(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you Well good morning everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song number 34 Song number 34 in your song books will sing I know that my Redeemer liveth And if you would stand We'll sing song number 34 I know that my Redeemer lives and on the earth again shall stand I know eternal life he giveth that grace and power are in his hand I know I know That Jesus liveth and on the earth Again shall stand I know I know That life he giveth Their grace and power are in his hand I know His promise never fail Let the word he speaks They cannot die Though cruel a death my flesh has said Yeah, I see him by and by I know I know That Jesus liveth and on the earth Again shall stand I know I know That life he giveth and grace and power are in his hand I know my mansion he Prepared that where he is There I may be Oh Fongest thought for me he careth and he at last Will come for me I know I know That Jesus liveth and on the earth Again shall stand I know I know That life he gaveth that grace and power are in his hand And Let's pray heavenly follow or we just want to thank you God for this beautiful Sunday morning that we're able to gather and meet In your house, I pray Lord now that you would just receive all the honor and glory out of everything It's said and done for it's in Jesus name. We ask all of it. Amen All right, maybe seated and turn in your songbooks to song number 10 Song number 10 will sing near the cross song number 10 Jesus Keep me near the cross There are Precious Fountain free to all my healing stream flows from Calvary's mountain and the cross And the cross Be my glory Ever Till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river Near the cross on trembling soul love and mercy found me There the bride and morning star sheds its beams around Me and the cross Be my glory ever Ever Till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river Near the cross O Lamb of God Brings its scenes before me Help me walk from day to day With it shadows or me and the cross and the cross Be my glory ever Till Shirt soul shall find rest beyond the river Near the cross I'll watch and wait hoping trusting ever Till I reach the golden strand Just beyond the river And the cross and the cross Be my glory ever Till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river Amen so welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday morning and definitely dealing with a packed house this morning So we definitely have we have some visitors from Canada. So definitely glad to see some familiar faces there Actually right here And so just some general church announcements here I'm finally feeling better. So I had COVID, you know, and then I got over that and then I got the stomach bug And I'll just say this I'd rather have COVID than that. So I know COVID hits people differently so maybe with you COVID is really bad, but I definitely would rather have COVID than a stomach bug and so but Anyway, hopefully I'm done with sicknesses for the year. That's what I'm hoping for and We'll see but Be a prayer for anybody that's still not that's maybe not feeling well but I know there's been all kinds of stuff going around and it's weird because it's the middle of summer and so But that being said service times are normal today. So everything should be as scheduled So we obviously have our Sunday morning service right now. We'll have our soul winning time at 1 p.m This afternoon. So if you want to go out soul winning meet up here after lunch and Basically before 1 o'clock so we can get teamed up and go out soul winning and then we'll have our 4 p.m Service tonight. I'm actually starting a new series tonight and so That should be good as far as just some information there dealing with You know the NIFB, you know that acronym what it stands for why we even label ourselves Baptist or independent or fundamental or anything like that and just getting into that aspect Why do we have Baptist on the name? and so I'm gonna be getting into that starting tonight and then this will be kind of like a four-week series if you will on just those why we label ourselves certain things so and Then as far as soul winning goes brother Charles is gonna be instead of the Monday night or Monday evening It's gonna be or afternoon. I guess if I'm not sure it's five o'clock evening or afternoon. I Guess it's like in between there, right? But it's gonna actually be on Tuesday this week and then and then brother Richie leads up the Wednesday So winning time there the regional soul winning time and so just be on the whatsapp there when it comes to The soul winning times this week or if you have a different time that you'd like to go out just let us know and Then upcoming events we have on here in the men's prayer meeting at the end of the month the women's prayer meeting at the beginning of September and Then we have on the list there the 17th so our anniversary is September 17th, that's when we started the church. It was on a Sunday, but obviously that that date moves around so on the 18th, we're gonna have our anniversary service and When we do our anniversary service usually we have like a cake and we have a fellowship between the services But we always do a soul winning marathon the day before so on 17th. We're gonna be going up to the wheeling We haven't picked exactly where we're going up there as far as whether it's Moundsville or in the wheeling area or whatever as far as that goes, but But we're gonna be doing a soul winning marathon that day so that's the Saturday before our anniversary service and then You can see on there Mountain Baptist Church retreat That is October 13th through the 16th Everybody at our church is welcome to come we have cabins available for everybody We have a sign-up sheet on the fridge And I just I'm assuming everybody's going okay, so I'm just assuming everybody's going that comes to our church But if you're like I can't make it we're not gonna be able to make it just let us know And or if you're saying well, I can make it for you know the Friday night To Saturday or something like that or I won't be able to make it until Friday But then I can do the rest of it or whatever the case may be Or you're saying well, I could be there at the beginning, but I can't be there later just let us know about that because we can basically maybe save a little money there if If like you're only gonna be there for part of the time But in the end, we're just kind of assuming everybody's going unless you tell us not that you're not So just kind of give us that heads up there so we can get that all nailed in When it comes to that retreat Obviously all the accommodations are completely taken care of so you don't you're not gonna charged anything We're gonna be trying to provide all the dinners when it comes to that as far as Having like a fellowship where we eat dinner and stuff like that If you need any help with like breakfast and lunch We can help you out in any way that we can and make sure that you have that ready to go If if that's something that you need help with or if you need help with transportation You're like, I can't get up the mountain. I need I need a ride. I need something We'll figure out something to where we can get you get guys out there The whole point of having these events is that you can go on it Okay, and I don't want to ever do anything with our church that you're like, I just don't have the money to do it If that's the case, then we just won't do it if everybody can't go for free and can't go and enjoy You know, whatever the church is trying to do there. So But this is what the fourth year that we've done it We didn't do it the first year So we're five years old. So this is the fourth year that we're going out to this retreat And so it's a lot of fun. Like I said when it comes to the retreat, we're gonna have certain things We're gonna be doing we're gonna have a preaching time and all that stuff And this year we're not gonna be outside In the pavilion freezing to death. Okay, we have an indoor conference room okay, so Yeah, you know you live and you learn, you know Plus I think we were there earlier last year, too So we're like in the middle of October so chances are it's gonna be really cold so But if you want to go out to this retreat and you're just like you want to be with your family You just want to sit there and feed deer all day and like not do anything with anybody else You can do that. So this is a time of leisure a time just to relax Obviously, it's a good time for fellowship as well But I know that's in October, but that'll be here before you know it so Yeah, just keep that in mind our chapter memory for the month is second John technically it's a book so work on second John getting that memorized and then Hebrew chapter 9 verse 22 is our memory verse for the week and almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without Shedding of blood is no remission. And so it's a good verse to have memorized and then birthdays So So we have Richard signs How old are you brother or how you how old are you gonna be? 35 I used to think you were young but now, you know, once you get to that once you get up to a certain age There's no that much difference between it because I'm 37 We're pretty much the same age now. So Just Making sure I'm not missing a birthday here. So and then I Don't see Jason so what to get him later am I missing him is he hiding somewhere Jason's not here. Okay, so Make sure that we remember Jason Moore's So We'll remember that next week. So But we will sing happy birthday to brother Richie and then The Jones Anniversary is next week. So Sunday. Okay, so he just missed it. So as far as getting The song today and then and then pregnancies We have Miss Joyce on there. So be in prayer for Miss Joyce and the Murphy family And then be in prayer for my wife and our family as we are expecting our fifth and Yeah, so as you can see it's all February on there But you might as well just put January on there for my wife because that's probably what's gonna be but I Think that's about all I got for announcements the offering boxes in the back there So if you want to give a tie there an offering mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only and so And for the visitors the bathrooms are over there So mother baby room bathrooms Did we get the bathrooms fixed? Is that all done? Did we get the bat? Okay good. Okay, so Bathroom should be working fine That's what I got for announcements Are they gonna come sing one more song and I think is it brother Richie or brother Levi that's reading this morning Are you reading this morning? You got the evening? He's got the afternoon Ah So brother Levi you're reading Genesis 4 Whenever you're ready now, so but I think it's gonna sing one more song and then brother Levi's gonna read Genesis 4 for us All right, take your songbooks and turn to song number 89 Song number 89 your son books will sing does Jesus care, but before we do that There's a happy birthday to Richie Richie one of my best friends Yeah, you know what you don't want you come up here you're just coming to come right up out of here baby He likes to be a center of attention oh you're gonna come up here Okay, all right, let's sing happy birthday when when's your birthday what day Wednesday well, happy birthday brother. Yeah. All right. Here we go. We'll see. I've heard you Richard, right? Happy birthday To you Happy birthday To you Happy birthday God bless you Happy birthday To you Happy birthday, brother. All right. We'll sing song number 89 does Jesus care Does Jesus care when my heart is pain too deep former and song As the burdens press and the cares Distress and the way grows weary and long. Oh Yes, he cares. I know He cares his heart is touched with my grief When the days are weary the long nights dreary I know My Savior cares Does Jesus care when my way is dark with a name last read and fear As the day light fades into deep night shades Does he care? enough to be near Oh Yes, he cares. I know He cares his heart is touched with my grief When the days are weary the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares Does Jesus care when I've tried and failed to resist some patience strong When my deep grief I find no leave though my tears Oh, yes, he cares I know He cares his heart is touched with my grief When the days are weary the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares Does Jesus care when I've said goodbye to the dearest Earth to me And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks Is it on to him? Does he see? Oh Yes, he cares I know He cares his heart is touched with my grief When the days are weary the long nights dreary I know my Savior cares All right, take your songbooks, I'm sorry take your Bibles and hey and turn to Genesis chapter number four Genesis chapter number four and we'll have brother Levi come and read that for us All Right Genesis chapter 4 and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived him bear Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord and She again bare his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of the sheep But Cain was a tiller of the ground and in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offering unto the Lord and Able he also brought the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof and the Lord had respect on respect unto Abel And to his offering but unto Cain into his offering He had not respect and Cain was very Roth and his countenance fell and the Lord said unto Cain Why are thou Roth? And why is thy countenance falling if thou doest well? shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door and Under thee shall be his desire and thou shalt rule over him And Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to pass when they were in the field That Cain rose up against Abel's brother and slew him and the Lord said unto Cain Cain Where is Abel thy brother and he said I know not am I my brother's keeper and he said What hast thou done the voice of thy brother's blood cry unto me from the ground and now art thou cursed from the earth Which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from my hand When thou tellest the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength a fugitive in a vagabond now shall thou be in the earth And Cain said unto the Lord my punishment is greater than I can bear behold thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth and from thy face shall I be hid and I shall be a fugitive in a back vagabond in the earth and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth me Shall slay me and the Lord said unto him Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold and the Lord said a mark upon Cain lest any finding him should kill him and Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden and Cain knew his wife and she conceived and bare Enoch and He builded a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son Enoch And unto Enoch was born I read and I read beget the who jail and the who jail beget Methuselah Methuselah and Methuselah beget Lamech and Lamech took unto him two wives The name of the one was Ada and the name of the other Zilla and Ada bear Jabel He was the father of such as dwell in tents and such as have cattle and his brother's name was Jubal He was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ and Zilla bear also unto two volcano and Zilla she also bear Tubalcain an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron and the sister of Tubalcain was Neamah and Lamech said unto his wife's Ada and Zilla Hear my voice the wives of Lamech hearken unto my speech For I have slain a man to my wounding and a young man to my hurt If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold And Adam knew his wife again and she bear a son and called his name Seth for God said she Hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew and to Seth to whom To him also there was born a son and he called his name Enos there began Then began man to call upon the name of the Lord. Let's pray God. Thank you for today God Thank you for another time. We can come and hear your word preach I pray that you be a pastor help him as they preach and help everything that we say and do be glorious for In Jesus name Amen So you're there and Genesis chapter 4 And I'm continuing to do some kind of the famous big stories in the Bible. So We have a lot of kids as you can tell in our church. Actually, we have more kids than we have adults and so I want to make sure that we're not missing the main stories or at least hitting them on that general level because sometimes I'll hit a story but I'll be hitting them from like a You know kind of like maybe another angle he's actually preached on Cain and Abel When I was dealing with an allegory of the Old Testament a New Testament, okay But that might go over some kids heads when it comes to What I was trying to teach there with that. So let's just hit on the story here and see what happens now I if you remember children And adults we hit on the six-day creation and so that God created everything in six days And then on the seventh day he rested and that literally happened. That's the way he did it and then and then we saw the story of Adam and Eve and so how Adam was created from the dust the earth and Then how Eve came from the bone of Adam came from the rib of Adam and then how they fell and so how she ate the fruit was deceived by the serpent and then Adam ended up eating the fruit that his wife gave him and then sin came into the world. Okay, so Genesis 4 we see Children that are born to Adam and Eve and so notice what it says here in Genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 It says an Adam knew his his wife He I'm sorry knew Eve his wife and she can see so the Bible is very discreet when it talks about this but this basically talks about how Basically husband wife come together and how a child is made Okay, and that is what happened here is that we're gonna see Cain and Abel being born but notice that She conceived and bear Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord So obviously it's a man child verse 2 and says she and she bear again his brother Abel So notice here. I personally believe that these are twins The reason I believe that is because you just see one conception doesn't say like she conceived and then she bear again And throughout the Bible it'll do that where it'll be it'll state that the woman conceived Bear a son and then she conceived again and bear a son and it'll go down the line if it's talking about like different children That'd be you know being born here. It just says that she conceived bear Cain then she bear again, right? So I believe you're dealing with twins here. Obviously Cain is the firstborn And enables the second but obviously you're dealing with twins. So you're dealing with a short period of time of age So they're pretty much the same age But Cain is the the elder if you will just like Esau is the elder of Jacob when you're dealing with twins now Notice what it says their their occupations are okay And it says now obviously remember I were talking about how Adam and Eve they weren't babies Okay, they were just full-grown like man full-grown woman Okay, Cain and Abel they were babies Okay, and they had to grow up and become teenagers and and then become adults Okay, so Adam and Eve are the only ones that were basically born full-grown. Okay? And same with all the animals, right? Remember we were talking about like the chicken and egg which one came first the chicken Okay, the chicken came first, but then eggs after that as far as how other chickens were brought into the world. Okay now Let's see what their occupation is It says in Abel so verse 2 there and Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground So do two different occupations you have one that's basically taking care of animals keeper of the sheep Shepherd if you will and then Cain was a tiller at the ground So he's like playing planting a garden and there's nothing wrong with either one of these occupations Okay, so off the cuff. It's not like Cain is like oh you picked the wrong occupation How dare you plant a garden? You know and that you make all these vegetables or you have fruit trees or whatever It's like that's not that's not the problem that we're gonna see with Cain but You know Cain is the elder brother and he dealt with produce I mean if you think about a produce stand, you know, that's what you're dealing with You're dealing with vegetables fruit stuff like that a pro, you know, that's different than like a slaughterhouse You know where you're dealing with me? Okay and So what we're gonna see here is that where the problem lies is when they go to bring an offering before the Lord Notice what says in Genesis chapter 4 and verse 3. It says in a process of time It came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offering unto the Lord So what did Cain bring of the fruit of the ground? Okay. So basically he brought Whatever he grew To the Lord and Then it says that an able he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof And the Lord had respect unto Abel into his offering but unto Cain into his his offering He had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell. Okay, so they both brought two different sacrifices but only one was acceptable and one thing this will teach you first of all is that You can't just bring whatever you want to the Lord and accept him to expect him to accept it No, the Lord is asking for something specific. You need to give that specific item and When it comes to this is that Cain's occupation didn't deal with that specific item that he needed to bring before the Lord And it's not it's not like he couldn't have brought it. He just needed to get it Okay, he could have sold his produce and got money to buy You know an animal sacrifice which is what God accepts and what we're gonna be getting into is that God wanted a blood sacrifice. So when they're gonna do this sacrifice it had to be a blood of an animal We saw this Similar thing in the garden, you know, we're basically where Adam and Eve fell and what did they clothe themselves with? Do you remember what they clothe themselves exactly with it was fig leaves, right? So they clothe themselves with fig leaves so what they clothe themselves with something that came from the ground right a plant But what did God clothe them with Skins of an animal now, I don't know about you, but you have to kill the animal before you get those skins You should anyway I'm not I'm not the PETA person up here. Okay, I'm not here like hey, we need to you know Treat our animals a lot better. But listen kill your animal before you skin it. Okay, you know I definitely shoot the deer before I'm like, alright time to cut this thing up so That being said is that you can see that from the very beginning with Adam and Eve But see that doesn't change when you're dealing with everybody that comes after that. Okay now obviously what we're gonna be seeing here is that That this animal sacrifice isn't act isn't what saves their soul Okay, as far as like salvation is concerned but the sacrifice Represents what does save your soul? Okay, which is the blood of Christ? Okay, and Go to Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chapter 11 verse 4 And you probably have you ever heard this phrase you can't squeeze blood from a turnip Where do you think that came from from the story of FK navel, right? You can't squeeze blood from a turnip because the whole idea is that he's bringing like a turnip he's bringing like vegetables He's bringing like tomatoes and all that stuff. And I know tomatoes may look like blood, you know when you squeeze them, but it's not blood okay, and the idea there is that What you what you see here is that Abel's sacrifice represents saved by the blood Saved by the blood of the lamb if you will. Okay, the flock of the sheep the first thing what is that? What's the first thing of a sheep a lamb? It was a lamb sacrifice at the very beginning okay, and but what does Plants and fruit or just different things like that. What would that represent works? If you don't believe me, I mean if you look at Genesis chapter 3 when you're dealing with Adam His his punishment is that he has to work by the sweat of his face to till the ground Like literally after the fall it's specifically stated it's gonna be a lot of work so What Cain's sacrifice represents is trying to work your way to heaven? So this is a very important story And I mean obviously it's it's very simple right Adam I'm sorry Cain killed his brother Abel And this is the first story where you're dealing with murder in the Bible If you don't count the devil being a murderer from the beginning and obviously causing Adam and Eve to die But this is the first time where you see a man or flat, you know, the man killing another man Okay, so this is a very kind of crucial story here to see hey from the very beginning murder was wrong okay, and Now let's look at Hebrew chapter 11 because the thing with Cain and Abel Children that when you're reading through the Bible if the New Testament is talking about a story, you should probably know that story okay, it's a good thing that if Cain or Abel's being brought up in the New Testament be like Who's Cain and Abel, you know, like what story are we talking about? And so this is a good story to know to be like alright Cain and Abel Cain killed Abel All right, at least know that part of it but Notice what it says in Hebrew chapter 11 and verse 4 Was Abel saved by killing this animal and doing the sacrifice? No It says in Hebrew chapter 11 talks about by faith the elders obtained a good report and the first one that's mentioned here It says in verse 4 Because this is the Hall of Faith. It's kind of going down the line of people that had faith throughout You know history verse 4 says by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh. Okay, so This gets into the idea that Abel's not really dead. He's physically dead. Okay, but he can still speak Okay, and it talks about later on how his blood speaketh out of the ground, okay, but the idea here is that Abel saved So to be asked in front of the bodies to be present with the Lord You know when when God comes and asks Cain, what'd you do? It's not like God didn't know Or where's your brother? It's not like he doesn't know where he's at It's a rhetorical question because he wants him to answer the question. He wants him to admit what he did. Okay, but Notice here is that by faith? He had a more excellent sacrifice than pain listen the blood sacrifice Salvation by grace through faith is the more excellent sacrifice, you know the Bible teaches that That if you're gonna there's two ways to get to heaven. There's two ways to get eternal life Keep all the commandments and don't mess up in one point and be perfect and sinless. Good luck with that Okay Or two you get saved by by faith by grace through the blood. Okay, only one of those is possible. Okay so the blood sacrifice that that Cain that Abel brought was more excellent than Cain and Obviously it obtained witness that he was righteous and here's what it comes down to is that The blood is what makes you righteous Okay Not the blood of that physical lamb because it says by the blood of bulls and goats Shall the blood of bulls and goats shall never take away sins The Bible is very clear that these blood the blood of the animals never took away sins, by the way Just so you know, this is not Old Testament Okay Old Testament is Moses. Okay, come on Wednesday night. We're going through that Dealing with Exodus. This is before the Old Testament Okay So notice that blood sacrifices were being done before The Old Testament, but when Jesus died on the cross, guess what all animal sacrifices were completely done away with okay, but You know, what do they represent now your your memory verse in Hebrews chapter 9 there? So you were in Hebrew chapter 11 Hebrew chapter 9 verse 22 It says in almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission Okay, you're not gonna get remission by bringing a bunch of fruits and vegetables up to the Lord to try To atone for your sins. That's how that's as silly as what? people try to do when they try to get saved by being a good person and God doesn't accept it Like well, you know, you know God's a loving God and you know, he wants people to get saved and you know I'm just trying to do what I can and you know God accepts one way And there's only one way that you're gonna get saved and that's by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life and no man cometh unto the Father but by me There's no other way. There's no other acceptable way There's none. There's no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved and that name is Jesus There's no other way There's no you can't have any other acceptable sacrifice than the Lord Jesus Christ and This is what is teaching here. Is that it's got to be that way and you can't just try to go your own way You know, there's that I Don't know why I'm thinking about this but that big owl thing men going their own way Stop it Okay, go God's way. Okay. I'm not saying you got to get married, but don't go your own way Yeah, and I don't know if there's women going their own way or whatever but you know, obviously that's the feminist movement You know women go in their own way No, it's not about going your own way or just whatever you want to bring up to the Lord No, you need to know what the what does the Lord wants? What does the Lord God of Israel require of thee? That's what you need to find out now when it comes to salvation Here's what he requires believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved That's the requirement that's what he's asking for that's what's acceptable to him, you know, what's not acceptable turning from your sins to be saved You know, what's not acceptable getting baptized to be saved You know, what's not acceptable all the things that that basically all these other churches teach when it comes to work salvation fill in the blank Because there's so much garbage out there as far as you know Well, I gotta confess all my sins. I got a you know, I got a basically Live a renewed life and I got to commit my life to Christ. I got to make him the Lord of my life You know what's interesting about that whole Lord of your life, you know, like oh you got to make him Lord of your life You know what? Jesus says why tell you me the Lord if you do not those things which I command you So unless you're doing everything you command you guess what you why are you calling him Lord? And and if anybody says that they're doing everything that they that he commands them Then you know what? The Bible says he that said if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves in the truth That's not in us And I'll just call you a liar you say that you're just doing everything you should be doing You're just keeping all those commandments. It's just not true So this is a great story to just show you. Hey, you know what? There's two ways that you can go here You can go the broad way, which is the way of Cain You can go that broad way which is bringing up your own sacrifice that you think that God wants or you whatever you want to Give him or you can go the way that's gonna actually get you saved Okay, now when it comes to this the thing I want to point out is that the blood is what saves okay I know John MacArthur wants to say that basically You know, the blood is not it's not about the actual physical blood You know, it's just about the death You know, obviously the death is important too But you know what the blood if without shedding of blood is no remission the Bible says Notice what it says in Leviticus chapter 17 in verse 11 Leviticus chapter 17 in verse 11 Now obviously Leviticus is dealing with the Old Testament under the Levitical priesthood hence Leviticus, right? but Notice how it's very similar to what they did before the Old Testament was instituted Now not to get real deep on this But basically before Moses and the you had these Levitical priests that were doing these sacrifices Basically people would do sacrifices and then there was Melchizedek the high priest which I believe was the Lord Jesus You know physically walking around but he hadn't been born into this world yet You know, it's different than obviously the virgin birth where he was here physically but at the same time Same kind of deal where what did these sacrifices do physically for you? Back with Cain and Abel or back with Noah or back with Moses or back with any of the these guys The Bible says is that it was for the purifying of the flesh Is to get right with God Or to give thanks right sometimes there were sacrifices just to give thanks She's just like hey, I want to give thanks to the Lord for what he's given me I'm gonna do a sacrifice unto him or Hey, I've sinned I want to get right with God so I got to do this sacrifice Obviously the sacrifice represents a spiritual kind of reconciliation there in a New Testament. What do we do? If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us for sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness Guess what? We don't have to do an animal sacrifice because Jesus is the Lamb slain once for all and There's no more of that that's going on because he's already fulfilled all those sacrifices Okay, so that's why a New Testament is better one but Leviticus chapter 17 verse 11. It says for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I've given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls for it is the blood that making an atonement for the soul Notice that I notice that I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement Because We're talking about the blood of Christ that's that's making an atonement for your soul Okay Now obviously you can see well soul can mean like just your person in general right souls are being cut off and how that Would apply in the physical sacrifice? But the blood is what saves go to Hebrews chapter 12 you say why is it? Why are you getting into this so much because this is a very important aspect of Abel Okay, and notice how this is at the very beginning of the Bible, right? Notice how Genesis 1 through 4 is hitting on some like crucial doctrine 1 you're dealing with the fact that God is a Trinity you even see at the very beginning the first the first chapter of the Bible says that Let us make man in our image Chapter 3 it says they have become like one of us Right so you see that from the very beginning you see the Spirit of God you see the Word of God you see The Father you see the Trinity there obviously a New Testament is really really hones that in and kind of brings that the light but then you see marriage You see marriage that's between a man and a woman by the way. There's only male and female we get that very beginning But then you get obviously where sin comes in to play and in getting into the roles of men and women but then with this you're getting into How salvation, you know, it's salvation is by the blood from the very beginning we see it's by the blood Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 22 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 it says but ye are come unto Mount Zion and unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem into an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn Which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus The mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling Now I preached on this as far as that Jesus literally took his blood up into heaven After he rose from the dead, that's why he told Mary Magdalene don't touch me for I have not yet ascended Right, and he sprinkled it upon the mercy seat and he did the office of the high priest And he took his literal blood into heaven Okay, and Hebrews deals with this so the blood sprinkling notice this that speaketh better things than that of Abel Now you can look at this in the fact that obviously the blood sacrifice obviously is better than the sacrifice that Abel gave, right? It's better than all the sacrifices that all the Levitical priests did. Okay Because obviously the whole book of Hebrews is like better better better better better Better just down the line as far as the fact that this is better this is better This is better dealing with the blood of Christ But you can also deal with the fact that Abel was murdered and Shed his blood Okay, and his blood speaketh out of the ground right talks about that and how Jesus was murdered Right and shed his blood, but his blood speaks better things than that of Abel. Okay, because his blood his blood that's sprinkled on the mercy seat saved us for saved us all okay, and Go to Romans chapter 3 Romans chapter 3 and verse 21 Romans chapter 3 and verse 21 Romans chapter 3 and verse 21 There's so many verses on the fact that we're saved by the blood But I just want to I really want to hit on this one because I think this is a great passage to really look at here that You look at this and be like why was God so upset at me and why wouldn't he accept it because it's completely Destroying the picture of salvation that the whole sacrifice is supposed to represent You may look at like why did that person get killed for picking up sticks on the Sabbath day because what does the Sabbath represent That's why you have these harsh punishments or God is harsh when it comes to You messing up what he is telling you to do because what is it picture? What is it? What is it supposed to? Represent now in Romans chapter 3 verse 21 it says But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe For there is no difference. Remember that it says that his witness that that Abel was righteous why by faith Remember it says by faith. He offered a more excellent sacrifice and it was witnessed that he was righteous Why was he righteous by faith? Was it our righteousness? No, it's the righteousness of God You know that I may be found in him not having mine own righteousness Which is of the law but the righteous which is of God by faith That his righteousness would be imputed notice what it says here in verse In verse 23 for all of sin and come short of the glory of God being justified Freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God has set forth to be the propitiation through faith in his blood To declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God to declare I say at this time His righteousness that he might be just in the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus His through the matter Abel had faith in the blood of Christ and that's why he was made righteous his sacrifice represented that okay Now if Cain never did that sacrifice, but he had faith in the blood of Christ. He'd still be saved. Okay? But the whole point is that that sacrifice represents Salvation right it represents what the you know picturing what Jesus was gonna. Do is a shadow of good things to come It was a figure of the true and Cain was messing that up Okay, and that's why God didn't regard it. That's why he didn't accept it and When it comes to this you say what was Abel saved? By Jesus was Abel saved in the end. You know I mean this is before Jesus ever came on the scene right I mean obviously When it comes to he wasn't born the Virgin Mary or anything like that Well go to 1st Peter chapter 1 1st Peter chapter 1 Actually, I want you to go to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 2nd Timothy chapter 1 revelation chapter 13 says this that he is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world You say well that doesn't make any sense I mean was he killed before the found you know at the foundation of the world was Jesus like crucified on the cross No, what the Bible is going to teach here is that? He speaketh of those things which be not as though they were Okay, and the idea here is that to God from the foundation of the world the land was slain Jesus blood was shed and that blood can be applied to anybody from the foundation world that means Adam and Eve right because Adam and Eve was after the foundation of the world okay, so Adam and Eve had the blood of Christ applied to them Not Cain, but Abel had the blood of Christ applied to him and down the line You know Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord that blood was applied to him But I want to explain what that means and how this goes all the way back to Abel that Abel was saved by the blood of Christ okay notice what says well you're in 2nd Timothy. I'm gonna read 1st Peter chapter 1 and verse verse 19 or verse 18 It says for as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain Conversation received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish without spot Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifesting these last times for you Who by him do believe in God that raised him from the dead? And gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in God so here is stating that He was manifest meaning that he was shown right it doesn't mean that he came to be Okay, because manifest would be like if I put a curtain in front of this pulpit here and says it's it's it's kind of You can't see it yet, right, and then I moved the curtain away now It's manifest, but it's not like the pulpit just popped into existence. Okay. It was already there You just couldn't see it okay, and when it's talking about Jesus Is that he was foreordained before the foundation of the world okay to die for our sins to shed his blood, right? But we know that it was two thousand about two thousand years ago that he actually did it right in In our timeline But notice what it says in 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 9 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 9 It says who had saved us and called us with unholy calling not according to our works But according to his own purpose and grace notice this which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel Notice how it's given to us before the foundation of the world But it's saying but this is when it actually when he when he accomplished it was later on right But it was already given to us does that make sense he already was slain before the foundation of the world Because God's outside of all that So God revelation has already happened Okay, and he already knows what's gonna happen he already regards it as happening and so when Jesus died two thousand years ago at the beginning Of the world God is looking at that as hey, that's done Okay, and so when it comes to Abel he was saved by the blood of Christ He wasn't saved by the blood of that lamb that he actually slain that was killed on that altar But that lamb that was slain on that altar represented Jesus okay, so that's why he didn't accept it I mean, that's why he accepted that and he didn't accept Cain's offering okay because Fruits and vegetables does not represent the blood of Christ, okay? Now go to Jude chapter 1 Cuz Cain Abel's brought up in his house, and we saw where Abel's brought up in Hebrews dealing with faith and dealing with the blood Cain's brought up too, but not in a good light as you could one would imagine okay, but if you remember You can go the way of Abel, or you can go the way of Cain and when you think of Matthew chapter 7 where it talks about the broad gate the wide gate right the broad way the wide gate There's a lot of different ways that you can go to hell Okay, you know it's kind of like choose your own journey of which way you want to go as far as what would lead to hell You want to go down the Mormon route okay? You want to go down the Jehovah Witness route you want to go down the atheist route you want to go down the agnostic Route you want to go down You want to go down the Baptist route because there's plenty of Baptist that he's wrong on salvation What route do you want to go because they're all gonna lead to hell But then there's the way There's the way that Abel went way that Abel went Was the right way that was the by faith okay and notice here in Jude chapter 1 verse 11 And like I said why is it important to know this story because it's stuff like this you're reading through junior like well What's the way of King? Okay, you know what's that talking about well know the story? It says in Jude 1 in verse 11. It says woe unto them for they have gone in the way of King What does that mean? Right I mean you got to think about that like what does that even mean the way of King? Well, what did Cain do he brought a bad offering unto the Lord? He brought an offering that didn't represent the blood didn't represent faith it represented work salvation Okay, and it says and ran greedily after arab alan for reward and perished in the gainsaying of core So when you're dealing with these there's different things that these guys did but the way of Cain one He offered a bad sacrifice, but then he murdered somebody right he murdered his brother, okay? It says these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear Clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit wither it without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots Raging waves of the of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness darkness forever Let me ask you a question you think Cain's in heaven Could you read that be like yeah, no, I think you got safe He's obviously actually what we'll see is that he's a child of the devil, okay? But Cain is definitely in hell Abel heaven Cain hell Completely contrasted, okay What way did Abel go by faith? What way did Cain go he tried to get there by his own works and ultimately he ended up killing his own brother and Became a fugitive of aga bond you know and we'll get to that okay, so let's go back to Genesis chapter 4 so Why is this story so important because what does it represent it represents salvation, okay? That here's the stark difference you have to go the way God tells you to go, okay? You say I can't believe you're so judgmental about this You know people are just like oh, why are you so judgmental? Well? You're you're you're out there Tell ya how can you judge whether someone's going to heaven or hell? It's like first of all I'm not sending anybody to hell So I mean I'm not the one casting people into hell. I'm just the messenger okay But here's the thing I can judge whether someone's saved or not based off what they tell me Because if you tell me that you have to be a good person if they live a good life You got to be baptized you got to turn from your sins. You gotta make Jesus Lord of your life You got to commit your life to Christ Or whatever you know Religion that you have If you're saying that's how you get in heaven you're not going to make it you're going the way of Cain And ultimately your end is destruction, okay? But so this is a very important story, but let's let's get into Cain Right after he does this sacrifice go to verse 6 there The Lord speaks to Cain about this, right? So God's trying to reason with Cain here So after he makes you know God doesn't accept it Cain's upset right Roth means like angry right and this countless fell so he imagine you went from happy to just you're angry okay, and So he's upset because he probably had all these beautiful vegetables and beautiful fruit He's like why didn't you accept my sacrifice and he's upset that he didn't didn't get accepted But verse 6 here says in the Lord said unto Cain why art thou Roth and why is that countenance fallen? If thou doest well Shout thou not be accepted And you know, he's telling Cain he's like just do what you're supposed to do right and it'll be accepted So take salvation out of this picture here Abel offered the sacrifice that God told him to offer Cain didn't I I don't believe it was like this like guessing game. Okay, like where Abel just got it, right? You know, he just somehow figured out what the sacrifice here. Okay, I believe God told him what the sacrifice Cain deliberately didn't bring the sacrifice that God told him to bring Abel obeyed the Lord and brought the sacrifice that he wanted Cain didn't and just brought what he wanted to bring and now he's upset because God didn't accept it. Okay, and Basically God's saying just do what you're supposed to do right do well and you'll be accepted. I mean very simple and a verse Keep reading there. It says and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door and unto thee Shall be his desire and now shalt roll over him So basically if you don't do well sin lieth at the door because what is sin the transgression against the law Okay by definition. That's what sin means. It means to break God's commandments God commands you to do something and you don't do it sin Now, what does this mean when it says? Word I lost my place here And Unto thee shall be his desire and thou shalt rule over him. What is this talking about? basically if you do well Then Abel will be under you you'll roll over him. You're the older one, right? This is a rule that's set up in the Bible that the elder to get a double portion Right the elder son is to get the double portion just facts whether you like that or not You know, that's just the way it is And the elders is suppose it doesn't matter if you don't like the other if you don't like the elder son the Bible even says It's like even if you hate that that older son, you're supposed to give them the abortion Okay And you love that younger one more It doesn't matter. That's just the way it's supposed to be. Okay Now obviously there's exceptions to that rule but the idea there is that that's the way it's supposed to be and he's basically stating Here that If you do well His desire meaning Abel's desire is gonna be unto thee and you're gonna rule over him Cuz right now what's it look like? It looks like God prefers Abel over Cain, but it's not because You know, he just No reason at all. It's just a fact that Abel did what was right? Cain did didn't he did what was wrong and God accepts what Abel did because it was right And he's just telling Cain He's just like if you just do right then you will rule over him His desire will be unto you Everything will be fine Don't be angry. Just do what you're supposed to do. Okay what happens though verse 8 and Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to pass When they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him So when it says that he talked with him I believe probably what it seems like is that he didn't make it seem like he had any Animosity against him like he's just like it's kind of like hey brother How you doing, you know and just like talking to him and conversing with them and then just killed him one day That's what it seems like to me is that it's kind of like he didn't like say I'm going to kill him It's not like Esau remember Esau was like I'm going when when my father dies I'm going to kill Jacob right and then the word gets around and then Jacob's like I gotta go right Here, I don't believe that's the case I think he's probably just like talking with him and and Abel probably has no idea that Cain has this this Thought of killing him. Okay, and by the way, I believe this is the first time Someone's murdered in the Bible. So I mean imagine that no one's ever been murdered in the Bible Would you be thinking about like he might actually murder me, right? He might actually kill me. You're just I mean, I wouldn't I don't think I would think of it now And especially for something like that, right? It's kind of like what did Abel do? Right Abel's not like over here like yeah, you should have brought what I brought, you know, he's not like shoving it in his face But you know what this brings up it what one look at this story Does this say that he picked up a big rock and hit him over the head with it? Okay, the reason I say this okay Because there's memes out there and listen, I love guns Okay, I'm all about carrying I'm all about you know Jesus said buy a sword right? I'm all about that Okay, but I'm not about memes where you're you're not being accurate about the Bible and they're like Well, if you want to ban guns, you got to ban rocks because Cain killed Abel with the rock. It's like I Realized he didn't kill him with a nine millimeter. Okay, you didn't pull out his Glock and Just destroy Abel okay, but it doesn't say he now maybe did take a rock and hit him over the head with it Okay, it doesn't say that though Okay, so we got to be careful that we're not adding something and the reason why is because when I play Bible trivia I don't want to have this preconceived idea that he killed him with a rock. Okay, actually, there's a lot of that though though where you hear stuff in sermons and you're just like how did you know be like a question like how did Cain kill Abel and you're just like with the rock you're like, no and it comes from stuff like this where You know, here's the thing. They could he could add a knife You can add a sword, you know, it comes from this idea that they live like cavemen. Okay, you know I don't believe they were like ooga booga cavemen like coming out of the caves and they're just like all wrong I don't know what a wheel is. Plus you got to get that stuff out of your mind because God obviously Gave them knowledge. Okay And what you have to understand is that after the flood maybe a lot of that knowledge got lost Okay, because we're before the flood. Okay, and they built this tower of Babel. They did all this stuff I'm sorry that was after but they did all this stuff that was before the flood that we don't even know Okay, how high up their technology was? But I don't think it was just like I don't have a tool to make you know, like they're trying to You know dig out the earth for tilling in these overages with a sharp rock just like tilling out the ground I I believe they had tools they had stuff to work with. Okay now When it comes to him killing him one, it doesn't tell us how he did it He could've done with the bare hands. He could've done with a sword. He could've done with anything, right? He probably didn't do it with a gun. But you know what? Who knows? Maybe they had that technology got lost in the flood I don't know, but I doubt it. Okay Go to 1st John chapter 3, you know that 1st John chapter 3 actually tells us what was going on in Cain's head Why did he kill Abel? You know what this comes down to is that people get mad about what God has to say and they take it out on Other people than God, right? They're just like, oh, you know, I I can't stand what the Bible says there in Leviticus I'm gonna go hurt this person over here. It's like I mean, he didn't write it, you know and What this comes down to is this is something that we need to all remember Is that people are gonna hate you if you do right and it's this weird thing. You're just like what? Like people are gonna hate me because I'm doing something good This is just why this is why Cain killed Abel notice what says here in 1st John chapter 3 verse 9 I want to get this first of all is that Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he's born of God You get saved inwardly you're completely sinless you have salvation you're a child of God Inwardly and your soul and your spirit Nothing's gonna change that okay Verse 10 in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil. So I want you to notice here That we're talking about two groups of people children of God to save believers right children of the devil That's unbelievers, but it's it's a it's a smaller group of unbelievers Okay, because there's unbelievers that are not children of the devil, okay So when you're reading this know this is that you're not just talking about all unsaved people here You're talking about children of God children of the devil. Okay, and when we're talking about children of God We're talking about emerald lead aren't we talking about the soul? Okay Notice what it says here in This or you know the children of God are manifest and children of the devil whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God Neither he that loveth not his brother But this is the message that you heard from the beginning that we should love one another Not as Cain now why is Cain being brought up because the whole premise here is that children of God are manifest Children of the devil manifest. Okay, so we're gonna bring up a child of the devil here Notice what it says not as Cain who is of that wicked one What does that mean to be of the wicked one be a child of the devil? Okay, so now we see that Cain wasn't just an unbeliever he's actually a child of the devil, okay And it doesn't mean that Satan actually brought him forth physically. It's just as much as that when you get saved you're born of God Spiritually, there are people that are unbelievers that can be born of the devil and that's where basically you lose hope of salvation and you go down the spiral and Cain is an example of this. Okay. Notice what says here It says not as Cain is of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew he him So this is a great question, right? You're like, why did he kill him? Because his own works for evil and his brother's righteous Now on the surface you should be like what? that's why he killed him because Abel did right and It's just a fact there that people will hate you just for being good You know Bible says marvel not that the world hates you and it says that later on here as well but You would say you would think like well, maybe they hate me because you know, I you know Whatever reason because we're not perfect. Okay, you know we can make mistakes. We can say things we shouldn't say whatever But if you do right if you're righteous they hate you for it One okay. Now this can get into just unbelievers in general. Okay, there are Christians that don't like us Just because we're doing what we should be doing You know why because we make them look bad It's facts. Okay Like if you know like they'll be like, oh, you know You guys go out so winning every week and you you get people saved and all that It's like you know what they're there, you know what they try to do. They're like, well, they're not really getting saved then Where's all your converts? Where's your baptism numbers, you know, like why aren't those equal without it's like if you're not doing anything just shut up, you know But the idea is that they just don't like you because it makes them look bad Because they're not doing anything So this does translate in over to the help like even Christians will dislike you because you're doing what you should be doing Okay But on this major level here people will hate you Literally hate your guts because you're just a righteous person just because you're trying to do right And It could be for the same reason that it makes them look bad right or you're making me look bad and You think about this what let's say you're a really hard worker and at your job You have a lot of people that work on at this job. You're a really hard worker You know what all the slackers are gonna hate you You probably dealt with this in school You know and we may be guilty of it. Okay, you know that person that just is really good at school and just there that nerd that just gets A's on the on the test and then you're like failing and then you're just like person You know and you just because they're because they're smart because they worked hard, you know Like and it just it's an it's a natural thing to kind of dislike someone that's doing better than you Right, but on this level here When it comes to those that are children of the devil, they literally hate you because you're good Just Facts and it's just something you need to know and children. This is something you need to know. Okay One you can't please everybody. Okay Just know that and I know teenagers is gonna be hard because you want everybody to like you And listen, I'm 37 and I still like people like me Like I don't like you just want people to hate me just my mission today is to get someone to hate me. I Like people like me, okay, but know this is you can't please everybody and there's going to be people that are gonna hate you Even if you're the best person in the world, you're the nicest person in the world You do everything for everybody you bake cookies for people you do everything that you can to help people out People are still gonna hate you So fact of life just know that and and this should be a comfort to you. Just be like, okay Abel was killed just because he was good So if someone hates me or doesn't like me That doesn't that's just Necessarily mean there's something wrong or I'm doing something wrong or whatever. I should even feel bad about it Listen, you think I hate do you think I the haters of God is the world that hate me? Do you think I'm sad that they hate me? They're like man. I wish they'd like me No, and here's the thing who should you please God Okay, you can't please everybody But if you please God, that's who matters And listen, if you please God, you're gonna please a lot of other people too Okay, just because there's gonna be people that hate you for being good. That doesn't mean everybody's gonna hate you for being good Okay, you just need to know this fact that there's gonna be people that hate you and the sooner you learn this fact children the better you're gonna not I Guess when you're when you're growing up, this is probably something that's hard for kids to deal with is someone not liking them. I Know it's probably hard for me because I wanted everybody to like me and then you realize there's just people that just don't like you For no reason just like like is it my face like why don't you like me, right? and sometimes it's because They don't like you because maybe you're better looking than them. Maybe you're smarter than them. Maybe you're you know, whatever I don't know and maybe you're not even better looking or smarter than them But they think you are and they they like have this thought in their mind. Okay, just Know that from the very beginning You know when the Bible says that there's nothing new under the Sun Know that that's been since Cain and Abel okay, nothing new here and This is a great example of someone that Actually became a child of the devil okay from the very beginning so when people are talking about like Oh you believe that reprobate doctrine You mean Genesis 4? You're like, where's that found? Genesis 4 Genesis 19 like just go down the line of like all the places Where this stuff is mentioned? Okay, but I would say Genesis 4. I mean you're getting pretty close to the beginning of the Bible, okay? Now go to Matthew chapter 23 because Abel's brought up again later on And It's talking. He's Jesus is rebuking Israel or rebuking Jerusalem specifically And notice what he says here In verse 35 Or verse 34 it says Behold, wherefore behold I sent unto you prophets and wise men and scribes and some of them Ye shall kill and crucify and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city that upon you May come all the the righteous blood The righteous bloodshed upon the earth from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barakas Whom ye slew between the temple and the altar Verily I say unto you all these things shall come upon this generation So the question is how are they? So one it shows you that Abel's like the first martyr if you will right, I mean think about it What's he being killed for? for Doing a good sacrifice unto the Lord right for serving the Lord. Essentially. That's what he's getting killed for and And Notice that it's kind of he's putting this punishment saying this is gonna come on you from Abel to Zacharias son of Barakas now That's in the Old Testament where they you know Killed this guy and obviously it was it was wicked and that's another sermon for another day But basically he's basically encompassing all these martyrs all these people that died that were murdered for for for God And saying it's all being put on you They weren't there when Abel was killed and they weren't there when Zacharias was killed, but he's saying whom ye slew Now you could say well, it's because of their bloodline and all that But here how about this? They're children of the devil You know the idea there is that they're being lumped in to that family They killed them And that family is the family of the devil if you will, okay, and you can see that from the very beginning here I go back to Genesis chapter 4 and and Let's look at the punishment given the cane now This is the last thing I'm gonna be hitting on here is this punishment given the cane and The next sermon I'm gonna be preaching is probably gonna be on the flood Actually, it will be on the flood, you know as far as getting into these big stories But When you're dealing with a child of the devil Do you notice that there's a spiral that happens and like in Romans 1 Where they knew God and they glorify not as God their foolish heart was darkened and then they go down this spiral, okay, and Notice how what happens the cane kind of represents this Repercussions of becoming a child of the devil, right? In this life, okay, because obviously they're gonna go to hell but in this life it says the wrath of God is revealed on them that hold the truth that that hold the truth and unrighteousness and The idea is that it's in this life. It's kind of revealed on them Right, and they're they're suffering wrath in this life, you know now, you know, it used to be AIDS now It's monkey pox But there's like all this stuff that you can like kind of put on the fact of like children of the devil and how they're Suffering even in this life, okay And in in Genesis chapter 4 verse 9, it says in the Lord said unto Cain Where is Abel thy brother and he said I know not am I my brother's keeper So he's just belligerent. I mean think about this now that you know that he's a child of the devil Think about how he answers God. It's like I don't know my brother's keeper Is that any way to talk to the Lord? I mean think about that I mean, is that how you talk to your parents and by the way kids don't be talking to your parents like this You know, hey, where's your sister at? I don't know my my sister's keeper Like that's not how you talk to your parents. Okay, and so you can see how belligerent he is to the Lord and and he said And he said what hast thou done the voice of thy brother's blood cry than to me from the ground and now art thou Cursed from the earth which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand and when thou tillest the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength a Fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth and Cain said unto the Lord My punishment is greater than I can bear so Notice that in Genesis 3 is stating that to till the ground it's gonna be hard work To get it to yield its fruit, but it's still gonna yield its fruit You know what God did here? He cut that even off Said you're not gonna get anything from the earth your occupations done So if they say I got I'm just gonna have to like roam and try to just survive Okay a fugitive and a vagabond And You can think about how Romans 1 which forsaken time not gonna get into Romans 1 but just how that spiral goes down of how These people end up being these just their lives just complete they end up living short lives they destroy their lives they destroy themselves and Just going down the line with that. Okay, but go to Genesis chapter 4 verse 14 and I want to clear some air here with Cain because There's there's so many Stupid doctrines and things that are brought up and one is the mark that of Cain okay, and People have said that the mark of Cain is black skin Okay Stupidity, I'm pretty sure Mormons are the ones that like really perpetuate that one Okay, but then there's like people like ham. He was black and he was cursed It's like did you just pick that like, you know, by the way ham is where the Egyptians are at You're like if you're gonna pick I mean ham obviously I think you would go down in that the other portions of Africa too, but it's like I Want you to read this and think I should I should have probably just read it before I said that Okay, but read this and see if anything like that is in here. Okay behold thou has driven me out this day from from the face of the earth and from thy face shall I be hid and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth and it shall come to pass that everyone that Findeth me shall slay me and the Lord said unto him Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold and the Lord set a mark upon Cain lest any Finding him should kill him now. Let me ask you a question here. Does this say anything about a skin color changing? Okay, because red yellow black and white We're all precious in his sight Skin color doesn't matter. Okay, you know what if I stand out in the Sun for a really long time My skin color will change too, but doesn't mean I got the mark of Cain But if I just by the way here though, I want you to think about this. Is this mark bad or good? It's actually a blessing to him Think about it the mark is saving his life You know people all together more today You know that mark It's like sounds like a good thing to me Actually, if you go to Ezekiel Would you don't go there for sake of time right here, but Ezekiel chapter 9 talks about how God puts a mark On people so that when he's destroying the whole city, he doesn't destroy them He also puts a mark on you know, like on their forehead right in revelation Now obviously there's bad marks to like the mark of the beast. Okay, but the This mark is actually not a curse upon him. You've already cursed them. The mark is like Making his curse a little less Meaning like he's not gonna get killed now. Do you see how backwards like Mormonism stupid? Okay, obviously But you tell even in their own like stupid logic as far as what the mark of Cain is They're saying it's a curse. It's actually a blessing It's actually, you know something to help them so That being said you know, I You know, sometimes I wonder if I should even bring up the stupidity that people bring up like that, you know It's just so it's not even in your head But just know that there's gonna be people out there that are gonna say stupid things now I'd rather you just know like hey people say the mark of Cain is black skin Stupidity just utter stupidity. Okay It's actually something that God like eased his punishment just a little bit on them Now I want you to think about this though going into the floods last I'm gonna show you go to Genesis chapter 4 verse 23 Because after came is, you know, basically stop talking about him. He has all these kids. He has kids He has a son and they have he has a son. He has a son and down the line then you get the lame back, okay, and I want you to think about this downhill spiral that happens from where Cain kills Abel and in his family line of how we get to Genesis 6 where the earth is filled with violence and There's other reasons why it's filled with violence, but I want you to think about this downhill spiral Cain kills Abel He's not put to death now the bet death penalty Was not instituted until after the flood and I believe there specifically was instituted because that I believe not having the death penalty is What caused things to spiral down to where it it gets to where God has to destroy everything? Okay, and And Genesis 4 verse 23 it says in lamex said unto his wives ada and zilla hear my voice you wives of lamex Harken unto my voice for I have slain a man to my wounding and a young man to my hurt if Cain shall be avenged sevenfold truly lamex 70 and sevenfold Now in this case, he's basically stating like I killed somebody but that person was like You know, there was a rate there was maybe a reason maybe this person was trying to hurt me or something like that It doesn't mean though that it was justifiable though Because you could say well this person, you know, like slash my tires now, I'm gonna go murder him It's like yeah, he was to your hurt, you know, like but was he to your hurt like death wise Was he to your hurt to the point of like where you could actually It was like self-defense Okay, and what I believe is going on here is that from Cain? People have extruded what God put that mark on him and said, you know basically If you kill him you're gonna be avenged sevenfold and now they're basically saying wall if if Cain will be then I can murder somebody But it's just not as extreme right and I will be avenged 70 and sevenfold And you can kind of see this foreshadow of how things got really bad It's like it's not the blame God or anything like that for what he did with pain. It's just the fact that You see how people will take what God did and just completely take it out of context And just start ripping things and say well You know if this happened then this it's like you completely missed the point You know you you're missing what God did and you're you're you're basically making this snowball down into why God's gonna have to Destroy everybody. Okay, so I kind of want to set that up for the next time where we get into the flood There's other reasons I believe why Things got really bad in the earth as far as why that was filled with violence But I believe that murder is obviously a violence if you're gonna say that there's violence You got to put murder in there, right? and not having execution of the death penalty I believe is what caused things to just kind of just get worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and know this is That before the end things are gonna be Like as it was in days of the flood the earth is filled with violence and When you see the fact that that we don't have death penalties for murderers or rapists or pedophiles Just know that that's just gonna Excel things to get to the point where it's gonna be filled with violence like it was in days of the flood So let's end with a word of prayer. That's the story of Cain and Abel and well, we love you and pray I'll pray that you'd be with us throughout the rest of this day I pray that you would help us to understand these stories, even though they're famous stories and maybe just short stories here There's but so many things that we can learn from them and Lord just pray that you'd help us to remember these stories To know them well and Lord I pray to be with us as we go out soul winning and keep us healthy And what we love you in prayer is Jesus Christ name. Amen. So brother able come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed All right, take your song books turn to song number 48 Song number 48 will sing. I'll be so glad if you would stand sing song number 48 Be so glad when day is done I'll be so glad when victory's won There'll be no sorrow In God's tomorrow I'll be so glad when Jesus comes you are dismissed