(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Genesis chapter 38 and obviously we're continuing on our study through the book of Genesis and Genesis 38 if you remember last week we were in Genesis 37 and we're talking about Joseph and Joseph was sold into Egypt and so this is kind of like a little interlude so to speak as far as talking about Judah before we get back to the story of Joseph and so in Genesis chapter 38 we'll see later why why this story probably even brought up because it has to do with how Pharaoh was brought in and where he came from because actually he's he's one of the the men that's in the genealogy of Jesus so there's a reason why this chapter is here and many other reasons actually to that I believe it's here for our edification but in verse 1 there we see that that Judah marries a wife and and he has three sons with this woman and so in verse 1 there it says and it came to pass at that time that Judah went down from his brethren and turned in in into a certain Adalamite whose name was Hira and Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shewa and he took her and went in unto her and she conceived and bare his son and he called his name Ur and she conceived again and bare his son and she called his name Onan and she yet again conceived and bare his son and called his name Sheila and he was at Kizib when she bare him now first of all actually when sometimes it's a little tricky on how how the grammar works in the Bible because when you first read this you probably you know when I first read this you know or just was reading through this I kind of automatically going to the fact that Judah's wife's name was Shewa but actually that's Shewa is the Canaanite in which has the daughter in which he marries because later on you see in verse 12 there it says in a process of time the daughter of Shewa Judah's wife died okay so we know that Shewa is actually the man Canaanite man who has a daughter that he marries and so the daughter we don't really know what her name is it doesn't tell us what her name is it's not really important for genealogy purposes or whatever but it's just a woman of Canaan but anyway that's just kind of a side note you just kind of see sometimes you got to be careful with how it says something because sometimes the name is associated with a different pronoun than you think because that the Shewa goes with the certain Canaanite and not with the daughter okay but anyway he has three sons Er, Onan and Sheila okay and in this passage we see first of all God personally kills two people in this passage and that's something interesting because a lot of times we don't see that like where God's just like striking someone dead okay we see it with Nabal you know where it makes it you know where he he dies and stuff like that and there's other places obviously where God personally kills people but this is a big deal I mean obviously it says in verse 6 there it says Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn whose name was Tamar and Er Judah's firstborn was wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him so we see that what he was obviously very wicked and God just killed him it doesn't really tell us how it doesn't say it doesn't necessarily mean that he dropped dead because sometimes he can he can slay people with other people right and when you talk about taking out you know some of the children of Israel he basically said I'm gonna bring the sword of the of the Chaldeans or whatever to slay them so sometimes we'll use other people but all that to say is that it was because God wanted him to die God you know had him killed and he was wicked that's all we really know is that he was a wicked person but then Onan it's interesting with this story and this actually there's there's a couple things I want you to see here because I haven't preached the whole sermon on this before and this whole sermon isn't gonna be about this but my stance is that I'm not for birth control at all okay meaning that I believe it's actually a sin to use birth control and here's here's one of the big reasons because actually this is probably the only place in the Bible that's something as far as a birth control type of mechanism is used here as far as and it's not a good thing okay because obviously God kills Onan because of this now I'll say this you know when it comes to birth control a lot of times birth control especially when it's dealing with birth control that women take it causes silent abortions now this comes down to where do you think that life starts okay I believe life starts at conception most birth control pills and most birth control in general that women take it doesn't stop conception necessarily it causes and I'm not gonna get too intricate with the biology of it but it basically causes where the where the fertilized egg would implant it causes that to be very what they would call harsh environment to where it won't implant and so so that to me would be it would be a silent abortion you know basically it can the child's conceived but then it doesn't implant therefore you know the baby's not gonna live and it's not gonna grow and so that being said I'm for all I'm against all those types of birth control not to mention it messes with women's hormones messes with a lot of different things and I know some women that take this not even because they're being promiscuous but because of other reasons okay and again this isn't a whole biology lesson on like birth control and all that stuff but all that to say is that this is the one case and show me another case in the Bible besides where they sacrifice their children obviously that would be a birth control more and more I mean murdering obviously your children but but besides that I don't see anything else in the Bible that either either highlights or condemns birth control and this is the only case that it would be and so what happens here in verse and in the Bible use it here's the thing you got to remember this too the the words of the Lord are pure words and they're wholesome words okay and so the Bible is very wholesome here and it's gonna be something to where kids that are young probably won't even know what this is talking about okay and so we as adults know what this is talking about okay so I'm not gonna elaborate on it and it says in Onan notice what it says it says in verse 8 and Judah said unto Onan go in unto thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother and Onan knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went in unto his brother's wife that he spilled it on the ground lest that he should should give seed to his brother and the thing he which he did displeased the Lord wherefore he slew him also so God killed him for this so it's a big deal obviously it's not something we should take lightly and you say well you know it's because he didn't want to raise up seed to his brother he was just being greedy and he didn't want you know that the child to be named after his brother instead of him and all that and all this stuff listen birth control is always greedy when it comes to married couples that don't want to have children it's always for a greedy reason and obviously there's cases where women could be in danger and all that stuff but you know that's that's that's a small group when the when the woman has problems and they you know there's medical reasons and all that stuff and obviously that you know I'm not saying like you know just you know be dumb with that okay but what I'm saying with this is that God is the one that open closes the womb the only case where birth control is even mentioned obviously doesn't say birth control but we know that that's what's being done here is a type of birth control God kills them for it okay so in my from what I see from the scriptures I see no reason for birth control okay and you say well you know the the woman's life can be risk listen we can always be in risk for everything when it comes to our health or anything like that we need to trust in the Lord when it comes to pregnancy when it comes to anything in our lives when it comes to that and so I believe that God will protect through that I believe God will help women through that if that were the case and and and so I'm sympathetic to that to that cause but what people usually do with that is they take the marginal case and they say okay well this marginal case over here where a woman's like probably gonna die if she has a baby and they take that to apply to the rest of the spectrum they do this with abortion every time there's someone that's like for abortion they're trying to prove the point where they say well what about incest and rape right they use this marginal case and they say well you know in that case you know then they should be able to do it and all they're doing is taking this very small percentage and by the way that's a very small percentage of abortions is due to incest and rape it'll take that to justify the murder of all babies okay how about you kill the the person that committed incest and the rapist and let the baby live and if you don't want the baby then put the baby up for adoption and so it's the same kind of logic okay you can't use the marginal case to justify the majority okay and so all that to be said is that we need to realize that children are an heritage of the Lord and go to go to Psalm 127 and here's the thing when it comes to the greedy reason you know what it is a lack of faith in God that I'll provide for you it could be very well a greedy reason saying I'm living up at this high level of means and I don't want to bring that down so I can have so I can provide for children but it could also just be the fact that you're like I don't think I can live I don't think I can survive listen people have been having children for millennia now and and they've gotten by they and here's the thing you may not have be able to get that nice boat or that nice car or that nice house but it can be done okay and in this church is living proof of that okay as far as having children and living under one income and and here's the thing I'm not I'm not gonna come I'm not gonna if someone comes in here and they're they're a couple and they're and they're both working and they have children and they're in public school and all this stuff I'm not gonna condemn them and I'm not gonna come down on them but obviously the best case scenario is that the husband's providing the wife is staying at home taking care of the children and they're having as many children as God will let them have that is God's plan okay and birth control I believe is wrong across the board okay and you can you can hate me for that but that's what I believe and most of the time birth control is used to be promiscuous let's just be honest most time birth control is to be promiscuous when you're not married after that when you're married it's just because you don't think you can handle children it's usually a financial reason and sometimes it's even a selfish reason like all we want to just be able to have each other and you know we don't want that responsibility right now okay and so that's something to think about and especially when you're if you're going into marriage and we have younger people here and stuff like that that aren't married I'm not necessarily picking on you or anything like that but all I'm saying is that you need to be thinking about this if you're wanting to get married you need to realize that what comes with marriage is children and people need to think about this when they go into their finances okay when when Holly and I got married she was a clinical pharmacist okay and you know her her paycheck was a lot more than mine to say the least okay and it's just because that's just the type of realm that it is with when it comes to those professions and and obviously Holly you know it was one of those things where she wanted to be a stay at home mom and all that but she didn't know what you know she can't and I'm that's why obviously the the the perfect role and with my children I'm gonna I'm gonna take care of them and so someone takes over the payment so to speak right and that saw that she can marry somebody and all that stuff but when in the real world a lot of women don't have that opportunity and they just have to do what they have to do right and all that being said is that I could we could have just got married and we could have just been living the high life get a new truck every year and I wouldn't be that crazy but all I'm saying is that I could we could have lived the high life but before when we got married we knew hey we want to have children immediately and we can't do that we can't live off both these incomes and then like expect to do that when we have children and people do this all the time all the time and they even know they're like we want to have children soon but then they'll buy this house that's like that's ridiculous okay and it's a house that they don't need they don't have to have right and it's this lavish like huge house and it's and it's based off both their incomes and then they're like two years later like we want to have children like oh I can't I can't quit my job because I can't we can't afford all this well why didn't you think about that two years before you know that a house load is usually 30 years are you gonna wait 30 years before you have children I here's the thing you know biology lesson women don't have 30 years when it comes to like usually when you get married you're not I mean there's a there's a there's a timeline as far as when women can have children obviously Sarah's an exception to that rule okay not many women are having children at 90 but all that to say is that you need to go into marriage having that plan of hey we want to have children we don't have to send them off to daycare and you go into it that way so what would we do I bet all all the bills that we had to pay was based off my income and when Holly and you could judge me with you if you want as far as Holly working while we were well before we had children but I'll say I'll say this I don't want my wife to be idle and you know you could have the stance as far and she was working with all women too so it's definitely different it was a different circumstance but here's the thing we just paid off debt with hers and then I took all mine it was based anything that we had when we bought our house is only based off what I could afford if it was just me so then when we had children it was easy we just cut it off and it was just it didn't matter it worked but you had to have that foresight and you have to be thinking about that and especially when you want in the marriage you need to be thinking okay what do we want to do how do we want this to be set up and you have to go into it with that mindset instead of living for the moment and you say well of course you got to look at that I would say that too but but why is it that I see time after time after time where people they they're married for a couple years and then they had they start having kids and then all of a sudden they're like oh man I wish I could stay at home I wish I didn't have to send my kids off to daycare I wish I could do this I would you know and and then they they can't do it now they could do it here's what you do you sell your big house you sell your nice car and you downsize you see even if you're in that position you can get out of it you just have to get rid of the nice things but it's better to just not have the nice things to begin with right and be like oh we're taking this big cut and instead just going into it like hey we have what we have and it just we're just going forward right and so this isn't a whole sermon on that but all I'm saying with this is that I'm against birth control and birth control is usually always for selfish reasons and so you could say well it wasn't because of that because he wanted to raise up seed until he didn't want to raise up seed to his brother it could very well be that's the reason he killed him but let me ask you a question do you want to be like Onan is that a Bible character you want to be like yeah I'm modeling my my married life after Onan no I don't think so I don't want to take that chance but here's thing there is another thing to think about and in Psalm 127 it says except the Lord build the house they labor in vain to build it very famous passage but it says in verse 3 lo children are in heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward as errors are in the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate children are first of all the reward it's a reward and you know what children also show that you have a good relationship with your spouse because it takes two to have children okay and you know children children are gonna eventually be it's the best investment you'll ever make the best investment you'll ever make and you know you think about people that I just saw this article where this woman who's like this I don't know she was like a celebrity or something like she was some kind of celebrity obviously they were talking about her but she was talking about how at 60 her mom was a lot happier and she is because she had children and this woman that was 60 now she was told you know don't have children you know just worry about being fit and all this other stuff and living the good life and she was basically talking about how much happier her mother was at 60 than she is because she has nothing now you don't have any children and you think about it when you get older too I mean who's gonna take care of you when you get older and you can't provide you know you can't take care of yourself and all this other stuff and so that investment is priceless and here's the thing it's been fun raising our children they're little right now they're definitely not taking care of me I'm taking care of them but there's never been a time where I'm just like man I wish I wouldn't have children no my children are worth more than anything I could ever buy and I wish people could see that and a lot of times I think people realize that before when it's too late like that woman at 60 years old obviously she's not gonna be having children now but it's too late and so and here's thing people like well I'll wait I'll wait like 10 years we'll get married I'll wait 10 years we'll get all the stuff together and and all that and they'll wait a really long time well well you're taking a big chance that you're gonna get pregnant do you know that a lot of people struggle with that people I know friends I have that struggle with having children and took them years I mean think of Isaac 20 years he was 40 when he got married 60 when he had Jacob and Esau and so you never know how long it's gonna take and so you may be you may be you like you may be passing up the only ten years that you could even have children you only know it and it also playing God because God's the one that open and closes the womb and think about this too what was the first command that God gave to man and woman and is that right man and yeah Adam and Eve what was the first command that he gave to Adam and Eve well go to Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 he gave it to Adam and Eve then he gave it to to Noah and his sons he says it to Isaac and Jacob and he's saying it throughout a line and you know what that shows me is that this isn't just the commandment for Adam and Eve and this isn't just the commandment for Noah this is a commandment that is given to married couples throughout all time and in Genesis chapter 1 famous passage where it says in verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image and in our likeness but notice verse 28 it says in God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth the first commandment that he gives to Adam and Eve is what be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth you say well why does it say replenish is that because there was like some pre-Adam ight civilization and you know in the gap between Genesis 1 1 1 2 and you know he's basically saying you know all those people died now we got to replenish the earth you're like what exactly I don't know that's what people believe okay the reason it says replenish first of all words can change by the way and sometimes replenish I think there's an old dictionary it says replenish just means the fill but but think about this you know what that means is that this is something that has to keep going on it's like it's a continual or perpetual commandment does that make sense if you would have just said replenish the earth we would say well it's already punished well why are we replenishing the earth because people are living and dying living and dying living and dying living and dying and so you got to constantly be replenishing the earth and nowadays people are only having like 1.2 kids I don't know what it is it's something like that it always like makes me laugh when they give you the like decimal right but I think it's like two kids somewhere around there two kids average for American families and what you got to realize is that it's not really it's multiplying I guess you know if you have two kids interesting some people can't have any kids okay and I'm not against you and I'm not against anybody that can't have kids and some people are only gonna have one and that's it that's fine you know praise the Lord whatever God will allow you to have but most people can have more than that and when he says multiply you're dealing with multiplication not addition and two kids would be multiplying by one okay you basically just multiplied yourselves by one because there's two of you and then there's another two of you right and so we need to remember that this is a continual commandment it's a perpetual commandment that God is constantly telling married people is saying be fruitful multiply replenish the earth and obviously a spiritual aspect Christians bring forth other Christians multiply replenish the earth and your children are gonna be some of the best people you want to talk about follow-up you want to talk about discipleship your children are gonna be the best disciples you're gonna ever have because they're with you all the time they they're forced to listen to you okay you're feeding them right you're taking care of them and so take that as an opportunity you know let those be the children that you bring up spiritually and physically and so I didn't I just wanted to park it there for a second on birth control okay and just wanted you to know my stance I don't think I have it in the statement of faith as far as like I'm against birth control but one big reason why I'm against birth control because a lot of times it causes silent abortions and obviously I'm against abortion but the second reason is because I believe God's the one that opens and closes the womb and we need to put our trust in God financially and physically and all in all aspects of that okay and so but also you know it does get into this aspect of where he's bringing up seed to his brother so what is that talking about well go to Deuteronomy chapter 25 now obviously in Genesis 38 you're dealing with something that happened before Deuteronomy right we're dealing with before the law and all this stuff but it does kind of show you that this this this idea of bringing up seed for your brother was before the law it's kind of like the the death penalty was before the law and and you know obviously moral law was before the law obviously that's still moral law right but it you know there's a lot of things that are pre Moses day kind of thing and the law was really just kind of like establishing that for that covenant and with that nation but Deuteronomy 25 this is where this comes from or where we can see it laid out is this in verse 5 so Deuteronomy 25 verse 5 it says if brethren dwell together and one of them die and have no children the wife of the dead shall not marry or shall not marry without unto a stranger her husband's brother shall go in unto her and take her to beat to him to wife and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her and it shall be that the firstborn which she beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead that his name be not put out of Israel and if the man like not to take his brother's wife then let his brother's wife go up to the gate unto the elders and say my brother's my husband's brother refused it to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel he will not perform the duty of my husband's brother then the elders of his city shall call him and speak unto him and if he stand to it and say I like not to take her then shall his brother's wife come unto him in the presence of the elders and loose his shoe from off his foot and spit in his face and shall answer and say so shall it be done unto that man that will not build up his brother's house and his name shall be called in Israel them the house of him that hath the shoe loosed that's a long name right so this is definitely interesting you know like taking off his shoe and spitting in his face okay now first of all I want you to see here is that what notice the first line there says if brethren dwell together so I don't believe this is you know a duty of just a brother that's off in the distance in a far country somewhere okay I think it's it's a specific you know brother and this could also mean you know brethren and not necessarily talking about brother and you know like my brother but I have cousins that would be brethren right you have close kin and you probably heard this phrase the kinsmen redeemer the kinsmen redeemer well that comes from Ruth and Boaz okay because this this is where it's stated in Deuteronomy and then in the book of Ruth go to Ruth chapter 4 this is where a case of it actually happening okay and so now I'll say this I don't believe this is saying that let's say you know my my brother dies that you know like my younger brother Justin you know is married and has a wife and if he died then I need to take her to wife right now okay obviously when it's talking about a brother like taking her to wife he's not married okay and so that's you got to understand that obviously it's a it's known that that would be the case that he's not taking another wife unto himself but it's more like that the err own and Sheila example right where err took a wife and then own in you know and so and you probably remember this story when it talks about the Pharisees that brought that problem up to to Jesus and said there were seven brethren and the one married the wife and then he died and then he married a wife and they never had any children and the whole point was to say like whose wife shall she be in the resurrection and he's like you do greatly err not only scriptures because what are you saying is that no one is married in the resurrection you know it's till death do us part okay in marriage it's not till it forever in eternity and so that's why if your spouse dies you're free to marry whomever you will only in the Lord so it's it's something that happened you know it's just in your lifetime but in Ruth chapter 4 just to get some context here it says and most of you know the story of Ruth and obviously Boaz ends up marrying Ruth but he he is wanting to redeem her he's wanting to basically do his duty but he knows that there's someone closer in kinsmen so it's like who's ever closer right because none of these are brothers to Ruth's ex or dead husband and so it's who's ever closer in kinship right in verse 1 in there it says then went Boaz up to up to the gate and sat sat him down there and behold the kinsmen of whom Boaz spake came by under whom he said ho such a such a one turn aside sit down here he turned aside and sat down and he took ten men of the elders of the city and said sit ye down here and they sat down and he said unto the kinsmen Naomi that is come again out of the country of Moab sell at the parcel of land which was our brother Elimelech's and I thought to advertise thee saying buy it before the inhabitants and before the elders of the my people if thou wilt redeem it but if thou wilt not redeem it then tell me that I may know for there is none to redeem it beside thee and I am after thee and he said I will redeem it then said Boaz what day thou buys the field of the hand of Naomi thou must buy it also of Ruth the Moabitess the wife of the dead to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance and the kinsman said I cannot redeem it for myself lest I mar mine own inheritance redeem now my right my right to thyself if I cannot redeem it now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing for to confirm all things a man plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor and this was a testimony in Israel therefore the kinsmen sent unto Boaz buy it for thee so he drew off his shoe and Boaz sent unto the elders and unto all the people ye are witnesses this day that I have bought all that was Elimelech's and all that was Caleon's and Malons of the hand of Naomi moreover Ruth the Moabitess the wife of Malon have I purchased to be my wife to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance that the name of the dead be not cut off from among his brethren from the gate of his place ye are witnesses this day so we see that this is actually performed here now he didn't spit in his face okay but Ruth wasn't there right so I guess she could have technically gone there spit in his face and gone through the whole law be like it says in Deuteronomy 25 I get to spit in your face no but we see that obviously this is something that is biblical it's something that God says this is the way it should be and notice that he he you know Boaz is a righteous man here Boaz is righteous to where he's he's basically the the son or if he has a son then the son will take Malons name now that's a big deal you know that to have a son and say that's not gonna be it'd be kind of like if I had a son and he didn't take my surname it took you know like someone else's surname does that make sense and so that that that be kind of a big deal because I would take pride obviously my children having my name especially my son because that son's gonna take that name down the line right and so it's definitely a big deal to do and obviously this this other kinsmen didn't want to do it he didn't want to maul his own inheritance he didn't want to have a child that wasn't gonna be after him right and it says in verse 12 there it's interesting because the end of this chapter really gets into Pharise and it says and let thy house in verse 12 be like the house of Pharise whom Tamar bear unto Judah of the seed which the Lord shall give thee of this young woman and so what's interesting about both these things is is obviously Pharise is brought up and Tamar but when you go to Matthew chapter 5 you don't necessarily turn there but in Matthew chapter 5 you know he did the kinsmen's Redeemer and he was bringing up his you know the dead husband's name but whose name was mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus and Matthew 1 5 it says in Solomon begat Boaz of Braacab and Boaz begat Obed of Ruth and Obed begat Jesse. Boaz's name is in that genealogy whether he performed the kinsmen Redeemer or not God put his name in the genealogy of Jesus because he's the he's the father of Obed and so it didn't say Malon you know that the son of Malon or anything like that so even though he did that you know he still was written in the Bible forever as being the father of Obed and so interesting you know the kinsmen Redeemer thing I'm not saying that we need to bring that back you know as far as like a law that we do in the land here but here's the thing the law of the Lord is perfect and there's a reason why that was there and it's obviously here's the thing it's it's for a lot of that is taking care of family you know if you can obviously it puts stipulations on that it's not saying to do something wicked it's not saying to commit adultery to do this to do this thing but we get into the story right after this about Judah and Tamar okay so Tamar she married Ur. Ur was wicked God killed him then Tamar was given to Onan we went through that whole story about how you know he he's pretty much greedy about his inheritance and he and God killed him then there was another son Sheila but Sheila wasn't old enough yet notice in verse 11 so you're in Genesis 38 and verse 11 then said Judah to Tamar his daughter-in-law remain a widow at thy father's house till Sheila my son be grown where he said lest peradventure he die also as his brethren did and Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house so basically Sheila's you know Sheila must not have been old enough you know or he must have been like maybe he could have been like a teenager or whatever and so he basically saying you need to wait until he's older okay and so but what we'll see here is that it he doesn't end up giving it hurt to Sheila and one of the big reasons I believe that is it says less preventory he died also so he's really afraid that his last son's going to die and so he I think he may be looking at like maybe it's Tamar's fault right because you can imagine you know it doesn't necessarily say that God told him why he killed her or why he killed Onan right and so maybe he knew I don't know but let's say you know just thinking about it maybe he didn't know he just you know Tamar marries her he dies Tamar marries Onan he dies and so he's probably thinking like Sheila is like a dead man walking if he marries her and so that's what gets into this story of why Tamar does what she does and obviously it's wrong what she does but the reason why she does what she does with Judah is because he didn't give her to wife to Sheila and but but first of all we'll see that that Judah's wife dies and so in verse 12 there it says in the process of time the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife died and Judah was comforted and went up unto his sheep shears to Timnath he and his friend Hira the dolomite so this Hira was must must been his best bro you know because he's always hanging out with Hira but so what we get into this next story and we already read it obviously is where Tamar takes off her widow garments and she goes and basically acts like she's a harlot and pulls in Judah okay and notice there in verse 13 it says and it was told Tamar saying behold thy father-in-law goeth up to Timnath to the sheep to shear his sheep and she put her widow's garments off off from her and covered her with a veil and wrapped herself and sat in an open place which is by the way to Timnath for she saw that Sheila was grown and she was not given unto him to wife so obviously why is she doing this because he's grown up and he's not doing what he said he would do and then verse 15 it says when Judah saw her he thought her to be in harlot because she had covered her face now this is really interesting she puts a veil on her face and covers and wraps herself and you know what Judah says she she looks like a harlot now that's very interesting to me because what religion makes their women cover their face and cover their whole body Islam and they're always like oh you know we're you know we don't want you to we can't even see your eyes you know like don't even look at their eyes it's craziness okay but it's funny because the Bible actually says that that's the tire of a harlot and that he thought she was a harlot because she put a veil over her face and so isn't it funny how like these religions get things completely backwards right and and by the way the Bible does not teach that women need to cover their heads with any kind of veil or cover their body I mean obviously we need to cover our nakedness right we need to be in modest apparel but people will take 1st Corinthians 11 but it ends and caps it all off and saying her hair is given her for a covering so when talking about women covering their head is talking about having long hair and it's basically saying if you don't have long hair then you need to cover your head right and with men it's talking about the fact of having short hair and it's a shame for a man to have long hair it's not talking about a hat okay it's not talking about a bonnet because men the priests had to wear bonnets in the Old Testament so they clearly can't be talking about that and so this isn't a whole sermon on like a long hair short hair but all I have to say is that it's interesting that when she wore a veil over her face Judah's like that's a harlot you know and that's the supposedly the whole reason why the Muslims make their women basically what is that Burke burka or what do they call those things I don't want to say Birkenstocks because that's not what that is right there's all these women's like clothing that I'm thinking of like that I have no idea what it is it's like when I say shawl I'm not really sure what that is is that like the is that like the half sweater thing where you put it through your arms but it doesn't go down the rest of the way or is that just a thing that goes over top of you anyway so there's like all these women's clothing and I'm always saying the wrong thing but not Birkenstocks a burka right so so anyway it's interesting though that the Bible states that and and Islam gets it completely backwards and most religions get the Bible backwards it's interesting how that happens and it's not just wrong it's not just different it's completely opposite evolutions like that evolution gets the creation story and completely flips it upside down and so we went through that that's a whole another sermon for another day so anyway so he she she puts this on her face and then Judah obviously they're both in sin here okay neither one of them are doing what they should be doing right this is not the way for her to get what she wants and and obviously what in the world is he doing going in and out to a harlot okay so obviously in verse 16 it says and he turned it turned unto her by the way and said go to I pray thee let me come in unto thee for he knew not that she was his daughter-in-law and she said what wilt thou give me that thou mayest come in unto me now this is interesting because basically she's getting paid okay so this is what a harlot gets you know a prostitute gets paid and but she she doesn't just take like the you know like he'll pay him later kind of thing he's obviously didn't have a kid with him he didn't have something to pay her with and so she takes this pledge of him it's very smart because she knows you know that that I mean it's like she was she was very intelligent to do this because of what happens next because he's saying what pledge shall I give thee verse 18 and she said I signet and I bracelets and I staff that is in thine hand and he gave it her and came in unto her and she conceived by him now this is gonna be very important later because down it talks about you know he comes back and she's not there okay so basically and when they cut when he comes back he's like where's the harlot and like there's no harlot here you know and it's like what did I see it goes you know what happened you know so basically you know it's obvious that something something's gone awry here but he's basically he brings it and he's just like you know take it to her I don't know if he just left the kid go run around you know and obviously we're talking about a goat you know like a young goat or whatever and so not a real person he didn't sell his child okay and so I don't know if he just let it go and just said let it go to her you know kind of thing and so that he'd be blameless from the pledge but this is this next part is like the the thug life of the Bible in my opinion if you ever read those things where you're just like it's a mic drop you know because what happens next every time I read this I'm like BAM she got him you know like it's one of those things like they're both in sin they're both wrong but she really just got him pinned because in verse 24 and and the reason why I'm hitting this because the hypocrisy of Judah and and men you know a lot of times there's this double standard obviously I'm talking to Christians that you know we know the fornication is wrong right but in the world men it's like this bragging rights to be a whoremonger and women it's you know they're they're a whore they're harlot now you're a whoremonger men if you sleep around with people and there's this double standard out there where we you know we look down on women which we should but we need to look down on the men just as much okay and this is where I love this because it really puts Judah in his place because he needs to be put in his place okay and so in Genesis 28 verse 24 it says and it came to pass after three months after I'm sorry about three months after now why would this be the case why would they know well you start showing at three months so obviously that we know why they know that she committed fornication but it says that it was told you to saying Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath played the harlot and also behold she is with child by whoredom and Judah said bring her forth and let her be burnt now the hypocrisy in that because three months earlier he just slept with a harlot and so you're I'm reading this like what are you thinking like the hypocrisy and what he wants to do here and the judgment he's trying to cast on her now here's the thing you know fornication first of all fornication is never given the death penalty except for in cases where it's like really wicked like incest type stuff and and so I think he's going a little extreme here now it talks about it taking your daughter-in-law but I in you be put to death for that it talks about Leviticus but I believe it's talking about when your son's still married to him okay and so I think that that's kind of the case of when you be put to death but this is still wrong right it's fornication either way you look at it but this is the mic drop this is the the thug life of the Bible right here notice what happens in verse verse 25 when she was brought forth she sent to her father-in-law saying or she yeah she said to her to her father-in-law saying by the man who's these are am I which child and she said discern I pray thee whose are these the signet the bracelets and staff I mean mic drop right there basically like you're wanting me to be burnt whose are these because that's whose child it is and it's just like BAM you know you're the one that did it and so they're both in sin but what we need to realize is we need to not be hypocrites in our judgment and Judah was a huge hypocrite here because I mean did he say laughter so let us both be burnt you know now when he does acknowledge this notice in verse 26 it says in Judah acknowledged to them and said she has been more righteous than I now he has come into his senses and realizing taking ownership for the the sin that he did because that I gave her not Sheila my son and he knew her again no more so he didn't you know we go into her anymore okay so he didn't like take her to wife and and all that stuff now this is a true case where the Matthew 7 now a lot of times I you know we really have to be on the we're on the offense or we're really trying to get away from certain passages I guess or people are trying to say to us but this is really where the judge not lest you be judged it comes into play or that you be not judged this is where this comes into play because it's talking about hypocrisy go to Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 so Matthew chapter 7 and what people usually do is they read that one verse and then they run away it's like judge not that you be not judged and then they just high tail it out there like they won the argument or something like that but we're gonna read the whole passage because what this is dealing with is exactly what Judah did exactly what Judah did in verse 1 there it says judge not to be not judged for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged and with what measure you meet it shall be measured to you again and why beholdest thou and the moat that is in thy brother's eye but considers not the beam that is in thine own eye or how wilt thou say to thy brother let me pull out the moat out of thine eye and behold a beam is in thine own eye thou hypocrite first cast out the beam out of thine own eye and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the moat out of thy brother's eye so is it saying never cast out of the moat out of someone's eye no it's bait but it it's not saying never do it but it's saying that if you have a beam in your own eye then don't go up to somebody that has something smaller than you right it's kind of like if you had a real big problem let's say let's say big example here let's say you're an alcoholic right you're an alcoholic and then someone's over there like sipping on a beer and like social drinking or whatever and then you went up there to be like what are you doing you're wicked you know doesn't don't you know the Bible says like that you shouldn't even look at it do you see how full full is that is and so it's the same thing with this because he he just did what he's accusing her of see if I make it through this service like every sermon man I'm like dying up here but it's the same exact thing and if you're if you know this too when you know when the Bible talks about like accusations and stuff like that you know like if you give a false accusation if I give a false accusation on somebody in the penalty is death you know I get the penalty that that penalty you know you get whatever is meet to you know whatever judgment you're meeting out that's gonna come back to you that's what this is stating right even though let's say let's say someone was on trial for murder and that and I went up to him and said I saw him do it and then it turns out I was a false witness they did this with Jesus by the way because they gave all these false accusations and the penalty was dead and if I was found out to be a false witness my judgment is whatever his judgment would have been and so that's what it's talking about it's like whatever judgment you're giving it's gonna be needed to you as well okay and so don't be a hypocrite in judgment that doesn't mean that we can never judge okay but that would be like this is a prime example and this seems to be happening a lot pastors that get divorces and commit adultery get up the next Sunday and talk about marriage I mean how wicked and hypocritical is that that Greg Locke or whatever his name is you know has an affair with his secretary and you know gets a divorce and and and then he's gonna get up and preach about marriage I mean talk about the most hypocrisy that I could even imagine so let us not be hypocrites and you know if you're gonna judge and you're gonna call condemnation down on somebody you best not be guilty of it and I'm obviously talking about big sins right it's obviously a drunkard fornication those are big sins that people can get kicked out of church I'm not saying just because it doesn't mean I can't preach on lying okay I've told a lie before okay we've all told lies we are you know for all liars have the partner like was burning fire brimstone we give that as an example of like everybody sins right but when we're talking about is like big major sins and don't like scowl my sermons or anything like that but mark this down a lot of times when you don't hear a subject from the preacher they may be struggling with it okay I got to look at all my sermons make sure I got everything covered right you know it'd be like we didn't preach on that I wonder if Pastor Robinson has a problem in that area right so I'm trying to preach it all okay so some of them I'm trying I got a list okay but but all that to say is that sometimes you know when when a preacher doesn't preach on something it's because they're guilty of it and so sometimes the preacher forgets okay so yeah you know you gotta give him a break sometimes don't just scowl a sermon to be like well yeah hasn't preached on that a while I wonder what's going on so some things are more pertinent I guess as far as what's relevant okay but but the last thing here and we'll be done is dealing with the fact that she does she does conceive then she ends up having twins and so in Genesis chapter 38 Genesis chapter 38 we see the birth of Phares and Zareph and so I'm gonna read this real quick in verse 27 it says and it came to pass in time of her travail that behold twins were in her womb and it came to pass when she travailed that the one put out his hand and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread saying this came out first and it came to pass as he drew back his hand that behold his brother came out and she said how hast thou brought forth this breach be upon thee therefore his name was called Phares and afterward came out his brother that had the scarlet thread upon his hand and his name was called Zara so this is obviously is this is in the genealogy Matthew chapter 1 again it talks about a citizen Judas begat Phares and Zara of Tamar so that's in the genealogy of Jesus so why is this whole chapter here well there's obviously things that we can learn from it and things that are in the Bible for a reason obviously but also I think one of the one of the major reasons to see where Phares came from because it's kind of an odd story it's not like he had a wife and then she had Phares kind of thing you know this is obviously a little more of an intricate story of how Phares came to be but I want to I want to teach on I want to show you something this is the last thing I'm going to show you here is the name Phares what does it mean okay and and Phares means if you look at verse 29 there it says this breach be upon thee therefore his name is called Phares and I want to I want to show you something because there's a passage in Daniel chapter 5 that may have made you wonder about something go to Daniel chapter 5 Daniel chapter 5 David probably knows this because when I was in Sunday school I went down this rabbit trail with him and I remember his I think his parents were asking you like what'd you learn today and it was like something had nothing to do with the lesson like I mean talk about the rabbit trail and I was teaching on this and sometimes when I would do this the the Sunday school things I would I was like reading through something I found something interesting I'm just like yes has nothing to do with the sermon but I just want to show you this kind of thing but anyway so we saw Phares means the breakforth it says how is thou broken forth or to breach right and that's the same thing right if you think of a breach in a dam what is it doing is breaking forth right a breach in something but in Daniel chapter 5 and verse 25 and you probably noticed this before but in verse 25 this is obviously the the famous writing on the wall you've seen the writing on the wall and this is where Belshazzar the king sees this writing he's scared and Daniel comes to interpret it and verse 25 it says and this is the writing that was written meanie meanie teakle you farson this is the interpretation of the thing meanie God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it teakle thou art weighed in the balances and aren't found wanting p rez thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians now do you notice something there that that's interesting so the writing on the wall says meanie meanie teakle you farson when he goes to explain what those words mean do you notice that you farson and p rez are different words like it's obviously a little different there and so what this comes out to is they're the same word but they mean it's the same word and it means the same thing it's just said differently and I want to show you another place because we saw that Phares means what breach broken forth go to second Samuel chapter 6 second Samuel chapter 6 this is when Uzzah if you remember Uzzah touched the ark and they put it on a cart which they're not supposed to do and so they are taking the cart they're taking the Ark of the Covenant back and then David was gonna take it back into Jerusalem Uzzah touches the ark because it shook and we're gonna see this and we're gonna see what p rez means and verse 6 there second Samuel chapter 6 it says and when they came to Naken's threshing floor Uzzah put forth his hand to the Ark of God and took hold of it for for the oxen shook it and the anger the Lord was kindled against Uzzah and God smote him there for his error and there he died by the Ark of God and David was displeased because the Lord had made a breach upon Uzzah and he called the name of the place p rez Uzzah on to this day so what is the word p rez Uzzah you can see well Uzzah is in the name and p rez is in the name right so so the Uzzah is the person p rez and what does it say you made a breach upon Uzzah so what's p rez mean a breach so so pherez means breach Uzzah means breach so you can see in the word you far sin what do you see the word fair as in it and then p rez obviously is p rez which means a breach so it's a different way of saying same word now you say well that's weird why would it do that well if you know anything about languages as far as like even even Spanish but I've been studying Greek and stuff like that and verbs in other languages it actually helps things a little bit because in our language things have to be in a certain order in order to like know what the verb goes to and what subject it goes to and all that right well in other languages the verb has different ways of spelling and pronunciation based off of what it's associated with okay and so like it and when we think of a word you know like when you look it up in a dictionary it's called the infinitive form of the word right it's like to have or you know it's like an infinitive form of it other languages sometimes like Greek instead of using the infinitive verb if you looked up the words that you're looking at in a dictionary it would have the personal you know verb that went with it okay I'll give you an example okay the word for have in Greek is eho and that's for personal like I have right so it doesn't say to have it says I have if I were gonna say we have it would be eho me do you see how it's different though and there's a he like all those are different it's all the same word though it all means have but it means he has or you have even in Spanish do you know there's two different ways to say you two and ustedes or usted so don't get mixed up on it you know don't look at me Daniel like oh there's a there's a mistake in the Bible no think about this if you're if you're saying meaning meaning T equal your farce and he's saying that the kingdom which is a place or you know a thing it has a breach in it or it's divided and then he's just explaining he just it'd be kind of like if I put down the definitive term or an infinitive term of of the word and he's explaining what that means right so you can look at it like these are like the infinitive forms of the word and P res is like that okay and so that has nothing to really do with fair eyes okay besides the fact that a lot of times in the Bible we'll see definitions for names and you'll see a name as far as like Jeru bail means plead for bail you know and and you think of Salem means peace and Melchizedek means righteousness and it'll define these terms so when you look at Jerusalem you can see what's in that word peace and so there's certain things like that and so when you go to like Daniel 5 and you see like it says you farce in here and pure as here is that a mistake no it's the same word it means the same thing it's just maybe used in a different format and especially in other languages our language isn't like that right if I say have it doesn't matter if I say I have you have she has they have it's all the same but in most languages it's not like that most languages it's different the verb changes and even even and how you use the word in a sentence whether it's the subject or whether it's the object like in Greek there's like the nominative and accusative case and the same noun could have different ways of saying it okay and you're like I don't care I but all I'm saying with that is that it's not out of the ordinary to see that in Daniel chapter 5 and when I see passages like this when it named somebody fair as and it means breach and then I see pure as oohs and it means breach I'm like it comes together right and then you look at you farce and you look at pure as you're like oh it's the same word it just used a different way so anyway that's a Genesis chapter 38 definitely some interesting stuff in there and you know obviously taking a little detour off of Joseph we got into the fact that he was sold it so it's kind of like this cliffhanger he was sold into Egypt and they're like oh well let's go into Judah a little bit like wait a minute I wonder what happened to him right so when we get into Genesis chapter 39 we're gonna be getting into Joseph Joseph situation and his story where God is with them so there's a lot to get into with Joseph but let's end with a word apparently fatherly thank you for this evening and pray that you'd be with us throughout the rest of this week and well we thank you for everything that you give us and Lord thank you for your word and Lord just so many things that we can learn in it and Lord just so many little nuggets of truth that we can find and and Lord just pray that you'd be with us for the rest of the evening and throughout the rest of the week and what we love your prayers in Jesus Christ name amen