse one it says but there there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them take that calvinist right these false teachers false prophets the lord bought them too and and bring upon themselves swift destruction and many shall follow the pernicious ways so you say man why do all these people follow that the bible already foretold about this he already foretold that many will follow the pernicious ways and listen many people that claim to be christian are following the pernicious ways of false doctrine and false teachers it's the majority you know the broad way many but even in the realm of the umbrella of christianity and that religion of christianity most of it is false teachers okay and notice it says by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of you're like what is that talking about how many people have told you that eternal security once saved always saved faith alone salvation is of the devil that's literally what they teach and they'll preach they'll say those people down there that believe eternal security there at the devil they're going to split hell wide open well guess what buddy i'm putting it right back on you because if you think that that your works have anything to do with salvation that you're then then you're frustrated in the grace of god and christ death is in vain if you believe that and so you're going to split hell wide open because you're not trusting on christ and you're also filled with the devil so and but the last thing it says there and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you whose judgment now have a long time linger if not in their damnation slumberth not i think that verse was written just for kenneth copeland no obviously it's for all the all those preachers out there that are out there for filthy lucre and kenneth copeland and you know all these people that are on on tv and joyce myer uh uh what's his name the smiling one jolstein uh john hagie i can't think of all these uh benny hen good night he's definitely up there right uh the sith lord himself uh benny hen who's slaying people with his jacket um those people are all going to split hell wide open it says their judgment now of a long time linger if not in their damnation slumberth not they're making merchandise of people right now and especially in this time right there i guarantee all the elderly just throwing their money at kenneth copeland and he literally said you know basically he's telling them like you know send me money and you'll be healed of this coronavirus and it's insane that people would like be oh yeah i need to throw my money chapter and verse on that right but second of all like look at him he looks like a devil right and uh and you know you know the verse where it talks about how satan's gonna be transformed into an angel of light i mean kenneth copeland didn't get that message right he missed that that part of the seminar where the devil's supposed to teach him to not look like a devil okay so i'm kind of joking with them at the same time man you know when you look at these people you're like that guy's creepy he's got a creepy looking face so uh but anyway you know the bible talks about here to not seek after these people that are after familiar spirits and you know that we need to be seeking god and how do you seek god the law and the testimony the word of god is how you seek god and if someone's not preaching the word of god there is no light in them okay and the bible talks about this as far as um you know even if you're a saved person but you're not preaching the word of god and you're trying to preach you know something that's that's that's off you know you're in the flesh at that point okay so uh if we say that we have we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us right so if you're just lying then obviously you're not preaching his word so but the isaiah chapter 8 again it's going to be linked into isaiah chapter 9 so we'll be getting into that lord willing next week and so um just some other famous passages in there as well but uh i wanted to leave those last two verses there uh for next week because it does really tie into the beginning of chapter 9 there so let's end with a word of prayer the only father we thank you today and just pray that you'd be with us throughout the rest of this week and just pray to be with our church members um and just thank you for technology to where we can live stream and that people can watch from their homes right now but we do pray you know lord to be with us as we do as we start up uh our normal services again lord and uh get back into the routine of things and lord just pray to be with us in that and uh and lord we love you just pray to help us bring glory to your name in jesus christ name amen