(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) okay man all right Matthew chapter 20 part 2 the finale right so we were in Matthew chapter 20 Matthew chapter 20 last week and we went up to verse 16 so we're gonna start in verse 17 and what we're gonna do is we're gonna look at the last half of Matthew chapter 20 and then we're going to I'm gonna give you the theme of Matthew chapter 20 I've been trying to give you the themes of each of these chapters I'm gonna try to give you the theme of the chapter at the end of the sermon okay and I'm going to show you how even though we broke the sermon into two parts the theme that I'm going to present to you at the end is found throughout the whole chapter of Matthew to chapter 20 so let's go ahead and get started and we'll go through what is preached through the verses and then I'll apply it at the very end as we've been doing look at Matthew chapter 20 in verse number 17 so we see a situation happen we had a parable now we have an actual situation that happens and if you look at Matthew 2017 the Bible says and Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the 12th disciples apart in the way and he said unto them behold we go into Jerusalem and the Son of man should be betrayed unto the chief priests and the scribes and they shall condemn him to death and shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify him and the third day he shall rise again so Jesus here is giving them you know some some for for telling them what's going to happen to him okay and then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons worshipping them this is James and John and desiring a certain thing of him and he said unto her what wilt thou and she said unto him grant that these my two sons may sit the one on thy right hand and the other on the left in thy kingdom now that's a nice mom right there right she's trying to advocate for her kids trying to get her kids she's one of these moms that's like constantly pushing her kids to the front of the line you know she's like get up there get the first cupcake you know she's trying to get her get her kids ahead here right so I mean she loves her kids I mean you can't really blame her right anyway Jesus says to her he doesn't get mad at her but Jesus answered and said you know not what she asked are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of and to be baptized with the baptism that I am to be baptized with and they say unto him we are able so now it's the the James and John talking right so it's really them that want to know if they can get you know this this special position with Jesus and he saith unto them ye shall drink indeed of my cup so Jesus isn't even mad at them for asking this he says ye shall drink indeed of my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my father so there's more proof of the Trinity right here first of all you know the Bible says here he says Jesus says it's not mine to give so he basically says what wilts thou which is he's saying what do you want and then she asked these things and he says look it's not mine to give he's like you're gonna get great things he says but what you're asking to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is like that's not my decision because he says the Father decides who sits in heaven who sits where in heaven it's it's ultimately this will of the Father that you know takes precedence over Jesus's will is what he's saying he's in charge the Father all right and so first of all turn to Luke chapter 22 first of all you know there's a problem with what they asked in the first place number one the first problem is that Jesus doesn't decide who sits where but the ultimate problem is you know where is Jesus going to be sitting in heaven because the Bible actually tells us that in Luke chapter 22 look at verse 69 and the Bible says this it says hereafter shall the Son of Man sit on the right hand of the power of God turn to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 so the Bible says that the Son of Man shall sit on the right hand of the power of God and the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 10 in verse 12 but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God so look the Bible says in many other places as well as well is that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father okay so if you have the Father here and at his right hand is Jesus that means that if Jesus is over here his left hand his left side is the Father so that seats taken first of all so nobody can sit on the left of Jesus right now on the right I mean who knows but it's not his place to give is what he says and go back to Matthew chapter 20 and look at verse number 24 so clearly these guys they didn't understand the seating arrangements in heaven all right look at Matthew chapter 20 in verse 24 now we see everybody else finds out all the other disciples they find out that these guys like secretly went to Jesus and tried to you know get the seats on the side of him in heaven and you know the Bible says that they were not happy about it right in verse 24 it says when the ten heard it they were moved with indignation anger against the two brethren of course everyone else is upset here because these guys and their mother just tried to you know secretly get ahead of everybody right and Jesus says and Jesus uses this you know he doesn't get angry about it but he uses it as a teachable moment is what he does from here on out in the chapter of Matthew chapter Matthew chapter 20 he's he's like he's gonna teach them how to act and how to be when he's not there because he sees that you know these these men they were overzealous and they were asking and they were trying to get ahead of the other ten who weren't there and so he uses it as a moment to teach them and in verse number 25 the lesson begins and Jesus called unto him and said you know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and that they are great that they are that are great exercise authority upon them but it shall not be so among you so he says the Gentiles so these guys are Jews and he's saying all the the heathens and the people outside of the children of God he's saying their leaders just exercise great authority over them you know their leaders are there in charge and they're just they're just exercising Dominion over them meaning they're just ordering them to sound familiar by the way I mean we have leaders that think they can do the same thing today right but look this is how the the godless Gentiles act that's what Jesus says but he says in verse 26 he says but it shall not be so among you so he's saying look that is not how you are supposed to act but whosoever will be great among you let him be your minister you say what and whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant you say what in the world is he talking about here and then in verse number 28 he gives an example of himself and he says even as the Son of Man me he's saying came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to I mean to the point of giving his life he says as a ransom for many so he's saying look just like I did not come here you know that that was the whole problem with the misunderstanding about Jesus to the to the godless Jews they're looking for a king to come in and exercise Dominion over the Gentiles that's what they were looking for they're looking for somebody to come in and I mean they're conquered people they've been a conquered people for hundreds of years and now they're conquered by the Romans they were conquered by the Babylonians they were conquered by the Persians now they're conquered by the Romans they're looking for a king to restore the kingdom they're looking for a king to come in and and be like David was this great warrior who's just gonna make them a great powerful military political power again that's what they were looking for but look Jesus says the Son of Man came not to to me he came to be a minister and to give us tend to die he said I mean not the same idea as the Jews of that time head about the Messiah what Jesus is talking about here turn to John chapter 13 what Jesus is defining here is he is defining the idea of servant leadership servant leadership turn to John chapter 13 Jesus defines it again in John chapter 13 look down at verse number 12 in verse number 12 of John 13 the Bible says so after he had washed their feet Jesus washes the disciples feet and had taken his garments and was set down again he said unto them know what I have done unto you you called me master and Lord and you say well for so am I and then your Lord and master have washed your feet he also ought to wash one another's feet for I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you verily verily I say unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord neither he that is sent is greater than he that sent them an example he's giving them an example of how they should act towards one another here it wouldn't work well if he was gone in heaven look I mean how would this work and this is why he started this lesson in Matthew chapter 20 is as soon as he was gone they were all just trying to pull rank on each other and get ahead of each other I mean how would that work so look he's trying to get them to stop trying to have the preeminence over one another okay and that's what James and John were really doing is they were just trying to have the preeminence with Jesus all right so he's in one way he's preparing them for his departure okay go back to Matthew chapter 20 and verse 29 Matthew chapter 20 in verse 29 the Bible says in Matthew 20 verse 29 and as they departed from Jericho a great multitude followed him and behold two blind men sitting by the wayside when they heard that Jesus passed by cried out saying have mercy on us O Lord thou son of David and the multitude rebuked them because they should hold their peace but they cried the more saying have mercy on us O Lord thou son of David turn to Isaiah chapter 11 so now we see kind of a separate little story here I just want to take a few minutes and explain this so these men when they said have mercy on us O Lord thou son of David what were they saying what were they saying to Jesus why would they say son of David to Jesus well look at Isaiah chapter 11 in verse 1 where the Bible says in Isaiah 11 1 it says and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse who is Jesse Jesse was David's father okay and a branch shall grow out of his roots branches capital B there turn to Jeremiah chapter 23 Jeremiah chapter 23 so we see hundreds and hundreds of years before Jesus was even born we see that the Messiah is predicted to be of the stem or of the lineage of Jesse or of David all right and this of course is the promise that gave the you know the messianic promise that God gave to David that his kingdom you know would last forever right go to Jeremiah 23 in verse number 5 Jeremiah 23 5 we'll see another prophecy of you know Jesus being of the line of David in Jeremiah 23 5 the Bible says behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous branch there's that word again that branch and a king shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice on the earth now I mean you can kind of see how some people might have thought that there's a king coming to just drop the hammer on people right I mean it says that you know David a righteous branch you know he's gonna be of the line of David David was a great warrior I mean David conquered all the enemies around them in his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safe safely and this his name whereby he shall be called the Lord our righteousness this is the Messiah coming from the line of David in Jeremiah go back to verse 32 of Matthew chapter 20 so these men the point I'm trying to make is that these men would they say when they said Oh son of David they were recognizing Jesus as the Messiah okay so they they believed on Jesus they had faith on Jesus and that's why you know they were healed okay so look at verse 32 and Jesus stood still and called them and said what will you that I shall do unto you and they said unto him Lord that our eyes may be opened so Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes and immediately their eyes received sight and they followed him so they knew he was the Messiah that's the only real point I want to make there but I do want to talk as we you know get through Matthew chapter 20 here I want to go back and I want to look at this idea that Jesus is talking through the entire chapter and the whole the the theme of Matthew chapter 20 if you had to pick a theme is servant leadership that is the theme and I will show you that at the end even in the beginning of Matthew chapter 20 that we studied last week but the first thing you know just think about it why this philosophy I mean look the philosophy of leadership is is very different for different people right I mean Jesus said the Gentiles when they get in charge or their King gets in charge you know they're just gonna be you know they're just gonna be you know basically tyrants over whoever they're ruling and even you know Samuel said that to the children of Israel when they wanted a king he's like look he's just gonna rule over you he's gonna take he's gonna take taxes from you he's gonna take your sons and send them to war he's gonna take you know horses he's gonna take you know he's gonna make men run in front of him I mean he's basically saying you want a king this is gonna exercise dominion over you because that that's the kind of leadership that most people are used to now in the 1970s some guy wrote a book on servant leadership and he gets a lot of credit for servant leadership and you know people give you know Gandhi from the 1800s they give him a lot of credit for talking about servant leadership but look Jesus talked about it right here Jesus invented it I mean he's the one that basically said you know he never gets any credit he never gets any credit and look it's it's the best type of leadership and I'll show it to you this evening excuse me I'm fine you can't be like anyway everyone just moved back you can't see it on the camera but everyone has moved their chairs back 30 feet I'm just kidding so we see that this idea of servant leadership Jesus is bringing up and he's redefining what most people think of leadership so first of all why why would Jesus teach this philosophy and the first reason is this and I kind of already touched on this reason but it's so men don't try to have the preeminence over one another okay especially in a church because it's just not gonna work out right James and John were trying to get ahead of the others here and this look turn to the third John chapter 1 this is a huge problem especially if it exists amongst believers Jesus recognized it that's why he started you know teaching it and it's almost like he knew it was going to happen because he mentioned it even before in Matthew chapter 20 before the story even happened okay so it's almost like he's God okay look at 3rd John chapter 1 and verse number 9 and the Bible says it says I wrote unto the church but diatrophies who loveth to have the preeminence among them receiveth us not so here the disciples were being resisted by this guy who was in this church who wanted to have the preeminence himself and he didn't want to recognize the disciples so this guy was trying to make himself in charge is what was happening he didn't want to receive John and the disciples the people in the church you know what people in a church trying to have the preeminence over over one another will be a disaster for a church okay and Jesus knew this James and John were trying it well I mean look everybody wants to be in charge or a lot of people want to be in charge okay it's just especially more immature people think that they just want to be in charge you say why it's very simple it's so they can get their way right so they can just have things their way but look I mean think about it first of all this whole idea that you know every single little thing there's not two men on the planet that would run a situation exactly the same given that they were in charge okay so you first you need to you need to understand that and when you understand that you'll become a more mature person right there I mean there's an end goal if you tell this guy to lead to that goal you tell this guy to lead to that goal they will do it in different ways it's just the way it is I mean there's more than one way to skin a cat as long as the end goal is the same you know you need to realize so I mean if you're on a in a group of people and you're not the one in charge and you know you're one of these people it's just like I wouldn't do it that way I wouldn't do it that way I wouldn't do it that way and you're just not going to be part of that but you're gonna just be a failure you're gonna be a failure turn to Colossians chapter 1 but look in the I mean think about this in the church in the church because that's really what we're concerned about right in the church is it really about your way in the church are you starting to see why this would be such a disaster if people operated this way is it really about you know having it your way making sure it gets done the way you would do it in the church I mean when it comes down to that is it really about my way in the church look at Colossians chapter 1 in verse number 18 this is talking about Jesus Christ here when it says and he is the head of the body the church who is the head of this church is it me you say no you're just the satellite leader well is it the pastor no the head of this church is Jesus Christ who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things what he might have the preeminence the person that the the entity that is the head and to have the preeminence in this church is Jesus Christ and that's why we run everything by Jesus Christ by the word by the Bible because Jesus is to have the preeminence now look is every single pastor going to get to this goal with the same detailed way no it's the same thing they might take a slightly different quantified you know quantified path to that same goal but as long as they're getting to this goal of the word of Jesus having the preeminence it's not about your way or my way it's about this way okay Jesus is to have the preeminence so you know you'll notice this that you know people that are like trying to be the expert on everything all the time these are people that are hat they need to have the preeminence right they want to have the preeminence so don't try to have the preeminence that's the bottom line Jesus defines leadership here now you say you want to be in charge Jesus tells us how he next tells us how turn to Joshua chapter 14 Jesus tells us how to be in charge in the first the second point I want to make on what Jesus is teaching here is that good leaders and Jesus teaches this our first good followers look at Joshua chapter 14 and look at verse number seven probably the best example in the entire Bible of what I just said is Joshua in order to be a good leader you look you can't be a good leader if you can't be a good follower it is that simple I've seen it a hundred times and like I said I'm not that old Joshua 14 look at verse 7 Joshua says 40 years old was I when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to espy out the land and I brought him word again it was as it was in mine heart nevertheless my brethren that went up with me made the heart of the people melt but I wholly followed the Lord my God and Moses swear on that day saying surely the Lord were on thy feet of trodden shall be thine inheritance and thy children's forever because thou has wholly followed the Lord my God and now behold the Lord had kept me alive as he said these 40 in five years even since the Lord spake this word unto Moses while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness and now lo I am this day four score and five years old so he's saying I was 40 years old when I served Moses and he's now four score and five four score four times 20 a score is 20 he's saying I'm 85 years old now Joshua served Moses for over 40 years before he even became in charge think about that I mean he was a servant for 40 years he was a servant to Moses I mean look being a servant I mean it takes faith in loyalty to to that leader do you think Josh I mean do you think Joshua agreed with every single decision that Moses made every single tiny little thing the way he did it I mean he obviously agreed to it but do you think he would have done it that exact way had Moses not been there probably not but he was a good servant no two men will agree on every single thing I mean that's just a fact of life but he was incredibly loyal and faithful to Moses I work with a guy named Moses so I keep saying Moses Moses all right ultimately your response towards the leadership in your life will mirror your relationship to the Lord as well because look who ultimately are we supposed to follow and serve it's the Lord and this is the way it was with Joshua you can see that the way he served Moses reflected the way he served the Lord throughout his whole life look at Joshua 24 go to Joshua 24 verse 15 at the end of his life at the end of Joshua's life I mean you know how many few men in the Bible that you see just just doing it right the whole way not many I mean this is a short list so we should pay attention to men like Joshua look at Joshua 24 15 Joshua here is at the end of his leadership and he's giving the people the children of Israel advice and he's saying if it seemed evil unto you to serve the Lord choose you this day whom you will serve whether the gods of your fathers that your father was your father served that were on the other side of the flood where the gods of the Amorites and whose land he dwell but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord he's saying go and serve all these false gods if you want I don't care if you all turn away from the right God he's like as far as me and my house I know who I'm gonna serve till I'm gone I mean Joshua did it right the whole way look these are people that you know I mean you say that you know aren't all people like this look there there there's people out there that know what the Bible says did you know that but they just don't do any of it I mean there's a lot of people like that I mean think about how many saved people are probably in Fresno that we meet all the time that and you know how many people are here tonight think about that you know there are just people that are just they know what the Bible says but they're just like yeah I'm just not gonna do that that was not Joshua Joshua says I don't care what anybody else does as for me and my house we will serve the Lord even if it's too it's never gonna be too hard for him you didn't care who it's gonna upset you know there's a lot of people doing no service in their Christian life today a lot of people all right the third point that Jesus was making here is that being a leader is hard work you say you know I want to be a leader so I can kick back and be in charge man no being a leader the way Jesus wants you to be a leader is hard work it's look I mean it's pretty easy to just come to church right I mean it's pretty easy to just come to church I mean some people don't think that but it's pretty easy to just come to church and kick back and listen to some preaching and hang out with your friends and fellowship I mean that's that's not hard right I mean the red hot preaching conference is coming up and I told my wife like a hundred times already I'm like I can't wait to sit down and listen to the preaching because ever since the first year I've never been able to sit and listen to a sermon there for four years I never sat in the auditorium and listen to a sermon not one time for those four years because we were running around you know being servant leaders we were you know going and doing what needed to be to be done and just you know we're being a good you know I'm looking forward to just going sitting listening just being a church member that's what I'm looking forward to because it's not going to be that hard it's not gonna be it's gonna be kind of like a vacation but when we weren't man when we were ushers and we were leaders there in that church I mean it was the hardest time of the year this conference it was the hardest time of the year I mean it I mean it was it was a joyful time but it was hard I mean it was when you know the biggest messes happened it was when the biggest disasters happened it was when you know I mean it was just late nights cleaning it was early mornings cleaning I mean it was you know during the day cleaning soul winning you know leading taking out trash keeping things running helping pastor with whatever he needed early morning cleaning crews when you get there this weekend every single single time you walk into that church in the morning to go soul winning or whatever and it's just like perfectly clean at 930 there's been people there for hours cleaning that church several people ushers ushers wives other volunteers their wives I mean cleaning scrubbing toilets the whole thing and it's just like sparkly spotless all the time and the visitors come in it's just like oh it's just all I mean didn't we wreck this place last night yeah you did we clean it up like and rinse and repeat do it again right look I mean it's tired by the time Sunday night and we'd roll around I don't even remember going to bed because I was sleeping before I walked in the front door I mean it was a it was a difficult time but look that's that's servant leadership that's what it takes that that's what it means to be a Christian leader that's what Jesus is getting at I mean if you want if you want to be a leader so you can just be in charge of people you're in the wrong place I mean go work at a corporation somewhere where they just encourage you to just be you know a tyrant or whatever they're out there but that's not the way it's to be here I mean to be lead to lead here means to serve period so I'm looking forward to some relaxation you know in the next two or three days but I just want to give you before we end tonight I want to give you some characteristics of being a servant leader so we know that it's hard work we know that the reason for it is is so we're not all trying to have the preeminence over each other but I'm gonna tell you something else there's certain characteristics that you have to have to be a successful servant leader now the first one is this turn to Galatians chapter 2 and this is the biggest mistake that I see you know leaders of all types make this one right here and the first one here is that you need to actually care about people if you want to be a leader you need to have empathy you need to care about people this is where most people go wrong because it really can't be faked you can't you can't fake caring about people because it comes out in your actions look at Galatians chapter 6 and verse number 2 the Bible says bury you one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ look we're supposed to bear each other's burdens look most people that want to be leaders just care about getting their own way that's caring about yourself that's not caring about other people so to be a good leader you need to have empathy you need to actually care about people and people will know if you're faking it and if you don't care because ultimately people will see if you're just in a leadership position to try to just get your way I mean it'll it'll just shine through you know it'll be very obvious second need to have a commitment to people turn to 1st Timothy chapter 3 you can't just give up on people you can't just give up on people and that's why in 1st Timothy 3 there's some words in there that actually talk about you know qualifications for a pastor you know serving people especially can be frustrating at times okay look 1st Timothy chapter 3 says not talking about the qualifications for a pastor it says not given to wine no striker not greedy of filthy lucre but patient do you know that a pastor has to be patient and long-suffering a pastor that's not patient and long-suffering is not going to be a good pastor because they're just gonna they're gonna give up on people they're gonna stomp people they're just gonna it's not gonna work out I mean look people may if you're serving people constantly and you're being this servant leader people may not respond to you the way that you think that they should they may not show you that appreciation that you think you deserve but who are you doing it for are you doing it for the praise and the what the preeminence am i satellite leader here so I can walk in the door and I was like hey brother and I'm like no I mean we're not doing it for the preeminence we're not doing it for that we're doing it so we can serve you're to be here to be a leader so you can serve people that that's what being a leader in the Christian life is I mean you still want to be a leader you still want to be in charge I'm taking all the kind of all the bells and whistles off of it for you second third characteristic sorry listening a good servant leader needs to be a listener you should not be the type of leader who is just talking all the time who is just sitting here trying to tell everybody everything that you've ever thought about anything that's not a good servant leader someone that is constantly budding in you can't even get a word in edgewise is always a terrible leader and there's a lot of this type of leader out there you know this person yeah I call it I call it for years I've called it manager syndrome yeah I've called it manager syndrome somebody gets to be a manager for so many years and they get in these big meetings and conference rooms and all the the sniveling little weasels that work for them they pretend like everything that they say is the most interesting thing anyone's ever said they're just like you know I had this one manager who would tell these deer hunting stories and every single year like the the amount of deer that he shot with his bow like tripled he's like I've shot 27,000 deer with my bow in my lifetime and it was like you know but then this manager's head just gets like this and he's like this for 20 years right then he retires and now everyone hates him right because he he goes he goes to like personal like weddings and things and and he's all like hey you know the addition in it like everyone's like why are you talking all the time because these people don't work for him you know it's manager syndrome it's a disease that can become chronic you know there's no cure well there is a cure it's being humble the Bible not having the preeminence but look many of these people just never get cured they just become annoying nobody wants to be around them all right but look a leader needs to listen okay they need to listen they need to not have the preeminence in the conversation all the time right they need to listen to people if they care about people I mean if I care about you and I never listen to what's going on with you what do I really care I mean if like you know brother so-and-so is just like down and he's got no job and I'm just not going out there it's like man let me tell you about how awesome everything is for me and my greatness and all this kind of stuff you're just like oh man you never listen to anybody you don't care about people like I said it'll come out like this it would be a terrible terrible leader terrible servant right but look here's the thing here's the conclusion and why Jesus said all this servant leadership works it works I mean don't you want to do something in a way that works and that's what I love about the Bible I mean the Bible isn't just all these these tyrannical rules that you have to do this and look you may feel like that especially you know if you're young in this Christian walk you're just starting out you may think man all these rules these dress standards and all this stuff in this this this separation from the world it's so hard and I mean why it's no fun I mean it's just like I can't even watch TV anymore you know it's just this it becomes this legalistic thing that's it is just ruining your life but look here's the thing first of all it has nothing to do with your salvation you should do these things you should walk in the Spirit well look here's the thing everything in the Bible makes sense everything in the Bible is for your best is if God has you in it in his best interest God is telling these men he's telling these men these things on how to treat each other but really what he's teaching them is how to lead successfully because it works when people realize that you are there to help them when people realize that you truly care that they're successful they will follow you and it works I mean it works in the church it works at your home it works with your family it works at work when people realize that hey I'm here to help make you successful not just to get myself to some promotion or something like that it works people follow it because people look people want to know that somebody cares about him it is looking out for him that's the kind of leader that people want to follow period there's a one of my favorite people from from history from World War two is a man named major Rick Richard Winters and he is best known for having commanded easy company of the hundred and first Airborne Division during World War two he went through D-Day he went through the Battle of the Bulge he went through I mean look you're like I don't know what any of these things are he went through some of the worst fighting in the European theater of World War two and somehow he didn't die but he went through all of it and he was he's he spoke at West Point and tell just a few I mean he would speak at West Point on leadership and tell you know a few years from his death in like 2004 or something but one of the stories about him they just popped up to me when I was reading this chapter about Jesus's philosophy here was major dick winners he famously chastised one of his junior officers so he was kind of a higher level officers and he had all these lieutenants under him that you know would lead his platoons and things like that and he chastised one of his junior officers for gambling with his men so he had he had this lieutenant that was gambling with the platoon members of that he was leading so you have a leader gambling with his men that are following him in his platoon and he said major dick winner said to him said never put your in it put yourself in a situation where you can take from these men because he said to him what if you win as a leader he should never be in a position if you're a servant leader should you ever be in a position where you can take from the people that you're serving is what dick winners was saying I mean think about that think back to Joshua instead instead that lieutenant needed to be proving to his men that he had their best interest in mind that he would always be looking out for their well-being because if he didn't care about taking the money out of their pocket do you think he would really care about their life in battle think about that it's it's a it's a character trait that that he's showing to his men by gambling and taking their money from them look back at Joshua the children of Israel followed him into whatever battle he led them into because they watched him serve for 40 years I mean look another thing about this servant leadership is one of the one of the reasons that I've dreaded starting new jobs it takes time it takes time to develop yourself as a leader you don't just come in and say here's my resume look at how awesome I am and everyone's like lead us that's not how it works every single person is like show me show me show me that you care you know they don't say this but this is what you have to prove to people you have to prove to people that you care and that you will go out of your way to make them successful or in the case of dick winners to protect their life even as Jesus said with your own I mean that's why Jesus was the ultimate servant leader because he sacrificed his life to save ours to save everyone's right so look you say I'm having a hard time getting people to follow me you know I mean people don't respect my authority we're gonna discuss this in serious detail on Sunday morning you know this type of situation but first you know get this idea down that you need to be a servant if you want to be a good leader go to Matthew 20 in verse number 16 I skipped verse 20 in both sermons did anyone recognize that I didn't even talk about it no verse 16 I mean I skipped verse 16 it's kind of sandwiched in between part 1 and part 2 I skipped verse 16 look what the Bible says in Matthew 2016 it says this it says and the first and the last shall be first and the first last what was he saying there go back to verse number eight look at verse number eight when he went and he got the laborers remember he went he got the laborers he got the guys at the beginning of the day and he made the deal for a penny and then every other person that he hired he just says I'll give you what's right the only people that knew what they were getting paid were the people at the very beginning and then he said I'll give you what's right I'll give you what's right I'll give you what's right I'll give you what's right all the way up to the 11th hour he grabs the people I mean we're talking about a 12-hour shift here he grabs the people at the 11th hour there's only one hour of work left he says I'll give you what's right and then look at verse number eight so when even was come now it's nighttime the shift is over the Lord of the vineyard saved unto his stewards call the laborers and give them their hire beginning from the last unto the first he paid the guys that only worked for an hour he paid him first he's teaching servant leadership throughout the whole chapter of Matthew chapter 20 that's the theme of the whole chapter the last shall be first you want to be first here serve the hardest you know then then God will decide the seating arrangement in heaven but you want to be first you want to be you know the most preeminent the most spiritual the biggest leader here on this earth you're gonna be the last you're gonna work the hardest you're gonna serve the most people still want to be in charge that's what leadership in the Christian life means and that's what Jesus and and you say well Jesus sure sure put a heavy burden on leaders well you know he kind of gave the best example you could ever give and ended his life in you know the biggest service possible you know most of us are not gonna have to give our life in service to other people to the Lord and Jesus he gave it all for everybody right and look God will decide the seating arrangement so it all kind of fits together you see Jesus teaches us servant leadership throughout the whole chapter and he says you're just gonna serve each other if you want to be in charge he's like and I'll decide where you sit in heaven and just like we talked about a couple weeks ago the seats gonna be better than you think so don't even think about it okay it's gonna be a good seat