(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Hebrews chapter 5 and I wanted to preach on a sermon dealing with straining at a nap but I just didn't feel like I want to do a whole sermon on that so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get into a sermon and it's gonna be kind of a maybe a three-parter or something like that more like a series the doctrine of baptisms the doctrine of baptisms and I said that correctly baptisms plural okay the first thing I want to get to before I get into that and the reason that I'm getting into that is because that's a first principle of the doctrines of Christ so and the idea that this is a very principle and the way I would say it is when you think of the word principle like the principles of the oracles of God is that something that's principle is something that's high up on the priority list right as far as the principle of a company right he's the head of that and so you have doctrines in the Bible and then there's some that are more important than others that doesn't mean that they're not important you know the ones on the bottom of the list but there's ones that are more important or principal doctrines okay now go to Matthew chapter 23 we're gonna go but I'm gonna go back to Hebrews 5 here because the last part of that chapter is really where I want you to see and notice what it says in Matthew 23 and verse 23 Matthew 23 and verse 23 Jesus is ripping the Pharisees faces off pretty much in this whole chapter but this portion right here notice what it says in verse 23 won't do you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you pay tithe a mint and anise and common and have omitted the weightier matters of the law judgment mercy and faith these ought to you to have done and not to leave the other undone you blind guides which strain at an ad and swallow a camel and the point I'm trying to get across here before we get you know this is kind of a preface or introduction into this series that I'm gonna be doing here is the fact that there's a lot of people out there that focus on ancillary doctrines and what's ancillary mean it means it's not the primary okay if you think about you know I'm a structural engineer the structure of a building is like the beams the columns the walls that holds everything up everything outside of that it all just makes it look pretty you know like the drywall the paint the trim none of that is necessary for the building to stand up if it's using that there's something wrong with the structure okay because there's things that are primary elements to you know a building but there's primary elements to doctrines in the Bible okay there's the principal doctrines and I see this a lot okay and this is annoying as a pastor I get these questions from people and you know as far as like are you 501 c3 is your church a 501 c3 because if it's a 501 c3 I don't want anything to do with you because you know you're compromising to the government now first of all if you understood what's going you know in West Virginia guess what no church has to be 501 c3 literally no church in West Virginia they've done away with that so you don't even file for a 501 c3 in West Virginia but people have called me like are your 501 c or they comment be like you guys are 501 c3 bunch of compromises when have I ever compromised out telling the government that they can go pound salt and go to hell right and here by the way 501 c3 means that you can't spend 20 percent I think it's 20 percent of your sermons to support a candidate find me a candidate I want to support first of all and then I'll talk about the 20 percent of time I'm gonna even support that candidate okay anytime I'm talking about a candidate I'm usually talking about how they're wicked and that they're not right with God and that God's gonna judge them okay but you see how that's so stupid show me 501 c3 or tax you know accreditation when it comes to your church affiliation okay show me that in the Bible and then tell me why that's your main prerogative as far as why you come to a church because listen I don't care if the church is 501 c3 if they're ripping face and preaching to all the counsel of God what's the matter what their tax status is okay because most people are just trying not to go to prison okay I have a family and you know what when I set up the church you know what I wanted I wanted the church to be separate from me that's why I was set up as an incorporation it was set up as you know it's so it's Mountain Baptist Church incorporated meaning that it's its own entity and that I have my own identity over here okay and that it's not me that's doing all this okay that it's its own thing okay now that being said is it you know that that's so ancillary it's so straining at an act do you see how that's straining at an at how about the Lord's Supper and how that's performed okay I'm just giving you some ideas of things that people have said do you do an open communion or a closed communion show me open communion and closed communion in the Bible show me chapter and verse on that now I have my opinions and I had the way I do it okay but in the end each pastor has to say okay I'm gonna do an open communion because you know what I'm gonna put it on the people to the state you know are you in deep sin to where you shouldn't be taking this or you unsaved where you shouldn't be taking this right or someone say you know what I don't want to take that risk I'd rather be a little more conservative I'm gonna do a closed communion I know these people and I'm gonna you know I know that these people are saved I know you know but here's thing everybody can have their opinions on that you know or where you do it you know I know some people believe you should do it in your homes and it should be separate groups and some people which we are one of those that believe that hey we do it at the church building as an assembly okay but see how that's that's ancillary and why is it ancillary and why is it not primary because it's not taught that much and actually you know what I'm gonna get into Hebrew chapter 6 is gonna tell you what those principal doctrines are and by the way the Lord's Supper tax status is not in there okay so and and here's and you say what's the point of that because people that strain it and that end up swallowing a camel the same people that strain at 501c3 and strain at you know the Lord's Supper and how that's administrated or little things like well do you know what the why the tribe of Dan's not in the Revelation chapter 7 if you don't know what that is I don't want anything to do with you it's like then don't come to our church because I don't want you here because you know what you're gonna do you're gonna up swallowing a camel okay because those same people that just strain at those little minuscule things end up swallowing the most the stupidest false doctrine out there okay and you know what the Bible is very clear on this that there are weightier matters of the law now he didn't say don't tithe on mint coming an annus okay he says don't do you know don't admit the weightier matters law you know you ought to have done the weightier matters and not to leave the other undone so he's not saying don't tithe on those things but listen tithing is not as important as judgment faith and mercy okay but it's tithing important of course I mean everything in the Bible is important every doctrine is important okay but if I were to if someone to come in here and be like hey what's more important in church it's not I'm tithing is not going to be one of the things I'm going to mention okay you know tithing is definitely you know something that you need to look into and I'll show you what the Bible teaches on that okay but there's not something that I'm that worried about when it comes to someone gets a to be like listen first thing you need to do you get ten percent of your income and put it in that offering box you know or you know even the things of like outward appearance first thing you need to do need a tie on because who doesn't wear a tie to church they're not right with God you know who would lead singing without a tie on you know I'm joking because listen ties aren't in the Bible I mean I'm wearing a tie I knew I can get a confirmation on that but obviously you know dress standards you know things like that and people take this stuff way too far those same people that take those things way too far and take those things too seriously are the same people that will swallow a camel when it comes to oneness modalism when it comes to dispensationalism when it comes to Calvinism when it comes to a lot of false doctrines that are out there Zionism they'll swallow these camels but they're straining at some little tiny thing that is not that important okay not saying it isn't important but it's not that important okay and Hebrew chapter 5 going back to Hebrew chapter 5 the thing is is that we need the first principles you need to understand the first principles and notice what says in Hebrew chapter 5 verse 11 it says of whom we have many things to say and hard to be and hard to be uttered seeing your dull of hearing and he's talking about the Lord Jesus being the high priest after you or Melchizedek and says verse 12 for when for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God so he's basically saying you should be teachers by now but you need to go back to the first principles you need to understand the first principles of the oracles of God and that's talking about the Word of God by the way and it says there are become such as of need of milk and not as strong meat for every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe but strong meat belong to them that are a full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil and it's basically saying here that if you don't know the first principles and you're still on the milk of the word okay and that's where you should start and go to Hebrews chapter 6 because it leads right into this okay same thoughts being expressed is that we're dealing with the first principles of the oracles of God and Hebrew 6 is starting off showing you what the first principles are okay it says here in verse 1 therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on unto perfection okay so he's basically saying we need to leave the first principles we need to get off the mill can get into meat and but he's going to say let you know not laying again meaning this is that not going back to these first principles we're always having to lay this foundation of these first principles or the principles of the doctrine of Christ of repentance from dead works and a faith toward God so the first one is salvation okay that should be number one I would say if you're gonna go up to anybody be like what do you should you have down first salvation now what you say why aren't you starting on that because I've already done sermons on this I mean I've done sermons on eternal security I've done many sermons on repentance itself you know biblical repentance and this spells it out repentance from dead works and faith toward God right and the idea here is that you're dealing with faith you know as the action that's being done you had faith in your dead works you need to repent and have faith toward God very simple okay this isn't a whole sermon on that but salvation should be number one okay number one then it goes on to the next one uh notice in verse 2 there of the doctrine of baptisms okay so the next one after salvation is baptisms and that should stick out to you that it's plural and you say well I didn't know there's more than one baptism well then that's why I'm doing the series okay or you say well I know there's more than one but how many are there and what are they and and that's the whole point of this okay is that here's a first principle here's a principle of the doctrine of Christ the doctrine of baptisms okay now then there's other ones here and you say well what's the what's the main things I should know about the Bible salvation repentance from dead works and faith toward God meaning you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved number two you should understand what the doctrines of baptisms are number three notice what it says there in verse two of laying on of hands what is that talking about what's the doctrine of laying on of hands what's the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead and what's the doctrine of eternal judgment okay and I've done a whole sermon on laying on of hands and what that's talking about talk about ordination or even how they would lay hands on people and then they would be filled with the Spirit and kind of like sending people out to do great things for God then you go into the doctrine of the resurrection and you deal with the first resurrection the second resurrection the resurrection of the just and of the unjust and dealing with the resurrection of the body both of the saved and the lost okay and then you have a eternal judgment whether that's the eternal judgment that's given to save people at the judgment seat of Christ or whether that's the eternal judgment the great white throne of unsaved people going into the lake of fire okay there's a quick synopsis of these doctrines okay but the document baptisms that's what I want to get into this morning and like I said you know this isn't gonna be all one sermon okay because I wanted to listen I I'm going to be combining some of these just because they're very well linked in a lot of cases but some of them they're gonna have their own sermon but just to give you one the first one I'm gonna hit on is the most important baptism which is the death barrel resurrection of Jesus okay so the death barrel resurrection of Jesus the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ himself okay and then you have what will be the baptism or the spiritual baptism that happens when you get saved okay and I'm gonna link these two so these two I'm gonna be talking about morning the physical baptism or the you know physical and spiritual you know baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ himself and how that applies to us when we get saved okay and how that spiritually happens to us when we get saved next you have water baptism now I did a whole sermon on water baptism but I'm gonna do it again okay and you know because it's an important subject you know why do we water why do we dunk people in water what's the point of that what's the scripture on that all of that okay verse four number four the baptism of the Holy Ghost the baptism of the Holy Ghost and why this is why is this important because when you talk about being baptized in the Christ by the Spirit that's different than being baptized with the Holy Ghost okay and that's different than water baptism see how there's baptisms plural because what people want to do is be like that's all one thing baptism of the Holy Ghost spiritual baptism and you know water baptism that all happens at the same time when you get water baptized all that happens at once no they're all different things and then you have baptism of fire okay now these are this is an all-inclusive okay but I'm gonna be tying in other baptisms if you will that the Bible talks about now what's baptism even mean it just means to be immersed in something okay I want to be baptized in a vat of Reese's right now especially when I'm dieting what does that mean I'm immersed in it you know I'm like basically dunked in Reese's or you know whatever the case may be you know but the thing is is that you know when you baptize something you're immersing yourself in it okay and this is a you know it's very weird to me that people would think that while sprinkling babies is baptism okay you're not immersing that child now if you're in a Greek Orthodox they literally dunk the baby in the water which is really not it's hard to watch okay they literally dunk the baby under the water and bring it out like violently and let's think baby baptism doesn't make any sense anyway that I'll get into that when we get into water baptism but baptism just means to immerse okay so when you understand that idea well when Jesus died and rose again from the dead what was he who's immersed in death and ultimately his soul went to hell okay that's baptism and then you have water baptism well that's why you put someone underwater and bring them back up they're immersed in the water and come back up baptism the Holy Ghost that means you're immersed with the Holy Ghost and baptism fire that means you're you're immersed in fire okay so you can understand probably where I'm gonna be going with with some of these or what the Bible teaches on it okay but let's go to Luke chapter 12 Luke chapter 12 and you say well when does it call the death barrel resurrection baptism I'll show you the Bible actually uses that terminology when it talks about Jesus death barrel and resurrection so every time the word baptism you know this is this is like when the term saved is used in the Bible and people always just want it says say that means from hell no it doesn't okay there's a lot of times it talks about that that the woman shall be saved and childbearing so that means if you have a child you're going to heaven every mother is going to heaven because they had a child all right Jezebel I guess she made it because she had a child you know but that's ridiculous no but saved can mean being saved from something physically it could be mean like being preserved and being helped through something now a lot of times in the Bible yeah I mean saved does mean being saved from hell but you need context understand what I was talking about and the same thing with baptism baptism doesn't just mean water you know if someone's baptized that's water water is involved no just as much as repent you have to have context and know what your if I said hey you need to be immersed right you'd be like in the what right that would be your next question be like what am I being immersed into like have you been immersed yet I don't know and the what so see what I'm saying here is that you had that context when you're dealing with it Luke chapter 12 and verse 49 it says this Jesus talking it says I am come to send fire on the earth and what will I if it be already kindled notice in verse 50 so he's talking about fire being sent on the earth and it's already kindled why because there's a there's a fire is kindled in the lowest hell because of its indignation is anger okay verse 50 it says but I have a baptism to be baptized with and how am I straight until it be accomplished you say okay Jesus is saying I got a baptism to be baptized with well what's interesting about this is he's already been water baptized okay that already happened John already baptized with water if you go back to Luke chapter 3 and chapter 4 you know you have the baptism and then he goes into the wilderness you know the typical story that you see in Matthew and and everything else but and he's already baptized with the Holy Ghost because when he was baptized with water what happened the spirit came down from heaven like a dove in a boat upon him and it says that God the Father doesn't give him the spirit by measure meaning that he has the fullness of the Holy Ghost at all times more than anybody would ever have okay and so he's been baptized with the the Holy Ghost already so what is he talking about he's talking about his death beyond resurrection I mean if you think about it all the time he'd always kind of stopped me like you know the Son of Man has to die and suffer and be scourge be killed but on but on third day he's gonna rise again and when you read through the gospel that's always like that as soon as he starts telling his disciples hey I got it I got to suffer and die it's just like throughout his teachings like by the way the Son of Man has to die he has to be buried he's gonna but he's gonna rise again third day and he just keeps saying this over and over again and this is another case but in this case he's talking about being baptized now go to 1st Peter chapter 3 because I'm going to show you clearly where it's stating his death and resurrection as being baptism the problem is is that when people go to this passage in 1st Peter chapter 3 they're automatically thinking water baptism okay and I can see why they be leading into that because it's talking about Noah and the flood okay but you have to look at grammar and all that okay you can't just put water where you want it 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse 18 notice what it says here what's the start off saying how does this start off because this is all basically one thought that's going through here it says for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us on us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit so what are we talking about that he suffered for sins he's put to death but he's quickened okay so death barrel resurrection you know you have the death and resurrection that's mentioned here by the which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison and I preached on this before but it's talking about the spiritual prison of those that are unsaved and those that are in darkness and that obviously the preaching of the gospel is what he's talking about there and he did it by that same spirit the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same spirit in which he preached unto those that were unsaved which sometime were disobedient when once the long suffering of God weighed in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing where in few that is eight souls were saved by water so they were saved by water and I preached on this this isn't a whole sermon on this you know I'd preached a whole sermon on this so I think it's called how to interpret hard passages in the Bible is the name of the sermon because this is obviously a cryptic passage dealing with this but they weren't listen they were saved on the ark waters what destroyed the earth okay but when it's talking about them being saved by water they're being saved by water because there was violence in the land and all the men of the earth were filled with violence and that's why God destroyed the earth so the water literally wiped away all the filth of the flesh okay which the next verse is gonna explain okay notice in verse 21 the like figure okay so the flood is a figure of what he's about to say it doesn't say that this is what saves us it says the like figure wherein to even baptism doth also now save us so now it's saying baptism is what saves us but the flood was a figure of that okay and what did the flood do it it basically destroyed all the filth of the flesh okay and that's what's going to say in parentheses here it says not the putting away of the filth of the flesh okay so the flood Noah's flood was the putting of the way of the filth of the flesh but he's saying this is a like figure whereunto we are saved by baptism but it says but the answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ okay so the baptism the reason that saves us is because he rose from the dead so the baptism is the death baron resurrection okay if you were to take out those parentheses if you know English grammar right parentheses giving you more information extra information so if you were to read that without the parentheses there it says the light figure went to even baptism doth also now save us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ okay so that wouldn't make sense that you're talking about water baptism that that's saving you and then he's saying it's by the resurrection of Jesus Christ no it's because the baptism that we're talking about is the baptism that Jesus said I am straightened until I'm baptized with that baptism okay now that being said go to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 so when you understand that listen the ultimate baptism the most important baptism is the death and resurrection of Jesus okay and I'm gonna be getting into two when we baptize people what do we say buried you know in his likeness and raise the walk in newness of life right and we get to that verse but we use that language to talk about when we're baptizing somebody in water okay that's the whole point of water baptism is to represent the actual baptism that takes place now in Hebrew and Ephesians chapter 4 this is where you'll kind of get confused because you're like okay you said the doctrine of baptisms but here it's talking about one baptism okay notice what it says in Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 4 it says there is one body and one spirit even as you are called and one hope of your calling one Lord one faith one baptism well you can't just take this and just pull that out of context and be like see over here says the doctrine of baptisms over here says one baptism well there's got to be some context okay because in the chapter is gonna you know it's basically talking about something specific okay because if I said there's one baptism I could be talking about there's one you know water baptism there's one you know baptism of the Holy Ghost there's one you know it depends on what you're talking about and I believe this is talking about the one baptism which is the death and resurrection okay so there's one Lord one faith one baptism one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all but unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ wherefore he said notice what he's talking about when he goes into this what's leading up to what he's about to say is the fact that he's saying there's one faith one baptism now that he I'm sorry in verse 8 there wherefore he said when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts on the men now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things so that's the baptism that we're talking about we're talking about the death burial resurrection of Jesus okay that's the one baptism that's being spoken about in this chapter okay so it's not a contradiction in the Bible it's just context that in this chapter he's talking about the one baptism and you can see how this would apply because it says that Jesus was offered once for the sins of many okay there's not multiple times that he's gonna die and rise again okay he only he did it once and at the end of the world he died once for the world and he's not gonna do it again he's not gonna be crucified afresh he's not gonna die again it's one baptism once for all that's what this is talking about now in in a first Corinthians chapter 15 good first Corinthians chapter 15 this is how we're saved so when it says that even by even wearing two baptisms that's also save us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ now think about this in context okay baptisms what saves us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ meaning resurrection is the catalyst to why the baptism saves us baptisms being immersed okay but if Jesus just died with our sins on him that wouldn't save us that make sense so that's why the caveat is by the resurrection of Jesus Christ okay the resurrection is why that baptism saves us his baptism of dying being buried his soul being in hell that's why it saves us is because he rose from the dead notice in first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein ye stand by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to scriptures and that he was buried and then he rose again third day according to the scriptures and then he goes on to say that he was seen by you know the twelve and five hundred people at once so what's the gospel the death barrel resurrection notice in verse 17 go down to verse 17 it says and if Christ be not raised your faith is vain year yet in your sins why because the baptism of his death burial isn't going to save us unless he rose again the third day okay it's contingent on that that he rose from the dead and that's why he's victorious but Jesus said I am the first and the last I'm he that liveth and was dead behold I'm alive forevermore Amen and have the keys of doubt of death and of hell Helen of death good night I'm messing up I have the keys of Helen of death okay so when he rose from the dead that's when he got the keys of hell and of death that's when he rose victorious and gave gifts on the men right and the idea there is that the resurrection is what saves us that death barrel and resurrection and listen it's funny because this the whole book of 1st Corinthians has started off the fact that that Paul said I am glad I baptized none of you and that I came not to baptize but to preach the gospel okay and what's he talking about he's talking about water baptism you know they were like oh we were baptized by Paul we were baptized by Apollos we were baptized by you know such-and-such and he's like I I'm glad I didn't baptize any of you so if water baptism was for salvation then Paul's a pretty mean guy I'm glad I didn't get any of you saved you know but obviously saying that that's separate from the gospel because I came not to baptize but to preach the gospel but the gospel itself is the true baptism okay the baptism that saves us is the death barrel and resurrection of Jesus and go to Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12 and you say well how is he baptized well I mean there's many ways you could look at this I mean the fact the fact is is that he's the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world and it says he was made to be sin for us who knew no sin who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree literally the whole sins of the world were put on him he was immersed in the sins of the whole world okay then he died with the sins of the world on him and the Bible says in Matthew chapter 12 verse 40 it says for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth now go to Jonah chapter 2 Jonah chapter 2 this is where Jonah's in the whale's belly and he's prophesying obviously about Jesus would you say that I mean here's another baptism whale baptism it doesn't say well baptism but honestly he was immersed by the whale wasn't he I mean the whale was round about him he was in the stomach of the the whale or whatever and so you know there's obviously that but it was obviously all the picture what Jesus was going to do the whole reason was to show you it's three days and three nights that he was going to be in this whale's belly and it wasn't pleasant okay and notice what it says in verse 6 it says I went down to the bottoms of the mountains the earth with their bars was what about me forever yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption oh Lord my God listen Jonah was not in the bottoms of the mountains and at the foundation of the mountains you know what that what that is that's hell that's what the Bible teaches the first mention of hell it talks about being at the foundation of the mountains that he sets on fire the foundations of the mountains and that his the fire of his anger is gonna be kindled in the lowest hell and Jesus is saying you know it's talking about Jesus being just like Jonah was in the whale's belly he's gonna be in the heart of the earth and the heart of the earth is where hell's at and it says that the the earth with our bars was about him forever see how he's baptized how am I straightened and time baptized with the bathtub baptism that I'm to be baptized with meaning that he's just like I can't think of anything else until this is accomplished until he's accomplished this baptism there's gonna be absolutely already been water baptized already been baptized with the Holy Ghost what else is he talking about it's clearly talking about this baptism how about that you don't have to turn there but in Psalm 18 in verse 5 it says the sorrows of hell compassed me about the snares of death prevented me and a lot of these Psalms are talking about the Lord Jesus and the stuff that he went through you know spiritually speaking his soul was made an offering for sin and he shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied it talks about in Isaiah 53 and the idea was is that he was baptized he was baptized for us and that baptism saves us and the reason it saves us is because he rose again he rose again and this is that one baptism okay so if you get any baptism you know all these baptisms I'm gonna be teaching you in the Bible get that one right there the death barrel resurrection of Jesus because that's the most important if there's a principle of the principle doctrine of that doctrine of baptisms is the death barrel resurrection of Jesus that's the one bat that's the one Lord one faith one baptism okay now go to Romans chapter 6 Romans chapter 6 and this is where usually you know when I baptize somebody I'm usually semi quoting this or paraphrasing it if you will when I'm baptizing somebody but listen Romans 6 is not talking about water baptism okay it's interesting because we use that but here thing we're using that because that's what it represents okay but this not you know you may think well this is talking about water baptism because every preacher uses this passage when they baptize someone with water yeah but here's the thing no one really knows what anybody said you know when they baptize people listen you don't have to say anything and that's what listen people are like oh well how do you baptize people do you baptize them in Jesus name do you baptize them in the father son the Holy Ghost well I'll say this I don't baptize them in the name of Jesus only okay meaning this is that I believe in the Trinity the father son the Holy Ghost now I usually say father son Holy Ghost because that's what Jesus said to do baptize them in the name of the father the son the Holy Ghost okay so I just take you know what if I'm gonna take the principle of what was said about baptism I'm gonna take what Jesus said about it baptize them in the name of the father son the Holy Ghost but listen if we had 20 people that need to be baptized I'm probably just gonna be like you know out of your profession of faith I baptize you in the name of the father son the Holy Ghost and I'm just gonna start baptizing people okay because it's not about the words does that make sense it's about the physical baptism and raising from the dead but if someone is saying I'm baptizing you in the name of Jesus only because I don't believe in the Trinity you know like that's pretty much what they're saying when they do that I'm against that okay but if someone says I baptize the name of the name of Jesus Christ there's nothing wrong with that does that make sense like that's not wrong but when you usually when people do that it's because they don't believe in the Trinity okay so I'm I'm more so like okay I'm gonna say the father son only goes because I want people to be very clear I believe in the Trinity you know I'm baptizing them in but if I said I'm gonna baptize you in the name of the father and then I bring about an expert about the name of the son there's nothing wrong with any of that okay or if I didn't say anything I just started dunking people you know and I was like basically telling everybody I'm baptizing these people in the name you know and because they're a profession of faith but in Romans chapter 6 here it's talking about it's talking about the fact that Jesus died and rose again but what happens when you get saved okay and here's how it ties in because Jesus died for the sins of the whole world but when you get saved there's something spiritually that happens because your body or your your body and soul and spirit or you know three separate pieces to you if you will I mean that's maybe not the best terminology to use there but your body is still dead in trespasses and sins you know after you get saved but your soul and your spirits different your spirit has no guile your soul is purified when you get saved and what happens is spiritually speaking you are buried with him okay and it talks about how the law hath no power it only has power as long as the transgressors alive okay but it's kind of like the the woman that has a husband right she's married to her husband as long as he liveth okay but if he's dead then she's free to marry whom she will only in the Lord obviously you know that's how you don't want to marry just anybody but the thing is is that it's stating here that when you die with Christ you're being buried with him and raised with him okay this is what happens spiritually okay you don't see this happen but this is what happens okay notice in Roman chapter 6 and verse 3 know you not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ now doesn't say baptized in the water doesn't say that does it and I want you to I challenge you every time you look at the word baptism you look at someone being baptized search for the word water because people you know what they want to do insert water as many of you have been baptized in the water have been baptized into Jesus not what it says it says that so many of us as we're baptized in Jesus Christ were baptized into his death that's what we're baptized into okay so if you want to say well what were you physically baptized into into his death now did your physical body die when you got saved that you just like keel over and die and then just you just sprung up like Eutychus or something I don't know Eutychus sprung up but he did survive but the thing is is that that didn't happen physically spiritually speaking though when you got when you believe on Christ your soul spirit is buried with him and that's what it says right after that therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death so we're not talking about water okay we're talking about spiritually speaking we are buried with him into his death okay and verse 4 there it says that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life so there's this spiritual baptism and that's what I'm getting to is that there's a spiritual baptism that has the moment of salvation the moment of salvation this happens now I believe this happened before Jesus died on the cross okay I believe this happened before the Old Testament was given to Moses I believe this was happening all the way from Adam until the end of the world that when someone got saved they were baptized in Christ okay so baptism has been a principle you know it's been a spiritual thing that's been going on since the beginning of time but the physical water baptism which we'll be getting to in a later sermon that's something that was adopted in the New Testament as far as being a commandment that we're supposed to do okay now go to Colossians chapter 2 and just to kind of prove this point here that we're not talking about physical baptism we're not talking about physically getting into water and being dunked we're talking about something that happens spiritually because it uses both circumcision and baptism to relate the same thing see in the Old Testament you were to be circumcised as a as a you know a man you know or a child man child you know you'd be circumcised but see that circumcision didn't save anybody back then if that's the case then what happens to the women you know none of the women got saved it says as many as become the sons of God didn't say daughters to God I'm just kidding there's weird people out there there's weird doctrines out there you know but obviously see how silly that is when you think well circumcision saves was like well I guess the women get a free pass then you know in a New Testament you're dealing with baptism okay now talking about water baptism that is as the physical thing to represent the spiritual notice in Colossians chapter 2 and verse 11 it says in whom also ye are circumcised notice this with the circumcision made without hands hey are we talking about physical or spiritual circumcision here now I could show you countless not countless I could show you a lot of verses on the fact of being circumcised in the heart and that this is a circumcision that's not outward in the flesh and this is something that's happening spiritually right but keep reading there so Colossians chapter 2 in verse 11 made without hands in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ so notice that it's stating that circumcision that physical circumcision represented something that happened spiritually by the way this is mentioned in the Old Testament okay circumcising your heart and rending your heart not your clothes like all these things are mentioned things that they were supposed to be doing in the Old Testament and it's stating here that they're putting off the sins of the flesh okay so that's what it represented verse 12 notice is buried with him in baptism so he's just got done saying that this isn't made with hands the circumstances have been made with hands so this baptism well this is talking about water this is talking about physically getting in the water you see how dumb that would be to make that logical leap there it says baptism buried with him in baptism where wherein also year risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who has raised him from the dead so how does that engage you know how do you get baptized how are you buried with him in death and raise the walking newness of life spiritually speaking how's that happen by faith the moment you believe you are dead with Christ and raised the walking newness of life go to Galatians chapter 2 Galatians chapter 2 now uses another way to say this and again circumcision baptism it's using this as an illustration to show what happens spiritually okay what happens in the n-word man if you will when you get saved the moment you believe notice what it says in Galatians chapter 2 now it's not going to say it's not gonna talk about circumcision not gonna talk about baptism it's kind of talking about being literally crucified okay and I want to know who was actually crucified to get saved physically it says for I through the law and dead to the law that I might live unto God I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me that and the life that I which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me I do not frustrate the grace of God for a price has come by the law and Christ is dead in vain just want to tag that last part on there this is a great verse but the thing is is that he's saying I'm crucified with Christ I was buried in baptism I was circumcised in Christ right see how this is all spiritual representing the physical um it's the spiritual thing that happens is why you do the physical okay and in this case he's not saying you got to go get crucified physically he's saying that's what happens when you put your faith in Christ you're crucified with him you're dead with him you're circumcising the flesh right from the spirit and the soul and that's being raised okay and so that's what's happening when you get saved now go to Galatians chapter 3 Galatians chapter 3 Galatians chapter 3 and verse 26 Galatians chapter 3 and verse 26 and that's where some of these verses are gonna make more sense to you now when you understand that being baptized it's not always talking about water because what are you being baptized into okay and in these verses you're not gonna say they're baptized in the water and this is why this happens it's saying you're baptized into Christ you were baptized into his death right so in Galatians chapter 3 and verse 26 notice what it says in verse 26 for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus so how do you how do you become a child of God by faith as many as received him that they then gave you power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name it's by faith whosoever believe that Jesus is the Christ is born of God it's that simple that's how you become a child of God by believing verse 27 this is gonna be very similar to what it says or how it reads in Romans chapter 6 verse 27 for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek there's neither bond nor free there's neither male nor female for you're all one in Christ Jesus and if you be Christ then are you Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise in this whole chapter I don't have time to go into it but how do you become Abraham seed how do you become a child of Abraham you believe it's by faith faith faith faith faith faith not by works okay and so it's it's stating here that you're all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus and as many as that are the children of God have baptized themselves into Christ okay because that faith in the operation of God that happens that's when you're baptized with him and raised spiritually okay go to Titus chapter 3 Titus chapter 3 is actually going to give you a little more information as far as what happens during that process okay it's funny because the people that believe you have to be water baptized will go to this passage and I'm like water is not mentioned in here by the way it's just imaginary it's just like repenting of sins right they just want of sins to be somewhere in there right like well the Bible says you got to repent and believe the gospel it's like yeah okay and what's your point well you got to repent your sins it's like it doesn't say that and just like it says well it says you need to repent and be baptized you know and it'll go into these things and be like it doesn't say in water it doesn't say anything like that you're just putting that in there and here's why they they mess up they don't realize there's multiple baptisms they've missed the first principles of the oracles of God they've missed the principles of the doctrine of Christ and one of the first ones there first of all is that you don't repent of your sins second of all is the fact that there's baptisms there's more than one baptism and they miss that mark and then what they do they just put everything together just like every baptism is water Holy Ghost spirit everything everything is happening and it's all just one thing okay no there's multiple baptisms now the most important baptism is the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fact that we take part in that when we believe on him you know and and that's how you know and this just gets you into the idea of the fact that how is our sin paid for how are we cleansed okay how are we cleansed from our sins because our soul and our spirit is literally put to death with Christ and raised with him and when Jesus was raised did he have sin do you have any sin so this gets at the idea that when you believe on Christ you're sinless because whosoever born of God doth not commit sin for a seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he's born of God spiritually speaking you have no sin why because you've been buried with Christ and you raised with him and a you know sinless state now aren't we still have our flesh and that's why our flesh will still die well Lord willing the Lord comes back and we're changed okay but we still have that flesh and we still have sin but you know spiritually speaking we don't have it anymore we don't have sin anymore Titus chapter 3 and verse 4 but after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us now I use this verse out all the time out so any okay this is probably one of the main verses I use that just kind of just quickly get someone into the fact that hey we're not saved by works or saved by faith or say by his mercy right but notice the next thing here it says but according to his mercy he saved us by okay so this is how he's saving us by his mercy by the washing of water is that what it says does it say water because that's what the Church of Christ down here will say that this is talking about does it say washing by water at all in here no it says by the washing of regeneration and renewing of water is that what it says and I'm making a point here because the Church of Christ you know and I pointed at them I don't I'm just assuming because the Church of Christ is always about baptism but they're always about being regenerated by water okay water regeneration is what they teach and this is completely unbiblical and it comes to this passage is laughable because waters never mentioned here by the washing of regeneration renewing of the Holy Ghost so when we're baptized in the Christ we are washed with this Holy Ghost and the regeneration okay that's why when Jesus says in the regeneration you'll be sitting on 12 thrones it's talking about when you're regenerated you're being renewed renewed unto repentance right you know that the idea of being begotten again being revived and that's what's happening at the moment salvation notice in verse 6 which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior that being justified by his grace we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life is there anything in there that would contradict what we believe we're saved by grace it's eternal life it's given to us by Jesus and that when we get saved it's by his mercy and that it's the washing and regeneration renewing of the Holy Ghost that happens the moment you believe that's that's the process okay well why is all that possible because Jesus died and was buried and rose again a third day by that baptism that Jesus did that baptism that Jesus accomplished is why that takes place now go to Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 this will help you understand some other passages in the Bible and I'm just going to give you some a couple passages here as far as when you understand that baptism isn't always talking about water baptism okay and that sometimes it can be talking about Jesus physical baptism that he did okay when I say physical obviously I know there's spiritual elements that are in there but you know I'm talking about like he literally died and was buried right they can be talking about that but it also as we saw in Romans chapter 6 and in Galate I'm sorry Colossians chapter 2 Galatians chapter 3 that it can be talking about the baptism that takes place the moment we believe okay so think about this and Acts chapter 19 verse 2 it says and this is dealing with that there was disciples of John that came up to Paul and Paul basically asking them if they've received the Holy Ghost he said unto them in verse 2 have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed and they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost now that's hilarious because every time you see John preaching he's saying that I baptize you with water but there's one that's coming mightier me that whose shoes latched and I'm not worthy to lose he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost we don't know if there's even a Holy Ghost we never even heard of that the Holy Ghost do you think that they heard what he had to say or were they just baptized by him okay and those Paul's three so I mean imagine that you hear that like we don't you know there's a Holy Ghost it's like like who are you listening to okay verse 3 it says and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto John's baptism so he's saying pretty much why what were you baptized for what was the reason why would you get baptized if you don't even know there's a Holy Ghost notice in verse 4 here then said Paul John barely baptized with the baptism of repentance okay notice these are two separate things he baptized people with water in Jordan but he preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins and he baptized with the baptism of repentance meaning that that was accompanying it okay and if you understand this that what happens when you repent from your dead works and you put your faith toward God what happens you're baptized into Christ and you're washed by the renewing of the Holy Ghost the washing regeneration or renewing of the Holy Ghost that's what happens when you believe and it says that he preached about it says with the baptism of repentance saying so the baptism of repentance is something that's said because people want to say well the baptism of repentance that's you know where they repented their sins and got water baptized no no where does it say repent of your sins and nowhere is it talking about water baptism with the baptism of repentance it actually says that he preached the Baptist baptism repentance and that he the Baptist repentance was him saying unto the people that they should believe on him we should come after him that is on Christ Jesus that that's consistent with the fact that you know who spoke this verse right here he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him you know who said that John the Baptist that's what he preached now before he knew that Jesus was the Christ he would say you need to believe on the Christ that should come after me right and he just didn't know that it was Jesus yet until the baptism of Jesus when he was physically water baptized he saw the Spirit descend from God from above and it says that he bear record that this is the Son of God behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world and then from that point on he's saying believe on Jesus now these people could have been before that and Apollos was one of those that heard the preaching of John knew the preaching of John okay but he wasn't there to know that hey that's Jesus okay and then that's where Aquila and Priscilla had to enlighten him and basically they they showed the way of God more perfectly unto them okay so I don't believe I don't believe that Apollos got saved I think he just got better understanding about who the Christ is all that right so with that being said when you see the baptism of repentance what's the baptism of repentance what we're talking about when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you're baptized into Christ and by the way just so you know that happened in the Old Testament you say how do you know that because it happened in John's day and that was the Old Testament okay the Old Testament was all the way up to Jesus death because the New Testament says the testament hath no power till the death of the testator and that's when the temple it talks about the the veil being rent from the top to the bottom the moment Jesus died the Old Testament was done New Testament started so that means when Jesus said you must be born again Old Testament that's when John said the baptism repentance to believe on him that should come after him Old Testament okay so it's all the same and so that means people were being baptized into Christ before the New Testament they're being born again before the New Testament by the way their spiel spirit had no guile before the New Testament because he said the Nathaniel behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile now go to Mark chapter 16 Mark chapter 16 now I'm gonna give you my personal take on this now you may have a different way of explaining this because you're gonna get the mark 16 16 and this is a passage where a lot of you are like okay well how do we answer this you know we obviously understand that baptism is not a part of the gospel you know first Corinthians 1 17 and just other passages in the Bible that's very clearly showing you that hey it's just by faith it's not by keeping any Commandments and back to water baptism is a commandment but mark 16 is you know one of those passages where you're like how do you answer this okay now verse 15 there now if you're if you don't believe the King James Bible and you believe in all these other versions and you think that we should go to the critical text well this just isn't there of course there's a lot of other stuff that's not there okay the woman caught in adultery is not there you know for there are three to bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one not there just a lot of other stuffs not there okay now a lot of these new versions they'll put this in there okay because it they look really foolish if they were just missing half of the last chapter of mark so but this isn't the Bible this is God's Word okay I believe mark 16 16 with all of my heart okay but that being said let's talk about it for a second mark 16 verse 15 it says and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth in his baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned and these thing these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so it's basically talking about how the apostles and you look at the book of Acts they did a lot of these miracles and signs and later on even at the last few verses there it talks about that the reason these signs are falling was to confirm the Word of God okay so that's another sermon for another day dealing with the signs and wonders but the verse at hand here is talking about mark 16 16 he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved by the way in the Greek you know what it says he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved so it's the same exact thing okay there's no trickiness to it it's not like you go back to us yeah you know this is really spiritual baptism because of the word now listen I don't care what language you put this in you're gonna be dealing with the same verse and the same thing that you're trying to figure out like okay what is this talking about now the way that I've usually explained this is that okay he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned is the faith you know the lack of faith is the faith that's damning you like not having faith is what damned you okay because you can believe on Christ do a backflip do a cartwheel and do all kinds of stuff and be saved okay but what damned you not believing okay and that's a good art I mean I'm not against that I think that's fine okay but think about it now in the aspect of what we're talking about when you believe what happens what did John preach the baptism of repentance okay this isn't something it's like well this is just popping up out of nowhere you know that baptism would be talking about some spiritual baptism okay but think about this when you think about Galatians 3 now Galatians 3 26 says this for you're all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ okay now putting on Christ okay let me explain that verse a little bit more to you putting on Christ is something that you choose to do okay inwardly it's there okay you you put on Christ spiritually speaking but you have to make that choice every day whether you're gonna put on the new man or you're gonna just walk in the old man okay but it's basically saying as many as you has have been baptized into Christ that's past tense you've been baptized into Christ have put on Christ okay so he's basically saying you're you're children of God by faith you've been baptized into Christ and many of you have put on Christ after you've done that meaning that you've walked in the new man you've done what you should be doing you're walking in the spirit right and so that being said is that you can see how this is coupled right with believing you know you believe and you're baptized in the Christ okay so you could look at mark 16 16 and say he that believeth in his baptized shall be saved and that would be completely true why because not by works of righteousness which we have done but according as mercy saved us by the washing and regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost would it be wrong to say that we're saved that if we're washed by the renewing of the Holy Ghost we shall be saved would it be wrong to say that it wouldn't be wrong to say that would it would it be wrong to say that you're saved by being buried with Christ and being raised with him would that be wrong to say now faith is how that happens that's the operation of the faith of the operation of God okay faith is what what basically caused that to go into effect that you believe and you're baptized with Christ okay now you may not choose to take that route and say I think this is talking about water baptism and that's fine but I'll say this it doesn't say water baptism okay now I understand where people would come from well Matthew 24 you know it seems to be the progression you believe you get baptized and I think that's true in the fact that you know when you go to the book of Acts they believe they get baptized they believe they get baptized right and that's how it's supposed to be okay so I'll say this I don't think there's a definitive way you go into any language to know like okay this is definitely talking about spiritual or this is definitely talking about water okay because I can't definitively just prove that to you it'd be like this is why this is clear this is can't be talking about water this has to be talking about spiritual I just personally believe that I believe that it's stating that he that believe in is baptized shall be saved is talking about that operation that happens when you believe okay the reason that you're saved is because of the baptism that occurs the moment you believe okay and it's just giving you that information that's going on there now you know that's just a thing to understand okay so now that you know that hey there's multiple baptisms there's the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ himself there's the baptism that occurs the moment you believe okay there's the water baptism which we'll get to later and another sermon there's water baptism that you choose to do or not okay because many people don't end up getting water baptized but they're still safe okay but that is another baptism and that's a commandment that we're supposed to do there's the baptism of the Holy Ghost there's the baptism of fire there's you know and I might be getting into some of these other ones talks about how the children of Israel are baptized under the cloud and under the sea okay talking about the Red Sea and I'm gonna be linking some of these together but I'm not just gonna be doing a whole sermon on that a whole sermon on this I'm just gonna show you hey hey there's these multiple baptisms but what's the number one what's number one when it comes to the baptisms number one baptism Lord Jesus Christ death ground resurrection that is the vocal point of the whole Bible the whole Bible is centered on that Jesus died was buried and rose again a third day I mean that is what I mean if you were to point out what everything's pointing to is that right there Jesus Christ the Lamb of God that died for the sins of the world that we would live through him that is the vocal point and so I hope this study is a you know a good study I hope that it helps you at least open your mind up to these different baptisms and and know how to answer these passages okay but I'll say this this is the first principles of the oracles of God okay so anybody that's out there but has a problem with the way that we do communion the way that we do you know we set up our church entity the way that we do certain things in the church or whatever if you don't understand baptisms if you don't understand laying on of hands if you don't understand the resurrection of the dead and you don't understand eternal judgment if you can't show me all those doctrines then you need to sit down and shut up until you know those doctrines because those are the first principles and the same people that will strain at that mad of those little ancillary things okay I'm not saying those aren't important okay but if you're gonna strain at that net watch out that's a red flag for a camel that's coming okay and anytime anybody ever brings those things up to me you know like people will visit me like what do you think about this you know and and some people are just they want to know what I think and I'm not like looking at you cross or you know like oh you guys are infiltrators the thing is is that when that's a hobby horse okay if that's your hobby horse and any preacher that has a hobby horse on anything like that beware of that okay if end times was just every single sermons about end times would you want to be at a church that's just talking about end times all the time just every sermon it's just like right let's turn to Revelation turn to Daniel it's like that's interesting stuff but you need to be talking about baptisms you need to be talking about the resurrection of dead you need to be talking about you know just everything that the Bible has to offer and not just get onto a hobby horse so the doctrine of baptisms will have some other sermons on this if you have any questions about it let me know you know as far as any verses that you would say okay what about this verse dealing with baptism I'm gonna try to basically uncover I'm gonna try to turn over every every stone okay I'm gonna basically be going through every baptism mentioned as much as that would be controversial okay and and go through that and just kind of show you okay this is what this one's talking about this is what this one's talking about and going through that because I think it is important okay and some of you have already listened to me preach about this type of stuff I've sprinkled it in other sermons but this is gonna be concentrated to this is about baptism okay let's end with a word of prayer the only father we thank you today thank you for your word and thank you for these doctrines in the Bible and thank you for you know just showing us explicitly how you saved us and just showing us that operation and it's definitely very interesting to see how you saved us and what goes on behind you know internally and spiritually when we get saved and Lord your page you'd be with us throughout the rest of day be with us as we go out soul winning and what we'd love you in Paris in Jesus Christ name amen