(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to Mountain Baptist Church. Take your songbooks and turn to song 407. We'll sing, yeah. Apparently since it's Father's Day, we have to sing a Christmas song. We'll sing Faith of Our Fathers, if you would stand up. That's right, that's right. If you would stand, we'll sing song 407. Faith of our fathers, living still, In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword. O how our hearts beat high with joy, When e'er we hear that glorious word. Faith of our fathers, holy faith, We will be true to thee till death. Faith of our then presents dark, Were still in heart and conscience free. How sweet would be their children's fate, If they like them could die for thee. Faith of our fathers, holy faith, We will be true to thee till death. Faith of our fathers, we still strive, To win all nations unto thee. And through the truth that comes from God, Mankind shall then indeed be free. Faith of our fathers, holy faith, We will be true to thee till death. Faith of our fathers, we will love, Both friend and foe, in all our strife. We preach thee too, as love knows how, By kindly words and virtuous life. Faith of our fathers, holy faith, We will be true to thee till death. Let's pray. Lord, we just want to thank you, God, for this beautiful Sunday morning that you've given us to meet in your house and hear your word preached. I pray, Lord, now that you would just be honored and glorified out of everything that we say and do. For it's in Jesus' name we ask all, but amen. All right, you may be seated and turn in your song books to song number 18. Song number 18, we'll sing, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 18. Take the name of Jesus with you, Child of sorrow and of woe. It will joy and comfort give you, Take it then wherever you go. Precious name, O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Precious name, O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Take the name of Jesus ever, As a shield from every snare. If temptations round you gather, Breathe that holy hymn in prayer. Precious name, O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Precious name, O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven. O the precious name of Jesus, How it thrills our souls with joy, When his loving arms receive us, And his tongues are sung. Precious name, O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Precious name, O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven. And the name of Jesus bowing, Falling prostrate at his feet. King of kings in heaven will crown him, When our journey is complete. Precious name, O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Precious name, O how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Amen, well welcome to Mt. Baptist Church on this Sunday morning and just some general church announcements here but not to embarrass my aunt but my aunt Karen is in visiting with us today so I'm glad to see her but and then just want to say that the the soldier marathon down in Charleston was a big success there's a lot of fun I personally really like the idea of doing that bigger time and just kind of eating breakfast going out for a longer period of time and then coming back and eating but let me know your thoughts on that those that went out with us as far as what you thought about that I know it's going out four hours you know it's definitely a little more taxing on you but I just like coming back eating and we were done and all that so but we had 11 salvations out sowing in Charleston so and a lot of seeds planted especially where we were at so the the trailer park we were in it was we gave the gospel to a lot of people but yeah anyway so but I'm just glad that that turned out well I think last year it was nine salvations I don't think we broke double digits last year but we had a good turn turn out this year we're planning on doing that every year so like I said we kind of have our day in the Beersheba thing with the solar marathons where we go to Wheeling we go to Charleston and Wheeling is going to be this September so we're going to be going out there around our anniversary service and Wheeling is so much closer the only thing I can think about was when we were driving back up I'm like this is far away I'm like Pittsburgh is so much closer than Charleston so but I just want to thank everybody that that came out for that and then service times everything is normal on the list here we'll have our Sunday afternoon service at 4 p.m. and the soul winning time at 1 p.m. and then don't forget about the regional soul winning times that brother Charles and brother Richie lead up respectively there and upcoming events we have the prayer meeting so at the end of the month here we'll have the men's prayer meeting on the 24th and then July 2nd is the women's prayer meeting but on July 2nd as well that evening we're going to be having a firework display and so as we've been kind of doing the past few years and so at Robinson Ridge so we'll get that that address out to you and if you put it in your GPS it'll take you there but make sure you put it in your GPS before you get far out there because once you get out to a certain point there's not cell reception and all that once you're out there you may be stuck so no but most of you sitting out there so but if you have any questions let me know there now but I was actually just looking at the the Salvations there for 2022 and we're already over then because we haven't counted this past week but we're over our our total from last year and it's June so obviously there's been a lot of soul winning marathons and there's that missions trip obviously to St. Thomas was a big success so a lot of that plays in there but but excited about that so I think we'll definitely be breaking 400 unless something catastrophic happens from now until the end of the year but Bible memory as you can see we have it on the back there which I think is a good idea because we have Psalm 16 which are where our memory chapter memorization for the month but then the verse of the week so we're gonna put the verse of the week just printed out there so if you have it in your Bible you have your your what is this thing called bulletin yeah like losing my mind on what this thing saw the bulletin so we have Philippians 4 7 there it says in the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus so that's a memory verse for the week and then birthdays what that brother Matt's here but I don't think it's this week anyway right now it is okay so we'll get brother Matt next week they have their baby or I well no one tells me these things so like it could have very well happened like yesterday but be in prayer for that speaking of which so brother Matt his wife is pregnant and passed a due date so it happened any moment so be be in prayer for Miss Catherine specifically and then also be in prayer for Miss Rachel as her due dates this month as well and then I think that's about what we got for announcements the offering boxes in the back there if you want to give a tie their offering the mother baby room is behind the wall with the sign and mother baby mothers and babies only in the mother baby room that's about all I got for announcements brother Dave's gonna come and sing one more song I can't remember who's reading are you reading brother Levi brother Levi's gonna be reading first Thessalonians chapter 2 for us this morning all right song number 27 in your songbooks song number 27 will sing the old rugged cross song number 27 on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and shame and I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of all sinners was slain so I'll cherish the old rugged cross tell my trophies and last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange some day for a crown oh that old rugged cross so despised by the world has a wondrous attraction for me for the dear Lamb of God left his glory above to bear it to dark Calvary so I'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies and last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown in the old rugged cross stained with blood so divine a wondrous beauty I see for twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me so I'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies and last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown to the old rugged cross I will ever be true and shame and reproach gladly bear then he'll call me someday to my home far away where his glories forever I'll share so I'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies and last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown all right take your Bibles and turn to first Thessalonians chapter number two first Thessalonians chapter number two and we'll have brother Levi come and read that for us first Thessalonians chapter number two for yourselves brother know our entrance in unto you that it was not in vain but even after that we had suffered before and were shamefully entreated as you know at Philippi we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention for our exhortation was not of deceit nor of uncleanness nor in guile but as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men but God which trieth our hearts for neither at this any time use we flatter flattering words as you know nor cloak of covetousness God is witness nor of men sought we glory neither of you nor yet of others when we might have been burdensome as the apostles of Christ but we were gentle among you even as a nurse church with her children so being affectionately desirous of you we were willing to have imparted unto you not the gospel of God only but also our own souls because you were dear unto us for you remember brethren our labor and travail for laboring night and day because we would not be chargeable unto any of you we preached unto you the gospel of God you are witnesses and God also how holy and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe as you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father death his children that you would walk worthy of God who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory for this cause also thank we God without ceasing because you received the Word of God which he heard of us he received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the Word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe for ye brethren became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen even as they have of the Jews who both kill the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us and they please not God and are contrary to all men forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved to fill up their sins always for the wrath has come upon upon them to the other most but we brethren being taken from you for a short time in presence not in heart endeavored the more abundantly to see your face with great desire wherefore we would have come unto you even I Paul once and again but Satan hindered us for what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing or not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming for ye are our glory enjoy let's pray God thank you for today God thank you for this time we can meet together in your house to hear where to pray that you'll be with pastor and help us to learn and pray these things Jesus name amen amen so you're there and first that's on chapter two and verse 11 there is really where I wanted you to look at I'll be getting back to that verse but you can see in verse 10 there in verse 11 it says ye are witnesses and God also how holy and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe as you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father doth his children and so it's Father's Day so I'm gonna be cliche and preach a sermon about fathers so but in this passage here Paul is writing that he basically was behaved himself as a father does to children and you see in there it talks about exhorting comforting and charging and I have a sermon that I put together basically as far as what a father should be and this isn't all-inclusive but I wanted it to be alliterated so I was thinking about being a provider being a protector and the other one I wanted to hit on was being like a comforter and that didn't start with P so I said peacemaker so that is a term in the Bible and I'll show you how that applies obviously too but the idea of that a father is supposed to be a provider for their children for his children a protector and also basically a peacemaker someone that will bring peace if you will to their children and or as the Bible says here comfort okay and so I want to hit on these three points as far as what a father is supposed to be doing and why it's so important that we have fathers in the home you know I think about I preached a sermon when I was out in stronghold we're out in Georgia at the stronghold Baptist about stability and the idea of having stability in the home and when you don't have a father in the home there's gonna be a lack of stability not to say that children can't turn out right if there's not a father in the home but that is not the ideal situation and a lot of cases the reason when you look at a lot of bad eggs out there or people that are in the crime fatherless homes is a big reason for that and that's a big factor that needs to be taken into account and I preached a whole sermon like maybe a year or two ago about you know basically fatherlessness or being a father to the fatherless and so I want to hit on this idea of like what a father supposed to do and this kind of shows you why there is stability in the home when you have a father because you have a provider you have a protector and you have someone that's gonna basically bring peace in the home to where there's not all this anxiety and you know basically chaos if you will that that comes from like a single mother type of home or and in some cases you're dealing with maybe a grandparents taking the care of children and here in West Virginia that's a big problem because there's a lot of drugs in West Virginia there's a lot of people that basically have basically lost their children and because of drugs and then it goes on to a relative and stuff like that and it's just not an ideal situation you'll see a lot of degeneracy because of this but I go to first Timothy chapter 5 first Timothy chapter 5 one of the main roles as a father and a husband is to be a provider okay simple but the idea that the husband is gonna be the breadwinner if you will the one that's providing both physically but also spiritually okay so that's what I want to hit on here is that you obviously need that you want to have you want to have a father that's providing for the family and getting that stability there but you also want someone that's gonna be providing spiritual meat if you they should be taking and you know obviously there's a lot of children that are born out of wedlock but you know what the father should be taking care of those children as well now the court systems are against the fathers in most cases when it comes to custody and all that if you were in those situations but here's how you fix that you get married and you have children and you stay married okay that's that's how you fix this problem okay now obviously there's always going to be cases where where that's not going to be the case or whatever but it shouldn't be the norm and it shouldn't be the majority but nowadays it's the majority for people to get divorced it's a majority for fathers to leave their children to the mothers and it's a majority for the courts to basically side with the mothers no matter what as far as like how much time the father to get with the children okay but you know what the fathers need to be providing for their children and I think about this too and say you don't turn over in second Thessalonians chapter 3 I want you to go to first Thessalonians chapter 4 first Thessalonians chapter 4 second Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 10 just a reminder here about working it says for even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat listen I am against communism and socialism or handouts and entitlements you need to work for what you got you say well you know that what about this person over here this that that literally can't work that's what when you get into the widows and the fatherless and how we're supposed to help those that are but that's charity not taxation to where we make these all-encompassing umbrella entitlement programs where everybody's just going to take advantage of the system okay because obviously here at church if anybody is downtrodden or something happens then they get this disabled or whatever listen we're going to help you out I mean as much as we can and we're going to be there for you and you know help help with that and and I'll be getting to that as far as well I mean pure religion and none the father before God and the father is this to visit the father the widows and the fatherless in their in their affliction and keep himself unspotted from the world so pure religion is to help the widow and the fatherless okay and I know as baptists obviously we believe that you know the religion is almost a bad term you know because of the fact that religion people use religion as a way for salvation but religion is not a bad thing or it doesn't have to be a bad thing meaning that pure religion is those that are believers to help those that can't help themselves okay but what I'm preaching on is the fact that let's let's try to make it to where we're not dealing with a whole bunch of fatherless children okay and go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 10 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 10 that's what it says here it says in verse 10 and indeed you do it toward all the brethren which are in Macedonia but we beseech you brethren that you increase more and more that you study to be quiet and to do your own business and to work with your own hands as we command you that you may walk honestly toward them that are without and that you may have lack of nothing here's how fathers you're gonna have lack of nothing is that you're you're quiet and you work hard right you work with your own hands you mind your own business you do what you're supposed to be doing and you know what you're not going to have lack of anything you know what the bible says about uh you know that I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread but here's the thing you need to work hard because if you don't work neither should you eat you can't you can't hold on to these promises that God's going to give you all this stuff you're just going to be a lazy bum okay so fathers we need to work hard to provide for our families okay now go to first king chapter 17 first king chapter 17 and verse 8 first king chapter 17 and verse 8 i want to show you two stories dealing with the wid with widows and basically obviously when you're dealing with a widow it's a tragic situation right but the father dies anna anna look up here and listen up here it's a tragic situation so i'm not saying like this is how you get rid of widows right how you uh but here's the thing in these situations this is not ideal situations where you have a single mother home okay i'm going to give you two examples one with elijah and one with elijah on the idea that when the father's not there how that affects the the mother and the child the children or in this case one child here on the fact that there's not a provider there's not someone to provide for them okay now in our day and age you know it's it's more commonplace for women to be in the workforce and to work and all that um but you got to understand that that was not commonplace back then and again you have the virtuous woman that was making money and like making stuff and it's not that women couldn't make money but they weren't like the people that were literally paying the bills and and making sure that there's food on the table it's more like that was extra okay the virtuous woman would kind of provide a little extra uh and and all that but uh first king chapter 17 and verse 8 here it says and the word of the lord came unto him saying arise get thee to zarephath which belong to zidon and dwell there behold i have commanded a widow woman there to sustain me and he arose and went to zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city behold the widow woman was there gathering of sticks and he called to her and said fetch me i pray thee a little water in the vessel that i may drink and as she was going to fetch it he called to her and said bring me i pray thee a more soul bread in thine hand and she said as the lord thy god liveth i have not a cake but a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a cruise and behold i am gathering two sticks that i may go in and dress it for me and my son that we may eat it and die and elijah said unto her fear not go and do as thou has said but make me thereof a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make for thee and for thy son for thus saith the lord god of israel the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the cruise of oil fail until the day that the lord sendeth rain upon the earth and she went and did according to the saying of elijah and she and he and her her house did eat many days and the barrel of meal wasted not neither did the cruise of oil fail according to the word of the lord which he spake by elijah so this is a case where you remember elijah prayed that it would not rain and it rained not for three and a half years so there's obviously famine there's problems you know in the whole country and yeah not even in in just israel we're talking about zidon and right here is that she's basically making their last meal she's like we're gonna make this and we're just gonna die okay and what you have to think about is in that time how much better it would have been if there was a father that would have been there right and obviously it's a tragic thing that the husband she's a widow it doesn't say that she was divorced says she's a widow that means the husband died the father died and in this case you know elijah obviously comes in and god blesses this this this widow woman and her son to where basically she's sustained through this whole famine this whole time of drought and it's obviously a miraculous event so much so that jesus brings this jesus brings this story up in the new testament okay lest you think that this isn't a real story obviously you would definitely agree that this is a real story but in luke chapter four it says in verse uh in verse 24 luke 4 and verse 24 you can turn there if you want it says and he said verily i say unto you no prophet is accepted in his own country but i tell you of a truth many widows were in israel in the days of elias when the heaven was shut up three years and six months when great famine was throughout all the land but unto none of them was eliah sent save unto zarepta a city of zidon unto a woman that was a widow so this story is brought up and the point he's making is that jerusalem by and far it says he came into his own his own received a knot and he's saying you know i'm not you know a prophet is is not without honor saving his own country right with his own kindred and he's basically saying that i'm not honored here by you and even back in elijah's day he's saying there was a lot of widows back in that time but only to this woman in in zidon as repta or zarephath was elijah sent to help this widow woman out he's basically saying yeah god sent him to someone that wasn't even of that country wasn't even of israel okay and so this story here just makes me think about the fact that what if there was a father in the home that could provide right and the idea here is that nowadays you know what well like i said with this with this the welfare program that's out there this entitlement system it is encouraged for people not to get married the more kids you have without being married the more money you get from the government okay and they there's a lot of cases where they'll just have living boyfriends living girlfriends because if they get married they get cut off from a lot of that okay and the idea here is that a single motherhood is now being put up on a pedestal whereas it used to be and now i'm not talking about widows i'm just talking about people that have children out of wedlock okay people that don't get married and have kids and this is obviously wicked it's obviously not right but it's not only now not shunned it is basically held up as if it's better than when you're married and have kids it's like oh look at a strong woman that that has a child that doesn't have a father that's foolishness okay the idea that someone would want to have a child purposely without a father is just foolishness when it comes to what the bible teaches on this i mean listen there are cases where you have widows right and that's not foolishness that's just that happens time and chance happens with every man there's tragedies that happen and you got to just deal with that situation right and you know god bless the mothers that that have to take care of their children if their their husband dies right i mean that's a horrible situation and but that's and and i'll say this too like if let's say let's say um let's say a family member something tragically happens to a family member right and their kids are left and they need someone to take care of them and let's say their siblings or whoever it is they're not married but they're like i'll take care of these kids there's obviously situations where you know what you got to do what you got to do right and you just there's not an ideal situation but the kids need to be taken care of you know whatever you got to do you got to do but what i'm talking about is that the ideal situation is that there's a father there's a mother in the home and that father is a very important factor here when it comes to providing for the family because if you think about it like you think about my wife she's got to take care of four kids right now she can't go out in the middle of the day and work a job right i have to go out and pay the bills right which means i'm not there during the day to do that okay and there's there's roles that are played when it comes to uh you know fathers mothers but go to second king chapter four and verse one second king chapter four and verse one it says uh this is dealing with alicia and this is dealing with a widow woman that has two sons now in this case the sons are probably young because in a lot of cases let's say you were a widow woman and you had sons that were like adult age they would probably take care they should be taking care of their mother right and that's where first timothy chapter five comes in to where uh you know widows that are you know the widows that are widows indeed mean they're over 60 and you know like they don't have any family to take care of them you know what happens the church takes care of them they're literally as if they're on staff for the church and they pay they pay for whatever they need okay but if you're under that it says that you know the younger widows refused meaning they they should marry right but let's say let's say they're over 60 and and all that stuff the bible says that those that have family members should be the ones taking care of them before the church is charged with that right and so um when it comes to this obviously um you know let's say something tragically happened to my dad while me and my brothers were like in our 20s and we're working you know we're not just gonna be like oh sorry mom you know you have to fend for yourself no we're gonna support her right we'll we'll pay her bills we'll do what she needs you know and that that's just the the principle that i'm trying to get across here is that not everything's going to be this uh clean situation with a father in the home but that is the ideal situation that should be what you're striving for to have to not have a father in the home should be because of some tragedy that happens and not by choice it shouldn't be by choice and you know that goes for uh obviously if you have kids and you're thinking about getting divorced you need to be thinking about the children okay because the children need a father in the home and you know what that needs to be there for stability and and to provide one thing just to provide and uh because think about it when you get a divorce now you got two different homes you got to pay for right and it just you think it's bad when you're married and have kids and have to provide for everything now pay for two homes while you're doing it and then you as a father are trying to do all this stuff and then you're paying like all this alimony and you're paying you're paying like child support but then you also want to like you have to support your children when they come over to your house when you're when you're supporting them it's a big mess so you need to just stick stay away from that garbage and just stay married as in and have both father and mother in the home okay now in uh second king chapter four in verse one and listen we have a lot of families in our church we have more kids in our church than we have adults so this is a very important sermon when it comes to fathers and understanding what our roles are here uh in second king chapter four in verse one it says now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto elisha saying thy servant my husband is dead and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the lord and the creditors come to take unto him my two sons to bond them okay so basically she has a debt she can't pay and they're basically going to take away her sons to say hey for that debt you know basically your sons are gonna be bond servants now now we're kind of going through that in exodus when you're dealing with uh going into debt and how you pay off your debt um but this is a this would be a tragic situation obviously right and the story goes that basically elisha basically says get all the vessels you can find and uh there's this miraculous event where she has this cruise of oil and basically they fill up all these vessels and the oil doesn't stop basically and then she sells all the oil pays off the debt and uh don't really want to get into the whole story here is that god has to step in to help these widow ladies provide for their families both with food and with paying off debt but here's the thing a father a husband should be there in that case okay and these are tragic situations that god obviously helps out here but when it comes to a father in the home being a having uh being provided for okay children don't think about this okay how do how do i know that because i was a child and i didn't think about this you know when you get like a hundred dollars when you're a child you think you're rich you know why because you don't have to pay anything else you don't have to pay for gas you don't have to pay the electric bill you don't have to pay the mortgage you don't have to pay the trash you don't have to pay you know there's so many things that you have to pay for you don't pay taxes and you're just like i got 100 bucks i can go buy a video game and not think about anything else as your parents drive you there in their car that they paid for as they put gas in that car as you go out and you're like oh i'm hungry and then they pay for the food that you shove down your gullet and you don't think about any of that stuff and how much that costs especially right now good night fill up my truck it's like 150 bucks now and you know like well well son you actually owe me 50 bucks now because i had to fill up my car i had to fill my truck uh so when you're a kid you don't think about that type of stuff because my kids constantly ask me like why do you have to go to work why you know why do you have to do this i'm like gotta pay the bills you know gotta pay for the house gotta pay for the food gotta pay for the clothes gotta pay for you know all the stuff that we need right uh go to psalm chapter 78 psalm chapter 78 now that doesn't stop there fathers meaning this is that as a provider obviously there's the physical things as far as money and money answers all things the bible says meaning that that's going to pay the bills that's going to put the gas in the car that's going to put clothes on your back that's going to pay for your house or your you know wherever you're living right but as we need to also provide spiritual meat as well okay i believe the fathers obviously should be the spiritual leaders in the home okay that doesn't mean that the women the mothers shouldn't be spiritual leaders with their children okay because they should right the mothers should be teaching their children the bible teaching them uh things and it talks about how the the the the age of women teaching the younger women to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home the idea there is that obviously the ladies you know mothers should be leaders with their children as far as this goes but how much more the husband right because you should be the spiritual leader to your wife but also to your children okay and you know with my children we we do bible time and i've already told you you know how clara always has like some bible question for me every night it seems like when it comes to uh whether it's the trinity whether it's the anti-christ for some odd reason she really gets stuck on that one but they're all good questions though they're all legitimate questions that that that they have and as a father i should be there to answer those questions as much as i can now sometimes i'm like all right you're gonna have to leave off the five questions you got right now until tomorrow so because it's bedtime and then there's like stalling you know they're trying to stall so they don't want to go to sleep so just keep it coming up with more questions but in uh psalm 78 here in verse 1 it says give ear oh my people to my law incline your ears to the words of my mouth i will open my mouth in a parable i will utter dark sayings of old which we have heard and known and our fathers have told us now this is obviously going back to where jesus spoke in parables and spoken dark sayings but notice what it says here in verse four we will not hide them for their children from their children showing to the generation to come the praises of the lord and his strength and his wonderful works that he had done so in jesus day he didn't hide it from everybody but he hid it from the Pharisees and the rulers of that that time uh he would speak to them in a parable which would be like a dark saying to where they wouldn't understand it but then he would expound it onto those that you know what he would say babes you know you know yet thou hast revealed it unto babes and he's talking to lie about peter james and john and all that but notice what it says in verse five here it says for he established a testimony in jacob and appointed a law in israel which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children that the generation to come might know them okay so he's commanding the fathers to make his law his testimony known to their to their children but notice this it says that the generation to come might know them even the children which should be born so the children they're going to be born to you may know them who should arise and declare them to their children okay so do you see how this is going to work you tell your children then those children are going to tell their children okay because they're going to be fathers one day or your mother's fathers and that they do the same thing they do likewise if you will okay good deuteronomy chapter 6 deuteronomy chapter 6 deuteronomy chapter 6 we were out soul winning obviously in charleston yesterday and i talked to this young lady and she didn't end up getting saved but it's a very good conversation obviously went through the whole gospel but it was funny she had she had tattoos all over herself and she was wearing a shirt that basically had a pentagram and satan on it that said satan and she had a tattoo that had satan's face on there not that it was probably satan's face we have no idea what he looks like but you know it's like the typical red you know looking face thing right anyway she's like man this is a horrible shirt for me to come to the door with i'm like yeah well you probably weren't planning on me showing up but anyway we go through the whole gospel and it was just one of those things where she just needed to think about it you know she was obviously understood what it took to be saved she understood eternal security that you know once you're saved you're always saved and all that but she kind of comes from a background of like well the universe is is god and and all that and but what i'm trying to get to here is that she brought she has two children two younger children and her husband died of an overdose it's obviously tragic you know that this case or whatever but what she told me was she says you know with my children i i don't try to teach them anything i just let them believe what they want to believe i don't want to indoctrinate them and i didn't say this to her because i wasn't i wasn't there to like preach to her like like how to be a mother or how to be a parent okay i was there to try to win her to christ you know and i'm not there to like come down on her on like everything that she does like and even with the tattoos i'm like she's she was uh she was like uh you know some churches won't allow me they would shun me from even being in the church building and it was funny because brother denzel was with me and he's got tattoos all over his arms and legs and everything and uh she's like oh well you know i guess like he's just like a statement there that like hey we don't shun people that have tattoos or what in the world is denzel doing that with me but uh uh but that being said is that she's like you know i don't want to indoctrinate them i don't want to you know brainwash them into thinking what i think but what you have to understand is that if you don't indoctrinate them if you don't teach them indoctrination is doctrine which is teachings okay someone will okay the tv will the public school will hollywood will someone will be teaching them and indoctrinating them you have to understand this okay because i'm tired of people saying well you you you're just you're just indoctrinating your children you better believe i am but i'm indoctrinating them with the word of god not with the filth of this world okay and they're going to be adults one day and they're going to be the ones that have to discern whether what i showed them was right and whether the bible's right and whether the world's wrong and you know what the truth is going to stand out to all the stupidity that's in the world and you can say well you're indoctrinating you better believe i am but everyone else is trying to indoctrinate them so you have to understand this it's a false idea that they're not going to get indoctrinated at all because they will the question is who do you want indoctrinating your children you as a parent that loved your children and want to die for your children or you know what the world and i don't keep my children in a cage they see the world for what it is you know my children you know my girls go out soloing with me and they'll see what the world's like instead of uh instead of like looking on tv where people are drinking alcohol and just having a good time they'll go up and see this this potbelly guy come to the door that smells like pure garbage the place looks like pure garbage and this alcoholic comes to the door that the eyes look like their liver has been shot and they'll see it for what it is and be like what's wrong with that person that person's an alcoholic you know that's a different picture than what hollywood movies will tell you about alcohol and say well that's an extreme example of alcohol there's people that drink it in moderation yeah but here's the thing they'll see that's the end game though if you get down into alcohol listen you won't be an alcoholic if you never take one sip and so that that being said in deuteronomy 6 there in verse 6 it says in these these words so psalm 78 is kind of calling back to a commandment that was made in deuteronomy deuteronomy 6 and verse 6 says in these words which i command thee this day shall be in thine heart and now shall teach them diligently unto thy children and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up you know you know what that means everywhere okay now this doesn't mean that i'm literally just constantly just quoting bible as i'm with my children okay but what it means it doesn't matter where you're at you could be talking about the bible you could bring up subjects and it doesn't even have to be a bible verse it could just be a bible principle that you're teaching them but you better believe that i am indoctrinating my children i'm going to indoctrinate them with the truth and in the end i want them to know it and believe it for themselves okay this is an idea like there's some things obviously with my children when they're young it's like do it because i said so right because you're not going to reason with a two-year-old if you think that have fun right you're not going to reason with them okay so there's going to be that age where you're just like just do it because i said so it's right you don't know what you're talking about just do it right but as they get older i'm like here's why this is what the bible says or just just by experience child you know son daughter i know this is true because i've done this and made this mistake and this is how you do it and so yeah i'm going to be teaching them wherever i go and here's the thing here's here's an example that's not a biblical thing okay we got a nail in our tire and our van tire and had a slow leak just so you know i've plugged so many tires in my life i couldn't tell you how many just like constantly like having to fix tires and instead of taking it somewhere because you'll be waiting probably two weeks before they'd ever get to it nowadays clara was out there i told her to bring down soapy water so here's an example where i want my daughter to know how do you fix a tire if it has a hole in it okay so i explained to her i took the nail out i said you take this tool and you shove it in where the hole is at and make it a little bigger take it you take a tar strip shove that in and then you pull out the tool and the tar strip stays in there okay plugs the hole i said you take soapy water and you pour it over the hole and the reason that you do that is to see if there's any air coming out because soap will you know water will too but soapy water particularly will you'll see bubbles if there's water coming out of the tire okay and you say why did you do that because you'll probably remember that i remember my dad changing oil i remember my dad changing a tire you know there's things that aren't even biblical things because that's not in the bible by the way how to change a tire or how to plug a tire those type of things will carry on through your life to where you're teaching your children you're providing information to your children you're providing knowledge to them and obviously the bible is the most important thing but there's other things you can provide as far as knowledge that you know things that they can learn how to do on them for themselves listen i personally want my daughters to know how to change a tire here's why there's going to be a day where they're going to be driving by themselves and what do they do okay now we could have triple a and say call someone to come fix it and that's if i'm by they're guaranteed i'm going to go out there and help my daughter fix the tire but what if she's off somewhere in the middle of nowhere right what if she's traveling somewhere that's like out in the middle of nowhere there's no cell service she's got a spare tire what does she do okay and that's just one example okay i'm just stating here that as fathers we need to provide financially but we also need to provide uh you know with knowledge and teachings okay now go to ephesians chapter five ephesians chapter five the next one is the protector okay a protector i just uh one of my sermons i just got an email this morning has been restricted that it says it's not suitable for children you want to guess what sermon that is the one that says the difference between men and women now i remember preaching that sermon years ago and it wasn't like hardcore it was like simple stuff here okay you know men are rational women are emotional no it was like something that was very like it wasn't that but i'm just like really we can't even describe the difference it's probably they probably didn't even listen to the sermon they just saw the title like how dare you say there's a difference between men and women but there is a difference between men and women women are the weaker vessel okay physically speaking biologically anatomically women are weaker than men now you're going to find some beastly woman that may be stronger than a man somewhere okay and some weak guy some strong woman that exists okay but if you took the strongest guy and the strongest girl the strongest guy is always going to be stronger the faster guy is always going to be faster than the fastest girl facts and you know what they're figuring that out all this transgender like you know mingling into the women's sports they're figuring that out okay should be common knowledge but the idea that i'm getting with this is that men are stronger therefore they're more able to be the protector okay physically the protector now praise the lord we have guns you know and guns are the great equalizer for women okay because i don't care how strong that guy is ladies you you shoot them with a 45 they're going down okay i mean you don't need to be strong you you don't need to know jujitsu you don't need to know the crane you know not that would probably help you anyway literally that's the great equalizer when it comes to protecting but when it comes to this let me ask you ladies would you rather be going down the street with your children by yourself in a in a sketch area or would you rather your husband be there with you while you're going through that sketch area now if you don't feel safer with your husband there than when you're alone tell your husband to go through the gym start doing something okay anything pick up the bar and start moving around okay the idea here is that obviously ladies you're going to feel a lot more safe with your husband there with you to protect you okay you should anyway and listen children this is more about fathers but children are going to feel safer with their fathers in the home it's just facts and what this kind of this is going to lead into the comfort factor like that the peacemaker if you will that that brings peace to the family is that there's going to be a lot of stability and safety that's felt because of the protector is there okay and uh go to ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 this is dealing with husbands and wives okay but this also would apply for your children as well i believe it says in verse uh 25 says husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish so ought men to love their their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself meaning this is that you should die for your wife you should give your life for your wife but also your children okay meaning this is that you should have love for your children to where you're you're ready to give your life for your children and i don't know how many times my children have asked me what if a tiger got in here what if a bear came through the house what would you do okay and you know what if what if someone was trying to break in you know what what and obviously i'm giving them kind of the same answer every time i'm like i'm going to shoot it i'm going to kill it right like i'm going to take care of it and they're always asking that because it's like dark you know they're they're afraid maybe like some animal is going to get them or whatever and they want to know like hey someone's going to protect me okay now obviously you know my wife also knows how to shoot guns but there's a difference between my wife and me okay i've been around guns my whole life i i've shot competition in guns i know how to work guns a lot better than my wife if someone broke into the house you'd be like honey you think i'm gonna be like honey why don't you go take care of that guy for me i'm tired it's been a long day or do you think i'm the one that's going to be getting up right obviously you know the man is going to be the one that's going to go see if the person is you know is in the house or or whatever right it shouldn't be the other way around and listen man if it's the other way around you need to get some gumption you need to get some get some courage i don't know what to tell you you need to you need to the man up you know gird up your loins like a man and go take care of the situation okay and i don't know about you but you know if if someone was trying to break through the house i mean the adrenaline is going to be going anyway i mean you're just going to be but anyway that that being said is that with my kids you know what as the protector i'm the one that is uh that is going to protect them more than anybody else in the home okay if you have let's say a single mother that has children they don't have that father figure there you're missing that main protector that is in the family okay not that the mother isn't like the mama bear protector don't get me wrong okay not trying to diminish that what i'm stating here is that papa bear though papa bear has the guns both physically and physically you know like both both uh the inanimate guns and you know the actual physical guns on his arms you know but go to first timothy chapter three and verse four first timothy chapter three and verse four as a pastor there's certain there's certain uh first timothy chapter three and verse four there's certain qualifications for a pastor and one of the big qualifications is that you're a good father okay and notice what it says in verse four it says one that ruleth well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity for if a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he take care of the church of god now in other places it talks about how the pastor is the ruler right i'm not the head of the church christ is the head of the church but i am a ruler i am the leader i am the bishop i'm the overseer right but notice how couples ruling his own house with taking care of his house of the church of god which is the house of god right meaning that i am to take care and one of the big things when it comes to uh taking care of the church is obviously feeding the church which i kind of already hit on right feeding my family feeding them both with physical meat but also with spiritual meat is warning and protecting okay go to acts chapter 20 acts chapter 20 where paul is actually talking to multiple pastors if you will overseers as it will say here and notice what he's stating to them that they should be doing as well and that's warning the flock you know protecting the flock from what from wolves okay i mean obviously it's using that as an example that you have sheep you have wolves that are trying to come in and kill the sheep and you as the pastor which you can see how that in turn is the shepherd right and notice what it says here in acts chapter 20 verse 28 it says take heed therefore unto yourselves into all the flock over the which the holy ghost hath made you overseers to feed the church of god which he hath purchased with his own blood for i know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years i cease not to warn everyone everyone night and day with tears we're supposed to be warning about the wolves and ultimately protecting the flock from the wolves okay and i know my my daughters are always talking about wolves and they're afraid of wolves and i'm like technically we don't have wolves in west virginia although i guess it's a i guess the coyotes are a mixed breed of wolf and coyote i guess but but that being said is that physically my children want me to protect them from wolves right and spiritually speaking i'm protecting you i my job is to protect you from wolves coming in wolves particularly in sheep's clothing so the protector and i'll say this you know when it comes to protecting my children and my children's safety that is and you can judge me on this that is one of my my single most priority prayers that i have is that my children are safe that my children are safe that they're healthy and that no one hurts them you want to know my prayer is most every single day i'll eat lunch and i'll pray for my food and i'll say you know lord protect my family keep them safe keep them healthy and sometimes it'd be like lord destroy anybody that would ever even touch them or try to hurt them okay that is that is what and i'm listen i'll just confess my faults i'm not that good i'm not that awesome at praying i'm not like this prayer warrior that gets in his closet and prays for an hour okay you know maybe one day i i can strive to be that type of prayer warrior but i'll say this when i do pray is that my children are safe that my children are protected that they're healthy and that nothing happens to them okay and i'll say this if anybody was ever to try to hurt my children try to steal my children try to do anything to my children the thoughts of what i would do to that person would scare you okay meaning this is that you may you may be afraid to be around me if you knew the thoughts that go through my head about how i would protect my children and what i'd do to somebody if they tried to hurt my children okay now as fathers you could probably all relate to that now what what i want my children to know is that i'm not going to tell them what i would do to somebody because i won't tell you what i would do to somebody okay but i want them to know that listen i would lay down my life no no matter what obviously for them but you know i think it was anna that was asking me this morning like what if i got lost what would you do i'm like i would find you what if you couldn't find me i'm like i would find you what if you couldn't you know like i'd be like i would die trying to find you like the idea there is that i'm not going to just give up and be like well she's lost but the insanity of the idea of losing one of my children or someone hurting my child that the idea of that plagues my mind if you want to know like a fault of like having fear okay we're only supposed to fear god but if there's ever a time that i'm like lord help me with this fear and it's the fear of something happening to my children okay so think about that if anybody ever thinks about touching my children you will face the wrath of me okay and some ladies in here like pastor has a has a scary voice you have no idea what what in my mind i'm capable of if someone were to hurt my children or try to hurt my children but that being said it's a different mindset now obviously women i think could relate to that there's a difference between men and women though there's a difference between how far a guy would do or what a guy would do to protect his children i wouldn't need a gun i'll tell you that i'll leave it at that but the idea there is that my children should know that hey they have somebody in the house they have someone that will do everything in his power to make sure that they're safe okay now safety's of the lord that being said about what i would do what would god do though and listen this is why it's so important to be doing the things that we should be doing loving god serving god because i do not believe that if you're loving god serving god with your life and doing what you should be doing that god would ever let that happen to your children if that's your prayer and that's what you're doing okay and i and and my prayer most every single day is lord do whatever you have to do and so you know i would let the world burn before i let something happen to my children so that is my attitude when it comes to protecting my children and they should have for this it's a shame fathers that care for their children like they should okay children will see that and understand that and that love that a father will have for their children the idea of them being a protector a provider for them will be the difference of what type of person they will be when they grow up i also want them to know that that's the type of man they should be marrying when it comes to my daughters a man that says i will lay down my life for you and you know i was at the gym and you know i lived with all kinds of different guys from an atheist to a buddhist to a you know like different guys and uh like one guy the atheist he isn't married but he's just like you know talking about like who he would die for and he was talking about his he has a son and uh he's like i would he basically said he wouldn't die for any woman or whatever i said well i'd die for my wife and he kind of laughed i'm like no i would die for my wife you know like the idea there is that people don't think about the idea of how that that should be in your marriage that your wife knows that you would lay down in traffic if it would save her life but the same thing for my children that in a second if you had a choice between living or dying and your your family that uh surviving of what you would do the last point i want to make here is that the father should be a peacemaker or a comforter okay now the term peacemakers in the bible it says in uh in matthew 5 9 it says blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of god inwardly as children of we are children of god okay inwardly we are peacemakers okay you know even you are what uh david said he says i am for peace but when i speak they are for war and that's truth right i mean we want peace right and we could we speak a lot of truth of what the bible teaches the world may hate us the world may even want to make war with us but ultimately we seek peace we want peace to be in the world we preach the gospel of peace and as children of god inwardly we're peacemakers but we need to show that outwardly to our children and what do i mean by that go to uh first epsilon chapter two i want to go back to that birth the passage that we read there to begin with this is my last point i'll be done this kind of goes into being the protector because being a protector will cause your children to be comforted okay when your children know like hey we don't have to worry about whether we're going to have a meal tonight that's a comfort my children don't know what that means that what that would feel like if they're like we don't know whether we're gonna have food tonight okay but knowing that you're gonna have food tonight knowing that you have clothes to wear knowing that you have a place to stay at night out of the rain or whatever uh that's a comfort have knowing that you have a man in the home that can handle himself and take care of someone that was coming into their house trying to hurt them take care of a bear that was gonna bust through the window or something like that take care of some animal that's a comfort that's provided to them okay notice what it says here in first epsilon chapter 2 and verse 10 ye are witnesses and god also how whole holy and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe as you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father doth his children that you would walk worthy of god who hath called you into his kingdom and glory exhorted and comforted there's a lot we're supposed to bring up our children into nurture and admonition of the lord nurture and admonition right nurture would be more like the the you know kind like comforting type part admonition is usually like you're having to teach them and tell them where they're wrong and and obviously show them where this is wrong this is right what you did was wrong here but you need to do right and here though you see exhorting and comforting to be they comforted them as a father doth his children so listen our father's a bit hard more harder than than than than a woman of course that's how we're made right you know that that meme that i sent out you know like where a girl asked another girl it's like you know am i fat and then the girl's like no you're beautiful the man asked am i fat be like bro i know five fat guys and you're four of them there is a difference just in that light right there like if i came if i came with the brother dave brother dave's like like my best friend you know like if i if i went up to him and said hey man i'm feeling pretty pretty big today i'm feeling pretty fat there is no way he's gonna be like no listen no listen no you look good man without patronizing me right if he did that it'd be like i would know he's lying to me and he's lying to me on purpose to make me feel bad he it's obviously going to be that way whereas ladies it's different right but the idea there is that obviously men are more hard-nosed men are we have scarier voices as said my child right because my wife's like why do you act so different around dad at home than when it's just mama at home and they literally said daddy has has a scarier voice and you know what that it's not it's very simple right but they also know okay that that i love them very much right it's not like they're they i come home and they're just like cowering in the corner like daddy's home they're afraid of me no here's what happens though they call me when anything happens to them like they get hurt they they're they're afraid of something they must call dada and i'm in a meeting and they're trying to facetime me you know all this stuff but uh but holly will text me like emma needs to talk to you she like fell off the couch or you know whatever not that that's funny but it is kind of funny sometimes when when children tumble off things when they're not hurt okay but they'll they'll call me and they just need to tell me and i'm like oh that i'm sorry you know and uh and then they're like all right bye and it's just they want to tell me you know they want that comfort like dad knows not that i could do anything i'm at work right but but the fact they need that comfort that that dad's there you know even if it's just over a screen that dad's there um and the bible teaches in second i want you to go to philippine chapter four last place i'll show you philippine chapter four but i'm going to read to you second corinthian chapter one and verse three it says blessed be god even the father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies and the god of all comfort see god is a god of justice and god god the bible says that we need to fear god you know with with trembling okay that we need the we need to serve god with fear and trembling with godly fear and reverence and that obviously before god i mean we would we're i mean you should be afraid of god okay even as children okay the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom by the way and so children are going to fear me to a certain extent as far as like the idea of like you know if mama is going to discipline them or dad that's going to discipline them not that there's really any difference in the discipline okay it's the fact that they know that i'm stronger does that make sense like the the spanking with the spoon is going to be the same amount of force that mama gives but they know that i'm stronger they know i can pick holly up and put her on my shoulders and run down the road if i wanted to holly's not going to do that to me she's not going to pick me up you know and put me on her shoulders they know the difference in strength even if they know that i'm not going to enforce any difference in strength they know what i'm they know what i'm capable of right and even though like the voice difference you know obviously i got a deeper voice and even some of the ladies in here are afraid of my voice apparently the adult women are like yeah pastor you got a scary voice there's that idea that hey there's some there's some fear there but when it comes to this there should be there's also comfort there okay because as much as that they they should have a healthy reverence or fear for their father you know what's like that's going to help them do it's going to help them do right that's going to help them turn out to be a good person those that fear the lord that's the beginning of wisdom and if you fear your father in the fact that you have some kind of reverence and and fear for your father you know what you're going to end up turning out to be a lot better person when you grow up okay it's the it's the children that run roughshod over their parents they're like slapping their mother in the face they're they're doing all these different things without any consequences and those are the ones that are growing up in the next generation that we're running into the ones that weren't disciplined didn't have a father in the home to tell them that the world doesn't revolve around them now my mother taught me that too okay so i'm not here to say like this only comes from fathers because my mom definitely did not have patience for anything when it came to like having a lot of sympathy for my little problems in my world right like oh you think that's fine i'll take you to the cancer unit and then you'll really think then you'll really think about it and uh she was a nurse and so uh unless you are missing a limb then you better just get rub some dirt on and go back out there and play you know like that's that's the kind of you know thing that i grew up with and uh but in philippines chapter four and verse six here philippines chapter four and verse six says be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god notice this in the peace of god which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus here's what children need children need stability in the home and fathers bring that stability now granted if you just had a father and didn't have a mother i mean you're gonna it's gonna be unstable too does that make sense like i'm not here to say like only the fathers are important nuts to the mothers but it's father's day so i'm hitting on the fathers okay but the idea there is that there's so much stability with the strength of a father the provider the perfect the protector and the peace that that provides okay that children aren't going to be they just feel safe they feel safe when the father's at home i know my wife feels that way and my little my children whenever i'm gone and i'm not at home she doesn't like it she doesn't like when i'm not there at night okay saw you know song of solomon talks about this how remember she she talks about how uh you know in solomon's bed and she had solomon had all these guards around them for fear of the night you know what that shows is that she felt safe okay and your wife should feel more safe when you're at home at night not to say that you can ever leave home and never do anything is where you can't be at home but all i'm saying is that if my wife feels that way how much more probably do my children feel that way when i'm not there okay and again those prayers about god keeping them safe are amped up when i'm not there especially at night okay um but the idea here is the peace of god that passeth all understanding obviously i'm not god okay god the father is going to be the better protector the better provider and the better peacemaker than than any of us fathers will be but what we're trying to do is emulate god the father okay we're trying to be like him and the bible talks about how to be perfect even as your heavenly father which is in heaven is perfect the idea there is that we're trying we're striving to be like him he's the god of all comfort we should be a comfort unto our children and to our wives he provides says take no thought for food and raiment because that's what the gentiles ask for he's like having therefore food and raiment be there with content and he's basically saying i'm going to provide that for you you're going to have food you're going to have raiment he's going to provide and by the way he provides way more than that let's be honest god provides above and beyond food and raiment for us and and also the protection safeties of the lord he says buy a sword you know jesus said sell your garment buy a sword you know david says that that uh that god has you know uh you know train you know that that he's taught him his hands to war and his fingers to fight that he could bend a bow of steel with his own hands the idea is that us as men should be able to to hold our own if someone was trying to hurt our family but ultimately i'm not just trusting into my own physical strength i'm not trusting in my own marksmanship as as as someone that can shoot a gun or carry or anything like that i'm going to say lord you take care of it i'm going to do my part but ultimately safeties of the lord ultimately the provision is from the lord ultimate protection and and peace is going to come from the lord and god gives that peace that passes all understanding but as a father i'm trying to give as much peace and make as much peace for my children as i can so that they know that they're not living this anxious fearful time as a child i want them to be oblivious to the things of this life and as fathers we are to take that burdens on our shoulders and carry that for our children so our children can have a time where they can just be children they can grow up have fun play not worry about all the crazies that are in the world and that they can just have a good time obviously we're going to teach them you know school we're going to teach them the bible we're going to teach them principles as they grow up but they don't need to bear the burdens of all the wickedness in the world they don't need to bear all the burdens of being protecting themselves and wondering if they're going to be able to survive the next day that comes on us the fathers and by the way our wives shouldn't have to deal with that either our wives should just be holding on to the husband and we take all our burdens from our wives sometimes that's hard to do you know when especially when your wives are pregnant and they throw all that hormonal like stuff on your shoulders and you're just like that hurt but you're pregnant so i gotta take it and uh but i hope the sermon helps when it comes to being a father as far as what main goals this isn't all inclusive i'm not saying like you check those off and you're like all right i'm good but it those are some main ones that i think about as being a father and if we had more fathers that would try to keep those three points right there with their children then a lot of the stuff that we're dealing with in the world with all the shootings all the drugs everything that's going on a lot of that would be mitigated if you just had good fathers in the home that were taking care of their children teaching them right being the protect being the protector and having a good childhood okay most all these people that are in that stuff they had problems in the home they didn't have a father in the home they were abused in the home and it's a shame and they're still guilty for their own actions right they still have to take consequences for their own actions but at the same time why don't we mitigate that why don't we change that and that's going to start here with christians that are going to be that light and hopefully others will emulate that in our country but so end with a word of prayer the only father we thank you for today thank you for your word and thank you for the fathers in this church thank you for my my dad and how he raised me and uh and lord just thank you for uh fathers that that would stay in the home provide protect and give that peace in the home and lord we just uh pray that you would uh be with us as we have fellowship with soul winning as we come back at the point in time and lord we love you and pray else in jesus christ name amen the brother dave will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 129 song 129 if you would stand sing song 100 uh rock of ages song 129 rock of ages clap for me let me hide myself in thee let the water and the blood from thy wounded side which flowed be of sin the double cure save from wrath and make me pure war could my tears forever flow could my zeal no languor no these for sin could not atone