(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, the portion of the passage there now, this whole passage is dealing with false teachers, false prophets, and notice the promise at the beginning is that, but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you. It's a promise that there's going to be false teachers among you, but what I want you to focus on is that last verse there. The last verse of 2 Peter chapter 2, it says but it has happened unto them according to the true proverb, the dog has turned to his own vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. The name of the sermon today is dogs and swine. Dogs and swine, you're like that's not a fun title. Well, I want to talk about a subject here that is actually, dogs and swine are mentioned in the Bible when it's dealing with people sometimes, specifically dogs, and if you understand what it's talking about when it says dogs, it will make a lot of other passages make sense. So there's passages in the Bible that mention dogs and it's not talking about like my little wiener dog at home. Okay, weenie the weenie. Okay, that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about people. Now, there's definitely cases in the Bible where dogs are literal dogs, right? Like the dogs that licked up the blood from the chariot of Ahab and that ate Jezebel. I mean, obviously there's real dogs in the Bible, but in this case, what we're talking about here is dogs and swine, but what's interesting about this passage is notice the dogs are male and the swine is actually female. So it's giving you both aspects, showing you here that false teachers can be both male and female. Okay, because notice it says the dog is turned to his own vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. A sow is a female pig. A hog is a male pig. And I'm not a farmer, so I'm not saying that I'm like the expert on like pigs and all that stuff, but it says her wallowing in the mire. And so what the Bible teaches, though, with dogs when it's talking about people, in particular in this passage, what do you think it's talking about? False teachers. Reprobates. Those whom the mist or darkness is reserved forever. These people that are clouds without water, right? And so dog and swine, when you call someone a dog and you call them a swine, you are saying that they are without hope. You're saying that these people are reprobate, so to speak. But in particular, the first time sodomite is mentioned, it's interesting what it calls a sodomite. Go to Deuteronomy chapter 23. And this sermon isn't all about the sodomites or the homos. This is a sermon more so about reprobates in general in that they are called dogs and swine. They are called animals. They are called brute beasts that we saw in 2 Peter chapter 2. And so, in Deuteronomy 23, this is actually the first mention of the word sodomite in the Bible. Deuteronomy 23 and verse 17. So Deuteronomy 23 and verse 17, it says, there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Notice verse 18. Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow, for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Do you see how it equates sodomite with dog? Because it's giving you that the fact that you're supposed to not have, there should be no whore or sodomite in Israel, but then it's giving you another even more in depth saying don't bring the price of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of God. That's talking about the money. If you were to get money from a harlot or something like that. But sodomite, that's the first time it's ever mentioned, it calls a sodomite a dog. And so, you know, it's interesting because the people out there trying to defend homosexuality or something like that, they're like, well, dogs do it. You know, dogs are like, you ever seen a dog that was, you know, they say gay or whatever? Yeah, that's what the Bible's been saying. Exactly. Are we dogs? Are we animals? No, we're made in the image of God. And if you made it for the Genesis chapter one sermon, you'll see that, that we are different than the beasts of the earth. And, you know, they'll say, well, you know, the animals do it. Yeah, that's what I've been saying the whole time, that they're dogs, that they're animals, that they're beasts. And it's not just sodomites, but it does say particularly that sodomites are called dogs. And so when you're looking at this term dogs, when you're dealing with people, what is it talking about? Well, we see for the first mention there, it's talking about a sodomite. It's talking about a homosexual. If you want to get into modern day vernacular, queer. If you want to get upset about saying queer, they call themselves that. Do you know the LGBTQ? You know what the Q stands for? Queer. And so we'll get into that. That's actually a biblical term. Now, the Bible doesn't use the word queer, but it does use the word strange. And what does queer mean? You know, queer used to be used all the time. They would say, you know, queer would be in a modern vernacular as far as just meaning something that's strange. Nowadays, you hear queer automatically. It's, you know, homo. Which is, you know, the true case. They're strange. But I wanted to show you another aspect. Go to Proverbs chapter 11. Proverbs chapter 11. So we see that dog in the Bible, it likens a sodomite to a dog. And you may say, I like dogs. I do too. Okay? But they're animals. Okay? That's what you've got to understand is they're animals. They're not people. Okay? And so, and I like bacon. But we've got to understand that a swine is an unclean beast. Okay? And so Proverbs 11 and verse 22, notice what it says here. It says, as a jewel of gold and a swine's snout, so is a fair woman, which is without discretion. So you can see here that what's the jewel of gold is like the fair woman, right? But then in a swine's snout is likened to without discretion. So you can see what is likened then to being a swine is being someone without discretion. And isn't that exactly, let's just put it on the bottom of the table when you think of homosexuals. Whether it's a man or a woman, what's the biggest thing that you see when you go to these, you don't go to these, but if you've ever seen like videos of these gay pride outings is that there's no discretion. They're openly, you know, doing their dirty things with each other, you know, throughout and I'm not going to be graphic for the sake of children, but they are openly committing fornication and all that stuff in public. There's no discretion. You know, Titus 2, you know, is a passage where it basically gives these ideas of what the older men should be like, what the older women should be like, what the younger women should be like, and what the younger men should be like. And notice what it says in Titus 2, 4, as far as what a godly woman should be like, especially a godly young woman should be like. But in Titus chapter 2 in verse 4, it says that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. So one of the things that we're supposed to be as a godly person is to be discreet. The swine is without discretion, without discretion, not the fact that they have less discretion, they're without discretion. And that's what you'll see with reprobates is that there's no good in them. There's no good works. There's nothing, you know, everything about them. Their soul is as dark as hell. And so that's what the Bible is teaching. When it uses these terms, the dog and the swine, and the reason that I'm going through this is because I want you to see the definition of it. And then when you go to verses, which we'll go to like Matthew 7 where it says give not that which is holy unto the dogs and cast not your pearls before swine, it's not talking about literal dogs and literal swine. It's giving you an example, but it's talking about people. But it's not talking about just any person. We're not just talking about someone you don't like. Or someone that doesn't like you. We're talking about reprobates. But what's a sodomite? Because you say that today in 2018, I keep thinking it's 2017 still, in 2018 you say sodomite and people are like what in the world is that? Well go to Genesis chapter 19 and obviously we're going to get to this eventually in our Genesis study, but we need to see what's a sodomite. Now Deuteronomy is the first time sodomite is used. Now when you usually see Levite or Bethlehemite, what does the it usually mean? It means someone that's from that place. Now Sodom was completely decimated, no one, there's no one from Sodom anymore. Ever since Genesis 19, when it was destroyed, there was no one that was sodomite in the fact that they just were from there. So we'll see at the very end, when I get to the end of the sermon, there were sodomites in the land in Israel, but that term sodomite is synonymous with what they did in Sodom. Genesis 19, I'm going to try to read through this quick, but verse 4 or 5 is really where I want to get to. But just to give you some context, it says, And there came two angels to Sodom at even, and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom, and Lot seeing them, rose up to meet them. And he bowed himself with his face toward the ground, and said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and you shall rise up early and go on your ways. And they said, Nay, but we will abide in the street all night. And he pressed upon them greatly, and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house, and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat. But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every corner, and they called to the lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came into thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them. Now this knowing them is not talking about like they just wanted to shake their hand and see who they were. If you remember, Adam knew his wife and conceived. That's what this is talking about. And when we go to Judges 19, you'll see exactly what that was talking about. But it says that, in verse 6, it says, And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, and said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. Behold now, I have two daughters, which have not no man. Let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes, only unto these men do nothing. For therefore came they under the shadow of my roof. And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge. Now will we deal worse with thee than with them? And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door. But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door. And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves to find the door. There's a lot of information here, but we see that they wanted to have sexual relations with men. That's what the story about Sodom was about. And God obviously destroyed them with everlasting fire. Both 2 Peter and Jude cover the fact that they are completely decimated because of the sin that they did right here, or what they wanted to do, and what they were doing already. But notice that even at the end here, when they were smote with blindness, they were still trying to get to the door. That's how implacable and unmerciful, and basically how much they wanted to hurt those men and abuse those men. When you hear the word Sodomite, that's what you should think about is Genesis 19. Well Judges 19 is pretty much a parallel passage. I say parallel because it's almost like reading Genesis 19 again, only it is a different place and time. Genesis 19 is around Abraham's time. Judges is after Moses. So Judges 19 is when they're in the Promised Land and they have judges, they don't have a king yet. But Genesis 19 is one of the most horrific passages in the Bible. If I were to just think of a passage that is the most horrific thing that I've ever read in the Bible, it would be Judges 19. Now there's definitely things that are in the Bible, but at the end of the chapter it's very clear that it's not even named. The people of Israel were so shocked by what happened in Genesis 19 that they went to war against that whole tribe. But Genesis 19, what I want to prove with this is that Sodomites are children of the devil. Because you'll see this parallel passage with the men of Sodom that came to know the men. We'll go to Judges 19 verse 22. So we're not going to read the whole chapter for sake of time, but verse 22 is where we're getting to the actual thing. But it's the same thing. This guy comes in with his concubine and this old man is saying, don't stay in the street at night. Isn't that exactly what Lot said to the angels? And then he gets them to stay at his house and then the men of the city, as we'll see here in verse 22, it's almost like reading Genesis 19. Verse 22, now as they were making their hearts merry, behold the men of the city, certain sons of Belial, now keep that in mind, certain sons of Belial, beset the house round about and beat at the door and spake to the master of the house the old man saying, bring forth the man that came into thine house that we may know him. Isn't that exactly what they said about the angels in Genesis 19? Verse 23, and the man, the master of the house went out unto them and said unto them, nay, my brethren, nay, I pray you do not so wickedly seeing that this man has come into mine house, do not this folly. Exactly what Lot said. Verse 24, behold, here's my daughter, a maiden and his concubine, them I will bring out now and humble ye them and do with them what seemeth good unto you, but unto this man do not so vile a thing. But the men would not hearken to him so the man took his concubine and brought her forth unto them and they knew her and abused her all the night until the morning and when the day began to spring, they let her go. Then came the woman in the dawning of the day and fell down at the door of the man's house where her Lord was till it was light. Now, if you read the rest of that, if you read the rest of this chapter and go into chapter 20, the woman died. When the man came out to her, she didn't answer a word because she was dead. So they abused her and this is also another key when you're dealing with sodomites is the fact that they're not just after men. They're after whatever they can get. And so, you know, when it comes here, they took it, they wanted the man, but they ended up taking the woman. And what kind of weak men like Lot and like this man here would allow their wife or their daughter to take her to be defiled by these wicked people. I let them tear me apart before I'd ever let them get after my daughters. And so that's another story in itself, but as you see here, just the violence that they would have, that they'd abused this woman all night long until she was dead and the rest of the story is that he ends up cutting up the woman and sending all her parts, like 12 pieces of her body, to the 12 tribes of Israel to make an example and they're like, it's never been so seen in Israel. And they ended up coming to war and destroying all the Benjamites. And so this story is one of the most graphic stories in the Bible. And here's the thing, the Bible is wholesome words, so I'm not afraid to preach any part of the Bible, whether there's children or not, because the Bible, every word of God is pure. Because you know what, children maybe need to know what these Sodomites are like. Because if you're going to tell me, you know, well, you need to be a little more understanding about the Sodomites, where in the Bible is there a good passage about the Sodomites? Whether or not being violent, trying to rape somebody, trying to violate somebody, you can't find it. And so, you know, I'm trying to show you the, you know, the definition of dogs and swine, but I also want you to know why we don't allow Sodomites in this church. And why we will never allow Sodomites in this church until I'm not here anymore. But they're not allowed here because I care about the children of this church. And I care about the people of this church and I will not allow some violent son of Belial, child of the devil, come into this church. Now, you may say, well, what's Belial? Well, Belial is just a name for the devil. Now, if you don't believe that, go to 2 Corinthians chapter 6, but this is something Belial, Beelzebub, Beelzebub, remember Beelzebub is the prince of the devils, Beelzebub, you know, like all these terms Baal, but Belial is a term that's used a lot in the Bible to describe the devil. But they're sons of the devil. Now, there's a false doctrine out there saying that all unsaved people are the children of the devil. That's just not true. That's another sermon for another day, really, to get into that. But here's the thing, if you're a child of God and you're always a child of God and you can't be unborn out of being a child of God, then if you're a child of the devil, it would have to be the same thing. And so, now we are called the children of disobedience and the children of wrath before we get saved, but that's different. That's an attribute, that's not a person. And so, why are we the children of disobedience? Because we haven't obeyed the gospel. Why are we the children of wrath? Because he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. That's why, but we're not children of the devil, and if you are, then you're damned. You're twice dead. And so, someone has to become a child of the devil, but in 2 Corinthians 6 and verse 15, notice what it says, and what concord hath Christ with Belial, or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Throughout that whole passage here, it's basically giving the contrast, the opposites. So, Christ and Belial, the devil, if you see for this purpose, the Son of God has come, that he might destroy the works of the devil, those are opposites. And there's other passages where you can really define what Belial, Baal, Beelzebub, I mean, could anyone say that when they say that Jesus cast out devils with Beelzebub, the prince of the devils? I mean, if you go to that, he's obviously, it says that, can Satan cast out Satan? He's talking about the devil. And so, Belial, meaning that these guys that came in Judges 19 were children of the devil. And these people exist. They're the minority, but they do exist. They're dogs, they're swine, depending on what gender they are. So, and so, you know, you may say, well, you know, who is this? Joelstein is a dog. Joyce Meyer is a swine. Do you want me to just put it on the bottom of the table there? Any false teacher that's teaching a false gospel, or, you know, that anybody that's on TV pretty much just take it to the bank, they're either a dog or a swine. And so, why is the Bible talking about dogs more than swine? Probably because there's more dogs out there than swine. But there are swine out there. You know, Ellen DeGeneret is a swine. You know, all these lesbians, you know, all these people, and we're going to get into this, they weren't born that way. There's a reason why they became what they are, and it doesn't have to do with the sin of sodomy either. It doesn't have to do with that particular sin that they, you know, the sexual sin that they have. It has to do with the fact that they hate God. And so, but in John chapter 8, you're in 2nd Corinthians, go to John chapter 8, and I just want to just show you the relationship of being a child of the devil. And being a child of the devil is correlated with being a reprobate. Now, I preached a whole sermon, you know, back at the very beginning of our church here because I was going through Romans. Romans chapter 1, if you really want to give, I don't want to re-preach that, but I went through every single mention of the word reprobate in that sermon, and all of them are dealing with people that are rejected, that can't believe, that are, you know, ever learning, never able to come up to the knowledge of the truth. It says the reprobate concerning the faith. The reprobate, the first mention, it says reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them. Every mention of the word reprobate in the Bible is talking about someone being rejected, someone that can't believe, and even the definition on dictionary.com says that they are rejected by the Lord and without hope of salvation. That's dictionary.com in your first definition. Even the world knows that reprobate means this. But, you know, when we're dealing with children of the devil, this is the most famous passage I believe where Jesus is calling someone that their father is the devil. And John chapter 8 verse 43, John chapter 8 verse 43, it says, Why do ye not understand my speech, even because ye cannot hear my word? Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it, and because I tell you the truth ye believe me not. Now that's interesting. Now not only, it says they cannot hear his word, that's what Jesus said. Why can't you understand my speech? It's because, even because you cannot hear my word. Cannot hear my word. And notice it says, because I tell you the truth ye believe me not. It doesn't say because I tell you the truth and you believe me not. It's saying because I tell you the truth you don't believe me. That's why. But, there's plenty of places in the Bible, and you don't have to turn there, but in first Samuel chapter 2, it talks about the sons of Eli. It says now the sons of Eli were the sons of Belial, they knew not the Lord. So, throughout, when you read, especially through the Old Testament, you'll see the sons of Belial, sons of Belial. There's another place where Jezebel says, go find a couple men of Belial, and go lie about Naboth, the Jezreelite. Remember because they were saying that he blasphemed God and they killed him so that Ahab could have the vineyard, or he was a lot sad about it. But, you know one thing too, you know who they are. If he's saying find certain sons of Belial, how am I supposed to find them if I can't distinguish them from anybody else? And so, these dogs, the Bible likens them to sodomites. It says they're children of the devil. And, that's an important thing to see if you're going to understand when it calls someone a dog in the Bible. So, go to Psalm chapter 22. So, I want to show you some places where the Bible uses the term dog when you're dealing with people, and now you can kind of understand because wouldn't he be calling the Pharisees dogs if they're children of the devil? They're children of the devil. He says you're your father to the devil, the Pharisees and the scribes, most of them right, obviously Nicodemus. There's people that got saved, but by and large the Pharisees and the scribes were all reprobates. And, he didn't want them to believe. Remember that's why he darkened their eyes and hardened their hearts so that they wouldn't believe and be saved. And, that's the key with the doctrine of reprobation is the fact that God is the one darkening their hearts, but it was because they first closed their own eyes and hardened their own hearts, just like Pharaoh and throughout the Bible. But, I wanted to show you some passages where the word dog is used dealing with a person. So, Psalm 22 is a famous passage dealing with the crucifixion of Christ. We're not going to read the whole Psalm, but in verse 16 there, it says, for dogs have compassed me, the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me, they pierced my hands and my feet. See how that fits? If the Pharisees and the scribes, remember they were saying, if thou be the son of God, come down and we'll believe you. Even though that's quoted out of Psalms, it's interesting, we'll get to that eventually in one of our sermons dealing with the resurrection and with Jesus' cruiser fiction, but it's like, did they not read Psalm 22 because they literally quoted it when they said that to Jesus on the cross? But, it says, for dogs have compassed me about. Why would he say that? Were there dogs that were like yipping around the bottom of the cross when they pierced his hands and his feet? Talking about people, and it even kind of gives you a little more clarification, the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me. Go to verse 20 there, so Psalm 22 and verse 20. It says, deliver my soul from the sword, my darling, from the power of the dog. So you can see, the purpose of this sermon is to give you a little more clarity when you're reading the Bible and you have these words that the Bible has defined, but you may not know that just by reading it. I read Psalm 22 for the first time and I'm like, what in the world? Dogs have come, okay. Maybe it's just like a, I don't know, you're thinking, well maybe he's just given an allegory of dogs coming around him. I would say it is an allegory, but the dogs are referring to people themselves. And so, these people, Jesus wouldn't even talk to Herod, if you remember. He went to Herod and he wouldn't even speak to him. And he wanted to see some miracle from him and Jesus wouldn't speak a word to him. And so, that's our savior. Now Jesus is the best soul winner that we'll ever meet. Jesus is the best soul winner that ever tread the face of this earth and someone was wanting to hear something from him and he said, no, I'm not going to talk to you. Now he didn't say that, but he just didn't speak to him. Well, he called Herod a fox, you know. So, another reason why I preach this sermon is people get upset when I call these queers fags. And I call them, you know, these animals, these brute beasts that are made to be taken and destroyed. They get mad at me for saying that, but I'm just quoting you the Bible. Now fag isn't in the Bible, but you know what, it does say that the wicked are going to be bundled up, you know, and what's the term, what's fag even mean? A bundle of sticks to be burned, okay. So, Matthew chapter 13, there's your fag, okay, is the fact that they're going to be bundled up and they're basically prepared to burn. And that's what reprobates in general when it talks about in the Bible is talking about, but dal can also just mean a false teacher, someone that's twice dead, plucked up by the roots, so to speak. And they're not necessarily, they haven't gone down that far. That's the thing with reprobate is that they don't start off being this wicked sodomite, okay. It's basically like, here's the end game, is being like a sodomite or a pedophile or in the bestiality or a serial killer, okay. That's like the end game, that's not how it starts, okay. But go to Isaiah 56, Isaiah 56, so here's another place where dogs are mentioned. And there's no doubt in this passage that they're talking about people, but keep that in mind, children of the devil, reprobate. Isaiah 56 and verse 10, Isaiah 56 and verse 10, the Bible reads, it says, his watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark, sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs, which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand. They all look to their own way, everyone for his gain, from his quarter, come ye say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink, and tomorrow shall be as this day and much more abundant. Doesn't this fit perfectly when you think of the concept of what a dog is? It says they cannot understand. They're dumb dogs, they cannot bark, they're greedy dogs, they can never have enough, they're implacable, unmerciful. And so Romans 1 all the way through here, but this really does, if you look at 2 Peter and look at these attributes of what it's talking about, notice that they're shepherds. They are shepherds that cannot understand. What's another term for shepherd? Pastor. Isn't that what a pastor is, a shepherd of the flock? That's a synonym for pastor. So pastors that cannot understand, that are greedy dogs that cannot have enough, that seems to line up perfectly with 2 Peter chapter 2, because when you're dealing with false teachers, what do you think you're dealing with? You're dealing with leaders of the church, you're dealing with pastors, you're dealing with those that claim to be, now in their days, remember there was false apostles that would come around and Paul warned about the false apostles that would claim to be, but they were all basically ministers of the devil. But go back to 2 Peter and keep Isaiah 56 in mind, greedy dogs that can never have enough, and everything was for their own gain. For their own gain. It says everyone for his own, for his gain. They all look to their own way, everyone for his gain. Look at verse 3 in 2 Peter, 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 3, and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you, whose judgment now the long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. Isn't that exactly what these TV preachers do? Put your hand on the screen, send me $100 and you'll be blessed. Like all this garbage about send me money, send me money, and it's not just the TV preachers. There's people that, churches that just send out letters and send out all this stuff to send money to them, and it's to make merchandise of you. They want your money, they want your gain, they're greedy dogs that can never have enough. And so that's what we're dealing with with these false teachers. They are using the fact that people are saved or they believe the Bible, they're using that against them to get money from them. Because there's a lot of older people, and I'm just going to be honest, there's a lot of older people that they get at the end of their life and they have a lot of money and they want to give it to the Lord, and where do they go? They're on TV, they're watching their prices right and then they go watch it. I don't know what they watch, but basically they'll watch the TV preacher and say, you know what, I want to do something great for God, I want to give money to the Lord, and their heart's probably in the right place. And then this TV preacher gets on there and starts giving all these promises, saying it's going to be used for the Lord and it's going straight into their pocket. And Joel Steen is one of the biggest proponents of this, where he's got this million dollar mansion or whatever. I don't care if we bring in 20 million dollars a year, I'm still going to be living in a modest house with a modest car, I'm not going to increase my salary because we're bringing in a million dollars. You know, if I bring in 20 million dollars, we're going to go find some missionaries that we're going to send over across the seas and provide everything that they need. We're going to send out so much information, so many Bibles, you know, it's just going to be, that's all we're going to be doing is just pumping out material if that much money was coming in. But I will not put it in my own bank account and become some millionaire as a pastor of a church. Never. We're not supposed to be living this lavish life as a servant of God. And so these pastors will be like, well, all the money's coming in, don't you think? No. No, the pastor should not be getting all that money. The money is going to the church and the church is for the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now yes, the money should be, they should be having enough so that they can live with their family, live comfortably. I don't think there's anything wrong with the fact that, you know, I want to feed my kids with organic food, you know, which is just really real food. And I want, you know, them to be clothed and I want to be able to like have a car that won't break down every 10 seconds, right? There's nothing wrong with that. But if I start, you know, taking so much money from the church that I'm like building this mansion and I'm doing all this stuff, that's wrong. That's a big red flag. And any time you see a pastor, you know, that's on TV, just mark it down that they're a false prophet. Mark it down that they're a dog or a swine because when you look at their house that they're living in, all that tells me is their true colors. Because a true man of God would rather put that money into the gospel of Jesus Christ and to do more works for him. Any money that comes in here, and obviously I'm bivocational right now, so I'm working my full-time job and, you know, that's what's paying my bills and doing all that stuff. So I don't take anything from the church personally. You know, I'm not against pastors that get paid, but all the money that comes in here is either for church stuff here at the building or to send it out to give, you know, materials or to, you know, support missionaries or do anything like that. That's what the church should be doing. That's what the money should be used for. And you know what? I'll be bivocational for the rest of my life. If I felt like I was going to have an inclination to take more money from the church, to live a lavish life, I'll cut it off. Because that is not what the pastor is supposed to be doing. The pastor should be living, you know, a modest life, you know, and that's where you get into not giving the wine, you know, wine and all these lavish things, and obviously we're not talking about alcoholic wine, but just, you know, things that cost more money. I shouldn't be given to that. I shouldn't be like drawn to want things and be materialistic. Not covetous, right? That's one of the qualifications for being a pastor. But these dogs, these false teachers are a bunch of greedy dogs that can never have enough. And so, but in verse 14, I'm sorry, in verse 12, go to verse 12. So 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 12, it says, but these as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. Remember at the beginning of the chapter it says that they speak evil. It says they denied the Lord that bought them and it says that they, and it says by reason of whom the truth is evil spoken of, the way of truth is evil spoken of. And so they'll speak evil about the true gospel. No, it's got to be repent of your sins. No, you can definitely lose your salvation. You know, they're constantly speaking evil, the fact that it's by Jesus Christ alone and trying to sway people off into a false gospel and it's for their own gain, it's for their own covetousness to keep them tied to them to the fact that they, they are the reason that that person is given the money is the reason that they're going to go to heaven. And so their natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed. Why would it say that? Well, maybe because in Leviticus 20, 13 it says, if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall be surely put to death and their blood shall be upon them. Maybe that's why, because these reprobates ought to be put to death. And so that's why it says they're brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed. There are people out there that should be put to death. And you know, this goes for adulterers. This goes for anybody that commits murder under two or three witnesses. You know, people are saying, well, you're always about the sodomites. I'm for every law in the Old Testament. And in the New Testament, that's a moral law and a punishment that's for it. Now, obviously, you know, our law of the land doesn't doesn't have that. So we're not supposed to do anything outside the law of the land. You know, Jesus didn't either. And he's the son of God, right? And so I'm not saying that we should try to go out and do anything to the sodomites or anything like that. But I'll say this, if I ever hear of a dad beating to death a pedophile that molested their child, you better believe that I wouldn't shed a tear for that stinking queer and that I would actually be glad, you know, because maybe that child will be able to live a normal life when they realize, hey, my dad took care of that filthy sodomite and then she can go spit on his grave later on. And so that's the truth about the matter. Maybe children are getting over this type of stuff because that person is still out doing what they, you know, whatever they're doing. They don't have any consequences for those actions that they do. And so these are natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed. These dogs, these swine. It says in Second Peter chapter two verse fourteen, it says they cannot cease from sin. They cannot cease from sin. Their eyes are full of adultery and they cannot cease from sin. Is it a big coincidence that you see a lot of these pastors getting divorced and getting remarried with their secretaries? This is something that just came up, I think it's just like this pastor Greg Locke or whatever. You know, he's a new evangelical guy. He's a false teacher. I mean, he teaches a lordship salvation gospel or whatever. But isn't it interesting that this is prominent in that realm as far as these new evangelicals, these TV preachers, that they're all divorced? They all have second, third wives? You know, if you get a divorce and you get remarried, the Bible says you commit adultery. That simple. And it's interesting also the fact that they're always, their new spouse or whatever is someone that worked with them. A secretary or someone that they've known for a long time. You think that happened by accident? Just as much as David when he was on the roof, that did not happen by accident that David committed adultery. It's not like David just fell into sin. No, maybe because he didn't have a good relationship with his own wife and he wasn't ruling his own house well and that he should have been out doing what he should have been doing at war instead of going up and just idly walking on top of the roof and looking at a naked woman. You know, so this, it's interesting that it's talking about having eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin. Beguiling unstable souls. What is the, when you think of beguiling unstable souls, who do you think of immediately? Children. And that's what these people are after. And so that's why I'm never gonna, if I know someone's a dog or they're a swine, they will not be in this church or near my family by any stretch of the imagination, anywhere, anytime that I'm gonna keep away because they want to beguile unstable souls. They want to violate, you know the Bible talks about in Proverbs that there's people that won't even sleep until they do mischief. And so, but you know Leviticus talks about the fact that they should be put deaths and natural beasts made to be taken and destroyed. But in Titus it says they profess they know God but it works to deny him being abominable and disobedient and none to every good work reprobate. So there you have they cannot cease from sin, you know the fact that every good work to them is reprobate. So, but we see that with these dumb dogs that cannot bark, these shepherds that cannot understand. That's what we have today in a lot of churches. And I'm not saying that every church you ever find, and I'm not saying if they're not our stripe they're a dumb dog that cannot bark, okay? That's not what I'm saying. But I'm saying that most of the other denominations and all the Catholic churches and all this stuff, there are a bunch of reprobates that are in these churches. I mean it'd have to be to be in that position that they're in. Most of the people that are in the churches as far as sitting in the pews, I don't think that they're, I mean there's probably definitely some in there. Just as much as you can find a reprobate in an independent fundamental Baptist church in the pews. And you can see them in the pastors of the independent fundamental Baptist churches too. And so it's just something to be aware of and to remember that we need to stay away from these people. But go to Matthew chapter 7. So when I think of dogs and swine, this is probably the most famous passage in the Bible dealing with this. So I hope this sermon helps you to understand these passages to where when you see the word dog and it's clearly referring to a person, what that's referring to. Why is it calling them a dog? It's not just to be derogatory, although it is derogatory, right? If I called someone a dog or a swine, you better believe that they're probably going to get offended at me. Right? And so it is a derogatory term. The Bible uses derogatory terms. I'm not against using it. There's nothing you can call a sodomite that would offend me. Nothing. Nothing that you could use. A pedophile, just think about that. A pedophile. Is there anything that you could call a pedophile to where I'd be like, oh whoa man, that's a little rough. No. There's nothing that you can call them that would offend me. Now obviously, you know, we need to use speech that's not perverse, right? I'm not saying to go out and just start saying some really off the wall stuff about the people, right? It's a shame to even speak of the things that they do in secret, the Bible says. But I'm for using biblical terms. They're beasts. They're dogs. They're filthy. They're vile. You know, that's Bible terms. And so, and if you use a synonym, I don't think, if I said they're strange or they're meant to be burned or sticks to be burned, if you called them a faggot or a queer, I don't think that's derogatory. It's just the definition of a term. But, I mean, I think it is derogatory. But what I'm saying is I don't think it's corrupt communication. That's what I'm getting at there, okay? Obviously, we should not be using corrupt communication describing what they do or using words that are going to be very like, you don't want to corrupt the minds of people either. But there's nothing wrong with using some, you know, derogatory. Jesus called Herod a fox. He called them vipers, serpents. And so there's nothing wrong with using derogatory terms to these false teachers. But I would tend to stick with Bible terms for the most part. And, you know, but I'm not against people. You know, people use other terms too that maybe I wouldn't use, right? I'm not against them, you know. But that's just preference sometimes on what you think would be appropriate or would be completely inappropriate. But anyway, Matthew chapter 7. So I want to give that caveat. I don't want you to just go out and just start like just going on toward A-force and like using every word in the dictionary to describe these people because we need to try to use, you know, wholesome words, right? But you can have harsh words within those wholesome words that would describe somebody. But Matthew 7 verse 6, it says, give not that which is holy unto the dogs, now they cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you. Now this is a principle, especially if you read Romans 1, is the fact that these people are implacable. They are unmerciful. What's implacable mean? Well, what's the word placate mean? You know, to placate or to pacify somebody. You know, if I was a, you know, so implacable means they cannot be pacified. And so unmerciful, you know, basically it doesn't matter what you do, they're never going to be satisfied. They can never have enough. Remember, they breed these dogs, they can never have enough. So isn't that the case with these queers? You give them, you know, gay marriage and they're like, no, we need to be able to go into your daughter's restroom as a man and you need to be okay with that. You know, no, it's not okay for you to, you know, for us to have marriage. We need you to say that it's not only, it's not sin but that it's godly. You know, they're implacable. You know that pedophilia is coming up. It's already been becoming, trying to mainstream. I showed you that article where it says pedophilia is not a crime, it's a condition or whatever. And so this stuff is coming up and there is something, they're implacable. You know that animals are coming next. Pedophilia is coming next. And all this stuff, you know what, they can have their animals, you know. I hope they get a disease and die. But when it comes to pedophilia, that should be the mark where America is like, that's enough. That's enough. We can't handle that. You know, what you do with some other guy or whatever, you know, that, I think that's where people are at. They're like, it's disgusting but, you know, whatever you're doing, they're kind of doing it to themselves, right. But as soon as you put children in there and they're openly saying that there should not be an age of consent, which if you go to Europe, that's what they're lowering the age of consent, and I believe it's like 16 or 14 or something like that, and they say there should be no age of consent, meaning that they can just, you know, a child. And so that's disgusting. That's vile. And they're implacable. They'll never stop. They'll never stop. They'll never have enough. And that's why they need, their burpies may be taken and destroyed. And so, but isn't it interesting that Matthew 7, it talks about this, you know, it kind of seems like it's almost just inserted in there, just talking about not judging and all that stuff. And, but, you know, don't be a hypocrite when you judge, pretty much. Then it also, then it just goes straight into give not that which is holding onto the dogs. But isn't it interesting that it talks about false prophets in this chapter? Do you think that's a coincidence? That when 2 Peter 2 is all about false prophets and false teachers and it ends with talking about dogs and swine. So what is a dog and swine in here? Why is it saying not to cast, you know, give that which is holding onto the dogs and cast ye your pearls before swine? It's talking about these false teachers. It's talking about these reprobates. And so in Matthew 7 verse 15, it gives us information about these, these dogs or these swine. So you can see why Jesus called them names. He's called them dogs and swine right here. And he called them vipers, he called them serpents, he called Herod a fox, he called them blind guides, whited sepulchres. Like, I mean, read Matthew 23. I mean, how many times did he call them that? But he called them a lot of different things. And it was all attributes. Think about a fox, it's sly, it's sneaky. Think about a serpent, you know. Do I need to really go there? I hate snakes, okay. But do I really need to go why you should not like a snake or what's bad about a snake? But you know, dogs and you can think of just the gross things that dogs do. You think of the gross things that swine do. These names are not on accident. It's not like they're just like, what animal could we call them? Or just throw one out there. There's a reason why he calls them these certain types of animals. Because of the attributes of the animal. And so, but in verse 15 it says, beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles? Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. So, it's likening, now it's also likening these false teachers to a corrupt tree. So you see, he's constantly using something to represent who these people are that bring forth corrupt fruit. Now you say, well how do I know them by their fruits? Obviously we should, there's got to be something that we can see. Now you can go by their preaching, but they can say lies, they can preach lies. You know, they can say something, they can say what you believe on salvation, and then out of their little forked tongue they say something different. But, go to Matthew chapter 23, and I believe the fruit is what they bear, what they bring forth. That's just what fruit means. I mean if you were to say what fruit is, it's the product of the tree. It's what is bringing forth. The fruit of the womb is his reward. The fruit of the womb is the product of, you know, two people that are married that have children, right? That's the product, that's the fruit. And so, but I want to show you particularly what I believe that's talking about. In verse 15, so Matthew 23 and verse 15 it says, woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you can pass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. So, what's a proselyte? It's basically like a disciple, someone, a follower that you've created, a convert, so to speak. So they can pass sea and land to make one convert and they make him twofold more the child of hell than themselves. That's the fruit of these Pharisees and scribes, or these dogs, or as you would see, these corrupt trees that bring forth corrupt fruit. And so, when I see these false teachers and what it's bringing forth, or what their proselytes are like, that should tell you right there who they are and what they bring forth. And so, you know, when it comes to, you know, when I know someone say, okay, you can go off what they believe, right? I believe that's a good judge as far as going off, okay, they believe that's by faith alone in Jesus Christ, but when I see them give the gospel and they win someone to Christ, there's no more doubt. There's no more doubt that that person is a believer to me because you'll know them by their fruits. And so, because an unsaved person can never win someone to Christ, period. That's what the Bible teaches, is that an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit, cannot. And so this whole idea, I don't believe Judas won one person to Christ. Now, I believe he maybe had false converts and prayed with people maybe, I don't know. It doesn't say anything about him converting anybody, but obviously Judas was very sly and even his disciples didn't know that he was a devil, but, you know, you'll know them by their fruits. And obviously Jesus knew that he was a devil, and you need to be looking for that type of stuff too. But in Jude, go to Jude in verse 12, dealing with fruits and trees that bring forth a corrupt fruit. So we're coming full circle. Now if you know that 2 Peter and Jude are parallel passages, right, so when you're looking at 2 Peter, everything in Jude is pretty much talking about the same thing, talking about false teachers, people that come in privily, you know, with amiable heresies and all this stuff. But notice what it says in verse 12. It says, these are spots in your feasts of charity when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear, clouds they are without water, carried about of winds, trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame, wandering stars of whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. Now this is definitely, part of this is mentioned in 2 Peter, but notice it says, trees whose fruit withereth, so you can see the corrupt fruit, and without fruit, remember, any tree that bringeth forth not good fruit is shewn down and cast into the fire, and it says, twice dead, twofold more the child of hell than themselves, twice dead. So that's when you're talking about these dogs, these swine, they are, it says that the dark, their damnation slumbereth not. The key is that with these people, it doesn't matter, whenever they die, they're going to hell, there's no chance for these people. They cannot understand, they will not believe, they're ever learning, never be able to come unto the knowledge of the truth, and go to Philippians chapter 3, so I want to show you another place, and we'll run out of time, but, Philippians 3, and we kind of covered this, I believe the other night, we were talking about something else, but I just want to show you another place where it uses the term dogs. In Revelation, one of the last things it says, it says without our dogs and sorcerers and all this stuff, talking about the lake of fire. So what's it talking about? It's not talking about your pet being out in hell or in the lake of fire, it's talking about a certain type of person. And so, Pastor Anderson preached a whole sermon on that, talking about without our dogs, where when you look at that with Revelation 21 8, dogs is replaced with fearful, unbelieving, and warmongers, I believe. I could be wrong about that, but I know it's fearful and unbelieving, so it gives you the attributes of what a dog is. And so, but anyway, so Philippians chapter 3, verse 1 there, it says, Finally my brethren, rejoice in the Lord, to write the same things to you. To me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. This isn't talking about Fido, this is talking about a false teacher. And it makes perfect sense, because when you go down to chapter, in verse 17 there, it says, Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk, so as ye have us for an ensample. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. Now this just gives you a whole bunch of information as far as who these dogs that you're to beware of, they're enemies of the cross of Christ. It says their end is destruction, we saw that in Jude, we saw that in 2 Peter, their end is destruction, whose glory is in their shame. Isn't that, if you were just to picture the sodomite gay pride, they are glorying in their shame. It's all about glorying in the filthy things that they do, and you know the Bible talks about people that cannot blush, and that's the reprobate right there. They cannot blush, anything they do to them is nothing, they don't feel shame. Their past feeling, they're without natural affection, the Bible teaches. And so, what's the sin of Sodom? We talk about these dogs, and the first mention of sodomite, they call them a dog, and there's a lot of stuff out there, and I just kind of want to hit this real quick, as far as, well, Sodom, the sin was really pride. Now granted, isn't that the one thing you think of when you think of the queers, is pride, gay pride, LGBTQ pride, everything is pride to them, well that's just straight out of the Bible, you know that they're proud, and they have this banner, this flag that's all the rainbow, and it's just like, it's almost like this self-fulfilling prophecy, like come destroy me, because isn't that what the rainbow, it was a signification that God destroyed the whole earth, and he's going to do it again. And so, they're holding that rainbow flag over their head, just asking God to destroy them. But in Ezekiel chapter 16, and I know we're getting close on time, so you don't really have to turn here, but Ezekiel 16 verse 49 says, Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride. Now people just stop there and don't read the rest of the list. They say, see it was pride, it wasn't homosexuality, it was just pride, that's why they were destroyed. Why don't you keep reading? Pride, fullness of bread, abundance of idolness was in her, and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy, and they were haughty, and committed abomination before me, therefore I took them away as I saw good. God said that it was good in his eyes to take them away, and they completely decimate that whole, that whole town, that whole nation of Sodom and Gomorrah. And so, what was committed abomination? Well, that's what sodomy is, that's what homosexuality is, is an abomination. And so, but the one thing I want to get a hit on is that I do believe all sodomites are dogs, okay? And this is a subject, if you don't agree with me, and you think, well, I believe some of them aren't necessarily, I'm not against you, but as the pastor, obviously, I'm going to take the stance that I'm not going to let any dog in here, and I'm not going to let any sodomite in here. But I do believe that they're all, I go to Romans chapter one, and I kind of want to just hit this real quick. I know we're kind of, the problem is, is when I'm sick I end up preaching longer. So, I don't know why that is, I feel like passing out right now, but, but Romans one, I think what people get sucked into, and there is a false argument, and the reason I kind of preached this sermon too is because I want a woman to the Lord last week, and do things. She brought up repent of sins, and I'm like, I just preached on that, you know? But then we talked about this, this idea of reprobates for a good long time. I remember my brother Eric and Jason were like, we heard you going to Romans one, but it was something they brought up, and it's something that people bring up a lot because homosexuality is being pushed so much, so it's on everybody's mind, I think, and they want to know what you think about it. And so I've had people who wouldn't even let me give them the gospel until I told them what I thought about it. And so, but anyway, the false argument is that when someone commits homosexuality, that's what makes them a reprobate. That's not true. That's not what I believe. I don't believe that anybody usually that believes in the reprobate doctrine believes that at all. That's not what, we're not saying that's the unforgivable sin, and, but what the Bible teaches here, go to verse, verse twenty-five there, what you'll see is there's three times that God is saying why He's giving people up over to, you know, basically over to being a reprobate. And it's not like this is a progression like, okay, they were reprobate, you know, or they did this, therefore God gave them over to a reprobate mind. That's not what it's saying. Because notice it says in verse, verse twenty-three, and I'm going to have to read it all for sake of time because we're getting low, we don't have enough time, but in verse twenty-three it says, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like the corruptible man. Verse twenty-four, wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness. So notice, why did He give them up to uncleanness? Because they changed, they changed the glory, you know, so that's the reason, they changed the glory of the uncorruptible God. Verse twenty-five, who changed the truth of God into a lie. Verse twenty-six, for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections. So do you see the reason why He's giving them up unto vile affections? It's not because of the vile affections. Does that make sense? It's because when they knew God they glorified Him not as God. I don't have time to go through all this, but it says they knew God and glorified Him not as God and they hold the truth in unrighteousness. That's why they become a reprobate. But it's not the vile actions of what reprobates do is the reason that they became that. And then so it says for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women to change in natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust, one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly and receiving into themselves that recommends of their heir which is me. So that's why. Why did they become, you know, a homo? Because they changed the truth of God into a lie. Now when it goes on it says in verse twenty-eight it's not saying that okay they were these and now that's why He's giving them over to a reprobate mind. He's coming back again and saying another reason why He's giving them over to a reprobate mind. Because notice it says and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, so why is He giving them over to a reprobate mind? Because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge. They knew God and glorified Him not as God. It says and God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient, being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication. That's the key with reprobates is that they're filled with all of it. All of it. They're unto every good work reprobate. Everything in this list they're filled with it. So when someone comes at me and says well are you saying all homos are pedophiles? Yes. Because if they would sleep with a man they'd sleep with anything. That's my answer to them. They may not have done it yet, but guaranteed if they're going to lust after a man he's going to lust after a man he'll lust after anything. It's unnatural and you know that we're all tempted, there's no temptation but such as is common to man. So there's a lot of temptations that are common to man. That's not one of them. I don't have to worry about lusting after a man. That's not something I deal with. And so Romans chapter 1 it's very clear to me that the reason that they are a homo is because they rejected God and God rejected them. So that's why I believe that all homos and all sodomites are reprobate. But there are some arguments as far as, well a passage in particular. Go to 1st Corinthians 6. Now I wanted to just get through this real quick because there is an argument as far as, well can they be saved? Can a homo be saved? Can a queer get saved? I don't believe so. Here's the thing, if they are all reprobates then no, that wouldn't make any sense because the Bible says that they're ever learning, never able to come into the knowledge of truth. So obviously if God gave up on them then why in the world should I give them hope, right? So I'm going to give up on people that God gives up on. But 1st Corinthians 6 is one of those passages that have been used to try to say that one of these people could get saved. And I told this lady too that I was giving the gospel to, her name was Matilda. I said if they believed they would go to heaven. It's true, who's ever believing? Should I have a everlasting life? So yes, God paid for all their sins. He died for their sins on the cross. If they believe, they get saved. But the problem is that they won't. So that's the key. It's always by believing. It's never about, well they did some sin and that's why. Now they did probably commit sins to where God did give them over to a reprobate mind as far as rejecting him, hating him, all this other stuff to where God's finally done with them. But 1st Corinthians 6 and verse 9, notice what it says. It says, Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? But be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you, but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. So this is a passage that they use to say, okay, here's people that were homos and then they were washed later. Now what I believe about this passage, and you'll say, well where did it say that they were sodomite? Where did you see dogs? I didn't see that, obviously. But it says, nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind. So what the idea is, now effeminate, I believe someone can be effeminate and not be a queer. Now it's a sin, obviously the Bible's teaching that, that it is a sin to be effeminate. And it's not talking about women. Women should be feminine. But men should not be effeminate. So that's the difference. We should be manly. Gird up your loins like a man. But nor abusers of themselves with mankind. Now there's another place that this is mentioned, or this phrase, it terms it a little differently, but in 1 Timothy chapter 1 it says, knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient. It goes through this whole list. And then in verse 10 it says, for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind. So that's the only two places that that phrase of abusers of themselves with mankind or defile themselves with mankind is used. And they'll say, well, that's talking about homos or whatever. I don't agree with that. First of all, it's very vague. You'd have to be really trying to make that say that. But if you just use the Bible term of defile, the first time it's ever mentioned in the Bible is talking about Dinah being defiled by Shechem. And it wasn't even rape. It was consensual. Obviously, Shechem and his whole family died because Levi and Simeon were not happy about it. But it wasn't rape, but it was fornication. So I believe that this term, the abusers of themselves with mankind or defile themselves with mankind, is the female equivalent of a whoremonger. Meaning that a whoremonger would be a man that commits fornication, and them that defile themselves with mankind would be a woman that defiles themselves with mankind because they committed fornication. Because fornication, and I don't have time, obviously we're already out of time, to go into this, but basically if you look up the term defile, a lot of times it's talking about fornication. It's talking about, and it could be usually between a man and a woman as far as that goes. And even when we looked in Judges 19, remember it says they abused her all the night long. That was a man and a woman. Now obviously they were queers. But all I'm saying is this is a very vague phrase. Ephesians 5, which we won't turn there, but I was reading through Ephesians last night, and I saw this. But it kind of gives that same caveat of shall not inherit the kingdom of God. And it says that fornicators nor an unclean person. And if you look through Leviticus, remember defiling, defiling is used a lot of times as just being unclean. You touch a dead, it talks about a man touching a dead body or a dead carcass of something. And it says they're defiled until they're even. And so there's a lot of ways to be defiled. But go to 1 Peter chapter 4, and we'll end with this. But I personally believe it could be even broader than the fact of a woman committing fornication. Though I think that fits, because if you look at 1 Timothy, we're talking about defiling themselves with mankind. It says for whoremongers, for them to defile themselves with mankind. Well, right before that it says for murderers or fathers or murderers or mothers. Now, it could have just said for murderers, or murderers or parents. But it gives the male and the female aspect of murdering somebody. So it wouldn't be that out of the ordinary to say whoremongers and them to defile themselves with mankind, meaning the other way around. You talk about people that are given, that are, I forget how it's phrased, but talking about being given in marriage or given to marriage. You know, talking about the equivalent of a man versus a woman. And so, but in 1 Peter chapter 4, I kind of think about this, honestly, when I think about this, abusing themselves with mankind. But 1 Peter chapter 4 verse 3 says, for the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries, wherein they think it strange that you run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you, who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. In context, this is talking about also being judged according to God, according to men in the flesh, according to God in the spirit. And if you understand when it says that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God, so when it's talking about all these sins and it says this shall not inherit the kingdom of God, that's what it's talking about in context. And so, you know, that's the only place, 1 Corinthians 6, that I've ever like even remotely saw like a chance where someone could say, well, here's where a homo can get saved, you know, because they were washed. But even at that, you know, I think that if you said in such were some of you, it would still be a stretch to say that if I just made a laundry list of sins and I said in such were some of you, does that mean that everybody's committed every sin that was mentioned in that list? You know, I mean, I don't think that that would work, but even if it is that case here, I don't believe it's talking about, you know, reprobates. So, but to end this, you know, you don't have to turn anywhere there. Dogs, sodomites, why is this important to know who these people are in the Bible? Well, it helps you understand when you're reading these passages to understand what we're dealing with there. But also, why do we not allow them in church? Well, in 1 Kings, it gives us a lot of information, 1 Kings and 2 Kings, about, you know, what they did with sodomites in Israel. And 1 Kings 15, verse 11, it says, And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as David his father, and he took away the sodomites out of the land. So it says that he did that which was right, and he took the sodomites out of the land. And 1 Kings 22, verse 45, talking about Jehoshaphat, that's Asa's son, it says, And the remnant of the sodomites, which remained in the days of his father Asa, he took out of the land. So Jehoshaphat said, you know what, you took them out, I took out the rest of them. And so, that's, they did that which was right. Jehoshaphat was a righteous king. Now, he made some mistakes. He yoked himself up with the king of Israel, but he was still a righteous king. 2 Kings chapter 23, this is Josiah. Would anyone say that Josiah was a bad king? He was like one of the only really great kings at the end there. But Josiah, it says, And he break down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangs for the grove. He broke down the houses of the sodomites that were near the house of the Lord. So should I have them in the house of the Lord? If they're going to break down the houses. It doesn't say anything about getting them out there because they must have still been out of the land. But even the houses that they lived in, he broke them out. So there's not going to ever be a dog in this house if I have anything to do with it. There's not going to be a swine in this church if I have anything to do with it. And hopefully this sermon helps you to understand that there are these dogs and swines out there and that they turned from the Holy Commandment that was given unto them. That's what it says in 2 Peter chapter 2. It says, The latter end is worse with them than the beginning. The reason why that is the case is because of the reprobate. Because it says it would have been better for them not to know the way of righteousness than after they had known it to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto them. I know we went long today, but this is a topic today that is very, very needed when it comes to churches and the safety of our churches. And I don't want any dogs or swine in here when it comes to false teachers, when it comes to sodomites, when it comes to anybody, any sexual pervert or any deviant, anybody that's twice dead plucked up by the roots. Why would I ever want them to be in here with us, with the saved and with my children? And so hopefully that makes sense now when you're reading the Bible and you see someone called a dog, you don't know what it's talking about. So let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this morning and Lord, I just pray that you'd be with us as we go out throughout the rest of the day. I pray that you'd be with the soul owners that go out. And Lord, I pray that you would give us strength, heal us from any sicknesses. I know a lot have been not feeling well and Lord, I just pray that you'd heal us from the illnesses that are going around. And Lord, we love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.