(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In our keep your place there in 2nd Samuel chapter 16 2nd Samuel chapter 16. So this is the story of David. He's fleeing from his son who is overthrown who's kind of you know prosecuted a coup Against him Absalom has taken over the kingdom and David is fleeing with all his people with his family with his mighty men and David Is basically running away. So this morning and we're gonna we're gonna talk about a portion of the the chapter here So keep your place there But this morning what I want to talk about is just a portion of this in verse number 5 is where we're gonna be Looking at they're starting this morning but I want to talk about the subject of scorn this morning the subject of scorn and People that scorn or scorners this morning. So the Bible says I mean, what is scorn? Scorn is all over the Bible. You'll see you'll hear this word all throughout the Bible You'll talk about people that do scorn talk, you know Bible talks in Proverbs about how we're supposed to handle Scorn, you know, basically, what does it mean to be a scorn or to be a scorner or to deal with scorn a scorner? You know the definition of it is a person that who expresses contempt or disdain for someone or something So it's a someone who doesn't like you and they're expressing that towards you But they express it in a myriad of different ways, right? So look these are just not polite people All right is what we're gonna deal with in this morning's sermon So there's you know, there's a lot of scorn in the Bible if you look at the word scorn in the Bible It's just dozens and dozens of times. You'll see the word scorn both in the Old Testament and the New Testament So today we're gonna look at Methods that people use to scorn and we're gonna look at how we should handle Scorn in our lives and how we should handle someone that's scorning us and you know God forbid we become a scorner or we become part of that So that's another point of the sermon this morning and you know What should our reaction to it be as Christians, you know, biblically? How should we handle scorn in our lives? So this is a great example in 2nd Samuel chapter 16 of both Scorn in the Bible and how to handle scorn in the Bible look at 2nd Samuel chapter 16 and verse number 5 So David is down and out here. He's literally fleeing for his life He's he's running away from Absalom and who has taken over the kingdom and the Bible says in 2nd Samuel 16 5 The Bible says that something happens here and when David came to Burum Behold there came out a man of the family of the house of Saul whose name was Shimei the son of Gerah He came forth and cursed still as he came so this man was you know a relative of Saul You know the king previously that is now dead Saul and Jonathan Of course were killed and this is you know one of Saul's relatives the Bible says in verse 6 and he cast stones at David and at all the servants of King David and The people and all the mighty men that were on his right hand and on his left and thus said Shimei when he cursed Come out come out thou bloody man and thou man of Belial The Lord hath returned upon thee all the blood of the house of Saul in whose stead thou has reigned when the Lord had delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absalom thy son and behold thou art taken in thy mischief because thou Art a bloody man. So here's this man. I mean he's calling him a son of the devil. He's throwing stones at him He's just cursing David. So I mean David is down here He's that is probably one of the lowest points of his life and here this guy is coming at him just cursing him saying the worst things possible that you could ever say to somebody and just Tearing into him basically and this is you know, this is scorn that David is dealing with here. So look Scorns all over the Bible. I mean even Jesus Endured scorn throughout not only, you know his crucifixion, of course, but throughout his ministry turned up mark chapter 5 Turn to mark chapter 5, you know, of course, you know We've we just studied this in the book of Matthew the end of book of Matthew the crucifixion, you know Jesus was scourged. He was mocked Look, he dealt with a lot of scorn at the end of his life when he was executed when he was crucified But look at mark chapter 5 Mark chapter 5. Let me turn there myself. The Bible says look at verse number 39 mark chapter 5 and verse number 39 hang on. Let me get there myself Mark chapter 5 look at verse 39. This is of course Jesus This someone's daughter has died and the Bible says in verse 39 and when he was come in he saith unto them Why make ye this ado and weep the damsel is not dead but sleepeth So here he says that she's just sleeping and everybody of course knows that she has died physically So they're wondering, you know what he's talking about and instead of asking him and requiring, you know Inquiring respectfully about what he means it says in verse 40 and they laughed him to scorn but when he input them all out he taken the father and mother of the damsel and they were that were with him and Entered into where the damsel was lying and of course he raises her from the dead and then they weren't laughing anymore Right, but Jesus put up with scorn as well so the question is, you know, what was the reaction go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 16 and Jesus just didn't respond to it. That's you know, it's very simple how Jesus Reacted to it, but let's look at how David David takes it a little bit further here Look at verse number 9 of 2nd, Samuel 16. How does David respond to Shimei? So David, I mean he's down and out but he's walking He's leaving the city with the greatest soldiers that have ever basically lived at this point And this guy is basically cursing him and scorning him Look at verse number 9 of 2nd Samuel 16 the Bible says then Abishai the son of Zoriah unto the king so we know who Abishai is and why? Said unto the king why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Let me go over I pray thee and take off his head and the king said what have I to do with you? You sons of Zoriah so let him curse because the Lord has said unto him curse David who shall then say Wherefore has thou done so and David said to Abishai and to all his servants behold my son Which came forth of my bowels seeketh my life how much more now may this Benjamite do it? Let him alone and let him curse for the Lord hath bidden him. So he says look he says let him curse He said the Lord has told him to curse the Lord has you know Told this guy to curse me go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 12 So is this true did the Lord you know say that this guy was going to curse David and that this was going to happen Because the guy I mean Shimei was was partially right or David was actually right saying you know that you know This was of the Lord what was happening to him, but it wasn't because of the blood of the house of Saul Okay, look back at 2nd Samuel chapter 12 and we'll see that there was a reason for what was happening to David I mean it was of the Lord and David knew this which is why he said that to Abishai Which is why he didn't just say to Abishai. Yeah, take off his head. I'm tired of hearing this Okay, look at 2nd Samuel chapter 12 in verse number 7 This is right after Nathan the prophet has come to David and given him the analogy of the man who had the sheep and then you know The the rich man stole the sheep and you know use that sheep for himself and then Nathan, you know He says to David he's trying to make an analogy of what David has done with Bathsheba Stealing a man's wife and then killing her husband Okay, and the Bible says and Nathan said unto David thou art the man thus saith the Lord God of Israel I anointed the king over Israel and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul and I gave thee thy master's house and thy master's wives into thy bosom and gave thee the house of Israel and Judah And if that had been too little I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things So Nathan is saying to David. He's like look I gave you everything You know, I got rid of Saul and you know, I gave you the kingdom you have everything you want And if that wasn't enough for you, I would have given you more is what God is saying through Nathan here Wherefore has thou despised the commandment of the Lord to do evil in this sight thou has killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword And taken his wife to be thy wife He's like it wasn't enough for you It's like all you would have had to have done was asked me and I would have given you more You know, you had all these wives. It just wasn't enough. So you stole somebody else's wife is what he's saying and Taking his wife to be thy wife and has slain him with the sword of the children of Anaman So he basically, you know, he steals the guy's wife and then he murders him to to you know So he can keep his wife and cover up what happened. Okay, it just gets worse and worse now Therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house This is what David is talking about This is Nathan telling David what's gonna happen what his punishment is going to be says now Therefore because you did all these things This is what's going to happen. The sword shall never depart from thine house. He's like you're gonna be fighting your whole life Because thou hast despised me and hath taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife and now look it gets even more Specific he says you're gonna fight. You're never gonna have peace your whole life. Imagine that imagine that we're living in peace today I mean whatever you want to say about how messed up things are in this country. We're living in peace today We are not fighting for our lives every single day today in this country Nathan says to David you're going to be fighting your whole life You will never have peace the sword will not depart from your house And then he says in verse number 11 He gets more specific which is what David is talking about when he when he when he's talking to Abishai He says thus saith the Lord behold. I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house There it is right there. He's saying out of your own your own Family is going to turn against you which is what is being realized in 2nd Samuel chapter 16 So David knew that what was happening was? Prophecy was punishment for what he had done and He was reflecting on himself so it's interesting that he was being scorned and instead of just Reacting reacting like most people would want to do in the flesh David used that as a moment to reflect on himself So his scorn was part of his punishment, which is also interesting Okay, so we're gonna look at that a little bit, but I want to give you that story of scorned So the application this morning is you know, how do we handle scorn in our lives? How do we handle? Scorners, I mean are there scorners today are there people that scorn today in your life? I mean, I mean do you run into scorners most of you guys you men who go out and work in the world? I'm sure that there are scorners in your workplace. I'm sure of it. I'm Positive of it. So look especially look because there's kind of two camps in the workforce This is kind of what I've seen over the last 20 years. There's gonna be two camps there's people that go to work and try to do a good job and then there's people that Don't want to do a good job and they want to get by doing the bare minimum And these are the people over here that end up because they don't like the people that are doing a good job they don't like the people that are gonna drive hard at work and try to Do the best that they can and you know work for the Lord That's why it doesn't even really matter who your boss is because you're supposed to go to work Like you're serving the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what you're supposed to do. That's what the Bible says So when you go and you do that You're gonna make people mad because there's people that don't want to work They want to go there They want to get paid and they want to do the bare minimum That it takes to do that and those people are going to become the scorners Those are the people that are gonna go around behind your back They're gonna back bite and they're gonna you know This guy and that and they're gonna try to find things wrong with things that you do But look it's mostly behind the back stuff Which is what we're gonna find today when we look at scorning today is almost all scorning You will see in our society today is behind the back stuff. I Mean it's it's not good. Okay. So look if you do well, you will be scorned in the workplace. So Whatever. I mean just deal with it, right the scorner's are the slackers, you know First of all, don't ever be part of that Don't ever to be part of that group Because guess what if you're there and you're even listening to it you're part of it and if people see you You know people know who the the scorner's are by the way, you know Your your bosses your managers whoever you work for the owner of the company They know who the scorner's are and if they see you around that they're gonna put you in that camp Okay So that's the first thing don't be part of it Leave that type of situation be watching for it and get away from it as fast as you possibly can. All right How about online today online today? Is there any scorn online? Is there scorner's online today? Look, it's a real problem today This this internet stuff this internet scorning people will say things on a keyboard That they would never say to someone's face. I Mean it's so bad online. It's crazy I remember I mean this isn't really online stuff, but people just people are so brave when they're not standing in front of you I remember we were going out to pizza in Sacramento one time We were driving through a parking lot and I don't know if I didn't see the guy or I turned and somebody was trying to Turn at the same time and it was this kid. He must have been I don't know I suppose you have to be 16 to drive But he must have been 16 or 17 and he saw me and he just like Doing this in his car like getting all crazy, you know, and I'm just like this little kids, you know all upset at me Oh, man, what do I do, you know? But then we parked the car we got out of the car and he was going to the same place as us He actually ended up holding the door for us as we walked in and he realized that I was the guy that he like made all the gestures to and all this kind Of stuff and I remember he's like, oh, no, sorry about that, sir. Sorry about that I just didn't see you there, you know, and he was all apologetic right because now he's in front of my face So when he's in his car and the same thing, it's even worse online when people get behind a keyboard They will say things that they would never say to someone's face Never it's just insane. I mean look I missed the days I missed the days like back when I was a teenager. It was like, oh, yeah say that to my face, man You know, I missed those days badly because if you had to say everything that you were gonna say to someone's face, I Most people today wouldn't say hardly anything You know because they just I mean look you don't see a lot of you don't see a lot of shimmy-eye scorn today Right, you know you just don't see that. I mean think about shimmy-eye I mean say what you want about shimmy-eye, but I mean the guy had some courage here I mean David's walking with the mighty men and he walks up to him And so I mean these mighty men these I mean go read the stories of the mighty men in the Bible They killed hundreds of people by themselves. I mean these were like some serious I mean these were the these were warriors and he goes up and starts throwing rocks at him and Cursing them out and cursing out their leader whom they love right and right in front of their face I mean shimmy-eye had some courage. I mean he wasn't behind, you know a keyboard, you know, like oh, yeah Bloody man, you know, he was right there in David's face. You got to give him credit for that Right, you don't see that today You don't see that in your face Scorn today, but it's still scorn It's still scoring if you're behind a keyboard if you're behind somebody's back at work. It is still Scorned the same you are still insulting people trying to hurt people all this like passive aggressiveness Could be a whole sermon in itself, but it's scored. That's what it is when you're being passive aggressive to people You know, what is passive aggressiveness? You say what is that? Well, it's funny because I looked it up and WebMD has an article on passive aggressiveness That means that like it's an illness or someone at least thinks it is Here's what WebMD says about passive aggressive behavior because you'll see this is a major part of scoring today, too People will scorn people through passive aggressive comments Here's what WebMD says passive aggressive behavior is when you express negative feelings. Isn't that what shimmy? I was doing he was expressing some seriously negative feelings Directly to David right, but when you express negative feelings indirectly Instead of openly talking about them. I mean that's a great definition During World War two and soldiers wouldn't fall officers orders experts described them as passive aggressive a new term back then but still relevant today Someone who uses passive aggression may feel angry resentful or frustrated, but they act Pleasant or even cheerful. So this is a person whose heart whose heart is very angry So the difference between a passive aggressive person and what shimmy I was doing was that shimmy eyes heart was angry But he was expressing anger it matched his heart right a passive aggressive person will still have that angry heart They'll still have a problem with their heart, but they try to like overcompensate and and be cheerful and happy while saying these, you know, these Behind the you know kind of in-between things passive and then it says they find indirect ways to show how they really feel So they'll make these indirect comments that show how their heart feels right, but look it shows That's the bottom line it shows and pass and then it continues and it finishes passive aggressive aggressive aggression Isn't a mental illness. I might actually disagree with that because I think people that are constantly passive-aggressive Something's wrong with them. I mean something is wrong with these people. Okay, but people with mental health conditions may act that way Passion passive aggression could damage your personal and professional relationships you think If you're passive-aggressive, here's the here's just the thought for you if you're passive-aggressive everyone's gonna hate you No one's gonna like you If you're passive-aggressive People do not like this Alright, so look if you have the problem like because here's the problem turn to Matthew chapter 18 It is it's totally against the Bible totally to act this way Right because look the Bible. I mean, here's the thing if you have a problem just come out and say it I mean that's what you're supposed to do. I mean don't get me started on fake people Fake people could be a sermon series from flatterers to you know People that just you know that the Bible says flatters are spreading a net for your feet You know flatters are people that you know, they have a dark heart. It's basically people that have something wrong with their heart and They do all these subtle things to try to cover that up, but it always comes out I mean look at Matthew chapter 18 But the Bible gives us very specific direction on how to handle, you know things. So let me give you a passive-aggressive Example first of all, so like we sit around here and we talk In the evenings after church service, right? And I mean the best conversations by the way This isn't part of the sermon but the best conversations happen like towards the end So if you want to get into really good ones, you gotta stick around to the end guys I mean we had one a couple nights ago that I'm still thinking about today I mean it was like, you know mind-blowing stuff but let's say we're sitting around in our circle and we're talking and you know, and and when I brother Yohannes says something that you know That I just really have a problem with Right. We're in a good conversation and he says something. I'm just gonna use brother Yohannes as an example. I'm sorry brother It's not real. Okay, but he says something that I'm just really that just really bothers me All right. He says that he likes apples better than oranges Let's say he likes and I'm just super offended. I'm so offended. I'm convinced he's wrong I mean, it's clearly been proven that oranges are better than apples I'm so upset with him right and I don't say anything to him though He says that but I don't say anything to him, but I have an issue with brother Yohannes now Because of this apples oranges thing that he's clearly wrong about I'm right. He's wrong. I'm offended and I'm I mean our relationship is broken now because of this thing Alright, so every time I'm around him For in the future. I subtly like we're when we're in groups of people. I subtly like insult Apple farmers Right. I'm like, yeah, everybody knows that Apple farmers are morons Right, and I just subtly just throw all these things in when I know he just loves apples and where they come from and all The people that grow apples and I'm just sticking it to him suddenly right in front of everybody, too Right. This is passive Aggressive aggressive behavior right here and brother Yohannes will sit there and he'll know exactly what I'm doing. He'll be like, oh, yeah Oh, yeah. Oh, this is about the other night That's what he'll be thinking and he'll like, you know, he'll be upset with me doing this But I'm just I'm just subtly scorning him is what I'm doing. I'm just scorning him again and again, right? But look, I'm in a super good mood about it, right? I'm in a super good mood about it. Most times it with were with a bunch of people and Yohannes is there and I'm just Passive aggressively just attacking him again and again and again and I'm just like Apple farmers are dumb. Everybody knows that right Everybody knows that orange farmers and oranges and everything that has to do with growing oranges is way better than apples Right, but I'm just and look women are bad at this. I Hate to I don't want to pick on women But most times guys will ever say will either say nothing or like say it right to your face Well a lot of times and guys if you do this, you're acting like a woman. So I'm sorry Women are bad at this, you know women you know it. I mean women are nodding their heads. All right, man I mean men are a little bit more direct, you know, women will do this I've seen women do this with kids right because women, you know a lot of times women they're you know They're what's their one thing that they're they're most invested in is their children, right? So, I mean you'll see sometimes I've seen women do things like this I've heard of this, you know Where maybe what two women are standing together and the one woman thinks that the other woman has, you know, misbehaving children And she's not raising your children right or something and she'll say well so-and-so who's not there has super well-behaved children When you're sitting there staring at your own children, right? I mean these are passive aggressive ways to attack people Look it's scorned if you do this, you're a scorner and men and women can do it I'm sorry if I picked on the women a little bit there, but the bottom line is this you're hurting people if you do this You're hurting people. It's scorning people and look the maybe Maybe the worst thing about it is is people know you're doing it and people aren't gonna like you I mean who would want people to not like them right people are gonna not like you because you're gonna damage relationships Are you in Matthew 18? That's why the Bible gives us so much specific direction on how to handle conflict with each other The Bible says in Matthew 18 verse 15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone If he shall hear thee thou has gained thy brother So ultimately from the internet to backbiting at work to passive aggressiveness to many other things Most corners are Cowards basically today is what's going on. They won't say anything to your face. You know because look shimmy I wasn't a coward. He said it right to his face. We had a problem with David He was saying it right to his face. You know, but this behind the back this subtlety stuff It makes it even worse. It makes it even worse for you We should have nothing to do with it because you know if you stay you're part of it Like I said, but look tell your brother your fault your your issues with him. That's what you're supposed to do You're supposed to go up to them and say look, you know I'm sorry that I said that about you know, you know I mean look if I would come up to brother your harness and be like look man the other night when you said that about Oranges, I was really upset Because you know, my grandpa has been an orange farmer for years and I just feel like oranges are better than apples He'd just be like, oh, you know, he'd probably be like I didn't mean it that way or whatever And you know the odds are that the whole thing would just end right there I didn't mean to imply oranges were bad You know, maybe it just came out wrong or whatever and then you know, the Bible says I've gained a brother at that point It's over. It's done So, I mean the first lesson with scorners is that don't don't be one is the first lesson even this this subtlety It doesn't make it any better. It may make it see here's the thing. It makes it easier for you to do But it's still the same thing It's still the same thing. You're still being a scorner just because you know You you can't be I mean just because you can't be upfront with people doesn't mean you're not doing it You're not being a scorner. All right, and look you say well, it's uncomfortable. Look, here's a problem with America Here's a big problem with America. People are not used to any kind of confrontation at all anymore People Are just they have such a comfortable life. They don't want any kind of confrontation anymore They don't want to go up to somebody and say brother. Can we talk for a minute? Because look it's it's kind of uncomfortable It's kind of uncomfortable in those moments, but that's what the Bible says you have to do. So do it That's what the Bible says you have to do. So don't be one. We know that right? So why do people you know, why do people be scorners turn to Hosea chapter 7? Let's look at a couple reasons why people are scorners I Mean it just it's not conflict It's conflict resolution by talking one-on-one with your brother and then of course, you know, the Bible has even further You know direction for us after that but 99 percent of the time that will solve it just talking one-on-one Respectfully with the person that you have a problem with look at Hosea chapter 7 Why are people scorners? Why do people get involved in it? Look at Hosea chapter 7 in verse number 3 The Bible says this it says they make the king glad with their wickedness So here's these people and they're they're kind of they're sucking the king in this Kings getting drawn into this wickedness and the princes with Their lies they're all adulterers as an oven heated by the baker who see this from raising after he had kneaded the dough Until it be leavened in the day of our king the princes have made him sick with bottles of wine He stretched out his hand with scorners He's joined this guy has has foolishly joined the scorners the Bible says so look There's kind of a mob mentality with this scoring too Especially online today. There's a mob mentality with this people just want to like especially look it can be easy to want to you know dogpile somebody Especially if you think that they're wrong you think somebody's wrong look at Hosea chapter 8 just one one chapter over And you say you know you say that person's wrong and it's right to just dogpile this person and scorn them, but look Ultimately this is what you need to know if you're jumping on dogpiles And you're joining hands with scorners, and you're just jumping on these piles Don't miss this look at Hosea chapter 8 and look at verse number 7 Because I've seen this dozens of times in my life and And it's it's bad Look at Hosea 8 7 for they have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind It hath no stock, but the bud shall yield no meal if it be so be it yield the stranger shall swallow it up So what this is what this is what what comes around goes around? That's what it's saying here if you sow to the wind And I can't tell you how many times I've seen people jump on dogpiles and be scouring people and scouring people and scouring people And when it comes to be their turn to get scorned. It's way worse It's way worse So look if you're a scorner And you join hands with the scorners and you jump on the dogpile look it will be worse when it comes to you So remember that if all you care about is yourself Remember this right here. I Mean even David even David knew that the scorn that he was realizing was punishment David knew it I Mean you'll see this play out with people they've sown to the wind and they reaped what they reaped the whirlwind it was worse So look I mean David I mean This is another thing about David's heart. So think about that too. If you're if you're enduring scorn Why don't you think like David for a minute? I mean think about David He's enduring scorn and not only is he not reacting the way is he reacting the right way Which we'll talk about in a little bit, but he uses it as a time to reflect on himself He uses as a time of reflection. He's like, you know what this is punishment for me So remember that when you want to when you're standing around that group of guys at work And maybe you don't like that guy. Maybe that guy that's doing really well that everybody's scorning Maybe you just personally don't like him Maybe you want to jump in on that scoring pile But get ready because the whirlwinds coming back around to you if you're part of that So you think about that? You think about that doesn't matter if the guy's right or wrong if you're a scorner the whirlwinds coming back around to you That's what Hosea 8 is talking about. I mean Hosea 7 was just talking about scoring joining hands with corners You say okay. I'm not a scorner. I fixed it. I'm not a scorner. I'm not gonna do that I fixed it. So how do I handle scorn? How do I handle scorn in my life? Turn to Romans chapter 12? Turn to Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter 12 is Maybe the greatest chapter in the Bible as far as the spirit that we're supposed to have as Christians dealing with people Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter 12 look at verse number 17. We could verse number 17 Romans Chapter 12 verse number 17 the Bible says recompense to no man evil for evil Provide things honest in sight of all in the sight of all men if it be possible as much as lieth in you live peaceably with all men Dearly beloved avenge not yourselves, but rather give place under wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repair it. I will repay sayeth the Lord now look there's many Applications here But scorn applies. Okay, if you are a scorner, you know, the Bible says, you know Look God if you're getting scorned God will repay God will pay live peaceable as much as you can God will repay because look in Matthew chapter 26 in verse number 52 when Peter cut that the the ear off of The servant of the Pharisees or the high priest. I mean the Bible says, you know, Jesus said put your sword away You know, I'm gonna paraphrase it but but he said put your sword away because if you live by the sword You're gonna die by the sword. He that taketh up the sword is gonna die that way. So the Bible is saying look You can do that, but it's gonna come back around to you If you if you operate by scorn, that's how you're gonna go down by scorn. See same thing. I look at Proverbs chapter 9. I Mean finish Romans chapter 12 and verse 20 says therefore if thine enemy hunger feed him if he thirst give him drink For in so doing that shall heap coals of fire on his head. Don't remember don't forget that one either So it says when you when you don't repay scorn with scorn You're gonna you're gonna heat coals of fire on that person's head And I'll explain that at the end of the sermon But look it says that that I mean you wanted that's gonna drive them nuts if you don't reply with Scorn look at Proverbs chapter 9 Verse number 7 the Bible says he that reproveth a scorner get himself to shame Get himself shame and he that rebuketh a wicked man get himself a blot So look you're on the internet and you're like this guy's wrong and I'm just gonna man. I'm gonna burn him I'm gonna type this and that will get him in front of everybody the Bible says that all you're gonna get yourself a shame All right of that. It's like oh, you're you know, you're you're just gonna get a blot out of that So the answer is this if you're a target of scorn in your life Look at verse number 8 of Proverbs chapter 9. The Bible says reprove not a scorner I mean, that's pretty clear right reprove not a scorner. I Mean look no one do you know that? No one has ever had their mind changed in the history of mankind by a YouTube comment or by a Facebook argument Whether it's over theology or whatever you could be right. It doesn't even matter But don't reprove a scorner. I mean look the the answer to scorn is silence That's the answer. The answer is to not get into it with people if there's a conflict with someone personally You're to handle it biblically between you and that person. I Mean you're like, well, I was just taught to be passive-aggressive. Well, you were taught wrong So stop doing it or you're gonna ruin the next generation The worst thing is when you see the next generation you see somebody's kids starting to act just like they act That's the worst thing because you're like, yeah, you know what? We're all in this church and we're trying to like make some 90 degree There's a lot of first-generation Christians in this church. We're trying to make some 90-degree turns here in this church You're just gonna like continue on the same path. You're gonna ruin the next generation I'm gonna drag them along with you. You're gonna create a bunch of you know, passive-aggressive little manipulators is what you're gonna do Don't pass whatever messed up culture you came from onto your children That's why you're supposed to listen to preaching and learn and change the way that you are Romans 12 18 as much as be possible live peaceably with all men Then Matthew 18 gives us the you know, the method to resolve conflict Don't be passive-aggressive. You just be labeled rude and people won't want to be around you. That's how it'll end for you Talk to people directly and respectfully about your problems Romans 12, you know, that's why Romans 12 is so great It kind of gives us that spirit on how we're supposed to deal with people with problems I mean look you're gonna have and and you know cut Romans 12, you know, we're supposed to suffer ourselves to be defrauded I mean if brother Johannes doesn't really come my way and he's just like, you know, I don't like oranges tough Then I'm just supposed to suffer myself to be defrauded and I'm just gonna have to be like, you know what? He doesn't like oranges and I'm just gonna have to forgive him for that. It's a character flaw of his That's just it. I forgive him. I'm not gonna it's not gonna keep me up. We're supposed to suffer ourselves to be defrauded We're supposed to be looking to de-escalate these situations not escalate situations Proverbs and elsewhere gives us direction on dealing with scorners. Don't reply. It's easy. Let it go Let it go and then you'll heap coals of fire on their head I mean that gives you some comfort right that you're heaping coals of fire because here's the thing if you don't reply to people That are scorners. It'll drive them nuts It'll drive them crazy because here's the thing. I've heard I've heard it put this way Here's the thing about getting down in the mud with the pigs Here's the thing about getting down in the mud with the pigs. You know what the pigs like it The pigs like it when when you're down in the mud with them they like it Scorners enjoy and they feed off of people arguing with them So just go silent. That's why David was like just forget it. Just let him just let him go Just let him go. I mean David had power to kill the guy David even David even didn't even kill him when he came back You say I mean so look you say well You know people a lot of times people don't respond to my comments on the internet or my comments that I send or whatever Well, maybe they're just handling you But because you're a scorer So people just caught if like people not responding to you is a common thing. Maybe you should reflect on like what you're writing Whether it be on the internet or Facebook or whatever look so Maybe you're the scorner in that case reflect like David did on himself So at least from an action standpoint We know that handling scorners is probably one of the easiest things we can do as far as like Actions that we need to take because your action is nothing just don't get in the mud with the pigs Scorners gonna be scorning let them score. All right. Let me just let them go That's why you know, that's why you won't see me on Facebook You know, I mean, it's just full of immaturity. I Mean Facebook. I mean this is my opinion here. Okay, don't get offended It's for children and adults that act like children. That's what I've seen. I Mean, I don't have the time for it. I mean There there's nothing good there. I that's my opinion. There's nothing good there You know, I mean that's a sermon in itself, but the bottom line is folks scorners Recognize it avoid it and just go silent on it. That's what the Bible teaches and you know what be like David I mean, that's that's the it shows really the power of David's heart here is he just took it He not only went silent, but he used it as a moment to reflect on himself I mean you see David's heart here. You see David's heart He uses it as a time to say you know what the reason that that guy is scorning me He didn't just get in the flesh and get angry. He's like don't react to it. Don't do anything It's punishment for me Because that's what God said he used it as reflection on himself so I mean Get whatever good you can out of situations, but don't get down in the mud with the pigs. All right Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer