(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, who understood what I said? That is what an unknown tongue is. And so, what I want to preach on today, this morning, not tonight, my days right, is an unknown tongue. So this chapter is a famous passage in the Bible that are used by Pentecostals and people that speak, what they would say speak in tongues, where it's what they would call language that no one could understand but maybe it's like a spiritual type of language. I want to touch on that and I want to kind of show you how the Bible doesn't teach that. Obviously there's some kind of language that is not understandable and that is some spiritual language that's out there like this gibberish or foaming at the mouth, barking like a dog on the ground. We're not Pentecostals but what this passage is really teaching, like this passage isn't even really talking, it's not talking about that at all. What it's talking about is what I just did right there, is where I spoke in another language and no one understood it but me. Now I will interpret because the Bible says you need to interpret. I said hello, I'm Pastor Jason Robinson, do you understand Greek or Hebrew? Pretty simple but did anybody understand that's what I said? You may even have gotten my last name in there because that's how they say it in Greek, they just pronounce it in Greek. So that's the main emphasis of this sermon but I first want to show you what a tongue is. They're speaking with tongues or they spoke in an unknown tongue or they spoke with other tongues and so first in this chapter notice in verse 18, Paul writes here and Paul we know spoke other languages because he spoke Hebrew, he spoke other places and sometimes he would speak to the Jews and it said specifically he spoke to them in the Hebrew tongue and then they started perking up their ears because that was something they recognized and so notice in verse 18 of 1 Corinthians 14 verse 18 it says, I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice I might teach others also than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue. If I spoke to you, if I preached this whole sermon in Greek right now, which I wouldn't be able to do because I don't speak Greek but I have studied enough to at least know how to order a sandwich at Tzatziki's or ask where the hotel or restaurant is at but here's the thing, if I were to preach to you a whole sermon in Greek then all the understanding that I'm trying to get across to you is pointless because you can't understand what I'm saying and so first I want to go to what is this, what are tongues, what's the Bible talking about especially with the gift of tongues, the Bible talks about the gift of tongues we'll go to Acts chapter 2 and the first thing I want to show you is that tongues in the Bible is just another word for language. If someone said this is my native tongue we would even still use that today if I said what's your native tongue? Obviously mine's English and other people may be a different tongue if they're from a different country or different culture or whatever but go to Acts chapter 2 and this is the day of Pentecost and there was a miraculous thing that happened when they were baptized with the Holy Ghost and they spoke with other tongues that they didn't know so there was a miracle that happened at the day of Pentecost where basically they spoke but other people heard their own language when they spoke and so it was more so the gift of hearing than it was the gift of speaking it because they were speaking to a whole bunch of people and they could all hear them in their own language so we're going to read that real quick and we'll just start with verse 1 there. So Acts chapter 2 verse 1 it says, and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spear gave them utterance and there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men out of every nation under heaven because that every man heard them speak in his own what? Language. So we see here that the Bible is very clear that the language is what we're talking about when it says that they spoke with other tongues and notice they were from every nation so there was Jews there because we know that the Jews were spread about scattered from back even when the northern kingdom of Israel was scattered and so we know that there was Jews and there were people that were scattered throughout all the world and it says that they came from every nation under heaven. So every nation I believe every language was there at the day of Pentecost and they were Jews they were Jews from different countries that came in and they heard them speak in their own language so did they understand what they said? Yeah that's why they were amazed because they understood exactly what they said and so it goes on it says and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak Galilean so he's making a point saying these people aren't from our country these people shouldn't be able to speak our language and so these people were Galileans and it says in verse 8 and how here were we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born so again it's going back and forth with tongue and language and you'll see this throughout the Bible it's either talking about a physical tongue like the physical like piece of anatomy that's in your mouth or it's talking about language and so what I want to get across is this unknown tongue in first Corinthians 14 that's kind of what I put into bed it's not this gibberish language that no one can understand and it's some like magical language or some spiritual language that people are saying and then they you know they're talking to God but no one else hears it okay because they're saying those people don't know what they're saying either and so you know they're either not in the driver's seat or they're just pretending and so the thing is is that what the Bible teaches on this issue is the fact that there are there's an unknown tongue meaning that no one in the room can hear it does that make sense so so if I went to a Spanish speaking church and I was you know or and I was speaking English and no one understood English I'm speaking in an unknown tongue to them does that mean that no one understands English then does that mean that no one in the world understands English no and the whole point of the chapter is the fact that we need to be focused on what's edifying yeah that's cool that you can speak another language you know bravo you know like I'm glad people can speak other languages but what's the point of it is it just to show it off is it just to show hey look at look at me you know I I know all these languages and I'm gonna start speaking them off and and and and impress everybody but notice at the end of the chapter it goes through all these different people that were there different parts of the areas it says Parthians and Medes in verse nine and Elamites and the dwellers in Mesopotamia and Judea and Cappadocia and Pontus in Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia in Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrenians strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes Crete and Arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God so they they heard them speak in their own tongues their own languages and notice what it says in first Corinthians 14 this is exactly what the gift of tongues was for and in first Corinthians 14 I don't necessarily believe that this miracle was happening on and on and that it still happens today necessarily because there was definitely special things that the apostles did that were for a sign to basically almost kind of boost off the New Testament so people would believe and and get the things started but more so the fact that some people are very gifted at at learning languages some people aren't some people can can pick it up real quick and it just comes to them they still have to work at it but there's there's a reason for speaking in another language it's not to make yourself look good in front of people that don't understand you and in first Corinthians 14 verse 21 it says in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people and yet for all that will they not hear me saith the Lord wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not but for them which believe now this verse is packed because one thing you got to understand is that prophesying in the Bible is not always speaking of the future you think of the virtuous woman the chapter on the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 it says this is the prophecy which is with unto King Lemuel which his mother gave unto him now if you read that is there anything about future no she's talking about this is a virtuous woman and basically preaching about what that is so prophesying or being a prophet is just a preacher now you could be talking about future events right if I start preaching on Revelation obviously I'm talking about future events and so it's not that that can't be the case and a lot of times in the Old Testament yeah they were preaching about stuff that was in the future but what this is saying is that other tongues speaking in another language is for winning someone the Christ meaning that when you go out and someone spoke Spanish for example then I need to it would be nice if I could speak Spanish to give them the gospel but when you're in when you're preaching to believers you need to be preaching to them the language they know and so this chapter kind of goes through that as far as that goes and I want so I don't know if anybody here has ever read the translators to the reader part portion of the King James Bible so obviously we're King James only here and you know we believe that it was preserved into the English language we don't need to go back to the Greek and Hebrew which is what I'm going to get into but here's the thing there's a portion and in my Cambridge Bible there's a there's a letter to the King basically saying here's a translation that we made that you authorized but if you look in some Bibles and you can just find this online there's a whole translator to the readers and basically the translators of the King James Bible wrote down like why they did certain things you know what was the point of it all and they kind of just were speaking to the reader as far as their translation was concerned well there's a passage in there when I read through there this was years ago that I was like man they knew what an unknown tongue is and they're the ones that put the word in there so and here's the thing you don't need to go through this to understand this because I just proved to you that an unknown tongue is a language and not some gobbledygook that someone's just making up but I want to read this to you and see if the people that translated it in English what they thought if they thought this was some barking like the dog you know stuff that goes on the Pentecostal churches so the section is the necessity of translation and also if you read this their vocabulary is up here and so when you read the King James Bible it's definitely not as high as what where they were at because and obviously the Bible is for you know for anybody to read and it's the language of the common man and so God I'm sure did that for a reason so that we can all understand it and we don't need to be that high of an IQ or that high of a vocabulary to understand it but these guys when you read through that translators to the readers I have to look up some words let's put it that way and figure out what they're saying but notice what it says here it says but how shall men meditate in that which they cannot understand how shall they understand that which is kept closed in an unknown tongue as it is written except I know the power of this voice I shall be to him that speaketh a barbarian and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian to me sound familiar so they're talking about the unknown tongue that they that that's in the Bible the apostle accepted no tongue not Hebrew the ancientist not Greek the most copious not Latin the finest now this is their opinion obviously so they're giving their opinion about the languages nature taught a man then that nature taught a natural man to confess that all of us in those tongues which would we do not understand are plainly deaf we may turn the deaf ear unto them the Scythian counted the Athenian whom he did not understand barbarous so the Roman did the Syrian and the Jew and it goes on it says the so the emperor of Constantinople call it the Latin tongue barbarous and then it goes it says so the Jews long before Christ called all the other nations logism whatever that means which is little better than barbarous and then it goes on and it says therefore as one complainant that always in the Senate of Rome there was one or other that called for an interpreter so lest the church be driven to to the like exigent it is necessary to have translations in a readiness translation it is that open at the window that let let in the light that break at the shell that we may eat the kernel that put at the side the curtain that we may look into the most holy place and it goes on they're kind of given a reason it says you know as mentioned in Isaiah to whom when a sealed book was delivered with this motion read this I pray thee he was fain to make this answer I cannot for it is sealed so why did they translate it into the English language because the majority of the people did not speak Latin they did not speak Greek they did not speak Hebrew therefore the normal person could not read the Bible themselves and back then in the Dark Ages when you had the Catholic Church that was basically not teaching people everybody was not educated anymore and there was a lot of that going on and therefore when they go into church all they had to do they could only go off what that priest told them because they would read it in Latin or they'd read it in the Greek and they didn't understand what was being taught and so that's what's happening in churches today in Baptist churches today where we have to go back to the Greek and Hebrew to understand it and you as laymen can't understand it without me you know what that comes down to that comes down to a cult because now you have to go to a man to understand what the Bible says and so that's the need for the translation but they understood what was the unknown tongue to them another language that you didn't understand and he gave a bunch of examples of that whereas you know if you spoke Greek but you didn't speak Hebrew then it's a barbarous language to you it's not understandable and so but I want to give you a couple examples of people that have tried I remember talking to this one guy about he was a tongue talker and he was trying to tell me that you know you have to speak in tongues if you want your family to be healed and he's like just crazy stuff right and so he'd give up he'd give all these examples and we were in first Corinthians 14 most of that time obviously but he told me one time he said he said well what about people that speak you know what about the Bible says that you know speak with the the language of angels or the tongues of angels and so he was first Corinthians 13 is where that's at first Corinthians 13 one which is right before that and if you know first Corinthians 12 13 and 14 are pretty much all together right it's the same book but we talk about the gifts all the gifts of the Spirit and tongues and interpretations of tongues are in the gifts of the Spirit and then you go into chapter 13 which is the famous charity chapter well verse one it says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal so he said to me he said well what about the fact that people speaking with tongues of angels and my response was show me an angel in the Bible that someone didn't understand and then I'll I'll I'll concede to that argument because every single time an angel was talking to somebody they understood what they said and you know they probably spoke in different languages depending on the time period that you're talking about whether you're talking about when he's talking to Daniel compared to when he's talking to Joseph right and so you have Gabriel talking to people and I'm sure he talked in different languages because the languages change but did they ever say I can't understand what they're saying not once in the Bible did it ever say that so he had to put his foot in his mouth so the thing is is that they try to come at you with all these different things as far as well they speak with angel you know tongues of angels you know that the Holy Ghost you know prays with utterings which with no with groanings which no man can utter and so they twist that to say instead of the fact that the Holy Ghost knows the will of God and so when you pray if it's not according to the will of God the Holy Ghost can interpret that and say you know what this is what he needs and so we don't always know what the will of God is so and here's the thing Paul when he I believe is Paul is caught up to the third heaven remember he came down and said I saw things which cannot be uttered it's not lawful for me to speak and so there's there's things that you can't utter because they're just too magnificent there's things that you can't even describe you wouldn't be able to even understand it because it's so far above what we can understand because he's God and so language okay so we saw the translators what they say the unknown tongue is just another language that basically no one in the room that you're speaking to can understand it doesn't mean that no one on earth can understand it it just means that if I was speaking Greek to you today I would be speaking in an unknown tongue does that mean that no one speaks Greek no obviously there's a whole nation that speaks Greek and millions of people that speak Greek but right now where we're at that would be an unknown tongue and so I'd rather speak you know five words with my understanding meaning that you'd understand what I say then 10,000 words in an unknown tongue and so because at least you do understand something and the other way you're not gonna understand anything but language dictionary.com remember this is not the this is not the the Bible you know dictionary here dictionary.com of what language is the first one it says the first you know definition for it says a body of words and systems in the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation and it goes on but notice it's common to a certain group of people these people that speak with this gibberish no one is like that's not common to anybody there's no they can't duplicate that and not one person can duplicate what they do they just are making up stuff right and so a language is a structured you know communicate is structured way to communicate where you use the same syllables and all this stuff and there's many different languages but there's a structure to each one of those right communication there's the second one communication by voice in the distinctively human manner so if you're barking like a dog that's not distinctively human okay so anyway dictionary.com describes what a language is so if you're gonna tell me that the unknown tongue or an unknown language is some crazy wild-eyed you know like out there gibberish I don't believe it for a second the Bible doesn't teach it and even in the dictionary.com that would not fit and so an unknown tongue this gibberish this Pentecostal you know barking like a dog foaming at the mouth getting slain in the spirit it's just not in the Bible and when you read first Corinthians 14 you'll see that it's clearly not that's that's not what he's teaching when he goes down he's not forbidding them to preach in an unknown tongue but he says you better have an interpreter and if you don't have an interpreter then you need to keep silence and so he's not forbidding it but what they were doing what were they doing they were all speaking at the same time in different languages okay and he said if someone comes in there they're gonna think you're mad right if everybody came in here we're all speaking in different languages to each other and or if someone's preaching over here and I'm preaching here at the same time that's what he's talking about he says let it be by course and let it be by one or two or three at the most right so he's basically saying you don't want to have like all these different languages going at once you need to have each person supposed to preach one at a time so even if you're speaking in the same language you know if I had you know brother Charles come up here and he's preaching a sermon over here and I'm preaching a sermon over here that's confusion that's that's not gonna help anybody because who can concentrate on one or the other and you can't concentrate on both and so it's all everything should be done decently in an order and if you do have someone come up here and preach in an unknown tongue you better have someone over here that's interpreting what he's saying and so that's what that chapter is talking about but most importantly you know aside from the gibberish aside from the Pentecostalism that that's in this chapter the main point I want to get across is what is this chapter talking about it's talking about someone preaching or talking to a church or preaching to a church or even praying to people in a room in an unknown tongue meaning they can't understand it that's what happened in the Dark Ages with the Catholic Church but you know what what the Baptist churches are doing today and I'm going to point out the Baptist because you know what I nuts to the rest of them the Baptist churches are the ones that are probably more guilty of this than they all than them all where they go back to the Greek and Hebrew and they start trying to pull out what they say they know about some dead language to change what the Bible says and so that's the problem we have but you know what Paul's rebuking them here but at least these people probably knew the language they were preaching and these Baptist preachers if I went up to them and said what I said to them right there at the beginning of this service they'd have no idea what I said they wouldn't be able to order a sandwich in Greece they wouldn't be able to ask where the restaurants at they wouldn't be able to ask how to where the where the bathrooms at they would be completely lost in Greece and they would have no idea what they're talking about let alone Hebrew let me tell you something Hebrew is a lot harder than Greek at least Greek has like a fundamental our language came from came from you know it started off with Hebrew goes to Greek then goes to Latin and comes to English right or at least Greek is a little closer there's some words when you once you learn how to pronounce those words in Greek that are very similar to English and you're like well that's where we got that word from because our language came from Latin and German and Latin came from Greek and not to give you a whole history on where our language came from but what I'm saying is that Greek is a lot easier to understand try speaking Hockflem and Shalom and all this other stuff when it comes to Hebrew and you know what I'm not against people that speak Hebrew but here's the thing these people that come up here and say well you know in the Hebrew it says this they wouldn't be able to read it if you wrote it out in Hebrew they're reading it based off the transliteration of what that Hebrew word is spelled out in English in the definition they got from a concordance and so what should I base my faith on should it be the every word of God or is it on the Hebrew concordance and who wrote that because there are errors in the concordances of the Hebrew and the Greek and so what are you going to put your trust in there's also like 10 different definitions for every single one of those words so they pick and choose which definitions they want to fit their doctrine and mark it down my friends that if someone has to go back to the Hebrew and Greek to prove a doctrine it's a false doctrine if you cannot prove your doctrine by just reading the Bible in English plainly in the King James Bible then you're teaching a false doctrine plain and simple the only time that they would go back to the Greek and Hebrew is to do that because they don't think that the English is expressing what they believe because guess what it's not there and so it's a snowball effect when you have one false doctrine and you go back to the Greek and Hebrew and you change that you know that tweaks everything that one little doctrine can tweak everything I'll give you an example the sons of God in the Bible what are the sons of God who are the sons of God the saved to many has received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name and so the sons of God it says which of the angels said he at any time thou art my son this day have I begotten thee so are the angels the sons of God not according to that the Bible says to which of the angels said he at any time thou art my son this day have we gotten thee he did not take on the nature of angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham and it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful faithful high priest to them you know to reconcile his people and so the thing is that he the angels are never called the sons of God now what they do with this is they go back into Genesis six where it says that the sons of God came down to the daughters of men and they procreated they had children and they say these sons of God are angels if you go back to the Hebrew they're angels you know what that does it's a snowball it doesn't sound that bad at the beginning right first of all it's weird because angels you know you know they're another flesh right the flesh of angels flesh it's like a it's like an animal and a human you know like you can't like procreate so it wouldn't make sense anyway but here's the thing it's a snowball effect so now now you have verses in the Bible where it talks about sons of God being with God in heaven like in Job where it says the sons of God presented themselves before the Lord those are angels now so you know what that that prompts people didn't go to heaven in the Old Testament they went to paradise down in the middle of the earth it's a snowball effect one little false doctrine builds on another now we have saved people in the heart of the earth in hell until Jesus dies on the cross when we have Elijah that's being caught up in a whirlwind into heaven we have the sons of God that are presenting themselves before the Lord in Job chapter one and so it's a snowball effect based off of going back to the Hebrew and making that up if you just would have went to the English Bible you would know that sons of God are always referring to saved people always what's Genesis 6 talking about saved people marrying unsaved women therefore the downfall of man was the fact that you were unequally yoked with unsaved women and they drug them down to where we have violence in the earth and there's just all this stuff you go back to there's so many different cases I can give you about how this happens and how they twist scripture and how they change doctrines one of the simplest passages in the Bible is when Peter remember Peter he denied Christ thrice right before the cock crow thou should deny me thrice and he denied him three times and so a passage they do this too all the time I think everybody's probably heard this in the Baptist church they go to John chapter 21 where Peter remember he was fishing and Jesus asks him three times love us thou me more than these and three times he says that right who here has heard someone bring up the fact that well the first two times he said phileo and then the last time he said agape therefore it wasn't until he said agape that Peter's just like oh man you know I love you but I don't have godly love towards you and anybody that doesn't know what I'm talking about amen so but here's the thing you know you ever heard of a synonym and the funny part about that is if you go back to the Greek New Testament it's actually opposite of what they say so it's funny that they do that because they know that you're not going to look for it because you don't speak Greek and you don't care to even look back at the Greek New Testament but you know what it's called a synonym you know look that up sometime you know spirit and ghost is a synonym they mean the same exact thing there is such thing as a synonym and so sometimes the bible does this a lot where they'll use different words because it flows better like unto and two a lot of times you'll read through the bible and it'll say unto and then to this because if I said two two two two two down the line it wouldn't flow as much so why do you use synonyms why did the King James bible do that one it flows better two you can get a better definition so when in one passage it says they anon received the word with gladness and in another place it says immediately they received it what's anon mean immediately so the bible is very smart it's very articulate and the thing is is that you don't need to go back to the Greek and Hebrew to understand what it's saying and actually it's going to mess up your doctrine why did Jesus ask him three times if he loved him I believe because he denied him three times and so doesn't that make a little more sense he denied him three times and then he asked him three times do you love me more than these and so you don't have to go back to the Greek to figure that out and if you do it's not going to fit with their stupid doctrine anyway and so I can find I can find you places where agape and that's that's the what we would say the bastardized way of pronouncing it because it's like the Americanized way of pronouncing the words and but if you said okay agape always means godly love well why did why did Jesus say that the the chief priests love the upper rooms in the synagogues and in all these these areas it says agape in some of those places do they have godly love for that I can show you places where phileo is used and it's clearly talking about god's love so what it does is it falls on its face and what it comes down to is that that these people these pastors want to play god they want to play god they have their pet little doctrines that they want to get across and they want the fact that you have to come to me you have to come to them to understand doctrine the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teaches you of all things and his truth and his no lies and even as it had taught you you shall abide in him as a saved person if you put your faith in Christ you've trusted in Christ the Holy Ghost is inside of you you're sealed on the day of redemption that anointing that Holy Ghost will teach you and guide you into all truth just as much as me and so you can read the Bible and understand everything I understand and if there's anything that I can understand that you can't understand there's something wrong because we all have the same Holy Ghost we all have the same word of God we're all reading the King James Bible and so that's where you get into this is this is true Christianity this is true Bible believers and this isn't a cult okay and so every time if I had if you had to come to me to get an answer and that's the only way you can get an answer that's when you know you got problems and so I want you to know today that you can trust your King James Bible you can trust the Bible in English because God said that he preserved his words from this generation forever do you know that you can't find the original manuscripts of any of the the dead languages that they were written in to begin with now there's prints of them right there's copies of them and I have a Greek New Testament at home and I have a Hebrew Old Testament at home and so I'm not against the Greek and Hebrew I think it was perfect I believe it was perfect it was preserved but most people don't speak that today do you know when Hebrew was when it was written in Hebrew the people that had the Bible and that were reading the Bible that was their predominant language do you know that when the New Testament was written that the predominant language in the whole world was Greek so God's gonna put his word in a language that most people what's the predominant language in the world today English and you know I'm not against other languages I think the Bible should be in every language I don't think God's in a box where you can't put it in another language but why is the most trusted and reliable Bible that's been around for over 400 years in English because that's if you look at who's evangelizing the world today with Christianity English speaking people by and large and that's why we have it if you know if we're here for another 200 years or something like that before Christ comes and Christ tarries and our English language falls to the wayside and in the text message style that's going around today it may it may fall eventually but here's the thing I believe God will take take these words and put it into the language that's the most common tongue because every word of God is pure and he just showed unto them that put their trust in him it says the the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in the first of earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them oh Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever I believe God will preserve his words from ever you know heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away you know not one jot or tittle of the law shall fail to all be fulfilled and so it's going to be there and we don't need to go back to those languages once it's preserved in another language and so Greek speaking people out in Greece if they want to have the Texas Receptus you know New Testament amen they should be reading that that's their native tongue right and they can have the Greek Old Testament you know translated into Greek that makes sense but why in the world would people that speak predominantly English in America need to go back to the Greek and Hebrew because here's what it comes down to they don't trust that God preserved in English they don't believe the King James Bible is perfect and they think it has errors and if someone says they're King James only and they go back to the Greek then deep down they don't think that it's perfect mark it down they don't they don't there's something they think needs to be tweaked a little bit they think a different word should have been used here or there and so my main point of this unknown tongue is what's happening in churches today if I got up here and said to you agape means godly love therefore in all these passages this is godly love you have no one to look to but me to know whether that's right unless you go study the language and if you actually study the language you know that's a bunch of garbage that's not true and they do this with verses all the time and even in my short period of studying Greek and why do I study Greek one because maybe I'll win someone to Christ in Greek maybe I'll run into a Greek speaking person that only speaks Greek now that chances of that here in West Virginia are probably slim to none but what's the main reason to stop the mouths of the gainsayers because people are constantly attacking the King James Bible saying that it's not accurate that it's not a good translation that there's errors in it that if you go back to the Greek then it says something different or it should say something different and you know what if anybody ever comes up to me maybe I'll have an answer for them and here's the thing you don't need to have an answer for them because they're just blowing smoke half the time anyway but I've heard different ones I can go through different examples where they say this word here always means this and I can show you verses where it doesn't and so but they're going off ignorance they're going off the fact that you don't know so you just have to trust them do you trust them or not and some people amen don't trust them but some people do and then they hold to that what they have to say here's the thing everything that I preach behind this pulpit you need to try yourself you need to look in the Bible and say is that right now I don't you don't need to be like scowling at me and be like I'm just really making sure this guy's saying everything right okay I'm not saying that what I'm saying is that that if I'm preaching especially a deep doctrine and I'm preaching something that's that's not super clear something like that you need to take it and try it yourself when you're reading the Bible and say does that match up with everything does that match up with all the scriptures is there a contradiction in the Bible anytime that I think of a doctrine I honestly am trying to disprove it I literally try to find there there has to be a verse that could be against you know like I'm trying to find a verse that's against it I'm not saying you're trying to put a blind eye to the rest of the Bible and be like hopefully it fits everything else no if I if I'm going to preach the doctrine I'm going to try that thing because I don't want to be reproved I don't want to come back and someone comes up to me and says well that's actually wrong because of this verse right here that's embarrassing you know I don't want that to happen so therefore everything that I preach behind this pulpit I want to be tried and true something that I have tested and looked at all the scriptures that I could that it doesn't contradict any scripture in the Bible and so notice what the Bible says here and this is what I think we have in church today why did I start Mountain Baptist Church is it because I just wanted everybody to hear me speak is it because I wanted to take all this responsibility to be a pastor of a church you know I have a desire to be a pastor because I want to do a great work for God but here's the thing this is the reason first Timothy chapter one verse five first Timothy chapter one verse five this is what we have in a lot of churches today and and I don't want this to be said about Mountain Baptist Church I want Mountain Baptist Church to be a church that preaches the Bible that preaches the truth that does soul winning that does the work and that does not doesn't become vain jangling and that's what we have we have a bunch of people sounding symbols sounding good I'm not the best speaker out there my friends but you know what I will promise you that everything I preach I believe is the truth straight out of the Bible and something that you can look into the Bible yourselves and see for yourselves without going back to some dead language without having to learn some other language and so first Timothy chapter one verse five it says now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned from which some having swerved have turned aside in the vain jangling desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say nor where they affirm you know Paul's rebuking these people in chapter fourteen that they're speaking an unknown language that no one else understands but you know what it's worse off when they're speaking an unknown language in churches that they don't even understand they're not even being edified their understanding is not even fruitful to themselves when they speak in the spirit it's not edifying anybody because what they're speaking is a lie half the time and they don't understand what they even say you know if someone if they pray an unknown tongue how shall the unlearned or the person that's standing by understand you know be able to say amen seeing you understand it's not what thou sayest they don't understand what they're saying so they're out there praying or they're saying something in Greek or Hebrew and they don't even understand what they say what you know you say pastor Robbins why they why does this upset you because I've seen it time and time again where this exact thing leads into a huge false doctrines when you stray from just the clear teachings of the Bible that the angels is one of them but there's many other ones where they go back to the Greek and another example for that it says that that I'm trying to think of the verse whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God this is the typical baptistic explanation of that verse well if you go back to the Greek commit is an imperfect past tense therefore it means that it's a continuance in sin meaning that a safe person will not continue in sin or they won't be in a continuance and they may sin every once in a while but it's not going to be a perpetual sinning right is that what you read when you read that he whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin first John chapter 3 verse 9 and go there with me for a second so they say this right they say commit doesn't really mean it's an imperfect tense of the verb and the thing is they don't even understand grammar in itself when it comes to English let alone when they go into the Greek but they say a continuance and so what that means is that if I was like sitting at a bus stop and I drop my sandwich as I was waiting on the bus you know dropping the sandwich is the imperfect meaning that it's something that happens and I don't want to get into a grammar lesson here but it doesn't always mean a continuum I'm not continually dropping my sandwich waiting for the bus and I'm not waiting for the bus continually for the rest of my life either right so it's first of all a misunderstanding of grammar in itself but first John chapter 3 and verse 9 and I'll explain what this means because the Bible clearly teaches what this is talking about first Corinthians or first John chapter 3 verse 9 it says whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he's born of God pretty clear now what they'll say is the commit there is a continual committing it's something that's perpetual with something that's happening you know you're doing it over and over again therefore a child of God would never like continue continually doing the same sin over and over again well go to chapter 5 go to chapter 5 and go to verse 18 chapter 5 verse 18 we know that whosoever is born of God sineth not but he is begotten of God keeps himself in that way the one touching them not there the word commits not there meaning that it just says they don't sin now what why why did they go back to the Greek and try to change this because they don't understand what it's talking about therefore they make up some weird meaning that a Christian would never continue in a sin listen my friends when you get saved and you were a smoker you don't just give up smoking that day anybody that says that to you and maybe you do maybe you you're you can stop cold turkey like amen but you know what most people aren't gonna be able to do that and so if someone continues to smoke after they get saved they're still safe because smoking or stop smoking is not what saves somebody it's believing on the Lord Jesus Christ so what's the talking about when it says that a believer or someone is born of God it means that that your inner man your inner man cannot sin your soul cannot sin because his seed remaineth in in you and you cannot sin because you're born of God you know the only part of your body as a believer that's born again that's a believer is your soul right now eventually we're waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of the body that hasn't happened yet and we still have the old man that we have to deal with that has sin it says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us that's in chapter 1 of 1st John so in our flesh if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us but you know as a saved person as a in my soul and my spirit I don't sin because the righteousness of Jesus Christ is upon my soul he's washed me from all my sins there as far as the East is from the West and so when I die my body will die and go to the grave but to be asked for the bodies be present with the Lord doesn't that sound like a good explanation as far as what that verse is teaching that someone that's born of God their soul doesn't sin their flesh does and that's the whole book is talking about the fact that we need to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh right you know talking to believers saying that yes your soul can't sin and he's saying that if you're abiding in sin that you are he that if you say you're abiding in Christ and you're sinning you're lying because to walk in the spirit meaning that you're abiding in Christ means that you're not sinning at that point right but are you always abiding in Christ do you all just wake up with praise the Lord praise the Lord let the earth hear his voice I don't think I've ever done that and I would probably scare my children my wife half to death okay so we all have times where we're not abiding in Christ right you know where we need some coffee we need to pour it in our eyes or something like that to get ready on the day but but what I'm saying is that there's a great example of these people that they don't their desire to be teachers of the law but they don't understand what they say nor where of they affirm and there's a bunch of pastors there's a bunch of preachers out there that don't know what they're talking about they go to Bible College but they haven't read the Bible from cover to cover they haven't memorized the chapter of the Bible to save their life and so they are not qualified in my opinion they desire to be teachers of the law but they don't understand what they say or where they affirm and this is exactly what churches where they start going back to the Greek going back to the Hebrew and they don't understand what they even say let alone teaching somebody what they're saying and so but we need to be clear on what we say now this applies obviously in speaking in the language I want I want to be clear that I'm speaking English but this applies also and what we say and how we say it and the doctrines we teach and being clear on where we stand now I preached an hour and 20 minutes sermon on my first sermon I promise guys I will try not to do that again you know that definitely takes it out of you but here's the thing I wanted people to be clear where I stood on on the major doctrines in the Bible and it barely took an hour and 20 minutes to get through that so but we need to be clear notice what it says in 1st Corinthians 14 if you're still there in verse 9 so this applies obviously we're speaking the language that everybody's speaking but this is supplies in English alone when you're speaking in your own language to somebody on how you speak 1st Corinthians 14 and verse 9 it says so likewise ye except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood how shall be known what is spoken for you shall speak into the air we need to speak words that are easily to be understood if I told you we're gonna exegize the exotology of doxatology of revelation now yes you can look up those words and see what that means right but why don't I just say hey I'm gonna teach you about the end times in the book of Revelation I'm gonna teach you about the tribulation about the rapture when it happens and speak words easily to be understood does that mean that I need to speak like hop-on-pop and dr. Seuss no it I can use vocabulary I can use words and I can use I can use intelligent words but he's saying if I'm gonna use a word like exegesis which is weird word right but exegesis just means to interpret scripture right and so if I say that I better explain what I'm saying I better define what I'm saying but why don't I just not use that word you know what's why would I use that word why do you hear all these speakers using those type that type of language knowing that the people in the audience probably don't understand what they're saying knowing that why do they use it because it makes you look smart makes you look like you're educated is that why I'm here to the boast myself on how intelligent I am how much I know how much language I know no what is the point edifying the church edifying the believers what is this church here for well it's the priest to the lost to go out and preach the gospel to the lost but what are we here for this is not to win people to Christ this is the edify believers to the perfecting of the man you know so so why why would I do anything everything that I do up here I want to be for edification for exhortation and sometimes it'll be for reprove and rebuke and exhort you know those things sometimes you need a good swift kick in the pants and say you know what there's sin probably in your life and I'm gonna preach on certain sins and if it if the shoe fits wear it and why why do I do that because I love you because open rebuke is better in secret love because the the kisses of an enemy are deceitful but the wounds of a friend are faithful and so it's for you it's for the edification of the church and that's why we need to be playing in what we say so when someone asks me what do what do you think about repent of your sins what do you think about this whole doctrine out there that you got to repent of your sins to be saved well if you talk to most Baptist churches they're gonna feel you out and see where you stand on that issue before they give you a good answer before they give you a hard answer they'll say well repentance you know it's necessary for salvation well what's repent mean well you know and then they'll go off and try to feel you out see where you're at now repentance of sins is a work it says in Jonah 3 10 that God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them and he did it not repent repenting of your sins is a good thing but you know what it's never mentioned in the Bible that phrase repent of your sins is never in the King James Bible repent is used which just means to change from something meaning that repent believe the gospel that means that you have to stop believing in something that you were trusting in right you were trusting in something else you're trusting in repentance from dead works and a faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ right and faith toward God and so where do I stand on that repentance of sins is a false gospel when it comes to salvation that's where I stand that's playing does anyone is it would anybody be confused what I said right there and so will that would that get people angry sometimes will people leave the church maybe sometimes maybe so but here's the thing I'm clear on what I'm saying and I have a reason for saying and I have a belief I have verses the reason that I say that so we need to be clear go to Habakkuk chapter 2 Habakkuk chapter 2 here's an interesting verse but I another words easily to be understood and so obviously when we go out soul winning you definitely need to be used using words examples talking to them on things that are very easy to be understood because the gospel simple it's very easy to be understood so we don't need to make these extravagant soul winning plans where you're even having problems understanding what you're saying you know you need to be very clear very simple when it comes to that but Habakkuk chapter 2 so if you go back from Malachi you know from in the Old Testament you just go a few a few books back it's right before Zephaniah so you have Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi so Habakkuk is not a book that we usually you know like that's but Habakkuk 2 is a great one actually you know Habakkuk 2 right here is where we get the verse the just shall live by his faith which is a famous verse in the Bible that's quoted three times in New Testament Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 notice what it says here it says the Lord answered me and said write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth so make it plain upon tables that he may run that that readeth so tables talking about tablets right we talked about the tables of the two tables of stone that Moses that God wrote the Ten Commandments on right so he's saying make it plain so that he that runneth may read you know when you go out when you go out on the road here you don't realize by how big those signs are until you stood up against them they stand up against one of those signs and you just be like good night that thing is huge but why because you're going 79 miles an hour if you're obeying the law if you're going 90 miles an hour you know and just I get to church on time you know but here's the thing the the signs are big they're bold do they do they put it in old English when they write it today do they put it in small they put in a big font and probably the most bold like you have no no doubt what that letter is when you see it they're not trying to be all stylish when it comes to it and all that stuff so what should our preaching be like should it should you be really caring that I that that I preach something that's very elegant that I have three points of poem in a prayer or should you care about the content that what I'm preaching to you is the truth and that it's something that's going to help you and that it's something that we all need and that it's plain and clear now I'm not against being elegant I'm not against being a good speaker and hopefully you know I'll get better at being a good speaker being a good preacher but that shouldn't be what we're looking for to begin with what we should be looking for is the content what are we what are we getting out of it what being said you know the Bible says in in Isaiah 59 or 58 it says cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression in the house of Jacob their sins you know there's a time that you need to get loud the time that you need to cry out spare not and preach against wicked sins like like the queers in this world like the adultery that's going on like the you know the the babies that are being murdered by abortion every single day there's a time to get loud to hit the pulpit to kick the pulpit then slap the hand to stomp the feet but it's not just doing that it's about what's being said I can kick the loud and be like Jesus saves but did I need to do that doesn't matter you know what's being said is there content you know obviously Jesus saves but where's the content where's where's the doctrine where's the strong meat of the word and what we have in churches today is a bunch of milk of the word that because they they because they're using milk of the word that means they're unskillful in the word of righteousness they're babes in Christ themselves as pastors and then they try to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say nor where they affirm and they try to be smart by going back to a Greek lexicon and and here's the thing lexicon means dictionary and so they use these big words they use these going back to the Greek going back to the Hebrew just to look smart just to look educated they have a doctor on their name they have all these theology degrees a master of theology doctor of divinity and all these different things all these accolades that mean nothing to God do you know that the office of deacon those that use the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree you know the only degree in the Bible that's ever used is a deacon and what's a deacon a servant a servant of the Lord a servant in the church that's doing what they should do do I believe you should go to Bible College no I believe you'd be in a local church read your Bible cover to cover and start reading it four times a year start memorizing the Bible start memorizing chapters start memorizing books of the Bible and that'll get you ready go out soul-winning with us every single week get hours of soul-winning under your belt of doing the work trudging through all the people that don't want to talk to you trudging through all those days where you don't see anybody saved seeing people saved