(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You Well good evening everyone welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church take your songbooks and turn to song number 92 Song number 92 in your songbooks will sing how can I be lonely if you would stand? We'll sing song 92 One Is walking with me over life's uneven way Constantly supporting me each moment of the day How can I be lonely when such fellowship is mine with my blessing Lord divine? How can I be lonely when I'm Jesus only to be my companion An unfailing guide Why should I be weary or my past seemed dreary when he's walking by my side? Days may bring their burdens and their trials as I go But my Lord is near and helps to make them lighter grow Life may have its crosses or its losses or increase Jesus meets them all with peace How can I be lonely when I'm Jesus only to be my companion or unfailing guide Why should I be weary or my past seemed dreary when he's walking by my side? In the hour of sad bereavement or a bitter loss I can find support and consolation at the cross One or war suffering all seemed glorified when he walks in talks with me How can I be lonely when I'm Jesus only to be my companion and unfailing guide Why should I be weary or my past seemed dreary when he's walking by my side? In Life's rosy morning when the skies above are clear And it's noon-tight hours with many cares and problems near or when evening shadows fall at closing of my day Jesus will be there all way How can I be lonely when I'm Jesus only to be my companion And unfailing guide Why should I be weary or my past seemed dreary when he's walking by my side? Let's pray heavenly Father Lord, we just want to thank you again Lord for the beautiful day You've given us to meet in your house and hear your word preached I pray Lord that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything that said and done thank you for the souls that were saved today and through this week Lord and Thank you for the the great results that came from the Virgin Islands as well I pray Lord all of this in Jesus name. Amen. Oh, you may be seated and Turn in your song books to song 41 Song number 41 in your song books will sing sweet by and by Song number 41 There's a land that is fairer than day And by faith we can see it afar For the father waits over the way to prepare us a dwelling place there in the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore in the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore We shall sing on that beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blast And our spirit shall sorrow no more Not a sigh for the blessing of rest In the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore in the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore to our bountiful father above We will offer our tribute of praise For the glorious gift of his love And the blessings that hollow our days in the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore in the sweet by and by We shall meet on that beautiful shore Amen So welcome back to Mount Baptist Church on this Sunday evening and just some announcements here Very much the same things that we had this morning. So I want to get the soul winning numbers for the week in here So before we get started here, I think brother Jim Powell he had three this past week so he's kind of soul winning abroad, but he wants us to count on ours and And then I think brother you guys had two This week and we had a hundred and thirty eight From the Virgin Islands, so that gave us 143 Was there any today This one And Then outdoor knocking I think we got shut out so 144 so let's beat that next week everybody up for that so Great job with the soul winning Yeah, that'll boost up that that total number for the year right there, but definitely an awesome Awesome missions trip and I just keep up the good work with the soul winning On the weekly basis as well and so Couldn't be happier with the results there and then just a service times Wednesday should be normal. So we have our Wednesday service at 7 p.m. So that should be As normal schedule there. We going into Exodus chapter 8 Exodus yeah Exodus. Yeah, we're in Exodus. I Keep want to say Ezekiel and that's not right. So if I ever say Ezekiel, you know what I'm talking about. It means Exodus But we're going through the book of Exodus our our so many times here. So Monday brother Charles leaves out that regional soul any time and then Wednesday brother Richie leads at that time as well so just be on the whatsapp to get any times or Locations as far as we're everything meeting up for that Our Bible memory we have Colossians 1 on here, but that's kind of till tomorrow And it'll be going in Colossians 2 so if you haven't got through Colossians 1 just keep chugging along through Colossians 1 get that memorized and then jump into 2 March is is 31 days. So you go from the shortest month to a longer month so you should have time to catch up there and I've been enjoying it. I've been enjoying Memorizing Colossians and if you don't already get in with a group Men, we have our group on the whatsapp But ladies if you're wanting to memorize it's always good to have a group to where you can be accountable to each other for that Colossians 1 28 is our memory verse of the week and then don't forget ladies about the prayer meeting this Saturday So this Saturday at 11 a.m We talked about birthdays anniversaries and then be in prayer for all ladies on the pregnancy list so ginger Catherine Alyssa and Rachel is on the list as of right now and being prayer for all them but being prayer for all the ladies that just had babies and And Yeah, I think I mentioned this but we've all we since for a while now have been over the 50% mark Meaning that we have more kids in our church than adults. So That has been the case For a while and it's only becoming more the case. So So it's a blessing for sure But just being prayer for all the families with kids with babies having babies everything there Just general person Church announcements Offering box in the back there mother baby rooms back there if you have babies, you already know where that's at So you're probably back there most of you So if you ever wonder, you know, like our church and man, it kind of seems thin today Well check the mother baby room that might be half of our church back there so That being said definitely a blessing there with that I think that's about all I got for announcements that I can think of so I Think that's it but he's gonna sing another song and I'm and Brother Joseph's gonna be reading Genesis chapter 4 for us All right, take your some books and turn to song 140 Song 140 will sing we have an anchor song 140 Will your anchor hold in the storms of life when the clouds unfold their wings of stripe when the strong tides lift and the Cable stain will your anchor drift or firm remain? We have an anchor that keeps the soul Set fast and sure while the bellows roll fastened to the rock which cannot move grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love It is safely more till the sword west and port is well secured by the Savior's hand through this tempest rage and the wild winds blow not an angry wave shall Flow we have an anchor that keeps the soul Stand fast and sure while the bellows roll Fastened to the rock which cannot move Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love when our eyes behold through the gathering night the city of gold our Harbor bright we shall anchor fast by the heavenly shore with the storms all past forever More we have an anchor Soul Standfast ensure while the bellows roll fastened to the rock which cannot move grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love All right, take your Bibles and turn to Genesis chapter number four Genesis chapter four we'll have brother Joseph come and read that for us Genesis chapter four And if you found your place there if you'll say amen and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bear Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord she again bare his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain a tiller of the ground and In process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offering unto the Lord and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and The fat thereof and the Lord had respect unto Abel into his offering but unto Cain and to his offering He had not respect Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell and the Lord's said unto Cain Why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doest? well Shout thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door none to thee shall be his desire and and thou shalt rule over him and Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to pass when they they were in the field That Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him Lord said unto Cain. Where is Abel thy brother? He said I know not Am I my brother's keeper and he said what hast thou done The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground and now thou Cursed from the earth which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand when thou tellest the ground it shall now not henceforth yield unto the her strength a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth and Cain said unto the Lord my punishment is greater than I can bear behold thou hast driven me out of out this day from the face of the earth and from thy face shall I be hid And I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth me shall slay me The Lord said unto him therefore whosoever slayeth Cain Vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold and the Lord set a mark upon Cain Lest any finding him should kill him Cain Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden and Cain knew his wife and she conceived and bear Enoch and He built it a city and called the name of the city after the name of his son Enoch Nundee knock was born irad and irad begat the hooligel muhulajul begat Methusel lose Methusel Methusel begat Lamech and Lamech took unto him two wives the name of one was Atta and The name other Zilla and Ada bear Jabel He was the father of such as dwell in tents and of such have as have cattle his brother's name was Jubal his father Of all such as Handled the harp in Oregon Zilla. She also bear tubal cane an Instructor of every artificer in brass and iron and the sister tubal clean was Nehemiah and Lamech said unto his wives Ada and Zilla hear my voice He wives of Lamech harken unto my speech for I have slain a man To my wounding and a young man to my hurt if Cain shall be avenged sevenfold truly Lamech seven Seventy and sevenfold And Adam knew his wife again She bear a son and called in his name Seth for God said she hath pointed me another seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew and To Seth to him also there was born a son And he called his name Enos Enos There we began men to call upon the name of the Lord. Let's pray Lord father, thank you for this time. They were able to gather back together Lord. Thank you for the salvation's Throughout the last couple weeks Lord. Thank you for your pure and holy word. You've given to us. I ask you be a pastor Robinson and Edifies this evening Jesus name. Amen So you're there in Genesis chapter 4 and we are continuing our Series if you will on allegories of the New Testament in the Old Testament We did the the one that straight-up says it's an allegory which is Sarah and Hagar that's found in Galatians chapter 4 again An allegory is basically a figure or a picture of something. So basically a physical representation of something else That's maybe not related at all So with Sarah and Hagar Sarah represented the New Testament or represented New Jerusalem Whereas Hagar represented Old Jerusalem or the Old Testament and so We're kind of going through these allegories dealing with that and another allegory of the Old and New Testament is Cain and Abel Cain and Abel, so we already hit on Adam and Jesus and the first Adam and last Adam That the Bible mentions in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and how obviously you had the physical then you had the spiritual The Old Testament represents the physical law and Condemnation whereas the New Testament represents grace and it represents forgiveness and it represents the Lord Jesus Christ And obviously the spiritual aspect there So I want to use I want to go through Cain and Abel story and show you how Cain represents the Old Testament and Abel represents the New Testament and again The point of this series is to show you that That idea of the Old Testament New Testament or the First Covenant and the Second Covenant was from the beginning It was something that was already known to be that way It's not like the First Testament or the Old Covenant was You know basically a failed attempt or God tried this but it didn't work out. And so then he tried another covenant No, this is the way it's always been. It's been planned this way from the very beginning And in Genesis chapter 4 and verse 1 Let's read the story of Cain and Abel and let's talk about how Cain would represent the Old Testament and Abel would represent the New Testament. Okay, so verse 1 there It says and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord and she again bare his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground now I Believe personally that they were twins now it mentions one conception But then he bored she bore two sons Okay So basically kind of like she conceived she bare Cain and then she bare and then again bare his brother Abel So either way It's not gonna whether they're twins or not a lot of cases. These allegories are gonna be twins That you're gonna see here, but either way who's the older brother? Cain is the older brother He's the one that comes first then Abel when it comes to the Old Testament which one comes first The Old Testament New Testament, right? So you have the first covenant of the first testament and then you have the second so you can obviously from the very beginning See how this would represent just in the simple fact of who comes first the first covenant or the Old Covenant comes first then you have what the Bible calls the Second Covenant or The New Covenant okay, and the reason they're given old and new is because obviously the first covenant was made old because of the second one that Came in and then that was new obviously compared to the old one But in verse 2 here it states that Abel is a keeper of the sheep So he's a shepherd where as Cain is a tiller of the ground Okay So you kind of have a shepherd and a farmer and there's nothing inherently good or bad about those meaning that they're both good Profession, okay And the thing that we're gonna get here is that when it comes to the the first testament There was nothing evil about the Old Testament. There's nothing bad about the law, right? The law is good and holy and true But the idea is that what we're gonna get to with the offering that's given Is where the problem is late, you know as far as salvation is concerned It's not gonna be by tilling the ground. Okay, it's not gonna be by what Cain does for a profession But in verse 3 here it says an in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord And Abel he also brought of the firstling of his flock and of the fat thereof and the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering And it says and but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell Now there's many things you can see in here on how The Bible talks about how he in the New Testament does not regard That first covenant anymore. He does not regard them in the first covenant. He's done away with that covenant But if you think about salvation What it represents to the basically Cain what he brought forth what that represents what Abel brought forth and what that represents What did Cain bring forth the fruit of the ground? It's dealing with labor, right the product of your labor You know, we talked about that term fruit like you know What you know when I when I when I'm a fruit and strip inspector brother and I look at Christians fruit Well, the fruit of the righteous is the tree of life and he that win his souls is wise So you're gonna expect inspect a Christian's for you better inspect who they won the Christ That's the product of a Christian. But second of all, you know fruit can be the product of a lot of different things, right? I mean you you have a tomato plant all the fruit of that's gonna be a tomato and Same thing down the line. It's the product of work that you put in Okay, so Cain is bringing up a product of the work that he brought in whereas Abel is bringing up Basically a sacrifice a blood sacrifice and so you can obviously see which is accepted before God It's going to be a blood sacrifice compared to bringing forth the fruit of your labor Okay, and so one is by works the other is by blood okay, and No one was ever accepted by works because if Cain isn't accepted here, then no one is go to Jude Jude and go to verse 11 there Cain was not accepted to the Lord now, we're gonna see what happens after he doesn't, you know get accepted but The thing is is that It never has been that way. No one has ever been accepted by the law. The law has never redeemed anybody If righteousness were by the law then Christ is dead in vain The Bible says that do not frustrate the grace of God for if righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain If there had been a law given which could have given life verily righteousness should have been by the law But the scripture has concluded all under sin and the idea with with the law Is that obviously it shows us that we're sinners and all that but it can't save us and God's not going to accept that sacrifice so anybody that's trying to work their way to heaven and What the Bible is going to call this is the way of Cain When we go out soul winning, you know, what most people are trusting in and what way they're trying to go is the way of Cain Which is by bringing in the fruit of their labor That's what they're offering up to the Lord for their for their sins if you will is The fruit of their labor and you know what the Bible says not accepted But you know what is accepted Jesus who's the way the truth and the light? And he is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and his blood is accepted Okay. Now let's look at Jude in verse 11 here. I Know these sermons can get a little deep. Okay, because we're obviously talking about what is the Old Testament represent what's the New Testament represent and What I'm showing you here is two individuals and how their lives and their story represents Foreshadows if you will The the Old and New Covenant because at this point with Cain and Abel the Old Testament hasn't been instituted yet Right, that's not until Moses and the New Testament definitely hasn't been instituted yet because Jesus hasn't died on the cross and all that Now in in Genesis, I'm sorry in Jude verse 11. It says woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and Ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perished in the gainsaying of Kor Now it's the gainsaying of Korah and it's talking about these people that that basically Knew the truth. They knew what you know, basically They're they're false teachers of their what the Bible would say twice dead plucked up by the roots We'll get into that as far as Cain is concerned But when it talks about his folly or his downfall is the way of Cain and the way of Cain First of all is the fact that he brought up the fruit of his labor for a sacrifice to the Lord and it wasn't accepted and He got mad that it wasn't accepted and then in turn goes a route that we're gonna see here against his brother But just to bolster the fact that when I'm talking about the fruit of labor or the way he's tilling the ground He brought forth the fruit of the ground unto the Lord you say well, how do you know that's dealing with work? Well go back to Genesis chapter 3, okay because Maybe before the fall of man, it wouldn't have been Okay, but as soon as the fall of man the main curse that was put upon man was the fact, you know I'm just gonna read it to you here in verse 17 Genesis 3 in verse 17 is this unto Adam He said because thou hast harken unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of Which I commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it Cursed is the ground for thy sake and sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat of the of the herb of the of the field in The sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it What's what I'm sorry out of it was thou taken for dust thou art and and unto dust shalt thou return So the curse that was put upon man and obviously you can get into the base of the curse on Women was in childbearing obviously there's going to be travail and all that with childbearing But basically the men are supposed to be the ones that bring home the bread if you will, but it's not going to be easy That's the whole point is being said here. Is that you have to work hard To bring bread and to eat and survive. Okay, and then women, you know what in childbearing? There's going to be a lot of travail in childbearing That's the curse that's put upon man when Adam and Eve fell and it goes down the line So that being said when you're talking about bringing forth the fruit of the ground What was just stated in chapter 3 the fact that you're gonna do it by the sweat of your face It's gonna be work. It's gonna be labor. It's not gonna be easy. It's not done Just it doesn't just pop up out of the ground. There it is Now you're gonna have to work and travail to do it. So it represents the way of Cain represents work salvation Work salvation Which God does not have respect on he does not respect it and you say well, he respected in the Old Testament Okay, so he didn't respect it with Cain before the Old Testament But then he respected it in the Old Testament and now he doesn't respect it anymore in New Testament because it's by faith and not by works No, it's always been that way. It's always been not by works It's always been by faith because Abraham before the Old Testament said Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness And it says but to him that worketh not but believed on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness Talking about Abraham. So Abraham was justified by faith and this is even before Abraham, but guess what? It's always been that way. Okay now go to I'm gonna have let's read a little bit more of Genesis 4 before we go into Abel the picture of what he represents But Cain would represent keeping the law, right? He would represent doing the works of the law and Listen, I'm not saying that the fruit that he brought up was bad fruit or rotten or anything like that It's probably good fruit. It's probably the best of his crop But here's the thing even though that was all good and looked good and all that stuff. That's not what God wanted That was not the way to atone for your sins And obviously the sacrifice that Abel brought up didn't actually pay for his sins, but it's what it represents Okay, that sacrifice that Abel brought represents the blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ That it says that he was the lamb slain from the foundation of world that he's before ordained before the foundation of world but was manifesting these last times for you that that's the way of salvation was through the blood of Christ from the very beginning and The fruit of the ground like a tomato and a turnip and you know, it talks about you know, you know You're not gonna get blood from a turnip, you know, or I don't know what they say, you know basically the idea of what what Cain's trying to do there is get blood from a turnip, but It has to be a blood sacrifice and not just any blood It's got to be the blood of Christ now in Genesis chapter 4. We see that God doesn't have respect on Cain's offering in his countenance Falls, okay Or his countenance fell now when it's like about your countenance falling It's kind of like if you saw something that was really happy and then all of a sudden he just went sad Like that's talking about your countenance falling You know, basically we did expression on your face. You've just gone from joy to just sadness. Okay, so he's basically really upset in Verse 6 it says the Lord said unto Cain why art thou Roth and why is thy countenance falling if thou do as well? Shout thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door and unto thee shall be his desire And and thou shalt rule over him now that's talking about Abel Okay, meaning that he's the older brother okay, and he's upset because God didn't accept his his offering and he's basically stating he's like if you just do what you're Supposed to do You know what? You're gonna rule over your brother Abel and you're gonna be the firstborn and get all the rights of the firstborn And he's kind of promising you like if you just do well, you know, you'll be fine But let's look at how this would represent and the fact that okay. What is his offering represented? Keep keeping the law Well, okay. Well if you do well Shout thou not be accepted But if thou do not well sin lieth at the door because what is sin the transgression against the law? Okay, and what did the Bible say it if you keep the whole law and yet offend at one point you're guilty of all The point that's being made here. Is that yeah, if you do well If you keep all the law and don't find it at any point then yeah, you'll have life and yeah, you won't need You'll be accepted. Here's the problem though. No one can do that Okay, it's impossible with men. The only man to ever do that was the man Christ Jesus Because he's God in the flesh because the Lord Jesus Christ Became one of us. He was made flesh and in him is no sin. Neither was guile found in his mouth He was made to be sin for us who knew no sin. He's the only one to ever do it But that's obviously, you know taking the fact that he's God, okay, but he's God and he's man at the same time and But as far as just man is concerned No one can do that. So you kind of have this impossibility. Like if you do well, you'll be accepted But here's problem. Can you do well, can you not sin? Because for the wages of sin is death, okay, so if you don't sin then the wage wouldn't be death would it But everybody does so it's showing you that the way it came That's where most people go. Most people are going the way of King you go out So when you talk to people I was there I grew up Catholic, you know I was like my mom was Catholic. My dad's side was like Protestant and You know what? I thought that if you committed suicide or if you committed murder, then you wouldn't make it to heaven You know, I thought you know basically you couldn't ask for forgiveness if you committed suicide and you know These are like the big things that I thought well, maybe you could lose your salvation or something like that well Committing murder. That's a work I mean it that's keeping the law if you don't commit murder because one of the commandments is thou shalt not kill Right or thou shalt not do no murder and obviously killing yourself would be murdering yourself So it's kind of one of the same kind of commandment, but you know what I was trusting in keeping a commandment and I wasn't I was going the way of Cain because I was in turn trusting in some work I had to do okay, and most people are there most everybody has to Repent from dead works and and put their faith in Christ meaning that they have to stop trusting in their works The way of Cain if you will and put their trust in Christ But what happens here well in verse in verse Four eight or I'm sorry eight So just as a four in verse eight says and Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to pass When they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him now one thing I want you to notice here and this is just a note on the story of Cain and Abel It doesn't say that he picked up a rock and hit him in the head Now the reason I say this There's all kinds of memes out there like well, you know and and there'll be memes that are like four things that I'm not for Control I'm obviously Pro-gun, but they're like, well, you know Cain used the rock. Are you gonna ban rocks? Like it doesn't say he's the rock. Okay, so stop using that as an example It just says he killed him. Okay, we don't know exactly how he killed him And I just want to put that in your mind, you know when people were like, oh he used a rock or you know Whatever the case may be. He doesn't say that it just says that he killed his brother. So Keep reading there And and I'm gonna be getting into these points about Cain killing Abel is a big point to deal with the Representation of the Old Testament and New Testament. Okay, if there's a big point to be made About Cain and Abel and the allegory that's done there. It has to do with Cain killed Abel Okay, I mean if you thought of the story Cain and Abel, what are you thinking about Cain killed Abel, right? That's the whole premise of the story that you're usually getting there. Is that Cain killed Abel, but Keep reading there It says in verse verse 9 It says the Lord said unto Cain where is Abel thy brother? And he said I know not am I my brother's keeper and he said what hast thou done The voice of thy brother's blood cries unto me from the ground and now art thou now art thou cursed from the earth Which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand when thou tills the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength a Fugitive and a vagabond shall shalt thou be in the earth and Cain said unto the Lord My punishment is greater than I can bear So obviously he's being cursed But you also think about how Cain it would represent the law, right? And what is what is a term that's used a lot dealing with the law the curse of the law, right? You know, and I know I quoted this verse this morning dealing with another subject But basically the idea is for as many as are the works of law are under the curse For his written curse is everyone that continueth not and all things are written in the book of the law to do them So do you see how it's very interesting that Abel or Cain would represent? You know doing good works the fruit of your labor and then that's cursed and it's not accepted with the Lord Okay, why is it cursed because he sinned he committed murder, right? That's why he's It can't be by the way of came because he's a he's a murderer he committed sin he committed murder It's interesting because even in James chapter 2 when it talks about who serves shall keep the whole law and yet offended one point He's guilty of all the two examples that are brought up is adultery and murder and it says if thou commit no adultery yet if thou murderer right Thou has transgressive law which is interesting to me because it's basically kind of saying adultery is worse than murder because it's kind of like Well, you did, you know, you just murdered but you didn't commit adultery, you know, obviously it's not saying just murder but the idea there is that obviously if you murder you're a transgressor of the law and Cain would then be a transgressor of the law. He offended in one point. Therefore. He's guilty of the whole law and he's cursed and he's under the curse of the law and That's what Cain represents being cursed By the law and I don't want to get into the whole story of Cain and you know The the mark and I'm going on down the line with that or whatever but Let's talk about Abel here. So we talked about Cain and obviously the way of Cain go to Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chapter 11 Because Hebrews actually talks about Abel a little bit here and Hebrews is obviously a book written about the difference between the Old Testament New Testament and those two covenants what the Old Testament represented and Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 4 Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 4 And Verse 4 there it says by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain By which he obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh That is a lot in this verse. Okay One it says that Cain's or Abel's offering unto God was more excellent a more excellent sacrifice than Cain Think about the New Testament compared to the Old Testament the Old Testament. What did they do? They sacrificed bulls rams, you know goats like all these different things. They were killing and and and the sacrifices that are blood That was all in the Old Testament done with the blood of bulls and of goats, right? But it says that Abel's sacrifice was more excellent of a sacrifice well in the New Testament, what's the sacrifice the Lord Jesus Christ? What's better? Obviously the Lord Jesus Christ is better than any blood of any animal Okay, so it's more excellent sacrifice and you'll see this over and over again We if you read through the book of Hebrews You'll see that the New Testament is called the better Testament the better Covenant established upon better promises that he is the mediator of a better covenant and that Jesus is a better sacrifice I mean everything is more excellent about Jesus in the New Testament than what was in the Old Testament the Old Testament represented What Jesus was going to do? Okay So it pictured it. It was a figure for a time then present. It was a shadow of good things to come It was a similitude, but it wasn't the very image of the things and The idea here is that it represented what was actually going to come the actual spiritual things that were going to come and when you think about it says that talking about the blood or that sacrifice of Abel it says and by it he being dead yet speaketh. That's interesting because when it talks about Abel He's dead. But what did God say about Abel? It says You know, he says what hast thou done talking to Cain? He says the voice of thy brother's blood cries unto me from the ground You know that shows you is that Abel was with the Lord, you know what the Lord said, where is thy brother? He already knew where he was Okay, but he's asking that question for a point He wants to know he's gonna see what Cain's gonna say about this cuz not like, you know When Cain's like, I don't know am I my brother's keeper and the Lord's like, well, I guess I gotta go figure this out No, he already knew where he was. He already knew that he killed him and Abel is speaking yet being dead. You know that means is that by faith, you know what Abel was alive Because he was with the Lord Because he's a saved man and he was it says that he was known to be righteous or witness that he was righteous And when it's talking about righteous, it's not talking about our righteousnesses, which is of the law But that was just through the faith faith of Christ the righteous which is of God by faith The idea is that we have God's righteousness imputed unto us when we believe on him and it was witnessed that he he was righteous Why because Abel by faith? offered that sacrifice right the idea is that he had faith in the Lord he believed in the Lord and It talks about his blood You know basically speaking from the ground and So when you're talking about Cain and Abel you deal with obviously Cain kills Abel, but then you're dealing with the blood of Abel okay, see how this would represent the Lord Jesus in the New Testament and the fact that You know Abel is obviously a rep kind of a figure of the Lord Jesus and Go to Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 And I hope I bring this across the best way possible that you understand because in my mind it all makes sense You know in my mind, I'm like, here's the points of trying to get across and then it never comes out maybe the way I want it to come out, but in Hebrews chapter 12, we're dealing with Abel again or Abel's being brought up and particularly dealing with the New Testament So in Hebrews 12 18 through 24 what you're going to see is a dichotomy now Dichotomy is something that basically is showing two different things. So you think of like Republican Democrat is a dichotomy, right? It's two different parties a two-party system, right? It's a dichotomy and that's what it means is basically two different Anyway, the idea is and you probably heard it like a false dichotomy, right? It's like well, will you? Do you want do you want to afford or do you want a Chevy and you're like that's a false dichotomy I want neither one of those. I want a Toyota, you know Like the idea is like two choices that are being made two things that are being applied. That's a dichotomy Okay, and so when you're dealing with this in in Hebrew chapter 12, you're dealing with the Old Testament It's talking about that and it's gonna talk about the New Testament now notice in verse 18 It says for ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched and that burneth are burned with fire Nor in the blackness and darkness and tempest and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words Which voice they that heard and treated that the word should not be spoken to them anymore For they could not endure that which was commanded and it is and if so much as a beast touched the mountain It's it shall be stoned or thrust through with the dark and so terrible was the sight that Moses said I exceedingly fear and quake this is talking about Mount Sinai. Okay, we'll get to that in Exodus But this is the story of Mount Sinai And it's stating that you're not coming to that. Okay, that the point that being is like you're not coming through that mountain You're coming to a different mountain. That's what it says in verse 22 But ye are come unto Mount Zion and unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus the mediator the what New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel So if you didn't think that Abel was linked to the New Testament as far as like an allegory I don't see how you get away from it here because it's basically saying that the blood of sprinkling of the Lord Jesus Christ is likened unto the blood of Abel Now I'll show you how we'll get to another passage where it's clearly likened unto that as well But you see how that definitely represents the Lord Jesus as far as how Abel being Killed by his brother and his blood being shed how this is gonna represent the Lord Jesus Christ dying and That his blood is going to be shed and how that represents the New Covenant Because the blood of the first covenant was the blood of bulls and of ghosts and the ashes of an heifer and those things never Purify the conscience. Okay. Those were for the purifying the flesh. Those were to get right with God good and good fellowship with God That's what that first covenant was Established for was one the picture what Christ was going to do, but two it was a way that God would basically You would get on good terms and being good fellowship with God But what was what was salvation by faith? always by faith and David was saved by faith in the Old Testament Abraham was saved by faith before the Old Testament and everybody in the New Testament is saved by faith and You know, it's always going to be the New Testament because it's the everlasting covenant But let's go back to Genesis chapter 4 Genesis chapter 4 verse 25 Now I hit another point here of how this relates. Okay, so we saw that obviously Cain is born before Abel So that's that's that's pretty easy, right? The Old Covenant is called the first covenant the New Covenant is called the Second Covenant So who's first Cain who's second Abel that obviously fits? Okay, and Then you get to the fact that Cain's offering or his offering to the Lord was works essentially whereas Abel's was a blood sacrifice Cain killed Abel and the blood While he's dead yet speaketh and It's talking about the fact that It's the blood of sprinkling of the Lord Jesus Christ Because you say what's the blood of sprinkling the blood of sprinkling is where the Lord Jesus Christ when he rose from the dead Remember if you remember the story where Mary meets him in the garden says, you know Robo 9 is like wanting to basically hug him or you know, basically embrace him He says touch me not for I've not yet ascended it talks about how he went into the holiest of all he went into the tabernacle made without hands with his own blood and He sprinkled the mercy seat with its own blood Okay That's the blood of sprinkling and it's saying that it speaketh better things than that of Abel that shows you how that is Equivalent there now in Genesis chapter 4 and verse 25 Notice what it says here So Abel has been killed Cain's been cursed In verse 25 and Adam knew his wife again and she bare a son and called his name set for God said she For God said she hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew Now you say well, what's the point that you're making here? Well? Abel is not the Lord. Okay, though, you know this but When you're dealing with these allegories, they're obviously not gonna be perfect because they're just a picture right Abel wasn't Resurrected and seated at the right hand of the father. Okay, he was killed which Abel represents Abel or Abel represents that the fact that the Lord Jesus is going to be killed and his blood's gonna be shed. Does that make sense? Seth represents the fact that there was a seed that was brought up in his place Okay, so obviously two different people Abel and Seth are two different people But the Lord Jesus Christ he died, but he rose again and he he ever lived at the make intercession for us Okay so it's kind of like Abel and Seth kind of represent kind of the death of Christ and the resurrection of Christ if you will and Just to give you some verses on this when Jesus died, but it said about him and Isaiah 53 Isaiah 53 in verse 8 is a 53 in verse 8 This whole chapter and Isaiah 53 is dealing with the Lord Jesus Christ and what he's going to suffer For us and how he's gonna pay for our sins, but in verse 8 here And I know this is deep and this is getting a little deeper Okay, but these allegory sermons are gonna with this term allegory in the in the sermon title You should know that's gonna be a deeper sermon And In Isaiah 53 in verse 8 it says he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation For he was cut off out of the land of the living So it's basically saying who's gonna declare he's not gonna have any kids like who's gonna declare his generation because he's gonna be killed Right. That's kind of what it's saying there right for the transgression of my people was he stricken and He made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence Neither was any deceit in his mouth sound familiar Who did no sin now there was guile found in his mouth It says about the Lord Jesus and how he opened not his mouth and you know He brought being reviled he reviled not again and all that about how who his own self Barrisons his own body on the tree now in verse 10 here yet It pleased the Lord to Bruce him he hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin He shall see his seed. He shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand He shall see of the travail of his soul shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many For he shall bear their iniquities So in Isaiah 53 is basically that this question is being brought up when the when the Lord dies right when the Christ dies Who's gonna declare a generation right? He's cut off out of the land of the living It's kind of like Abel right? Imagine Abel dies. It's like well who's gonna declare a generation. He's been killed and Then it says when he's talking about Jesus soul being made an offering for sin talking about the the Father I believe saying he shall see his seed and he shall prolong his days because He's actually going