(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you Well, good evening everyone welcome mountain Baptist Church take your songbook say I'm sorry to take your mountain Baptist Psalms hymns and spiritual songbooks and Turn to page number 50 Page number 50 your mountain Baptist songbooks will sing. What child is this? And if you would stand we'll sing page number 50 What child is this who laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping Angels breed with anthem sweet while Shepherds why All right, stop stop stop stop. All right, this is my fault. Okay. Okay, because we had a song picked out I switched it so we're gonna do a different song What one you want to do, brother? Angels we have heard in high Yes, we want from the books, yeah sure. All right, let's do Hark the Herald That is 429 All right, there we go Our God enrolled angels sing glory to the newborn King peace on earth And mercy mild God and sinners reconciled Joyful all ye nations rise join the triumph of the skies with Angelic host proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem Hark the Herald Angels see glory to the newborn King Christ by highest heaven adored Christ the Everlasting Lord late in time behold him come offspring of a virgin's womb Veiled in flesh the God had see Hail the incarnate deity pleases man with men to dwell Jesus are Emmanuel Hark the Herald angels sing glory to the newborn King Hail the Heaven-born Prince of Peace Hail the son of righteousness Light and life to all he brings risen with healing in his wings mild he lays his glory by Born that man no more may die born to raise the sons of earth Born to give them second birth Hark the Herald angels see glory to the newborn King come desire Come fix in us thy humble home rise the woman's conquering scene Bruise in us the serpents head Adams likeness now he face stampdine image in its place Second Adam from above reinstate us in thy love Hark the Herald angels see glory The newborn King Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again We just want to thank you God for another night that we get to gather in your house and here here you were preached I pray Lord now that you would again receive all the honor and glory out of everything and send and we love you for it's in Jesus name we ask all but amen. All right may be seated and Take your mountain Baptist songbooks and turn to Page number 10 Page number 10 in your mountain Baptist songbooks will sing Psalm 150 page number 10 Praise he the Lord praise God in his sanctuary Praise him in the firm Moment of his power praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his Excellent greatness praise him with Of the trumpet praise him with The Solitary and Praise him with the timbrel and dance praise him with string instruments and Organs praise him upon Symbols praise My sounding symbols let everything that have breath praise Lord praise ye the Lord Amen well welcome to Mount Baptist Church on this Wednesday evening, and if I can find my announcements here so As far as service times go everything should be normal. I know that this Sunday We're it's gonna be Christmas Eve But we're actually gonna be doing the kids choir and all of that On Christmas Eve in that morning service and so all the services are gonna be normal that day as well We're gonna have our soul winning time now if you want to go out soul winning on Saturday And you know instead of Sunday obviously you can go soul winning whenever so maybe that's the time that you want to set up I know brother Nick you were talking about that, but it you know it's whatever so whatever works for everybody I know everybody's kind of like it could be traveling With family and all that stuff so I completely understand that this weekend may be a little Different when it comes to schedules there, and then the regional soul winning times as well. I know You know the Monday one Is not gonna be happening and so just be on the lookout there as far as the regional times Tuesday Wednesday Saturday and all that And then as far as prayer meetings We do have the women's prayer meeting coming up this Friday, and then we have the men's prayer meeting the next Friday This prayer meeting coming up for the men particularly. This would be a good one to be at Since we're coming into the new year it's always a good good time for the men to pray in the new year if you will and Get the Lord involved there with with our church and all that Obviously every month that we do it. It's a good idea but That's coming up, and then we have our chapter memory for the month is Luke chapter 2 And so try to memorize as much as that as possible or memorize the whole thing if you can And then first Timothy 3 16 is a memory verse for the week and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirits scene of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up in the glory and so that's a memory verse for the week and then And then as far as pregnancies they're being prayer for Alyssa Anastasia and Tabby on the pregnancy list and just being a prayer for everybody that may be dealing with sicknesses tis the season is where everybody families get together and Want to hug and shake hands and all that baloney, you know As you know we don't have a shaking a hand shaking time I I'll shake your hand you know but You know we kind of try to keep that on the minimum Keep your germs to yourself Now the Bible does talking about giving your right hands a fellowship and all that but it also talks about giving a kiss of charity, so You guys can keep that to yourself And we'll keep that on a spiritual level there when it comes to that But all joking aside be in prayer for those that aren't feeling well or just the sickness is going around and all that stuff Be in prayer for everybody is traveling because some are traveling Coming in and out of town or going to visit family. So just being prayer there during these holiday this holiday season and then when we come back after Christmas and all that I'm gonna be preaching on gluttony and You know obviously not eating sweets, but not until after that so That's about all I have for announcements we're gonna be continuing our study through First Samuel, and so we're gonna be doing first same type of 17. I believe David you're reading at this tonight So let's get into that the offering boxes in the back there And if you want to give Tyler an offering and the mother baby room so the mothers babies only But today's gonna be one more song and then we're gonna get into the scripture reading All Right take your songbooks and turn to song 421 Song 421 in your songbooks we'll sing the first Noel song 421 The angel did say was to certain poor shepherds and fields where they lay and fields where they lay keeping their sheep on a cold winter's night that was so No Wow No Born is the king of Israel and by the line of that same star three wise men came from Country far to see for a king was there And tent and to follow the star wherever Edwin No Wow, No Wow, No Born is the king of Israel This star drew nigh to the Northwest or Bethlehem Took its rest and there it did both stop and stay right over the place where Jesus lay No Wow, No Wow, No Is the king of Israel Then entered in those wise men three for reverently apart on their knee and Offered there in his Presence their gold and myrrh and Frankincense, No Wow, No Born is the king of Israel All right, take your bibles and turn to first Samuel chapter number 17 First Samuel chapter number 17 and your Bibles will have brother David come and read that for us First time you 17 if you've any place amen And the Bible reads now the Philistines gathered together their armies to battle and we're gathered together a shulker which belongs to Judah and pitched between shulker and Azekah and Ephesus and Ephesus damon and Saul and the men of Israel were gathered together and pissed in the valley of Elah and set the battle and away against the Philistines And the Philistines stood on a mountain on the one side and Israel stood in the mountain on the other side and there was a valley Between them and there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath whose height was six cubits and a span and he had a helmet of brass upon his head and he was armed with the coat Of mail and the weight of his coat was 5,000 cycles of brass And He had greaves of brass upon his legs and a target of brass between his shoulders and the staff of the spear was like a weavers Beam and the Spears had braids six hundred cycles of iron and one burying a sealed room before him And he stirred and cried into the armies of Israel and said unto them Why are you come out to set your battle in a way? I'm not I Philistine and he says to Saul choose your man for you and let him come down to me If you be able to fight with me and to kill me Then will we be a servants But if I prevail against him and kill him then shall you be our servants and serve us and the Philistines said I defy the armies of Israel this day Give me a man that we may fight together when Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine They were dismayed and greatly afraid Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem Judah whose name is Jesse and he had eight sons and the man were among Eight and the man were among men for an old man in the days of Saul And the three eldest sons of Jesse went and followed Saul to the battle and the names of the three sons that went to the battle were Eliab the firstborn and Exe and Him are Benedare and the third Samah and David was the youngest and the three eldest followed Saul But David went and returned from Saul to feed the father his father's sheep at Bethlehem and the Philistine drew near morning and evening and presented himself forty days and Jesse said unto David his son take nigh for thy brethren and Ephrathite of the parched throne and These ten loaves and run to thy run to the camp to thy brethren and carry these ten cheeses under the captain of the thousand And look how thy brethren fair and take their pledge now Saul and they and the men of Israel were in the valley of Elah fighting with the Philistines and David rose up early in the morning and left the seep with the keeper and took and went as Jesse had commanded on Commanded him and he came to the trench and the host was going forth to the fight and shouted for the battle For Israel and the Philistines have put the battle in array army against army and David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage and ran into the army and came and saluted his brethren and as he talked with them behold there came up the champion the Philistine of Gath Goliath by name out of the armies of the Philistines and spake according to the same words and David heard them and the men of Israel when they saw the man fled before him and was so afraid and the men of Israel Said have you seen this man that has come up surely to defy Israel Come up and SLB that the man who killed them the king will enrich him with great riches and will give him his daughter and Make his father's house free in Israel and David spake to the men that stood by him saying what shall be done to the man That killed this Philistine and take it away the reproach from Israel But who is this? Uncircumcised Philistine that he is to defy the armies of the living God and the people answered him after this manner saying sir I'll be done to the man that killed him And the lie of his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men and the lives anger was kindled against David And he said why came us down down hither and with whom has the left of those few seep in the wilderness I know thy pride and the naughtiness of that heart that I'll come down with our Midas see the battle and David said what have I now done? Is there not a cause and he turned from him toward another and spake after the same manner and people answered him again after the former manner and when the words were heard Which David spake they rehearsed them before Saul and he sent for him and David sent us all Let no man's heart fail because of him thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine And Saul said to David thou art not able to go up against this Philistine to fight with them for thou art but a youth and he a man of war from his youth and David said unto Saul thy servant kept his father's seep and there came a lion and a bear and took a land out of the flock and I went after him and smote him and delivered him out of his mouth and When he arose against me I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him thy servant slew both the lion and the beard and the some say concise Philistine Saul be as one of them seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God and David said moreover the Lord God That delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear He will deliver me out of his hand out of the hand of this Philistine and Saul said unto David go and the Lord be with thee And Saul armed David with his armor and he put a helmet of brass upon his head also He harmed him with the coat of mail and David geared his sword upon his armor and he is said to go for he had not Proved it and David said unto Saul I cannot go with these but I have not proved them and David put them off him And he took a staff in his hand and chose him five smooth stones out of the book and put them in a separate bag which he had even as even in a scrip and the slingers in his hand and he drew near to the Philistine and the Philistine came on and drew near unto David and the man that bear the shield went before him and When the Philistine looked about and saw David he disdained him for he was about a youth and ready and of a fair countenance And the Philistine said unto David am I a dog that comes to me with staves and the Philistine cursed David by his gods And the Philistine said to David come to me and I will give thy flesh into the fowls of the air and to the beasts of the field Then said David to the Philistines thou comest to me with the sword and with the spear and with the shield But I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Hurts the God of the armies of Israel whom thou hast defied This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand and I will smite thee and take thine head from off thee and I will Give the carcasses of the hearse of the first things this day into the fowls of the air to the wild beasts of the earth that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel and All this assembly shall know that the Lord saved not with sword and spear for the battle is the Lord's and he will give you into our hands When he came to pass from the Philistine arose and came and drew an eye to meet David that David hasted and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine and David put his hand in the bag and took thence a stone and sling it and smote the Philistine in his forehead the stone sunk into his forehead and He fell upon his face to the earth So David prevailed over the Philistine with the sling and with the stone and smote the Philistine and slew him But there was no sword in the hand of David therefore David ran and stood upon the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of the sea throw up and slew him and cut off his head therewith and when the Philistines saw the champion when the Philistines saw the champion was dead they fled and the men of Israel and Judah arose and soured it and pursued the Philistines until they come to the valley into the gates of Ekron and the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to say our say Iran and even under Gath and under Ekron and the children of Israel returned and chasing after the Philistines and they spoiled their tents and David Took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Jerusalem But he put his armor in his tent and when Saul saw David go forth against the Philistine He's under Abner the captain of the host Abner whose son is this youth and Abner said as thy soul liveth or gain I cannot tell and the king said and cry Thou whose son the strikeling is and as David returned from the slaughter of the Philistines Abner took him and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand and Saul said to him whose son art thou, thou our young man and David answered I am the son of thy servant Jesse the Bethlehemite. Let's pray. Dear Lord I thank you for this opportunity to come back to your house pray that you feel past with your spirit Hope it's all to be edified in Jesus name. Amen Amen so this is the famous David and Goliath story. So this is first same chapter 17 and So if you think about stories in the Bible, this is probably one of the the most famous Old Testament stories you think of Noah and the flood Jonah and the whale and David and Goliath I mean, these are the ones that most kids know and it's a long chapter, but there's a lot of great stuff in here and And let's just get into it when it comes to this story So first of all in chapter 16 We see that David is anointed to be king and he's not he's not put into the position of being king yet but he is actually is Saul's armor bearer and and he also is basically playing music for him to help him deal with this this This evil spirit that kind of coming to him and all that stuff. So and verse 1 here Let's let's see what's going on in verse 1 It says now the Philistines gathered together their armies to battle and were gathered together at Shocho which belongeth to Judah and pitched between Shocho and Ezekiel and Ephaz-demin and Saul and the men of Israel were gathered together and pitched by the valley of Elah and set the battle on array against the Philistines and the Philistines stood on a mountain on the one side and Israel stood on a mountain on the other side and there was a valley between them So kind of get the geographic view of what's going on here, right? Is that basically they're in The Philistines have crossed the border into Judah So they're in Judah, but basically the battle is set in array that there's like this valley that's between them They're both on kind of like they have they had the high ground, right? so they're both on these two mountains and they're coming down to the valley to basically fight and So there's this valley that's between them that's kind of the setup as far as the battles concerned and this battle goes on for a while, but But then this this Philistine This this giant called Goliath comes out to them, so Let's first of all see the height of Goliath So in verse 4 here says and there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath Whose height was six cubits in a span Now a champion if you think about this is that basically that's like their main guy That's like their main fighter and he's gonna basically challenge anybody in Israel to fight him And if they win then they'll all just basically, you know, it'll win the battle, right? But his height is six cubits in a span now a cubit Ted if you think about like our measurement, this is why I I I don't accept why I don't I'll use the metric system when I have to but this is why I think the u.s like system and is You know the Imperial System of feet and inches and all that because the foot is based off of a foot right an actual foot, right? Well cubit and a lot of measurements in the Bible are based off of basically measurements of a human being so if you think about like the Even it'll even said, you know It's based off the cubit of a man or it's based off the the span of a man or whatever the case may be But a cubit is basically from your elbow to your fingertips. Okay? And obviously we're talking about an adult Because if you got a child up here, it's gonna be a little different But that's about 18 inches. Actually. I measured mine and I'm average height. Okay, I'm five nine and a quarter now Five time and that's considered average height, you know, at least in America, right? so It's 18 inches. And so that's what's considered a cubit And then a span is half of that so 9 inches So if you did the math as far as it'd be 18 inches times 6, right? And then add your span in there, then you're dealing with 9 foot 9 So That's that's pretty tall right I mean And sometimes you can imagine what that would be like if you were in a in a room with a 9 foot ceiling add 9 Inches to that or if you're in a 10 foot a room with a 10 foot ceiling I have no idea what these these these heights are here but anyway You can figure that out later as far as what would that be? But I mean think about it I mean if you think about people that are in the NBA or you're dealing with maybe seven foot stuff like that But I'll say this giants in the Bible are not this Nephil like this this weird like book of Enoch Nephilim stuff where it's like They're 450 feet tall You know, it's like this weird like oh, yeah No, they had giants like that. I mean even Narnia like if you watch the movie Narnia, they don't have 450 foot Giants, okay. I mean that's just absurd. I mean, it's that's a 45 story, you know 45 story building, right? To give you some scale as far as what you're dealing with there as far as a giant so Obviously, I mean he wouldn't even need it. I mean he would be above the mountain at that, you know, like maybe not I'm not sure how high that mountain was but but no, he's nine foot nine, which is obviously massive it when you think about like people that were That are like taller you think about like Andre the giant and people that are really tall a lot of times especially nowadays They don't live as long like they have they have problems right they're not maybe as athletic now Sometimes they can be pretty athletic, but I'm not sure how I can't remember what the height event Andre the giant stuff like that But usually like seven foot eight foot. They're not nine foot nine, right? This guy's approaching ten feet So he's obviously massive but then you look at his gear like his weapons and his gear okay So look at verse five here So it kind of just starts off this chapter like hey this guy's nine foot nine and Here's the type of stuff. He's wearing. This is the weight of his is His armor and all this so in verse five here It says and he had a helmet of brass upon his head and he was armed with a coat of mail Now what's a coat of mail? So you think of like chainmail or plate mail? So like if you think of like the the Knights that would have like armor The plate mail is like the straight-up like it looks like you're basically just wearing a sheets of metal and then chain mail is Obviously what you think of as far as like a shirt that's kind of like got all the links in it So when it's talking about mail here a coat of mail, it's basically not like mail like you're sending out letters, but Armor, so basically you try to stab somebody. It's not gonna go through it, right? And so he has a coat of mail the weight of the coat was 5,000 shekels of brass now again, this is going into Internet land with trying to figure out like, okay. What does someone consider? What's the weight of a shekel of brass? Okay, because first you got to figure out what's a shekel. What's the measurement of that as far as And then figure out how much brass weighs find a density of brass So I'm just taking Google's word for it here. Okay, as far as that it's about point three one ounces Per shekel there's 5,000 Shekels of brass. That's how much this thing weighs. What should be about? 96 pounds. Okay now We kind of happen to know what that feels like, right? Cuz brother Joseph was doing like, you know, this kind of like backpack training when he's going to Montana and everything So who here remembers putting on that hundred or is like 80 to 100 pound backpack and trying to do push-ups with it Now imagine that's just like I'm we're just talking about the the male like that we're talking about the plate armor This isn't talking about the target of brass. This isn't talking about anything. This is just talking about like the the the male that was Probably underneath of all that is about a hundred pounds. That's on this guy. No, he's nine foot six I mean nine foot nine. So I mean This is showing you that he wasn't just some I don't think he was just some lanky Scrawny like, you know tall guy that was placed in the NBA. You know, I mean like it. I think this guy was You know pretty muscular I mean like he was probably just like as big as he is and as tall as he is He's probably got the muscle mass to match it. Okay, and Then it goes on to say In verse 6 there says and he had grieves of brass upon his legs and a target of brass between his shoulders So it's talking about he has stuff on, you know, obviously you think of like shin guard type stuff and you think of Obviously the target of brass kind of like a breastplate type of thing Or just even shoulder like you think about like just type of armor that you would have Then it says in verse 7 here the staff of his spear was like a weavers beam. Okay now You know We can you can look that up and see like what that even means But we're talking about something that's massive as far as the length of the staff and the thing is sometimes you may read this and think that this weight that he's gonna give you is the the the weight of The whole spear. No Look closely. It says in his Spears head So now you think about like you have a staff but then you have the spear at the end, right? You have that that point at the end, right? that that is what it's weighing here 600 shekels of iron and One bearing a shield went before him so iron Basically a shekel is about point four four five One four now just kidding ounces, but you know you're dealing with 600 shekels of that it's about 16 pounds So basically at the end of that long weavers beam of a spear and what you have to understand here Okay, is that think about having a long pole the longer the pole is the harder it is to hold out there, right? Now Put 16 pounds at the end of that now. I won't get into the the statics and You know the the the physics behind that but the the further you put that weight out there You know the more force that you're gonna have to hold it because of the the twisting that's gonna happen there We call it a moment, but basically The longer the spear the longer the staff the harder it is to hold that out there. Okay, it'd be hard enough to hold the staff Well alone to put 16 pounds, you know 16 to 20 pound weight at the end of it. Okay, so You know just reading this you may be like, okay. What does all that mean? You know, okay, he's got some armor, but That's a massive stuff, right? I mean He's just like carrying around a hundred pounds on him just with the the the code of mail that he's got on there And then the the the spear that he has is intense So we get this guy that's obviously Intimidating and He comes out and he's basically defying the the armies of Israel basically like just bring a man out to me Hey, give give me your best guy Okay, and notice what says in verse 8 it says and he stood and cried unto the armies of Israel and said unto them Why are ye come out to set your battle in array? Am not I a Philistine and ye the servants to Saul? Choose you a man for you and let him come down to me if he be able to fight with me and to kill me Then will we be your servants? But if I prevail against him and kill him then shall ye be our servants and serve us and the Philistines said I Defied the armies of the I despite the armies of Israel this day. Give me a man that we may fight together So you basically call them out and saying hey if you win we'll serve you if I win then you serve us It's kind of like this idea of like instead of us all fighting instead of like everybody dying here Let's just let it be between two guys and you basically you pick your champion, you know, obviously he's the champion of the Philistines and Now when you think about this out of everybody in Israel who should be the one I mean think about just logically as far as We're dealing with this really tall guy, right? Who should go out to battle? Saul I mean his head and shoulders above everybody I mean, that's the one thing that you hear about Saul before anything is that he's head shoulders It's just always funny too because he hides himself among the stuff. It's like how did he do that? You know, but But notice what it says in verse 11 It says and when Saul and all Israel heard these those words of the Philistine they were dismayed and greatly afraid Notice Saul was in that mix, right? Saul and all Israel and it says they were dismayed and greatly afraid Now think about this. This is after Saul. Obviously the Spirit of the Lord is departed from him. Okay, and That God's not God's not blessing him. He's not abiding with him at this moment so he is kind of outside that fellowship to where he's got this the confidence and got the Lord on his side and It makes me think of the verse in Proverbs 28 where it says the wicked flee when no man pursue it But the righteous are bold as a lion and really this is where you see the fact that Saul is really missing that power right because God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind and So this is not if Saul was right with God Then he should be the one going out there. I mean, he's the king he's the one that's supposed to be leading the army Especially if no one else is gonna do it Then he should be the one doing it And I love how it just is basically like Saul and all Israel were afraid and then the next verse now David Was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem Judah? so it's kind of like You know Israel's it's kind of like you if you were to see this battle and it's just like everything just seems dismal and you're Just like, you know No one is gonna challenge this guy and then it's just like now David Let's it's just like here's David. Let's let's bring him into the picture. This is the state of Israel This is the state of the king and it says David was of that and verse And I'm lost my place. Okay. Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem Judah Whose name was Jesse and he had eight sons and the man went among Men for an old man in the days of salt. So Jesse at this time was an older man. He wasn't going out the battle But we saw the eight sons because seven sons went before Samuel and then David was out there keeping the sheep and he was the last one to come in It says in the end of three eldest Sons of Jesse went and followed Saul to the battle and names of his three sons that went to the battle where Eliab the first Born and next unto him Abinadab in the third Shammah and David was the youngest and the three eldest Followed Saul. Okay, so the the three older sons are out there. They're with Saul they're out there where this this battles going on and There's something you know This is why I love going through this expository preaching But there's there's so many things that have just popped out that I never noticed before like never really just kind of like honed in on Because if you remember in chapter 16, how did chapter 16 end David is actually the armor bearer to Saul And he's also obviously playing music for Saul and then you get in chapter 17 and he's not in this battle Right, and you're you're kind of like thinking like why isn't David out there isn't he the armor bearer, right? Verse 16. I'm sorry verse 15 It says but David went and returned from Saul to feed his father's sheep at Bethlehem So notice how explains that hey, he was his armor bearer and he was playing his music but he returned to his father's house to keep the sheep and It's just kind of like that a little bit of information there to tell you kind of tell you where where this you know Point a to point B as far as what's going on. You could have inferred that you know It's not like it would have been wrong not say it, but it just gives that information to really see What's going on and? Like I said in chapter 16 if you look at verse 21 If you go back to chapter verse 21 it says David came to Saul and stood before him and he loved him greatly and he became his armor bearer and Saul sent to Jesse saying let David I pray thee stand before me for he hath found favor in my sight And it came to pass when the evil spirit from God was was upon Saul that David took an harp and played with his hand So Saul was refreshed and was well and the evil spirit departed from him So that's kind of how you end there and then in this chapter We see the Dave's not there his three old his three older brothers are there with Saul But then it explains that hey he came back from Being with Saul to feed his father's sheep. That's where he's at in this story now another thing that really just kind of I just Just never really thought about or really noticed is knows in verse 16 here It says in the Philistine drew near morning and evening and presented himself 40 days 40 days right when you read through the story you're kind of thinking like you know He's out there he and basically presents himself and then the next day David comes by right? That's just kind of like when you're reading through that It's just the way I've always kind of taken is like it's not that much time going by 40 days, right? I mean over a month goes by that he keeps going out there and saying bring me out a champion But it also shows you that this battle is going on for a long time as well But 40 days long and obviously you could get into the fact of you know 40 and just how what that number would represent as far as time goes by right there that kind of like that That's that that trial period if you will 40 days, but it just just morning and evening too, right? He was doing it in the morning he's doing an evening for 40 days and It's just one of those things that I just never noticed that he was doing it that long and that Every single day every time he'd come out people would just run away from him Because you'll see that later it's like he comes out everybody's afraid everybody runs away everybody flees from him And this has been going on for that long now in verse 17 we're gonna see where David comes into the picture because at this point David is not at the battle. He's keeping the sheep and in verse 17 it says and Jesse said unto David his son take now for thy brethren and Ephah of this parched corn and he's Ten loaves and run to the camp to thy brethren and carry these ten cheeses unto the captain of thy of their thousand and Look how that thy brethren fair and take their pledge So basically he's like he's sending David to go see how his brothers are doing. Send them some food Send some food to their captain, right? And in verse 19 it says now Saul and they and all the men of Israel were in the valley of Elah fighting with the Philistines So notice the battles going on It's not like they're just sitting there at a standstill for 40 days or however long this has been going on But they're basically fighting During those days and verse 20 says David rose up early in the morning and left the sheep with a keeper I want that to really stay with you. Okay, because of what what his older brother says to him later on He doesn't just leave the sheep With nobody and just leave them just wander off on their own and just be like nuts to these sheep I'm going off to go do this right not to mention who told him to do this his father, right? His father Jesse is the one saying hey go to your brothers and give him all this stuff and see how they're doing Right see how they fare so he leaves us he left the sheep with a keeper and took and went as Jesse had commanded him and he came to the to the trench as The host was going forth to the fight and Shouted for the battle for Israel in the in the Philistines had put the battle in a rag army against army and David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage and ran into the army and Came and saluted his brethren. Okay, so he comes into the carriage. He's got all this stuff The battles going on right? So you kind of get the picture that he's not just coming there and everybody's just kind of having a good old time, right? They're in the trenches, right? Literally, he's going to the trench and this battle is going on at this time and he's going to find his brethren And so you can obviously see that he's not afraid to go into this this battlefield if you will that's going on at that time verse 23 And it says and as he talked with them behold there came up the champion the Philistine of Gath Goliath by name out of the armies of the Philistines and spake according to the same words and David heard them So now we have David hearing what's going on. So at this point David doesn't know what's going on as far as this Goliath guy and it says in verse 24 It says and all the men of Israel when they saw the man fled from him and were sore afraid So for 40 days, I mean think about this for 40 days Morning and evening this guy there's this Philistine this the Goliath is coming out and challenging them and they're just running away every single day and Then David comes on the scene and David hears what he's what Goliath says in verse 25 here It says in the man of Israel said have you seen this man that has come up? Surely to defy Israel as he come up and it shall be the man who killeth him The king will enrich him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel Now there's a lot of information you can unpack from that but it does show you that you know We haven't seen that the fact we haven't been told in this chapter yet that basically King Saul puts out This prize if you will that if someone will go out and face them and fight them here's your reward and It's interesting that his house will be free in Israel, which kind of shows you that That whole thing that Samuel is talking about like your sons and your daughter Your daughters will be confectionaries your sons will be soldiers and all this other stuff and You know the idea of being free and verse 26 It says and David spake to the men that stood by him saying what shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine and taketh away that reproach from Israel for who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the Living God so notice the attitude of David, right? They're all running away, and he's like who's this guy? It's kind of like who's this guy think he is That he's gonna come out here and defy the armies notice not the armies of Israel obviously that's true it's the armies of Israel, but he's like the armies of the Living God and Notice how he's invoking God in the fact that that that's who the Philistines define He's not just defying Saul and the children of Israel. He's defying God In verse 27 it says and the people answered him after this manner saying so shall it be done to the man that killeth him So basically Dave is inquiring of this, but he's also stating to them. He's like who's this guy? Who who is this guy that's defying the armies of the Living God Now notice his older brother because everybody else is afraid and then someone steps up and says you know what I'm not afraid of this And and just has his bold stance to state state Who's this guy? instead of running away he's bold and This is where Christians for example That are weak and afraid they get envious they get envious of people that aren't Right, if you take a bold stance, you know what they do they get envious and they're just like oh There's something wrong with that guy You know, they got to find a fault with that guy because he takes a strong stance right because he's got a backbone And so they get envious of someone that doesn't tuck tail and run And therefore they got a they got to be against them somehow and you got his own brother doing this His elder brother because you think about his older brother's probably embarrassed at this point right my young younger brother, right? it's like my younger brothers over here like Like bold not afraid and we're all cowering every time this guy comes out So it kind of puts a you know, it kind of makes you look Look a little weak, right in a verse verse 28 there It says in Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men and Eliab's anger was kindled against David And he said why cameest thou down hither and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? Now why cameest thou down? I don't know maybe Jesse your father Eliab is the one that told him to come down Who do you keep the sheep with? I don't know maybe a keeper Maybe that's exactly you know He's just accusing him of basically coming down of his own accord and just kind of like leaving those sheep in the wilderness, right? and it's just like these false accusations just because Dave is not afraid and you are And it's just the mentality of a lot of times. I I see it, you know, there'll be Christians that are envious of other other Christians boldness of other Christians You know not having fear and actually standing up for that which is right and that's probably the worst thing you know when you think about think about trials tribulations think about like the The the sodomites or just just the world in general that that that tries to come against the church tries to come against Christians That are standing up for the truth Kind of expect it from them, right? You're just kind of like well, I mean, yeah, you're the world. I mean you're I mean That's what you're supposed to do. That's what you're gonna do, right? But you know what what what's really irritating is when your own brethren right come against you And you're just like what are you doing? Right, like why would you be against that and what it comes down to is a lot of people are? Just envious. It's kind of like when you when they say well, you know, we're winning a bunch of souls They're like, but are they really getting saved though? Right. It's kind of like that attitude. It's like but I mean are they really getting saved or are you just praying prayers with people? It's like well, I don't know why don't you come out and see? Or why don't you show me how to do it then, you know instead of you just like getting all Envious over the work that's being done Why don't you do it? But it's because they're not doing it and they're not doing what they should be doing They're mad at the people that are doing it and this there's nothing new under the Sun this happens today in churches and with Christians and so it's something we need to be aware of because You know a liar Is basically accusing David of things that obviously aren't true It says I know thy pride in the in the naughtiness of thine heart for thou art come down But thou mightest see the battle Obviously, it's not true David came because he was told to go down there He had every purpose to be there And it's not like his own ambition was there to go down there in verse 29 says and David said What have I now done is there not a cause meaning this is it's like It's kind of like what did I say wrong? Like what? What are you talking like? Is there not a cause to basically say who is this? Uncircumcised Philistine that should defy the armies of the Living God. Is there not a cause to Do that which is right and to stand up for God and to have some boldness so So a lie of obviously is it just showing you? The shame that he has for himself, right and when people are envious, you know what it is they're ashamed of themselves And they're just projecting their own shame for themselves on those that are doing what they should be doing Instead of being humble because who's proud who's really proud here. It's a lie of that's really the one that's proud and Really? What a live should do is humble himself and be like, you know what Dave is right. What are we doing? Like cowering over this guy when we have God on our side You know that that should be the attitude Instead of like basically digging in and basically saying, you know, there must be something wrong with this guy Because that can't be the answer to stand up, you know, they have boldness not be afraid that can't be right so In verse 30 here It says and he turned from him toward another and spake after the same manner and the people answered him again after the former manner So notice how David basically just ignores his older brother right and When you think about this when Christians are trying to pull you down put a wet blanket on soul-winning and Trying to basically they're ashamed that they're not doing anything. So they need to pull you down right? You know what you should do Just the kind of like he's doing with the right you just you know, he did he's just like so What did they say that he would give you know It's kind of like just ignoring that whole conversation and just going back to exactly what he was saying It's like so what did he say you would give you know, like if you kill this Philistine? Notice that it didn't break his whole like thought process of what should be done. He didn't just be like yeah, you know Yeah, but maybe you're right, you know, what am I doing here? You know, why am I doing this? No, it's more of you know what? There's a call, you know and he's like, okay, let me talk to someone else again about it So that's David's heart there and you can see that he realizes no He's right. There is a cause here, you know, and obviously his brother's out the lunch Eating his lunch his cheese and all that stuff that he that his younger brother brought him so But keep reading there in verse 31 it says and when the words were heard which David spake they rehearsed them before Saul and He sent for him So basically David's talking to these men and then that that word gets to the king That Dave is over here like who's this uncircumcised Philistine, you know that defy the armies of living God And it says in David in verse verse 32 and said David said to Saul let no man's heart fail because of him Thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine So he's basically I'm gonna do I'll do it And obviously no one else is doing it So it's not like he's got a competition here where they got to fight it out to see who's gonna go out there There's been 40 days strong going on this Philistine coming out there, so basically, Dave is the only one that has come up and said I'll do it and Saul said to David thou are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him For thou art but a youth and he a man of war from his youth and so notice how Also, you have leadership that'll basically tell you you can't do it right you kind of have you have brothers that are basically saying You know, you're just full of pride You're just full of pride and you know, you just came down here, you know, your intentions aren't good, you know, who are you? This boldness, you know, they they're basically taking his boldness and saying it's pride His confidence in the Lord putting it into the pride, but then you have the leadership The leadership's basically like You're not able to do this Can you imagine like I mean David keeps going after this his brother saying all this stuff against them Then the Kings like basically like you're not able to do this So it's not when you think about this story of David taking on Goliath I want you to think about what led up to that and just how like no one was on his side No one's just like yeah, you got this David Yeah, come on let's do this finally someone's got to stand up to the this giant Let's let's go. No, there's just like, you know, you're full of pride. You can't do this. You're a little kid You know, it's like you're just a little kid So You know what's leading up to this and just that this is really where we're seeing a man after God's own heart, right? In The idea of I've decided to follow Jesus though none go with me still I will follow and This idea is like it doesn't you know what my brothers don't have to be for me You know what the leadership doesn't have to be for I'm gonna follow the Lord and That's the the heart that we need to have When it comes to serving the Lord now keep reading there And in verse 34 You notice I don't have a lot of cross-referencing because it's a big chapter but also, you know what when it comes to stories like this And I could be guilty of this too where it's a well-known story But sometimes sometimes when people preach well-known stories They always try to put like some different angle on it and then you never really ever get the actual story You know what I mean? It's kind of like I got this other angle Because they just assume that everybody's heard the story and I get that because most people read the story But you know what? I think sometimes you just need the story. Just tell me the story. What happened? What's the story about instead of like well? Here's the spiritual meaning behind all of this and let me tell you now and I'm all for that But sometimes you just need the story. Here's what's going on. So in verse 34 here. It says and David said unto Saul I'd like and you know what this portion of the story to me Is actually More marvelous than him taking out the Philistine and you can disagree with me on this But he David tells a story about how he killed a lion and a bear I don't know about you, but that's kind of more impressive to me than him taking out this guy this this nine foot nine guy, right? Again, you can disagree with me and say no killing alive is more extreme But notice what it says here in verse 34 And David said unto Saul thy servant kept his father's sheep and there came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock And I went out and I went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of out of his mouth And when he arose against me notice this and I believe specifically he's talking about the line right here I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him What do you think about that right a beard of a lion right, you know the main All I can pitch I mean He's just like taking the line. He's just like ah, I don't know stabs him on another fifth rib. I mean Like this story is intense He killed a lion. I mean he is a youth. I mean, he's not He's obviously when he's anointed he talks about him being a youth and he's ruddy right meaning like So he's not necessarily like a full-grown man You know where you'd be like that's a man right there, right? You maybe say like a young man maybe an adolescent, you know, but But anyway, so it talks about how he he takes him by the beard and slew him. I mean That's one of the coolest stories in the Bible in my opinion, right? I mean you can think about well Samson rent it in half like a kid. It's like, okay, you know, it's a little more Violent, I guess on the way he killed him, but to me taking him by the beard It's pretty manly. I mean that's pretty like epic right there now And it goes on to say in verse 36 thy servant slew both the lion and the bear So I believe it two separate occasions. You had a lion you got a bear and he thinks that I killed both And and It says in this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them seeing he had the five the armies of the living God David said moreover the Lord that delivered me out of the paw the lion and out of the paw the bear He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine and Saul said unto David go and the Lord be with thee now Notice that David isn't saying I did it myself Right, it was all me. No, he's saying the Lord is the one that delivered him out of both those situations But it also shows you that David just didn't come into this situation not knowing any type of battle. I mean a Lot of times experience is what gives you hope when it comes to tribulation, right? experience work worketh hope and hope maketh not ashamed right and the idea here is that In order to kill Goliath he had to go through some battles before that and sometimes There's gonna be battles that maybe even more extreme than the one that everybody else would look at as being like this really big battle But you've already kind of taken out the lion and the bear beforehand To where you're just like I took out a lion. I took out a bear. Who's this guy? I Mean think about that if Goliath knew That David killed a lion and a bear by himself, don't you think you had different impression of David? Like obviously the Goliath didn't know this. He's just looking at him from the outside. He's looking at his countenance but inside David was quite a warrior at a young age and So I don't know about you, but that story right there with the lion and a bear I mean you kind of keep reading on and be like, okay He's definitely taking out this Philistine. He took out a lion and a bear. I mean who here would want to fight a guy That literally killed a lion and a bear with the bear hands right now. Maybe he had a weapon on him I'm not saying he didn't okay But who here would be like hey, I Want to fight that guy. I Don't want to touch that guy right? I'd be like that guy's dangerous That guy that guy I mean if he could take out a lion Lions are strongest among beasts and I believe pound for pound Lions are the strongest animals in the in in in the world as far as that goes pound for pound, right? So but anyway going off from this so basically that convinced Saul That David could do this Or at least convinced him that hey, you know, at least David has confidence to do this verse 38 And Saul armed David with his armor and he put on and helmet of brass upon his head Also, he armed him with a coat of mail and David guarded his his sword upon his armor And he has said to go Meaning he he wasn't gonna go that way Here's why it says for he had not proved it And David said unto Saul I cannot go with these for I have not proved them and David put them off him and this is such a good point when it comes to any type of You know weaponry is the idea that you have to test it You know when it comes to like firearms when it comes to like modern-day type of weaponry that we'd use you don't want To you you don't want to be carrying a weapon that you're depending your life on that you never used before You don't know if it functions You know, you don't know if it's sighted in Right, you don't know I mean with a sword you think about like the weight of it the balance of it Have you used it before are you gonna be any good with it, right? And so David even though a sword you would think is gonna be better than a sling and stones David had proved the sling and stones right? He had used that before so you're better off with a weapon that You know how to use You're confident using there may be a weapon that's that's that's maybe having more power to it. Does that make sense? So for example, you know the Bible says, you know If no man if you don't have a sword sell your garment and buy one right and obviously I'm all about being armed But I'm all but I'm also not about you arming yourself if you don't know what you're doing with it Okay, you never proved it if you don't if you're not comfortable, you know And knowing how to use it how to use it safe and you shouldn't be carrying around a firearm If you don't know what you're doing with it, okay But it doesn't mean that David shouldn't have a sword. Does that make sense? Like it's just a fact that hey You need to practice with it. You need to know what you're doing with it You need to know, you know how to obviously hold it safely all that stuff, right? So there's a lot of good stuff dealing with that when it comes to being armed even today and the idea of you don't want to go to battle with something you have improved and So Verse 40 here. So this is what he's gonna take it says and he took in verse 40 and he took his staff in his hand and Chose him five smooth stones out of the brook and put them in a shepherd's bag Which he had even in a scrip and his sling was in his hand and he drew near to the Philistines so basically he takes a sling a staff and Five smooth stones Now the thing that I'm gonna mention here and I'm not gonna go through this for sake of time because this is a long chapter but You say well, why is it five smooth stones? Well, it could just be that's just a number that you picked out of the brook, right? The interesting thing is that if you want the second Samuel 21, you'll see that there's actually Goliath has four brothers And actually David and his men later on they end up killing them all So Goliath is like the first of all of the the sons of the giant is what they're called so there's like this giant who had all these sons like Goliath and all these other ones and You know him and his men take him out and so There's there's Goliath ish bib benob, I think is the name saff A lot lame lame. I it's probably llama. I bet I'm gonna call him lame. I lame Oh, no But then there's the last one He doesn't have a name but he's distinguished because he has six fingers on each hand and six toes on there on each foot okay, and so So, yeah, you have these these form and you know, that could be the reason There's also an idea with the number five and the idea of death and the idea of like killing someone underneath the fifth rib and That idea maybe there's there's an association with the number five when it comes to that. I don't you know when it comes to that You know take it for what it is, okay, but at the same time It is interesting and maybe it I personally believe it's foreshadowing the fact that what it says in Second Samuel 21 22 Claire and Anna stop talking in Second Samuel 22 21 22 it says these four were born to giant to the giant and gat is talking about the other brothers not Goliath and Fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants So I believe it's probably foreshadowing that as far as like hey Goliath is the first to go down but his brothers are going to right and the fact that that did happen later on so Go back to well, you're not in second Samuel But that's your homework second Samuel 21 15 through the end of the chapter and you can read about Goliath's brothers and everything. So By the way in new newer versions. It'll say that it won't say Goliath's brother. It'll just say It'll just say Goliath And it'll leave out the brother of Goliath. It's like wait a minute David already killed him so obviously that's that's a mistake in these new versions and so First Samuel chapter 17 verse 41 We see that David's coming out to this Philistine and notice what it says in verse 41 it says and the Philistine came on and drew near unto David and The man that bare the shield went before him and when the Philistine looked Looked about and saw David he disdained him for he was but a youth and ruddy and of a fair countenance Which obviously is what was said about David when Samuel came and all of that so all that's true But that's the idea is that he's just like some kid is coming out, right? I mean out of the whole army of Israel, you're gonna send some kid out here right some young guy You know, it's kind of like, you know he's as green as the leaf in spring and this is the guy that's gonna come out to me and Notice what it says in verse 43 in the Philistine said unto David Am I a dog that thou comest to me with staves and the Philistine cursed David by his gods So basically David's coming out with a staff, right? so imagine imagine kind of you almost think that the Goliath is kind of like Probably angry about the fact That what's the word I'm looking for you know where you're anyway, but basically The fact that they're not sending out like the strongest tallest guy with sword and spear this this shepherd boy comes out with a with a staff and So he's sustaining him and he basically get my some kind of dog You know that you're gonna come out here to me this and it says in the Philistine Said to David come to me and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air and to the beasts of the field Does this sound a little familiar to Jonathan when he when the Philistines were up on the top of Garrison and Philistines and They said come up here and we'll show you a thing, right? And it's kind of like that same actually remember what what did what did Jonathan do? when You know when they said it to him he ran up that hill right hands and feet up that hill And so we're gonna see what happens here. But in verse 45, it says then said David to the Philistines So basically Dave is gonna give it a little speech here It says thou comest to me with a sword and with a spear with a shield But I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts the God of the armies of Israel whom thou hast defiled so notice who's he coming in the name of I mean, he's coming in the name of the Lord and you know, he's being cursed by these false gods obviously of the Philistines and He's making it known to Goliath before he kills him You know who's coming against them and It's kind of like if you think about it this this battle is it's obviously between David and Goliath But it's really against the true God and these false gods and this battle really represents the fact of how powerful God is and You know just the idea that these false gods they look big, you know, they look, you know They look like they're intimidating but they fall like a like a ton of bricks, you know and to the true God Now keep reading there It says this day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand and I will smite thee and take thine head from thee So he's basically calling it. He's like I'm gonna kill you and I'm gonna take your head off, you know I'm gonna I'm gonna take your head and I will give the carcass of Carcasses of the host of the Philistines to stay unto the fowls of the air So notice notice David is saying into the into the wild beasts of the earth That all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. So, you know how Goliath is saying I'm gonna give your body to the fowls of the air is that I'm gonna take your head off of you and I'm gonna give the whole army of the Philistines to the host or to the fowls of the air Oh Long chapter it's getting to me I might be able to continue. We'll see I either I just swallowed a bug Or it's just dry up here so Bear with me So, I just think that you think about the fact that in how's he gonna do that with a sling and a stone Right What God's able to do with such like a little thing well, you can't do that David you're not able to do that With with God all things are possible and when if God before us who can be against us So He's basically turning it back to the Philistine in verse 47 here It says in all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear For the battle is the Lord's and he will give you into our hands So notice David's heart and the fact that He's not about he's not trying to get the glory here. He's not trying to say hey, I'm some valiant guy That you know, it's gonna be by me it's gonna be by my hand he's stating it's the Lord that's gonna deliver and He's the true God these are false gods and you're nothing now verse 48 here again Jonathan runs up that hill on his hands and his feet Or you know basically hands of hands and feet up that hill and goes after that garrison and kills You know within that acre of ground there and the idea here is that David does the same thing meaning he runs and I don't know how many versions of this I've seen like clips of like David and Goliath, you know that they've tried to make versions, but they're always bad They're always weak. First of all, Dave is like wearing some kind of loincloth You know like some little skirt that he's wearing, you know, like pants they couldn't figure out pants They have shirts on right like we figured out this we don't know how to figure out this right And you know the atheists out there just like oh he's out there wearing Levi Strauss, right? He was wearing he's wearing Wranglers It's like just because I say someone's wearing pants doesn't mean they were wearing jeans, you know but but anyway the thing that they usually get wrong besides the clothing but the idea of the fact that They make David to be like this weak person That is kind of like afraid to go out to the Philistine and he's just kind of like, oh man. I don't know What about this story makes you think that David is afraid to go after the Philistine? I mean at what point do you see David just kind of like second-guessing anything? Or like coming at him in any weak manner at all. I mean he is coming at him like like a bull in a china shop I mean he is From the very beginning. He's like who's this Philistine? Who's the second circumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God? He goes up to Saul He's like I'm gonna do it. I'll take him out Everybody's like basically trying to talk him down. They all know you can't do this He's like I killed a bear and I killed a lion and it'll be the same thing with this guy, right? And just what about this makes you think that David is afraid or that David is like somehow like sheepish about this No, but notice what it says here in verse 48 And it came to pass when the Philistine arose and came and drew nigh to meet David that David Hasted and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine He's not walking up there. He's not just he's not jogging. I mean he's running He's running at Goliath and there there's no hesitation There's no like sheepishness that's going on here I mean he's coming at him verse 49 it says David put his hand in his bag and took that a stone and Slang it and smote the Philistine in his forehead that the stone sunk into his forehead And he fell upon his face to the earth. I Mean that's that's quite a force there when you think about it's it literally is in his forehead Sunk inside of it didn't just hit him and bounce off. It's sunk inside his forehead and date and it says in verse 50 so David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone and Smote the Philistine and slew him but there was no sword in the hand of David. Therefore David ran See ya again, I mean he he what did he say he's gonna do with that feels he said I'm gonna take your head right I'm gonna take that your head that I had from off the and he ran and stood upon the Philistine and took his sword and Drew it out of out of the sheep thereof and slew him and cut off his head there with and when the Philistines saw their Champion was dead they fled So there's no hesitation here he comes at him he accomplishes it and he even runs after he's already killed him He runs grabs his sword and takes off his head just like he said he was gonna do Now I think about this in the idea of Going into battle against an enemy such as this What did David say to his older brother said is there not a cause? When you know for sure the right cause You can run Right you think about in Habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 2 where it talks about making the vision plane so he may run that read it and What that means is that the idea is that you make the commandment clear you make the case clear the cause is clear, right? So there's no hesitation Right think about like soul winning right? What do we need to do to get people safe? We need to preach them the gospel Here's the plan You need to preach that they're sinners that punishment is hell and that is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved death baron resurrection the blood of Christ that saves and they need to believe that it's eternal life and Boom, you know, there it is The mission is clear. There's no there's no like I don't know what we're supposed to be doing I don't know how we're supposed to do this So what does that mean? That means you can run? There's no hesitation And a lot of times in churches, I feel like there's not there's not a clear cause there's not a clear You know commandment. There's no there's not clear doctrine, right? It's kind of like if you need to run if you want to run at something and not hesitate you really it needs to be clear To where you're not hesitating because if it's not clear, what are you gonna do? You're gonna tiptoe Right, you're gonna tread lightly Because you're not sure you're not sure if this is the way we should go, right This could get into so many different doctrines But we were just kind of talking about the repentance doctrine not too long ago About the idea of how that's just not clear in a lot of churches and therefore when it comes to salvation people are treading Lightly, they're tiptoeing. They don't they're not confident in it they can't defend it instead of it just being clear of what repentance is and Knowing that Repent just is turning from one thing to another when it's dealing with salvation you you repent and believe the gospel That means you didn't believe the gospel believe the gospel you believed in and idols believe the gospel you believed in You know your good works stop believing in your good works and put your trust in the gospel. That is clear as day There's no confusion. You don't turn from your sins. You don't turn over a new leaf. You don't know and So in churches today, there's a lot of people they lack they lack boldness and confidence because the vision is unclear and David had a clear vision here, right? There was no doubt. He knew what he was gonna do He knew the cause he knew it was right. It didn't matter if his older brother was it was basically Trying to say he's full of pride. It doesn't matter that the leadership of the nation is saying you can't do it It didn't matter that cause was so clear to him and so plain to him That he was just running at it that's the heart of David right there and that's why he's Arguably the greatest king in Israel right the greatest king that was ever on the throne And you know obviously besides the Lord Jesus, but that's really where you see the fact that he's of the seed of David He's gonna sit on his the father, you know on the throne of David his father You know talked about it in the New Testament when talks about Jesus according to the flesh obviously now verse 52 here It says in the man of Israel and Judah and of Judah arose and shouted and pursued the Philistines until Thou come to the valley into the gates of Ekron and the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to Sherem Even unto Gath unto Ekron and the children of Israel returned from chasing after the Philistines and they spoiled their tents So basically everything David said it was gonna happen happened they went after them and Obviously the fowls were feeding on the flesh of the Philistines now the last portion of the chapter here is where we kind of get a little insight of what was going on in the mind of Saul and and An Abner there when this whole thing is going down So notice what it says here in verse 54 and David took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Jerusalem But he put his armor in his tent and when Saul saw David Go forth against this Philistine. So get the picture here This is during when David's running after the Philistine right when he's going out there to the Philistine He said unto Abner the captain of the host Abner whose son is this youth and Abner said as I saw liveth Okay, I cannot tell Now there's a lot of questions you may ask to this it's like wait a minute David Like this whole conversation about David about him being the armor bearer and he was playing music before Saul and you're just kind of like How do you not know who this is? I want you to think about this though, okay? You have this young guy That is playing music for you and kind of helping you out and all this stuff and all of a sudden He just killed a nine-foot-nine Goliath and Had no hesitation as this is going on. Wouldn't you say wait a minute? Who is this guy? Right. That's what I believe is going on here I don't think it could be the fact that obviously King Saul sees a lot of people and And all that but he's also asking whose son is this, right? It's kind of like the idea of Where did this guy come from? right That's what I see is going on here is this idea of like wait a minute Who's his father like who is this guy? Like where in the world did this guy come from? I think that's what's going on here I don't I don't think he's necessarily saying I don't know who David is right Or I don't know who Jesse is I mean He could maybe not know who Jesse is or maybe it's just kind of because when you know Thousands and thousands of people and you see thousands and thousands of people come in. Listen, I get it. You may forget people I know that just from the the maybe hundred or so people, you know They come and go and stuff like that or you know You get visitors and all that stuff and they come and go or whatever. Listen, I'm sorry, but some of your kids names I forget, you know, and there's This is a small church too when it comes to that but I Think what's really going on here is that they're like watching this from afar and they're like, who is this guy? Like who's his father? It's almost kind of like questioning like are we right who's father this is right whose son this is Is this the same guy? Is this the same guy? Is this the same either? That's what I think is going on here and it says in the end the king said inquire thou whose son the stripling is and as David returned from the slaughter of the Philistine Abner took him and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand and Saul said to him whose son art thou thou young man? And David answered I am the son of thy servant Jesse the Bethlehemite It's kind of like they're in disbelief. I Think that's what's going on and you could disagree with me on this and you can say no I think that they just really have bad memories And that could be the case, right? but I think it's more of like this disbelief like Where How did this happen whose son are you? This can't be the same David right this can't be the same person that I know, you know It's I think that's what's going on here and they're getting it confirmed and he's like no I'm David the son of Jesse the Bethlehemite and Because obviously this is a this is a Miraculous event that you can think of in the fact that David kills Goliath. I mean today the the term Goliath I mean that term David and Goliath is used all the time to compare to situations Or if you said that thing's a Goliath, you know, that's a Goliath of a man like that is a proverb if you will that's used in our culture and so What a great story when it comes to David and Goliath. I mean It really just kind of sets up David as being king, doesn't it? I mean when you think of David and you think about people trying to go against him be like he killed a lion He killed a bear and he killed Goliath. You want to mess with that guy? And that was when he was a youth so You know that a fantastic story obviously I get why it's such a you know, I'm a rememberable story However, you say that but but yeah, so I Love that story every time I read it, I love that story But you can always learn more from it. Hopefully, you know, obviously I'm sure a lot of people have heard this story and read it before but maybe getting a little more out of it tonight But let's end with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for today Thank you for your word and praise you be with us throughout the rest this week and Lord Thank you for the book of 1st Samuel Thank you for the story with David and about David and defeating Goliath and Lord We know that it was through you that it was accomplished and Lord We pray that we could have that type of power on us Lord to fight our enemies and Lord to have confidence in you like David did and Lord we just love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name. Amen Brother Dave will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed All right, take your mountain Baptist song books and turn to song number 49 Song number 49 in your mountain Baptist song bus will sing go tell it on the mountain if you would stand we'll sing song number 49 Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere Go Tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born while Shepherds kept their watching or silent flocks by night Behold throughout the Heavens they're shown a holy Go talent on the mountain over the hills and everywhere go Tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born the Shepherds feared and trembled when lo the earth rang out the angels chorus That hailed the Savior's birth Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere go Tell it on the mountain that Jesus