seeing people get baptized and do the work then come talk to me about being a pastor then come talk to me about being you know in a position of authority because you first have to follow before you lead and those are the people that we need as leaders those are the people that we need as pastors that are going to preach and teach the Word of God because they've done the work and because they took the hard diligent time to do it they didn't go to the cliff notes to figure out they didn't go to the commentaries to figure out what they believed and what what they should believe and teach they figured it out themselves and every single person in this room that saved that's reading the Bible can figure it out themselves and there's nothing wrong with hearing preaching I listen to preaching all the time not my own obviously but I listen to other pastors and other preachers that I trust and believe are teaching right and and I've learned lots of things from them does that mean I could have learned it on my own of course not I could have but here's the thing if someone has already learned it and you can try what they say and what they what they preach then then you could learn a lot more in a short period of time and so that's that's all I'm saying with that is the fact that you know we need to be plain we need to be clear the Bible says preach the word be instant in season out of seed and reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine but notice what it says after that in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 it says for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables there's a lot of people that are coming in the church that want to have their ears scratched they want to be told that everything that they're doing is right that everything that they know and believe is right and they just want someone to scratch that ear like a dog you know like where you scratch the back of the ear and they start like you know wagging her tail or patting her foot right and so these preachers in order to get people in the church in order to get that big congregation to where they can get all the money that comes in and have that big accolade of all look at all the people that I'm preaching to they they scratch those ears that's what the Bible says about about preaching things that are smooth you know sometimes we have to hear some rough stuff and don't get me wrong we're gonna get into some smooth stuff eventually you know but but at first you know it's gonna be as rough as this pulpit is right here so I mean when we preach on Jesus's birth that it's not gonna be a hard sermon where I'm pounding the pulpit okay so we're gonna well there's gonna be sermons where it's just gonna be you know teaching you know Bible stories and what's going on and and stuff like that but there is a need for the hard preaching today but Isaiah 30 in verse 8 and something to think about if you want to go to a church that just preaches goodness and light everything that's just fluffy and nice and and nothing that will offend go to Isaiah chapter 30 and see what God thinks about that type of preaching you know when it says preach the word be incidences and out of season reprove rebuke exhort I happen to believe that every sermon should have a reprove a rebuke and then an exhort exhortation at the end you know we all have we all have things we need to fix and if you don't then why are you even here you know if you don't have something else you need to learn why are you here I there's tons of things I need to learn there's tons of things I need to do to do and to learn in the Bible this Bible was infinite there will never be a time where I'll say I've arrived you know Paul said he's not attained he said he tried you know he's trying to attain unto the resurrection of dead he's trying to live in the Spirit so much that he's almost like he's resurrected state and he says not as though I'd already attained either were already perfect but I follow after that I may apprehend that which for all so I'm apprehended of Christ Jesus and so he's talking about you know I'm pressing toward the mark for the prize of high calling God in Christ Jesus I haven't attained but I'm striving for it and I will never attain as long as I'm in this flesh but we will know Christ when we see him when we see him as he is and we'll be will know him as we are known of him and so but as we're here in the flesh we need to strive for that so there's always something we need to fix so just mark it down there's something you need to get better at there's something you need to fix in your life everybody has that I'll have that till the day I die there's something I need to fix I need to get right I need to and and it may be small things you know you may you may have refined it so much it's just little things but there's always something you need to fix Isaiah 30 and we'll end with this Isaiah 30 and verse 8 Isaiah 30 and verse 8 Bible reads says now go write it before them in a table and note it in a book that it may be for them for the time to come forever and ever that this rebellious people lying children lying children children that will not hear the law of the Lord which say to the seers see not into the prophets prophesy not unto us prophesy not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesy deceits get you out of the way turn aside out of the path because the Holy One of Israel caused the Holy One to Israel to cease from before us so notice what it says what are smooth things like into the seats you know their mouths are smoother than butter but what's about to say about them let them go quick down into hell you know that these preachers that you see on TV they have some smooth talking they have some very elegant speaking you know but it's deceitful when when someone says you're good like now everything should do should be prosperous you should never go through any hard times you're going through hard times then there's something wrong well obviously they didn't read the book of Job because there's a righteous man that went through everything you can imagine and he was a just man upon earth he was the most just person upon the earth at that time because and God said that and he went through hard times but you don't want to hear that you don't want to hear that even if you're the best you're that you're doing everything that you should be doing for God that there could be a trial coming for you that's gonna be ridiculous that's something that you may say I don't even know if I can handle this and so know that prophesying smooth things is the seat if I prophesy right things what's the opposite of smooth rough sometimes you got to hear some rough stuff and so today you know what are we talking about an unknown tongue and this can be taken in many avenues an unknown tongue is something that is an unknown language to you it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist somewhere else it just means that you don't understand it so yes we're not supposed to speak Greek to you right now but even if I understood it but then we have a bunch of pastors and a bunch of Baptist churches that are teaching out of some dead language that they don't even understand and then on top of that even what they're saying in English it's hard to be understood it's hard to know where they even stand on an issue and so what do we need to do we need to speak words that are easily understood and we need to write it plain so that he that you know run it may hear or he that here may run and so I hope that that all makes sense you know this morning and so I just wanted to give you that that little doctrine as far as what is the unknown tongue and and how does that apply to us you know how can we use that so let's end with the word of prayer the only father Lord we thank for today thank everybody that came out and what we just pray that you'd be with us through the rest of the day and what we just love you and love your word we're proud in Jesus Christ name amen so