(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen all right so here we are in Matthew chapter 1 Matthew chapter 1 so keep your place there and go ahead and turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 so we're gonna our new book is obviously Matthew we're gonna spend a couple weeks getting through Matthew chapter 1 and how many of you have ever read through the Bible and you when you're reading the genealogies you just kind of skim over it and you're like boy I just another genealogy first chronicles you know but the real what one of my main goals tonight is to show you how much is actually contained in the genealogies in the Bible there's 20 different sermons in this genealogy and I had to decide where to go with the sermon tonight I'm gonna break out we're gonna preach tonight on the genealogy of Christ and I'm gonna talk to you a little bit about errors in the Bible tonight and I say errors of course in in quotes but I'm gonna talk to you about if you go to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 look at verse number 14 most people that point out errors in the Bible are it they're just very simple misunderstandings of errors in the Bible okay if you look at 1st Corinthians chapter 2 in verse number 14 the Bible says but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for their foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned so this basically says that unless you're saved and you have the Holy Spirit in you you literally can't understand the Bible so many people just completely misunderstand the Bible itself most people you know most saved people haven't read the Bible cover to cover and I don't know any unsaved person that has read the Bible cover to cover because who would read a book that they couldn't understand I mean that would be frustrating all right now look one of the well here's an example of a simple error in the Bible the genealogies contained in Matthew chapter 1 and Luke chapter 3 are different they're different genealogies at David they split off and they're completely different genealogies and it's very obvious that they're different now who here thinks that the 50 to 60 Bible scholars who many people think were some of the smartest men that ever lived that translated the King James Bible in the early 1600s who here thinks that they didn't notice that those two genealogies were different I mean those genealogies are very different genealogies for a reason what we're reading in Matthew chapter 1 is commonly known as the genealogy of Joseph the adopted father of Jesus Christ okay he wasn't the blood line the blood father of Jesus and in Luke chapter 3 we see the genealogy of Mary and it was common practice for genealogies to be read in the husband's name even for the wife alright so obviously the King James translators knew this it was common form to have it in that sense but what I want to look at tonight is a deeper error people will point out in the Bible so what I want to explain to you tonight and I want to show you that these errors in the Bible number one they're the simple errors show that people just can't understand the Bible that aren't saved but every single even more complex error that people will point out in the Bible people are looking at a line that comes here and they see a gap and they can't connect over here but what you have to do is you have to understand how deep the Bible goes and it still connects on the other side so that's my goal tonight tonight I want to explain to you the missing kings of Matthew chapter 1 the missing kings of Matthew chapter 1 this is a complicated story you have to take notes I would like you to do so but I'm going to show you why there are missing kings in Matthew chapter 1 this genealogy goes through the Kings it goes from Abraham all the way to Jesus Christ which takes you through the kings of Judah if you remember the the southern kingdom of Judah God gave David a promise saying that his kingdom would last forever and of course that means that the genealogy would last from David all the way through to Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ takes it to eternity obviously okay so that that genealogy has to stand true but if you look at the history of you know the Chronicles and the Kings there are three kings mainly that are missing right in the center of the genealogy and that's what I want to show you tonight and I want to show you why that is so let's look down at Matthew chapter 1 and look at verse number 1 where the Bible says the book of the generation of Jesus Christ the son of David the son of Abraham Abraham begat Isaac Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren and Judas begat Pharise and Zara of Tamar and Pharise begat esram and esram begat Aram of course this is Tamar you know this is the story of Judas in Genesis 38 we're not going to get into that story tonight but there's a lot of different Bible famous Bible stories it also points out why some of these people you think why are these these seemingly random stories in the Bible you know like the story of Ruth for example all right and Aram begat Amminadab and Amminadab begat Nason and Nason begat Salmon and Salmon begat Boaz of Rahab you know Rahab the harlot and Boaz begat Obed of Ruth there's Ruth and Obed begat Jesse and of course Jesse was David's father and Jesse begat David the king and David the king begat Solomon of her of her that had been the wife of Uriah's now I mean that's interesting right he doesn't even say Bathsheba's name there I mean that shows you that number this shows me two things first of all number one God hasn't forgotten about this incident and number two Uriah made the Bible again I mean Uriah was a great man in the Bible Uriah was one of them one of David's mighty men at the end of David's life is who he listed as one of his mighty men of course that was a terrible incident and it's a it's a stain on the life of David but God hasn't forgotten about it he mentions it here again and Solomon begat Rahab and Rahab begat Abiah you'll notice that the names are different in the New Testament compared to the Old Testament a lot of times you'll also notice that kings are called different names and chronicles that they are in kings it's you know Robert and Bob type of things these are just you know different names for the same people and Solomon begat Rabom that's Rayabom and Rabom begat Abiah and Abiah begat Asa and Asa begat Jehoshaphat and Jehoshaphat begat Joram and Joram begat Ozias so there it is right there did you catch it let's put up the chart so here we're gonna look at the missing kings of Matthew chapter 1 I have a little chart if Garrett will ever get it installed that I want to show you and we're just gonna leave it up while I preach through this so you can understand just the different family trees and how everything kind of happened here but as you saw it said Jehoshaphat begat Joram and Joram begat Ozias Ozias is Uzziah in the Bible so it goes from Joram to Uzziah so the red squares are all missing from the genealogy of Christ and that's what we're gonna look at tonight so why in the world are these three kings missing from the genealogy of Jesus Christ this is of course the line of the kings of Judah which is always son to son to son to son if you remember in the northern kingdom of Israel it was just treachery and dynasty overtaking dynasty and dynasty overthrowing another dynasty and sons didn't last you know one or two generations and that there was a completely different family that came in wiped out the family before and they restarted but not the case in Judah because God made a promise that he would continue David's kingdom forever and this promise will be fulfilled turn your Bibles to 2nd Chronicles in chapter 18 and let's begin our story tonight 2nd Chronicles chapter 18 we're gonna start with Jehoshaphat who was by all accounts most accounts in the Bible Jehoshaphat was a very good King okay look at 2nd Chronicles chapter 18 so we had Jehoshaphat reigning in his kingdom in Judah at the same time as this King named Ahab was reigning in the northern kingdom of Israel okay and if you look at 2nd Chronicles chapter 18 look down at verse number 3 where the Bible says and Ahab king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat king of Judah wilt thou go with me to Ramoth Gilead and he answered I am as thou art and my people as thy people we will be with thee in the war so the Bible continues in chapter number 18 we're not going to go through this whole story for sake of time but it continues in chapter number 18 where Jehoshaphat goes to war with Ahab against Ramoth Gilead and he almost dies he almost dies and Ahab does die Ahab gets killed at the end of chapter 18 if you look at verse 34 at the end let's look at verse 33 at the end of chapter 18 and the Bible says this and a certain man drew a bow at a venture and smote the king of Israel between the joints of the harness that's Ahab there and therefore he said to his chariot man turn thine hand that thou mayest carry me out of the host for I am wounded in the battle increase that day how be it the king of Israel stayed himself up in his chariot against the Syrians until even in about the time of the Sun going down he died and just let's go right into verse 19 and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace in Jerusalem he almost died but God spared him but then he sends the Prophet Jehu this is not the King Jehu this is the Prophet Jehu God sends to Jehoshaphat to give him a warning and he says this in verse 2 and Jehu the son of Haniah the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat shouldest thou healthy ungodly and love them that hate the Lord therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord nevertheless there are good things found in thee and that thou has taken away the groves out of the land and has prepared thine heart to seek God so he's basically giving a stern warning saying God is very upset with him to for what he did okay turn to 1st Kings chapter 16 1st Kings chapter 16 let's look at who Ahab was so here we have this good King Jehoshaphat who had befriended Ahab let's look at who Ahab was in the Bible 1st Kings chapter 16 because these two men and I'm going to show you tonight that even though the Bible really only tells us one maybe one and a half stories about the relationship that Jehoshaphat and Ahab had I'm going to show you that their relationship went a lot further than it should have gone as far as their friendship went in 1st Kings chapter 16 in verse number 33 the Bible says this it says an Ahab made a grove and Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that was before him now there were some pretty wicked kings before Ahab I mean there was you know there was some pretty wicked Kings Jeroboam was the very first one and he was he's the one that got Israel into idolatry in the first place now turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter 21 I'm going to show you that this is the first clue right here so we know that Ahab is terribly wicked and the Lord is against him okay and this is the first clue in 2nd 2nd Chronicles chapter 21 that this relationship between Jehoshaphat and Ahab was more than just one battle okay in 2nd Chronicles 21 in verse number 4 we see the Jehoshaphat's son Joram marries the wrong girl and look at verse number 4 of 2nd Chronicles 21 the Bible says now when Joram was risen up to the kingdom of his father now his father is dead and gone Jehoshaphat is dead and gone now we're right here we're at Joram okay the Bible says he strengthened himself and slew all his brethren with the sword nice guy and divers also of the princes of Israel so he went and he killed anybody that had any kind of royalty in them including his own brothers Joram was thirty and two years old when it began to rain and he rained eight years in Jerusalem and he walked in the way of who of the kings of Israel like as did the house of Ahab don't miss that he walked in the way of the house of Ahab for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife he married Ahab's daughter so this Joram joined the two kingdoms you see he joined Judah and he joined Israel and he wrought that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord now turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter 21 2nd Chronicles chapter 21 you're already there and look at verse number 12 and the Bible says and there came a writing to him from Elijah the prophet so Elijah is writing you a letter and you kind of have to want you know you probably don't want Elijah writing you a letter that's the bottom line but basically there came a writing to him from Elijah the prophet saying thus saith the Lord God of thy father because thou has not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father nor in the ways of Asa king of Judah so his father and his grandfather were some of the best kings that Judah had ever had or ever will have by the way Asa was a great king but has walked in the way of the kings of Israel and has made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to go a whoring like to the whoredoms of the house of Ahab I'll explain that one to you later and as I has slain thy brethren of thy father's house which were better than thyself he's basically saying if they would have taken over it would have been better than if you did because he joined himself with Israel and the gods of Israel of Israel behold with a great plague with the Lord smite thy people and thy children and thy wives and all thy goods and thou shall have a great sickness by disease of thy bowels until thy bowels fall out by reason of the sickness day by day so basically this is how this man dies the story goes on that he dies by this sickness bowels fall out I mean we're not going to get any more into it than that but I mean God gives him this horrible sickness in this horribly slow death okay now his son Ahaziah takes over and is friends with Ahab son Joram okay so now we're down here Joram is dead Ahaziah is here this is the kings of Judah by the way so now we're into the first generation of one of the missing kings and here we have Ahaziah Ahaziah he his son Ahaziah is friends with Ahab son Joram so this alliance is still going turn to 2nd Kings chapter 9 2nd Kings chapter 9 let's look at what God does to take care of this situation God sees that this is going on and he's got to clean up the mess and in 2nd Kings chapter 9 we see what God does to take care of it to take out the trash so to speak look at verse number 5 of 2nd Kings chapter 9 where the Bible says and when he came behold the captains of the host were sitting and he said I have an errand to thee O captain so this is a prophet the prophet Elijah sends one of his prophets to these generals of the kings of Israel this is the northern kingdom that we're talking about here so he sends them to these captains of the army are sitting around in this house and he said I have an errand to the O captain and Jehu said unto which all of us and he said to thee O captain this is the prophet talking to Jehu and he arose and he went into the house and he poured the oil on his head and he said unto him thus saith the Lord God of Israel I have anointed thee king over the people of the Lord even over Israel and thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master that I may avenge the blood of thy my servants and the prophets and the blood of all the servants of the Lord and at the hand of Jezebel you remember when Elijah stood up and he battled the prophets on Sunday morning this was under Ahab's rule this was what this is what the prophet is talking about to Jehu so then Elijah was sad he was sitting he was depressed he was under the tree and he went up and God showed him those great wonders and then he said get to work and one of the things that he told Elijah to do was anoint Elisha as his his second basically and then go anoint Jehu to be king to take care of this mess in Israel okay and look what he look what he says and thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master verse 7 that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the servants of the Lord at the hand of Jezebel Ahab's wife for the whole house of Ahab shall perish and I will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall and him that is shut up and left in Israel and I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat and like the house of Basha the son of Ahijah so Jeroboam was the first king of Israel the northern kingdom and Basha was the second dynasty of the northern kingdom of Israel so he's saying I want you Jehu to make the house of Ahab like the house of Basha so in order to understand that we need to look at what happened to the house of Basha okay this is why I told you to get a pen all right so let's go back to first Kings chapter 16 first Kings chapter 16 and let's look at what happened to the house of Basha because the Bible is telling that now King Jehu to make the house of Ahab like the house of Basha this is very important to the story okay look at first Kings 16 look at verse number one then the word of the Lord came to Jehu this is the prophet again not the king the son of Haniah against Basha saying for as much as I exalted thee out of the dust and made thee prince over my people Israel thou hast walked in the way of Jeroboam and has made the people Israel to sin to provoke me to anger with their sins behold I will take away the posterity of Basha the posterity of his house and I will make thy house like the house of Jeroboam son of Nebat so Basha dies and his son Elah takes over in verse number eight we continue and the Bible says in the 20th and in 20 and 6 year of Asa king of Judah began Elah the son of Basha to reign so this is back when Asa this is a Jehoshaphat's father is reigning in Judah and Elah is now the son of Basha is taken over this is after the Prophet basically you know told Basha that your house is going to be destroyed and his servant Zimri Elah servant Zimri captain of half his chariots conspired against him as he was in Terza drinking himself drunk in the house of Arza steward of his house in Terza and Zimri went in and smote him and killed him in the 20 and 7th year of Asa king of Judah and reigned in his stead and it came to pass when he began to reign this was Zimri when he began to reign as soon as he sat on his throne he slew all the house of Basha he left not one that pisses against the wall neither any of his kin folks nor any of his friends thus did Zimri destroy all the house of Basha according to the word of the Lord which he spoke against Basha by Jehu the prophet so the house of Basha the house of Basha included all the males all the relatives and all the friends it's pretty pretty extreme but that's what happened to Basha and the charge to Jehu was similar was similar he said make the house of Ahab like the house of Basha clean them all out now go back to 2nd Kings chapter 9 so Joram is the son of Ahab and Joram is sick in our story coming up Joram Ahab is dead Joram is his son Joram is sick Ahaziah who is the son of Joram this Joram there's two Joram's they name their kids the the same names think about it there was a connection here so we have Ahaziah going to visit Joram Ahab son in this story coming up so they're together in Israel the king of Judah is in Israel right now visiting that the son of Ahab okay Jehu's anointed King though all right look at 2nd Kings 9 chapter 20 or in verse number 22 and the Bible says this here's Jehu riding towards them and they're sending all these people out to meet Jehu and Jehu says you better just get with me because we're killing everybody and they all just all the messengers end up joining Jehu and finally Joram goes out and it came to pass in verse number 22 when Joram saw Jehu that he said is it peace Jehu and he answered what peace so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many I guess not I mean he's like your mama basically right and Joram turned his hands and fled and said to Ahaziah so Ahaziah is right there Ahaziah is the king of Judah there is treachery O Ahaziah and Jehu drew a blow with his full strength and smote Joram between his arms and the arrow went out at his heart and he sunk down in his chariot he kills him then Jehu said to Bidkar his captain take up and cast him in the portion of the field of Naboth the Jezreelite for remember that how when I rode thou together after Ahab his father the Lord laid this burden upon him surely I have seen yesterday the blood of Naboth and the blood of his son saith the Lord and I will requite thee in this plat say the Lord now therefore cast him in the plat of ground according to the word of the Lord looked down at verse number 27 but when Ahaziah the king of Judah saw this he fled by the way of the garden house and Jehu followed after him and said go home is that what he said no he said smite him also in the chariot and they did so going up to Ger which is by Ibliam and he fled to Megiddo and he died there so they shot him he escaped for a while and he ended up dying of his wounds when they found him in this other place and his servants carried him back to Jerusalem and buried him in his subculture with his father's in the city of David Jehu goes on to kill all of Ahab's 70 sons the story continues turn to 2nd Kings chapter 10 easy just keep flipping over one chapter over so Ahaziah is dead too he killed Ahaziah look at 2nd Kings chapter 10 in verse number 13 remember like the house of he is supposed to make these people 2nd Kings chapter 10 verse number 13 Jehu met with the brethren of Ahaziah king of Judah and said who are ye and they answered we are the brethren of Ahaziah and we go down to salute the children of the king and the children of the queen so here's all the brothers of Ahaziah who's dead already who Jehu killed they're all coming to visit the son they're coming to visit the son of King Ahab and their brother they're coming to Israel there's no indication that Jehu went to Israel to kill these people they're on their way to visit and he said take them alive oh he's not gonna kill them it's over right and they took them alive and slew them at the pit of the shearing house oh they took him somewhere and they killed him even two and forty men neither left he any of them so Jerry Jehu was carrying out the same fate that the house of Basha had he was taking care of all the alliances all the relatives everybody of the house of the house of a hab so a Hosea we already have seen was considered the house of a hab he married a habs daughter but there was still a problem turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter 22 I'm going to read for you 2nd Kings chapter 11 well actually why don't you just turn to 2nd Kings chapter 11 we'll just read this one instead 2nd Kings chapter 11 so a Hosea's mother was the daughter of a hab this wonderful lady named Athaliah okay so a Hosea had some children and in 2nd Kings chapter 11 verse 1 as soon as a Hosea died this is what his mother did 2nd Kings chapter 11 verse 1 the Bible says and when Athaliah the mother of a Hosea saw that her son was dead she arose and destroyed all the seed royal she got up and she killed all her grandchildren but Jehoshua the daughter of King Joram sister of a Hosea took Joash the son of a Hosea because look if she would have killed them all God's promise would have been done right God would have no longer been able to fulfill his promise to David that your kingdom would last forever but this lady the aunt of Joash saves him and stole him from him the king's sons that were slain and they hid him even in his nurse in his bedchamber from Athaliah so that he was not slain so then this priest for me for sake of time I just have to tell you the story this priest named Jehoiada he raises Joash until the ripe age the ripe mature age of seven and then he brings all the priests together and all the people together and he said he crowns him king and he kills Athaliah because for those seven years Athaliah ruled she ruled the kingdom that's why she killed all of her grandchildren so she could rule okay now this is where it gets interesting the missing kings are a Hosea Joash and Amaziah right there's three of them so Joash is one of the missing kings now Joash the story with him he rules as long as Jehoiada is alive Joash is a good king then Jehoiada the priest dies and Joash kills the son of Jehoiada because all these people then come in to the the princes they come in and they start giving advice to Joash but the son of Jehoiada the priest comes and he gives him wise counsel and he kills him and then the Bible says that he's he actually killed all of his sons so this man that raised him Jehoiada had these sons that tried to give counsel to Joash and he murdered them all okay so eventually there's an uprising of people a coup that killed Joash all right and then his son Amaziah takes over okay so now Joash is dead and now we're at Amaziah okay now let's look at Amaziah turn to 2nd Kings chapter 10 first of all I want to pause and I want to show you the promise that God made to King Jehu for what he did for his service to clean out the Jehu now is king of Israel you have to remember okay look at 2nd Kings chapter 10 in verse number 30 and the Bible says this and the Lord said unto Jehu because thou has done well in executing that which is right in mine eyes and has done unto the house of Ahab according to all that was in mine heart the children of the fourth generation so shall sit on the throne of Israel now this is the only time this ever happened in the northern kingdom of Israel this is the only so basically you had Jehu and then he had a son he had another son he had another son and he had another son there was actually five generations four generations of kings underneath Jehu ending in Zechariah that rained son to son to son to son because of this promise that God gave him not me that's another reason you know the Bible is true I mean who could have predicted that I mean that's another just a great promise coming true in the Bible but it's an amazing promise because it's the only time it happened it even came close to happening in the northern kingdom of Israel usually it was one maybe two and then they were killed okay so Joash killed Jehoiada sons and that being said let's look at the last missing King go to 2nd Chronicles in chapter 25 2nd Chronicles chapter 25 so Joash is dead he was killed by a coup these people and the Bible says that he was killed to avenge the sons of Jehoiada for what he did to Jehoiada so there's this there's this movement inside of Judah trying to get things back to where it was supposed to be okay we see that with the death of Joash look at 2nd Chronicles chapter 25 basically what you have in 2nd Chronicles chapter 25 is Amaziah he is made king Amaziah raises this great army and he goes to war against the Edomites okay and he got he won a victory a great victory against the Edomites and then out of nowhere he comes back and he says in verse number 17 Joash is now king of Joe I'm sorry Joaz is the son of Jehu king of Israel and he sends a message to him and he says in verse number 17 of 2nd Chronicles 25 he says this then Amaziah king of Judah took advice and sent to Joash the son of Joaz sorry Joash is the king the son of Jehu king of Israel saying come let us see one another in the face now if you know what that means that means let's fight let's see one another in the face so Amaziah comes back from this great victory he has this big army he thinks God is with him on everything he's puffed up and he says let's fight now why in the world would he want to just fight the king of Israel for no reason well think about this for a second how many of you here had grandpas I had a grandpa right think about these two men here we have Joash the king of Israel his grandfather was Jehu Amaziah's grandfather grandfather was a Hiziah Joash's grandfather basically killed the grandfather of Amaziah and pretty much the whole family you know I mean yet there's some hard feelings here and as soon as he gets an army raised he wants to immediately go to war with this man okay he basically killed his grandfather and all of his great-uncles he wasn't over it look at verse number 18 and Joash the king of Israel sent to Amaziah king of Judah saying the thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon saying give thy daughter to my son to wife and they're passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle now let me explain this one to you okay so basically Joash is is basically saying to Amaziah just just settle down son just get yourself home before you get hurt that's what he's saying he's saying the thistle that was in this there was the story of this thistle that was all puffed up and he went up to this big cedar and he said hey give me your daughter to marry like they're equals right and then and then a wild beast just walked over and smashed the thistle and went on this was just dead so basically Joash is saying to this king and then he says look in 19 he explains it he says thou sayest lo thou has smitten the Edomites and thine heart is lifted thee up to boast abide now at home why should thou meddle to thine hurt that thou shouldst fall even thou in Judah with thee he's saying stay home son you're gonna get hurt verse number 20 but Amaziah would not hear for it came of God that he might deliver them into the hand of their enemies now God is God with him here why why does God want to deliver a a a Amaziah into the hand of his enemies read the next few words because they saw it after the gods of Edom so here is Amaziah here's Amaziah he goes and he slays the Edomites and he wins this big victory and he brings their gods home and starts worshiping them and God says I'm against you because of that so Joash the king of Israel went up and they saw one another in the face they went to battle both he and Amaziah king of Judah at Beth Shemeth which belong it to Judah and Judah was put to the worst before Israel on their own ground and they fled every man to his tent and Joash the king of Israel took Amaziah the king of Judah the son of Joash the son of Jo Jo as at Beth Sheamus and brought him to Jerusalem and break down the wall Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate 400 cubits he embarrassed him in front of his capital city he basically took him hostage he took him with his army he smashed down the walls of Jerusalem and then he let him go but he basically embarrassed him in front of his his whole nation his capital city after this terrible defeat defeat and embarrassment he's killed by a conspiracy and his son Uzziah is made king all right now before I wrap this up let me just point out a similarity between the sins of Amaziah and the sins of Ahab and show you how the house of Ahab that spirit of that house was still with Amaziah turn to first Kings 18 first Kings 18 first Kings 18 look back at verse number 17 this is before the big show of the prophets of Baal where Elijah calls down fire from the Lord this is right before that first Kings 18 look at verse 17 the Bible says and it came to pass when Ahab saw Elijah that Ahab said unto him art thou he that trouble with Israel because of the drought and he answered I have not troubled Israel Elijah said I have not troubled Israel but thou in thy father's house in it you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and hath followed Balaam they were worshipping a false god remember the prophets of Baal Elijah brought them all together and he slew them all in Malachi chapter 1 Esau is Edom remember God hates Edom God God literally said in Malachi chapter 1 that I hate Edom I want them destroyed and they're gonna try to rebuild and I'm gonna destroy him again and they'll rebuild and I'll destroy him again and they'll cry out and I won't hear them that's how bad God hated Edom and Amaziah went and he defeated Edom in a battle and he took their gods and started worshipping them go back to 2nd Chronicles chapter 25 2nd Chronicles chapter 25 in verse number 14 we're almost done I'm gonna wrap it up for you put a bow on it look at 2nd Corinthians 2nd Chronicles chapter 25 and number verse number 14 the Bible says now it came to pass that after Amaziah was come from the slaughter of the Edomites this is right after his battle that he brought the gods of the children of Seir and set them up to be his gods and he bowed himself before them and burned incense unto them he literally worshiped them himself he didn't just get the people to worship them he made them his gods now turn to Deuteronomy chapter 5 Deuteronomy chapter 5 so Amaziah again he gets back from this battle he brings these gods back he's worshipping these false gods same idolatry that the house of Ahab was in he picks a fight with the king of Israel for seemingly no reason you could say I'm speculating a little bit but it's not too hard to understand I was very close to my grandfather and if somebody had killed my grandfather and all of my great-uncles I would know about that and I would not let that go probably that would affect me as a grandson okay Deuteronomy chapter 5 look at verse number 7 let's look at what God thinks of idolatry this sin of idolatry and worshipping other gods thou shalt have none other gods before me thou shalt not make thee engraven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or anything that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters beneath the earth thou shalt not bow that down thyself unto them nor serve them for I the Lord am a jet Lord God I'm a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me one two three four and these guys are completely out of the genealogy of Christ so Amaziah is killed by his own people but do these own people do they put up somebody one of their buddies as King no they take his son Uzziah who is 16 and they put him as king in Uzziah the Bible says I mean go to 2nd Chronicles 26 let's look at Uzziah let's look at this event happening this wasn't a bad conspiracy he turned from serving the Lord he'd led his country into worshiping false gods just like the house of Ahab and they still made his son King some men took the country back and somebody I don't know who it was but somebody instructed Uzziah properly his look at 2nd Chronicles 26 in verse number one where the Bible says then all the people of Judah took Uzziah who was 16 years old and made him king in the room of his father Amaziah he built Eloth and restored it to Judah after that the king slept with his father's 16 years old was Uzziah when he began to reign and he reigned fifty and two years in Jerusalem now if you know anything about the kings Saul reigned for 40 David reigned for 40 that's that's a long time for a king okay there's a look there's a reason that a generation doesn't equal a king so just because there was three kings doesn't mean that's three generations we'll talk about that next week but some kings reigned three months I mean being a king in the northern kingdom of Israel especially and even in the lower king of Judah it wasn't the best thing for your health it really wasn't so he served the Lord and reigned for 52 years and he did that was which was right in the sight of the Lord verse 4 according to all that his father Amaziah did and he sought God in the days of Zechariah who had understanding in the visions of God so here he had a prophet instructing him and as long as he sought the Lord God made him to prosper so here we're back all right now during here here's interesting who's wondering what the blue tape marks are on the on the chart below the pulpit here's what's really interesting it was during the reign of Uzziah that God's promise to Jehu was completely fulfilled so what did God promise Jehu God promised Jehu that you would have four sons that rained throughout Israel and Jehu started his reign on the first blue line and his fourth son ended his reign in the middle of the reign of Uzziah so what I'm trying to get you to understand is that God used the entire family of Jehu to perform a surgical removal here of a cancer of a joining of the two kingdoms that he needed to end that he needed to cut out okay to rid Judah of the house of Ahab basically to the third and the fourth generation okay God was performing some surgery there turn back to Matthew chapter 1 and look at verse number 9 turn back to Matthew chapter 1 in verse number 9 and the Bible says and it was I s who's Uzziah begat Jotham and Jotham begat a has an ache has begat Ezekiel that's Hezekiah so as I s is Uzziah Jotham is Jotham the lineage continues exactly as it is listed in the Kings and the Chronicles he just removed the house of Ahab from the books of the genealogy of Christ and he used Jehu's family to do it basically and what quite frankly quite frankly this doesn't change the the history of the Bible the history of who every king was and whose son was whose father and all those things is is chronicled in in Chronicles first and second Chronicles and first and second Kings it's in the history of the Bible it's quite frankly God's choice who he decides to mention in the genealogy of Christ quite frankly it doesn't make the lineage any less accurate is my point the history is still there it's just the honor of being called out in the lineage of Christ is not there that that's what it means so there's your error in the Bible right now I mean look I'm not God I don't know exactly why God didn't put these three kings in there it seems pretty obvious when you look through the connections here but look God can choose who he puts in the lineage of Christ and who he doesn't the history is still the history okay look at Matthew chapter 9 or Matthew 1 in verse number 10 because we have two more kings that are missing and I'm just gonna briefly touch on this because we're running out of time but in Matthew chapter 1 in verse number 10 the Bible says and Ezekiel's bat begat Manasseh and Manasseh's begat Ammon and Ammon begat Josias and Josias is Josiah begat Jeconias and his brethren about the time that they were carried away to Babylon now look Jeconias had it says and his brethren but we're mainly missing Jehoiakim here who's the father of Jeconias turn to 2nd Kings chapter 23 this one's pretty easy to see why he's not included here 2nd Kings chapter 23 we'll just mention this one briefly 2nd Kings chapter 23 so basically we kind of had a mess before Babylon came in so we had Josiah the king and then Babylon was coming in to getting ready to take over but first you had Josiah killed by the king of Egypt Pharaoh Nico okay and if you look at 2nd Kings 23 look at verse number 29 the Bible says in his days Pharaoh Nico king of Egypt went against went up against the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates and King Josiah went against him so Josiah still alive and he slew him in Megiddo when he had seen him and his servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo and brought him to Jerusalem and buried him in his own Sepulchre and the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah and anointed him and made him king in his father's stead Jehoahaz was 20 and 3 years old when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem and his mother's name was Hamutul and the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah and he did that was evil in the sight of the Lord according to this father's had done and Pharaoh Nico put him in bands at Riblah in the land of Hamath that he might not reign in Jerusalem so this guy didn't even really reign in Jerusalem and he put the land a tribute of an hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold and Pharaoh Nico made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father and turned his name to Jehoiakim and took Jehoahaz away and he came to Egypt and died there and Jehoiakim gave the silver and gold to Pharaoh but he taxed the land to give money according to the commandment of Pharaoh he exacted the silver and the gold to the people of the land of everyone according to his taxation to give to Pharaoh Nico Jehoiakim was 20 and 5 years old when he began to reign verse 37 he did that was evil in the sight of the Lord according to all that his father's and done so look he was basically an illegitimate King put in power by Pharaoh Nico is what he was all right the Bible says that Jehoiakim you know he was taken into captivity by Babylon and then later on in captivity he was raised up and he was allowed to live as you know in a royal sense in Babylon and then he had children he had sons and things like that and he is the one that carried on the line all the way to Christ all right look at 2nd Kings chapter 25 2nd Kings chapter 25 2nd Kings chapter 25 and look at verse number 27 in the Bible says and it came to pass in the 7th and 13th year of the captivity of Jehoiakim of Judah this is the legitimate King in the 12th month on the seventh and 20th day of the month did evil Merodach the king of Babylon in the year that he began to reign lift up the head of Jehoiakim king of Judah out of prison and he spake kindly to him and set his throne above the thrones of the kings that were with him in Babylon so he became a king again and he changed his prison garments and he did eat bread continually before him all the days of his life now none of Jehoiakim's family became sons became kings and there that's a whole nother story in itself that we don't have time for but basically if you read the lineage of Jehoiakim as he lived in Babylon he had a grandson named Zerubbabel and Zerubbabel is the one who goes back turn to Ezra chapter 5 we'll look at that Zerubbabel goes back after the captivity and he builds the temple the grandson of Jehoiakim Ezra 5 look at verse 1 this is when they've gone back into Jerusalem they were allowed to go back then the prophets Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Edo prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of God of Israel even unto them then rose up Zerubbabel the son of Sheolah teal and the Josiah the son of Joseph back and began to build the house of God which is at Jerusalem and with them were the prophets of God helping them so this is important because Zerubbabel will build the temple and he continues the genealogy all the way to Christ okay look at Matthew chapter 1 and verse number 14 the Bible says in Matthew chapter 1 verse 14 and Azor begat Zadok and Sadok begat Achim and Achim begat Eliad, Eliad beg Eliezer, Eliezer the Eliezer begat Mathen and Mathen begat Jacob and Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary who was born Jesus who is called Christ so all that and you say Joseph wasn't even Jesus's real father he wasn't his blood father but all that to prove that Jesus had the legal right to be the king of Israel all that okay Luke 3 contains Mary's genealogy all the way back to Adam okay David's promise to David is fulfilled Jequanius is the last king of Judah so you see that you see the depth where you can't just say oh they're missing the Bible must have made an error don't you think that 60 60 of the smartest men that ever lived would have noticed that three kings were missing I read the Bible through like the third time and I noticed that I mean these these men knew that this was missing there was a reason for it there's a reason for them not being mentioned all right the the Bible's deep every error of the Bible is that way when you see people on the internet or wherever saying the Bible's got an error see this doesn't match here it's because number one you don't know the Bible you don't you've never read the Bible you'll never find a book look this is the weirdest thing you'll never find a book that people will if somebody you'll never find somebody coming up to you say telling you all about a tale of two cities if they've never read a tale of two cities they'll never you'll never see that happen but with the Bible it happens all the time people that have never read the Bible claim to be experts on the Bible it's crazy it's weird it's really strange because people who have never read it claim to know all about it and you don't have to talk to somebody long before you can figure out if you haven't read a tale of two cities and it's my favorite book and I come up to you and I'd start talking to you about it I'm gonna talk to you for about two minutes before I realize that you never read it I mean that's how the Bible is so people will claim to these errors in the Bible and number one most of them are very simple that you just you don't understand what you're reading but some of them it's because they're deep and you have to understand the whole Bible and the New Testament and the Old Testament and how things fit together all right but there's always an explanation the Bible was without error all right so what's the what's the application there must be some application we can make tonight right look yeah the application is pretty obvious the one I can make here it's not only important you know who you marry but it's important who you pal around with I mean think about the disaster here Jehoshaphat was not a horrible King by even by the Bible standards it was the I mean Jehoshaphat he didn't even bear the brunt of his friendship with Ahab God spared his life who bared the brunt of it were the next four generations of his family and they were I mean they were left out of they were left out of God's record book in the genealogy of Christ so look the lesson here is that your ability to your ability or your non ability to separate from the world will have generational effects that's the lesson here so maybe you should think about this when you try to be this one foot in and one foot out Christian you know you won't see those that you likely won't see the full effects of it in your life I mean Jehoshaphat did not I mean Jehoshaphat he was a good King he just had the wrong friends I mean how do you think Joram met Athaliah they were their families were friends they knew each other they were looking for alliances and wasted come together Joram and Ahaziah were buddies I mean if somebody gets wounded and you run over to visit them that's your friend they were friends it cost him four generations of his family I mean we need to remember that separation is serious folks and no story in the Bible makes this more clear and you know remember this also the next time you skim over genealogies in the Bible because we could have preached 20 different sermons of the one genealogy of of Jesus in Matthew chapter 1 there's so many different stories there and these stories in the Bible that you read in the Old Testament you'll find that there's a reason they're in there there's a reason that they're in there even though some of the stories are they're sort of messed up stories some of them but their stories they're things that actually happen to people that sinful people actually did in many cases but they're in the Bible for a reason okay all right so that is the missing kings of Matthew chapter 1 let's bow our heads and have a prayer dear Lord we thank you for the Bible we thank you for the the infinite depth Lord of the Bible I'm just how you know you we just can't read it enough I mean we just can't understand it enough to make these connections Lord and to just understand what you're trying to show us and we thank you for or these these examples in the Bible and how we can apply them to our lives and avoid you know some of the same disasters that that happened in the Bible we thank you for giving those to us and helping that pop out to us that we may do the best that we can to use your word that you've given us your perfect word to raise our families properly and not make these same mistakes Lord we love you we thank you for this church and your word in Jesus name we pray you