(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right keep your place in Romans chapter 5. So we've been preaching through the book of Romans for the last few weeks and Romans chapter 5 is actually one of my favorite chapters in the book of Romans and we're going to destroy a couple doctrines, a couple false doctrines tonight through Romans chapter 5. But I also want to explain Romans chapter 5 to you. It can be confusing when you just read through it quickly like that but I want to, if I don't, I'm going to try not to go through down too many rabbit trails here but so I want to explain the context of the whole thing but I also want to destroy these two doctrines because people have taken some verses out of Romans chapter 5 and based some pretty wicked things off of those verses. So we're going to explain that as well. So in Romans chapter 1 we saw the Gentiles were guilty before God. In Romans chapter 2 we saw the Jews were guilty before God in Romans chapter 3 we bring that together and we see how everyone is a sinner for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And then Romans chapter 4 we looked at, you know, then in Romans chapter 3 kind of wraps it up and it's, you know, we're saved by grace, by faith, and not of works. And then we looked in Romans chapter 4 last week at how our faith is the same faith that Abraham had. So the gospel is the same in the Old Testament as it is in the New Testament. So there's no dispensations of people getting saved different ways throughout history. We're all saved the same way by belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, okay? Now Romans chapter 5 let's just go ahead and get started. Let's look down at verse number 1 and the Bible reads, therefore being justified by faith. So I love in Romans how he just he continues with the first verse in every chapter picking up right where we left off. Therefore being justified by faith because that's what we talked about in Romans 3 and Romans 4 is that how it's not of works who were justified by what? Faith, okay? We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also you have access by what? Faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. And not only so but we glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope. It's one of my favorite verses in the whole Bible right there, okay? Now notice how Paul says we glory in tribulations. So what are tribulations? Tribulations are are things persecutions that you're going to go through in this world, okay? Things, you know, persecutions for your faith. The Bible says turn your Bibles to John chapter 16. John chapter 16. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John in the New Testament. John chapter 16. Because the Bible says that you will go through tribulation in your life and Paul here is saying that we glory in tribulations, okay? So let's look a little deeper into this. If you're there in John chapter 16 look at verse number 33 and the Bible reads, these things I have spoken unto you that in in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. It says ye shall have tribulation. You will. For sure you will. If you're a believer in Jesus Christ you will have tribulation. And then in 2 Timothy 3 in verse number 12 I'll just read it for you. He gets a little bit more specific and the Bible says, yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. So you will face persecution in this life especially if you live godly for Christ Jesus, okay? And the reason for this is as you start to change as you get saved and you've lived godly and you start you know changing your life and going to church and listening to the what the Bible says and reading you know that's going to make people mad. And you're gonna and you wouldn't think it would but you're gonna you're gonna realize that it that it's going to, alright? Because everybody else in this world you have to understand is stuck in this status quo, okay? And what I mean by the status quo is what I mean is just what's normal now? And the status quo is constantly changing, okay? In our culture what I'm talking about is the culture today. Is the culture today getting better or getting worse? As we went through the axis of evil and we read all those statistics are those statistics getting worse or better according to the Bible? They're getting worse. I mean people are getting more and more immoral and that the sad fact is that the people that you know that aren't saved they're just following that status quo down that hill. And as you place the Bible as your standard and you lock in on that standard you're gonna get further and further away from where those people are. And those people will persecute you for that. They will not like that because people that are following the world they want validation. They want someone to be doing it with them. They don't want to see you locking in and staying somewhere where you're getting further and further away from them. So everybody else is moving with the culture. So you see you will face tribulation and that is one for sure I can guarantee you if you start adopting the standards of the Bible that you will face. I hope we don't face more serious tribulation than that like the Apostles and many Christians throughout history who were martyred and killed but it's possible. You know it's possible. Turn to Matthew 24. So the Bible says that tribulation will work at work patience. So what does that mean? Well patience means that when you're going through hard times or when you're going through tribulations that you just have the character to know that that time will pass. You know whether it will pass with someone cutting your head off like with James or it will pass by it just you know being a short tribulation that you're going through in this life. And patience work at experience. Once you go through those things the next time you go through those things it won't seem so bad. That's what that means. Okay. Experience. You know what makes you experienced with something is not reading about it, is not learning about it, is not hearing it from somebody else but it's actually doing it. It's actually being there and going through it. I've said this many times about engineers. It doesn't make you if you go to school and get an engineering degree that does not make you an engineer in my opinion. What makes you an engineer is the ability to engineer something and the way you get learn how to engineer something is by having experience engineering things and getting better at it. Okay. So patience work at the experience. Now tribulations are you there in Matthew 24? So we know that the next time that they come they'll be easier because you have experience now. Now here's one reason you might need experience. Look at Matthew 24 in verse number 29. The Bible reads immediately after the tribulation of those days meaning the tribulation is something that we have gone through. Shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect that's all the believers from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other. So the Bible clearly teaches that we will go through the tribulation before the rapture which is what we just read about there. Alright. So now, patience, tribulation worketh patience, patience experience and experience what? Experience hope. Okay so once we've gone through it, once we've gotten experienced, now we have the the hope that you know times will be better and you know what if you've ever gone through hard times and look back at hard times you know that that gives you hope. You know I think about you know hard times that we've had in our family like financially hard times in my life with my wife those are some of the most valuable times to look back on because they give us hope and they help you know give us hope for the future right and valuable valuable lessons are learned from hard times so we see that you know we also get hope so that's just a great little chain of of words there that Paul puts together for us and if we continue in verse number five the Bible reads Romans 5 and verse number 5 and hope is continuing with this thought maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet paradventure paradventure means perhaps or possibly for a good man would some even dare to die so what the Bible is saying here is you know people would hardly die give their life even for a righteous man okay okay then he says okay well maybe maybe perhaps for a really good person somebody would give their life and then look down at number verse number eight but God he's contrasting verse number seven but God commendeth meaning he presented his love or commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us turn to Hebrews chapter 10 so what he's saying here is that you know in your life you would you would hardly ever most people would not even want to die for even a really good person but God when we were just sinners we're just sinners were guilty God showed his love toward us and that he sent his son Jesus Christ to die for us when we were we weren't good we weren't great people God didn't say look at all those great people down there I must send my son to die for them he's saying while we were yet sinners Christ died for us okay you're in Hebrews number 12 I'm going to continue reading here just keep your place there in verse number nine the Bible says much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life and not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement now the word atonement we've received this atonement the word atonement means a reparation for a wrongdoing so it says we've received this atonement through Jesus Christ the word atonement is so it when you actually look up the definition in the dictionary of atonement it actually says one of the meanings is reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ that's how powerful that word has become in our in our in our vocabulary so we see that we've received this atonement now you see how we've received we've been justified by his blood and we received this atonement I'm gonna read for you Leviticus 16 verses 15 through 16 and this is describing the day of atonement in the Old Testament and the Bible says this it describes what happens in the day of atonement and the Bible says this is the priest he goes into the Holy of Holies and then a Bible says then shall he kill the goat of the sin offering that is for the people and bring his blood within the veil and do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bullock and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat and before the mercy seat so before this he had killed a bullock for himself the priest and then he had two goats and he killed one for the sin offering and he let one go for the scapegoat okay and that's picturing Barabbas being let go and in verse number 16 he says and he shall make an atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel and because of their transgressions and all their sins and so shall he do it for the tabernacle of the congregation that remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness so you see that there's this once a year a sacrifice that the priest would do for the people it was a sin offering for the people so what was it for look down at Hebrews chapter 10 in verse number 1 and the Bible says this for the law having a shadow of good things to come you see that it says it's a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers there unto perfect so he's saying the sacrifice that the priest did would not make the people perfect it could never do that all right for then would they not have ceased to be offered because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sin now just remember that and let's look at verses 3 & 4 but in those sacrifices there's a remembrance again made of sins every year for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins so what was the point so the he was going and sacrificing this bull in these goats and it's not possible that those those sacrifices should take away sins so what's the point the point is in verse number one where it says it's a shadow of good things to come so those good things to come it was just it was a shadow of the coming Christ that's what it was and the beautiful thing about this if you look at verse number two where it says because if they did take away sins what verse number two means is that they would have only had to do it once because if killing the goat took away your sins see because God is not down with work salvation he never is this is eternal security right here so he's saying that if the blood of the bulls and the goats in the Old Testament would have actually cleansed the people of their sin he would only had to do it one time that's why Jesus only had to come because Jesus's blood did cleanse us of our sin it's the it's the main event that these things were just symbolizing they were a shadow of what was to come okay you see those people in the Old Testament they had faith in what was to come in this sacrifice was just showing what was to come which was the real sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the atonement and the justification through his blood okay now look at Hebrews chapter 9 just one chapter back and we'll see the importance of the blood here as well in Hebrews chapter 9 in verse 22 the Bible reads and almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood there is no remission so Christ was and then if you just jump down to verse 28 for sake of time the Bible says so Christ was once offered once to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation just one time that's it so the blood of Christ was good enough to just cleanse us one time that's eternal security right there all right now look at we're going to kind of change gears here in verse number 12 Romans 5 verse number 12 and we're going to hit the first heresy right here so let's first read verse number 5 and verse Romans 5 and verse number 12 I'm sorry where the Bible says this wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed among upon all men for that all have sinned now there is a huge heresy taken from this one verse and that is the heresy of original sin and if you've ever grown up in a Lutheran or Catholic and have been probably some other Protestant any basically any Protestant religion that baptizes babies is going to use this verse to prove original sin because you remember how last Sunday I said to you that the Catholic would teach that if you get your baby you're driving home from the hospital and your baby hasn't been baptized and you get in an accident you know that baby is not saved that baby is going to hell because the baptism is a means of grace for that baby to be saved before they can actually understand what's going on well they use original sin and the original sin is this that they use verse number 12 to say that basically we are all guilty of Adam's sin okay we're all guilty of the sin the specific sin that Adam committed okay now is that what the verse says first of all does it say that we're all guilty of Adam's specific sin as a matter of fact if you go to verse 13 we go to verse 14 nevertheless death rained from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression the thing about stupid heresy is if you usually read like one or two more verses it disproves the stupid heresy but it's a serious heresy because a lot of false doctrine is built on the doctrine of original sin so I was raised thinking there's original sin and then there's actual sin those were the two sins if the original sin is the sin that you know I'm just guilty of when I was born because of what Adam did I'm guilty of that sin and actual sin is the sins I actually commit okay now all right where am I at here look at well here's the definition of original sin original sin may be taken to mean that's the sin that Adam committed a consequence of this first sin the hereditary stain with which we are born on account of our origin or descent from Adam that we are all made direct sinners being guilty of Adam specific sin now go to Deuteronomy chapter 24 and let's disprove this very quickly Deuteronomy chapter 24 Deuteronomy chapter 24 while you're there let me read to you Ezekiel while you're getting there I'll read to you Ezekiel 18 and verse 20 the soul that sinneth it shall die the Son shall not bear the iniquity of the Father neither shall the Father bear the iniquity of the Son the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him is that confusing no right there's some confusing things in the Bible that is not one of them look at Deuteronomy 24 in verse 16 and what there's another confusing verse Deuteronomy 24 in verse 16 the father shall not be put to death for the children neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers every man shall be put to death for his own sin that's confusing right no that's very simple so what's our Bible reading rule right when you you always base doctrine on clear scriptures so if you're reading the Bible somewhere and first of all you would never come up with original sin on your own you just never would a saved person reading the Bible would never be like oh I'm guilty of eating the Apple it doesn't even make any sense right so you always base your doctrine on clear scripture so when you read something confusing that could have two or three or four meanings but you have clear scripture let's say it's not of works lest any man should boast you go with clear scripture folks if you and you're you're interpreting it wrong if it goes against clear scripture okay now you can't be cursed I mean you can't be found guilty of someone else's sin that's the what's what the Bible says very clearly however I do want to clarify a you know a main theme in the Bible you personally can curse future generations all right and the Bible clearly teaches this okay and I'm gonna separate these two for you turn to first Kings and we're gonna look at this all right there's a difference between being put to death for a specific sin and cursing another generation we're gonna look at the sins of Jeroboam okay look at first Kings in chapter 15 and we'll look at how someone cursed future generations okay and look at how it fits in with what the Bible said in Deuteronomy chapter 24 in first Kings 15 in verse 33 the Bible reads in the third year of Asa king of Judah began Basha the son of Elijah to reign over all Israel and Terza 20 and 4 years and he did evil in the sight of the Lord and walked in the way of Jeroboam and in his sin wherein he made Israel to sin so you're gonna see many kings where the Bible says he made Israel to sin and then he walked in the ways of Jeroboam but what is he guilty of he's guilty of in verse number 34 he did evil he's guilty of the evil that he personally did now you can see this if you just look at somebody who grew up in a house whose dad was a raging alcoholic there's there's a very like great chance that that the kids in that house are gonna have problems with drinking because they're cursed with that sin they've been brought up with that sin Jeroboam made Israel to sin because he was the leader of that nation and he was worshipping false gods he put up idols he was worshipping false gods and the people of Israel came with him and worshiped those false gods too but those people in that nation were guilty because they did it personally okay you can't miss that there's a very clear distinction there okay so you can be cursed by your father you can curse future generations think about that especially if you're in a leadership role you can curse your children think about divorce if you came from if you are a child and your parents were divorced and I'm not saying you can't overcome this don't misunderstand me but what I'm saying is if statistics show that children whose parents were divorced are 50% more likely to get divorced themselves that's that's a curse on them because it's something that they've been exposed to they probably take it less seriously now of course you can take your personally responsible you can take your life wherever direction you want to go and you can fix that personally because you're personally responsible for your own sins right but I'm just showing you that you can curse future generations but those generations are ultimately going to be responsible for their own sins okay now on the flip side of this it's not all bad news because you can be a great blessing to your to your future generations as well turn to first Kings chapter 11 I want to show you where somebody was a great blessing to future generations in the Bible first Kings chapter 11 and look at verse number 12 well let's start in verse number 11 we're talking about Solomon here wherefore the Lord said unto Solomon he is David's son for as much as this is done of thee and now has not kept my covenant and my statutes which I have commanded thee I will surely rend the kingdom from thee and will give it to thy servant he's talking about the split that's going to come in the next generation notwithstanding in thy days I will not do it for David thy father's sake but I will rend it out of the hand of my son so God's basically gonna curse Solomon or he's gonna tell us he's telling Solomon because of all the things that you've done against me he's like I'm taking the kingdom away from you but I'm not gonna do it in your lifetime for the sake of your father because of who your father was and the promises that I made to your father so David was a great blessing on many people look at first Kings 15 let's look at another blessing we're a couple generations down this is David's great-grandson and he walked in all the sins of his father which he had done before him and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God talking about Abijah nevertheless for David's sake did the Lord his God give him the lamp in Jerusalem to set his son up after him and to establish Jerusalem for David's sake once again he showed mercy because of a couple generations back so this is who you could be you know your great-grandson your great-granddaughter could fall into something horrible and God could literally look at them and say you know what for your great-grandfather's sake I'm gonna have mercy on you I'm not gonna destroy your life right now let's look at a few generations down let's look at Hezekiah first Kings chapter 20 in verse number six first Kings chapter 20 in verse number six the Bible says in verse number let's look at verse number one start reading in those days was Hezekiah sick unto death and the prophet Isaiah the son of Amos came to him and said thus saith the Lord set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live then he turned his faith to the wall and prayed unto the Lord saying I beseech thee O Lord remember now that I have walked before they in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight and Hezekiah wept sore and it came to pass before Isaiah was gone out into the middle of the court that the word of the Lord came to him saying turn again and tell Hezekiah the captain my people thus saith the Lord the God of David thy father I have heard thy prayer I have seen thy tears behold I will heal thee on the third day thou shall go up unto the house of the Lord now he was a humble man and he appealed to God in a humble way but in verse number six we see something else and I will add unto thy days 15 years and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city from my own sake and for my servant David's sake once again God is still blessing people for David's sake I mean that could be you think about that all right now let's continue in Romans chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 in verse 13 through 17 we're still kind of talking about original sin here I'm not done with that but I want you to notice that verses 13 through 17 are in parentheses so it's kind of a you know a side note and in verse number 13 the Bible reads for unto the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law now this does not mean that from Adam to Moses you know no one was condemned okay and people teach that too which is weird because read one more verse down in a verse number 14 it says nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses so all you have to do is read one more verse all right but turn to Romans 2 in verse 12 real quick let's look at what this means in verse 13 Romans 2 in verse number 12 the Bible reads for as many have as have sinned without the law shall also perish without the law as many have have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law so in Romans chapter 1 especially and in Romans chapter 2 we found out that the law even though people didn't the Gentiles did not have the law the law was written where it was written in their hearts so they were still guilty before God the same applies before the law of Moses came into play plus God had many laws in Jenny Genesis chapter 9 you know he he instituted a law against murder you know when Noah got off the ark you know an eye for an eye and you know God had many laws it's not like there was not any law at all but the law was always written in our heart but what Romans 13 in Romans chapter 5 and verse 13 is really getting at is that for on when it says for unto the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law turn to Romans chapter 7 and verse number 9 and I'll explain that to you in Romans chapter 7 in verse number 9 the Bible says but sin taking occasion by the commandment wrought in me all manner of concupiscence for without which is lust for without the law sin was dead for I was alive without the law once now when is the only time in your life when you were unaware of the law amen is when you're young a young child that's too too young to understand the law of God now children will do wrong things all the time from the time that they're born till the time they're you know whenever right depending on how much you spank them but the bottom line is children are born with a sin nature that is what the Bible teaches we've inherited a sinful nature from Adam we have we are not guilty of his Pacific sin we inherited a sin nature so children just automatically would be born and from the time that they're one two years old they'll just be doing things wrong they'll just be you know messing things up and you know then when they're two or three they're gonna you know they're gonna lie to you did you take the cookie no I didn't take the cookie you know and all that kind of stuff it's it's in their nature they have a sin nature but they don't understand the law so the law sin is not imputed to them that's what the Bible clearly teaches now look at what it says in it continues for I was alive without the law once when I was a young child but when the commandment came sin revived and I died when I understood the commandments and the Bible and the law even written in my heart if no one taught me the Bible and I knew that it's wrong to do things that's when I became guilty see that's the age of accountability right here in the Bible and you will notice this with children you will notice my children they they will come to you when they're six seven years old and they'll start asking you questions am I am I going to heaven because I'm I'm the sinner I do bad things and they'll start asking these questions when they hear the Word of God and church as they sit in this church and they sit and they hear the Word of God they will start asking you questions about how to be saved because they know that they're guilty that that awareness you can you can just see it flow into them at certain ages in it you know this is no specific age for you know any one kid but you know if they're 18 and they haven't figured it out you know it's probably a problem because you can definitely understand now but the law when the commandment came sin revived and I died and the commandment which was ordained to life I found to be unto death for sin taking occasion by the commandment deceived me and by it slew me so it's the law that drives us to the need for salvation you see okay go back to verse number 14 Romans 5 in verse number 14 and the Bible reads nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression so it's saying it just it just sums it all up right there it says death reigned from Adam to Moses even though they didn't sin the same way that Adam did is like because they had the law written in their hearts and God did have rules God had laws who is the figure of him to come that means you know Jesus is called the second Adam and we'll see that in a few more verses so just because men didn't sin the same way Adam did but they still sinned and they still broke the law that was written in their heart even before the law of Moses came in so there's original sin is completely heretical used to justify baptizing babies and you know I've even heard pastors say that aborted babies go to hell I mean what kind of wicked teaching is that it's crazy so you just have to take you know you have to we'll talk about this at the end but you have to kind of like recognize these things that the law is written in your heart and you're not that the Bible memorized to know when something just doesn't sound right you know okay verse number 15 but not as the offense so also is the free gift for if through I mean how many times does the Bible have to say that it's a free gift and not of works right I mean it's just it's like the dozen it's more than a dozen times already in just Romans but not as the offense so also is the free gift for if through the offense of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many so it's by one man Adam we all inherited this sinful nature through one man Jesus Christ we're all freed is the free gift okay in first Corinthians 15 go ahead and turn there we see this again first Corinthians 15 look at verse number 21 and the Bible reiterates this it where it says for since by man since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead for as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive it's great all right Romans 5 and verse number 16 and not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification for it by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they received abundance of grace of the gift of righteousness shall reign in the life by one Jesus Christ end of parentheses so once again just we're freed by one man Jesus Christ and by the way so original sin we you know we debunked that but we've inherited this sin nature from Adam and the Bible teaches that you inherit your sin nature from your father from Adam is our father you notice how the Bible said in first Kings it said Hezekiah David's father the Bible always you know it'll reference father even if it's your great great great great great grandfather in many times but our father Adam is who we've inherited our sinful nature from our sinful flesh now this is why Jesus had to be born of a virgin by the way because he did not inherit that from Adam because God was his father you see you see how perfect it all fits together all right let's look at we're out of the parentheses what's what's bust up another heresy here Calvinism which is I didn't grow up around any Calvinists but it's one of the stupidest teachings I've ever heard I mean like you you can't be an intelligent person and believe Calvinism because the Bible is like like is this here's another confusing verse therefore is by the offense of one judgment came upon all men notice all men to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon a chosen few is that what it says even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life I mean this isn't hard to understand turn to 1st Timothy chapter 2 1st Timothy chapter 2 the Bible teaches clearly that God wants everyone to be saved if it was up to God if it was up to the will of God no one would go to hell no one it's not his fault okay if it was up to the will of God let's look at the will of God look at 1st Timothy chapter 2 and verse number let's start in verse 3 for this good and except this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who will have that means he wills have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth God wills that all men are saved he would he would like that that's his will turn to 1st Peter chapter 3 if you don't believe me we'll look at another one well look at the flip side of this and how many people God wants to go to hell all but God you know he you know how many people does God really want to go to hell 2nd Peter chapter 3 look at verse number 9 and the Bible reads I'll wait for you to get there is everybody there we'll wait God would love it if we all would just accept the free gift and and go to heaven I mean how hard is it to accept a free gift you know what I mean I mean how hard is that 2nd Peter chapter 3 in verse number 9 the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but his long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish that means any go to hell he's not willing he's not wanting that any should perish but that all should come to repentance repentance meaning turning to Jesus belief in Jesus Christ okay God is if everyone would just be like I I just I want to just turn from whatever I believe and just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ God would be all for that but unfortunately you know not all will take the gift we see that every Saturday and every Sunday we're like here's a free gift do you want it no cooking ramen noodles people don't want it you know people are wrapped up in this world I mean right insert any stupid reason you know whatever they're too busy they don't care they hate God it's not God's fault that people turned on him became evil became wicked and he gave him over to a reprobate mind he didn't start the fight but you're dead sure he's gonna finish it so it's not his fault look he he's the one he gave a way out he paid the whole thing with his son imagine one of your kids imagine what seeing one of your kids beaten and tortured and killed and then burned in hell for three days imagine that he gave one guy one guy was out soul-winning and he's sitting in his lawn chair and he's like he's drinking a beer and he's like what's God ever done with me I'm like let me tell you what God's done for you you better listen and I told him what God's done for him he's like oh you know maybe he gave him something to think about because you think you've just you know he first of all I gave you this life so you could waste it sitting there drinking a beer you know just wasting your life in drunkenness you know I mean he gives you this everybody gets a life right everybody gets a life and they just he's just wasting it and then he gave his only son who was beaten and tortured and killed and took the punishment for your sin fool and then he offers it to you as a free gift and you don't even want it is that God's fault no nobody's nobody has an excuse here folks I mean nobody has any kind of excuse I mean what more do you want he paid the whole thing he's not asking you for a dollar just believe I did it all just believe it that's it all right Romans 5 19 but yeah Calvinism I mean who will have all men to be saved not willing that any you know these are hard words all any these are hard to understand the free gift came upon all men it's crazy I mean how it's arrogant I think maybe is where it comes from maybe it comes from a place of pride is where I think it comes from all right look at verse number 20 Romans 5 19 or I'm sorry Romans 5 19 for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous see the theme here Adam and Jesus Romans 5 20 moreover the law entered that the offense might abound that's to show us to drive us to Jesus Christ but where sin abounded grace did much more abound that a sin has rained unto death even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ it doesn't matter your past sins they can be wiped away okay because grace will abound even more okay now let me just say this about original sin and Calvin Calvinism turn to to Malachi the last book in the Old Testament you can tell people are unsaved when they create these stupid doctrines out of single verses and you know why you can tell they're unsaved because even if you don't have like chapter and verse memorized against these doctrines what if somebody came what if there was somebody that you knew really well and somebody came out you had known this person for 10 years 15 years and somebody came up to you and said hey you know brother Frank you know he did this and he said this you know don't you think you'd be like well that doesn't sound like brother Frank I've known him for 15 years he would have done something like that right that's how the Bible should be to us that's what that's the importance of getting to know the Word of God okay so when somebody says something you don't have to have the book memorized folks but when somebody says something that is contrary because these themes are throughout the entire Bible look at Malachi chapter 3 in verse number 6 for I am the Lord I change not the God of the Old Testament God's personality his his how he feels about sins it's the same through this whole book this idea that there's a New Testament God that's really nice and is the Jesus that's holding the sheep with the cane and then there's Old Testament God who's a meanie head he's mean he's mean to people he kills all those people all the time it's weird you know it's the same God G sheep Jesus doesn't exist sheep Jesus he's fake he's made up by liberal Christianity today it's a bunch of garbage so as you learn the Bible you're starting you're gonna start to get to know God and as your kids grow up in a Bible preaching church they're gonna start to get to know God so it's somebody comes up to them with a picture of Jesus with the sheep and long hair they're gonna be like whoa that's weird get that away from me you know where they start teaching these weird doctrines like Calvinism and that suck a lot of people in they're gonna be like you know that just doesn't sound like the God that I know and then they'll look into it and the Bible will show them that it's not the God that they know right but God wants everyone to be saved some he'll have to he'll give up he'll turn over but it's not his fault that this world is is producing evil people that people are following this status quo down into the gutter deeper and deeper and deeper and they're dragging their children and the further generations with them it's not God's fault that that happens an original sin is just it's something a saved person wouldn't get by just reading the Bible it doesn't even sound right so folks we just need to know the Bible okay you need to be reading you know the Bible says in Acts 17 that the people in Berea they they search the scriptures daily you know you need to be you need to take some personal responsibility with getting to know your Bible that's that's the application that I'm going to give you tonight all right in in Romans chapter 5 you know we saw that there's some verses that are pulled out of context but we see that we've inherited this sin nature from Adam you know we see that because of what the Bible really teaches is that we've inherited this sin nature and that by one man by one man we were all condemned by in that we're all inherited that sin nature but by one man we were freed from it and that one man is Jesus Christ let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer your help me father we thank you for the book of Romans we thank you for this deep doctrine Lord that just disproves you know all this stupid stuff that people teach and we just thank you for the truth of your word Lord we're gonna thank you for these people I thank you for this church I ask that you bless the rest of our week bless the soul winning this weekend church and the fellowship to come in Jesus name I pray amen