(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 259 Song 259 in your song books we'll sing Jesus saves And if you would stand we'll sing song 259 We have heard the joyful sound Jesus saves Jesus saves spread the tidings all around Jesus saves Jesus saves bear the news to every land Climb the steeps and cross the waves Onward tis our Lord's command Jesus saves Jesus saves wafted on the rolling tide Jesus saves Jesus saves tell to sinners far and wide Jesus saves Jesus saves sing me islands of the sea echo back the ocean caves Earth shall keep her jubilee Jesus saves Jesus saves sing above the battle strife Jesus saves Jesus saves by his death and endless life Jesus saves Jesus saves Sing it softly through the gloom when the heart for mercy craves singing triumph over tomb Jesus saves Jesus saves Give the winds a mighty voice Jesus saves Jesus saves let the nations now rejoice Jesus saves Jesus saves shout salvation full and free hills and deepest caves This our song of victory Jesus saves Jesus saves Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again We just want to thank you God just for Another opportunity that we get to gather in your house and to hear your word preach I pray Lord now that you just receive all the honor and glory out of everything that's said and done We love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all but amen. All right, you may be seated and take your Mountain Baptist song books Mountain Baptist song books and turn to page number three Mm-hmm Page number three in your song books will sing Psalm 24 page number three The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world And they that well there and for he hath founded it upon the sea and Established it upon the floods Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord or who shall? stand in his holy Place he that hath clean hands and up your heart Lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn Deceitfully, he shall receive the blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation This is the generation of them that seek him that seek the face of Jacob Selah Lift up your hands. Oh ye Gates and be lift up the Everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in Who is this king of gore? glory the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty and battle Lift up your hands. Oh ye gates Even left them up he everlasting doors and The king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory? The Lord He is the king of glory You Amen welcome mountain Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening and just some announcements here We first of all the church services Coming up this Sunday will should be normal. So all the the service times there no difference there Also our soul winning time at 1 p.m. Will be as scheduled And then the regional time just be on the lookout there on the church app as far as Whether any of those times are Canceled or if they're moved to a different time or anything like that. So as far as I'm sure our We'll have on the the next bulletin for the month of January as far as our prayer meeting times The men's per meeting times always the last Friday, I can't remember if we're Doing like the second last Friday for the women now or how that's working As far as the prayer meeting the women's prayer meeting There's an idea for the women's prayer meeting and ladies you can bounce this around as far as whether you think this would be Could be done or not But I was thinking about maybe trying to do it the ladies doing a prayer meeting between the services on Sunday Now I know that's hard with kids and everything but at the same time They're already here. So I think that might be more To where more people can come and be a part of that So it's it's between the services So I think that might work out better because I know it's just hard on Friday or Saturday For people to get away travel here and all that stuff. So just think about that And let me know what what your thought process there with that is if that makes sense or not, so and Then on the back of your bullets in there We have Genesis chapter 1 for our chapter memory for the month and then 1st Timothy 413 is a memory verse for the week till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine And then on the pregnancy list be in prayer for Alyssa, Anastasia And Tabby so and then being prayer for those that aren't feeling well Some of my kids still dealing with sicknesses a little bit. So just be in prayer there that everybody gets healed up during This season of well, I guess it just goes on forever right when you have a lot of kids just never-ending it'll be in the middle of summer and so anyway, just being prayer there we do have Basically reading lists here if you want to mark off have a sheet to mark off when you're going through your reading of the New Testament and so This also shows you that you can kind of do it in a different order if you want to As far as how you're reading it, you don't have to go Matthew all the way to Revelation you can Pick different books to start off with and all that It's telling brother Dave I'm trying to do it reading it in the Greek New Testament. We'll see how that goes Right now I've said I was ending I was getting done reading through the New Testament in Revelation So I just started with Revelation so Which revelation is one of the easier ones to read? So that being said We'll see how it goes as far as whether I can do that or not. So But I'm gonna give it a valiant effort And then we'll have prizes. We haven't really I don't think we've determined what the prize will be So just do it. Anyway, it'll be a good prize Did I hear Duluth? I? Didn't hear anything. I just figured that's what it was I Have something like that if not that so So it'll be a good prize but yeah, if you can work on that and then obviously too there's a couple days of grace period when it comes to this but Listen if you're going into February and you're finishing it up You know, we're not gonna be that cutthroat with it. Like I said though if you're like months later, though Yeah, there's gonna be a cut-off point where it's like yeah, you didn't do that in a month though so So that's up here on the on the piano So if you want to take if you don't already have one or if you want to do it Also, I'll say this too. Let's say you get a slow start to it and let's say you're like, hey I didn't get us. I didn't really start this until like January 10th or something like that well, then just go to February 10th and Then just do it that way, you know, the goal is really to do it in a month There's nothing magical or special about January. It's just the fact that was first month of the year So so that being said if you haven't started yet, you still can and so Or if you're in February and you're like, hey, I did it in February Well, there's 29 days this year. So you at least get an extra day, right? So you could actually do that that would work out with this sheet. So anyway, that's there And then we're gonna be continuing our study through the book of first Samuel tonight And so brother Wade's gonna be reading first Samuel chapter 19 Offering boxes in the back there if you want to give a tie though an offering Mother baby rooms for the mother babies only as far as the ties and offerings You know give give brother Dave some time to get you know, all your giving statements and all that stuff together I don't think anybody has their w-2s anyway right now that we're they're really strapped for getting that But I'll say this if you need to know the number, I'm sure brother Dave could tell you that If you given in cash and you don't tell us then sorry, we don't know but That being said that will we'll get that together eventually. So brother Dave's gonna come and sing one more song Number of the way he's gonna read first Samuel chapter 19 You All right, take your songbooks and turn to the song 130 Song 130 in your some of us will sing yesterday today forever song 130 Oh How sweet the glorious message simple faith may claim Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same Silly loves to save the sinful heal the sick and lame cheer the Sinner-still the tempest glory to his name Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same All may change my Jesus never glory to his name Glory to his name glory to his name All may change my Jesus never Glory to his name He who pardoned every Peter never needs now fear He that came to faithless Thomas all thy doubt will clear He Love disciple his bosom rest There's these still with love as tender lean upon his breast Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same All may change but Jesus never glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name All may change my Jesus never glory to his name He who made the raging billows walked upon the sea Still can hush our wildest tempest has on Galilee He who wept and prayed in English and gets in the knee Drinks with us each cup of trembling in our agony Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same All may change my Jesus never glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name All may change my Jesus never glory to his name As of old he walked we may as with them to abide Though through all life's way he walketh ever near our side Soon again shall we behold him hasten Lord the day But Will still be the same Jesus as he went away Yesterday today forever Jesus is the same All may change my Jesus never glory to his name Glory to his name Glory to his name All may change my Jesus never Glory to his name All right, so your Bibles and turn to the book first Samuel chapter number 19 First Samuel chapter number 19 in your Bibles and we'll have brother wait come in read that for us First Samuel 19 And Saul spake to Jonathan his son and to all his servants that they should kill David But Jonathan Saul's son delighted much and David and Jonathan told David saying Saul my father Seeketh to kill thee now therefore I pray thee take heed to thyself Until the morning and abide in a secret place and hide thyself and I will go out and stand beside my father in the field Where thou art and I will commune with my father of thee and what I see that I will tell thee and Jonathan spake good Of David unto Saul his father and said unto him Let not the king sin against his servant against David because he hath not sinned against thee and because his works Have been to thee word very good For he did put his life in his hand and slew the Philistine and the Lord wrought a great salvation for all Israel Thou sawest it and didst rejoice that wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood to slay David without a cause and Saul harken unto the voice of Jonathan and saw swear as the Lord liveth He shall not be slain and Jonathan called David and Jonathan showed him all those things and Jonathan brought David to Saul and he was in his presence as in times past and There was war again and David went out and fought with the Philistines and slew them with a great slaughter and they fled from him And the evil spirit from the Lord was upon Saul as he set in his house With his javelin in his hand and David played with his hand and Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin But he slipped away out of Saul's presence and he smote the javelin into the wall and David fled and escaped that night Saul also sent messengers unto David's house to watch him and slay him in the morning And Michal David's wife told him saying if thou save not thy life tonight tomorrow thou shall be slain So Michal late let David down through a window and he went out and he went and fled and escaped and Michal took an image and laid it in the bed and put a pillow of goats hair For his bolster and covered it with the cloth and when Saul sent messages to take David She said he is sick and Saul sent the messengers again to see David saying bring him up to me in the bed that I may slay him and when the messengers were come in behold there Was an image in the bed with a pillow of goats hair for his bolster and Saul said unto Michal Why hast thou deceived me so and sent away my enemy that he's escaped and Michal answered Saul He said unto me. Let me go. Why should I kill thee? so David fled and escaped and came to Samuel to Rhema and Told him all that Saul had done to him and he and Samuel went and dwelt in Nehemiah And it was told Saul saying behold David is in Nehemiah and Rhema and Saul sent messengers to take David And when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying and Samuel standing as appointed over them The Spirit of God was upon the messengers of Saul and they also prophesied and when it was told Saul He sent other messengers and they prophesied likewise and Saul sent messengers again the third time and they prophesied also Then went he also to Rhema and came to a great well that is in Sekou and he asked and said Where are Samuel and David and one said behold they are at Neoth and Rhema and he went thither to the Neoth and Rhema and the Spirit of God was upon him also and he went on and prophesied until he came to Neoth and Rhema and he stripped off his clothes also prophesied before Samuel in light manner and laid down naked all that day and all That night wherefore they say it's all also among the prophets. Let us pray dear Lord Let's get something from your word tonight. Just be with pastor in Jesus. Now. I pray amen Amen So you're there in first Samuel chapter 19 and We're getting into where Saul is basically trying to kill David now the rest of this book is really dealing with that or a Lot of the the rest of this book is dealing with the fact that that's all is basically going after David David's fleeing from him And in this case David is fleeing from Saul But really he's being rescued in this chapter and there's three different people that Specifically are rescuing him. Obviously God is involved in all of this but but Jonathan his friend is the first to rescue him then his wife Maiko and then Samuel in the end so You have like his best friend his wife and then the prophet right that that anointed him so We really see The value of friendship and having people that are close to you that care about you because when You know when people are trying to kill you, you know essentially then a lot of the times they'll be the ones that will come in and help so And in the last chapter we really saw Jonathan the friendship of Jonathan and David and and got into that But we see here in chapter 19 verse 1 That Jonathan really does love David and does not want to see him get harmed In verse 1 here. It says and Saul spake to Jonathan his son and to all his servants that they should kill David so he's just basically openly saying to his son and to his servants, let's go kill David and It says but Jonathan Saul's son delighted much and David and Jonathan told David saying Saul my father seek it to kill thee now therefore I pray thee take he to thyself until the morning and abide in a secret place and hide thyself and I will go Out and stand beside my father in the field where thou art and I will commune with my father of thee and what I see What what I see that I will tell thee so he's basically saying go hide somewhere And then when I'm with my father, I'm gonna basically Try to convince him that you know to not do this Essentially, he's gonna commune with him and in verse 4 here It says Jonathan spake good of David unto Saul his father and said unto him let not the king sin against his servant against David because he had Not sinned against thee and because his works have been to thee word very good For he did put his life in his hand and slew the Philistine and a lot and the Lord wrought a great Salvation for all Israel thou sawest it and didst rejoice Wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood to slay David without a cause So he's basically making supplication to his father about David and saying you don't have there's no cause you were even rejoicing when he killed Goliath and Notice what says verse 6 and Saul harken unto the voice of Jonathan and Saul swear Notice this Saul swear as the Lord liveth. He shall not be slain Now what you'll see was with Saul throughout the rest of this book is that he just keeps going back and forth He's just tossed to and fro at one point. He's just like, you know, what am I doing? You know, why would I you know, why would I try to hurt you? You've been nothing but good You know, it's kind of like this back and forth and then he'll just switch and be like I'm going to kill you so there's a basically he is just tossed to and fro with his emotions and When you when I see this case where the the last thing that Johnson says here is obviously you're dealing with innocent blood right David hasn't done anything wrong There's no reason to kill him. It would be murder for the king to kill David But it says without a cause it's interesting because he brings up Goliath in your if you remember What does David say before he ever goes to kill Goliath? He says is there not a cause right because his older brother is basically saying you're proud and you know, basically Demeaning David for You know, basically speaking what should be spoken against the Goliath but in first angel 1729 says David said what have I now done is there not a cause and You can see the difference that David has a cause Saul doesn't right when it comes to killing Goliath there was a cause to kill Goliath right when it comes to To killing sometimes there is a cause And sometimes there's not and when there's no cause that's where your murder is considered murder and going into its shedding innocent blood and No, the the Bible says this in Proverbs 30 in verse I'm sorry Proverbs 3 in verse 30 He says strive not with a man without cause if he have done the no harm So That's what Saul is essentially doing right? He's he's going after David. David hasn't done anything wrong to him The only thing that that David has done wrong is that he's actually been a good fighter and that the people like him so that's the only thing that's really wrong there is that Saul is envious of David envious of the accolades that he's been receiving and He wants to kill him because of that now when I think about without call You know basically he's wanting to slay David without cause it makes me think of Matthew 5 go to Matthew chapter 5 Because David is a great picture of of Jesus and if you think about Saul and David You can definitely see the picture of obviously Old Testament New Testament, right? Especially with the kingdoms right the kingdom doesn't last it has an end but David's kingdom is everlasting, right? And you can see that with obviously the kingdom of Israel it had an end it didn't go on forever it could have but obviously they broke the Covenant and Then David's kingdom, you know when it comes to the the New Testament, it's an everlasting covenant It has no end. It has an unchangeable priesthood and Jesus is gonna rule and reign for all eternity So you definitely see the picture here of Christ and how Saul persecuting David and Saul trying to kill David The Jews trying to kill Jesus over and over and over again And throughout the New Testament, you know throughout the gospel you'll see that right they go out to stone them And then he'll go and go to the temple right and then though there's a point where he doesn't he doesn't Basically doesn't go to see them any he's just not out in the open anymore He basically has to be hid away from the rulers and all that because they're going to try to kill him, right? And obviously they ultimately do Kill Jesus But Matthew 5 21 it says you have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not kill And whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment So obviously the commandment that shall not kill it says in verse 22, but I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without cause Shall be in danger of the judgment now That's an important phrase right there without a cause Because you know what the modern versions a lot of times they'll take out without a cause Let's just say if you're angry with your brother Like it's just wrong be angry at any time. The Bible says be angry and said not I Mean God is angry with the wicked every day. So anger is not inherently wrong, but there has to be a cause, right? There has to be what we would call righteous Ignignation and you can be angry with your brother if there's a cause for that but to be angry at your brother for no reason That's sin right that's considered murder, but also if you hate your brother Then that's considered murder. Okay, and obviously it's not the same, you know, like obviously there's levels of Sin when it comes to Murder and adultery right because if you look upon a woman to lust after you committed adultery in your heart But that's different than committing the actual act, right? Committing the actual act would get you the death penalty in the Bible, but the thought there's no thought crimes, right? There's no like capital punishment for a thought Although America is trying to get there and other countries are trying to do that the Bible just the Bible does state though that it is a sin and so we need to View it as such and so when it comes to being angry with your brother there needs to be a cause But with Jesus knows what says go to John chapter 15 verse 25 John chapter 15 verse 25 Notice that you know in Jesus ministry, obviously They're constantly trying to kill him and he says, you know, why do you try to kill me? Why do you stone me for a good work that thou stole me, right and obviously? They say not because of any good work, but because that thou being a man makest thyself God Well, he is God. And so obviously they were stoning him for who he said he was and And they also were envious of the things that he was doing so all the miracles that they that he did Obviously people were marveling at that and you can see that same type of thing where the people were marveling at what Jesus was doing And they were envious over that even Pilate said that they don't that they delivered Jesus He knew that they delivered Jesus unto him because of envy And isn't that the same exact thing we see with Saul Saul is envious of David envious of him getting all the praise envious of him being you know doing all these great works and Then he's just constantly trying to kill him because of that It's not because he did anything wrong. I mean at this point David had I mean, I'm not saying David was sinless But at this point David hasn't done anything wrong to the king. There's nothing grievous against him You know the story with Bathsheba and all that stuff doesn't happen. It's a way later after he's already been reigning as king So we know that there's some some big sins that David does later on but at this point He's pretty blameless when it comes to what's going on With the king and all that but John 15 verse 25 it says but this cometh the past That the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law. They hated me without a cause And this is throughout the Psalms and you'll see obviously these are Psalms of David but at the same time David David also wrote Psalm 16 where it says thou wilt not leave my soul in hell Neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption and a New Testament is stating that that wasn't talking about David You know that he foreseen the resurrection of Christ That his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh should see corruption This Jesus hath God raised up wherever we all are witnesses So that being said is obviously it can apply to David because he had that happen to him, right? It's not like no one can say that you've been hated without a cause But who could say that more than Jesus and go to go to Psalm 35 Psalm 35 I just want to show you a few here in the book of Psalms But just to show you that parallel here how David and throughout the rest of this book really is going to be You know that Saul is trying to kill him he's basically hiding and all of that But It is interesting that Jonathan actually brings him back to the fold for a little bit meaning that He actually comes back and is with with Saul and everything is basically Okay for a little bit Now you say well, how long does this go on for? Well, I mean when David kills Goliath it talks about how he was basically ruddy and all that. So he's probably teenager We don't really know exactly how old he was 16 17 18, you know, like somewhere in there I would imagine but He doesn't start raining until he's 30 So you can kind of tell that hey, he's under 30 here, but he's probably in his 20s, right? I mean you're probably getting into the fact that a lot of stuff is going on when he's in his 20s that this you know This whole timeline is going on here But in Psalm 35 verse 7 says for without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit Which without cause they have digged for my soul Go down to verse 19 Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me Let neither let them wink with their eye that hate me without cause Go to Psalm 69 Psalm 69 Psalm 69 verse 4 Psalm 69 verse 4 so I put these in order Make it easier. Psalm 69 verse 4 says They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my own head They that would destroy me being mine enemies wrongfully are mighty Then I restored that which I took not away. So notice that they're there his enemies wrongfully, right? There's no reason for them to be the enemy his enemies. There's no reason for them to hate him and Could that not be more said about the Lord Jesus Christ? I Mean what about Jesus should be hated right? What what did he do to where someone should hate him? And so it obviously applies to David too. And the fact that he's hated without a cause right? Saul is hating David and it's without a cause there's no reason for him to hate David and The same thing would apply with the Lord Psalm 109 last one I'll show you here Psalm 109 verse 3 Psalm 109 and verse 3 Psalm 109 and verse 3 it says they compass me about also with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause for my love They are my adversaries, but I give myself unto prayer and they have rewarded me evil for good and hatred for my love And and David I mean what you'll see with David and in the rest of this book is really One of the greatest pictures besides the Lord Jesus besides the Lord himself as far as loving your enemies and the idea of how much he loves Saul and Just showing you here's here's an example of loving your enemies and the fact that they he is hated And his enemy hates him because he loves them, right? It's kind of like this this weird backwards type of thing that's going on, but it really gets down to the fact that That people even saved people because I believe Saul is saved Even saved people will end up hating a brother just because they're doing that which is right And really what it comes down to is that They don't like that they're doing right because it makes them look bad Right it puts a magnifying glass on them like hey, you know, I'm not doing anything or you know They're doing right. I'm messing up and it just puts this magnifying glass. It's kind of like if you were if he has You know, this person had a whole bunch of light around him and you're sitting over here in darkness You know what that light of that person is magnifying What you're hiding in the darkness and people don't like that And the Bible talks about that obviously That that men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil and that they hated Jesus because He preached and he taught that their deeds were evil, right? It's just this idea of when you expose Someone for doing something wrong or you expose the fact that someone's messing up somewhere even if you do it in love because obviously It talks about I'm gonna misquote that betters the betters open rebuke than secret love but there's better the wounds of a friend than the kisses of an enemy and You know a lot of times those that love you are the ones that are gonna give you that that harsh truth and You can either bristle at it and hate them for it Or you can receive it and say hey, they actually care about me. That's why they're telling it to me, right? And so David is a great example of this in this story, but we see that Jonathan is basically Sticking up for David later on. He's gonna basically take a javelin for David. He's he's He's obviously a great friend and Jonathan and David is a great great story as well to see a good friendship. They're a friendship that basically You know the friend that'll lay down his life for you, right and not everybody has those type of friends The nice thing about being in church is that that you know When it comes to having good friends I don't think you're gonna have closer friends than that those that are brothers in Christ and sisters in Christ as far as your friends Are concerned because your family right because spiritually we're family but also there there is you know, the idea of like having a friend that stick it closer to their brother and You know, definitely Jonathan and David is a picture of that And I'll say this sometimes you don't get those friends until later growing up I didn't have a close friend I had acquaintances. I had friends that I hung out with But there wasn't anybody that would say like hey, that's my best friend You know, like when you you're like, oh I grew up with this this guy over here. This was my best friend growing up And I you know, I tell my kids this too because we homeschool and stuff like that and obviously my kids have friends here at church and everything but You know, some of my kids might have closer friends than others right and it just depends with ages and everything But I'll say this is that to be honest Even though I went to public school most the people that I most the time who I was hanging out with it was my brothers Just facts, you know, I was hanging out with my brother every once a while, you know, you'd go you'd be at school But you're doing schoolwork. It's not like you're just hanging out with them the whole time and just having fun. But also You know, I didn't see them most of the time anyway But I also didn't have like really close friends until later on So actually probably college because even me and Mike Maloudis, even though Mike and I are really good friends we weren't really like really close friends in high school and All that to say is that sometimes you don't find that friend until later I mean think about David and Jonathan, right? They weren't like childhood friends growing up, you know And playing out there on the playground together, right? Now that can happen and I'm not against that right? So if you if if kids in here if you have friends that you're hanging out with that you're on the playground with Great, you know But what I'm saying is this to the children that maybe don't have that Don't despair because you can find that later on in life You can find that friend that's taking closer than a brother or a sister you can find those friends later on That you can have that bond with without it being from a childhood. Okay, and so But anyway David and Jonathan is a great example of this I mean they just met not too long ago I mean if you think about it and the fact that You know, they basically I'm not saying they met right when David and the David and Goliath story happened because obviously David was Playing before Saul and all that stuff before that But it doesn't really mention Jonathan and him like talking or hanging out or anything like that. So But going on from this in first Samuel chapter 19 of verse 7 We'll see that that that David's restored here Until something happens and basically this is the ebbs and flows of of Saul's emotions But I think that there's something specific that happens that causes Saul to basically dive back into wanting to kill David And it says in Jonathan called David and John and Jonathan Showed him all those things and Jonathan brought David to Saul and he was in his presence as in times past So basically everything's back to normal You know not throwing javelins at him not going to try to kill him it, you know, but in verse 8 here it says and there was war again and David went out and fought with the Philistines and slew them with a great slaughter and they fled from him Well, David Dunn messed up again, you know what he did he did a good job, right? He did a good job. He fought valiantly and he won he went he wins a battle You know what? That means the javelins coming for him and it seems backwards right? You're like that He should be getting praised. You should be getting an accolade, you know But here's think yay and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution with every victory that you have the world is gonna try to take you out Because the devil wants to take you out. He doesn't want to see any more victories And and Christians will constantly be trying to put a wet blanket on that victory Why because they're envious they're envious of what you can accomplish and Keep reading there it says in the evil spirit from the Lord was upon Saul and as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand and David played with his hand. Could you imagine if you're David you're probably like if you see Saul with a javelin near him You're probably like what's about to happen, right? Something's about to happen, you know Like he would probably be on your toes David's probably like playing the guitar bit and like staring at the javelin same time, right and Just waiting for something to happen And it says and Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin But he slipped away out of Saul's presence and he smote the javelin into the wall and David fled and escaped that night so again, there's this rollercoaster of emotions of Saul and what I think it really gets into is the fact that that Saul is so focused on what's going on with David and That that is just crushing him That he's just so focused on well David won this battle well everybody's praising David everybody's you know Like it's just the envy there and here's that here's how you you're not envious of other people or other things You don't focus on it. You don't focus on them You don't just fixate on what they're doing. You know what you fixate on what you're doing You know if you if you're if you look at something say like man that person's doing great things for God that person is just Killing it, right Well instead of just I mean obviously you could look at that person and say hey I want to be like that, but don't just focus on me like I can never attain them to that I wish I could be like that. I you know and all that no just focus on like hey how I'm going to do that and Go to John chapter 21 John chapter 21. This is a lesson to all of us that we really need to focus on what we're doing Not Focus on other people listen the Bible talks about obviously bearing one another's burdens because we want to help each other out But in the end we really need to focus on what we are doing What we need to accomplish and just really keep the focus on what we're doing for the Lord and not what everybody else is doing Okay, if people need help that's fine, but the thing is that's where it really comes into they're asking you for help, right? So it's kind of like imagine that you're standing here looking at something if someone comes up to you and says hey I need I need help with something then you can focus on what they need Instead of you just looking around and focusing on everybody else Without anybody coming up to you and telling you about it And this story right here with Peter Talking about John really just makes me think about obviously the fact that the Bible says that we need to study to be quiet and To do our own business Right it says in first Thessalonians 4 11 it says and that you study be quiet to do your own business and to work with your own hands as we command you commanded you and John 21 verse 20 it says then Peter turning about see it the disciple whom Jesus loved following Which also leaned on his breast at supper and said Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? Peter seeing him said to Jesus Lord and what shall this man do? Jesus says unto him if I will that that he tarry till I come what is that to be? follow thou me I Love that Just like what's that to you? What does it matter to you if he stay if he tarries till I come back, right? Follow Me follow thou me meaning you follow me and don't worry about what he's doing Right. What's he gonna accomplish? How about what are you gonna accomplish? and this is something that you know when he gets into the difference between Doing your own business and being a busybody and I think envy comes in when people are busybodies They're too worried about what other people think they're too worried about what other people are doing Whether it's good or bad right because people will look at what people are doing and they're doing something bad over here. It's like well You know focus on what you're doing Focus on what you're doing and That can go with a church holistically, but that can also just go on an individual basis And you know what the way I think about it too is that I have enough things to worry about myself To worry about everybody else's problems right when it comes to like how they're doing and how they're excelling, you know, listen I like seeing it. Don't get me wrong. I love seeing people excel But the difference is is that when I when I see people excel I'm happy for them But I'm also saying you know what but I'm gonna do it too, you know It's kind of like that at you need to have the attitude that says hey, they did a great work there. Let me do that, too Not like, you know, wow, you know, did they really get saved? You know, it's like well that you know, you know, thank you brother Richie came back and said hey I got five people saved, you know, I'll saw one of you the other day and be like well Did they really get saved though? You know, I don't see him here at church It's like instead of you like, you know what? I'm gonna get five people saved, you know, we're gonna get six people saved You know, whatever, you know, and it's not that it's a competition. It's just a fact is like praise the Lord. Let me do it, too Let me focus on what I'm doing and That's what Saul I think is really he just he cares what everybody thinks he cares he cares about the praise of men or the praise of women and it's all about what everybody thinks about him and When someone else is excelling and he's not His answer is like I got to kill that person right now This happens a lot in Christianity. They don't literally kill somebody but they try to destroy that person They try to destroy that person's character, right? It's kind of like well that person's doing great things. Yeah, but that person, you know What they did in the past, you know And they'll just bring up stuff that doesn't even apply It's like why are you even bringing that up because they're trying to tear down the person's character and they're trying to destroy that person because They're showing them up essentially, right? And so we need to just focus on ourselves and focus on what we're doing The Bible says in Galatians 5 25. It says if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit Let us not be desirous of vain glory Provoking one another envying one another And We shouldn't be desiring the limelight we shouldn't be desiring praise If someone praises us, you know, that's fine You know, it says not to praise yourself, but to let another man's lips praise thee, right? It's the idea is that if someone's gonna praise you let someone else do it, right? Don't praise yourself because then you'll just be Donald Trump He's like the number one when I think about that verse I think it's Donald Trump, you know, like I'm the best You know, he did more for slavery than than Abraham Lincoln and everybody right? I mean, it's just But We should really just be not looking seeking that Not seeking praise actually in a lot of cases if people are praising you should be kind of like should kind of feel awkward You know, I just feel like I you know, I don't really need that And that's a little much But some people are just like yeah Give that to me. I want more and you can start desiring it right desiring vain glory And we don't want to desire that Really we should be only we should desire the praise of God Now I go to 1st Samuel chapter 19 and verse 11 or so Jonathan saves David from his father But then Michael which obviously is Jonathan's sister, but Also, David's wife is Going to also save him from her father This is a great chapter on dealing with the fact of having You Know having friends having people loved ones around you like it really is a good thing to have a Nick group of people that care about you that that'll take care of you right and that you're not alone, right? Dave is not alone here. He has Jonathan. He has his wife and he also has Samuel the Prophet in the end and It says here in verse 11 It says Saul also sent messengers on David's house to watch him and to slay him in the morning And Michael David's wife told him saying if thou save not thy life tonight Tomorrow thou shalt be slain. So we already know that Michael loved when the world get attacked by a fly January isn't it? All those flies dead? so We already know that she loves David and in the story Basically, she hears about that. She knows what's about to happen And basically tells David if you don't leave if you don't flee tonight, you're gonna be slain in the morning, right? You're gonna die So Michael let David down through a window and he went and fled and escaped and Michael took an image and laid it in the bed and put a pillow of goats hair for his bolster and covered it with a cloth so basically put in kind of like a dummy into the bed and Made it look like there's someone in there So if anybody comes in You know, basically it's like David David's in there, but he's sleeping and in this case She's gonna say that he's sick and it says and when Saul sent messengers to take David. She said he is sick And so you can imagine the messenger, you know, he's sick. He's in bed You know, don't you see you kind of see the lump over the over the pit over the covers there? But it says in Saul sent the messengers again to see David So basically sends him back saying bring him up to me in the bed that I may slay him So he basically like just bring him out in the bed And it says and when the messengers were come in behold There was an image in the bed with a pillow of goats hair for his bolster and Saul said to Michael Why has thou deceived me so and sent away mine enemy that he has escaped? Now this is where his wife Basically, you could tell like still fears just like her father it says And Michael answered Saul he said to me let me go why should I kill me now, that's not what happened Is it it's not like David just like listen if you don't let me go I'm gonna kill you Michael's the one is saying like hey you need to go tonight and she's the one that lets him down out of the window But you can imagine here that you do see that the idea that she's still afraid of her father She still kind of has that fear of her father, but I'll say this She does love her husband over her father Meaning this is that the Bible says That for this cause shall man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife and that same applies for the wives Meaning you leave father and mother You know women you leave them, and you cleave unto your husband and your husband is now You know base your one flesh, and that is who you who you listen to that's who you obey Okay, I'm not saying to not honor your father after you leave the home right You know you should still honor your father mother, but that authority structure has changed And so that's why it's a big deal to get married as far as that changing of authority structure men It's not as as you still leave father mother though right meaning. This is that You know you don't leave father. You know you don't get married to your wife, and then you're still like you know Henpecked by your mom or something like that you see these mama's boys these mama's boys that will basically Like the why the mom of the the husband will be basically just like Down playing the wife and basically saying like she can't cook as good as I can you know she can't do this And he's like this mama's boy thing. It's like you need to cut the umbilical Right I mean my mom doesn't do this, but if my mom were to like say things against my wife I'm gonna defend my wife against my mom right and praise the Lord on how to deal with that right, but if that were the case Listen, that's my wife You know You know you don't you don't speak ill my wife. I'm gonna take my wife's side over my mom's side, right? Because I'm not a mama's boy, okay, but also The wives need to take their husband's side over their father's okay, and that's why it's a big deal Especially when I think of my daughter's getting married is that they're They are I'm gonna make sure they marry someone that is it has integrity And if you think that I'm gonna let my daughter's married derelict you got another thing coming Because that's gonna be especially my daughters my sons You know like obviously we tell them how to marry like some floozy or something like that is that even a term anymore It's like 23 skidoo. You know like it's a 1920s talk It's actually 24 now, so but when it comes to this we see that Michael she does love David and And basically goes against her father to send him out now She does kind of mess up in the fact that she's lying to her father as far as what happened But you can understand that on the human level as far as That goes Dave is not there to stand up for or anything like that You'd also say like why doesn't he take her with her with him right like take your wife with you like Why are you leaving her behind? Which is another it's gonna be a big fault with David is His marital issues okay, if there's a big fault with David. It's that and so Michael it's kind of a tragedy story with her I Actually feel really bad for her Because of what happens later. I mean he comes back with multiple wives I Mean One he got David kind of leaves her there, and then he comes back with more like other wives And you can imagine that she's not happy about it there's there's a whole thing going on with that and you know what David has a fault that's one of them right there is having multiple wives and And I believe that also leads into one of his major sins that happens that everybody knows about So going back to 1st Samuel chapter 19 and verse 18 It says so David fled and escaped and came to Samuel to Rhema and told him all that Saul had done to him And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Nile So basically he went from Jonathan helping him so Jonathan rescues him his wife rescues him and now Samuels can end up rescuing him right and so and if you think about it This is kind of a good relationship for if you if you're a man right is to have a really good close friend you have a wife and You have the Prophet right? If you think about it like a modern vernacular right you have a good pastor You can go to you have a good wife, and you have a good like best friend kind of thing That's kind of like the I don't say trifecta But it's kind of you know like a good combination there of having like that spiritual leadership You have a good friend but you also have a good virtuous wife right and that's kind of like that thing that I think every guy would kind of look for and Ultimately he comes to not his pastor, but it is the Prophet here when it comes to Samuel he's the one that anoints David to be anointed David to be king and Saul is gonna basically send messengers to Samuel to basically take David and notice what it says here it says in verse 19 And it's kind of an interesting story so that what happens really when he sends them is what's interesting about this And it says in verse 19 it says and it was told Saul saying behold David is at Nioath and Rhema and Saul sent messengers to take David and when they Saw the company of the prophets prophesying and Samuel standing as appointed over them The Spirit of God was upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied so notice the Spirit of God We're talking about the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit. It's coming upon these messengers, and they start prophesying It says in verse 21 and when it was told Saul He sent other messengers and they prophesied likewise and Saul sent messengers again the third time and they prophesied also so basically Every time he sends messengers. They just keep prophesying basically the Spirit of Lord's coming on them, and they're prophesying and Really what I believe is going on here is that the Spirit of God is forbidding these messengers to even get their message out Okay, think about it. What's their message to get come basically give us David. They're not even given the opportunity to ask one It's kind of like Samuel can't be held To account of like rejecting the Kings commandment if it never came to him right if the message never gets there right if if it's Saul can't say hey, you didn't give me David. You're gonna be put to death, right? No, the messengers never they weren't allowed to even say it And this is kind of a an interesting thing that happens multiple times in the Bible but I want you to first of all see before I get to that is that it happens to Saul as well so he sends like three groups of messengers and Basically the Spirit of God's coming upon them so they're prophesying and then in verse 22 It says then went he also to Rhema and came to a great well that is in As Siku and he asked and said where are Samuel and David and one said behold they be at Nioh and Rhema And he went there to Nioh and Rhema and the Spirit of God was upon him also And he went on and prophesied until he came to Nioh and Rhema and he stripped off his clothes Also and prophesied before Samuel in like manner and lay down naked all the day and all the night Wherefore they say is Saul also among the prophets you say well, you know Why is he stripping himself naked? Well, you know, what maybe God is putting him to shame. That's why Because he deserves to be put to shame. Listen nakedness is shame, right? It's a shame to be naked and he's putting him to shame You say well, you know, that's not right for him to do Well tell that to God when he tells tells Isaiah to preach naked for years You know You say well, you know that listen the the Bible's right God's right he's not gonna listen the Spirit of God is not gonna cause make someone sin and And God's not gonna command someone to do something. That's sin so but Really what's going on here is that he's putting Saul to shame is what he's doing Now, what is this? What is going on here with this? Like what what's You know, why is God doing this Well, I think what's really going on is that the Spirit is pretty much forbidding them to take David If you think about a New Testament when they would want to go preach the gospel somewhere The Spirit would forbid them to preach the gospel to certain places, right and Acts 16 is kind of one of those You know major stories where you see that and then they go the the Macedonian call right they go to Macedonia But the idea here is that the Spirit of God is forbidding them to send a certain message So he makes them say another message. Okay, this happens With other people in the Bible Caiaphas is one of these go to go to John chapter 11 John chapter 11 And last thing I'm gonna mention here is just this kind of this I don't wanna say phenomenon, but it's kind of something that does happen in the Bible Specifically in these two cases. I'm going to show you with unsaved people Okay, Caiaphas is not saved You know and the last person I'm going to show you is Balaam and he's definitely not saved. I Mean he's a well without water But the idea here is that the Spirit of God can cause people to to say what he wants them to say in this case with when you're dealing with With Saul and his messengers. He's causing him not to say something else. He's making them say right they want to say something else Which is what we want to take David, right? He's sending messengers to take David The thing is is you say well, how do you know they have a message because they're called messengers Right, I mean if he said he sent servants to go take David then you can make the argument that they don't have a message But the fact that they're called messengers Means they have a message to say and guess what before they get there the Spirit of God is making them say something else And prophesying something else now Caiaphas is one of these cases where God prophesies through Caiaphas But he's not speaking of himself Okay, meaning this isn't coming from him he's not like What that means is he's not the one he didn't draw this out of his own heart He's not like thinking of this and bringing this up knows what says in John 11 verse 47 it says then gathered the chief priests and Pharisees a council and said what do you do we For this man do with many miracles if we let him thus alone All men will believe on him and the Romans will come and take away both our place and nation So why they why did they kill Jesus because of envy because they didn't want their authority to be taken away They were envious of what Jesus was doing. This is right after he Raises Lazarus from the dead and they want to kill him and later on they want to kill Lazarus, too But keep reading there says and one of them named Caiaphas being the high priest that same year said unto them, you know, nothing at all So he's rebuking them really, right? He says you know nothing at all Nor consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people and that the whole nation perish not Verse 51 and this spake he not of himself Now that's the narrator The narrator saying that Caiaphas wasn't speaking this of himself But being the high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation So Notice that Caiaphas obviously is not a safe person and He's not speak. God is basically speaking through him to get this message across and You say well, okay, maybe Maybe he was saying that and you know It has a double meaning and I could see you someone saying that right that then, you know, Caiaphas means it this way But the the narrator's specifically saying that he didn't speak this of himself But he's prophesying it which seems to match up with what God does with these messengers They're coming out and he's basically making them prophesy Now I believe Saul's saved. Okay, so I don't believe we're dealing with like a Caiaphas, Saul's Caiaphas, you know that type of thing But there's another man named Balaam and Balaam I preached a whole sermon called Balaam the soothsayer where I really prove that Balaam was never saved He was never a good prophet. He was he was a false prophet but the thing that a lot of people get stuck on with Balaam is because of When you read the story in Numbers about Balaam, it seems like it doesn't seem like he's a false prophet. It seems like basically he's getting stuck between this rock and a hard place with Balak and He ends up making the right choice every time to not curse Israel Meaning this is that if you remember he's basically saying curse Israel and then as soon as Balaam speaks he blesses them Okay, go to Numbers chapter 24 and verse 10, Numbers chapter 24 and verse 10 And so And this is all why I'm using these passages to explain You know, maybe why God does it this way? You know or just to show you another place where God does this So that it doesn't just seem like that seems weird right, but I don't think it's really that weird when you think about the Bible as a whole is how like basically someone is trying to Curse somebody and he makes them actually bless somebody like in this case, he's gonna turn that curse into a blessing and Numbers 24 verse 10 it says in Balak's anger was kindled against Balaam Because this has been going on multiple times where he's wanting him to curse Israel Balak's wanting Balaam to curse Israel It says and he smote his hands together and Balak said unto Balaam I called thee to curse mine enemies and behold thou hast altogether blessed them these three times Every single time you end up blessing them and I'm wanting you to curse them. Therefore now flee thou to thy place I thought to promote thee unto great honor but lo the Lord hath kept thee back from honor and Balaam said unto Balak Spake I not also to thy messengers which thou sentest unto me saying if Balak Would give me his house full of silver and gold I cannot Go beyond the commandment of the Lord to do either good or bad notice this of mine own mind But what the Lord said that will I speak now if you were just reading that just in a vacuum You would think that he's like, oh, that's a good prophet right there It's like I you know, I I can't but speak the things which I've seen and heard, you know It's kind of like that kind of attitude until you read the rest of the Bible when it talks about Balaam Go to go to Joshua 30 13 and verse 22 Joshua 13 and verse 22 Meaning this is that when it's saying he cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord is meaning that God would not let him speak Anything other than what he was? Basically, he spoke What it comes down to is that God would not let a curse come out of his mouth the only thing that could come out of his mouth was a blessing and He's telling Balak. He's like I can't It's kind of like this idea that Balak wants to I mean Balaam wants to do it He wants the reward of unrighteousness the Bible in the New Testament states that that he loved the wages of unrighteousness He wanted to be promoted on daughter. He wanted all those riches, but God wouldn't let him do it God wouldn't let the words come out of his mouth Notice what it says here Joshua 13 verse 22 Balaam also the son of Beor the soothsayer. So what is his moniker? Is it a good prophet is the prophet of the Lord? No the soothsayer It talks about later, you know talked about his enchantments He tried to do as his enchantments as he did a four time and all this go to Joshua 24 verse 9 Joshua 24 verse 9 Joshua 24 verse 9 I Don't know if that sermons still up but if you want a bigger, you know, this is kind of the abridged version of this but I basically Try to uncover every rock, you know kick every dog type of thing when it comes to the Balaam subject in that one sermon that I did a long time ago but in Joshua 24 verse 9 Says that Balak the son of Zippor king of Moab arose and warred against Israel Is that called Balaam son of Beor to curse you But I would not hearken unto Balaam Therefore he blessed you still so I delivered you out of his hand out of whose hand Balaam's Balaam was trying to curse him and he wouldn't hearken unto him and he he made him bless them Right go to Deuteronomy 23 Deuteronomy 23 and verse 4 Deuteronomy 23 and verse 4 Deuteronomy 23 and verse 4 It says because They met you not with bread and with water in the way when you came forth out of Egypt and because they hired against the Balaam the son of Beor of Pethor of Mesopotamia to curse thee nevertheless the Lord thy God Would not hearken unto Balaam But the Lord thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee because the Lord thy God loveth thee Go to Nahum chapter 13 verse 2 Nahum chapter 13 verse 2. Just to show you another place where it states the same thing Nahum, Nahum, I'm sorry not Nahum, Nehemiah, Nehemiah Sorry, there's no there's no Nahum 13 Nahum 13 Nehemiah chapter 13 verse 2 Nehemiah chapter 13 verse 2 it says because they met not the children of Israel with bread and with water But hired Balaam against them that he should turn that he should curse them Howbeit our God turned the curse into a blessing so think about this story with Saul What the messenger is coming to do they were coming to bring a message to basically bring David back right to take David So that they can kill him, right? You know what God did he made it so that message never got there He turned their message into something else and So on the surface when you're reading the fashion, you're like what is going on right? You're kind of like what? You know Like what that's kind of seems strange But if you think about he's taking their message that they're coming which is a message of you know Murder and death and wickedness and he's turning it into which would be a curse obviously for David And he's turning it into a blessing And this isn't a one-off you know when you're dealing with Saul's servants or Saul's messengers and Saul himself This happened with Caiaphas this has happened with Balaam multiple times right three times Balak is really angry about it that every single time Balaam is trying to curse Israel God doesn't hearken unto it and actually he makes Balaam Give a blessing and there's a guy. That's a well without water, right? and so You know that's something to think about when it comes to you know the end of this chapter as far as you know Why is that what he does? Why isn't he just like I? Don't know like give him some kind of like Disease or you give him something you know like you think about all the other cases where people come to like try to hurt somebody and he'll smite them or he'll do different things, but You know this is a case where? Basically, I think that the whole purpose is is that they come with a message, and he turns that message into a good message and I Believe God does this in many different ways in our world Where he can take something that's meant to be a curse meant to be you know a bad message and he could turn it into make it to where it's a good message and You know there's probably a lot that could be more preached about it But the thing that the kind of the overall arching thing that I see from this chapter is how David has Such loved ones that will take up for him that will protect him Jonathan his wife Ultimately the Prophet Samuel Sticks up for him and God is ultimately the one that is protecting him and all of this and if you read through the Psalms And read you know what David says later on he's attributing obviously God is his shield his buckler He's the one that's actually bringing him through all of this and this is really just the beginning with all the tribulations that David's going to be going through with salt I Mean he escaped the javelin already, but in this case I mean he's on the run and just there's gonna be this back and forth with him and Saul and Ultimately the book ends with Saul dying That's his endgame you know for Saul, and then Dave is gonna end up raining but Definitely some interesting stuff. There's definitely stuff in the Bible sometimes where you read there And you're just like I don't know why that happens right. I don't know why that's the way it is and sometimes You're not gonna know until later sometimes. It takes other passages in the Bible that's gonna really fill in the gaps for it as far as what's that all about and Sometimes you're gonna have to read it and just move on yeah, but I think it's interesting for sure Let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father. We thank you for today. Thank you for your word. Thank you for The book of 1st Samuel on a page you'd help it apply it to our lives And thank you for the friends that we have and and Lord just the church that we have The brothers and sisters in Christ that we have here and especially if we ever come into trials and tribulations Lord Just to have that type of fellowship and and to have friends and time of need and Lord We're just thankful for these passages to show us Different friendships and relationships and all that that we can strive to have and Lord We love you and pray to be able to serve the rest of this week. Pray also in Jesus Christ's name Amen, but they will come and sing one more song and that will be dismissed You All right, take your song books and turn to song 158 Song 158 in your song books will sing Oh for a thousand tongues to sing if you would stand we'll sing song 158 Thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer's praise the glories of my God and King the triumphs of his grace My gracious master and my God assist me to proclaim to spread through all the earth abroad the Honors of thy name Jesus the name that charms our fears that bids our sorrows cease Tis music in the Center's ears to his life and health and peace He breaks the power Sin he sets the prisoner free His blood can make the foulest clean his blood availed for me Hear him ye deaf his praise ye dumb your loose and tongues employ He bind behold your Savior come and leave