(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Isaiah chapter 22 and we're continuing our study through the book of Isaiah here and this is the burden of the valley of vision, the burden of the valley of vision. So there's definitely some interesting things that are said in here but I want to read this first portion of the chapter here and really just to give you an idea of what I believe this is talking about well there's obviously the near future application of something where God's going to judge you know a nation and there's this valley where they're going to be destroyed at and I'm going to give you you know just some examples of that but but ultimately I believe this is talking about the battle of Armageddon okay I'm going to show you some proof on that or just show you how this correlates with this but notice what it says in verse one there says the burden of the valley of vision what aileth thee now that thou art wholly gone up to the housetops thou that art full of stirrers a tumultuous city a joyous city thy slain men are not slain with the sword nor dead in battle all thy rulers are fled together they are bound by the archers all that are found in thee are bound together which have fled from afar therefore said I look away from me I will weep bitterly labor not to comfort me because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people for it is a day of trouble and of treading down in a perplexity by the lord of lord god of hosts in the valley of vision breaking down the walls and of crying to the mountains and even bear the quiver with chariots of men and horsemen and cur uncovered the shield and shall come to pass that thy choicest valley shall be full of chariots and the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate and he discovered the covering of juda and now just look in that day to the armor of the house of the forest you have seen also the breaches of the city of david that they are many and you gather together the waters of the the lower pool and you have numbered the houses of jerusalem and the houses have you broken down to fortify the wall you made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool but you have not looked unto the the maker thereof neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago okay so you see that kind of the immediate you know where it's talking about elum and cur and just the idea of them their chariots are going to be uh you know filling up this valley and you can see that immediate where you have juda the city of david which is jerusalem and that physical basically prophecy that this is going to happen okay because they tried to go against juda okay so that that's kind of the near future application that's that's applied here but you can see a lot that's dealing with uh what we call the battle of armageddon um the great day of our god and so i'm going to show you that go to revelation chapter 14 revelation chapter 14 so revelation chapter 14 verse 18 it's interesting that it calls it the valley of vision too when you think about revelation is it just you know a revelation of vision that was given to john and um obviously most all these places in isaiah are dealing with near future applications we'll also show you joel which is going to be talking about the same thing but there's obviously that near future application that would apply as well okay and so that's kind of like the what they were really looking for but then you have the ultimate you know uh as far as the end times application that would apply there so in revelation chapter 14 and verse 18 it says in another angel came out from the altar which had power over fire and cried with a loud voice to him that had the sharp sickle saying thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for her grapes are fully ripe and the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of god and the wine press was trodden without the city and blood came out of the wine press even unto the horse bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs okay so this is described in revelation chapter 14 and i believe it's telling you about something's going to happen in the near future okay because in that same chapter it says babylon has fallen has fallen but that doesn't happen until revelation chapter 18 okay as far as after the seventh uh you know obviously seven trumpet but the seventh vial was poured out is when you see that actually happen and then you see this is the last thing that said in revelation 14 which i believe is the battle of armageddon okay now the thing that you'll see there is when you when you couple this with um you know matthew with the parable uh in matthew chapter 13 the where they're basically binding the tares to cast them into the fire and you'll see all this language that's being used here look look at just for example uh look at verse two there and verse two it says thou that art art full of stirs a tumultuous city a joyous city thy slain men are not slain with the sword nor dead in battle how do they end up dying in that battle of armageddon by the word of god right because it's by the sword that proceeded out of the mouth of jesus right the the two-edged sword that proceeded out of his mouth were they slain right then you have uh down in verse five there it says for it is a day of trouble um and i'm going to show you that it's actually called a day okay when this happens it happens in a day okay that this happens um but notice it says and of treading down in a perplexity by the lord god of hosts in the valley of vision okay so you see this treading down verse three you even see that that they're bound right all that are found in me are bound together now go to revelation chapter 16 because the thing that you see with this valley this valley of vision or i'm going to show you another place the valley of jehoshaphat or the valley of decision okay so these are all the same i believe talking about the same thing um is that you see that he's gathering everybody together he's binding everybody together to to lay judgment upon them okay and that's exactly what happens in the battle of armageddon so in verse uh chapter 16 so revelation chapter 16 and verse 12 there revelation chapter 16 verse 12 it says in the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river euphrates and the water thereof was dried up and the way of the king that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared and i saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet for they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that what great day of god almighty behold i come as a thief blessed to see that watches and keep his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame and he gathered them together into a place called in the hebrew tongue armageddon okay so this is where we see armageddon that's where you get that term armageddon but it's a battle it's a day of battle okay and so what do we see in verse five of isaiah chapter 22 it is a day of trouble of treading down what does it say in revelation 14 about this when they're binding these them together and throwing them into the winepress of the wrath of god it says in revelation 14 that the winepress was trodden without the city and talks about the blood coming up to the horse bridles okay so you see the same language that's being used here and notice uh going to um go to go to joel chapter three go to joel chapter three and for the sake of time i don't want to just park it there in revelation but that's what i believe is going on there with the valley of armageddon is you have this this valley of decision this valley of vision this valley of jehoshaphat as it says here i'm gonna i'm gonna show you why i believe it's calling it the valley jehoshaphat because in joel it's it's actually i believe it's calling it that because it's calling you back to something that happened with jehoshaphat i'm going to show you that story um i kind of hit on this obviously when we were going through uh when we were covering jehoshaphat um but you can imagine why is it called the valley of decision why is it called the valley of vision you know like there's reasons there as far as why that that's going on um you even have the story of um you know the the man that's not wearing the wedding garment right which i believe is talking about this right here where he's wearing a strange garment and you're talking about people that take that all the people that are at this battle of armageddon have taken the mark of the beast are in the beast's army okay and so basically in this battle it's saved versus reprobate okay that's what's going on there there's no in between okay you're either saved coming down on white horses or you're in this army with the beast and the false prophet and you're twice dead plucked up by the roots that's that's the dichotomy okay there's no like just person there that's just that's just lost and or whatever okay because everybody's annihilated in this okay now in joel notice in verse one here joel three in verse one it says for behold in those days and in that time when i shall bring again the captivity of juda and jerusalem i will also gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of jehoshaphat sound familiar now it's called the valley jehoshaphat it says and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage israel whom they have scattered among the nations and parted my land so what is this who who's getting gathered into this valley all nations all nations okay and who's he pleading for who's god pleading for well it says here for israel okay well you say well how does that apply in the future well the jews are gonna magically get saved and then there's gonna be this uh you know righteous remnant of jewish people no it's talking about saved people because we are the israel of god okay because and you know the the middle wall partition is broken down now now we are fellow citizens of the saints and we are the heritage of israel because all those that believe are of the israel of god okay so when future application obviously there was a immediate future application with this where there was the physical nation of israel that he's pleading for okay and it gets into like this is something he ends and the cretians and so you'll see this and be like well how does that apply in the future you know is greece really in there you gotta understand that a lot of this is talking about something that already happened okay and then obviously in the future there's the bigger overarching picture here that it's not about what name of the nation it is it's more just about what's going on okay but so we see here that he's pleading for them notice in verse three it says and they have cast lots for my people and have given a boyfriend harlot and sold a girl for wine that they might might drink so he's basically just talking about that they put them through you know hell if you will they put them through tribulation they persecuted them it says in verse four yay and what have you to do with me otir and zidon and all the coast of palestine will you render me a recompense and if you recompense me swiftly and speedily will i return it return your recompense upon your own head because you have taken my silver my gold and have carried into your temples met my goodly pleasant things the children also of judah and the children of jerusalem have you sold unto the grecians that you might remove them far from their border behold i will raise them out of the place whether you have sold them and will return your recompense upon your own head sound familiar because what is going to happen when jesus comes in clouds you know where we're going to be recompensed right that's the day of rest that's the day of uh of the jubilee right where there's going to be restitution made and we're going to be given you know back given our inheritance if you will and then he at the same time that he's doing that for us he's literally putting recompense back on their head you know he's gonna render unto them tribulation unto those unto those that troubled us and notice as you keep reading there it says and i will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of judah and they shall sell them to the sabaeans and to people far off for the lord has spoken it now you say well how's that applying well obviously this is talking about a near future application with the sabaeans and the you know all this stuff so um but you can obviously see okay well there is a verse in revelation chapter three where it says i'm going to make them that are the synagogue of satan to bow down to bow down and worship at your feet and know that i have loved thee right and so there's definitely an application as far as what's going to happen with these people now in verse nine it says proclaim ye this among the gentiles prepare war wake up the mighty men let all the men of war draw near let them come up so he's basically saying this is where the gatherings come together right he's basically kind of he's saying hey he's going to gather all nations and this is how he's doing it right he's basically calling them all together saying hey come that's where the kings of the east you know were coming forth and he was gathering them all into a place called armageddon okay where this battle was going to take place as you keep reading there in verse uh verse 10 beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks and the spears let the weak say i am strong sound familiar only it's backwards right now what you're usually hearing is you know to to beat your swords in the plowshares and your spears in the pruning hooks it's literally the opposite of that because what happens here is that he's telling the heathen he says you need to get some swords and spears because you need to prepare yourself for battle after this battle what's he do all right take your swords and spears and you know put them into pruning hooks right and so uh this is opposite of the thousand year reign so this is clearly not talking about the thousand year reign okay this is clearly something that's happening before that okay now in verse where did i stop there in verse 11 it says assemble yourselves and come all ye heathen gather yourselves together round about now this is where it's an interesting way of words here because he's saying assemble yourselves and come all ye heathen but then i believe it's switching to where the heathen are saying thither cause thy mighty ones to come down o lord okay now this could be just the fact that um you mean isaiah would or i'm sorry joel would be speaking here and says hey heathen bring all your men and lord bring all yours you know it's basically what he's saying okay because obviously that second group there is is talking about is talking to the lord okay so he's talking to the heathen then he's talking to the lord okay so and this is where what happens what happens in the battle of armageddon you have all nations being gathered to this arm this place called armageddon and then what do you have jesus coming on a white horse with his army and that's all the saints he's coming with his saints and we're all dressed in white linen and upon white horses with two edged swords in our hands okay so that's the picture of what's going on here in verse um 12 here it says let the heathen be awakened and come up to the valley of jehoshaphat for there will i sit to judge all the heathen round about put ye in the sickle for the harvest is ripe sound familiar revelation chapter 14 now revelation chapter 14 notice what it says here it says put ye in the sickle for the harvest is right come get you down for the press is full the fats overflow for their wickedness is great okay so it sounds familiar right but here's the thing in in revelation chapter 14 it gives you more clarity because there's actually two sickles okay so in that first part it says put ye in the sickle for the harvest is right that's actually talking about the rapture okay because when you look at revelation chapter 14 it says it's talking about the son of man sitting on a white cloud and he has a sharp sickle and he puts in the sickle and reaps the earth because it's ripe but then there's another angel that also has a sharp sickle and he's told to put it in on the vintage of the earth okay there's a difference okay and it says it's fully ripe meaning that fully ripe meaning that it's rotten okay you know you think of like and anybody that's garden knows this you know especially cucumbers why are cucumbers the ones that just you know that's what i remember from gardening is that cucumbers you get those things picked fast or those things turn yellow and orange and then they just rot right there but anyway all that say is that what happens if you leave it out too long it ripens and then it goes too far and that's when it's what you would call fully ripe or basically rotten right it just gets to the point where it's just falling apart so anyway all that say is that you're dealing with the rotten uh and that's where it says the press is full and that's where it's trodden the winepress of god and the blood is is coming out to the horse bridles okay notice in verse 14 multiple multitudes multitudes in the valley of decision for the day the lord is near in the valley of decision the sun and the moon shall be darkened and the stars shall withdraw their shining the lord also shall roar out of zion and utter his voice from jerusalem and the heavens and the earth shall shake but the lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of israel and you say well you know i thought the day the lord you know was when he comes into class it is okay but there's there's the day of the great the the battle the great day of god almighty you know and you know this could just be you know obviously when you're reading through the uh the old testament things can be out of order okay but in revelation i'm sorry in joel chapter 2 it just got done talking about how the sun's gonna be dark and and the moon's not gonna get real light before the great notable day of the lord right great terrible day of the lord and so um it could be reiterating that in this chapter or it could be the fact that hey the sun's gonna be darkened and the stars aren't gonna give their light and there's gonna be this great earthquake during this battle too would that marvel you when there's like earthquakes happening all through the wrath and there's earthquakes that are taking down cities during the wrath and you know the the the sun moon and stars are being smitten during the wrath you know it's like it's not that that's the only place that that stuff happens okay so it could be giving you a little more information as far as what that day is going to be like okay now and in isaiah chapter 22 it says it's the day of trouble okay so this is not a good day for those people in the valley of vision or the valley of decision or as it calls it here the valley of jehoshaphat now when you're reading your bible no word is there by accident coincidence or incidental meaning that i believe that god is using certain words it says the valley of jehoshaphat for a reason because i believe it's calling you back to something in the bible it's just like when you're reading revelation chapter 20 and it's talking about uh satan being losing it says in gog and magog and you're like okay that's random like why is it talking about gog and magog well there's two whole chapters and ezekiel talking about a battle that happens about gog and magog okay so in revelation 20 it doesn't give you much information it just basically says that god destroys them but then you've got ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 boom you got two big chapters showing you what's going down during that day okay now go to second chronicles chapter 20 second chronicles chapter 20 now to give you some backstory on this you know just for sake of time so we'll read the whole chapter there but basically the children of moab or the you know the people of moab and ammon are coming against jerusalem coming against jehoshaphat and jehoshaphat prays for help okay from god and he gets it okay and this is what happens okay so in this case they didn't have to do anything okay it's very interesting because when you read revelation chapter 19 it's not anticlimactic i don't want to say that because i don't think it's going to be anticlimactic but you read about these armies coming down and then boom you know it's like he just speaks and the false prophet and the and the beasts are taken and thrown into the into the lake of fire right there's no competition is really what it comes down to right and it really this story i'm going to show you here is just showing you that jehoshaphat didn't have to do anything right god did it okay and it comes down to the fact that what how did isaiah chapter 22 start off it says that your men are slain but not by the sword okay and that's what we'll read here when you read about jehoshaphat okay notice what it says in verse 24 so you're in second chronicle chapter 20 verse 24 it says and when judah came toward the the watchtower in the wilderness they they looked unto the multitude and behold they were dead bodies fallen to the earth and none escaped okay so basically there's this whole multitude that was coming after them and now they're on the watchtower and they look at after they prayed to god and asked for his help you know the levites everybody was praying to god now they look out and they're all dead right the all the multitude is dead that's what it says in verse 25 it says and when jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies and precious jewels which they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days in gathering of the spoil it was so much so basically not only were they all dead like he just destroyed this whole host of this army that was coming after them but they were all they had all these riches and basically they spoiled them they couldn't even carry it all back so not only did they get saved but they were given riches upon on top of that okay notice what it says in verse 26 there it says and on the fourth day they assembled themselves in the valley of beraica for they i'm sorry for for there they blessed the lord therefore the name of the same place was called the valley of beraica unto this day and so you know i believe that this this is what that when it's talking about the valley of jehoshaphat is calling back to this story okay that's my personal belief and you'd be like i don't think so well you know then you can find out why it's called the valley of jehoshaphat but i believe this is why it's called the valley of jehoshaphat is because um it's calling back to the fact that hey they asked for god's help and god's the one that destroyed them all and they didn't have to lift a sword to do it which is exactly what happens in isaiah chapter 22 which is exactly what happens on the battle of armageddon because you know we're gonna have two two-edged swords in our hands but it's also you think about the fact that is that proverbial as far as uh you know the fact that it's the word of god are we going to be like hacking people away okay um you know i think it's a spiritual battle obviously that's going on there um though i would like to have a sword just so you know um but but no so it goes on here they're rejoicing um you notice in verse 27 there says then they returned every man of judah and jerusalem and jehoshaphat in the forefront of them to go again to jerusalem with joy for the lord had made them to rejoice over their enemies and they came to jerusalem with saltries and harps and trumpets unto the house of the lord and the fear of god was on all the kingdoms of those countries when they had heard that the lord fought against the enemies of israel so the realm of jehoshaphat was quiet for for his god gave him rest round about what do you think that's talking about the fact that jesus is going to roll and reign for a thousand years from jerusalem and so jehoshaphat is kind of like a picture of christ if you will he's like basically leading that army back into jerusalem and it says so the realm of jehoshaphat was quiet what happens during a thousand year reign there's no war no one's learning war that's where they're beating their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks and no one's learning war and you know no one's afraid and basically there's this time of peace and rest that's going on you know satan's bound in the bottomless pit he's not out deceiving the world he's not accusing the brethren you know like it's a it's a different time and this story i believe is showing you that okay so the valley of this uh of vision and the valley of decision the valley of jehoshaphat i believe those are all talking about the same thing and it's talking about this battle of armageddon that's going to happen at the end and uh and we'll be there so if you're saved today then you will be there you will be there riding on a white horse and so that's an exciting day uh that that i look forward to obviously because what's the whole idea is that recompense is being given right these are the this is the army and the beast the false prophet that were killing christians on mass during that time and they represent they represent the children of belial that have been doing it since the foundation of the world so that recompense is coming on them now go to uh back to isaiah chapter 22 here isaiah chapter 22 notice in verse 12 so i believe this whole chapter is talking about the same event really but it kind of switches gears as far as talking about this battle as this now and i was going to talk into the fact that god is telling them to basically to weep and to repent and to get in the sackcloth and basically get close to him and they don't they do the opposite of that but notice what it says in verse 12 here it says and in that day did the lord god of hosts call to weeping into mourning into baldness into gurning with sackcloth and behold joy and gladness slaying oxen and killing sheep eating flesh and drinking wine let us eat and drink for tomorrow we we shall die and it was revealed in mine years by the lord of hosts surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till you die said the lord god of hosts so he's basically saying hey listen i gave you a chance i said you know weep mourn you know gird yourselves with sackcloth and you and you're like no we're gonna we're gonna rejoice be glad you know we're gonna eat and drink for tomorrow we die that was the mentality go to first corinthian chapter 15 because we see that same thing said in a different context but this idea of like eating drinking being married and we're gonna die you know basically it makes me think of this stupid motto that's out there today called yolo you know you only live once okay well you only die once but is appointed on the men wants to die but after this judgment okay but this yolo garbage okay that's as trendy as i'm getting you know i don't know the lingo but this stupid you know like you only live once and that's the mentality they have here right it's just like let's just eat drink be married because we're gonna die anyway that's their mentality and what happens they get annihilated because of it and what what's god's response to that what's god's response to you only live once it says and it was revealed in my ears by the lord of hosts surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till you die that's his you know attitude to that and that's what this this mentality this motto of the world is you only live once you know what that means let's do wickedness let's eat drink let's commit adultery wipe our face as if we didn't do any of it and you know you know tomorrow is going to be just as good as today you know where is the god of judgment as it says in malachi that's what they're saying and god says listen you're going to die this this sin this iniquity is not going to be purged until you die okay but in first christian chapter 15 paul uses this as uh basically how that's not his motto okay his motto is not let's eat drink for tomorrow we die okay in verse 19 it says if in this life only we have hope in christ we are of all men most miserable okay so there's people there saying there's no resurrection and basically this life is it okay and so this chapter is called the resurrection chapter for a reason but he's basically stating he's like if we only have hope in this life if it's only about this life he's like what are we doing you know it's like we're we're most miserable i mean and he goes on with that but it basically stating uh but he's saying but now is christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept so he's basically saying that's not true though no christ is risen from the dead and he goes into the fact that hey we're also going to be raised with him but go down to verse 30 there verse 30 because he's basically saying you know if this is only the in this life there's no resurrection sad you see if there's no resurrection then why in the world are we suffering persecution why are we in jeopardy every hour as it says here in verse 30 it says and why stand we in jeopardy every hour i protest by your rejoicing which i have in christ jesus our lord i die daily if after the manner of men i have fought with beasts at emphasis what advantages it me if the dead rise not let us eat drink for tomorrow we die right if that were the case if this is the only life there's no afterlife and there's no reward in heaven and there's no reason for doing anything else after that why don't we just eat drink and be married because tomorrow we die because what is our life it is even a vapor that appears for a little time and vanishes away you know if this is it then we might as well enjoy it but that's not the mentality of a christian right the mentality of a christian that says this is not my home i'm just a stranger i'm just a pilgrim and you know what what goes on in this life doesn't really matter you know if i have pleasure in this life you know that is just going to last but a season compared to eternity okay and go to james chapter four james chapter four because we saw here that god's calling them to weeping to mourning to baldness to girding of sackcloth what is he telling them to do he's telling them to humble themselves before god because in that same in this same chapter he says you forgot the maker thereof you forgot him that fashioned it from old and he's saying you need to get humble before god and they didn't okay so he's basically stating and it shows you god's mercy too is that basically god's long suffering he's merciful and it's not like he didn't give them a chance to get right with god and you know in this passage particularly he's talking about certain nations you know that that are coming against jerusalem and all that but in james chapter 4 and verse 8 notice what it says draw nigh to god and he will draw an eye to you cleanse your hands ye sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded be afflicted and mourn and weep sound familiar let your laughter return to morning and your joy to heaviness humble yourselves in the sight of god i'm sorry in the sight of the lord and he shall lift you up that's exactly what he was telling them to do in isaiah chapter 22 by the way it's the same god in the old testament i'm tired of people saying oh you know well the new testament jesus is the nice one god the father in the old testament he's mean i think you need to remember that it says it's the wrath of the lamb in revelation right they're hiding themselves from the face of him that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb so yeah tell me again that and who comes on a white horse to destroy that whole army i'm pretty sure it's jesus that comes on that white horse it's called the word of god the king of kings lord of lords uh his vestures dipped in blood and he's coming down as a lion and he's the lion of the tribe of judah and he's going to destroy okay because i'm the lord i change not jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever and so it's always been the same and it shouldn't it shouldn't marvel marvel you that this idea of drawing eye to god and he'll draw an eye to you isn't a new principle in the new testament this idea of you know to humble yourself before god weep and to to mourn is something that will get you under god's good graces okay but verse 13 it just makes me think of it i mean it's interesting how all this kind of works together in james chapter 4 because he's basically saying hey listen you need to start weeping and mourning you need to start getting humble before god and notice what it says in verse 13 it says go to now you that say today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain whereas you know not what shall be on tomorrow for what is your life it is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away for that you ought to say if the lord will we will we shall live and do this or that so it's interesting this to that whole idea of like tomorrow we shall die you know let us eat drink for tomorrow we shall die is coupled with the fact that they didn't draw an eye to god they didn't humble themselves and but they said their motto was we're just gonna die tomorrow so it's just a bad mentality see the mentality should be yeah i could be dying tomorrow therefore i need to do what i need to do now right i need to go to now because i may not have tomorrow but their mentality is i need to sin now because you know we're gonna die soon anyway see how backwards that is see how wicked that is and you know what god is saying to that type of mentality of you know yolo he's saying that iniquity is not going to be purged you have that mentality to eat drink and be merry then the hammer's coming you know that's the that's god's response to it and so the world should be afraid you know people are you know people are afraid right now you know with the economy the election you know with the the coronavirus or you know i think most people nowadays are just afraid the government's going to take over they're going to take away our rights they're going to force us to do that force to do that listen as christians we should not fear what man can do unto us listen safety's of the lord and i will trust in god to protect me and my family but you know who should be afraid the world the unsaved listen i have god i have the lord as my buckler and shield and he i i set the lord always before me because he's at my right hand i shall not be moved you know what i have god beside me and as long as i'm living for god and you know following him listen only something always nothing's gonna happen to me bad unless god lets it happen and so you know i'm not i'm not gonna fret all this stuff but you know what the world should be afraid they should be afraid of hell and they should be afraid of all the stuff that's going to happen to this world because they don't have a hand of protection on them they don't have the sweet promises that we have now go back to isaiah chapter 22 isaiah chapter 22 i like this chapter there's a lot of cool stuff in this chapter actually and you know i'm just not going to be able to like really go in the deep on every little thing here but in verse 15 it says thus said the lord god of hosts go get thee unto this treasurer even unto shebna which is over the house and say what hast thou here and whom hast thou here that thou hast hewed thee out a sepulcher here as he that heweth him out a sepulcher on high and that graveth inhabitation for himself and a rock behold the lord will carry thee away with a mighty captivity and will surely cover thee so he's basically saying listen you think you have a sure place in a rock and you think that you got this like hide out if you will you know he's like i can bring you from that right it talks about people digging down the hell he's like i'm gonna pull you back from that you try to climb up to heaven i'm gonna pull you down you know you try to go down into the depths of the sea i'm gonna command the serpent that'll bite you i don't know why it's funny but it's just hilarious right you know it's just like i don't want to know what's down there but i wouldn't want to get bit by it right so like as we go on here and says in verse uh uh in verse 18 it says he will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country there shalt thou die and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of the lord thy lord's house so he's basically saying listen i'm going to throw you like a ball okay now i cannot read this verse without thinking of flat earthers okay so let me just park it here for a second just on that and i'm just gonna just you know you're like i'm not a flatter i don't care i'm just gonna park it here for a second listen they're like well see the word balls there why didn't they use that in isaiah chapter 40 when it says that he sitteth upon the circle of the earth why didn't it say ball you know because a ball isn't always round okay have you seen a football tell me that's round have you seen there's a lot of balls that have weird looking shapes to them okay so ball doesn't mean that it's a sphere okay and if god wanted to say ball he would have said ball but ball is not a shape it's an object okay circle that's a shape okay so by the way a sphere is the only three dimensional circle in the world that you live in okay so deal with it so anyway that all i have to say is that he's throwing it like a ball just get over that you know but man they pick out weird stuff to try to prove they're weird flatter did that say that the earth is flat nowhere does it say that that the earth is flat but they use stupid stuff like that and be like well they use ball over here why didn't they use it over here because it's not a ball so you know what is a ball i mean you know a ball usually has air inside of it guess what the earth doesn't have air inside it although these people will hold up a basketball pour water on it be like see gravity doesn't exist just like i i if i face you know you ever see that meme where the guy facepalms through his skull and like the brain pops out of the back side of his head that is how i feel when someone literally takes water pours it on a basketball and says see and then he spins and be like see the water flings off of it and then he takes out a plate and puts it on a plate and says see the water stays in it i'm just like ah our education system has failed us so anyway i need to get off on the flat earth that was not in my notes so let's keep going here uh in verse 20 okay so here's what i wanted to get to verse 20 it says and it shall come to pass in that day that i will call my servant eliachim the son of hilkiah now i personally believe eliachim or hilkiah you know i believe jeremiah's father is hilkiah you know the priest but anyway all that say is that i believe this man eliachim is basically um you know someone in the old testament that's kind of picturing a future representation of who christ is going to be okay meaning like you have joshua the son of joshadek right you have that in zechariah and joshua the son of joshadek is the high priest but the stuff that's said about him is stuff that's gonna it was gonna be said about jesus okay that he was gonna be a high priest on his throne and these different things that are said about him so there's certain people that kind of picture christ we've seen that through genesis and all that stuff and you say well how does he picture that well let's keep reading there it says and i will clothe him with thy robe and strengthen him with thy girdle and i will commit thy government into his hand and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of jerusalem into the house of judah notice in verse 22 in the key of the house of david will i lay upon his shoulder so he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut and none shall open okay that right there is why i believe that this is obviously picturing christ okay and you say well how does it do that well go to uh the revelation chapter three that you probably remember the story of the the ten virgins um the five that were wise the five and the five foolish um and then basically the door was shut and no man could open it you know that that idea of salvation is obviously in this meaning that uh he opens the door no one's closing that okay he shuts the door no one's opening it okay so you think of like salvation he opens that door of salvation you you walk into that door listen no one's shutting that door on you and when he shuts that door on somebody no one's opening it okay meaning that there's certain people that god shuts that door on them okay and that's a whole nother sermon for another day dealing especially with the coming of christ and the fact that those that believed a lie that he's going to send them strong delusion that they might believe a lie because they had pleasure in our righteousness and that they didn't believe the truth okay and so um he's shutting that door okay and so and uh i had to go to revelation chapter three and verse seven here it says into the angel of the church in philadelphia right these things saith he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of david he that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man open it that's where this comes from okay isaiah chapter 22 so who's that talking about that's talking about jesus so when you're reading through these these churches these seven churches basically if you read revelation chapter one you see all these attributes of jesus right and then in revelation two and three when he's talking to the churches it kind of brings up a single attribute in each church right it's kind of like you know thus at the first and the last that liveth and was dead right and then it'll be like thus that the the son of god that had eyes like a fire you know and it and i'm paraphrasing you know we don't have memorized what's on my head right now but that being said is that it's kind of bringing up an attribute about him well in this case it's basically bringing up something from isaiah chapter 22 so you know what this does is it validates that isaiah 22 is talking about jesus okay so he opened and no man shutteth and shutteth no man openeth notice in verse 8 i know thy works behold i have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it for thou has the little strength and has kept my word and has not denied my name and that's something that we should be praying for that god will open doors for us and listen if god opens the door no one's shutting that door and if god shuts that door no one's opening it and that's why you know when it comes to things and and uh you know the christian life is that you just need to accept what you're able to do and what you're not able to do okay you know for example let's say youtube just completely just annihilates all christian uh you know channels and all that door shut you know if god wanted that door to be open it'd be open right he would allow someone to be in that youtube thing you know you know susan wojcicki or whatever her name is would either get saved or someone else will take her position and basically set things right okay but you know it's not our job to be like man we need to somehow force our way in there no we need to just keep doing what we're doing and god will open doors and we need to try to figure out where those doors are at okay and it's not our job to try to open these doors or to you know or to close doors or anything like that we need to just go through the doors that are open if the door's shut just let it be shut there's plenty of cases where the apostles and and other men of god were trying to go somewhere right they kept trying to go different places and the holy spirit's like no and then they said hey we need to go down to mastadonia you know the mastadonian call and they wanted to go into asia and uh and he's like no i'm not gonna let you go there and then then they they're called down to mastadonia and guess who the first person they run into is someone from asia so it's interesting how that works but that's what you need you need to look for that open door okay that open door of utterance if you will and you know what and when it comes to salvation listen if if it's open you know and you vote that door's open you went in listen no one's shutting that door you can't shut it listen no man's gonna pluck you out of jesus hand you know and it's interesting because that same chapter where it talks about no man's able to pluck you out of jesus hand and my father which gave them me is stronger than than i and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand it's interesting because in the same chapter you know what he says i am the door so you know that idea of salvation being eternal being everlasting it's not something that's opening you know what you know what the world says that that door's just opening closing opening closing opening closing just slamming opening closing no that door's open or it's shut and no one's going to be able to move that door okay only jesus can okay now notice if we go back to isaiah chapter 22 and verse uh 23 isaiah chapter 22 and verse 23 this last point in the last part of the chapter i want to get to here is dealing with this nail that's fastened in a sure place so in isaiah 22 verse 23 it says i will fasten him as a nail in a sure place who well in this story you're dealing with a like him right so obviously there's a future application that's applying to that man right i don't believe it's just a parable here because you're talking about a like him the son of hilkiah right you're dealing with a real person okay but who's being fastened as a nail in a sure place well it's obviously jesus right it's talking about jesus and we had that validation because good night that verse about the door shutting and opening and all that is validated in revelation chapter 3 so keep reading there it says and he shall be for a he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house and they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house the offspring in the issue all vessels of small quantity from the vessels of cups even to the vessels of flagons in that day said the lord of hosts shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed and be cut off or cut down and fall and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off for the lord has spoken it now i think you know where this is going okay but if you're just reading this in the old testament that's a little cryptic don't you think now obviously we know this is talking about jesus and it's basically saying hey the glory the glorious throne uh of his fathers right well jesus is what the seed of david right he is the root and offspring of david meaning that he's the son of god he created david but he's also the offspring of david because he was born of the virgin mary who was of the seed of david okay so he has he's both god and man at the same time and he's made of the seed of abraham and he's the seed of david so therefore he has fleshly speaking the right to the throne of david okay and it's basically stating that that he has the the right to the the throne of his father's i lost my place here so um but it talks about that but then it says it says that uh in that day in verse 25 the lord uh set the lord of hosts shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed and be cut down and fall and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off the lord has spoken i believe this is talking about him being nailed to the cross okay and that burden is talking about our transgression our sins our iniquities and that's what's being cut off so when he falls when he dies when he's cut off with our burden with the burden on him the burden is cut off okay so obviously in new testament this is very clear but just to go through some verses here in the old testament go to isaiah chapter 22 i'm sorry psalm 22 you're in isaiah 22 psalm 22 just to show you that hey the idea of him being nailed or pierced um you mean being nailed to the cross is in the old testament here but i believe this is actually uh giving you a more distinct picture of the fact that he's being nailed right the idea of him being nailed to the cross isn't actually stated it says that he's crucified but i'm going to show you where it is stated as it's no doubt that he was nailed okay okay i'm going to show you some other verses but in the gospels it doesn't say they nailed him to the cross okay does that make sense it doesn't say those exact words um but in isaiah 22 i think it's it's it's basically stating that hey he's nailed to a sure place and he's nailed with his burden upon him and when he is cut off or cut down and falls meaning i believe that's talking about death right that that's when the burden is cut off okay um so and i and uh psalm 22 verse 16 it says for the dogs have compassed me the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me they pierced my hands and my feet okay so this is obviously a very famous passage about this and then go to isaiah 53 isaiah 53 because the same terminology being cut off uh you know basically uh something being putting put on him right isaiah 53 talks about this over and over again that the iniquity of us all was laid upon him right or he had laid the iniquity of us all upon him i'm probably saying that backwards but in isaiah 53 in verse 8 it says he was taken from prison from judgment and who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken so why was he cut off why was he stricken because not for himself but for the transgression of his of of you know his people right because the lord you know it says that jesus is not ashamed to call his brethren right it behooves him to be made like unto his brethren okay and let's go to uh colossians chapter 2 colossians chapter 2 so this is this is where it says nailing to the cross okay and in this it's actually not it's it's it's it's obvious he was nailed to the cross but it's talking about our sins being nailed to the cross here our iniquities okay and that's what isaiah 22 is talking about right it's basically talking about how he is fastened as a nail in a sure place but it says that there's this burden that's upon him okay when that's happening okay and so in colossians chapter 2 and verse 13 it says and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh have he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it now it's very clear he took it out of the whale way nailing it to the cross and what does it say in isaiah 22 it says shall talking about him shall shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed and be cut down and fall and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off so that's how he took it out of the way by being nailed to the cross and by that burden being put upon him okay and go to go to daniel chapter 9 daniel chapter 9 just another place that talks about this cutting off right so it being cut off uh so i love this passage right here in isaiah chapter 22 because i believe it's this it's an old testament uh passage talking about jesus crucifixion it's a little more cryptic right but it says that he's as a nail fastened in a sure place and talking about this burden being upon upon him and he him being cut off and it's also he's even talking about the fact that hey um in this it says that he's going to hang upon him all the glory of his father's house the offspring and the issue because it says who shall declare his generation well psalm 22 actually talks about that there shall be a seed that will be his generation right because if you be christ and are you abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise meaning that he does have an inheritance all those that believe okay and that gets into the you know uh he that hath no or she that hath no husband hath i'm gonna misquote that really bad but in isaiah 54 right after isaiah 53 it talks about the fact that she that she doesn't have a husband is gonna have many more children than she that have the husband okay so i'm not gonna quote that exactly right but that's what it says okay and it's talking about the fact of physical israel you know those that are in bondage and agar you know it's talking about the physical fleshly israel that the number of children that are associated with the spiritual israel is way more okay is what it's saying it's innumerable and it's of every nation tongue kindred family all that okay but in daniel chapter 9 verse 25 it says know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build jerusalem unto the messiah the prince shall seven weeks and three score in two weeks or i'm sorry shall be seven weeks and three score in two weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in trouble as time so it's basically saying hey it's going to be uh 69 weeks until messiah comes on the scene this is talking about hey there's a commandment that's going to go for to rebuild the city and you know all this stuff and at that point there's going to be 69 weeks of years okay that are going to take place and then messiah the prince is coming is coming on the scene okay and then it says in verse 26 and after three score in two weeks shall messiah be cut off but not for himself okay so that's exactly i mean it's not exactly the wording but it's pretty much the same type of wording that's used about this nail being fasted in a sure place and it's basically saying hey there's this burden that's put on him when he's cut down when he falls the burden's cut off too and what takes our burden away the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ so his soul was made an offering for sin and you know he shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied you know that's what cuts off that's what pays for our sins he's the propitiation for our sins not for ours only but also for since the whole world and then go to one last place john chapter 20 because i do want you to see that you know his disciples knew that he was nailed to the cross okay now obviously it says in colossians chapter 2 that uh you know basically the handwriting ordinances all this stuff was nailed to the cross with him and so uh you know spiritually speaking the sins of the world were nailed to that cross okay and when jesus died the sins went with him you know and that they were cut off when he was cut off that's what it's stating okay but in john chapter 20 and verse 24 here just dealing with thomas and he wasn't there to see jesus when they when he first appeared unto them but in verse 24 there says but thomas one of the 12 called didymus was not with them when jesus came the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the lord but he said unto them except i shall see in in his hands the print of the what nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into the side i will not believe so he's he's saying hey listen i need to see the print of the nails so there's no doubt when it says they pierced his hands and his feet they nailed his hand in his feet okay even though when it's when you're looking about the crucifixion when you're in the passage about the crucifixion it just says they crucified him there okay but obviously when they crucified him that meant they nailed his hand into the feet okay but just for any naysayers either be like well was he really nailed to the cross you know was he just hanging on the cross what does that mean they nailed his hands and his feet okay they pierced his hands and his feet he is the nail that is fastened in a sure place until he was cut off and are cut down and fallen right and you can even the fact that he was uh his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree and that tree was cut down right that tree had fallen and when that fell all our sins went with it and notice what uh so obviously jesus comes it says after eight days here in verse 26 it says after eight days again his disciples were within and thomas with them then came jesus the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you then saith he to thomas reach hither thy finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless but believing and thomas answered and said unto him my lord and my god i love this passage because he's just admitting hey you're my god you know deity jesus said unto him don't call me god no he didn't say that okay because he is god it says jesus said unto him thomas because thou has seen me that is believed blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed and that's us you know because we obviously haven't seen the risen savior um but we believe yet you know um though we yet we see him not yet believing we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory and receiving the end of our faith even the salvation of our souls and so um you know there's an extra blessing in there for those and you say well i wish i was one of the disciples well they saw so how much more of a blessing will you get if you serve god without seeing any of that without seeing any of those miracles without seeing the risen savior in person okay but isaiah chapter 22 a lot of cool stuff in there but honestly my favorite part is the end talking about uh the nail that's fastened in a sure place and just uh just that prophecy of the lord jesus christ and how he's going to die on the cross for our sins how he's going to be nailed and you know when you're looking at the old testament you say well where's all this stuff at you know because it says according to the scriptures according to the scriptures well the three days you get that from jonah you get the fact that he's going to die and his soul is going to be made an offering for sin and all that you get in isaiah 53 you get the fact that they're going to pierce his hands and his feet you get that from uh psalm 22 you get the fact that he's nailed you get that from isaiah 22 you get all these different things but it's all all there and you think of the the road to Emmaus and how jesus was explaining all this to him you can think of like isaac just how much that pictures just in that story alone with isaac being offered upon the altar and how much that pictures christ and all these things are coming together you come to the new testament it's not another testament it's i mean as far as like just out of the blue this is kind of no this is the completion this is the fulfillment this is what it was supposed to be this was all always what it was going to go into this isn't plan b this is what it was all going to anyway okay and so i love the book of isaiah and just so many cool things that are in there and let's end with the word paradigm father we thank you for today and thank you for the book of isaiah thank you for the bible and lord just thank you uh lord for dying on the cross for our sins for being that male that was fastened to a sure place and to take that burden away to be cut off with that burden so that we won't have to have it anymore and what we just thank you for that praise you be with us throughout the rest of this week uh we thank you for eternal life and lord we love you and pray else in jesus christ name amen