(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So the last chapter of Genesis. We made it. So whole year pretty much. So Genesis chapter 50. We're getting down, actually this is the, where we see both the death of Jacob and Joseph and obviously it's not in the same day but a lot of time goes on between when Jacob dies and when Joseph dies. But I wanted to back up because when I went through chapter 49 I didn't really go over the death of Jacob because that actually happens in chapter 49. I wanted to link this because we're really dealing with the burial and all that stuff of him in chapter 50. But in there in verse 28 of chapter 49 notice what it says. It says all these are the the 12 tribes of Israel and this is it that their father spake unto them and blessed them. Everyone according to his blessing he blessed them and he charged them and said unto them I am to be gathered unto my people bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite in the cave that is in the field of Machpelah which is before Mamre in the land of Canaan which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite for possession of a burying place. There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife. There they buried Isaac and Rebecca his wife and there I buried Leah. The purchase of the field and of the cave that is therein was from the children of Heth and when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons he gathered up his feet into the bed and yielded up the ghost and was gathered unto his people. So what we see here is that obviously after he gives that whole charge to his sons that I believe he dies pretty much right after that. You know he's giving this charge to them and we already went through that in chapter 49. He pretty much just holds off to do that and then he dies and but what I want you to see is that what we're going to get into in chapter 50 is this burial of Jacob and what we'll see is this idea of burying people next to your loved ones and just burying people in general is a very biblical doctrine very biblical tradition and so nowadays there's this everybody wants to be cremated okay and I don't believe it's I believe we should bury each other. Now if someone gets cremated I'm not saying like oh they won't be resurrected or you know they'll go to hell it's not like that at all but what I'm saying is that burying people is very biblical and there's a picture to it and we're going to get to that but the idea of burying people next to loved ones is very it goes all the way back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as far as them having a burying place and then they buried each other next to each other but he also at 50 chapter 50 goes straight after this so it's not like there's this big gap of time because notice in verse one of chapter 50 it says and Joseph fell upon his father's face and wept upon him and kissed him and Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father and the physicians embalmed Israel. Now why I want you to see this is because right when he dies Joseph tells the takes him to the Egyptians to embalm him now why I want you to notice that is because in verse 33 of chapter 49 notice the last thing it says and it says and he was gathered unto his people. Now a lot of times when you're reading through the kings reading through like when a when a king dies it says he slept with his fathers now I definitely would agree that's talking about their body right a lot of times when Lazarus has said Lazarus sleepeth and they thought they were talking about taking upon rest and he said Lazarus is dead so a lot of times it talks about as Christians when our body dies it's sleeping and so that's what it's talking about why because the dead in Christ those that sleep are going to be raised first you know the dead in Christ shall rise first it will not prevent them which slept you know and that that type of terminology is used but when it says he was gathered unto his people I don't believe this is talking about his body and go to Luke chapter 16 because this principle as far as when we die being gathered to our people meaning our loved ones because obviously his body is going to be eventually after 70 days we're going to see is going to be taken over to the burying place so it wasn't that he was gathered unto his people or gathered over to his burying place as soon as he died this hat that he's going to be embalmed we're going to see that but when we die I believe we'll be carried by angels I believe that to be asked for the bodies to be present with the Lord but we're not going to just see the Lord we're going to have our loved ones around us and all that too and obviously I'm talking about a spiritual room we're not talking about the resurrection right here you know when we're going to be caught up together with Christ in clouds and we're all going to be gathered together you know that bodily resurrection I'm just talking about if you died right now what would happen and Luke chapter 16 we're not getting into the hell portion I just want to show you what happened to Lazarus but Luke 16 verse 19 just get some context it says there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his feet at or at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lived up his eyes being in torments and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus and his bosom okay and so what I want to really focus on is Lazarus himself and so Lazarus was carried by angels the moment he died he was carried by angels into Abraham's bosom now what's the bosom it's your chest so we think about the the disciple whom Jesus loved you know it talked about him leaning on Jesus's bosom right and you know when they were at the last supper and so we're talking about embracing so it'd be kind of like embracing somebody you know and and kind of holding them to your bosom and so I want you to see that I believe that's what it's talking about in Genesis chapter 49 is the fact that hey he's with Abraham Isaac and Jacob because God's not the God of the dead he's the God of living and so Jesus said that even at the at the burning bush which we haven't got to in Exodus which we're just going to roll into Exodus I'm just kidding so those are like I want to go back to the New Testament no we're going to do a different book than Exodus but when you get to Exodus with the burning bush is when he says I'm the God of the God of your fathers the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Jesus is clarifying saying hey they're alive they're not dead now that's obviously talking about their soul and their spirit it's not talking about their body because their bodies are definitely dead but I do want you to see that you know when it says he was gathered unto his people that the saved when we when we die we're going to be gathered unto our people we're going to be asked from the body present with the Lord but we'll be with the people of God those that are saved those that are in heaven and so that's a great thing to know because you think about Jacob and especially how old he was and just all you know imagine you know you get to that point where you can't really do anything you can't see you know and we saw that even when he was blessing Ephraim and Manasseh that his eyes were dim and he couldn't really see and all this stuff and so to be gathered unto his people that would have been a blessed day for sure but going back to Genesis chapter 15 verse 3 there was a 40-day period where they were embalming his body now they'd have to embalm them if they're gonna they because they mourn for them in this passage for 70 days I just want to read this it says in verse 3 and 40 days were fulfilled for him for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed and the Egyptians mourn for him three score in 10 days so for 70 days so I believe that 70 days encompass that 40 you know it's not like they waited until he was embalmed to mourn him but that's 70 days of mourning which only could be accomplished if it was embalmed I mean at that point I mean no one would want to be near the body so we I mean that's what happens today I mean if you know when you think of when someone dies and you have a funeral they embalm them so to speak I don't know if that's a technical term but my wife's cousin's husband is that's what he does is runs a funeral home so he knows all about that but the thing that I want you to to notice there is that they mourn for him 70 days I'm going to get back to that but the Egyptians did the Egyptians did that's a testimony to Abraham or to Abraham Jacob that's a testimony to Jacob and the fact that he he affected the Egyptians to where they were mourning for him okay and the Egyptians were not I mean this wasn't God's chosen nation or anything like that and so it was just the fact that you know who Jacob was and I'm sure the witness that he had to the where that this country is is mourning for him but I do want you to see that burial is a very biblical concept and so if I die bury me okay if you know and when my love if you know God forbid you know loved ones die I believe it's very biblical to bury them not to burn them okay when you see people being burned it's not usually a good thing it's not honoring okay to burn somebody but and notice that you think of Aiken they burned them with fire that wasn't a blessing okay but in first Corinthians chapter 15 I want you to see this because what it pictures is why you bury somebody okay you know obviously if someone you know dies and you don't ever recover the body it's not like that's gonna it's not that's not what we're talking about and it's not like it's gonna change the resurrection it's like you're not gonna have a better resurrection because you weren't buried okay but because when you die you don't have control over that anyway so it definitely wouldn't matter personally but what it represents I believe we should and and it is a shame on how much it does cost nowadays for burial and that's why a lot of people are going with you know the cremation but I think we should stick with the burial that's what the tradition has been from the very beginning and it's very biblical as far as what it pictures first Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 35 and listen you know yeah it costs a lot you could put me in a pine box and bury me in on my property for all I care okay that it doesn't cost that much if you just did that so yes it costs a lot if you get the nice casket that's got all the you know the nice metal stuff on it I don't care what you put me in you know and I I I'm not planning on dying anytime soon by the way but but all I have to say is that it can be really cheap you know if if you wanted it to be the first Corinthians 15 verse 35 notice what it says it says but some man will say how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickened excepted die notice the language here is going to use this language of sowing the body sowing it into the ground notice verse 37 and that which thou sowest thou sowest not that body that shall be but bare grain it may chance of wheat or some other grain but god giveth it a body as it hath pleased him into every seed his own body notice how it's likening your your dead body or your natural body to a seed that's being planted into the ground or like grain okay now I'm going to read this just for sake of context but verse 39 it talks about the resurrection and verse 39 says all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another flesh of fishes another of birds and there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another now what you say what in the world terrestrial are we talking about extraterrestrials no terrestrial you know you think of like like terra alta is where my wife's from and it's talking alta means high terra means land or earth you know so it's high land you know it's high up right and so ter terrestrial means earthly celestial means heavenly okay and so you can kind of think of celebrities they're supposed to be stars okay superstars you know like in the celebrities you know but that's what that's talking about celestial bodies terrestrial bodies I remember when I would read this though I would always think terrestrial was the heavenly because I think of et you know extraterrestrial so I was always mixed up that's why you don't watch movies kids okay now anyway a lot of kids probably haven't even seen et that was back in the 80s right anyway so in verse 41 it says there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star different different from another star and glory so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body so this idea of of your body dying and then it being resurrected you know out of the grave you know and obviously the principle of christ go to go to john chapter 12 because christ did this for us you know to save us from our sins this is the gospel that he died for our sins according to scriptures and was buried and rose again the third day and he gives this principle and and jesus is the first fruits of them that slept he's the first begotten of the dead and so he's the first one to physically raise bodily from the grave and he still is he's the only one right now he's the only one that has a spiritual body but eventually we will too it says now are we the sons of god and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is so when he appears and when we're caught up together with him in the clouds we're going to be changed like that and we're going to be like him we're going to have that spiritual body and obviously that differs you can have a better resurrection just like the stars some stars are brighter than others some resurrections are going to be better than others based off of your works okay that's where works come in you know obviously we're all saved by grace through faith but if you want to have a better resurrection then you need to get busy you need to start doing the works but anyway so in john chapter 12 verse 23 notice what it says it says and jesus answered them saying the hours come that the son of man should be glorified verily verily i say unto you except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit and so this concept of jesus dying and then bringing forth many brethren this is found in hebrew chapter 2 where it says that by the grace of god he should taste death for every man and it talks about bringing many sons on the glory and it talks about it talks about this in many places as far as um even in romans chapter 8 uh and i'm gonna misquote it says uh for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren okay so that's why he died was so that we would be uh like him so that we'd be saved from our sins obviously is is the gospel um but notice how he had to die and if he didn't die he'd be alone but the but since he died now he can bear for bring forth much fruit and so since he died the resurrection is why we're saved and if it wasn't for the resurrection we'd be yet in our sins according to first corinthian chapter 15 and so there is a principle why you're buried christ was buried for three days obviously he rose again but that concept of being buried is very biblical and so now you get into this this new age stuff where it's like all cremation and sprinkle my ashes and do all this other stuff listen that's not biblical that's not what the bible teaches on on on what you should do with your loved ones and and again if you've done that in the past or you're like oh that's already happened listen that doesn't change their salvation that doesn't change whether their resurrection is going to be good or not i'm not saying anything like that but hey we should try to abide by these traditions in the bible and that picture of the resurrection so but going back to genesis chapter 50 there this is where joseph asks pharaoh that whether he can take his father to bury him it's it's definitely i mean joseph i mean he's second in command and he even says you know pharaoh said except for and you know on the throne that's the only place that anybody's higher than you but notice the respect he still has and if you remember we we saw that kind of relationship where kind of pharaoh and jesus and that that hierarchy with the father and the son a little bit there and how jesus has all powers given unto him but the father's still above the the son and we saw and first corinthians 15 for sake of time i'm not going there but we see that he's going to deliver the kingdom up to the father and he's going to be subjected unto the father in all things and so we kind of see that picture here too that you know he's still being he's still being under that authority of pharaoh now verse four there it says when the days of his morning were passed joseph spake unto the house of pharaoh saying if if now i have found grace in your eyes speak i pray you in the ears of pharaoh saying my father made me swear saying lo i die in my grave which i have digged for me in the land of canan there shall there shalt thou bury me now therefore let me go up i pray thee and bury my father and i will come again and pharaoh said go up and bury thy father according as he made thee swear so one thing i want you to realize too is how long jacob was in the land of egypt genesis 47 explicitly tells us this and so in genesis 47 verse 28 it says and jacob lived in the land of egypt 17 years so the whole age of jacob was in 147 years and if you remember when he came into the land of egypt um he pharaoh asked him how old he was and he said i'm 130 and so we can see that 17 years 147 so it all lines up so uh but all that say he was in the land for 17 years and in that 17 years he must have made a big impact on those people and because they mourn for him for 70 days 70 days and then notice how how they lament for him when they take him so what we're going to see here is that a lot of the egyptians come with joseph it's not just joseph and his family there's a lot of the egyptians and not just not just egyptians but the leaders and the elders of egypt come with them to mourn for jacob and you can obviously see this happen with daniel we saw you know daniel with nebuchadnezzar daniel with our shadrach meshach and the mendigo you know those those men and their influence on nebuchadnezzar we see his influence on doraius and so that's something to keep in mind when it comes to our influence in society and how yeah i mean i'm not saying i'm not saying that pharaoh say i'm not saying that all these egyptians are saved but you can still have a great impact on the community and listen people are going to hate you because people hate the bible okay but people will still respect you though if you stick to your guns and if you're living what you're preaching too you know when we come when it comes to preaching against the queers you know and preaching against uh you know sodomy or preaching against adultery or preaching against any of the stuff people are going to get upset about that but when you're living the bible and you're living a righteous life and you're not a hypocrite when you do it people take note of that and they may not agree with you but they respect you and especially if you don't uh kowtow to whatever that you know it's kind of like that you know apologize for what you said it's like i didn't say it bible you know libiticus said it roman said it you know uh the bible says it and so you don't apologize for it and people end up respecting you for that even if they don't agree with you and so and i guarantee uh jacob was not uh you know limp-wristed when it came to bible doctrine back then so uh but in genesis chapter 50 and verse 7 notice what it says here it says and joseph went up to bury his father and with him went up all the servants of pharaoh the elders of his house and all the elders of the land of egypt notice that all these elders all these leaders of egypt were going with them and and i don't believe this was fake you know it's not like well joseph's you know he's second in command so it's kind of like the boss is going we got to go with them because notice in verse 8 there it says in all the house of joseph and his brethren his his father's house only their little ones and their flocks and their herds and they left in the land of goshen and there went up with him both chariots and horsemen and it was a very great company and they came to the threshing floor of atad which is beyond jordan there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation and and he made a and he made a mourning for his father's seven days now you say well maybe that's just his family that's making this very sore lamentation well the next verse is going to debunk that now obviously i believe his family they were definitely mourning with a sore lamentation notice in verse 11 it says and when the inhabitants of the land the Canaanites saw the morning in the floor of atad they said this is a grievous morning to the egyptians wherefore the name of it was called abel mezram which is beyond jordan and his sons did unto him according as he commanded them for his sons carried him into the land of Canaan and buried him in the cave of the field of makpila and abraham bought that abraham which abraham bought with the field for a possession of the burying place of ephron the hittite from mammary and joseph returned into egypt and he and his brethren and all that went up with him to bury his father after he had buried his father so we see that all these you know it was so much that the land of the Canaanites all those that were dwelling in there they recognize they said this is a very grievous morning of the egyptians now what i want you to see there just kind of a little uh a little clue to where the egyptians came from it says that a grievous morning to the egyptians in verse 11 and then it says wherefore so it's always what is where for where it's coming from right uh the name of it was called abel misery misraim now i believe the able part is dealing with the morning part but the misraim is actually a person's name and go back to genesis chapter 10 genesis chapter 10 now we know that egypt is of ham because in psalm 105 and we already covered this i think when we were back in dealing with all the nations and where they came from but in psalm 105 23 it says israel also came into egypt and jacob sojourned in the land of ham but that's pretty broad right you have shem ham and japheth so i mean that's a it's pretty broad especially when you get to this point because there's so many different groups of people but this kind of narrows it down a little more because misraim was actually a son of ham okay so in in genesis chapter 10 verse 6 it says the sons of ham kush and misraim and and canan so we know that obviously egypt and canan are different but they're definitely linked right because canan came out of ham and but this misraim i believe is where the egyptians came out of now going down further you'll see when it talks about misraim misraim's children notice in verse 13 it says in misraim begat ludim and anan anamim and lehabim and naphtuhem and path pathrusim and casaluthim out of whom came philistim and cafterim so some of these children you can see it all actually tells you that philistim is the philistines right and that makes sense right because you have if you had if you looked at a map right you'd have you had egypt right here and then canan's up here but the philistines were kind of in between that if you know if you look at your map the gaza strip you know geza that's kind of where the philistines were at so you can kind of see how all this would work together as far as where these these people came from but cafterim too and for sake of time i'm not going there but cafter you'll find another place and it's dealing with the philistines okay so both casluhem and cafterim i believe are dealing with the philistines so you know this this naphtuhem or you know the ludim you know maybe the ones that are kind of coming out of the egyptians and i'm sure there's some crossover there too as far as you know who's involved you know and who married who to for the egyptian nation but just some a little bit of trivia there you know when i was reading through this because sometimes you know when you're just doing your search engine as far as like okay where's miserium and where's you know you won't get that here because able miserium and so but that's kind of the cool thing about the bible is that it gives you um usually gives you the definition and so it'll say like bear sheba and then it'll tell you the name of it it'll say he named it bethel because he said this is the house of god or you know there's just you know it'll name this type of stuff but even people a person's name could be in it so that kind of gives you a little clue as far as where they came from you say how does that matter it may matter one day okay remember we were going through that type of stuff and you know you never know sometimes sometimes i'm in first chronicles looking at those genealogies and it actually is a very important chapter to determine uh certain things in the bible um and proving certain doctrines and stuff like that so um just kind of keep that back in your cerebellum you know but uh but go to go back to genesis chapter 50 but i do want you to see though that they had this great morning in this sore lamentation and we need to try to have that type of influence on our society now obviously what's our main purpose as a church we're supposed to go out into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature baptizing in the name of the father and of the son the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever commanded you and lo i'm with you always even into the end of the world amen that's the great commission that's our job but in that obviously uh teaching them to observe all things and loving them enough to give them the gospel and and you know that's going to reflect on a society and as far as uh people know you care okay not everybody even the people that don't talk to you a lot of them realize you care there was a guy that we went soul winning who was with me i forget oh brother um brother luke was with me and um there's all these games going on like i don't i don't know if it was like the basketball game or there was other this guy said he was watching football but it was sunday so i guess there's football games going on right but he came to the door and he was very irritated right but it wasn't because of us it was because of the game and he's just like i'm sorry i'm like he's like i'm really fired up right now because of the game but i gave him a you know invitation and i said you know our game and we were passing out those um those christmas uh cds and all that stuff but you can tell like he he really was glad that we cared enough to come to his door even though he's like in a bad mood because the game and obviously we're looking at that like hey your soul's more important but all that to say is that there's a lot of people that if even if they don't want to hear the gospel they uh love the fact that you cared enough to come to their door and so obviously you have those people that don't want you there and all that but that speaks volumes as far as um you know what people perceive you to be now um but going back to genesis chapter 50 there's a very famous passage here dealing with joseph and his brothers okay so his dad dies they just got done burying him and they were mourning for him and all this so you can imagine they were looking at their father almost kind of like you know as long as our father's here joseph won't kill us all you know and um so 17 years have gone by since you know that he's revealed himself and they've all come into egypt but they're afraid they're afraid that joseph's gonna be like you remember what you did to me dad's dead so we're gonna we're gonna take care of this problem and that's what's going on right here in verse 50 or verse 15 of chapter 50 it says and when joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead they said joseph will peradventure hate us and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him and they sent a messenger unto joseph saying thy father did command before before he died saying so shall ye say unto joseph forgive i pray thee now the trespass of thy brethren and their sin for they did unto the evil and now we pray thee forgive the trespass of the servants of the god of thy father and joseph wept when they spake unto him now i always i assume this is a lie okay um i don't know that for sure it doesn't say like they were lying or they were trying to lie but i just perceive this as being they're making this up trying to make up a story so that they that you know who have mercy on them um but maybe he actually did say this i just doubt it i doubt it i think they're just making this up uh just to try to get mercy from joseph um but notice joseph joseph's heart here he weeps so and notice in verse 18 it says and his brethren also went and fell down before his face and they said behold we be thy servants now first of all when when he revealed himself to him i believe he had forgiven him at that point i believe because you think about the fact that he wept and you know all that stuff and when he was kind of testing and remember because with with benjamin and seeing okay are they gonna they're gonna try to save their brother where they tried to kill me or what are they gonna do about benjamin and that's where judith says you know if the lad be not with how can i go to my father with the lab be not with me and take me instead of the lad and that's where he broke down he broke down and realized hey his brothers aren't like what they were back then with him and so i believe at that point is where he forgave him i i don't believe joseph was holding a vendetta over him this whole time i think they were just guilty they just felt really guilty about what they did and they were afraid that joseph was going to take it out on but notice what joseph says here it says in verse 19 and joseph said unto them fear not for am i in the place of god but as for you ye thought evil against me but god meant it unto good to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people alive now therefore fear ye not i will nourish you and your little ones and he come and comforted and he comforted them and spake kindly unto them now this goes back and we kind of already covered this as far as not avenging yourself you know giving place unto wrath and letting god deal with that and especially with brethren because brethren you're not supposed to hate a brother and you're not supposed to have anger towards your brother without a cause and so in this story they're brethren physically definitely but i believe even spiritually they're brethren and so we're not supposed to be taking vengeance on each other you know if you did me wrong i'm not supposed to be taking that out on you and but what joseph's saying here is that this is something that you know as i'm getting into this this uh this interview with james white and calvinism this is something calvinists will bring up is this whole concept of god meant it for good you meant it for evil but god meant it for good and so this is the whole idea of okay you know there's all this evil in the world but god is decreeing it and it's all going to be for good in the end but god is controlling it so i don't believe that's what it's saying here though okay now they did evil but god worked it out for good okay meaning that he used that and actually put joseph in a position of authority to save his whole family and and you can't blame god for knowing the future either you know god foreknew what was going to happen and he used that and meant it for good now go to roman chapter 8 and verse 28 because this concept is there you know all things work together for good and i want to talk about this for just a second um now what's interesting about this concept of okay you know god is decreeing evil this isn't really in my notes but i'm just kind of thinking about it and so let's do evil that good may come that's actually in the bible and it's being rebuked in the bible um of this idea of okay god is doing this evil in these different places with different people and that's going to cause good to come and uh romans chapter 3 rebukes that um where it says for it and in verse 7 if you want to turn no you can but in romans 3 7 it says for it the truth of hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory why yet am i also judged as a sinner and not rather notice this as we be slanderously reported as some affirm that we say so he's saying we're slanderously they're slandering against the saying that we're saying this let us do evil that good may come whose damnation is just so people were saying that they're saying hey we should do evil that good would come because he's basically saying hey you know i did evil and god turned that into good so let's go do evil so that god will turn it into good and he's saying listen you know we're being slandered against saying that we're saying to do evil that good may come and he's saying whose damnation is just he's saying your damnation is just if you're going out doing evil that good may come and that if you want calvinism in a bow right there that's what i believe they're saying now in romans chapter 28 28 that's what it says here and obviously this is a very famous passage a great passage and a great promise in verse 28 it says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose now when people read this a lot of times they say all things work together for good and stop reading that that is not the end of the sentence okay there's two caveats in there actually there's two caveats the first one is it says to them that love god and to them who are the called according to his purpose now the called according to his purpose i believe is talking about those that are saved you know he talks about that who had saved us and called us with the holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace you know it talks about how we're saved by grace through faith and so that's what i believe that's talking about but this isn't just to all save people either because if you love me what do you do keep his commandments if you love me keep my commandments this is the love of god that you keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous and so if you want all things to work together for good then you better be like joseph when you know god was with him and when he was uh under potiphar you know he was a great worker and he fled fornication and god was with him when he was in prison and he you know whatever he uh was given to him for his hand to do he did it he was the doer of it and he was a great worker and he was he was a righteous man and what happened everything worked together for good why because all things work together for good for them to them that love god and to them who are the called according to his purpose it's not just a curt blanche all things are working together for good so if you're a christian and you live in sin and you just walk in the flesh and you just you know do whatever you want to do all things are not going to work together for good actually it's going to be quite the opposite because god is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall you also reap for he that soweth to his flesh of the flesh reap corruption so it's actually going to be quite the opposite of what that verse is saying but this is what i believe it's being it being taught in genesis chapter 50 where it says you meant it for evil god meant it for good because why all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose and so god can make those things work out but it doesn't mean that he decreed it doesn't mean that he made his brethren and forced his brethren to throw joseph into the pit does that make sense he didn't force potiphar's wife to try to lay with him you know he didn't force any of that type of stuff but he used it to get him into a position to where he can be exalted and so that's the big difference and you can't just take out things in the in the bible you know as far as uh these promises and this is something that's brought up a lot you know dealing with in first john chapter four it says whosoever he that loveth is born of god and knoweth god notice the caveats there you're born of god and you know god hereby we do know that we know if we keep his commandments and it says uh he that loveth not knoweth not god for god is love it doesn't say that you're not born of god though but if you don't love that means you're not no you don't know god why because if loving is the keeping of the commandments love is the fulfilling of the law the law is fulfilled in one word even in this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself therefore love is the fulfilling of the law and so um this happens in james chapter two remember where it says uh you know faith without works is dead and abraham being justified by his works and it says the scripture was fulfilled which saith abraham believed god and is imputed unto him for righteousness and he was called the friend of god that's the caveat again saved by faith justified imputed righteousness but you're also the friend of god why because you're my friends if you what do whatsoever i command you so this is something throughout the bible this isn't just in a corner okay but you have to understand you have to always be looking for all the pieces to the puzzle and this is where the calvinists are just like everything works together for good you know and god is doing all this evil let us do evil that good may come that you might as well just say that because uh that's where i think calvin you say why are you keeping up it's on my mind apologies okay because i i obviously uh it's been on my mind you know ever since that he sent me an email and wanted me to do this discussion with him and all this stuff and listen we have the truth i have the truth on my side so i'm not i'm not worried about the you know defending the truth i say but i always want to do a good job for my savior i always want to do the best i can do and i don't want to fail them and if i'm given an opportunity remember remember what i said about the fact that you know all these false prophets are always getting the microphone and so uh if i get a chance to where i can get a bigger microphone to say something i want to make sure i do a good job i'm not taking it lightly and so but after tomorrow i'm taking a break from calvin so i'm gonna get into something else but but anyway um but go to uh sorry uh go to first peter chapter one because this also ties in romans chapter eight it's interesting because romans chapter eight when you're dealing with that you're dealing with the resurrection you're dealing with the redemption of the body and then it talks about all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose then it gets into all this tribulation trials and persecutions which lines up perfectly with joseph's life when it comes to the fact of how that all works together for good that's what we're dealing with there you know all things working together for good is your trials and tribulations and your persecutions and why do you have trials and tribulations persecutions because yay and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution so the reason you know that you'd even have to have you're looking at this promise and clinging to it and saying all things are going to work together for good is because you're loving god and keeping his commandments and you're being persecuted for it and so in first peter chapter one same it kind of deals with this first peter actually uh is is a book that's just all about dealing with persecution and trials and tribulations i love first peter and uh but i never really noticed that i memorized it years back and i'm just like man this thing like every chapter is just dealing with hey you know be happy rejoice you know and it's just all about that but really that is what our christian life should be about that's i mean if you're not suffering persecution at some point for some reason and listen i would say you know when you're out soul winning and someone you know cusses you out i would consider that some light persecution you know uh and i think most everybody that goes out soul winning has had that to a certain extent but there's obviously more types of persecution that can be out there um but in first peter chapter one verse six it says wherein you greatly rejoice though now for a season if need be you are in heaviness through manifold temptations that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of jesus christ whom having not seen you love and whom though now you see him not yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls so what you have to realize especially in this christian life is the fact that hey you know it's going to be rocky it's going to be rough you're going to have your ups and downs not not everything's persecution i mean there's definitely times where we're just having a great time and god is just you know you know it's just kind of easy but there's always you just got to know that that persecution is going to come again and so we're going to be in this this you know rocky road kind of going until we die but you have this light at the end of the tunnel that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose and they're meaning it for evil but god's going to mean it for good and he's going to use it for good because all those persecutions that's going to be tried with fire and in the end you're going to reward for all those persecutions that you've gone through and all those temptations and you know talking about it talks about that in james chapter one when a man is tempted you know when he endures temptation he will receive a crown of life and so there's crowns to be one dealing with all this uh first peter chapter 4 and verse 12 it says beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try as though some strange thing happened unto you but rejoice in as much as you are partakers of christ sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy so you always have that that's always the great the the thing that's going to get you through trials tribulations and persecutions and the where you don't fall off is knowing that light at the end of the tunnel and that's why tribulation uh work with patience or work with experience or experience you know work with patience because the more tribulations you go through the more experience you get and you know it's gonna pass you know it's kind of like one of those things you're just like this is really bad i'm just going i mean i remember when well when the church when we were coming to our one year anniversary and the sodomites got a hold of one of my videos and they're like contacting my office they're they're they're just blasting all our stuff we're getting like banned on facebook and all this stuff i'm just constantly getting vile messages sent to me and all i can say all i can think about though is you know this isn't i mean this is gonna pass and i was talking to pastor rodrey man is because obviously he's dealt with a lot worse than we we didn't have anybody picketing us yet but i talked to him and he was kind of same thing he's like it's gonna pass it's gonna pass and he's like you know after three months though when they were still out there picketing he's like i'm wondering if it's gonna pass he's like am i gonna have them out there to the day i die they eventually stop though and so that's but see that experience that he has on that is going to be i mean think about when you go through a persecution like that and then something else comes up that's small you're gonna be like yeah that's nothing it's nothing compared to what i just went through and so we're gonna have that in our mind now go back to genesis 50 we're gonna finish off the chapter here because because jacob dies and then joseph dies now obviously there's a big time frame that goes on here because joseph dies when he's 110 years old so there's obviously a great amount of time that's that's going on here before we get to that but the notes and then chapter 50 verse 22 it says and joseph dwelt in egypt and he and his father's house and joseph lived in 110 years and joseph saw ephraim's children of the third generation the children also of maker the son of menasseh were brought up upon joseph's knee and joseph said unto his brethren i die and god will surely visit you and bring you out of this land unto the land which he swared to abraham to isaac and to jacob and joseph took an oath of the children of israel saying god will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones from hence so joseph died being 110 years old and they embalmed him and he was put in or put in a coffin in egypt so we finally made it through genesis but but this is a this is a prophecy so to speak that he's saying so if you remember he said this to abraham or god said this to abraham that you're gonna that that your seed is going to be afflicted for 400 years in the new testament it talks about it too they sojourn for 430 years but they were evil and treated for 400 years and so he doesn't give the time frame but he's basically saying hey you're gonna come out of here but when you do take my bones with you now this is this came true this is something that they definitely did now go to exodus chapter 13 i'll show you where it actually happened but hebrews 11 actually talks about this too actually this is the one thing that's brought up about joseph in hebrews chapter 11 uh is this this prophecy that he said so uh notice in hebrews 11 verse 22 it says by faith joseph and uh when he died made mention of the departing of the children of israel and gave commandment concerning his bones so that was in hebrew chapter 11 but exodus chapter 13 is where it actually happens so if you know exodus 12 is what the passover so exodus 13 is where they're coming out of the land of egypt and notice that they're gonna take joseph's bones with them exodus 13 verse 19 it says and moses took the bones of joseph with him for he had straightly sworn the the children of israel saying god will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones away hence with you so joseph's going into the promised land with them and i believe they went you know even though they were in 40 years in the wilderness i believe joseph's bones made it to the promised land and so uh but but it's awesome just to see how all these prophecies come to pass and all this stuff fits together uh we were talking about that with genesis chapter 49 with all the stuff about jesus just in judah judah alone with all the prophecies about shiloh coming about the the vesture that's dipped in the blood of grapes and just all the stuff that fits together it's amazing how how accurate the bible is how perfect the bible is and and it's just it's just always fun to see all these things fit together and and just no man could write this book i love the book of genesis the book of genesis is a fantastic book well first of all you have me you have the flood story you have the creation story you have all these great stories there's so much history in it but there's so much there's so many pictures of christ i mean how many i don't know i didn't count them all but i remember when we were in genesis 22 with isaac being offered upon the altar all those pictures and then just throughout just all these pictures all these allegories all this stuff that was pointing towards the savior and i guarantee it that through all this preaching that i've done this past year in this book that i probably haven't even touched the surface of all the stuff that's in there because the bible is infinite and you say man we know genesis uh and i'm not gonna ask a raise of hands but but i would venture to guess that someone has learned something that they didn't know about that's in genesis after this study and you know i guarantee there's stuff that i still haven't learned from it and so even the simplest books like genesis are great books and listen this is the foundation and people are constantly attacking that foundation think of the creation with the evolutionists they're attacking that foundation they attack the flood and nowadays especially with the sodomites they're attacking genesis 19 to the where that's not like the judgment that god put on them for that sin now so but i i love this book that's why i wanted to do it it's definitely a challenge you know and definitely some of those passages where you're dealing with genealogies and going through all that stuff but even those passages is a very interesting stuff i haven't completely decided on what book we're going to do i'm going to do a gospel so i'm between matthew and john as far as the gospels go and those that those that are that that were at a manual with me are probably like we just went through matthew but but again matthew is one of my favorite gospels i mean john's i would say john's my favorite gospel but matthew has all the all the stories like a lot of the the you know the famous stories and stuff like that um but uh i'm torn i haven't figured it out we're probably going to do i'm going to i i i i'm going to do jude so what i'm going to do because we have one more wednesday before we end the new year uh or end this year and go into the new year i'm going to do the the book of jude which is one chapter so i'll do that and then we're going to start and with one of the gospels into the new year so but that that's genesis that's genesis chapter 50. i hope you enjoyed that study i enjoyed it there's so much stuff that i just from studying it honestly just when i was writing my sermons i'm like i've never seen that before i've never noticed that correlation so i know i learned something out of it just from studying it and anybody that's ever written a sermon knows that you end up probably learning more than the people that you're preaching to when you're doing it because that's one great way to learn something is just to write a sermon about it and so um you know especially the men out there we have that preaching night you know when we do our our our men's prayer meeting um even if even if you don't preach it you know it's always good to just hey make a sermon about a subject that you're wanting to learn and that'll kind of force you into that so but uh but anyway let's end with the word of prayer father we thank you for this evening and thank you for the book of genesis and uh just such a great passage and and lord just pray that you'd help us to take the the knowledge that we've learned from it uh to apply it to our lives and just all those stories and just pray that we'd use it as an admonition in our lives and lord just pray to give us safety as we we're traveling back home and pray that you help us to bring glory to your name and and lord just pray to protect our families and and be with all those that are here at mountain baptist church and what we love you in prayers in jesus christ's name amen