(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So he goes on to say here, he promises them an opportunity to come back and have a final chance. Now listen, I want to preface this. God wants the Jews to get saved. Okay? I'm not here to say all Jews are reprobates. They're all children of the devil. You're a Jew, you're damned. And nothing can change that. No. He wants them to get saved just like anybody else. Okay? I actually wanted you to the Lord once. It was a young guy that grew up Jewish and was kind of like, you know, kind of distancing himself a little bit from it. So it wasn't like straight up orthodox curly cube hair coming down, bouncing his head back and forth against the Wailing Wall Jew. But, you know, they can get saved. And I know, I know, my pastor friends have won Jewish people to the Lord. They're the hardest groups of people to get saved. You will be beating your head against the wall trying to get them saved. But listen, if I run into a Jew out soul winning and they'll listen to the gospel, I'll give them the gospel. Like I have no problem. I want them to get saved. Okay? So I'm not here to say, you know, like I hate the Jews and I want them all to go to hell. Okay? And that's where this whole anti-Semite thing comes in. Let me give you a little history lesson on where that comes from. Semite. What's the first portion of that word? Sem. Do you know who Sem is? Shem. Okay? Do you know who Shem is? One of Noah's three sons. Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Right? Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Now Sem is another way that it's spelled. If you go to 1 Chronicles when it goes through Noah and his sons, it'll say Sem. So Semite means that they're of Shem. Guess what? We're all of Shem. It's statistically analytically impossible for all of us to not have some blood of Shem. Do you realize when you come back to three people, you go back from three people and you bring your lineage back to that, we're all of Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Okay? So when you say anti-Semite, let me give you another history lesson on this. Abraham came from Shem. Abraham had two sons. One of the bond women, one of the free women. Who was the one that was of the bond women? Ishmael, who had 12 sons, which became 12 nations, which are what everybody would consider the Arabians, right? Guess what? They're Semites. So when you say, well, you're anti-Semitic because you're for the Palestinians not getting genocide over there in the Middle East, guess what? They're all Semites then. Do you see how stupid it is? When someone says anti-Semite, you know what you're telling me? You have no idea what that word even means. And they've basically just taken that word as if the Ashkenazi Jews that aren't even those that came out of Israel, that even to them, they even know this. The Ashkenazi Jews were those that were converted to Judaism and they even call themselves Ashkenazi Jews that, you know, they'll try to say they're the only Semites. They're the only ones that are of Shem. Stupidity, okay? Now, if you want to say that, well, their language is Semitic, okay. You know, a Semitic language. If that's the reason they're Semite, well, guess what? Our language stems from all of that as well. I mean, it's a derivative of it. What do you think we get the term alphabet from? The first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet all up in bet. And then you have alphabitha in Greek, then you get into Latin and then you get into English. Anyway, I'm getting off the rails here when it comes to understanding the Semite thing is just a stupid phrase. I hate when people say it. It just shows their ignorance for the English language and for the fact that we're all of Shem. We're all, I mean, can we at least all agree we're all of Noah? Okay? But to think that, no, it's just the Jews, that doesn't make any sense. Even Joseph, he married an Egyptian, which by definition would be Ham. So Ephraim and Manasseh, you know, the two bigger tribes in Israel, guess what? We're half of Shem, half of Ham. There you see the mingling right there. Anyway, I stopped the reading here. Okay, so they have a final chance, okay? Well, sure, if they believe on Christ. But what he means by final chance is that in the end, all the Jews are just going to magically believe in Jesus when he comes back. They're going to see him come and climb. There he is. And they're all going to get saved. Because I remember that we live by sight, not by faith, right? Is that what the Bible says? Seeing is believing, right? Is that what the Bible says? That we live by faith, not by sight. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. And by it, the elders obtained a good report. Not by seeing, by believing. And faith comes by hearing and hearing about the word of God. The Jews are going to get saved by the word of God. They're not getting saved at all. They're going to get saved by the gospel of Jesus Christ. They're not getting saved at all. Because you know what? I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God and the salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. But guess what? The condemnation goes to the Jew first and also to the Greek, okay? So let me keep reading his quote here because I haven't even got to kind of the worst part of what he says. Okay, so he's basically saying they have a final chance. The Bible says from the beginning to the end, the Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, okay? Now, granted, a lot of the Old Testament, I mean, it's the nation of Israel, and the Jews are incorporated in that and a lot of it, okay? And most of the Old Testament is them disobeying God and him having to punish them. But in verse, in the rest of his statement here, it says, that's the entire book of Revelation. Talk about the redemption of the Jews. Don't worry, I'm getting there. I know you all know what it says about the Jews, but I'm going to get there. It says the entire book of Revelation, okay. Most of the Bible is about the redemption of the Jews. So for anybody out there to espouse Christianity and say I'm anti-Semitic and this stuff wasn't bad, now what he's doing here is he's trying to basically say, he's trying to link in if you don't believe that there's a final redemption plan for the Jews and that the Bible's talking about, you know, them coming back and all that, then you love Hitler and love the Nazis and you think that what happened to those and Auschwitz and all that stuff was good. You see what he's doing there? It's a bait and switch. Now he's saying like, you know, now you're saying I'm anti-Semitic because to him anti-Semitic means that you believe the Bible teaches that there's no like exit plan for the Jews, right. That means you're anti-Semitic and that you believe that the Jews dying under Hitler's command was good. That's what he's equating here. But what he's really stating is that if you don't think that there's a plan for the Jews, then his next statement here is that they haven't read the Bible. They are not amongst us. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. All right, Gerald, well I got some Bible for you this morning when it comes to the Jews, okay, when it comes to what the Bible teaches about the Jews. Now go to Romans chapter 2, and I do have a quote from Steven Crowder actually in that same show that I'm going to hit on if I have time. Listen, if they were a political platform that just had their political views, and let's say I disagree with their political views on certain things and they're just like we should support Israel and I love the Jews, whatever, do what you want. When you start saying the Bible says you must do this and if you don't believe this, you're a wolf. Well guess what, Gerald, you're actually the wolf, you're actually the blind guide that is not teaching what the Bible teaches. And Romans chapter 2 and verse 17 here is actually talking about a Jew, so let's see what the New Testament says about the Jew. Verse 17 says, Behold, thou art a Jew and resteth in the law and makest thy boast of God. So what's being stated here is that he's basically saying you're a Jew that rests in the law. Okay, so he's kind of making a case, right? And imagine you have this kind of like, he's like I'm kind of picturing this Jew here, he's resting in law, it's like the typical Jew, right? Someone that is what? Resting in law meaning that they're trying to be justified by the law. But we know that no flesh should be justified by the law on his sight. It is evident that just shall live by faith. Now, let's keep reading here. So now we know the preface here, we're talking about a Jew that is resting in the law. Verse 18, And knowest his will and approvest the things that are more excellent being instructed out of the law. Okay, so he's basically saying you're resting in the law, you're making your boast of God, you know his will, you're approving that the things in the law are excellent. Verse 19, And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind. Okay, so people that aren't saved, that are trusting in the law, they're confident. They're confident that they're a guide of the blind, right? I'm gonna give you sight, I'm gonna give you insight, I'm gonna tell you what the Bible says, I'm gonna tell you what God has to say on this issue. They're confident about it. It says, A light of them which are in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which has the form of knowledge and of the truth of the law. Thou therefore that teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? Thou that preach'st that man should not steal, dost thou steal? Thou that say'st that man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? Thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonor'st thou God? For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you as it is written. So he's saying to a Jew that's resting in the law, you think that you're a guide of the blind? Well, let me ask you, basically, like, it's like this rhetorical question. Let me ask you a question. If you're teaching the law, do you steal? Do you commit adultery? Do you commit idolatry? You know, he's going through this list because they're basically stating, like, I'm going to heaven because I'm keeping the law. But in the next chapter, obviously, it states, for all of sin to come short of the glory of God, that there's none righteous, no, not one, and that the law is the knowledge of sin that the whole world may become guilty before God. So to be a guide of the blind, first of all, you need to be saved and realize that you're not saved by your works. You're not saved by the law. Then it goes on here. It says, for circumcision verily profited, if thou keep the law. But if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision. Therefore, if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision? Basically what it's stating here is that if you're circumcised but you don't keep the law, then your circumcision means nothing. It's not going to help you. And it goes on to say that if an uncircumcised person keeps all of the law, guess what? Then they're circumcised in God's eyes. That's the dichotomy shown here. But notice what it says here in verse 27. It says, and it shall not uncircumcision, which is by nature, if it fulfill the law, judge thee who by the letter. Circumcision does not address the law. Notice in verse 28 here, for he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly. Neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh. Guess what? You know what it's saying? All those that are claiming to be Jews, that are resting in the law, that are circumcised physically, it says you're not a Jew. Isn't that what the Bible says? You're over-spiritualizing that. Am I? Give me the spiritual application of that. What's the spiritual application there? Show me how I'm supposed to interpret that physically. That is physical. He's saying if you're physically a Jew, outward in the flesh, that's not circumcision. That means you're not a Jew. In verse 29 it says, but he is a Jew which is one inwardly. And circumcision is that of the heart and the spirit and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men, but of God. Now, and listen, the people that believe in Zionism, what they're going to do is they're going to take you through the Old Testament. They're going to take you to Jeremiah. They're going to take you to Ezekiel. They're going to take you to some of the Minor Prophets where it talks about the children of Israel coming back into their land. But guess what? It already happened. All the, you know, when you think of Jeremiah, Jeremiah, they're going into captivity. And then he's prophesying about how they're going to come back 70 years later. Guess what? That already happened. Ezekiel's during that captivity, and he's talking about how they're going to come back, they're going to build this temple that's at the end of the book of Ezekiel. Guess what? Already happened, and that temple is the temple that Jesus was standing in when he came in the flesh, and then that temple was completely destroyed. What you need to show me is something in the New Testament stating that that's actually going to happen, and you can't find it. And so when everybody's trying to, you know, like, oh, let me prove to you that the Jews had still out of the plan, they've gotten to take you to the Old Testament, reject it out of hand. You better have a chapter and verse in the New Testament to validate it. And listen, there are verses in the New Testament that validate Old Testament prophecies that come in the future, but listen, here's a good rule of thumb. If it doesn't say it in the New Testament, then it doesn't apply to the future, okay? Old Testament can give you more information and validation of what's stated in the New Testament that's going to happen in the future, but if it's not stated in the New Testament, then I assume it's something that already happened, okay? Now, go to 1 John chapter 2, 1 John chapter 2. 1 John chapter 2. So that was the whole Bible, you know, from Genesis, the revelations about the Jews and about their redemption. Well, let's see what the Bible says about them. And remember this, that when Jesus was going to be crucified and when they said, crucify him, Pilate washed his hands of the blood, and what did the Jews say? His blood be on us and on our children. That's what the Jews said. They're like, well, the Romans killed them. Yeah, you know what? I guess Joab's the one that killed Uriah then, right? Because Joab's the one that physically said, pull back, everybody, in the heat of the battle. But I think I remember a certain prophet named Nathan that pointed a finger at David and said, thou art the man, and that David's the one that killed him with a sword of Ammon. So the same applies to the Jews. The Jews are the ones that killed Jesus. Now, listen, if I ran into a Jew, I'd be like, you killed Jesus. You know, I'm not going to say that. Like, they didn't personally do that, okay? Does that make sense? Like, I'm not here to say, like, all the Jews today, you know, they have the blood of Jesus on their hands, okay? Their religion does. That pharisaical Talmudic, you know, religion of Judaism does have the blood of Jesus on their hands. And when I'm talking about, you know, being against the Jews, I'm talking about Judaism, okay? And obviously I'm against any group of people that's trying to put debauchery down our throats. So you're like, well, you know, those that are in Hollywood, they're not, like, technically following Judaism. Well, if they call themselves Jews, and they're going to put pornography and all this filth down our throat, then guess what? I'm against them. I don't care what they call themselves. They can call themselves Catholics. They can call themselves Jews. They can call themselves whatever they want. It doesn't matter. I'm against them because they're for wickedness. Now, there's obviously, you know, a spectrum when it comes to those that consider themselves Jews and all that stuff. So, you know, you don't want to take a broad brush on everything, but at the same time, when it comes to the religion of Judaism, those that are practicing Jews, that's what the Bible says here in 1 John chapter 2, verse 22. Because the typical Zionist Baptist out there will say, well, you know, the Jews, they believe in the Father. They have the Father, and they just don't believe in the Son. Well, let's see what the Bible says about that. Verse 22, it says, Who is a liar, but he that denieth the Jesus of the Christ? He is antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son. Let me read that again. Who is a liar, but he that denieth the Jesus of the Christ? He is antichrist. You know why our YouTube channel got taken down? Because I had a sermon called Judaism, the Antichrist Religion. We also had a certain film called Marching the Zion on there, and it's interesting that I got a strike for that sermon against Judaism, and then my whole channel got taken down, like, without any warning. So, you know what? We were talking about our YouTube channel, getting stuff up there. We better start working on that, because this sermon might get us taken down. But it says he is antichrist. So Judaism, by definition, is an antichrist religion. But then it goes on to say he denied the Father and the Son. Listen, if you hate the Son, you hate the Father, the Bible says. That's what Jesus says. Now, and by the way, I said that's what Jesus says, because he actually said it. Okay? That wasn't Gandhi that said that. That's actually in the Bible. Now, in verse 23, it says, Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father, but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. So guess what? If you don't have the Son, you don't have the Father. Go to 2 John, 2 John and verse 7. 2 John, verse 7. I mean, we're in 1 and 2 John. We're kind of getting closer to the end of the Bible here. I mean, where is this whole, like, redemption for the Jews I'm supposed to be seeing? Right? I mean, when you go from Matthew, chapter 20 on, it doesn't seem like there's a whole bunch of redemption. It's more so, like, damnation. Like, how are you going to escape the damnation of hell? You blind guides. You vipers. You blind fools. And he keeps ripping on it. Who's he talking to? The Jews. He's leaving their house desolate. He's taking the kingdom of God from them and giving it to a nation, bringing forth the fruits thereof. Who are we talking about? Well, even they said he spoke this parable against us. So when we're dealing with this, where are you seeing this? Well, you know, maybe at the beginning of the Gospel, before they rejected Jesus. You mean Matthew 3, where the Pharisees came to John to be baptized? And he says that the ax is laid to the root of the tree, you generation of vipers? And say not unto yourselves that we have Abraham to our father? Because he's able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. Ah, so much for your Semitic, you know, well, I'm of Abraham, I am a Semite, and therefore I'm God's chosen people. That got nipped in the bud real quick, didn't it? Now, in 2 John, verse 7 there, it says, For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Like, I can't believe the anti-Semitic talk. Saying the Jews are deceivers, they're antichrists. I'm reading to you the Bible this morning. And you know what? If you want to call it anti-Semitic, whatever. You want to make up terms? You want to say that anti-Semitic means anti-Jew? Anti-Judaism? If you want to say that anti-Semitic means anti-Judaism, I'll wear it proudly. It's a moniker. If everybody agrees that anti-Semitic means you're against Judaism, guilty as charged. I'll wear it like the scarlet letter. I don't know. I mean, does it need to be embroidered on my coat that I'm against Judaism? I'm not a Judeo-Christian. I'm a Christian. Now, you're going to say, Whoa, are you saying that you're against the people, that you're against Moses and all them? They were Jews. No, they weren't. And listen, Jews, as far as salvation is of the Jews, is salvation was of Judea, and there were people that actually believed right about salvation. Nathaniel was one of them. He says, Behold, an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile. There were people that believed right. Guess what? Elizabeth and Zacharias, the parents of John, they were believers, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost. John was saved. He got saved from his parents, and then he, you know, tread the path for the Lord to come. Guess what? There were people that were saved and believed the right gospel, but as it is always the case, though Israel be as the sand of the sea as upon the seashore, a remnant shall be saved. That means there was only a few that were saved in Israel at that time. The mainstream religion at that time was false. Any marvel is the mainstream right today? Look at Joel Osteen's church. Even though our visitors wanted to give us a book, you know that. They set a new bar for gifts on this white elephant gift exchange. Now, but look at the mainstream today. Is it right? No, it's not. So it wasn't right back then. Now, when it comes to, let's look at Revelation. He's like, you know, the entire book of Revelation. Well, you didn't make it too far. You didn't make it to chapter two or three. Now, I want this to ring in your head. Who is a liar that he had denied that Jesus is the Christ? Who is a liar that he had denied that Jesus is the Christ? He is anti-Christ. I want that to ring in your head. Who's a liar? It was the deny of Jesus is the Christ. Okay? Verse eight. Revelation 2, verse eight, it says, And unto the angel of the church and Smyrna write, These things set the first and the last, which was dead and is alive. I know thy works in tribulation and poverty, but thou art rich, and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. They're like, well, maybe this is a group of people that are trying to claim they're Jews, but they're not really Jews. How about you go with what the Bible defines, instead of, like, trying to just make up stuff. What does the Bible say? He is not a Jew which is one outwardly. So when the Bible says they say they are Jews and are not, guess what that is. That's an outward Jew that's not really a Jew inwardly. By definition of Romans chapter 2. Notice what it says. Go to Revelation chapter 3 and verse 9. Revelation chapter 3 and verse 9. Revelation 3 and verse 9 says, Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do not. But do lie. Behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. So now we have an added little statement in there. They lie. So he is not a Jew which is one outwardly. Neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew which is one inwardly. And circumcision is not of the flesh, but that of the heart and of the spirit. And the Bible even says in Philippians that, beware of the concision. You know what that is? The circumcision. Beware of dogs. Beware of evil workers. Beware of the concision, for we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus. Rejoice in Christ Jesus. Rejoice in Christ Jesus. If you're the circumcision, that means you rejoice in Christ Jesus. Now, Revelation, okay, so, you know, the entire book, mark that as an X. Okay? Guess what? You're like, well, where's the other places that message the Jews? It doesn't. That's the only two places. Doesn't seem to bode well, does it? Oh, the entire book of Revelation is just about the Jews and the redemption. Well, you know, I looked up the places where it says it, and it calls them the synagogue of Satan. It doesn't sound very good for them. It says they're liars. It says that they're calling themselves Jews, but they're not really Jews. So God doesn't regard them as Jews. So that doesn't seem to work out. Well, you know, Jerusalem is in there, though. You know, the physical Jerusalem. Okay, we'll go to Revelation chapter 11. Let's look at the physical Jerusalem and see what God has to say about that. You're like, why do you get fired up about this? Because I hate when people put words in God's mouth and misrepresent what he says. I mean, do you like it when people say, hey, you know, Pastor Robinson says that he loves cats. Imagine someone say that. Heresy. I love cats. Now, it's kind of being a little facetious there. I don't love cats. But at the same time, if you said that, you're misrepresenting me, okay? And everybody's just like, he loves cats? Really, he loves cats? And it gets spread around. Man, Pastor loves cats. They start sending me cat stuff, you know, cat toys and all this stuff, and I'm just getting this stuff in the mail. Would you like that? But on a serious note, we're talking about heaven and hell here. We're talking about people that are hearing what, you know, they're going to take what they say and say, well, I guess that's what the Bible says on that issue. And listen, Baptist pastors that are out there, you need to be getting this stuff set right as well because you have congregants that are listening to you as well, and they're eating a fork and spoon. Now, in Revelation 11, verse 8 here, let's see what it has to say about the physical Jerusalem, okay? Now, up earlier in the chapter, it calls it the holy city. They're measuring the temple and the court and all that. Verse 8 here, it says, their dead body is talking about the two witnesses that are going to die. Their dead body shall lie in the street of the great city. Okay, well, we're going to see what that great city is. The great city which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. Well, that doesn't sound good. What city are we talking about? Where also our Lord was crucified. Where was Jesus crucified? Without the gates of Jerusalem. So, what does the Bible say about the Jews in Revelation? There's a synagogue of Satan and they lie. They say they're Jews, they're not. What does the Bible say about the physical Jerusalem today? Is it, you know, to be praised and to be blessed? It's spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, which, I mean, if you think about Israel, the number one capital city for sodomy is Tel Aviv, Israel. I know it's not Jerusalem, but at the same time, like, we're talking end times. It's going to turn into Sodom and Egypt, okay? Now, you may say, well, you know, where are they getting this from that the Jews are in Revelation? Well, what they're getting this from is from the 144,000. Go to Revelation, Chapter 14. Now, the 144,000 are 12 tribes. Out of the 12 tribes, 12,000 out of each tribe. I want you to go find any Jew out there and ask them what tribe they're of. You're not going to find it. They've been scattered, they've been mingled. Like, even the priests don't even know technically that they're of Levi. That would be the only one they would even claim is that, like, the Levitical priesthood type of thing where they're trying to go back in their endless genealogies, by the way. But what I want to prove to you is that 144,000 are actually in heaven right now. And when this happens in Revelation, when the rapture happens, 144,000 are coming down to preach the everlasting gospel. So when we are raptured out, there's no more saved people that are just here. Basically, these 144,000 are chosen just like the two witnesses, which I believe personally is Moses and Elijah. You want to fight me on that later? That's another sermon for another day. But those are Old Testament saints that are coming back to Jerusalem. But the 144,000 are Old Testament saints that are in... And let me prove to you that they're in heaven before the rapture. The rapture happens later on in this chapter. Now, in Revelation 14 and verse 1... Now, when you're talking to a Zionist, they're going to be completely off the rails because they don't understand the book of Revelation at all anyway. They're like, pre-Trib, like, we've been gone a long time ago from this point. Like, we're in Revelation chapter 4. That's when the church is taken out and all this stuff. So I'm obviously talking to people that know Revelation and know the timeline. But when it comes to Revelation 14, notice what it says in verse 1. It says, And I looked and lo, a lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with him an 144,000, with his father's name written in their foreheads. So where are they at? On Mount Zion, with the name of their father written in their foreheads. Revelation 7, when it's talking, it gives the whole list of them. It says, Don't hurt the earth until I have sealed the 144,000 in their foreheads, right? So in Revelation 7, they haven't even been sealed yet. In Revelation 14, they're in heaven and they're already sealed. So they're in heaven, okay? So it's very clear they're in Mount Zion. And just to give you some more credence on it, look at verse 5 there. It says, And in their mouth was found no guile, for they are without fault before the throne of God. Heaven is my throne, earth is my footstool, okay? I don't want to belabor that point, but where's God's throne at? Heaven. Where are they at? They're on Mount Zion. Where's Mount Zion? Well, in Hebrew chapter 12, it says, But ye are common to Mount Zion, unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. So they're in heaven, okay? Then they come down. The next verse is in verse 6 here of Revelation 14, And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel, to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. Because guess what? People are going to get saved during God's wrath. But there has to be a preacher. How should they hear without a preacher? And that question of, well, what happens to everybody else after that? Well, there's going to be people preaching. The 144,000, I believe, have kind of a more broad ministry throughout the whole world, whereas the two witnesses have a more localized ministry in Jerusalem. They're actually going to die in Jerusalem and all that. Now, that's another sermon for another day to really get into the crux of the 144,000. But that's where they're getting it. Does it say 144,000 Jews, though? Why? Because that doesn't make any sense for that to say 144,000 Jews. Because the tribes, we're talking Asher, Zebulun. Dan isn't there. That's another sermon for another day. But you have Manasseh, you have Ephraim, or Joseph, if you will. And you have these tribes that have 12,000 each. And not only are they 12,000 people of those tribes, they're male virgins. Good luck finding 12 tribes today. Then good luck finding 12 tribes of male virgins that would fit that bill. And so this is where they're trying to shoehorn in the Jews and say, well, see, they have a purpose here. Now, we're talking about Old Testament saints of the tribes of Israel that are given this opportunity to preach the Gospel during God's wrath. And the whole reason that they're being sealed is so that they're not hurt by God's wrath. That's the whole point of the seal. So go to John 5, verse 43. I don't think I'm going to get to my other point. I might just have to say it really quick. John 5, verse 43 says this, and I want to put this out as a challenge. Show me the Bible in the New Testament where the Jews are going to all just get saved. Show me where it says it. Well, Romans chapter 11, right? Yeah, well, until you look into that and notice that that prophecy about the Deliverer coming is when Jesus comes the first time. That puts a little hole in your little argument, doesn't it? Because that was fulfilled in Acts chapter 3. Or actually, it was just stated that was fulfilled in Acts chapter 3 when Jesus came the first time. Well, guess what? What do you got now? Nothing. You have nothing. You'll go back to Zechariah, and they try to link Romans chapter 11 with Zechariah, which doesn't even match. Romans 11 is quoting Isaiah 59. And that's another summer for another day, but they don't have anything. That's the closest they got. That's the closest they have. And in that passage, it says they are not all Israel which are of Israel. Because they that are the children of flesh, these are not the children of God. And if you just read the couple chapters before, you'd know that Israel isn't saved, that just because you're of Israel doesn't mean you're a child of God, that only a remnant of Israel is going to be saved, and that Israel is not, you know, just Israelites. Now, in John chapter 5 verse 43, it says, I am come in my Father's name, and you receive me not. If another shall come in his own name, him you will receive. So what does the Bible actually teach about those that reject Christ when the Antichrist comes? He's saying, I came in my Father's name, you didn't receive me. Another's going to come in his own name, him you will receive. They say, no, when I come, you're all going to believe on me. Is that what it says? Like, you didn't believe me now, but you will later. And just hopefully you're a Jew that believes, like, in the time that I come. All these other Jews are damned throughout history. You know, it's like, just hopefully you're born in the right generation. Right? I mean, think about that. Think about 2,000 years of history now, Jews have all been dying and going to hell and not believing on Christ, and all of a sudden it's just like this select group of Jews that at the very end of time here is like, they all get saved. There's my promise. It's like, well, hopefully you're born at the right time. Okay? But nowhere does it say anything like that. Actually, it says quite the opposite. Actually, it says that because they didn't believe on him when he came in his Father's name, that when the Antichrist comes that comes in his own name, they're going to believe him. They're going to receive him. Notice what it says. Go to 2 Thessalonians 2. 2 Thessalonians 2. And this is the last thing I'm going to say about the Zionism stuff. This is what actually the Bible says about what's going to happen to the Jews or anybody that rejects Christ when he comes. If you're an unbeliever, when Jesus comes in the clouds, this applies to you. Okay? So if the Jews don't get saved before Jesus comes in the clouds, this is their end game. Not all getting saved and magically believing on him. Actually, you know what the Bible says is that they're going to tremble. Revelation 1, you're like, all the Jews, you know. Well, those that pierced him, the Bible says they're going to wail. Oh, I missed that one. Sorry. I should have started with that one. I should have led with that one, right? Where when he cometh with the clouds, every eye shall see him, and also they which pierced him, and they shall wail because of him. Now, in 2 Thessalonians 2, verse 8, it says, And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Talking about the wicked one, the man of sin, the son of perdition. Even him, so we're talking about the wicked one, whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and them that perish, because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. We're talking about people that didn't receive the truth that they would be saved. What's going to happen to them because they didn't receive the truth? They'll magically get saved. Is that what happens? Notice what it says in verse 11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. The Bible seems to clear things up, doesn't it? The Bible actually is right. And if you teach otherwise, you know, Gerald, you teach otherwise, guess who's the wolf? I'm reading to you the words of the shepherd, of the good shepherd, that, you know, actually, no, he is not a Jew which is one outwardly. They lie. They're actually the synagogue of Satan in the book of Revelation. Like I said, I want them to get saved but they're not going to magically get saved. They don't have some special, you know, grace given to them. And the last thing I want to state here and will be done is what Steven Crowder said, and this could be a whole sermon in itself, but this has been stated many times and they also, they'll ridicule religions that teach actually what the Bible teaches on this, about the Sodomites. Steven Crowder says, of course I don't think that anyone should be punished just for being gay. Of course I believe that everyone should have equal rights here in this country. I don't believe that marriage is a fundamental human right but I believe in civil unions. That's always been my position but I certainly don't think that someone should be arrested for being gay. We'll go to Leviticus chapter 18, Leviticus chapter 18, the last point I'm going to make. I know I'm long-winded. My sermon tonight will be shorter, okay? But they ridicule people saying, well, you know, these Islamic countries, they're like executing, you know, gays or whatever and just like, you know, why aren't the liberals going after them? And they're always trying to put it off like the liberals, they want to come after us but they don't go after them. Why should they go after them, Steven Crowder? Now if you want to say that they didn't have a trial, okay, I agree with you. They should be tried, right? You don't want to be like putting innocent people to death, okay? Just like a murder trial, you know, you need to have a trial, you need to have a judge, it needs to be done by the government, you know? I'm not talking about vigilantism, okay? But listen, you're down on, you know, this, you even say out of your mouth that you don't believe they should be punished or arrested. Though that was the law in our country at one time. You know, talk about being an American, that was the law and being a homo was illegal not that long ago. I mean, in my lifetime it was illegal in certain states. But it was punished by death even in our country in its history. What does it say in Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22? It says, Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is an abomination. Go to Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13. Now listen, let me give them credit where credit is due. They have literally said multiple times on this program that pedophiles should be put to death. And that, they're right. More power to you, keep saying that. And great, okay? But listen, if you don't think that homo should be put to death or you don't think that he should be punished or arrested, keep your opinion, you can have your opinion but don't say it's biblical. Don't invoke God, don't attack the Bible for your own stupid political gain. Notice what it says in Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13, If a man also lie with mankind as he lieeth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them. Sounds like they should be put to death. Well, that's the Old Testament. Go to Romans chapter 1, Romans chapter 1. Well, let me ask you a question, do you think murderers should be put to death? You think pedophiles should be and I agree with you. And listen, I have a verse for you. Instead of just saying it, why don't you put a Bible verse in front of it. Jesus said that if you offend one of these little ones, that a millstone should be put about your neck and you should drown in the midst of the sea. There's a verse for you where pedophiles should be put to death. Anybody that hurts children, molests children, that should be their punishment. And if you don't have a sea, we'll figure it out. You'll find a deep pool somewhere. But, you know, we can at least all agree and have common ground that pedophiles should be put to death. Would you agree that a mass murderer should be put to death? What's your evidence for that? What's your biblical proof for that? What's your chapter and verse for that? What are you standing on? And this is a challenge to those of loud or with crowd, or not that they'll probably ever hear my sermon, you know, but if they do, this is my challenge. What are you standing on for why pedophiles should be put to death? What are you standing on for why a mass murderer should be put to death? Because guess what? I have verses to stand on, but I'm not going to just stand on some of them. I'm going to stand on all of them. And their argument may be, well, you know, are you going to stand on the customary laws? No, because all the customary cardinal ordinances have been done away in Christ until the time of reformation. Jesus said, I did not come to destroy the law and the prophets, but to fulfill. And when you tell me when homosexuality has been fulfilled in Christ, let me know. When you tell me when murder has been fulfilled in Christ, let me know. I'll tell you when the Sabbath has been fulfilled. I'll show you how dietary laws and what you wear has been fulfilled in Christ. But thou shalt not commit murder is not fulfilled in Christ, it still applies. And even Jesus said it still applies. Now, in Romans chapter 1, when it gets done saying men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving them themselves at recompense of their error which is meet, and even as they did not like to retain God under knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient, being filled with all unrighteousness. And it goes down this whole laundry list of things that they do, haters of God, by the way. So do not hate them, O Lord, that they hate thee. But then it goes on, the last verse here, who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death. Not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do that. What does the Bible say? It's worthy of death. Obviously that's for the government. That's the Romans 13. You know, the government has the sword, not us. But at the same time, you want to claim to be a Christian? You want to claim to stand on the Bible? You want to have some kind of authority when it comes to the morality in our country? Then you better take all the moral law. You can't just take some of it. And if you don't want to take it all, then don't condemn what you don't want to take because you're going to have the judgment coming back on you. Are you a lawgiver now? There's one lawgiver and one judge who's able to save and destroy. So I have other verses on that because the Bible, that is from Revelation, from the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible, okay, when it comes to sodomy and what God thinks about it, okay? But the last thing, go to 2 Peter 1 and I'll be done. If, let's say, Stephen Crowder and Gerald are saved, okay? Let's say they're saved. I'm not saying because they have these beliefs that they're unsafe, okay? I want to be very clear. Just because you believe in Zionism stuff or you don't believe that Leviticus 20, 13 or Romans 1 should be applied today in our government, that doesn't mean you're unsafe, okay? But it doesn't mean that you're seeing clearly. It actually means that you're blind concerning the Word of God, okay? Notice what it says here in 2 Peter 1 and verse 5. It says, besides this giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and brotherly kindness charity. The thing I want to focus in on there is knowledge, knowledge. Do you even know that's what the Bible says about it? And if you do know and you're not ignorant, then the judgment is going to be harsher on you, okay? Even if you're a child of God, you're going to have chastening. If you know that that's what it says and that's what it should be, and then you're just saying the contrary to it, then it's going to be a little rougher for you. Verse 8, it says, if these things be in you and abound, they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. That he that lacketh these things is blind. We're talking about a saved person that has the divine nature, that has the like precious faith as we have, right? We're talking about a saved person. He's saying add to your faith though, add these things, right? Just as much as you want to add works and be the friend of God like James 2 says, add all these things and you're not going to be unfruitful. You're not going to be barren. But if you lack them, what's the Bible say? It says you're blind. You cannot see afar off. And that's forgotten that he has perch from his old sins. What does that mean? You're walking in the old man. You're not walking in the new man. You're not walking in the spirit. Don't tell me that you're abiding in Christ when you're denying his word and denying what it says. So add another verse, you know, when you think about Revelation 3 when it talks about being a lukewarm Christian. A lukewarm Christian is someone that thinks they have it all, thinks they know it all, and they don't. Someone that says, I can see, I have everything I need, makes God sick if you're that way. And you think that you don't need to learn, then you're blind. And if Crowder or Morgan, these men, if they're safe, they need to get some eye salve. They need to get some eye salve. And here's the eye salve, the word of God. Get some eye salve and know what you're talking about. Get some knowledge and know what you're talking about. And if you're too afraid to say what the Bible actually says on this issue, then don't talk about it. And let someone that will say it say it. If you're not saved, you need to get saved. If you're not saved, you need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. You need to stop believing in your works to get saved. You need to start trusting in him alone for salvation and know that it's eternal life. And you know what, then we can talk about doctrine. Because the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them because he is spiritually discerned. So we need to start with salvation and make sure that's down. But let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for today. Thank you for your word. And just pray that you be with us for the rest of this day. Pray that you be with the soul winning and pray that you bring us back at the appointed time. And we love you and pray also in Jesus Christ's name, amen. Brother Levi, come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed. All right, turn your song books to song number 472. Song number 472. We'll sing This Is My Father's World. We'll be singing all three verses of song number 472. This is my Father's world And to my listening ears All nature sings and round me rings The music of the spheres This is my Father's world