(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You're there in second Samuel chapter 24 and we are going to be doing a you know basically answering Bible contradictions and the first three sermons that I did was on a list that atheists put together so it was on atheist.org was this list of 15 different so-called contradictions. This is a hundred and one Bible contradictions by some Muslim so it's like on this Islam site and that's the big thing with Islam is they want to say well the Bible has all these contradictions and you know the Quran doesn't have any contradictions or whatever they're trying to claim that the Quran doesn't have contradictions the Bible has contradictions so they have this this list of a hundred and one and this could very well be a very short sermon because I don't know how long it's gonna take me to go through these. I may breeze through these because I'm gonna do 12 of these but some of these are really easy some that we've already gone through before but I'm gonna go through every single one of these and I want you to know that every single one of these has an answer and most of these are and when I say I'm not going to go through 101 tonight I'm gonna go through 12 okay but this first one I've heard people use this argument and the first one that's on the list it says who incited David to number Israel and Judah okay well in 2nd Samuel chapter 24 there we see in verse 1 it says and again the anger the Lord was kindled against Israel and he moved David against them to say go number Israel and Judah now go to 1st Chronicles chapter 21 so basically a lot of these are so you know you'll find they're like well in 1st Samuel says this or 2nd Samuel says this and then in the Chronicles it says this and the Kings it says this and then Chronicles it says this and this is where they're all like basically misunderstanding what's being said in a lot of these cases so we're gonna be getting into numbers we're gonna be getting into just different things that are being said and so their their question is I did the Lord you know cause David the number of people or did it did Satan cause David the number of people and notice what it says and 1st Chronicles chapter 21 in verse 1 it says in Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel so did the Lord do it or did Satan do it and that's they're like oh this is a contradiction well let's keep reading here just because I want you to see this side of the story because obviously we just read all of 2nd Samuel chapter 24 but just to get context here as far as what we're dealing with verse 1 it says Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel and David said to Joab and to the rulers of the people go number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan and bring the number of them to me that I may know it and Joab answered the Lord make his people and hundred times so many more as they be but my Lord the king are they not are they not all my Lord servants why then does my Lord require this thing why will he be a cause to trespass to Israel never nevertheless the Kings were prevailed against Joab wherefore Joab departed and went throughout all Israel and came to Jerusalem and Joab gave the sum sum of the people the I'm sorry the sum the sum of the number of the people unto David and all they of Israel were a thousand thousand and a hundred thousand men that drew sword and Judah was four hundred threescore and ten thousand men that drew sword but Levi and Benjamin counted he not among them for the Kings word was abominable to Joab and God was displeased with this thing therefore he smote Israel and David said unto God I have sinned greatly because I have done this thing but now I beseech thee do away do away the iniquity of thy servant for I have done very foolishly so same thing that you see here in the story there's actually going to be a you know two different contradictions that they're going to try to bring up actually there's more than two a lot of so I think for these so-called contradictions are going to be coming from this passage so that's one of the big reasons why I brought up this passage and why we're reading this passage so the first thing is is that well who caused Israel to or cause David to number Israel well let's look at this it says in 2nd Samuel chapter 24 that God was angry the Lord was angry with Israel so that's the first thing you got to realize okay before anything's numbered before David does anything God's angry with Israel so God wants to judge Israel that's what's coming down here and he moved David against them now it doesn't say that he provoked David did it it says he moved him to say go number Israel and Judah in First Chronicles chapter 21 it says Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel this is a basically Satan's the one that literally provoked him to do it but God allowed it and you say well you know what give me a case where God would allow Satan to do something with a righteous man or make the righteous man do something right well go to Job chapter 1 Job chapter 1 now it's a little different but here's thing David is a man after God's been hard he's a good king and and all that but he allows Satan to provoke him because he wants to judge Israel okay now notice what it says here in Job 1 verse 9 says then Satan answered the Lord and said that job fear God for naught hast not thou made and hedged about him and that's what you have to understand is that Job had a hedge of protection about him from Satan but God took away that hedge notice what it says it says and about his house and about all that he hath on every side thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance and increase is increased in the land but put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath and he will curse thee to thy face now God's not the one that literally is the one that took it all away notice what it says in verse 12 it says in the Lord said unto Satan behold all that he hath is in thy power only upon himself put not forth thine hand so Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord so he says basically you know he's in your power so God's angry with Israel and he basically puts Satan you know David in the you know like basically having Satan have power to provoke David okay and with Job's case it's not like God obviously wasn't angry at Job so it's not like you know it doesn't say that God or the Lord was was angry at David it says he was angered at Israel and because of that he caused Satan to provoke David to number the people now the thing that you have to you may have read this question be like why is this a sin like why is this a thing that displeases the Lord and what you got to understand is that Joab didn't want to do it but why didn't job want to do it you know they number the people but why is it wrong like why is this some big sin that's gonna cause you know this this destruction to come upon them well go to Exodus chapter 30 because what you have to understand is that it wasn't inherently wrong for David to number the people but there was something he had to do if he numbered the people okay and in Exodus 30 here basically is stating that if you're gonna number the people you have to give a tribute of a certain amount of money for each person that's numbered so if you think about it I'm gonna read this to you and then we'll talk about it but you know this is really simply this Satan's the one that physically provoked David but God allowed it and the reason God allowed it is because he was angry with Israel and he won the judge Israel and so he allowed Satan to provoke David David you know basically messes up to do this and I'm going to show you why you know David numbering the people wasn't inherently wrong but because it wasn't executed you know the way it should have been this is why the judgment was coming okay no sir says in Exodus 30 in verse 11 it says and Lord spake on the Moses saying when thou takest the sum of the children of Israel after their number so he's talking about taking a sum then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto the Lord when thou number is them that there be no plague among them when thou number is them this they shall give everyone that passes among them that are numbered half a shekel after the shekel of at the sanctuary a shekel is 20 euros and half a shekel shall be the offering of the Lord everyone that passeth among them that are numbered from 20 years old and above shall give an offering unto the Lord the rich shall not give more and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel when they give an offering unto the Lord to make an atonement for their souls and thou shalt take the atonement money of the children of Israel and shall appoint it for the service of the tabernacle of the congregation that it may be a memorial unto the children of Israel before the Lord to make an atonement for their souls do you see anywhere in second Samuel 24 or first Chronicles 21 where any money was gathered by these people and given to the Lord now the reason why you know Satan's provokums like oh yeah do this but here's thing let's say let's say David said yeah we're gonna take this money what if people don't give it then you're gonna have this plague on the land okay because they don't do it the way they're supposed to be doing it so it wasn't inherently wrong for him to take the number but this is why job if you think about why was job against this because he do you think job wants to go to me like all right give me half a shack we'll give me half a shack we'll give me half a shack he's doing a census on the army okay because notice that when he gives that number it's about those that are valiant ready to go to war here it says from 20 years old and upward ready to go to war by the way I believe that's when you shouldn't be going into the army before you're 20 okay that's just my personal you know biblically speaking you know like going in before 20 you know the Bible says 20 years old and over that that's when you should be going to war that's a side note but do you see that it even says here that you need to give this ransom for their soul that there be no plague among them and what happens there's a plague that's among them and kill 7,000 people right so that being said is that it wasn't inherently wrong because there's another place where they number the people I mean the book of numbers they numbered them twice right in the book of numbers they numbered them before they obviously spied out the land they numbered like 600 some thousand it's like close to 600,000 men that were ready to go to war and then they went into the land or they spied out the land they murmured they wanted the stone you know Caleb and Joshua so then they wandered for 40 years then they number them again so you look at numbers chapter 1 number chapter 26 you have them numbering the people so it's not like that was wrong but if you do it you have to give the half a shekel imagine going up to someone that's poor and saying you need to give me a half a shekel because I'm doing a census that's why you know Joab I don't think wanted to do it you know he didn't want to be that guy you know that's like hey all right I'm gonna do this census but everybody passes through here has to give me half a shekel and obviously there's a spiritual application to the ransom of the soul and that everybody's you know the ransoms the same for everybody you can definitely see a spiritual aspect to this but in the end it's really simple their whole contradiction is that did God incite David to do it or did Satan incite David to do it and the answer is Satan's the one that provoked him God allowed Satan to do it because he wanted to judge Israel he was angry with Israel and he allowed Satan to provoke David to have a census to do this count and ultimately you know the provoking could have been very well too that you know he was you know didn't know of this law or was lackadaisy to see what he actually had to do to the point where there would be this plague so I hope that makes sense but you know the idea of why this was a sin why God was displeased with this is because it wasn't done according to it wasn't done according to the law and that's why you know they weren't just ready to do a census at all points to be like all right time number two people again all the people would be like you need to stop I want to keep my money stop taking half a shekel from me can you imagine if they were to go take a census out here in West Virginia be like all right we're doing a census on how many people in your home but we're gonna need a half a shekel we're gonna need like 50 bucks from every single person that we take a census from okay people aren't gonna like that and a lot of people just aren't gonna give the money they're gonna be like nuts to you and then you know if you lived in Israel at that time you didn't do that then there be a plague on the land okay and so now the second and third I'm putting second and third because they literally the same type of so-called contradiction is listed twice and one had to do with Israel's number and one had to do with Judah's number so when they took the census go to second I want you to keep your get your finger there and second scene with 24 and in first chronicle 21 there's different numbers that are given so here's our first numbers contradiction okay and this is where every word is important and you need to understand some logic here so I'm just basic logic as far as when you're dealing with a story that's being told and what makes it false or a contradiction or not okay we're gonna go through this by the time I'm done with these contradictions you should have this in your your mind as far as understanding that when someone tells a story they can have two different perspectives with two different numbers and it all be right and and all that so in verse 9 here second Samuel 24 in verse 9 it says in job gave up the sum of the number of the people unto the king and there were in Israel 800,000 valiant men that drew sword now go to first Chronicles 21 verse 5 first Chronicles 21 verse 5 it says in job gave the sum of the number of the people unto David and all day of Israel were a thousand thousand and a hundred thousand men that drew sword okay so we got a different number right we have 800,000 compared to a million and a hundred thousand a thousand thousand right there's a million and then you have a hundred thousand on top of that this is where every word is important okay there's a different type of category that's being mentioned here notice in and second sandwich I have 24 in verse 9 it says and there were in Israel 800,000 valiant men that drew sword and in first Chronicles 21 it says there's a there were all they of Israel were a thousand thousand and hundred thousand men that drew sword so the 800,000 is valiant men that drew sword and the million is all of Israel that drew sword okay and you say wow is there a difference David's mighty men case in point David's mighty men there was you know his 30 mighties and his top three that were above everybody else you know they had the other three but they didn't attain them to the first three so there was definitely mightier men than others and it's basically stating that there's a hundred thousand valiant men that drew sword but there were a million and a hundred thousand total that drew sword okay they but just some of the you know in that number you had what 300,000 that weren't valiant necessarily now the next one you know number three contradiction is dealing with Judah in second Samuel 24 in verse 9 it says the men of Judah were 500,000 men and then in first Chronicles 21 verse 5 and Judah was 403 score and 10,000 men that drew sword now when I go through this I want you to I want you to try to figure it out before I say it you know in your mind you don't have to say it to me but when you see this do you see something different that's being said it says it there's five hundred thousand and then there's four hundred and three score and ten which would be seventy so you have five hundred thousand over here and then you have four hundred and seventy thousand so you have a smaller number so we already saw that hey maybe that smaller number has to do with a certain group out of that bigger number and there is because in in second Samuel 24 it says the men of Judah were 500,000 men that's the men total that's total 20 years old and upward are 500,000 but then it says in first Chronicles 21 Judah was four hundred three score and ten thousand men that drew sword not all the men in the army drew sword you know you had thirty thousand that maybe were archers or whatever the case may be I don't know you know maybe they drew spear but you see how that how silly that is to just kind of it doesn't say it exactly like that and and ultimately when you're taking numbers like that I'll just give you that's what I believe is saying is basically giving you different like groups of people and the numbers different because it it's just like if you're dealing with the army today if I said how many people are in the army the first question you're probably gonna ask me well which branch you know or I say I guess military service right because you say was it the army is it the is it the Marines is it the you know the the Navy is the Air Force and then you'd have subsets within that you get the Navy SEALs you get the Rangers you got all these different things that you could say the special ops you know what the Coast Guard you have all these different branches so if I said there's five hundred thousand people in the army or something like that or in the military but then over here they say well there's a million I don't I have no idea how many people are in that number could be completely bogus and like you're out the lunch and how many people are in the army it's not the point the point is is that you could both say that and both be right but what you're talking about two different groups of people that you're trying to number one could be talking about this holistic like military this is all the people we have in military are you talking about people that are out on the battlefield or are you talking about people that are like in a trailer somewhere like playing a video game with drones you know what I mean like there's a difference as far as who you know the ones a valiant fighter over here the other ones like good at video games you know and there's drone striking people I don't know so that being said is that you got to understand that when you're taking numbers they could both be right just for the fact that how about this if I said that there were there were four hundred seventy thousand men that were ready to go to war in Judah would I be wrong is that a wrong statement no there's five hundred thousand but I said there was three hundred thousand I'd be right now here's where it'd be wrong there were only four hundred seventy thousand men all of Judah that were ready to go for the war but it doesn't say anything like that so that's just like when you deal with whether two people there was there one person there well he didn't say there was only one so it's both you know the one person just focusing on the one person the other person said hey there was there was also another person there so go to second same job 24 and this will be the last one dealing with this passage so you see that number one who provoked David well it only says Satan provoked him it says that God moved him to do this so there's two different things that are being done God moved David to do this Satan provoked them both are true and then you deal with this number and you're dealing with different subsets of groups of people that are being numbered and number four here has to do with all right is it seven years of famine or three years of famine so basically God gives David three choices and we saw in second Samuel notes in verse 11 there so second same of 24 in verse 11 it says for when David was up in the morning the word of Lord came unto unto the prophet Gad Dave's ear saying David's ear not Dave's here I guess it would work David's here saying go and say unto David thus saith the Lord I offer thee three things choose thee one of them that I may do it unto thee so Gad came to David and told him and said unto him shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies while they pursue thee or that there be three days pestilence in thy land now advise and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me so he's basically saying you got three choices here remember Dave is like you know let me be in the hand of the Lord that was his response and he basically puts this pestilence upon him so the the thing in question is this seven years of famine go to 1st Chronicles chapter 21 1st Chronicles chapter 21 1st Chronicles 21 verse 11 it says so Gad came to David and said unto him thus saith the Lord choose thee either three years famine or three months of to be destroyed before thy foes while that the sword of thine enemies overtake thee or or else three days the sword of the Lord even the pestilence in the land and the angel of the Lord destroying destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel now therefore advise thyself what word I shall bring again to him that sent me so this one actually gives you a little more in you know as far as he chose the Lord so this one shows you that that's what he's talking about it's his pestilence with the angel Lord coming with the sword so the whole contradiction isn't even like done you know he's just that was one of the choices so you say okay well is it seven years or three years I remember hearing this so called contradiction when I was in college I remember like trying you know going through this with some of my friends like all right what does this mean like how do you how do you reconcile this and so this one isn't new to me I remember this one a long time ago but in 2nd Samuel chapter 24 it says shall seven years of famine come unto thee and I land and first Chronicles 21 it says three years famine so what's going on here is that over the space of seven years you're gonna have a three year like actual time of three years of famine okay meaning that when you have a famine that doesn't just affect that one year that affects more than a year it's gonna affect maybe two years of your crop and everything because it has to like rejuvenate you have a famine it's not like just the next year it's gonna be awesome so basically what it's stating is that this fam is gonna come upon like for three years of time you're gonna have famine within a seven year period okay that's what it's saying it's not basically like it's just dearth from like the beginning of that seven years to the end of seven years it's just that that's what's going on within those years that you're gonna have seven year time that you're gonna have this time of like famines of three years okay so not that complicated but it's basically just stating that the space of time of these famines are gonna take place is in seven years it's actually three years of like famine being pushed on the land within that seven years okay so you know that one that one's not that bad you know like but people have brought this up I mean these are ones that I've heard all the time the day of being incited to number the people is it is it Satan or is it the Lord I've heard that one many times I've heard this one with the seven years or three years but it's a three years famine within a seven year period of time okay so a lot of times what you get when you get these so-called contradictions you're getting more information right don't you see that if you just had second Samuel 24 you wouldn't know that Satan was actually involved in getting David to number the people if you didn't if you just had second Samuel 24 then you wouldn't know that hey you know that's a certain amount of famine that's going on with in those seven years or you wouldn't know that hey the amount of people that actually were valiant man or you know were the ones that you know drawing sword drawing sword was you know this certain number so usually getting more detailed information when you cross references they're not contradictions it's just giving you more information as far as what exactly happened what would have exactly happened in that seven year famine you know that's seven years of famine it doesn't say a seven year famine does it it says seven years of famine so in the other one it says three years famine okay so I hope that makes sense so let's keep going here and number five is how old was a Isaiah when he began the rain I'm gonna keep this one short because I've answered this one a couple times but go to 2nd Kings chapter 8 2nd Kings chapter 8 2nd Kings chapter 8 is it 22 years old or 42 years old so let me read to you where it says it's you know he rained at 22 and 42 so the second Kings 8 and verse 26 by the way at a Isaiah is the son of Jerusalem which is the son of Jehoshaphat okay so just to give some context where we're at in timeline here this is the grandson of Jehoshaphat but in verse 26 here says 2 and 20 years old was a Isaiah when he began to rain and he rained one year in Jerusalem and his mother's name was Athaliah the daughter of Omri king of Israel it says it says in 2nd Chronicles 22 and verse 2 it says 40 and 2 years old was at a Isaiah when he began to rain and he rained one year in Jerusalem his mother's name also was Athaliah the daughter of Omri so which one is it is it 22 or 42 and my answer to this is always both because there's no contradiction right I'm not here to say like one's right or one's wrong I'm here to say they're both right but how are they both right so what you have to understand is if you know if you understand how old Jehoram was when he died and how long he rained for that means that when he died he had to bend 22 not 42 because he wouldn't for him to be 42 I forget what how old Jehoram was when he died but he wasn't old enough to to even have him as a child to be 42 when Jehoram died okay but what happened here I believe he rained at 22 when his father died he rained okay but something happened okay something's about to happen you know something happened to where he didn't rain until he rained at 22 but then he rained again at 42 so go back to for a second you're in second you're in second chronicles 22 go to second chronicles 21 so let's see something that's going on here so there's some context going around that that'll tell you that what I believe is there's a 20-year gap between basically where no one was ruling over Judah and they were basically under a captivity of some sort okay meaning that they were being kind of ruled by other people and is this really that out of the ordinary because I mean this happened all the time in the book of Judges this happens in other places I mean it happens with Babylon eventually you know where they basically don't have anybody ruling for a little while but this is a little gap in time where basically Aaziah rained when he was 22 years old then you know basically his reign was ended and then it started back up at 42 and if you know the story he dies because Jihu comes into the picture okay so he doesn't have very much rain when he starts at 42 but in second chronicles 21 verse 16 says moreover the Lord stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines and of the Arabians that were near the Ethiopians and they came up into Judah and break into it and carried away all the substance that was found in that king's house and his sons also and his wives so that there was never a son left save Jehovah has the youngest of his sons and after all this the Lord smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease so we have here that you know there's two things that can be happening here the Arabians have a big part of this notice what it says in second chronicles 22 1 because we have that the the Arabians are coming in the Philistines and the Arabians are coming in they break into Judah right and they take all this they kill all of his sons except for one which I believe is Aaziah which just has a different name here Jehovah has but in verse 1 of second chronicles 22 it says and and the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Aaziah his youngest son king in his stead for the band of men that came with the Arabians to the camp had slain all the elders so Aaziah son Jehoram of Judah reigned 42 years old was Aaziah when he began to reign so you see something that's going on here that basically because of this you know basically Arabian and Philistine captivity if you will they carried away the substance they took away the king's sons and only one was left the youngest one that basically he reigned at 22 but then they were basically carried away and the people took Aaziah because he's the only son left after that and had him reign when he was 42 so I believe there's this gap of time where he reigned at 22 but then all this stuff went down went south right and probably you know it said he reigned for one year okay and the fact is is that I believe he reigned for one year and during that years when all this stuff hit the fan and he could have been a co-regent with his father his father dies you know and all the stuff goes down with his brother all the brothers are killed but only he's left alive and then after 20 years Judah's like well you know all this stuff happened now we're gonna bring back Aaziah and have him reign at 42 and then everything goes down with he only reigns for one year because then Jehu comes in and takes him out okay so that's one of the heart because usually you have co-regency and a lot of these we're gonna see with is that basically when the ages are different as far as when the Kings reign to be like well he reigned at 8 or he reigned at 18 they're both right it's just the fact that when he was reigning at 8 his father was still alive and when his father dies you know I'm getting ahead of myself because there's other ones that are like that but a lot of those you can answer with co-regency this one's harder because you can't answer this with co-regency because his father wouldn't have been old enough for him to be 42 when he died okay that's the problem with this being co-regency I believe there's something going on with basically there's this gap in time where no one's reigning over it so he reigns at 22 no one's reigning then he reigns again at 42 and then it goes on from there and you had Jehu and you remember Athaliah and all that stuff and everything that happens after that okay now next one so that was the fifth one I already answered this one I just answered it to you all right so number six is Jehoiachin when how old was he when he reigns so I just answered this but let's go over it again second Kings chapter 24 and verse 8 second Kings chapter 24 and verse 8 I thought I had this in my notes but there's like a hundred and one of these so I can't remember which one I even put on this sheet to go over with you because I was kind of going through them all just to make sure like a hey I got a good answer for all this and you know if maybe there's one I need to study out more to make sure I have a really good answer for something second Kings chapter 24 in verse 8 it says this Jehoiachin was 18 years old when he began to reign and he reigned in Jerusalem three months and his mother's name was Nahushta the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem now go to 2nd Chronicles 36 2nd Chronicles 36 and verse 8 actually just go to verse verse 9 2nd Chronicles 36 and verse 9 it says Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem and he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord so here's the typical like how old was this King when he began to reign and you know brother Anthony knows this for sure when I was when we were doing that chart over there that it gets a little difficult because you have co-regencies going on where the father still alive and then so you'll see that he reigns for this time in one place and reigns for this time in another place and you're like well where does that cutoff come because you're trying to basically give a distinction between one King and another but there's overlap now I'm going to give you a great example of this go to 2nd Kings chapter 8 and verse 16 that there is a clear core region you know what does it mean co-regency meaning that you have two people that are reigning at the same time you have a father and a son that are crowned King but really the in a lot of cases the father still reigning it's just that when he dies the other one takes his place but it could also be that the one King can't do the duties and the son has to step in even though the father is still alive okay so you basically have someone that's kind of King in name only if you will but here's a clear example is Jehoshaphat and Jehoram notice what it says in 2nd Kings chapter 8 verse 16 and in the fifth year of Joram the son of Ahab king of Israel Jehoshaphat being then king of Judah Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah began to reign I mean you don't get any clearer than that Jehoshaphat being king of Judah that's when Jehoram started to reign in Judah so you have this overlap that's going on so what happened with Jehoiachin he was crowned king at eight years old he didn't actually start reigning without his father until he was 18 when he was 18 he reigned for three months and then they had the captivity okay and Jehoiachin is actually the one that if you remember you know 37 years into the captivity Evil Merodach lifts him up and like has him eat at his table and he actually has a very blessed life you know with that king of Babylon afterwards but Jehoiachin at 18 years old that's when he's taken captive but he actually was crowned king at eight years old so you see more information don't you it's not a contradiction it's just stating that he was reigning he was co-regent with his father at eight years old till he was 18 so that means there was a 10-year co-regency of Jehoiachin and Jehoiachin so it gives you more information now the other so-called contradiction is how long did Jehoiachin reign so and obviously the one that we read here actually in second Kings it says three months and in second Chronicles is three months and ten days now this is why people don't believe the Bible well which one is it is it three months or three months and ten days well let me let me say this I'm 36 years old am I lying I'm actually 36 years old four months and 29 days well which one is it are you 36 years old are you 36 years old at 36 years old four months and 29 days come on your big walking contradiction it's so stupid okay this same thing happens which I don't think it's in their list with David David reigns for 40 years it says he reigns seven years in Hebrew and 33 years in Jerusalem but in one place it says seven years and six months well it's a contradiction I mean I know with babies a lot of times we're like well they're 18 months old and they're 36 months old no I'm just kidding they don't do that they shouldn't if you do you probably should be hit I'm just I'm kidding don't hit anybody but you know the month thing I'm like I don't want to have to calculate this in my head okay if it's it's like whether you know my kids 23 months old they're two years old just tell me they're two years old you know anyway but that being said is that you know it's just giving you like to the T it was like three months and ten days but if you said that he rained for three months you're not lying because isn't three months a span of time within three months and ten days right if I said he rained for two months would I be lying if I said he rained for a week would I be lying okay but it's silly on its head because we that's not how we talk you know if you say you know you know he's you know 33 years old what was he 33 years old to that day and you know it's just it's just craziness okay so that one's just silly so number eight how many men did Adoniah kill at one time go to second Samuel chapter 23 so we're dealing with David's you know the chief of the captains a lot of these are very like the same logic applies on how you answer these okay especially when you're dealing with numbers the same logic is going to apply first of all are there different elements being mentioned is it a different story is it you know like these different things have to come up to say is it would it be wrong to say that so so some of these have more than one answer meaning like there's there's more than one valid answer that would answer these questions and I'm not here to like say I'm gonna like rustle you to the ground be like my answer is more valid than your answer it's just the fact that you know what it's giving us different information it's not contradictory though and second same chapter 23 in verse 8 it says these be the names of the mighty men whom David had the Tachmanite that sat in the seat chief among the captains the same was Adonai the Esnite he lift up his spear against 800 whom he slew at one time so 800 men at one time you don't want to mess with this guy there's a reason he's chief of the captains by the way I mean good who would you want to be chief of your cabins the guy that killed 800 people at one time now go to first Chronicles 11 and verse 11 first Chronicles 11 verse 11 first Chronicles 11 and verse 11 it says and this is the number of the mighty men whom David had Jashbeam and and Hachmanite I believe this is the same person just so you know the chief of the captains he lift up his spear against 300 300 slain by him at one time so which one is it is 800 300 it's both see there's two explanations here this could be two different times he did it with he killed 800 people at one time but he also killed eight three hundred people at one time so it wasn't just this one time event that he just destroyed people at mass okay there's one explanation that you're talking about two different times that he did this how about another explanation is the fact that if he kills 800 people at one time and I said he killed 400 people at one time is that wrong if I said he killed 500 people if I but here's the thing if I'm talking about the same event which good luck proving that good luck proving that this is the same event because I could tell you right now that I believe it's two different events you know I believe that at one time he killed 800 people at one time and then another time he killed 300 people at one time because he's a beast I don't know he just does that's what he does he's the chief of the captains you don't want to mess with this guy okay it wasn't just like this one time where it's just like well that was a fluke they must have all just been on the side of a cliff and you just somehow pushed him off or something like that no this isn't a one-time deal he did it more than once did it one time against 800 people he did another time against 300 people but again if you said that that if you were talking about the same exact event and you said he only killed 300 people at one time and not 800 and then over here it says he killed 800 okay that would be kind of a contradiction right because you're like negating what it said about that same event so it's silly but do you see how how is that easily answered two different events prove me wrong that's not two different events I believe that makes a lot of sense and the Bible again when you think about when you think about why you have four Gospels when you think about why you have the the book of the Kings that you have first second Samuel first and second Kings and then you have the Chronicles if you just wanted to say the exact same thing give you the exact same information what's the point there should be more information or new information that's in these books and that's what we find over and over again is that oh there's actually a little more information here so when you put these things together you're like oh okay he killed 800 people at once and he killed 300 people at once and then you see all this different information about these these people that's the whole point of having those two you know there's two different sets of books and so that you get different perspectives and you get more information so that's number eight number nine now this one I can't I'm not gonna really show you a bunch of Bible words I'm just gonna explain this one to you because it's stupid this whole thing is dumb so they're saying you know that this contradiction dealing with David when he brought the Ark of the Covenant back into Jerusalem so if you go to second Samuel five second Samuel five it basically states that David was anointed king right then he goes to war with the Philistines and I want you to see there in second Samuel five verse 17 second Samuel five or seventeen it says but when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel all the Philistines came up to seek David and David heard of it and went down to the hole verse chapter 6 and verse 1 it says and David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel 30,000 and David arose and went with all the people that were with him from Baal of Judah to bring up thence the Ark of God whose name is called by the name of the Lord of hosts that dwell between the cherry bins so basically he defeats the Philistines in chapter 5 and then he's going to get this Ark okay so what they're stating is that well when did he bring it back after he destroyed the Philistines or before he destroyed the Philistines so when you look at first Chronicles 13 and 14 it gives this breakdown you have David is anointed king then he goes to get the Ark from Gilead and if you remember the story this is where he they put it on the card and Uzzah touches the Ark right and then he dies and then they put it in the house of Obed-Edom then in Chronicles it goes to the fact that he goes to war with the Philistines goes to the war of Philistines he destroys them then it goes to the account where he brings the Ark out of Obed-Edom's house and takes it into Jerusalem he dances the whole story with Michael being upset about it okay and second Samuel it goes that he's anointed king they hear he's anointed he goes to war with the Philistines destroys them the next chapter it says you have the story of Uzzah with Obed-Edom and then it goes into the story of him coming into Jerusalem with the Ark okay here's what it is it's literature and sometimes in literature it'll make that it'll give you the whole story about something that's going on and then it'll come back and recap and go back through another story that's going on at the same time Chronicles is literally going step by step this is exactly what happened in the order that it happened whereas second Samuel is basically the whole chapter talking about him being anointed king and it says when they found out he was anointed king the Philistines went after him and he's like he's destroyed him then in the next chapters like all right well David was bringing the Ark back in and first he had this snag with Uzzah and with Obed-Edom and then he brought it in later on like three months later so three months it was in the house of Obed-Edom you know what was going on during that three months the Philistine battle it's just the fact that in literature sometimes it'll give you this course of events and it'll back up and give you some more information about those course of events you know this happens in Genesis one to Genesis two Genesis one you have the fact that he creates the earth in six days right you get to chapter two it says on the seventh day he rested then it says this is the generations of you know Adam and all this stuff and it goes back to day six and gives you more information about day six where he's creating the Garden of Eden and you know it said that he made man male and female in chapter one but then it gives you this story of how he made a male and female and he's like which one when did it happen in Genesis one or Genesis two it's like that's how literature works it'll give you the synopsis and then it'll kick back and give you more information or how about this chapter five is talking about David being anointed King and being King chapter six is talking about the Ark of the Covenant in the story about the Ark of the Covenant Chronicles is just literally boom boom boom boom boom this is all that happened and you have this mixture of like David being anointed King him trying to deal with the Ark David being King going into battle and then David with the Ark again and that's the actual outline of events that happen so when that Ark was in possession of Obed-Edom he's destroying the Philistines and then after he gets done with that then he's like alright Obed-Edom is being blessed we need to get that we need to get the Ark into Jerusalem and then that story takes place so you know that's a lot because I didn't want to read all of the story that's really what it comes down to is that they're like well it's in chapter you know in this place it's saying it after this that's just how literature works sometimes it's not wrong it doesn't say that he went to war with the Philistines after or before he dealt with the Ark or after he dealt with the Ark or anything like that it doesn't say like anything about that it's just stating facts it's just saying that David went up and did this David went up and did this it doesn't you know it's not saying that well in this passage it says the Ark was brought into Jerusalem or brought into the house of Obed-Edom before he went to the Philistines or on this passage it says he brought it into the house of Obed-Edom after he killed the Philistines nowhere does it say anything like that but that's what they want you to think it is just based off the order of how it's written okay so that was probably a little more complicated to explain but that's just understanding how literature is written they have that same problem like I said with Genesis 1 Genesis 2 you'll have these same problems in other places in the Bible or just in literature itself when you're dealing with how things are written it's kind of like if you had a headline that there was this massive car crash and then you start reading the story it's like it was a sunny day at 9 a.m. and there's you know nothing going on on the freeway it's like wait a minute I thought there was a massive car crash well they're they're building up the story right like they told you what happened but now let's go back and start from the beginning and see what's going on okay that's just how things are written number 10 how many pairs of clean animals were put on the ark go to Genesis 6 Genesis 6 I don't even know why I'm bringing this one up but it's more so because I'm going through them all so on the ark they would bring him two by two every animal right but then there was clean animals that they'd bring in by sevens and there's a reason for that okay they were doing sacrifices with these animals when they got off the ark you imagine getting off the ark and be like sorry the lambs are done the oxen are done we just sacrificed them and you know did all these sacrifices the reason he's bringing in more of a certain animal is because those clean animals were used for sacrifices okay and notice what it says here in Genesis 6 verse 19 and every living creature of all flesh two of every sort shall they shout out bring into the ark to keep to keep them alive from with thee they shall be male and female of fowls after their kind and of cattle after their kind of every creeping thing of the earth after their his kind two of every sort shall come unto thee to keep them alive so we see that it's very clear this is how they're going to be coming on the ark good chapter 7 in verse 1 it says in the Lord said unto Noah come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen righteousness before me in this generation of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens the male and his female and of the bee and a beast that are not clean by two the male and his female a fowls also of the air by sevens the male and the female to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth no contradiction it's just stating that with the clean animals you're taking more right where they say there's a contradiction I'm gonna read this I want you to see if you see any contradiction then I'm gonna try to explain somehow how that I don't even know how they get a contradiction out of this just the seven verse seven says and Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his son's wives with him into the ark because of the waters of the flood of clean beasts and of beasts that are not clean and of fowls and of everything that creepeth upon the earth there went in two and two unto Noah into the ark the male and the female as God had commanded Noah boom contradiction so what he's stating here is that he's talking about all the animals clean and unclean and he said they went in two by two it wouldn't actually make sense if you said sevens because there was unclean people in that list unclean people unclean animals in that list it is true that those clean animals went in two by two that makes sense does it say that there was only two of the of the clean it doesn't say that listen if you have sevens then you're gonna have you're gonna have basically what it's stating is that you're gonna have 14 of that unclean animal that's going in two by two you just have seven of each kind right seven you know like of the each kind but they're going in two by two meaning that you're gonna have a male and female of each one of those that's going in there so again it's it's I mean is it untrue that they had to clean animals going to and to is that untrue it doesn't say that there wasn't seven so it's just really dumb okay those type of so-called contradictions it's not negating that they took seven it's just stating facts you know how about they all went in two by two and then they brought the rest of the six two by two and after that you know that were clean maybe they only used the six for sacrifice and the other I mean here's the thing though wouldn't there have to be two of the lambs that they didn't kill to reproduce so when he's talking about the clean and the unclean he's just talking about all the animals that are gonna be fruitful and multiplying upon the earth and replenishing the earth and you know what but there's gonna be seven of the clean so that they can you know use those for sacrifices okay so no contradiction 2nd Samuel I got two more and then we're done two more it says 2nd Samuel chapter 8 how many horsemen did David capture and these ones I've already answered but I'm gonna answer them again anyway so there's a one about the horse the horsemen that David captured and then there's a one about the stalls of horses or star stalls for horses and and a lot of you probably heard this so-called contradiction but in 2nd Samuel chapter 8 verse 3 it says David smote also had it easier the son of Rehob king of Zobah as he went over to recover his border at the river Euphrates and David took from him a thousand chariots and 700 horsemen and 20,000 footmen and David hewed all the chariot horses and reserved of them for a hundred chariots and first chronicles so we see that there's 700 horsemen that he took and first chronicles 18 3 it says and David smote had it easier king of Zobah unto Hamath as he went to establish his dominion by the river Euphrates and David took from him a thousand chariots and 7,000 horsemen and 20,000 footmen David also hewed or hawked I'm sorry hawked all the cherry horses but reserved of them and hundred chariots so there's different information is given here or at least more information one you have 700 horsemen the other you have 7,000 horsemen and why because it's talking about him smiting had a reaser and dealing with recovering Euphrates in 2nd Samuel you have 700 horsemen but then in 1st Chronicles chapter 18 it's saying that he smote had a reaser king of Zobah unto Hamath meaning that he's going further this is a campaign that's going on and in one case it's kind of stopping here at the campaigning numbering what he got and another place is going further and saying unto Hamath he got an additional horseman didn't he like 6,300 to be exact right that he got once he took out Hamath and went on to Hamath okay so again every word is important and you need to get context you need to understand what's being said and then the last one here is dealing with Solomon's stalls for his horses 1st Kings chapter 4 verse 26 is it 40,000 or 4,000 and you know what the new versions actually changed this and then they messed it up by the way this is not this is not a translation issue okay like well you know in the original it should have said 4,000 or whatever and it says 40 no this is not a translation issue it's not like they didn't know how to translate the number so it's a text issue and they change the text in a lot of these new versions or they're getting it from the Septuagint it's probably the latter they're just getting it from the Septuagint because Septuagint is corrupt and they're basically taking it from that because it it makes more sense to them so in 1st Kings chapter 4 verse 26 says and Solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses for his chariots and 12,000 horsemen in 2nd Chronicles 9 and verse 25 it says and Solomon had 4,000 stalls for horses and chariots and 12,000 horsemen whom he bestowed in the chariot cities and with the king at Jerusalem now so which one is it is it 40,000 or 4,000 well again you got to get the wording in 1st Kings it says that Solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses for his chariots so he had 40,000 stalls of horses that were for his chariots in 2nd Chronicles 9 verse 25 it says Solomon had 4,000 stalls for horses and chariots there's two different types of stalls that are being mentioned he had 40,000 stalls of horses meaning that he could have 40,000 horses but he also had 4,000 stalls for horses and chariots meaning that they were stalls where you'd have the chariot and the horses already attached to them ready to go does that make sense very I mean so you could essentially have 10 horses per chariot and you know what I don't know how many horses they put on chariot but they usually put more than one you know so you know it's see how it's simple that is you just look at grammar it doesn't say the exact same thing does it it doesn't say in 140,000 stalls of horses and the other one 4,000 stalls of horses again if it did it would still be easy to answer because you could say well of course there's 4,000 because there's 40,000 so he's not wrong the only way that that would have been wrong is if you would say there's only 4,000 stalls when there's actually 40,000 okay but again you're dealing with stalls for horses and stalls for horses and chariots so you're you're basically putting all the horses together with chariots and then he has 4,000 stalls for that that's number 12 and so we're gonna be going through these and just kind of hitting all these again some of these will me go through really quick because if it's another Co Regency one we're just gonna leave it at that you know I'm gonna be like Co Regency see my other sermon about Co Regency or if it's something like that but there's some of the interesting ones in this list but there's some really stupid ones too and there's some where I'm just like the reason I'm bringing it up because I want you to see that's why people believe the Bible's false you see those 12 there that's why that's why the Bible's false that's that's what they got we saw already saw what the atheists had and it was nothing you know these 15 ones that they thought were these heavy hitters but they they all fell flat on their face and you know what all 101 of these are gonna fall flat on their face because the Bible does not have contradictions the Bible's true Bibles accurate and by the way I'm talking about the King James Bible so they may have like other verses another you know I think one of them is like one of them is just because it's the wrong version and I'll show you that so it's not it's not it's not even something I'd have to answer if they were using the King James Bible but some of these do have to do with like well they're using the wrong version but I did try to pick a list that wasn't like pulling stuff from the Apocrypha you know like as it says in Judith like well that's why it's wrong so that's the contradictions we're gonna go through those and hopefully have some fun with that but let's end with the word of prayer the Heavenly Father we think for today thank you for your word and just prayed you'd help us to know your word and and study to answer and to have an answer to every man that asketh the reason of the hope that's in us Lord just help us to know how to answer these and if anything that this would be a strengthening of faith to believers that maybe some of these contradictions people had questions about and this will strengthen their faith in the Bible and Lord we just love you and pray all this in Jesus Christ's name Amen