(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey man, so keep your place there in Ezekiel chapter 13. We're going to be going through this story in the Bible this morning and hopefully my goal this morning is to show you how relevant the Bible is to your life today and everything around you. So keep your place in Ezekiel chapter 13. Throughout the whole sermon we're going to keep going back to Ezekiel chapter 13. So we're going to have you go somewhere else. You're going to keep a bookmark there and we'll keep coming back and going through this story verse by verse. But I was in a house the other day. I was in a house the other day in this house. I could tell that this house was built sometime in the 50s. This house was built sometime in the 1950s because I noticed I'm in the living room in this house. I also have owned in the past I owned a house that was built in the 50s because living room in this house I could tell because it had this very narrow hardwood floors. It was actually in the house. It was funny because the house had been remodeled. You could tell several times but this original floor remained in this house that I was in and it was actually got me thinking about this sermon in this chapter in the Bible because everything around us now is fake. It is the kind of the way I started to think and it reminded me of this chapter in the Bible. See these hardwood floors into this house were real hardwood floors. They were actually real you know hardwood of some kind. I know this because I used to have a house that had one story the house was all of this hardwood floor and you could actually I did this you can actually sand down these hardwood floors because it's an actual thick plank. It's about you know a half inch or more thick. You can actually sand the entire thing down, refinish it, and it looks just like new. Again you know versus what we see today is everything is just fake. You know it looks like hardwood but it's not. You know an example is our fellowship hall. Garrett and I we installed that fellowship hall floor in about four or five hours. That entire floor we were able to put in. It looks like hardwood. It looks but it's not. It's fake. It's actually plastic and when it comes to you know that floor getting scratched up and and you know I'm worn out we'll just pull that floor up and we'll throw it away. There's no refinishing it. There's no redoing it. Anything like that. It just got me to thinking about all these different things. We're living in a fake world today. Everything around us is fake. We're building a shed at my house Jacob and I. Well it's turned more into like a barn at this point but you know I'm showing him measurements and I'm saying okay we what was that number we need to subtract three and a half from that. He's like why three and a half? Well Jacob it's because a two by four isn't two inches by four inches. It's one and a half inches by three and a half inches. But if you remember or you've ever been in a building that again was built before 1950 we had some old granaries on the farm and if you would look at the timber in that barn it was two inches by four inches. It was actually real and that wood I still remember some of that wood when I was modifying some of those buildings. That wood was so hard you could almost you could barely get a skill saw through it. The wood was such high quality wood. Now you cut this wood today and it's like just cuts through it like butter. You know but the point is everything's fake today. You look at baseboards you can buy at Home Depot. They're not even wood most of them. They're compressed paper basically. Some of these baseboards they're not even actual wood. You look at wood blinds for your house. They're not wood they're plastic. Everything is fake around us. Not just construction things. You think about things in our social life. You think about people's friends. People say I have 2,000 Facebook friends. It's like those aren't your real friends. Those are fake friends. Many of those friends anyway are fake. Think about phone calls. Think about text messages. My wife got a text message from a random number this earlier this week and it sounded like this was someone that wanted to be her friend and and then she wasn't really sure who it was and then I got a similar text message just a couple days later. Here's the thing. Everything's fake. All these things these people that want to be your friends and they're reaching out it's just they're just scams. They're just trying to you know feign friendship, feign that they want help or something like this. It's all fake just to scam you. There's so many fake things around us in the world today. You think about the news. Don't get me started. The news I mean not only look not only is the news much of it fake but a lot of it is just simply the opposite of what's true. A lot of it is just simply something that is just completely untrue. Think about the government and the lies and all these different things that come out. I mean look that's why you know I'm thankful I'm thankful for you know this wealth of knowledge that we have from all over the world. At least you can get you know pieces of information that comes from somewhere other than five media companies that control everything that Americans see you know in this world. Because look a lot of it's fake. The thing that kills me about our country not to go off on this is that our country tells so many lies at this point that it is well known around the world in populations around the world that the government in the United States the media in the United States they're just it's all fake it's all lies. Think about this for a second. Think of Rahab in Joshua chapter 2 when she hid the spies and she lied to the authorities in Jericho. They said where did they go and she hid the spies and she told them that they went a different way so the spies were able to get away. Why did her lie work? Her lie worked because they believed she was credible. This is the irony of just like just being this known liar around the world is it's not even going to work because nobody believes anything we say at this time. You say oh it's all covert and it's just espionage but it doesn't work anyway because nobody believes anything that we say. Because we've lied about many things. We've been fake about so many things. You think about I mean who we have zero trust anymore. You think about somebody in Vietnam. A South Vietnamese person that was helping the Americans that we abandoned. You think about somebody in Iraq that was helping the Americans that we abandoned. In Afghanistan that we abandoned. I mean think about this the millions of people that have died because of all the lies all the fakeness that has come out of our nation. It's all fake today. Even the causes that we're told to care about today are fake. You say well like what's the biggest cause you can think of this global warming and climate catastrophe that's coming up. Look I'm telling you it's all fake. How do I know it's fake? Because I just look at what's happening around us. We blow up two pipelines in the Baltic Sea. Yes we did it. Look it up. Pay attention to what's happening. These pipelines release enough methane gas to be the equivalent of every single car that will be running in the United States for an entire year. As far as the according to the own climate activist scientists science themselves it was as bad that methane release was as bad for the environment for global warming for climate change as every single car that will burn co2 burn hydrocarbons and create co2 for an entire year in the United States. But where's the outrage? Where's the outrage? There isn't any outrage because it's fake. It's manufactured fakeness for an outcome that people want. That's why you don't see outrage. That's why you don't see news about it because it's all manufactured. It's all fake. The point I'm trying to get at is that we're surrounded by fake today. We're surrounded by fake today. Now turn to Ezekiel chapter 13. Ezekiel chapter 13. Who is Ezekiel? Ezekiel was a prophet that was a prophet during the time of Josiah up until the Babylonian captivity. He was a prophet in Judah, the lower kingdom. At the time of Ezekiel the northern kingdom of Israel is already gone. They've already been taken away into captivity for by the Assyrian Empire. Ezekiel was a prophet at the same time as Zephaniah. This is just for your Bible reading knowledge. He's the same prophet at the same time as Zephaniah. He's a prophet at the same time as Habakkuk. He was a prophet at the same time of of course Jeremiah. So that's why you'll see you know a lot of the same a lot of the same concepts in these four prophets especially because they're all kind of they're going through the same thing in the nation of Judah at the same time. Look at Ezekiel chapter 13 and look at verse number one. Look what the Bible says here. It says in the word of the Lord knowing that we're surrounded by fake today let's read this and see how relevant this is to us today. And the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man. So this is the word of God now. This is what God is prophesying through Ezekiel. In verse 2 it says son of man prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts hear ye the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God woe unto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and have seen nothing. So right away Ezekiel or God is speaking through Ezekiel here and he is he is rebuking the prophets of this land. He's rebuking the the men of God of this land the the pastors the spiritual leaders that are prophesying they're not prophesying you know there's God saying I have not given you any vision. It's like you've not seen anything from me yet you are prophesying all these things. He calls them foolish prophets. He says oh Israel in verse 4 thy prophets are like foxes in the desert. So what kind of prophets are these is kind of what I want you to be thinking about as we read these next couple of verses. What kind of prophets are these? Are they preaching false doctrine? What is their main problem that God is getting at here? Look at verse 5. You have not gone up into the gaps neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord. So right away here in verse number 5 he says you've not gone into the gaps and you've not made up the hedge. He's saying you're not offering the protection that you're supposed to offer. Meaning that a prophet a true man of God is supposed to offer you, offer the people, offer the nation protection. Okay and he's saying you're not doing that. Instead look what they're doing in verse 6 says they have seen vanity and lying divination saying the Lord saith and the Lord have not sent them and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word. So what they're doing is they're they're saying things that aren't from God and they're saying that they are from God. And then what they're doing is they're getting others on board. So look it's not just the prophets here. They're giving others, they're giving people what kind of hope are they giving them? They're giving them fake hope. They're giving them fake hope. They're giving them hope that is not real. So much and they're so good at it. Listen to this. Look at the last part of the verse. They're giving people such fake hope in such a convincing way that the people are actually helping them. The people are actually confirming what they say. So they're actually getting disciples after themselves and the people are actually confirming the fakeness of what they're putting off here. Look at in 2 Timothy. I'll just read it to you. You keep your place in Ezekiel. 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse number 3. The Bible tells us kind of gives us this kind of gives us this this this people that will be the kind of people that will give hope to these fake prophets to these false messages. Look at this in verse number 3 it says of 2 Timothy chapter 4. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears. They'll they'll they'll grab teachers that tell them what they want to hear. They'll heap to themselves meaning they will seek out these type of prophets in Ezekiel chapter 13 and then the people will confirm the fakeness is what's happening here because that's what they want to hear. I mean a sign of the truth look a sign of the truth and we'll get into this a little bit more detail but a sign that somebody is telling you the truth is when it's things that you don't want to hear all the time. Yes there should be good news but if it's good news all the time you must raise a flag and say something's wrong here. I mean this kind of reminds me of what the Bible says in Proverbs 29 5 where it talks about flattery. This is something just tells you just good things all the time. You know the Bible says there it says a man that flattereth his neighbor it says spreadeth a net for his feet. This is somebody so like somebody that you're like I have this friend and like this friend just like tells me good things all the time it's just nothing about how great I am nothing about how wonderful everything is all the time. Something's wrong there. Something is wrong there. Look back at Ezekiel chapter 13. So that's what these prophets are doing. They're just giving this fake hope. They're just giving this fake message and all the people are on board with it and they are helping spread it or confirm it the Bible says. Look at verse number eight. Therefore because of this thus saith the Lord God because you have spoken vanity and seen lies therefore behold I am against you saith the Lord. Verse 9 in my hand shall be on the prophets that see vanity and that divine lies and they shall not be in the assembly of my people neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel neither shall they enter into the land of Israel and you shall know that I am the Lord God and here is really the coup de gras right here in verse number 10 about who these prophets are it says because even because God's like trying to really get it across to us there he says because no really listen is what he's saying it says because why am I against them why am I against these prophets because even because they have seduced my people saying peace and there was no peace and one built up a wall and lo others daubed it with untempered mortar title of the sermon this morning is untempered mortar untempered mortar so what kind of prophets were these they were the kind of messengers that were saying that they had this message from God and they were giving these people fake security they were giving these people think about what is about to come upon this nation of Judah they are about to be destroyed they're about to be taken into captivity by this powerful Empire of Babylon but these prophets are giving these people fake security these people think that they have this wonderful wall built up in front of them they have this wonderful wall but the Bible says that it's fake strength it's untempered mortar meaning mortar meaning mortar you know that what gives the brick strength you stack a button look you stack up a wall full of bricks and it's just going to fall you could push it over with one hand I mean the wall could weigh ten tons and if there's no mortar you could push it over with one person could push it over the mortar is what gives the wall strength but this is mortar that never solidifies it's more than just it stays liquid it stays jelly so it's just you think it looks good it looks right it looks strong but it's fake it's like those fake hardwood floors it's not real hardwood it looks good it looks pretty but it's it's fake it's not going to last and these people are telling these people this and they get people on board to start you know spreading this fake message as well so the problem is is that they weren't strong the problem is that they weren't strong you think about a terrible situation that would be to be this completely weak person to be a complete weak organization or nation or whatever it is when when you think you're the strongest that is a disaster a recipe for complete disaster boy the more things change the more they stay the same isn't that I mean isn't that the case I mean in Judah God sends Babylon to destroy them you say it's a good story this is a good story in the Bible but look the Bible's relevant for us there's a reason that God put this in the Bible because it is relevant for us today this prophet in Ezekiel chapter 13 this is the pastor today this is the pastor of many churches today this is the pastor that is filling a church full of people filling a church full of people just giving nothing but good news nothing but this this social gospel nothing but you know be a good person give money to the church give money to the homeless let's go build a building in in some third world country and let's ship diapers across the world let's give Tylenol to little children it's it's the pastor that's preaching the prosperity gospel today what is church all about well church is all about you coming here and and again you giving money I mean this is always about you know what it comes down to with these types of prophets but hey you give money you come and you you serve in the church and and God will just fill you with blessings God will fill you with ten times the money God will fill you with all sorts of things in your life maybe the church has a drug rehab center let's get people off of drugs maybe it's just a social club maybe it's just a place where you go to hang out and get some sense of spirituality they name-drop Jesus they name-drop Jesus to to whatever message the pastor wants to tell them you say you say how in the world you say just think about it for a second you say how in the world look at verse number three how in the world could you go into into into ten different Christian churches in Fresno today let's not even go across California or across the nation how could you go into ten different Christian churches in Fresno and get ten different complete different messages how is that possible well verse three is how it's possible thus saith the Lord God wall into the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit that's why it's possible because every single pastor today every pastor but the pastors of the majority of these churches are just following their own spirit look folks this is one message here this is all the same message but you have all these different passages following all the different their own spirit their own message which is basically their own personal business plan of whatever they want to be and whatever they want it to be to grow their church or grow you know their organization you think about different Bibles today look this is one message right here in the King James Bible but then you look at 150 different Bibles that's a different message so you wonder how you could get different messages from different Christian church it's very easy to see because all these other pastors are just following their own spirit they're following their own Bible version that's how you get I mean you have no idea what you're gonna get when you walk into a place today it's just vanity as verse number six says it's whatever these prophets want yet here's that here's that the common problem in Ezekiel chapter 13 with all churches everywhere the people are in danger this is the problem the people are in danger the people in those churches are not safe it's what the Bible is saying here because why it's all untempered mortar it's all untempered mortar these people in all these churches what we meet them every single week out so winning they think there's a wall there's no wall they're in danger you say what are they in danger from they're in danger from the wrath of God that's how you walk up somebody who's been in church for 20 years and you ask them do you know if you're going to heaven and they have no idea because their church is built on a false foundation with untempered mortar they see the wall they're not even worried they're not even worried because they think that there's a wall there but they're not safe because he that believeth not has the wrath of God abiding on him the Bible says turn to Jeremiah chapter 23 Jeremiah chapter 23 Jeremiah at the same time as Ezekiel he's seeing the same problems he's seeing the same thing that's why look that's why when people come in here there are our first concern for any visitor is that they're saved our first concern our first questions that we will ask any visitor that comes here are are you sure that if you died today you know that you're going to heaven because what is our major concern our major concern is for their actual safety it's for their actual peace as the Bible says Jeremiah 23 21 I have not God says this he says I have not sent these prophets yet they ran meaning they went anyway imagine the irritation of God he has all these people claiming his name name-dropping Jesus as we called it name-dropping God running out in front of the people he said I'm not sent them I have not spoken to them yet they prophesied literally putting words in God's mouth the prophet of Ezekiel chapter 13 is this prophet the prophet of Ezekiel chapter 13 is the modern-day pastor in America today the prophet of Ezekiel chapter 13 in Jeremiah chapter 23 is our actual leaders today too you say what do you mean I didn't watch you know I didn't watch the State of the Union what was it Tuesday I didn't watch it but I guarantee you there was a statement in that speech that said the state of our Union is strong now look I used to be really political when I was in my 20s like really into politics really into the Democrat Republican thing and all that and look I figured this out I figured this one out before I was even saved it's like I don't listen to every president you know the presidents that I liked I'd listen to them be like state of our Union is stronger to be like yeah and then I listen to presidents the next presidents they were just wicked and evil you know what I thought at the time and I was like what wait a minute here you mean no matter what's happening in our country the state of the Union is strong I was like hmm always it's always good all the time I was like somebody's lying to us here look we should figure can it oh again if it's nothing but good news all the time you're being lied to just like the Prophet in Ezekiel chapter 13 everything's fine peace but God says the problem is there was no peace there was war behind that wall that they couldn't see Americans need some discernment today unfortunately as Hebrews chapter 5 says that discernment only comes from the meat of the word that discernment that judgment between good and evil that Ezekiel chapter 4 Hebrews chapter 5 verse number 12 talks about only comes from the meat of the word so as we abandon the Word of God as we abandon the Lord we will just lose all that discernment that's why it's happening so yeah they're false prophets in Ezekiel chapter 13 but what were they doing they were convincing the people that they were safe and it was all fake go back to Ezekiel chapter 13 actually go to Isaiah chapter 31 I'm sorry go keep your place in Ezekiel chapter 13 go to Isaiah chapter 31 Isaiah chapter 31 look at Isaiah chapter 31 in verse number 1 our leaders today are these same prophets in Ezekiel chapter 13 saying everything's fine everything we're strong we're safe we're wealthy they say look at verse number 1 it says woe to them that go down to Egypt for help and stay on horses and trust in chariots first of all let me say something here it's in woe to them God is saying don't you go Israel don't you go and rely on some foreign nation and war materials and horses and don't you rely on the strength of this world you would better rely on me says because there are many looked at many horses many chariots and in horsemen and in the men because they are very strong but they look not under the Holy One of Israel neither seek the Lord the Bible is saying those worldly things those weapons and those soldiers and all those things that you would think make you strong it's like they will not make you strong just like you know we say we are wealthy today look even our money is fake the only reason that our money works today is because not everyone realizes that it's fake yet everything is fake today but here's the irony of Isaiah chapter 31 in verse number 1 these people were lying on actual horses and actual chariots and actual men were relying on fakeness and the Bible is saying that even if those things aren't fake if you don't rely on the Lord but you rely on other things it doesn't make any difference even if our money was real even if our strength was real it wouldn't matter because the real ones won't work either you say this sounds bad how does this end isn't the Bible great the Bible tells us how it ends look at Ezekiel go back to Ezekiel chapter 13 the Bible tells us we can see look we can see the more you read Ezekiel go read Ezekiel 13 four times today and just the parallels will just fill your brain you will just like just continue getting parallel after parallel of things in your individual life of things with our country things with families I mean the whole thing the parallels are all there and all we have to do to see how it ends is just keep reading look at verse number 11 verse number 11 it says saying to them which Dobbit with untempered mortar that it shall fall there shall be an overflowing shower and ye oh great hailstones shall fall and a stormy wind shall rend it this is what Ezekiel and Jeremiah and all these prophets were doing they were telling the people dobbing the wall they're like hey that is untempered mortar that is not going to work but the people didn't listen look at verse 12 low when the wall is fallen shall it not be said unto you where is the dobbing where if you have dobbed it therefore thus saith the Lord God I will even rend it with a stormy wind in my fury and there shall be an overflowing shower in mine anger and great hailstones in my fury to consume it God says I'm going to knock it down so will I break down the wall that you have daubed with untempered mortar and bring it down to the ground so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered more on that later and it shall fall and you should be consumed in the midst thereof and you shall know that I am the Lord that's kind of the main point right there thus I will accomplish my wrath upon the wall and upon them that have daubed it with untempered mortar and will say unto you the wall is no more neither they that daubed it to wit the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem which see visions of peace for her when there is no peace saith the Lord God so what can we take from this what can we take for this the first thing we can take from this is this lies are not strength lies are not strength words are not strength turn to Isaiah chapter 41 things people say that sound good that elicit emotion that is not strength strength only comes from true strength only comes from one place look at Isaiah 41 look at verse number 10 the Bible says fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee God will strengthen you is what he is saying here I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness this tells us where our strength should come from as an individual as a nation as anybody that wants to be truly strong they will get that strength the only true strength comes from the Lord in Deuteronomy chapter 31 the Lord said be strong enough good courage fear not nor be afraid of them I mean they were going in to fight these people that were clearly militarily stronger than they were and God is telling them don't be afraid of them it says for the Lord thy God he it is that doeth that doth go with thee and he will not fail thee nor forsake thee he's like you don't have to be afraid even though they look like they have more horses and more chariots because I'm going with you again just like Amaziah it wasn't the people it wasn't the mercenaries it wasn't you know the extension of his army it was whether or not the Lord was with him why because true strength only comes from the Lord you say what about what about me personally well Philippians chapter 4 verse 13 the Bible says I could do all three things through Christ which strengtheneth me our strength personally is no different our strength personally comes from Jesus Christ himself that's the only true strength go back to Ezekiel chapter 13 and look back at verse number 14 you see these walls with this untempered mortar God is gonna tear these walls down he's gonna tear these walls down why is he gonna tear him down he's gonna tear him down so he can expose something so he can expose something look at verse 14 he says I will break down the wall that you have daubed with untempered mortar and bring it down to the ground so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered that's the second thing and you need to understand about what God is going to do in these types of situations is that found God will uncover the foundations God will find out what this wall that was that was daubed with untempered mortar was built upon and the reason he tears it down is to discover the foundation and so the people can see the foundation he will find out what was holding you up these people up other than the Lord that is what God is trying to show or you know in the case of this wall what you thought was holding you up what you thought you know was protecting you you say yeah I get it I see the parallel you know with our country today I see the parallel with churches today I see the parallel you know with nations today but you know what about us personally well here's the thing we can apply this directly to ourselves personally too because look your Christian life needs to be real your Christian life needs to be genuine it needs to be built with tempered mortar it needs to be built with the truth you see in Ezekiel chapter 13 they thought they had a protective wall you think about our families today I want my family built on the right foundation and I want to daub my family with tempered mortar but you look at what we're being told today you look you look at what we're being told to that we need to strengthen our families today you know today is today is Super Bowl Sunday found out at the coffee shop this morning today you know so but I just got to thinking about this driving to church this morning after hearing that at the coffee shop this morning and we're being told that like sports and activities and all these organized things are just like they are just miss they're just necessary for your family you just you just must have them for the strength of your children all these organized activities you know what I got to thinking I got to thinking like oh I have to have my kids and all these organized sports and all these organized things and all this organized stuff and I'm just like what does that lead to what's that wall lead to that leads to somebody you know being 40 50 years old laying around on a couch you know wasting all their time watching sports I mean at best I mean you know I mean I'm sure that many wicked things will be put in front of people's faces as they watch something like this today but all that aside is you have to ask what is that tempered mortar or was that untempered mortar lead to at least they're just like some fat lazy lifestyle so we're wasting four hours every Saturday four hours every Sunday much more probably through all the different sports and all the different seasons why does it lead to that in people's lives isn't playing sports and all these things good well it leads to that because it's built on a false foundation and it's daubed with untempered mortar that's why I'm not against activities I'm not against you know sports and all this I mean yeah Jacob and I went out on an activity on Saturday and we went through like this place in the wilderness we walked across this crazy bridge that was like something out of like some kind of adventure book or something where it's like literally got the planks missing out of it and we're walking across this bridge and I'm like I'm either the best dad or the worst I'll let you know in half an hour and I'm like don't step on the broken planks we're walking across this thing and then the bridge was like destroyed at the end we didn't crawl down to the end of this bridge and it's like but here's the thing I guarantee I guarantee you one thing when he's on his deathbed when he's 95 years old he'll remember that day but we were I'm not against activities I'm not against sports the kids will be out playing ball today they'll be playing basketball to be playing kickball or hit each other with the ball whatever they play but here's the thing I don't need some wicked foundation some wicked organization that is the foundation of that to have activities and have you know kids do fun things it's not the activity it's the foundation it's the foundation things these are things that we're told will strengthen but actually weaken see the Bible is more concerned about who you are hanging around with and who you are organizing with and that is the problem with all of these philosophies think about schools today think about schools and education and these walls that are built that these foundations that people start building on 65% of fourth graders can't read you're like is that real that's real you say why because it's a bad foundation I'm sick and tired I am sick and tired of listening to stories or hearing stories from the news or from word of mouth about kids being abused in school kids some kids even dying from what's happening in schools I am sick and tired of just hearing about this this wicked foundation that people are telling everyone is necessary that are just hurting children and you know what these people that go to the school boards and they argue against these sick things being taught in school and they argue against all these things you know what they're doing they're dobbing the wall they're dobbing the wall they're trying to dob the wall they're dobbing the wall it's untempered mortar this is the problem this is the problem this is the reason that no matter how hard they try how hard they go into those situations and try to dob that wall with more and more and more untempered mortar that that wall will fall because the foundation is rotten it's like going and trying to argue with Satan that he's not doing a good enough job raising your kids but the Bible says that we should raise our kids it's it's these these these prophets that will tell us oh you can't do that yourself you have to take it to these people over here this is the foundation that you need that would be too hard to do yourself the dobbing of that wall is not going to work these institutions you know they say you can't you can't do that yourself it's too hard they won't be socialized they won't be socialized this idea that the only way your kids can be socialized that they go to one of these satanic institutions and socialize with kids exactly their own age it's a false foundation it's untempered mortar I watch the kids one of the thing my favorite parts of Sunday morning is watching kids blast through the church doors here sometimes I think they blasted the church boards church doors literally minutes before their parents I'm like are they jumping out of the car before it stops moving they blast in here we got kids from four years old to 12 years old to 16 years old all playing together here and and they just it's real mortar that's the real mortar and it works it's real mortar because it's built on the right foundation it's built on a true foundation of truth socialization give me a break I got five-year-olds that come up to me and shake my hand every single every single service they come up to me and they shake my hand like a man and it's it's crazy it's absolutely false you got kids here that listen to the Bible preached they're not they're not in coloring books they're not playing with toys they're listening I can tell I can tell if you're sleeping we talked about this a couple weeks ago you can tell what you say how is that possible how is it possible that they like coming to church and and they they listen to the preaching of the Word of God because it's a real foundation and it's real mortar that's how and it's and it's building a strong wall that's that's how it's possible if you build on a foundation with untempered mortar it's going to fall down and that's what people really need to realize God will tear it down God will tear it down to show us those foundations but the sad thing is is that these people thought that they were protected that's the sad thing that's what that's why God's gonna tear it down God's not just gonna let it go on forever James chapter 1 verse number 2 22 says but be doers of the word and not here is only deceiving your own selves another way of putting that is hey build your body build your life on the foundation of the Bible and da but with tempered mortar do the word that's talking about the Christian who listens but doesn't act and the higher look the higher you build that wall of inaction the worst will be the fall of it so we need to constantly check our foundations go back to Ezekiel chapter 13 you need to constantly be checking your foundations in your life you know you'd be asking yourself when you do things men when you lead your families why am I doing this why am I putting so much effort in this area is the foundation correct why am I leading my family in this direction why are we going here why are we not going there you know you need to think down these details of these situations and leading your families to make sure that the things that you're doing that you're not like you know oh I started you know another building project over here on a false foundation and I'm putting a lot of effort a lot of time into this that wall is gonna fall down especially for you because why did God do this look at verse number 22 why did God do this why was he so I mean think about the prophets we got four different prophets here screaming at you know that we're there that are documented in the Bible I'm sure there were many more just yelling at these people telling them to get right telling them God's gonna do this why it's because God actually cares about these people we are talking about God's people here look at verse number 22 because with lies you have made the heart of the righteous sad whom I have not made sad and strengthen the hand of the wicked so here's what God is saying he's so upset at these prophets and the people that are helping these prophets he's gonna tear him down he's like because look the righteous the people that truly do believe in me you're hurting them he's like you're hurting the righteous people that he should not and look you strengthen the wicked says that he should not return from his wicked way by promising him life therefore you shall see no more vanity nor divine divinations for I will deliver my people out of your hand and you shall know that I am the Lord God's gonna tear these walls down with in even individually in our life if I start going building a foundation over here that is not on the Bible that is look any Christian can do this any Christian can lose their way and start building foundations on rotten foundations and start dobbing those walls those are the the Christians that are like oh I think yeah but they just kind of twist the Bible to what they want you know their life to do they kind of twist God's Word to what they really want to do when they're building on their rotten foundation over here it doesn't matter how they twist the Word of God how any of us would twist the Word of God if we get back slid and start building somewhere else because God's gonna tear it down why for our own good that's because he loves us because he loves us and he's going to rip these things down why to expose that foundation to show us we build a 50-foot wall he's gonna tear it down and say look what that wall was built on you're gonna be like oh better get back to this foundation over here all of this in Ezekiel chapter 13 well there's parallels everywhere parallels everywhere it's for our own protection that God's gonna tear this down look it's better it's better to build on the right foundation because the problem is when God tears down the wall and we're gonna talk about this in detail tonight when God tears down our walls that we built on a false foundation that we daubed with untempered mortar when he tears those walls down some bricks are gonna hit us and it's better to not have him tear down that wall I'm glad that he will but it's better to not start building it in the first place so look everything it's good to see around us it's good don't get frustrated it's good you can see that everything's fake it's good that you can realize this that means you have discernment that means that you're you're consuming the meat of the word so it's good it's good but we don't want to have that in us we don't want to have the fakeness in our lives we want to have strong solid foundations and strong walls with real mortar that actually protect because imagine there was no peace with this nation imagine that wall came down with that was that was daubed with jelly it was daubed with this liquid and it fell down and what did they see they saw the army of Babylon right at their gates is what they saw and it's okay to realize these things and have that discernment between good and evil but we don't want that in our lives we want to build on the proper foundations with with the real building materials you know the real hardwood is what we want and that's what we have here let's bow our heads you