(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So you're there in Acts chapter 3, Acts chapter 3 we're continuing our study and Acts chapter 1 and 2 are kind of like are basically coupled together and then Acts 3, 4 and 5 are coupled together meaning that it's kind of a continuous story and then chapter 6 it's kind of a break where you're starting off a new story a little bit and so Acts 1 to 2 he's telling you not many days hence you know the Holy Ghost is going to come and the day of Pentecost and then chapter 2 is when that happens and then in Acts 3, 4 and 5 we have kind of this story with the apostles with Peter and John and so the first thing that we see here is where they go into the temple at the hour of prayer so like I said when we sang that song Sweet Hour of Prayer you know it's pertinent to the first verse here but in verse 1 there it says now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour and so just something to see here is that you know that that Sweet Hour of Prayer and how they do that you know we do our prayer meetings you know kind of tailored after the fact of coming together and praying together and all that so you know we as Christians should try to have a good prayer life and having you know a set time and coming you know we don't have to come together as a group every single day or anything like that but it's just interesting that there is a set time during the hour of the day the ninth hour which would be if you think about there's 12 hours in a day that's 3 hours before dark so you just kind of get the time frame as far as when they're doing that you know at the temple there and obviously the house of God the church is the house of God now and so that's kind of where we translate that into the New Testament there a little bit but really the story that we see here is when they go into this temple that was the reason they were going there but when they go into this temple they see this man that's lame and this whole this this chapter is really hitting on that and then chapter 4 is going to be hitting on that as well so this is kind of really dealing with this miracle they do here with healing this man that was lame of his feet and notice in verse 2 there it says and a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask alms of them that entered into the temple who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked and alms and so we see also that we're just dealing with Peter and John here so it's not the whole 12 it's not a whole group of them it's just Peter and John and so they're obviously the inner three you know without James being there obviously but they're the two of the inner three but we see here that this man is lame from his mother's womb okay so since he's been born he's been lame okay so it's different than Mephibosheth right Mephibosheth you know which was Saul's or Jonathan's son Mephibosheth was lame because the he was dropped right so as a child and this is different though this is lame from birth and that's one of the big reasons why this miracle is just so magnificent is the fact that he never walked he never could walk you know and so it's not like he had some accident and then he just got rehabilitated from that accident or something but go to John chapter 9 because there's a simple similar story with Jesus dealing with a man that's blind from birth and so it's interesting because we see kind of the some of the same things that Jesus did only the apostles are doing you know as we go through the book of Acts we'll see people being raised from the dead you know people being healed from sicknesses and all these different things and this is one of those things that we're seeing is this miracle where this man this lame man is now walking okay and so in John 9 I just want you to see this to show you it's very similar the reason I say that is because it's it's dealing with the fact that this man was like this from birth right and so in verse 1 of chapter 9 John chapter 9 it says and as Jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth and his disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind Jesus answered neither he hath sinned or I'm sorry that neither hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of God should be made manifest in him so obviously he's rebuking him saying that had nothing to do with sin he was born blind because of this event right here you know that he would glorify God and this this event that's going to happen here and then in verse four there this is what I want you to really see here because it says in verse four it says I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world it's interesting because now he's not in the world when we when we're in Acts chapter 3 he's ascended up to the father and he says as the father sent me even so send I you and they're going out and doing these works you know that as far as the same things that Jesus was doing when he was here in his ministry and so you see that passing of a torch so to speak to the to the apostles well we do see that he he does heal him so we see that the man is is lame from his mother's womb now when you go to chapter four which we'll get to obviously not next week but the week after it says in chapter four that this man was over 40 years old okay so he'd been living for over 40 years being lame on his feet so when I read this next portion here of Acts chapter 3 you can imagine why he's excited okay it's just like someone that's never seen before imagine that it's one thing if you if you could see and then you went blind and then you got your sight back that would be amazing and I'm sure that would be emotional but imagine never being able to see and then you saw and you can see all the colors you can see everything that's going on or you can never walk but now you're walking and so just the the joy that that would bring but in verse four of Acts chapter 3 it says and Peter fastening his eyes upon him with John said look on us now I find this funny okay now this is this is a side note but usually when people are asking for alms you're doing the whole like I'm like you know Ray Charles like I can't see like you're trying to not make eye contact with these people because this guy I don't believe is like a panhandler you know and what are you talking about I'm talking about the people that sit on the side of the road that could work but they're just out to make it like they're they're just trying to take you from your your money right and these people know where to get help they know that they could work to make money but they make more money standing on the corner and getting your money okay so I don't look at this guy like that I look at the fact that he can't work because he's disabled and you know he's been disabled since he was a child and so um I'm not looking past that but but Peter's just like you know people are probably passing by this guy and just not making eye contact did you imagine like I mean that's the way it is today right if someone is a lot of times if someone's in help that the problem with that is is that the people that do need help it's been tainted because there's so many people that are charlatans right they're not they don't really need help and you don't want to give them money because they're just going to use it on drugs or even if they don't use it on drugs they don't deserve it okay and so it's a sad state but Pete but but Peter here is just like staring at him he's just like fastening his eyes along so this guy's thinking you know I'm gonna get some money but notice what it says here in verse five it says he gave heed unto them expecting to receive something of them then Peter said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk now this is this is something we need to think about as Christians obviously we're not we don't have the ability right now to just like cause people to to walk and heal people like the apostles did and what we'll see you know in other places in acts here is that the apostles had there were signs and wonders done by the apostles okay and so these things of people causing people to walk causing people to you know get raised from the dead the apostles were doing that and we know that the apostles aren't here anymore because Paul was the last but you know it's something to think about as far as this this silver and gold you know as far as I don't have any money but what I do have is I can I can you know make you walk and we need to think about that with with our Christian lives as far as you know we may not have a lot right now we not may not be you know super rich and have a whole bunch of money but how much riches do we have and being saved and what's waiting for us in heaven and we really have to look on that thing that's not physical because silver and gold's physical but what he did you know as far as healing this man is something that's completely outside of that and this guy would give every bit of silver and gold I guaranteed to where he can walk right because he was looking for money like physical money but what he got was priceless being able to walk and this comes down to people that are rich okay people that are rich in the world they'd give anything for their health they'd give all their money away for health you know these people these billionaires will die I guarantee they give all their money away if they could if they could live longer and so what what's the price of health you know and just thinking of physical health and so you know the things that we need to really kind of you know defocus on the things of this world the material things and Peter's saying I don't have any silver and gold but I can make you walk yeah that's a pretty good deal and and obviously it's in the power of Jesus and you know through faith in his name that we see here and so in verse um in verse uh I'm sorry and in verse seven there it says and he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength and he and he leaping up stood and walked and entered entered with them into the temple walking and leaping and praising God so that's imagine he's leaping he's not just walking he's not just okay now he has a cane and he can walk no he's leaping okay and obviously this guy is just ecstatic from this and he was at the gate so they were before they got into the temple they were at this gate and this man was just sitting there at the gate and you know asking for alms he was lame and all that and this this miracle was done here so imagine imagine being that guy first of all right how excited he would be you're not gonna be able to hold that in you know that excitement that you're walking you're gonna be telling everybody about that in verse nine there says and all the people saw him walking and praising God and they they knew that it was he which sat for alms at the beautiful gate of the temple and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him so everybody knew and what you'll see in chapter four when when the the Pharisees and all that stuff are coming against the apostles is that they can't deny this they can't deny that this man was over 40 years old and he was lame from his mother's womb and it's such a miracle that there's no denying it okay and so all these people in the temple are just amazed at this now this is an open door obviously to preach the gospel you know when that when that happens but um but go uh go to to um john 14 go to john 14 i'm going to read isaiah 35 and verse 3 and and just i i've read this when we were dealing with jesus remember when john the baptist said you know are you he that should come or do we look for another and jesus said you know see what tell them what you saw the blind received their sight the lame walk and i was showing you isaiah 35 and it says in isaiah 35 3 it says strengthening need the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees say to them that are full heart be strong fear not behold your god will come with vengeance even god with a recompense he will come and save you then the eyes of the blind shall be opened in in the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped then shall the lame man leap as in heart what happened here we had the lame man leaping you know it says twice talking about him leaping so not only is he walking he's leaping around and it says in the tongue of the dumb sing for in the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the desert and what i want you to see in john 14 and verse 12 it said this is jesus talking he says verily verily i'm saying to you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because i go unto my father and so obviously he's talking about going to the father and the comforters coming coming and what i believe is going on here just like the day of pentecost is he's confirming that the comforter is there and that power is there that he promised would come and i don't believe that it's saying like greater as far as like better okay greater doesn't necessarily mean better but i mean i believe it means greater meaning more in in uh multitude you know as far as greater in quantity right because if you think about it they started doing these great works but then how long has it been since jesus was here on earth he was here for what in his ministry for three years three and a half years somewhere around there two thousand years of christians living and dying and doing great works for god that's greater works meaning that that's a multitude of works you know and and what did it say in john uh 20 year when it talks about or john 21 you know when it ends the gospel it basically says that the world couldn't contain the books of all the things that jesus both said and did but i do believe that with the holy ghost and with the church of god and the multitude of people that he's saying that you're going to do more than what he did and think about the times you know just think about the amount of people that are christians now doing work for god and our lifetime in one generation but think about that and how many generations have gone come and gone since then and so i believe what we see in acts in the beginning acts is this passing on the torch this you know the fact that jesus was here in his earthly ministry in the flesh but he said listen i'm going to the father but i'm not going to leave you comfortless the comforter will come and it's expedient that i go away because if i don't go away the comforter won't come and this is just basically confirming all of this right the day of pentecost they started speaking with other languages and then we have this where peter goes and they're going into the temple and there's this man lame from his from birth and he's saying you know rise up and walk and it's just confirming that listen they have the spirit of god they have the holy ghost and they have the power of god on them and just confirming that new testament you know promises that were given and so but like i said this story of this lame man is something that's going to be brought up when we get into chapter four and five you know as far as it's going to be this big stink so to speak with the the elders they're going to be jealous obviously they're going to be envious of basically that the acknowledgement and the the fame of the apostles that are going to happen and so and by going back to act chapter three this verse here i just you ever see little details in the bible you're just like that's just a cool little detail as far as just understanding like picturing it you ever just try to picture what's going on in verse 11 there it says and as the lame man which was healed held peter and john it says all the people ran together unto them and the porch that is called solomon's greatly wondering so obviously because of this everybody's gathering together but notice that this man is just basically holding on to them right he imagined that he's so excited he's just basically putting his arms around him like you know holding on to these guys because they just made him walk and obviously the faith that he had in christ and we we saw that it was by or we're going to see here that is by the faith of christ that this man is walking okay and obviously that's the way it was with jesus right it's because of their faith thy faith hath made thee whole and that's something that you see over and over and over and over again that that you know thy faith hath made thee whole and it says your sins be forgiven you he says to you know the remember the the man that they brought through the roof and you know he he said take up thy bed and walk and they're like how could you know or no i'm sorry he said thy sins be forgiven he he says that first before he heals them you know of whatever uh you know i think it was the policy that he had and and they're like oh you know who can forgive sins he's like well which is easier to say that he's forgiven of sins or take up that bed and walk and he got up and walked out which proved that he had power to forgive of sins right and so you see that physical and spiritual but here's more focusing on the physical because that's what people see you know and again what we see here is this jump start so to speak of the new testament we have these miracles that are begun by the apostles to show hey listen the spirit of god is in this the spirit of god is moving here and then you know after the apostles you know that's where you get into it's established we have the more sure word of prophecy and you know we still have the holy ghost and it's not to say that miracles can't happen in the end times or anything like that but it is different than being an apostle and getting revelation from god and these different things that they got right but in act chapter 3 and verse 11 we see that he's holding on to peter and john so i just imagine this guy is just ecstatic he's happy and he's just like just wants to hold on to these guys you know you imagine he the the if you could heal somebody of some disease if you could heal somebody of that how much they'd love you for that you know for helping them out and you know if only people that when we went into christ they got this ecstatic they but see if people understood you know and if we understood you know the the severity of hell then we'd be a little more excited too right because we win people to christ and listen it's always exciting you know i'm never like man well just another one there i'm always excited when people get saved but if you really think about what just happened there how excited would you be to understand that you save that person from an eternal fire by giving them the gospel but how ecstatic would they be you know and that's where it comes down to we have faith but you know it's obviously not huge faith and we want to increase our faith and that's something that we're supposed to you know that constantly trying to do but going on there it says in verse 12 it says and when peter saw it when he saw the crowd gathering together right it says he answered unto the people ye men of israel why marvel ye at this or why look ye so earnestly on us as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk so i love this because peter's basically saying listen it's not because of us it's not because we're powerful we're apostles right we're apostles we have this special power he's saying it has nothing to do with our power it has nothing to do with our holiness because he's not saying like oh lots of possible apostles were were saints right that's the catholic church right we're all saints if you believe on jesus christ you know all those that call upon name lord and faith are saints but you know there's this idea that the apostles were like this extra holiness but he's saying it's not because of our holiness and it's not by our own power and in verse in verse 13 says the god of abraham and of isaac and of jacob the god of our fathers hath glorified his son now what i love about this is it's really bringing all the bible together meaning that in the old testament you always see that god of abraham god of isaac god of jacob and he's basically saying listen that god his son jesus proving that you know the trinity in the old testament like this isn't something new this is the same god that was at the burning bush is the same god that was the god of abraham isaac and jacob and it's talking about his son that he's glorified his son jesus whom ye delivered up and denied him in the presence of pilot when he was determined to let him go so notice that back in what chapter two remember he said that ye he says ye by wicked hands have slain you know the christ and then and here and in chapter three same thing whom ye delivered up and denied in the in the presence of pilot when he was determined to let him go but ye denied the holy one in the just and desired a murderer to be granted unto you and killed the prince of life so notice who killed him israel who's he talking to here is he talking to the romans because he starts off saying you men of israel and i keep pointing this out and it's kind of like when we went through matthew i kept pointing out the fact that you know the kingdom of god is going to be taken away from the jews and you know the fact that the the axe is lay uh you know is laid to the root of the tree and and all these different things you're like why do you keep bringing this up i'm not the one bringing it up i didn't write axe axe is the one that keeps bringing this up every time peter preaches the gospel he keeps saying you're the one that killed jesus you need to own that and but then he goes on in verse uh verse 16 so he starts off talking about the the man that was healed then he goes into the gospel see how he's lacing in the gospel there and this is something we can always learn we can learn from the apostles we can learn obviously from the lord jesus christ jesus christ is the best solaner ever so obviously he's the best person to go to but peter here what did he do he took what he was what they were all marveling at he's saying why are you marveling about this it wasn't because of our powers because of jesus christ by the way who you killed but he raised but god raised from the dead what is that that's the gospel the death bell and resurrection and then he says by the way in verse 16 and his name or i'm sorry in his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong whom ye see and know yea the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all so notice what is he saying it's by faith death and resurrection and it's by faith that you're saved it's by faith that you're made whole and he's using this this this physical means of salvation or this physical means of healing and a lot of times salvation is is likened on the healing you think of the the passages where it talks about that their their eyes are darkened lest they should be converted and be what healed but in other places it'll say and i'm actually going to get to that uh we're in another portion where it says lest they be converted and their sins be forgiven them okay so being healed you know obviously spiritually is like is is dealing with your sins being forgiven but there's a couple there's things in here and listen i can i can preach whole sermons about different pieces in here so i gotta you know pick what i want to deal with here but how about the some of the names for jesus here we see holy one we see just and the prince of light so the holy one is actually a great one to to see the deity of christ okay when you go back to the old testament so it's saying that jesus is the holy one now in act chapter two we saw that psalm 16 is clearly talking about jesus no doubt talking about jesus says let me freely speak of you the patriarch david right that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us unto this day he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh to see corruption well what's that quoting what's that talking about that will not leave my soul in hell neither will thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption so his flesh of jesus right is talking about the holy one not seeing corruption and if you went back to psalm 16 you'd see that it says holy one right but go to psalm 71 i just want to show you a few places and and it'd be exhaustive for me to go through all these different examples so in your bible study or when you're studying this out look up the that phrase holy one and see all these places when it's talking about god okay and it's just a nice little key and there's plenty of places to go to prove that jesus is god but the fact that he's called the lord of glory right it says you've crucified the lord of glory um that's a great one too obviously but people what here's the thing people mince words and they'll say well it's the lord though you know lord's different than god you know they'll use stuff like that how about it says that he's the lord from heaven you know and talks about the second adam and that you know the first adam was of the earth earthly but then the second adam was the lord from heaven but see they'll they'll mince words with that but when you go back to the old testament it'll clearly say that god is the holy one and you can't really mess with that okay and so i think all those other verses are great when you look at the lord of glory when you look at that you know that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father i think those are all great verses but i people will be like well that says lord doesn't say god okay but in psalm in psalm 71 psalm 71 and verse 22 it says i will also praise thee with the psaltery even thy truth oh my god unto thee will i sing with the harp oh thou holy one of israel so who's he praising here well you say wow you know the holy one and god are different well you know what this proves that jesus is there at that time and they're praising him at that moment which means that he's ever he's from everlasting okay which obviously we believe in the trinity right we believe that the father and son are different persons but uh go to isaiah 41 i'm sorry i'll read isaiah 41 you go to isaiah 54 isaiah 54 but it says in isaiah 41 and verse 14 it says fear not thou worm jacob and you men of israel i will help thee set the lord and thy redeemer the holy one of israel now that whole study with the fact of being the redeemer and the savior that there's no savior but you know i am god and those there's no savior beside me and you go to titus when it says jesus christ our savior god our savior jesus christ our savior god our savior that you know if there's only one savior you know what that means is jesus god but uh but in isaiah 54 in verse 5 this is very really clear and again you can go through all these different passages i'm just kind of picking some out um just to kind of show you this but isaiah 54 in verse 5 it says for thy maker is in thine is thine husband for thy maker is thine husband the lord of hosts is his name and thy redeemer the holy one of israel the god of the whole earth shall he be called now i'll try to mess that one up i guess you know i mean yeah i mean the holy one of israel is the god of all the earth the whole earth shall he be called and isn't jesus christ called our the husband we're the bride he's the husband then you know like the husband and you know like the bridegroom the bridegroom you know and the bride so uh habakkuk 1 and verse 12 habakkuk 1 and verse 12 this is a good one too just dealing with the holy one you say well that says holy one of israel well here's one that doesn't say holy one of israel i know people will strain it and that and swallow a camel right and but holy one of israel and holy one that's talking about the same it's talking about god okay but in habakkuk 1 and verse 12 it says art thou not from everlasting oh lord my god mine holy one we shall not die oh lord thou hast ordained them for judgment and oh mighty god thou hast established them for correction so it's very clear that when he's talking to god when he's talking to the lord and what we have we have all caps lord we have jehovah god and holy one uses synonymous phrases there so jehovah god holy one and you say well you know where's the trinity well you got to understand this that both jehovah the all caps lord is is a broader term that could talk about any one of the the three in the trinity same with god and i believe same with the holy one that it can be used for all three and so it's kind of an all-encompassing word meaning when you're talking about the holy one you're talking about god but you could say well the jesus is the holy one you can say the father is the holy one you could say that the holy ghost is the holy one but it's because it's three in one right it's three persons in one and it's just a broader term and so it's like ancient of days we saw that going through daniel the ancient of days can be talking about the father and one place is talking about the father the other place is talking about the son of man coming to the the Ancient of Days, or I'm sorry, it's talking about the Ancient of Days coming in the clouds, right? And so, you see that those are used, one's used for the Father, one's used for the Son, but again, it's a broader term that could be talking about any of them. It could be talking about all three at once, right? If you said, we believe in God, what does that mean? We believe in the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Well, say, well, do you believe in the Father? Yeah. Do you believe in the Son? Yeah. Do you believe in the Holy Ghost? Yes. So anyway, I want you to see that, and you can do that in your own study as far as looking at the Holy One, and just seeing that that's a great place to show that Acts chapter three is saying that he is the Holy One. Acts chapter two is honestly saying that as well, but here it's clearly saying that you denied the Holy One, and the just, and you killed the Prince of Life. So it's talking about who'd you deny? You denied the Lord Jesus Christ, right? And then also it talks about the Prince of Life, and so that's the only time that phrase is used as far as that name. So Jesus has a lot of names, but it's interesting because him being a prince, there's actually three mentions that I know of, and one is the Prince of Life that we see here in Acts chapter three. Then you have the Prince of Peace that's mentioned in Isaiah 9, six, right? And there's that famous verse that we usually have around Christmas time. It says, for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. And then in Daniel eight it talks about how the Antichrist is gonna stand against the Prince of Princes, okay? So Jesus has a lot of names, okay? You know, Prince of Peace, Prince of Life, you know, Prince of Princes. And so, you know, there's a lot of things dealing with the word of life, the word of truth, you know, and all these different things dealing with how he's the word of God, and just different names that he has. What's the name that's above every name, though? Jesus. And we need to always remember that, that that's the name that's above every name. And it's not wrong to call him the word of God. It's not wrong to call him the Prince of Peace. It's not wrong to call him the Prince of Life, or the Holy One, or the Just, right? And so it's not wrong to call him that, but the name that's above every name is Jesus. And let me try to skip something there. Yeah, and so by going back to Acts chapter three, one thing that I see here, so we see the story of this lame man that was lame from his birth, and this great miracle that was done on him, but the other thing that I see in this chapter really that's pointed out a lot is that this was all prophesied by all the prophets, that Jesus was gonna come, that he was going to suffer. And what I really see here is he's talking to Israel and saying, listen, this has been foretold by all the prophets. They've all told about this. This isn't something new. It's not like some new doctrine here. This has all been told before by the prophets that this would happen, and opening their eyes to the scriptures. And you gotta understand, they didn't have the New Testament written at that time. They didn't have Acts three in front of them because they're doing it. They're actually living Acts three at a time. So what were they using? They were using the Old Testament to win them to Christ. Do you notice all the scripture that they keep bringing up? Like at chapter two, how many scriptures did they quote up? Different Psalms and different things that they were bringing up, and we see that happening again in this passage. Now, in Acts chapter three and verse 17, it says, and now, brethren, I what that through ignorance, ye did it, as did also your rulers. But those things which God before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, and he hath so fulfilled. So he's basically saying, notice that it says all his prophets. Now, we saw this, obviously, with Jesus when he was risen from the dead, that he opened the scriptures and showed that, from the prophets through the Psalms, all the places that this was going to happen. And this is another place where it says all his prophets. So that means Genesis to Malachi, it was all pointing to Christ, and you could find in every single one of those books, yes, Song of Solomon, you can find stuff about Christ. Actually, I mean, Solomon obviously pictures Christ, and the woman pictures the bride of Christ, and all those different things. There's so many things that are in there, but all I have to say is that every single book is picturing Christ and his sufferings. And go to 1 Peter chapter one, 1 Peter chapter one, and there's plenty of places that show this, that all the prophets bear witness of him. And again, it's not even just all that was written, because we saw that he was going to be called a Nazarene, which was spoken by the prophets. We saw that Jeremiah talked about how he was going to be sold for 30 pieces of silver, even though it's not written in Jeremiah. So there's a lot of things that were spoken and written that were foretold of Christ. And in 1 Peter chapter one, in verse 10 there, it says, of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you, searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ, which was in them, did signify, when it testified beforehand, the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow. So notice that the prophets were searching diligently, they were trying to figure out all the stuff that was going on, and again, they were looking through a glass darkly. It's kind of like how we're looking into the future as far as the new heaven, new earth, the millennial reign. I look at that as kind of like what they were in the Old Testament, kind of figuring out how Christ was going to come and everything that was going to happen exactly, right? I believe they understood that Christ was going to save them from their sins, but how that actually played out, everything that had to happen in the order that it was going to happen, I believe they were looking through a glass darkly, but they were trying to search that out and figure all that stuff out, kind of like how we're trying to figure out everything that's going to happen in the end times, right? We're kind of searching that diligently, trying to figure out all the different specific points that are going to be made, and there are things that are ambiguous that we won't really know until later. Does that mean that we don't know what's going to happen? You know, like we're just completely in the dark? But the Bible does say that even now, even though we have a more sure word of prophecy, it says we look through a glass darkly. It says in 1 Corinthians 13. So we are still in some manners and some things that we're looking in the future through a glass darkly, and I believe there's a reason for that, obviously, why God is not revealing every little thing to us, because it's not needed, obviously, at this time. But in Acts chapter 10, I just want to put this one in here too, because the sufferings of Christ were all the prophets gave witness. You know, underline all, if you don't mind underlining in your Bible, all the prophets bear witness of him. So this wasn't just in the corner, it wasn't like, well, it was just Isaiah. Isaiah, you know, was just the one that was just really, now yes, Isaiah did have a lot, and so does Psalms, but guess what? Jeremiah does too. Jeremiah is actually the only place that the New Testament, you know, as far as the new covenant that he's going to give a new covenant, that's the only place that that's written, and there's a lot of, obviously, other places, and every time I read through the Old Testament, I see more and more. Good night, when we were going through Genesis, how many pictures of Jesus Christ did we see in that, and I probably didn't even touch the surface. You know, as far as just different pictures in every single chapter, we were seeing them. But I had you go into Acts chapter 10, verse 43. Notice what it says here. It says, to him give all the prophets witness that. Now, I want you to look at that. All the prophets bear witness that he was gonna die for our sins, and he was gonna suffer, you know, as far as the plan of salvation, but also all the prophets gave witness that through his name, whosoever believeth in him, shall receive remission of sins. All the prophets, all the prophets taught that believing on the Lord, believing on Christ, gave you remission of sins. Now, we already know this because we're not dispensational. We believe, Romans chapter four, where it says Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness, and it wasn't for his sake only, you know, but for ours also who shall believe. And so, we know that to be true, but this is just another verse to show that, that all the prophets bear witness of his sufferings that he was gonna suffer, but they also all bear witness of the fact that it was by faith in him. The one thing, now, they may have been cloudy on exactly how that was gonna happen as far as not completely grasping, you know, that he was gonna die on the cross, and that, you know, three days later he's gonna rise again, you know, all the details of that, but I do guarantee one thing they grasp is that it was by faith alone, or they weren't saved, because Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness, and it was because he was fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform, and therefore it was imputed unto him for righteousness, and all the prophets bear witness of that. Guess what? Abel bear witness of that. Adam bear witness of that. Noah bear witness of that. Every single prophet bear witness of that from the beginning of the world to the end of the world, and it's something that he keeps seeing over and over, and this chapter is saying, from the foundation of the world, from the beginning of the world, all the prophets. He just keeps repeating this over and over again, saying, listen, this has always been taught. He's just trying to open their minds to it, and just saying, hey, do you see it now? Do you see it? And he keeps bringing up other passages. Go to Acts chapter three and verse 19. Repent of your sins. No, I'm just kidding. That's what people want you to think when you look at this verse here. You know, it's like Acts 2 38, repent. You know, what are you repenting of? Again, what is he coming down on them for? For killing the Lord Jesus Christ. Again, you can't repent of that, right? You can't take that back. You know, it's like, stop killing the Lord. Well, that's done. You know, there's no killing him again, right? So, repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord, and he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you, whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. How many times is he gonna say that? Well, he's not even done. I'm not even done with the chapter here, because he keeps doing this over and over again. I love this. I love the end of this chapter, because it's just constantly reminding us that all the prophets taught this. All the prophets were preaching this. At every point, from him suffering, to those who believe, all of that. Now, when it comes to this repent, notice that in verse 20, it says, which before was preached unto you. So, they already knew this. It's already been preached to them. So, that's why he's saying repent, because they obviously didn't believe it. This goes back to Matthew 21, where it talks about the publicans and the harlots are going in before you. Why? Because they repented at the preaching of John, and ye didn't repent afterwards that you should believe. And it says, repent ye therefore, and be converted. So, again, this goes into Mark, where it talks about, Mark 1, where it's talking about Jesus preaching the gospel. This is what Jesus says in Mark 1, 15. It says, in saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent ye and believe the gospel. So, here it says, repent ye and be converted. And you say, well, is that the same as believe? Or is that, what is that talking about? Well, in Mark 4, when you're dealing with, this is kind of the negative, because it's talking about people that can't believe, right? So, we have that prophecy of Isaiah, where he's saying that, basically, their ears are dull of hearing. But it says, in Mark 4, in verse 12, it says, lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. So, when it's talking about their sins being blotted out, it's just another way of saying the same thing. We see remission of sins, we see forgiveness of sins, we see your sins being blotted out, we see your sins, what, being washed away, right? He has washed us from our sins in his own blood. So, you see all these different ways of saying the same thing, when it comes to forgiving sins, remission of sins, all that stuff. It's all the same thing, it's just a different way of saying the same thing. But I like that term, blotting out, meaning that he's basically blotting it out, it's no more there, okay? Now, there's a lot of different places, I kind of want to just talk about this, you've probably heard of the different phrases that the Bible says when it talks about our sins being taken away. That's another way that it says it, too, he takes away our sins. But in, go to Psalm 103, and I just wanted to show you these. You may not have known where all these are at. You've probably heard them before. But we see that, be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. So, being converted does apply to eternal salvation sometimes. But then there's other places where it's talking about Peter being converted. He's already saved, right? And then you deal with James chapter five, where they're being converted from sinning, so that they save a soul from death. So, I mean, there are cases where conversion can mean a lot of different things. Just like repent could be dealing with a lot of different situations, it's not always dealing with eternal salvation. But in Psalm 103, in verse 12, it says, as far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. So, think about that. How far is the east is from the west? It's infinity, right? And so, that's one way of saying it. Go to Isaiah 38, Isaiah 38. So, Psalm 103 is where that phrase, as far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Isaiah 38 in verse 17, it says, Isaiah 38 in verse 17, it says, behold, for peace I had great bitterness, but thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption, for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back. So, as far as the east is from the west, he's cast our sins behind his back. Go to Micah chapter seven, Micah chapter seven. So, listen, when you get saved, this is what happens. When you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, your sins are blotted out. Your sins are as far as the east is from the west. They've been cast behind the Lord's back. And Micah chapter seven in verse 18, I just want to read verse 18 through the end of the chapter there. It says, who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity and passeth by transgression of the remnant of his heritage? He retaineth not his anger forever because he delighteth in mercy. He will turn again. He will have compassion upon us. He will subdue our iniquities and thou will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. Thou will perform the truth to Jacob and the mercy to Abraham, which thou has sworn unto our fathers from the days of old. So there's you have him being cast into the depths of the sea. They've been cast behind his back. They're far as the east from the west. They've been blotted out. They've been washed away. They've been taken away. And Hebrews chapter eight, you don't necessarily have to turn there, but Hebrews eight is quoting Jeremiah dealing with the new covenant and all that. It says in Hebrew chapter eight in verse 12, it says, for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities, while I remember no more. That's amazing, right? When you think about salvation, he doesn't remember our sins. Why? Because he's cast them behind his back. He's thrown them into the depths of the sea. They are as far as the east is from the west. He's blotted them out and he's taken them away. So, you know, yeah, that's amazing as far as the love. And obviously, basically what it is is that he forgives us and forgets completely about it. Why? Because Jesus Christ's righteousness has been imputed unto us. So not only has our sins been completely taken away, but Jesus Christ's righteousness is resting upon us. And when he looks at us, he sees the Lord Jesus Christ's righteousness on him. Amazing love, amazing, you know, salvation. It'd be enough that he took my sins away and then I was just, I was there. You know, we get to go to heaven, but we have his righteousness, the imputation of the righteousness of Christ is amazing on top of the fact that he's taken our sins away. But those are just all those different places. I don't know if you've maybe looked at all those different places of where they're all referenced at. You've probably heard that though, as far as the east is from the west, he's cast them in the sea, he's cast them behind his back. You know, all those different phrases that are used, they're all biblical. Now going on with Acts chapter three there, what's interesting about Micah is it talks about the promise unto Jacob and Abraham. And that's something that ends this chapter is a promise unto Abraham. All these promises, there's just so many different ones, okay, when it comes to this. And so all these references. Now he's gonna reference the prophecy that was given to Moses about Jesus coming, okay? And so Acts chapter three and verse 22, it says, for Moses truly said unto the fathers, a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me. Him shall ye hear and all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people. You know what this is a great thing to show here is that Moses is a picture of Christ. Why? Because the prophet that's going to come, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, that's what it's saying here is that that's the prophet. Go to Deuteronomy 18, I'll show you where that's at. But it's saying that that prophet is like unto Moses, okay? Because it says Moses truly said unto the fathers that the Lord is gonna raise up a prophet like unto me. He's talking about like unto himself. And I'll prove that to you because God's gonna say like unto thee to Moses, okay? So it's gonna be very clear that he's not saying I'm raising up a prophet like unto me like God, okay? Now obviously we know that Jesus is God, but he's saying that this prophet's going to be like Moses. And so that shows you that, hey, one big thing is that Moses was the meekest man upon earth. Well, it was Jesus, he was meek and lowly. And so there's a lot of pictures. This isn't a whole sermon on Moses and the likeness of Christ and all that, but you can see how you can do a whole study on that and just all the things that Moses did and picturing Christ. But again, we see another place, Deuteronomy 18, where it was talking about Jesus. Deuteronomy 18 and verse 15. It says, the Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me unto him, ye shall hearken. So this is Moses talking and saying that, and that's where it's quoting that in Acts chapter three. But go down to verse 18 because I'm just gonna prove to you that it's talking about liking unto Moses. It says in verse 18, it says, I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee. So who's raising up the prophet? Obviously God is. And he's saying, like unto thee, he's talking to Moses. It says, and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words, which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him. So obviously we know that what Jesus said, I speak the words of my father. I do all the father. Basically the whole Trinity in there obviously is that the father is giving him the words to say, telling him what to do. He's just doing the will of the father and lock and step. And that's what we see here with this prophecy. And so that proves that that prophecy in Deuteronomy 18 was fulfilled in Christ. And you think about this verse here. In John 1 17, it says, for the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Because Moses was the one that established the Old Testament, the first covenant, but who established the second? The Lord Jesus Christ, the death of the testator. And so you see those similarities as far as Moses is the physical and then Jesus is the spiritual. The Old Testament's the physical, New Testament's the spiritual, right? Law, grace, all those allegories that go along in that. But going on there in Acts chapter three, again at the end of this chapter you just see line upon line, line upon line of like verses that are brought up as far as here's the fulfillment, here's the fulfillment, here's the fulfillment. I think that one's interesting because this is only brought up in Acts about Moses, that he's that prophet. You remember that's what they would say, art thou that, to John the Baptist said, are you Elias, are you the Christ, and art thou that prophet? Who do you think they're talking about? Deuteronomy 18. And so in Acts chapter three and verse 24, again, going into the fact that all the prophets talked about this. In Acts three and verse 24 it says, yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. So you're like, man, you keep beating that horse, I'm just reading the rest of the chapter, okay? And he's saying that but he's also giving examples, right? He's saying that all the prophets prophesied this but for sake of time he's just going through some of the examples, right? He's bringing up Moses, he's bringing up just different things, he's gonna bring up Abraham and just all the different scriptures he could go to, obviously. And verse 25 there, we see the promise to Abraham and to his seed. In Acts three and verse 25 it says, ye are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, and in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. So we know this, we went through Genesis, right? That Abraham in Genesis 12, right, it says, in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. In Genesis 22, when he offered up his son Isaac, it says this, and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Go to Galatians chapter three, Galatians chapter three, and all this ties together and notice he just kinda throws that in there and says, oh, you know, by the way, that in thy seed shall all nations be blessed, what's he talking about? In Christ. Galatians confirms this, obviously, that that seed that was talked about throughout Genesis was not talking about seeds as of many, but as of one. But notice in Galatians chapter three and verse eight, we see, first of all, that the gospel is the same, that this is the gospel, right? What's he doing? He's bringing up the gospel over and over again, this prophet that's going to come, the sufferings of Christ, all these different things, he keeps bringing up these passages, and that where it says, thy seed shall all nations be blessed, all the families of the earth, the nations, tribes, all those different things, that's talking about the Lord Jesus Christ in grace that's given by his salvation. But in Galatians chapter three and verse eight, it says, in the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, and these shall all nations be blessed. So then they, which be of faith, are blessed with faithful Abraham. So the gospel was preached to Abraham, guess what, he believed, and it was imputed on him for righteousness, and everybody else was saved the same way. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, it's always been by faith. You go to the book of Hebrews in chapter 11, what do you see, by faith, Abel, by faith, Noah, by faith, and it keeps going down the line, that's by faith. But in Galatians chapter three and verse 16, dealing with that seed, so in Acts chapter three, it's saying that, and in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. In Galatians three, it's saying that in Abraham, right? In thee, which is obviously true, but notice in Galatians 3, 16, it ties it all together. Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made, he saith not, and to seeds as of many, but as of one, and to thy seed, which is Christ. And if you be Christ, then are you Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. And so what do we see? We see the gospel being brought to light from the Old Testament, from Genesis. So he's bringing up Deuteronomy, he's bringing up Genesis, and just all these scriptures that are being fulfilled, and just keeps pointing that out. We're not done, and we got one more verse, okay? And so this is the end, obviously, you're like, well, where else can you go, right? We got one last verse here. Notice in verse 26, it says, unto you first, I'm sorry, unto you first God, having raised up his son Jesus, sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. Now I believe this goes all the way, this goes back to the blotting out, like if you be converted, your sins will be blotted out, and that's how he's turning you away from your iniquities, right, because he's casting them behind his back, they're as far as the East is from the West, and that's how he's getting you away from your iniquities, by believing on him. But you say, well, what is this talking about? Well, I believe this is fulfilling Isaiah 59. Go to Isaiah 59, Isaiah 59. So there's two places in the Old Testament that I would go to if I was gonna look for like a verse on the New Testament or the New Covenant being brought into place. Jeremiah 31, obviously, is the go-to, that's where it says I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, with the house of Judah, and that's brought up, obviously, in Hebrews. But how about this one in Isaiah 59, and I want you to first see in verse 16. Verse 16, it says, and he saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor, therefore his arm brought salvation unto him and his righteousness, and it sustained him, for he put on righteousness as a breastplate and a helmet of salvation upon his head, and he put on garments of vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal as a cloak. And so what do you see here? I believe the Lord Jesus Christ coming to bring salvation, and he's the intercessor. He's the intercessor for the transgressors. That's what it says in Isaiah 53. And so he made intercessory, that's a tongue twister, made intercessor for the transgressors, right? So, but we see that before we get to verse 20, go down to verse 20, and this is gonna be, this is quoted in the New Testament, as far as another place in the New Testament, but I also believe this is talking about Acts chapter three and verse 26. And so Isaiah 59 in verse 20 says, and the redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression, and Jacob saith the Lord. As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord, my spirit that is upon me, and my words which I put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed seed, saith the Lord from henceforth and forever. So this falls lock and step with Jeremiah 31, where it talks about the fact that he's gonna put his law in our minds and in our hearts, and it's talking about the Holy Ghost. And obviously that's the New Testament with the Comforter and talking about the spirit there. But what I want you to see there is that the redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression and Jacob. But then it says in Acts chapter three and verse 26, it says that unto you first, God having raised up his son Jesus, sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. So then why are you bringing this up? Well, first of all, I want you to see that in the Old Testament when it reads it, it says unto them that turn from transgression and Jacob, you may look at that and be like, well, is that saying they need to turn from their sins? Well, what you have to understand is that when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you are in turn, basically God is doing it, right? So it's kind of like when you would say, well, I saved myself, I'm saved because I believed on Christ. That's something you do, right? Something you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, but it's really you're saved by Jesus Christ, right? Faith is how you got it. But faith in Christ and being converted is how your sins were blotted out and how you were turned away from your iniquities. Does that make sense? So it does seem like it's a little more cryptic in the Old Testament, that's why the New Testament, notice the way it works in the New Testament, it says in turning, who's doing the turning in Acts chapter three? Jesus, right? He sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. So he's the one turning you away from your iniquities in chapter three, but go to Romans chapter 11. Romans chapter 11, you say, well, why are you bringing up this point? Because in Acts chapter three, when it says that, it says that Jesus was sent, past tense. This is talking about something that already happened. That having, he sent, it says unto you first, God having raised up his son, sent him, past tense, to bless you in turning away every one from his iniquities. And the reason that I bring this up, because in Romans chapter 11, they wanna say that this is some future event. This is when all the Jews are gonna get saved at the end times, okay? But think about this now that you look at Acts chapter three, was there any, when we read that portion there, did you think this is a future event? No one is thinking that, right? No one's reading through Acts chapter three and they read that verse and be like, this is something that's gonna happen in the future. He's saying, be converted that your sins may be blotted out and it was unto you first that God sent his son, raising him from the dead, and he sent him to bless you and turning every one of you away from his iniquities. So no one's reading that thinking, well, that's in the future, right? But look at Romans chapter 11, verse 25. It says, for I would not, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved as it is written. Now this is where we're gonna be quoting Isaiah 59. And what they wanna go is Zechariah, okay? But this isn't a quotation from Zechariah. It says, there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob, for this is my covenant unto them when I shall take away their sins. So notice that in Isaiah 59 it says, it says what? It says, this is my covenant with them. But then it goes on to say, my spirit is upon thee, and my words will be upon thee. So you see that there's a different aspect of the covenant. But also this covenant's talking about taking away their sins. But it says, shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. What's it say in Acts chapter three, verse 26? And turning away every one of you from his iniquities. What's it say in Isaiah 59 and verse 20? Unto them that turn from transgression and Jacob. And it's talking about the redeemer coming, which in Romans it says deliverer. But same thing, right? Redeemer, deliverer. It's quoting that. You know what that proves? Is that that's already happened. That covenant is talking about the New Testament. This isn't some third covenant, okay? But Acts chapter three is a nail in the coffin in that. It's showing you that this passage about there shall come out of Zion, the deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob is talking about something that already happened. It already happened. And in Acts chapter three, it's saying that it already happened. So this is not some future event. And you say, well, what's it that all Israel shall be saved? Well, in Isaiah 45, it talks about that all the seed of Israel shall be justified, that trust in the Lord and His righteousness, okay? You know what that means is that in the end, all Israel will be saved. First of all, in the New Jerusalem, it's all gonna be Israel saved, right? Anybody that's not of Israel is gonna be in the lake of fire. So that will be true. And so there's a lot of different ways you can maybe explain what all Israel shall be saved. How about this? They are not all Israel which are of Israel. You had to read that before you got to chapter 11, didn't you? That's in chapter nine of Romans. And so Acts chapter three, I believe, is also a quotation from Isaiah 59. So you see all those references, Deuteronomy, Genesis, Isaiah, even talking about the Holy One and how you go back to all the places that the Holy One's mentioned and all that stuff. So Acts chapter three is a great passage dealing with proving through the scriptures that Christ was going to suffer, that it's been told by all these different places, okay? And that it just keeps saying over and over again, all the prophets, all the prophets, all the prophets. And then it gets more specific, from Samuel on, right? And it's like, by the way, Moses, that was before Samuel. So you have Moses, then Samuel, and all those that were past that. How about Abraham? He brings up Abraham, that's before Moses. So it's just like Abraham, Moses, Samuel, and on. How many times and how many different ways do you need to say it? But I love it. Just a great passage as far as salvation and just obviously with the miracle of the lame man walking. And so that's Acts chapter three. And so let's end with the word of prayer. Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you for this evening and pray that you be with us throughout the rest of this week as we go back to work. But Lord, we just thank you for the book of Acts and just so many things that we can learn from there as far as soul winning, how to be a better soul winner as we see how Peter does it both in Acts chapter two but also Acts chapter three and how we can emulate that. But Lord, we just thank you for the book of Acts. We pray that you'd help us to understand every piece that's pertinent to us in there.