(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So keep your place in Second Chronicles chapter 26. We'll get there in a minute. So we're continuing the personalities sermon series this evening. So once again most of you have gone to the personalities 16 personalities website and taken the test to find out what kind of personality you are and we're just doing some kind of some fun light sermons on these different personalities. And this is by no means an exhaustive study of all these different personalities. I've just chosen a few of these personalities and I'm trying to bunch them up a little bit so we can go over the ones that apply to us or the ones that apply to the people of the church. And this evening I want to talk about adventurers and virtuosos. We're going to kind of put these two together. So I'm not going to have you raise your hand. I don't even know who all the adventurers and virtuosos in the church are. I know there's several of them so we're going to talk about them together. I want you to look down at Second Chronicles chapter 26. What I'm trying to do is in my opinion pick out somebody in the Bible that fits this personality type. And adventurers and virtuosos we're going to first look at the combined strengths of adventurers and virtuosos. So adventurers and virtuosos are first of all the reason I chose Second Chronicles chapter 26 is because they're creative and imaginative. And if you look down at Second Chronicles chapter 26 it taught the Bible here is talking about Uzziah who kind of is one of my favorite kings in the Bible because of some of the things that he did you know before the whole pride and leprosy thing happened. But he was a pretty good king and he was he was doing some pretty creative and imaginative things and plus he was a rancher. He was he was a husbandman. So I kind of like Uzziah. Look at Second Chronicles chapter 26 in verse number 9. And the Bible kind of gives us some insight and you know you don't hear these types of details from every king in the Bible. But Uzziah was doing some things that were above and beyond in this area and look what he was doing in verse number 9. Moreover Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate and at the valley gate and at the turning of the wall and fortified them. He also built towers in the desert and digged many wells for he had much cattle both in the low country and in the plains. Husbandmen also in vine dressers in the mountains and in Carmel or Carmel I guess Carmel for he loved husbandry. And now look if you've ever raised animals that you'll realize that that part at the end after the colon there where it says for he loved husbandry is very important because if you're going to make your living or you're going to have animals or raise animals you have to love doing it. Because you're just if there's just if I would have taken my time you know into account on the farm and raising the animals I probably would have made about ten cents an hour if I would have looked at the time that I spent raising livestock. So you have to love it. You have to love husbandry. So it's important that that's in there because it shows that the Bible understands that in order to be someone who raises livestock you have to love doing it. Okay now look down at verse number 11. Moreover so first of all verse number nine he's building these towers he's building he's fortifying the towers he's building you know all these different he look here this guy's building infrastructure here he's building infrastructure verse 11. Moreover Uzziah had a host of fighting men that went out to war by bands according to the number of their account by the hand of Geol the scribe and Messiah the ruler under the hand of Hananiah one of the king's captains the whole number of the chief of the fathers of the mighty men of valor were two thousand and six hundred and under their hand was an army three hundred thousand and seven thousand and five hundred that made war with mighty power to help the king against the enemy so he's fortifying himself he's building infrastructure he's building he's building an army look at verse 14 and Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the hosts of shields and spears and helmets and haberjans and bows and slings to cast stones and he made in Jerusalem engines invented by cunning men to be on the towers upon the bulwarks to shoot arrows and great stones with all and his name spread far abroad for he was marvelously helped till he was strong it basically it's saying look he was just he's building all these cool things these engines these engines being catapults and slings and you know trebuchets or whatever they were to throw these stones and throw these slings to cast stones he's he's building an army he's fortifying an empire and this is a man who's got some creative and imaginative drive within him so this is who I chose for the adventures and probably more virtuoso in Uzziah's case but let's just let me just read off for you some of these strengths for the virtuosos and the adventurers and then I'll we'll choose a guy chose a couple of them a couple of combined strengths that they both share and then a couple of combined weaknesses that they both share and then we'll shine the light of the Bible on it and see if their weaknesses or strength or maybe a little bit of both so first virtuosos they're optimistic and energetic they're creative and practical once again talking about Uzziah they're spontaneous and rational they know how to prioritize they're great in a crisis we'll talk about that at the end of the sermon and they're very relaxed people the strengths of the adventurers according to the secular study is they're charming they are sensitive to others they're imaginative again they share that with the virtuosos they're passionate they're curious they have a lot of ideas and they are artistic so adventurers are able to show their creativity in tangible artistic ways so first of all I want to look at some combined strengths of both of these personality types and the first thing I want to point out about both of them together and I haven't mentioned this a lot with the previous sermons but both of these personality types are considered introverts they're considered introverts so what does that mean let me give you that that secular definition it's really a secular term but it's this and introverts of course the opposite of being an extrovert okay so the traits of extraversion and introversion are a central dimension in some human personality theories the terms introversion and extraversion were introduced in psychology by Carl Jung although both the popular understanding and current physiological usage vary extraversion tends to be manifested in an outgoing talkative behavior whereas introversion is manifested in a more reflective quiet and reserved behavior so here you have you know I'm sure you've heard of it before but extroverts there are people that they like being around groups of people and they like talking and they're always talking and they're very like they want to be in groups talking all the time okay and you know look some of you are laughing I'm not looking at any particular person here okay but some people are extroverts they love this environment other people that terrifies other people you know would just rather be not in groups of people and I think that those were some of the questions if I remember of the personality test was you know a lot of do you like being in groups or not kind of thing but introverts would rather they're they're quiet they're reserved they're gonna be the one that's if they're in a group they're gonna be one that's not saying much okay they're gonna be one that's not saying much now turn to Proverbs 17 in my opinion the Bible tends to favor the introvert a little bit as far as you know the type of you know character traits that you have and I'll tell you I'll explain to you why okay look at Proverbs chapter 17 and look at verse number 28 so remember you have the extrovert they like being in big groups of people and they like being the one talking they thrive on environments like that and then you have the introvert which the virtuoso and the adventurer are both introverted they would rather not be in groups and when they are in groups they they are quiet they're reserved and they don't say much okay look at Proverbs 17 28 the Bible says this even a fool when he holdeth his peace is counted wise and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding look this says that if you're quiet and you're not just blabbing all the time that you could be a fool and people could still think that you're a man of understanding it's when you open your mouth you know I mean have you heard that it's better to be a silent fool than to open your mouth and to remove all doubt I mean that is you know basically what Proverbs 17 28 is saying is that if you talk all the time there's a good chance and you if you're one of these people that just talks all the time you speak a lot you speak over people a lot you know other people can't get a word in edgewise there's a good chance you're gonna prove yourself to be a fool in those cases so this is where the advantage is to the introvert into the it the advantage is to the introvert will turn to Proverbs chapter 21 Proverbs chapter 21 your mouth your mouth can actually get you in a lot of trouble this is another advantage introvert right here because your tongue the Bible says can cause you a lot of problems in your life Proverbs 21 look at verse 23 the Bible says who so that means whosoever keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles so you say you know I'm not an introvert I like being in groups and I like to talk all the time well there's a good chance you're gonna get yourself in trouble if that's the case you know so you're like I but I like to be the one telling people how it is all the time well there's a good chance you know you're gonna get yourself in trouble look you should try to change that your tongue can actually do you a lot of harm in your life turn to Proverbs chapter 18 the by I mean the Bible actually has a lot to say about your tongue we're not gonna spend a ton of time on it but you know the Bible does say that I mean look if you're if you're introverted you're safer according to you know what the Bible says about your tongue look at Proverbs 18 21 I mean look at this look at that I mean look at the wording here death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof look I mean learn to control your tongue is what the Bible is saying learn to control your tongue you're like I'm an extrovert I love to talk I want to be a ground groups of people learn to control your tongue learn to control what you say you like to be a long group among groups of people great learn to listen learn to be you know quieter speak less learn from that doesn't mean you have to become an introvert but learn some things from them learn this advantage from them now so you say okay introverts we're all supposed to just be reserved and never say anything and just be these people that never want to be in groups of people or never want to talk well introversion can also be a disadvantage turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 being shy being shy not wanting to speak not wanting to talk you know it's look it's not a bad thing like we said when it comes to controlling your tongue when it comes to you know keep you from trouble like whenever just a good rule of thumb I've said this before is whenever you're not sure what to say maybe you don't know what the answer is and you know you're not sure what people are talking about it's best to just be silent it's best to just say nothing I mean if you think I mean the person that wants to be the first one to answer a question all the time he's the one that's going to be shown to be a fool maybe not that first one maybe he gets lucky on the first two or three answers but eventually he's going to be shown to be a fool so let's look at Paul for a minute let's look at Paul look at 1st Corinthians chapter 2 how could being shy be a bad thing look at 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and look at verse number 1 you say Paul here's the greatest evangelist that's ever lived on the earth to date I mean I don't know I mean I don't know how good of a soul winner you are but you know you weren't as good as Paul okay look at 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 1 and I brethren Paul the greatest when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God a lot of people have told me that they thought that Paul was maybe a commander I don't think Paul was a commander he was way too humble I mean Paul was way too humble and actually here he was saying he's like look he's like I'm not even good at speaking he's like I'm not even good at speaking I'm not even that smart I think he's saying you know I came to you and I don't I don't speak well and I'm not the smartest you know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed is basically what he's saying but I came declaring to you he's saying it didn't matter that I couldn't speak well and it didn't matter that I'm not the smartest person you've ever met because I'm not declaring my own testimony I'm declaring the testimony of God is what he's saying now look at Romans chapter 1 so Paul I mean he knew that he wasn't the most you know just well-versed person in the world he knew that he wasn't the smartest person out there but look at his life look what he produced now turn to Romans chapter 1 so him knowing this him knowing this I mean that could have caused Paul to be like you know what you know he could have just been really self-conscious about that he could have just been really you know this was Moses when he went to God I am NOT an eloquent man he was nervous he's like find somebody else he's like I can't speak well why would you put me in front of Pharaoh he's like why would you do that I'm not eloquent but look at Romans chapter 1 in verse 15 this is how Paul handled it so Paul knew that he wasn't an eloquent man just like Moses and this is what Paul did look at verse 15 so as much as in me I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are in Rome also that are at Rome also why why why is he so ready to go to all these new places and preach the gospel I mean he's not smart he's not you know it's not that he thought he was dumb it's just that he wasn't you know the wisest person he knew that you know he wasn't eloquent because verse 16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also the Greek because he's not ashamed of the gospel because it's God's power not his it's God's power that we're carrying out to Fresno every single week not ours it's not it's not us it's not my wisdom it doesn't matter how smart I am to go preach the gospel because it's God's wisdom it doesn't matter how well-versed I am because it's not my words it's not my words I don't have to be a good speaker I don't have to be eloquent I don't have to come up with all these beautiful flowing words they're already here and it's not our power it's not our message it's we're just kidding I mean what's the word ambassadors we're ambassadors of another message and it's God's message it's God's power so Paul may not have been a great speaker he may not as Moses Moses was worried about the same thing he may not have been an eloquent man yet as much as was in him he was not going to be shy about it he proclaimed the message so I mean I can't tell you I mean I can't tell you personally how many super quiet introverted people I know that are awesome soul winners I mean they're great soul winners to the point where when you know them personally and you know how quiet they are and then you go out soul winning with them you're just like you got solely with them there for the first time knowing who they are and how introverted they are and then you go soul winning with them I'm sure people like you all know people that I'm talking about you can think about these people you're just like they're just amazing soul winners I mean Paul is the greatest evangelist you know ever so you ought not let that stop you from proclaiming the Word of God is the point I'm trying to make so if you're introverted and it is stopping you from proclaiming the Word of God you know that's a disadvantage that's a serious disadvantage so they're introverted we see that can be a good thing when it comes to controlling our tongue and keeping us out of trouble and it can be a bad thing if it's keeping us from you know proclaiming the gospel to a lost and dying world the second thing the second thing that virtuosos and adventurers have in common is what I began the sermon off with they are creative and imaginative now look this is a serious advantage in life if you are creative and a man it advantage imaginative that this is an advantage and you say why because because we're living in a time especially when practically nobody is we're living in a time look everyone I'm telling you everyone is in the box everyone's in the box everyone and it's because and it's because and you see it out so winning it's because they're all hypnotized they're hypnotized by TV they're hypnotized by pop culture and they're just they're just going along with everyone else on everything I mean you think to yourself you think to yourself why in the world would you do something I mean think about this why would you do something just because that's what everybody else does yet that's what everyone's doing they're just doing that they've removed people have removed rational thought from their lives and they're just going along with what everybody else is there's so many examples of this I can't even list them all here I saw this one again today so winning wearing a mask by yourself driving in your car what in the world you know okay you buy it into the mass thing that's fine that's your business you want to do that but you're so I mean you're so irrational at this point and you're just you're just like following everything that anyone ever tells you that you're you're scared of your own cell I don't even know you can't even circular logic that one I mean it doesn't make any sense you know moral change just accepting everything just because everybody else accepts it no matter what I mean public school because everybody else does it you don't like it but everybody else does it so then we have to do it now you know it's I mean the look the zombie apocalypse is here we're living it I mean thank God for the Bible it doesn't matter what everybody else does what everybody else follows I mean this is our guy that's it and even as far as creativity goes that's all dying too it's all dying it's going along with with as the status quo just sinks lower and lower and lower creativity is almost dead but Uzziah turn to Proverbs 29 Uzziah built engines and towers and wells and weapons I mean the man the man was creative he was imaginative the man had a vision the man had a vision look at Proverbs 29 look at Proverbs 29 18 he had a plan the Bible says in Proverbs 29 18 it says where there is no vision the people perish but he that keepeth the law happy as he look I mean the Bible here is talking about being creative and imaginative and having a leader having a vision on where he wants to go and I mean and that makes the difference on whether or not the people that are with him die or not I mean that's pretty serious so he was building this infrastructure these machines so much so look so much so that the Bible mentions all the things that he was actually building but what look just like every other thing every other advantage that we're talking about in this series you're like I'm not an adventurer I'm not a virtuoso I could never be creative wrong the point of this sermon series is so you can all have you can all have the advantages that we talk about here go back to 2nd Chronicles 26 how do I know let's follow Uzziah's model and you can be creative and imaginative too look at 2nd Chronicles 26 you're like I want to be creative I want to be creative with my family at home I want to be creative and educating my children I want to be creative and imaginative and I want to raise kids that are creative and imaginative well let's let's look at the model I want to have ideas at work so I can maybe get some better skills and I can get in some better places so I can improve my family and better support my family look at 2nd Chronicles 26 we can be creative and imaginative I'm not either one of these things here's what we need to do 16 years old look at verse number 3 16 years old was Uzziah when he began to rain I mean you're pretty hard on Uzziah you know the whole like you know deciding to be a priest but on him you know on his own and the leprosy thing not a great ending I get it but the guy rained for 52 years I mean that's a long time go study the Kings you know there's a lot of four years there's a lot of six years there's a lot of seven years there's some one years there's some less than a year I mean but there's not a lot of I mean David was 40 years Solomon was 40 years this guy rained for 52 years his mother's name was also Jeckeliah of Jerusalem and he did that was was right in the sight of the Lord according to all that his father Amaziah did in verse number five what did he do so he did what was right in the sight of the Lord look lots of the Kings they you know that the Kings will start out their history in their life he did that was was evil in the sight of the Lord or he did that with that which was right in the sight of the world there's not that many that did that which was right in the sight of the Lord however this was a little bit further he took a step further here look at verse 5 so he did that was was right in the sight of the Lord he did what his father did so his father you know was was was doing what was right in the sight of the Lord and it says according to all that his father Amaziah did so he he did the right things that Amaziah did is what the Bible is saying but then he went further the Bible says in verse number five and he sought God he sought God in the days of Zechariah who had the understanding in the visions of God look this guy so here's I'm gonna give you a two-step plan here's a two-step plan to become creative and imaginative in your life because look any ideas you have any ideas Uzziah had any visions that he had that were good that were good for his kingdom good for his people but they didn't come from him I know it they came there's a reason the Bible gives us the pretext to what Uzziah did from his army to his infrastructure to all his machines and engines and all these cool things look the reason that that happened is because of verses number three through five he sought the Lord so step one in becoming creative and imaginative is seek the Lord seek the Lord in your life look do what you're supposed to do in your life sell out for the Lord in your life this is just step one if you can't do this part you're never gonna make step two so sell out for the Lord work hard at everything you do gaining knowledge especially of things of the Lord along the way that's step one okay now here's a good one here's what you do what did he do in verse five he sought the Lord here's what you do you you sell out for the Lord in your life and then here's what you do you pray for creativity you pray for God to give you a vision not a vision like you know of you know unicorns I'm talking about a path creativity you know something that you know you need you know that imaginative ability the creativity that you need to lead your family to do well at your job look that's a prayer that God's gonna answer you do that you seek the Lord you sell out for the Lord you seek the Lord you you just just get in this thing and then pray for creativity and call me in six months and let me know how that's going it'll work it'll work we can all have I mean look we can all have these creative tendencies that virtuosos and adventurers have I mean just follow King Uzziah as example seek the Lord follow the Lord seek the Lord pray you know pray for these things so those are some advantages let's look at some weaknesses there are some combined weaknesses that they both share as well and the let me just read for you that the secular weaknesses that I'm gonna put together here adventurers are unpredictable virtuosos dislike commitment they have risky behavior and they're easily bored so these two things I'm going to combine into one package called they're you know they're in stable they're not stable they're unstable turn to James chapter one the Bible would call this instability James chapter one instability is one of these disadvantages that has the ability to cancel out all your advantages if you're unstable it doesn't really matter how advantaged you are in other places because this one thing can cancel that all of that out so it's pretty serious look at James chapter 1 verse 8 the Bible says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways I've preached an entire sermon on just being unstable it's bad you don't want to be unstable in your life look this one thing it stops people from serving the Lord it stops people I mean think about the fact that if you're unstable it'll stop you from serving the Lord in your life it'll stop you from doing those things that you should be doing in your life because you'll never be able to be consistent you'll drop out of everything I mean look it'll be bad in your secular life you'll drop out of things you'll stop things you'll quit things at home you'll you'll not be stable you'll not have a good routine for your children you'll not be able to you know properly implement biblical you know child-rearing techniques with your family I mean it's a disaster if you're unstable I mean you'll lose jobs you'll move from job to job to job look somebody that can't hold down a job is unstable and they're double-minded there's a major problem there there's a major problem if you have somebody that you know has has had eight jobs in in a year or two I mean that's a problem there's something going on there look we've all had a bad job okay I just can't work here whatever but that doesn't happen eight times in a row okay there's trends that pop up but the first thing is this remember the two-step plan if you're unstable you will never be stable in seeking the Lord so if you're unstable you'll never be stable in your Christian life and you've you've already lost on step one of the plan and it's gonna it's gonna ruin so many things for you even in your Christian life especially in your spiritual life I mean and look you'll never get good at anything if you can't stick to anything I mean somebody told me one time that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything that and that's that's pretty true 10,000 hours to become an expert at something and it doesn't matter what that something is so winning plumbing electrical work whatever 10,000 hours that's how long it takes to become an expert so look being unstable will will ruin all these things so that is something that has to change if that's a tendency that you have I mean you say well you know I just don't you know I get into something and I just don't like it well the difference the difference between somebody who's stable and somebody who's unstable is not the fact that they like everything all the time it's not that the person who's stable just likes everything and never has a bad time it's it's that when the stable person hits a moment in their life whether it be their spiritual life or their work life for their home life and things go bad they don't stop they don't quit they keep going they go through that hard time until they get out of the valley and start coming up the hill once again the unstable person they say well it's bad I don't like it I'm gonna I'm gonna do something different they're double-minded everything's always a question that's what double-minded means it means everything they're walking through their life I actually feel bad for them if you're a double-minded person I actually kind of feel sorry for you because if you're double-minded it means that you're walking through life and everything's a question should I should I go or should I not go should I stay or should I not should I get up or should I not well everything's I mean it must be so confusing whereas a stable person just does what they do no matter what comes at them that's why it's so important to be stable and not to be unstable or double-minded look if you become if you just decide I'm not gonna be double-minded this is what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna do it no matter what and I'm gonna continue doing it no matter what and look that's how you have to look at your Christian life it's not gonna be it's not gonna be all happy you know and flowers all the time there's gonna be bad times there's gonna be valleys in your life and everything you just have to make the decision that you're always gonna keep going otherwise you know you're gonna become an unstable person and and everything else goes out the window what's the second one the second one turn to John chapter 14 they both they both share this idea and I'm calling this a disadvantage but they both adventurers and virtuosos both share this idea that they're big into freedom of expression and you know stubbornness and inability you know stubbornness inability to adhere to rules you know I mean they both share this characteristic that's not a good thing in the Christian life because look this is kind of like a book of rules you know I mean if there's a reason they call it what the law you know the law the Gospels in here but the laws in here too okay so what turn to John 14 15 I'm sure you all have it memorized if you love me keep my commandments stubbornness and inability to follow rules is not going to go well with John 14 15 look expressing yourself and going your own way this is secular garbage this is secular garbage that'll ruin your life this is secular garbage that's being taught to the upcoming generations go your own way find yourself all this stuff no go this way is what we're trying to teach here go the Bible way we need to go the Bible way it's the only way that will actually lead us to where we need to be so we see that there are some advantages that they both share there's some disadvantages that they both share but there's one point that I wanted to bring up where they both differ that's a very interesting little study here but the virtuoso is calm and collected they call it and then the adventurer is easily on the opposite of this is easily panicked and stressed out okay so now look there's ups and downs to each one of these they're there to the virtuoso and the adventurer are together on a lot of things but they differ on this one thing the virtuoso I want to say it again is calm and collected you're like how could that ever be bad and then the adventurer is easily panicked they get hyped up quickly stressed out quickly but look how could being calm and collected ever be a disadvantage let me start with this one well I mean some situations call for alarm I mean when a house is on fire I mean that you know that that causes that's cause for alarm literally right that's why we have fire alarms all right so you ever met a person where things were just crazy and there was action needed and and you just you they just never got excited about anything you ever met that person you just couldn't light a fire under them for anything I mean this is that this is that guy at work where you just you just can't get him to care about anything you know he's just calm and collected about everything all the time and you're like man we're all gonna get fired are you gonna get excited and do something you know and look this is the this is the this is the teenager today this is the teenager today I mean they just what in the world it's it's like they're not all there it's like they're not all there you're not look not you teenagers but I'm just saying these are the teenagers we knock on their door and they're just like oh I don't think they're on drugs either that's you know if they were on drugs at least there's an explanation but it's just it's they're different they're different and I've seen it change in the last ten years they're just like yeah you know you know they're they just don't care they just don't get excited hey you you know you're like you're gonna go to hell and burn forever and they're like yeah you know yeah you know they don't care you can't get them they just don't care about much at all they're too calm they're too calm you know you can't get them excited I mean you see it especially out soul winning with the younger generation you know but look so we see that you know there's some things like you know what where's my soul gonna go for eternity those things should get us you know should get you excited if you're a thinking person that should get you to the point where you're like I don't know where my soul is gonna go for eternity what are the options heaven sounds pretty good hell whoo that's not good want to make sure I'm not going to that one that would be the rational thought there but it just there's not that care anymore there's not that care it's not like like I said they've been hypnotized they've been hypnotized they've been they've been you know they've been literally hypnotized I mean don't tell me that all these screens and these constant devices in your face constantly are not changing people it is changing people we are watching it happen today but what's the other side of this the other side of just being calm and you can never get excited about anything is just this person that's just panicking all the time you know that's the opposite so I mean the virtue well you know the virtuoso can think through a crisis they say and you know that's an advantage in life not getting panicked in that situation but you know panicking is never really good so let's think about this where's the balance turn to Philippians chapter 4 where's the balance say something let's talk about handling stress where's the balance between complete calmness all the time and just hair on fire panic all the time where's the balance well I'm glad the Bible you know tells us everything look at Philippians chapter 4 in verse number 6 you know I mean you say you know I've got a problem I've got problems I don't know whether just to be calm about it or to panic look at Philippians chapter 4 in verse number 6 the Bible says be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God so I mean first of all the Bible here is saying you know basically don't stress yourself out over things it's saying you know don't be so careful it's saying don't be so careful for things but in everything instead ask God it's saying in everything just in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving come to God with respect let your requests be made known unto God so look don't forget don't forget to pray about your problems don't forget to pray about your problems and then don't make quick decisions in times of crisis I mean otherwise person once told me some some old guy that I grew up around said basically never make a decision when you know right after something bad's happened and you're stressed out that's pretty good advice instead you know you should just go you should calm down you should say something just happens you know instead of making that knee-jerk decision just calm down and pray just calm down and just bring it stop and bring it to the Lord in prayer and then you know then identify solutions and and God will lead you down this road identify solutions this is where I do thought experiments with solutions I mean I identify three solutions to a problem and then just think through it just like what happens if I take option one what what are the possibilities of things that could happen what if I take option two what are those possibilities of things that could happen what about option three what are those positive you know what it'll be pretty clear especially if you know the Bible and you've stopped and you've prayed it'll be pretty clear on what you should do in those situations don't just panic and make knee-jerk decisions and then of course take action on these things take action what do something about it I mean problems just many problems are going to require your action to you know to solve them once you identify you've prayed you've identified the solution you want to take then you take that action so virtuosos and adventurers look I'm not I'm not either of these but once again you know once again we see that while they have certain tendencies and I just want to reiterate this again the virtuoso and the adventurer they have certain tendencies they have they have some advantages and you say I'm not either of these and I want to be creative well you can be you can be creative and they have some disadvantages but look by seeking the Lord by following his will and not ours we don't have to be a slave to these these certain traits that were these boxes that were put in by these studies so we can have numerous advantages and you know we may not have secular we can have advantages that we may not have that that tendency towards according to this study you know you can still be creative I mean why in the world just answer me this question look I've done this and it works okay I've had some pretty cool ideas you know throughout my career I don't know where they came from I'm telling you I had I had an idea let me just let me just I had an idea and it became a patent for this company it's it's a full-blown patent this company's made millions of dollars I made a dollar but look and it was a problem that we had at one of the one of the plants that I was at and you know what you know where I thought of the solution I was I was putting a fence post in with Garrett I can still remember the exact place I was I was putting a fence post in in it I was digging a hole in the ground literally digging in the dirt and I just came to me look that wasn't for me but I I pray for solutions I pray for creativity I don't know where that came from I'm not the smartest guy in the room just like Paul I mean but look God can give you creativity God can give you whatever solutions to whatever problems that you have in your life all you have to do is seek him and pray for it you don't have to be a virtuoso you don't have to be you know on some chart on some internet test that you took you can be as creative as you want to be just seek the Lord and just ask God for creativity why would God not help you be creative why would God not you're like I want to work really hard and I want to support my family because the Bible says that I should do that and you pray God let me work hard and help me do this and then you actually do it and then you pray for creativity why in the world would God not answer that prayer see why would he get I mean why would he give a rock you know instead of you know a loaf of bread I mean God's a better father than you these are prayers that are gonna be answered and we have to look at prayers I mean take advantage look take advantage of these prayers in your life that you know will be answered in a positive way God give me a billion dollars probably not gonna do that for your own protection but God help me do what the Bible says probably gonna answer that one right so we can have these advantages no matter what category we're talking about thank God for the Bible let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer