(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Well, good morning, everyone. Welcome to Mountain Baptist Church. Take your song books and turn to song number 25. Song number 25 in your song books. We'll sing Wounded for Me, if you would stand. We'll sing song number 25. Wounded for me, wounded for me. There on the cross he was wounded for me. Gone my transgressions and now I am free. All because Jesus was wounded for me. Dying for me, dying for me. There on the cross he was dying for me. Now in his death my redemption I see. All because Jesus was dying for me. Risen for me, risen for me. Up from the grave he has risen for me. Now evermore from death's sting I am free. All because Jesus has risen for me. Living for me, living for me. Up in the skies he is living for me. Daily he's pleading and praying for me. All because Jesus is living for me. Coming for me, coming for me. One day to earth he is coming for me. Then with that joy his dear face I shall for me. Let's pray. Heavenly Father Lord, we just want to thank you God for just another day that we get to gather here at Mountain Baptist Church. The honor and glory out of everything that's said and done for us in Jesus' name we ask all of you. Amen. All right, you may be seated and turning your songbooks to song number 32. Song number 32, we'll sing He Lives on High, song number 32. Christ the Savior came from heaven's glory to redeem the lost from sin and shame. On his brow he wore the throne crown glory and upon Calvary he took my blame. He lives on high, he lives on high, triumphant over sin in all its stains. He lives on high, he lives on high, someday he's coming again. He arose from death and all its sorrow to dwell in the land of joy and love. He is coming back some glad tomorrow and he'll take all his children home above. He lives on high, he lives on high, triumphant over sin in all its stain. He lives on high, he lives on high, someday he's coming again. We result to Jesus come confessing. Redemption from sin he offers thee. Look to Jesus and receive a blessing. There is life, there is joy and victory. He lives on high, he lives on high, triumphant over sin in all its stains. He lives on high, he lives on high, someday he's coming again. Amen so welcome Mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday morning and kind of the big announcement is we got the Father's Day gifts. So we're a week late but it's a Duluth gift card so everybody should be happy about that right? So if you don't know what Duluth is you will be pleasantly surprised when you get you know a pair of pants or something like that. So if you don't like Duluth and you're one of those that doesn't want to drink the Kool-Aid there's still some extra Target gift cards from Mother's Day. But halfway joking on that there are extras actually so but so fathers will get well how do you want to do this you want to give out now do you want to yeah we can hand them out now so if if you're a dad then stand up and we'll have brother but Dave hand these out I'm taking one of these and as he's doing that just some other general church announcements we have the regular service times today we have our soul winning time at 1 p.m. so be in your places here a little before 1 o'clock we'll get teamed up and go out so winning and then we have our regional sewing times during the week here on Monday and Wednesday brother Charles and brother Richie leading those up respectively and then we have upcoming events I did move the men's prayer meeting to this Friday so we're gonna have a back-to-back prayer meeting with the men and the women so men Friday women on Saturday and then on Saturday we're gonna have the fireworks brother Anthony asked me when what time we should do that and I said dark or dusk you know but no honestly we're gonna have some food so he said we don't send a time you might you might have people coming out there at three o'clock or something like that in the afternoon I'm I'm like well then I'm gonna put him to work so he's like so you want me put three o'clock so no but we have seven o'clock on here that's a tentative time and we're gonna have food and everything there I know some may eat earlier than that so obviously I understand if you're you get a bite to eat before you come or whatever especially with kids seven o'clock might be a little late to be eating but that's just a tentative time just so well it gets dark around 9 930 right now so really realistically I mean you're dealing with at least a couple hours from 7 o'clock to when we're gonna be able to see the fireworks or whatever or what when we're gonna actually set them off so but being prepared for that just remember this is that all parents are the ones that have to look after their children so just because one of us has sparklers in our hands and we're handing them out to the children does not mean that we're the designated you know supervisor of every single one of those kids so if you have sparklers kids parents make sure no one's like jabbing people in the eye with them burning each other with them and all that and then just also be cognizant of the fact that it's a farm there's heavy equipment around there's cliffs there's yeah we're putting a safety fence around the area where it's kind of a drop-off because brother Joseph building a barn but so just kind of keep that in mind okay so and don't assume that someone else is watching your kids because they're probably not and then but just we want to be safe obviously with that when it comes to the big fireworks don't worry about that they'll be off in the distance and that's gonna be one of us that dies if we or gets hurt if that happens okay so you know that those will be far enough away that you shouldn't have to worry about as long as your kids aren't running out there when those are going on okay so but so that should be fun that'll be coming up this Saturday and then chapter memory we're still in the month of June and so we have Psalm 16 there as our memory chapter and Ecclesiastes 10 1 is our memory verse for the week dead flies cost caused the ointment of the apothecary to send forth the stinking saver so does a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor it was kind of a longer verse but it's a good principle I'm gonna be preaching on that this morning actually and then birthdays birthdays what's today 26th did we miss any birthdays last week besides like obviously the little the girls that were just born none that I can think of here so brother Justin we don't know I don't know if we have your girls on the list do we do we okay okay just making sure I want to make sure I'm not missing somebody here we always like to embarrass everybody so we want to be equal on that but anniversary he's got that congratulations to obviously miss Catherine and miss Rachel on babies that were at the same day right so then who that happened to before you said this is another time that happened was it oh okay ginger okay I was forgetting I forgot that ginger and Alyssa had on the same day so but yeah so but congratulations on that and we have miss Joyce on here for pregnancy so be in prayer for her and the Murphy family there as well and just so you know going from one to two is the worst so I just want to don't want you to feel comfortable at all about this whole situation I want you to know that it only gets worse no but it is actually interesting how and it just depends on the child just to be honest with you but how you know it was really hard that one to two was really hard and then from two to three actually wasn't as bad don't get me wrong every child is harder so it's not like you have another child you're like oh it's easier no not until there may be like like Lily's age where she can help out brother Dave can testify to that whether that's easier or not but pros and cons straight offs you know she can dress herself at least right so we're somewhere there so but congratulations on that obviously we'll be praying for miss Joyce and that's about all I got for announcements and make sure all the dads got your Duluth card you check that Duluth site and you check it off and for sales and all that so the stuff on there is not cheap but there are times where there will be something on sales out of season or something like that that's the time to strike you know like right now when it's got like the fleece stuff and you're like it's 90 degrees outside I don't want that that's when you need to buy it because it's going to get cold eventually so anyway that's my commercial for Duluth and that's the announcement for today the offering boxes in the back mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only brother Dave's gonna come and sing one more song brother Shane's gonna be reading Ecclesiastes chapter 10 for us all right take your songbooks and turn to song number 325 325 we'll sing trust and obey one second song 325 when we walk with the Lord in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our way while we do his goodwill he abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey not a shadow can rise not a cloud in the skies but a smile quickly drives it away not a doubt or a fear not a sign or a tear can abide while we trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy and Jesus but to trust and obey not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share but our toll he doth richly repay not a grieve nor a loss not a frown or a cross but as blessed if we trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey but we never can prove the delights of his love until all the altar we lay for the favor he shows and the joy he bestows are for them who will trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey then in fellowship suite we will sit at his feet or we'll walk by his side in the way what he says we will do where he sends we will go never fear only trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey all right take your Bibles and turn to Ecclesiastes chapter number 10 the Ecclesiastes chapter 10 will have brother Shane read that for us Ecclesiastes chapter 10 Ecclesiastes chapter 10 if you found your place amen dead flies caused the ointment of the apocrypha to send forth a stinking Savior so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor a wise man's heart is at his right hand but a fool's heart at his left yea also when he that is a fool walketh by the way his wind wisdom faileth him and he saith to everyone that he is a fool if the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee leave not thy place for yielding pacifieth great offenses there is an evil which i have seen under the sun as an error which proceedeth from the ruler folly is said in great dignity and the rich sit in low place i have seen servants upon horses and princes walking as servants upon the earth he that diggeth a pit shall fall into it and whoso breaketh in hedge a serpent shall bite him whoso removest stone shall be hurt therewith and he that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby if the iron be blunt and he do not wet the edge then must he put to more strength but wisdom is profitable to direct surely the serpent will bite without enchantment and a babbler is no better the words of a wise man's mouth are gracious but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself the beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness and the end of his talk is mischievous madness a fool also is full of words a man cannot tell what shall be and what shall be after him who can tell him the labor of the foolish wearieth every one of them because he know knoweth not how to go to the city woe to thee o land when thy king is a child and thy princes eat in the morning blessed art thou o land when thy king is the son of nobles and thy princes eat in due season for strength and not for drunkenness by much slothfulness the building decayeth and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through a feast is made for laughter and a wine maketh mary but money answereth all things curse not the king do not in thy thought and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber for a bird of the air shall carry the voice and that which hath wings shall tell the matter let us pray dear heavenly father lord thank you to be gathered in your house today i just pray that you fill pastor with your spirit that you just help us to learn from your word in jesus name amen amen so you're there in ecclesiastes chapter 10 and this first verse here is our memory verse but the name of the sermon is flies in the ointment flies in the ointment and this may be even a phrase that you've heard before but let's read the first three verses here it says dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking saver so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor a wise man's heart is at his right hand but a fool's heart at his left yay also when he that is a fool walketh by the way his wisdom faileth him and he and he said to everyone that he is a fool and so uh this verse uh kind of it sticks out to me uh because actually there's there's there's something that happened when i was like in elementary school that makes me think of this verse and you're like that's really weird but what this really comes down to is someone that is known to be a really good person you know or someone that's uh let's say just usually does right and then they don't do right they do something wrong it sticks out like a sore thumb right and uh i still remember because when i was in elementary school at least in elementary school i was extremely quiet meaning like i just did what my teachers told me i didn't i rarely ever acted up actually to the point where uh we'd go to like a teacher's conference or like the teachers would talk to my parents and uh they say man your your your son's like an angel you know like you just never does anything wrong and then they're just laughing like yeah well something changes when he comes home so but uh especially in middle school when because that's when they said that they're like you know when he comes home that's a whole different animal uh but anyway that being said i was not a perfect child but at school i was super shy so i just didn't usually act up i wasn't the kids that were like getting into trouble or whatever and i still remember in elementary school i did something wrong like it was one of those things where like there's other kids were doing stuff and you're following a multitude of do evil kind of thing and uh it was nothing like serious but it was enough to where like let's say we weren't supposed to be talking and i was and i started talking to somebody like someone was talking to me and the teacher i still remember this to this day came down hard on me and i'm like what in the world i'm like this person over here is talking every single day disobeying every single day and you're just like you know like kind of flipping about that person even getting in trouble i do one thing wrong one thing and it's just like crucified essentially and i remember that to this day like man that seems why am i being singled out when i'm like good most all the time and then i make one mistake and then it's just like the end of the world the teacher's coming down on me it just seemed really unfair okay so i remember that and it sticks with me when i read this verse i'm like yep that's exactly what it comes down to is why because someone that's had a reputation for wisdom and honor meaning someone that's in reputation for being good or being like a good person and doing right when they do folly it stinks like it's something that when someone else that just does wrong all the time it's just kind of like yeah that's expected it's not really something that's just going to stand out but if you're in had a reputation for being you know righteous and all that you know and this could go into many realms as far as what are we talking about the second verse there you're like why'd you read the second verse because you know it just shows you that the bible says politically you should be right and not left because if you're left you're a fool you're right you're wise so i don't think that's what it's talking about but anyway i every time i read this who does not read that and think about the political left and the political right i mean come on but i mean if you're not left you're right so go to ecclesiastes chapter seven verse one don't get me wrong the right is wrong a lot of the times too when i'm talking about the politics most of those that are on the right are a bunch of posers they don't actually you know stand for the values that they even say they stand for okay but in ecclesiastes chapter seven verse one it says a good name is better than precious ointment in the day of death than the day of one's birth now i don't believe this is talking about like what your name actually is as far as like that's a good name like it sounds cool that's a cool name you know that's not what i believe it's talking about i believe it's talking about you have a good name because you have a good reputation okay like that name is is had in reputation right and it's like a precious ointment okay but if that name is tarnished or if there's a folly a little folly you notice that it's just a little bit right think about and you say what in the world are we even talking about with the ointment of the apothecary okay so basically the ointment of the apothecary you know basically you mix spices and all this stuff and you think of an apothecary you think of like something where you're grinding down something it's like a it's like a crucible kind of thing that probably didn't help it's basically like a bowl okay that you take something and you kind of mix it around in okay you do this for like drugs you do this for spices you do this for other things and so that's what we're talking about here is basically ointment being made but if a fly gets in there it makes it stink okay dead flies and the ointment of the apothecary sends forth a stinking saver and it's giving you an example that the ointment is great right the ointment is good and there's nothing wrong with the ointment but the dead flies that got into it made it rancid it made it disgusting it made it smell horrible right and that's the example it's giving as far as just a little folly notice a little folly it's not saying like oh you know this person was doing great and then he murdered somebody that's not a little folly okay that's messed up you know that's that's major sins i'm talking a little folly that's going on there go to ecclesia or i'm sorry uh go to ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 there's two main points that i'm going to get across here i want to get across is the fact that we as christians need to know that we need to be living above reproach okay meaning this is that everybody's eyes are especially if you're preaching the truth and you're trying to change people's minds about what the truth is and what righteousness is eyes are going to be on you and any little bit of folly is going to like basically stand out okay not to put a whole bunch of pressure on you because here's the thing when it comes down to this is if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us okay no one's sinlessly perfected but this is something we should be striving for knowing that the world is looking at us with a microscope right they're they're trying to pick us apart they're trying to find something to say hey that person right there stinks because of this little thing they do wrong over here okay and what we what we need to do as christians is make that as scarce as possible okay and so but ezekiel chapter 18 verse 21 remember how i said it didn't seem fair right it doesn't seem fair that that would be the case well one you need to understand this is that to whom much is given of him shall be much required right meaning this is that you know as if you're going to try to live above reproach there's going to be a lot more at stake to keep that that reputation if you will then if you're just living down here in the gutter at that point if you do anything good it's kind of like oh man you did something and that's what i felt like when i was in elementary when i was in school i felt like this one person over here does like one thing right and they're just like praising them like that's great that's great i do one thing wrong and i'm just like punished to the 10th degree and i'm just like this isn't fair okay but it's just a fact of life okay and ecclesiastes really shows you a lot of cases just facts of life whether you like it or not that's just facts okay someone that is a horrible person does one thing right and everybody's just like that's awesome he finally did something good and then what then a good person does something one little thing wrong and they're just like oh what's wrong what what's up man falling yeah what yeah and then they just get on you really hard about it okay now in ezekiel chapter 18 verse 24 it says but when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness and the committed iniquity and that doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth shall he live so that's a question that's being asked like you're you do all this righteousness but then you turn and try to do things that the wicked do it's like are you going to be are you going to live and these are talking about sins that are more dealing with capital punishment right we're talking about like the death penalty type of sins abominations that would be associated with that knows this is all his righteousness that he had done shall not be mentioned in his trespass that he had trespassed and in his sin that he hath sinned in them shall he die yet ye say the way of the lord is not equal here now oh house of israel is not my way equal are not your ways unequal when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and committed iniquity and dieth in them for his iniquity that he had done shall he die so this you know what when you look at this you say this doesn't seem fair okay it doesn't seem fair that it's this way but is it not equal is it not right that someone now obviously the people that are praising a wicked person for doing one great thing you know i'm not saying that's fair necessarily i'm not saying that whole situation in elementary school was fair okay but what you have to understand is that you do folly you do folly and you just need to own it okay and in the world that we live in like i said we're in a mic we're under this microscope where they're just trying to pick you apart they're trying to find something wrong with you and when they do they're going to try to point it out okay and so we need to be living in that manner that is going to kind of deal with that and whether you think that's fair or not it doesn't really matter okay because here's the thing to god it doesn't really our standards to god okay so let's let's take everybody else out of the picture as far as what everybody else thinks our standards to god and the bible says that you know that we should be perfect even as our heavenly father is perfect and we should be striving to be that way okay so the one great thing which the the second point i'm getting into is how salvation is by faith and not by works at all okay and the fact that those that believe that salvation is free and that it's by faith and not by works at all then they're going to be looking at the little folly they got to clean up in their life unlike the people that think you got a term from your sins and that you can lose your salvation they're just worried about the big sins right because they know that they commit little sins all the time and they're not going to be able to stop all those that they're just like worried about the big sins but if you understand that just a little bit just a just a few dead flies and that ointment sent forth a stinking uh saver then you know that hey i need to be worried about even these little things the thought of foolishness i need to be thinking about like to him that know what to do good and do it to not to him it is sin i need to be thinking about things that that maybe even the world wouldn't even look at and say hey that's even a even something to worry about that makes sense like our standards not what the world think thinks is right or wrong right because a lot of the big sins that we'd say you shouldn't commit the world would be like ah that's fine but here's the thing if you're preaching that it's wrong and then you're doing it they're going to call you out for it okay because they're going to call you out as a hypocrite now there are a bunch of hypocrites themselves okay so obviously you can turn it right back on them and say that they're a bunch of hypocrites but at the same time we don't want to give them any ammunition okay that's the whole point here is that we want to have a good saver and not a stinking saver okay now you can you don't have to turn there but ezekiel 33 basically states the same thing but it's the idea here is that it doesn't matter how many good things you did right you could have just done so many good things a little folly will send forth a stinking saver that's the principle i want to get you know get across there with ezekiel obviously ezekiel is kind of dealing with uh you know a sinning unto death right you know like literally like sinning an abomination that would cause you to be put to death or or cause you to die in some manner uh because of that sin you know that that's what that's dealing with but at the same time notice that all your righteousness shall not be remembered it's not you know this whole idea like your good outweighs your bad right all of them will not be remembered so it's not like oh you know well i have all these rights let me pile that on to that one you know just to kind of cancel out that iniquity right and the same thing here is that that little folly doesn't matter how much great that you've done doesn't matter how good you've been doesn't matter how many years you've been doing great that little bit of folly will send forth a stinking saver and go to matthew chapter five matthew chapter five and what we want to have is a good saver okay a good saver toward god but also toward men okay like i said it doesn't seem fair but here's the thing the world isn't fair and kids you should know this the world is not fair you need to learn that at a young age that you don't get necessarily what you deserve sometimes that's a good thing especially with god that we don't get what we deserve because the lord is gracious but in this world you may not get that promotion that you deserve you may not get the things that you think that that are coming to you or that's due to you the world isn't fair but we just need to take it on the chin and keep going and even though the world it wouldn't be fair it doesn't seem fair that they're going to like judge us over one little thing that that we do wrong when there's all this stuff that we've been doing right over here okay and uh but it is what it is in matthew chapter 5 verse 13 notice what it says here matthew 5 verse 13 it says ye are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost his saver wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden underfoot of men now this is dealing more so with losing saver not having a stinking saver but losing saver okay but we want to have a good saver and you say well how do you know we're talking about a good saver and what is that talking about i believe it's specifically in context here talking about having good works okay and notice what it says in verse 14 it says ye are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven so we know that good works don't get you to heaven we know that it's not good works us doing good works necessarily that's going to cause for that person to get saved but here's the thing what they see as far as them going to glorify god by getting saved is they're going to look at your life they're going to look at what you do now there's going to be some people and then we go out door knocking they have no idea right so when you're going door to door it may not be as big of a deal okay but when you're dealing with co-workers when you're dealing with family members when you're dealing with people that know you people that are around you they see you out in public and then you try to give them the gospel that's where it's important to have a good saver okay and but go to second corinthian chapter two second corinthian chapter two we also should have a sweet saver okay towards the lord now in this case i believe we're dealing with uh i did i believe we're dealing with soul winning and just you know living for the lord and that no matter what the outcome is to the people that we are preaching the gospel to it's a sweet saver to the lord okay so if you're a soul winner i believe that you're obviously applying a sweet saver you're let and you have a good saver because you're letting your light so shine before men right and that you're not and in that case you're not good for nothing either because you're actually being the soul of the earth okay now in uh second uh corinthian chapter 2 and verse 15 here it says for we are unto god a sweet saver of christ in them that are saved and in them that perish to the one we are the saver of death unto death and unto the other the saver of life unto life and who is sufficient for these things for we are not as many which corrupt the word of god but as of sincerity but as of god in the sight of god speak we in christ okay so he's basically saying we're not we're not corrupting the word of god we're speaking it in truth uh and what are we talking about here we're talking about preaching the gospel but he's basically stating here that no matter if that person that you talk to gets saved or not it's still a sweet saver unto the lord that makes sense because we can't force people to get saved but us preaching sincerely and sincerity and in truth in the sight of god that's a sweet saver unto the lord okay but that is going to be even better if you add in that salt if you add in that that idea of having good works associated with that that you don't have this fault this little folly that's that's causing that sweet saver not to be as sweet does that make sense and the idea there is that uh i'm going to show you a couple verses or go to go to first peter chapter two first peter chapter two i believe this fits very well with matthew chapter five okay you say man you're you're being really nitpicky i'm not being nitpicky the bible's being nitpicky okay first of all but here's the thing we need to go on under perfection don't we i mean you know that it's wrong to murder you know it's wrong to commit adultery you know what it's wrong to lie and to steal to covet after things that don't belong to you right those are major sins those are things that we should not be doing and obviously we go through those but how about this know this that a little folly a little folly will cause you to stink before before men and we need to recognize that and try to be at a high state and now here's the thing you can say well you know you as a pastor need to be at that sure but let me ask you a question those those qualifications for a pastor that i have a good report of them that are without for example do you think that shouldn't apply to everybody in this room as well i mean in order for someone to be a pastor they had someone in the pews had to meet this call did you know that i actually wasn't always a pastor i actually was sitting in the pews at one point and i was just a church member so everybody should be striving to have a good report of them that are without everybody should be striving to be the sweet smelling savor of ointment unto the lord and not have a stinking savor and you know doing iniquity will cause it i mean think about levi and simian simian and levi how they ended up killing all that that whole like town because they defiled dina their their sister and remember what what uh jacob said he said you have made me to stink in the land okay and you know you just think about like what's that mean to stink not like literally you stink like you need to put on deodorant okay it's it's a basically it just doesn't you know what i'm talking about just physically like you don't think that person you don't like that person because of like maybe one little thing the one thing they did wrong okay and uh in second or first peter chapter 2 in verse 11 it says dearly beloved i beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul having your conversation honest among the gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evildoers they may by your good works which they shall behold glorify god in the day of visitation you know this is the now is the accepted time now is the day of salvation that's what we're talking about we're talking about getting people saved and it's stating here that when they behold your good works you know that's when people are going to be glorifying god in the day of visitation because it's a righteous person that's giving them the gospel and you know what that's going to be you're going to bear more fruit that way okay and i'm not saying that someone that that's uh that has problems with sin can't win someone to christ okay obviously there's there's power in the word of god there's power in the gospel god wants them to get saved but if you want to not just bear fruit but bear much fruit and that your fruit may remain you know like there's there's beyond just getting people saved here and there you want to be able to be getting people saved you know 30 fold 60 fold 100 fold and you know on and going on from that to lead people in the way of righteousness and that caused them to do likewise and and all those aspects that are going on there and the fleshly lust that war against the soul remember our soul if you're saved you believe on christ your soul has no sin okay whosoever is born of god doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he's born of god but the flesh is not so because it says in my flesh dwell no good thing you know it's sin that dwell within me so it's this battle that's going on with your flesh and your soul okay inwardly speaking we're a sweet smelling saver unto the lord does it make sense like at all times because we're a child of god inwardly we don't have that that that folly or that sin or anything like that we're completely made new but on the outside that's what can cause for that stinking saver because you're getting into fleshly lust um go to first peter chapter 3 and verse 15 first peter chapter 3 and verse 15 first peter chapter 3 and verse 15 it says but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason to the hope that is in you with meekness and fear again what are we doing here what's the premise of what's being said here we're giving an answer for the reason of the hope that is in this what's the hope the hope of eternal life jesus christ our hope that's what we're talking about we're talking about giving them an answer meaning that we're going to we're trying to get them saved right and then it goes on to say in verse 16 having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as evildoers as of evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ for it is better if the will of god be so that you suffer for well-doing than for evildoing okay so basically what he's saying is in these situations they may even come at you and say hey that's an evildoer that person's doing that but when they're wrong they're going to be ashamed about it because they falsely accuse your good conversation in christ so what we're talking about here is having a good conversation now conversation could be talking about like conversing with what you say and i'll get to that but a conversation is just conversing it could be it could be just your manner of life how you deal with people even if you're not saying anything right and we need to have a good conversation to where we have a good report of them that are without and that you know what they look at us and be like i may not agree with that person but you know he's doing what he says he believes in right and i've run into that many times i run i know people that i see on a weekly basis that that aren't saved that i would consider you know i'm friendly with right because obviously we want to try to win people outside of uh even door knocking and stuff like that but i've i've heard people say i don't agree with you but i respect you for what you believe because you actually believe what you you actually do what you say you believe okay and that's where we want to be we want to be in a spot where even if someone disagrees with us and you know the bible even talks about having peace with our enemies right to even that level not all enemies you're gonna be able to have peace with right but at the same time some you could even have peace with because they're just like i disagree with that person vehemently i think they're completely wrong and out to lunch but i respect that person because they actually do what they say they believe that's where we want to be in this life we want to listen we want to be like that righteous it says that the wicked flee when no man pursue it but the righteous are bold as a lime you want to have boldness in this world then you get rid of the dead flies in your ointment and it seems so small okay right but you know what i hate flies and i kill them on a daily basis and you know what however you got to get those dead flies out of the ointment whether with with a salt gun you know whatever you got to use then you need to get rid of them okay because salt is good so and it's good to kill flies too by the way i thank brother joseph for that that that is a gift that has just been a tool that i've used throughout the years it's been amazing okay and i probably saved many chandeliers and and lights by not hitting them with towels and everything else trying to kill flies go to uh colossians chapter four colossians chapter four colossians chapter four and verse five and here's some verses just dealing with this idea of communication our speech how we talk how we conduct ourselves and that like i said a little folly so when i when i look at that verse i'm not thinking about major sins right i'm thinking about like little things like little like here's a priority list don't murder people and down here on the bottom down here and not that it's not important but obviously i'd rather you not kill somebody in cold blooded murder than like say something that's you shouldn't say does that make sense and so obviously there's there's a scale there but we need to be careful on this now verse five it says colossians chapter four and verse five it says walk in wisdom toward them that are without redeeming the time let your speech be all way with grace seasoned with salt that you may know how you ought to answer every man so our speech should be with grace it says seasoned with salt now that could be you know like you think about someone being salty right and the fact that maybe what you're saying isn't necessarily um fun to hear right because a lot of the bible i would say is a little salty if you were to look at it in that aspect and the fact that it's true it's great but at the same time it might sting a little bit right if you have an open wound that you're dealing with a little salt is going to hurt okay and our our speech should be always great seasoned with salt right it shouldn't be our speech shouldn't be salty seasoned with a little bit of grace okay it should be the other way around okay and that's the way we should conduct ourselves meaning this is that we're why are you having a conversation with somebody right the the thing that you have to think about is like why are you why are you even conversing with this person is it just to win the argument or are you actually trying to help that person out now there's some cases where i'm conversing with someone so that people around will hear and understand that this person is is like a false prophet or this person's wicked or something like that does it make sense but if i'm just having a conversation one-on-one with somebody then it's kind of it's you know that person i'm i want there's a reason why i'm trying to talk to him about a certain subject because i care about them there's grace involved but there might be a little bit of salt that i have that i'm adding in there because you know faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful right the idea there is sometimes you need to put a little salt in the wound to get them to wake up to the wound right they don't even realize they're bleeding out and you have to like get in there and say something that maybe will hurt their feelings maybe will you know just hurt in general whatever but go to ephsian chapter five ephsian chapter five and verse 15 ephsian chapter five verse 15 i kind of hit on this verse uh when we were in exodus because it talks about and all the things that i've said unto you be circumspect okay and we were talking about how uh what circumspect means but it basically means something that you are kind of mindful and and cautious like you're you're being very vigilant about that you're doing right you're not just just lacks a daisy about it so uh it says in verse 15 see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil okay and redeeming the time is brought up in colossians as well um but redeeming the time knowing this is that we have a short time we only have a short amount of time we have to be efficient with our time and you say well you know we can still get people saved you can still win people to christ even if you're not living this great christian life because you know the word of god is powerful and the gospel is powerful and and obviously you're still saved you can still get them saved but here's the thing redeeming the time though let me ask you a question you know that that old song is worth it just for one person to get saved listen if i only got one person saved in my whole life you know that's better than none okay but let's be honest here would i rather get one person saved or hundreds or thousands right i mean that whole that whole like song sometimes i think is an excuse for people to be lazy when the the fields are white under harvest but here's the thing when it comes to this if you don't purge yourself from the dead flies if you will right but obviously the bible talked about purging you know that jesus will purge the branches that will bring forth more fruit you need to purge yourselves from sins you need to purge yourselves even from this little folly in your life you need to purge yourself so that you can bear more fruit that you can have a sweet savor so that more people will get saved because there's only so much time that we have okay why do we go to the poor areas in general okay think about like why do we remember the poor as the bible says we remember the poor and why we go to areas that aren't like graystone which we were driving through graystone yesterday and i'm like this is like probably the worst place that we're to ever go soul you know i was joking like hey we should go soul winning out here next week it's the richest place that i've been in a morgan town probably but uh why why don't why are we not going to graystone and why are we hitting places that may be hitting more than one hit more than once uh that's a poor area because more people are going to get saved in poor areas because he had made the poor rich in faith because and there's many reasons on why you know the rich are not going to end up getting saved in most cases but a lot of it has to do with pride you need those that are humble in spirit that are going to get saved and we're not going to beat our heads against the wall when it comes to that so we need to walk circumspectly meaning wise cautious and how we're doing everything but this needs to be an aspect when it comes to what you're doing in life okay how you conduct yourselves how you speak how you what you do right and uh i'm not one that's like oh you gotta live this austere life where you don't have any fun okay i'm not saying you can't have fun you can't do things that are fun you can't do anything that's outside of church that's not what i'm saying but when things are uh very clearly like hey i probably shouldn't be doing this because it's going to look bad go to uh go to first thessalonians chapter five first thessalonians chapter five this is where you can get into doubt you just doubtful disputations meaning that there's certain things that just aren't spelled out like it doesn't say don't go to this event doesn't say don't go to that doesn't say you know like for example it doesn't say don't go to a rock concert in the bible okay but at the same time if i went to like some like what's a band that uh if i went to a metallica concert okay let's just use that as an example and people saw me at that metallica concert how much respect are people going to have for what i have to say about the bible after i get you know get out of that metallica concert okay you say well it doesn't say don't listen to rock music it doesn't say don't listen to well it does say don't you know the song of fools but um what i'm what i'm going to get to here is in verse 21 it says prove all things hold fast that which is good abstain from all appearance of evil and you can get into doubtful disputations in this view like what's the appearance of evil i know some people that won't play cards like they won't play spades or well hearts which i don't like hearts anyway so i don't want to play that but they won't play cards because cards are used in gambling to me i think that's ridiculous okay i'm just gonna be honest with you okay i think you're stretching things a little too far at that point but here's the thing though if you feel that way and you're like i don't want to be seen holding a deck of cards because they may think i'm a magician they may think that i'm like i i'm in the gambling and i'm playing texas hold them and i got a gambling problem or whatever if that if that's you then you know what then don't but to me if we're gonna play a game of spades i don't believe that's like gonna look bad okay so what i'm saying with is that there's some there's a lot of gray areas when it comes to this but we need to be thinking about it right you need to be thinking about like hey i don't want to go into this store for example that's known for this one thing i'm just giving an example right that's for example let's say they're they have these vape shops and tobacco shops or whatever okay and i'm not saying like smoking like cigarettes is the worst thing in the world but it's not a good thing to be doing okay but if there's something in that that shop you know that wasn't bad i'm probably not going to go into that shop because of the appearance of evil is it a sin for me to go in there i don't believe it's a sin for me to go in there does it make sense like i don't think that's that's a sin but it can look really bad okay what if someone seen me pop out of a vape shop or something like that you know that that's that's what you got to think about okay because even if you weren't doing anything wrong in there it could look bad and then that's going to come back and it could send forth a stinking saver even if it wasn't even wrong to do right but obviously if it if you were doing something wrong um then you know that's going to send forth a stinking saver i'm just saying that we need to be like above reproach when it comes to this and uh epsilon chapter 4 and verse 29 epsilon chapter 4 and verse 29 that's what it says here this is dealing with our our speech if you will and just so you know i'm not perfect in any of this stuff okay i want you to be i want this to be very clear when you're dealing with stuff like this abstaining from the appearance of evil when you're talking about your speech and all this stuff just know this that we're talking about things we're talking about the little folly stuff right we're talking about stuff that we probably all mess up on this actually i know every single one of us messes up on this let me rephrase that we all mess up on this okay but we need to be cognizant of it we need to be thinking about it we need to consciously be saying hey i need to make guard myself to maybe what i'm talking about here now what it says it says here in eph communication in a colossian chapter 3 and verse 8 it says uh but now you also put off all these anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of your mouth okay so think about things that i'll give an example bedroom the bedroom right it says marriage is honorable in the bedroom on the file okay that's between you and your spouse okay we shouldn't be like just talking about what happens in the bedroom okay that's i think a pretty easy one that we could probably think about even if well i'm just i'm just going to be frank you know like i don't i don't want to know what you and your spouse do okay i don't need to know any of that information okay even if if you're coming to me with marriage counseling questions keep that very very pg okay i i don't want to hear about all the ins and outs and of like what's going on or what's not going on and all this stuff i just that type of stuff needs to be something we're not talking about it also talks about the fact that um uh what's the word the verse i'm thinking of here is it a shame to even speak of those things of them which they do in secret you think about like think about the reprobates we're in pride month right we talk about sodomy we talk about men with men working that which is unseemly okay let's leave it at that some people even christians will start saying stuff that they do more graphically okay now i've said this before there's nothing that you could call a reprobate call a sodomite that i would get offended by okay so just to be clear on that one okay but i don't want to i don't want to hear what they do that makes sense i don't want to hear about the acts that they do you know i know they do abominations but you know there's things that they do that you know the the bible talks about how god it says they never even entered his mind right it's not like so i don't want to file my mind and here's the thing in the bible is a good judgment it calls as far as how far to take certain subjects right when you think about marriage coming together he knew his wife right i mean you're safe when you're using the bible way of saying things okay now is that to say like if you went a little further than that it would be wrong all i'm saying is that we need to be on the side of caution when it comes to our conversation okay and you say you know what about what about cuss words i want i want to say this the thing that that i hate is when people use the lord's name in vain okay if you want if you want to if you want the highest mark when people are saying things that that i don't want to hear stop using my savior's name in pain okay like if if i was out in a current construction site and people were just letting all kinds of things fly i'm probably not going to say anything to them unless it's the lord's name that's being used okay doesn't mean agree with what they're saying doesn't mean i would say everything that they're saying okay there are words that i would consider words that i would not want to use okay that a lot of times are dealing with maybe the bedroom or something like that there are words that are more crass words okay that i think that um they're not necessarily wrong to use okay but we should use them sparingly okay what's a craft what does it mean by crass meaning something that's kind of hard-hitting right it's like oh man that's a that's a rough word right here's the thing with crass words the more you use them the less crass they become okay so there's certain words that i'll even use from the pulpit but i use them very sparingly because they're meant to get your attention right but if i used it all the time you'd be like well you know that's just pastor robinson's you know talking again okay for example the bible uses the word piss okay but and that's a biblical word i don't believe that's i actually i remember i remember when i was uh when i was in college one of my friends was making a list of cuss words and piss was on there i'm like that can't be right someone also i remember someone posted recently they're like you know if there was if there was a list of cuss words it would be written in the bible of which ones it would be cuss words i'm like well that wouldn't work because then it'd be the bible and then it wouldn't be a cuss word right because every word of god is pure here's the thing though it is subjective and it's based off language and it's based off like perception and all that okay so i i'm not here to say like i got the list all right you want to see me after church i got a list of words you shouldn't be using so obviously there's judgment calls that are with that but for example the word piss i'm not just using that all the time in my modern vernacular okay why because when that word's used in the bible it's used meaning that that they may eat their own dung and drink their own piss with you do you think that's like a light way of talking about things that's what the bible says because rapture key was talking to the men on the wall saying this is what's going to happen to you if you listen to hezekiah okay crass words but used you know sparingly so that they hold their weight does that make sense and obviously any word that's in the bible it's not not a word if someone's judging you like oh he used the word hell he used the word bastard he used the word piss it's like the bible says it so you're wrong okay but uh when it comes to other things as far as communication what you got to think about though when you're giving communication is what's the reasoning right you know why are you using that word right why are you speaking about that subject and it should be for edification right okay so just something to think about when it comes to our speech our conversation what we're doing because uh if if i was out in public and i was just like to the world standard cussing up a storm right then you know people are going to be looking at me like he's a pastor he's a christian right even if they use it all the time right because they're always hypocritical about it they're like well i use it but i don't claim to be like something so therefore it's messed up and and like getting back to like school if this person this kid over here just cusses all the time they say whatever they want to say they do whatever they want to do but then the good kid that doesn't never said the teachers never heard them say anything bad before in their life then they say something that's just like you know punishment to the nth degree and part of that has to do with this is that the teacher has higher expectations for you okay so i don't blame the teacher that much besides i do feel like i was it was unequal but at the same time they have higher expectations for you and all i'm saying with this sermon with this portion of the sermon have high just assume that god has very high expectations for you okay and the way that you live the way that you talk and what you do as far as to not have a stinking saver toward god or toward men particularly toward men right because we're talking about like what where they see us out we out outwardly doing in the flesh and so that being said we can all make mistakes in this area we can all say things that we shouldn't say but we need to try to nip it in the bud as much as possible right we need to try to have good communication to where to stop the mouths of the gains here right the bible talks about young men likewise exhort to be sober-minded that in all things uh i'm gonna misquoted now you know likewise uh be sober-minded show thyself a pattern of good works i'm just i'm gonna mess it up going to mess it up it's always like right there and you're like thinking of it and then it just just you lose it so young men where's that sound speech that's what i was looking for okay so uh young men likewise exhort to be sober-minded in all things showing that self a pattern of good works and doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity knows this sound speech that cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed you know and the idea there is that sound speech right good speech you know it's sound it's solid and here's the thing sometimes when you use crass language we're taking a risk that we may be going outside of that realm a little bit okay and sometimes i think it's worth the risk just to be honest with you because you need to get someone's attention okay and someone may say i don't think you should use that word right and especially when you're talking about like uh like like the homos or something like that and you're like you know i i don't think you should use the word faggot right someone could say that and say i don't think you should use that word well here's the thing though that subject is so important that people realize that they're foul and they're filthy and that the bible condemns them i think it's worth using a crass word that someone's going to just be oh man what'd he say that makes sense like whereas i can't really prove from the bible that that that i could use that word but i kind of can because the bible talks about how he's going to bundle up the tears to be burned and what is a faggot but a bundle of sticks that's used to be burned so i do have scripture i just don't have the word there okay in english that states that word but that's an example of like a time where you could take a risk to say you know what i don't have like a bible word that'd be like well chapter and verse here's why i can use that word but it's a risk that i'm willing to take to get someone's attention to say hey listen up to this hey you need to see what the bible says about these people and you know what it may kick you back in your seat a little bit but so be it okay and i've heard people say oh that person's cussing from pulpit because they use that word you know what in my opinion like i said there's nothing that you could say about those people that would offend me anyway but i'm not here just i'm not to offend just to offend does that make sense meaning that if i'm going to use language like that i'm not going to use it just to offend somebody i'm using it to get your attention so that you'll be edified okay that should be the reasoning okay now go to Exodus chapter 30 Exodus chapter 30 and verse 22 so i'm going to switch gears here real quick and deal with the fact that when we're dealing with this ointment of the apothecary in the bible here it's going to talk about the fact that it's used as holy anointing oil okay Exodus chapter 30 verse 22 says more of the lord spake on the moses saying take thou also unto the principal spices of pure myrrh 500 shekels and of sweet cinnamon half so much even 250 shekels and of sweet calamus 250 shekels so there's cinnamon in this thing you know this is going to smell good okay i don't know what it smells like but they're cinnamon it says in cassia 500 shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary and and of olive oil and hen and it says and they shall and thou shalt make it an oil of holy anointment i'm sorry oil of holy ointment an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary it shall be in holy anointing oil okay now it's going to talk about anointing different things like the tabernacle and all that but then look at verse 30 there it says now shall anoint erin and his sons and consecrate them that they may minister unto me in the priest's office so the priests were anointed with this holy oil okay now let me switch gears here the lord jesus christ is the anointed okay and notice what it says hebrews chapter 1 hebrews chapter 1 hebrews chapter 1 talks about how he was anointed with the oil of gladness and notice what it says in hebrews chapter 1 and verse 8 here it says but unto the son he said thy throne oh god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom thou has loved righteousness and hated iniquity therefore god even thy god hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows now what's this talking about specifically but him becoming the high priest after the order of malchizedek you know the the levitical priests like erin and his sons and everybody that came down the line they were anointed with oil but they die they have an infirmity and it's talking about how he's anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows and you can obviously see how this is talking about the spirit of god as well because it talks about how he giveth that the father giveth the son spirit without measure and you know dealing with the anointing of the holy ghost but also what's anoint even mean christ okay and you don't have to turn there i want you to go to ephesians chapter five for sake of time here but you can you can figure this out because in psalm two it says the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers took counsel together against the lord and against his anointed in the new testament when it quotes that passage it says against his christ okay but you can probably think of that term christen you probably heard that term like christening something it's anointing something okay so anoint to christen right christ means anointed okay so even that's who jesus is we have to believe that he is the christ that he is the anointed that he is the messiah which is another word also meaning christ now uh ephesians chapter five and verse one we are called to have a sweet smelling savor right but notice that jesus is a sweet smelling savor unto the unto god the father it says in verse one it says be ye therefore followers of god as dear children and walk in love as christ also had loved us and have given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to god for a sweet smelling savor now i want you to think about this he's the anointed and he is a sweet smelling savor now this gets into so many sacrifices right you think about in leviticus it talks about these sacrifices the burnt offerings of sweet smelling savor goes up to the lord but think about this just you know at least a couple dead flies will cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth the stinking savor you know what this shows you is that jesus one is without sin no sin okay there's no dead flies in that ointment okay with men there's going to be dead flies with men there's going to be a stinking savor okay and fleshly speaking not with god not with jesus and i want to go through a tour tour de force real quick with you here if you want to keep up with me go to second corinthian chapter 5 and verse 21 second corinthian chapter 5 verse 21 second corinthian chapter 5 verse 21 it says for he hath made him to be sinned for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him so it says that jesus knew no sin go to uh hebrews chapter 4 hebrews chapter 4 hebrews chapter 4 now we're supposed to be like christ right i mean that's the whole idea is that we're supposed to follow in his steps so when we're talking about being a sweet smelling savor we're talking about reigning in the flesh the lust of the flesh but we're trying to be like christ okay but know this is that jesus does not have any dead flies in his ointment okay he's he's the sweet smelling savor there is no stink coming from that no stink of sin if you will in hebrew chapter 4 and verse 14 it says seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens jesus the son of god let us hold fast our profession but we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin so what do we see so far is that he knew no sin it says he's without sin now go to chapter 7 hebrew chapter 7 verse 26 hebrew chapter 7 verse 26 remember that ointment of the apothecary was poured on erin and his sons but they had infirmity they had sin not jesus though verse 26 for such an high priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled notice this separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens so he knew no sin he's without sin and he's separate from sinners he's in a whole other category does that make sense like he's not included with the sinners okay notice what it says here and uh go to first peter chapter two first peter chapter two now if you ever want some verses on jesus being sinless here you go okay um these are great verses you don't i mean if you're out soul winning usually one of these is going to prove your case okay you don't need to go through all of these but um you know pick a couple maybe that you have memorized or have at least uh marked to where you can go to uh first peter chapter 2 and verse 21 it says for even here unto where ye called because christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow his steps who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth so he knew no sin he was without sin he's separate from sinners and it says he did no sin now one more first john chapter three and verse five first john chapter three and verse five i put these in order try to help out here like is there a reason you have it in that order yeah that's the reason so uh first john three and verse five says ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin so recap right it says that he knew no sin he's without sin he's separate from did no sin and in him is no sin you say why did why did god say it so many different ways because you know that there's someone out there be like well it doesn't say it says there's he knew no sin but did he do sin though right well it says he didn't do any sin but was there sin in him though right you can see how people will be like well what about this what about this and the bible just like hitting all bases right it's like he did no sin he knew no sin he's without city separate from sinners right that one to me is just like get the point that there's no sin involved in jesus besides the fact that he became he was made to be sinned for us he took our sins on him okay so that being said is that he has ointment that does not have dead flies it's not bringing forth a stinking saver but here's the thing that you have to understand with this salvation is by jesus christ alone not by us at all and if i think of a secondary meaning to this passage of the dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking saver it's people that add works to salvation stinks it's disgusting when you think about the fact that jesus is the only one that is is pure and it has that sweet smelling saver to think that we can be a part of that at all is repulsive okay and let me give you uh what the bible says here in philippians chapter 3 philippians chapter 3 and verse 8 here i love this because it just shows you that salvation is i mean there's so many different passages that say the same type of thing but i love philippians chapter 3 and verse 8 and 9 here it says yea doubtless i count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of christ jesus my lord for whom i have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that i may win christ and be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of christ the righteousness which is of god by faith notice how it's separating your righteousness and his right it's not even saying you know not by you know like people say well you need to not do these certain things well that's righteousness you know if you're gonna keep the commandments of thou shalt not thou shalt do no murder thou shall not commit adultery that shall not steal and you go down the line that's righteousness to keep those laws you don't believe me go to deuteronomy chapter 6 deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 25 deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 25 keeping the law is your righteousness but it's not by our righteousness he doesn't want to be found in his righteousness because what he count that all but dung that's what he regarded his righteousness to was dung and it's interesting that flies if you were to think about like why flies are disgusting is because what do they fly on a lot most of the time right and why you know flies you don't want your flies get on your freezer like that's disgusting because you know where they've been okay but i'm likening those dead flies to sin okay and when we're dealing with all his righteousness you know what you know what paul said and he likened his righteousness to dung notice what it says in verse 25 you don't know what dung is it's scat you're like what's scat droppings you know anyway i'm halfway joking with that you all know what dung is right so but uh deuteronomy 6 verse 25 it says and it shall be our righteousness if we observe to do all these commandments before the lord our god as he hath commanded us our righteousness is what keeping the commandments but what did paul say it says not having mine own righteousness which is of the law which is what deuteronomy 6 is stating that's that's his righteousness the law well go to isaiah 64 isaiah 64 and verse 6 isaiah 64 and verse 6 i want you to think about adding our righteousness to his to his pure and holy oil that he's anointed with the pure and holy lord jesus without sin let's add in us to that equation i'm going to say this you adding in your works is like adding dead flies to the ointment of the apothecary and it's going to stink and it's not going to be a sweet smelling saver of a sacrifice unto the lord and you're not going to heaven that way because it's going it's going to stink and everybody that's trying to get to heaven by their good works and adding in jesus with that listen the ointment's fine right there's nothing wrong with the ointment especially the cinnamon part of it but that ointment is great it's the dead flies though that are causing it to stink and nosua says in isaiah chapter 64 and verse 6 it says but we are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags and we all do fate as a leaf and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away does it say all our sins are as filthy rags is that what it says it says all our righteousness is because when people are saying well you know i'm not like counting my they say well i'm not counting my sins in that you know i just want to put my righteousness in there the bible says our righteousnesses are as filthy rags to the lord and i would say they're like dead flies in the ointment it's going to stink when you try to do that go to galatian chapter 2 and really i'm just going to do last thing we do here is a tour de force through the book of galatians here on the fact that salvation is by grace through faith and you know the bible says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works as any man should boast the bible says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law that is not an option okay when we talk to people while out soloing on this it's not an option like hey good news there's an easier way no there's the only way okay it's not like all we're providing we're just we're giving you the good news that there's this is an easier way to go here you don't have to do all that stuff you just have to believe no that's the only way do it the other way it stinks smells awful to the lord it's a stinking saver that's coming forth when someone adds works to salvation that's what it says in galatians chapter 2 and verse 21 galatians 2 and verse 21 it says i'm sorry verse 16 let's start in verse 16 there knowing that a man is not justified by the works of law but by the faith of jesus christ even we have believed in jesus christ that we might be justified by the faith of christ and not by the works of law for by the works of law shall no flesh be justified it sounds repetitive but there's a reason the bible is repetitive for a reason because it's getting a point across that it's by faith not by works by faith not by works by faith not by works notice what it says in verse 21 i do not frustrate the grace of god for if righteousness come by the law then christ is dead in vain so another way to look at this is that when when someone believes that they have to do good works to get to heaven they're saying that jesus isn't enough why because in galatians 3 it says for if there had been a law given which could have given life verily righteousness should have been by the law but guess what it's not by the law it's either by grace or is by the law you mix those two together it stinks you're mixing in your filthy rags with salvation and those that believe works are involved they're sending forth a stinking saver those false prophets that are spewing out that you have to do good works stinks it's disgusting every time i hear a false prophet saying that no you can lose your salvation no you have to be good no you have to keep this you have to do that it's not once saved always saved it's not eternal security it stinks it's disgusting and to god it's disgusting you know why because they're saying that christ died in vain because it's it's dead flies in the ointment is what it is dead flies in the ointment it's filthy rags that are put with the pure lord jesus christ no you need the pure lord jesus christ to take away that filthy garment that's spotted by the flesh because it says enough some have compassion making a difference another saved with fear hating even the garment spotted by the flesh and that we need a change of garments our filthy rags aren't going to just turn in to like pure rags on its own no those need to be taken off completely right it's not going to be changed you know it's just take them off like joshua the son of joseph deck and zechariah take off the filthy garments and put on the new right and now galatian chapter three you can get into that as well um where it talks about how we're where it talks about how we're justified by faith and uh and not by the works of the law okay but go to galatian chapter five and the last thing i'll show you here is that it's all or nothing salvation's all or nothing it's either all by faith or it's all by works you try to mix it in there stinks you try to mix it in there it's filthy it's filthy rags i mean think about if you had like a good looking garment then you put and then you sew it in sew it in some filthy rags on there wouldn't you would you say that's a good clean garment anymore and i don't really care how much of that filthy rags you use to patch it up it's still filthy okay just as much as you add uh you know the uh the idea of like putting a little bit of let's say you have a this is you know a clean water here i suppose right hopefully but if i put in a little bit of arsenic and i just put a little bit of like arsenic in there is that good to drink is that going to kill me that's the idea with salvation one little thing one little thing that you add to that pure water it's filthy and in galatians chapter five verse two it says behold i paul say unto you that if you be circumcised christ shall profit you nothing for i testify again to every man that is circumcised that he is debtor to do the whole law christ is become of no effect unto you whosoever you are justified by the law you are fallen from grace meaning this is not grace it's not grace if you're justified by law at any point it's dead flies in the ointment is what it is and it stinks so know this christian that you're held to a high standard in this world we're trying to be like christ but we know that we can't holistically be like christ to that t but we're trying to and know this is that a little bit of folly is going to cause your savior to stink in this world so we need to live above approach we need to just keep everything tight as much as you can we all make mistakes but at the same time just be just be uh just know that that's the case okay then it comes to salvation you add in you can have the the greatest ointment the great sweet smelling ointment that you have you dead flies to that stinks you add a little bit of your righteousness in there stinks because it's filthy okay and salvation needs to be clean we need to keep the gospel crystal clean that's why this repentance of sins garbage type of salvation that's out there it needs to be nipped in the bud because you know what that is dead flies repenting of your sins to be saved is dead flies making jesus lord of your life meaning that you have to to basically give your will to the lord to be saved then dead flies stinks here's the crystal clear message of the gospel believe when the lord jesus christ now shall be saved period you know he that believes on me hath everlasting life that's it that point if you're saying but then stop talking to me you're adding flies into the ointment keep it crystal clear get your dead flies out of my ointment get your filthy rags away from my savior keep that ointment pure and clean in your life and keep the gospel pure and clean from any type of dead flies that are trying to fly in so let's end with a word of prayer to the holy father we thank you today thank you for your word and just pray to help us to live above reproach help us to obviously try to have the best conversation in this world that we can but also with the gospel lord that you help us to keep it crystal clear keep it clean and keep any type of things that would make it stink out and lord just uh pray to be with us as we go out soul winning today and bring us back at the point in time in jesus christ name amen spread the able come sing one more song and that will be dismissed all right song 439 in your song books song 400 439 if you would stand we'll sing count your blessings song 439 when upon life's billows you are tempest tossed when you are discouraged thinking all is lost count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the lord hath done count your blessings name them one by one count your blessings see what god hath done count your blessings name them one by one count your many blessings see what god hath done are you ever burdened with a load of care does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear count your many blessings every doubt will fly and you will be singing as the days go by count your blessings name them one by one count your blessings see what god hath done count your blessings