(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen so keep your place in Acts chapter 15 we're gonna be going there in just a few minutes so tonight we're talking about personality types we're talking about personality types and many of you took the personality test and you all have your different personalities so what I want to do with the next couple of sermons is I want to first I want to pick we're gonna talk about a certain type or maybe a couple types of personalities in each sermon and then I want to pick a character in the Bible that I mean obviously I don't know but you know who I think would match this personality type look at a story in the Bible about that and then I want to go through what secular philosophy says about weaknesses and strengths of this personality and see if they are according to the Bible really weaknesses and strengths okay so that sounds complicated but tonight we're gonna talk about defenders and we're gonna talk about defenders and defenders actually share a lot of these characteristics we're gonna talk about this evening with councils so if you're a council or defender this this is for you tonight so defenders are one of the largest groups of personalities on the personality test they say 13 14 percent of the population is defenders in churches that I've been in most most of the time you'll usually see a lot of defenders I think almost everyone in my family is a defender except for me so defenders we're gonna talk about this evening now the main category or the main characteristic of defenders is that they are supportive people let me read you what secular philosophy says defenders are the universal helpers sharing their knowledge experience time and energy with anyone who needs it and all the more and and all the more with so many friends and family people with this personality type strive for win-win situations choosing empathy over judgment whenever possible so keep that in mind that you they choose empathy over judgment whenever possible so now look at Acts chapter 15 and let's look at verse number 36 so Acts chapter 15 is a long chapter there's a few things that happen there but towards the end of the chapter Barnabas and Paul actually get in an argument and they get in an argument that is so heated that they actually don't go out sharing the gospel together they take their ministries in separate direction at that point look at verse 36 so what was this about what was this about and what does it have to do with our sermon this evening look at verse 36 of Acts 15 the Bible says and some days after Paul said unto Barnabas let us go again and visit our brethren where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do and Barnabas determined to take with them John whose surname was Mark but Paul thought it not good to take with them who departed with them from Pamphylia and went not with them to the work and the contention was so sharp between them that they departed asunder from one another so Barnabas took Mark and sailed unto Cyprus and Paul chose Silas and departed being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God so Acts chapter 13 go back a couple of chapters so basically in Paul's first missionary journey something happened something happened in his first missionary journey in Acts chapter 13 and what happened was in Acts chapter 13 look at verse number 13 now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos they came to Perga in Pamphylia and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem so if you read Acts chapter 13 verse 13 you're like okay he left oh you know no big deal you're kind of reading through that and you're it's just kind of a oh by the way you know John or surname Mark you know he just left okay and but we find out in Acts chapter 15 and so many things in the Bible are like this where gaps are kind of filled in as you read we find out in Acts chapter 15 that Paul did not approve of John leaving at this time he felt betrayed he felt like he didn't stick it through he felt like he should not have left we don't know why he left but we do know that Paul didn't think it was okay all right Paul didn't think it was okay now turn to Colossians chapter 4 Colossians chapter 4 in verse number 10 so in Colossians chapter 4 look down at verse number 10 but the first thing I want to point out is that Paul thought that Mark shouldn't go in Acts chapter 15 and Barnabas was advocating for Mark Barnabas was choosing choosing mercy over judgment and Paul was just not letting it go he was saying I don't think he should come with us he's not reliable he left us you know he could leave us again whatever his reasoning was there but Paul didn't want him to go Barnabas did now here's an interesting thing about Barnabas look at Colossians 4 and verse number 10 and Aristarchus my fellow prisoner saluteth you and Marcus sister's son to Barnabas touching whom you receive Commandments if he come unto you receive him so first of all now you know we're talking good about Mark again we're talking good about him but the point I want to make in Colossians chapter 4 in verse 10 is you have Paul that doesn't want to take Mark because they left him and Barnabas that does but Paul or Mark is sister's son to Barnabas so what does that mean that Mark is Barnabas's nephew okay so he's advocating for his nephew that's just kind of an interesting fact for you there but what Paul was not a defender clearly Paul was not a defender but Barnabas in my opinion likely was Barnabas was very supportive and in you know as this secular you know description of defenders gives us he was choosing mercy over judgment here you know Paul Paul was hard charging getting things done I mean think about him before he got saved and then Jesus decided to grab him and get him on the right team and but look with Mark this didn't work out well because Mark was either not as hard charging as Paul or it doesn't you know it obviously doesn't mean that Mark didn't have value as a disciple he became one of the greatest disciples he wrote the gospel of Mark but in this case he kind of got run over by Paul so you know who was right is what people will ask you know who was right you know maybe they were both right maybe Paul and Mark weren't a good pair together and Barnabas and Mark were supposed to go together and Silas and Paul were supposed to go together but I mean the Bible does say this as far as defenders go as far as what Barnabas did you know blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy so I mean the Bible actually lines up with this with this advantage or this this strength of defenders showing mercy whenever you can is the right decision mercy over judgment and look because you know and another benefit of it is if you're the type of person that shows mercy all the time that means you're gonna obtain mercy and you know I don't know about you but I need mercy I need mercy from the Lord so what Mark was a great disciple he wrote the gospel of Mark but he just didn't fit well with Paul so it's a good thing that we had a defender here in the Bible turn to Galatians chapter 5 turn to Galatians chapter 5 and look at verse number 13 so it's good it's good that you know Paul had a different you know personality type than Barnabas but it all worked out it all worked out where they both were able to find somebody to go with and now you have two teams instead of one so turn to Galatians chapter 5 look at verse number 13 on defenders being supportive on this being a strength look what the Bible says for brethren you have been called unto Liberty only use not Liberty for an occasion to the flesh you've been called unto Liberty meaning you have free will you can do whatever you want but don't use Liberty for an occasion to the flesh but by love serve one another there's your defenders the Bible definitely teaches that we should support one another be a help to one another be a blessing to one another I mean think think of just all just personally think of this just for a minute think we've been here for almost what have we been here a year and a half a little over a year and a half think of all the brothers and sisters in your life in this room in this church that have been a blessing to you that's what we're supposed to do we're so think of all the brothers and sisters in your life that maybe they weren't a physical blessing to you maybe they were just an emotional blessing to you maybe they were just there I mean look I'm telling you I mean I had you know sometimes I have difficult weeks and you know you all have difficult weeks it is a blessing just being here with you all every Sunday and every Wednesday and Saturdays and whenever we all get together so look we are blessings to each other and I'm sure that you can all think of people in this church that have been individual blessings to you whether they're defenders or not so look defenders just have a tendency towards it they have a tendency towards it but you know we should all be this you know have this strength of being supportive of one another you don't have to be a defender to do this you know just do what we're supposed to do according to the Bible now let me ask you this as far as being supportive of one another turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 could being supportive and empathetic always you know is it always a good thing is it always a good thing no matter what to be supportive you know should you always support your brothers and sisters in Christ no matter what the answer is no okay so this is a miss on secular philosophy right here should you support anything is the question look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 now what secular philosophy would say yes be who you want to be just find yourself man you know be just you know you just got to be true to yourself bro you know that's what that's what there's a name for those people what did you guys call them punkers or something you know they hippies you know I know there's some California name for these type of people with the hat build up they're just like bro just bro dude bro bro you know that that kind of personality you know that's the philosophy of the secular world that just support anything your kids they just float around in the world and they just choose whatever wicked thing grabs a hold of them and just support them no matter what wrong the Bible does not teach that look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 but we're all saved we're all brothers and sisters in Christ we should be supportive of each other no matter what wrong wrong that's not what the Bible teaches look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 in verse number 11 but now I have written unto you not to keep company look don't be hanging around these people is what he's saying if a man that is called a brother look this is your brother in Christ this is your brother in Christ and it's saying don't be around this person if it brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such and one know not to eat it's like don't be fellowshipping with these people that's why a biblical church look if someone that's called a brother is in fornication you know they're they're gonna have some certain choices laid out to them in a biblical church where they're either gonna not be in fornication anymore or they're gonna have to leave the church I mean we don't want that to happen but that's what's gonna happen because that's what the Bible says because we're not to keep company how could we keep company I mean how could we not keep company if people we just allow people that are in these sins to come to like how serious could you really preach against these sins if we just allowed it no matter what in the church so for what if I have to do to judge them that are without do you not judge them that would that are within but them that are without God's of it judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person look it doesn't say they're not saved it doesn't say that they're not saved eternal security is eternal security it's it's a punishment it is meant to be a punishment for what end so they get right and come back we're not just gonna ignore sins that will destroy people's lives and this is another protection by the way that you know Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against my church more protection right here just like we talked about this morning look certain sins turn to first 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 certain sins should cause us to not be associated or not support our brothers and sisters in Christ it doesn't mean it doesn't mean that they're not still brothers and sisters in Christ it doesn't mean that they're not saved it just means that they should be put out of the church and we shouldn't be fellowshiping with them in certain cases now look at 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 we see another case look at verse number 7 for yourselves know how you ought to follow us for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you neither did we eat any man's bread for naught but rot with labor and travail night and day that we might not be chargeable to any of you so there Paul is saying here he's saying look when we were there when we were there with you we didn't they didn't come to be evangelists and to preach at these churches and just live off the people they did not do that why so they weren't chargeable to anybody they didn't ask the church to put them up and you know take money from the church and look not not because we didn't have not power not because they wouldn't have been right to do so they could have done it they're laboring for the church but to make ourselves in a sample unto you to follow us they're just they're trying to be an example to the flock look at verse number 10 for even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat boy would that solve a lot of problems today when people get hungry I bet they're going to work when people get hungry I bet you know you know when you see a healthy man when you see a healthy man with two arms and two legs standing around you know asking people for money all day long he should be working or he should get hungry and then he'll go to work that's what the Bible teaches for we here look at verse number 11 for we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly what's that mean so they're they're they're not in order they're walking in the wrong way working not at all so not only are they working not at all and you'll always see these two things connected by the way you will always see these two things connected they're working not at all but our busy bodies now them that which them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that by quietness they work and eat their own bread but ye brethren be not weary and well-doing but here's the thing he it goes further than that it goes further that look at verse 13 and if any man obey not our word by this epistle note that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed what you're not supposed to support that if there's some man that just won't work and it's just mooching off the church mooching off people won't eat his own bread the Bible says get hungry and then he'll work we're not to support that and as a matter of fact not only are we not to support that we're to you know not even have company with that all these things are the same philosophy folks how could we preach against these things how could we try to raise kids to you know believe what the Bible is preaching here when we just allow it all around us I mean we're all sinners but these certain things are not to be allowed in the church if a man won't work he we shouldn't keep company with him that's what the Bible is teaching here so there's some things defenders councils there's some things that shouldn't be everybody by the way there's some things that shouldn't be supported and I just read you a few here I mean sin shouldn't be supported by your brothers and sisters in Christ you should not be helping something buddy enabling somebody I mean we talked about some things that will get you actually thrown out of the church and you know extreme cases but what sin in general think about the support that you give people in your life and think about is this sin and is this support that I'm giving enabling sin is this sin is this support enabling you know bad behavior that leads to sin in this person's life I mean so think about that because you can be supporting someone in the wrong way so what are some other things about defenders I'm just gonna read through a few more I don't have time to go into all these but I mean it's basically all positive things about these people okay it's kind of sickening I'm just kidding they're reliable and patient they're imaginative and observant they're enthusiastic they're loyal and hard-working and they have good practical skills I mean that's all pretty much really great things there's nothing bad you could say about any of those things but you know now they're listed weaknesses is where it gets really good okay so there's all these wonderful things that you could really I mean I tried to find some negative in the supportive part and there is some negative in that where if you support the wrong things but look the rest is very positive about the defenders now here's the listed weaknesses and this is where it really kind of gets me why defenders get so much sarcasm from me so here's their weakness their weakness is that they're humble that's kind of like going to the job interview and it's like well what tell me one of your weaknesses well I'm just I'm too hard of a worker Bob you know Bob I'm just I'm just I'm too dedicated to the company Bob you know you turn your weaknesses into strengths you know and and I mean apparently that works I don't know but look this weakness this weakness listed as being humble is actually a biblical strength okay you know so go back to go to Proverbs chapter 27 so I mean the point I'm trying to make here is is with some of these things is you need to be careful with secular philosophy and advice and the reason this is a great example because the world the world teaches you that you should be praising yourself the world teaches you you know your your your life in this world is gonna teach you and you're gonna see from other people that you should just be taking credit for everything heaping praise upon yourself and that's how you get ahead and look you're gonna see people get ahead that way you're gonna see it look at Proverbs 27 verse 2 the Bible says let him let another man praise thee and not thine own mouth a stranger and not thine own lips well you're gonna watch people get ahead by praising themselves themselves your whole life just get used to it but that's not what the Bible says that's not what the Bible says you know I mean I think about people they just come into a new job and just tell people constantly about how great they were at their last job you know oh I've done this and this and this and this and I'm just I'm kind of like well what can you do now is what I think when people are just constantly praising themselves like that show me what you can do here so don't listen to the secular advice on this one defenders it's good to be humble and God look God turn to 1st Peter chapter 5 turn to 1st Peter chapter 5 this is all you have to remember about being humble if you're like well you know what if I'm humble if I'm humble nobody's gonna know I mean if I go to work and I do a good job and I fix something and nobody saw me fix it what I mean I must go tell everybody I must go tell everybody how great I am and how good I am at everything and all the great things that I do every day or every week or whatever look you don't have to do that and here's why look at 1st Peter chapter 5 in verse number 6 the Bible says humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you the Bible says that if you humble yourself that God will lift you up that God will exalt you and what that may be through other people that may be through other people you just go and do what you're supposed to do be humble about it help others be supportive when you're supposed to be supportive and you let God handle the credit you let God handle the recognition it says God will exalt you in due time and it might not look you know what that means it might not be right away it might take some patience maybe you have to work somewhere and work really hard for a year maybe you have to you know just just homeschool the kids and just do this you know hard work for maybe years before you get exalted and start you know seeing you know those results and seeing you know cuz look I mean especially with moms it may take years before you actually see you know the results of your hard work but the Bible says if you're humble that God will exalt you in due time but be patient so be patient God will give you the recognition that you deserve it's our look it's our flesh it's our flesh that wants people to notice us that wants people to notice us some other weaknesses you know that that about defenders you know that aren't really weaknesses they take things too personally they're sensitive they repress their feelings and you know this is a good one they overload themselves they just work too hard that's a weakness so but here's here's an actual weakness I actually have a real weakness here of defenders and look I'm kind of saying it tongue-in-cheek to just defenders this is a weakness for anybody but that's the secular philosophy says that defenders will have this weakness and it's this is that they are reluctant to change quote these challenges can be particularly hard to address since defender personalities value traditions and history highly in their decisions and are reluctant to change turn to James chapter 1 now this is actually being reluctant to change is actually a very serious weakness it's a very serious weakness and I mean there had to be one with these folks right so here it is they're reluctant to change turn to James chapter 1 and I'm not saying that if you're a defender that you have this weakness okay I'm saying that this is just a tendency that secular philosophy will say that defenders have and you know I'll get to that at the end of the sermon turn to James chapter 1 so we're like this to change you say why is that a weakness but it's a serious weakness look at James chapter 1 in verse number 22 the Bible says this it says but be you doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves so the Bible says that you're to be here to hear the Word of God and you're to do the Word of God because if you hear the Word of God and you don't and you don't do it you're lying to yourself you're deceiving yourself for if many gives a little analogy he is a little analogy that's even scarier for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like so here we go he is like or I guess that's a metaphor I didn't do very well in English he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth the manner of man he was so here you have a man who walks and he looks at himself in the mirror and he recognizes himself for who he is for his sin and for just the ugliness of what he's been doing and in the way he's living his life and you're like that sounds pretty good he sees it he sees it in the mirror he's saying look if you're a hearer of the word if you come here and you listen to the Bible and you listen to Bible preaching and you get yelled at twice three times a week whatever it is and you hear it but you don't do it you're like this guy you're like this guy looks in the mirror he sees how bad he is cuz look that's the first step that's the first step to change but look what he does and he go with his way and straightway look that means right away right away straightway he forget what manner of man he was so he looks at it he sees it he sees how bad he is I mean look step ones admitting you have a problem even the secular people will say that he admits he has a problem he sees the problem and then turns away from the glass he just forgets about it that's a terrible curse to have right there that is a terrible look why do I say it's a terrible curse because look if you have that curse where you are here only you know what that means that means that church can't help you that means that your brothers and sisters in Christ can't help you that means that the iron that's supposed to sharpen iron can't sharpen you that means that the Bible can't help you if you sit there and you read the Bible and while you're reading the Bible you're like oh you're getting the I mean just it's just pouring into you and then you turn away from the Bible and you forget it five minutes later that's a terrible curse to have this is the reluctance to change is what James chapter 1 is talking about being a here and not a doer what a terrible thing that person that listens to sermon after sermon how many people have you heard of it just binge watch sermons online or whatever but they just change nothing they change nothing and even worse what did Matthew 5 say blessed are the merciful for they will obtain mercy how about this person how about the person that just constantly just just is just pouring sermons into their mind and then will change nothing but they get super judgmental about everything how about that person that's even worse because not only are they changing nothing but they're not gonna obtain mercy because they're being just unmerciful in their life I mean it would be terrible to be that person so look reluctance to change is a bad one it's a bad one for anybody this sermon just a reason to bring it up it's it's a bad character trait to have you have to listen to the Bible listen to preaching listen to the Word of God and actually do it and actually change or you will do nothing for yourself you will do nothing for your family do nothing for your children you will damage your children because guess what your kids and you'll be shocked at the age that they start to see this kids can smell hypocrisy like you know pick something they can sense hypocrisy right away at young ages and they will see it in you here's the last one I want to bring up another another weakness for defenders is this they are too altruistic it's not a weakness it's not a weakness as a matter of fact it's well just let's just park it here for a minute turn to let me just what is all truism let me explain what altruism is first of all first of all it's a theory now as I explained what altruism actually is keep this in mind it's a theory that was coined in the 1800s in the 1800s like 200 and some years ago okay now here's the definition here's this is another example of why we have to be careful about secular philosophy in general altruism coined in the 1800s is the principle and moral practice of concern for happiness of other human beings or other animals resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual it is a traditional virtue in many cultures in a core aspect of very religious traditions etc etc it's basically it's basically a secular term turn to Philippians chapter 2 it's basically a secular term coined to describe the mind of Christ I mean talk about you know talk about a rebranding talk about taking something from the Bible changing the name of it adding some stupid secular stuff on the ends and packaging as packaging it as your own but it's also keep in mind it's also listed in the weaknesses of this personality group look at Philippians chapter 2 look I wouldn't go around look I wouldn't go around saying that I'm altruistic I would go around saying I'm a Bible believing Christian that's what I would say it's the same thing they stole the term they rebranded it look at Philippians chapter 2 in verse number 8 verse number 4 the Bible says look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus this altruism is the mind of Christ the definition of altruism is is what Christ was he came here he came here to do nothing for himself that's why this stupid book that came out 15 years ago or whatever of you know the da Vinci thing where it's like oh Jesus was married and all this kind of stuff and everyone's like oh what's the big deal if he was married it doesn't change the fact that he died for the sins of the world yeah it changes everything because Jesus didn't come here to do anything for himself he came here to be a sacrifice to live a perfect life and be the perfect sacrifice for the entire world he did nothing for himself nothing the mind of Christ was selfless and the idea is to be selfless and it's just this stupid term is just stealing that it's stealing basically the best thing that's ever happened to the world and calling it some name call it whatever term you want Jesus head at first okay it but look it is the world it's listed as a weakness let's get back to that being selfless and doing things for others and being selfless to the point of sacrificing yourself for others and looking on the things of others is considered a weakness to the world that is considered a weakness to the world it I mean a weakness to serve others a weakness but look it goes right with praising yourself and rate with being humble the world would say that being humble is a weakness but the Bible says it's a strength it's what you're supposed to do but I mean also but here's the reason that all truism you notice it said that there's a certain lifestyle that comes from it did you know that helping people creates joy in you did you know that did you know that somebody some of the guys were talking today and I was just listening to them talk they were talking about the ministry they were talking about the ministry and how difficult the ministry was true and how you know it just would be you know tough I think we were talking about in the context of what our kids would be or something like that and yeah I'd be tough to be a pastor and it would be tough to go into the ministry yes but you know what there's actually a lot of joy in it there's actually a lot of joy in it because being in the ministry you know I have a unique opportunity to help people I have a unique opportunity and my wife has a unique opportunity to be put in positions to be able to help people and you know what that creates great joy in us because helping people I mean it seems you know it seems counterintuitive it seems counterintuitive right because look the world teaches that you need to focus on on what you can get you need to focus your life on what you can get that's what the world teaches you that will make you happy you know what can what can you accumulate what can you have that's what the world will teach you in the Bible's teaching it's not a little bit different it's opposite it's opposite so let me ask you this why are so many people that accumulate all these things and focus only on themselves why are they so miserable why are they so miserable why why are all these celebrities like miserable why I mean King Solomon in Ecclesiastes he did it too I mean why I mean because you know what the more you focus on yourself and the more selfish you are the more depressed you will be depressed people are selfish people in many cases they're focused completely on self but look helping other people will create great joy in you being supportive and being in a position where you can actually do something what we're not to do things for people that you know are gonna turn it into sin or go off and sin with it but if you can do something that will help your brother and sister in Christ and that will help build them up and help move them forward in their Christian life and you do that look that's a great thing you're supposed to do that but you'll get great joy out of that I mean it's not like all the rewards are in heaven well I mean a couple of the guys said yeah I mean but being a pastor is a great retirement plan because all the rewards in heaven okay maybe true but there's rewards here too because it's very joyful to help people and and it but it's counterintuitive to what the world teaches you so being altruistic but just quit using that term having the mind of Christ is a strength is a strength and we need to have it we need to have it so look I mean we see here that defenders that councils are they're tuned you know they have the tendency to be caring and supportive people to be humble people to be you know very selfless people these are all very good things but look these are things that we should all be which brings me to really the lesson on these sermons is this no matter what these silly little surveys say and all these secular studies say our tendencies may or may not be that's why when I told my wife what my results were she started crying and I said no it's no big deal because I don't have to be that way I don't have to be that way the reason the reason people like this stuff the reason people like this stuff is because they can seem accurate these these surveys they can seem accurate they can say yeah I do see these tendencies in myself but look the point I'm trying to make the point I'm trying to make tonight and next Sunday night is it has should have nothing to do with who you actually are these surveys we should be reading we should be listening to the Word of God and becoming that all of us no matter what your tendencies are no matter what your flesh wants you to do regardless of what these things say regardless and look it can be a crutch it can be a crutch you can say well I am that way and I just defend and I just support everything and no I support all this wickedness because that's just my personality that's just who I am no you are to listen to the Bible and be a doer not just a hero no matter what you know your results were of this you know little survey you are to be what the Bible says you're to be and that means that that's going to require for everybody that's going to require some change that's going to require some change but here's that here's a measuring stick for you before we close this evening here's a measuring stick for you you say well how do I know if I can change or not how do I know if you know I have the ability to change or not because a lot of a lot of times for some reason people that will just never change don't seem to realize that they won't change these are the people that kind of have the blinders on and they don't realize that they've got problems in certain areas they they listen and they behold their natural face and they forget right away and it's not obvious to them well here's the thing the closer this survey is to you is a measuring stick of your inability to change as a Bible believing Christian because you should be reading the results of your survey and you should be going through the biblical strengths you should be able to filter these things you should know the Bible and you should be able to filter secular philosophy through the filter of the Bible and you should be able to look at this and say I need to be humble no no it says it says that you know I I you know that a commander is not humble and that he's arrogant but you know you should be knowing that and humbling yourself and you say yeah but I am but I do try to be humble you should recognize that and be changing and and knowing to change you should know as a defender that you may have a tendency to support things and you should read that be like yeah but I don't support everything because I know what the Bible says and I don't support everything look even kids here you want to you want to hear the baby boomer generation in a nutshell here's the baby boomer generation in a nutshell they raised a bunch of wicked kids and then they changed their philosophies look I don't like blanket statements this is a stereotype okay but the point is they change their philosophy to match other kids turned out and they support every stupid thing or every wicked thing that their kids get into they change they change on fornication they change on homosexuality they change on all these things because it's easier than than saying oh yeah you know I can't support that because that you know what that means that means that they did something wrong that means that they didn't do it the Bible way and look that's a judgment on them so they change they change their philosophy so look if secular science is accurately describing you it means you know you have some problems changing with the Word of God and and you might be a here and not a doer and you might need to work on that so defenders they're they're one of the better ones we can see that secular things in secular philosophy flips some things upside down you have to know the Bible folks you have to know the Bible it's not bad to read other books and it's not bad to read whether it be motivational or business books or whatever but you know what you better know what the Bible says before you get into a lot of that stuff because you got to be able to read through that stuff and say oh yeah this was stolen from Jesus and oh yeah you know this is wrong there might be 70% of the book that's wrong and 30% that's right maybe the 30% is pretty good and has some good insights on things that apply to you in your life but if you don't know the Bible you're gonna get all mixed up is the point so we're in the Bible and then you know go and read some other books and whatever but you gotta know what the Bible says because that is your guiding you know principle let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer you