(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . Good evening, everyone. Welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church. Take your song books and turn to song 227. Song 227. We'll sing Saved by the Blood. If you would stand. We'll sing song 227. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Now ransom from sin and a new word begun. Sing praise to the father and praise to the son. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Saved, saved. My sins are all part and my guilt is all gone. Saved, saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. The angels rejoicing because it is done. A child of the father joined air with the son. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Saved, saved. My sins are all part and my guilt is all gone. Saved, saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. The father he spake it was done. Great prize of my pardon his own precious son. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Saved, saved. My sins are all part and my guilt is all gone. Saved, saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. All hail to the father, all hail to the son. All hail to the spirit, the great three and one. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Saved, saved. My sins are all part and my guilt is all gone. Saved, saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we just want to thank you God just for today and the service this morning and also the souls that were saved this afternoon. Pray Lord for the men and ladies that are in Belize. God I pray that you would just lead them to the people that want to hear. Help them to see many people saved as they're over there for a week or so. I pray that you would bless the service tonight. In Jesus' name we ask all of it. Amen. Alright and if you would take your song books and turn to song number 56. Song number 56 in your song books. We'll sing When We All Get to Heaven song number 56. When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory. While we walk the pilgrim's pathway clouds will overspread the sky. But when traveling days are over not a shadow, not a lie. When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory. Let us then be true and faithful trusting, serving every day. Just one glimpse of him in glory will the toils of every pain. When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory. Onward to the prize before us soon his beauty will be hold. Soon the pearly gates will open. We shall tread the streets of gold when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory. Amen, so welcome back to Mountain Baptist Church on this Sunday evening and just some announcements here pretty much the same as what we had this morning be in prayer for anybody that's not feeling well obviously that can't make it today. Be in prayer for all those that are in Belize on the missions trip and so praying for many souls to get saved but we're also praying for their safety and obviously safe travels and all that. And upcoming events really what we got on the bulletin right now is just some prayer meetings but when we get into September just remember the soul winning marathon that we're going to be doing I believe it's the 11th or 12th whichever one is Saturday. So that's Saturday and then we're going to have our anniversary service there. And so as far as service times everything is the same on here our chapter memory Galatians chapter 3 Philippians 1 23 is our memory verse for the week and then the soul winning times again this week if you want to do soul winning during the week just get on the whatsapp and see who's available who can go out and stuff like that and then next week our regional soul winning times or not next week it will probably be the week after that really when it will be back to normal I think right? When are they coming back? This Sunday? Oh ok well then yeah when they come back maybe it will be back to normal but maybe give them a little bit of time to recuperate and all that so besides that just on the pregnancy list there just be in prayer for all the ladies that are pregnant and I think that's it as far as announcements who's reading tonight? Brother Shane? So Dave is going to be singing one more song and Brother Shane is going to be reading Matthew chapter 1 for us Alright take your songbooks and turn to song number 29 song number 29 in your songbooks we'll sing At the Cross song number 29 At the Cross Where by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day Was it for crimes that I have done he groaned upon the tree Amazing pity grace unknown and love beyond degree At the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away It was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day Well might the sun in darkness hide and shut his glories in When Christ the mighty maker died for man the creatures sin At the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away It was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day But drops of grief can ne'er repay the debt of love I owe Here Lord I give myself away Tis all that I can do At the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away It was there by faith I received my sight now I am happy all the day All right take your Bibles and turn to Matthew chapter number one. Matthew chapter number one we'll have brother Shane come and read that for us Matthew chapter one if you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen If you found your place say amen Eliakim and Eliakim begot Azor and Azor begot Sadok and Sadok begot Achim and Achim begot Eliud Eliud begot Eliezer Eliezer begot Mathen and Mathen begot Jacob Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise when as his mother Mary was a spouse to Joseph before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Ghost then Joseph her husband being a just man and not willing to make her a public example was minded to put her away privately but while he thought on these things behold the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream saying Joseph thou son of David fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost and she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins now all that this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of by the Lord by the prophet saying behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him and he took unto him his wife and he knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son and he called his name Jesus let us pray dear heavenly father Lord I pray that you just fill our pastor with your spirit help us to be edified tonight Lord in your word Jesus name Amen so you're there in Matthew chapter 1 and we are continuing our study if you will we're going through these 101 Bible contradictions supposedly and we're going to be covering some more of these we actually kind of just stopped where this list was going through the so called contradictions between Matthew 1 and Luke 3 and obviously we saw that it's two different genealogies Matthew 1 is dealing with Joseph's genealogy and Luke 3 is dealing with Mary's genealogy so once you realize that it definitely helps a lot of these so called contradictions if you will but the next one we went up to 27 we're on 28 so we already kind of saw some other ones with the so called contradictions in genealogy but this one is who was the father of Shealtiel you're in Matthew chapter 1 and verse 12 there it says and after they were brought to Babylon Jeconias begat Zelathiel and Zelathiel begat Zerubbabel so the Shealtiel is talking about Zelathiel and actually this list of names is just so much it's kind of like Elijah and Elias and Elisha is like Elisias in the New Testament so some of these in here you're like who is that and then you realize oh that's like Hezekiah is like Ezekiel and it's just different anyway but all that has to do with languages and how you transliterate names from one language to another but that being said is that Zelathiel is who we're talking about here and it says that Jeconias begat Zelathiel go to Luke chapter 3 and verse 27 so Luke chapter 3 and verse 27 it says and I'm just starting in the middle of this genealogy just for sake of time so I don't want to go through this whole thing so it's going back from Mary's father Heli but it says which was the son of Joanna which was the son of Reza which was the son of Zerubbabel which was the son of Zelathiel which was the son of Neri now we already know that these are two different genealogies but first of all this could be the answer because they're saying well is it Jeconias and we're talking about remember Jehoiachin and Jeconiah, Coniah that's the guy we're talking about the one that was taken away captive in the Babylon and then he was actually brought up out of captivity in his 37th year all that stuff that's who we're talking about there we're talking about he reigned for like 3 months was taken captive all that right but Neri is not, I don't believe it's Jeconiah but at the same time first of all Zelathiel and Zerubbabel could be two different people in this line and what you see is that in Luke once you go from David to Nathan you see a clear deviation from that line from David back it's all the same that you see in Matthew but from David down Nathan then it goes into these other names this could be a difference of Zelathiel and a difference of Zerubbabel now I personally believe that this is the same as Zelathiel and the same as Zerubbabel now you say well how does this work well if anybody has done a family tree you went on ancestry.com or something like that and you were down here where you're at right then you have your mother and your father then you have two grandparents each so each person has two grandfathers so when you're going back it's kind of like you're talking about the fact that Heli is the father-in-law to Joseph so if you went back let's say you went back father-in-law, father-in-law, father-in-law you can go back through this line but even if you went back to our tree how many different ways could you go just going by men if I were just to go back to I could go back and send it to my grandfather James Henry Robinson I could go back to John Surrick and say that I'm begat or I'm the son of John Surrick which is true because blood wise I'm his grandson then I can go back from that and go to Joseph Surrick and go back that way and then from there on I have no idea who his father was but I could go down the Robinson side but then instead of going to I think it's James Henry Senior the other James I could go off into the other grandfather so the other grandfather of my grandfather and so this tree kind of goes out and just webs out here so you can be going like this through your genealogy and you'd be fine if you're thinking about how you would go back who's your ancestor and obviously that would all go back to Adam so I personally believe that what's going on here is that it's kind of this genealogy is going back and forth through all the grandfathers of who Jesus would have blood from and it's kind of weaving back and through so it shows you that actually he is a descendant as far as obviously we're talking about fleshly speaking of Zerubbabel and Zelathiel but he's not a descendant of Solomon he's of Nathan but he is a descendant of David in both genealogies that's true and you say what's the point why are you saying it's important I think it's interesting that when you look at these names those are the only two names that you see after Nathan that are of any resemblance to basically to Matthew chapter 1 the thing that we're going to see is about Jehoiakim and why that's important Jehoiakim was cursed and I believe that's why that line is not the blood that's running through Jesus veins when he was here on the earth but Zerubbabel it's interesting that he is in that line he's in Mary's line and he's in Joseph's line and why is that important go to Haggai chapter 2 I already answered to you why that's not a contradiction so now we're on to a reason why this is cool that Zerubbabel is in there or why this is very interesting that Zerubbabel is in Mary's genealogy as well which is if you look at Luke chapter 3 that's where he gets his blood if you think of blood line that's what Jesus had was in Luke chapter 3 Matthew chapter 1 is just a fact by law by marriage he gets that genealogy but it's not blood genealogy okay and Haggai chapter 2 verse 23 notice what it says it says in that day said the Lord of hosts will I take thee O Zerubbabel my servant the son of Shealtiel said the Lord and will make thee as a signet for I have chosen thee said the Lord of hosts now if you know the story you have Joshua the son of Josadak and then you have Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel Zerubbabel is the governor he's like the leader of Judah or Jerusalem at that time right Joshua the son of Josadak is the high priest and we know that Jesus is both king and priest right and so when you look at Haggai and Zechariah and that whole timeline there of like Ezra and Nehemiah these two men are pictures of Jesus I don't think anybody would ever deny that Joshua the son of Josadak is a picture of Jesus I mean when you go through Zechariah it's very clear that he's a picture of Jesus but Zerubbabel I believe is as well so you have two men one's a governor one's a high priest well Jesus is both so these two men are representing something that Jesus was going to be you know like as far as fleshly speaking he was going to be the high priest after the order of Melchizedek but he's also going to be this governor that the Bible says here he is my chosen he's a signet go to Zechariah chapter 4 Zechariah chapter 4 and so what they think is a contradiction I see is something very interesting and why that's in there right because you know it skipped around if you think about this it skipped around if you think of Josiah Josiah had Jehoiakim and then he had Jeconiah okay and the genealogy where Jesus gets his bloodline skipped around Jehoiakim and picked up Zerubbabel right because Jehoiakim is going to be cursed but Zerubbabel is being blessed and basically almost like a prophetic thing saying about Zerubbabel but it kind of weaved around him to where he's related to him but he's not related to you know it's very interesting on how the genealogy works there where was I at Zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 the hand shall also finish it and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts has sent me unto you for who hath despised the day of small things for they shall rejoice and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven they are the eyes of the Lord which run to and fro through the whole earth now for sake of time I'm not going to get too deep into this but when it's talking about these seven eyes you know which are the seven spirits of God in Revelation it talks about when they see Jesus he has seven eyes and those seven eyes are the seven lamps before the throne of God which are the seven spirits of God and Zerubbabel is basically a man that was there at that time but he was used as a picture or an allegory of what Jesus was going to do so that's just interesting on how Luke 3 that genealogy it talks about Zerubbabel but it takes out Jehoiakim now the next one go back to Matthew chapter 1 Matthew chapter 1 and Luke 3 there this one is going to be real easy it basically says which son of Zerubbabel was an ancestor of Jesus Christ okay so Matthew 1 verse 13 it says Abiad and in Luke 3 27 says now what they'll say is well none of these neither one of these is in 1 Chronicles it's because they have multiple names so basically all this is is the fact that there's when you're reading through this do you see the differences on how names are spelled and even stated in here when you're dealing with the New Testament the Old Testament but also the fact is that you're just dealing with different names and they don't have to be the same person like I said Luke 3 and Matthew 1 are different people so I believe it's probably different sons you know the different sons of Zerubbabel that are actually mentioned the next one is who was the father of Uzziah go to Matthew chapter 1 and verse 8 Matthew chapter 1 and verse 8 it says and Asa begat Jehoshaphat and Jehoshaphat begat Joram and Joram begat Ozias so Ozias is Uzziah and it's saying in Matthew 1 they're saying well Joram is his father but then if you go to 2 Chronicles or if you just go back to the Kings and look at this Amaziah is his father and which one is it? Both basically what you see with this genealogy is that there's people missing from it so when you look at Joram you have Jehoshaphat Joram you remember Joram's son and we kind of talked about this with another contradiction of like did he reign at 22 years or 42 years then you had the whole debacle with Athaliah and they killed all of the seed royal and Joash actually reigned he was the one that was saved so it was actually Joram Aaziah Joash then Amaziah and those three are actually missing from the genealogy in Matthew they're just not mentioned but here's the thing it is true that Jotham begat Uzziah because he's a great grandfather to him Amaziah was his father and Joash was his grandfather and that means or great great grandfather so yeah so Amaziah was his father Joash was his grandfather then Aaziah was his great grandfather and then it goes back to Joram so you see this all the time in the Bible where it says Abraham our father okay our father Abraham if you think anybody's thinking like so you're saying that Abraham literally begat you with Sarah right no it's just the fact that obviously if we say our four fathers we're talking about the fact that obviously they're way back grandfathers but you're not going to be like my great great great great we're Abraham's great great great great great great great great great great great great and just go on Lipsis father now you're just going to say Abraham our father because you don't want to obviously give that detail of the fact of how far down the line is he so both these are true the reason I'm saying this is that Joram is his father in a sense but he's not the one that physically like begat him but here's the thing without Joram there would be no Uzziah right because obviously he's in that line and so see how silly these are when you really get back down into this where they're just like grasping at straws same one same thing same logic who was the father of Jeconiah was it Josiah or Jehoiakim so in Matthew chapter 1 again Jehoiakim's not mentioned now it could also be because Jehoiakim was cursed you know and I'm going to get to that in a later one but there's a reason Jehoiakim's not even mentioned even though obviously he's in that line he's not mentioned it's interesting who is mentioned in the genealogy you know you think of Rahab the harlot's mentioned you think of Uriah is mentioned right because it talks about how Solomon was born of her that had been the wife of Uriah so Bathsheba wasn't even mentioned but Uriah was because like God is remembering Uriah in this because it was obviously his wife and then you know the whole adultery thing was mentioned in there or basically being alluded to that hey this was Uriah's wife and you know it was mentioned in that genealogy but then other people were excluded you say why was Joash excluded maybe because he killed Jehoiada's son you know Zacharias son of Barakas you know like the whole thing where I'm going to require the blood from Abel to Zacharias like that happened under Joash do I need to say why Ahaziah is not mentioned in it? you know but there's reasons why there's certain people mentioned in genealogy but it doesn't negate the fact that they beget him you could say that Abraham begat David and you'd be right so how many generations were there from Babylon the Babylonian exile unto Christ so in Matthew chapter 1 here you see that from Abraham to David there's 14 generations from David to the carrying away of Babylon are 14 generations from the carrying away of Babylon unto Christ are 14 generations and what they are saying is that well when you count them up when you count the generations from the carrying away of Babylon unto Jesus it's only 13 it's not 14 well Jehoiachim's not mentioned in that genealogy but also even if you look before that there's certain people that aren't mentioned so the question is how are the generations being counted? and when you see how people reign one year and the next person reigns and there's actually an overlap of generations and the reason for that is because they had so many children that you'd have like basically you'd have one person people were being born but then other people you ever hear the fact of someone being your uncle and they're actually younger than your children? because let's say you have a bunch of children let's say I'll use the Gandy's as an example let's say Lily gets married you know and then she ends up having kids and then they still are having kids like Dave and Tabi are still having kids and I'm not saying this is going to happen I'm just saying this happens it happens with big families or families that have kids later on they kind of have a gap between them but then the older kids end up getting married and the other thing is that you can have a case where you actually have this kind of like weird situation where you have like this you're almost like overlapping a generation or whatever or basically there's more generations than you actually think you're seeing there because of that depending on who reigned and all that so just by counting names I don't believe is the way that you're going to end up necessarily getting that just because of how convoluted those generations were back then so you may have more people and then less generations being counted or less people and more generations counted just depending on how that works and I don't want to get too complicated with the generations part of it because generation is not the amount of time it's basically when someone's born so like usually the timeframe would be if you said well what's one generation it would be like well my dad was 29 when he had me so that would be one generation but the question you have to ask well how does a generation work if you have like 10 kids you started it when you were like 25 but then you ended when you were like 35 I don't know I'm just saying like you having one kid a year so you ended when you were 45 and the idea is well when's that generation if you were looking at that family where's the generation between them because you have such a gap between the first child that's born then the last child that's born and you have this huge amount of time from the last child that's being born then the first one so I don't want to get too complicated with that but it really comes down to this first of all there could be people that aren't mentioned we already see that happen and really from once you go past the rubble there's no real information like biblically speaking of who's born after that really in Matthew chapter 1 I don't know who these people are the only reason we know about who these people are like Joseph's father Jacob we wouldn't know who that guy is from any other portion of scripture same thing with before that you know there's like Eleazar there's an Eleazar in the Bible but it's not who they're talking about here meaning that there could be just someone missing from that genealogy that's being given there on purpose I'm sure but that being said it's not a contradiction here's the thing when the Bible says there's 14 generations from Abraham to David I believe there's 14 generations from Abraham to David and when there's 14 generations from David to the captivity I believe there's 14 generations between that and same thing to Jesus and what they're doing is just counting the names they're counting the names and saying well here's 14 but here's 13 and like I said there's a little more to that the next one I've answered this one before but I'm going to do it again because I'm going through them all go to Luke chapter 3 Luke chapter 3 and basically this is where they'll say that the Texas Receptus is wrong the Texas Receptus is the received Greek manuscript or text, not manuscript, text that's used Texas Receptus there's all kinds of editions of the Texas Receptus but that being said is that in Luke 3 Canaan is in the genealogy but in all these other ones they don't have it but then when you go to Genesis you don't see his name in the genealogy so in Luke chapter 3 in verse 35 notice what it says and I'm again kind of meeting in the middle of this genealogy but it says which was the son of Zorach which was the son of Regul which was the son of Phalac which was the son of Eber which was the son of Selah which was the son of Canaan which was the son of Arphaxad which was the son of Sem which was the son of Noe which was the son of Lamech so you can see the famous ones there going down the line Arphaxad but then Canaan if you go to Genesis chapter 11 verse 12 notice what it says here Genesis chapter 11 verse 12 it says and Arphaxad lived five and thirty years and begat Selah so when you look at Luke 3 is what they're saying is that it should be from Arphaxad to Selah and Canaan shouldn't be in the mix there and the thing is that what I believe is going on is that Genesis just doesn't mention Canaan by the way I believe I believe the King James Bible but I also believe this isn't even a King James Bible issue this is a straight up Greek text issue because this isn't like well the King James translators put this in there, no that's what the Greek text said and you know what what we're getting is more information that we didn't have in Genesis is it a marvel to you that the New Testament would give you more information than what you had in the Old Testament and you say well how does this work well again we see that the begat there can be gaps in that meaning that it could be the grandfather and you say well okay how does Canaan how would that work because he's 35 years old when he begets Selah what I believe is Arphaxad is the grandfather of Selah meaning Arphaxad was 35 when Selah was born and you say well would that work you know could that actually work well yeah it could if Arphaxad was 17 or 18 years old he'd only have to be 17 or 18 years old to give birth to Canaan and then Canaan would have to be 17 or 18 years old to give birth to Selah so it's actually very possible we don't even have to get back into like 15 years old or how old can someone be before they can have a child that's pretty much, even in our day and age like that's adulthood like people get married at 18 not necessarily like on mass nowadays but I'm just saying like back in the day people got married at 16 all the time you know like you think of your grandparents or even great grandparents they got married at a very young age but 17, 18 is not anywhere out of the realm of actually having a child so basically Canaan for some reason in Genesis is not mentioned but he's mentioned in Luke and I believe Luke 3 is basically giving this exhaustive like every detail like everyone that's in the line is in this going all the way back to Adam and so Genesis for some reason doesn't mention Canaan, now Canaan is a name that's actually earlier in the genealogy and you know they're like well it was just a copy and all this stuff no I believe it should be there I believe that that should be that it's not a mistake and it's not a contradiction when you understand that obviously in a genealogy you can be skipping a generation or skipping a person in that line go to Matthew chapter 11 Matthew chapter 11 this one was was John the Baptist Elijah who was to come and let's just look at this real quick and I'm just going to read this one John 1 21 says this this is John the Baptist speaking it says John asked him what then art thou Elias and he saith I am not art thou that prophet and he answered no then you go to Matthew chapter 11 verse 13 it says for all the prophets and the law prophesied until John and if you will receive it this is Elias which was for to come now off the cuff and I'm going to explain to you how both of these are right I believe John the Baptist is right but here's the thing if you were to pick which one would you pick as far as who has the authority to say whether he's Elias or not Jesus okay so if Jesus says he's Elias he's Elias you know like as far as now I'm going to explain why it's both okay meaning that John the Baptist could say he is Elias but he's also not at the same time and the thing is is that when you look at the Bible people say things but that doesn't mean it's true okay so John said he's not Elias okay but if Jesus said he's Elias then he's Elias you know meaning like if the narrator says that he's this but then he's saying I'm not that then the narrator's right and John the Baptist is wrong okay it's just recording that he said something even in Matthew 17 in verse 10 Jesus is talking about John the Baptist and it says this in verse 10 there and notice that when Jesus says this he's like if you'll receive it you know there's obviously it's not just a straight cut clear like this is the man Elijah like that was in the Old Testament they're basically saying you know the law said Elias should come first but he's saying if you'll receive it you know John's that John's him you know and verse 10 there Matthew 17 verse 10 it says and his disciples asked him saying why then say the scribes that Elias must first come and Jesus answered and said unto them Elias truly shall come first or first come and restore all things but I say unto you that Elias is come already and they knew him not but have done unto him whatsoever they listed likewise shall all shall also the son of man suffer of them then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist okay so Jesus is saying you know Elias has come you know that has been fulfilled and if you'll receive it this is Elias which was for to come you know basically John the Baptist he's saying this is Elias which was for to come well go to Luke chapter 1 Luke chapter 1 and this is how it all fits together so I believe John was right and I believe Jesus was right because it comes down to this is that he wasn't the man Elijah but he wasn't the spirit and power of Elijah and he was fulfilling that scripture that Elijah would come before the great and notable day of the Lord that he was fulfilling that but it is a hard saying it's something that if you'll receive it if you can receive it meaning that it's not you know easily received or it's not as clear cut as you maybe want it to be here's clear cut it's actually Elijah right it's actually Elijah like the person is reincarnated and he's standing here doing this but notice it says in Luke 1 verse 17 dealing with John the Baptist and this is actually the quotation it's quoting from Malachi 4 where it says before the great and terrible day of the Lord come Elijah he will send Elijah the prophet verse 17 and he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just and to make ready a people prepared for the Lord that's the narrator by the way the narrator is stating that John is in the spirit and power of Elias when Jesus is saying this obviously he's saying a hard saying you know and don't because you're like well if he said he's Elijah do you believe that he actually wants you to eat his physical flesh too and drink his physical blood or do you understand that he was using an allegory of his flesh and blood to the word of God okay because the Catholic church takes that hook line in the sinker you know that he's like my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed and they take that to literally mean like his flesh like you're going to chew on his skin or on his muscle or something like that and actually eat him okay like cannibals like cannibalism okay and obviously when he said that that was a hard saying and the same thing he's saying with Elijah he's like this is Elias which is for to come if you'll receive it meaning that it's obviously hard to receive because it's in the spirit and power of Elijah that you're dealing with a dual prophecy that prophecy of Elijah is you have the ultimate fulfillment where Elijah the prophet is going to be here he is going to come and he's going to be here before the day the Lord comes he's going to be one of the two witnesses you're going to have Moses and Elijah and Elijah will physically come as the person Elijah with Moses to be a witness on the earth before Jesus comes in the clouds that will happen but that scripture is also fulfilled in the fact that John the Baptist was in the spirit and power of Elijah when he was on the earth preparing the way of the Lord by the way both of them before the day of the Lord and it is a hard saying that Jesus is saying that this is Elijah but you know what you say well why is it in here like this I think it's awesome that it's in here like this because this explains a passage dealing with what modalism people you know choke on the fact that in Isaiah 9 6 it says that he's going to be called the mighty God the everlasting father talking about Jesus that he's going to be called the everlasting father Jesus said I came in my father's name and you received me not you received me not and so Jesus was not the father but he came in the father's name and he the Bible said he was going to be called the everlasting father so if Jesus calls John the Baptist Elijah and he's not Elijah that makes sense because Jesus is called the everlasting father and he's not the father okay so yeah it's a hard saying and it's something if you'll receive it you know he's basically saying if you'll receive this you know that was John John was Elias which was for to come and so um obviously these people are choking on it because they're not they're spiritually discerned and I can't expect them to understand this but but again the very lowest level John's wrong then you know like if you didn't believe any of what I told you there if you actually think it's John the Baptist like he was literally John the Baptist reincarnated then then John was wrong right John said something that was wrong okay next question so but obviously I think that they're both right you know and it's obviously not a common prediction um go to Jeremiah chapter 36 because the next one they say is would Jesus inherit David's throne and what they're saying is that yes if you look at Luke's genealogy but no if you look at Matthew's genealogy because Jehoiakim is in that line okay even though Jehoiakim's not mentioned in the line but he was skipped over but the reason why is in Jeremiah 36 and verse 30 here Jeremiah 36 and verse 30 it says therefore thus saith the Lord of Jehoiakim king of Judah he shall have none to sit upon the throne of David and his dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat in the night to the frost now first of all I could say this you know that could just be talking about like just in the near future okay meaning that now truly you know there really wasn't I mean there was king Herod and all that stuff later on but there was nothing like that before you know before you know after they came back and all that stuff as far as the kings that they had you know that was kind of after the Babylonian captivity there wasn't really any kings until Jesus obviously is the king of kings and he takes over that throne but that being said here's how it's easily answered the genealogy in Matthew isn't the blood line that Jesus has okay it's Luke so it's no contradiction you know because it goes from David to Nathan it doesn't even go through Solomon to Rehoboam down the line into Jehoiakim but also you know it's always talking about going from David from David to David and Luke's fine Luke 3 is fine and they're just misunderstanding the fact that there's two different genealogies one's for Mary one's for Jesus and you're dealing with Muslims so they don't believe that Joseph wasn't actually his father okay so if I told them there's two different genealogies they'd be like well see one of them though it's like well no there's only one Mary's genealogy is the only one that gave him his humanity okay and just to give you a scripture on that fact that he's gonna you know obviously Luke 1 talks about it that he's gonna inherit the throne that's dealing with actually Isaiah 9 10 but in Psalm 132 verse 11 it says the Lord has sworn in truth unto David he will not turn from it of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne and by the way Muslims that's the Lord all caps Lord Jehovah that's going to set on it says of the fruit of David's body right he's gonna sit upon the throne and by the way that's Jesus when this is quoted in the New Testament it's talking about Christ it's talking about Jesus and so there's a deity verse for you there if you wanna cross reference those but it doesn't ruin anything because Matthew 1 is dealing with Joseph and he wasn't his physical father so you know what that doesn't match it doesn't work out for them on that one go to Matthew chapter 11 and this one is did Jesus ride into Jerusalem or how many animals did he ride on okay so this is when he comes in on the cold the fall of an ass right he's riding into Jerusalem and notice in Mark chapter 11 verse 7 it says and they brought the colt to Jesus and cast their garments on him and he sat upon him and when in that story there's only mention of a colt right in Matthew chapter 21 Matthew chapter 21 verse 6 Matthew 21 verse 6 it says and the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them and brought the ass and the colt and put on their them their clothes and they sat him there on I mean this is what people don't believe I mean this is why you shouldn't believe the Bible because in one gospel it only mentions the colt and in the other gospel it mentions a colt and an ass okay it's obviously there's a colt and an ass okay it's just that Mark only mentions the colt okay he only mentions the colt because that's kind of what's pertinent because of what he's riding on okay but the ass was there too okay and so this is very common in the gospels so this point is going to be brought up a lot when I go to nail down all these so called contradictions is the fact that if it says that there's two people in this one and only one person in this one it's two okay there's two people there it's just that one account only mentions one person and one account only mentions the colt okay now if it said there was only a colt there was nothing else there was no other animal beside him at all then that would be a problem but that's not what it says okay it just says that they got a colt they sat him upon it and he rode into Jerusalem okay the other gospels say that he had a colt and an ass with him and he rode in upon him so no contradiction these are just what you're straining at an at when it comes to this um how about this one this one's just I don't know these ones just make me laugh it said how did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ go to Matthew chapter 16 Matthew chapter 16 Matthew chapter 16 and verse 15 like I said I don't think anybody's looked at this and I actually thought it was a contradiction or ever would think it was a contradiction it's just that people are literally grasping at straws they had to get 101 so they just had to start just picking out stuff that they thought would somehow contradict I think most unsaved people would look at this and be like that's stupid that's dumb you know like I the atheists would probably even look at this and be like uh yeah no we're not going to pick that one okay Matthew 16 verse 15 says and he saith unto them but whom say ye that I am and Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the son of the living God and Jesus answered and said unto them blessed art thou Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven now go to John chapter 1 John chapter 1 John chapter 1 verse 40 John chapter 1 verse 40 it says one of the two which heard John speak and followed him was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother he first findeth his own brother brother Simon and saith unto him we have found the messiahs which is which is being interpreted the Christ well which one is it was it his brother Andrew who told him it was the Christ or was it the heavenly father that told him it was the Christ this is so stupid I can't believe I'm even going to have to explain this okay so obviously his brother said hey here's you know Jesus we believe this is the Christ right what it's talking about in Mark 16 is that Peter actually believes he is the Christ right and the idea here is that the only way that's going to be revealed to you is obviously by the word of God okay faith coming by hearing and hearing by the word of God and that it doesn't matter how many people came to you and said this is the Christ this is the Christ for Peter to say I know that thou art the Christ the son of the living God you know that's what that's talking about it's not talking about like I had no idea anybody thought you were the Christ I had no idea you know he's not saying that because the whole point is is that he's they're saying he's saying who do men say that I am and he's like you know the Christ, Elias you know I'm going down the list the prophet but he says whom say ye that I am so he's asking a specific question his brother Andrew said this is the Christ but did you see Peter saying it was the Christ no he just said hey this is the Christ and Peter you know went with him or whatever but this is the case where Peter's saying you are the Christ and the thing is is that he's saying that because he truly believes it and he's stating that it's the father that's revealing the son to you he's opening your heart and your mind to the scriptures for you to understand that he is actually the Christ the son of the living God and so it's so dumb so dumb that they're like using that and be like well no he already knew he already knew because his brother told him it's like there's a difference between knowing what everybody's saying about somebody and actually knowing it yourself okay like knowing something's true compared to knowing that's what everybody thinks it is okay and so that one's pretty dumb okay now this one you know is obviously not a contradiction but I think it's interesting to go through anyway meaning this is that where did Jesus first meet Simon, Peter and Andrew so where did he first meet Peter and Andrew okay so they'll say well in John it was you know by Jordan and then in Matthew you know they were like fishing fish and he was departing into Galilee and all this different stuff so it's like well where was he where were they at when they first met him well in neither place does it say this is the first time he met them okay so it's not like well in this place it says this is the first time he ran into Peter and Andrew and then over here it says this is the first time that he ran into Peter and Andrew neither one of those cases even says it's the first time I can't even say with validity that this is the first time in John 1 but go to John 1 I can't tell you this is the first time because it doesn't say it's the first time but I do believe it is probably the first time I'll say this John 1 I'll prove to you unequivocally that John 1 happens before Matthew 4 okay there's a significant event that'll show you that John 1, 2 and 3 happened before Matthew 4 okay and and that's interesting you're seeing information that you should know because by the way when you think of John 1, 2 and 3 you don't really see that talked about anywhere else you don't see the marriage of Cana talked anywhere else or you know Nicodemus mentioned anywhere else so it's interesting because this actually is showing you something that happens before Matthew 4 and what you see in Matthew is you have this big jump in time kind of that's going on there from Jesus' baptism and to Matthew 4 now in John 1 notice what it says here in verse 35 again the next day after John stood into his disciples and looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God and the two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus then Jesus turned and saw them following and saith unto them, What seek ye? they said unto him, Rabbi which is to say, being interpreted, Master where dwellest thou? saith unto them, Come and see they came and saw where he dwelt and abode with him that day for it was about the tenth hour one of the two which heard John speak and followed him was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother so this is interesting information because Andrew was actually a disciple of John the Baptist and when John the Baptist was saying Behold the Lamb of God John was standing there, right, he literally left John with someone else you know, that was also John's disciple and started following Jesus okay he first fineth his own brother Simon and saith unto him, We have found the messiahs which is being interpreted the Christ and he brought him to Jesus and when Jesus beheld him, he said thou art Simon son of Jonah thou shalt be called Cephas which is by interpretation a stone now, I'm going to show you why this clearly happens before Matthew 4 where we're going to see, you know, like, follow me I'll make you fish with the men look at John 3.24 John 3.24 John 3.24 for John was not yet cast into prison it's a very crucial event very simple John wasn't cast into prison because then it goes on to say that he's baptizing and he's saying he must increase, I must decrease you know, all this stuff that's going on at the end of John 3 so, John 1, he clearly isn't in prison because he's literally standing there saying Behold the Lamb of God and then his disciples are leaving him to join Jesus one of them being Andrew and then Andrew finds Peter and that's when he gets his name, you know that's when he gets, you know, he was Simon bar Jonah and he's like, you're going to be called Cephas and by the way, Cephas and Peter are the same name, it's just different languages one's coming from Greek, one's coming from Aramaic, okay and that being said is that go to Matthew 4 and verse 12 Matthew 4 and verse 12 by the way, like I said in either one of these cases, none of them says this is the first time he saw them, this is the first time they met okay, it's a straw man, right, they're basically putting up this false like, premise that you know, this is a contradiction because, you know these are supposed to be the first times nowhere does it say that that's the first time but in Matthew 4 and verse 12, notice what it says Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee where are we at in the story? Well, we're after John 3 okay, because in John 3 it says he was not yet cast into prison then go down to verse 18 Does it say anything like that? Does it say, hi, we've never met you know let me introduce myself no, he says in verse 19 you know what, this actually gives a little more information as far as why they just up and left right, it wasn't like this thing where they just see this man walking to him and be like, hey come follow me they already knew that John the Baptist said this is the Christ, this is the son of God the lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world Andrew was already saying this is the Messiah Jesus had already given him his name Cephas and then he's saying, hey come follow me and they're like, alright, we're going okay so it actually gives you more information when you understand that timeline as far as, okay they knew who he was they knew a lot about him they knew that John the Baptist bare witness of him that he is the Christ and go to so that one's pretty easy but I thought that was interesting, you know, just to show you that timeline to give you a little more understanding as far as how he's just going up to Andrew and Peter and you know what, you know, James and John there may have been a similar backstory that we don't know about okay, when you understand that then he goes to James and John right, and they leave their father Zebedee maybe there's this backstory where James and John were you know, basically knew about Jesus and talked to him and all this other stuff and then they went up and left okay, and okay, that one's interesting last one I want to show you here and then we'll be done again, I do four pages because I have no idea how long it's going to take me to go through these so I just kind of put it at that and where we end we end so this one is Jairus the ruler of the synagogue his daughter being healed go to Matthew chapter 9 chapter 9 and what they're going to say here is well, was his daughter dead? or was she at the point of death? okay so, and again when you're looking at these contradictions there may be more than one way to answer this, this is how I'm going to answer it so deal with it but Jairus is only mentioned by name in Mark he's not mentioned by name in Matthew now I personally believe it's the same event, but you could use that logic this is a completely different event I think it's unlikely that it's a different event because in both these stories you have this woman that has this infirmity of blood for 12 years and that would be quite coincidental if you have the same exact type of story with this ruler of the synagogue and then you have the same exact story with and that's just like double time that would be deja vu at its highest if you were his disciples, you're like, man, we just saw this happen except for one little tweak in this story, okay and you'd be like, what is going on is it the Mandela effect? no, I'm just kidding so I'm going to explain why I believe both are right, obviously but Matthew chapter 9 verse 18 it says while he spake these things unto them behold, there came a certain ruler and worshiped him, saying, my daughter is even now dead but come and lay thy hand upon her and she shall live in Mark chapter 5 I want you to keep your your, um well actually, just note that in Matthew chapter 9, the story is actually a lot shorter I want to make that point, that it's a lot shorter and then in Mark, there's a lot more information that's given to this story and I believe that's where the answer lies is that, um in Mark 5 and verse 22, it says, behold there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue Jairus by name and when he saw him, he fell at his feet so at this point, kind of the same thing, we have a chief ruler um or a certain ruler and this you get more information, it's the ruler of the synagogue and his name is Jairus like I said, you could say, well these are two different people two different stories you know, I don't think so I'll use that logic so Jairus by name, when he saw him, he fell at his feet and besought him greatly, saying my little daughter lieth at the point of death, I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live so in one, he basically just says she's dead and if you put your hand on her, she'll live the other one, he says, she's at the point of death and if you lay your hand on her, she'll be healed and she shall live, okay so there's a distinction here that in one place, he's saying that she's dead, in another place, he's saying she's almost dead you know, you can heal her though that she won't die, you know, that's essentially what he's saying and here's where I believe what's going on here I believe that Mark 5 is the first time he asks Jesus and then Mark or Matthew 9, 18 is the second time he asks him, in the same day basically, keep reading there in Mark chapter 5, verse 35 because what Mark tells us is that basically in Mark 5, 22 and 23 he tells them and then he gets information that she died okay, both stories, she's dead when he gets there, okay so in Mark 5, 35 it says, while he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said, thy daughter is dead why troublest thou the master any further as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid, only believe. So what's going on here I believe, what's going on if you looked at this story holistically and you were to put Matthew and Mark together is that you have and then in between what's going on here you have this woman that's has this issue of blood but for sake of time, that story's going on kind of in the midst of this okay, with this woman, with the issue of blood but essentially what's going on is that Jairus comes to Jesus and basically says, my daughter is at the point of death but I know that if you put your hand on her, you can heal her and she'll live then later on, after this woman and all this stuff that goes on there's other things that are going on in the story it's not just like him, there's other things that are going on and then and then someone comes up to him and says your daughter's dead, why are you troubling him and before I even think that he even asks him to do it Jesus is saying, fear not only believe and then he asks her hey, my daughter is now dead can you put your hands on her that she'll live right and so I believe both are true, but in the story you have him asking, first of all, she's not dead yet, please heal her then he finds out she's dead please, you know, bring her back to life okay that's what I believe is going on and not a contradiction, it's just giving you more information about the story that, you know, he still had faith, and imagine how much more faith you'd have to have if you found out your child was dead and then to say, will you still do it? Because most people would be like well, no hope now, you know, everybody that came to him said, there's no hope, why are you troubling him she's dead, what can he do now and Jesus is basically even putting that little information like, just have faith, right and then he asks because that takes a little more faith once she's already dead to ask again and say, hey, heal her and anyway, that's the last one I want to show you but I think that's interesting, actually that's one that I never really noticed, there's two different you know, differences in the story so I hope that when we go through these, maybe we'll learn something, you know they're trying to use it for evil but you know what, we'll use it for good and we'll use these little like variations in the story to help us maybe understand the story a little better and understand that hey, there's actually some cool information that will kind of help you maybe understand other passages in the Bible but I thought that was interesting with J. Iris' daughter, now that I believe it's talking about, that's how I believe that the whole thing goes down there there may be another explanation out there but in the end, when you're dealing with Bible contradictions, as long as you have one valid explanation that's logical that's all you need, okay I mean, you have one, you can have five okay, but they're not all right, I'm just saying like all you need is one valid explanation and boom, you know, there's no contradiction, okay so so yeah, we're going to keep going through this Lord willing and some of these we've gone through before, but we're going to go through it again but let's end with a word of prayer we thank you for today, thank you for your word thank you for the souls that were saved and just pray that you'd be with us for the rest of the week and Lord, just again, thank you for the health that you've given us just pray to be with anybody that's not feeling well and Lord, we love you and pray also in Jesus Christ's name Amen Brother Dave will come and sing one more song actually, you know, before you sing, I didn't get the numbers down, I knew I forgot something so, what do we have do we have three this week, is that the total? okay I'm going to write this down before I forget about it alright really? that's awesome we'll have a section maybe just for beliefs, salvation but definitely be in prayer for all of them out there alright, take your songbooks and turn to song 400, no, nope 246 song 246 in your songbooks 246, we'll sing Redeemed if you would stand, we'll sing song 246 what? 4, yep 4, yep 4, yep