(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Good job, Brother Ryan. That's a rough one. And I was almost laughing out loud in the back because the funny thing is we're going to spend several weeks getting through this chapter so you're going to have to do that again, alright? So, I know, this is one of those chapters in the Bible that you can read really fast like just reading it to yourself and you just like zip through this thing in like a minute. But when you have to like pronounce everything it's just like, you know, these names, you know, it's not like, you know, Hazen, North Dakota, you know, it's not quite that simple. Anyway, Joshua chapter 19. So we're studying through the tribes of Israel and we're just going to go down to verse number nine this evening and we're going to look at the tribe of Simeon. So look down at Joshua chapter 19 and look at verse number one. We're going to look at the tribe of Simeon and there's an interesting story to Simeon and I don't know that I've actually preached through this whole story before so we're going to look at the life of Simeon and how that affected the tribe and their inheritance in the Promised Land. So of course this is Joshua in these last few chapters cutting up the land in the Promised Land. They've come into the Promised Land, they've conquered the land for the most part or, you know, they've conquered enough to divide up amongst the 12 tribes of Israel and that's what we're looking at for the last few weeks. Look at verse number one. In the second lot, the Bible says, came forth to Simeon, even for the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families and their inheritance was with the inheritance of the children of Judah. So that's a really important point right there in verse number one and then in the next few verses it gives the cities that are inside Simeon and then it gives the borders but it basically says that the inheritance was within the inheritance of Judah. So if you look at a map of the 12 tribes of Israel, one thing you'll notice about the tribe of Simeon is you have the the tribe of Judah in the south and then inside that is this tribe is where Simeon received their inheritance. Basically it was a cut out part of the tribe of Judah. Look at verse number nine and the Bible says, out of the portion of the children of Judah was the inheritance of the children of Simeon. For the part of the children of Judah was too much for them, therefore the children of Simeon had their inheritance within the inheritance of them. So let's look at the tribe of Simeon and see why they kind of had this, they kind of had a lesser inheritance when you think about it. Look at Genesis chapter 49. Go back to Genesis chapter 49. Of course Genesis chapter 49 is where we're looking, we're seeing Jacob's blessings on his sons and these blessings are really prophecies on what would come of his sons and of course you know Simeon, just don't forget Simeon is not the person that's inheriting this land. Jacob is giving this blessing to his son some 500 years before they even come into the promised land. So keep that in mind but look at these blessings that Jacob gives his sons and we'll see that they're actually prophecies of what will come of these tribes. Look at Genesis chapter 49 and look at verse number five and Jacob he gives the blessing to Simeon along with the blessing to Levi and you'll see why in a few minutes. Look at verse number five. Simeon and Levi are brethren and then this is what Jacob says blessing these two together. He says instruments of cruelty are in their habitations. Oh my soul come not thou into their secret unto their assembly mine honor be not thou united for there in their anger they slew a man and in their self will they dig down a wall. Cursed be their anger for it was fierce and their wrath for it was cruel. I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel. So here we see why Simeon receives first of all Levi received no land. Levi received no land we'll talk about that in a later sermon but Levi's inheritance was the Lord they were the Levites they received no land as inheritance at all and Simeon he says they'll be divided and scattered in Israel and we'll see that that's actually what takes place later on but he basically is giving a curse to Simeon and Levi here instead of a blessing. Go back to Genesis chapter 34 and let's look at why this is. He basically says instruments of cruelty are you know are your are your habitations he says you've been you've been angry you've been wrathful and you killed a man you know basically we're gonna see that it was much more than a man is what they killed. So let's look at what happened that caused Jacob to give this type of curse to his two sons and we're focusing specifically on Simeon. Look at Genesis chapter 34 and verse number one. The story begins here we have Dina or Dinah as many people I knew someone who was married to a someone named Dina but we'll call it call her Dinah and Dinah the daughter of Leah which she bare unto Jacob. So Jacob also had a daughter and his daughter's name was Dinah went out to see the daughters of the land. Verse number two and when Sesham the son of Hamor the Hivite prince of the country saw her he took her and lay with her and defiled her. So the first thing that we need to understand is this is in verse number two there's several things that have happened here. Okay we had first of all Dinah has gone out with the daughters of the land we'll talk about that in a few minutes but then she met this this man this Sesham the son of Hamor the Hivite. So the Hivites they're they're the people outside the camp these are the the the heathens that they are not to mix with they are not to marry they're not to take them under marriage they are not to go in under them unto marriage God has as you know proclaim separation from these people but Dinah goes out with the daughters of the land and then this man he takes her that's the first thing and he lays with her and then he defiles her. So the first thing that I want to talk about is like what actually happened here because there's a lot of confusion on this story and it really turns to some like some Bible version things that we're gonna look at this evening as well. So first of all what did this man do to Dinah it's one of the biggest misreads of the Bible turn to Deuteronomy chapter 22. So first of all we know that lie with her means that you know they had you know physical relations okay so they had physical relations between a man and a woman that's what that means and defiled her we'll talk about that later but when it says he took her what does that mean turn to Deuteronomy chapter 22. Deuteronomy chapter 22 especially the last half of Deuteronomy chapter 22 it deals with the law according to marital relations talking about someone who was you know not a virgin before they got married it talks about what happens if someone forces you know a woman to have you know to have a physical relationship against her will you know what you would call rape today you know so that's what Deuteronomy 22 talks about and then several other scenarios as well but look at Deuteronomy chapter 22 and verse number 25 so we're talking about marriage betrothal physical relations between a man and a woman and what the law says about this okay now look at Deuteronomy chapter 22 and verse 25 first of all we're not going to look at it but previously in the verses previous it talks about what happens if a woman commits fornication and then doesn't you know tries to you know cover that up and then goes and gets married and it's found out and fornication in Deuteronomy chapter 22 in the Old Testament fornication meaning a physical relationship between a man and a woman before marriage or outside of marriage that is actually punished by death in Deuteronomy chapter 22 it's very harsh which shows us look it shows us how serious God takes that sin that's what we take from that when we read these things in the Old Testament but there's a lot of confusion on the end of Deuteronomy chapter 22 if especially if you don't have a King James Bible if you have a King James Bible there's not confusion and I'm going to show you that this evening now let's look at verse 25 look what the Bible says Deuteronomy 22 25 but if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field now betrothal in the Bible let me just kind of break this down for you there is no equivalent today to betrothal in the Bible betrothal in the Bible means you were promised to a man before the before the marriage was physically consummated you were betrothed there was a betrothal period but it was considered the same as being married in the Bible okay so there was no difference between being betrothed as far as the laws of adultery and things like that in the Bible so look at Deuteronomy 22 and 25 verse 25 but if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field and the man what does this say right here you need to underline this in your Bible because many people misinterpret the Bible because they don't have the right Bible on these verses and the man force her and lie with her then the man only that lie with her shall die but unto the damsel thou shall do nothing there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death for as when a man riseth against his neighbor and slayeth him even so is this matter this is the Bible very clearly teaching that the sin of what people would call rape today is punishable the same as murder that is very clear here in the Bible he forced her she has done no sin worthy of death for when a man it's the same same as a man killing his neighbor the Bible says it's the equivalent look at verse 27 there's even more evidence here for he found her in the field and the Bido betrothed damsel cried she yells out she yells out for help and there was none to save her so here I mean we see this number one he forced her and then she cried and no one saved her so she needed to be saved she cried and she was forced it's very clear that this was not a consensual situation this is what you know we would call today or what they would call today the the crime of rape here and it's punishable by the death of the perpetrator now look at verse 28 if a man find a damsel that is a virgin which is not betrothed and lay hold on her and lie with her and they be found okay this is talking about two people that have committed consensual fornication together is what this is talking about he you know everyone says oh lay hold on her means that he forced her that is not what this means it means that I mean it means that he he handled her he grabbed you know he has contact with her and this was not a forced situation there was no crying there's no word force and there's no one that needed to save her and it says they be found then the man that lie with her shall give unto the damsels father 50 shekels of silver and she shall be his wife because he hath humbled her he may not put her away all his days now the only reason that it talks about a damsel that is betrothed and not betrothed is because this is saying in the last part of Deuteronomy chapter 22 that if two people that are not betrothed to each other there's no adultery involved here it's only fornication that they are to get married that's what it is saying so that is the answer he said he's to pay a fine to her father and then they are to get married if they had committed fornication together now obviously that situation would not work if she was betrothed because now it's an adultery situation and that's a whole another set of punishments okay so this is very clear if you have a King James Bible that if there's a situation where a woman is forced where you know she is sexually assaulted or raped as the body you know as they would say today that that is punishable by death very clearly in the Bible but now here's the problem pull out your NIV pull out your NIV tonight let me just read for you Deuteronomy chapter 22 and verse 28 from the NIV and here's what the Bible says in the NIV so the Bible says this it you know the NIV says this if a man happens to meet a virgin who has not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered he shall pay her father 50 shekels of silver he must marry the young woman for he has violated her he can never divorce her as long as she lives so how many people have ever heard that you know somebody who's never read the Bible who doesn't believe who's not a Christian who's an atheist or whatever is just arguing against the Bible say well the Bible says that you know a woman can be raped and and then she has to marry the rapist I mean how many people I've heard that so many times from people who are against Christianity against the Bible and here's the thing the new modern Bible versions that's exactly what they say that's exactly what the NIV says now if that doesn't get you to just drop your NIV and get a King James Bible right there I don't know what would I mean the NIV literally says that the rapist of a woman is to marry her so I mean you know someone rapes you know someone that you know or your daughter or whatever and then they have to they have to marry that person I mean that's ridiculous it's stupid but this shows you that there's an agenda by the way to not only change the Bible but to make the Bible look stupid and evil to get people look that would turn it look if I if that is what the Bible actually said that would have turned me off to the Bible because I told you a hundred times before look if the Bible is wrong in one place if the Bible says something stupid and crazy and obviously wrong or contradictory in one place can you trust any of it you can't that NIV verse right there is is should be enough to just turn everybody to the King James Bible that one thing alone it's one of the most like in your face you know just just errors that but I don't think these things are an accident go back to Genesis chapter 34 let's go back to Simeon and Levi the point all that to say this by taking hold of her these two committed fornication together there was no forcing of anything in this situation Dinah went out with the daughters of the land and she committed fornication she had relations consensual relations outside of marriage with this man now let's look what happens so she goes out she commits fornication and look let me just say this you know look at that statement in in verse number one that says the daughters of the land let me just say this there's nothing new under the Sun folks there's nothing new under the Sun this is what the daughters of the land do this is what the daughters of the land do today this is why the Bible and we preach so much here and over and over and over and over again whether it comes from your children to you to school we teach separation here because the daughters of the land this is what they do this is what they do you say well you know things are bad today yes because that's what the people of the land do did you know that three percent three percent of people today that get married get married a virgin in the United States three percent this is what the people of the land do this is why we need to be separated we need to not be with the people of the land turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 I mean that Bible is teaching us to be separated for a specific reason folks so we don't fall into these same things so basically the Bible gives us all these commands many times in the New Testament and then we see you know the results of not listening to these commands in many of the stories the history of the Old Testament it's really kind of a nice fit especially in this look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 so 1st and 2nd Corinthians kind of the the hinging sin of 1st and 2nd Corinthians is the sin of fornication is the big thing that is being addressed look at 2nd Corinthians 6 and verse 17 wherefore so in this context knowing this context that we're talking about someone who is in fornication then gotten right and his back you know out of fornication again in this context 2nd Corinthians 6 17 says wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the what touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you the main points of 1st and 2nd Corinthians is dealing with someone who is put out of the church for fornication come out from among who the people of the land the daughters of the land that Deena went out with that Dinah went out with the people that always look the people of the land are always going to go in this direction there's nothing new under the Sun so if you want to avoid that if you want your family to avoid that you have to you have to come out of that you have to be separate from that go back to Genesis chapter 34 so you say you know what's the big deal what's the big deal you know I mean everybody out there is doing it today what's the big deal look at verse number two he took her and he lay with her so we know what they did they got together she went out with these worldly friends these heathen friends she got together with this guy and they committed fornication but then look what it says it says that by doing that it says he did what he defiled her he defiled her what does that mean you know what that means if you remember the verse from 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 that we just read it means he made her unclean it means that he sullied or marred or spoiled that's what that's what defiled means and look now this has a literal and a spiritual meaning this is by turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 1st Corinthians chapter 6 this is why the Bible talks so seriously about fornication look the Bible literally singles out fornication as a sin that is extra bad it's extra bad it's it's it's bad in a way that no other sins are bad look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and look at verse 18 look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 18 so it says that Dinah was defiled she was made unclean she was she was made dirty or she was spoiled is what that means look at 1st Corinthians 6 18 the Bible says flee fornication it says run from it if you see it coming just get away every sin now now this is a strong statement right here it says every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that commit a fornication sinneth against his own body so it says that all the other sins that you do you go out and you steal and you lie and you cheat and you embezzle and you extort and you do all these sins that are wicked even like worshipping false idols and all these other things it's like those are things are doing outside your body those are things your body is doing outside it's like but committing fornication is literally a sin against your own literal flesh is what the Bible is saying here and look it says his own body so I'm not gonna beat up on the ladies tonight it's it's defiling the man to it's it's man it you're sinning against your own body it's not just a sin against your conscience it's not just a sin against God it's you know I mean just think about it am I I mean is it wrong think about the disease the cancer I mean fornication can literally kill you can literally kill you we can literally there's diseases that literally it can kill you could cause cancer it can make it so women can't have children I mean terrible physical consequences and the percentages I don't even want anybody I didn't even want to look at the percentages and you know looking at it for the sermon but it's it's high it's high people that commit fornication look it's it's a physic it takes a physical toll on you it literally makes you unclean but even today even today now here's the really wicked thing that today I mean you have been programmed especially the people of the world have been programmed that it's no big deal to the point where literally everybody's doing it literally all but three percent of people are doing it now you think about it the TV you think about the TV programs you think about the movies you think about I mean I've shown you popular sitcoms where literally the main characters have had dozens and dozens and dozens of physical partners but there's never any consequences it's all funny it's all a joke think about the movies you know it's just it's it's desensitizing you to a very serious sin they can literally kill you they can literally make it to where you can't have children they can literally cause you diseases that you'll have for the rest of your life I mean it's such a well I mean how many I mean really seriously folks how many more things I mean why in the world you have how many more things do you need to see that are on the TV that are on programming that is coming from either Hollywood or the media or whatever that are just completely false how many things do you all have to see before you just stop watching it do you see also see why it's important while we sit here in the prayer list and we're like you know what please help us to read our Bibles because guess what if I'm feeding myself with garbage from TV and from movies and from stupid things on the internet that I shouldn't be watching and then I never read my Bible what's gonna happen to me am I gonna become unsaved no I'm just gonna fall into horrible sin I mean you have to be separated from this stuff you have to be separated and you like guess what you're separated unto the Word of God and then all of a sudden the sin will seem exceedingly sinful to you if you put that stuff away and you start reading the Bible and you start getting it plugged into a church and you start soul winning and you start learning what God actually has for you in your life this sin is gonna I mean you're gonna look at the stuff out there and you're gonna be like whoa you're like I can't believe that people do that stuff yeah it's gonna shock you instead of just being like yeah that's just what everybody does but think about what happened in this story I mean look here's the thing you know the TV stuff and you know the movie stuff is false because you know what no matter what they tell you that fornication is no big deal that it's no big everybody does it everyone you know sleeps around before they get married nobody goes to their marriage you know you know a virgin anymore nobody does that stuff let's take a poll all you young people let's how many of you young people now when you think about your dream girl or you think about your dream guy that's gonna come along you're gonna get married how many of you would really just not even care that they're just like oh yeah and I've just slept with lots of people I was just a whore for years sorry about that I was just a whore monger for years look that would bother anybody you know why cuz you have a conscience because God wrote that in your heart that's why that program you know TV and all that like nobody likes that how's this for feminism by the way feminism is the worst thing that has ever happened to women ever yeah it's been real great for women going out and telling women it's just basically it's turned them into unpaid prostitutes this is what feminism has done for women in the United States it's turned them into murderers that's what feminism has done it's okay it's okay to fornicate oh man there's consequences to fornication oh well the Bible told you that oh just commit murder that'll make it better I've told you I just met somebody a few weeks ago woman was 50 years old still feels bad about murdering a child 20 years ago is crying in her doorstep when she murdered her child 20 years ago 25 years ago thanks feminism literally wrecking people's lives really murdering millions and millions and millions tens of millions of unborn children look if you care about your daughters today man you will separate them you don't send them out in the world because guess what they're gonna be defiled out there the public school by the way public school equals fornication the public school that that's what's gonna happen there I can't tell you how many good men good family men good fathers that I've met over the last 20 years and as their kids grow up and they're just like I can't believe what's happening and their kids are all going into fornication and guess what they're not like oh yeah everybody's doing it they hate it they don't like it but they're dumb they're dumb they're programmed they're programmed but you know what their conscience tells them it's wrong they just don't know how to fix it guess what we're not dumb we need to any look if you're if you're programming yourself you need to you're walking in danger zone and guess what generations later are gonna pay well you got to get them out you got to separate them you got to teach them the truth but teach them to have respect for themselves teach them not to sin against their own body teach them to respect hey here's a good one teach them to respect their future spouse how about that how about that teach them to separate themselves under the Word of God so they can have a beautiful lifelong marriage which I am convinced that is one of the best blessings that God gives us on this earth I'm convinced of it I'm not saying I have a perfect marriage I'm saying that it is a beautiful wonderful blessing to have a strong lifelong marriage but folks everything that the world teaches is wrong everything that the world teaches is wrong you have to deprogram yourself and shame on all of you if you're programming yourself I don't know how much I have to scream up here on becoming separate and not polluting yourself with this garbage it's everywhere just tell it and just look you got it you got it as far as deprogramming yourself here's how you start you say you know what if it's in the Bible it's true if it's in the Bible it's true if it's in the Bible that's what I'm gonna believe if it's in the Bible that's what I'm gonna do go back to Genesis 34 let's get back to the story the clock up here says I've been preaching for three hours that can't be right go back to Genesis chapter 34 Genesis chapter 34 so we see all that to just see what happened okay we see what happened now let's look at the aftermath the consequences of what happened Dinah went out she met up with the daughters of the land the high vites she went out she committed fornication with this man and the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it her brothers her brothers came out they heard what happened and the men were grieved and they were very rough that means they were mad they're full of wrath how many of you have a sister here I have two I have two and my sisters have personally caused me to get into several fistfights so I mean look these guys were filled with wrath when somebody even says something bad about your sister you just want to fight right away because he had wrought folly in Israel and lying with Jacob's daughter which which thing ought not to be done and hammer commune with him saying the soul of my son Sesham longeth for your daughter I pray you give her him to wife look he loved her he loved her and making marriages with us and give your daughters unto us and take our daughters unto you this man his dad comes to make peace and he says look he loves your daughter and he shall dwell with us and the land shall be before you dwell and trade you therein and go get you possessions therein and Sesham said unto her father so now Sesham is talking to Jacob and under her brethren and her brothers he says let me find grace in your eyes and what you shall say unto me I will give ask me never so much dowry and gift and I will give according as you say unto me but give me the damsel to wife and the sons of Jacob answered Sesham and hammer his father deceitfully and said because he hath defiled Dina their sister and they said unto him we cannot do this thing to give our sister to one that is uncircumcised for that were that were a reproach to us but in this will we will consent to you if ye will be as we that every male of you be circumcised then we will give our daughters unto you it will take your daughters to us and we will dwell with you it would become one people but if you will not hearken to us to be circumcised then we will take our daughter we will be gone and their words pleased hammer and Sesham hammer son and the young man deferred not to do the thing because he had delight in Jacob's daughter he loved her and he was more honorable than all the house of his father look that doesn't say he was super honorable it just says he was more honorable than the other people that were amongst his people okay but look they came he loved her he wanted to marry her so at least he wanted to get it right but we know that they're not to give their daughters in marriage to the heathen people so here are these these two boys that the brothers they say hey you know we would love to do that but you guys aren't they make a make a deal out of the circumcision so they kind of you know they kind of trick them and you know it's kind of a funny story if you read it on its face but it's not really funny if you think about what actually happened so basically they tell them you know you'd have to go be circumcised so every male of the high vites in this city they go and they get circumcised they do it they do it look at verse 24 and unto Hamor and Sesham his son hearkened all that went out of the gate of his city every male was circumcised and all that went out of the gate of his city and it came to pass on the third day when they were sore look they're still wounded from the procedure they you know they're all like sore that two of the sons of Jacob Simeon and Levi dine as brethren took each man his sword and came upon the city boldly and slew all the males and they slew Hamor and Sesham his son with the edge of the sword and look at this there's another there's another aspect right here and they took Dina out of sessions look she was there she was staying with him they they didn't kidnapping his pen man stealing is punishable by death in the Old Testament too that's not what they were upset about he didn't kidnap her she was just there on her own accord she was these two wanted to get married and they couldn't be and so these guys pull a trick they have them all get circumcised and then they go and they kill every man in the city talk about an overcorrection they go and they kill everybody they take Dina out of sessions house and went out and the sons of Jacob came upon the slain and spoiled the city because they had defiled their sister well she was there first of all look at verse 30 and Jacob said to Simeon and Levi you have troubled me to make me stink upon the inhabitants of the land among the Canaanites and the parasites and I being few in number they shall gather themselves together against me and slay me and I shall be destroyed I in my house these guys went crazy they killed everybody and then they took all the cattle they took all the goods they even took the the women I mean they took everything from this city they took I mean they didn't this you know this was not the right thing to do as Jacob clarifies in Genesis chapter 49 but the point is it does point out how serious the sin was and how serious it was taken by them even though their wrath you know went too far but look at verse 31 look at verse 31 to make my point on fornication look what they said and they said these are the boys Simeon and Levi should he deal with our sister as within harlot that's what this is feminism today this is feminism today they've literally convinced women they have literally convinced young ladies to be prostitutes they've literally convinced women that is okay to be basically unpaid prostitutes these men are saying what she did with this man means that she was acting like and harlot that's how bad it was and that's I mean they had the you know a bad reaction to it but the point is is it's very serious it's a very serious sin I don't know how to I mean what the world teaches on this and what the Bible teaches on this it could not be further apart it could not be further apart and I mean it was a cruel over-the-top response to be sure but basically they said that by by our sister going into fornication this man think about this now think about this think about whatever think about you know that you work with think about everybody you know that that you maybe deal with from week to week that just thinks that this this culture that we live in today where people just shack up and they live together for years and then they move out and they live together with somebody else and fornication is just a normal thing the God is looking at it these guys were looking at it God sees it as you know prostitution he's like you're you're treated look it's think about think about the the occupation of and harlot it's disgusting it's disgusting and by these people you know with their girlfriends and all this and all the fornication that has happened today it's the same thing it's the same thing that's what the Bible teaches it's exactly the opposite of what people teach today what it is Satan trying to just take away this you know trying to cover up all the sin of the society and make you think it's normal and that's how he does it that's how he does it with sin that's how he does it with everything with violence you know all this stuff that you see I mean all these violent video games violence everywhere look violence becomes no big deal violence becomes no big deal it's the same thing with this but they looked at this man treating their sister like he's treating her this fornication means he's treating her like a whore is what they looked at turn to 2nd Chronicles chapter 15 it was for this reason and this over the top is over the top response I mean it's hard to say I mean you know it's hard to say that they didn't take it seriously they they really came over the top and this cruel response that simian's inheritance was surrounded by Judah and basically simian kind of just got absorbed into Judah look at 2nd Chronicles chapter 15 look at verse number 8 King Asa is talking about here and when Asa heard these words and the Prophet of Oded the and the prophecy of Oded the Prophet he took courage and put away the abominable idols out of the land of Judah and Benjamin and out of the cities which he had taken from Mount Ephraim and the renewed altar of the Lord that was before the porch of the Lord and he gathered all Judah and Benjamin and the strangers with him out of Ephraim and Manasseh and out of simian for they fell to him out of Israel in abundance when they saw that the Lord God was with him so basically when you read after the kingdom split about you know the northern kingdom going into captivity the northern kingdom splitting from the lower kingdom of Judah basically simian was just kind of like melded into Judah and you don't really hear about him anymore they had a pittance of an inheritance compared to the other tribes so but the biggest lesson here is this is where this started with this sin of fornication and and look I I don't know how that how to point it out with what's happening today how serious we need to take this but turn back to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 1st Corinthians chapter 5 you say yeah that's all Old Testament law and Old Testament stuff look 1st Corinthians and 1st Corinthians chapter 5 is dealing specifically with this sin and this sin look all sins are not equal folks all sins do not have the same punishment in the Old Testament and all sins do not have the same punishment in the New Testament and as a saved believer you're gonna be under the chastisement of God in your life so you better take heed to that look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 in verse number 11 the Bible says this but now I've written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or railer or drunkard or extortioner with such and one know not to eat look it's so serious that Paul is telling us here that it's not to be allowed in the church now I mean I preached whole sermons on church discipline and things like this but I don't know if many of you know this but at the beginning of the satellite ministry I had to deal with this in the church and basically you're saying okay so no man you know and I've kind of explained this that it says no man that be called a brother meaning somebody that gets into the church that's getting plugged into the church you know that's that's showing up on a regular basis and you know is really serious about moving forward in their Christian life we're not supposed to allow these things in the church now we had a person that showed up and they were so for that reason we do not allow someone that would be called a brother to be living with their girlfriend or living with their boyfriend in this church I mean that's kind of just a we know that there's fornication there at that point look I don't follow people home I don't want to do that you know and and but the point is that that that's not going to be allowed in the church and we had a situation where that was that was that happened and so there's just an uncomfortable conversation that has to happen there and it you know basically I'm kind of like you know this thing's just a few weeks into it I'm already dealing with this I'm like wow you know but the Bible says and look we're not on a hair trigger to kick people out of church want people to get right that's the whole point of the Bible that's the whole point of church discipline you know pastoring menace had a really great sermon on church discipline I don't know when it was preached like a week ago you should you should watch it like no pastor likes it no pastor likes doing it but basically I met with this person and I feel like you know it's it's long enough to where I can you know tell you I met I would meet with this person I would say look you have three choices you have three choices you can either get married you can move out that's choice number two you know move out stop fornicating or you know unfortunately you have to go to church somewhere else those are the three choices it's pretty simple and this person chose to go to church somewhere else to just not not come back and look I mean there's plenty of unbiblical churches out there that won't care what you do but the point is if you read first Corinthians chapter 5 and you say oh man you know I have had fornication in my past and this is a real beating you know this sermon I've had fornication in my past and in all this and you know but here's the thing first Corinthians chapter 5 first of all is trying to get people right it's trying to it's trying to get people out of sin that's the whole point of it and number two it's talking about it can't be allowed to go on because we actually care about the people that are in the church namely the kids namely you know so if you're sitting here thinking like oh man these this is a sermon this is just beating me up right now hey get over yourself is what I would say there's people in this church that haven't been in fornication and we need to preach hard against this stuff we need to not be hypocrites about it I mean every single church you know how many people that I've worked with in the past that are in fornication living with their significant other or whatever they go to church every Sunday what a joke how could that church ever preach on fornication how could these kids sit here and grow up in a church and the pastor's like fornication bad don't do it everybody says it's good if Bible says it's bad and then everybody in the church or five ten people in the church are knowingly in fornication living with their significant others not married what a joke I would be you think I want to make a joke out of the Word of God well you got the wrong guy for that job look it's about the next generation it's not about you yeah we're trying to get you right but we're trying to raise some kids and raise the next generation it doesn't fall into this garbage it doesn't fall into these lies like oh man I got these lies hey confess it and move on let's go but look we have to practice the Bible and we have to protect this church but the people of the land they're always gonna do this stuff what sense would it make if we were all separated think about how dumb this would be but this is what other churches are doing even Bible preaching churches we all were separated we're living separated lives and we're not going out to the people of the land but then we just bring all the people to land in here I mean what you know it doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense a little leaven first Corinthians says would leaven the whole lump kids kids can smell hypocrisy like nothing else when their parents are preaching something that they're not practicing when when the pastor is getting up and he's preaching something that it's obvious that the church doesn't believe that's hypocrisy and look kid it will it will ruin it will ruin the Word of God it will ruin that's why God is telling us this stuff that's why we get these directions you know we don't necessarily have to understand all the directions in the Bible folks we just know that they're right but this is an easy one and here's another one just that you know just just to close on this here's another point here's another point you think about this is also a great listen lesson on how sin can curse how your sin your personal sin can curse future generations Simeon this this situation happened we're reading in Joshua chapter 19 about them getting this land this situation happened 500 years previous your sin can curse future generations thousand percent of Ken you say oh but the the sins of the Father are not going to be punished on the Sun oh but you know what guess how many kids whose dad was a drunk become a drunk you will pass those sins on think about the sin of fornication just think about folks think about families that you know that there has been past fornication in the family and that family is still suffering those consequences now everybody got right still consequence is still there think about the kids of you think about the broken families from fornication from this you'll be a testimony to your children a good one you're going to be a testimony to your children you're going to be a testimony to your grandchildren whether you like it or not you're like I want to be a good testimony well be a good one but you could also be a bad one broken families that will show they will that will mirror broken families will mirror generations that's exactly what we see here your sin your sin can curse your children it can curse your children's children it can curse your children's children's children and on and on and on because they will pick up those sins go read the Bible go read the Bible and get you know a search program and and search the sins of Jeroboam Jeroboam is dead 200 years 300 years what are you talking about he's the leader of the kingdom he got into some certain sins guess what so did everybody else for hundreds of years the sins of Jeroboam the sins of Jeroboam the sins Jeroboam is dead but the people kept doing the sins the sins of Jeroboam they just reverberated through generations will they be saying the sins of you will they reverberate through generations that how many how many stories you need like this how many stories you need like this in the Bible the tribe of Simeon some really good lessons to learn here too you know on how not to do things let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer dear heavenly