(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You Well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 23 Yeah All right song number 23 the good stand will sing there's power in the blood song number 23 Would you be free from your burden of sin there's power in the blood Power in the blood would you or evil a victory when there's wonderful power in the blood There is power power Wonder working power in the blood of the lamb There is power power Wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb Would you be free from your passion and pride there's power in the blood power in the blood Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide. There's wonderful power in the blood There is power power Wonder working power in the blood of the lamb There is power power Wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb Would you be wider much wider than snow there's power in the blood power in the blood Sin stains are lost and it's life-giving flow. There's wonderful power in the blood There is power power Wonder working power in the blood of the lamb There is power power Wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb Would you do service for Jesus your king there's power in the blood power in the blood Would you live daily as praises to see there's wonderful power in the blood There is power power Wonder working power in the blood of the lamb There is power power Wonder working power in the precious blood of the lamb All right, let's pray heavenly father Lord We just want to thank you God for another beautiful day to meet in your house And do you hear your word preached that pray Lord that you would just be with our pastor film with your power and spirit for? It's in Jesus name. Let's call it. Amen. I may be seated And turn in your son books to song 138 Yeah Okay, all right, we'll sing Haven of rest another tearjerker It's on 138 My soul in sad X I was out on life see so burden with sin and distress Till I heard a sweet voice Saying make me your choice and I interred The haven of rest I've Anchored my soul in the haven of rest. I'll sail the wide seas no more The tempest may sweep or the wild stormy deep in Jesus I'm safe evermore I'm yielding myself to his tender embrace and faith taking hold of the word My fetters fell off and I Anchored my soul the haven of rest is my Lord I've anchored my soul in the haven of rest I'll sail the wide seas no more The tempest may sweep or the wild stormy deep in Jesus I'm safe evermore The song of my soul Since the Lord made me whole has been the old story Soul bless Jesus who'll save whosoever will have a home in the haven of rest I've Anchored my soul in the haven of rest I'll sail the wide seas no more May sweep or the wild stormy deep in Jesus. I'm safe evermore Oh Come to the Savior He patiently waits to save by his power divine Come anchor your soul in the Haven of rest and say my beloved is mine Anchored my soul in the haven of rest. I'll sail the wide seas No more The tempest may sweep or the wild stormy deep in Jesus I'm safe evermore Amen so welcome Mountain Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and just some general church announcements here All the service times should be as normal. So we have our normal Sunday morning Sunday afternoon service times there and And then the Wednesday next Wednesday, obviously, we're well in there So winning times we'll have our normal someone time at 1 p.m. On Sunday, and then the regional times as well there throughout the week and then Colossians chapter 4 We're still in that for the month here And then if you if you already gotten through Colossians just try to make you know Kind of make make sure you got it down pat and they'll go back into the other chapters as well and make sure you got it down and then Colossians 4 12 is the memory verse for the week and And then we have the men's prayer meeting coming up on Friday and then the women's prayer meeting the next Saturday And then June 18th, we have the sewing marathon in Charleston so as far as we know right now, there's a Panera that we're gonna be meeting up at in the morning and So have some bagels and all that fun stuff. And then I think nearby that there's Chipotle So I'm I'm I'm voting on Chipotle for lunch. So But there's probably other things there too, so I mean if you didn't want Chipotle but you know, that's like the Place to be so anyway, and I haven't eaten at this Chipotle up in Morgantown for my own reasons since Like over a year, so whenever I'm out of town, there's a different Chipotle I hit it up because I don't hate Chipotle. I just don't like that one. You know, I feel that work it but anyway so Excited about that to see how that works out. I think we're gonna Lord willing I think we'll have a better reception where we're gonna be going We got a lot of trailer parks and stuff like that. They're really hitting when we go down there But just being prayer for it that obviously God opens the hearts of people that we talk to Leads us to places you want to he wants us to be when we go down there But also that we have a good time when we go down there as well so and Birthdays anniversaries got that And again, we're congratulating the Jones family and the Ford family on the there are new additions to their family there and then just be in prayer though for Miss Catherine and miss Rachel because they are coming up on their due dates this This coming month in June. So Just be in prayer for them As far as the other announcements offering boxes in the back there Mother baby room for the mothers and babies only and Allergy season is real. So Glory now Now that's not biblical That's what we call heresy around here So, you know the Bible talks about wintering with you and stuff like that but no order to say that I need to sneeze and You know cough up all that stuff anyway So I hate allergies, but What's that Well, it's not I'm telling you I'm telling you church disciplines about to happen here No, but but honestly though when it comes to allergy season the big thing with allergies besides it being really annoying is that I end Up a lot of times I'll end up getting like a sinus infection or it can lead into other things So obviously allergies and sneezing is annoying when it comes to that but You obviously want to be in prayer for all the health of the church and all that And just being a pair for those that aren't feeling well tonight and so Some are not feeling well, I know that for a fact so just be in prayer for them and Yep, brother Dave's gonna come sing one more song you can take this you can take those with you. Yeah, you can take those with you You All right song 303 Song 303 will sing my faith looks up to the who's reading tonight Did you say that my ears are soaked Okay, all right song 303 my faith looks up to My Faith looks up to thee Lamb of Calvary Save your divine Now hear me while I pray take all my guilt away oh Let me from this day be holy Thine May thy rich grace and hard strength to my fainting heart my zeal inspire As Thou hast died for me. Oh May my love to thee pure warm and Changeless be a living fire While life's dark maze I tread Griefs around me spread be thou my guide Bid darkness turn to day Wipe sorrows tears away Nor let me ever stray from the Aside When ends life's transient dream when death's cold solid stream shall Lure me roll Bless Savior then in love fear and distress Remove Oh Bear me safe above our Ransom-soul All right, take your Bibles and turn to Exodus chapter number 19 Exodus chapter number 19, we'll have brother Anthony come and read that for us Exodus chapter 19 Bobberies in the third month when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt The same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai So they were departed from Rephidim and were come to the desert of Sinai and had pitched in the wilderness and their Israel camp before the mount And Moses went up into got unto God and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain saying thus shalt thou say to the House of Jacob and tell the children of Israel You have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I bear you on eagles wings and brought you unto myself Now therefore if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant Then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests in an holy nation These are the words which thou speak unto the children of Israel And Moses came and called for the elders of the people and laid before their faces all these words Which the Lord commanded him and all the people answered together and said all that the Lord hath spoken We will do and Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord and the Lord said unto Moses lo I come unto thee in a thick cloud that The people may hear when I speak with thee and believe thee forever and Moses told the words of the people Unto the Lord and the Lord said unto Moses go unto the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow and let them wash their clothes And be ready against the third day for the third day The Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai and now shall set bounds unto the people Roundabout saying take heed to yourselves that you go not up into the mount or touch the border of it Whosoever toucheth the mount shall surely be put to death There shall not in hand touch it But he shall surely be stoned or shot through whether it be beast or man it shall not live Whether when the trumpet soundeth long They shall come up to the mount And Moses went down from the mount unto the people and sanctified the people and they washed their clothes And he said unto the people be ready against the third day come not at your wives And it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were Thunders and lightnings in a thick cloud upon the mount and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud So that all the people that was in the camp trembled And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God and they stood at the nether part of the mountain And now Sinai was all together on a smoke because the Lord descended upon it in a fire in fire And the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace and the mount and the whole mount quaked greatly And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long and waxed louder and louder Moses spake and God answered him by a voice and the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai on the top of the mount and the Lord called Moses up to the mount top of the mount and Moses went up and The Lord said unto Moses go down charge the people lest they break through unto the Lord to gaze and many of them perish and Let the priests also which come nearer to the Lord sanctify themselves lest the Lord break forth upon them And Moses said unto the Lord the people cannot come up to the mount sign come up to Mount Sinai for thou charges saying set balance about the mount and Sanctify it and the Lord said unto him away get thee down And now shall come up thou and Aaron with thee But not let not the priests and the people break through to come up unto the Lord lest he break forth upon them So Moses went down unto the people and spake unto them. Let's pray dear Lord Thank you for your word and thank you for this night where we can continue to gather together and learn from it I pray that you would be a pastor Robinson fill in with your Holy Spirit. Help us all to learn Jesus name. I pray You're there in Exodus chapter 19 and we are continuing our study through the book of Exodus and We're almost halfway through the book of Exodus, but this is really a pivotal point in the book of Exodus This story right here is really setting us up for when God is going to state and commandments to the children of Israel And so we're gonna this is gonna be setting it up to where he's going to be appearing if you will on Mount Sinai and Then in chapter 20 is really where he's going to be talking and speaking to Moses but everybody can hear it and then it Not not even quite the end of that once he gets done with the Ten Commandments The people are afraid and they basically don't want to hear they just want God to talk to Moses and then Moses will tell them what God says they're so afraid of that So really chapter 19 and 20 are really linked when you go into chapter 20. It's picking up exactly what was going on there So these are really linked chapters and chapter 20 is obvious that famous passage of the Ten Commandments, which we'll get into next week But look at verse 1 here in Exodus chapter 19 It says it says in the third month when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt the same day Came they into the wilderness of Sinai for they were departed from Rephidim and were come to the desert of Sinai and Had pitched in the wilderness and the and there Israel camped before the mount So if you remember in chapter 18, that's where Jethro his father-in-law comes and it says that they were in camp by the mount You know so that you know chapter 18 is kind of leading right into this But in the third month, I don't believe it's been three months since Since they left Egypt, I believe it's The 15th day of the third month So look look back at Exodus chapter 12 actually chapter 12 because I believe that's where it's giving you this timeline we're talking about the third month of the year and When the Passover was done or when they did the Passover the first Passover or the actual Passover if you will God basically stated that this month that you're in right now. That's the first month of the year So it's kind of like resetting their calendar I don't know when the first month was they think about January's our first month But it'd be more like March or April for them when it comes to like when the first month is so it'd be kind of like saying instead of it being in the dead of winter when the new year starts is actually in spring that the new year starts but I Just want you to see in verse 1 here It says so at Exodus 12 verse 1 it says in the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying This month shall be unto you the beginning of months It shall be the first month of the year to you And if you remember the even at the 14th day that of that month, which was then the first month That day or that that 14th day and even they kill the Passover in the next day that 15th day They left with haste and so they left on the 15th day of the first month go to Exodus chapter 16 Exodus chapter 16 Just so you see that this is how it kind of gives you the chronological order or the The events as far as how the time has lapsed if you will Exodus chapter 16 verse 1 it says and they took their journey From Elam and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of sin Which is between Elam and Sinai on the 15th day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt so When we have the story of the the manna Then you have the fact that they're that they're one month out right there one month out from where they left and Then when you get into where they're gonna be God's gonna speak to them off. You know on Mount Sinai We're dealing with I believe when it says in the third month the same day Right the same day of that month so the 15th day We're dealing with two months exactly from where they leave Egypt to where? God is speaking to them out of the mouth, and if you remember that was the token You remember that was the token that he gave Moses. I don't have this in my notes, but One of the tokens that he says is that that I will bring them to this mount And they will serve me here right and that was kind of like the token to say hey I've done it so this is kind of showing you like hey I brought you out you're out, and you're here to serve me at this point, so That's what we're gonna be getting into as far as what what this chapter is going to be hitting on is the conditions if you Will or that the conditions of the first covenant or as what we would call the old covenant of the Old Testament but at this point it wasn't old because actually to them it was new right because It's just starting, but it was a covenant. It was a covenant that he's making with the children of Israel and then we'll see in the New Testament that he's made that first covenant that that he made with them old now and We'll get into that but in verse three here. I want you to see the conditions right This is a conditional covenant, and I think this is very important to understand first of all to know that People want to say is like God made a covenant with Israel, and it's an unconditional covenant false It's false right now the covenant that he made with Abraham, and it's a seed that's unconditional right But that's a different covenant Okay, that's the covenant that he made with them that in thy seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed because thy seed is Christ Okay What we're talking about here is that the old covenant the Old Testament the first covenant if you will is a conditional covenant It's not an unconditional covenant To Israel meaning this is that what we're gonna see is that God ends up not regarding them and actually ends up taking away that covenant from them But I want you to see from the very beginning Okay that It was conditional and it wasn't this unconditional thing where it's basically saying you're my people no matter What doesn't matter how much you hate me doesn't matter how much you go after other gods doesn't you know? I mean like that's the idea is that they want you to think is that well Even though they are completely against the Bible. They're completely against saying they could be atheists, but they're God's people and it doesn't matter right So in Exodus chapter 19 in verse 3 here It says and Moses went up unto God and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain Saying thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel you have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I bear you on eagles wings and Brought you unto myself now that could be a whole sermon another day dealing with salvation of the Lord bearing us up on eagles wings bringing You know us unto himself you can see the rapture you see a lot of different things in here when it comes to the salvation That's another sermon for another day. Okay, but that's just showing you a picture of how he brought him out He literally brought him out on the eagles wings, you know, it is so to speak in verse 5 here now therefore if You will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant Then okay. Now I'm gonna read the rest of this but that's called an if-then statement You know what that's called a conditional statement anybody here use Excel And if maybe maybe you're even more maybe you're like, ah, you know, I use C, you know I program with C++ or you know or whatever I don't care what the rest of it is because I don't do that But if you're a computer programmer, you know conditional statements and if you use Excel You know conditional statements that if this then this okay If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised them from the dead Thou shalt be saved, you know with that that's an if-then statement You know this whole Calvinist view that you know unconditional election right? No, there's a condition if thou believeth, right? If thou believeth all thine heart, right? There's a condition for getting saved There's a condition for what you got to do in order to get baptized, right? But in this case the if is you have to obey his voice indeed and keep his covenant Okay, then okay. So here's here's what's gonna happen if you do that Then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people For all the earth is mine and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and in holy nation These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel Does that sound unconditional does that sound like well? No, you know that that nation of Israel is gonna be the apple of God's eye and it doesn't matter what they do It doesn't matter how much they hate him. It doesn't matter how much they disobey him You know, it doesn't matter if they keep his covenant or not No, they're gonna be they're gonna be God's people no matter what is that what the Bible teaches though from the very beginning? I mean, we're at the beginning of the first testament here. Okay, we're at the beginning of the Old Testament. I Know I know we're not talking about Genesis, but Genesis is not the Old Testament Actually the Old Testament started in Exodus chapter 12 when he brought them by the hand on the land of Egypt Okay, so I want this to be very clear when we're talking about this This is conditional based off them keeping the Covenant in obeying his voice. Okay, you say well No one could ever keep that Covenant exactly That's the point Okay I did a whole series on the allegories of the Old Testament New Testament what the point of the Old Testament was was to show That with men is it is impossible Okay, that's the whole point Right is to show that man fails that man can't be the intercession that he looked for an intercessor That he found none So he had to bring his own arm had to bring salvation and obviously that's been the plan from the foundation of the world It's not like oh, let's see how this works out God knew that they couldn't do it. He knew that they were gonna fail. That was the whole point Okay now go to Hebrews chapter 8 verse 6 Hebrew chapter 8 verse 6 so Hebrews 8 verse 6 We see something here that makes perfect sense when you understand how the Covenant even starts what the conditions of the Covenant were Was what they had to obey his voice? And I love that it says if you obey my voice indeed Because and what does indeed mean like truly Right, I mean you truly obey it you think about like how Saul says I I have obeyed the voice of the Lord But did he really? No, not holy. He didn't actually keep the commandment to the T right and So and then it says and keep my covenant So what's the same Hebrew chapter 8 verse 6 here now Hebrews obviously is showing you the difference between the Old Testament and New Testament But specifically showing you how much better the New Testament is and How weak the Old Testament was okay, and the weakness has to do with man. Okay. It's not that God's laws are weak It's not that God's laws are Sinful or that they're not powerful or anything like that It's just the fact that man fails and that's what it really comes down to is that that first testament failed because man Because man was the priest man was the one that was that the in minister this Testament okay and verse 6 here it says But now had he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant Which was established upon better promises now that we're talking about the Lord Jesus here And how he's the mediator of the new covenant But it calls it in two places it called one place that says a better covenant like it says here and another place It says a better testament and covenant and testament those are interchangeable, okay? but Notice what says here in verse 7 for if that first covenant had been faultless then should no place have been sought for The second when you first read that you're kind of like oh, okay So that first covenant had faults to it there was problems with it You know and you can think about what their problems with the law That was the law not right is the law of the Lord not perfect Right you can kind of think about that if you're just to read that verse Without any other idea of what's gonna be said afterwards, but what does it say verse 8 for finding fault with them? That was the fault that was the problem. Okay, man Flesh that was the problem was the people themselves why and it's gonna explain why for finding fault with them He said behold the days come said the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Now the reason that they make a new covenant because this new covenant is gonna be mediated by God Okay, and and Jesus is is not just God But he's also man as well meaning that there is there is one mediator between God and man and men the man Christ Jesus So when you're dealing with the new covenant, what's so great about it? Is that there is an intercessor for man there is a man to intercede for us Christ But he's also God meaning that he doesn't sin he ever live at the make intercession for us he doesn't die like all these other priests and Notice here And keep reading there It says not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day When I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt So when did that first covenant start the day that he took them out of the land of Egypt? which is the day that they killed the Passover and They went out of the land of Egypt right so you think about it even of the 14th day you're marking They're killing that Passover like starting a 15 day and then going on from there. That's when that first covenant started So when you get to chapter 19 here, it's not stating like this is when the Covenant starts. He's just stating This is the Covenant. Will you be a part of it? Okay, I've made this covenant with you since I brought you out of the land of Egypt, but actually in this chapter He's gonna give them a choice. He's gonna you know, basically they have to consent to this. He's not forcing them into it and They're gonna consent to it. But at the same time keep reading here in Hebrew chapter 8 Hebrew chapter 8 in verse 9 there it says Not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them By the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt because they continued not in my covenant and I Regarded them not said the Lord So do you see how this matches perfectly with Exodus chapter 19? What was the condition? If you obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant and why is he not regarding them? Because they didn't continue in his covenant Because he found fault with them It wasn't that the Covenant was bad it wasn't that the laws were bad it wasn't that anything that God told them it was bad It was the fact that they didn't regard. They didn't keep it. They didn't continue in it They didn't obey his voice and when you're reading through the the Old Testament Don't you see that on every page where they're not keeping it? I Mean good night. I don't know why this always sticks out to me. But when you're reading through Nehemiah He talks about the fact that they didn't keep the Feast of Tabernacles Since the days of Joshua Think about that time span right there right Joshua they're just coming into the Promised Land You have 450 years of judges you have like 400 to 500 years of Kings They're in captivity out of captivity after 70 years and he's saying they haven't kept it since Joshua Which shows you the long suffering of God as well Right because it's not like God was on this hair trigger to not regard them anymore. I Mean good night. How many how many hundreds of years do you have to not keep a feast? Before he's just like alright, you know, I guess you're not gonna regard my covenant And that's just one example Okay, because you can go down the line with the Passover and how they hadn't kept it You know in Hezekiah's day since like David's day Right and it will show you this gap of time where they're just not doing what they should be doing Good night Josh, and then you get to Josiah and Josiah is they're like we found the book of the law It's like what in the world were you doing all these this time? What do you mean you found it? What were your priests doing like how are you doing anything if you didn't have the book of the law Are you just doing it by memory by oral dissertation? maybe but Then he looks at the law and be like, whoa, we're not doing this, right? and obviously, you know the story with Josiah, but We keep reading there in a Hebrew chapter 8 verse 10 dealing with This new covenant says for this is the comment that I will make with the house of Israel after those days said the Lord I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a God and they should be to me a people and They shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the Lord for all shall know me from the least of the greatest For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities while I remember no more in that He set the new covenant he hath made the first old now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away Now you don't have to turn to everyone in Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 9 says Then said he lo I come to do thy will O God he taketh away the first that he may establish the second So what you have to understand here is that in this passage in Exodus chapter 19? This is just the first covenant they've ever been made with Israel as a nation here Okay, so they weren't calling it the first covenant right if you kind of like saying this is my firstborn Like you have any other no, but this is my firstborn It's like you mean That's your only child right and it's kind of like when it when it says that Jesus that Mary gave birth to her firstborn son That implies she has other she had other sons after that, right? Okay, and so it wouldn't make sense to call it first if there was no other after that But obviously since there was another one being set up that one's the first one. This is the second one. Okay, and Also showing you that this is the first one Also shows you that there's a difference between this and the covenant that he made with Abraham and to his seed, right? Because this first covenant is is something different than that Okay, so just because you see the word covenant doesn't mean that it's always talking about the old covenant or the new covenant but When we're dealing with this obviously The first was made old because the new took its place right the second took its place which made the first old and obviously the second becomes the new okay, and So that's where we're at now But just to kind of show you that now go to 1st Peter chapter 2 and verse 7 1st Peter chapter 2 and verse 7 because there's language in here when we're dealing with What that if-then statement is right, so when it says here in Exodus chapter 19 if You obey if you obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant Okay, that's the condition We know that they don't actually keep that and and in the end when when Jesus comes down to the earth and it has his ministry That's the kingdom of God's taken away from them that that that he taken the way the first and the reason he takes it away and doesn't regard them is because They didn't continue in his covenant. Okay, there is a reason they breached the contract right they breached the Covenant by not keeping The Covenant and not obeying his voice But in Exodus chapter 19 it says then He shall be a peculiar treasure on unto me above all people for all the earth is mine And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and in holy nation So this the same language is used in the New Testament dealing with believers Okay so in the New Testament These same promises these promises that are given to the nation of Israel back then in this covenant is given to those in the New Testament okay, but Instead of being a part of that Peculiar treasure or that holy nation as far as being like you got to keep this covenant You got to obey his voice right which is keeping the law in the New Testament if you believe you're a part of that Okay, see the difference as far as being a part of that covenant and being a part of these promises Okay, so in verse 7 here So first Peter chapter 2 in verse 7 it says unto you therefore which believe he is precious Okay, so it's going to give you a contrast here you believe on him Then he is precious but unto them which be Disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same as made the head of the corner and a stone stumbling and a rock of offense Even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient Even or where unto eat also they were appointed Okay, so it's basically talking about the fact that they don't believe but if you believe he is precious it He who so believes on him shall not be confounded It says right right before that but then in verse 9 here knows what it says But you're a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation a peculiar people sound familiar now in the Old Testament in Exodus chapter 19, it says a kill your treasure, right and What does it say a kingdom of priests right and here it says a royal priesthood? Okay, so there is a little bit of a difference. Okay, because In holy nation chosen generation It's a holy nation obviously the same thing there And I'm going to show you here in a second that this isn't talking about the Jews Actually, it's talking about all in Christ because in Christ there's neither Jew nor Gentile Okay, so I'm not excluding the Jews, but this is not just exclusive to those of Israel and those of that nation It's not exclusive to the the physical circumcision if you will but a royal priesthood That's dealing with the priesthood of the believer He's made it kings and priests and the New Testament a kingdom of priests you think about the fact that the Levites and those that were up Aaron were the priests unto the Lord and Dealing with that priest the Levitical priesthood, right but in the New Testament Instead of there being a high priest. It's a man. That's just just a man. I mean we have Jesus who ever lived it Right. He is, you know Liking unto Melchizedek right having neither the beginning of days nor end of life But made like unto the Son of God and the fact is that he's the high priest and all believers Are kings and priests? Okay, so see there's a bit there's a difference and obviously that's better because now we don't have to go to a priest To you know, basically take some animal sacrifice of them and confess their sins. No, we come boldly into the throne of grace And the Bible says if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all righteousness We go straight to the high priest himself and we are priests ourselves going to the high priest ourselves To ask for forgiveness of our sins on a daily basis to get in good fellowship Okay, obviously none of this has to do with getting saved We're not going to hell or anything like that. This has to do with fellowship and the Old Testament that's what the Old Testament was there for was to have to Basically reconcile for your sins to be in good fellowship with God and have these promises that you're going to be this holy nation You're gonna be this peculiar people unto God and the New Testament if you're a believer Then you know what you go straight to the Savior you go straight to the high priest himself you go through the veil Into the holiest of all and the veil it says through the veil that is to say his flesh right and the fact that when he You know when his body is broken and he bled on the cross and shed his blood That made that way through the veil to where we no longer need some high priest to bring blood past Past the veil and onto the mercy seat and Jesus did that Okay, so that was way too deep for what I'm trying to get across here But go to Hosea chapter 1 and verse 10 because this next part that I'm going to read here in 1st Peter chapter 2 is gonna be coming from There's actually two passages one in Hosea chapter 1 and Hosea chapter 2 Dealing with this as far as the fact that when he's talking to these people. He's not talking to the circumcision Okay, because it says that you may that you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his Marvelous light which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy But now have obtained mercy So when we're dealing with this, we're obviously not dealing with the children of Israel Which the whole book starts off, you know Peter an apostle Jesus Christ to the stranger scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia So we're not dealing with Jerusalem here or Judea or even Galilee. We're dealing with obviously Gentile nations but strangers He's not saying like well stranger Jews, you know, like those that are like scattered abroad that are Jews Straight up says here that which were in time past were not a people but are now the people of God Go Hosea chapter 1 verse 10 here So at the end of the chapter there verse 10 it says Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor numbered And it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them ye are not my people There it shall be said unto them ye are the sons of the living God So is he talking about the children of Israel when he says that no obviously it's a contrast he's saying it's gonna be said unto those that are not of the children of Israel, even though they're as the sands of the sea and Then go to the next chapter chapter 2 there in verse 23 And this is really where you get this quotation if you will that Peters bringing up in chapter 2 It says in verse 23 it says and I will sow her unto me In the earth and I will have mercy upon her that had that had not obtained mercy And I will say to them which were not my people Thou art my people and that and they shall say thou art my God So in the New Testament Who are God's people? Those that believe he is precious, right He that believes on him shall not be confounded and those people are a peculiar they're they're the Holy Nation they're the Israel of God and That is the difference and so it you know when we think about people like oh you believe in replacement theology, yes you take it away the first they may establish second and The thing is is that people in the listen if we lived in the time of the Old Testament We could be a part of that nation, too It's not saying like well you have to be born into that nation Actually the Bible Bible very clearly teaches that if you wanted to be a part of that nation You just choose what tribe you want if you're a man you need to be circumcised and you know you got to keep the the covenant like they're supposed to be keeping the Covenant right and Then you can have these same promises a lot of to you salvation has always been by faith right because you think of like Haman or Naaman not Haman Haman was really bad He's definitely not in heaven. Okay, but may I'm in the Syrian remember he came and he got cleansed of his leprosy and Then he went back to his own country and he even says, you know, he says, you know forgive me if I have to go into The king my Lord, you know Like where it basically is gonna like happen kneel down with his king to this false god and he's even saying, you know Forgive me, you know that if I have to end up doing that it's not like he's regarding it He's just saying, you know, like I'm basically the chief. I forget what he was. He was like basically the captain of the host of that army, so I mean he was a big deal and he'd have to do these duties and He didn't join Israel Okay But he's still saved and he's even mentioned in the New Testament as far as one of the people that God Visited and it wasn't of Israel so But when it comes to this holy nation that is given over in the New Testament to just believers Those that are believers are made up to make up that holy nation. So we don't believe in a universal church Okay, we believe in a local church meaning a church means a congregation an assembly of believers, right? but I Do believe in a nation of believers though? Okay, that's different though because you could say You wouldn't say that everybody in America is congregated right now, would you? But you would say that everybody in America is part of that nation so when we're dealing with that terminology as far as like people are like You know the church and they speak of that as if everybody that's a believer is a part of this like all-encompassing church That's not biblical Notice the churches right and those are separate, you know local congregations But all those believers and even those believers that aren't in church Make up a holy nation Make up that peculiar people But he wants to purify that peculiar people under being zealous of good works, right? He wants you to go out and get into church and do what you should be doing Now go back to Exodus chapter 19 and verse 7, Exodus chapter 19 and verse 7 I want you to see here that the children of Israel agree. They agree to the terms This wasn't forced on them I Actually love the fact that God delivers them out and then says hey, do you want to keep my covenant or not? you know, here's the terms and You know, what if they said no, you know, who knows but in the end they say yes, but then they don't keep it. So You know, obviously it doesn't end well for this generation that's gonna be going That's that's going forward here. We know the end of the story but Exodus chapter 19 verse 7 it says and Moses came and called for the elders of the people and laid Before their faces all these words which the Lord commanded him and all the people answered together and said all that the Lord has spoken we will do and Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord So he gives them this condition here's the condition you need to obey my voice and You need to keep my covenant then these things will apply and they say we'll do it Now do they end up doing it? Well when you get to Exodus chapter 32, they're making a golden calf and rising up, you know the play and obviously we'll be getting to that story and then they end up not going into the promised land because they're afraid and God ends up Saying that no this whole generation is gonna die in the wilderness and you're gonna wander for 40 years in the wilderness We know that's what happens to that generation Notice go to Joshua chapter 24 Joshua brings up the same thing. He says it a little differently But he gives this next generation the same kind of conditions if you will and Making them make it make a choice, right? It's like choose choose you this day whom you will serve Now Joshua saying as for me in my house, we will serve the Lord But I love this because Joshua is acknowledging that they can't do it Okay, notice Joshua. Joshua is what I would call maybe a realist Okay, meaning this is that he starts off this conversation with You can't do it Right now we know because hindsight is 20 20 and we know that they couldn't do it. They didn't regard it. They messed up Obviously but in verse 19 here knows what it says and Joshua said unto the people you cannot serve the Lord That's how he starts this. Okay, obviously he got done saying, you know choose you this day whom you will serve and you think about Joshua 2415 very famous verse there as for me in my house. We will serve the Lord But it says in Joshua said unto the people you cannot serve the Lord For he is an holy God He is a jealous God He will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins if you forsake the Lord and serve strange Gods, then he will turn and do you hurt and consume you after that he had done good done you good Notice how this flies in the face of the Zionists out there. Okay, let's this is during the covenant That's there in the Covenant. God's regarding this covenant Now how much more would this not apply as far as God being like all for them no matter what they do And he's gonna always be for their good When he hasn't regarded their covenant or in over 2,000 years, right or 2,000 years, right? I guess it depends busting 2,000 years when Jesus obviously died on the cross, but it's close So he's basically stating here that if you forsake the Lord you serves you serve strange gods He's gonna do you hurt and consume you after that. He's done you good He's brought you into this land, but he's gonna destroy you if you Serve other gods verse 21 and the people said in Joshua nay But we will serve the Lord and Joshua said in people your witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen you the Lord to serve him And they said we are witnesses. So notice how they're there. They're saying we're gonna do it And even says your witnesses against against yourself and he said we're witnesses Right. I mean they are doubling down on his thing. We're gonna do it and It says now therefore put away said he the strange gods Which are among you and incline your heart unto the Lord God of Israel and the people said unto Joshua the Lord our God Will we serve and his voice? Will we obey sound familiar? They are taking those conditions of that covenant and saying we are going to do it so Joshua made a covenant with the people that day and said and set them a statute and an ordinance and Shechem and Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God and took a great stone and set it up There under an oak that was by the sanctuary of the Lord and Joshua said unto all the people Behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us for it hath hurt for it hath heard all the words of the Lord Which he spake unto us it shall be therefore a witness unto you lest you deny your God So Joshua let the people depart every man unto his inheritance now if you know the story after this it states how they basically followed the Lord and Did what they should be doing? until Joshua died and even after those that were The elders that were with Joshua until they died So basically up until all that leadership died They did what they were supposed to be doing and even like I said when you read about the fact that hey The Feast of Tabernacles wasn't done it since the day of Joshua they were keeping the Feast of Tabernacles They were keeping the Feast of the Passover. They were doing all these feasts. This was probably the only time You know I and I don't want to say that for sure But this is probably that period of time where Joshua they go into the Promised Land and then until Joshua and all the elders that were with him died that they actually kept the Covenant to the tee as much as they were supposed to be doing it and And then after that just falls off the wagon And then you see little revivals here and there of them actually trying to keep the Covenant, okay? So just to show you that that first generation. They said they would do it that next generation That actually went into the Promised Land. They said they would keep it okay, so they they accepted those terms and it's just like anything else if you were to go into a lease and The terms were you have to pay rent, and you don't pay your rent the landlord can say you're out and Now in this case the landlord is very long-suffering, but in some cases. He kicks him out. He evicts them, right? And in some cases they come back In some cases they don't hey depending on if you're talking about the northern Kingdom of Israel or the southern portion which is Judah go to Exodus chapter 19 and verse 9 and In this passage we're going to see the Lord is going to come down in a thick cloud upon Mount Sinai Okay, so at this point David. They've accepted the terms and God's going to come down and and state his covenant with them And really what he's going to be stating is the Ten Commandments, okay? I'll be getting into that, but that is the Covenant that he made with them. That's not to say that Murder wasn't wrong before this or stealing wasn't wrong before this But these are like if you're going to think about like what do I need to keep? That's what you need to keep okay, right? There's a lot of other things you should keep But that is the main stuff if you keep this then you're keeping the covenant to where he's going to regard it does that make sense and That's what we get into next week, but in verse 9 here I just want you to see that there's this terrifying sight if you will and I want you to try to imagine You know what's going on when this happens? Because a lot of times you read through the Bible you kind of just overlook it You don't really think about it But it's terrifying sight and when when God actually speaks to Moses out of the mouth in this terrifying sight All the people say we don't want to hear it They were so afraid that they said we don't even want to be we don't even hear the voice It's almost like they they're afraid they're going to die just from hearing the voice of God speaking to Moses It also shows you how close Moses is to the Lord, right? He's speaking to Moses face-to-face as one does with with a friend and Moses is in the cloud, right? He's up there in the mountain. He's not just standing afar off He's there and God's speaking directly to him. Okay, but in Exodus chapter 19 verse 9 It says in the Lord said unto Moses lo I come unto thee in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with thee and believe thee forever And Moses told the words of the people unto the Lord so he's gonna be in this thick cloud so You know, the people aren't gonna see him But at the same time they're gonna know he's there and they're gonna hear him Okay And in verse 10 it says in the Lord said unto Moses go unto the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow And let them wash their clothes and be ready against the third day for the third day The Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai Now shall set bounds into the people round about saying take heed to yourselves that you go not up Into the mouth or touch the border of it whosoever touches the mount shall be surely put to death There shall not in hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through Whether it be beast or man, it shall not live when the trumpet soundeth long they shall come up to the mount and Moses went down from the mount unto the people and sanctify the people and They wash their clothes and he said unto the people be ready against the third day come not at your wives So what's going on here is he basically telling the elders he's telling them you need to you need to basically cleanse yourselves Okay, and you can imagine I believe personally that there that in these three days It's going on here that there's this this three-day period of fasting and prayer and basically Even through the point of like cleanliness of your clothes like you you bathe yourself You're clean as possible right both physically and spiritually and that last portion where it says come not at your wives sounds very familiar You don't have to turn there But in first Corinthians chapter 7 it says in verse 5 the fraud ye not one the other talking about the husband and the wife except to be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and Come together again that Satan tempts not Satan tempt you not for your incontinence So it's talking about husbands and wives, but it's saying, you know for fat for fasting a prayer But it's got to be by consent. I mean you got to both agree on this and I Believe that that's probably what's going on here in Exodus chapter 19 where especially since it says come not at your wives It's obviously stating that right? So in this we see that God is stating here that they are not allowed to touch this mountain Okay. Now at the end of the chapter, we'll see that Aaron is the only other person that's allowed to go up there with Moses But they send they set bounds. Okay, so you can imagine like Have you ever been at like a concert who's been at a concert? I'm just kidding Who's been at like some event though? You've been at an event where they have like a barrier Like so that you can't get to the stage or you know, basically it's holding you back from getting to the actual portion where someone's at That's essentially what I believe going on here. Is that at the bottom of the mountain? They're going up this mountain but God is basically sending these bounds so that they don't actually accidentally touch the mountain Okay, because he's basically saying you touch this mountain. I don't care for the Beast. I don't care who it is. They're going to die Okay, they're going to die if they touch this mountain. Okay, and so he's making this very clear they set up these bounds I'm not sure what exactly they did to basically It's kind of like this and this is a whole nother summer for another day But you kind of think about like touching not not touching the unclean thing not obviously the mountain is not unclean, right? But the idea here is that we set up bounds so that we don't even get close to it, right? You're not just trying to get tread the line To get to that mountain where you're gonna die you bring it back a little bit, right? So where you're like, alright, I know that at this point. I'm not gonna I'm not able to touch it Right, and so that's another summer for another day that can be preached another time But Obviously, this is a terrifying sight in verse 16. This is where it actually happens. Okay, so he's kind of setting it up This is what's gonna happen This is what you need to do you need to set up these bounds so that no one actually touches this mountain When I come down to it and and obviously you can think about the presence of the Lord is there this terrifying sight of the Lord but he's he's obviously putting a You know protection over Moses and allowing Moses to be closer okay to actually be in this mountain And it also shows you too that he's saying I want them to believe you forever, right? And it's really showing you this test. I mean think about it after this you think well who's closest to the Lord Moses and Aaron right you would think those are the two that I mean God let them go up They actually went up in the mountain and didn't die And you think about how the high priest Aaron was a high priest and he could go back behind the veil If anybody else did it they would die right there's this idea of and obviously you think about all the stuff about how he had to be clean and couldn't touch a dead body and that's you know getting into Leviticus that's getting into the priests and office and all that but Verse 16 it says it came to pass on the third day in the morning You see obviously how this could apply and parallel into the resurrection But I digress that there were thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud upon the mount and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud so that all the people that was in the camp trembled and Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God and they stood at the nether part of the mountain So obviously it's basically saying they're like down at the bottom of it they're not in the mountain and Then it says in verse 18 and Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke Because the Lord descended upon it in fire So think about that. I mean think about what's going on here, right? You have this mountain that there's a thick cloud that's around it God's coming down in a fire and it's literally like smoke coming up out of it. Like it's on fire okay, so And you think well, you know, is this really it says all the people that was in the camp trembled Okay, and then it goes on to say in verse In verse it says In verse 18 it says in the smoke there of ascended as the smoke of a furnace and the whole mount quaked Greatly and when the voice of the trumpet sounded long and waxed louder and louder Moses spake and God answered him by a voice. So this trumpet sounds and it's it's kind of like this trumpet sounds and this it's it's long So it just keeps going and it gets louder and louder and louder and louder. Okay. I don't know if you I mean you've obviously heard like the Siren if you will of like a volunteer fire department Where you'll hear that going off. It sounds like a tornadoes coming. It's like this warning Yeah, or if a tornado is hitting you it'll kind of sound off but it'll just be this big long sound But imagine that sound just kept getting louder and louder and louder and louder and louder Okay, I mean this is a daunting thing that's going on right now, right the whole mountains like shaking It looks like a big furnace of fire There's this big thick cloud that's going on there and then you hear this trumpet sounding out of it. Okay, I Mean we're not talking like a sunny day where you're just like, oh, this is a great day to be around here I mean we're talking like this is terrifying which you know what the Bible does talk about how we're supposed to tremble before the Lord with fear and trembling and What I'm gonna get to is that in the New Testament We should we should be we should be trembling before the Lord just as much as those people were on Mount Sinai when you think about his power and his majesty and This is the reason he does this really the Bible says later on the reason that he does this is so that they'll fear the Lord So there's a whole reason why this is so dramatic and why this is going on Because he gets talked him out of a still small voice. Couldn't he you think about Elijah? Why doesn't he do it that way? Because there's a reason why he's doing it this way. He's showing him a little bit of his power so that they'll be afraid of them so because the fear of the Lord in the beginning wisdom and Instruction and understanding right now in verse 20 here It says and the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai on the top of the mouth and the Lord called Moses up to the mount top of the mouth and Moses went up and the Lord said unto Moses go down charge the people lest they break through unto the Lord to gaze and Many of them perish and let the priests also which come near to the Lord sanctify themselves Lest the Lord break forth upon them So he basically kind of is it like another warning like just make sure they don't come through right? You know go down there. It's kind of like warn them again. I don't want I don't want a whole bunch of people to die So you can see think the Lord's one that basically put fear before them, but he doesn't want them all this is the parish, okay? and Then Moses answers as Moses said unto the Lord the people cannot come up to the mount for thou chargest us saying set bounds upon The mount and sanctify it now when I first read this I was kind of confused I'm like is he saying come up, but then he's like you know, but you set bounds, so they couldn't come up What are you stating here is that go down and tell them lest they come up and tell the priests to sanctify themselves so that? Basically he doesn't destroy them. So it's kind of two different things don't let them come up So they touch but also make sure that they're clean You know even if you're even if you didn't touch the mountain, but you weren't clean you could die okay, and then Moses is kind of Reiterating you told us about balance, and they can't come up right, so we're good. You know it's kind of like this We're okay. They're not going to come up We're not going to have this big massacre of people okay Verse 23 says Moses said unto the Lord The people cannot come up to the mount for thou chargest us saying set bounds about the mount and sanctify it and the Lord Said unto him away get thee down and thou shalt come up thou and Aaron with thee But let not the priests and the people break through to come up unto the Lord lest he break forth upon them So Moses went down unto the people and spake unto them So he's basically saying go down And basically you're going to come up with Aaron, but don't let anybody else come up. Okay, so that's that's and I want you to I want you to go to Hebrew chapter 12 because it recounts this event and then we'll be done But this is the setup right so this is the setup before he gives the Ten Commandments So this is really the big setup. He's coming down on Mount Sinai. There's this thick cloud and He's in this cloud, and it's like a furnace of fire because of the smoke that's coming out of there And you know what it talks about the smoke of the Lord you know this the smoke That's there it makes me think of Revelation chapter 15 which you want to turn there But Revelation 15 8 it says and the temple was filled with with smoke from the glory of God and from his power and It says and no man was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled and so the idea there is that that smoke and You know as of a furnace of fire is from the Lord Okay In Hebrew chapter 12 verse 18 it recounts this story, and it gives us a little bit of more information But it also kind of gives us some perspective On how this applies to us because we could look at this story and be like well That's terrifying, but you know we don't have to deal with that. That's that was the first covenant. It's not something we're dealing with today, but Hebrews is gonna bring this full circle and say how this applies to us how this How we can look at this story and say yeah, that's terrifying and we need to fear the Lord Okay, and Hebrew chapter 12 verse 18 says for ye are not common to the mount that might be touched and that burned with fire Nor in the blackness and darkness and tempest so it doesn't that kind of describe what that mountain was doing It says in the sound of a trumpet in the voice of words Which voice they that heard and treated that the word should not be spoken to them anymore now We'll get to that in chapter 20 because when he speaks that's when he's like we can't you can't handle it Then it goes on the same verse 20 But they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touched the mountain it shall be stone or thrust Through with a dart. Remember that's exactly what it says in Exodus chapter 19 or something similar to that It should be shot through right or stone and it says and so terrible was a sight notice This is a little more information than what we got And it says that Moses said I exceedingly fear and quake Now it says that all the people trembled but what Exodus 19 didn't tell us is that Moses was quaking and afraid Which wouldn't you as well it does show you the humanity at most right Moses was obviously the meekest man upon the earth But he was there with them. I mean he was on the mountain, right? I mean, he's the one talking with the Lord and he was trembling before the Lord Okay, and so it shows us that little insight there as far as what was going through Moses mind when this was going on Okay, he wasn't just like unfazed by what was going on. Okay Now here's the contrast it's basically stating we're not come to that mountain, right? What mountain is that Mount Sinai or Mount Horeb, you know as it says in other places same mountain Okay, but Mount Sinai we're not come to that mountain. It says this Because remember we're in the New Testament and obviously there's a difference between the Old Testament New Testament it says but ye are come unto Mount Zion and And unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem, so we're come unto Mount Zion, which is the mountain Which is in heaven, you know that mountain that that new Jerusalem that's in heaven That's what we're coming on to because now we're dealing not with this Levitical priesthood We're not dealing with we're dealing with the prophet priest and king the Lord Jesus Christ that that we're coming to and it says it's in innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn and Which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect into Jesus the mediator Mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel So I can purge a whole sermon on that dealing with the sprinkling blood obviously Dealing with the General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn. I mean yeah in heaven all those that are congregated I mean think about when there's a great multitude found in heaven with no man can number That's an assembly okay at that point you can say yeah, that's the General Assembly right there So that's what we're dealing with there as far as in heaven. Yeah, there's a General Assembly of the Church of the Firstborn up in heaven But in down here on the earth, we have local churches local assemblies Now keep reading there in verse 25 because lest you think like oh man that that was bad You know, that's something that I'd be terrified You know, thank the Lord we're in the New Testament and there are great reasons to be in the New Testament But you know what's interesting about the New Testament with all the better promises and with all the better things that are going on with the New Testament it's you know to whom much is given much is required and the Bible talks about if we sin willfully You know how much sorer punishment? Did he be thought right we have trodden on Underfoot the Son of God and and and it talks about Basically Regarding the the spirit of grace as an unclean thing and it goes on to say basically like it's gonna be worse for you Than for those that were in the first covenant if you sin willfully talking about the punishment that's going to come upon you And how about this it says here in? verse 25 See that you refuse not him that speaketh for if they escape not who refused him that spake on earth Much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven Notice that when God came down on the earth, right? Obviously we're talking about the same Lord, right? but he was down on Mount Sinai speaking to them on earth on a mountain that they could touch and They could die if they touched it obviously, but he's saying like they were afraid. I mean the whole All of Israel was trembling and not only that but it even says that Moses feared and wait When this happened and it's saying So much the more it says much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven and it says in this word yet once more signifies the removing of Those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved Let us have grace Whereby we may serve God acceptably notice this with reverence and godly fear For our God is a consuming fire Now, you know people want to say well, you know that God of the Old Testament he's so mean he's so vengeful He's so wrathful And I want the God of the New Testament. What are you talking about? He's Christ the same yesterday today and forever I'm the Lord I change not and Here it says does it say for our God was a consuming fire back in the Old Testament Because I know that it says that he came down in a fire and it says that the smoke came up like a furnace But he's saying it's worse now if you were to not obey that voice Now obviously salvation's always been by grace It's always been by faith and those were saved by grace but through faith back in the Old Testament We're saved by grace through faith in the New Testament, but we have so much more now We have the Holy Ghost in dwelling us. We have the Holy Ghost Living inside dwelling inside of us, but because we have the Holy Ghost dwelling inside of us We can also defile the temple of the Holy Ghost You see that two-edged sword there where you have that great thing of the Holy Ghost that can teach you all things You need not that any man teach you that's why in the New Testament It says that no man shall say no the Lord for all shall know me from the great from the greatest to the least Because the anointing which you received with him by the thin you need not that any man teach you So with that great Promise and that great, you know, basically gift if you will that God is giving us in the New Testament There comes great responsibility with that and the fact that now you commit fornication you commit sin against your body against the temple Holy Ghost There's severe punishment for that not to say that they weren't punished in the Old Testament for it. Okay, but how much sword punishment? right and He's saying, you know, they they were to obey that voice They were they weren't gonna escape if they didn't listen to that voice in the Old Testament How much more? If we don't obey the voice that speaketh from heaven so Lest you think well, man Glad I don't live in that time, you know when when God was like this big fire, you know This big fiery furnace on top of this mountain You know what we still we should tremble before it says it's a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the living God That's New Testament it says that our God is a consuming fire and that we Should serve God acceptively with with with reverence and godly fear so This is a great passage in Exodus chapter 19 to show us what happened back then but actually It's kind of this stark reminder. Hey, you know what that same God that they were trembling before How much more should we we be trembling and fearing before him today? And You know like I said the world they look at at the New Testament as if it's like some kind of Difference as far as like when you're reading through the New Testament like God is different. God's not different the covenants different Okay Obviously the first time in the New Covenant are starkly different, but God is the same you get saved the same God is the same and but with all these great promises of the New Testament come great responsibility and the fact that there are great consequences if you don't do what you should be doing in the New Testament and More so I believe than even in the Old Testament But I love that, you know, this is obviously a an awesome story and in chapter 20 We'll be getting into the Ten Commandments and there's some other stuff at the end of the chapter there as well Actually, you know people think well once you get to chapter 20, it kind of just like oh man all the cool stuff ended But there's a lot of obviously other stories as well, but I'm actually really excited to get into the judgments Okay When you get into chapter 21 chapter 22 chapter 23 I look at Exodus and these judgments and obviously you get into Deuteronomy as well It's kind of like the Proverbs if you will when you think about like Proverbs gives you so much Wisdom and knowledge as far as like how to live your life When you look at Exodus, this is the way things should be. These are the laws that should be on the books, right? And I love looking into be like this is what it'll be in the thousand year reign These are the laws that'll be on the books. This is how like what do you do if someone steals something from you? You know, it's like all these different circumstances and you know There's all these political pundits out there and just like this is the way it should be You know what open up the Bible and see the way that should be and the perfect law of Liberty You know, that's the way it should be Now I'm saying about moral laws. I'm not talking about like the customary laws of eating things and all that but you know I'm excited to get into those even though maybe some other would be like well We passed all the cool stories of crossing the Red Sea I think there's a lot to learn When it comes to these judgments, so let's end with a word of prayer. Thank you. Dear Heavenly Father We thank you for today. Thank you for the book of Exodus And I pray that you be with us as we go back to work this week and just pray to bring us back at the point of time and what we just pray that you'd help us to Serve you with reverence and godly fear and just help us to have a healthy Reverence and fear for you and that we tremble before you as your children and what we love you Pray also in Jesus Christ name that brother they will come and sing one more song and we'll be dismissed All right, take your song books and turn to song 154 So 154 if you'll stand We'll sing bless be the tie that bind song 154 Let's be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love the Fellowship of Kindred minds is my to that Above before our Father's throne we pour our art and prayers our fears our homes our aims are one our Comforts and our cares we share