(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen mark chapter 16, so that's gonna be our core scripture for this evening or not this evening this morning on talking about resurrection Sunday, so it's one of the the four gospel accounts of the resurrection if you look we're gonna start really at verse number two, but the resurrection is You know started out in verse number one of When you know they're coming to the tomb and of course Jesus is not there of course I'm not going to get into this in detail this morning We're gonna talk about the resurrection and what that means for us this morning, but a lot has happened over the last few days Before you know after the crucifixion of Jesus of course Jesus was crucified on Wednesday Not Friday as people would say today. You know good Friday As Matthew chapter 12 in verse number 40 says it says for as Jonas Was three days and three nights in the whale's belly again showing that the everything that happens in the Old Testament Was a picture of the coming Messiah the Bible then continues It says so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth So of course three days and three nights that puts Jesus as crucified on Wednesday He died in the afternoon on Wednesday Which was the day of preparation before the day of the Passover which was Thursday If you go and study this through the Bible, this is really the only way that makes every account in the Bible make sense There's two Sabbath days That's kind of the the trick here is to make all the accounts make sense is that Thursday was a Sabbath as well So that's where people get really tripped up Thursday being the Passover and you know Jesus being killed on the day of preparation the day before Passover Also makes sense because that's when the Passover lamb was killed You know the Passover lamb was killed during the day of preparation for the Passover and of course We know that Jesus is the Passover. So it makes perfect sense, but we're going to talk about the resurrection this morning Let's start out at verse number two. Of course they and Jesus resurrected We don't know the exact time that Jesus resurrected but it was sometime between Saturday evening and early Sunday morning So the first day of the week would be Sunday look at verse number two It says in very early in the morning the first day They came under this to the sepulcher at the rising of the Sun and they said unto themselves These are the women who show who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher And when they look they saw the stone was rolled away for it was very great. It was a huge stone They were worried that they wouldn't be able to move it themselves and entering into the sepulcher They saw a young man sitting on the right side Clothed in a long white garment and they were a frightened and he said unto them be not a frightened you seek Jesus of Nazareth Which was crucified he is risen. He is not here behold the place where they laid him So this morning I want to tell you this of course is the account that Jesus rose From the dead the rest of Matthew or Mark chapter 16 talks about some things that happened after Jesus rose from the dead Physically bodily by the way, um, he ate people touched him This was a bodily resurrection. Okay, this isn't some spirit spirit walking around. This was a bodily resurrection of Jesus in his glorified body So this morning I want to talk about three things that the resurrection Bought you three things as a saved believer this morning is somebody that's trusted on the Lord Jesus Christ. You're saved You say what does the resurrection mean to me? So I'm gonna give you three specific things that the resurrection has Bought or purchased for you turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 the first one And I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this one because I preached a whole Sermon on this about a week and a half ago but the first thing that the resurrection of Jesus Christ buys us is it gives us hope or a guarantee for our physical resurrection We know that one day we will be physically resurrected and I preached through a sermon about just the detail of Your physical resurrection when that's going to happen how that's going to go just a week and a half ago But look at 1st Corinthians chapter 15 1st Corinthians chapter 15. Look at verse number 20 So the first thing that the resurrection of Jesus Christ buys you is the hope of your physical resurrection We know that we will be resurrected one day because Jesus was resurrected The Bible tells us this look at verse 20 But now as Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept So when people die, they're asleep in Jesus. The Bible says they die. They're immediately in heaven. There is no soul asleep I went through all this in the sermon on your physical resurrection But we know that we will be physically resurrected because Jesus was first physically Resurrected he was the first fruits meaning he was the first one and then the first resurrection will be all of us for since by man came death and by man also the resurrection of The dead so the Bible here is saying is that you know since man brought death Since man brought physical death you say why do I even need a physical resurrection because man brought physical death to this world That's why It says by all by man also came the resurrection of the dead you say by man Well, yes by the man Christ Jesus. Okay. Look at the next verse for as in Adam all die even so in Christ Shall all be made alive So you're guaranteed a physical resurrection if you're saved this morning because Jesus rose from the dead You know the significance of this turn to Romans chapter 5 Basically he's saying that but you look it was man that brought death the world Okay, it wasn't God that brought death to the world. God did not want it that way Look at Romans chapter 5 in verse number 12. It kind of gives us another Angle about this or another explanation of this Romans chapter 12 and verse Romans chapter 5. I'm sorry in verse number 12 This comparing as one man brought sin to the world another man You know solve the problem basically is what God is saying here look at Romans 512 the Bible says wherefore is by one man sin entered into the world and Death by sin so death passed upon all men for that all Have sinned turn to Genesis chapter 2 turn to Genesis chapter 2 see God warned man God warned man before this even happened before Romans 512 even happened God warned man that this would happen that death would come into the world We're talking about why we need a physical resurrection Because death has come into the world because of what one man did God warned man look at Genesis 2 17 Genesis 2 17 the first book of the Bible the Bible says God gave a specific direction here He says but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it He's saying you could eat anything you want in the garden. You can eat of all these trees all these things He's like but of this one tree. You cannot eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Why for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die? The by the Bible says God literally told man if you eat of that tree You will die Which is interesting because what did Satan in the serpent tell Eve? He said thou shalt not surely die He literally told her exactly that he didn't tell her some little twist He didn't tell her, you know some little different version. He told her the exact opposite of what God said It's like thou shalt not surely die then man, of course didn't listen Turn to John chapter 8 Turn to John chapter 8. This is why in John chapter 8, you know, this is why you know, Jesus He describes Satan this way. He describes Satan as a certain type of person in John chapter 8 and verse number 44 Look, it's interesting. It's interesting that God had to literally come and fix what Satan said wouldn't happen It's just kind of an interesting thought Satan said thou shalt not surely die. Well, then why did God have to come and fix it? Why did God have to come and fix the machine if it wasn't broken? But the machine was broken so we see who was telling the truth and Who was not do you think God would have gone through all of this all of the study that we've gone through of the life of Jesus of the suffering of Jesus of the Humiliation of Jesus and and finally the death on the cross of Jesus if nothing was broken But something was broken and death was in the world and Jesus came to fix it Look at John chapter 8 and look at verse number 44 The Bible says year of your father the devil Jesus is saying, you know, yeah, this is who Satan is He said you are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do he meaning Satan meaning the devil was what a murderer from the beginning and Abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him It's not like he tells the truth some of the time and Other times he lies it says there was no truth in him and look what he says a lot of times people will misquote this And say oh he was a liar from the beginning. No, it says he was a murderer from the beginning He said how is he a murderer because he told them to do something that would kill them He essentially murdered them He essentially led them into Dying it says when he speaketh a lie, he's speaketh of his own for he's a liar and the father of it by lying He killed them Encourage them to basically kill themselves is what happened here. He's the father of lies This is why you know, you see so many things in the world today This is this this verse explains why you see so many things in the world today That aren't just a little bit different from the Bible they're the opposite of the Bible You look at you know, you look at how everything's fake you look at you know global homo You look at all the the queerness and all the perversion and you look at all this stuff It's not a little bit different than the Bible. It's the opposite of what the Bible says Because it's of Satan. That's why Because he's the he's he was a murderer from the beginning and there is no truth in him There's no truth in him turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 So Jesus came and he fixed the problem. Why a resurrection? Why a resurrection? Why a physical resurrection for us? I talked about you know The mechanics of your resurrection how that's going to go at what part of the end times you are actually going to be physically resurrected How does that fit in with the Antichrist? How does that fit in with the tribulation? How does that fit in with you know, all the wrath of God, you know, where is my resurrection going to be? That's what we talked about a week and a half ago. But why do I even need a Physical resurrection look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 look at verse number 9 So we're guaranteed the first thing that the resurrection of Jesus Christ buys you is The hope of your physical resurrection. I say why do I need one? I think I look pretty good Now look at for 1st Corinthians chapter 6 look at verse number 9 The Bible says know ye not that the unrighteous now shall not inherit the kingdom of God Be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind Nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revelers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God As Such were some of you but you are washed you're sanctified But you're justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God what the Bible here is saying Is that you know nobody that I mean a lot of people will teach works based salvation using this this verse here But if you're teaching works based salvation using 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse number 9 through 11. Nobody's going to heaven Nobody's going to heaven Because no one's going to be without sin in their lives what the Bible is saying is that your vile self your vile body Can't go to heaven Instead not only are you sanctified through the blood of Jesus Christ But you actually need a glorified body before that body can go to heaven That's what this is saying. We can't go like this We can't go with this corrupt body So our soul will go to heaven and at the first resurrection our glorified body will go Turn to Revelation chapter 1 turn to Revelation chapter 1 So we just can't go in this body So now we have we have a hope of a physical resurrection because Jesus rose from the dead you say well How could Jesus rise from the dead? No, the Bible literally says in Acts chapter 2 and verse number 38 And I just read for you in Matthew chapter 12 verse number 40 where Jesus will be three days and three nights Where in the heart of the earth that's hell Jesus's soul was three days and three nights in hell That's why you know people that are like you know the resurrection Or the the crucifixion was Friday and that three days and three nights was just figurative well What the Bible is only figurative when it says when it's clearly stating that hey, this is a parable It's like unto its like as like these things it says no so shall For As Jonas three days and three nights you know if we just take three days and three nights and say that's figurative speech I guess we could make the world billions of years old, too No, the Bible is literal and what Jesus says is literal unless specifically stated otherwise So three days and three nights Jesus's soul Was in hell you say how could Jesus how could Jesus conquer that because what that is death? That is where the dead are in hell if you die and your soul goes to hell. That's literally called the second death That's the death of your soul. That's where the dead are we will never be dead if we're say if we're saved If you're saved this morning, you will never be dead But Jesus went where the dead are Why so he could conquer death look down at Revelation chapter 1 look at verse number 18 Revelation chapter 1 verse number 18 for I am he that liveth and was dead people that don't believe I don't know how you could not believe that Jesus's soul went to hell when the Bible says it explicitly The Bible literally just says it explicitly that that's what happened Oh, but I it doesn't matter what you think or how you feel. That's what the Bible says Happened oh one of the exact one of the arguments God can't die You're saying God died I am he that was living and was dead like that doesn't mean God was dead didn't exist all these things Just read the Bible and listen with the Bible saying He's he was in hell is what this was saying. He was where the dead are but the difference between Jesus and everybody else in hell is He's got the keys to get out That's the difference. That's why only Jesus could have done this Only Jesus could have done this as hell I just I'm building kind of a shed that's turned into kind of a barn in my house I put the door on it yesterday, and I put a lock on the door And on the outside of the door is where you put the key on the outside of the door. Hell is like the lock switched around Where the keys on the inside? It gets locked from the outside so if you're in there, and you don't have the key. There's no getting out And guess what only one person has the key To hell and that's what the Bible says here. It says. I am alive forever more amen and what and have the keys of hell and of death That's why God had to do this for us. That's why this broken machine that one man broke There was only one man that could fix it Why because Jesus has the keys? Anybody that goes to hell is not getting out Jesus is the only one that had that key So what the resurrection it gives us hope for our physical Resurrection as we studied in detail over the last couple of weeks you say, but what about now? What about now doesn't you know the resurrection of Jesus isn't that doesn't that buy me anything now? I mean that's great that I'm gonna be physically resurrected one day turn to John chapter 3 Well, I got some good news for you this morning I got some good news for you because you were going to be physically resurrected one day But the second thing that the resurrection bought you look there's a difference between the physical and the spiritual This is why people didn't understand Jesus because they weren't they weren't understanding that he was speaking spiritually many times There's a difference between the physical and the spiritual guess what you are already physically resurrected The Bible says that if you were saved you are spiritually resurrected in a moment look at John chapter 3 This is why Nicodemus Couldn't understand what Jesus was saying Look at John chapter 3 because why because Jesus was talking spiritually He was talking spiritually and Nicodemus was just thinking he was just thinking physically He was just thinking spiritually just like he was thinking physically when he should have been speaking spiritually Just like I am the bread of life. Oh we have to eat you He was speaking spiritually look at John chapter 3 verse number 3 look You have hope for your physical resurrection because of the resurrection That's the first thing the second thing is though you can know today that if you're saved you are already Spiritually resurrected as you sit here this morning look at John chapter 3 verse number 3 Jesus answered and said unto him Verily verily Jesus is talking to Nicodemus verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again He cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said unto him saith unto him How can a man be born when he is old he's thinking physical? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered and said verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born of water and Of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God not talking about baptism talking about physical versus spiritual he's talking about you must be physically born and Be spiritually born so and then he explains it You're like I don't believe you well look at verse 6 that which is born of flesh is flesh And that which is born of spirit is spirit the moment you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and call upon him You are spiritually resurrected You are born again. You are spiritually born again turn to Romans chapter 6 We just read this in the announcements look at Romans chapter 6 so look That's some pretty good news that that spiritual resurrection has already happened it happens look he that believeth on the Sun half Everlasting life like half means you have it now Like when you believeth on the Sun what causes you to call upon him you have it just like that you are spiritually resurrected at that moment Look at Romans chapter 6 in verse number 4 talking about Baptism but more importantly here is talking about how you're already Spiritually reborn therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as see see how this see there's a There's like a metaphor like as It's comparing and saying just like it's a picture of is what this means like as Christ was raised up from the dead By the glory of the Father even so we also will for sure walk in newness of life No, it says we also should Walk in what in newness of life well those three words at the end of that verse newness of life guess what when you're saved You have that newness of life This is what it's talking about. It's talking about your spiritual rebirth your spiritual resurrection That's the newness of life that you have look you should walk in that You should You know on the first you know first part of that is like the picture of that is baptism that your willingness to walk In that newness of life, but you have the newness of life It's there It's there. This is just it's talking about baptism is a picture of you being willing to walk in it All right, but the newness of life is that spiritual resurrection that you've already been given. This is all pretty good news For you this morning. That's why The Christian life we talk a lot about you know getting sin out of your life and preaching every word of the Bible and all These things I stand up and yell and scream at you that you should be doing this you shouldn't be doing that but really When you look at you know the things that we've been given because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ You look at the idea that we're going to have a physical resurrection one day, but even better on top of that We already have been given this spiritual rebirth It's like we just gave that to you just for trusting on Jesus We just got that right away the Christian life is really about loyalty. I Mean, that's really what it's about. Yeah obedience. Yes, but I mean really when you come down to it. It's really just loyalty Loyalty to the God that gave you these things Loyalty to the God that that gives you everlasting life and has given you these gifts to go along with it Go back to Mark chapter 16 go back to Mark chapter 16 So I mean when you think of these things that we've been given by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's just it's just a matter of You know taking that action out of just loyalty to somebody that's that's given you these things look at Mark chapter 16 verse 15 this is really interesting here now Hopefully you'll this these two verses will make more sense to you look at Mark chapter 16 and look at verse 15 And he saith he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature Okay, now look we we that's why we go soul-winning That's why we go out this direct easy to understand Command in the Bible. That's why we go out preaching the gospel to every creature, but now look at verse 16 It says he that believeth in is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned So first of all just get this out of the way people like use this one verse to say oh you have to be baptized To be saved that's not what it says That's not what it says he that believeth and puts installs carpet for a living shall be saved He that believeth and drove a pickup to church this morning shall be saved he that believeth And you know is a is a construction worker shall be saved he that believeth and is lazy shall be saved He seemed of saying I could put anything in here, but what makes you to go to hell? What makes you damn? believeth not So it's very simple But the reason that baptism is put in there is because baptism is a picture of us wanting to walk the walk Baptism is a picture of us wanting to actually walk in that newness of life of wanting to identify With the Savior that saved us and walk in newness of life, and what's verse 15 right before that he's saying hey I need you to walk. I need you to do works I need you to hey now that I've done all these things for you Giving you everlasting life promised you a physical reset Resurrection giving you that newness of life right now giving you that spiritual rebirth right now He's like hey, could you go tell other people how to get this? Could you go do this for me? That's why baptism is is just kind of a neat thing to bring up right there because it pictures a Christian who is saved That wants to walk in that newness of life There's plenty of Christians that will never walk In newness of life it doesn't mean that they don't have that life Because God promised before the world began And God cannot lie So look The Christian life is really just about loyalty You know it's about loyalty I mean when we separate from sin, that's about loyalty You know when we when we actually start doing the work That's that's us just being loyal to God, it's just our it's it's it's our showing our willingness to walk in The way that Jesus want us to walk like most Christians won't But that doesn't mean that's no excuse for for for us You know before I was before I was saved You know think just thinking about you know you know go to you know go to all the world and preach the gospel to every Creature I mean that's not complicated That's not a complicated command You know but before I was saved. I was still in church Before I was saved. I went to church all the time You know once a week or whatever it was at the Lutheran Church But you know what I was never taught that I should tell anyone the gospel not that I would have known what that was But I wasn't even ever taught when I was going to church before I was saved I wasn't even taught that I should even go talk to anybody about Jesus Isn't that weird But that's how that's how churches are today You know churches are social clubs today as a matter of fact. I can remember I can remember Conversations after church in The Lutheran Church and those conversations were were always about business. There was about I work there was about recreation or hunting or fishing or whatever The Bible that would have been weird If somebody would have brought up something about the Bible in those conversations after church. It was just unheard of It was almost like there was a culture where you just didn't talk about spiritual things It seems very very strange and foreign to me now of course But this is the culture that I was raised in this is the culture of the church That I went to but you know what? Then I started like I had a lot of logical inconsistencies things didn't make sense and I started reading the Bible Which it didn't make a lot of sense to me I? Started listening to preaching on the Bible. I got I got saved In there somewhere I got saved waltz reading the Bible Seeking the truth as Matthew 7 says I was seeking and I was shown the truth and As I as I got saved there was still a short period where we were still we still hadn't left the Lutheran Church I mean like just a couple weeks And I remember asking the pastor of the church I mean I was saved at this point and just reading simple verses like Matthew 16 15 Like that's not like end-time prophecy right there It's like go preach the gospel. What is the gospel the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ? And I remember asking the pastor like shouldn't we be I think I might ask this question like before I was even saved by the way You know I'm just starting to figure things out and get things put together And I just asked the pastor of that Lutheran Church like shouldn't we be doing this Because I remember we lived in Texas for many many years and the Baptist would be going around knocking the doors and Preaching the gospel to people and I remember asking this Lutheran pastor Shouldn't we be doing what they're doing I? Mean it doesn't take a Bible scholar to figure this out And he just said he's like I remember I'll never forget the answer. He's just like we're not that kind of church. Yeah That was a truthful answer The only more truthful he could have been is we're not a church Because there's no candlestick there, there's nothing but in a cursed false gospel there is all there was Which brings me to the third thing That the resurrection bought you see when I got saved when I got saved to meet many of you I know have had the same experience when I found out when I got saved and I found out what I should be doing How I should be walking I couldn't get enough I Couldn't get enough. I was I was binge watching sermons From Pastor Anderson and Pastor Jimenez, and you know well basically those two, but I mean I was just I mean I would just I couldn't get enough I was just reading the Bible just just reading reading my wife, and I were both this way You know we would read a chapter in the Bible, and if we had problems You know we didn't listen to a sermon on it And it was just like I just couldn't get enough of it And I felt like but I had this feeling like a whole new world was being unlocked for me and I know that many of you have told me the same thing that you have had this experience, too But turn to 1st Timothy chapter 3. Here's what was really happening. Here's what was really happening I? Just felt like just like these treasures We're just being unlocked and so many things were coming together it was it was it was exciting, but at times it was overwhelming and I mean because look the Bible was the Bible my entire life. You know what it was it was a great mystery to me It was a great mystery to me I had heard oh This is the best-selling book in the history of all mankind there will never be a better book than the King James Bible There you know the King James Bible this and that and this and that but it was a great mystery of what was actually in that book I Tried to read it unsaved many times. I've read Genesis chapter 1 like 800 times in my life But look it. Just it doesn't make sense until you're saved, but here's what's really happening look at 1st Timothy chapter 3 look at verse number 16 1st Timothy chapter 3 Verse number 16 it says without controversy Great is the mystery of godliness What is that mystery God was manifest in the flesh? justified in the spirit scene of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world and Received up into glory the Bible here says that this this this this event that happened is a great mystery to the world and Look at the front of your bulletin Look at the front of your both in the verse of the week where Jesus says in Luke chapter 8 in verse number 10 Look what he says look People are people are chosen to know this mystery you say are you talking about Calvinism pastor? No, people are chosen to know this mystery and Jesus tells us who those people are in Luke chapter 8 in verse number 10. This is not the only verse that Jesus said this Luke chapter 8 in verse number 10 He says and I say and he said unto you It is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to others in Parables that seeing they may not see and hearing they may not understand This is why you read so many things in the Bible And there's all these Pharisees and all these other people that are just not understanding what Jesus is saying You know like how can they not understand because it is given to you to know and not them You say what do you mean who's you the disciples? The disciples so look what's the third thing not only are you given? Hope for a physical resurrection, and you know that you are already spiritually directed this morning But look here's the third thing that you're given through the resurrection of Jesus Christ being saved this morning mysteries will open to you Mysteries will open to you that is a wonderful Promise but notice it's the disciples this one not every Christian is guaranteed to Some Christians will take this one farther than other Christians some Christians will leave this one on the table completely You say why because being a disciple and being saved are two different things Being saved is the gift that God has given you he's just sealed you eternally. He's given you that salvation being a disciple is Somebody that is doing what they should do and following Jesus the problem is people marry these together today and now they have a workspace salvation and That's the whole problem But if you follow Jesus if you start walking as you should if you start working look the Bible says these mysteries will be open to you turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and Look not every saved person is going to take advantage of this one, and that's a shame. That's sad Because this is a this is a good one. This is a good one This is why you know you have that desire when you're saved and those people that that that push and walk and read And listen this is why they grow so quickly because these mysteries are just being unlocked and unlocked and unlocked look at 1st Corinthians chapter 2 look at verse number 9 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse number 9 I'm a way for everybody to get there because I want you to read want you to see these words in Your Bible look at verse number 9 of 1st Corinthians chapter 2 God talks about the things And he compares the things that he's going to show you compared to what you already know look at 1st Corinthians chapter 2 look at verse Number 9 the Bible says, but as it is written. I have not seen Nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them That love him that's interesting right there Who loves God God says if you love me keep my commandments Loving God is not being saved Like oh, you know you don't you know look lots of people are saved and don't love God because love is action folks Love is doing things love is sacrifice Love is actual doing things not some feeling of butterflies or lust or whatever the world wants to tell you that it is It says these things it says the things that people that love me people that are actually doing what I've asked them to do He's like you have no idea The things that I have in store for you He's saying in verse number 9. He's saying These things that I have in store for those that are following me and walking in my ways He's saying the heart of man. He's like you can't even imagine the things that I have in store for you Look at verse 10, but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit by his spirit the Holy Spirit for the spirit searches all things yay The deep things of God God you're saying you have no idea the things that God will unlock for you Is what the Bible is saying verse number 11? For what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of man. That's that's your spirit. That's your will Which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man But the Spirit of God that's saying look the only way that you know how do I unlock the this the mysteries of the Bible? How do I unlock he's telling you the mechanics of it right here. He's telling you how it actually works He's telling you how you're actually going to be able to unlock Why did I read Genesis 1 800 times in my life and not understand the Bible Why could I not understand even the Gospels when I was not saved why because I didn't have that key that he's talking about here I didn't have the Spirit of God I didn't have the Holy Spirit within me when you get saved you're sealed by the Holy Spirit You become a temple of the Holy Spirit God gives you the earnest of your salvation He gives you a down payment of that spirit inside you and that is the mechanics of how you can unlock the Bible Because this will not be understood and explains it in the next few verses by the natural man without the Spirit of God Now we have received not the spirit of the world But the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God like this is free This is free. You have the Holy Spirit that was free your everlasting life is free. God just didn't give you everlasting life He gave you the hope of a physical resurrection he gave you the spiritual resurrection He gave you the Holy Spirit inside you put that one down as number four He gave you the Holy Spirit, which will help you understand and unlock these mysteries of the Bible That's how it works That's how it works. You can even pray for God you say well You know I read some things you can even pray for the the spirit to help you understand things, and it will it will happen It will happen Which things we also speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost Teaches the Holy Ghost will teach you folks comparing spiritual things with spiritual Talking about you will understand the spiritual things because the Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost inside you will teach you Those things these mysteries are a gift Say well, you know I don't really feel that way I don't really feel like you know just this desire to unlock these mysteries Here's why you don't feel that way because the Bible just explained it to you It says comparing spiritual things with spiritual. What do you have to do you have to get in it? You have to get in it. You have to you have to get in the word and out of the world Because it's spiritual things with spiritual the Holy Ghost doesn't have anything to teach you about going to the bar All you're gonna. Do is grieve The Holy Spirit you're just gonna grieve the Holy Ghost a lot of people's Holy Ghost inside them is just grieving all the time He said I've never really felt like this what it's not gonna happen by osmosis You have to get in the word you have to read the word look you got to get sold out in this Christian life and That's where I mean look I'm gonna give you some details and some opportunities on that tonight in great detail on how you can do that in just the next Coming few months, but that also means folks that not only do you have to get into the word and get into the spiritual life But you have to get out of the other stuff because one Chokes the other You can't have them both You can't have them both. That's why we that's why we preach. I preach is separation Separation separation you have to separate from it to get in it because if you're in that you'll hate this One will kill the other you say what do you mean? It'll it'll kill your spiritual desire. It'll kill your spiritual life Being in the world and not getting these things out of your life. I Mean first Corinthians chapter 2 is talking about the Holy Ghost will help you compare spiritual things with spiritual meaning as I'm reading the spiritual things of the Bible the Holy Spirit in me will give me spiritual understanding of those things and That's why you'll find people that just have this just this insatiable desire For the Bible this insatiable desire just to to just listen to preaching and just to learn more and more and more Because they're in the word and they're unlocking these mysteries, and it's just look this hasn't stopped for me This hasn't stopped for me years and years and years after salvation because you say well when will you've unlocked everything well, it's infinite The Bible is an infinite book the more times you read it the more you get out of it You say when will you read the Bible and all of a sudden just know everything never I? Mean the more and more will be unlocked to you and look and if you want if you want to just stay in it Every question will be answered for you That's what the Bible is saying here That's why you know I've said this many times too, but this is a hard church to be half in You know this is a hard church to like have one foot in The reason is is because you know Most people that aren't going to get all in Well, just they they don't like being told about things that they're never going to do Over and over and over again. You know a lot of people will just they'll hit a stopping point And they'll say yeah, you know what I'm just not going to go any further. I'm just not going to do anymore. I'm just I They hit a wall they hit a wall in their Christian life and and Unfortunately look any one of you can hit a wall and keep coming to church here there. I mean that's up. That's that's on you But people don't like being told over and over and over that they should jump over a wall that they're not just they're just not going to cross That's why you know a bible-preaching church is is is a tough church to be half in It just is But look I'm trying to tell you this morning that these mysteries are given to you. You're not charged for these These are free to you these mysteries every answer to every question Everything is given to you. You just have to have a desire to want it and So many people will profit From you unlocking these mysteries because we're to carry these mysteries to the world we're to carry these mysteries to a lost and dying and Confused world is what we are supposed to do and look just quite frankly Out of loyalty Out of loyalty we should want to unlock these mysteries and use them the way God wants us to use them today Look it's amazing for us personally. It's amazing for our families It's amazing to know how you know no matter how messed up Everything else gets that we have the answers and we have the ability and the solutions and you know the answers to how to protect Ourselves and our spouses and our children from all this wickedness from all these wise But it's up to us to carry These things to the world God is not going to go magically. You know go soul-winning for us. He gave that to us to do You know a perfect example of these mysteries is like the end times The Bible tells us as we've studied through the end times the Bible tells us that when you know the abomination of desolation Happens and the image is set up in the temple and all these things happen And then you know the Antichrist says you know we must take the mark of the beast is like everyone's gonna go along with it Everyone's gonna go along with it except the same believers Except the Saints except us except the elect You say how because we know Because these things are given to us This is one of the mysteries that's unlocked to us. That's how you're like. How is everyone going this direction today? It's like literally gotten to the point where you know people 20 years ago Used to look at the Christian life and make oh we don't do these activities And we don't go to these places and they kind of snivel down at the Christian now I mean personally for me. I look at the rest of the world. I'm like you all are nuts You all are a bunch of morons. You are putting your kids there you guys are doing this I mean even when I know people they don't believe in all this Perversion and all this stuff that's going on today but It's because we have the mysteries unlocked to us and God wants us to bring that to the world I Mean people are confused they're angry, but because of the truth that's told here we know We know Which means we know how to navigate through it. We know how to separate from it We know how to be successful in that type of environment So we got three things, and I'm trying to point out this morning to you that you've been given that you benefit from the resurrection You know you're saved three things that you benefit from you're gonna. Have a physical resurrection. You're already spiritually resurrected Actually turned out to Romans chapter 8 turn to Romans chapter 8 on your on your resurrection on your resurrection turn to Romans chapter 8 You're gonna be physically resurrected one day. You're already spiritually resurrected Look at verse number 38 of Romans chapter 8 And here's a nice thing about those resurrections about this life that we're living now You know I have my my vile body. I still have the flesh with me, but I'm spiritually resurrected I'm reborn I'm born again the Bible says look what the Bible says I did this is just a great couple verses here the Bible says in Romans 8 38 this for I am persuaded that neither death nor life Nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come Height nor depth nor any creature which shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord It's interesting this list of things here. It says angels Principalities nor powers it's talking about governments Powers people on this earth. It's giving basically a list of everything that Jesus defeated here It's like we don't have to worry about any of this I can just have hope of a physical resurrection one day I know that I'm spiritually resurrected I know that I will never lose my salvation because Jesus has conquered literally everything for me Everything nor height nor depth there's nothing that Jesus hasn't conquered This is basically a list of everything Jesus conquered right here that I don't have to worry about anymore And not only that do I have that that rebirth that spiritual rebirth and that hope of that physical resurrection But God has given me the Holy Spirit and the mysteries of God and It is only up to me and how I walk in my Christian life that defines the depths of those Mysteries that will be unlocked to me and to you So that's why I'm here today to talk about the mystery of the Bible the Christian life well, yeah, I mean it's It's exciting and there's persecution But it will never stop being exciting because there is no end It's not like oh I got to this level and that I hit the top There is no end because the mysteries are infinite that will be unlocked to us. You just got to ask yourself Turn to Matthew chapter 25 will end here. He's got to ask yourself. What type of Christian do you want to be? You know what type of Christian do you want to be God has done all these things for you? He not only gave you the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ so you could be saved eternally But then he gave you all these promises that we talked about this morning all these wonderful gifts on top of that You know another word for loyal. You know what that is another word for loyal. It's faithful Look at Matthew chapter 25 and look at verse 21. This should be our goal When we get to heaven and we are standing you know before Jesus We should we I would want Jesus to say thank you for being loyal to me Thank you for being loyal But there's there's another word that the Bible uses and that word is called faithful look at verse number 21 of Matthew chapter 21 His Lord said unto him. This is what I would hope that every Christian. That's walking and spending their life Trying to do what God has asked them to do After he's already freely given you all these things I would hope that every Christian would want the Lord Jesus Christ to say to them well done thou good and faithful servant Look, I don't know that that he'll ever say that me to somebody like me I Don't know that, but this is what my goal is I? Wasted a lot of time in my life, and I use that to motivate me I was wrong for many many years. I didn't get saved cause in my mid-30s, and I use that I don't sit down and cry about it. I use that to motivate me To be like you know what I got to push harder. I got to keep on walking I got to keep walking I had to keep doing these things why to be faithful to be loyal to Jesus Christ who did everything for me and That's what Christian life is all about So we could maybe have the chance the dream for for Jesus Christ to say well done thou good and faithful servant And guess what? Most Christians will pursue nothing in their lives That's a lot to leave on the table first of all, but you know what for everyone else They are the ones that get hurt the most for everyone else look For everyone else look they are the people that I mean these are the people That you know that there's people out there think about this think about this These are the things this is why I write sermons in the morning so I can ponder these things When it's quiet, and there's nobody running around the house or whatever so you can just ponder the mysteries of God But think about this there could be a Christian that does nothing in their life, and they're saved and then it could be someone who's seeking Someone who wants to be saved or who would be saved if they were preached the gospel and This person here would be someone that if they knew the gospel would do ten times more than this person ever will That's quite a that's quite a conundrum to think about there, but there's all these people out there You know look it's our job to go to them notice. I didn't say it's our job to find them God already knows who they are God already knows who the people that are seeking are God doesn't choose people to be saved and who is not to be saved but he knows who is seeking the truth and who is not and He sends us to those people that are seeking the truth That's how that works. That's the mechanics of that That's the mechanics of people getting saved God already knows who they are It's our job to go It's our job to go so look appreciate the resurrection today Happy Easter. He is risen Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer