(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right for Samuel 25, so we're gonna continue our random characters in the Bible Series tonight and we're gonna do that with I've been getting a couple comments and I was thinking about it myself Too that we haven't had a woman yet. So we're gonna talk about a woman knows. Look there's a lot of great Women in the Bible that did a lot of great and important things in the Bible So tonight we're gonna look at this story in 1st Samuel 25 and we're gonna talk about This woman Abigail in the Bible and we're gonna see what we can learn from her look at some characteristics of Abigail and see if we can't take away some lessons from Abigail So we got quite a story in 1st Samuel 25 going on here Basically, there's this cat-and-mouse game with David and Saul, you know Saul is is chasing David. So Saul at this point is still the king of Of Israel, however, he's been you know, the kingdom has been taken from him by Samuel. He knows this David has been anointed king by Samuel and Saul knows this so Saul is out. He's trying to kill David He's playing this cat-and-mouse He's he's constantly going after David and then the Philistines attack and then he's going after David again and this story here We see that David has run to the wilderness with his 600 men Fleeing from Saul Saul abandons the pursuit once again because you know the Philistines attack I mean just think of the Philistines for I mean just for a second I mean here they're like, you know, I mean, it's just they're constantly invading but do you wonder why? I mean these two leaders of this nation are constantly just trying, you know Saul's just constantly just trying to kill David David's running away and they're like, this is great We're gonna invade everybody right so we see that all this action is taking place So here we see David in 1st Samuel 25. He's in the wilderness With his men and you know 600 men think about that You can't just run off in the woods with 600 men I mean think about the last time you just went camping with your family. All right, how many how many supplies? Did you take camping? I mean you just you you fill up the entire pickup box with supplies for five people Imagine and I mean that we're talking about an army here of 600 men. They need supplies. They need food. They need water They need you know shelter. They need things right? So here's this man navel. He's apparently a wealthy man He's off his his They're having a sheep shearing Event where you know, they bring all the sheep in and by the way You know not to get off on sheep But shearing sheep is I mean we had some wool sheep Garrett head and it is physically the hardest thing I've ever done in my life Shearing sheep. So that is nothing to do with the sermon But if I I will never even attempt to even look at even thinking I mean I can't imagine how they sheared sheep back then with like hand shears and all this kind of stuff. That is hard work I sheared three sheep in one night and we had like seven sheep to go and Garrett had to almost carry me to the house. I couldn't even walk. I was so tired I mean look I didn't know how to do it, which probably didn't didn't help. You know, the poor sheep gets up It's all bleeding and everything. It's terrible, right? Nothing to do with the sermon but Yeah, terrible. It's very difficult to shear sheep. All right, what are we talking about? Are we at church? Okay, quite a story happening. So we see these men are in the you know, there's a big laborists event going on There's men that are here. They're taking care of navel sheep. I'm sure he had hundreds of sheep many many sheep All right, look it down at first Samuel Chapter 25 look at verse number 7. So David's men David sends some men to ask navel for some supplies Okay, and in verse number 7 the Bible says and now I have heard that thou hast shearers now thy shepherds which were with us We hurt them not neither was there aught missing unto them all while they were in Carmel Ask thy young men and they will show thee Wherefore let the young men find favor in thine eyes for we come in a good day give I pray thee whatsoever cometh to thine Hand unto thy servants and to thy son David and when David's young men came they spake to navel according to all those words in the name of David and ceased and navel answered David servants and said who is David and who is The son of Jesse look he knows who David is Okay, there be many servants nowadays that break away every man from his master So he knows not only does he know who David is, but he knows about this fight that's going on with Saul He knows that David and Saul have history. He knows that David, you know was the armor bearer of Saul I'm sure you know, obviously he knows that David's famous. Think of it He killed Goliath Right then shall I take my bread and my water in my flesh that I have killed for my shearers and give it unto men Whom I know not whence they be so navel says no Basically, all right, and then David basically says, okay, let's go kill Everybody is what David says look at verse 12 So David's young men turned their way and went again and came and told him all those sayings and David said unto his men Gird ye on every man his sword and they girded up every man his sword and David also girded on his sword and there went Up after David about 400 men and 200 abode by the stuff So look David basically is in this hard situation He's in the woods. He goes and he sends these men to navel and look he says to navel They look we protected your your sheep shearers when they were tending the sheep. We didn't hurt them. We protected them We never took anything from them. Help us out. Give us some food some supplies and Navel is this wicked man. He's a son of Belial and the Bible says he just says, you know You're just some guy that rebelled against your boss. Get out of here. I'm not giving you a thing of mine, right? So look that wasn't a nice thing of navel to do but then David's like, all right, I'm just gonna gird up your sword We're going to kill we're gonna go kill every man In that that's related to navel basically or it works for him. Whatever He said there's not gonna be anyone that's left that pisses against the wall. That means all the men all the males of Navel he's gonna go kill. So here we see this entrance of this character this lady navels wife named Abigail and she she does no less than Literally save the day in this story. Okay. So let's look at some characteristics. Let's look at Abigail Let's look at how she did it. Let's look at how she did it. I mean we can apply this to our lives I mean she went I mean This is a very you have two men here who are at odds with each other and I mean David is going to just he's going And he's going to kill people Imagine how angry you would have to get to just be like we're going to just kill Everybody in that camp and in that that works for that man so look at 1st Samuel chapter 25 in verse number 23 The first characteristic I want to show you about Abigail tonight is this What we'll do is we'll just go through some Characteristics of Abigail and then I'll show you how you can apply those in dealing with people in your life All right, so look at 1st Samuel chapter 25 in verse number 23 The first characteristic that we see from Abigail is that she shows Humility she shows humility in 1st Samuel 25 in verse 23 The Bible says when Abigail saw David she hasted and lighted off the ass and fell before David on her face and bowed herself To the ground and fell at his feet and said upon me my lord upon me Let this iniquity be and let thine handmaid I pray thee speak in thine audience and hear the words of thine handmaid look down at verse 23. I Pray thee forgive the trespass of thine handmaid for the Lord will certainly make my lord a sure house Because my lord fight at the battles of the Lord and evil hath not been found in thee all thy days That's a very humble. So the servants came to Abigail and they told her that hey, you know This is what Nabal said to David's men and Abigail knows that there's violence coming her way that David's gonna come and she's gonna do this so she quickly Dresses all these sheep. She dresses she gets all these this food all this All this drink and she gets it all together quickly She goes to David and then she responds to David sheep confronts David like this with humility All right, and the second characteristic of Abigail you see here Is that she shows tremendous respect when she talks to David? She's calling him my lord She's recognizing she recognizes that he's been anointed King once again showing that everyone knew the situation between David and Saul and what was really going on which you know just kind of goes to show you why Saul was so Relentless in pursuing David you ever wonder why you know, why won't Saul let it go? It's because this guy everybody thinks this guy that's running from him is the king and he's like I'm the king I want to still be the king right? So look it shines some light on that But look everyone knew it, but she shows a lot of respect when she talks to David All right She recognizes his kingship and she she just speaks to him with respect calling him my lord things like that the third thing we see from Abigail is she shows a lot of Diplomacy here and we're gonna break this down a little bit more when we apply this but she shows some serious Diplomacy, this was not a stupid lady I mean Abigail was very very smart and she starts the conversation out correctly But she also leads him gently into the correct decision Which is one of the most beautiful things about this story. Look at 1st Samuel chapter 25 in verse number 30 And the Bible says this and it says and it shall come to pass when the Lord shall have done to my lord So keep in mind the capital L here Okay So you don't get confused by these sentences when the Lord meaning God shall have done to my lord meaning David According to all the good that he has spoken concerning thee and shall have appointed thee ruler over Israel So she's saying that when God makes you king when God Does you know completes what he said he was going to do with you then verse 31 that this Shall be no grief unto thee nor offensive heart unto my lord either that thou has shed blood Causless or that my lord hath avenged himself my lord capital lowercase L. She's talking about David here That my lord that David has avenged himself But when the Lord shall have dealt well with my lord then remember thine Handmaid she's saying look She's saying that when you become king, you won't even have to worry about You know this bad thing that you're about to do is basically what she gently tells him Okay, so what let's look at let's break down Abigail's, you know Characteristics here, but a very wise woman here in the Bible now look turn to Proverbs chapter 15 Proverbs chapter 15 Let's start out with Proverbs chapter 15 and verse number 1. I'll wait for you to get there But basically this Proverbs chapter 15 and verse number 1 it kind of encompasses everything that Abigail Did even though I'm going to give you several steps into the methodology of what Abigail did when she dealt with David here But Proverbs chapter 15 and verse number 1 the Bible says a soft answer Turneth away wrath but grievous words stir up anger This means that there is a way of talking with people that will turn away their wrath That will make them less angry that will de-escalate Situations where there's a way of talking to people that will make them more angry As well, right, so that's there's both sides of this coin in Proverbs 15 1 but Proverbs 15 1 And the first part of it a soft answer turneth away. Wrath really encompasses what Abigail did here So in application tonight in looking at Abigail Let's look at what Abigail did and I want to give you four steps in dealing effectively with unreasonable people Okay, because I got news for you go to Proverbs 15 and verse number 10 Here's the problem you will have in your life. Look you say I'm I mean you say I'm right all the time Great, right you say I'm right I'm the most reasonable person in the world and I'm always correct and I'm never wrong But here's the problem that you will still have Look at verse number 10 of Proverbs 15 The Bible says correction is grievous Unto him that forsaketh the way and he that hateth reproof shall die So look the Bible says in the first part of Proverbs 15 10 that correction is grievous to people to some people Right. So look, even if you are the most reasonable person you are the smartest person in the world You are never wrong. You are gonna run into people who do not want to be corrected Who will not take correction? They are just difficult people to deal with You are going to meet these people. So I want to give you four tips from Abigail's life here Abigail's just Abigail's Confrontation with David to deal with these types of people because they're out there. You're gonna meet them You're gonna meet them at work. You're gonna meet them, you know Probably a church But you're gonna meet these people in your life and if you can effectively deal with them you're gonna it will get you far Okay, so turn to Ecclesiastes chapter 4 There's another one you remember this guy from a few weeks ago Remember the old and foolish King from Ecclesiastes chapter 4 look at verse 13 You will meet this type of person Ecclesiastes chapter 4 in verse 13 The Bible says better is a poor and wise child and an old and foolish King who will no more be in admonished So, how are you gonna deal with people that will not be admonished anymore? So let's look at some lessons from the life of Abigail So rule number one is this when dealing with unreasonable people or people that will not be admonished Rule number one is this be respectful whenever possible Okay, speak in a respectful tone Don't come off with fighting words right at the beginning. Look never start conversations with like this. That's not correct brother Let me tell you why you're wrong You never want to start conversations that way because what people will do is they will immediately put up walls As soon as you say something like that They say you know I've told you this before but they say somebody decides that they want to listen to you within like the first three seconds That you talk to them, right? So if you say if somebody's talking to you say well, you know Here's the problem with what you just said or here's why you're wrong on that There's you're done before you've even started. All right. So look as fun as it can be To get in the flesh and just tell people how it is It is never going to be effective for you Okay, so you have to remember that. All right, and this is a big problem. This is a big problem Maybe not so much with people face to face anymore, but with this type of stuff All right, when you just want to get in the flesh you just want to like I Mean look, there's some awesome internet commenters out there. They should do it for a living All right, but no one has ever had their mind changed by an internet comment ever or a Facebook post or a Facebook argument or whatever All right, it is if there's nothing edifying about it. Nothing So look, I mean look Abigail Abigail was not just like she was not like seeing like oh, yeah, you know burn She was not looking to like out word somebody she had to succeed or people would literally die She had to get this right. Okay, so look Here's another thing. It's always good to try to visualize somebody else's perspective Okay, if you're in a situation where you don't see things the way somebody else sees things It is always a good exercise for you internally to at least picture things from their perspective Especially before you you talk to them about it All right, and then you can then you can start off conversations with things like you know what I can see your point there You know what brother I can see why you might you know why you see things that way You know, I've thought about it and I can see why you came to that conclusion I mean, these are the ways to start conversations. I could see how you might feel that way Right. These are conversations that won't shut people down right away That's what Abigail that she came in in a very respectful tone to David right away Okay, just the way she had her handmaids in front of her the way she she you know Approached David both physically and with her words that she used she approached him in a very respectful way That that got his attention right off the bat in a good way She started it off positive and respectful So that's the first thing be respectful whenever possible when dealing with difficult people. The second thing is this Be humble if necessary be the first to apologize In a situation. Okay, think about this. Why don't people apologize? Why I mean if you have a situation I mean usually when you have a situation where two people are arguing there's three sides to the story, right? There's this guy's side. There's this guy's side and then there's the truth of what is really going on Right. So in many many many cases where there's an argument or something happens husband and wife same thing. I Mean, it doesn't matter who fired the first shot whenever there's an argument between a husband and wife You know many times most times Both sides have things to apologize for Be the first to apologize, but you know what that takes, you know, why people don't apologize one reason pride People don't apologize and they're not the first one to apologize because they're like, you know what I was right You know what? I I'm writing this whole thing and I'm not gonna say sorry because I'm correct And even though they might have gotten the flash and sinned and sinned and whatever and all this stuff They're just not gonna be the first one to apologize Be humble. Look look at verse 28. Look at Abigail. I Pray thee forgive the trespass of thine handmaid Did she do anything wrong? She didn't even do anything She didn't do she had nothing to do with what navel did Nothing and she's just like forgive me I Mean that's humility right there. She's like forgive me She's just like laying it on me. Blame me I'm sorry that it happened, you know Look, you'll get far you'll get far at work like that, too If you're that type of person For the Lord will certainly make my lord a sure house because the Lord fight at the battles of the Lord and evil has not Been found in all these days. Look it wasn't her fault Turn to Proverbs 29. I actually think I Actually think that this is a huge advantage that Christians have you know Look when you think about being out in the world and operating in the world whether it's at work Or raising your kids at home or whatever. There's many things where the Christian is at a disadvantage Remember we talked about last week. Look there's people out there that would just have no rules They'll just do anything at work to just get results The Christian can't do that But here's one area where you have an advantage because you know what? The Bible commands you to be humble and you can't fake humility. You can't fake it You just have to be humble. You have to keep yourself Humble, so most people that you're gonna be working with and dealing with are not going to be humble people Especially, you know once they you know, if they're good at what they do and things like that They're gonna be prideful people stay humble and you will get far look at Proverbs 29 in verse 23 The Bible says a man's pride shall bring him low But honor shall uphold the humble in spirit. So the Bible says when you're out there in the world Christian think about this When you're out there in the world Christian You got all these people these psychopaths whatever who will do anything to get ahead. That's advantage psychopath, right? But think about this the Bible is still true even for the psychopath because the Bible says his pride will bring him low But your humility you will you'll find honor You'll find honor by being humble and look isn't that what happened to Abigail? I mean David I mean David showed her great honor. I mean she got honor by being so humble. You can't fake Humility, but the humble shall have honor the Bible says So be respectful be humble if necessary be the first one use that humility to be the first one to apologize in a situation She didn't even do anything and she apologized think about it She she apologized for the situation. I've done that I did that at my job. I have right now There's all kinds of people that were mad over things that were two three years ago So I'm dealing with this organization and I'm just like hey I'm sorry for all those things that happened and how those things went we're gonna go this way now Just well, you know, I apologize that that happened. I wasn't even there It had nothing to do with it But that's what people need to hear humility will get you far folks. Humility will get you far number three Point out the problem in the terms the other person can relate to All right. Now, let me explain this one turn to look at verse number 30 What she didn't say to David look hey don't kill everyone because I don't want you to kill my family Look what she says to him. Look at verse number 30 this now this this is Brilliant. This is the wisdom of Abigail right here Verse number 30 and it shall come to pass when the Lord like God shall have done to my Lord by Making him King According to all the good that he has spoken concerning thee and shall have appointed the ruler over Israel verse 30 She's saying it shall come to pass when you become King is what she is saying when you become the actual ruler He's already anointed King right verse 31 that this Excuse me It's not coronavirus Swallowed something That this shall be no grief unto thee Nor a fence of heart unto my Lord either that thou has shed blood Causless or that my Lord hath avenged himself But when the Lord shall have dealt with my Lord when the Lord shall have dealt with thy my Lord Then remembered thine handmaid so what she's saying What she's saying lightly to David is this so let me ask you something was David going to do the right thing was David Going to commit sin right now Yes, he was what Nabal is bad He's a wicked son of Belial, but if you don't give me bread, can I come kill your whole family? I mean look David was going to avenge himself and he was going to what shed blood causeless David was about to get He was gonna he was going he was not going to be blameless anymore after this situation And that is what Abigail is saying she's like hey when you become king You will not have to look back on this situation that that you know We Caused you by getting upset because you shed blood causeless. She's in a very light way saying you know You're about to go do the wrong thing and you don't want this on you when you become king is what she says to David But she says it in such a way that is light. It is soft, and it is in his own Interest you see because look she's like you're coming to kill my whole family I mean she might have had sons or cousins or whatever now I mean all these men and boys David's about to go kill, but she didn't put it that way She said look you're gonna taint your own Your own leadership before it gets started, and she says it in a very nice way but look Bible reading rule like remember these stories in the Old Testament Especially you have to remember that these stories. This is not a parable this happened This is history okay these stories in the Old Testament you had you had people you had men you had women Doing the wrong thing That's why we have these stories about David doing this that's why you have judges 19 because you know these are just these are just people doing the wrong thing These are just people just doing what was right in their own eyes. You know David got in the flesh here. He's mad He's just gonna go kill everybody right and she she puts it in terms that are beneficial to him and to his Kingdom it's beautiful. It's brilliant now. Thankfully David is not that old and foolish King he listens He listens to Abigail The second the the fourth rule is this so let's recap so first of all we noticed that she's very respectful be Respectful when dealing with even difficult people number two she was humble Be humble when dealing with difficult people and number three she laid out the situation in terms of his own interest All right, and number four. This is this is even this is even better. She never gave David direct Advice she never told him exactly what to do and by the way This is a great general rule to live by in your life. All right look Listen to people didn't we have a sermon on listening to people and not being the one who's look if people don't ask you What you think about something they either don't care or they don't want to know So don't don't be this person. That's constantly just has to tell everybody Everything that you think all the time about everything. That's Just a lesson in life. There's a one of the a great book that I love is called how to win friends and influence people and One of my favorite quotes from that book is this and tell me as you hear this quote that you haven't met this person All right Here's a quote from this book And the quote says this if you want to make people shun you and laugh at you behind your back who wants that Who wants people to make fun of them and laugh at them behind their back? But he says this if you want people to make to shun you and laugh at you behind your back and even despise you Here is the recipe Never listen to anyone for long Talk incessantly about yourself if you have an idea while the other person is talking don't wait for him or her to finish Bust right in and interrupt in the middle of a sentence Then he goes on and on to say how you know These are the type of people that are constantly injecting their opinion into everything when they're not even asked, right? Abigail did not just come out and date and tell David. Hey, you're wrong. You're about to do something wrong. She did not do that She did it as a matter of fact She didn't even say that really what he was going to do was wrong in a direct way. She just focused on the positive She focused on the positive of the situation saying hey when you become king This incident won't be a grief unto you Because you haven't committed murder and avenged yourself That's like she said it she she flipped it around and and turned that negative into a positive for David's life You see what she did? I mean, it's brilliant and then she relied on David's knowledge of God's Word and His own conscience for him to come to the right conclusion right and Dave look He baits she basically led him into Coming to the right answer himself That's that's why she's such a wise lady in the Bible and another there's another lesson to be learned There's a side note whenever you can give credit away. Give it away Whenever you can let somebody else lead somebody else to the right answer and let him get it and run with it Let him do it that will only benefit, you know Everything around you by doing that and that's what Abigail did she led David gently to the right answer and she got His conscience to come to that conclusion and it's beautiful. Now. Here's what's funny. I was reading I was reading through this I was writing this sermon. I was writing this sermon and I Was making these points through the things that Abigail did in the Bible and this will show you again that books that have been written I mean, I just read you from a secular book Right a quote from a secular book all these books that have been written and all these things that are just like They're published for hundreds of years It's just biblical. It's just biblical advice. It's all from the Bible if it's good advice It's biblical advice right and I was thinking I was writing this sermon like and I was writing. Okay, there's a point There's a point just going through the story just coming up with the points, right and it reminded me of George, Washington George Washington had these rules of civility that he had that he there was like a hundred and twelve of them or something like that and He there was like he published some in a book. It wasn't his book, but he lived by these rules I mean, they're incredibly detailed rules of civility and whatever you think of George, Washington That's not the point but he was a very disciplined man and living by these certain rules of civility and I went through and in these these points I was making it reminded me of These rules and and sure enough They're in there these these four biblical rules. They're in there rule number one of George Washington, it was rule number one George Washington's rules of civility is this every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect To those that are present. That's a good rule translation be respectful Be respectful always rule number 40 Strive not with your superiors in argument, but always submit your judgment to others with modesty translation be humble Rule number 58 Let your conversation be without malice or envy For tis a sign of tractable and commendable nature and in all causes of passion permit reason to govern In all causes of passion permit reason to govern. So whenever you get angry just remember let your reason govern Proverbs 15 1 a soft answer and that's basically saying don't be argumentative and Then rule number 85 is this it's the it's the fourth rule that we talked about here on Giving I'll just read it for you in company of those higher of higher quality than yourself Speak not till you are asked a question then stand upright Put off your hat in answer and answer in a few words Translation don't give unsolicited advice He says don't say anything until someone asks you a question and then when somebody asks you a question Stand up be respectful and be brief in your answer That's great advice, but it's all from the Bible It's all from the Bible Okay, so look just showing once again that any self-help book I mean look there's there's all kinds of good books out there That'll help you get better at all these different things in your life and help you be you know better at dealing with people But look it's all it's all if it works as biblical and they just pull these things Re-word them and you know the Bible never gets credit. God never gets credit ever All right, but look I also believe that that's why you know this country was a lot more civil in a lot in better shape You know people might have had you know false Gospels and false doctrine and things like that but you know what when people actually knew what the Bible said and They actually knew the law of the Bible and they knew the rules of the Bible and things like that We had a much more civil country, you know country they might have had salvation wrong But you know what? They at least knew how to treat each other They at least knew how to act they at least knew how to approach each other They at least knew the general moral rules of right and wrong You know, you wouldn't see people, you know, you know Tearing out their unborn children and killing them, you know a hundred years ago 150 years ago because people actually knew you know some basic morality Of the Bible when they were learning the Bible when they were kids You know when they were learning the Bible in school and things like that All right. So look Abigail's Dealings with David. I mean they could be used to write a write a book on how to deal with people in itself Alright, she was respectful. She was humble She was non argumentative and she was she was not only she was able to not only save David from himself. I Mean think about it She saved David a terrible blight on his life by killing all these people But she saved all the men of her husband's household Just this one woman by what she did and look the Bible said, you know She was about to go shed blood causeless and he was about to avenge himself Who's to avenge us? God the Lord will the vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord and look God chose To Kill Nabal, so God had his vengeance But God decided to do that that wasn't for David to decide that wasn't for you know, he and God killed Look God killed Nabal. He didn't kill You know, I mean There was a serious overreaction about to happen here. All right, you're not gonna give me a drink and some bread I'm gonna kill you all I mean there that's you know, I mean So Abigail saved him from this and I know that you know many times look Don't forget these lessons because many times we would just love To get in the flesh and just tell people how it is, right? There's many people out there Or look tell people how it is or how we think it should be right But it's never the right way It's never the right way or you know, what it's turned turn to James chapter 1 It's never the right way. But here's another thing. It's not effective It's not effective All right. Look you have somebody you have somebody in your family Look, we all have people in our family that we would like to see saved Yeah, look, I hate to break it to you but there's nobody in my family that I want to go to hell not one person in my family and They are not correct on the gospel and that's why they're not saved and that's why if they died at this moment They would not go to heaven, but you cannot Beat people over the head with the Bible. You have to come at them in a respectful humble Non-argumentative way that will that will God willing Get them to soften their hearts to the truth you know, I mean that's probably the biggest application here is I Can't tell you how many stupid Theological arguments I have heard about because look I'm not plugged into this stuff. I mean you guys probably know that I'm not plugged into it. I don't have time for it. And if I did I wouldn't be plugged into it. I Can't tell you how many stupid theological arguments I've heard about on Facebook or YouTube or whatever it is And it doesn't edify anybody It doesn't edify anybody No one is gonna get saved from that from just arguing with people look at James chapter 1 in verse number 19 This is great For when you get upset or somebody says something and you just oh, man I got I got one I could send back at them. Just think about this wherefore my beloved brethren Let every man be swift to hear slow to speak and slow To wrath. So look just think calm down Before you speak or type And look, I think that I think that we have a problem Today with the internet and this typing back and forth with each other. Look the internet The internet has empowered the beta male. I'm sorry You know it used to be where if you know it used to be where I came from if two guys had a serious disagreement they went back behind the gas station and we just worked it out and then there was no more agreement or no more disagreement now You know you have you know, I used to buy Rams We would buy Rams and you would get these Rams and I had a ram pen where all the you know The Rams and these Rams we would drive all the way across the country to get some of these Rams And then we would go and I had five Rams and I take the ram I just got and I put him in the pen with the other five Rams and you know what they do Every single time they fight But they fight for about an hour and they're sitting there and when they fight you ever see two Rams fight They put their heads together and they back up about 30 40 feet and they come together and it hits and it sounds like a Rifle goes off and I'm just like Stop, you know that can't be healthy, right? I mean these are investments and I'm like, please stop but guess what happens the alpha male Establishes himself as soon as the new right, you know, they they figure out the order of things and the fighting stops now You know that the ram that lost the fight didn't go into the barn and get his computer out and make a bunch of comments But that's what's going on today, right? You got the beta males on the internet. They're like, you know What do you think of that? You know, it's pitiful. All right, but look there's no benefit there. There's no edification there and Look Abigail. She was respectful She was humble and I mean talk about just a wise woman of the Bible that we can learn a lot from We can learn a lot from because because you're gonna deal you're gonna find Difficult people they're out there. You're gonna find them at work. You're gonna find them Probably a church at some point. I They're probably gonna be here they're not here now you guys are all great But but look I mean we're gonna meet all kinds of people throughout our life Right and you can't just you can't just run over people. It's not gonna work for you Abigail wonderful personality in the Bible wise woman. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father I thank you for Abigail in the Bible We thank you for her wisdom and her humility and just the wonderful things that she did in this story Lord And and we just we thank you for the entire Bible We thank you for this evening Lord that you were allow us to have another great evening of church and fellowship And worship Lord. We love you We thank you for the souls that were saved today and just all the benefits that you've given us in this life Lord We ask you to bless our week to come and to keep everyone in this church Lord just put put a hedge of protection around everybody in this church Lord. We love you. We pray all this in the name of Jesus Amen You