(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Isaiah chapter 50, Isaiah chapter 50 and really I believe Isaiah 50 is kind of coming in from Isaiah 49 and actually just all the way through the end of Isaiah here there's no real break that you see as far as like this is a different thought or anything like that obviously there's different things that are gonna be said but just a lot of prophecies that are going on a lot of things that are being said but the first thing that I see here is in verse 1 it says thus said the Lord where is the bill of your mother's divorcement whom I have put away or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you behold for your iniquities have you sold yourselves and for your transgressions is your mother put away now the thing that I see here is that basically I believe the Lord is saying you know where's the bill of a divorcement meaning that he's not the one to divorce them okay and he's not the one that sold them the creditors okay so it basically wasn't because of the Lord that this happened as far as he's not the one that they were just doing what they should be doing you know and they were living godly and they were following God and God's just like I'm done with you okay it comes down to this is that it's because of their iniquities it's because of their transgressions that there is this divorcement now what's it talking about the divorcement from from your mother well if you if you think of Galatians chapter 4 it talks about how Hagar is the mother of the children of Israel right it talks about Jerusalem which now is and then Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all and so I believe it's talking about the city if you will and the fact that there's a divorcement meaning that they've been separated from their city they're in captivity right and he's stating that it's because of your iniquities it's not that I you know not that God is the one that broke the Covenant or caused this divorcement to happen or cause you to be sold go to Hebrew chapter 8 because this is a very important point because when you think of the Old Testament for example the first covenant the covenant that was made with the children of Israel was a covenant that would have been forever okay and meaning this is that he made a covenant with them that that would be a forever covenant but it was contingent meaning that there was there was conditions that this covenant had to be met by them on their side on the children of Israel side for it to continue on okay and so in Hebrew chapter 8 is explaining the reason why the Old Testament or the Old Covenant was going to be done away with okay or why he's not going to regard it anymore it's not because God broke his part of the deal or that God is the one that just said all right I'm cutting you off you were doing everything you should be doing but you're getting cut off okay that's not the way it worked and he's making a point here he's like show me the bill of divorcement that I wrote you show me who I sold you to anything you did it to yourselves you're the ones that did it you're the ones that cut yourselves off you're the ones that got divorced you divorced yourself because you you committed sin now in verse 7 in chapter 8 verse 7 there of Hebrews it says for if the first covenant had been faultless then should no place have been sought for the second so he's basically saying hey the first covenant had fault okay you say well this is God's covenant with the children of Israel how does it have fault you know it's God's covenant with them well he's gonna explain in the next verse verse 8 for finding fault with them okay so there was no fault with God it's not like God broke his end of the deal or God didn't keep his part of the deal is the fact that they were at fault and it says here he said for finding fault with them he said behold the days come said the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Judah not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them out of the took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt notice why because they continue not in my covenant and I regard them not said the Lord so why did he break that covenant why was the first covenant broken because he found fault with them because they continue not in the covenant and he regarded them not and that's the same thing he's stating here is the fact that you know show me the bill of divorcement that I wrote because not like God just up and just said all right I'm done with you guys okay well I'm just gonna sell you off to somebody no they did it to themselves and that's what God is making a point here is that you did this to yourselves by your sins by your transgressions this is why you're getting cut off this is why this divorcements happening okay and and again you're talking about he's obviously using divorce meant to be put away okay we're not talking about obviously you're talking about a nation and he's talking about being divorced from your mother right it's talking about the fact that they're being cut off from their land okay they're being cut off from their city if you will their capital city and it says in Hebrews 8 13 it says in that he set a new covenant he hath made the first old now that which decayeth and waxes old is ready to vanish away he taketh away the first they may establish the second but because he the reason he took away the first was because he found fault with them okay so that's just the first thing that I kind of see here when you're getting into this chapter is the fact that God is stating I'm not the one who initiated this okay if that's just a way to look at that he's like I'm not the one that started this divorce meant I'm not the one that's you know started to sell you off I'm not the one that this wasn't like I wanted to do this you did it to yourselves okay now go back to Isaiah chapter 50 in verse 2 Isaiah chapter 50 in verse 2 notice what it says it says wherefore when I came was there no man when I called there was none to answer is my hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem or have I no power to deliver behold at my rebuke I dry out the sea I make the rivers a wilderness their fish stinketh because there's no water and diet for thirst so this is something that we see actually later on in Isaiah I go to Isaiah chapter 59 is it's a question it's a rhetorical question and actually in Isaiah 59 he answers this rhetorical question so he's asking this question is my hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem hey basically is he saying you know can I not reach you can I not you know is it shortened meaning I can't reach where you're at to redeem you and the answer is no it's not short meaning that God can redeem but there's a reason why he's not redeeming okay cuz he's stating that when I came was no there no man okay meaning this is that there was no one that was seeking after him there's no one that wanted this Redemption hey God's not just gonna force people to get saved just unlike Calvinists that think that okay that God is just gonna force you to be saved and and everything else the fact that he wants you to get saved and he can save you but it's only if you want it it's only if you're going to come to him for it now in Isaiah 59 in verse 1 here and notice what it says it says behold the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save okay so here's the answer no it's not shortened it's a retort question that he's stating in Isaiah 50 it says neither is his ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear see a common theme that you see here that in Isaiah 50 he's saying hey it's your iniquities in your transgressions are the reason that you're being cut off and that you're being sold off to your enemies if you will and then he gets on to the fact he's like you know is God's hand shortened is the Lord's hand shortened that it cannot redeem the answer is no it's not shortened it's just the fact that it's your sins and your iniquities that are keeping you from the redemption of the Lord okay we're talking about physical redemption here because when you think about the children of Israel and really the children of Judah if you think about them being in captivity it was contingent on them you know coming and turning from their evil way and and and basically if my people which are called by my name shall turn from their evil way then I will heal their land and you know and second Chronicles 7 14 talks about this and the idea that yes 70 years had to go by as far as the captivity but they still had to turn from their evil way and they had to turn to God okay and if they didn't do that then he's not going to redeem them or bring them back in the land now we know that Daniel he prayed that prayer and he said that forgive his sin and the sin of his people and you see Ezra Nehemiah you see all these men that are coming back to God and wanting to serve God and you see that revival if you will and then God bringing them back into their their land but he's basically stating is that the reason that you're not getting redeemed is because of your sin because you're not doing what you should be doing and and so that's what I clearly see in the first two verses here is that hey this isn't because I can't save you and this isn't because I just you know one day I'm just like I'm done with you guys and I'm just gonna cut you off it's not that God just chose to cut them off and just chose to sell them or that he can't save them it's the fact that their sins in it and their their iniquities their transgressions is causing this to happen okay now go to Isaiah 50 or Isaiah 50 in verse 3 and he starts talking about the fact that you know he drives up the sea and the rivers of the wilderness so it's basically showing God's power here and in verse 3 I think this is very interesting on just describing the universe and all that and I always love seeing verses like this but in verse 3 here says I clothe the heavens with blackness and I make sackcloth they're covering you think about outer space it's just darkness right just black and darkness and and just talking about the fact that God made it that way that he clothe the heavens with blackness and he covers it with sackcloth and you think about sackcloth and the fact that it talks about this the moon's gonna become black as sackcloth of hair right it talks about that in Revelation to give you an idea that's talking about being black okay so it's just being dark being black and notice in Jude go to Jude in verse 12 there I always think I think about this when I think about the fact that the heavens and how everything's black and you know obviously at the stars that are shining out of that darkness if you will but just kind of talking about the universe but just the spiritual aspect of it and the fact that what the Bible teaches about these people that are going to be reserved unto darkness and blackness okay it says in verse 12 here these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit wither it without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame notice this wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever you say what's your point with this well if you think about outer space it's all just darkness but then obviously you have like you have stars but then you also have I believe wandering stars are talking about the planets because if you think about the fact that stars don't move right they're constant but planets orbit and they move but they kind of look like stars okay and the reason they look like a star is it kind of like the moon right the moon shines but it's not from its own source it's reflecting the sunlight okay and the same thing with with the the moon or I'm sorry the the planets that are in our universe is the fact that it's reflecting sunlight that's where it where you see like oh we saw Mars or you see Jupiter or whatever and but they move okay they're wandering stars okay and in the idea here is the fact that they're in this they're wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness darkness rather meaning they're out there and outer darkness okay now that's what I want to kind of show you here is that if you think about outer space and how things are gonna be when it comes to the finale go to Matthew chapter 8 Matthew chapter 8 right now everybody that's that dies without Christ goes to hell and hell is beneath okay hell is in the center of the earth and I do believe that it's dark there but the Bible talks about this outer darkness and you think of outer space right we call it outer space outer darkness would be like the fact that these stars are wandering and it says to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever and God's the one that clothed it that way okay now we know that in Matthew 25 it talks about the fact that that hell or that eternal punishment that everlasting fire was prepared for the devil and his angels okay and we see here in Isaiah that he's the one that clothed the heavens with darkness and covered it with sackcloth you know he's the one that made it that way and I know I kind of already covered on this but you know people talk about well you know God created light but darkness is the absence of God of light you know and you know God is light but darkness is the absence of God and all that no God created darkness he created evil okay and it talks about how he even clothed the heavens with darkness okay and so outer darkness was created by God okay notice what it says in Matthew chapter 8 verse 10 when Jesus heard it he marveled and said to them that followed verily I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel and the recap story here we have this centurion that basically if you remember the story is the fact that he had the servant that was sick and he basically tells Jesus you don't even have to come just say the word right and so all you do say the word I know my servant will be healed and that's why he's saying that I haven't found so great faith no not in Israel because most everybody wants like some kind of sign or you know they need me to like they need to touch the lease to him in my garment and he's basically saying all you do say the word and he's saying he's talking about how great this faith is verse 11 there it says and I say unto you that many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven so it's talking about basically people that are not of Israel that are coming from the east and the west are gonna come and enter into the kingdom of heaven and but it says but the children of the kingdom talking about those of the children of Israel right says but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and so he's basically stating because the centurion was obviously not an Israelite he's a Roman centurion and but he had this great faith and he says I haven't found so great faith no not in Israel that's quite a statement to make I mean he's got his disciples around them all this stuff as far as I goes and he's saying I haven't found faith like yours in Israel and he's making a point stating that hey there's gonna be many people they're gonna come from the east and the west but there's gonna be many people of Israel that are gonna be cast out in the outer darkness they're gonna see you know these people from the east and west sitting with Abraham Isaac and Jacob which shows you they're in heaven by the way right so they are saved Abraham Isaac and Jacob because they're sitting in the kingdom of heaven but then the cells are gonna be cast out into outer darkness and you say well what's outer darkness so I'll just think of outer space okay it's dark it's darkness and it even likens people that are reprobate to be like these wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever and that idea of just being out there in outer darkness forever okay and now I you know obviously if you look at the lake of fire the lake of fire I believe is outer darkness that's the finale that's where you know hell's final place is at if you will and all that so but go back to Isaiah chapter 50 in verse 4 Isaiah chapter 50 in verse 4 I just like seeing verses you know like that where it talks about he closed the heavens with with darkness and and the idea it's just you know where he hangs the earth upon nothing he stretches out the heavens like a curtain and there's different things like that that are you know scientific meaning that they're finding out that everything's spreading out you know and you know the Bible teaches that that he stretches out the heavens and so is it any marvel that they're finding out that the heavens are stretching okay and so yeah the Bible already knew that but I just like seeing that type of stuff and just the fact that God's the one that made it that way it was supposed to be dark and from the very beginning he made it that way but in Isaiah chapter 50 and here's an interesting passage right here I personally believe that this is talking about the Lord Jesus okay now like I said when you were when we were in chapter 49 if you remember there was that that stark parallel of like this is definitely could be talking about Jesus but this could definitely be talking about you know us because it talks about how it says I will make him a light unto the Gentiles okay and Jesus was said said about him he is a light unto the Gentiles but then it also says you know Paul said that I am to go as a light to the Gentiles okay so you can definitely see how you have the servant of the Lord but then you have the servants of the Lord right and so but right here and I'm gonna get to the reason why I do believe this is talking about Jesus but obviously we're to follow his steps we're to be like him but read this and and there's a verse here that I want to get to as far as why I think this is interesting that this would be talking about Jesus in verse 4 it says the Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary he waketh morning by morning he waketh mine ear to hear as the learned the Lord God had opened mine ear and I was not rebellious neither turned away back I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair I hidden up my face from shame and spitting so the verse 6 there is one of the reasons I believe this is talking about Jesus but if you think about it in verse 5 there it says the Lord God hath opened mine ear I was not rebellious neither turned away back and the Bible talks about that in him is no guile neither was you know it talks about in him is no sin other with God found in his mouth and the idea that in him was he was manifest to take away our sins and in him is no sin just all these things are talking about the fact that Jesus is sinless and the fact that I was not rebellious neither turned away back I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that pluck off the hair I hidden up my face from shame and spitting now the reason I want to get into this is because did Jesus have a beard okay this is so important that's not it's not that important okay but I personally believe Jesus had a beard okay and I believe this verse proves that okay now it shouldn't be that out of the ordinary to think that he had a beard anyway because you think if David had a beard Aaron the high priest had a beard Ezra had a beard Ezekiel had a beard like just all these men in the Bible had beards okay usually you know that because they're talking about plucking off their hair they're you know like they're shaving their heads and they're trimming their beards or whatever the case may be but the idea of men having beards is not like it shouldn't be just like oh man that's crazy you had a beard but I personally believe this is talking about Jesus and I believe it's giving you more information okay about what happened to him when he went to the cross okay now the reason I want to show you how I think this is linked or how you can kind of prove it a little bit I don't think it says you know I don't think you can necessarily say dogmatically this is definitely about Jesus okay I personally believe it is and I'll give you my reasons why when you go to Isaiah 52 for example you don't have to turn there but at the end of the chapter we'll get there when we get to Isaiah 52 it talks about that his visage was so marred more than any man and it talks about his form more than the sons of men okay and then it goes on to say by this he sprinkles the nations well that is quoted off in a New Testament about Jesus okay so it's very clear like that is talking about Jesus okay and I'm going to show you where I believe this does link to Jesus okay let's keep reading there so you're in let's read verse 6 there again it says I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair I hid not my face from shame and spitting for the Lord God will help me therefore shall I not be confounded therefore have I set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed he he is near that justifieth me who will contend with me let us stand together who is mine adversary let him come near to me behold the Lord God will help me who is he that shall condemn me notice this lo they shall all wax old as a garment the moth shall eat them up now there's a phrase there and a lot of times when I look at something I'm always thinking okay where was this mentioned somewhere else okay does this link because honestly from verse 4 verse to verse 9 it's all one thought about I I I I right it's basically in first person so this is either Isaiah speaking as far as unto of himself right or it's a prophecy of Jesus okay or both okay I think it I think it very well is both okay I that's where I stand I think it's talking about you know us as servants of the Lord we want to be like Christ we want to be like this and I'm going to show you that but I also believe that he's talking about the Lord Jesus here and the thing that catches my eye is in verse 9 there says at the end there it says lo they shall all they all shall wax old as a garment go to Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 and to be honest I'm going to show you obviously in verse 6 did he give his back to the smiters yes did he get was he his face put this to shame was he spit upon yeah I'm going to show you all that okay the only thing that we don't see in a New Testament where they were plucking off his beard okay and I've heard sermons preached on this but I've never like actually heard I've never seen him go through this passage because it doesn't talk about beer but it says my cheeks to them that pluck off the hair so obviously the hair on your cheeks would be your beard okay and anybody has a beard that would not be pleasant okay if someone just started pulling the hair out of your face especially right here that's like the most sensitive spot anyway in Hebrew chapter 1 of verse 8 here we're clearly talking about the Lord Jesus it's God the Father you know talking unto the Son it says but unto the Son he said so God is saying unto the Son thy throne O God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom thou has loved righteousness and hated iniquity therefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows verse 10 and thou Lord okay so he's saying that he saith unto the Son thy throne O God is forever and ever and they saying and thou Lord so we're still talking about the Son in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thine hands they shall perish but thou remainest and they all shall wax old as doth a garment and as a vester shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail see something familiar there is the fact that it's talking about how God doesn't change how Jesus doesn't change Jesus Christ is saying yesterday today and forever and that's why he shall not change it says but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail go to Psalm 102 because that's where it's being quoted from and just to show you that you didn't already know this we're talking about God okay so when it's talking it says and now Lord has in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth you know we usually stop it says thy throne O God is forever and ever but that goes on to say that he's saying unto the Lord right thou Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth so we're still talking about the Sun and it's still going on and notice what it says and I and Psalm 102 in verse 24 it says I said oh my god take me not away in the midst of my days thy years are throughout all generations so who's he talking about God okay it doesn't even save the Lord it says God in verse 25 of old has thou laid the foundation of the earth who God it says in the heavens are the work of thy hands they shall perish but thou shalt endure yea all of them shall wax old like a garment and as the vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall have no end so we're clearly talking about God and we're talking about Jesus but notice in here it's talking about the fact that they all shall wax old as doth a garment and what does it say how does this end with this synopsis in verse 4 to verse 9 where he's basically talking about I you know God gave me this I gave my back to the smiters all this and then it goes down here says behold the Lord God will help me right we're still talking in first person so this is still the same person talking who is who is he that shall condemn me lo they all shall wax old as a garment and the moth the moth shall eat them up I think this is clearly talking about Jesus okay and so I believe that he had a beard and I believe that they actually plucked off the hair of his beard I'm not sure how much you know like if it was like completely plucked off or if it was just like some of that stuff that they were doing to him but that being said I believe that you're dealing with the servant of the Lord and we saw this in Isaiah 42 we saw this in the last chapter we're talking about the servant of the Lord and Israel my servant and how that coupled with the Lord Jesus says when Israel was a child then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt and the fact that look at verse 10 so verse 9 it says lo they shall wax old as doth as a garment and then a verse 10 it says who is among you that fear at the Lord that obeyeth the voice of his servant see something there that is talking about fearing the Lord and that obeyeth the voice of his servant so he's he's basically talking about the servant is going to give you commands and that servant is the Lord Jesus Christ and even Jesus said I came not to minister but to be ministered unto but the minister what and that's to be a servant he's the servant of the Lord he's the prophet of the Lord he's the prophet he's the servant he's the apostle right he's the the priest the king and and so obviously we are kings and priests we are to be the servants of the Lord and all that's true right but I believe this is talking about Jesus so let's go look at that verse right there in verse 6 ok with that being said like I said when you get to Isaiah 52 all this is kind of going in because Isaiah 52 at the end of Isaiah 52 it is leading you into Isaiah 53 no one will doubt that Isaiah 53 is clearly talking about the Lord Jesus okay Isaiah 52 is very clearly talking about the end there is talking about the Lord Jesus because it's quoted in the New Testament that it's about Jesus but I believe that there's other things that are being said before you even get to Isaiah 52 that's talking about Jesus okay we already saw that where he's gonna be a light into the Gentiles in chapter 49 here I believe it's talking about the fact that he says I give my back verse 6 to the smiters and my cheeks to them that pluck off the hair I hid not my face from shame and spitting so this verse I believe just encapsulates what happened to Jesus before he went to the cross this I mean just we see this being said go to Mark chapter 10 Mark chapter 10 the only thing you don't see in the New Testament is the fact that they plucked off the hair of it on it from his cheeks okay and and when you go to Isaiah 52 you know that he was crucified and you know that he was scourged but what you didn't know is that his visage was so marred more than any man that basically he didn't even look like a man is what that verse is saying and you don't you don't notice that you don't see that in the New Testament but the Old Testament is giving that information okay and so it's not that out of the ordinary that there be like this more information in the Old Testament about what Jesus had to go through and so in verse 32 there Mark chapter 10 verse 32 it says and they were in the way going to Jerusalem and Jesus went before them and they were amazed and as they followed they were afraid and he took again the twelve and began to tell them what things should happen unto him saying behold we go up to Jerusalem and and the Son of Man shall be delivered unto the chief priests and unto the scribes and they shall condemn him to death and shall deliver him to the Gentiles notice in verse 34 and they shall mock him they shall scourge him they shall and shall spit upon him and shall kill him in the third day he shall rise again so we see scourging giving his back to the smiters and being spit upon and both those things are mentioned in Isaiah 15 verse 6 go to Mark chapter 14 because we're gonna see what's actually happens okay you can go to other Gospels where this is mentioned but for sake of just staying in the same gospel for turning here go to verse 65 so Mark chapter 14 verse 65 verse 65 says some began to spit on him and to cover his face and to buffet him and to say unto him prophesy and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands and the next chapter talks about that Pilate delivered Jesus when he had scourged him to be crucified so we know that he was scourged before he was crucified so he definitely gave his back to the smiters but if you just think about this factor in verse 65 here they're spitting upon him they're buffeting in him they're covering his face with a blindfold and hitting him and saying who hit you that's what they're doing okay so it wouldn't be that out of the ordinary to think they're plucking off his his beard when they're plating this crown of thorns putting on his head and hitting him in the head with a rod you know all these different things you know that you know there may be something the Old Testament talks about them hitting him on the head of the rod or something like that but obviously you can see pictures of the crown of thorns in New Testament clearly says it's a crown of thorns right you see the the Rams stuck its head stuck in the thicket right and you can see that picture but I believe Isaiah 50 in verse 6 here is clearly showing you hey Jesus gave his back to the smiters he gave his cheeks to those that plucked off the hair and he hid not his face from those that took from shame and from spitting and the Bible says that he endured the cross despising the shame okay but he didn't hide his face from it and that's something that you see here that he didn't he didn't fight it he just took it he took the shame took the spitting took the the beat you know that the smiting of the you know the scourging even the crown of thorns the mocking and I believe what the Bible teaches here is that they even plucked off his beard to a certain extent at least at least on the cheeks they plucked off the hair on his beard and that's just a lot of its humiliation if you and I don't have maybe I'll do a whole sermon on beards one day but if you look at the Bible on beards anytime that someone shaved someone's beard it's it's a it's a mark of shame if you remember David's servants went to go like and I forget which king it was some King died and David sent his some of his men to go basically comfort you know the Sun or whatever and he's like you're there spying out the land and they ended up like cutting off their clothes you know by the rear end and then they like shaved off half their beard and he says you know Terry and Jericho until your beards be grown and a lot of times in the Bible they would you know talks about Ezra how it by basically he like you know pulled out the hair of his head and his beard and it was because of shame it was because of just being astonished and you know a lot of times people would shave their heads and just like you know cover themselves in sack cloth like job and stuff like that and it's just that it's a mark of shame or mourning and and so it's not a good thing and so imagine someone plucks off your beard I mean that first of all would hurt second of all that's very shameful for someone to do that I mean it's like your main you think about it you think about a lion right if you shaved off the the main you know that's like the the male lions you know pride right there okay and and I know I've had a beard before you know you kind of have some pride in that beard even when it's not that great you know you still have a little bit of pride in that thing that you know anyway I need to grow another beard it's gonna start getting warmer though I'm gonna regret it but that being said I believe Isaiah 50 in verse 6 is giving you some more information I believe first of all it's showing you just some more things that Jesus had to endure but I also showed you I believe he actually he had a beard okay which shouldn't be out of the ordinary right I think most men probably had a beard that could grow a beard and nowhere in the Bible I want to say this nowhere in the Bible does it say having a beard is wrong it's ridiculous for anybody to say anything like that and you know there's there there's this you know today or at least the the generation before us it's like I realized there was hippies okay that grew out their hair and had beards and everything but that doesn't mean beards are you know bad or you don't have class because you you know you have a beard and they've been looked down on as being like you have a beard then you're not you're not clean-cut now you can have beards they'll be clean-cut and still be presentable and you know God gave men beards so anyway that being said you know I believe that that is about Jesus and that whole passage right there I believe is about Jesus but here's thing go to Galatians chapter 6 because things that are said about Jesus as far as what he went through listen we are to follow his steps okay it talks about this and I'm as you're turning to Galatians chapter 6 I'm gonna read a portion of 1st Peter to you just kind of give you an idea that yeah we are supposed to be following this now we may not all have to go through what what Jesus went through okay and obviously we didn't we're not gonna take the sins of the world upon us but I'm talking about what men would do to you right what what physical flesh can do to you okay I want to read to you at the end of 1st Peter chapter 2 it says this about Jesus says for even here unto where you called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us and it's an example that you should follow his steps about what suffering it says who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead the sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed for you were as sheep going astray but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls and if you think about this passage what's he get into in the fact that at the end of you know after talking about I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that pluck off the hair when you go down to the verses after that he's basically stating in verse 7 there says for the Lord God will help me therefore shall I not be confounded therefore have I set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed and it's the idea that he committed himself unto him that judgeth righteously and it's interesting because first Peter talks about that with Jesus but then in chapter 4 it talks about the fact that we are supposed to commit our souls unto him as unto a faithful creator to commit our souls unto him and well-doing as unto a faithful creator and it's talking about persecution talking about you know getting buffeted and getting persecution and and and suffering for the cause of Christ and so we're supposed to follow in a step so notice what what Paul says in Galatians chapter 6 and verse 7 here Galatians chapter 6 and verse 7 it says from henceforth let no man trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus says he bears the marks of the Lord Jesus what are you talking about Paul well go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 we're supposed to be following Jesus steps and listen yay and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution and let it not be a marvel if someone was beaten for the cause of Christ or someone's in prison for the cause of Christ or if someone has to go through things that Jesus went through cruel mockings and scourgings and and all this stuff listen that happened even before Jesus you know was born of the Virgin Mary it talks about that in Hebrews chapter 11 how they were sawn asunder and they didn't accept deliverance that they might have a better resurrection and notice what it says in verse 24 so dealing with Paul he says I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus well what's he talking about verse 24 of the Jews five times received five times was he scourged for 39 times five times now that would be enough to be like I'm bearing the block the marks of the Lord Jesus right as far as like to say hey I've I got some marks that would be like what Jesus went through right well keep reading there verse 25 thrice was I beaten with rods once was I stoned thrice I suffered shipwreck a night and a day I have been in the deep and journeys often in perils of waters and perils of robbers and perils by mine own countrymen and perils by the heathen and perils in the city and perils in the wilderness and perils in the sea and perils among false brethren and weariness and painfulness and watchings often and hunger and in thirst and fastings often and cold and nakedness so yeah Paul could say I bear my body the marks of the Lord Jesus because he was he was he was scourged five times and thrice was he beaten with rods so eight times was he beaten and then he was stoned if you remember the story right they thought he was dead okay it's not like they just hit him with a couple stones they literally thought they killed him and then they bring him out to the end of city just gets up that story is funny to me because they're just out there and then he just gets up and just goes back into town it doesn't really tell you like what was said there he just imagined everybody standing around him and he just gets up me like all right guys time to go but he was stoned to the point where people thought he was dead and so yeah I mean when you think about this yeah Paul did have the marks of the Lord Jesus so he's basically saying perhaps for let no man trouble me because he's basically talking about these false prophets that are trying to cause the vision in Galatia anything listen don't trouble me I had the marks of the Lord Jesus upon me and meaning that he suffered for the cause of Christ you know he's an apostle of Jesus and so he's basically saying you guys need to sit down and shut up and listen to what I have to say that's kind of how he ends the whole epistle okay now go to Isaiah chapter 50 in verse 4 so I'm kind of just going back in through this because obviously that verse there in verse 6 where he gives his back to the smiters and his cheek to them that pluck off the hair is it's kind of the big thing that I see in this passage here and how it's giving us more insight into what Jesus went through but look what it says here in verse 4 and obviously I do believe this would be talking about Jesus if you think about the fact that when he was 12 years old he was in the temple and they were just astonished at his questions and his answers okay and that's what it says in verse 4 it says the Lord God had given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word and season to him that is weary he awaketh morning by morning he awaketh mine ear to hear as the learned the Lord God had opened mine ear and I was not rebellious neither turned away back and I love this because obviously this applies to Jesus because Jesus obviously knew the Bible in and out now you say well he's he's God yes but at the same time he still waxed strong in spirit and he waxed strong in the Lord and you know he still grew up as a child like when he was a baby he wasn't speaking he had to learn how to speak you know I had to go through that whole process obviously without sin okay I'm not taking away his deity here but that's the great mystery God was manifest in the flesh and he went through this whole process of learning listening hearing what they had to say reading the Bible and knowing it for himself and then he started in his ministry when he was 30 years old and obviously you know took it from there right but the idea here is that you know he obviously was obedient and a good learner okay and this is what we should have and the idea I love what it says here in verse 4 it says that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary and this is something that I always want to know you know what's I want to know what to say at what time you know in whatever manner right and and there's some verses on the good go to Proverbs chapter 25 Proverbs chapter 25 and verse 11 because I preach the sermon on there's a time to speak and there's a time to keep silence because there's a time when you should just not say anything there's a time just to speak but once you have that time to speak what do you speak how do you speak when do you speak right there's all these different variables that are in there as far as how do you answer this and how do you approach it with one angle right and you know this when you go out soul winning when you go out soul winning sometimes you need to be more crass with somebody you need to be blunt with them like listen buddy you're wrong you're going to hell and that person's like you're right all right let's do this you know and it's just like they're just you just know that from discernment you know how to answer that person and then there's someone over here that's like as meek as a mouse and quiet as a mouse and you've got to be really gentle with that person just be like listen I don't want I want to upset you but Bible says unfortunately that it that since you sinned we're all in the same spot but you would go to you would go to hell but I would go there too you know and you're just kind of like going real soft and you're trying to keep them right there be like don't cry on me and don't lose your mind right and then you're like but Jesus died for you and you know you don't have to worry about that and go into that another person over here you're like listen buddy you're a sinner just like me and you need to stop trusting in your works that's gonna take you to hell and you're just telling them straight to their face like you're going to go to hell if you do not stop trusting in your baptism or whatever you're doing and you're just really blunt with that person but see that's a that's discernment to know like two different type of personalities and what two different people need to hear right one person needs some real hard common information another person needs a lot of tender love and compassion and just understanding and meekness and gentleness right okay and notice what the Bible says here in Proverbs chapter 25 verse 11 it says a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold and pictures of silver and I just love you know obviously the poetic language of the Bible first of all but the idea of just how perfect that is to have a word and you know you've had that where you've said something you're like man that just felt good to have like the right word to say at the right time and it's just it's just a pleasure and a joy notice what it says in Proverbs chapter 15 Proverbs chapter 15 verse 23 but listen this doesn't come by accident okay having discernment knowing what to say this doesn't come by accident this is something that you have to learn okay and God you you want to ask God to be able to give you this type of a discernment to give you the words to say and know how to answer someone that's weary right now that's probably one of the hardest ones to deal with right is someone that's that's just in a bad spot or they're weary and trying to comfort somebody okay it's a lot easier for me to just rip someone's face off okay that's not that hard but to comfort somebody and bring and lift them up that takes a lot okay and that takes a lot of discernment a lot of compassion and knowing what to say and what not to say verse 23 it says a man had joy by the answer of his mouth and a work word spoken in due season how good is it and that's I believe exactly what you're dealing with here is the fact that it talks about God have given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary it says he waketh morning by morning he waketh my ear to hear as the learn knows to hear as the learned okay because in order to speak a word in due season you have to hear first the Bible says that we're supposed to be swift to hear slow to speak okay and so you need to take it in you know the wise man will take it all in and you know but the fool speaketh all his mind and we need to be able to take it in to hear hear what God has to say and then he'll give us the understanding to know when to say it and how to say it who to say it to the Bible says in verse 28 in that same chapter the heart of the righteous studyeth the answer but the mouth of the wicked pourth out evil things so we need to study this we need to learn it we need to hear it in order to say it the Bible says in Colossians 4 6 let your speech be all way with grace season with salt that you may know how you ought to answer every man and listen getting on the subject with Jesus Jesus always knew how to answer a man you say well how should I answer people study what Jesus did I mean we're supposed to follow his steps the Bible says and anytime when you're dealing with situation be like well how would Jesus handle this situation how would Jesus talk to a woman in adultery right how would Jesus talk to a Pharisee you know some false teacher okay how would Jesus talk to this person over here or this person over there and there's all these stories in different applications to where you say okay this is how Jesus handled that situation that's how I should handle that situation he's always the best example to follow and so when it comes to soul winning he's the best example to follow you think about the rich young ruler that did not want to admit that he was a sinner what did he do he left him with condemnation and he went away sorrowful in our minds we'd say well no I need to leave him with hope no you need to leave him with hell what you need to leave him with and there's some people that are that belligerent to be like I'm not a sinner I don't need anything I can get there myself and be like listen you're gonna die and go to hell because for all of us in the control of the glory of God and you're not gonna attain I'm not saying to be mean or like you know yell at the person but they need to be left with condemnation because that's the way Jesus did with the rich young ruler okay now in Isaiah chapter 50 in verse 10 Isaiah 50 in verse 10 by the way I got a I got an email from some lady that got our invite invite on their door she's like I really you know come in that you guys are going out there but you'd probably you know think about being so judgmental about your invitations and everything I'm like wow if you think that's judgmental then you should never come to our church because that invitation I mean it's just Bible verses right it's just Bible verse the only thing that's even stated as being anything that's you know that's in my own words is like the prayer at the end of it anyway I just thought that was funny obviously I want the woman to get saved but it's just funny how people are just so sensitive you're like this invitation offended them the invitation that said the Bible way to heaven let me show you how you can know 100% sure you're going to heaven and they're offended because it says something about hell it's like I didn't say that that was a Bible okay anyway and Isaiah 50 in verse 10 here the last portion of the chapter here is it's interesting because I do believe it's calling back you know obviously to says who is among you that fear fear at the Lord that obeyeth the voice of his servant so I believe it's talking about God and his servant and I believe obviously that servant will be the Lord Jesus okay we kind of see that already leading up here with Isaiah 42 and just other places that we've already come to at this point that the servant of the Lord his elect whom he had chosen the Lord Jesus Christ okay but what's interesting here is what's said here and I think this could be a little confusing on what's being said it says who is who is among you that fear the Lord that obeyeth the voice of his servant that walketh in darkness and hath no light so at first you're kind of thinking well if he fears the Lord and he's obeying the voice of his servant then he wouldn't be in dark he'd be walking in the light right because that's what the New Testament says talks about walking in the light and you know God is light and in him is no darkness and he would say it you know any the idea is that New Testament is talking about the fact that if you're walking in Christ you're walking in the light but what I believe this is talking about is talking about we're in a dark world and we're walking in this dark world okay and it's stating here that whoever is among you that fears the Lord and is obeying his the voice of his servant and it says that in verse 10 there that walketh in darkness and hath no light so basically they're walking in darkness they don't have any light they're kind of like in this hopeless state in this world it says it says let him trust in the name of the Lord and stay upon his God so he's like if you're in this dark place you don't know where to go you don't have any light then what do you do you trust in the Lord and you stay upon your God and the contrast of that is in verse 11 behold all ye that kindle fire so there's a contrast here he's basically saying those that fear the Lord and obey the voice of his servant you know when they're walking in this dark world with no light you need to trust in in the Lord and stay upon your God but it says behold all ye that kindle a fire that compass yourself about with sparks walk in the light of your fire notice that it says your fire okay and in the sparks that ye have kindled this shall have ye have of mine hand ye shall lie down in sorrow okay so this is not good okay that you're gonna lie down in sorrow I believe what it's stating here is that you know when you're in this dark world God should be your light the Lord should be your light and show you which way to go but if you try to make your own light your own truth I'm just living my own truth brother how many times I have to hear that garbage out there we're living in a twilight zone today where people are literally calling women guys they're like well he's just living his truth no it's a girl and she's wicked okay I just saw like there's somebody that some woman some actress that that decided she's a man now and I think the craziest thing that I should I expect that from reprobates okay I expect that from that that woman that is basically wanting to be a man that's a queer I expect that from them but when you see someone that's just like capitulating to it and saying yeah he you know is living his truth and when when he was a child he did this I'm like are we living in the same reality like you're just going to just say that that's a he and just not not even blink an eye about it that it's he when it's clearly a woman I don't care how much you mutilate yourself if you're born without a Y chromosome you're a girl and if you're born with a Y chromosome you're a man and I don't care how you mutilate yourself that's the way it's going to be and you know what this just reminds me and again the Bible is always like reading the newspaper where it says walk in the light of your fire and then the sparks that ye have kindled but know this it's kind of like it's kind of like in Ecclesiastes we're talking about the young man like you know basically living for the things of this life and it says yeah I live for the things it's like but know this you're gonna be judged for it and it's kind of like this is saying yeah walk in the light there are the fire that you made and then sparks that you kindled you shall lie down in sorrow now go to Proverbs chapter 3 and verse 5 Proverbs chapter 3 and verse 5 because the I Psalm 119 says this in verse 105 though thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path you know we are in a dark world and most of the world is groping in darkness and they're trying to make their own light they're making their own light and they're sparking up their own fires to figure out which way to go you know what Jesus said I am the way the truth in the life and no man cometh unto the Father by me and he is the light of the world and his word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path you want light in this dark world you better get God because God's the one that's gonna lead you out of that darkness he's gonna make sure that you don't stumble and the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 3 and verse 5 trust in the Lord with all thine heart sound familiar is that what it said in Isaiah 50 and verse verse 10 it says let him trust in the name of the Lord and stay upon his God trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil it shall be health to thine navel and merit to thy bones this is clearly what he's talking about right here and the fact that he's stating that you're gonna lay down in sorrow if you try to make your own light and spark your own fire and try to follow that but what you should be doing is trusting the Lord and you know trust in his word because he's gonna light the way it says in Proverbs 4 go over a chapter there Proverbs 4 in verse 18 but the path of just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day is this this is so true as the day is long okay and I'll just read the next verse it says the way of the wicked is as darkness they know not at what they stumble and the more that you see the light the more it just shines even brighter as you go okay and it's just like it's just the path just opens up it's like you start reading the Bible like oh okay I'm seeing a little bit I'm seeing a little bit seeing a little bit and all of a sudden it's just like wow you're just seeing everything clearly but you need to shine this light not your own light okay there's a way we seem at the right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death he that trusted his own heart is a fool because the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked and who can know it and I believe at the end of Isaiah 50 here he's basically stating hey if you fear God and you obey the voice of his servant which I believe is the Lord Jesus Christ he's talking about there you obey his voice just trust in him when you're in this dark world and there's no light around you listen I set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I cannot be moved I shall not be moved and the idea is that I always had the light of the word no matter how how dark the world gets listen the darker this world gets the brighter this is gonna shine it talks about John the Baptist being a burning and a shining light and we are the light of this world why because Jesus is the light of the world and we are the children of light and we're to walk as children of light and how do we do that by the Word of God how do we know what we need to do the Word of God and so that's the end of chapter 50 it's not a super long chapter but definitely some interesting stuff in there and yeah I think Jesus had a beard so like I said I don't know if you can you know conclusively prove that but I I personally believe that passage is that that verse specifically and verse 6 there if it's what Jesus did to a T and so I think it's just giving us more information so let's end with a word of prayer to Heavenly Father we thank you for today and Lord thank you for your word thank you for the book of Isaiah and Lord just thank you for what you've done for us and Lord just just seeing some more things that you went through to pay for our sins and Lord we just thank you for that thank you for not turning your face from shame or from spitting and for going through such contradiction of sinners so that you would save us and Lord we just thank you for that and Lord we love you and pray you be with us throughout this week and pray also in Jesus Christ's name amen