(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Isaiah 20 and not a very long chapter here, but definitely an interesting chapter. Okay, and so actually It's just a very interesting thing as far as Isaiah That he's he's walking around naked for three years Naked and barefoot. So This is a very interesting passage. I remember when I mentioned that I was talking to a friend this is years ago and I was just like yeah, you know, like Isaiah walked around naked for three years and I remember my friend looking at me like I had three heads and it's just like what or what the world are you talking about? You know, and but it's actually in the Bible so But let's let's read this from the beginning here verse 1 It says in the year that tartan came unto Ashdod When Sargon the king of Assyria sent him and fought against Ashdod and took it so the timeline here Just give you a little bit of a history lesson as far as Sargon the king of Assyria So this is Sargon the second. This is a very famous Assyrian king of the what what they call the the neo Assyrian Empire and neo just means new so You had the old Assyrian Empire then you had the neo Assyrian Empire, which was the Empire that was like the world power Okay, so that was like the the Egypt and the Babylon if you will world powers and so Sargon he is the father of zanakarib Okay So actually Hezekiah started reigning when Sargon was king and then zanakarib became king And that's when he comes against Jerusalem So zanakarib is the famous king that we'll see once we get into like Isaiah 36 to 39 When you're dealing with rapsakhi and zanakarib trying to take out Jerusalem and all that but Sargon is the king here and he's sending He's sending tartan unto Ashdod So it's just giving you an idea when this is going on and what's going on is Assyria is gonna take out Egypt in Ethiopia Okay, and so remember chapter 18 and 19 was talking about chapter 18 was talking about Ethiopia Which led into Egypt and this is kind of like the conclusion here as far as when If you remember in chapter 19, we had the civil war between Egypt Egypt was like a civil war with each other and then this is where Egypt and Ethiopia is gonna be taken captive by Assyria. Okay, so Going on from that knows what it says in verse 2 it says at the same time Spake the Lord by Isaiah the son of Amos. So it's basically that first verse there is just to tell you when this happened Okay, so this is when this you know When he sent tartan this is when he spake Isaiah it says go and lose the sack cloth from off thy loins and put off thy shoe from Thy foot and he did so walking naked and barefoot So Isaiah walked naked and barefoot and notice what it says in verse 3 It says and the Lord said like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot three years For a sign and a wonder upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners and Ethiopians captives young and old Naked and barefoot even with their buttocks uncovered to the shame of Egypt So it's basically saying that the reason he did this is it was for a sign To Egypt and Ethiopia saying this is how you're gonna be taken away. Okay, so there's a reason why God had him do it but notice what it says in verse 5 it says and they shall be afraid and ashamed of Ethiopia their expectation and of Egypt their glory and The inhabitant of the aisle shall say in that day Behold such is our expectation whether we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria, and how shall we escape? So When we get into the fact of Hezekiah and Rapski, he's basically saying, you know You know did the gods of these see farvayim and arpad, you know, did they deliver? Them out of the king of Assyria his hand, you know And he's making a point there that any it was the big point that Rapski says it says thou leanest on that Bruised reed or that broken reed in another place. It says of Egypt Okay, and so now you can understand why he's saying that because a Syria had already taken Egypt captive by the time I Hezekiah's turn comes around to go against Assyria. Okay This is during Sargon and zanak Arab is later. Okay. Now when it comes to being naked Okay, so this sermon is gonna really just be kind of talking about that. Okay, because this is pretty simple, right? You know in Isaiah 20 what's going on? God told Isaiah to walk around barefoot and naked For three years for a sign and a wonder for Egypt and Ethiopia Okay So he basically did that for three years which tells me that when this happens when he tells him to do this It's at least three years before it happens to Egypt Okay, so he's basically gave him three years of seeing this sign and then it happened to them. Okay But go to Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2, I just want you to see Where the first time naked is brought up Which can't get that much closer to the beginning of the Bible and Genesis 2 besides going to Genesis 1. Okay, so But there's definitely a significance to what it means why why is it significant that You know, he had Isaiah preach naked and why they were going away naked It really comes down to this. It's it's it's a shame. It's shameful, right? If someone just stripped you naked, I don't know if there's anything more shameful than that, right? But why is that? Okay So in Genesis chapter 2 and verse 25 it says and they were both Naked the man and his wife and were not ashamed. Okay, so when God created Adam and Eve and you know when he created Eve out of the bone from the bone the rib of Adam They were naked. Okay, they weren't wearing any clothes But they weren't ashamed Okay So this is before the fall and then when you go to Genesis chapter 3 what happens after the fall after they eat the knowledge of good and evil This is what happens so in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 6 it says and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it Was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof And did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat and the eyes of them both were opened And they knew that they were naked and they sowed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons So what happened when they ate the fruit the first thing they realized is all were naked Now that an easy way to understand this is what is this talking about it's talking about innocency Okay, because you think of children, right? They don't realize you know why it's a big deal to be clothed Okay, and my neighborhood if there's always a naked baby running around somewhere some naked child is running around And I'm just like well glad it's not mine this time, you know That's that but all I say is that You know a good marker as far as knowing whether your child has come into the knowledge of good and evil is you know? Dude, are they ashamed to be naked? right It's I'm not saying they don't know that they're naked because you told them right So you told them they're naked and therefore they're like I'm naked, you know, or there but they're not ashamed of it Okay, meaning that they're not like trying to cover themselves. They don't care right? It's just not they're not ashamed of it Okay, and so that being said there's innocency there because they don't have that knowledge of good and evil, right? It's just not it's not known to them that that's you know, a shame and even when when When God confronts Adam about this and this was in verse 8 and says and they heard the voice of the Lord walk Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God Amongst the trees of the garden and the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him Where art thou? And he said I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself And he said who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree where of I commanded thee not? Commanded thee that thou should shouldest not eat and so he's basically saying, you know who told you this because you know And it's kind of like today we're telling our children that right So they don't eat of the knowledge of good. You're not eating this tree and then figuring out they're naked We're telling them that but then they're done. There is a time where they Come to the knowledge of good and evil and then it's not a matter of telling them that they just know that right? It's just you don't have to tell them. Hey, don't run around naked they're gonna be ashamed to run around naked, okay, and Notice that it says I was afraid Because I was naked and remember what it said in Isaiah 20 and verse 5 it says they shall be afraid and ashamed okay, so those two things go hand in hand because basically you're when you're when you're naked you're there you can't really explain it, but it's just basically just you're You're just you're shamed, right? It's just not something that you can't stand there and integrity as you're naked in front of everybody Okay, and the thing is is that in this passage you say well, why did he have Isaiah do it? You know and the question you would ask yourself is like it's nakedness of sin. Okay? Well, obviously God wouldn't tell Isaiah to sin Okay, so he's not gonna give him a commandment to sin But obviously it's a shame that he had to do that and to endure that right and there's other Prophets and this is where I believe you get into the case where the exception proves the rule, right? There's like there's the idea of not being naked right? That's the all-encompassing. Don't be naked Okay, but then there's there's cases where you know These extreme examples where I'm gonna do this to make an example and it's not wrong inherently But you know with Isaiah he said you need to you need to walk around naked as a sign and you think of Ezekiel where he had him eat, you know, the bread baked with dung and And he's like, you know, I've never eaten anything I'm clean he's like, alright, I'll give you cows dung instead of humans dung So anytime you get that Ezekiel bread Just hope they don't hold to the T on that recipe there So anyway, there's that then you have Hosea who had to marry a whore right a daughter of whoredoms And so there's these exceptions right because in the Bible does it say go marry a whore Right now actually when it's talking about the children of Israel, it says marry a virgin right and Especially for the priests the priests had to marry, you know a virgin all these different things And so, you know, the rule is marry someone right the rule is You know to not be naked and to be clothed and all that but in this extreme example, he has Isaiah Preaching for three years naked. Okay, and so I don't take that lightly and you know, I wouldn't want to preach Naked for three years, but another thing to think about with this is who's he who's he doing this for? He's doing it for a sign and a wonder to Egypt and Ethiopia and if you remember we just got done reading about how Egypt Was serving the Lord, you know Turn around and serve the Lord and all this stuff that was gonna go on Okay, now that may be something that happens later and maybe this is them getting right, you know, like God basically Allowing all this stuff to happen in order for them to get right with God and to serve the Lord. Okay So but there's other places where people are made naked and it's just always being a company with shame Okay being ashamed Exodus chapter 32 Exodus chapter 32 Notice in verse 25. This is where Aaron they forced Aaron or basically compelled him to make an idol and He made a golden calf and you remember he said, you know, I they gave me their earrings I put it into the fire and out came this calf, you know, which is hilarious to me, you know Like oh, yeah, I just popped out of the fire You know, you just threw the gold in there and then just boom calf, you know, but So obviously he's making excuses there but when he When they did that they kind of forced they forced him to make this calf It says in verse 25 says when Moses saw that the people were naked and then notice in parentheses For Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies so Aaron basically You know that they were they rose up the play right and they were committing fornication They're doing all this other stuff and he basically just made them all naked to be ashamed before their enemies And so notice that naked being ashamed naked and being afraid, right? I mean you think about the most vulnerable. I mean not that you should ever watch like these horror movies Because I can't stand horror movies. I think I don't understand why anybody likes horror movies or slasher movies Just never liked him. I don't like watching people suffer or die or anything like that But isn't it always the case that someone's like taking a shower and then that's when you know, everything goes down, right? You know or you're like naked or something like that. It's like you're most Vulnerable when you're naked. Okay. So if God strips you naked you're literally just like as vulnerable as can be Okay, you think about Jesus the you know, they they took his garments off of them and then he put the Robe on them and all these other things they took they parted his his garments and his vestors They did cast lots and the shame that goes into that on top of all the other stuff that happened to him now I'm not saying that he was completely naked On the cross, but a lot of his clothes were taken off of him. Okay, and And I'm gonna get into to nakedness doesn't necessarily mean like completely stark naked Okay, though in this passage. It says their buttocks are exposed. So it's very clear that hey We're not just talking about the thighs exposed here. We're talking about everything. Okay? and so But go to John chapter 21. I just want to show you some some some people, you know that We're naked, you know, and there's another story too that I don't have in my notes but it's talking about like when when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane and They took him that there was a young man That was like float. He had like a linen garment around him and they grabbed the garment and he fled away naked So he's literally just naked under this garment. So I don't understand why I don't know Really hot that day what was going on? But it's just interesting The stories here now in this story. This is where This is after the resurrection. This is before he ascends up. So this is he's still appearing unto his disciples In his resurrected state and in John 21 They're fishing and all that and notice in verse 7 says therefore That disciple whom Jesus loves said unto Peter it is the Lord Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he girt his fisher's coat unto him For he was naked and they cast himself into the sea So this is just an interesting story. You're like Peter. What do you why are you just naked on this boat? You know now he's on there with a bunch of men now, I'll say this Any time you see in the Bible? You know like to not look upon someone's nakedness. It's always men to women or women to men Okay, so, you know you may disagree with this, but I don't personally think it's wrong You know, like if you're in the locker room and people you know Like there's like men around that are naked or the vice the other way around with women, you know I don't think that that's personally wrong You know I'll say this is anybody tempted to sin. Okay, because we're not fags, you know And if someone is tempted to send they need to get the hell out of the locker room Okay, but but it's not you know, when you're talking about looking upon someone's nakedness You're always talking about the opposite gender right because that's where you're being tempted You know in other ways and also it's also alluding to other things as far as uncovering their nakedness as far as committing fornication adultery those type of things So I personally don't believe you know, and that's where you know, you can look at Isaiah be like well Was he just before men, you know was was he naked like literally 24-7? Or was he doing this for three years straight where he would literally do this this thing where he would walk around? And it was something he did but maybe not 24-7. Okay, so I don't know the answer to that I mean, maybe it was maybe it's just straight up like never put clothing on for three years, you know, I More so think that it was more like every day for three years. He would walk around Barefoot and make it as a sign right but not necessarily like he's going through the store You know, he's going to the library and he's just stark naked the whole time Okay, I that's just my personal view on that. You could say something different But let's say this If if if Isaiah did that every day where he just like he had this routine Where he would walk from one place to another just stark naked Okay Could you not say that he did that that for three years he walked barefoot And he was his buttocks exposed, you know for three years straight Yeah, so I personally believe that it was probably not in front of women And it's probably you know, not necessarily like 24 hours a day type of thing Okay, so that's just my personal belief on that, but I do believe his first sign and all that So, you know I'm not taking it that far that he was literally doing public speaking and it was just like a mixed crowd and it was just Every every second of the day, whatever but He got I'll say this God put his prophets through some through some trials when it came to the stuff that he had them do You know you say well, I want to be a certain prophet. Well, I don't want to be Ezekiel Okay And and in the case of Isaiah, you know, you say I want to be Isaiah I don't really want to be Isaiah at that point, you know And so there's other prophets that you could say, you know, I want to be like Daniel I want to be this or that and there's always seems to be something there. You're like now Wouldn't like that, you know, I wouldn't like that. I had to go do this or whatever that may be. Okay? now Let's look at what nakedness is, you know, what what constituted constitutes nakedness good a Exodus chapter 28. I don't want to be too exhaustive with this. I mean, it's pretty simple Okay But a lot of people have questions about this and you may have a stricter stance on what nakedness is Okay, and that's fine But I'm just showing you what the Bible says and if you have a stricter standard You know, I wouldn't teach it as Gospel truth unless you have a chapter or verse on it, okay So in Exodus chapter 28 verse 42 it says and that shall make that them linen breeches to cover their nakedness Okay, so he's saying okay, what are breeches like a breach right is something that's split or broken, right? So you're talking about a pant or shorts, right? And it says to cover their nakedness from the loins even up to the thighs. They shall reach Okay, so you're basically dealing with shorts that cover your thighs. And so cover your thighs you're coming down to the knee Okay, and so that doesn't mean that it couldn't go further than that. It's just stating that that is The minimum, you know, it's got it loins the thighs right? So you're from your waist down to the to the knee Okay. Now I personally believe that This is for men and women Okay This is why I don't believe that breastfeeding in public is wrong. Okay. I don't believe you have to cover now If you want to cover that's perfectly fine We don't have a policy here, you know as far as like you must uncover You know, you must not do this or that. No, listen, you have the liberty to do what you want But I will say this don't look down on people that don't cover. Okay And it may not be that hard here if it's really cold in here You know the cover because your child's not really hot when you're trying to do that But you know what if you're out 95 degree weather and you're trying to feed your child and you're putting them over this tent Cloth, you know, it's gonna be hard But all that to say is that go to Song of Solomon chapter 7 and I'm gonna give you my reasoning on why I don't Believe that the upper portion of the body for women Is nakedness? Okay. Now I've had this question to be like well, would you want you know a lady just to walk into your church? Just no shirt on. Okay, and that's the argument right? But again this gets into modesty Okay, would you would I want a man to walk into the church bare-chested? No Okay So, you know, I'm not coming in here bare-chested So I wouldn't ask a lady to come in here bare-chested, okay So that being said, you know, there's a modesty issue there. Okay, and so Same thing with the stomach, right? Would you say the stomach is like nakedness? But listen, do you want women to come in here with like, you know shirts where they're showing their stomach all the time, right? I mean Where do you cut the line at? Okay, so I don't think that's nakedness, but I think it's not modest either. Okay, so I also don't believe that you that women you have to wear long sleeves. You can't show anything around here You know, you can't show a shoulder or anything like that Now if you're more comfortable wearing that type of stuff then that's fine But all I'm saying is that I don't believe it's nakedness, but it's a matter of modesty Okay. Now look at Song of Solomon chapter 7 and this is the reason why Notice in verse 1 here This is where Solomon is describing his wife, his spouse Okay From the foot up to the head. Okay, so notice in verse 1 how beautiful are thy feet with shoes Oh Prince's daughter Okay, so we're at the feet The joints of thy thighs are like jewels the work of the hands of a cunning workman Okay, so the joints of the thighs, okay, that would be your knees Okay, that's where from the loins up to the thighs and the joint would be the knee. Okay This is not really called a joint it's like a socket right I wouldn't Yeah, I wouldn't call it a joint. This is definitely a joint. Okay, the knee joint So I believe that's talking about the knee. Okay Notice what it says in verse 2 thy navel is like a round goblet which Wanteth not liquor thy belly is like an heap of weed set about with lilies All right. Oh, we jumped over something didn't we we missed the thighs and the loins didn't we? Because the song of Solomon is a love story. It's a love song. Okay between a husband and wife. Okay, but it's also very Discreet. Okay. There's a lot of euphemisms if you will like as far as like talking about things That if you're an adult, you know what it's talking about Okay, but it's also an it's written in a manner that's very discrete and wholesome and all that right When it's talking about his wife what her body parts look like notice what it skips It skips the thighs and it skips the loins and goes straight to the navel. Okay, which is the belly button. Okay You know you get the whole phrase navel gazing, right? So navel belly, okay And notice what they keep reading there verse 3 thy two breasts are like two young rose that are twins Didn't skip over that did it we're talking about a woman here It says thy neck is as a tower of ivory Then I is like the fish pools of in Heshbon by the gate of Bath ribbon Thy nose is as the Tower of Lebanon now You may not want to use some of these today You may get slapped in the face if you tell your wife that her nose is like the Tower of Lebanon Okay It says which look at toward Damascus Thine head upon me is like Carmel and the hair of thine head like purple The king is held in the galleries so Notice that it's like describing everything about the woman from the navel the belly the breast her neck Her her head her hair But it skipped over something didn't it skipped over the loins in the thighs Okay, because that's nakedness and I believe that that is something we're not supposed to be talking about, okay So that that means that we're not supposed to be talking about other women's thighs Which would be you know, or there or their rear end, you know stuff like that. Okay And and the thing is is that I'm not saying that you should be talking about other parts of the body on some other woman If you're married, okay, but what I'm saying is that those things shouldn't be talked about at all Right If song of Solomon doesn't bring it up, then I'm not gonna bring it up Okay and so that means other things could be brought up could be talked about and And you say well, you know, well nakedness, you know You're telling me that that their breasts or aren't nakedness that a song of Solomon brings that up a lot Actually actually right in that same chapter. It brings it up again. Okay, and so That's my personal belief that's why I don't believe that you need to cover if you're if you're You know if you're breastfeeding now, obviously modesty wise you need to try to you know, once you're not feeding To be modest. Okay, but honestly if a woman's feeding I'm not If a woman has a child like a baby and stuff like that It's not something that I'm like that. I don't think most men are struggling with Those type of temptations so make sense. It's kind of this I Don't know. It's just it's not something that most men. I don't think struggle with actually in the world today Everybody thinks it's disgusting for some reason and I just want to punt those people Okay Anybody that comes up to somebody that's feeding a child in a park or something like that and they come up to him and tell Them that they're disgusting. I want to punt them into a pond Because you know the idea of like the natural feeding of a child and to say that to a woman You know is ridiculous and I see those videos people put up there and just makes me want to like punch somebody But I can't be a brawler. So I'm not gonna do that. But I Go to Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 just to show you some other things with nakedness. So that being said Nakedness is notice what it even said about Isaiah. What was what was he talking about his buttocks being exposed? Okay And I think what he's based in it says his barefoot. I believe he's basically just stark naked not even wearing shoes Right. He's just literally walking Nothing on at all. Okay, no socks and shoes just barefoot and Stark naked. Okay, and Again, you know you could say well how much time during the day was it all day all night that he was naked, you know To me to think that he didn't like cover up like he didn't put covers over him at night Like he literally just had to sit out like lay out in the hammock or something like that It might just be naked like 24-7 without ever covering For like a rainstorm or like, you know anything like that. I don't I don't see it saying it that way But in in Acts chapter good night in Acts chapter 19 here I want you to see here that the devil and devils They want you to be naked. They want you to be, you know, to basically bring you to shame Okay, notice what it says in verse 13 So it says in verse 13 then certain of the vagabond Jews Exorcist took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus saying we adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches and there were seven sons of one skeevah a Jew and a Chief of the priests which did so and the evil spirit answered and said Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are ye and the man in whom the evil spirit was? Leaped on them and overcame them and prevailed against them so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded And that's something you'll see over and over again You know when Jesus would cast out devils or you know, it's talking about someone that Was demon-possessed they're always like cutting themselves and like tearing off their clothing. Okay, and this happens still today People are demon-possessed and they're just like ripping off their clothes, you know, and you say well, they're just on drugs Yeah on drugs and demon-possessed, okay And I've been out just random daylight on a Sunday and like some drugged out woman was literally like taking off all her clothes I'm like with my grandma you know and just just Craziness, the woman was probably demon-possessed. You know, I don't think I was even saved back then I maybe I was but it was a long time ago But that being said is that the devil he wants you to to be putting you to shame Okay, that's ultimately as soon as they start taking over somebody it's like rip off their clothes put them in shame Okay Go to Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews chapter 4 And when it comes to nakedness, you know, the idea of nakedness is the fact that it's Exposing what we really are which is sinners Okay, because the fact that we're ashamed of nakedness is just proof of the fall of man Okay, because that's exactly what happened the moment they fell the moment they ate that fruit They like realize they were naked and they were ashamed. That's the first thing that was said, okay And Notice what says Hebrews 4 here says Hebrews 4 12 for the Lord of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword Piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow And is a discernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight But all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do So It's when it says not manifest. It says neither. Is there any creature that is not manifest? It means that it's not revealed right? It's not shown so there's no creature that's not shown and he's it basically saying all things are naked and Opened unto him with whom we have to do so to God, you know, he sees through all that Okay, you said what's your point with that meaning that you can't hide anything from God? Okay, Adam tried to write with the the Apron of fig leaves, right? And so he was trying to hide his sin. He's trying to cover it up Okay, go to Proverbs chapter 28 Proverbs chapter 28 So nakedness reveals that we're sinners real it reveals our fallen state as man or our sinful state if you will as man Mm-hmm Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 13 notice what it says It says he that covereth his sins shall not prosper But who's a confess it and forsake at them shall have mercy and that's pretty much what it's talking about in and Hebrew chapter 4 It says let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find help or grace to help in Time need okay And you know, we have a you know high priest which You know has been touched with the feeling of our infirmities and so, you know, we're sinners We're naked before God But you know what Jesus was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin And now we can come boldly into the throne of grace We can we can confess our sins to him and forsake those sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness If we compress our sins and you know, the idea there is the fellowship is being restored and all that Okay, but I just want you to see that that hey, well the devil's want to put you to shame God sees your shame. Okay, you're not hiding anything from him You think you might be but can you can you really hide anything from from God Almighty? Okay, and that's what it's basically saying there is that listen to God Everything's naked and opened unto him. All right, you're not hiding anything those feet fig leaves didn't hide anything Okay, go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and the idea Really, you know an interesting thing is the idea of the fact that we are naked as Christians if we don't put on the new man Okay in the flesh. It's being likened unto being naked Okay Makes sense, right because the flesh would be the nakedness but But the idea though is the fact that we're waiting to be clothed upon With immortality and that we're not gonna be naked. We're not gonna be ashamed right because he that believeth on him Shall not be ashamed Right. That's one of the verses that we use all the time You know when it comes to you know, the Bible says in the Old Testament he that believeth shall not make haste And in New Testament it renders it, you know He that believeth on him shall not be ashamed shall not be confounded. And so the idea is that you know He's not gonna let us down But also we're not gonna be ashamed anymore because we're not gonna be sinners anymore So in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 1 it says for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved We have a building of God and house not made with hands eternal in the heavens. We're talking about the body here Okay Because later on it talks about to be asked from the bodies and be present with the Lord for in this we groan earnestly designed to be clothed upon with our house Which is from heaven if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked For we that are in this tabernacle do groan Being burdened not for that We would be unclothed but clothed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life So it's just showing us hate You know right now in the flesh you're naked. Okay, but you need to put on the new man Okay, put on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall not fulfill the lust thereof walk in the spirit You shall not fulfill the lust thereof. And so You know put off the old man put on the new man But if you walk in the old man, if you walk in the flesh You're walking naked you're walking in shame essentially and So and you're a prisoner You're in captivity To that sin the Bible says and so when you think of Isaiah and you think about them going captive naked What does that picture? You know, there's a lot of pictures obviously that go with that But obviously it could be picturing the fact that you know, if you walk in the flesh if you walk naked You're going into bondage okay, and Stand fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage Meaning that when you got saved you had that new man You have a new creature you have the the soul the spirit that's perfect walk in that If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit and you won't be ashamed Listen the fruit of the spirit it says against such there is no law. So if you walk in the spirit You know, there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit Meaning there's there's no reason to be ashamed You're walking in the spirit There's no reason to be ashamed at all And that's a comforting thing right because in the end don't we want to not be ashamed Okay, you think about just life in general, right? You want to have boldness you want to be confident? No one likes Being put to shame You know that doesn't feel good and so you say well, how do I not be put to shame walk in the spirit? Be righteous you say well the world's gonna come against me. That's me near shame They should be ashamed Right, if you're doing right and the world comes against you and comes down on you and you're doing what God tells you to do Then you're not to be ashamed They are to be ashamed and God will put them to shame go to Isaiah chapter 47 Isaiah chapter 47 and the interesting thing is that he's preaching this, you know, this whole sign is for another nation and Jeremiah Was made a prophet to the nations Okay, and so you think about Isaiah and you think about Jeremiah and you think well These are prophets to Israel the prophets of Judah and primarily yes, of course, right? But what have we been reading? The burden of Damascus the burden of Moab the burden of you know, Egypt and the burden of Babylon Right, that's not Israel But he's preaching to these nations I think the whole book of Jonah was preaching to Nineveh, wasn't it? So that whole book was to another nation The how about now? Now that the one didn't have a happy ending. Okay for Nineveh, but do you see how God had prophets? Throughout the world for other nations and he was putting other nations to shame and he wasn't just doing it Just because it made him feel happy. Okay, he wanted those people to get right with God And he wanted other people to get saved out of these nations. Look unto me all the ends of the earth and be saved And so in Isaiah 47 verse 1 here It says come down and sit in the dust Oh virgin daughter of Babylon sit on the ground There is no throne Oh daughter of the Chaldeans for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate Take the millstones and grind meal uncover thy locks make bare the leg uncover the thigh Pass over the rivers thy nakedness shall be uncovered Yea, thy shame shall be seen and I will take vengeance and I will not meet thee as a man So we're talking about Babylon being destroyed, but notice what it says, you know, it's basically saying make bare the leg and cover the thigh and it says that the nakedness is going to be basically Thy nakedness shall be uncovered and thy shame shall be seen Okay, so notice how it's just over and over again nakedness shame nakedness shame and Go to go to Genesis chapter 42 Genesis chapter 42 now in this case right here It's kind of a figure of speech if you will, okay But the principle of nakedness is still there. Okay. This is where Joseph Has his brothers You know brothers come to him and he's accusing them of being spies Right. This is where his brothers come in one time Then they go back and Simeon has to stay back and then they go back again and they he basically holds back Benjamin and that whole back and forth that's going on there So in verse 9 here it says And Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of them and said unto them you are spies to see the nakedness of the land you are come and They said unto him they my lord but to buy food or thy servants come so obviously Joseph's messing with them here He's saying you came to see the nakedness of the land now when it says that do you think it's literally saying like it? You came to take off the clothes of the land Right. You're trying to lift up the skirt of the land, you know, like no what is basically stating Is that you're trying to find the faults right? You're trying to find the weaknesses Because when they're spying out of land if you're spying out of land, right you're trying to find out where's their weak spot Right, you're trying to find out. Okay. Well if we're gonna besiege this place, we're gonna take this place out We got to find out where the weak spots at. Okay, so what it's talking about nakedness is talking about the fault line You know, like where's your fault? Where's your you know, the troubled spot if you will Okay, so notice how it uses that term nakedness to describe basically where you're trying to find the weak point Okay on somebody and so that's just an interesting way of saying nakedness there And again, this sermon is just kind of hitting on that, you know as far as nakedness goes And I wanted to show you one last one here go to 1st Samuel chapter 19 1st Samuel chapter 19 And this is interesting because you say well, it's weird that Isaiah Preached naked. Well, did you know that Saul? And the prophesying naked as well now I believe Isaiah was righteous And God, you know is using him for a righteous cause now in this case I don't believe that God was using Saul for a righteous cause I believe God was putting Saul down a peg It's what's going on here. Okay, because in a lot of these cases God is making people naked Do you see that? He's gonna make this nation naked. Okay, it's God that's doing it And so it's not that it's sinful because it you know It's kind of like is there evil in the city and the Lord have not done it. Okay, it's obviously not good You know, it's not Delightful for someone to be made naked But when God does it, it's righteous. Okay, it's a punishment to be made naked. Okay, because it's shameful Okay And in first Samuel chapter 19, obviously Saul is trying to find David Trying to kill him all that Verse 19 it says and it was told Saul saying behold David is in Nioth in Rhema and Saul sent messengers to take David and when they saw the company of the prophets Prophesying and Samuel standing as appointed appointed over them the Spirit of God was upon the messengers of Saul And they all prophesied So basically he sends these messengers and then the Spirit of God comes upon and they start prophesying. So that didn't avail Verse 21 and when it was told Saul he sent other messengers and they prophesied likewise and Saul sent messengers again The third time and they prophesied also, so three times he sends these messengers and they just keep going there and just start prophesying Okay Notice what it says then in verse 22 then went he also to Rhema. So now who we talking about? Saul And came to the great well that is in Sekhu I guess that's how you say it Sekhu and And asked and said Where are Samuel and David and one said behold they be at Nioth in Rhema and he went thither and nail a Nioth in Rhema or to Nioth in Rhema and the Spirit of God was upon him also and he went on and prophesied until he came to Nioth in Rhema and he stripped off his clothes also and prophesied before Samuel in like manner and Lay down naked all that night and all that. I'm sorry all that day and all that night Wherefore they say is Saul also among the prophets so he I don't believe that God was I don't believe that all the rest of the guys necessarily were doing that and I'm and this is Where you get into people with false doctrine because the Pentecost will be like see, you know They were prophesied and they just start ripping off their clothes start barking like a dog No, what's going on here is that Saul is in the wrong he's trying to kill David a man after God's in the heart He's trying to kill the man that was anointed to be king and for no cause, right? and So I believe God's punishing him here. I believe he's basically, you know Making him, you know, basically be putting Saul to shame is what's going on here. Okay And the last thing, you know in Nehem chapter 3 In verse 5 it says behold. I'm against thee said the Lord of hosts I will discover thy skirts upon thy face and I will show the nations thy nakedness and the kingdoms thy shame And I believe that's what he was doing with Saul right there. Is that he's basically saying you're a king of Israel You think you have all this power? You're trying to come against David Well try to come against them and he literally has him rip off all his clothes and just sit there ashamed All day and all night just lying there Naked So, you know, it's a shame to be naked and I don't believe anybody here wants to just be stripped naked in front of everybody That would not be the desire of anybody. That would be horrifying for everybody. Okay, but Obviously when they do that, they're doing it to shame them Okay, and this burden or this, you know, basically what he's talking about with Egypt and Ethiopia Saying that hey listen a series gonna come and you're all gonna walk away barefoot and naked To the point where stark naked not just the fact that you're just in your underwear Okay, and your thighs are exposed And that you're wearing shoes No, you're gonna be walking barefoot over those rocks or wherever you're going and you're gonna have your buttocks exposed That's shameful Okay, and you're talking about Egypt by the way And you remember the the story in Revelation talking about the seven-headed dragon Five are fallen one is and one is yet to come. This is where That first head is being taken out And you know later on it's gonna be taken out to the point by Babylon to the point where they're not they're just gonna be like a base nation, okay So at this point they're being brought down to where a Syria and them are around the same area and Israel is gonna be the third right but then when Babylon comes in a Syrian Babylon are just Taken out and it's Babylon That's that head of gold and they are the world power Syria is no longer even recognized as a nation anywhere I mean at least Egypt there's a there's a nation today, but there is no Assyria right and so Interesting passage, you know with with Isaiah, you know walking around naked and barefoot and here's thing when it comes to this type of stuff You gotta always say this what God does is right And if God tells somebody to do something it can't be wrong Okay So when it comes to this, I don't believe that God was wrong to tell Isaiah to walk around naked and barefoot Okay, and you say well, I think that it's always wrong To be naked. Well, obviously it's not wrong for you to be naked with your wife Men or ladies with your husband. Okay, so it's not always wrong to be naked. Okay, it's wrong to look on another person's nakedness That's like your your sister-in-law or your sister or you know, whatever right as far as the opposite gender But in this case, it obviously wasn't wrong because God would not command somebody to sin Okay, and so it's an interesting story though on what he would do with a prophet you know with with one of his people and what he would have them go through and It is interesting that he would put him through shame and you think about this when you relate it to Jesus, right? Because how long did Jesus walk on the earth around three years, right? Not walk on the earth, but his ministry is around three years, right and the fact of you know being Put to shame, you know as far as he was a man of sorrows well acquainted with greed and obviously, you know He despised the shame But he endured the cross right and so there's definitely a picture there as far as you know, Isaiah And you think about Isaiah 53, right? What did the Ethiopian eunuch say? Does he speak of himself of another man? And so I'm sure there's a parallel there that you can look at with the Lord Jesus Christ and how that relates there But let's end with the word of prayer down. I probably think today Just pray to be with us throughout the rest this week and Lord Thank you for the book of Isaiah and even a smaller chapter like this It's just got some very interesting stuff in there to think about And just things that you've had your prophets do in times past to make an example and more just thank you for these examples Obviously they can be applied to our lives as far as Just knowing that we're sinners knowing that you see through all that and that we can't cover anything up And Lord that we just need to confess that to you and get that right with you And what we love you in prayer also in Jesus Christ's name. Amen