(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You Well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 421 We'll sing the first in a while. I'm just kidding. Yeah, right. I was just kidding Song 439 song 439 we're gonna sing count your blessings You know that wasn't gonna happen If you would stand We'll sing song 439 count your blessings When upon life's billows you are tempest toss When you are discouraged thinking all is lost Count your many blessings name them one by one And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done Count your blessings name them one by one Count your blessings see when God hath done Count your blessings name them one by one Count your many blessings see when God hath done Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings every doubt will fly and you will be singing as the days go by Count your blessings name them one by one Count your blessings see when God hath done Count your blessings name them one by one Count your many blessings see when God hath done When you look at others with their lands and gold Think that Christ has promised you is wealth untold Count your many blessings money cannot buy Your reward in heaven or your home on high Count your blessings name them one by one Count your blessings see what God hath done Count your blessings name them one by one Count your many blessings see when God hath done So amid the conflict whether great or small Do not be discouraged. God is over all counter many blessings angels will attend Help and comfort give you to your journeys and count your blessings by one Count your blessings see what God hath done Count your blessings name them one by one Count your many blessings see what God hath done Let's pray heavenly father We just want to thank you God for another night that we can meet in your house and hear your word preached I pray Lord that you would just bless everything. It's done done Help it to be for your honor and glory in Jesus name. We ask all of it. Amen All right may be seated and turn just one page over to song what four hundred and forty one Song four hundred and forty one will sing great as thy faithfulness Song four hundred and forty one great is thy faithfulness Oh God my father There is no shadow of turning with thee Thou changes not thy Compassion's they fail not as thou has been thou forever will be Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning New mercies I see All I have needed thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me summer and winter and spring time and harvest Sun moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness mercy and love Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning New mercies I see All I have needed thy hand hath provided Is thy faithfulness Lord unto me Oh Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow Blessings all mine with 10,000 beside Great is thy faithfulness Great is thy faithfulness Morning by morning New mercies I see All I have needed thy hand hath provided Oh Great is thy faithfulness To me Amen so welcome Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and just some announcements here We have normal church services this week and so this coming Sunday Everything is normal on the on the list there Just remember that we have new invites with our updated address on there, so Go ahead, and you have any other invites Stashed in your car or whatever. I would just go ahead and get rid of those just so you don't mix those up but Yeah, so we have that Then this this coming Friday so in a couple days we have our New Year's Eve party So that's kind of the big thing that's coming up this week And so that's tentatively starting at 7 p.m.. So You know if you don't want to be here at 7 p.m.. Till midnight, or maybe you want to come at 7 p.m. But you don't want to stay till midnight It's whatever so you know come whenever you want with between 7 and and midnight and Hang out We don't have a sign-up sheet, but if you want to bring some type of snack or Anything like that you're more than welcome to we're gonna try to get some stuff as a church as far as refreshments are concerned So if you have any ideas I Was just gonna go to Sam's Club and get a whole bunch of pastries But apparently I'm supposed to get other things besides that you know But no, we'll probably get like vegetable stuff. You know crackers different things like that but the idea is that obviously you eat dinner before you come so It's here hopefully you're not starving when you come by but Anyway, we're gonna have games just different things like that popcorn preaching if any of the men have any 10-minute sermons they want to do so just let me know about that and we'll you know set up that or basically just Just make it available to where you can come up here and preach and all that So Any times everything is normal there our main sewing time on Sunday is as scheduled and then the Regional sewing times as well next week Just be on the whatsapp obviously for that Our chapter memory for the month is still Psalm 2 And so you have a few more days get that memorized and then 1st Corinthians 4 2 is our memory verse for the week And then the women's prayer meeting is gonna be January 8th that Saturday at 11 a.m. And again with the men's prayer or men's prayer meeting would have been Friday so At 7 if any of the men that show up will maybe just go off into the office and pray Just to get some Praying time in there instead of having You know a whole nother day where we're trying to basically meet up and all that. So Anyway, you know, it just happens to be on Friday this year for the New Year's Eve Next year if it's on Saturday, sorry not doing it. No, not with not with church the next day And then be in prayer for all ladies on the pregnancy list and All the ladies that just had babies as well And so just be in prayer for all them and That's about all I got for announcements Yeah, that's all I got so brother Dave's gonna come sing one more song And who's reading tonight or okay. So brother just gonna be reading third John the whole book so You All right, take your song books and turn to song 472 Song 472 will sing. This is my father's world Song 472 this is my father's world And to my listening ears all nature sings and round me ring the music of the spheres This is my father's world I rest me in the thon Of rocks and trees of skies and seas his hand the wonders wrought This is my father's world the birds their carols raise the morning light the lily white Declare their makers praise This is my father's world He shines in all that's fair In the rustling grass. I hear him pass. He speaks to me everywhere This is my father's world. Oh, let me ne'er forget That though the wrong seems off so strong God is the ruler yet This is my father's world the Rattle is not done Jesus who died shall be satisfied and earth and heaven be one All right, take your bibles and turn to the book of 3rd John 3rd John we'll have brother Joseph come and read that for us And if you found your place there, you'll say amen The elder unto the well well loved Gaius whom I loved in the truth beloved I wish wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and to be in health Even as thy soul prospered For I rejoiced greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee Even as thou walkest in the truth, I have no greater joy than Than to hear that my children walk in truth Beloved thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and to strangers Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church Whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort thou shalt do well because That for his name's sake they went forth Taking nothing of the Gentiles we therefore ought to receive such that we might be fellow fellow helpers to the truth I wrote unto the church, but Diode Diode rate Diode rate, I can't say it Diophrates Who loveth to have the Premanence among them receiveth us not Wherefore if I come I will remember his deeds, which he do doeth Pratting pratting against us with malicious words and not content therewith Neither doth he himself receive the brethren and forbideth them that would and casteth them out of the church Beloved follow not that which is evil, but that which is good he that doeth good is of God But he that doeth evil hath not seen God Demetrius hath good report of all men and of the truth itself Yay, and we also bear record and you know that our record is true I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee But I trust I shall shortly see thee and we shall speak face to face Peace be to thee our friends salute thee greet the friends by name Let's pray Lord father. Thank you for this time. We're able to gather together this midweek or thank for your pure and holy words And this book Lord I ask you be with pastor Robinson edifies this evening. Jesus name. Amen So you're there in third John and we are going to cover the whole book here and obviously it's just 14 verses here and Second John was to the elect lady and her children we see here that Third John or the third epistle to you know general epistle of John Is to Gaius and so look at verse 1 there It says the elder unto the well-beloved Gaius whom I love in the truth. So kind of a similar Way of starting off the book because he says the elder unto thee like lady whom I love in the truth in second John And Gaius here actually Gaius is someone that's mentioned in other places in the Bible And so we kind of see a little bit about Gaius Go to Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 of verse 28 Acts chapter 19 verse 28 it says and when they heard these sayings They were full of wrath and cried out saying great as Diana of the Ephesians and the whole city Was filled with confusion and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus men of Macedonia Paul's companions in travel they rushed with one accord into the theater and when Paul Would have entered into in unto the people the disciples suffered him not so what you know that whole story where? basically, there's this big uproar because The guy the men that made images to Diana Basically their craft was going to be gone because Paul's winning all these people to Christ and so they're in Ephesus and But Gaius is not from Ephesus. He's actually of Macedonia and so Macedonia is linked with Greece but but that being said is that Gaius is one of those and Aristarchus is the other one that's basically caught basically taken into this theater and they start Yelling for hours on end great is Diana of the Ephesians and so just to give you an idea who he was I mean he was a you know, a man of God that was Getting persecuted actually for what Paul did. No, actually I'm they were all companions. They were all doing it But he's companion with Paul go to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter 20 gives us actually a little more of a Distinct area as far as where we're dealing with here and When you're dealing with Macedonia Greece, I mean these places kind of overlap a little bit there in verse 4 so acts 20 in verse 4 it says and they're accompanied him into Asia Zopater Zopater of Berea and of the Thessalonians Aristarchus and Secundus now Thessalonica is northern Greece if you will and then Berea is Actually more south like you're going towards Athens But then it goes into it says with Gaius It says Gaius of Derbe and Timotheus and of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus So all these guys are from Greece Macedonia area except for in Asia Tychicus and Trophimus. Okay, which are also Greek speaking people. Okay, so basically all of Asia Minor Which is Ephesus, you know and all those different places in Asia You know the seven churches in Asia Smyrna Pergamos, I mean you can even see in those names that that's a Greek speaking area But that being said is that we see that Gaius is of Derbe mass Macedonia, you know men of Macedonia Go to Roman chapter 16 Roman chapter 16 Roman chapter 16 verse 22 So he's accompanying with Paul But John is the one writing this book is written by John. Okay. John is the one that's writing this epistle and So we see that Gaius is not just known by Paul, but actually by John himself Actually, I believe that John Won Gaius to the Lord Now what we'll see is that Paul is the one that baptized him But The reason I say that is because of what he says later on to him about Having no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth And that idea there. I believe he's talking about children in the faith if you will but that's just I mean I couldn't maybe definitively tell you that you know that he won him to the Lord but to me it sounds like he won Gaius to the Lord and And Paul baptized him and all that so in Romans chapter 16 verse 22 I Tertius, I think that's how you say his name, so But I Tertius who wrote this epistle salute you in the Lord So that's actually who wrote the book who penned down Romans So obviously Paul was the one speaking it and you know It was under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost Holy men of God spake as they moved by the Holy Ghost But he had a scribe write down the epistle verse 23 Gaius mine host and of the whole church saluted you Erastus the Chamberlain of the city saluted you and court is a brother the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen, so Gaius is hosting them okay, and so You can see that this is a good guy You know when you think of guys and obviously third Johnny saying the well-beloved guys I mean, he's obviously speaking highly of him and writing to him in good regard But you see that he's one of the men that's taken into the theater You know in Ephesus, he's accompanying Paul on his journeys You see here and and and Rome in chapter 16. He's hosting them So he's being hospitable to the Apostles and to those the brethren and the Lord and then the first Corinthian chapter 1 this is where you'll see that actually Paul I Believe baptizes him now. It could be the case that Gaius that there's more than one guys that is possible that we're dealing with more than one guys here, but I'll say this I Don't believe so. I mean the one that the the third John Gaius I would say could be different than all these ones But I would say that acts 19 acts 20 Romans 16 and 1st Corinthians 1 is definitely talking about the same guys Because you're dealing with Paul and his journeys You're Paul's the one writing about him and talking about him and obviously the narrator speaking about it But he's accompanying Paul and all these journeys In 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 14. It says I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius Lest any should say that I have baptized in mine own name And I baptized also the household of Stephanus besides I know not whether I baptized any other For Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words Lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. I just wanted to kind of put that last one in there because You know baptism is not a part of the gospel So just because Paul baptized guys doesn't mean that he won Gaius because obviously those are two separate things preaching the gospel is Salvation baptism is another thing but he's been making a point here obviously is that he baptized Crispus and guys He wasn't there just baptizing everybody And he would definitely wasn't doing it in his own name, but he's basically stating the fact that hey, you know what? I Wasn't sent here to baptize you I was sent here to preach the gospel and so Just a little background. I believe of Gaius just to kind of show you this is a good guy, you know, very This statement the elder unto the well-beloved guys whom I love in the truth is I believe very deserved So go back to 3rd John there and notice what John is saying to guys here in verse 2 So back to 3rd John verse 2 It Says beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul Prosper it. I love this verse this verse just shows you the distinction between the physical health and spiritual health And he's basically stating the fact that the fact is is that your soul prospers right now. Your soul is in health Your soul is prospering and in health and he's basically stating I You know, I want I wish above all things that you physically, you know That's what I believe he's stating is that you physically not just your soul But you physically would prosper and be in health go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 because there is a difference between our spirit and our soul and our body and So I believe he's making a distinction here when it comes to that You know Spiritually speaking were completely blessed. We're completely in health completely You know Prospering But some people can be over spiritual when in the fact, you know, like we're saved so we therefore should just say holistically we're prospering in health and Just over spiritualize the fact that all these promises that you know That the Bible has given us when it comes to that and not Realize that hey your body could be in poor health. Your body could not be prospering you physically Just in this life could be not be prospering And your soul could still be prospering, you know, you're still in good health when it comes to salvation But everything else is just going haywire and is not in that case I mean think about all the passages in the Bible where you know I'm trying to think of a Philippians chapter 3 or Philippians chapter 2. I'm sorry where it talks about Was his name Trophimus I'm getting all these these Greek names mixed up now where basically he was sick and He's writing out to the Philippians saying that he had heard that you bet he had been sick. What is his name though? Yeah, bear with me real quick It's gonna kill me if I don't find out Epaphroditus, that's it. It was an easy one He sent Epaphroditus To them because he had heard that he had been sick indeed He was sick nine to death, but he sent him on to him because he got well He got better and he's basically stating, you know, Paul's stating the fact that you know It wasn't just for his sake That basically he wouldn't have sorrow upon sorrow if something happened to Epaphroditus He left other people in Miletum sick, you know Like he would people would be sick the people would not be in good health and there's this over spiritual Lization of the fact that well, you know what if you're righteous you would be in health You know if you're if you have a whole bunch of faith and if you have enough faith Then you should never be sick And the only reason that you're sick The only reason that you have bad health the only reason that you have any problems or you're not prospering is because you lack faith And that's just a bunch of garbage. That's just not what the Bible teaches. There's a lot of righteous people that are sick Like just have sicknesses. There's a lot of righteous people that have bad things happen to them I mean Job is one of the greatest examples of that But just even in the New Testament you see people that are sick and then people are praying for them Paul is stating that I have this infirmity in the flesh and he's you know, but sought the Lord thrice about it But obviously the answer was no, you're just gonna deal with it That being said is that there is a distinction between the body and the soul prospering in a first that's only in chapter 5 verse 23 here It says in the very God of peace sanctify you holy and I pray God your whole spirit and soul And body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ So obviously soul and spirit wise were preserved, right? We're sealed on the day of redemption but our body is a different story and I believe what it's stating here is that holistically he's basically saying I want you to be holistically soul body and spirit you know blameless and Unblameable and the Bible talks about this in other places in his sight at his coming and that gets into the fact that the the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak and The fact is is that spiritually speaking your children of the day your children of the light you're awake But fleshly speaking you may not be so I like this distinction here and just how he's stating I That he wants them to be in health and prosper as much as his soul prosperous so that's that's a That's quite a thing to say and I love how he uses that as an example Like if you think about like how what would you compare if you say I want you to be in health? What would you compare it to the health of what like what's what's your comparison like your soul? I'd say that's a good comparison I'd say that's that's as high as you can get as far as in health Wouldn't it as far as if you're as healthy as your soul is when you're saved and you have eternal life And you're completely regenerated and renewed so Just a little statement like that those type of things just stick out to me there and I really like that phrase Verse three there So in second third John in verse three it says for I rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is In thee even as thou walkest in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth Now this is why I personally believe that John is the one that one guy is to the Lord. I Believe if this is the same guy is then John one of the Lord baptized them and I It would be hard for me to say that he wasn't you know his Convert, I mean he could just be making a blank just a statement, right? I mean, I could be writing a letter to somebody like yeah, you know what? I have no greater joy in hearing my children walk in truth and just make that statement But it kind of doesn't make sense if in context if it's not His son in the faith if you will because he's stating the fact that I I've heard people have told me That you're walking in the truth And then he's saying I have no greater joy than hearing my children walk in truth I believe he's referring to guys when he says that and so that shows you this connection that he has with guys and you know guys is obviously a great guy someone that saves someone that's You know serving the Lord and in second John, you know, it states something similar to this as far as What he's saying to the like lady it says in verse 4 I says I greatly I Rejoice gracely greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth as we have received a commandment from the Father and remember I was kind of talking about the fact that We we can also rejoice just if we hear we see other people or hear other children walking in the truth, right? I mean if you had a convert and you started They started walking in the truth. I'm gonna rejoice too and a sit up and get that purse off your neck now So it's kind of like, you know, I think brother Denzel not not to just point him out But you know brother Dave actually is the one that got the win up to the Lord I Technically baptized them later on But then other people are going out soul winning with them and kind of seeing them grow in the Lord and obviously he goes out With us too on Sunday, but you kind of see that same type of thing going on there and You know what? I rejoice in the fact of seeing That you know that you know, someone's child in the faith walking in the truth and doing what they should be doing. I mean Yeah, I mean I would have no greater joy than to see that my children walk in the faith, too But I can also rejoice and see other people's converts or even children, right? I mean if your children walk in the truth your physical children get saved walk in the truth do what they're supposed to be doing I'm gonna rejoice with every single one of you as that happens But I'll say this is that I'm gonna rejoice probably a little more when I see if I see when I'm gonna say that when I see my children walk in the Lord because that's my goal is to see my children get saved walk in the Lord do what they should be doing and And So we can kind of see how he's saying I rejoice greatly But I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth. So a great verse there and Obviously we rejoice when people get saved But how much more do we rejoice when they get saved and they start living for the Lord? I mean, that's that's a great joy. I mean you just kind of you see That change you see them Loving the Lord and and all that and so it's just a great joy to see going back to 3rd John in verse 5 It says in verse 5 says beloved thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and the strangers Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church? Whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sword thou shalt do well Because that for his name's sake they went forth taking nothing of the Gentiles We therefore ought to receive such that we meant that we might be fellow helpers to the truth And what I love about what's stated here is that obviously he's kind of he's commending Gaius and stating Hey, you're you're doing faithfully whatsoever. Thou doest to the brethren and to strangers and So the thing that I see here is obviously We need to do faithfully and do good unto our brethren And I've kind of pointed out if you go to Galatians chapter 6 go to Galatians chapter 6 is that? the brethren take priority And I don't believe it's an accident that he says to the brethren and to strangers in that order Because you don't want to forget the house of God and the household of faith You know and the priority should be those that are believers those that are of the church those that are Saved that loved the Lord right, but you don't want to let leave off strangers or people that aren't saved right and Gnosis says in Galatians chapter 6 and verse 10. It says as we have therefore opportunity. Let us do good unto all men Especially unto them who are the household of faith, so he's basically putting a priority or basically putting a you know what should come first Especially the household of faith so especially the brethren But that doesn't mean that you should be do being doing Doing good unto all men You know it's not taking that out go to Leviticus chapter 19, Leviticus chapter 19 And you know people hate the book of Leviticus in the world today But you know what there's a lot of loving stuff that said in Leviticus I mean you hate Leviticus 18 you hate Leviticus 20, but Leviticus 19. I mean you should love that passage Because that's the actually the only place in the Old Testament where it says thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself where that's quoted from Is the Leviticus 19, but I want you to see some some other things that are saved here in a little bit of chapter 19 Like Leviticus chapter 19 verse 15 it says ye shall do no unrighteousness In judgment thou shalt not respect the person of the poor nor honor the person of the mighty But in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor man. That's just horrible stuff right there I mean we should just rip that out You know Leviticus just so I mean so archaic You know I think we should do Unrighteousness in judgment right I mean, that's that's what we should be doing no Actually this should still apply today Verse 16 thou shalt not go up and down as a tailbearer among thy people neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor I am the Lord all not being a tailbearer now. We should just rip that one out to Verse 17 thou shalt not hate thy brother in Thine heart thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him. That's interesting Because obviously the Bible says that you know we should never hate the brethren we should always love the brethren But it also says thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy brother thy brother or thy neighbor. It's funny It's like all you know you can't rebuke anybody you can't do anything. It's like you got to take this as a whole and So all this stuff goes together verse 18 thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people But thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. I am the Lord Look at verse 33 So I just wanted to show you those passages because those are all just timeless things that we need to be doing to this day And obviously the New Testament quotes a lot of this But in verse 33 it says and if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land you shall not vex him But the strangers that dwells with you shall be unto you as one born among you and thou shalt love him as thyself For ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God so notice that When it's talking about thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself it's hot it says it says right before that there's a there's a You know the but between it okay meaning this is that Nor it says thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people But thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself So the the loving thy neighbor as thyself a lot of times is dealing with brethren, you know Obviously your neighbor could be your actual neighbor and someone that you see all the time But at the same time it most of time is talking about it's dealing with brethren and the household of faith But here is stating that you know, what a stranger you should love them as thyself as well and so It's funny because you know that story that well, you know, the person brought him and said well who is my neighbor? and Then he brings up the story about the the Levite and the priest and the Samaritan, right? And Samaritan obviously wasn't a neighbor as far as like someone that they that was close to them live by them It was someone that was a stranger essentially, but you know how that that works out the Bible says right here in the same passage where it states thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself is to love the Stranger as yourself as well. So you're at the person that's asking that question is asking the wrong question The question should be should I just love my neighbor? Right, or should I love the strangers myself, too? And I think about this too with you know, people are like all these illegal immigrants coming in and all this stuff It's like you know what? the reason the only reason that that That people are so uptight about it and a lot of cases is because they don't pay taxes Well, we shouldn't have to pay taxes. So let's get rid of that and then what's the problem? Right, but at the same time like I I don't like hate them You know if they're coming over here and all that and obviously there's things to be done legal and that's a whole nother story When it comes to that, but at the same time, you know what people that come in strangers that come in You know, I'm gonna love them as myself just as much as my neighbor as myself And that's what the Bible teaches and Gaius He's doing faithfully whatever he does. He does faithfully to the brethren and to strangers So he's not basically stating. Well, you're not my neighbor. I don't know who you are You're not someone I know he's doing it to someone that's a stranger as well and Notice a good a good of a first Timothy chapter 5 for sympathy chapter 5 I Want to show you passage here dealing with widows that are widows indeed. Hey now What is this talking about? well there there is There's a case where someone that's a widow that's above 60 That could basically be taken care of by the church now This whole passage is stating that You know what? If that that that widow has family then the family should be taken care of You know, this should be the family's taking care of the widow, but if there's no family no one to take care of her Then the church will step up and take care of the widow Okay, but here's what the widow is supposed to be doing notice what it says in verse 9 of first Timothy chapter 5 It says let let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore Years old having been the husband of one man So he's basically saying, you know We don't want to take in like the church be taking in a widow that's under 60 years old and only being married once Okay, so if you're under 60, you need to get married again, essentially if you're a widow verse 10 Says well reported of for good works if she have brought up children So it's basically going to give us a list of what that widow should be doing right it to be worthy of This office if you will and it's not really an office but to be worthy of the church taking care of a widow It's not just that you're a widow above 60 and you don't have any family to take care of you This is what you should be doing Well reported up for good works if she have brought up children if she had lodged strangers if she have washed the Saints feet If she have relieved the afflicted if she have diligently followed every good work Notice something that was stated in there if she have lodged strangers So there's an idea of hospitality and you know, the Bible talks about Basically helping out inviting people to dinner of people that you know will never pay you back And if you think about it strangers are probably the obviously a poor in the poor a lot of times They're gonna be able to pay you back because they don't have the means to But how about strangers people you may never see again? You know that being hospitable to strangers people that you're just kind of passing by and just kind of helping them out The idea there is kind of the idea that you this person will never you'll never see again Okay, and obviously we've got soul winning especially when we go out soul winning to like missions trips or just different places We're going out and giving them the gospel No Hope of ever seeing them ever at our church No, hope of ever seeing them ever tithe through our church or give to their church or give back to our church at all Or to you in general but You know what? We need to love them just as much as we love the person that's in our neighborhood So obviously our neighborhood when it comes to soul winning, you know what this is our Jerusalem, you know The Morgantown Fairmont Clarksburg areas around our church. That's our Jerusalem and we're taking that's gonna take You know kind of precedent, you know, it's gonna take Priority as far as our soul winning goes but that doesn't mean we're not gonna go out further Somewhere where we know they're not going to come to our church We know that it's just not gonna be they're not gonna make that trek to church every single Sunday or every single week But the idea is that we need to do good unto strangers. We need to be hospitable strangers And just have that kind of attitude. How about this Hebrews chapter 13 Hebrews chapter 13? Another reason to be hospitable to strangers Is what it says here in Hebrews chapter 13, I was actually just talking to Clara about this Because of the movie it's a wonderful life Now the movie it's a wonderful life is not a true story. Okay, just so you know But there's a story about you know, the guy meeting an angel and and Claire's like, why doesn't he have wings I'm like because Well, this is a movie first of all, but Anyway, it says in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 1. It says let brotherly love continue Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some of entertain angels unawares and so You know, obviously that movie is not real but at the same time I do believe it's true that you may entertain angels unawares be by Entertaining strangers and so just something to think about and I don't It's saying be not forgetful to entertain strangers says to let brother brotherly love continue But then it says be not forgetful to entertain strangers so you kind of see that same thing of you know, doing good to the brethren but also doing good to strangers and He's basically stating like you may be entertaining an angel. You don't even know it and so something to think about You know, I think I preached a sermon on angels and kind of talked about this a little bit but angels I believe obviously can look like us It could look like a you know, just a normal human being And so they're not gonna you know, well, you know, I didn't know that was an angel But you know the the hooved feet and the and the wings and everything kind of gave it away a little bit But I wasn't sure, you know, obviously You know, like it's cherry cherry BIM or a seraphim. It's like that's not how you're gonna be Entertaining an angel unawares, okay so just something to think about there and You know when I see guys here, he's being commended for this that it's not just brethren but strangers as well. Okay Now go to third John verse 9. We're gonna see all the yacht the otter fees Diatrophes Diatrophes It's not a good guy, okay now verse 9 here says I wrote him to the church But Diatrophes who loveth to have the preeminence among them receiveth us not Wherefore if I come I will remember his deeds Which he do is prating against us with malicious words and not content therewith Neither that he himself received the brethren and forbid it them that would and cast them out of the church So we got this diatrophes guy now It's very possible that diatrophes is the pastor of that church and Gaius is a member of that church. He's there but diatrophes is the one that's basically For him to be kick casting people out of the church. He has to be an authority I mean you can't there's not just some random dude in the church be like, you know, there's diatrophes guy He's throwing people out of our church. I Mean you're gonna throw him out. You're gonna be like, what are you doing, man? So I believe he is in leadership in a leadership position The reason I believe that also is because they're gonna commend someone else to take his place Okay, and this is a book that I believe that's this epistle is is really showing you Hey, you know what if the pastor is not doing what he should be doing. He needs to be replaced and in this case What's he doing? Well, first of all, it says he loved to have the preeminence among them And what does preeminence mean but it means to be eminent above or before others superior Surpassing basically he wants to be above everybody superior and How about this that word is used somewhere else? Go to Colossians chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 and especially if diatrophes is the pastor of this church He needs to he needs a look at who should have the preeminence and it's not him, okay Obviously the pastor has authority but that authority only goes so far Because I am NOT the head of this church Jesus Christ is I'm the pastor. I'm the under Shepherd. I do have authority but Jesus has the ultimate authority the Bible has the ultimate authority and In Colossians chapter 1 verse 12 It says giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light Who had delivered us from the power of darkness and had translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in? Whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins who is the image of the invisible? Invisible God the firstborn of every creature and reason I'm reading this first before I get to the point I'm trying to make is that who are we talking about? Clearly we're talking about the Lord Jesus We're talking about, you know his own blood, you know, we have forgiveness of sins He's the the image of the invisible God the firstborn of every creature that's talking about being the firstborn of the dead Which is gonna state later on but it says in verse 16 for by him We were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth Visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities powers all things were created by him and for him And he's before all things and by him all things consist and he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning The firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence So when he says, you know diaprophes who love to have the preeminence, you know, he's trying to be he's trying to be the Lord He's trying to Lord over the flock is what he's doing. But the Bible says that a pastor is supposed to be Taking the oversight thereof not not by constraint but willingly neither being lords over God's heritage and I believe that's what diaprophes is doing and And he's doing a bad job at it. Okay, so when it comes to this You could be a lord over the flock and it not be like that bad Right, but at the same time you still shouldn't be doing it because there's a danger when you're the Lord over the flock Okay, what meaning this is that that's not the way it's set up and it's not set up that way for a reason and Diaphrophy is an example of that reason I believe as far as why you should not be Lord over the flock And what I mean by that basically you are just dictating every little thing that should be done who people hang out with What you watch what you do and and if you don't do exactly what I tell you to do and how to do it Then you're out Yeah That's not the way church is supposed to be that's not the way that's not the power the pastor is supposed to have You know, Jesus is the one that has preeminence over you He's the one that's before all things He's the one that's superior to all of us. And so diaprophes needs to sit back and you know Sit down and shut up pretty much. Okay, and notice what John says here in Third John in verse 10 it says wherefore if I come I will remember his deeds with which he do it I love that. He's like if I come I'm gonna remember what he did. I remember the things that he did and It says prating against us with malicious words and not content there with now prating is is Basically talking excessively a point with kind of babbling about something or it's kind of utterly like foolish talking if you will and He's praying against us with malicious words. So he's basically just kind of blabbing out all this malicious stuff against John the Apostle John Now not I don't believe just him but other people as well and then it goes on to say that Neither does he himself received the brethren and forbid at them that would and cast them out of the church So I believe he's basically forbidding other brethren to come not receiving them and Then he's I believe casting out anybody that would Like basically be kind of like if the Apostle John I'm like, you know And I and I'm prating against him with malicious words and I'm forbidding him to come to this church But then you were to say, you know, we want him to come Then I kick you out for wanting him to come right That that's the type of lording over you know wanting that love you need to have the preeminence loving to have the superiority over the flock if you will and To the point where he's casting out good brethren. He's casting out people that would want brethren to be received and You know and the fact that he's just saying malicious things about Good Christians. I mean would anyone say that John the Apostles not a good Christian You think we should be prating with malicious words against the Apostle John Now obviously hindsight's 20 20 because we had the whole Bible We know we know for a fact that John's a good guy and we know that he was a good Christian He saved, you know, he was the disciple whom Jesus loved right, but at the same time they Don't have I don't believe they maybe had the you know, the book of the Gospel of John that they're reading at that time and so You know diaphragm he's maybe even trying to turn to me like he's not saved they're not saved, you know We don't need to receive them And you're like talking about great You know Christians great saints and so one thing go to Proverbs chapter Proverbs chapter 10 And just to show you another place where prating is mentioned Proverbs chapter 10 verse 7 Proverbs chapter 10 verse 7 Proverbs chapter 10 verse 7 says the memory of the just is blessed but the name of the wicked shall rot Now I'm gonna get to where it says prating but it's interesting because even in context here this fits diographies His name goes down in ruin. I Mean it's pen in the eternal Word of God that the hot trapeze was prating against the Apostle John with Malicious words and was casting out people from the church that would want brethren He's not he's not receiving brethren into the church and he's casting out people that would I Would say that his name is rotting, you know in the in the Bible now Obviously, there's people that do bad do things in the Bible that are saved and all that I'm not here to say that diographies is unsaved He doesn't state that That he's unsaved but I'll say this is he's not fit for that position. And that's what John states And if anything this guy's walking in the flesh he is not, you know qualified for the position Now keep reading there says verse 8 says the wise in heart will receive Commandments, but a prating fool shall fall He that walketh up rightly walk is surely but he that perverted his ways shall be known He that winketh with the eye Causes sorrow but a pritting fool shall fall the mouth of a righteous man is a well of life, but violence cover at the mouth of the wicked hatred Stir with up strikes, but love covereth all sins In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding So you see this dichotomy that's going back and forth with a prating fool Which is diographies? Okay, that's what I believe John is basically accusing him. He's just a prating fool and And he's basically stating that this guy is not a righteous guy. This is someone that you know lacks he's void of understanding You know going on and on with What I'm sure John would maybe be thinking there but go back to the third John in verse 11 Now Some people would maybe say doctor fees isn't say because of this next verse, but I don't believe that's what this verse is stating Okay, I don't believe this next verse is stating that you're either saved or lost Okay in verse 11 here says beloved follow not that which is evil, but that which is good He that doeth good is of God, but he that doeth evil hath not seen God now This would go back to first John when you're dealing with knowing God I believe seeing God and knowing God are very synonymous because you think about perceiving, right? If you see something or you perceive something you know it, right? And so that's used interchangeably a lot in the Bible, but I don't believe this is stating that doctor fees does evil therefore he's unsafe and You know this person does good. Therefore they're safe. Okay, because a Christian can do evil So, I mean you can't I don't believe that's what it's stating I believe it's stating here though Don't follow that which is evil Hey doctor fees is doing evil don't follow that and if he's following evil That means it says he that doeth evil hath not seen God. What would that mean? Let's say someone let's say he is saved That means he's walking in the flesh because the flesh has not seen God now go to Matthew chapter 5 verse 8 Matthew chapter 5 verse 8 Is the Beatitudes if you will Matthew chapter 5 verse 8 One of the one of the the phrases that's message is the blessed the blessed are if you will Blessed are in verse 8 the pure in heart for they shall see God. So how do you see God by being pure in heart? This Isn't talking about being saved now obviously Salvation obviously your your soul and your spirit is pure Okay But we're talking about the fact that he's telling them to be pure and hard and they shall see God and seeing God I believe is synonymous with knowing God that I may know him in the power of his resurrection The fellowship of the sufferings if by any means I might attain it to the resurrection of dead Not as though I'd already attained either were already perfect But I follow after that may apprehend that for which also I'm apprehended of Christ Jesus And the idea there is that apprehending him knowing him seeing him You know those things are what we're talking about here And that is something that's a process if you will go to Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 Another place where you'll see this about seeing the Lord, but in order to see the Lord you need to be pure and hard And This gets into the fact that a double, you know, it says draw nigh to God and he'll draw nigh to you Purify your hands you sinners or cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded That's a commandment Okay, so you want to draw nigh to God you want to see God you want to know God then you need to cleanse your Hands you need to purify your hearts That's how you do it That's a probably that's something you have to do you know what you know how you do that you put on the new man you walk in the spirit and That is where that new man has seen God that new man is regenerated that new man is always doing good Because that new man is abiding in Christ But if you're not abiding in Christ and you're not doing that which is good and you're doing that which is evil Then you're in the flesh and the flesh Doesn't know God the flesh hath not seen God Hebrews chapter 12 verse 12 It says wherefore lift up the hands which hang down in the feeble knees and make straight paths for your feet Lest that which is lame be turned out of the way But let it rather be healed follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord Follow peace with all men and holiness Without which no man shall see the Lord this it goes into the blessed are the pure heart for they shall see God You want to see God you need to follow you need to follow peace with all men You know, that's what the Bible talks about if it'd be possible. Let's live peaceably with all men You know blessed are the children, you know, it talks about the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God why because we're preaching the gospel of peace and We're gonna be called the children of God because you're walking in that child of God that's inwardly When you're doing that you're walking as a child of God you're you're making manifest that light that's within you You're walking as the children of light. You're the light of the world, but don't put it under a bushel You're the soul of the earth, but don't lose your saber That savers there inwardly that lights there inwardly that child of God is there inwardly and It's your choice whether you're gonna walk in it and manifest it Okay, and That's where you get into the fact that diatrophes is obviously walking in the flesh. He's not abiding in Christ He is walking in the flesh and doing the deeds of the flesh. He is You know not walking in the new man now you could argue and say well, I don't believe you say It's possible. I Don't think John is saying either way. I think he's just stating it. Hey, he's doing evil He's sinning don't follow after that Okay, because if if that if the diatrophes is sinning and and he's doing evil then he's not abiding in Christ he's not he doesn't know God like he should know God and so I Believe that's what he's stating here Go to go to first John chapter 2 first John chapter 2 just to show you some verses on The same kind of thing, like I said knowing something is the same as perceiving something And you you could even see this where And I just said it but my example here is that if you if you're trying to explain something to me and I said, oh I see Like I didn't see the words that you said like I'm not seeing something physically When I say I see and what I'm saying is I understand I know what you're saying I perceive What you're what you're what you're throwing down, you know but that's what I believe is it's stating by seeing God knowing God because Obviously, it's not stating that if you're pure at heart You're gonna see like God in the clouds Like you're gonna see an image of him in your mashed potatoes or something like that Like you're it's not stating that it's stating the fact that you're gonna know him You're gonna know him you're gonna see God because you have the Bible you have the Word of God and you can know who he is you can perceive who he is and That's what it's talking about here. Now in first John chapter 2 and verse 3 it says, how do we do that? It says in here by we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments So, how do you know whether you've seen God or you know God? How do you know that if you keep his commandments? He that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him So if you tell me, you know, I see God I know God and you're not keeping his commandments then you're a liar Okay, it doesn't mean you're not saved But you're lying to me if you say that, you know God, but you're just breaking all of his commandments No, that's that's just not true But whoso keepeth his word in him verily is the love of God perfected hereby know we that we are in him He that saith he abideth in him notice this abideth in him Ought himself also so to walk even as he walked you want to abide in Christ And you want Christ to abide in you then you need to be walking in his commandments You need to be walking in the truth Which I believe is why he's commending guys. He's like you're walking in the truth I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. The octrophes on the other hand. He's doing evil He's not walking in the truth. You know, he's not he doesn't know God. He's not seeing God get rid of them essentially what what this book is about now in Get a get a first John chapter 4 first John 4 First John 4 verse 12 here. It says no man has seen God at any time If we love one another God dwells in us and his love is perfected in us Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he and us because he hath given us of his spirit now I preached on first John before but the idea there is that We have the Holy Ghost living inside of us and he'll dwell with us forever You know, it talks about the fact that you know, we're still in the day of redemption But the father in the Sun are you know, the Sun talks about knocking on the door and open You know that he'd open the door and that he'd a boat make his abode with us Abiding with us is a little different Okay, and it's basically stating here that and no man has seen God at any time It's talking about God the Father in particular because no man has seen God the Father Because there's no man has seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he had declared There are people that have seen the Lord Jesus Christ now Paul is the last one to see him though Okay, so when it's saying, you know, you need to see the Lord You know Paul is the last one to see him before he comes back in the clouds so What we're talking about here is do what you know dwelling in the Father dwelling in the Sun and the reason we know or how we know that we're abiding in Christ is because the spirit that dwells in us and in first John chapter 3 and verse 23 Just back a chapter says and this is his commandment that we believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ and loved one another as he gave us commandment and he that keepeth his commandments dwells in him and he and him and Hereby know we that he abideth in us by the spirit which he hath given us So we're talking about abiding in Christ or Christ abiding in us if you will and You know not to get into all first John again, but we're talking about Walking in the spirit compared to walking in the flesh This is as simple as you get if you live in the spirit Let us also walk in a spirit if you've received him. Let us also walk in him You know, you're the children of light walk as children of light The idea is that we're saved inwardly our soul prosper with our souls and health But you know, we also want our body to be in health We also want our body and our flesh to prosper as far as in this life in the way that you do That is that you walk in the new man The way that you walk in a new man is blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Walking in his commandments doing what he tells you to do That's how you do it pure, you know, cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded draw an eye to God and you'll draw an eye to you and All this goes into the fact of what this verse I believe is stating is not talking about salvation. It's just stating a fact That if you're walking in a new man, you're walking as a child of God and walking in the spirit Then you're doing good. And if you're not doing good, then you're not walking in the new man. It's as simple as that Because if you're walking in a new man, I mean the new man doesn't have any sin Because who's ever born of God doth not commit sin proceed remaineth in him He cannot sin because he's born of God. So you can't tell me that no, I'm walking in the spirit brother And then you're just you know, blaspheming something or you're you're you're hating your brother Don't tell me that you're walking in a spirit if you hate your brother You're a liar, you know, don't tell me you're walking in the spirit if you're just blatantly breaking God's Commandments Then you're lying to me That doesn't mean you're unsaved though. Does that make sense? I hope that's very clear. That doesn't mean you're unsaved It just means that you're not walking in the spirit. Okay, so let's keep going here and in verse 12 we see Demetrius brought up. So diatrophes is the bad guy Demetrius is the good guy Obviously guys is good too, but But diatrophes he's basically saying, you know, I want if I come I'll remember his deeds But in verse 12 here says Demetrius had to report of all men and of the truth itself Yea, and we also bear record and you know that our record is true So basically John and those that are with him are given a stamp of approval on Demetrius It's kind of like you need to get rid of diatrophes But you need to replace him with Demetrius Right, so I love this because he's not just saying listen you got a problem you need to get rid of this guy He's got a solution. It's like here's who here's who should be in his place Demetrius Or at least an option like he's just like well Demetrius had to get a report of all men Which goes into the fact of you know, obviously A pastor or a bishop supposed to be well reported of all men right kind of the same deal And so I believe you're dealing with a bad pastor Who's not walking in the spirit not doing what he should be doing To the point where he's casting out people that want good people to come to the church or you know that are that are against good brethren and he's He's saying you need to get rid of that guy time for him to step down and He's I mean Gaius. I believe he's just a brother in Christ And he's just stating that the church just needs to kick that person out and put Demetrius in his place So that's what I believe there it's interesting too because it says yay we also it says uh, It's good report of all men and of the truth itself. Yay And we also bear record and you know that our record is true that phrase, you know that our record is true It's something that just rings through my my head when I think about the book of John go to John chapter 19 John chapter 19 John chapter 19 Because of what was said when You know that soldier that the centurion if you will and the soldiers that were at the cross But John obviously we know that John wrote the book because later on it states that he wrote it In verse 19 or verse 33, I'm sorry chapter 19 verse 30 says But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already they break not his legs But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith came there out blood and water and he that saw it bare record and his record is true and he know it that he said true that ye might believe For these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled a bone of him shall not be broken and again another scripture said They shall look on him whom they pierced so same kind of language, right? it's like, you know, you know that our record is true and Here is saying he that saw it bare record and his record is true and he know it that he said true that you might believe and In chapter 21 of John verse 24. It says talking about the disciple that leaned on Jesus Breasts at the supper and said who is it Lord? That's gonna betray thee says this is the cycle which testifies that these things and wrote these things and we know that he His wit his testimony is true and there are also many other things which Jesus did Though which if they should be written every one I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written Amen So I just want to show you kind of how the similarities of John and you can already see that The gospel of John compared to first second and third John, but just even that little phrase like, you know that our witness is true Because that's exactly what? John stated about the fact that when he saw the water and blood because there was the disciple whom Jesus loved was at the cross Right. There was all the late the women that were at the cross, but there was only one You know disciple that it mentions being there was the disciple whom Jesus loved which I believe is John obviously now Some people believe well, it's not John never says John It's the gospel of John and I don't believe obviously you say well, you know, the the names of the books aren't inspired. I Understand that okay. I understand that a lot of the the the the Titles the books were added later on in some places in the Old Testament all that but at the same time I don't believe that for 2,000 years It's just been this wool over our eyes that it was some other person than John And we're all just talking about John being the disciple whom Jesus loved and we're all just in the dark about that So, by the way, it's the twelve that sat down with Jesus and it's it's one of the twelve I Believe it's one of the twelve and he were like, wow, it's Lazarus and they have this whole story about it being Lazarus I I just don't buy it. I believe it's John. I believe it's the book of John I believe it's the same John that wrote and and by the way Revelation is clearly written by John because this is I John So he states that it's John in there and it's interesting because there's same terminology and stuff that's used in Revelation as well. It's very clear Just by how simple the language is in the Gospel John first second third John and Revelation that these are written by the same author Obviously God is the author but there is a human human aspect to all the different books of the Bible When you look at Luke and Acts they're very similar because I believe it's the same person writing it He's writing to the same person Theophilus and they're both very complex okay, so Not to get off on that rabbit trail, but just so you know, I believe John is the disciple whom Jesus loved You know prove me wrong Okay. Anyway So the salutation here come at me bro. Yeah, you didn't think that's how I was gonna end Come at me bro with your your theories. Anyway, no That's two verses here. It's just a salutation In verse 13 it says and I had many things to write but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee But I trust I shall shortly see thee and and shall speak face to face Peace be to thee our friends salute thee greet the friends by name And this book doesn't end with an Amen Actually, there's three books of the Bible that don't in the New Testament that don't end with an Amen You say well, how is that a mistake show me where it's written that it has to have an Amen at the end of it first of all so but the book of Acts James and And third John don't have Amen at the end of it. Okay, and so Is there something to that maybe I mean acts, you know, the whole argument with acts is like well the acts Went on from that, right? It's not like that was complete still going on to this day The acts of the saved and the Saints and the New Testament Church and all that And you know, you can dive into the weeds on that one and see but to me, I Don't think it's that big of a deal, you know that doesn't say Amen But I greet the friends by name. I you know when it comes to that I think that's interesting because there is something to the fact that when you call someone by name I mean think about when you see somebody Like someone runs into you and they say your name there's something like I guess It makes you feel good. Like they know my name Right, they know my name. They care enough to know who I am right to know my name Whereas if you're like, hey you how you doing now? We've all done it because I'm horrible with names and you know, there's that person at the gym that you've seen for six years But you still know what their name is right you've asked them six times so you're like, oh that's enough I'm never gonna ask them again. And so but There is something about knowing everybody's names and I really do obviously I know all the adults names in this church, but I I really am trying to remember all the kids names, too You guys keep having so many kids that it's hard to keep up No, honestly I'm trying to remember everybody's kids but bear with me as I try to remember everybody's kids names but that being said is that there is something to the idea of Being a friend and knowing people's names and greeting people by name just shows that extra I mean you think about like greeting people with a kiss of charity, you know add on well, I'm not gonna greet you with a kiss of charity, but I Will greet you by name Right, you know like brother so-and-so, but you could just say brother Nothing wrong with that, but there it just adds something on there when you say their name. So Just something added on there. I think it's interesting that the Bible says greet the friends by name So let's end with the word parody heavenly father We think for today Thank you for a word and just pray to you to be with us throughout the rest of this week And as we bring in the new year Lord this Friday Pray to be with that fellowship and help us to have a good time and also to Pray in the new year to where we can see more soul saved and and more great things done And we'll just pray to be with us here at Mount Baptist Church. Well, we love you in prayer house in Jesus Christ's name Amen, the brother they will come sing one more song And then we'll be dismissed Like an unpack All Right take your songbooks and turn to song 451 Song 451 we'll sing. Where could I go if you would stand? sing song 451 Living below in this old sinful world hardly a comfort can afford Striving alone to face temptations or where could I go but to the Lord? Where could I go? Where could I go seeking a refuge for my soul? Needing a friend to help me in the end. Where could I go but to the Lord? Where could I go but to the Lord? Neighbors are kind I love them everyone we get along and sweet