to be raised again Okay And in Psalm 22, which if you were going to think about two Old Testament passages dealing with the death, burial, resurrection of Christ Psalm 22 Isaiah 53 those are the go-to places when you're dealing with the prophecy of Jesus And in Psalm 22, that's where you would find my God my God why hast thou forsaken me That's where you'd find they pierced my hands and my feet, you know All these passages that are being quoted when he's on the cross But in verse 30 of Psalm 22, it says a seed shall serve him. It shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation Okay And it says and they shall comment and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born That had that he hath done this so If you think about it when You could base, you know, his seed is it's cut off, right? You know who's going to declare his generation? We know the good news though. He doesn't stay dead, right? He's dead for three days and three nights but then what happens he raises from the dead and Therefore you kind of have an Abel and Seth this representation of Abel dying Which would represent the Lord Jesus Christ dying and Seth being raised up in his stead and Representing the resurrection of Jesus all in one passage Okay, and Cain being cursed Cain's the one killed Abel to begin with right but Cain didn't take his place, right? It's kind of like and I'm getting ahead of myself But when you think about the fact that Jesus was killed by his own people He was killed by those of the first covenant and The fact is that that they didn't you know, when they killed Jesus not like well, okay. Well God regards them now Because they didn't accept the Lord Jesus now they're regarded No quite the opposite Cain's curse and Seth is brought in as being in the stead of Abel Okay, and obviously you're dealing with people here in the New Testament Jesus killed and And those of the first covenant are cursed and then the fact is is that Jesus raises again from the dead and he goes on Forever. He's the high priest at the order Melchizedek forever And he is the mediator of the New Testament of the everlasting covenant is the blood of the everlasting covenant Okay Now go to go to 1st John chapter 3 1st John chapter 3 And I'm kind of got ahead of myself a little bit there but in 1st John chapter 3 Why did Cain kill Abel? You know, that's a question that would be asked why did Cain kill Abel He's like, well, he was upset because God didn't regard his offering. Well, is that true or Let's see what the Bible says about that In 1st John 3 in verse 11 It says for this is the message that you heard from the beginning that we should love one another not as Cain Who was of that wicked one and Slew his brother and Wherefore slew he him? So now we get the point. Okay, this is Cain. He slew his brother. But why did he do it? Because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous Why the Cain kill Abel because he was good because he was righteous and It says also here that Cain was of the wicked one, you know, that means he was a child of the devil This goes all the way back Okay, all the way back to Cain to where people can become a child of the devil Not every unsaved person is a child of the devil Every unsaved person is a child of wrath a child of disobedience, but someone can become a child of the devil and Cain Became a child of the devil. He's a child of the wicked one and it says that he slew his brother Because his works were evil and his brother's righteous You know what the Bible says in second Timothy chapter 3 It talks about how they're despisers of those who do good These people that are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth that a reprobate concerning the faith You know as Janus and Jamborees withstood Moses so these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds Reprobate concerning the faith that just like Cain who was of the wicked one that these people are Despisers of those that do good and you and your like normal mind, right? We would look at that and be like that is weird Right. Why would you why would you just hate somebody because they're good Okay but he killed him because he was righteous and He himself was not okay Now think about how that translates to why the Jews Wanted Jesus killed Okay Well mark chapter 15 in verse 10. Here's one example and it says that in Matthew as well Pilate knew this Pilate obviously washed his hands of this and he allowed Jesus to be crucified But he knew the reason why they wanted him to be killed It wasn't for anything because what did Pilate keep saying about Jesus? What evil hath he done? He's like I find no fault in this man. Like Pilate keeps saying over and over again. There's no fault in this man I find no evil in him. Why do you want him to die? What is going on here? And he states why he knew why they wanted him to die and also it says in Mark chapter 15 verse 10 For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy They envied him And it's the same reason I believe Cain killed Abel because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous They were evil they were wicked Jesus just ripped their face off by the way and just said they're a generation of vipers and serpents and and Jesus was righteous and true all together There was no guile found in his mouth. There was no sin at all. He did no sin He knew no sin. He was perfect Now go to John chapter 1 Actually, I want you to turn to for sake of time go to Matthew chapter 23 John chapter 1 says this He came unto his own and his own received him not But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name You're going to Matthew chapter 23 Matthew chapter 23 It's no Mystery here that the Jews killed the Lord Jesus unless you're a Zionist You know, which there's a lot of Baptist churches out there that want to say Well, the Jews are God's chosen people and they didn't really kill Jesus Listen, I know that the Jews that are here today in 2022 didn't kill the Lord Jesus. Okay. I'm talking about the Jews back then which are the same religion. That's today Okay, meaning this is that they're Talmud that they they You know believe in and say is their holy book says that Jesus isn't is boiling and hot excrement in hell right now That's what they believe that's what they teach in their Talmud so they do not they were they not only reject Lord Jesus they blaspheme the Lord Jesus and You know what? Judaism is not a part of anything that we believe Judaism represents the Pharisaical religion that was in Jesus day that he was rebuking on a daily basis That's what Judaism is today. It's not the religion of the Old Testament. It's not what Moses believed It's not what Abraham believed. It's not what Noah believed. It's not what any of them believed. It is a messed up Heretical view religion that Jesus was rebuking throughout the Gospels and it just kept going and that's what's here today Okay, so we're not Judeo Christians or Christians Okay, and obviously Jesus was a Jew and obviously his disciples were Jews, right? Except for Simon the Canaanite He was a Canaanite but obviously he became a Jew, you know, right but but in Matthew 23 Jesus is ripping their face off and it's interesting what man gets brought up in this passage here dealing with these scribes and Pharisees remember the chief priests delivered them for envy or delivered him for envy and Kind of like Cain. He killed Abel because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous in Matthew 23 and verse 29 says well want to use scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you build the tombs of the prophets and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous and Say if we had been in the days of our fathers We would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets Fill you up then the measure of your fathers you serpents you generations of vipers How can ye escape the damnation of hell Wherefore behold I send unto you prophets and wise men and scribes and some of them you shall kill and crucify And some of them shall you scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city That upon you may come all the righteous bloodshed from the earth notices from the blood of Righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias the son of Barakas whom ye slew between the temple and the altar Verily I say unto you all these things shall come upon this generation Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem Now that kill us the prophets and so does them which are sent unto thee How often would I have gathered thy children together? Even as a hen gathered her chickens under her wings and you would not behold your house is left unto you desolate So he's talking to those that are of the first covenant those that are rejecting him and you say well It's just the leaders. That's not what the Bible says in Acts it talks about the fact that in Acts chapter 3 it says, you know ye rejected the Lord of glory as Also your rulers did Okay, so when he's talking to the congregation of the men of Israel, he's saying you rejected them as Also your rulers did okay And so that being said as a whole he came out to his own his own receipt of not now Not everybody rejected them, right? Obviously, there's people that followed him There's people that got saved and there's people that were already saved that followed him But it says here that he's gonna put on that generation The blood of Abel and Zacharias the son of Barakas now Abel obviously goes all the way back to Genesis Zacharias is is really the last I believe the last martyr that's mentioned if you will in The Old Testament okay, as far as like what's written down as a martyr for for you know God and Not to go into that right now, but but basically How could the blood of Abel be put on their hands is the question you have to ask yourself, right? How could God say I'm gonna put the blood of Abel on your hands? Well, Cain was of the wicked one or the devil Okay What does he call the Pharisees in John chapter 8? Ye are of your father the devil and it says as your father's did so do ye Right as far as your father's meaning that Cain Spiritually speaking is a father then because Cain was a father his father was the devil their father's the devil They're related in that spiritual aspect, right? He's saying Cain killed Abel some reprobate killed some child of the devil killed Zacharias the son of Barakas and These same people are gonna kill the Lord Jesus and he's saying I'm putting the blood of Abel to Zacharias on this generation Because he's talking about the children of the devil Which in turn are a lot of these rulers obviously that are these Pharisees and scribes and Sadducees and all that But he's saying that your house is left unto you desolate when you're dealing with the first come to the old covenant The thing that you had to get across here is that they don't overlap Does the blessing of you know, like when you think of Cain and Abel the you know The blessings of that God is giving Abel or the curse of Cain. There's not an overlap there The same thing with the Old Testament and New Testament is the fact that when the New Testament was instituted The Old Testament was desolate. It was done. It was abolished. It was done away with and The Bible says this in many different ways, but here's a great way of saying it. It's desolate Matthew chapter 21 Matthew chapter 21 Jesus gives this parable and at the end of the parable He kind of gives the what it represents and the parable had to do with his vineyard That basically he sends all his servants there they go They beat some they kill some but then he sends his own son and they end up taking him out of the vineyard and they kill Him which obviously represents the Lord Jesus Christ. They took him without the gate. They crucified him and that would obviously Fit perfectly now in verse 42 there says Jesus said unto them Dean Did you never read in the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected the same has become the head of the corner? This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes Therefore say I am to you the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits They're up Now a lot of people are accused of being replacement theology, you know believing in replacement theology. Yeah The the New Testament replaced the Old Testament Facts when the old when Jesus died on the cross the the veil and the temple was rent from the top to the bottom and The Old Testament was done away at that point the New Testament Replaces the ultimate but if you want to say this the New Testament took away the Old Testament Okay, because the kingdom of God was taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits They're up meaning that the covenant is no longer with the children of Israel as far as the nation is Given to that holy nation, which is comprised of all believers whether Jew or Gentile All believers make up that holy nation that peculiar people that royal priesthood that is the new in the New Testament and The funny part is is that You know, obviously I believe that to be true But a lot of people are like, well, you know, this isn't talking him. He's saying that's talking about Israel Well, let's see what it says here in verse 44 It says and whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken and but on whomsoever it shall fall It shall grind him to powder and when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables They perceived that he spake of them. You know, what's interesting is that these hardened, you know reprobate serpent Children of the devil Understood that he was preaching this against them But yet Baptist churches today can't understand that he's preaching against them That's what's hilarious to me. He's like they got it. How don't you get it? And then it goes on to say in verse 46 but when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude because they took him for a profit So they wanted to destroy him, but they couldn't they feared the people They knew that you know what they may actually stone us if we actually try to do something to them go to Hebrews chapter 8 Hebrews chapter 8 and Almost done here. The idea here is that I'm trying to get across is that Cain and Abel represent Old Testament New Testament one Cain is older Than Abel now if they're twins, it's a very short older But you'll see that a lot in these allegories that you're dealing with twins that would represent the old and the new Okay, or the first and the second So in Hebrews chapter 8 here in verse 7 Just kind of capping off, you know the fact that Cain and Abel Cain killed Abel Those of the first covenant killed the Lord Jesus Christ You know fits perfectly with that allegory Verse 7 it says for if that first covenant had been faultless then should no place have been sought for the second Now After you see all these allegories you see that this wasn't an accident It's not like God was going through the first covenant. He's just like, you know what? Maybe we should have a second one in here Maybe this isn't working out or do you see the fact that okay Sarah and Hagar? Cain and Abel Adam and Jesus, you know the first Adam last Adam how all these things are picturing What was to come and what was what was you know, as far as this first coming in second covenant verse 8 It says for finding fault with them He said behold the days comes to the Lord when I'll make a new covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Judah not according to the covenant I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to leave them out of The land of Egypt because they continued not in my covenant and I regard them not said the Lord now another thing to note here When you're dealing with the new covenant, does it say well, you know what? I made the old covenant with Israel, but I'm making a new covenant with the Gentiles. Is that what it says? Or did it say I made a new covenant with the house of Israel with the house of Judah Now whether you're in the first covenant or the old covenant, did you know this that Gentiles can join In the first covenant if you wanted to be a part of Israel, all you had to do is pick what tribe you wanted You had to pick what tribe you wanted and you know what if you kept the ordinances and you know men you had to be Circumcised, you know to be a part of that covenant But you could join that you do the feast you could be blessed with that nation And you just pick which tribe you want in the New Testament Well, man, you don't have to be circumcised anymore. And Now it's a lot easier Meaning this is that if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you're a part of that nation. You're a part of that You know covenant that's being done there that makes sense So the new covenant is better for many reasons But that being said is that the new covenant is not like well the old covenants for the Jews and the new covenants for us Gentiles No, the new covenant was for everybody, okay Jews and Gentiles, but you know what the first covenant it was also for Anybody that want to be a part of it. It just was centralized in one nation With physical elements like a tabernacle and all these things that we're going to picture what Christ was going to do Okay Now going on from that It says for this is the covenant verse 10 there for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel After those days at the Lord I will put my laws Into their mind and write them in their hearts and I will beat them a God and they shall be to me a people And they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying no the Lord for all shall know me from the Least to the greatest now, I believe this talk about the Holy Ghost We talked about this morning that in New Testament the big deal with the New Testament Is that the Holy Ghost now comes and dwells inside of you? Whereas in the Old Testament you didn't have that This is the indwelling of the Holy Ghost that's in the New Testament and the anointing which you have received with him abideth in you Need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teaches you of all things and is no truth or There's no lie. It's truth and there's no lie And that that's what that's talking about right there okay verse 12 it says for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness is and Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more and that he set the new covenant he hath made the first old Now that which the cave and waxes old is ready to vanish away So you see this is where we get the terms Old Covenant New Covenant Old Testament New Testament is the fact that The first was made old because the new took its place okay, and What came first the old okay Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 here in verse 4 Hebrews chapter 10 verse 4 I Remember Cain God didn't have respect under his sacrifice. I Want you to see very clearly that God never regarded the sacrifices of the Old Testament for salvation ever Okay, this is gonna be very clear Like I said, they were for the purifying of the flesh They had a purpose but they were never to cleanse your soul from sin They were never to actually save you and and save your soul from hell or anything like that They represented the fact that Jesus was going to do that Verse 4 it says for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins not possible Verse 5 wherefore when he cometh into the world He said sacrifice an offering that would it's not but a body has not prepared me and burn offerings and sacrifices For sin thou I said no pleasure Now do you believe the Bible because I do it's saying that in all those blood sacrifices all that he had no pleasure Okay, we're talking on a spiritual level here. We're talking about spiritual salvation here no pleasure in Those sacrifices verse 7 then said I lo I come in the volume of the book It is written of me to do thy will O God above when he said Sacrifice an offering and burn offering and offering for sin thou would is not neither has pleasure there in which are offered by the law Now, you know what I love about this is how many different ways he says it right because you'd be like well He said, you know sacrifice, but he didn't say sin offering right, but he did right It says sacrifice offering burn offerings offering for sin It's like well, you know if you're you can see someone trying to nitpick that right be like, well, he said sacrifice He didn't say offering for sin You know and it's just like covering all these bases like no none of that stuff Did he regard or you know have pleasure in then said then said he verse 9 lo I come to do thy will O God He taketh away the first that he may establish the second by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all remember that Abel brought a more excellent sacrifice than Cain and Jesus sacrificed the Lamb of God Was a more excellent sacrifice than all those bulls and goats and the ashes of an heifer and everything that they did in the Old Testament Jesus sacrificed more excellent That's the only sacrifice that will ever save you because the blood of bulls and the goats will never save you They never took away sins. They never will take away sins And by the way, he took that away and you say well Why does the Bible say in Hebrew chapter 8 that it's ready to vanish away right talking about the Old Testament? And say well is it still kind of lingering right because it says it's ready to vanish away Well, what you have to understand is that when Jesus rose again, they were still doing Sacrifices the temple was still there. Actually. There's a story where Paul gets roped into doing sacrifices, which he shouldn't be doing and You know that whole story ensues in Acts. Okay, that means that the first covenant was still kind of there. God didn't regard it Okay, and I can show you verses on that and God wasn't regarding that but it was still visibly happening in 70 AD when they destroyed the temple, do you know that they've never done sacrifices ever since? So it has vanished away Right. No Jew does sacrifices today No one does any blood sacrifices and they talk it away and say it's not needed anymore But in turn no one does that anymore. The first covenant has completely vanished away But in that time when he's writing Hebrews, it's old. It's not regarded It's been taken away in God's eyes But it's still kind of there visibly for the people to see being done They saying it waxes old and is ready to vanish away and guess what it did vanish away Because it's not happening anymore. Okay, so I hope that that allegory makes sense I think that's a really good allegory of Cain and Abel and the fact that Cain is firstborn Abel's the second you had the first covenant you had the second covenant. You had the fact that Cain kills Abel Well, guess what? He came onto his own his own received him not in his own people killed him His own brethren right his own brethren He was born of that seed of the seed of David of the seed of Abraham and that seed is what killed him Okay, so his own brethren killed him He rose again obviously in the blood of Jesus is basically being compared to the blood of Abel Saying the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus is better than that of Abel because Abel represents The Lord Jesus Christ and it represents those two covenants which the first kind of represents the law keeping the law Not regarded not respected by God the new covenant represents grace by faith grace You know, we're saved by grace through faith and it's by the Lord Jesus Christ and by his blood and what you have to understand Is though the New Testament? Technically started at the death of Christ about 2,000 years ago. God regarded that before the foundation of the world Okay Jesus Christ is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world That that has been regarded by God since the foundation of the world so when Abel believed on the Lord he was covered by the blood of Christ and Everybody that that was getting saved before that they were looking forward to what Christ was going to do We look back to what Christ already did but in God's eyes He's outside of time and to him it had already been done before the world was ever made Okay, and so it's hard to wrap your mind around obviously the fact that God Would already know that that was going to happen or a new and regarded as if it happened but he calls those things would be not as though they were and that is Why salvation is always by grace in the New Testament is the everlasting covenant in which everybody's saved by okay? Old covenant represents the fact that we can't save ourselves and it can't be by us So hopefully that makes sense and we'll go through some other ones. I'm not sure which one I'm gonna go to next because I haven't got that far yet, but We'll figure it out and see which allegory I want to go to next on this but hopefully each one will kind of show you different elements of The Old Testament New Testament the only father we think for today. Thank you for your word Thank you for the salvation's throughout the weeks here and just Being able to work Through us and we just praise you for that and we just pray that everything we do would be glorifying to you Help us to know your word help us to see every little piece that we can when it comes to this series on just How you knew and how you showed the Old Testament New Testament even just in stories in the Bible on how it was Foreshadowed and what we just thank you for that and prayed to be able to start the rest this week in Jesus Christ's name Amen, so they will come and sing one more song and we'll be dismissed All Right take your song books and turn to song 301 Song 301 We'll sing great is thy I'm sorry. No, we'll sing Oh, let me get there sweet hour of prayer song 301 if you would stand sing song 301 Oh Prayer sweet hour of prayer that calls me from a world of care and bids me at my father's throne make all my wants and wishes known in seasons of Distress and grief my soul as often found relief and oft escaped the tempter snare by thy return sweet hour of prayer sweet hour of prayer sweet hour of prayer May they be shall my petition bear to him whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to blast and since he bids me seek his face Believe his word And trust his grace. I'll cast on him my every care and way