(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you Well good evening everyone welcome to Mountain Baptist Church take your song books and turn to song 433 Song 433 And if you would stand we'll sing a way in a manger a Song 433 Away in a manger no crimp for a bed the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head the stars in the sky Look down where he lay The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay the cattle are low in the baby awakes but little Lord Jesus no crying he makes I love the Lord Jesus look down from the sky and Stay by my cradle till morning is nigh be near me Lord Jesus I ask thee to stay close by me forever And love me I pray Bless all the dear children and I tender care Because to have and to live with thee there Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord again. We just want to thank you God for another opportunity and privilege It is Lord to come to church and to hear you were preached I pray Lord that you would just follow a pastor with your power and spirit for it's in Jesus name we ask all of it Amen, are you may be seated and take your song books and turn to song 310 Song 310 will sing footprints of Jesus Song 310 Sweetly Lord have we heard the calling come follow me And we see where thy footprints falling lead us to thee Footprints of Jesus that may the pathway glow We will follow the steps of Jesus where ere they go Though they lead o'er the cold dark mountains seeking his sheep O'er along by Solomon's fountains helping the weak Footprints of Jesus that make the pathway glow We will follow the steps of Jesus where ere they go If they lead through the temple holy preaching the word O'er in homes of the poor and lowly serving the Lord Footprints of Jesus that make the pathway glow We will follow the steps of Jesus where ere they go Then at last when on high he sees us on our journey done We will rest where the steps of Jesus end at his throne Footprints of Jesus that make the pathway glow We will follow the steps of Jesus where ere they go Amen. Welcome to the Mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday evening. And just some announcements here. I think this is the right one. Yep. Okay. So good to be back. Thanks for the prayers. Safe travels and all that from Arizona. That was a quick trip. But yeah. Be in prayer for Pastor Anderson. He got sick. So he was actually going to do a surprise trip to Pastor Friends. Anyway. I don't get sick. I haven't got sick yet. But you never know. That stuff can linger. But be in prayer for those that are feeling sick or that are out right now. I know we have a lot of families that are sick. And so just be in prayer for them. I pray that this is a one-off. It goes through and then we're done. That's wishful thinking. But instead of the vicious circle that keeps going around all the way through the winter. So just be in prayer there. We do have some visitors out from the Dallas-Fort Worth area. And so if you haven't got a chance to meet them after the service as well. So I got to meet them out at Faithful Word for the missions conference there. And so quick trip. But it was a fun time. So and then as far as service times, everything should be normal this Sunday. So normal preaching times. Lord willing and the creek don't rise. I'll be preaching this Sunday. And so back to normal there. And then sowing with our normal sowing time at 1pm. And then the regional times as well on the list there. We have the women's prayer meeting coming up this Friday at 6pm. And so if you can make it out to that or the ladies can make it out to that, that'd be great. And then the men's prayer meeting will be the next Friday. So when you get done with all your Black Friday stuff and you're done trampled. All the old ladies, men come out and we'll pray about it. And you confess your sins to the Lord. So is it even a thing now to go out on Black Friday? Like everything's online now right? Like I feel like everything is just online. So I don't even praise the Lord it's not a thing anymore if that's the case. Not that I ever did it. But I'm all about deals. But I am not about getting up in the morning to go shopping. I don't like shopping anyway. So Amazon is like the best thing ever you know for someone like me. So anyway, so they got the prayer meetings coming up there. We do have some soul winning marathons coming up. So we have the one this weekend on the 18th at McKeesport, PA. And so brother Wade and brother Jim are leading that one up. And this Saturday on another note, obviously if you're going out soul winning this doesn't pertain to you. But I'm going to try, we have a new piano that we're going to be getting new. We're buying it off somebody. But it should be better than this one. This one was free so it's done its purpose. But for one big reason we can actually have a thing that's covering the keys. So we don't constantly have children that are poking at the keys. Now they'll just be smashing their hands on that thing that comes down. But this Saturday I know brother Chris and I are going to be able to try to go get that in the afternoon on Saturday. If anybody else can help with that let me know. Basically I have lifting straps and two of us can do it but it always helps to have a couple more guys that can kind of guide it or you know depending on what we're getting into when we're getting it out of the house there. Here it shouldn't be that hard because we should be able to probably roll it or get it up the ramp and all that. But anybody that can help with that let me know. I'm basically going to be renting a little U-Haul trailer. I'll hook it up to my truck. We can roll it into that thing, strap it down, bring it here and then we'll have to get it tuned anytime you move a piano you're going to have to get it tuned. So we'll keep this one in here for now. We'll probably have the other one over here just until we can get it tuned. And then if anybody wants this piano once we have that set up, if anybody's looking for a piano it still works fine. It's just the cap piece we don't have the pieces to put it on. That's a whole other story if you want to know it later you probably already do. But you're welcome to have it. So we don't want to just like build up pianos for no reason. So if anybody is wanting a piano you know as far as just having one at home let me know because you know we'll help you get it there and all that too. So anyway just putting it out there. Also on December 16th we have a soul winning marathon in Marietta, Ohio. And on the 9th we're just I was just kind of sending out a message there but then we remember that we have this one on 16th. So on December 9th tentatively we're going to be doing a Christmas party. So we'll be doing a Christmas fellowship here at the church building on the 9th, December 9th. Now that's going to be like a white we're going to be doing like the white elephant gift exchange, try to do some games. I think brother Wade has a cool game kind of like a bible trivia game but it's more so guess whether it's King James or not. So you should make it really hard and guess which version it is. But and have like three main ones right. We're not going to be like you're pulling out some obscure version you know. And the message can't be in there that's too obvious. So but so we'll have some games we'll have obviously a bunch of food all that stuff. So tentatively December 9th as a Saturday we'll plan on doing a Christmas party here at the church building. So let me know if that's like a big problem if everybody's just like I can't make it obviously then we can't we're not going to do it on that day. But see if that works out with your calendar. We don't want to do the 23rd because then everybody's going to be out probably because of family and everybody's probably traveling and all that stuff too. So chapter memory for the month Romans chapter 10 and our chapter our verse memory for the week is 1st Corinthians 9 27 and be in prayer for the ladies on the pregnancy list there. So Alyssa, Anastasia and Tabby and be in prayer for all the ladies that just had little ones. And like I said be in prayer for everybody that's not feeling well. I know that there's a lot that have been out sick or there's kids that are sick you know. Just be in prayer there that everybody gets well and that it doesn't spread anymore all of that. That's about all I have for announcements. The offering box in the back there if you want to give it higher than an offering. The mother baby rooms for the mothers and babies only. Brother Joseph's going to be reading 1st Samuel chapter 12 after we do one more song. All right take your song books and turn to song 131. Song 131 in your song books we'll sing Christ is all I need. Song 131. All I need he was crucified for me he died on Calvary. That's why I know he loves me so he's all I need. All right take your Bibles and turn to 1st Samuel chapter number 12. 1st Samuel chapter number 12 in your Bibles we'll have brother Joseph read that for us. 1st Samuel chapter 12 and if found your place there if you'll say amen. And Samuel said unto all Israel behold I have hearkened under your voice and all that ye said unto me and I have made a king over you and now behold the king walketh before you and I am old and gray-headed and behold my sons are with you and I have walked before you from my childhood unto this day behold here am I witness against me before the Lord and before his anointed whose ox have I taken or whose ass have I taken or whom have I defrauded whom have I oppressed or whose hand have I received any bribe to blind my eyes were there with and I will restore it to you it you and they said thou hast not defrauded us nor oppressed us neither hast thou taken ought of any man's hand and he said unto them the Lord is witness against you and his anointed is witness this day you have not found ought in my hand and they answered he is witness and Samuel said unto the people it is the Lord that advanced Moses and Aaron and that brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt now therefore stand still that I may reason with you before the Lord of all and of all the righteous acts of the Lord which he did to you and to your fathers when Jacob was coming to Egypt and your fathers cried unto the Lord then the Lord sent Moses and Aaron which brought forth your fathers out of Egypt and made them dwell in this place and when they forget the Lord their God he sold them into the hands of Caesarea captain of the host of Hazor and into the hand of the Philistines and into the hand of the king of Moab and they fought against them and they cried unto the Lord and said we have sinned because we have forsaken the Lord and have served Balaam and Ashthroth but now deliver us out of the hand of our enemies and we will serve thee the Lord sent to Rubel and Baden and Jephthah and Samuel and delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on every side and you dwelled safe and when you saw that Nahash the king of the children of Ammon came against you you said unto me nay but a king shall reign over us when the Lord your God was your king now therefore behold the king whom you have chosen and whom you have desired and behold that the Lord hath sent a king over you if you will feel the Lord and serve him and obey his voice and not rebel against the commandment of the Lord then shall both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the Lord your God but if you will not obey the voice of the Lord but rebel against the commandment of the Lord then shall the hand of the Lord be against you as it was against your fathers now therefore stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes it is not wheat harvest today I will call unto the Lord and he shall send thunder and rain that you may perceive and see that your wickedness is great which you have done in the sight of the Lord in asking you a king so Samuel called unto the Lord the Lord sent thunder and rain that day and all the people greatly feared the Lord and Samuel and all the people said unto Samuel pray for thy servants unto the Lord thy God that we die not for we have added unto all our sins this evil to ask us a king and Samuel said unto the people fear not you have done all this wickedness yet turn not aside from following the Lord but serve the Lord with all your heart and turn ye not aside for then should ye go after vain things which cannot profit nor deliver for they are vain for the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name's sake because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people moreover as for me God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you but I will teach you the good and the right way only fear the Lord and serve him in truth with all your heart for consider how great things he hath done for you but if you shall stand shall still do wickedly you shall be consumed both ye and your king let's pray Lord father thank you for this time we're able to gather here midweek Lord I thank you for your pure and holy word you've given to us Lord I ask you be with this uh study through Samuel and edifies tonight in Jesus name amen amen so you're there in first Samuel chapter 12 and we are continuing our study through the book of first Samuel and if you remember in chapter 11 Saul and Israel wrought a great victory against the children of Ammon and this is where they renewed the kingdom so Saul was already anointed king but basically he just went back home and he was just keeping the herd and just out in the field working and it wasn't until basically the king of Ammon came up and said we're going to basically they were going to take him out and their only way they were going to have peace is if they could take out the right eyes of all the children of Israel and so that's when Saul gets word they go out to war and he wins the battle and then they basically he's established as king in this chapter Samuel is basically giving kind of like a farewell address more so just basically stating you know I'm old here you have your king here here's what's what basically kind of his sign off if you will that doesn't mean that we're not going to see Samuel later on he's still doing things later on but he's basically kind of relieving himself of the mantle because the king is now instead of it being the judges anymore it's now the king but in verse one here we see that Samuel is basically just recognizing that but it says in verse one it says and Samuel said unto all Israel behold I have hearkened unto your voice and all that ye said unto me and have made a king over you and now behold the king walketh before you and I am old and gray-headed and behold my sons are with you and I have walked before you from my childhood unto this day so notice that he states that you have the king I'm old now but you also have my sons with you now if you remember that's kind of what one of the reasons why they wanted the king was his sons which is kind of interesting too because of what he says right after this okay so in verse three it says behold here am I witness against me before the lord and before his anointed which which whose ox have I taken or whose ass have I taken or whom have I defrauded whom have I oppressed or of whose hand have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes therewith and I will restore it to you and they said thou hast not defrauded us nor oppressed us neither has that hast thou taken ought of any man's hand and he said unto them the lord is witness against you and his anointed it is witness this day that ye have not found ought in my hand and he answered he is witness now the anointed there I believe you're talking about the king so you think about Saul is anointed of God and so when it talks about touch not mine anointed neither do any of my prophets any harm talking about the king right it's talking about the the one that was anointed to be king but uh the thing that's interesting about this is that he's saying my sons are with you and by the way did I take any uh any bribe or anything like that and they say no so Samuel basically they know that Samuel is innocent of any type of wrongdoing as far as any defrauding or extortion or anything like that but look back at chapter eight chapter eight verse one chapter eight and verse one so first samuel chapter eight verse one going back to where they asked for a king and in verse one it says and it came to pass when samuel was old that he made his sons judges over israel now the name of his firstborn was joel and name of his second abaya they were judges in beersheba and his sons walked not in his ways but turned aside after lucre and took what bribes and perverted judgment then all the elders of israel gathered themselves together and came to samuel into raima and said unto him behold thou art old and thy sons walk not in thy ways now make us a king to judge us like all the nations so his sons are a big driving point as far as why they were asking for a king because his sons weren't doing what samuel was you know they weren't following samuel in his footsteps and this is a great example of the importance of having a good succession when it comes to leadership is that samuel's obviously a good leader but having uh you know good people to to take that role and listen it doesn't have to be your children to take that role it should be the best person for the office you know when it comes to the judges it shouldn't be this this nepotism that's going on when it comes to like well my son uh you know is going to rain or whatever um or my son's going to be the next judge it goes down the line right and so uh we see here that his sons actually were taking bribes samuel wasn't and they are witness and you know basically they also they all agree that samuel didn't take bribes samuel wasn't defrauding them samuel wasn't taking stuff from them and so uh but that led to them asking for a king now later on we see too that they saw the king of ammon and nahash they see him and then they ask for a king so there's it's kind of twofold is that they have this this leadership that's going to be coming up that's going to be really weak and bad and then they have this oppressor coming in at the same time this king is coming in and they're saying you know we need a king now that's the wrong response right you kind of see that there's problems but the wrong the the the response was wrong in asking for a king so this chapter is going to be really getting into the fact of okay sam was kind of stepping stepping down putting it into the reigns of the king and still kind of he's like my sons are here but that was kind of the whole problem anyway as far as his sons not being fit for that job but uh it's also going to get into the fact that it's going to be very clear in this chapter that it was wrong for them to ask for a king because some may argue say well you know in deuteronomy it says when now asks for a king when you when you have a king these are the these are the stipulations you know as far as what the king is supposed to do what he's not supposed to do all that but that's just because god knows that there's laws about when you have two wives what to do but that doesn't mean that it's right for you to have two wives that makes sense and i think this is a great example of that where you'll see laws that are given like if you have this or you have that and it's not that it's condoning that situation it's just saying what do you do in that situation right you're already in a bad situation what do you do and this is where you get to the the kind of the aspect of you've already messed up and you're not in that original like the what the plan that god had for you but you're over here and he doesn't just give up and say all right well you know you didn't go with the original plan therefore nuts to everything else right i'm done with you no it's more like okay this isn't the original plan but because we're on this plan where you messed up this is the route to go and it's kind of what you're at right here where they ask for a king is that that's not what god wanted that's not what he planned it's actually a sin for them to ask for a king instead of doing it the way that he had it set up but since they're already in that position here's how you go about it and you think about this when it comes to a lot of different things and the fact that here's the perfect law of liberty this is the way the government should run things but yet our government doesn't run it like that so what do you do you just go against the the government no they're just like jesus when they were trying to accuse him on the woman caught in adultery it wasn't lawful for them to put anybody to death physically and there's certain bounds that we have with our government even though the perfect law of liberty says hey this was what should be done and so it's a kind of a good lesson to see that hey this isn't god's original plan this isn't the way that he originally wants it but this is the situation you're in therefore you got to go this route and uh samuel here kind of gives a brief uh history lesson if you will on uh basically how they got where they're at as far as where did israel come from they came out of egypt and how god brought them out of egypt but he's really kind of shown them that hey the lord should be your king and here's what the lord did as your king that's what i kind of see here is that you asked for a king but remember all the stuff he did as your king when you didn't have a king but the lord was your king right and notice what says here in verse 6 says the same you said unto the people it is the lord that advanced moses and aaron and that brought your fathers up out of the land of egypt so once you think about this i'm sure they look back to moses as being a great you know man of god and they look back to aaron as being the priest and that you can think about that as far as prophet priest and then also moses was like the judge there right i'll show you a verse where it even calls him up you know that he's going to be a ruler a judge in the land and then joshua takes his place but the thing is is that it was the lord that advanced them though it was the lord that that caused them to come out of egypt and all the wonders and things that he did in verse 7 it says now therefore stand still that it may reason with you before the lord of all the righteous acts of the lord which he did to you and to your fathers when jacob was come into egypt and your fathers cried into the lord then the lord set sent moses and aaron which brought forth your fathers out of egypt and made them dwell in this place so he's kind of if you think about it same was kind of being it's more this idea of being zealous on the lord's behalf so you've rejected the lord and even if you remember the lord says to samuel when they asked for a king since they had not rejected you so the lord says to samuel they haven't rejected you they've rejected me from being their king and you can think about how samuel is probably a little upset on the lord's behalf that they've rejected the lord as being king and he's kind of like here's a reminder of what the lord did for you while he was your king you know before you asked for a king these are the things that he did he's the one that advanced moses and aaron it wasn't like just moses and aaron did this by themselves and they're the ones that brought them out of the land of egypt like it's some like physical act and some physical leader that did that now not not to knock them as leaders you know obviously moses was a great leader but it was the lord that that did those great wonders it was the lord that actually brought them out moses didn't even want to do it right he wanted someone else to do it and acts chapter uh seven you don't have to turn there but verse 35 it says this moses whom they refused saying who may be a ruler and a judge the same did god send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush moses was that ruler and judge and then joshua you know it talks about how he basically took took up that mantle and then josh was the one that came into the promised land but then there was judges throughout the land so we see that the lord is the one that did that with aaron and moses but then we see there's the time of the judges now notice what it says here in verse 9 so you're in first samuel chapter 12 verse 9 like i said it's kind of like a short little history lesson or a bridged history lesson right as far as them going into egypt them being brought out of egypt and then while they're in the land there was this time of judges about 450 years of of the judges it says in verse 9 it says and when they forget the lord their god he sold them into the hand of sisora captain of the host of hazor and into the hand of the philistines and into the hand of the king of moab and they fought against them now i'm going to give you some just uh some places here and judges where this this happens so sisora if you remember the story this is the story when you have barack i mean bay rack bay rack and obviously the story with deborah bay rack all that but basically go to judges chapter four judges chapter four now before before sisora you had judges like othneil and e hud if you remember e hud he's the one that took out eglon eglon was a really fat man and e hud was left-handed that that's just a cool story i mean the whole story i have a message from the lord and he stabs him with a dagger anyway then you have shamgar but then you get into the story with um with bay rack and bay rack basically needs a woman to help him like give him courage because that's where deborah comes in but uh really the the the hero of the story is a woman not deborah but jail but i want you to see the story that it talks about sisora and it says in verse 16 it says but bay rack pursued after the chariots and after the host unto herosheth of the of the gentiles and all the host of sisora fell upon the edge of the sword and there was not a man left how be it sisora fled away on his feet to the tent of jail the wife of heber the king knight for there was peace between jabin the king of hazor and the house of heber the king knight and jail went out to meet sisora and said unto him turn in my lord turn into me fear not and when he had turned in unto her into the tent she covered him with a mantle and he said unto her give me i pray thee a little water to drink for i am thirsty and she opened a bottle of milk and gave him drink and covered him again he said unto her stand in the door of the tent and it shall be when any man doth come and inquire of thee and say is there any man here thou shalt say no then jail heber's wife took a nail of the tent and took a hammer in her hand and went softly unto him and smote the nail into his temples and fastened it fastened it into the ground for he was fast asleep and weary so he died so that's the story of sisora and you can you can read the rest of that story later on if you want to but basically you have the story of jail but you have the story of obviously that god brought this great victory against against this host and sisora ends up dying by the hand of a woman and that's you don't want to mess with that wife right i mean heber after that story i'm sure heber is like really nice to his wife right like let me give you some you look tired here's some milk you're like where are the where is the hammer at you know like um but so you have that story and again he's just kind of pointing back to it you remember that remember what happened there and then uh he talks about uh into the hand of the philistines i mean there's so many stories with that when it comes to the philistines um but you have obviously the kind of the big one i think most people would remember with the philistines is samsung right the philistines be upon me samsung right um but you also have it says here in first sameter chapter 12 verse 10 it says and they cried unto the lord and said we have sinned because we have forsaken the lord and have served balaam and astaroth but now deliver us out of the hand of our enemies and we will serve thee now this is something that's going back and forth throughout the book of judges i mean it's just constant that they were basically at rest for 40 years because they came back to the lord and started serving him and then they would just go after other gods and then god would bring them back into captivity then he'd bring up a deliverer and same story it's just like this roller coaster of them like getting right with god falling back into the same stuff and then they had to go into captivity and then they cry out to the lord and the lord saves them and it's just this roller coaster of god doing this throughout and these are just some examples of this but the same thing is stated in judges chapter 2 in verse 13 when it says and they forsook the lord and served balaam and astaroth so samuel's just bringing up what's already written about what happened from the very beginning and actually when you read that it's after the elders that outlived joshua died right it talks about how they served the lord all the days of joshua and all the days of the elders that outlived joshua and then they they forsook the lord and served bale and astaroth and it really gets into the fact when you get into chapter three of judges is the fact that that he left that the lord left a lot of these nations there to prove that the israelites that didn't know about the the wars in canin like they weren't around they weren't alive when that happened and it's kind of like they were there to where the lord would prove them so uh go back to the first samuel chapter 12 and verse 11 anna sit back and don't talk if i have to say it again you're going to be going back to mama and you're going to be in big trouble first chronicles chapter i'm sorry first chronicle i'm going to show you in first samuel chapter 12 verse 11 here it says and the lord sent jarabail and bedan and jephthah and samuel and delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on every side and he dwelled safe now these are just examples okay now who's jarabail gideon right gideon was called jarabail because he threw down the altars of bale and you remember his father because they they they wanted to kill gideon right because of this and gideon's father says let bail plead for himself and then he got the name jarabail because it says let bail plead for himself right and and so he gets his name because of that um and jephthah we know we know that story in judges 11 and 12 that's one of the most just great horrific type of stories there with that um but then samuel samuel delivered them uh and we see that when when he he basically takes uh takes up the mantle after eli dies and and they get the arc back and he's winning battles but then when he's older that's when they're asking for a king right bdan i don't see him mentioned in judges now here's the thing uh there is a bdan mentioned in first chronicle go to first chronicles chapter seven verse 14 and and listen i believe there was a judge a deliverer at that time called bdan and what this really gets down to is that judges talks about judge like certain judges and deliver and people that delivered them what you have to understand is that all these judges were local judges to certain areas right even samuel wasn't a judge over all of israel right he was a judge in basically the tribe of benjamin that's where he dwelled he had a certain circuit of cities that he would go to but there was many judges and the bible even talks about how there's to be a judge in every city right so every city were to have judges but then there was you know ones that were maybe more well known they were ones that would maybe have a little more clout ones that would maybe that obviously in samuel's case he was a prophet right and so that being said is that this bdan i believe is another judge that we just don't know much about but samuel knew something about him i mean he's bringing him up now it's possible that bdan is just one of the judges and it just has a different name you know like it is it othniel shamgar is it one of those guys if you're in order here jared bale jared bale is in judges like six and seven right you know in the in that in that frame and then jeff the is in chapters 11 and 12 so if you're in order here which jared bale jeff and samuel are in order chronologically in the list that you had there then it would be after gideon but before jeff that he would be in there and there are like uh pua i i can't remember that there's two judges that are mentioned that are just kind of mentioned that are after a bimilek and then before jeff the sorry my judges i'm forgetting the but they're like it's like something starts with a t like toa or something like that anyway point that i'm making here is that i believe this guy was there and sometimes the bible will mention people and the reason i'm mentioning this is that there's a lot of people just in history that were on fire for god that we don't know about i want you to think about i mean all the people that aren't in the bike i mean that in a space think about the space between um the history of like esther like you have esra nehemiah esther right and that's really where the history kind of stops until you get to the new testament and there's hundreds of years that go by there that there are people that love the lord people that were soul winning people that were doing great things for god and then think about after the new testament is done being written how many hundreds of years have gone by yay over a thousand right since that time close to two thousand years of you know christian men and women that have done great things for god and living for the lord that we don't know about but we will one day meaning this is that i don't really know what b dan did but i'll say this he was important enough to where samuel mentioned him by name that he's in the list with jarabail or gideon jefftha and samuel now there is a place in uh first chronicles i don't know if it's the same guy okay it's possible meaning that there's a genealogy of the sons of manasseh it's possible this is the guy it says in verse 14 so first chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 it says the sons of manasseh uh ashrael whom she bear but his concubine but his concubine the am aramitis forgive me on these names here bear maker the father of gillian and maker took to wife the sister of huppam and shuppim how'd you like to have those names whose sister's name was mayica and the name of the second was zalafahad and zalafahad had daughters now we know the story of zalafahad right salafahad is the one that died in the wilderness and she had all those those daughters um but it says mayica the wife of maker bear a son and she called his name perish and the name of his brother was sheresh and his sons were yulem and rakim and the sons of yulem bidan these were the sons of gilead the son of maker the son of manasseh so bidan could be the same guy right i mean we're dealing with after you know going in after the promised land all that stuff and it fits the timeline if you're to look at it that way this also shows you too you see the sons of yulem and it's one i know i mentioned this when it talks about like the the qualifications for a pastor and you know having children faithful children and the idea that there's another place right here that where it'll just say like plural but it'll just say one just as much as if you were to say like do you have any children and if you have a child you'd say yes even though you have one okay whatever that's worth i just think that's interesting i never found that one the other one that i found was like the son of dan but um but this is just common throughout the bible we're able to do that instead of saying the sons of so and so the sons of so and the son of and then it just says that okay but anyway when it comes to bidan i just think about the fact of how many people there are that aren't mentioned in the bible or their their their exploits aren't mentioned in the bible and sometimes you'll just be like a random person mentioned it'd be like this person it did this and you're just like and that's all that's mentioned about them you're like who is this person right like why and obviously i believe there's a reason for every single thing that's in the bible and there's a reason that's being brought up all of that but it made me think of this in hebrew chapter 11 hebrew chapter 11 and it made me think about the idea of what it says in second grinteens when it talks about those that are that are unknown yet well known right there's a lot of there's a lot of people that have died in the lord that have done great things for god that no one remembers right now that no one knows about right now but yet they're well known to god and one day they will be well known to all of us right that that what you do for the lord in this life will be forever remembered and you know one day we'll meet bidan and you're like what'd you do what was your role like what happened you know you obviously you were mentioned what what what what what kind of exploits you do i mean think about like e-hud and like all these guys they have certain things that are mentioned about them as far as what they did and uh so i just think about that type of stuff but in hebrew chapter 11 this just made me think of the same type of thing that's said here in hebrews 11 and the fact that he's kind of just mentioning hey here's the things that god did here's the mar you know where he saved you from your enemies and here's a few people that are mentioned right and he mentions four four people he mentions himself in there because he's the last one right so it's kind of like he's going all the way up to him because all the it talks about the judges until samuel and even the new testament says the same thing and the fact that samuel was the last to be a judge then they asked for a king and uh in hebrew chapter 11 verse 32 it says and what shall i more say because he just got on talking from from able like going down the line noah you know abraham like going down the line that all these different uh men of god and and women that that did great things for god by faith right and then he just kind of just like what more shall i say for time would fail me to tell of gideon and a barack and of samson and of jephthah of david also and samuel and of the prophets who through face of due kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouths of lions quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness were made strong waxed valiant and fight turned to flight the armies of the aliens and there's things in here that you're like i don't remember that being mentioned like that i mean obviously stopping the mouths of the lions you think of daniel right there's certain things you're like you can associate a certain prophets but these aren't the only judges right gideon barack samson jephthah like there's other ones that are in there but he's basically like he's got to stop somewhere like he's not just going to do a tour de force through every single person throughout the old testament so he just kind of throw he's like basically here's i mean can talk about them i can talk about this person and and then he just goes on to talk about those that didn't receive deliverance that they might receive a better resurrection they were tortured they were sawn asunder like and you look at this you're like who was sawn asunder right someone was for the cause of christ and the thing is is that we'll know one day though and the bible says of whom the world was not worthy when he talks about these people and those that serve the lord those that were faithful and by faith did great exploits for god and i don't know i just i see batan and i think about the fact that we could be in that list with them though we're not named because obviously the bible's not being written anymore that we could be in that group that would be in there with jephtha and samson and samuel and david and daniel and to be in that that list you know we have so great a cloud of witnesses right and so that's why it goes on to basically talk about us that let us lay aside the weight and the sin which does so easily to set us that we may run the race with patience and so little things like that just kind of catch you know i i look at him like that's interesting that's interesting that he's not mentioned in in judges again maybe he just has maybe it's one of the guys that are mentioned and it just has a different name that happens sometimes people have a lot of different names but i i personally believe that he was probably just a judge that wasn't mentioned in judges but was known right what you have to understand is they're coming out of the judges like this is not like ancient history for them is that they probably knew about all the other judges that that maybe weren't as significant or maybe just weren't well known and he just mentioning a lot of these different judges okay i mean eli wasn't mentioned you know or in his list there's probably a reason but uh anyway um going off from that go to first samuel chapter 12 and again uh we saw that obviously his uh samuel's sons and the fact that they were taking bribes and they were greedy a filthy lucre and all this stuff they weren't fit for the office of being judges but that was one reason you could see why they're asking for a king but then in verse 12 here we see a reason that we've already mentioned and all that is is in verse 12 it says and when you saw that nash the king of the children of ammon came against you you said unto me nay but a king shall reign over us when the lord your god was your king so it's kind of like a couple of that as far as like okay this leadership that's coming up it's bad they're they're extorting us but also like who's gonna save us from these right he's gonna save us from this this this army that's coming against us so in chapter third or chapter 12 verse 13 here samuel is going to give charges to israel as far as obeying the word of lord now this is very important when you understand saul's downfall saul's downfall is that he does not keep the commandment of god perfectly is that he kind is it's kind of like a half in type of keeping the commandment he's like he's he's kind of doing it but he's not doing it fully and it's he it's all or nothing either it's kind of like you either don't commit murder or you committed murder right it's like one or the other right you don't just kind of commit murder like i kind of killed that guy no you either killed him or you didn't right and when it comes to the to the the word of the lord and it comes the commandments of god you know this is something that's either you keep it or you don't and you need to keep it to the letter and verse 13 it says now therefore behold the king whom you have chosen and whom you have desired and behold the lord has set a king over you if notice i want you to see this if then statement okay if you will fear the lord and serve him and obey his voice and not rebel against the commandment of the lord so notice there's four things that are mentioned there right fear the lord serve him obey his voice and don't rebel against the commandment of the lord right so obeying the voice of the lord and not rebelling against the commandment are kind of coupled together right it's just one's kind of a positive the other one's a negative it's kind of like the idea of like keeping the commandment or not breaking the commandment one's a positive statement of doing it one's a negative statement of doing it or you know of keeping it but so that's the if statement right fear the lord serve him obey his voice and not rebelling against the commandment of the lord then so here's what happens if you do that then both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the lord your god now at first glance you're like isn't that the same isn't that like the same thing how's that an if then statement here's what it's dealing with here because usually you say like then you'll be blessed then you'll have this right you know what's this is stating is that if you do this then you're following the lord you know what that means is if you don't do those you're not following the lord and there's a lot of people out there that call themselves followers of jesus right they'll put on their profile i'm not i'm not a uh it's like i'm not a christian i'm a follower of jesus right but these are the same people a lot of times that are saying don't put me onto the law brother i'm under grace and it's just all this idea of like you know i don't want to hear about the law i don't want to hear about the nitty-gritty i don't want to hear about the minutia now here's the thing if you want to be a follower of jesus then you need to keep the minutia of the law you need to keep his commandments you need to fear him serve him obey his voice and don't rebel against his commandment and if you don't do that then guess what that doesn't apply you're not continuing and following in the lord there's a lot of people that are saying i'm following the lord i'm a follower of jesus and they're a liar because you know we know that we know him if we keep his commandments and we know that we abide in him if we keep his commandments right and let me just show you just some verses in the new testament because this is old testament a new testament right obviously we're in the old testament when you're dealing with first samuel but this is across the board always been the case it's always been salvation by grace through faith it's always been by in the lord calling upon the name of lord for salvation it's always been that way not by works but it's also always been the fact that if you're going to follow the lord you must keep his commandments if you're going to be a follower of him and if you're not keeping his commandments then you're not following him it's as simple as that now it doesn't say that you must follow the lord in order to be saved that's what the bible doesn't say okay now in the new testament the term disciple is used a lot when it's when we're talking about this and people can confuse those things they think of salvation are being being saved and they equate that with disciple and that's wrong salvation is by faith being a disciple on the other hand is after you're saved and you're keeping his commandments that's why it says you cannot be my disciple unless you take up your cross daily and follow me unless you're you know basically you love father you love me more than father and mother and going down the line that that is a prerequisite and in order to doing that but let me just show you some verses on this go to john chapter 8 verse 31 john chapter 8 verse 31 and i'll just finish what it says in first samuel 12 15 it says but if you will not obey the voice of the lord but rebel against the commandment of the lord then shall the hand of the lord be against you as it was against your fathers you're either abiding with him and walking with him or you're he's against you and you're against him it's an if-then statement and this is very pertinent because again right now saul is really good right yeah we haven't seen anything negative about saul have we i mean i guess you could say that like when he was called up he should have just went up there you know when they were going to make him king but honestly he didn't it seems like he didn't want the job and obviously he was little in his own eyes and all that but in the end at this point sauls is great you know it seems like everything's going well but what samuel is farewell address states is really the problem that saul has which is that he does not completely keep the word of lord and the sin of rebellion and stubbornness is really where saul messes up and notice how it couples not just them but the king right because it says it says specifically both ye and also the king that reigneth over you right so like the king's not excluded from this actually how much more shall the king be in this because we saw the requirements of the king the king had to what he had to scribe out the book of the law and then he needed to read it day and night why because if you're if you have to keep the commandments you need to know them and you and to know them you need to read them and to read them you have to have it written down right and we don't i mean you say why were they they're writing it down i think it's still good practice to write it down because it's going to help you it's going to help you know it but either way they didn't have the printing press back then so head scribe it down and and john chapter 8 verse 31 it says then said jesus to those jews which believed on him if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so notice that in order to be his disciples you have to continue his word does it say in order to be saved you can do it and continue in his word no believe it on the lord jesus christ now shall be saved he that believeth in the sun hath everlasting life but if you want to be a disciple though here's the if then you want to be a disciple you need to continue in his word go to john chapter 15 and john chapter 15 is all about abiding in christ abiding in the vine this is not talking about losing your salvation this is talking about a christian being a disciple or not being a disciple a christian abiding in christ or not abiding in christ but listen if you don't abide in christ you're still saved if you believed on christ but you don't abide in the vine you know what that means you're not going to be fruitful but you're still saved and this is something that we need to recognize is that after we get saved the commandments we're not to just partially try to keep the commandments we're supposed to holistically keep the commandments obviously there's commandments that have been done away with that are customary and all that right things that were pictured things like the sabbath day and dietary laws there's there's a lot of stuff that was done away but moral law doesn't go away if it was wrong to murder back in the old testament it's wrong to murder now and that doesn't go away because uh we're in the new testament actually in the new testament we're actually more accountable because we have the holy ghost living inside of us and our body is the temple of the holy ghost so therefore we're actually more accountable for any type of moral sin that we would commit and that's another sermon for another day but in verse 7 here so john chapter 15 verse 7 emma sit down and don't get up again sorry guys my kids are just like wired tonight i don't know what's going on john chapter 15 and verse 7 it says if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you here and is my father glorified that you bear much fruit so shall you be my disciples so bearing much fruit is proving that you're his disciples and this isn't talking about coming to church and you know i'm bearing fruit because i'm going to church no the fruit of the righteous is the tree of life and he that win his souls is wise the fruit of the righteous is another saved person another christian and it's saying if you bear much fruit then shall you be my disciples indeed all right my disciples and notice what it says in verse 9 it says as the father has loved me so have i loved you and can continue you in my love if you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love even as i have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love these things have i spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full this is my commandment that you love one another as i have loved you greater love hath no man than this uh that a man that a man laid out his life for his friends you're my friends if you do whatsoever command you so notice it's not saying that you're saved it's not saying that you do this that you're saved he's saying this that that your joy may be full that you're his disciples that you abide in his love all of this is something that is the if then right you want to be a disciple if you want to be a disciple then what you have to do is you have to abide in the vine to abide in the vine is to keep his commandments whosoever abideth in him sinneth not the bible says well how do i not sin sin is the transgression against the law well how do i not transgress the law you keep the law right it's really that simple you keep his commandments you don't transgress the law you don't sin you're abiding in him and listen if you're out there if you're winning someone to christ you're abiding in the vine because you cannot bring forth fruit of yourself you have to be abiding in the vine to win somebody so if you ever wonder you know soul owners out there you're like have i ever abided in the vine if you won someone to christ yes does that mean that you if you didn't win does that mean that you have to be winning someone to abide in the vine no i'm just saying that that is unequivocal proof that you've abided in the vine at one point in order to win somebody because there's no way that you can bring forth fruit of yourself so and obviously you can abide in the vine just standing here right i mean like you're not winning somebody but you're just not you're not like openly sinning and here's the thing is everybody just always abiding in the vine no because the bible says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us we have the flesh and we're going to sin but here's here's the idea is that we try to abide in the vine as much as we can and to put off the flesh put off the old man don't abide in the flesh abide in the spirit right whole nother sermon for another day but you know i i just think that's interesting on how this is this has been a concept from the very beginning hey you want to continue in the lord do you want to be walking in the lord you want to be abiding with the lord you want the lord to be with you and not against you keep his commandments fear god pay his voice don't rebel against his commandments i mean that's essentially just as simple as it gets it's not hard to understand but sometimes it's hard to do right it's a simple thing to understand like here's the commandments don't break them and there are commandments that are going to be hard just because you had the flesh and it's going to be hard to keep that commandment because sin is pleasurable for a season if it wasn't then we wouldn't do it now in first samuel chapter 12 verse 16 samuel's going to prove or have god prove to israel that asking for a king was wrong okay and i think this is very interesting that he's just making a point that hey this was sin for you to ask for a king in verse 16 it says now therefore stand and see this great thing which the lord will do before your eyes is it not wheat harvest today now the thing is that he's basically like there's going to be this sign there's going to be this thing is going to be done and he's kind of setting it up is it not wheat harvest now think about it when is harvest but in the fall right and there's a first i don't have it on my notes but it talks about like rain and harvest and how that's like uncombly it's kind of like not doesn't really do much for you but the idea of i want you to think about this too there's going to be thunder that's going to happen and you don't usually in this time when it's cold you don't usually have thunder it doesn't mean it doesn't happen i've been out hunting and like heard thunder and then it just starts sleeting and you're just like what was that all about it happens i'm not saying it doesn't happen but i'm just saying it's kind of out of the ordinary and it's kind of the idea that i believe he's getting across here is that he's going to do this great thing and he's kind of making a point that this would be out of the ordinary for this to happen i think it's above and beyond though i don't think it's just that they hear thunder like oh man there's thunder i think it's going to be something that's extreme but it's kind of like it's extreme but it's also just out of place of when it would normally happen so it says is it not wheat harvest today it is not wheat harvest today i will call on the onto the lord and he shall send thunder and rain that you may perceive and see that your wickedness is great which you have done in the sight of the lord in asking you a king so he's making a point that it was wicked for them to ask the king and he's basically stating like when you hear this you're going to know that it's right that i'm right that that samuel that it was wicked for you to ask for a king in verse 18 so samuel called unto the lord and the lord sent thunder and rain that day and all the people greatly feared the lord and samuel now i want you to think about this i mean if you just heard thunder i mean i mean it would be kind of miraculous if i just said hey listen if the lord thunders right after i say this then you're going to know what i said is true if it thunders you can see a lot of people like that's a coincidence right that's just that's just by chance that happened you know whatever some people will probably be like what in the world i think that this was more than just some thunder i think this you're probably dealing with some really massive thunder for them to be like yeah i mean what he says yeah he's right it's it was sin it was sin for us to ask for a king so they're obviously afraid because of that and in verse 19 it says and all the people said unto samuel pray for thy servants unto the lord thy god that we die not for we have added unto all our sins this evil to ask us a king now i want you to think about this the the they're not only realizing that it was sin for them to ask a king but they're realizing that they have other sins too right notice that they're saying that they've added this to our sins so they're kind of coming to terms with like hey we messed up and we we've already messed up before we even asked for a king it says and samuel said unto the people fear not you have done all this wickedness yet turn not aside from following the lord but serve the lord with all your heart and turn you not aside for then or i'm sorry for then should you go after vain things which cannot profit nor deliver for they are vain who's he talking about i don't know bale astaroth all these gods that they keep going back and forth with throughout the throughout the whole book of judges and so he's he's basically don't fear as long as you just follow the lord and you just get rid of this garbage get rid of these idols and just follow the lord keep his commandments everything's gonna be fine and really it's as simple as that you want to be in favor with the lord keep his commandments just follow the lord just do what you should be doing you're like that's easier said than done pastor but listen what you have to think about is the fact that is it worth taking the chance of breaking the commandments and not being on god's side if god be forced who can be against us but if god be against us who can save us that's what you have to really think about especially when we live in this wicked world where there's all kinds of perilous stuff that's out there there's all kinds of things that can hurt you and your family what more of a time would you want to have the lord on your side and you say what what gets the lord on my side keeping his commandments not breaking his commandments you say well which ones you know which one do i focus focus on the big ones don't kill anybody right don't commit adultery don't steal you know don't don't bear false witness don't covet don't take the name of the lord god in vain don't have idols you know don't worship other gods you know like that's pretty simple yeah keep those okay you say well that's that's pretty simple yeah but here's the thing what we deal with out in the world is a lot of adulterers a lot of liars a lot of robbers don't be those guys because if you're a christian and you suffer as a murderer and as busybody and other men's matters and an evildoer then you're not gonna have the lord on your side are you saved yes of course it's just by faith but we're talking about the lord being on your side the lord fighting your enemies what's this whole pastor talking about why they even asked for a king because they wanted a king to fight their battles for them you want the lord to be your king to fight the battles for you then you need to keep his commandments start with the big ones that are pretty basic right then you can go down the line and look at all the the minutia and go down the line as far as okay here's what he wants me to do here he wants me to go out and preach the gospel to every creature he wants me to be in church and not forsake the assembly he wants me to read my bible every day he wants you know what i mean like you can go down the line about all the things that that we should be doing but in the end to start off with a basic don't hurt people you know what i mean love your neighbor as yourself and if you're doing something that's going to hurt your neighbor then you're not loving them and you're probably breaking the command okay now uh keep reading there uh in verse uh uh verse 22 it says for the lord will not forsake his people for his great name's sake because it hath pleased the lord to make you his people and by the way this applies to us because we are israel you know there's this zionist garbage that's out there right now that basically says no these christ rejecting jews over there or in new york or in hollywood there are god's chosen people and all these promises apply to them let me ask you a question are they keeping their his commandments they're not even saved they reject both the father and the son these promises belong to us because now the abraham and his seed were the promises made he set not into seasons of many but as of one into thy seed which is christ and if you be in christ then are you abraham seed and heirs according to the promise so guess what these promises that he's talking to israel about this applies to us in the new testament whether jew or gentile and so this is pertinent to us especially in a perilous times that we're in that hey you want god on your side he's not going to forsake you and verse 23 it says moreover ask for me ask for me god forbid that i should sin against the lord in ceasing to pray for you but i will teach you the good in the right way only fear the lord and serve him in truth but with all your heart to consider how great things he had done for you but if ye shall still do wickedly ye shall be consumed both you ye and your king i love i mean think about samuel's heart here i mean he's old he's gray-headed he's kind of like the mantle's going on to the king they asked for him to pray for them and he he's basically putting on himself he's like god forbid that i should sin and ceasing to pray for you and i think about this with the leadership that he's still still like going at he's still like in that position of leadership that he's going to be that prophet he's going to be that teacher and he's even saying i will teach you the good in the right way notice how he's like i'm not you know you have your king now but he's like i'm still gonna i'm still gonna be here for you right he's like i'm old but i'll be here for you and really when it talks about him judging all the days of his life i mean that is true and you think about the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much that when you have samuel saying that he's gonna pray for you that's a big deal and you think about the fact the bible says pray without ceasing and that's taken to another level you know it's like that i'm sinning if i don't pray for you right and as a as leaders spiritual leaders i think we need to have it that to that case as far as hey we need to be praying for uh those in our church and we need we pray for one another and obviously if any if there's any faults we want to get them right with the lord so that they're not in some cases even at death you know that could take place because of someone's sins and so that compassion that samuel still has for them it's kind of like though i mean obviously sam is going to be brought up he's going to go anoint david later on he's dealing with saul and and and samuel is going to be you know mentioned later on here but it's kind of like this farewell where he's just like but i still care about you i'm still going to be there for you even though he's basically being replaced with this king and you know they they picked this king over the lord that samuel still has this compassion for them and samuel is a very compassionate person because he's he's he's sad about when saul messes up where the lord has to be like how long are you gonna you know weep over saul you know go anoint david and i'm paraphrasing but i'm just saying that samuel's a very compassionate guy he's very loving guy but i also love samuel because he's an old man and he's still sticking to his guns and how many uh of the older generation when it comes to christians just fall off the wagon they go liberal they you know they they just they just lose it i i don't know i don't know what happens and listen wherefore let him to take uh wherefore let him to think that he's staying to take heed lest he fall i'm saying this because i don't want that to be me i don't want it to be like solomon that did all these great things and then then he has like a thousand wives obviously that's not gonna happen but a thousand wives you know like all those things and then he just falls off at the end of his life and you see that over and over again these great kings and these great prophets and and and those that just end horribly but samuel doesn't he ends on a good note from his youth to when he's gray-headed he's just following the lord and he's praying for those that need prayer and he's teaching those the right way all the way to the end and would the god we as christians can do that listen you know what the bible says to be faithful unto death obviously you can think about that as being a martyr right being put to death for the cause of christ but how about be faithful unto death even in old age because the bible talks about basically going to the grave you know like your whore head going to the grave talking about like gray hair but it also talks about like being going to the grave in blood you know like with the sword so when it comes to being faithful unto death that can just be like hey i for all my life was faithful unto the lord and i was you know after the right way had good doctrine and didn't just fall off the wagon and i feel like there's a lot of uh christians that have been uh uh spurned burnt i don't know how you really explain this but by preachers that used to be on fire for the lord and then they just fell off and they became liberal or they got into false doctrine and then you're just like what are we doing why are we even doing this like who am i it's the idea is that you need some men of god to follow in the lord and i love seeing older men i love seeing young men that are fired up for the lord that are zealous for things of god don't get me wrong you know what i really love seeing older men that are still doing it that are just like i've been doing this for 50 years and i'm still going at it i still have good doctrine i still believe the gospel by you know by salvation by grace through faith you can't lose your salvation and still about that there's one guy that uh the arnold yankee guy um i think he's down in florida and he he's like an older guy and i watched a sermon by him his gospel presentation is fantastic i mean crystal clear and his his um i listened to a sermon where he was talking about the new man and the old man and i'm like where have you been you know i mean like being like this guy's on point meaning like i've been in baptist churches before i ever started church i've been baptist churches that they couldn't talk they couldn't explain that to you if their life depended on it and he was just like explaining it better than i've ever heard anybody explain it i'm like you put any sermon i put out there to shame on how good you explained that like how fantastic and well put together you put that and and he's an older guy but i just love him you know what i mean i love that guy because i just i'm just like yes there is a remnant of that past generation that has not given up that did not just let it fall off the wayside that still says that's the good doctrine sticking to his guns and and basically all those repentance of sins garbage preachers out there he's just like passed them by and he's just still going strong i love seeing that and when you read through the bible you see constantly that that's usually not what happens samuel's one of those guys samuel's one of those guys that he he was faithful to the end and i want to be like samuel and pray and you know i pray that that brother uh brother arnold you know so he stays strong to the very end i think he's going to okay you know but uh but also you know i want to be like that i want to be at the end i want to be like 85 years old 84 84 years old okay i want to be 84 years old and i'm still up here saying that salvation is by grace through faith and repentance of sins is work salvation i want to be like curtis hudson that was up there before he died of cancer that was ripping face against repenting of your sins and that was that's preached in the gospel crystal clear and has good doctrine that's a goal and when you think of samuel and his farewell address if you will kind of that he's dealing with here is that he's a good man that just ended on a good note and he's not even done you know he's still going but let's end with a word of prayer doing heavenly father we thank you for today thank you for your word thank you for the book of first samuel and lord i pray that you'd help me to preach it correctly and to obviously to help others to apply these passages to our lives and lord we thank you for stories where we can look up the men of god and try to emulate them try to be like them and follow you as they followed you and lord just help us to be that way help us to be faithful until the end help us to continue to increase in learning and wisdom and lord to love you and to abide in you and lord we love you in parallax in jesus christ name amen but they will come and sing one more song and then we'll be dismissed all right take your song books and turn to song 155 song 155 you would stand we'll sing doxology song 155 praise god from whom all blessings flow praise him all creatures here below praise him above ye heavenly host praise father son and holy ghost you're dismissed